The Signal, 1901-10-10, Page 88 TBVUUDAT, Oct. 10, 1901.
• • • • •
your Fall purchases until the very cold weather sets
in. Make your selections now. Our different stocks
are brim full of the season's Novelties. First choice
is worth considering. Then you get the long sea-
son's wear.
Thousalila of pude o1 Urea Goods
for you to choose from every kind,
every oolor.
Heavy Wide Suiting, In new .bodee
of browo, fawn, aeon, black and grey.,
special let .... ..75C•
New Reversible Suiting, Ns .th
heavy silver o•mel'e heir finish. and plaid
and plan colored back, at...
1.25, 2.00, 2.25.
New Sootoh Suiting, In .mall oat
sera, all .bade,, at 50C,
Never .o well prepared to oaar to
your .,Is with the latest oreaticni In
the Millinery art.
New ready-to-wear Hat..
Children's Ito,eate and Hate.
Mines' Sailors an,l Trimmed Hata.
l'ome in and look them over.
The longer effects in Ledise Coats
hrve Dome to stay. They look grate-
ful and oomfortable. You will have
t„ hang°. Why not now when the
selection 1e largest') Never have we
shown so many coats es this season,
J.ok.n It omit $1 50 to $30 00.
Handsome Black Capes, fur lin
ed and for trimmed
15.00, 20.00, 25.00
('htldreo'e Jackets sod Glitter*.
Fur Kuffe and l'.perloes, handsome, oom•
tenable, etyleh, with little prlon for
their kinds.
('heck (,Ingham', for (',llow,• In pink and
pale blue, good width, per yd I5o
Remember the Couoons on all Purchases
We have given away agood many 01
those handsome Chairs Free.
Oeo(a' lined Kid Gloves, special at....250 L1tese Raglan Ov.roeota, New Yell pails,
New Tiee, New Shirts, New l'oJerweer. Boys' Salts end Pea Jaoke(..
Smith Bro's &
Mea Allot Dougherty 1e speeding • few
ley. et -'toe.
Min Nevins, of Daegonnos, spent sem
day at Wm. Cheesy a.
Mrs. Glidden left on Monday on • visit
to her dougblsr near Homlltoo.
Mrs. Penrose. of Detroit, is vldt(og her
mother, Mrs. Wm. Burrows, sr.
Was Nina Burrows 1,11 on Moodoy for
Uengen0oo, where .h• purposes .aylog for
some time.
Nees Mime Gardiner, rf Zion, i. spending
• few days with her sinter, Mrs. Nixon
W. Burrows, who hes been working to the
Godertob *semi.' for some time, returned
home on S.torday.
Mies Mary F:llu, who h.a been spoiling
some lime with her stater, Mr.. Dispose
MaNee, lett for Built', on Friday.
Three of the 4beppardte0 boys, Meese.
Carey, Vrooman and Borrows, lett for tis•
lumber woods, by way of Owen Sound, on
WaI„siIAb, GJt 2
Mies Snyder, of [ieomlllee, as visiting her
sister •t pretest.
3. MoKatght may po to Toronto to tree
she Doke and Duchess of York.
Mn. F. Hawkaa, of Collingwood, 1.
spending • few days with her parent..
Mr. 684 Mrs. Wilson have returned after
two weeks spent with friend' In Charley.
Mrs. John Da.tow, who has been oo the
e lok list ler some time back, we are glad to
say, Is on the mend.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Glrvin returned S.4
urdsy after a few week' spent with friends
•1 Toronto and H.ff•to.
Rev. Mr. Smith, of Klnoordloe, preached
a very beoefolel sermon on Sunday eveoing
last. His text war the parable of toe too
virgins. The d gentleman will
auto our pester with special 'nylon •t
E'imoney loran Indefinite time.
AI One with Yamada le Its wells ism of Mdd's
Ulnas, rills.
Fortune Harbor, Nfid, Got. 7, (Spaniel,) -
However this land and the I I'minion stand
en politiosl questions, there U one theme on
wbtoh they ere uoantmeoe, and that is their
opinion of i)odd'e Kidney Pills. 1e New
foundlood Dndd'a Kadoev Pills hays dopll
Gated their Jenodlan reputation, On all
sides they an spoken of u a really wonder
fel mediate by those that hays tried them,
whose number increases every day.
