The Signal, 1901-10-24, Page 1THREE ''A.19"
Aov•re Awa
.. 1901
UOD Walt/, Oot. 113 1901.
roll What. 0 (1s. to 01
Flo, -. family. per Owl9 11J to 2 W
Plour,tent, per ewe..._.......-'4 60 to 1 52
Bran, .ton..___-."-- -. 17 00 to14 00
S horts. r ton ...... IS W tole 00
Boreeninge, per cwt 10) to 1 (
Rye, per bush.... 0 40 to 050
Book oboist. per bush 0 40 to 0 .41
Oats. • bush ...........M..-• °l to 0 at
Peas. bosh.... .. ..,....._..-e0 to 0 61
Barter. per bush 38 to 0 40
Hal, a too 1
Potatoes, 0 bush„ tow
(Meese oar 1b
•sgs, teeth napaok.& • dem--
Wee. . -. --
_. _
Pelts .-r
Live Han --..._......
Dressed Hoge
llama. .... . -.
Lard, per 10.
Dressed 00.60 tore quarts(
Drowsed Beet. hind
Cattle, RR
00 to1000
3U to
11 to 015
10 to 0 11
11 to001
00 to ail
'L5 to 0 "5
:A) to 700
12 to UId
15 to 0 !d
13 to It
00 to Ot)
75 to a 50
00 to 350
Yetr last ohanoe to visit the great Pao Am
erlose. Steels) excursion rause for e11 regular
train/ suing every Tuesday. Thursday and
Saterd•y during October, mile 9=1' Uok•ba
good for six days. You'll have to hurry or
you will miss sealer( this beautiful et0abltlo0.
now le Its lost few weeks Hunters' •xcur•
does' (Jobber 25 to November 1. Retool
tickets at sleets first otoes faro, good to retr-o
Dot later than December 11th. et your Holt
e ar and all information at the up. luwo Ileket
agency of r. F. LA W RKNC6. Ind door from
Weft et.. on heat.. 0mne open from 6 • tr.
to 10 P. w M. C. DICKSON. D.P. A.. Toronto.
black and white ; .sewers to "foxy,` bee
cm • •reel oolbr. small padlook. &leder win-
es rewarded by retu•nlog to M. U.
Situations Vacant
prestlag trade. A Dply at Bio N • 0.OfSw.
lJf that o•e no plats cooking. Yood wages
cresist rpetADDf7 to 00-11.AMOAW61.Viot .
sbee at the Oolheree Hou... Apply
Tete er of piano. onion and oorneL
!Studio corer of Hamilton etre° d
Teacher of Pletcher music method, will re
cels pupils at her studio. shove Mr. Naftali
Insurance office, Hemilt to .trent. For Infer
m1tlon apply either at studio or at midden, e.
Bt, Patrloa s street.
W.OLENN CAMPBELL.(hg•aut and musical dlrootor of North et.
Methodist , heron. tine teacher of plaeoforte.
pipe ora►• and theory, will be pleased tore
Mire pupils. Instruction gives either at
studio or at pupil's home, as desired. Studio
at Smers.n'• Mingo Store. Weet-st. T1 -if
*or Bale.
111 able resins to let over J. Muses'/ drug
3rd 0000eesioo and cul 1ine, (ioderlch
township, 12 14 stereo of good land. well
fenced, •zo.11ent weer. sprig creck. oom
fortable 6 -roomed house good cellar ; baro.
.bed. stable. oroh&rl and young orobard.
I.oag lease and easy terms to • good farmer
For particulars apply to Mit-). 6 J COI'K
LANi)Ooderteh P.1).. or ()ARROW t OAR
ROW, Galerloh. Ont. 61.10
reit, will purchase the, large
stone bouse with six -roomed addltloc,sllu•ted
On Ploton Btreel. Half an store or land with
aU the outbutldlore thereon thrown in. Fur
farther p rticnlars apply a TI16O, J. MOOR.
HOUR& Bayael4,P. O. 30-tr.
VOR SALK.-LOTS 96, 96, 117, 118. 119
r and He In 60utoblson'Survey. rve7. W In
Godertoh. For partiaulaai .pply HOLT.
Barrister. Iko., Ood.rtch.
Marsh 1410. 1900. IPtf
Insurance. eta
First door south aide of West street.
aver C. 1'. R. 011...
OorrespOnd.•0t : J. r. M e•N vo n &('o.
All orders promptly executed.
ANC6 and real estate &gout. Oho.. one
door east of P. 0.. Oderleh. Agent for the
leading mntnal flre Io.,e.00e nom tanles and
leading stook oomt•0IM.
Mercantile and manufacturing risks at
lowest rotes. (.11 at office.
P reposition for the ••tablasbeweat 01 a
Carpet V.rtery-weber reds.•..
The regular meeting of the sown counoll
was held on Friday evening. M•vor Wil
nos ououpled the chair. and •11 the counoll•
lore were treaeut Inouye Mr. Humber.
A oommuoto•tloo to the Mayor from
()arrow & ()arrow, In regard to the salt of
North British Co. vs. The Tuwo and K. C.
Heyes, was read. This le • case arising
from a tax sale In regard to the resul•nty of
whb•h thine is some doubt. Tee 'olio tors
advised the settlement of the o... by the
town's psylog las ousts. stout 110. Th.
Mayor and Councillor Martin were •ppolul
ed to commit Mr. (Jarrow In the matter.
A oommuoio•tloh from Ed. C. Munro
regarding dog tat was sent W the court of
A'.pplloattuo from Robert Orr for per
Madden to remove some locust trees from to
Iron. of the Grace oleos wan sent to the
public) works Mmmletee.
A Ie'.t r from N. Campion, K.C., eolllvlog
10. oouuoil that the muter of the .0htr.
Herschel would claim demurrage at the rate
of 150 • day from poop of Wedoaidey..0
whloh time the o.ptaln ulalmel the oirgo of
ooal wblob he bad on board for the town
should have been unloaded_
Mr. Martin seed the work of unloading
had pretended as •xpsdht''ousiy as pu.ibt1
under the iroumstanoea. The matter was
left le the hands of the wat,r lied light
Mr. Campton also wrote to regard to the
dales of N. Thib.audsan against the town
for brink furnished for the power house
chimney. 1'hls was referred to the water
and light committee.
