The Signal, 1901-10-24, Page 2r
.' ------
,mill to be the fad of the hour among
-- ----
The Signe
'We fancy that '•Boer envoy" who
M&IIIIA" will, It Ir gall, hut" 1.u.
llll,,1100 bualu•Ir dA wI►.•as Gtr ('zIK'rt, I
Il wait offenn,vely noticeable rat the
I* trying to count gMWAtit of
Pre'elldellt Itoodevelt olid the Sucre-
tout tltl(eAOrabie weather flu! deltl
• ^'s�t�
tary of State In the Boer comes will
alliA wu'1t id lite grain. iso that It
nullCe a degese of frigidity al)ewt
will grade lower.
R D. ste^ta.l.teuDD*. J
the Waehinglon sir just now qulto
�- --
Berlin nuw clilme s population of
unGtcorable to hid purpose.'
,1.911, lar. 161 more tlhlw It war n•-
THITWUA1, (AT. 'I, Itr.11.
lleurl vhsnoutd. \'Ice -President of
Portal by the Census enumerators
aide. while a heavy loth or field
llvo Amerlcauist Sox;lety. of Pyris,
One of bolo flue day. Berlin will
- _ --- ----
declarer that much t hat w•it have
t '.
be bluw#umfng forth lar n t1. )
1.1..1\1!1/i ON a•.I)....
Peotclimt•a hate Icon accused b7
Ix•en tauglbt to tuel:eve abjut V01,
1lu,t glrw to frimml fur it year.
scale• rt:tn,lerer of "Itrepfng this Sa►
umbus Ir fraud. Illy theory Is that
\ow' .if the rampa19t1 9(mw wl \rw'
kat h. eat ecrrylhln9 l.LCo1 they ca■
l'uluutbur' design wds due to
Turk ('Ity will writ 1.0 basU,l many
Iny t1jetr halxb wL" Th•• latter
till iufurmnthuh as to lir cilrt-
penitentiaries to hof,( the. diwe'ridus
"awl~ of this Indlctmo nt Is lite One
''lace u( America. anal uut lis any
Anarchists, renhuu lin t other dle-
to w filch the outrn9 • nwlck «, iwt
meri Iy scleatifie mp(onhithon. WItIt
uncials w to mh(wll Ia„I,1e them.
Mty." That In not a very gdxrt nlgn
)waw, what opnotbie ynung man wenn
\lgnuu.t niter l'uluwbur un.l the 11a -
adept oat$ of those finish snn•kina girls
c r
wlwt atwut the furm•'r :' 1 u tit r
couian telluwo atter tih#tkerpeurr
Ler1le'& Si'eckly t•stiwuu.r that Il
le•• reatprt fur tit,• tuurtl t'ommaatt-
k•unoclubm is 11:,+Ing flat talking.
w'lll asst the Mottos state" ill hart
went to the hand lar callow than there
41,15 000,01►) a gulfs lis time of peace
&set to be whop the memory of John
Ae,,orMa to JW1go UtIfmms it sur-
to keep tete 1'hillpphtts, and it units,
Kuoa w•us fronto, r'.' .k scent num-
g(x-n liar no right to make :t chur9ee
fire they worth It ? Thu profit on the
her ,lf tilt• (.IaM,,w lleralA intimut,•r
(for fin -operation performed in a her-
(net year'* ell,purls to the bhin'lr at
that nolodly tys gulf on Sunday
wtul elk a orttrl b,1- tilt- ublb. !u
1 11 P
10 per OPnt. will f1215,:12_.
at i+1.. .tn,trrwd �Ithuuf h doubt(
other wor,hu. n ho spitul patiout In
Innny giallo" fSa ooaotclim would like
prinu•t ffici„ a free patient, unlPnd he
Itilasela objrcls lis Au91u•kLshuu
to play, noismiAlly In them, perlols
"nor:," a privale�tvard lar wigut$ a
r•aplultation of her +train territory
u( peeallt►rly ttautaliling "•rather
f„rw:al c,ettraet- That will bt news
ani will dLrcooarugo the ilhveslw1-ful
dnving which, nilakraal worthy Once
hN a gear! ninny putiento and prac-
It go,
Of forel9ls capital. Well. whocanu7
Cnmphtlned. "!t's Awlu' wrdther
but it 11r1n9n un book to lir
('allit,in Invit(,4 all the Allah, -Noxell
thlsl nn' 'ff there's n floe (key no
ilea tbsrtt public -h opittlm ore a let-_
rnpilal is who ch(xrse to tomo ;
nn' limn, dod, but ft's a)t, 11ipplt up
rnsryntry institutions.
flu( n•re 14 r„law here fur wavy
by the WtWiath." kaon in place try-
ficult to hnrm,mlz•. cud might he
(d thew.
lug circumrvtnncem tl►e rule le nut re-
Whit • the Royal party wa4 at %tin-
--- --
Ik''Qlrl Mu1Nhuv Ir to Katt u neM
lnzetL fur lite pruvcrbbtl tvl4ldom ui
touter acid before the) elubnroC41
L 11prluat," there Iv renovu fur
Tum Morrie. Juts decr,rol that If gut-
Un th• Emprrrs of India f,lr lictoria,
ranting It, (rat it wurt b.. raid, If
fees tits not require a tiny of rest
wuml.n raped lime vem4wi and carrie•l
hi` bis fdAllFl lnw-c•ent, Justice I+Irruld
the cutler• .foes. But there h no lx•al
tiff rter)tlthig motaitl�, in the (loyal
W cunvit,tetl of b•Iz)g it cud laggard.
reale agalfast Sunday tennis, and sum'•
ilpirtluelttai that might Io kept ns
'few' Vurk State law (.fit -err are taut
mlmguidal tieltors a► the. west cull
,uuteuirr. One enterpriAng )oung
to be complimpitlted on their celerity
of the town earned the dhielpproV:Ll
woman won fuutml Miretcho,l oat .tilt
A despriteh from Iterseliel, on tk
of Bellfe Barr by playing !n ala fr own
tiv bid to be occuple,f by the .Push-
Lit t11O care.
gruumW on the Int of S4 ptcmbe•r. Il („m, The captain think" mile de -
in cwt clear whether BtIWO Barr Pf•r%em the piihn fur audacity. None
acted On h41 ow•n re•sponelbillly, Or Of your sltrigll'uqf dcllcacy about
under Itr(toware• of public upinioo, in th..• Britis4h Columbia girls.
bringing the otG•nc+: under tit( i'lefollent IW�,sev4-lt fat s+d1 to have
o:i Mie of the lbwn t t- Prt' :oh! S•nAtO- Ma4ou. 4,f l'llfengo, that
0o Mien Ing, and la eun"ulting the l'rc
t-r4t a4 to m -nam of It•gal reprrwsi 'illy mnn o;poacd ter the 4-nn11 treaty
The Pnrrtiot cdouMl refer him only t HOW und.•� conj4deration by the . 1111 -
the 11ttttutr def 1 �7:i, ngninxt tit, wmltil4ts of Oreat Britaf.l and the
playing CA gainer 11.1 till. atAblaati 1'ulle•l State "a#t11 no loamy of hlo
( e tl:l t1.
will •h Pnov'hled! a penalty of CO (x,uatry." Un 1.0 se .
1:,vt", "lilt �ltfL_-altrruntllr ,of 24 "Pon Mr. Mason hat$ acted In lnler-
bwra hit the otoiks. H tlought-thnl usflonai nffatrs ih a 1rlty ter Jufalif.
