The Signal, 1901-10-10, Page 6-71T,77;447. ,c" ..i:.,...thfk.'.111\ iireerON tto . 'Iliriv-'4T".70,11tvws11,99t7P1%-mwqrrerwJ- .. tf`tk ADVIC1:: TO BACHELORS... to get the gtrt oi want, you may ars well boovvesided to MOo- entio goo len Ten. It can't refuse you, awl may Iso had to iill goo( re'. lend ottt•kete. . • 1.4 GERALDINE'S FORTUNES h tho ladle* ret 1..41 711 tt night. • lotting tit. content •n to go tint moon., it Mist ...gar In th • libr oy. ii.•raltiln• 41,11 uataire with whity twat'itg k 'art, 41.1.1, WitnU81: MUIUM1/11- lug Aurclie, 417.. hinged th • rucittig 1.1 Is gown 'it • wocA Ity.• it cmillitere dreasing-gown, bilppod softly throorgh th• elorkbor to iho iturnentle room. um' secreted Wreolf in the. lig i uo- board between th. whitlow tool th • fireplace. It ei0ellp(1 le her a 'long time before ids. hoard any mowid but th • faint cracking of th • fire. when at hurt sb-ir heard (lir islauttlig of a (aim, downetelret. and wain at .rward tko voices' of hor baslotol and hie suet. and th footettat. of the former emit tig toward It'r dust, hoc bre oh tome us fast and 44 'r boort boat to luu 44, thtt Ito fanced lo• would de- tect IVY prOWne3 am toaa all he eir tered roma tut eh • W141 .Ini- 1441801). Ilta came - tit,dour, walked sharply to th • f'n•place. eh clot (Ito ernoh•Or that mond by sit. Iltiorth-ru,O, round to .ho fire. and then' 4881,44 lino it. Sloe left the 'I onboard tloir op by ubou'. had un 4,,. 44, and U, (*nu; sly wideued the aperture a little u e under toter t04. tk• noisto wade bo al" 1/409eMa8tst of lost For he eat wi his bolt to th• ospboartl, whoice l• I etuld now watt h hint With Iwo ity. d4114! ianw ktfl toka stew...thing out one. of IMP pockets atol bentl toe It in. • tentty ; from the sound of the ram, of the leaver idie know he was .01. ito. unwitting; by his imputk•nt utt motto and ejaculAtions she geese that it was something which excite awl angered into Iler curt'ssity to /earn wont It was which oxiipled his attention nee high ; ant. when he Martel up. damlung upuu tilie flour ts hat looked to her like a large pocket- book. and ttimang out., "Confound him:" as he began to pace up nod down the room IMP grew so antious that. 111 spite of the terror hts nerve moot inspired in her. It was wiolt diffi- culty that she. restrainedIsereelf (new rushiao forth from her latting-Mace to gado isuesetilion of the- Interesting beak: But mom thie impulse felierw- el the tefleetion that it would be use- less if not dangerous Wag/peal to lam how and bbo lo.I almoet deci 1e-1 to wait 'until he retire I to hie ormivIng- Jona at thl• dour of which lie was el. realty staitiling. whet. 111.1 Mend Mid, delay clutiegett, the heard Min heaVe n keg sign. and the next inomeet she saw him return toe the fireplatte, throw himself again lido US' arm- chair. ant lean (coward with Id< el low* upon his kneed awl hie head 111 Itin hands. Wittehe I Itint anxiousli, a feeling of pity for him mingling with leo fear. as mite resettle.' Dr. tross:•4 01)011011 that. he biumelf was the won't eufferer from the 1141111 of 11441 ow,' tempentincitt. It was 41414.811, 1841 he rem ducal still rta,i. bitent in the sone position, that tfie fury mite laud witnessed in Idle (1.440 a few minutes before lull given jil.w'. t. aono feel- ing nrottibly ne deep but leo* tiolent- ly demonstrative.; nal rite decaled 118.1 119' must consider title no tipporo Captain Morrison was 'agreed In the midst of los reflections by is light touch, a perfecto* of violets, a low whisper, all meeting hie wage, iit onee. HP r deo, his lwat and saw: lite wife kneeling on.the floor by the side of his chair, very ;mho very timid, - • with hapireing eyes.