The Signal, 1901-10-10, Page 7DORA BOOTH'S PREOICMENTS Wedged in a Transom Shocked Guests. HIM CRIMES IM FRANCE. Farmer, Afflicted With Ne- crophily, Disinters Bodies She TWO WOMEN AS HIGHWAYMEN. lauds, Oct. 6. -.All ',ranee luta been rluging with the horror iJ ghoulish crtmew perpetrated by a yotatg far- mer warned Ardineon, near Toulon. 'Pito crimes" rival the awful expluita of the feuded Baron Ullleer du Metz. Anl4w nl systematically unearthed iodic* of glrla laud women, which lin decapitated, taking the beads' Moine. Remittal, aoeldentally found In a hay- loft lad to the dibcovery of the crhusw. Experts in mental dlreaser diciest that Ardinaon is afflicted with a amnia called neerPhlly. A new terror has been added to Parise life rieently. Two female high - nal Melt furco.i ('lurlew Ilnrason to etas! and deliver. Each h 1•t it bowie knife Ikeuerun valued his life •mere Gunn the forty frn.nly, fru luet'.wel oral Informed the p,,,lice. 'fhe pair were captured, !magus had a g'1.1 meal fur once. Jean Thouzet, who haul it habit of Inoting a joy use life, had a Jail ran- teme peered on him bf eight days for hwultiug a polormnn. Ho ar- ranged with tone of his employees to impereet'gnte lain and go to prison. Thu nuthoritlew recently learned of the deception, and now Th,uzet, who fnlltx' to appear In court, gate twenty yens' hard labor by default. A veritable Jack ohveprpnrd war captured on the boulevards the other day. lin bolted from it jew- eller's with a diamond ring find hoose diamonds. lin dropped the latter to delay Ids purruere, but warn caught and caged. lin :+hanged clothes with a drunken tramp in his cell. When he was, neverlheleen, conducted into court through the rtrwet he tutted ft policeman in the stomach. kicked another in the fat'., ewcapod, was recaptured. bolted out of the court twice,, once by the door and once by it window. whence he was pulled back by the loge. He was committed to the Centred Po- lice giatlon. 1 A cowardly attack wag matin - on Tun,alny night on a youth of 18. I'aul .trmanul, .4 °nlut L•ten. who Iasi brought hie fiancee, it girl tout hie own ago, to et theatre in •tris. During the interval Arnaud as at a cafe facing the theatre a for er comrade who had h xu ✓ Ing the girl, but had' heen ttlro over. Armand returned to the t . • tro and remained to the end of the performance. A. he no returning to Saint Ou:•n at fells it. with his cemptni on on foot. h perceived he was follow- ed. On .t ning he wits e•o:froat- ex1 by four „ n. Inclnding his fotlm- er comrade. The (atter draw his revolter nna • ot Annelid. ile then escaped and le till at large. Iola vketim Ilse in 0 doss condition at TRAVEIIINCMEN HORRIFIED t Ire k Ilud to Sew the I rrusotn 1u 7 wu to Get the Plump Actress I'uwu, Tbeu She Feluted Story or u !bathroom Trrged)•. Taw York. Out. 7.-1 judo rad dory. fleeing; with the lndlrcretion of n ite,ling woman, who is old ''lough t.. know btitort n With, a toe 'd dour, n climb to the transom, and a charming sight (tr several Iouely oaieiiitlg men. Zhu bottling woman who waft the etIUar rote in this tale is Mira Bootie of a " When We Were 1weutyons" cumpauY playing in the far west. Ile v0411113111 was in Iowa Fa In... part Tuesday. anti while in t Quiet little village Mies Boot! concluded to bathe to ►ter heart's tent. One hotel but- ler. where a was 'topping. was well provided lone& defusing neves- piths'. .0 just before dinner Mier Routh mettle her way to the bath- room Met coyly is, u bath rule rued slippers. Somebody Lucked lier In, , She was ell anxious to come Int.) re... contact with the water that. utero like a .uubrette titan a lead- ing welmail. %Ito forgot 'to put the key o11 the teede of the deer. Long I hweet commune did to hold enth that bath. which, as II well know, is n grand thing du ng et rUui of one night 'oriole, ell Jett us rine was fittbhhig some one. 1r: - tiler for revenge or fun its not known. panel elonit the hall a id quietly turned the key. locking t deur. But liie bath had Invigorated'the rte•trow muck. and donning her dreg -- Aug gown she chuckled merrily as elle thought of climbing through tire transom which yawned above her. Being atliletOn, she itad no trouble climbing to tete top of the door, out, i o(ng robust as well. she found much difficulty in aque•stng her head and "e,ouiders through the opening. Became Mast !u the Tren.ou,. Try as ante week!. the rt malodor el her anatomy ax,ukl not be forced .