6160 latter panalty wtmlll b� the moot the I'reoklrnt's npplieatlon. Of the
effective deterrent,; It w ,akl allvu n terns without qual!ffi-atf In of .111)'
tiontbt, add to the altractsund of .it kind. .
Anlrrwd as a summer reo ort if tho Tlut 1 ukc of Manche"tev't WPLIJ0 �
thin,, and mora e.3lrrlallY the .tut .\mtrican father -in -Lata 1* slot nn
t+rl:•an tourfmt, could ooUrlt, with or. e•asf4y wwrkvd am tire• fathers of mO;pt'-
ttinary luck. tont afying til.• stock" Ila hefrc11Coes ;flat hate b•ea before flat•
asseU •e+ uperatl,ei. Bailin Barr wpm a P•ib:ic. Ila it willing to advance
curtgl that lith' law' lute nt•tcr h ca * the Duke'* dQble. bud
rrpealetl. Rut hevann.d I(V,k %cry,(" ad a.5p- µa,
faun It with4wlt da..•uvering that tit. at$ a 5 i •i elan luso. not l * a gift.
-- - y-1'teG*&A*A44+4'Pla.tIAst� Paps Zivatnvuuta prttwbly thick+
".i#trl uR flue �lmp 4y tllal lo* alluw.luoe l'(W a i.ton n
tis+ tenndm-Ptaylttg Vihltar :elft- to hi" .Iaaghtrr it sufflciput return
#thin to avoid tilt• mum•k" even fr h, rise fill• title.
mi.mdd b.• ulable• t,. ritiw:• till- muni r: --
L9)4 tlrAto. Ant Ir Iw• gtwx GI rhn:c,. Mc.klliater. sentenced for the
ut tyre aan:oing nud pinya tenni" I:: munfe•r of .fount• Bu*wehfeter, and
till" afterPdr(ri1 lie can rile• the eLnn:pl•
of flue eminently re.opectable .I .1:^ t;Itnser, a counterfeiter, are p'll-
Knos• WhO lr,ift,t on sim4lay, in tin tit)ning the courts againnt the coarmP
age when frolf contrera•* were nut "- el.ilhing null plain faro of thn 'New
_: _.. ---- h►nily _usI.1 duriaag aha week n4 t.- Jeewey Wnitoatlnry�-,The-.-deprixa
roquiLre A day „f rawt. -.
lion of "&ilk a11d fano wfa ■ t.•Ils oa
the. detiMte (YMOvimom of LJtr avwt+-
age logh-tomd murderer. It b,
en,etglit to bring the deprivation un-
der tho ou►wtltutional prothlon
: a1}I-in.�t_"cruel acid uuumustai" pun-
ioliments. -�- -
Mr. Wu Ting Fung, the Chlu:we
Ministter rat 1S'afdilnglun, line barn
gi,it" the Am�•ric:in girls mole• fldl-
I-Lee. He Maya they should wed ; that
tint to their duly, and that todc-
in)* till lute in llf" is upwlte. Mr.
Woo to it philosopher, and n good
many or the glrta will heartily
agree with him. Bu.t ono thing
wtontin tn_tile way of taking -his ad-
tler-lack of huhstranls offering. If
Mr. Wit will addrem film@, If with ef-
fect to the dlgibln youth of Amerl-
ca grfttefful womltnkind wilt 1-l..• up
14MI o.•t11 Ids► I)lesded. 00" rad Ute
brya Air. Wil : H•a'rilla to will(n'.
It lx'girbm it) look An If Botlln wan
near t1w. end of fila tether. Of conroe
It dkron not follow that bco 'Itz, Ilia
following Iwe Iroken up into rmall
plrtlr'w there, vlttt top no - fos"frrr
romintance. There probably wil; he
but it will b+ of ill- fight -and -run
kirmt, hiy men having to forage n"
they go. -Boit whure to DPwet? lie
hnCe not twit heard from for ,otne
time, not may M laked for to turn
1 up where hvimt wanted. If Kltch-
ener'n drag -net could catelt 11o:11n
u amt Pi -wet there tw prck►sbh an,oth -
1 er Bk)er leader of sufficient pre-t-
tlan to attratct n following. But
, tlanx 1* n Ista "If."
Mr. Fort rattier that "no,ml• %ig-
)' orfwl.4 measure would Parent ludlsp•nm-
1 ,title, when military w•riter4 rare
t lomiltutingmmliminiaq b,lween O n -
r .•ral Buller nn 1 Admiral Byng. witom
Samuel Johnston erwld ear. tnve f not
obloquy." We thotuglt4 Il true geaer-
y rally a111nitte4 that the lrenlmrnl u'
y Byng wan unjust, and thatt hr won
las- +clot t,+ nI p.trw the etwtn•w nt those
nivtion, smarting under the hum(li-
t +
ThP Ifit(wt rPpirl u( tit' Irattih• ut
Fort ittllla Indicates that fighting
wain very o�Vrr -, ant that (he Cot r.
limit more heavily thin waw rat firil
otnted. They left about'2910 dead on
the field amt Malt MIO wounded :aid
prim(,aerm. The little wirrl"ots gnVo a
gor,l Account of itaelf, if it did sit f. r
Uumtomss revenu: is still on the in-
crease, the returns for the flydt
tlir,• montho ,of tit,, fioeal year,
which began J11y lel, 1901, show-
ing nn advance of 14148.914 over tilt-
e,lrrPmp,nding three monthor of lire
pretirms year. There line been no in-
crerame of taxation, but flat• ptop:r
tw•ing profitably employed rare able
to buy staff pay for noon Imported
.- -- - -- ------ - --- - .
Mr. Plekfotnl "Occup• a atrnm•h'p
line between Nora Ntadta anal lilt,
west iMfln, In n firm believe( In lite
rupprlurlly of (-:fit,- mugur, do(1 con-
'h1,R'ra that it would eu,Ry Tersf7T)-•rt
root bit ripen competitto:l. In oldt„ ut
.urreanful erlwrimenta lip ,'ors n ,t
think tit- b•et mngnr Industry mal
-- In condnctp,l nn u__iKl;_Ing__hunk I
t'nnnla. No (ltwbt he b Influenced Ir
him opinion by Iih peramhl latero"t
which Iles in carrying CanatJan pro
ducto to flip West Indlen land bringtn
West Indian products hnck to Canadu
Sir. Plekford points omit that ever
nor of pxxla mnnufn•turnl In Valladr
fould fled a ready market In the [Veal
Inti^". There In n steady riemnn 1 fo
bro:smn, hru"heal, lona., ivinfe•cCow-ry
W"C"Its, hecto fin.( Ph(rn. pnloto
elolhing, coastal, Pwnn, flavor anti duir
pnoluets, and Unnndu *odd ata l!
. _ - millipfacture Tile machhlery steel
Piemonte used on flip Pugnr p!anta
Port, Cannla r(al,l Im:xsft, In�dlrcet tI •w which Rmoliett give" of thec:amp,
_etrhnngr, rule", &,curt lint@. uutme9 a1da tha Byog jorecrdetul feu tha.lwn-
NMI aspires, frultal and amphelt• Imbmnnt of Buller would nit, If fot-
The enrrying of flanka Or 111)unr 411
lowed, ndd to flip glory or Britain
,mill to be the fad of the hour among
in 1756, Byng went to relieve \lin-
ullra faafilonabie New York women.
ores, menaced try the French. He hall
Il wait offenn,vely noticeable rat the
ten mhlPn of the line, Mut finding 111.4
great yncht race -i A New York tin
MIIIPMPnts Innd"gaAle, hp went to
p•r mlym •Orap vpry nnutWiti young(
(iltrr11ltar to refit nn1 art protd..klnm.