- ..„ "'Philip: fair repotteil, us he stared at ner without any change from the 141,111 10 of anon, hopeless Weery his fenorem had wore before her ap- potrance. Agiin he 44.1 not renewer. This re- ception alarmed .her more than an itutterst or engt•r would have done. Site pat her /I twl again upon Ire arm and bold, tremulously-. "Won't yob epoilt toone Ihnft he Jamey with nix I have' come it.. do whit ti rigid,- to tett Too -everything you want to know, to ask Yon to (Or- gill. m for whit 11411.41 done wrong." H.• shrugged hie shoulders with a gutturil exclet motion which he mcant for 18 1:111411, 0111 shook her lian" off rind roue from tho chair ai if by an t•ffort. "You nre tot, molest. 'OM have done no wrong. You hare shown proper stpirit to it tyrant. You have been kit iti-tutf,hichingly loyaloto a worth - live and vicious matt. in spite of reto too, to /pito of hit iksortiou. In spite of the artvanwee of 11 Iterumen.1 once foolish enough to love you. Your onsiduet lir more- than right ; it le heroic'!" Ito did not look at her., and, al be finished Ppeakitig. he turned to the mantel -pie*. nit I. With it midden 1141' 18811401 of hieifferenee to the sub - net tinter olecuention, proccolet to wial up the tra,elling-theit which atool there; but he broke the spring. Ira wile got up. ..troni Abe.. flottr ,nnel vratehed him, with ber linuil rest- ing 181 the bock of the chair from whi.•11 she tool riven. After a few mln- nem' steno, elle began agaln- "Won't you listen to me Wildly. Philip?" "If yon have anything to Nay, yOta can any 11, of cotton: nal I must hear it. slum you 45,145 forced your way Into my Miura tor that porpoise." "I can 110%k hut while you u yon- iform me so etTetry ; 11. parnlyses me "Ali! Mo you have fount that out 110W. Ily Joe* I wises 4 had used Your Weapon before!" "Awl. If I have forced my wayinto taw room, surely %hat is not such a great liberty In your wife!" "Ify wIfe-my wife! Hut yon net. sot me 111(41, midam!" he buret out, With fiery eyes, his indiffereace gone sad hle forbeerance with It. "Whitt womin who slituiderm if my bond fttm•lies -here, Who ttallitiatm Tebbe mo an inestimable. favor If she offern a cold cheek 1, my yetlIning lipu. or submite. 'Off ne a BOON Of Willf, 1.0 th• popflonnta premiere of my arms! A Worn in whin keeps her eight', her tears, her aymtettliy, hie killette too, for all I know. for l ecoenthol. pa- mpa(' from his right pines among the- orem of the worth! A woninn who hate* me, dereives me, wonnin me, nn4 wcm14 give her eye% to he little te elerrdoe me and Who mmlit hate enoreolot In thyt -for. Helliren known, I was rod enough to Itn•e nom I *rot SOZODWIT Tooth Powder 26c 4••••• of 1 kith, sow' eurt of truest through it all- if luckily my eyed hut not been opened to my own folly ! 1 forgive your intrualion as the privi- leged impertinence of at spoiled wogs :a ; but the right to eutt•r inv rutin you forfeited when you left it la spite or my e limpet eitreatirs, your own accord." Tait outbret elowkevi 'Jeraldine. and :Almost stunned her. Iteflectiou hat auntreeteil to her I ttely that the limit of the bre i. 18 b•tween them was not till on one side; morrow had snide her moot stmpithetie toward the sor- row of others. His else against her w • startlingly strong In the way he put It; anti there was enough of truth In It, even tu her, to mike her feel guilty est look humble am he outiol his fiery protest. Naturally, however, tlw wonsan hat! plenty to toy for horaelf still. 