Tho oommiu'oner of the Canada Company
wrote regarding the company'' claim for
• I alleged to b•ve been taken from lot
150. The town dole not recogolzu the
claim. 'Whirred to public works oommt,tee.
The following proposition from h. N.
Burrows and T. Damon., St. Thomas, was
"We will ereot • brick building. 24 by 40
feet, two 'tortes high, suitable for • carpet
Watery ; also • boiler and engin. house. 11
by 24. two storlse blah ; also • dye nous*
16 by 42, and complete gob of the building.
In a suitable monger for the purpose for
which they are intended ; .aid buildlne to
M.t between 1.4,000 and 95.000. We will
put In machinery for the purpose of running
• carpet 0.otory eatable of employing not
lee than twenty one bands, wbioh m•ohln-
5n .hall be ot the value of from 95,000 to
16,000. We .111 employ twenty one hands
for •t least ten months In the year on an
go of from 17 to 110 per week. W.
will manufacture super wool. union carpets
and stir carpets, rug fringes •od buggy
wraps, etc. W's will execute a mortgage
no all the real property, loslu ting entire
plant and machinery, in favor of the
towWould ask In rotor • loan o116.500,
w,tbout Int toast, for battles year. ; water.)
cwt ani exemption from taxes OW the
butidtog At tee did of 6ye years we will
par ba.1 16,)0 yearly until the 16,500 U
paid '
1 te Mayor read • totter be had received
from James 01. Hargreaves, of Paisley.
peaking very blebly of G. A. Borrows,
who has been c000sroed with hie brotb•r In
the oegotlatious for the e.tabh"hmeot of •
carpet factory here
Mr. Coaeloo gave • report of the Obit ot
Meters. Burrows and Dumont Oo town for
the purpose of looking over the proepeote
here, In reply to a 1peetlo0 as to whether
then was any harry about the matter, Mr.
Ca:Velem said they bad told the
Ott the bylaw would he submit tod .t the
muololpel denting'. The spool.' committee
will oontioue in ob•rge of the negotiations.
The following account' were referred w
the finance oommiltee C•Dediao Geeeral
Kleotrlo Co., Toronto, 46e and 913 25; Wm.
Kirkbride, bl•ck.mlthine, 118.20 ; 1131.0
C.17 O4 Uo., Toronto, 114 48 ; Elsotrloal
I'oostruotloI Co , Lyndon, r.wlsdiog three
transformers. 996 ; A. Mol) All.., 146 34 ;
The Star, prletms and advertising, X65 60 ;
J N. Worse'', rove, .to., 146 27.
The water and light committee recom•
mended •x(ensioes of the elaotrio light Sys.
am as regoetted by Mrs Adenoma and
W. T. Marney. Report adopted.
The report of the Beano. committee,
teeommshding payment el •0oou0ts, was
The public work' committee recommended
that the •ppllo.tion of We Bell Telephone
Co. tor the privilege of trimming the tress
en North street be granted, the work to be
done under the •0pervieloa of the @treat
Inspector. '1 he oommit)ee reoommended
that no action be taken in record to Kobt
Orr's application for the drainage of his
property, .nd ,bat i hs owe be in.I.reeted t.
write the Deportment of I'ahlio Works at
Ott.w• for • oopy of the agreement regard -
Ise the maintenance of the oomm•rolsl
wharf by the town. The report was adopted.
The spate' oommlltee recommended that
Nr. 1: strew be Internet -ad to tisk• the noose.
gory prooe.diutree tr. .In•e the elevator
matter ; that Theodore Hale he engaged for
one month, dating trom the 151 h O3wber,
as day oon.O.ble ; and that Mr. Martin be
delegated to •Moms any A. M. Todd to
Toronto in oo0nsotlon with the 1902 Orange
o.Iobratioo. Tbe report was adopted.
Mr. Todd, who was present), said that
t0• undertaking had made good progress
and the prospects wars favorable.
A report of the tour of the .Iectrio light
delegation, .'g ped by IL Cantelon, as ohalr
mss, was read. The delegates found that in
the nitres and towns they visited the old
system of aro lighting had bean abandoned
and the new system of lona burning aro
tamps adoped. i1 Is olalmed that by the
new system thirty per oenl. mon light I•
Mewed and thereto • oondd.rshlu saving of
time In trimming the lamps, se the long.
burning lamp. esquire to he trimmed only
ogee • week for an all.nlght service and
.nos In two weeks for & 12•0'000ek service.
Four of the largest lamp manufacturers had
ser, el to seed one of • h dr Imps here to be
.ed as • sample, which offer hod best
• Accountant and insunnoe Agent.
Books and s000ants made up,
Buildings rented and rents oolleo(ed.
Eire !neuronal In 16)11sh and Canadian
Office- In I'rondfoot R Flays' @Me, North
treat Ooderbeh.
rJ. T. Nsrrs , OKNBRAi. IN-
• OURAINCI awl Raaf blot. agent.
Eire, Life. Maddest and Plate Ole In'nrance
efece1 on mutual or 005h plan at lowest
rates c ossible.
Be 1 6ngllsh and Canadian companies roe
re ed.
Off t. nett door to (Jarrow & (Jarrow, Bar
rioters Hamlwen Street.
11 and 80r(eon. 000. 1. Beek of Com
mero.buildleg. west eldell &Leslie Night
cells at rwideeoe, algin al. W. t 1
Publlo Nouns.
entice that aa7one bathing oR the
Mande. using or tampering with the ferry.
5000(1.4 or treepa5dn upon any tart of our
R rty. .60 0.I arrested and pr seouted.
Legal Bala
C! A L1•. OF V A I,U ARL. 7ARlg PROP.
Under and by virtue of the power contained
Is • aerialn mortgage dated the NOW day Of
M•y, tab made to the vendors, thorn will be
wild by pnhlle wftlnn at 11,110n's hotel, In
the town of Odrrloh. In the county of 'turns.
nu Saturday, the 06th day of t.otober, 1901, at
19 n'Nork neon. by John Knnz enntleneer,
the:ollowln valatuhie meetly, namely • the
south half of lot number 3 In the this 00.01.•
Son. western division of the township M AdO
geld, le the nennty of Heron.
There are .hent too sorsa of the shove len..s
Mm•rwd, The MII Ie of sandy Innen and 1, wet
watered by a inset. The bottling' nnnsl51 of
a log barn (r).71, a Immo 41,10 and • grwn•ry
Ond.,lrhh if froproperty Le -know,, 100etiolated 1 from Ripley.
and t from 11.1nta11. oe • geed reed.