"'Oman mrnle hersplf ultrrt ronalplcu
Tnere h" Opernrvl that 111,000 French-
oaa on every trip of n certain exl.ur,
men hall landed In Minorca and r• -
Pion tent by the Public fawhlon In
drx•pd the bland. T►oug11 a clmincil
w•Incla Phe• logged her liquor nl.,ng.
of wsr pronrwanrwl agnlnnt the
ller rlllwk was, m(ewpendPd from it otrap
'atteml,t. Ryng unolprto, k to establish
over her mhouller and hung nn ,lisp
,nmmunicat(1a with the warrl on oil
aide. while a heavy loth or field
Mlnorra, but was anmuccessful In nn
KIAanew hung In lip ranine fnalil(m on
engagement with lip French first.
the ether wtttvt Mhe wrarP a m•tn-o
Hee waw foltof wewlM novel aura-(-tmvr-
felt lint And litigate that look,•d eua.
tlolr,l, found gtuilt'v of mwardies, In
plpialmly m innlnh, an 1 If aha had pro
the prvnrnre' of t hr cnrmy nn,t men-
Aured a rlgntrite sand *mnkrd Il none
tenral to he Phut. Mnrnulny hranda
of lite people who louad, W -a"!► owtaor-
ills fmialwliasaat--eta Alt4tglPt lrpr elwJowt
tninastnt In watching her would tint,•
nal nhvnrd. Tile fwvapl,• ,lf 1IT'Wiln
been mrprit$ed Milt• WAR with a part.
of atsout n dntro, every onto of whom,
may bit hurt both in pr11p find p' Leon
movlp And frmnl•, rorried It rnorr or
by the nnrvlwrtal length of the war
lend gpnrroon nutoply of wllmAlnet. All
In f4,uth Afflicts, lot they will n,d
belonged to what U Pn11Pd Kood ant•I
repent the mletakp of n cpntnry nml
Mty." That In not a very gdxrt nlgn
)waw, what opnotbie ynung man wenn
n itAlf RgO, Iii• aluamr nn•t 41. mgnlrr
adept oat$ of those finish snn•kina girls
'If which will be rrmrmtw•re,t loss h•n9
ft$r hie wife T
Os British history is matt.
Toronto rtaaeswrs found 20-077
pestuns In lllnt city. The Unuuinion
:•rattle guVO it :'07.971. The asaPb-
urm think their figures art• alm,ut
i p•t cent. b'llrw the atctual flgur IAL
The tsominion velms cnumeraturlc
slid nut nerve Turouto ,O htdl.V
nfser all; bel wait till tide POH`0
oPnols Is taken'
.mother fnml'y Iliak'ng for a,harp
,p a L5,000,6D0 relate "In ellancery'•
A England. Ili: chances are that
[lip lawyers whd are being engaged
W ferret (•mat the matter will get a
few dollar* ala 'ho •'ht•irs" w ill art
In exchanl,rn a L..,of valuable PVp•rl-
,awl. that a I•ovt rat fortune-m:ekers
hu VP )salt for lo! theme ncr11p timet.
Crankii slot mau,Rha symPutthiz-rs
hate been srMflul9 tlmruwnlr of let -
term t— ogfArpit: Curl a•ldremnln.,L him
num-r.ou" bmlgllf•tm, imwlr of wla•11
hum re•a.•hexl hint. Wile" till' -murderer
entered the ivsl lentned cell Iwo Inter-
ixrnrw, with the work) ren-�. That
I* a.-volool--rule to ealforce-_I'lonitl"
c•rimin:al.q is a 1* um way las 411111-uurag•'
noculating Cows With Hu- Botha Has Been Driven To-
I Erme
man Tuberculosis. ward
Ilbelors who l'oadu. t J'r.ts are $tus-
tlle lis Kook's Idea-,% Single Ib-
- surallee Pulley fur 120,1/0(',000
lis (:over Properly of the N. V.
Its l l rood.
New• York. Oct. 2-.-IAAerwlned lis
d s,pruve by actual , tests, it puast-
61e•, the declarathlll of 'Ur. Kuehn
the eminent L'erlln mpeclalldt, that
human tuherculu4r and tloviuH tu-
O rcnluaia A ntit lut4-rwlxab!e, tin
huP,urluul 1-s rllueul will be b•:-
91un to day 1.0 Blex,lt1 bunough.
1.h. Goo. U. Ila nay ahs( Ur. Whi-
ter Llnoul I I"t will toedlntt the
test r.
Ur. Barney. tilt• Iwe auto ilk
Litt• watts*, like man allure pbyof-
chlLot, refused to eco t rad w,dl
fosutmled 1.h. 1►extt'm eta emrul Inii,lO
before the Internathodal T,ulfercu-
Ic44a uongresr hs Ldmrioa st Aug-
u41S,4)r. Koth, tit tial tim elauu-
etil tint tubercular bnccllli o n cult'
t,tull nut Inoculate a Iluw•t tie -
Ing contrary iO the uaa•yt.d till -
cul view elf oucit cunittiunr. r.
L'arlley mid in an Interview :
"if Dr. Ko•h'm statement. Ire true,.
IIIA c(.uvtdrr how much "one) hits
ben uin•ted and is still bang w•unt-
Pil every d.ayf I underhtand the State
ill stew York hum already niownt sow,'
o w 1.0 t 1
thl11g like two udllluu
11 I.flr
dpwtructkm ll( cattle afflicted with
inhere hoods. ion irdiovlety after 1
1weird of 1.h. Koch'11 theory. i deter
min„1 to test Its mxluduess. an 1 nm
convinced that it is wrong. Select
Ills a corw amt taking great carr
that she should be In lite tweet of
Imvtltb, we linve r,neluded to inucu
hit'• the anlmnl with the human to
bercular hatTli. Thin rxperiment wl'1
vo m mlatw con hinivellY �` truth
lar fal-Ity Of t/r. KOO)'" prOlo,''
A t:re4.t Polley.
Duluth. Kinn., filet. _^ -Thr writ
hilt of an In-vranee p olicy fur *-O
170UA110, prltinpa the gre•utemt miugh•
e oxer -secured in..Ate
trrrt. sind-cllt'ering.-+111.tilt• property
of the Northern. Poems• Railroad Fuh
jpet tO fire: tan been rtcure 1 b� u
Mm•nl agency.
Fnuuce'o fina11a•s are nut ilk 6v0OA
shape. Tito burden Of luxation Im
grwit, 111141 lite revenue s hardly up
tun running exponwen, although It i6
a -ser}' largo erne. Tim-tradc-Qf the
country, loo, N almu*t xtnllonary.
and tliere'are cornatantly inere•astosc
demandLi fur mon• nit1lary anti un,al
Outlay. .litalewm m in France hate It
prulde:att to deal with.
--'I7fil--t*featfytrrliwl'orelRn uI.,orr-
dry Seri AY las decided that it wiff
let grow str it Mr. Goforth to Chine.
