The Signal, 1901-10-24, Page 3UMOBS Wall OLOWICUUS.
An Improvement Over the Custom of
1'krowIng glee After Them.
'I lie question of NIIuw Pring hr(dnl
couples with rice Is as oil as the
wonumeetal Inde, 11 Is sometimes
t elided with dhtugreeable mulls.
taut k Alli persisted in et most
ou:itriutoslal fuuetlous. Au improve-
ment upon this et ')tutu which ireemit
likely +1111 ought to haeme • popu-
lar was observed at a pretty weil-
dour, Nerved at lake /lutleva jut
before the (lose of the outing seat- Amities Must be Waite.
Ott -lett Pinnies.
An authority stater that white (ms-
trich feathery can be cleaned by leak•
Ing a mixture of white soap shaved
Into email pieces, bulling water and
a little soda. After thio her dos•
salved !tel cowled dip the feathers
Into It anti then draw them geutly
through the hand, repotting the op•
eratlua revered time.). Then rinse
tlwraighly le clean water. with a
trills of bluing added. 8hnke, dry
and curl by drawing rac'1 fiber be-
tween the thumb and the celge of a
dull tab(:) knife.
oil'. The piazzas awl lawn of the
v,ri,ht•s Note. were beautifully decor -
:.ted with hydrangeas. whit' u the
ituushe gardens of the bri•le'e
home turniehel In unusual I':ofii-
,i,.u. The altar Arraug'sl at oue
. a.1 of the parlor was beautifully
1.•corated un•1 lowered will) the
.cente tylooma tuingl.d with ferns and
w 44$ Wier in lllilarg.. Jars not caber
at oho vac too lull ,ori Walled the
great fireplace. When a newly
•wedded pole started away la the
late nfternoun the guests lintel the
way front the house to the entrance
gate of the grounde. everyone pr., -
t kiwi with hydrangeas. and thrtutgh
tills land of pelting flowers the
h*klal carriage was driven. It was
poetic and picturesque change
from the tumid rice shower.
4 reviling the I.lalbs When Mille..
Women who ea with thele legs
crossed. to sew or real, Jr to boil
the baby. are not aware that they
are inviting rorloue 'Mystical ali-
ment,., but it le true, iirverthelers.
O'hen n Dian crosier hie legs lie
places the ankle of one limb aerosis
the knee of the other. and rests it
lightly there. A meson. mor•' mod -
oft and restricted h1 her move -
emote, rests the entire weight of
lee:tors ray that cued ankles kill
more wont en than nerves and dlteare
put together. This may be an exug
geratton, but it 1. out too mucin to
ray that. when the ankles are well
protected and kept warm OIrlr own
er W not likely to suffer from wide.
"Stork breeder■ any that cold can
b• borne by animals only at an se•
pone) oaf fat or muscle. or warm vi-
tality, are' s, It le With worn'en,"
toil a NIA.) dealer, recently. "and
yet they perbfst In wearing thin
Working, and thin, low quartered
Woe. long after the stonier has
pwamse'd. But they are lmprening In
tJ.l. reirpt 't, an well as In every .•(her
as time goes by. Ten year. goo we
told it,. many Ion .Imes in winter -
Woo s. with an excuse for a sole -ns
we 4111 In summer. Not .o now. When
ft woman team'). La and buys a pair of
km Allow In the coli season fur out•
,k■.r wear, we know that .'h. Le one
of two things -vain or silly." -Ito
cheeter Titre,
Useful flints.
A .palma la very nice for turn-
ing cakes om"I-t1 and Hmall fish.
Never Dave a lemon or any scut
)eIJy In t•:tin moult, over night. be-
t -atom it epode the tante. Agate or
earthenware moulds are best.
If the g'latln • In an rtirthets mould
.Mss net come out reedity at fleet.
. o. limb on the upper pert. of the set It in a dlM, of 1,01 water for
.,(her• and this pressure upon tire a minute, or wet a snail towelaahLwt
...positive nerves toot coedit. If In- the elkeh on It. Ito direful that It
dulg.l In for continuo, ;eigths o1 do,wn't slay 10), long.
time, as is often done by ladies .heave strain n custard to take
who sew or cmbr'.oler..itll produce out the spiral epring which balances
disease. fanatic -to ne•uralgie and the yolk In the white.
other serious troubles frequently Ono et4' of educe means one cup of
recoup from this simple Cute. Thr liquid, re'g:inflow of the amount of
mu*rles and nerves in tee ,ltp.•r thiekontng 4)r hotter u:at you Us•.
portion of a woman's leg are Pi •
trewely SOUSItive, and tuueli allot
whole phybtcal structure can be -
menu d raugod if they arm outer-
taeltol in tt:u manner referr'l to.
Father (o:tl lut fr no brad of*Attire µaMaMdath►N HNNNaNati'H...1
4)t 11.:(0 p. aJ--Fatay, dun t you
think It's abut IIw•B to go to hod ?