&,neigh the opening. Then she at- ,. opted to withdraw her beset and seveilder& but- H,.rrors t • 'fleece portions of her anatomy were clutched as to a vice. Then did 1 H courage of the actress' fall, and trees her lung* there emanated a _ t ester- .i. aeon the inner- most corner. of the hotel. Travel- „eig men. actors and natives came 'echoing to see what it wee all hoot. They saw for about flue minute& fortes which tlmo a clerk sawed the • ransom in twlf and gentle and will- ing hands hronght the leading wo- man to the floor. She promptly faint- ed, end afterward refused not only I., go Leto the dining room. bat also 11o'appeftr, welt clouted, though sine w.aid have beetroot that utght's per - 1 rmaoce. ANARCHISTS AND FENIANS. Both Wings of the Same Dangerous Element. the hospital. SUSP TPOUBLE IN CHIN LOOKS uK€ a SUICIDE, NOT YET OIER. Return of Court Adds Crush- ing Burdens. GUARDS COMPLAINED OF. Charged That They Abuse o'hinese -- I- otIii. Nt111 Goes on Legut lues Erecting Aruna Defence va orkr Tex Qtirslleus 1:euar l)Inlrultyl. Pekin, U.•l. 7. --Tho offtclnli here hacu ,ot loot note!'! its to whe- ther Lite court had startup fur Kai Feng Fit. Pr. alone adv wee lead to t(te. belief that the court did start. The temporary palace at Kai Feag Fu and Pao Ting Fu are be- ing prepared 1 ko p:•rm&nent dwell - Ings, although they will be occupied only for a few dnye. The requiilllu:id fur the travelling expenses already amount to 1:3,000,000 tater, in spite of the edict enjolalu6 eruuumy 111 this respect. The sale of prepare - them may be judged from a single iter:: 80,000 litchi will be expen•Ie l on table ware. Several local officiate along the route have resigned because they are unable to meet the lexpertaes of eutertaining the court. The lat- ter'n jourue,y 1s particularly un- fortunate, tteenuee the regions tra- versed have been impoverirltsl by the summer famine. (Guards Cause Trouble. The Chinese officials etre eonelder- ing the dcalrability of prof,eeting act tine Foreign efislater' against the conduet of the legation guards. The spittle?. centime's to trent tltinese like a conquered people. Groupe of Fred Glebe's Head Taken off by a Train• FELL OR LAY DOWN ON TRACK. Guelph, Oet. 6.--A very sad fatal- ity occurred at Aetou 'cation this morning, the indication's of which point to suicide. and by which tine wife and family of Mr. Fred Glebe, ruttier, were 'suddenly pluugsd into tit+ hirs& grief over hie untimely death. e Mr Glebe was puttees! coming up to the 'station this ulrulug by Rev. 11 A. Mcl'hereaoy, who was down ree- ling off Moor Fraser, one of the vocal - lets of' night's. &mincing at Acton, %% lei woe returuing to Toronto by the 635 train. The train started whli.• Mr McPherson was ou It. and hn Juwpe.t off beyond the elation elrttfortu. 011 walking back he war horrified to Nee at the mini of the platform the decapitated body of a nose, w'tttt arms eruhitil, lying 011 .,fe .11. .d the outer rails, and the fiend on the Inure ride of the roll. lie recognized It uft that of Mr. Glebes 11 o ars quickly conveyed to shelter. It wtould 'seem, from the psillor in whirlt the body was found, that' til• 1111 fort u1111111 matt hail fallen ilrroue the reit, or had deliberately hill hid head across the raU behind Ills tender wheels and la front of the Iveggage ear wheels, and that tris life w'ni crushed cul as soon as We toile alerted. The trainmen did out know of what bud- happened ue111 t hey reached G. orgetown. Me - til. bra wawa practical miller nett catu.. to ActOn last June from Mild- uwy, where he had been In the mill - lug tnlhiness with hie brother -in -low. ll:• brought the mill formerly run by the ('Rayne brothers, tut 1 spent a toted deal of looney in putting It In good shape and In building a nice reel - (tenor. Ile lad been telling hi* ac- quaintance; lately that he was din - courage(' became the return for this expenditure did not, come In so quickly as he thought it should, and pie was quite despondent. He was about 45 years asp age, and leaves a wife and three children. The bodhw of three of the crew of -the host wtrsttaer flushed' have heen found. and taken to Houghton. Mich. 14 MUNI R Terrible Charge Against a Ohio VV Oman. KELLEY'S SPEECH STIRS BRITAIN LNvlan, Oat. '/.