Klohard Quirk of this place writs' about
I)odd's Kidney 1',11e to the oniverssl terms
of htgb praise.
No Coags* can all," he says. "the
pleasure 1 feel in being able to say that 1 am
Indeed p.rmsneody oared nt my baokaehs
by l)odd's Kidesy Pills. I Imagined
that any medicine nodi our. me of so old
a &impalnt. and am high le the praises of
Dodd'* Kidney Pills to everybody that
memos my way."
MONDAY, Got. 7114
Tisa lollowlog is a correct report of tl%
elsedw of Ihs pupils of S. S. No. 2, West
Wswuesb, for the month of September.
Names are arranged to order of merit.
Filth -ISOs Mallougb and 1Ja tVihso.,
Fourth -Mabel Wilson.
Third -11) Utweld Pollard. (2) Visoent
Welsh, (3) Willis Wilson, (4) Richard
Welsh and (:eel Mallough, even, (5) Mary
Seoond Sr --Willis 51eJd.
Sewed Jr -(1) Martha Nixon, (2) Mae
.loon and Harold M•Ilough, even,(3) Frank
Jona, (4) .Insaph Fesgan, (5) Marshall
Sr. 1't. Il -(1) Vtney Welsh, (2) Kiri Nil
B oo.
M. 1't 11 Irene Oben.
.1r. Pt. I1 -Walter Nixon.
Sr, I'1. 1 Usorgle Nixon, (2) Ira McIn-
Jr. 1't. 1-Lsura and Grande Mal -
lough, even. C. B. l"t m-'iue, Tsaoba.
W lien the bat dreamed men go to tMd
ham's for all their talluriag 11 meant, that
the bat quality. style and et are to be. had
there. eatlsfoctton guaranteed and prloes
ramose ble_
0! wad tome power the Attie Me us to
sae mime Hulks before they ea us
A large number len for l'uronto yester-
day le witness the reception to the royal
Last Sunday moruiog the Uodorlob
company of volunteers attended service in
S:. George's uhurub.
F. Jordan won the float game to tl.e
elegies oampdtUtee of the bowling club, de
looting F H. Holme..
Eddie Bryon., who attended the Colleted
ate destitute bore, has taken a position In
Harvey's drag store •t Btowe's.
MoKesrle & Howell's change of ad. was
received too late for this taus, 'They Dail
talent130 1, their fins line of silverware.
'The fall fair tenon ie •(;tout over. Dae
50003 hu Its show on Thursday and Fri
day of telt week, and Morrie on Saturday
tet? .-..Rebut Cumming leaves this
week ler London to take • position in the
Itthographing depsrtmeut of TheFres Prow.
.Ju. Ycuog, jr„ 1s In Toronto th a
week to tee the Duke Miss Streeter n
of Auburn, is the Boast of Mies Klia Clark,
h,yel, Mies Baker returned to ,t in 1-
n or this week to remove further medical
treatment Wm. Tobin vteltrd the
Pan-American tor I days and had a
good nine taking In the sighted the exhlhl
tloo. He also .ideal Niagara Fells.
1'stnrk Leyton, a one-time local noabie,
1s l0 our midal seetng old pioneer friends
• boot here and talking over old times of the
sixties, seventies and eighties ot the last
oenbury. Patrlok walked lois (toderlob In
forty minutes for three miles, so he lila not
forgotten his miliary training es • volun-
ter le 1866, when he was • member o1 the
thumbs Company •e the time of the
Feslao raid..
AUCTION SALES.'n la the ally sad attend 'Toronto Unit
D. Fi Hsml;ok, 01 Chttago, bog buts
"pending the past weak or two In teem.
Miss M.bs1 Strang 'a making an Wooded
visit with Meadow; In New York `Mate.
Herb, MaLsst, returned to Naw fork
Olio wink atter spending holidays lu lows.
Mia Mary Compbrll, Bruck et., is lo
Buffalo at prore05 owing the Pas•Amerioan.
A. J. Dickson Telt on Saturday to ouo
None Lit medlar.' coulee •t Mcleill Uolver•
Mlle Gertrude Hill returned on Saturday
to her home In City •Iter sp.udlog
the summer In town.