Fanny- Yee, papa. deur. What on
earth'trpe you up so late 7
Wigwag -No man eau texts two
Veen p-lA,te't tell me Lilt.
the rather of twins.
Clara -Whet ht the work( Indue..l
you to buy sore portage stamps ?
(Meeale-Why, l went to the cheat -
lets to got some face -powder, and
elk, whelk! be there but Charlie!
tlue-3fub•I waw terribly dWlppw,lnl-
w1 Inst night.
Pelle -In what way 7
Ihle-Wlty, Chirky cave (trowel•
ami wetld
he was going to tell her the
old story."
Belle -Aral di I he propose'
; he told her about Oteirgu
Washington 1the cherry tree.
Agent-Wuuki you Ilk.' to buy any
stove binckifr1
Voting Wills (critically) -Er - yes.
What colors have pats
I'Ielure.gne Llltl. ('eat.
A picturesque little oast for girls
fors 0 to 8 years, Charming in the
blue brre ek•lutd► with Irh.h crochet
ogler and taw OWN. Can b+ made In
any eo'or and with collar of eutbrokl
try if preferred. One and one-half
yards broadcloth required. This
wouki ulro wake UW collar.-L'Art ht
Ilruwe• 1n Again.
pre•r.e it iitdieeti.,d t 1 i11,
brown In all poestblu Inners, new or
aald, will be taw trrevniltag ar,k,r. tea
1tsatdal lie obeeerity leo year•. it lieu
maidenly leaped Int., floor. and from
Jencks and slits come tele* of its
simpered. Many of the. new shades hat 11
A reddish tinge. bat with others.
which are brown pure and simple. reel
is cv,mbinel to relieve any .1u11 et.
feet. Yellow, Inc. fell, h'' seen with
Proper Gena In •W ear.
Although blue lo the generally ac -
eerie' Dolor, .Applilr.w are to be
found In other Onto among thou
green, white, yellow, pink, purple.
brown and black. Sapphires nre %lint
,nre known es .141y Nlonec, an I In nil
,rive color are elenticnl with the
ruby OMI NI.ow 1e •:nue• leaped'"•-
lions -
Turquoises have been ler Net -peal
years, and are ell I, very fateliloneble,
awl never 1.4)k no well al when rot
with dInnm'nds. Th y nre 11 11 illy le 11
at the Lxuyer'r riot. ns 110 one can
guarantee that Chile color will wit
.bangs to a greenlet' ((Me. Any one
prizing these dainty Nue 'donee
ele.tlkl avoid wearing linea when fn
delicate health end when trnrelline
on snit water. •
Dlanoontle, however, t-.ontinur In the
Tend In popularity, and within (h"
lost four or five yearn have Were:teed
•I() to 60 per rent,. In value.
In colored NGue' the ruby takee
first rank, particularly the plge'nn
blood vnrletr. Emerald mines next
in vola., Mit a perfect stone In a
rarity. amt when ane of n dark green,
velvety Inn 4, faun.! Il corsman.ln n
large peke.
Judging by the number of oal* Ihnt
nre now being worn, the superstition
.one.rning thin stone In dying out.
Amethynta enriched by pearly ap-
pear In bro'o•hce Inrge' nn I small,
not alio belt hurkiee, for amethyst);
nre favorite', few the moment.
An effective way of lining this gem
n Ith Its varying tints of purple woe
Hhown recently In a long nr4•k chain.
it was raymp,eet of Omelet links of
bright gold ecpnratel'by nmethyrta
in niternate eirrulnr and Intentre
forme and framed In n wreath of
roam gold. The rnmbinnton of tints
way strikingly pretty.
lisseeery In Stork Inept. .-
A schwa win in eery pnrthaler have me. for. Soren -in-law. oily he
Minot her Ipsery givee the fel- couldn't afford tt.
IHWTri* Prnoticsi pole tri AS t8 ABUT ----
care of stockings: • She fangs -Uri -flow dere you. Lir7
Stockings too .small are ssa$ WOtitt He tatter .teaMne A k1sM}-Hut 1
Into holm., eotikin't help myorlf.
Htorkinge too large make the Bye-ikm't add fads hxxl to year
feet tender. crime. You del 'help yuurt%If.
('ilea', Nark etoekings are A de- -
IUNInn aeoi A *nares P,ip► 1 think nineteen le ..It(,RM1
wtinea worsted. Thin .eoc od,onld I)• dnrne'd I lhertoo early for tS er
girl to mry.,
Try tacking n piece of rel- idol Ikm't you ?
arlling 4)r plain net will do-acroNS thimmn-Well, '.ce bat 1 remem-
e Inrge hole; then take the threats ler the time wham I didn't, and i
In ctrl ont through this'. remember the time wh •n oval didn't.