-The sp'oeh of 11. Kelley, Cf New' York, at the Annr- chlst meeting held yesterday 1.1 a hue 1a the Tottenham l'Wft, Lindon. In which he denounced the late Presi- dent McKinley's political career, has 11.1 to n revival of the drmnnd fir the extirpntl.ut of Anarchlete. Thn 1'.11 MallGasatte thin afternoon cone Pone :tnarchlem with F'pnianirut, acuutnlrre that tho only difference between the sentiment of Anarch'ats ant the war of outrage advreate•d by Ouch men a5 former l'oagressma t 'In- ert! In merely ane of divers*. uuenne to the name e•n 1, urge. that the folic() of the two Anglo -Nixon 1a - flow be empowered to that concert- ed fiction to hunt it own the io'lul enemy, whether Anarchist or Fenian, and that both Governments Mamma them the right of asylum. lied 0 colncldence, the Tlnuw thew &crena print. re hong article from Illwlthtgton protesting 'ignited the Manioc ;Mowed the Irish in Amrrienn in plotting against finest Britain. t'emmenting tit thio, the Sl. Jamas Gillet t. think* British, hand's err not eitt..gther (dean, Foul that nu law week! be etrnhted If KePey foul other forr•itrnrre whnnn cult li murder re- vived Immediate notice to quit, A KENTUCKY RUCTION SHE HAD FOUR HUSBANDS. W hum She 1s suspected ot Murdering Also 1.lre• t htldres, One !lister Hud Four Other 1'.-Iluy'a Itody Hound 1w it Hag. Dayton, Ohlo., tl'itwer, to widow residing 1n, this ity, lune 1.4e11 arrestetl.by the police at ter instigatkes atff the t'oroeer and is Bell a prisoner tat Central Statlutl Purling MI Investigation into very 'nous charges. lF;re. Witwer, the police say, Is suspected of four- teen murders', the list tn.^Imling four husbands, five children, one sinter anti fnnr members of different foot Ilius lit wltl.th she wag employed as housekeeper. The loot ruppoeetl 11' - Gin was her sinter, Mrs. :tuna Pugh, wisp tad a week ago under myster- ia,ar eirrumata aces. An autopsy per (coined at the retinest of Mrs. Wit- wer'e norther, who mutt here front Detroit, Is soil to have disclosed the prrttence of areetde and copperas In Won retenitach. Following closely npon the (Meth of her fleet Ituubaud Freta. Schwager In Which Four are Kilted rad Four Wounded. Middlesboro', Ky., Oct. 7.-.t feudal Litt, in which four persons were killed and fon• wounded, occerred teetendny at the Big sp.ringi 1'n:on RRnnptlut Church, over the Te'nnes'see tome. The killed: Tip ('hvdwe•II .1a.. Chad- IwMI. kursh Morinin and Henry Mor- ten value, according to tae pollee depart- ment &haus. the death of two children. The soon.] hudbarel died suddenly several years alter Ube welding and the children of this marriage died L:t reipitl snrrwrsiax). Her last hustrtnd, A..1. Witwer, .11x1 Iasi April. In eacli Inwtanre ambit was e'wewhat suds dem and all were etrnngely alike. The prinnner ie 44 years oki,-and ferineely lived in Middletown, tide State. She bens two sons In the I'hllip- pinrva, and n mister. 11' Is mtnted, in n Now York neylnm. ppoe,BetIvabal»o- tive for the a mpeoteol crime's has b(xtt ditcI,eeed. i)rugs Rated In the hover' occupied by Mrs. WItwer ere in the poemeesit>n of the police, and will be examined,. The nonn,ied: Henry Overstreet, tnortnlly : .Tone., mortally '. Mortegan, Ing leekt•n, and Joe Moserly. feel 1:1111t4IN . Tin penal luno extorted between the irginia. Morgan and the Tennessee Ice, e n PInOder t n ill war.h cire thirty Morgangand forty Chad- well,' have been killed in the neater - es fights that have takes place. KING'S BIRTHDAY. rot• WIII hp (11. .1 ids w Piddle 1lollda)•. Ottawa, (int. 7,-(8pcetal.t-Thi' nth November. Riag 'Awn ?Wit Met holey, will he a public holiday. Under the in- terpretation Act, among keit'"ya b Ulf hlrtpi'bty, or tray fixed by pro- elasna con for the celebration of the Mrlhrkey, of the relgning eovertlen. 'fliers ks na Intention so far to lam" MVP eredftmetlnn flvlee another tiny, sn tint the 911, November will it nh- IUrved ns ft 3ttbnto hnl!tday. y ?