Harvey Howell, of Buf.lo, has been
yd defog relatives and sLaatug hands wah
old trlen,li and •cyuaiotsnce5 '.n 0uw0 sine•
ing the put week.
Wee McIntosh, who
has been elating her
grandmother, Mrs. Wm.
McIntosh, Albert street,
returned to her home at
I'orl Rowan on Tuesday.
Farewell, old friend, my hurt dole melt. Mrs. E. J. Copeland has returned to
I think of then with awe. 'res pity. that
thou art not fell, my good old hat of straw. for •tam. i race leaving Uoderlebw• the rodded for some time lo the Southern
H. 1. Strang, B.A., has been re denied to 'Katie. and latterly in Chicago.
the Semite of Toronto ll.ireraity, u • Mrs Darrow has gone to Toronto for
repreaotrltve til the nigh .obel mrsters of oedioal lteetment, her health heyday been
the f'rorton. very unsatisfactory for some time. Mier
}:very ratepayer should read the summa Beattie' Carrow ls with net to the pity.
hotel bylaw, published In another column
of this paper. The voting telt w place io
Monday, the 21.5 lee(,
'react. C. I. football teen, has ohsllenged
tho Seaforib team for the (lough cup,
whish they lost last Saturday. That's
right. boys; nay die.
The Collegiate lastitute baud met on
Thuredoy last and passed two .ocoauts
Le, A Shepherd. repute, etc , $40.94, and
1). Stadler'', work, $10 05.
George Hoskin, of the International Cod
portage Msalon, was 10 town this week In
the lettersets of the work. He acknowledges
the receipt of $9.20 from Uoderlob fneude.
Maitland Humber. formerly of town, won
another tool lea at Stratford last Saturday.
The ran was kr 100 yards, and Humber's
uompeu for was Jams Murphy, who was
beaten by sir trachea
Every few days • horse falls on the grass•
Menlo crossings. 1,rivera should be careful
epos epprosohing these crossings, and toles
they or. pretty sure of their horse they
g houl] sleeken speed.
t'olioe Magistrate eager granted an
e dlouromsnt tor • moms to Ili, ,• we of
t;eorge 11e11, charged with negiecttog to
provide tor his wife. All the parties to the
sue agreed to uktog for the odt1ournmeot.
There are three cocoas' ayall.b's for not
golop to Toronto this week. That you do
not belong to the maLC;, That you are
• thoroughgoing democrat, with an abhor
venni of Royal tuootlons. Lolly, tint yon
haven't the $4.05.
The Huron uniform promotion ox imino-
tlons will be held on 'fhursd•y and Friday,
Oatober 17th and 18 b. The comber of
pers mowed for each class whl be net
to he teachers by the ineprator upon sp-
ell() Ion.
The .anneal entertainment of the Mae-
Gdll,yrey Mission Hsnd will beheld in Koox
church sot he evening of Ootoler 18 h. A
good prosyo- will be' given ty members of
the 51 salon od, oaslsted by the beet local
t alent. Adm los, 15 cls.
The following 'res were made ob the
weekly meeting o the goo club last fed.
day : 11. Ruction , s; E. R. Watson, 4;
(leo. Allan, 6; W. Ru 0, 2; Capt. Donley,
5; Din Molver, 3; Kongvle. 5; W.
Leghorn, 7; Jas. Sumas hyo, 7. Abet
this the club will shoot at o'cl.ek on Fri-
day afternoon, and it ls th intention to
continuo tie practises throug . ut the win-
At the reception elven by th Muo,U
University t;ulona to the first y stu-
dents In arta, solenoe and law, 1. Ulm •tew-
• 11 ore..,led at the pine„ during the w ole
•ve0iog and played on several other ins*
moots. At the college opening on the 2e
inst. Mr. Stewart presided a: the pipe
organ and piano. He has also b'eo playing
lnstrumeutal solos sod acoomponyiog yooa-
lists at several gatherings outside the ool-
lege lino• be left lloderloh for Montreal
th a term.
All parties getting their sale hills printed at
this once will have a tree notice inserted
In thte 1tm bo to the time of sales.
M,NOAY, Uat 141b. - Aootion sate of
farm stook, also two valuable 50 acre farms.
wore half of lot 6, oen.8, Colborne. and west
half lot 4, oon. 9, Colborne, soil clay loom.