A goal plan Is to strengthen the Alidre** Ion .errand) -Be rtarrful
knee* and heels Of ehlidren'e Nt(e•k-
Inge by darning them for sumo ills- Mit to 9)111 nny wrap on the Wien'
tante on the wrong nide whet, they hep%
o to ho Ci lily (new In service) -Yee, 11111111 ;
11 levveeee sse
stocking.' to wear them where shall i spill It 1
.}in to wiieh I •t pair in tura.Miss Pearl -Diol Yeti ever 'iiiitt :1f
�* In we.*hong ■t°s•.ki,tge-
IMn't limn Node ; hair the water yourself In the glass, when you
moderately warm for both weighing were angry 7
end rineing. Swat Relin--ora; I never am riflery
WA,h Hata t) lt-'-w•Iwea t look- /a- oto gleam -.-.
trydd writer tten n little NN)ne on • --- -
the feet only. ;tine. In hart water. Its, 1)nwa-Ton hateful thing:
i)ry quickly In Lime broom :,n•i ',retie Ton told yflllle yiendnwe you only
with A warm iron. w'Nnel pm WOES' slfTle attain.
Milk ehoeleng. **mid be wnsho,d In Mr. Driven nappy (with Inerplrntinn1
Iepl•1 water with mild snap R nee -(1f o mos I did. le ens only that 1
them in several wittier*. Shake them nsl,tht Pxperelnee once erode the 1•'.t
well. and re I them In a cloth to
drp, rifler pnlillgf them into *hape.-
Philadelphla TIMes.
1f t1,0 11110 white curtains blow
int., tide woe rind cater fire, New
,spall leas? wctgtttm Into the eeame.
I Itra Stylish.
A *gunning a ,n( and hat which 1%111
be worn by a girl with ti fat peket-
b'o,k this, winter.
Ilse Rifled Skirt.
It seem. to be tmpo.o'lble to get
away (Sym the ruffled skirt. The
rno,.+t decidedly tailor gown jnttkes
Ode concrselon to grace. and it err
tainly d. -14 old to the beauty. As a
rule the ruffles are et(11 ehapel elr
eular and only one Le uvea on n 'skirt.
(tee Iter !milt.
Her Fnther-Yru are going to
merry that insignificant little ...mi.
Percy Mlllyune I itchy. you once snit
yon would never marry a man Icer
than *Ix feet tall.
Ethel -Oh, 1. know. papea; hot 1
Ieeided to tnk • off Loll per "eel.
for enols.
He Had Ideas
About Managing Women and Here Are •
Sams of Them.
"Ba vuuale►A'u eliug always to it
elle; rho Ilkns 1t."
"Marry mue•JI.' he. rayr. Olio not
take 1t w'rkruMy." itut Ire Nudism) to
amid: "It is hard to b•) lite widower
..f a good wife. Nu town vier Wan
widower to a good widow,'
which lr
more eomforttug.
Many mon are puzzled how wotlterl
rlaukt G' treated to get the hest
that jr In thew .net. Oben•laga Iles
hid anon 1kv►s. He rayr:
"Benne ay(u1Wl DMA b' wan In
the. sin ; others) L1 the shade. Judge
them by their eye.' alhl we by their
Skin, as seta burn quk'ker In the
shade than .miners in the sun.
Varied Method. to tee.
"Slap Mane, pinch othere, never put
then unle.. to save n word.
"Talk little to women ; Rotes much.
They talk f w nudity arid LLsteu for
'Better to It' l ' n woolen Liar
you than to think 441,4) can wove e
toga( to a love behln+l your hack.
A wtynan nllwireei a lion that will
eat her us we th,h11 It monkey that
will chatter for her peanuts.
"The wink is not known In ievre•
gill ; we dk, not blink at the ben
or 4)t each other. What we see we
ern. Whitt is we Nee; what is not
other cultntrltu can wink at.
"Fifty-five wives are like a long
journey. When the traveller wear-
ies+ he can rest by the wayrWe Iu
the motu0lght,
'The lees clothes n wife weefre
the twee She tote to III:1e in her
heal If who would keep It frim you•
Clothe"( nre foolish; ta(toing it for
more. ornamental, and tk,es not
chore. Talkies aro lik) monkeys'
tails. pent only fol hanging.
"What la art / I never raw It 1... -
fore 1 Cable here. In tsenegal art
1114 I two it In tide country vvotiki
be for. ,t iteopkey to hang by its
tell In n cocuakut tree and slake
all tribes holey.. It wax It min in
Here are WISP ..f the wise ray Inge
of, of tl••nrgnl, of the runt.
J,•e•t of women, 1111 he know') thew In
hie turrl l ellwe :
" A woman fights with glances., a
man with biwarr. B,wo gluncer are
Jwrp•r than loom wore.
1f (Lure 1s trouble hi your hate,
shift the women ; women must Ilse
together a week before they fight.