(.,wi,W to tit • yet un"ellle•d l.oretltion
of tit,• country. That i11 u Pe•usbble
drelsi(.n. wouldn't it be well when
tlt+' nxfo•gf�ty 1* nt it to decide to'work
frmn civlllzatlo:t inward, luotwul u(
orrr!ing Mite mem• or -women -far Into,
tho Ltterlur t Couldn't nrre gout be
,k : •. no 1 d,wp mere estfely, lis that
way ?
A Thousand Coffins a
r- Used at Foo Chow.
liutba'd Attempt to Itald \ctrl r
Failure - Martial bill, lis C'rpe
T'ovvn-t'4111(Itrheaer the ilaag-
atru-Abu.* M'roa, the ISuropeaa
['rose- Kruger bupereeded:
l,d,la(lun, O:t. 22.-Tlse morning
paprra print n number of reports
from various sources tending to
allow that the Boers are repletilshlug
thtlr war supplies In Europe.
The currempoudent Of the Standard
rat MO4cOw wuyr the Burghers rare
buying I:orwm from the peuwtuts of
Southern Russia at fair prices.
Tile Exprese says it learns that
lite Boer* are bargaining with n
French company fur the pure•llare of
flrld guns. They are m tklug *pcfal
vffortr to obtain the Frruch guns
w•laluh were dfytlaytd At the milk
tary exhiblt.on in I.nal(tutl, laud hove
tut Its yet been rum.oved. They have
uicu arke.l a small South Auseri•au
Stute to buy Suisse ons rifles fn Ella
I:ul.l for the Wrer;s, and uu agent Is
tow re•tldlug At Blrmiughaw fur
that pugm,s.e. It is added that tlw
Ito •r" have &fail succeeded uire Ali Ila
gettinf many Kuno through Tartu
guenr East Afl`101L
The Bnlasels papers print a btilry
but Mr. Kruger has rrgeive:f 1811,•
ilk Fnglish bank notes for this
pd�chare of arms.
Juhuuuesburx'a 1'ultrr.
la rer-
P Ur
t -.\ m m
(lc - 21.
vlcu Ion IYeshkeut McKluley wns held
by the Amrricalur In the Traadvttal At
Jt:utwnwlurg yMtectkry. Itev. JIM
(;sty fist 1 14rrtit is"Ca addrors,s lord
Milner, the tiuveru,+r of the Trutt*
rant "a1 lir ngu Illtt+i l'ul.*(ler, no-
o.,mfcuu,.l b) hie butte dud all ih,-
nit in -rM of lis t'unsular Corps, were
P .evr:•nt. -
.k nl.w ('umm lat►e� of 1'ddlcn fur
J.Al atlll(nitlln 9 "111 a app.sinthl wlih-
t& t wv t w (a•ks, teh Cul. Ua t l en, 1% 11 a
has tactmi lis th;tt C it.) r.lncc tit(•
Britton tocupatiuA. I retire.
Intaw•n. ter .'1. -Tilt mrnl
(A Agrlc.ltturp has b!rn its w1. by tit•'
War iwice to Wisp h11f it, millleal
lrerilrir -A iwtls to Iluuth Afr . They
will M' snipped fr,,m Sl. Jib 1U
areml clear that it glalinlil , of 'aon-
dhul trate had bwn1 bau;ht (bre gh
Nsw lick txukers. Ualer the 1 w
C.Nas gtl.Al of afralr.I this l'anadi•in
duff Will get thw bandit CA tit
l'nited State mldllernan's c(m nakV,
..--.-_-.. ---- ----.
, � --
tftth s Pr,vea l'uwarlLa Icrtaelvf.
t,ntmhrn, Ort. 2I. -Ilio War Office
lane received o king dPmpateh fr•mla
Day l onl_ Kitchener, dptni0ng i ll-' m•,ve
I mwltwof vartau Britl4h etolumnw. fiell
Would-be ( ardival" lltae 1 Fruua h -
)tray Places -- Met. \lrmt 1V111 ---
Enforcing the Martini Low.
Before the War.
1.u1Wuo, Out. 21.-A dertr:►toll from
lurbaw stotee that the llarltzhurg
Noneo pulrillrhes u ►utter dated Sep -
ember _0, 18,10, written by Mr
4u11ufk, twtlug State Milking Loglu-
,er of the Traunvaal, to the lfuar
Ieuerul Kaltuett, a bruther-ilk-low of
,Out$ IfutI'a. which hilt$ been picked
114 ilk klsmett'n house, near Vrylield.
It stat" that the lalrgher list of
the two replblles allowed h0.000 mon. if
'I'itr Dud protea poor Tommy Atkin h
even If Ile rend us twice that Lours- l•
ber." It guar un to say that the N
Uoverument haat drawn up a nlrin-
gu11t couflroatiun law, t rectal
toguiart the "Ireuaon-shuutlug ('On- 1
tfuguut," of au strict a nature that,
should the Transvaal prove victor- I
issue, all tide Stats finance& could be
drawn from lite rliarer lis the ml11-
lug Induatry derived fruits the me-
tluLo ut their r
o r1. .
q•alta y f
ut P P,-
Natal A olunteers to Msband.
1.undun, Oct. 21.-A Uurb►u des
{aitch to the Stntdard eayst that It
fr uudermtod that the Natal Vuluu-
trerr will shortly return from lite
front, lite frustration of l;eneral t
Botha'* attempted raid hav'US ren-
duret their retention iii the field
unutceigary, --
1.0eysmllh Dlsselhlaed.
Luudun, Oct.:[. -A derpalch from
Idtttywnlltli oayr that the Town Court-
ed, fuhlug to ubinin satlsfactiuu frtmu
the l;urernor of Natal with reference
to flip clnlm* against the military
tklrhlg like tlegc of that pla•u, Is c,ltl-
sklerlllg the efopedflrucy of 8011,11419 a
deputation to Mr. Chamberlain.
-- t
lull Kitchener the Ilanaatsa&.
Iursluo, Oct. 21.--1( ferrhhg to thv
fremu outhreuk cf Anghol,hubla lis
Vienna, the rorrewilm.lnlenl of the
Times In the Austrl.ut capltnl ilsO,tes
the aopeckslhy Influential 041.1olic
urgiln, tae VaLerluud, which Iwbli4ltes
nn article healed "lord Kitchener lar
ft llaugmna. , It ways the cummuu.lcr-
hl-chit+( 111 the Brltlil („Weer inewth
.lfrica, In despair t,f Im•Ing nble to
i„nyuer the B(m•rs b3• hauest w.•r,
line for w lung tim'r had retioorse to
b.-utality. Ilia blotatthir.11nees WA*
formerly rrstrainrl by the Rrili..h
(;uverumeut, Dat it slow appear~ that
n free hand liar been Kite's to him.
Tse loalerl+utl 9-mr wt ton any thit
the nluuwncement thtt rumniandiant-
t;rsteral Hutha Wi:l movet +IuleDC-3 by
reprimil4 "'III e.wltLt('t, all that in"
t but ons -
f r w1. Inllml 41x1.
14m•n+ Ir ► �
exasp•ratrvd, by Iwm'tl l itchener'& ftl-
Immunity'. Th•• �ulgufnarY faced suw•u
by Me British Co mmanler will pr(.
douse a harvest o► bl„crd. tint alone ens
blame• tilt- B"1rr IrarvleavP If thev ,love
rtes urYe to n terrible relributitwl.