Terms Toe per .est. of ih. pnrnha 5
moose at the twee of solo wad the balmiest
within two mest6 (0.reafler.
For (nether pertieulare apply 30 the ann.
Onion W to
Ve ndw', Miteleer. Auctioneer.
DOM tabil,lab day et Ilealembar, 1991. INt
63Mpted, •ud when the engineer bad made
a teat of the different lamps he would 'uport
to the oouaml. The doloj.te• had also
looked Into the meter system, which they
found to be taking the plow of lbe flat rate
system. ley adoptiog the outer sy.tem
they believed they osuld. from the inform•
•tlno they 1.4 received, install from 1,500
to 2.000 mon lights with the present dy
n ames, which would env• the purobaM of
mother 2,000 -light dynamo at • Dost of
• bout 11,000. besides the addltioo•1 expense
of 1500 or $600 • year lot Dual fur running
the extra dynamo. to Stratford they were
informed that the Stratford Kleotrlo L'ght
Company had saved 91,000 la ooal per year
after adop;log the meter system. They
bad also found endergrouod wiring to be
Doming low general ase. This could be
adopted l0 this town more cheaply, they
believed, than In any other town they
knew ot, ea it only required to be put
eighteen laohes under ground, and the tile
would Dost three Mots per foot.
A motion was passed that Mr. Dietrich
be allowed to pay his past due water rates
by two notes of tbreeand six months. ter
peotively. There was a misuodentanding
between Mr. Dietrich and th• town ill re-
gard to water rates, and the had
aocumulated to a large sum.
Then was same dtsouuloa over the der
poral ct the furniture of 10. hall upsta•-.,
and the coursed Lyes &diooroed.
For Sulo
C Rook 000kerels from prinowlehifg.test.
Apply Hox b. OOderl00. 53 tf
S'I.vrceo I'ukr Ai o,wr - Wm. Luse,
.las. Telt, Thos. Barreiro, W. McCreath
• 1,d Bea Kraus drove to Port Albers lost
Friday to attend the dedication of the new
C.0.1.. hill. The dedication was performed
by the High Otfioere Bro. It hlhote, H. C.
K., Ingersoll, and K. Gartuag, 5.0., Beanie
h'Isvr (1r Pus 450 1N -The 0ddtellowe
of Huron Lilo. gays • d.noe Iasi Thurad.y
night in their commodious hall. There
were •butt eighty pre mb, and • pleasant
time was spent until afar midnight. Thls
was the first of • series of "bops" whloh
the member of Huron Loden expect to
hold durlog the winter 014005.
Sol"anti,i. Nev A1.1.07 & Mr1voR, the
D rogreMly• har Iware men, are putttog In
• new stock of heating and 000king stover,
.,1 would advise e11 Intending purohoten
to wait and see their linos I,efor• pur-
°hasfog, T0ey hay• been appointed sole
agitate for the newest line out In ooal
heaters, •od will be to • position to sell at
the lowest possible prices.
A FA1.1.OD' THE BSat'TIXOL-Tiralleve7s•.
meal koew what it was ,best, after all,
when It decided to change the time of bold-
ing Thanksgiving Day this year. It would
have nems on Thursday last If the practices
of 1899 end 1900 had been followed, and
that day people were too mush enraged
trying to Mop warm to think of much else.
In the morning the ground was covered
with snow, and 1h• day was ooid and blu.-
tsry-tee first touob of whiter. Thanks.
giving 1).y Is still fire weeks off.
Host THS Von :irooD.-Th• recon vote
for repreeentalves of the high school
teacher. of the Previews in the 5.10.1. of
I orooto University is returned as follows:
John Henderson, M. A., 219 ; Hugh Innen
' Orana, B.A., 218 ; F. F, Manley. M A., 63;
Jobe Waugh, B.A , D feed, 11 ; F. U.
Oolbeok, 2; .I. H. Coyne, 2; William Dale,
2; L L. Kmbrse, 2; Ja•. Macdonald, 2;
John Saab, 2; L. C. Smith, 2; Manly lien -
too, 1 ; A. Carman, 1 ; J. K. Hodgson, 1;
D. tnoRrld., 1 ; .1, M. MoFvoy, 1 ; J. J.
M•clar.n, 1 ; W. J. Robertson, 1 ' J. D.
Turner, 1. Meters. Henderson and Strang
were elected.
"Houal.Y 1'Soruc "-Thomas MoUtlli-
auddy, formerly of THs SIGNAL, appear" e
hays struck the popular fanoy with his
looters on "Homely People." N oodstock
Baptist College was crowded last week to
hear him, end etaden1. and townsfolk, ao-
oordtng to the local papers, were anthad-
• 1tlo over rho wee .nd wisdom of the
'swum. The Brantford papers SIAM spook
highly of the lecture as given In that oity.
He also drew one of the 'swot Sudienoes
ever sero on • rural church &nolvereory oo-
motion of the t'reebyterian tea -meeting •t
Nona, South Outset°. In the previous week,
in hu lecture on "Our Netgbnon."
Butoher Businlftlls For Hale.
An eatebllsbe0 and Tally Maloped bwlneai
In Owlet -telt for sale aeon for cash. as the
proprietor la gales to the Northwest. Ad
doses BOX 127,
61-11 Oo0erinh.
Publlo Notfos.
Notice 1s her407 vet Rift s ('Payr wilt be
hold pr",pant to the Oetarte Votes' lets Ant
by Hie honor the Judge of the °east? Cour
of theCor ity of Hr -on, In the Judge's Chem
bore. In the snort hones. einderich. os Bator
dor, the gbh day of are) r, 1901. at Is.
o clock in the forenameto hoar and determin
the several nnmplalnto of errors end omission
In the voters' liar of the monletpality of Hi
town of (tdertoh for the year 1s. 1.
All persons heel.. bMsiawl at the sal
Conti ere rented to attend at 10011 time est
p Dated at Galenist" Oct 1 lkh,, 19)1
Wu. ITVBkLi,,
11 Clark sailItashoblWt7
Leckie, the W.C,T,U, missionary to Moe
koka, hos for foes goers been trsveling
about among the lumber Damps of that db
triol. At first many o•mpe were cloned to
h,m, the owners not oaring to haye services
held amour; their employees : but as years
Wes plaited one company after soother has
volooOanly opened the way for •
visit frim the missionary, until of
the 610 camps to Muskoka and Party
Sound. nob one is now inaccessible. Mr.