&rme wive.' uurw ( grlevancer like
uhlktren nod love them full as well;
ww that such wive') Leve a femlly
of grlevaneee.
"One of my beat niter hated me
when I married her and loved me
when I told her to die.
" Olfb wgife le Mer If the Nook always
mulkot high toeai; there are other
•soure on the clock.
" One wife le like one Meal every
'say, and that ono meal eilwayr
buyada, tete same food ; the stomach
will not (nmol ll."
1t will strike some (hitt Oben.lag.'a
Philosophy would rear • .v 1,+ ,;'to the
htvvrof this outputted.) 1lrtuoto coun-
try. which frowns* down on noire
than one mnrrutge itt it time. But,
,hear me, there is More than •me way
of riling to 8.pueeseuntown. They
will tell yon how It IN dine In the
%Vi lee Light tasttht, if you aro curi-
ous to know.
!'earls of Thought.
I.•t !v listen to tu-,rc of the
ebelo of this nitwit married wan:
\fiver are like weed,, rowetlmes;
unless you chute themthey choke
you ; unless you cut them off, they
lrolson you.
' Wilma n wtnnan ,11 l"N and keels
her teeth shut, marry her for tt
who can bite when rhe loughs.
"When a nomnn %ceps, pat her
once; If she still wrote, neat her
" If you .k) not Ilk • t. woman's ear,
cut It off ; rho will h•,1r no lens awl
easy kx,k More beautiful. high eurrpente."
"Despise not all NUMMI built 1:ke But when It (10111:01 to profundity
cocoanut trent); in every forest must od obeervntlnn, the following bit of
b • ,'),raw) co(xoanut trees. f eupretne wie*k,m appears to us to
A yellow woman is like muddy wa- take the cake:
tri, fit only for cooking. • I "Many women would ration • bei
'•Willy kiss; It le like patttug a Nu- one of fifty -fly;' wives than one of
gar tree. I tnN1P."
yon want a woman. take In that brief sentence Obenlagn
her if you ran. If you cannot, make Hume up his knowledge of the gent -
No feel her Moa ' ler sex.
French Fashion Impressions
T1s Pari* corresdent of the
Dry (tondo Economist visited the
w. •wt
here are. In brief, - the . hent Jai-
preerlons noted:
()shirr-Delkeate tints, eapeetallY
white. cream. rotator. beige. Malone
Intl and leather tint.. Also:pale
blue, ruse and taint yellow. •
1:levee-White, pale gray and to
linty long mourquetnlree.
pareses -More fanciful than Prer.
Puffed and leashed. l'ag'wIi sleeve
'toy popular.
Skirts -Larger than ever ; cling-
ing. with close -fitting back and
bouffant bottom•
Trimming. -Tucks and similar gar-
.,tture.. re•p'aceecl by blas bands. lYu-
tonut• appliques will popular.
M11IInery-]duel varied. all 'diapwit
of hate- being worn. AMU- largely
ieeT wliTi a dash- T'Lritlo1 ; Immo•
burls and wings'.
Fabric*, of course. must be Sea -
unable. and here the transparent
effects and lanes over taffeta were
the rule. The ('vend Prix will
doubtless confirm same of the fore-
going tendencies., while Introduc ug
new ones.
K.'le-What did prom eny ?
if�14e nmw4tkyePd he delighted to
OI1 I IIt'.tTlONS.
(Worldly wls'k►tit 111 a girl is ale nye
A broad smile i. never Ho all PM-
In./ming RA when un 1tnllquo beau is
The feminine rearming power gen-
erally stop.' lila site o' reason.
Laughter Is the axis Uf moral
health -hysterical noise 1.1 nut laugh-
('hnrm he the. magician that robs
lenuty of her empire and &tends wls-
.k)m to con his horse book concerning
wl:OCtls. I •
Woman who object to swearing
Illnke strangely oblige affirmations
at times.
Womltn wall oreatatl foredoomed t0
mtffcr. Mon was toll to work. Woman
is often obligcl le M, both.
Politeness IN Inten(ied to slow good
breeding. but It he fated used to pueo-
lunte satire, ..•_ . _._
Anyone Inny hate the wrong. but
It requires strength to (kr the right.
A town plays with a vain woman
no a boy with iv kite. H t Ukase to see
her up in the air.,
Feeling le measured by our 'Baled sty
to express 1t.
Give n glutton a good dinner and
he will th nix you to gotitiow
A zwalot In ehirte is amusing. lea
In trouIers 1.' n. roerurge.
it in no crime to nnia))t nature, lent
to deride her 1n (o be sentenced to
dent h.
if you value pewee, look solemn
when people arty "they never closed
their eyed through the night."
In order to hold one's htlehand one
mtiet bridle tate'a tongue.
The. woman who asta n, tnan to an-
swer her lettere Invites negle..t.
Debt ie the only tyrant frcnn which
reason fleet In. terror.
Introsp•ellnn lea fnult chiefly pea-
s:toed by Imaglltative woman.