Tb t lwtknl \nsrlger, rays the Ber-
lin omris{l:xudeut of the TimeR, tab
I salt's sn L ugh and gr.undless isi -
ciatlnns of Brent Britain, alleging
that ttlel tr.mtps at Mitldlotalrg placed
Elmer w(mll,-n an 1 children bvrlle the
cana.n I.,.;revent. tho Doers from
f rin:.
Tut$ coreperient remarks that
the B;oc 11, Ryt, I fu spite ,.f Llys,-
tinily orglirs of mnllgn►nt faln.•h,wxt
find elandehr," asks the i}rlt_Ish lire_ns-
' not to stow tin seat o elatruet of
Germany 111 `i:umlw' -
Thr dtwtattctl ndtls tint twin dsy It
w (;rmt Britill:t, till, first th • Unftetl
States, that Is fdn91a1 Dirt fox de-
nunolntl,n. Tho l:reus-Zeltung toys
the Spa is w6-Am,•r.c.ul war h:ts doMr
unomo than anylbllag eta" to open the
oyeal of Lila Latta States Of America
to the fate pr1-parinic fur th•m by
tbw Anglo4inve+rl nnrtli.
' -- -- ----------
1 he kludiv. `.noir.
enitin, Oct. -It le nut ratio, to
f any definite idea (of the titrate
of t Intl In Sdwlh Africa fruits Lord
Kitt• •aer'a lm:letln, whk•h in pub-
Ilalled this morning. The rrport
dool'a Only waif thr-rlustvsolumn of
:. the anti is rt!�ardro �x� fv prnof
ihltha s cormmatd,,es have been driven of tI P rtfon that I,ord Kitchener
from the Vryh(-W distrit-t t„w•ar,l Ie In ne"I ( more mounted ou-n. Per
Frmelo utter an abctive ull-uplt to halve with d Salisbury'• return
mW Natal. from the cit Went there mny be n
He a14n re"to that Rifler U, -t. I llh greater dupla of Ministerial en -rgv
2.7. Boern have toren killcdt and 1S with n view to ding the war. It I"
wounded, ISN) parlm,ner" I:atr toren dtatetl that tits Ing (e anafuo4 that
taken, enol there have been :o altar- howtflltipx alhoul•1 .resp before ills
rendered. The rolumno film. capture ( coronation, tin•, d cal to ronwult hu
l41'rlflela, AX.5 nfnlmto of sustll am- chief Mlninter as to a possibility of
nuinition. and many h,lrtieP, cnttle puranting a more v1. um policy.
and wagons. Notes.
. ('ease Publish liar t he.\11gtu-Sm xon
('lupe Town, Ort. artiThe rrguda
The ►slut• outtiok for evroin n r
K 1
Nevlew-KwaaReruenl of thx Luke
lbnn for rnforelnR nuirtnl taw Ill tit
Pan-American receipts cud i'1--
of Ilaaillton.
UetP,e -Town d1"trlcl Wert' 14sueil to
{ m•Ilm•m Iron hal the rather ,Iuerr
Loradoa, Oct, 21.-TIw l hamh Mf►
11fey. Tiley protide for the carryon
oan or the 4-1111 law with a few foll,elo
rf',iltll of c+uusing a run on the
rkretuy SoeletY fine nrelVt,(1 r11a11 1-o-
1-M"ilfMwtl.ana. Thw luau:alivaa wsr
t'Hirlity tient, Ile -Hel(fHlo, velum'
ports Iiiloxring tkit the bubmlle
trained with, every hustle to lilt
premideat is guardian of the Exxon,-
Plague Is ravaging Fix, Clow sand
fere ns little av lonsibla, with tit
tocdal qMd business life, of the ppuln
tifst: funds. life other Burfalutmtulw
ilcllllt)", F1il M•rl 11Londirt it cfises of tit('
mune. Thr b)telal are. ordered to close
mtoo.l by Il, and the probability Id
se are reprted daily, nnI fur u
(lour earlter than usun4 .- .,
Thal the run twill bit ut Irloit dura-
oouPle of weeks npwflr+ly of a thou-
tib+; (rut It allows how ifttle u
msn•1"Ins have been carried oeft of
Iralned Mounted Men.
thlitl"F--7t- takesl t0 - &(arm ignorant
-ilio city grated, -------
I.ot,don. (Vt. 22.-Thp f►nHy E
delx,w(or&. Uf course, t1. -•r„ w•itm
Madly Would be Cardtatil..
pre" Icarian that Lord Kitchener ll
no luglenl connlecllon between the
Lenvkwu, Oct. 21.--('andidatos fur tit($
wirr•,1 nn urgent, demand to the Wn
Office for inner trnlnnl menunted mrd
ln►vleeshlp of the Irank,prendent
'purplo" at the c,onslstory which the
And the solvency of th" Flflelily
P,4w ulaunlly hostile about (hristmns
Return to the Rand.
B,tnk. bet ilk slack u culls) uu Argos.
time, ne-ording to tare IF,-- Torre-
T,ondorr. Oct. 21.-A drinmikch frna
nls•nt rufflcrn but the readymun,•y'
sPsnsdewlt of the ('all Mall gazette,
Dnrlson mtnte•m that Lnrd Milner hit
\1't$ have open how It guem fat home,
aro rsing everywhere. Tht-ir num
trlpgrnphed to the Outlander Con
brra secteJ to Inorens.i In prop,lrtun
mitt,+ naking It to let him have
Thol ixlgnn']m who' Wrw bofdtng
to the rlsstnnop from Rome. Thu
realeter of all dlscharge:l Irregulat
MLae Stone will probnbdy get the
1'nitel Stator, fox inaltAnce, b•siolea
who ae.rved more than nine month
In the: field, with a view to their rt
rane411 demanded, bit it should b•'
the enn ildntro, of long atlending-
Arcalri0hore; Corrigan and Jrrl(Lld,
torn to the Rned rat the earliest cox
Inside clear money for them. Thr
who repr'srnt two opposite tenilen-
verdent opportunity.
United Stnlen Government should
niiw lis tine Amerimm Holman Unth(ollc
--- l
hnvt- lip ,supprrt of every g,rvern-
(7tureb-have on this occaxi,m two
nddlUfatnl nnglir.intd fen slut red int,
Plottin Prlsoner01.
men/ deaorrving to be collnl etvf-
Tlirre aro only floor vacaneien in the
Iwxwlr.n, bet. 21.-A lUoeuafont•:i
atnteo that 11
lhexl. In teaching much a Ipoodon as
adlegr ut car.lin%ls, anti the Amer-
who )art reoideeI
who had ben nllowPtl to rand
mtlait nirt ill7nlh lir foraottMn. tYTlur=
lean lorctal4w are lhfmught to have
raw chancrwof alelpetlol, ate the loupe
n rrhlgee cramp at Bral(nrt rand w1.
key n1- Rulanrht ehasrs to lolrrat••
to erlilted "'Ilia a dplprminatl mt nut
ricolutiy Pnlpavore.l to perteon(
ouch Outragalm upon their own people
ter have more thin one carinal In
fpnring that the
othprn to Join them in n revolt I
order to ""eape have boosts to 0 X41
Other national way be content to
lite 1'nited Atrttrs,
friction nnfl antagomlwrn w("IW b: ('ir-
there. Tiley will be transportp 1 f
hdul a In r rota; Mit when it
ficult to hnrm,mlz•. cud might he
eosups to kidnapping citlteu• of
ental to Cath(vlleism ht .America.
other rountrler11i, it In time to call
Ilas -other 1,'41■h In Irry• New.