4 tie to commence et 12 o'olook noon, at lot
5, coo. 9, Colborne. Aux. ULzrrv, propyls•
tor, JOHN KNox, ouotlooeer.
l'ncor,oT, OJe. 15;h,-Clewlog suet no
sale of 7 head of horror, 45 heed of ,tet le,
25 sheep, 23 pig.. Property of John Fati-
gue, tote 2 and 3, K. D. Oolboroe. Every
mama to be sold. No reserve. Toone..
(ItNiOY, auctioneer.
TOIMDAY, October 15tb. --Auction sale of
form 'stook, Implements and hoaeshold turn
Whinge oe lots 77 and 28, god coo., ()oderieh
township. Jong WAL.LIN, proprl.tor.
Joffe KNox, auctioneer.
MONDAY, 001 21s5.-Aootion sale of form
stook sod Implements, property of RICHARD
Youroo,who boa sold his Harm and la retiring,
el IoM 5 and 6, oon. 4, W.I). Colborne. Sale
at 10 e'eleak. TI,OMAN (;ONDRY, anONOneer.
Sciling Out .....
..... Wal/ Pape
We intend to sell out of all Wall Paper in stock. Not one roll is to
be left. This is certainly a Chance of a Lifetime, as all papers
are NEW THIS YEAR, with the exception of probably five or
Rix patterns, of about 200 rolls each, ranging in price from 10c. to
25c, which will be sold at exactly One-half Price.
Other prices are as follows :
700 Roils Wall Paper, regular 5e and 6r pnr roll, welling Ohtt, frier, 3r rind 4, per 0.11,
980 " " . and 9, " " " be and 6c ./
600 " " " 12o and 15o " " " 8e and loo "
400 •• " 2Q' and 25e r' " 12tr and late
A very epeeist REDUCTION made nn nor regular 10r Pepsis.
The following rules must 1* observed during this sale :-
Too will have to look sharp, as this SALE will last only until
the 15th day of October.
PORTER'S Book Store,
Oer Telephone is Nn. 100 R.
Court Howse Sonora, Ooderlch.
W. Gahm le visiting the Pan American.
Rov, Father West was In Stretford ebb
sweet .
.10. l isle, of Wingh•m, was in town over
The Misses Nebel
MI** Kate Campaigne Ie visiting friends
In Helrolt.
J. E. Sharman Is home from Woodstock
fora week.
John ('aerie returned list
trip to the West.
Miss Kva Aus'brook Is spending a Hew
weeks in Toronto.
Alex. McIver spent a tea days at I,nn•
don the pest week.
Mrs Carleton returned from her visit to
Detroit o0 Monday.
Fred Muruey has been v;eiting the i'an•
Amertoso this week.
Mrs. A Martie, of Saginaw, Mich , Is
visiting Sits. F:. Martin.
R'p. Sharman left Mendoy morning en a
visit to the Pen American.
Mr. and Mrs. Rote. Black
flatting the Pan-Amerioan.
Alex. McCallum. of Tiverton, was In
town a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Warnock have been visit-
ing the Pan Amerism the pest week.
Mies .1. Shuman and Mrs. W ('. Prtd•
ham ars visiting rrlttivs' in Chicago.
Min Jean ',libretto le at the registry office
ageto after • holiday of 1 weeks.
Lieut. I. C Mueoo lett with the volon•
tsers on 'Fawley Inc Toronto. He will
Irit lest ween for
Joe. E (ward, son of Mrs. Edward, South
,troet, le home fro a 1'hloago, where he has
teen for• number of years, and may remain
have permanently Mr. Edward is &count
p.nied by hes wire
Dr. and Mrs. R bitely left Monday morel -
tog to spend • few days at the Yan•Amert-
ao, and afterwards to visit Toronto red
witness the reception to the Duke and
Duohes. of Cornwall,
Harvest thaok.glyiog services will be
held au St. 1.,orge's church on Suadey, Oor.
201). Roy. Mr. (Juno, of Cltntoo, will
Tins people of Hackett'• appointment in
Aabtield, are going to build • new Methodist
oburoh. Very few people ate aware of the
fact that there are seven Methodist ohtrab-
es withiu the borders of this township. -
New Ere.