There nre n number of Indy peeress,
who get .net .,f 11 nkingt by teeing n,
street kw.
L.,re torn* to dlepimt as lager
term, to %lel r when pit under cer-
tain premie T '
orderIorder to rite well yin mast not
only think. but men4uro your
thought* to tit the or;mpnalte mind.
1f all fools were (Mort what a Mabel
of calomel i here *would he among argu-
ing engem.
Never pay a vain oil man the re -
reprint Otte lila. age. ('half him,. and
hell feel pn0ng.--Phlladclphif Record.
I felt when yn0 terepted me, alar Ing
Mrs. Dasa -Tor deer boy' 1 knew
1&t't be ee tlsoeb
y (n: 0011
Scientific Resource.
The first nutofol)iI t 10 venture
to nowt Lisa Deltert of Wham had
reached n print liked half wny te-
tne..a inn flame,i when ing
hnpgsenrrl to the mnehlnery.
he. exaeeltnntion it, was foiled that
the daIRl cook, not he repaired.
Time owner of the automobile got
out of the vehicle and took an ob-
Then he directed the an In
charge of the wireless telegraph
sppiratat to eorgrettulcat' with the
million at Verson.
"Tell the fellnwe," he *.l 1. "we've
Yoke down. 1'etitn'I.. 26 degrees.
Cf minute" 'Werth ; longds, ltni l d.+
gree,. 8? Wattles, 4 t WNW Its rant.
Ask them to Seek] a camel.'
it is im(xoesiblo to keep a feeling,
n pertaa*M devotion. without netting
It In n^tknt.
Never tk,'N n new love de.t'en1 from
heaven that a new duty ('ren not
,airing out of the earth.
The "communion of saints' in the
mutual ministry of entitle. it 1s n
uihI, thing to think of. -
"Thou shalt love thy Mellor." The
duty of laving -there l* nothing of
that In the c olio of abstract duty.
It ld p 'hied" to have. the aim of
purr rue! e..rl1drltnal Vint it may
m••rt a Ln dyl)g Xa 70PR""Elf"7Tf'1t1(11T
It It pr.etblo and It iv glorious.
All heaven to working for ter if we
will. an the little chili dig) hie well
In thre .en .sines, nal then the great
('•14(11 eomcN up and Mtn It fo" hem
Good for Bad Teeth •
Not Bad for Good Teeth
Sozodont - - • - $3c.
Sozodont Tooth Powder - 25c.
Lards Liquid and Powder. - 75c.
All 'toren ,,t by mad for the price. Sample 4' . the poataee. ;) -
)lacy Truths Told by a Study ul the
LISP. 1n the 11.ad4.
Note. Bron libelee.)
1.111.. Should bo clear an l well
mnrkyd, neither broad nor pile in
color, and fie from, all braked ls-
itold.. or irregularities. In reading
the lined, no dttple evil !mirk is et0-
otmetesf eat final. If the evil Is int-
mportent, almost every principal line
will show its effect, and both hands
nowt 1.1 consulted before the deckle/I
is final. 1l Is oho custom of paint -
(*Us of recogulaet worth to exundne
both halide. but they depend more
upon the right than the, left, whicli
provtw the truth of the oil Naylng
that the left is the hazel we are
bora with, but the right Is the hand
we make. The line of life rlring
under the Mount of Jupiter gem/down
the hand and embrace.+ the Meant of
Venue. On it Is marked time, also
glutei( and ,heat hi, in 1 events foro-
nhadewed tor other lines are verified.
All lines that rise front the Line of
L!le are mark* of increased powers',
galair and e11ccesues. Tao etadent
c11n predict marriages. b: considering
the relation* which the 11415 and
eros'.-lio influencing it Isar to the
Line of Lite. , The line of the head
ralaies prlucipail,v to the mentality
of the subject. It Ie of extreme im-
p.ortance In connection with tido
lino that the p ecullarltles of the Ta-
rloils type"( be borne in mind. For ex-
ample, riming from Jupiter, and yet
touching the one of fife. 1t is. if
long line of head, the meat powerful
d a11. Much a eubj'et will have tal-
ent, energy and daring determina-
tion of purpose. with boundless am-
bition, c(mibined' with reason. finch a
one will control other& yet not '.eenm
to control them; wilt have caution
eveu to the newt daring designs.
take* pride in the management of
people and things; le strong In rule
but just In the adudnistratlot of
power. The 'science of reading the
character, aptitudes and mental
cotnlltion» of asst by a glance at the
So,inatio;t al -their ltaodslsaa
eating env. It pointe out for us what
we are beet fitted tet• in 11fe ant is
therefore nn nisi to wMCPsd. There
are few. If amyl of us, who, looking
(rack upon the peat. will not itt some
time confess to months, years, and
often the greater.part of life's span
having been loot through the fault
of parents or guardians or our own
ignorance' combined.