� 4s. •Y )LR8 sSARfH R'. BRAZEI.L, Who linen& y ae ilei krklee of Geo.. M. Pullman. mailers roam about the city, wear- ing their midis arms, often intoxi- cated. maltreating the natives and aemmltting petty robberies. A party of Afeeraoaas-recenUe looted _a.ili-. ',etennitI's store, meeurlag several hundred torts worth of property. Tho whole garrison was "confined tat barracks until the guilty men were detected. The Governor of Pekin hon protemtel immense for ?ion hkxeke:epers continue to oec_upy building,. whirl' they Noised In 1000, rrgardlese of their owners' welshes The miui.rters will evict the More - keepers from these places. 1oreed Labor. Corrrep ndente Ins been exchang- ed between the Chinese offielals and the minietern regarding the cixnpiiInts made by Chinese that they have been compelled, against their will. to take pert In the work OV ?sold ng the new iegrsitons 11 is becoming evident that some mesh* vivendi mutat be e.tnbnd... i, or the conditions here will became interim- Trete Ilitool. 1•rrso■ Ilwd l'repteed stele. 1 I Illnmeit for Defence. Meeh* td)efewMs. - csrbuudntr, rnt►, Out. era. IRVING AND TERRY SAIL. HUMAN FLESH PUBLICLY OLD. Shocking Famine Story From Shansi, China. AWFUL DISASTERSIN JAPAN Rive Huudred Boats Wrecked -River Overflows Submeralag Several V Mese* 000 Houses I)eslreyed-- Aueerieaus Cannot Mlue In Slberla Tacumu, Wash., Oct. 7. -The s. ■. Glenugle briugr never of human flesh b •ing freely amid in the fanzine die- tricte of Shansi, China. Bobs and yuntug children are being butchered. The Emprerr Dowager ham ordered that the practice be stopped, but is oily aria to force her orders around Helena Bi,. The Honey collected by the Christian Herald, of New York, has been distributed, waving Many from starvation. Oleanders Ill Japan. Tacoma, Waeli , Oct. 7. -Steamer advicev" are that the cosset of Kam- m, northern Japan, has been visit- ed by heavy Baler, wrecking four hundred flahlns boats. Five boats are miming. Heavy robes retired an overflow of the rives at Hokkaido, Washing- ton, destroying six hundred house', and submerging many villages. Shut that of Slberla. Seattle, Wn., Oct. 7.-1). Favanoff, a repremtpptative nef the Itneslan Gov- ernment, who has returned from a trip of inspection to Nome fled Si- b •ala, states that American miners will. b t strictly prohibited from either mining on their own acconut or work - leg for wages In Siberia. Iio also ittate0 that next spring the treasury department of the IGtarlan Govern - melt will patrol the Siberian reve- nue steamers whose duty it will be to see that no trading is done with the natives except by person' act- ing under pernilts from the knavinn liovernnzent. Sir Henry Toasts "Cwe Nations That Are Use " at Farewell Luncheon. London, Oct. 6. -Sir Henry Irving. Mist F.ilen Terry, and seventy mem- bers of their company sailed for New York yesteriny on the steamship Minnehnh'i. There wawa farewell luncheon nbonral the ship, int which a largo company waw present. The perty Included Mr. Irving's eldest son and his wife and Miss Terry's son and daughter, none of whom will nc- Oompnn,Y the party to Amerlra. In response to n teru,t, Sir Henry Irving mkt: "I p.m sure that when wo return home we will bring a cep, aei nnl,overflowing with generosity aro! good -will. I drink to two nations that aro one." The company carries 623 pieces of heritage. . KILLED BY A MINISTER. R'os's Body In a hog. New Tork, Oct. 7.-Whnt nifty tarn mut to be n murder mystery was; when &1N- (11N- coye.t'd enrly 11t14 morning, h bur- lap ling was fouled inef an u an aerate wn d boy in a bnt NH West ' 3rd street. The body wan Clothed only In ria of light cotton drawertl. but Iles de the body were pptratetits which evidently had be- lepng(41 to the Ind. Except for it mark on the boy's abdomen there woe nn mark el violence net the lusty., The , of T.0, Wart A > tat ear et as that of kW fort Albert,lt11,.n anid he had Inst meet the bey alive yeaterdny nt 4 celerk, when h' wile ponyleg on the street he (reel of 111s h'eme. H' sold v hie sten' whv h he knew of no ren abxd•1 have been killed, as the fend'y" hnd w enemy-. -- Treaty of herlln. Pare'. 0O. 6 -The Vlennn rarer• .pxode'nt of the Rapp.' my. I1 la toe ilevr,l tlytt ns n result of the limit of the (ear to Frnusee the treaty of Berlin will be revised. Notwithstanding the Minieterei pol- gaily was enacted hers to -day at a icy of moderation in erecting tie- time when the streets werecrowd- fe nces the legation quarter .Presents Le with people. John C. Brown was the app earaioe of a fortified clty. lfiot by' Rei Joilepli llinOammIah, 119 - The Britlwh defrnee., impolite the MR .16fty m111ntem later. The two imp••rinl City. arm ptnrtleularly form!