'Thee: 11 I um not your wife. elm Wigan agala, .owl'. and in a eieatiottvely gent.P• anti faltering 1.4.o. 'of cowls you ean boar ine lUo7so impartially. An 1 av whot I 1877 .41 to tell you. therefore. wou•t interest .vo 8 moot'. I cau tell it quietly. and go away ant Mute you la peace." one woe a slight pour': Itt•re; but. oil lie odd Wi141. W 4.11 7' "I wlesh to say tiutt tau ruin who b.oke into the house on Thursday n gilt was not. a burglar. but lamer "I knew that.'• -The sumpleions you oast upon hint on I mo are wholly without Ifounda- tion. 11e ie 'mined. hunted, broken (Nall ; he looks upon um ea the she hate bon to him 'disco he fo 41 lwlhy..'1141.I. twenty yeare ago. • her Nisbet) I gate her a look nvott eloquent incredulity but .4 no), not found out y.itar (owl orient ,Iilui. you would 41 otamoa.tor 18 munuost'e or au boil elm." nv Li A and duties as a r moot ' odd he. itneh 11) • con "If I I intentions it.•.er hum Yoltiolt 0 '.I think yoor ditties as a els 84I'41 44111.. got ra ' Not more than yo an 1 ae an eseetitaric 11.• torool upon her si "ton forget. 1 off.ord tho one role or the -other ,voit yeurself why decided Us. two I should keep." '4 144*' me the clio;ce Armin. I I know better nuw-1 know you te.• bow.' etto pleadod, noi.. lot in at teed, bat With the meekneme or d • toalring inhery. ' I think not. You don't know me at 11 11 woll if yot think 1 mist.,ka notate of the fefTu;rs which prenipt yr. 1. 'Wien I 4,ffene.1 stierif.ce 1. ootoo for you your hatred of me 84,84 etroager than your fear, unit aimed itself In the manner of your reely with a plainnow I can never hoget. Now that forturre haw put 3.0(414(4 agninet you into my hando you fear him grown even etronger thin your halool ant would per. Napo enable pat, if I were eo blind : mute wash to 'Meets n 1141 for 11 few moments -long enough to lei an Orttit from ine-4to the le•lief that 04+re was sons, mpark of womanly rootitude down in your heart. But I art not blind now, nor ao foolish am to mete any nbout • the amount of your regard tor me." potireil out ble wools 'vehement- ly rind without ptume: hut ills sobs Into irlOrh she trroke. without 'at- tempting to Interrupt him. disturbed hint end caue-.1 his voice to become a little uneven before he elM3 10 the end. "Whit --what proofs do you mean?" the sobbed, getting to the pith of his timeottrito through nil her emotkan. IIe Meted up the pocket -hook whieh shi• hid forgotten, and en Id. shortly- -Perhaps that will satisfy You." She dried her eyes nnd opened it without arty npteernince of trepide- t ion ; for..•ft•n• at. there was nothing very fierletle Waite tiatt licer husband .114 not know. It 11.01 a pocket -book very filmier to the 01 ler one she had ex :mined just after her guardian.' •lettlt, nal which she now knew had iwienged to .1 ones In lila 11 11/11101.1.1 tome of Hirry Tli'o tine tont:liters! entries made in (4,.. 4111814' at riwling. writings/stable hand Hill in tie, sone Irregular •nd unnestlialical shion, and slut was startle:I to find th itathere were frequent paw:mew in Whirl" /he herself, ns "Deldec," was : !ludod to with fervor and fontinesa. of which Jaws' soinewhat con- stratumd manner when In her presence hitt given no indiantion. Her husband • tw her start, and gave a savage to- t! iMet1011. "Perhaps you will deny thnt 111. 