Lockle will addrese • public moetin,y to
be held under the •uapioee of the W.O.T.U.
in the l'emperenoe Hall tomorrow (Frldav)
evantng,at 8 o'clock. A silver oolleotlon w111
be taken in aid of the work among the lum•
AT Till HxAI or A GRowINi; 1)1'0130_4•,
-1;. G. Armetreeg, who a few year. ago
was one of our leading dry goods merchants,
Is now m of the Suwon Mineral
Spring Co. at Saaex, N.B., and Is making
• Mg ,acne.. of 11. The Uomosny has hems
doing • rood trade In the Maritime Pro-
yloo.., and have now decided upon the
ereotlon of a branoh factory at Chelmdord,
Mass . to supply 10. United States custom-
ers. (entracte have been let for the ares•
Non of • building 100 by 40 feet, three floors
and cellar ; so It can be seen that the hnel-
nees Is of no small proportions. W• notice
that • ie,eut Issue of The King's ('aunty
1tsoord stem• In Ite comments upon the
Sussex exhlbleton that Mr Armntrobg's
oneep•ny had • display ••Immeasor•bly more
attractive' than any other exhibition 63160
show. We are glad to hear that Mr. Afm•
strong le doing .o 5011.
A Koros. IN TA x I'Av130. - The pro-
position has brae made that the munlolpal
tate be paid In two Instalment., the first
payment to be made, say, in July, and the
second and final payment In the fall. There
1s muoh to be said In fever of the propo5.0.
Ths town, and therefore, tho tax payers,
would be.eet by a redaction to Interest
charger, as the mnnl.ipe1 t.reasary runs
short W the summer time and mosey has to
be borrowed. (In the other hand. It would
not be any harder for the majority of the
ralop•yen to pay a portion el their Woos In
July, and for some IC would Dome a gond
deal easier than to pay the whole amount
at • time when winter supplies most he
purohased. 10e ey.tre of two payment.
is In vngn. In some planes, and we see the
Winghsm town council I. oonddering the
plan. Is has been mentioned at our own
onneoil, bet has net as yet, we believe, bean
taken Int...none censideratlen,
Keval.ornv U/Nu,0 AT Ton.'ro.--The
111reltare .sod Upholstery lemma', In he
sommentI upon the ren:n0 fernitur. ex-
hlbltiea In Toronto, hes the follow's' eos-
0.r•leg the display made by the ()oderloh
(eatery "Mr. Wm. R4.t.e, In Aerie 0t
the Ransidgton Fa. alter. (;n'■ exhibit, wee
0ea104 with their r..elts. 11. had • nice
line of cheap bedroom soiree and sld•bn•rds,
and the entire ezhlhlt was pnreha.d by the
T. Elton (!n., whoa* hover stated that he
WWI gree4 of We Restores inhibit. Pied•
teem mite No. 158 leaked well (01066 a
tNgMdN-Mapad bevel glass. It WY
ID golden oak. No. 150 was shown with an '.01.1'* BI ,'SNrsNAKY.-Uounty Attorney
oval 100113.3 bevel glass. All this firm's Lewis reluotatttly abandoned the Idea of
g oods are made o0 the sem° desiges as the attendl.5 the oelebratloo of the hi tauten -
very blab elate goods, and the fiubh to nisi of hie alma n:a'er, Vale University,
superb. This was the Keodngtoo hired
tuts Co.'s brat time to exhibit at • turolture
show, but their 5.101 warranted them to
assuring the Journal repreMotat0v5 that 11
would not M the lost."
Ka11.wAY EXTBNellM To l/01,[.0,'11 -11.•
Globe says i0 is understood from -reports re-
oeived at the P•rllameut buildings that ap•
plio•tloo will be made during the oomlog
sesdou of the Legislature for • chtrter for
an •11001101 of the 34an1100101 & North
Shore Railway from Marton to l.odedoh.
Subsidies bays been voted for the 000struo-
Lioo of the line tram Mestord to Sudbury,
also wait from the latter point to the Soo.
Tim people of Brune and Huron oountIM
buys thought the time ooportuoo for rail
way connection along the shore of Lake
Huron, and, yielding to preesure from this
souroe, Mr. (lieges) is said to be favorable
to tapping fhb emotion of the country by
means of an extension from his railway at
Wlartoo, wbioh point It will pips throupb
on tto way to the hood of the Bruoe Pen -
koala. The new branch would be about
sixty miles long, and would afford railway
Mmmuolstion li.r Southampton, Port P4glo,
Tint/too, Underwood, Klooardlas and other
phones, en well as Godennb, baalde• making
.•oso.otiou with Buffalo and Detroit.
W. K. Mll.l.ek Cols.; To LustioN,-Oar
former townsman W. K. Miller, who ban
been Monectat for some years with the
North Amerioan Life olfioe In Toronto, le
leaving that city to take the pleas of the
late K B. Huog•rfnrd es amoral agent of
the Company for Western °atarlo, with
headquarters at Londe. Mr. Miller was
tendered • farewell supper by a party of
hie Toronto friends or Friday evening last.
A delegation from the Huron Old !inns'
Association of Toronto, of which Mr. Mol•
ler twice-presideet, was also present, and
e xtended many congratulatory remarks on
behalf of the members, but regretting h1.
departure. K. Floody ►octal as toast master,
white h', J. B. Duncan 6114 the vise ohalr
The dining hall was approplately decorated.
After disposing of a delightful lonoheoo the
usual tout list was honored. The speakers
were J, S. MoKin000, Wm l'roudtool,
Wm. Grey. Dr. Dunc•o, Dr. Malloch. ('
Mollonald, (i. A Smith, R. A. Walker, J.
R. Lyons, A. Gate, K. Mcleod, T. Soots
and W. T. Prldbam. Songs were 000trlb•
uteri by S. 1. Church, II N. Davey, and T.
MA;UIL1.1vsAv M0nvt0Y BAND FsTEa-
TAfptr7NT.--The annual entertainment of
the MacGillivray Mission Band ot Knox
churoh was held last Friday evening. The
attendance, though not very largo, was
representative of those interested in the
work of the Hand, and, as at previous Mn
cors, the children showed good remits of
the Irslolne given them, Rev. Mr. Ander.
son presided io his venal agreeable manlier.