- mem "hail bean bitter mies for (bible;le; the Italian defences, nrtj.4n- nearly a year, owlet to Browhenebeing Ing the British, have enrbrnanrea for Jordon! of the relations between hie cermet; n deep moot protrrt. tin wife and the minister. During the orman 'section. and aerosi the city saris, morning bourn Brown told sev- Gwell the Germans have crusted n trap citizen.; (lint he would kIl Me - i (iamml,h before sundown. The word 'dole fort for artillery. I reached the miniatrr, and he armed hlmarlf. Mielnmmieh had gone into a More Tat Qaeslona. Print!, fin. collector of taxes, has store t u trnnenrt soma business, find adopted the policy of taxing gnolls itrown, ti.eir&g him, went to him with laic Inn open knife In WS hen& Deepened brought Vito Pekin for foreign mar- i a quarrel, and raised him hnnd to chants heretofore such goods have ' not h•en taxed. and the merchants protected to the Ministers. who have CHINO SEEKS DIME, Form !`Suitor of Jersey Lily South Dakota, LONDON STUDENT'S DEATH, Allan Gibbons Found With a Bullet in His Brain. SAYS HIS WWE DESERTED HIM B'oux Falls, D., Oct. 7. -When Fres! Oebhartl, tit prominent New Yorker Who gain considerable notoriety sane year ago through the linking of hid noato with that of the Jersey Lily, arrti'.d in Sioux Falls early last April with is dray - load of trunk* and a valet, It was rumoreal that he had come, oho purpose of remaining ' -1 menthe necessary lu order eO e Lair loom n reeklrcee in the State\so he mumu make application for is from hie wife. lie has through his atter Batley 4a Voorhees, of this arty, it hull in the State Circuit Court, here praying for un absolute divorce` from lila wife, lire. Louise Morris Gelman'. The butt probably will ire without seneatlonal (*.Mures, ne It Is bass) upon the simple gr.sun,l of desertion. If the curt..mary proced- ure Is followed, as it. dt/ubtless will be, it is probable that within the next two week* the hearing will be held and Gebltard granted the divorce which he seek& The defendant, before marringe, wain Miss Loulee Morris, an acknowl- edged belle of Baltimore. S:nce com- ing to Sioux Fails last Spring. Orb - Imo] has occupied n sults ):f acuses at n local hotel Mr. Uebhard marries' Louise Hol- lingsworth Morrie, of Baltimore, on March 14. 181)4. The late Iter. Malt- btry I). Babeohk, at tint time pastor of the Brown Memorial Church, mar- ried them. The brldegraerm was then 37 and the bride 22. Mrs. tiebhard was known as one of Baltimore's "big five,' a qutflttste .of the most beau tiful wom>n in New York. She Is n daughter orf Jolm II. Morrie. She met Gebhanl at Narragansett I'ter in 181I2. Mr. Gebhetrd'is earliest lee nf• fair of record wan with Mita Lconl Jerome, afterwards Mr.. Jnek Lea lir. They were engaged for a year, until 1,1Iy Langtry cams here in 1892 wttd& Mrs. Lnlxas•hern av chaperone. Oscar Wilde, Introduced Mr. tiebhard and Mri. Langtry. Ile followed lure. Langtry throughout her tour, tak• tag hi* Iwvr.ew with lion from city to clay and even zhra.ad. (lebhnrd a vd Mrs. Langtry lived et the ',rime iice tela, and tiebhanl had several row. ori her arcovurt. The chaperone early Ln the game .IschOee) to nnlnad her re- ubxmedbilitlne and went back to F.ng. land. The (iehharda n long time. BELIEVED TO BE ACCIDENTAL. loroitto, Oct. 7.-.illau Gibbons, 17 years old, son of Mr. Geo. C. Gib- bons. K. ('., Loudon, accidentally slot himself at itis lodging', 46 Murry' street, on Saturdny evening Overtly ufter 6 o'clock. and dic,l wIthout regaining contciouenese in the Emergency Iloipital at 5 o'clock yesterday morning. 