ITlarking the Moen.
fx+mlr+w, tlrt. ZN: -H ix
ivivradwwP Aw4...ii4,-A..+IwmpsMir irrm
b, reoulree(1 from the guilty n.1-
that the publication of the Ango
Hpilbron. Ornnire River Colony, any
lion ; brigandage should not Im! tuadf.
`taxon Review. edited by 1lra. GeorrgP
tint lila lkwrs Rave twlew mode ue
(Yrnwnllhr Went (I,rtdy RAndo
fofrepeofstl set tempt*-�-trtgbt t
purfitnbin to Il.
Charchllll will center with (lie press.
crone, the railwn-v tine to tit,- pan
prat lamtip.
A despriteh from Iterseliel, on tk
Mr. Marine, 1.t. 1(nya in mentioned
Srotlrnd'a Virot 1't-rr 1.0 3lmrry.
OetnR,- River, mays that fiar)few lar
fur flip Pressidency of the Chiengo
Lonf m. eh•l1 :?1. --(Che Onnnunnl-talent
der Kritzinger, Aekerm,in and nthe
rohnnnnlnntw are on the north been
k F.rle ttailwa He haw nut door
(if tilt- Pngngement of the i/uke of
ifnmllt,ln rand ilrnn(Man to Nina 1'o,lre•,
of the Orange River waiting t
Itndly item n monrtnry point of
one of FnRisnd'a beaallen. hall canord
prison, though there In littlp chant
view office hp left the Orand Trunk.
wldeapread Interest. Tilt• Dultp nr
('f thpdr oar rologling, for flip rly-,
His wan President of the 9mithotro
Hamilton and Rrnnolon in premier peer
bat full and la hnly fordable rat
few points.
Pacific for ten montluss orad It In
of Scotland and hereditary krp{wr of
Holyr(mvi Palace. A few yrnro ngo
r sod that hp trcefrtd fur 1
elect 4M
hp wool a pour llrutpnant In the navy
Lara In Ihp 1 rsnovasl.
services 1L5G5i)0. On thin Immix.
lint aurcredrd to the tltlem and em.
IwsrrlOrt. Opt. 21.-A Pretoria de
Mr. Hny* Wine pn41 11:4500) per
tater In 1893.
*tdtleh says that the new hudklt
month, or at the rate of 1t186.O1A)
+ryntrm will tat shortly past Into olives
poor year. Nn mnn ever twdore rv-
Tra►prvnalta will be entZDlloh 1
ce,veral raw protoldent elf a rmitrnMJ
Hotly of a 4. Irl hound Crowded trate
the Preto.tin Palocp of ,lilalle
butldt which would do ere,llt t
company In the Unita( 8lulesmors
do t1/dTrnnk.
nhji en�itAf. Rlr J. TTilwn-Tnntw fin
Uuul 150.000 a.yrnr. Mr. 'HAyahul
Apnkana Wovmh., Ort. ^_2. in n .1.r
11lov. ts+ol the pt7ltltlnn of l:hlef .lnf
A contract with the Southern Pn-
(•trip, Willett enllat tar a ,nlary of
serted tunnel In the Blur Monntalnn.
i pt'rino (tabu High (1aart will h
135,5(10 n yrnr, and he would on-
In Knwtern Oregon, Frank Vigord, n
netnMlalw.t at Johannesbnr�� whir
71jr l-
TIM'Mdl1f4 Tile K50 (6T a gTrl cr.,wd
wITT tat• proswlbewT otM* Tib ii'lgi
,toubledly lair enforend Il In the
t$(1 Into an old trunk. A deep gnoh
The jlwlgvs will tnkp this by 'mrni
remrt11 fur Ihr, fall term of hlm eon-
In the head allowed the manner of
The High (twurt will have Jnrbstilc
Irm-1. Tie tAMlered Isla realsnntlon,
.troth. The body hod Pvtalnntly Omen
filen ov" the Wind. The 9upr*m
lie."'e,er, and surrendered bi% con-
Pdnred thlorw two m„nlho before.
(kaurt will lip the final Court rat Ai
YPVPrnl mrmthn ag.s A man and wife
ppnl. T hlv to n great ufvnnce live
Irsicl. and Il 18 atnteti that hit wnm
drove tip thr lonely trail to Ills cahln.
the oMt mystrtn. which wile exp'rlf
1ss.11 him rovinry fur n toll �-nr. ural
TheN ovtekPtl fila ptivllsgM of Camping
IIn the
Ive nn,l teothtr*w.
war glvrn hf nlldlllon n rlw•,.0 • far
nld tnnne) mOnlh. Hp gave
tww,1 Milner rrvlewM the Rand RI
them ictal. In the srotsing lhpY had
flat. 2,:5(1 mon, rat flip church ,l
ft today. I
The output uj the RA d mines for
September was 11,936 uncus n1.
e Mr. Kruger And Dar lie• dw linv,
practically been muperap,led he 11r
g Wolmarans an Boer repre"enlnllve
t 1 n Ku rape.
Walter Brown, a young Tor(santu
1-r- Alan an.i A member.. -Di-.. Belhude'n
c• Mounted infantry. - Wile kliti'd in nc
- tlon In South ATOM
e i,nfly Metlntrn ban Ponlled from
Siruthnmpptan tin board the Cnorkhn
for Rimlh Africa on a Limit to Lorl
Methuen, it I" nenrly two }(,nr-
Platen T,Or,1 Methuen left ('Graham
x. ('curt• wlitmhlre, for the agent of
#t• war- L,dy French Ii also a pnfomen
r ger on the (k,nrkhat .
Inoculation With Malaira In-
fected Blood,
JIL-jl,Jl.�it.jl jLitI
7r -or j
LeaAlug M'heal 3lurkrls.
Fullowfug are closing yuotatiun" at
npurtrtut wheat c0ntrem, to.dur -
Crods. Ure,
hicago...... ......... .................. 70T -N
,•w Vurk ......... 771.4
Totedo ......... ............ 74 1-4 75 t -M
Uetruil, rod ...... ...... 788-4 741
)vtrult, wnito 74 ..........1.
Duluth, Na 1, Nor.... 701-M 69 1-s
)laluth, No. 1, hard. 781-8 ........I.,
Toronto Dalry Markets.
Oct •'1 -Butter -The rr0Liplm firs
air, aid the tope orf the murket
steady. Poor qualities pleaitlful.
Wu quote : Selected dulrlar, 16 to
17e ; eholee 1 -lb. rolls, la to lue ;
second grader, In large rolls lar tub,,
18 to 14e, rand baker,i'. 12c. Crouni.
eery sulidle, to to LOD, and prints, 2t
u "lilt.
Eggs -The utarket to firm. We
quote: Strictly new -laid, lei to sue;
(rush caudle . 13 to 16c ; seeondt$, 1_c.
Cheese -The market Ir unchangt,l,
with soler or jobbing lute at slit to
u 13-4c.
'Toronto Karrrers' alarkel.
O: t, 1.u. -Trade was brink till this
street warket to -day. Grain re-
relpto were heavier, 5,900 IMl.dlels
Witrat was steady, 100 lroahcl, Af
while selling tit g3% to 7U• per
bushel, '2W bushels of red at 4&
per bumbe'l, and 500 bushels of goove
at b1% ilk 6611 per buaht•I.
Barley war a xtuWo firmer, malt
s01111K rat 51 to 11W. nld f,•„1 at
AV% to 54C per bushel. Titre.- thuu-
•and busha:lr ottored.