The program was varied by numbers given
by the obildrao and some of the local talent
of the town. The prtnolpel effort of th•
oblldren was • cantata, entitled, "Broken
Fetters " The chores.. and recitations
Iourspeniog it were all prettily and
.ffeottvely rendered, especially the solo by
Irene Sault. and the recitation by Hattie
listener. Heslden the cantata there were
Wrote dialogues given by girl., all Intended
to promos the missionary spirit, 1.1Wtie
Kathleen Moore sena yery sweetly a pretty
little song. A recitation, "Baby's Bed-
time," by Hattie Belcher and • duel by
Irene and Etta Sault. were both much en-
joyed. Vocal solos were given by Mrs.
Anderson, Messrs. las. F. Thomson and
John carr ie. and an organ nolo by Mr. Jor-
dan, which wire all thoroughly appreciated.
The benediction brought the meeting to •
clime. The receipts at the door netted the
Hand elite an Increase to their funds.
A CARPET FACToky r0a (IongnicIl.-E,
N. Burrows, of Guelph, and T. Dumont, of
St. Thoma, were in town last T bunchy
looking over the prospects for the 'stab.
limning of a carpet factory here. They met
the .penial Mmmltee of the °enacll and
were driven around town by Councillors
Cantelon .Ild Knox. They were showed
several available sites and seemed to be
very f bly Imp d with the town
and deelrnus of locating here. They are
asking assistants from the town by way of
lean, and left • proposition In writing
which was submitted at the counoll meeting
on Friday night. They promise to erect •
brick building 24 z 40 feet, two stories high,
• boiler and engine hone* 14 s 24 ft., aloe
of two stories, and • dye house, 16 x 42,
the building. to Met between 14,000 and
15,000. They will pot la machinery of th•
value of•irom 15,000 to 16,000, and promise
to employ at least twenty. on. hands for
ten months In the year. The output of the
fsrrory would include toper woo), union
Mrpets, stair oorpeu, rug fringes, buggy
wrap., .to. They ask • loan of 96,500,
without interest, for fifteen , to be
repaid •0 the rate of 1600 • year after the
expiration of five years. 'i'bey sok also
that the buildings be exempt from taxation.
A. security for the loan they propose •
meets/ego on all the real property, plant
and machinery. The 000noll will take the
proposition jot') consideration, ono 11 they
think it advisable, to submit It to We pro-
perty owners the yore will probably be
taken at the municipal elections,
(IMMO''II W11.1. HA P■ 1111 HOMO. -The
voting on the mun!olpal bylaw to assist In
the .st•bllehmg of • summer hotel by the
loan of 110,000 to W. H. Smith took plata
oo Monday and resulted as follows :
Subdivision. For. Aga)ost.
No. 1 76 12
2 50 19
67 1)
fib 7
47 13
" 6 72 22
? •.,52 3
Total 410 84
The reale is regarded as very satisfactory
by the supporters of the bylaw, and at the
n ext session of the legislature the neoseury
powers for the completion of the loan by the
town w111 be sought. There was • very
general )mpreuinn that.certal. peroontegs
of the vm., nn the Pee had to be recorded
for the bylaw to render It valid. This is
the ow. In regard to a bylaw granting •
bonne, hot for the purpose of • loon Is not
necessary The vote on Mond.y was mere-
ly • test for the violence of the Legiel•tnre,
whioh .111 now la asked to pass legislation
on1I 0rz)ng the loan. In the meantime Mr.
Smith will an .head with the construct -
tion .f the hotel, and 11 Is hoped that
• god deal o1 work oan be done hetero
winter eats In, The hotel Is to be
stented on the east side of Norfolk .treat,
near Britannia reed. The hotel property
will Inotede also the land on the bank of
the lake, on the emelt* olds of the read,
. eel this will be made an ottnnttve adjunct
to th• institution. The male building will
be hr1.k veneered, •heal 150 ;by 1tt0 fest,
and thre..MOrlw high. it will have anoom-
mn11•tlon fret two hundred perenns. Wort
will he onmmonced In • few Jaye, to that
LM heal may be ready for the reeeptlem
of gnat. nor t Reason Mr Smith has taken
Mr.. Adamson'. house 0• flourish strut and
" 6
wbioh was held durlog this week. He bad
It in the mind to aooept the invitation,
whluh he received some time aro to attend
the oslebt•tioa es • mentber of the close of
'44, but he reoognizee that even the Uouuty
Attorney Is not s0 young ea h• u000 was, and
the experience of Prof. Goldwin Smith, who
was en his soy to New Haven and had to
turn book on •00000t of Mores. finally de-
terred him ,rum uodartskiog the journey.
It 1e o dleappolotmeot. of 001110e, as New
Haven has been filled with • great gather-
athering of dtatiogubh•d guest. from all over the
country, and even from aoroae the ocean.
IN 040.0147 00 W. U. HA111LT0N.-A
sermon to memory of the late W. C. Ham-
ilton was delivered by Rey. 0. C. Hill to
St Paul'. ohuroh, Regina, from the text
"Prepare to must thy God." The preacher
made the following reference to the de
Hued : "Hs has core to meet God Ind give
an •comsat of the forty•tbre. years entrust
ed to him. Th. church has lost an ardent
supporter and 1 have lost • perwoal
!mud. It 1s hoped and believed that
our lore Is his gain. It la elven to few
men to be more wifely kuowu and highly
respected than our deputed friend. For
him the yell has been lifted and he has
passed to the unknown, Ile Dow stands
[son to face with God. He Mee face to
faos, but too aro as through • glass, darkly.
He knows as he is known. What would be
his message if he name boos ! The speaker
said : " 1 believe it would be the text
• Prepare to meat thy God.' " (Jona
Ilnuina, ba said "1 will not gin a list
of his virtue., for I do not think the pulpit
the proper pl.os. I don't remember his
fault., If he had any they are forgotten.
We can copy h'.e virtues, Just the other
day • poor member of the church had said
In speaking of the deceased, that he was
good to her man. Let its li,. that after we
are dead someone may be able to say some
(Moe good of us, that we have done some
AT THE HARuok.-J. R. Roy, of the
I'ublio Works Department, Ottawa, arrived
in town on Tuesday afternoon, and after
lospecting the harbor and breakwater Im-
provement* want to St. Joseph on the tug
Huron. We understand the vlallof Mr.Roy
was so that he oould report on the contem-
plated improvements at these points. Mr.