11.0 affair to a peculiarly sad ono. The young man name to the oily a week also to outer the uulverslty. A cluter stud- ent. he was of a bright, genial dis- position, foul of outdoor 'sports :end In the few days( he war here won many friends among the ooll.'ge fraternities. On Saturday evening le) was to have been initiate.' a member of the Alpha Delta Plil Fraternity, a secret society competed of college %tu•t- enW and graduated. He had receiv- ed the fullewing letter from the society : "Neophyte. -Bo at the corner of St. George an 1 Dupont str••ctr un the corning of Saturday. the 5th of October, ut 7.30 o'clock, and there await a rmmnlons. Fall not la this and mention not this uotice.' The letter Was found tore sued ly- ing upon a table 1n the roots. It was unsigned, but born the .:rest of the fraternity. As the young mars .11.1 not obey the command of the society, some of:the members went to No46 Murray street and inquired for hiss: He ap- lrtrently wee not in, so they repeated the call later. The doer of hie room was locked and his chum, Allen Magee, also of Loudon, but who lodged nerots the ftreet at the Alpha Delta I'll 4Monter House, was sent for, and he elhnlesl over the transom Into the rare. There he found the puling man lying Renter the bed, his head in a pool ed Wood, one hand hanging over the wage, and a revolver on the floor beneath it. Coroner Pow- ell and Dr. Peters were notified. and when they usrlvel found Gibbons un- 'minimise's, with a bullet wound in the right teynple and n Io/le in the top of the heed towards the back, show- ing that the bullet had gone clear through. They had hon taken to the iospital, where n trepanning sip -ra- tion controlled the fa ne rrhngo, and the. young meat rallied somewhat alxout midnight, but succumbed to the shock abort :, o'clock, without regaining rvonsciumme,N. Coroner J'owt11 sf.erwards eenr:hed pits room at No. 46 Murray street, hitt found nothing to show that the shooting WAS not rterldentnl. The revolver had been loaded Iti ell the PRISONS Of MOROCCO The Sultan Intends to Effect a 1 horough Reform. strike Mt'ttnmniltlt, when the letter drew h1a revolver andfired. Brown leaven a wife anti one 'hill. held that the goods shell remain on, t n tad. on the fi ouari that .they aro Intended for the nee of the legations. THEY SEEK DIVORCES. OrAtnsttein at Devlin Berlin, Ont., Oet. 6.-To-d:ty in St. Mery'. Church lit■ Lordship Blahop isiwling, of Hamilton, relent fnnr young men to the dignity of the priest hornet. The new priests nrt Fathers A. L. Zinger. .1. J. Fischer, ('laid, Kiefer and Jiraacie Pirshukl. .All fire members of the Congregation of the Itesnrrectlun, and will be nttnehrd to the teething Maes!! M Mt. Jerom•e's College, where they were telueateed. • chambers, and sine cartridge was empty. No other eartrkiges were found, and the fact that the face instead of the temple was smeared with powder showed Utiit the weapon had been held some distance from the wound, bit had it been held close to the. bra.t the powder would have been driven Into the flesh. The theory t,f the accident most generally aereptel los that young Gibbons tong somewhat npprehenili0 o* to the lrtx•eellngi at the Initia- tion crr•me'py, nu l that when shut he was loading and !icing up ldd revol- ver preparatory to taking it with him When he went to meet the Alpha Delta Phl'rs messengers', to that If kkIlelt 1play were attempted he ffectiveJy, stop it. John Falconbertidga. son of Chief ,,in. o Falconbrtdge and President Of tAlpha - Delta Pitt Society, stiedhis to a Globo reporter hurt night that Mr Gibbons. being a fresh nutn at the u,iitereity, had been told that the btJtlatlba Into the society would not rubj ct lite to any test of phy- sical etsluranee. H:> 41.1 not. tlilnk that the deceased could have felt any timidity In that rinixx•t, for 111* ea- ps•rtt'n ee lout been that nevelt candl .hetes fear members/ed germed elated at thus n. vel of it. When asked why the easel to might not have gone 'straight tierces the street from his room to the chter house, Mr. Fakeonbrkige mid t1 It was one of the mien of thef ternity to have all candilnten meeta or mere member. of the society at wane ertatrid point arod then be h ducted by a eircultosis route to chapter burse. The corikter yewte day consulted (drown Attorney Dew. art and It wen dowkied that an in suet& wars unnree.sary. The boy's father, when he learned of tho accident, p{rernre.l n regal train, and with Mr. C. S. ityma ar- ced there three -e1 ttarterm of an h tr s.1 before lig eon'. death Mr. R. Cady, ('Ity Tr. aeorer, tin uncle o the dteeriewd, wag !Goo with him. The body wan retnovol to London for burial yesterslny iniwning. Mrs. Gib. hone. mother of the deceased, and her daughter, wies have ixeen to Eng land, nailed for home on Patirdey and will rod know of the young men's death until they reengi thin nide. CHAINED BY THEIR NECKS. I.,iklon, Oct. 7. -.t d,eiu tch