At o meeting of the Loolon blanch of
the lVumen's Mh.+lorary Society of the
London Methodist Conlereeoe, held at Sar-
n ia Hut week, the following ethane were
oilmen :-Hoo, president, Mrv. Burns. St.
Thome': president, Mrs. McMahen, 1. -in -
don; 1st 'foe -president, Mrs. Wrignt, South
l.00d,nt,2ed vim premien', Mrs. Fowler,
Nest London; 3rd vice president, Mrs.
Dickson, London; recording secretory, Mr..
Acheson, Goderloh; corres; oodiog secretary,
Mrs, ('ueniogham, Kioosrdine; treasurer,
Mies L zzl. Acheson, Goderlch; superinten•
dent systematic givlug, Mr.. 'r t, Loa.
dos: superioteodeut Minion Band Urol.,
Mr.. 1)sty, Landon. Doleeates to the
63604 -Mrs H.rrlson, Mrs. Fow'er, Mrs
Tennant, of London. 1 hs 5,eiety will meet
n ext year In Clinton, at Ksttecbury st,
week from his
have been
TIIkoo, t'i ins Si'oNO.. - The Oil
Reporter holds the opinion that Uwe; 1' R
hag blocked the ilea Dover and Qoderich
railway rchrme. 11 says: "Mr. J. 4
('lark, the Drnmcter of the Port Dover,
Brantford, Bell n and t;odert]b Relleay,
bee thrown up the *poegs iio ratites
from the field of promotion for the present,
admitting defect it the hands of other
interests. In e11 probabilty the Canadian
Pacific, which his a cootrolllcg Interest In
the (,alt, Preston and neepeler Street
Rsilway, refused to •ell the same to eta
Toronto capitalists who were prepared to
make the local road • link in A system el
electric) lines Fur year" ago the (:alt,
Preetoo & Hoepeler Railway almost weak
begging for a purchaser. The Catarina
Pacific tock over Its beads from the hank
hat held them and now has a very valuable
e of property. It 1" doubtful 1f that
0o. • any would to day'part with it at • large
advs - toe on the purohsse price. Mr. ("ark
undou eddy had Toronto oanitaliste behind
him. toy v1,+;ted this sectton last spring,
"poke big y ot the oonotty here&houts, and
expressed t air willingness to menet In the
nrgarrzstlou f a strong inter-orbrn line.
They must hay struck a mag at Montreal."
For the Sik .. .. .
The doctor can do you no flood un•
less his proscriptions are properly put
up frum re'iable ingredients.
That a where we render invaluable
nisi to the doctor.
We compound proscriptions as they
ehoold be.
F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
Corner of Wret eL and tho Square.
LttiAL INroarartot,-From The Mall
and Empire's legal column last Saturday we
take the following: W. W , Wroxeter, -
Qu -A sold a note to B, whish, reit rn pre•
seated to the maker, wee declared to be a
forgery. A war sures! ed and tried for
forgery, but was acquitted. Will the maker
of the note now be liable kr the •mount
thereof to lb• pundit's'? Ana -The tool
that A was acquitted of the charge of forgery
doe. 0v^ prove that the note 1e genuine.
Some other person may have committed the
forgery. 11 a suit is entered upon the Dote,
the defendant III 7 show that tis• august of•
to 1111 not his; and if he sa0 prove to the
setlefectioo of the judge or jury that he did
not sign It, the judgment will be entered
In Lir favor, and he will be relieved entirely
from tho payment. 1'. S., Fordwlch, -Qu.
-Can a lawyer who drawee will also be •
witness to the testator's signature along
with &moths.! Ans.- the lawyer who
draws a will can also he • tritons to the
t.ttatot's •Ignitors. The e•soo to whom
• gift, legacy, or devise le made can only be
admitted to prove the execution of the will
on condition o1 the gift, deal** or legacy
below sole red null anvd oid. lint this does
o dents
not opply to the ase cf • gift to • creditor
In pvymeot of Lis debt. See W,1'' Aot, R.
5, (1., cbap. 128, ren. 17 •0d 1,1.
Springfield Republican : A British mild
tary expert now shows from the protraction
of the Iter war that Mr. Gladstone mads
the wont possible Gallica to 1581 whin he
deolded to !rave to the Iters their oountry,
even after the British defeat at Mantis.