(.aotlo, the founder of 1e, Joseph, who
during the oast tour years has made • mar-
arvellous development at that place, •000m•
panted the Inspector on the trio to et.
Joseph. With him were Rev. hr. Prud-
homme and .1. R. Laarandesu, of Montreal,
the latter of whom Is grest'y Interested In
the eevelopmeo0 of S0. Joseph The
schr. Handsel, which bed • oareo of coal
for the town, 8Dl•hed aolosdlns Friday
morning and oleerd Sunday morning. The
Mp'•1n has made • demurrage claim oo the
town, as he think. the boat was not en -
leaded with sufficient dispatol 1'h.
survey steamer hayfield left Tuesday morn-
,og tor Depot Harbor, where she will put to
the balance of •be Beason The air.
Advance was in Tuesday morning with 45,-
000 bushel. of wheat from Fort William
for the Uoderioh Elevator Co., and cleared
the same Dight The elevator cacnot
gut Mrs fast 11)10010 to fill orders, and for
some time has been barely able to make
"pare for oorsoes pooling in 1'he yacht
Alma C. is OM at Marlton's dry dock,
where It was Wren to be Olgbteeed up altar
Its mishap on the beach. Th. ■tr.
Oaaitroge called Sunday .verba, bound
south, and yesterday afternoon no her way
to the Sault.
Probably anyone could make a suit of cloth es.
bot It doesn't follow he would want to wear
them; the style and sit of the professional
would he lacking. It !ain't In these two par
tlonlrre that P:ldkam'e tailoring ercels.
IS MA. Indian summer
The new gaol resideooe 1. nearly ready
for 0000patIon.
Ths G. T. R. le "hipping about fifty Mrs
of grain per day.
T'he (0 C I. Literary Sooley will meet
tomorrow evening.
The Pan•American •zhibttlo, w111 close
on Saturday, November 2
Mn. E. J. Copeland Is advertising for
rent a farm In 1 odenob township.
R. MoLian Is prepering for another In
spool leo of hones on Saturday.
Several bicyclist.' have had to pay coot"
the past week for riding on the sidewalks.
The Don-jdry •sslz,s will be held on Moo•
day, November 4tb,hefor. Judge Meredith.
Judge Masson will hold a court of revision
of the Uoderlob voters' list on Saturday
Re.member the meeting In the Temper,
ince Hell tomorrow evening, to be add 4
by Mr. Leckie.
S1'.. Florence Molnto.h has resumed her
posit on In MoKim's dry goods store after
her recant lengthy Hines..
Mayor Wilson has sold his eighty ante
farm co the filth 000ceMlon of (iodation
township to Mr. Harrison.
Auctioneer John Knox dispersed of 144
head of stook .t Alex. Glenn's Dale in Col-
borne last weer, and at good prices.
An additional clerk hos (jean plaod In
the (I. '1'. K. station office here. (George
Morgan, from Toronto, bre the position.
W. C Goode's chanes of advertisement
was receiver ton late for Oslo weeks isms.
He advert lees Beat email stove -pipe vanish
and Hlaok Cherry dough ours.
ano5 oompa0lcs require • ladder and • barrel
of water to be kept on hand where tbr.shtng
le befog dt.'te. This regulat.on should be
strlatly enforoed, as owners of biros are
likely to lose their losurance if they negleo0
to oomply.
The lawn bowlers and the golfers have
been t•klog edysotage of the flys weather
of 1be post week.
(:roup No. 4 of the dietriot sop sorted has
Len art mimed by the l Intact° curling Asso-
ciation as follows : Durham, (:oderloh,
Platteville, Parkhill.
A match for the Hough oup was played
at eteaforth Wet Friday between the S5.•
forth and Clinton Collegiate Institute team..
Ssatorth won by 2 goals to 0.
The soothe male at the meeting of the gun
club last Friday were : K. Mattel, 13; D.
MoIvor, 2 ; A. Rout/els, 2 ; H. Hutson, 7 ;
Oen. Johnston, 3 ; Capt. Donley. 5.
Lott summer, Messrs. Soott and
O. C. W'll.00, of this town, looted • traol of
land in rurkeremith, for the purpose of
forming a game preserve. The.. gentlemen
have been In Oorreepon,ienoe with the Ori
tart° Government clit coals, and are receiving
• .took of Mongolian pheasaate for their
preserve. The 000ditlons on which thn
gift of the Government le made la that they
will protect the game and give them a chino.
to multiply. We understand the objeot of the
owner. and IM.ees of this property le 00
0rotect the game, thus forming a breading
ground for pheuaDte and other game. No
.hooting wall be •liowed there for some
years, and it is expected that game will
tlook there from rte surrounding oountry
and will spread out from there •gds to re-
plenish the •Imo., exhausted game supply.
This is • very laudable object, and we trust
Hist theme gentlemen will meet with the
suooese their enterprise deserves, and that
they will be assisted In the • rork by every
sportsman lending them ,belt eonist•DM and
.ymp.thy.-Seaforth Expositor.
1)r, Whitely has return- ed from • trip to
5 odlaua.
Mr.. l'asmore is visiting her brother, Mr.
Harries, at Stratford.
Thos. Burrows and Lotto Molise wheeled
to Duoaannon Sunday.
Barclay Doyle, of Detroit, has been vlsit-
log friends here this weak.
Hugh and Will MaEwan are visiting the
PamAm.rioan exhibition this week.
Al r., Webster left Tuesday morning to
visit her Mo Sam. Curr•o,at Howell, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. \:innater were at
Wingham for a ooaple of days the put
Mn. S. E. Hlok left Tuesday morning on
• week's volt to friends In Buffalo and
Miss Louisa Bows, of liufl.lo, is visiting
at the rwldenoe of Mr. and Mrs. George
Ault Hatch, of Woodstock, spent • few
days in town the past week, the guest of
G. 11 . Thomson.
J 1. McMath left on NIond.y for !'hat•
ham, where he will remain for some time on
professional duty.
Miss L. M, Strang and the Misses k •od
L. Masson took In the sight, of the 1'.o•
Amerioan le -it weak.