Oats we're steady, 2,000 imtmllets
selling at J" to {tic pv Imi4llel.
Hyp war stably, IOU tumlu-1.4 melliug
at Ste per bushel.
Uress(d Itogo were eerier, almtuato
now selling at $8 to 1m. t0 per
uuy was railer, `23 load, .1-1:fngot
110.L0 to iI" +
Straw -Two loud. of 1„omr atn,w
sold al $8.50.
1'truatu Fruit Marker01.
Oct. 19.-Tiaere Wan it fair d• w uta
tu-day for fruit of all Ltn,14, ins!
trade wan fairly brisk. ['ricer worm
1 411 to : 'e t 4 w•
.steno o uO f a h r
Y q I
loamtet, C'rawfurds, 7:., to 41.Io;
white. NO to .30.: ; yellows mnhum
W to 65c ; pearls per buaet, 2 � t..
rOu, per barrel 12 to *''2 50; pfum.a
per beioket.'65c; apples, per lPl,tei.
d3 tc• 2511, per barrel .i: t,l 1-:i.
grapes, small hdteket 2O to 2:m .
huge tK►rket 27% W 40--; (nl11annm.
p•r launch, 11.23 to 12 ; lemon~ {Lor
b,x, 1a to 11.50; Californht lemowt
p•r box. 84.50 to 15; orang•w, 1''-r
biz, 14 to 15; crantm•rrittr, Ir•r lark
tet 11. p1r b:►rrel iiia; (tuiuceo, p -r
btmiset, :1U to 40--. per birr.rl 1-:7:,
ilk 1:1.
fi;rueral ('ht-ese Marhrlr.
hldth"l, Ont., Oot. Ise. -At 1. da,'a
_JIM sav#Wfwctor,..x tAferr3 .,I,.
frxres a.•ptemb0r O!rerse. 74:1 wtt,t,•
Perlin, O^t. 21.-itiJ ctk,nn of m+Jtar-
Inl blood n4 n care fox cancer' arc•.
pmp(merdt by Prof. Frederick Loeffler.
Fhiding that nml,l tmll,n! enndlllonn
most conduelve to mnlat-La canner 14
of rctre•me rarity, hP waa ted to the
evinclunlon that w•h^n malaria 14
ndmfuhtered as n thertilw0i, it acts
a.f an Anti-itat+ tp cancenoun dtwnar•.
What be ratio the remarkable In -
I. ie n to to cal nal o eat r n
Iol.tilntuns In eltrtt an one of the
chief supports for h►s theory _ In an
Interview he Pnl,l: " Rrnlizing that
m.•alaria Is rapovtde Mit only of Infr•cC-
Ing tlliv tlnmlin Pyatrtn tett (Wenshae-
nlly of ccuntreracting the ravngovi of
uthtr dtmcneral, the Iden occurred to
m0 of ottarktng cancer lay the nMl of
malarial pal4rm. it In costnh'lahrtl that
mnlnrb►, when ortifl Intl,v pro(lnced by
hypodermic or Internnl Injection* of
tin Moerl tit mninrtnl Plntlents, ton
O• arreMtwl by prompt adminbstratton
of g11lntnr. Acco dingly 1 Fnggrwt
the Inoculation of rancerdmlo perswtn
Other with monqulto prlents ex the
lik"I cot l*stlrnt* airiteted by other
nhtlnrinl Infertiona prpvieno nt-
tempto to corp cancer through vnc-
oinatlnn with Infrell onr Pttbmtnncen
Imre not only been retwned with Ill-
iIn Interests, tett have been memm
pentr,i by Irrrnt dnngrr, hwewnw. of
Inntlllifv M control tit" nntllrLp. In
tropical IAMIn where mnlnrlA fl.mir-
Itellr•F cancer In *04mt known. in
11c•rnco, n(ter ten vr•arm of rinAp ob-
w"rrnttnn. WIT a Atagle raiwe ane dia-
cn reared.' •
Thw ,flow of RntllrRnttp maul hRA
heels ALATAamxd to $10.!SO per inn by
Winnipeg dealers.
A new hettlembip or:lorpel by the
Admlrnity will be Inrgrr than tiny
naw rxlslhlg, hnoing n dlapincemeni
of 16,1100 tuna. Rha will ban inofirst
vessel of the King Mward class.
autl t19J-c-hutted. Hunter. 171.illtl;h.
443 At ;1'•60.
(gtto`Qd, ri. 1., Oct. 2Q- I.arKa
ofiec 9140; twlr►e 958.•. Butter
Jto. - - --- t
Bellevl!le. Out. 19. -At rear chr,•ow
bound tjo-& 123 factories off. red 101)
er,l:iml and 5130 white l is --m,
Nnl1w, 83.1 at 1d1. -
t)mirrtetrurR. N. V., Oct. 1.U.- T..,Luv
451 below 4 i were 41utr-had ;1.,c -
I •Cer,d f ,r I f 1-,(p n 9 1-4c f.,r t,t Ods,
tat. sIlw, Ogn earth 1 bolow fi 1 l u1.
bsnrd pr:cnel
Ctywanevlllr, ljue., (kt. 19. -At the f
E astern T ownerhip Bulls( l,f 'rrmdti
I,- tr>.ata :14 taet„rles ,41'ered
l,ul t, k,,qd e{►e+sda, flair creawer- --
o(fer(,1 1.:41 bines biller. A;. 7. Tr i-
bAlght 745 btix(s on,+e�ae t tf 1 -Le_
ant 781 b,xol rat u I -8C ; .I, itK
bc,xfs bolster rat 21 I -;,e. ikl.•U
brmaghl 305 tv,xts chert" at , isle r
sol 83 bixtr ut 9 ;f lbc. 1'. F. '.•r.
IV;VM ktoughl '23 braes huller t
211-411. Gaal buy(rm were pr„enl.
Toronto I.Ive Stock MarkeLe.
6port tattle. shotes, per OWL it 34 -1.s t 1 -
domtdiuln............ ..... 3 73 is ( =
F.x141rt cow. . 3 40 to .1
Hutcher.' bnaue penned toe to 1 :w
Hutcherr' catue. allowed.. i a w t 'e
Huerhert,' o mottle. fair............ 3 VI ZO .t 3"
do mmmers. .... _.. 2 .e W 3 "l
do cow. 1 73 to I i.
do bull. 2s! w a ,o
Hull, egtours. hMvr. Ver OWL. 7 311 an 1'01
Hulin. cseort. light. Por OWL... l fw W 3 n
Yeeden..1 ort.t. dp . .. 7 73 to I (f1
do. mahum..... x at to 3 '.5
do light . 2 W to 3 ;i
dteekee, 1 ,,0a to 1. n1111b ..... t 7i be 4-0-
olrooMrw .rad Im114 , .. , M ' � ' YTS
Mlle► cow+. dare... 3 m to 3 13
di.eep. ewe. per cwt
do. b+wk........ .. t to to '- et$
do ,till,. .. ...... . 2 to to :' M
laimt+., cert ..... 3 !i da- a V-�--
1 .1,s, iter hand 2 ,,, to In M
Horn. ch,mre, per awl.......... n 111 to , ,
hugs.. curs ftd .S 73 14 100
Ho&., sort., pdr cwt... ........ S:4 to u rat
Horn, at, der cwt ............. : 73 b of 1-1
Ilradstretl's'o& Trade.