to the Timer from Tangier, deullltg will& the announcement that the Sultan in - trade to reform 11., Moorish prison syrten. stays anytlaiag more pitiable than the present mule til the pri- soner It Ir Imlorrlblo to hwtglae. Any Moreocuu subject Ir 'Labia to be sestet and bnoartxerated at any mar wont, often without the pretence of a trial. The rumor that he has saved n few collars is sufficient excuse for hit. Imprisonment. Tho state of /Malts in the prlrour 01 the cItlew le bolo ezayr the Timm correspondent. That of the prieoms In the country baffl.w eleea'rlption. Wavy of them content of "small, high - walled yards, with no 'shade, no whetter, no water 'wryly atwl no san- itation. To add to the horror, the prlsonere are chained by their necks to a long, heavy iron chain, ewnnetimes ae many as fifty to one cholla, without a yard between each. Betsy .,hackie•& are also riveted (0 their lean. The con- ditions' In the iubterrunenm dun - getout aro even more awful. Tllo Sultan Intent.. to change all Odes. lie will overhaul the prisons', scouting Ins/melon' to report upon their coendltlou. The prinonerr are to have sufficient rations' sup - piled to them by the local officials. No reform, rays the correspondent. tq moro greatly needed In Morocco. and the thnub. of the whole world are dun to the young Sultan. Aaslnlhola )pan and Renfrew Woman 1n I'rtltloeParllament. Ottawa, Oet. 6 -William Allen. a general agent. of (Irenfeit tmsinl- i t.lnlwill n t'v I4 r In r t nest wea.on for n divorce from Iain wile, ionian Allen. Reheera Garvin, of We'd meant Renfrew Courtly, will apply next seaalnn for a tell of rllvornn tram her hutmhitnd, Oliver (inrvin, jean., it black- smith, formerly of the same pinre, Mut now residing In the State M Weide**. . leave lived apart for ASPHYXIATED BY GAS. Ilomer Plugll, the Well -Known Telegrrpisme Found Dead. Toronto, Oct. 7. -The telegrnphie fraternity will hear with deep re- gret of the death of Mr. 'fouler 1'1ngle. Ho watt found dead In ieel early Satunlay morning at 81 Wel- Insley etrt•et, where he lodged. Alt odor of gat. ova. Stetecl.•.I by one of the Inmates, shunt 4 o'eloek. on opening Mr. l'Ingle'a wont Ile w.'ze lying on the tad. fully deemed. fere had evidently Ix•en Pt Wirt emote hoxurs, Mr. "'Ingle hnving retiree early Friday night. Thn Knit Jet ons fully turned on. The coroner Wile notified. but doomed an te- rmed nnneeeawary. FRANCE IS HARD UP. EDWARD'S PLANS IN IRELAND Kin; sad Queen to %Aide Dublin, Bel- fast and 1 luuderry. Dublin. Oct. 7. -Tho corresp.utlent of the Daily New. luta reason to know that the following is the pro- gramme of thin approaching royal visit to Ireland: King Edward and Queen Alexandra will arrive in Duro- lin urrlin immediately before the Punches - town racer. - They will stay nt the Viceregal lodge. In Phoenix Park, and will 'at- tend the ratcer. They will mol visit the south of Ireland at all. but will pay n 'Mort visit to London- derry and Belfast. ■toppieg for a few days with the Duke of Aber - porn. :after the King's vial'. to Ir' - land Karl tasdugan will resign the Viceroyalty, and will be created Duke of Cheinen. Hu will be eucceesl- ed nm Viceroy by Karl Beauchamp. OFF TO CAPE TOWN. TOOK HIM BACK;'. Instead of filching Ulm Oat is. He 1 meowed. Mkldletown. N. 1'., Oct. T.-T.venly- tno yearn ago last Juno t'ephas 8. Wetmore left his little farm, near An -meting, 'raying he war :t•oing to walk over the mountain to Fdlen- %ille. Ho disappeared. His wife was left with three y.eing children and te:ut It hard struggle to keep her hrwe. Lout Thurseay Wetmore returned to his flintily. Ile had amassed wealth, curl his w•eleo,uo was ror- renpowlingly hearty. According to his story. let had been. In .'very. State in the Union, and In Mexico fuel South America. Voung Senrlh /lot steanlllcrnl 1' t 3u LetvIng. Ottawa, Oct7.-(Spcinl.i-inepee- tor W. H Scarth, of the N. W. \1. 1'., sot of W. R. Penrth, Deputy Mlniater of Agriculture, IR in the city on hie way to ('ape Town, having aceeptrsl it enptnln ey In the Roden-ibwell Pollen force. Before TM•Thg naw! bfl Tin koV a puree of gold amounting to about $1,700. Dr V f Deficit of Ninety Million F Iw Nine More ha. --Torii, Ont. 7. -Tern Tidal.- Way 'Ky. It Omen wlbh alarm then Mn• s tl d peso eva tan Imtn In r encs of r th y g Government. The returns for Pep tember show that the receipts/ were twenty tntllle.n inane. 