The Signal
DI realLag.
Terms •f awb.eriptloa.
Oen month. in sdvuM
titres the,
Ile months,
Ode rear,
1 le
Ad•ertleIng R.tee.
Lee.( sod other casual &Arorl'NTea-', DIN
pax 1'ne to not 1 ,.rrtl) a3 1 1 n -ate per 110•
fores•'h Gab ere mot townie'. Mamid ared er
a nonppawreil • ale.
Business tarda./ six Ilu•s mad under. M pea
year. Teun&. Strayed
♦dyeri..ementA of Lost, Wanted and
antes 91iaa Aimsnot exceeding 8
Ru.low. l'hsncea Waiter',
lines norparvll• tl per mouth.
Kate.0 on bale and ratios •e Sele sot le
•x.v+ed 8 lines. $1 fur first moat *la Mr b-
.rgn•nt mouth. lass- r*Avta 1s pre
Any special ■albs. the ohl^ot of wm M to
promote oho p•ounlary b.uedt •( any 141
tial or company. 1, be aw1a,d•red an advertise
meat and Merced a000Mingly.
Local venire* In nonpareil typo one sent pd
word. no notice ler Owes Tdc.
Local notices is ordinary reading typo two
cents per wort. No notice for less thaa 30n.
Notacos for aha relies and ether piteous and
b•a•voleat Institution., hart rat*.
Sub•rrlbere who fall to receive TA. Stew it
regularly by ma11 will confer a favor by se.
gualnt one us of the fact at es early • date e1
port Ale.
Wheat a Meinre of address 4 desired. best
Wm old ud the new wiener should ►o /too
rsbusk•r•. Marilee.
J. C. fee Toured. of God•rtrk. ►as bees sp
pointed Local Travelling Ageet for the Town-
ships of Ooderlrb, talborns. AsiI•ld mad
W mwanosh.
Local postmasters over th• dl.trlot are a1.s
empowered to rawly• .,b•criptloe• W T *
All Osmsnslsai'QceD. moo hICUDDl.d
Tae Bent
Tei.pbeo• Call 10. ooderLk, 0.1,
THl' IN UA 1', OCT. 2 I, 1901.
The brnre man Ileal not see any
(Plea,llel furor, with ep0nr '1114 hel-
met, by his set. ; yet ite) may know,
SA he, gores out W the battle, that
the stint. (d justice everywhere
are ,yespttJtlzlng with him and help
ing Mm.
Through all the world the hoituly
of ODIN. truN,fulnese Impreenee to.
always more and more. Thi a am what
makes the power of Nature -her per•
(set (rankness and radiant a ontent
-no rowtlo*s aspiration and no mock
"How can 1.' cries, the BOW, 111.'
reeved heart. fatting In the dark
enw1 room noon.'. "how can i live my
'Irenry life alone?' "Go albs Ilse It,'
in the answer. Ani .N h'+ g0('/1 on it
Is not dreriry. and ho cnn live It
bravely In l'hriet'* ctronglh.
Bks,^tiTnelr a great coming' joy IN
ser', sitar .,ft. • • • W.Ilen It come))
-kit welt 111. fn44 vvf w$nrntttm. tlrrt wttt
have ,.'tnl'thillg to leach nm by: ll,
If we think at all, we know well
e'Yvrgh what happiness in sent for;
we know that its lee))on le gratitude.
There I. no sign of ripening life
whkh le more gracious . . . than
the cep/lefty rind (Reposition to find
1l finers m the ,Imp lest and li,ithlcit
a.e,vlal lone.
'Who d um he.e not accepted wear
(,Ixwllet4y'e am the atmo..pbere in which
him life must Ilte and found at once
that hem mind's darkntes tames' to
light, and that many a hand question
f,"tInd its answer
in nil thin pharem that err before
UR We (shall o'tther Ipn delivered by
('hetet or he coveruerore in l'hrlet.
• • • What diens it matter which?
Nliy, In mit the Inst way the bent
It Ie wtl.l that -'11e came unto HI.
own.' For Its n tree• emote everything
la a mance own who II nerds him 1
pity tame ease wise(kwe mat-batemtbi
r.a4nnnINJlty and prI'liege of that
high sort of nwncrehlp.
Oh! the unused foundations. of
eharAeler whish stand along .Air
human street., and make the illy e.;
our 'Inman 111. s) tragical! Oh the.
1.'dIIy vigor which Inas never been
pmt le way strong work for Otyi or
L!�u( efly Marghsdta A. Hamm.(
Dr. I, 0. Howard. of the tinniths,n-
Ian inc.ttution, of Wa.hington, 1). C.,
1lerinret otter long and Perritt! study -
that the IM,eepnitn which .he's nil the
The tree eight that give)) curage
to A fainting heart le the night of
the 1)1'Ine Father at:voting above all
our .tragg'ing life, leaking down Into
It with love, with pity, and ready
t(, ,rtrlke down our enemies the mo•
ment that they grow too strong for
h.rofe•eelonnl work on a'hielt Its repu-
tation iN bared In the female and not
the male.