A war for rho corqucet of the 11 -ter republics
would have been duutreus because at that
time the railroads to 5,nth Afrea, upon
which the British army of leyaslos 1e now
Victoria Oiera house
The old-time favorite,
in the funniest of.all high-class
comedy dramas.
"The Mountebank "
Prices reduced to 25, 35, and 50o
Y.N.-Tele att.raotion hat boon **cured by
the Management under heavy expense, and
after • great deal of trouble the date has
been changed frnm Monday to Thursday to
mit the demand nt the many petroee who
found It impossible to see Mr. 1)'1) zn nn the
are prepared to give
We have the most complete latch made.
astonishes all. It goes from 30 to 40 per cent. farther
than any other Cement sold in town. We have a car to
arrive fresh from the kiln at once.
Let us figure with yon before yon purchase
We can show yon how to save mnnoy,
E7We have some American Field Fencing on hand.
Out they go !
MI our odds and ends of Summer Shoes Must be cleared
during the next two weeks, no matter if we do lose Money.
Out they must go !
Our Bargain Counter will offer you a splendid opportunity
to Nave Money.
50 pairs of Shoos ; your choice for 500. per pair,
In,,,tly for boys and girls. They are all right in every
%%ay, loft eye have only a pair or two of each kind left,
50 pairs Ladies' Dong. Oxford Ties, regular $1.00 and
$1.25 Shoes -all new goods -any pair in the lot for 75c.
We also have a number of pairs of Men's Shoes that are
slightly out of style, that we have put on our counters at
.111ST HALF PRICE. If you can get a fit you will have
a bargain, as they aro good goods.
We have the exclueivo sale of tho two best makes of Ameri-
can-made Shoes, viz.:
Salt. Agent for " Queen Quality " and " Walk Over " Shoes. GODERICH,
soar; y depeodeit, did not exist, beaante
nowhere near to large • force could then
haus been sent from England, and because
twenty years ago • loog and omtty war
would u,o sato• been popular with the
British people. At that time nn gold fields
bad bcso discovered, and the !mperlolistlo
spirit had not yet oao.iht the public, homey.
Mr. GI•dstone uodo.btedly .a, moved by
magnantmity to hie course, but Col. Hanna
believes now that be was also moved by
simple prudence to avoid Irtog entrapped
to • military morass.
October 9th, ICII at the home of the
brides parents. Witham St.. by Rev. Jas.
A, Anderson B.A.. Jane Jessie (Tens).
seoond daughter of James ('rolaie. to
Oscar W'. Hussart, or Buffalo, N.Y.
SLATTKItS. In Uoderlrh, on ttedoeoley
morning, October 91h, I9)I. Ano1, Slat
eery. hrl,vel wife of Mr, Jon, es stetter,.
aged til years.
The funeral will take place from the red
demos of her husband, Maitland Road. (50de
Bch. on Friday morning. presser Ilth, at a/0
o'clock. to St. I'nter's church, thence to It. C.
cemetery, Colborne.
who had been with the late 11 It 8"rku Has
tor several yoan, and is thoroughly tee-
veraaot with all classes of work that bare
been done In the shop. wishes to 00000m -s
that be has taken charge of the sstaISI.h
meet and will catty on the business In
such • masers: as to retain the confidante -
and potronago heretofore ex fended to the
late owner. and will be pleased to have as
mans new customers lee will favor him
with their patronage. In additten to Ship
Wort. Hoe )'low,. Street Wa•ering Wag-
ons. Horse Power,, etc , hr will ooetinue
Ittl'Allt WORK of .11 kind,. MA-
1N0, THRLAtHNU. and all kinds of ma
shin work done on short notice.
lis h&ts also added • fret -clam BRAZING
PLANT. and all wo:k tm that use. including
Bicycle repairing and brakes of .It Mode. ren
be attended to 00 .bort oo'in, Lawn Mow -
era sharpened. 1'rlces will be found quite
JAll te R. JOHN+TON,
The tete D. K etrsctsn's Machine sad Itiock
smuts Shop. Victoria et., Natertch,
1 TF.LI.rLOyf: 10. l'.
rad eeea wR*T eF
A Very Special Bargain ins
Suiting Materials.