11.* 1. inmen Otwny, or that "Deldee" Is tit raldlne Iforripw. ''No, I aim nut." she replied tromptly, looking up now fruit.' ruble Masaid _Illste_to_kaaw_wito told you iri." "Thtt has nothing to do with it. It is enough thitt this diary shone Oho tlietty thot-411411411 Otway is In lova with you, which you have denied; nd--" "But stop." mile interrupted, slink- inX with emotion which was bo longer felt of her husband. •"PhIs itrovea nothing but .1 :mom' loyalty. It shown tit -It he Is mu -It fender of me thin I thought -than he ever let me iste thit lie wan. Yoli must have 'wen jait now tate I was surpriarn-nston- isthedli I mwtoir to you that fie 'lever let me believe his c [rat, tor ine amen- 1 -" "Yon tolk ne 1( 11 wore a fry notie thing to lore Another ne la* Me end dribble wt, the a erhool-girl, esnuttil.i osentiment ahmt her in a Olney. Per- hIpse this will ehnn,re your view . f the nutter." earreeftrol t Ite -b04-k i na p • %hotly from It.'.' II 1 mle ne I pointed ant In her nnother leaf in the. dinry. aft whfeh woe the foilovvIng entry -- ' iw the wife who wom net my .44. toeloy, aimed without any feeling Whitever. Wormy rntlier nom to hsore got over 41.. FIcklenes• or philosophy -which?" (8er:1411w ronil it and retired her head nellr'k's. "Thitt entry IIIIV•4 tint retr., to rent relerer, ref thinkin a few dere I believe I thee tve nide to Provo to Von whom It does refer to In tho meantime. droon't It Prom atrangn to you that In them entries whir+ rtetts. I PPP front Mat July, the Um., when rim holleved Jame, nal yonr alater to have been traveling am a heehantf rple. Kite up It was els of I 'broad together -there whould ha 1 No other referertee winch can be OW puled tr. apply to her r" "'Into iterson who gave Inv the go. ket-bouk. tivioeit to havitio torn out IOU too Wits ce, whluil„ he sow -1_. III -ventilated. Yid tinominfor table While by AO mi free from these ELEVEN YEARS A Tbe bedroom of the housekeeper, defucto woe. however. 'urger mei more tut bitable than moat of tha oat ; and the fire wliCh wao uow 1 litesitta-.-WhI it could 0(111. 44144' kept burning day adid night gave It "awed use unneoetesary pain. Y041 can twe that woof 111/10:116 are *11U111114."a etronger lutpreeelou owe a vivitor look of ohecrfulnemi watch mod, "But did not lir. -tile 'sermon whot.1 oto uposi Itn perraanent uceillatut, gave yol title pocket -to ik hinuelf whip lay awalbe hour after itour direct poir attention to that imam- watching the flickering of red light MICH abeet a wife who weer 110 wife? and black ahadow upou walla' and Ah, 1 tiought as 1 ' obe cried, 1444 Ive ceiling, itetenlitg to the crackling of looked amtunmelsol, ".%tel I nut itertaln the fire aud to the weird matte tit Waist miseleg leaves were torn out the wind, every nu/le et which, from (or It very differtod reticent." the tort faint well which rustled the "What do you neon?' branched' <4 the trees below to the '"I'ho t thorn leaves wonld tot ve burricane which in widwinter noon- tide/on 0'10400 01 thy volute' 01 lam"' oil to *et the oil hottre rocking, war dolly thoughts nal /erten. dieing the heard with double cleansed's iti tills Met rise twatio to prove to you blo high corner 11001111. 