Ho goes even further and aeserte,
it is .nil, that the male ttrowinit,.
iba harmless and playful Insect. tlin t
make), no notate or disturbance, emit.
none of the !Moms nude which dis-
turb* calm elumb^r, and devotes hie
brief life to paying natant -list to 4)N
many members of the (.990 (te rex
of hie own species not will accept
them. But that, on the other hand,
the female mowgitlto, from the 1110 -
Ment the leaves the pool or stream
where Rile ie hatehel, i. a Jimmied -
ant murk•inn ntel an insatiable ab-
,orber of bloat.
There 1, A certain eourte.v In Prof.
Howard which will endear him to
the general psbile. -After enunciat-
ing Oily t,rrible truth. he says:
remade its the Polebutumist.
i Oo not wish to be ungallant
Cs the women, tett truth demands
that the fret be known that the
female rlon,gIIIto Lr the one that down
the iiitlug aril 14 therefore the 1410511
of all our troubles."
'1111n rr•Iernllon will eemre 11te n
thur,.lcrlwlt to all who linve et tidied
the habitat of the tower animals.
Heretofore It late been the lion and
not the Monello, the tiger /fief sot
his mate, that wan the slalom. of
Pourngn en.t feruclty. It wan the old
twit. alllga tor whose guttural nolo
filled with terror the hearts of utl
who heard him. .1":‘ en dowel as low
as the lobster and crab the :ural )gy
ran , the male le the fighter and the
female 11 marked by the timidity
ehulrncteristto of the sex, excepting
It might b' a -here seder war called tgxot
to protect her offspring.
But it *ferny the rule changen an
we pose into the Inteet world. Ere
long In all probability we. aalenii TIMI
that it 1ts the female fly which makes
Itfe' mleernble for the baldheaded
man, and that
the 11umbto :1 ole
-By-ete,ywewrt Le Nv• yin{ or the o *
dew where 111' offers Itlnzw'If up A.
a -breakfast dLtner to the first
inner ortotel that 1' 0111e11 (flung. No
(knrbt it to the filtrate caterpillar
that o1Plm.'lielm form lire follow, of aur
faHhbmable t1HworuglifnNw and per
sats lovely soman for lls'ks. whit
MD male caterpillar remains brows
ing upon the. tender leave'', carele,e
tel the pae.w'rby beneath the intiwlin.
We all loom that it Is the bonnie
bee that sting*, a.04 that the male
IS an lnoffrnMve little being that
after Ito line kart hie youth and
b^anly. Le put to an !gnominlonn
(loath by his diegiuted wive... Female
Imrnet)) are the fero'lw* thingm that
drive rattle mewl, the Tale b whet
br•Ing allose l fn Ike. only a • few
wrrk. by his nett (R kin.
If, not the evolnttoalets.nppeue, man
le the outgrowth of a Ione lino of de.
velopament and at some peat pr►M(1
1►o watt an le.' est, th•.e new facts
may throw light, ain't the eharncter-
letica of many loll'"► and women.
Women I)es'es4 From J1. q It
The woman who 'sings and-ibe Yen*
roan who *ting* Is a dlatlnet de.
,I•e,1.lant of the f,'uwtIe moxplto, and
the mean who pet -mite 'Ottawa to bP
t'ngg..1 not brow Neaten. enJ dell and
ball('1 by
his better half, is p de-
n•rm(Ant of the ,male mowtultn. whish
Moral coverage i* nothing In till
werl•l bet )tat the capacity for doing
what we know wed °Hight tit do. like
that to every man, and only thunk
with what n stir of eager and viva -
clots Interest this r1n11 world In
which wn are living wnnkl wake and
etnrt! .
'1' wee thnt . . . Iiy being holy,
ysni bring to their true •depth and
hlylre therms quahlt1'e whirl', faded
nod Anil, they honor .tIll among
themwph'ew--that Is the 'strongest In -
thinnest which ran en forth from Trim
/e►--tpeb+ refl. -brvethrrew-Y't-.- rr term
ion with you to (kwt
The man in wenkneer who ',ries ant
err (kxl'. strength. the men 1I1 min
who prey! for IN,lin.ww inose'. er the.
thing h. prey' f'a map "term t....l.
ley 11. craming, loon In the very titre"(
els•-the (ry. tin prayer. the Iwi w sing4 not and ,ting• not. and doe"
-tM wplrot end &MMdpatel power nnnght bot hang Arleta.) lite 04141(,
Of the IMeg he prays for. site gender.
]x( 11.0 asst
Id 1 mel goitreas, t.t/ p.s
Mixed 7-411 toee
M.11 sad Esprss ILA p.m.