Mrs. Beck and Mist Kate Reid have vone
to 'Toronto, where tbey will probably re
main -for the winter.
George Stewart has retoiaed from a trip
to Buffalo, where he visited old friends and
also took In the Pan-Amerloen.
Miss S. MoMath, of Wingham, visited
her eleter, Mrs. Hamlet, lost week end lett
to visit relatives at Dungannon.
Mn. (2. Hutahlnima and daughter, of
Grey township, are visiting the former'. par-
ent., Mr and Mrs. James Bnokenridgs,
Mrs. J. C. (trete and daughter Evelyn
were vi dtlosvthe past week •0 Mn. Grek's
old home here, and returned t, Se.forth oh
Couuoillor J. C. Martin and A. M. Todd
are in Toronto this week in the interests of
the 1902 'Twelfth of July oelebratlon In
Hugh Bain Is home alter galling durlog
the summer and Intends to devote hlmeelt
to study In preparation for the ministry.
He will attend the Collegiate Institute for •
W. T. Fellow and family, of Port Albert,
are moving into town this week. They
have token • dwelling oo Angleiea street
and will remain In town during the winter
at least.
Mlle 1..zzle Aohasoo Is to 1aelph attend -
Ing the annual meeting of the board of
managers of the Woman'. Missionary So.
Moly of the Methodist churoh. The meet-
ing oommenoed on Tuesday sod continues
until Friday.
Key. Dr. S. Bean, of Florida ; Abraham
Bean, of Bright, and Jaoob'Sean, of Iowa,
were hen recently Oohing their brother
Isaac Bean. The four brothers all visited
their sister, Mrs. (termite Sohosillg, 111 Hay
township. The death of their brother
Amos In Toronto was the 0000slon of the
family gathering.
Wm. Costa, town olerk of Clinton, hae
been offered the appointment to the vacant
postmastership of that town, but has not
decided whelh.•, he w111 accept It or 001.
Thos. Burney, of Stratford. Is now eon.
duotor on the morning mixed train from
Stretford. Ucnduotor Hann Is running a
passenger train between Stratford n'td Lon•
I. W, Gavle, late of Clinton, has Man
•ppoletid agent of the Messy -Harris Co.
hors. He hes hie headquarters at the
Massey.H.rrls warehouse on llemllton
Kl000rd IS0 00 and his rampant, played
'The Mountebank" In Victoria Opera
House nn Thursday evening. The ploy and
the players were good, but there was a
small house.
A number of petty thefts have taken
place at the West street rink, Inoladine the
carrying away of some of the window glen.
if the thief is dIsoov.r.d he will get another
kind of pale.
Wm..0.Itohertenn, of Buffalo, son of
John Knbortson, who was formerly le the
dry anode Analogise In Goi.rleh and Clinton,
was married on the 15sh Inst. to Mies Edith
Boll, of Huff.lo.
The band gave • nnnosrt on /h• Sonora on
Monday evening. Though eo lave In the
.,.,n.', the evening was • dsllihtfnl one,
and !hoes who were ant heard • number of
Bret -refs selections,
Three Ferrels of sppls. belonging to W .1.
Morrow were stoles from the 14,T.10 freight
his father, .lame Smltb, of ('lIntes, who bshod • few nightie ego. Apples are worth
so ►hested
ely InterIn the hotel proles. will som.Ihter *MIs tall and Mr. Morrow Is
obsa s m
lly beams a psrst aeot .004..i .f.neetd at the lees.
Aktent1M Is milled to Ike fad that lost•
Itutoher Bader for Sale -Box 127.... 1
Boots and Rubbers -Wm. Sharman, Jr.. 4
llverooal Selling -W. A. MoKim 5
Voter.' U01 court -Wm. Mitchell 1
A KMonable Ambltleo-W . U. 1'rldhem4
Your Lost Uhaoos-F.F. Lawreooe 1
Farm for Rent --Mrs. E. J. Copeland1
Cccksiels fur 801. -Box 6, Guderloh1
AJlnouncomaste-Allan & McIver 1
Now hall Drew Staffs -Hodgins Bros8
Room. to Let -J. Wilson 1
Dog Lost -M. U. Cameron 1
w111 be doounted with Hage and bunting
and the Mbar. with lights and flowers.
The main altar as well as the ohuroh will
be lighted with eleotrto lamps. Rev.
Father Nortbgraves, editor of The Catholto
Record and gold medalist of I'orooto Uni-
versity, will speak •1 vespers, and has
chosen for hi. subject "The Real 1'reeece."
The choir is preparing an expellent pro-
gram, Everyone le oordially invited.
The annual harvest thanksrlving servloee
were held In St. forge's ohuroh oo Sunday
Wet, when the church was prettily deemed
with flowers and an aroh of maple leaves.
Tbe Key. C. K. Oa00e, M. A , of Clinton.
otiiolated, hb work In Gibson being taken'
by Rev. Mr. Turnbull. of Uudsriob. Mr.
Gunos's sermons, on themes appropriate eo
the 000astoo, were moot' appreciated by the
Wire onog ions. The musloal services
were appropriate, and the anthem, "Ore•,
and marvellous are Thy works, Lard God
Almighty," was well rendered at the choral
evening service.
Rev. G. F. Salton, pastor of the Centen-
ary Methodist cburch, Hamilton, spent •
few days to town the past weak. the gee
of his•law, C. U. Newton. He
W64 •coompealed by los youngest son, Lyon.
Mr. Salton preached Sunday evening la
North street Methodist church and deliver-
ed • splendid sermon. HU theme was •
good one -the deyelopmeno of "one new
roan" from the various roes and 000dltlons
of men which now people the earth, the
levelling of national and soots' jealousies,
and the rndu•1 progress of mankind to an
infinitely hlvher ewes -sod It was dealt
with In an able end convInoing manner.
Father McMenamin formally opened the
new parochial home in Clinton on Wednes-
day. by having • dinner and Invltiug the
clergymen ot the dtsWio1, together with the
Bishop of Loudon. The in.ilatlons were
sounded to the Bishop Right Rey. F. P.
McEvoy, !ODFathers McKeon, of Irish -
town; T. West, of Uoderlob; W. Fogarty.
of 'Dublin; Hanlon, of St, Augustine; M.