1MM Inw the eg tlmatt'., and the reeek¢ta for &sine nr'ntha whom a deficit of ninety mil Ilan frau .. Whitt mak"* the metier hook worse 1s that this shrinkage has occurred at n time when the country la nt complete prises. The only renv.ly for Mw present etind1 tion la a fnrtle-r loran. Although the debt of the country b already of rxolo.eal proportions. DiED IN THE AMBULANCE. WILL EXPLORE ROYAL TOMBS Prof. 1'Iluders-l'etrle Going to ICg)pt to Renew sib lie aerrches. London. Oct. 7. -Prof. W. M. Flin- ders -Petrie, the noted Egyptologist, will return to the land of the Phar- aolw in m few days to resume hie ee.aploratlon among the royal tomts lit Abydost He goys exclusively In the Interests of the Egyptian Ex- ploration Fund. with Its affiliated iranches In Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago. Ile hope. to make n suffi- cient number of dlseuve'rles this year to reconstruct in part, the lost dy- nestic history of Egypt. Prof. Flinders-Petrle's party will Include a prole/stoned photographer, who will make pictures' of tombs. monuments and other things thnt cannot be brought out of the zoun- try. demes Corbett, Aged 60, Found Illeeding From wPall. Toronto Oct 7. On Saturday even - Ing Jaren.. Corbett, aged 60 yearn, was fniet dying nt the foot of the stnlrwny of lila .pnrtmente In rear of No 376 Front arse& emit. fir. Simpson wen railed In nni found him bleeding from n. rni,(it 1 artery In the nor, an.l eternity- very weak from Inas of blxsl. The dewier nrlered hl. removal to the Itnepltal. Wise being eve l to t. 1 e 'we e ro ♦e+ R M rias I in the pollee nnbelmnee Corbett Pettiest. The body wee placed In the mortuary and Cor- oner (4reht n. ,_-.__-_._ ('orbett hadotiflnoadrelativ.-A In rlbronto ft Io sipposel his fall woollen. to' n n tttnck of a - Ix'Men7 Tried to lllow lip Church. Purls Oct. 6. An eaplossion (ewer - red rarn -resInst night in the seinen in front of Trinity ('hnrth, unci ane men waw wounded. it Ie believed tlint the ex - Michel was a mere net ot vnnrinlirul folhorInz tin damaging r.f the eget- (0.'if the chervil ne few nlghte nary. t Inrgn nnmb^r of nnllw nod filing*. were tenni embedded Int the willies of the chinch. ARABI PASHA GRATEFUL. ppreclates /he Duke of Cornwall's Part la 'Sheenier 111s !Release. I wMn, Oot. 7.-A danpttch Iron Sues o the Times describe. a coare _ mutton with Arabi l'aah'a, who sp„tlten by the correspondent am "A dlgnlf 1, kindly old gentleman, spcotktngEnsile!) fairly well." Arab! Is Med with gratitude to the fluke Of Cornigsll and York for the t Ma Noyall Highness played in in hung lir redeems 11n expressed tvaril admiration for British rule in Ceyl>h, where he liv 1 during his enp- tivity.` o : The fflijnotnr Egypt' Is In feeble health. Rio Intends to re politics and darotee\liinic'lf to reit on. A PURl..IC SUICIDE A (facer Real LIf't Tragedy Repo'(ed *rem Isla.. -The sienna - Victoria, B. (:., Oe 7. er iMtke of Fife4 f m Yokohama. brings u n strange stns p g o the pub- lic sulcide of a Chinese woman eit 1'uo)•41w141. 8be resolved an the deed niter tine death of her briAtnnd.'Ind informal tlto public of her inter. t Inti. The Tricerti endeavored prevent oling tri and,on Recout her f typhoon nml floode. the sttielde an twice postponed. but all eff mel failed to divert the woman f her purpose, and. *decked In her \ finest clothes. she publicly hanged �j, hermit' on n platform. before which .•t00.1 severe' hnndest eptettatore, KING OTTO NOW SANE P French raper leaps I3svarlea King lies Recovered late Reason. Carla. Oat. 6. -The CPI de Parisi de- clare. thatt KingOtto of Bavaria, a -e ter Mi yearns of hopeless insanity, has recovered his reason and speaks freely and winidbly. flu does not know of the tknthe of Ila mother and brother, It Louth, ll., andn L not aware that Inn lerneelf la Kinghe opreake of the events of 1878 aatf they hap- pened yentertay. it b t henlht possible tient this is merely n torten moment of timidity preparatory to a fatal ionic of the dteeeaae, hut the ronrt and Cabinet aro rpbarrassed. if he rennvers, how- ever, the government will be obligee to notify Pnrllement, and Oils will mkt the regency .1 Prince i,enpohl. TIM story. nit brooch n.1 Iesposslhle, iA distinctly Impwo abi.