Mall and Kt press. L(I deet
1 r pest
1.0 p.m
•.11 •ud Express.
D r.3ITI$TR T.
I'LMT*L at'MDO4.
Room, opposite tie Pest Ow...
Gold rllllnr, Crews and Wiese Week •
apeman V.
Years Experience. .
"Olid 0 el"srd a) Wednesday afternoons At
1 p in from May to October Melon' v4).'
M. MAMEE. D.D.S. Ln.41.-D1iWAL
1.e Moreton- latest and aprreesd .,.Mab
Mr all dental operations. Pre -.mule% •f tee
n ature' [user a .peelI
Ishy. Esse - �wM
•t. •edlguare pstain*
Olnee Mooed on Wednesday afternoon•. wt
I e. tu., from May to Chi.. LrluMve.
Telephone No. JO.
J M. TL'RNBULL, D.D.S.. LD.a.-D1tM•
• old Sur`eoe. (Lately associates whit
Dr. Dixon, of Montreal 1 Oold and poreel.da.
O artificial114.Spl*•eial attentavointion n glronresid or to 1M wte�
sateen of th• natural teeth. teeth. OMc. SW
dew block.
IS Milne clotted on Wetnrsdav at'ere00011 at
p In. from 111y to October Inrloelve.
CAMPION. p,6.-BARRIIST(lt.-ell
1',e cher, Notary, to. Odle. overMedias)
Hall. Square. elodorich.
171O. JOIjs1TON-HARHl*T[7L W1Ll-
• tote, t.-omnlb•.kme , a Memo is
loon. OMedos: ('ere R.mnton ant 8t. Atoirwr
streets, Ooderlch, 0,.t 54
i1 fpr!. t:3:8.solbitorw-notatin••sub let.PevctMaritimeM,JoeonceIVhrth doorytosa,1MnetapreF'Nyate rand•IMpHOOnit(H T.tR
A i torneyat Solicitors. to.. a J.
r. Ostrow. Q.C., Charles Darrow. LL.B.
)elinitor, Notary t ubllc• OW. Office OW
Ude Courthoose Square. Mom• y W loam N
low Mte• of Interest.
oilelteni, hotmPabifo mite.
Motley to ltnaa low, Mee, Wes eoreet
Ichor, notary and oonveyve•r. 010,4
os Hamilton street apposite tae 0olbsrfeo
Hetet. (oderich. Private fatly to land •
smarty/ages at i per omit lettere*. neleesef
notes auab.d.
O. W ARID, ('ONva, 4eice t., fq. Al?
11• eommk.I•n•r for Int ing and reonlvIng
/aeegnen.nees of ball. affidavit. or dime..
Dons. denotations or solemn deei►rseless le en
esener,dng any artisan, salt •r pr+sadaag 1s
tba HInk Court of Jinni/se. the Chtert at Apes./
for Ontario. 011 1■ .n, ('nest) er Mvtslss
Oourt. All t •toaaalon• carefully and prompst/
sx..'uted. Meadows* mid P. 0. adder
cannon. Ont.
sf Private rands for Investment at low
NOM met semme. on th telam mortgagee
Appts te Darrow t Darrow.
It,... I.i(G GLN K RA,. 1st-arr.
it •n.-•. 0... If.tat• and M•moy Leaning
A4tent. only nest ohne e0m"..asst rrp^•wwt«I.
downy 10 lend on str.itbt roan., at the lowest
rate is( IoM. e -t going, In as a 1• sok Iia
borrower. Ogle*: fM.aoad any
�m lionising
Wort street, Ood.rleh. /1x16••
t'al'ul.or• 1►odrrlrh. (Mt. 1*1M atts•ded
to in soy motif the "slot y.
1011N RNII7t OE\EIA'. At't'Tlr'Nktrll
itt and land Vs' -index. (t.ddrl 1. u .1. 11..
lar told an.•ldnrnb!• •le•r1M•• n Use •..
tl .rotting trar1a. h. 1• in • tin-ha.,n to 41
•b.r • ole, 0,or•,.,gh .wte 4.,.1 Inn .11 m..
missions entr,..U"1 In ken. lM,o. left .n
R.'rt•m'. holed. 0P went by tall t•- lot. aliens
°Marie* 1'. 0..enrol allr attended ea JOR•1
lWOX.('money Aucltseser. Itsg•Y
YARt1ACR 11JC1 sitat
LANK f lj..trR O MAloleli IL
I, • Mesas.. (Iedr Mk. 0.i. ell
' A11 rlghi, llndge,' salt .tack Hug•
who wets going to acetwe apy
111.1 fdn0eee o'er the Unite, " I re P1-
gt.gnel young i'arraw.ty for your
"'The kl,n !' 11411 exNttlrn'r1 : ' he's
'ib.ohutely etupkl."
" .Ah ! hut Ile'. dlia'reet, He'll alw.ys
darer hle beck when you want Wm
t0." I