McCormlok, of Ashtleld; P. Corooran, of
Seafortb; M. Tiernan. of Mount Carmel;
'i'. J. Valentin, of Zurich; 1. Ronan, of
Mitchell; E. B. Kilroy, D.D., of Stratford,
sod Editor Nortbgr.ves (9eafortb), of The
Catholic Record,publbhed .0 London. Sev•
oral of Lb".
g.ntlsmeo were tunable to be
present at the reception •000rded them by
their brother, rather MoMenamlo. The
dinner was given at 12 o'. -look end presided
over by th• Bishop. It 1. indeed Deedless
to remark that the gathering sou one of
pleasure, SO it gave the clergy of this dim
Irlot an opportuntty to •pane • taw social
hours by themselves, and at the same time
have the honor of the Rlshop's provisos
with them, and mil in • friendly mimeo,
They •11 left on the afternoon trains
after having formally opened the new rest•
donee with •11 oeremony due the clergy
as quests of Father MoMen•mio, who is
• most popular priest and thoroughly
respected by all who have the pleasure of
ht. argualntaooe.-Clinton New Era,
At the last meeting of the Presbytery of
Huron the 6n000l•l oomm(ttea's estimate of
Presbytery espouses for the present year
was presented, and it was decided to ask
from congregation. • rata of twelve incite
per family for this purpose. The mater of
missionary meetings was lett to seenloes
to make their own gement'. Mews.
Shaw and MoN.ii were appointed to se.
dem the SV.b.M.S .t Its next meeting i0
Blyth. A unanimous oall from the °engre-
Rations of Klppeu and Hills Green, to the
Rev. U. M. McLennan, of Alma, was sus-
tained and ordered to be forwarded M
Uuelph Presbytery for Mr. S1oLeon•n's nos.
sideration. 'The call promises • stipend of
1800, with manse. glebe, and four week.
holidays. Rey. Mr. Sewers and Messrs.
Bell and (,Milo were appointed to support
the oall before the GOelph Presbytery. Ar-
rangements were made for Mr. MaLeonads
Induotion (providing he asetpl. the Dell),
Mr. Motile' topreach, Mr. Sewers toaddrew
the oofgregstloa and Mr. Musgrove the
minister, with Mr. Martin as an alternate,
.fames Delg•tty applied to be received &e a
catechist with • view ot taking up mis-
easionary work. After due examination hIs
application was granted. The oo0rnigatlon
of Bayfield obtained leave to build • Dew
church on • different site and to use their
old property for ohuroh purposes. A long
000tersoos on the spiritual aspect' of the
century fund wart held and cessions reoom•
mended to 000sider the .ervloss suggested
by the General Assembly. Rev. ,1. Hamil-
ton, of (Federich, was moderator of the
meetinp. It was dsolded to hold the next
meeting at Blyth on the third Tuesday el
The eenerd uonferenoe of the Methodist
ohuroh will meet li Winnipeg 1n 1902.
Rev. Nether %Vast was to Clinton this
weak aseistlnv In the forty hours devotion
In St. Joseph's church.
The Whittler evening at the North ■trML
Epworth League was postponed for . w•ek.
It w110 be held next TuMday eyentog, and
all are Invited to attend.
The annual mlwtnnary services w111 be
h eld to Notth street Methodist ohuroh next
Sabbath. Rev. A, K. dirks, of London,
will preach at both servloes
A rumor Is afloat to Methodist circles that
Rev. 1)r. Connie., editor of The Christian
Guardian, w111 retire at the next general
ooatereoee and return to .et -,e pulpit
.4 farewell servios will 1.0 hold in the S
A. Barrack. oar Sunday evening next at 8
o'olonk Ensign Crawford nod Capt. Sltzer
will 5.y (end -bye to the people of Uoder!oh
to this mooting.
11... 1t. llobhs has been Inylted to remain
• fourth veer as pastor of the W inghaei
Methodist ohnrrh, at ■ satire of 91200.
Mr. Hobbs has •c, opted, subject. of nurse
to the action of the stationing oommlttee.
Key, O. W. Henderson, of SI. Mary.,
has eooe tot an Invitation to the pastorate
of the Lindsay Nethedlat ohuroh, and Rey
Thomas Manning, now pastor of the Lind-
say congregation, boa been Invited to SI
Rev. 0'. W. Brown. ;motor of ,lames
street Methodist ohuroh, Exeter, has an•
reeled an levitation Prem the Mitchell
Msthollte oongregotlnn to become their
pastor at the commenoement of the next
nnnfennne your.
Next Monday SI. Peter's ohuroh .111
eel•brete Ile filth asslyensry. Th. March
I)ysere, always fresh, at tn• oid reliable
oyster hone°, Vlotorl• Restaurant. Week
et., In bulk or served all styles. We dream,
fruit, oontectlonery, cigars, .to. C. RI.Ara.
.T, i3 a, proprietor. 'l elephone 70.
Rsnacs YOUR. COAL BILL. -lip purchas-
ing s "Lustrous Psrfeotlon" heater at
dim! AN k M.'ivsw', you can reduoe your
mud hill. '1'bie heater le the newest and
most Improved heater on the market, lied
will save you Its case In two season• Don't
parohase 1111 you see them.
Welton : An old landmark, In the Lead•
bury hotel, het disappeared tor all time, Bre
destroying it early T'oesday moraine of last
week. The large .t able was say.•d. There
was a .mall In.uranoe, boons. was refused
to thes hones last May me 10 was thought e
be 000•oewary now. Thos. Jones, formerly
of AN altos, was the proprietor.
Morrie: The ..d intellieenon was re-
ceived here by telegram that Jos., son of
Tho.. Miller, 500 lies, had died from ty-
phoid fever, soar Delonlne, Man., es
Tuesday noon of last week. Il. want wee
doring the past ease and hie deem wee
a great .hook to hi. many 1rtends. Inter-
ment was made thorn. Mr. Miller had net
y.t re atie.l Mil majority.
WYATT BRI'N4 R. --At the rwddenne of
the brides parents. F:gmondvlllr by rev N.
Shaw, H.A.. on Ontotr. fed, Thomas Wrott,
of Oodetioh, to Miss Mat) 6. Brunner, of
tismon 1,Ille.
Ri('l(ARDSON - (M d•tnrday. the nth lest
ILd ward Rlnbardeon. L.D.S., oldest eon et
the R•y, Rleh.Meo n,,&0.4 tgorrsye 0rl
oP•twberoogb In
Taesdsy Uateilier 00