T;ip c•mdill.ataw of nall,Aroaln trade
rat Mdaitroal this we#* have be•ru aat-
lefilettgy. Thr wit,1lreetlrre rr(w•ra n -
fpmrat distributive dem lar t to hurt re -
tall st,lok11 (,1-r the fall and winter
trade. At (a'irim'e the topers wrather
,if the Inst fiwtttlght haw been benr-
f cliff. In trade circles activity 1.4.till
ah,ttc"d. and with lin first t"s•II of
e,l,l weather n big demand fur br;1vY
goods Jn rxpectad. There line Iw•en
mama notivlty In whulemalo trail', rat
7tixonto title week. Thn cooler wre-
ther has ntlmalnted the demnn i flo
heavy fall &rill winter P
ilwrincea at H&mUt(m title wrrk lint
b"pn fairly active. Travellrrm nrrr
senting In nomteroua and In rg,• •'r-
derse Pur tine muting tra(le, and ill"
prompilt Iuollvlty pro fiffw to conetd-
Prnhly tncrPejw. with the fir"t t,nx•h
of winter we&tlwr. Trade rat tkIn-
niptr. noronBng to ativieew to Itrnd-
atrrrVs, to slwrwing mor:h arli,ft!.
Tbere rare "no•wtrnfring 61191101 of the
ImprovalmO&b or trale rat 'nen t r If t Ila
ara,elt centres. Tint jnbtllnK
very lair In Nonce dtsar t mat n t w, the
rwtnilerel boring now n.nvtntlw I" Ad"
wtocklt for tlhv prement prnm,n. Minl-
naw cal l,nndkon I,ovs 1pe.n molerfitel!.
Relive thin w,wk. Buwlne01m rat Otte•
ws Ims broen goat.
Iste INarketio.
Llverpxrl, Oct. 21. -Wheal -'+IF,t,
firm, No. 2 rest western winter :,8
81-2d. No. 1 northern spring Sal tk1,
No. 1 (till., Sur iGI. FutnrPm, dull. Ilre .
bas 8 1 2d, March 5m 9 8-4d.
Buffalo, Oat. 21.-Wltew►t. spring.
NII, 1. northern, 76; No. 2 northern.
74 ; wint0r Nei 2, red, 76 1-2; crtrn.
No. 2 yellow. 62; No. 8, N^lo 9
61 a- i ; Not 2 corn, 61 1-2 ' t
corn, 61 1-1 on track ; O", Nn. -
white, 41 1-4 ; No. 8 whit►, 40 3 -gid;
No. 4 white, 89 8-4 ; No• 2 m
89 1-2 (bn trllek.
Detroit, Mill Oct. 21.-W heAl. Nn,
1 white, oruNs. 74 t-2 ; Nu. 2 red,
Covello amt (kat. 74. Dsa. 774. May 7 enwh
Toledo, O., (lot. 21.-Whelost,
71 1-2, Doe. 75 1-4, Moat' 77 8-4.
The Intent rettrne to ""' ""nano
Office PInrP the imoPliliallim nt til"- --
Nurfhwemt TPrritllrlria at over 1.-,0,-
Jing Victor FmmAnuel lona infnrm-
M the Mlnbvtnro tint there 1n A
prcfiovlaillty of an hrlr being herrn
next May.
A Celery to ClreelafM M III" effect
that A rloh atrlka of gnO I'Ma been
mut" on the new Cwn@Alnn Nnrthern
line n*ar Fort Frsomia
I /
, 411
i1_-__- ---
T -t IT �
1'KL'r ntt1UK8 wi
An Improvement Uv
l'hrovvtux Itice
Till• queslL.a of
c•(su{alem with rlcu tat
taon u m elk lit l 1111111,
:Itteodal with dine
(,ut Iv still pwrsid
,umthinualal fuurtl,
1,11-111. lisPMs lhl•I cur
likely and ought I
I:ar was observed s
ding served al L
i.-roru the chore lar
-,u. Tito piazzas 1
lwide's li(fine wen,
:,ted with hydrant
.1teo.lia gardens
i„u w furnl"Ited 1
*fou. Tho altar j
eaed Of this Pw+rlor
d.corated fond h
mule tlionms ming[.
. VAN sttu(A7 In Btort
in till, npaouy4r tctl
/tre•e►t fireplace.
,tl,ldod ir,lr star
Cott• afternoon the
way from the hou.4
gate of the grout►
%kind with hydra114
ylu tan( of pelt
kJal ce 1-1 •w wit
r a1,
ft poetle and laic
trona the usual rlc
1 conslag the Llneb
Woken who Coit
crossed, to sew lar
the baby, are nut
fire Inviting her
&sealh. but it is t
'When a own ern
place's the ankle 1.
the knee of the of
ligbtly there. A w
.eR and restrict
srenteb rest• the
ono limb on lilt, t
.+(her. and thin p
-tensitive nerved
dulge4 In fix con
taue, on is often
w b,o Few or embr,�
dimd•nev, Hviatica.
Other serious ti
re,oull from title s
muw•le& and start
p,rton of a woes
trewr(y sensitive.
whole pbyblcul s
txmuu doraugt,l if
taelted in vw ma
Browns 1
Unied" prea.•tlt
brown In all Irwmtl
CAI. will b•4 flµ• for
jiylwted k.44norurii
ewklenly Ipar"I in
IA"kon anti al'rtof
r,,ccews. MAny ,.f t1.
u rw4llAh tinge.
whk•h are trnywu p
1v ct,mtaine,l tc, ro
ret•t. Velltyw, too,
['roper firer
Although blue La
reptal color, sapil
tounl In other t
green, white, yet
brown ens black. t
stn• known a4 ,hay
mare Color are• 1
ruby and follow
t Pone.
Turquofee linve
years, and are fall
atm( never tock net
wlth diamond4. Th
rat the bayer'n rL
glmrsnten that tl
oitringo to A greet
prizing thPep ,Lal
a1w.uld avold went
do-itrate health no
ell Mit water.
Diamonds, howex
lead in popalnritl
Insist four (.r rive y
40 to 60 per cast
In (•niforest stung
first rnnk, Porde
Mo,Pt vnripty. FI
in vnlu-, but a I'
rnrlty, ant when c
lelvety flue 4w fol
largp price.
.nudging by tit(• n
fire now lacing wo
-innervating thin st
Amethysts rut Ic
iwar In bxoom•hen
and flivo belt hue
rare favorite floor
An effective wit;
n Ith Its varying
whown recently In
it waw compwt,l
bright gold Repair
in niternata• rlre
forma and from,
ro,r gold. T11r r
wit" strikingly pr
moo4m ray 1
A woman wto
nlnut her loonies
hiwTnR Oracticnl
core of stockingi
Stockingal too P
Into lolr•o.
Hlocltingo too
feet trader.
(31pnp Mark all
laoilon ant a aria,
Thin otockingo
w'Itlu flair woratso
Try tacking a
1,Iling or plain
of large• Mlp ; t It
in aol oat thron
t gor,ld plan 101
k neem anti IMrle
inga toy darning
tanrr (w1. the wr
First Innght.
It env"o atock
*) mtetial lenity,
In In wnwhing
IMn't line nodi
moderately wnri
nn,i rinPing.
R'awh 1ta10 tin
t,ydd venter , n,
Ih^ fret only.
t'1-, wilckly In t
"illi A warm 1
`t�lk .torWrlgn
I "PI I wnter w1'
hem in several
1-111 and to 1
'!r? lifter pnllin
i'llIiad-Iphla Tic