THIS week we tell about the biggest bargain in costume materials that
ever went over our counters. It is an all wool fabric, 54 inches wide,
cheviot finish, comes in dark shades and will make a serviceable and
stylish costume. If we had paid regular price it could not be sold for
Tess than $1.00 per yard, as it is our price will be just one-half of that,
50 cts. a Yard.
75 yards only ladies' o. stume sloth, cheviot finish, dark owl. s, 54 (oohs' wide, all wool, will weer well and 50c
mass a stylish unit, rcaular $1 00 per yard, spooled at per yard
Fur Reminder,
c remind you again of the excellence of our flu' stocks.
If yo want good furs yon will make no mistake in coming
here f1 them. The furs we sell are good any way you like
to take 1 em and qualities can be depended on to be abso-
lutely relia le in every case.
Black gooey caper) e,thlckly fur-
red, o,rcul.r Shape, hl Worm lel
lar, fancy lining, each
Bleck Astrachan osoerine., even
our(, glossy tor, extra good q i ,ty,
well made, high storm nnllar,rn ee
down will heck and frons int
special value., each
Meek ...possum opossum oaperinee, ciroo•
lar shape, high storm onllar, thickly
furred, stylish and servi•,bio, each
Extra gond du.ltty 'dentrin gaol
capering, h'gh miller, long front,
4 large tails, satin lined, each 12.00
RUerk Astrachan jwk. 1.', mode
Iran, e5ni'•a p.Lc' 'kin.. g i,r,n
trod to strew, glr,.y even curl,
heavy quilted is in lining, 24 and
27 inches I,ng, high store, cellar,
verge, each .35.00
Ladles' iI, Jaokets,27 ierbee,
semi fitting hack, pearl button,, %el -
vet collar. meroerlvd lining, 5 rows 7•nn
Silk stitching around bottom, *soh. W
Fanny ooperine, good quality el-
eotrio seat with blue opoe.nm trim•
mills. and ( tiller, 6 large tails, a 14.00
handsome g .rmenb, esoh
Black Astrschtn jackets, made
from good skins, even curl. guaran-
teed to wear, lint class lining,
etoti 28.00
Ifoprlsome (Beaver Mantles. mads
from the vera beet quality, 36 an
42 mnoIa' lorteNeh 111.0 over or
(mat collet", haad.omely trimmed
with strapphtka n( cloth, and "Ilk
slltohlne, sheds* if Fawn and
Block, no two torments alike, at
112.00, 15.00. 18.00, 20.00
The New Mantles.
Some of tho handsomest garments in town are to he nd
in our Mantle Show -room. Styles are those most favo ' d
by fashion for hall and Winter wear, materials in every cas
are thoroughly dependable, workmanship is first-class and
values good.
India' Cloth Jacket, ahrdee of
auk Oxford Grey and Fawn, 27
lashes long, semi 5t.'Ing back, large
rearm, Haney pearl battone, mer.
welled !Miele. each
Ladies' Beaver dockets, tailor.
made, pearl hilltop,, lame rs,sres,
nod Melo, hick, flared sines..,
8.50 mercerised Ilene throughout
Agents for Standard Patterns.
Ribbed Cashmere Hose
with double knees, 25c.
These Cashmere Stock-
ings are the best we have
ever sold for the money.
They just came in this
week and are under value.
We do not think you can
find their eq u a 1 in the
t rade
Knitted Cashmere Hose, 4 and 1
nb, gond weight, extra strong
double knee, will give satidoo-
tory wear. sizes e;, 9, 9i, e100 25c
epeeist value value at ppair........
An all wool gray Flannel
for 20c.
The 26o kind.
You are saving exactly 5c.
per yard by buying this gray
flannel at 200. 24e. is what
it will cost you any place Ise
in town.
Heavy weight, soft finish, all wool
Gray lliannel, plain or twilled, dark
or light gray', regular 25o, epeeist 20c
Prim pet yard
• 'e,
tF.. riF
For these
cool October
nights a pair
of good flan-
nelette Blan-
are an ideal hell covering,
soft, light and waren, they
grow more papular each s('a-
Flannelette Machete, firm and
tarring, soft fluffy Milch, 10 4 5'711,
,nod weight, grayer •ream with pink 85C
or bias herder, per pair ...... ....
Rets& heavy Flannelette (Blankets,
English maks, soft fieisk, plain
asso, sites large also, for palT ....