111110 /0118,/ of rill tto charges lateurrut againe him. Olt, I have felt, sere be On the night when lir. Ledbury was inemornit 4118 long; and to. bt°01ght him boatel's to On IIPP,r ntgot 1 ho,„ ,,, wiwt ,170 to rim SUMS by saying that the housekeeper the !foram of It -thank Heaven." Wise eery 111 and Wielted to see her. Her tbitikegivIng wee to rum at un- ?Ind.,8- linen W161/ lying, tie usual, with ,opeettit,d. n.di,,, iitood boom him her Willow/ eyes trtartiot up at the t111 tieing reflectkase of the fire. witb frightened fare and &moped hands ilitt It nithar &flayed than inflamed Wlien " 41ight "Ottild• which wan not the wial or any ef the faint night h‘r huebvind4 jealously. After a few momenta' pause, however, he broke 19°161"' "1 94trinhing wo'll or lontriTting (At- . Mice to which she wad uocestomed, -reou.00k oomookoo Tho, p0000. made her turn her heail unertelly on Look w„ i,ug, !„to my bAudd by oamos her piii3W. The oue keen faculty she had, that of hearing, roomed to have Otway is beat trend. It was lit (hit .11.tro;1.•,:..rlo• find, Melanie acquainted grown more acute than ever In the 041hn general decay of lier frnme ; the ' 1014 turitil Dr. Ledbury. jiow do expression of alarm, which during the - part seven months li.o withered ka- yos' first meet him t" taro; had borne with the rigidley of ' I (ain't 11/1•1 bow th it concerns you. flow,•%,o, it will itrove to you *hit he stone tleePenol nat the noweles of 'is what ho 1)C1,10:tiliPil ill be. Jansen 114'7 filen oongrnotod, and she tarter- Otway's fr end, and ((ate Moot:Ilse oi gleti tr., rake herself. ealliug tA/ the ane 4 u h pu.pcste:me meanies.' as you lotchenonad. who watt ritiringhpecauere: motto. it m it.. I was cowling down full; (10 n mild' 59 1/1 ".2.ioi, nor of the rebut. It war n it until here 0.1 Orslay. who' ho got into Ulf Name earrlio('. an 1, without. knowing .thhatolitil been addreweel for Home 1 woo. 44<,i„....00tly oa g 1114', 81)3'11me I valu that Mortha, with un - o;, hog chterod Law osovoyoitioo, gracittie grunte ant groins, sat up. .44 .8. h , or to 44,14,144 14) worwiro Ho (i, ell!) half asleep and grumbled out - wort It of a patient of les who hid "What iv 41 1" Ikon isle:titer from delirium trtalelle. "Get up awl go to the door. and an 1 whit 41 0(1 ottapoti from his care . dee if yott con't hear something." 4111 1 h'' 41r011.300Y int "It 1 11 11 3.4"111 Croaked the Old 1101117711. 41. 110.0 .11, pattist a ettachment to a lady frightened and consequently doattly '.1.4,*; tiprenbue.'-thit was till tit, bt.g,loo sigpept, /111 sue eupportell I due lot Woeld ad:at-eh:eh ltd him .0 marth for h nt 111 1.4111.P3rt with a lung, yellow. bo h I Itcreelf on One elbow 41(1<1 mauled ny att . of tko world. I fugal out who drier an exillamatioo of terror front .11 • putt nt was bo naming low Mart lot. as rho newt uuw:Ilitmly muotioctivilly. las lid ill my 'to - turned out of bed and shuffled to- , v 'Ong 1441 eectort' telling ii•uf Wow o, jot the dtxr. 1 WI" cunglee" 1141.44°I'w8Y by ""r don't lic(ir anything. lira I worths.) without mentioning au) Symos. It's only one of your fan- o thor tonnectIon with him, you may .o ,• i•1 tho girl. who waft not too 14111(4. Now are you witieliel? ', u"' zw.,pm,oto ocoodmo. who., dOrported to be respectful when 1114l-41 will,ed ntedleiely out of bol in the 4,1141'PyRel it -ere glittering brightly to,. or the night. "If yon like. I'll excitens4t. "I am quite satisfied that the duotor know who you were„ movie the advanoo to you -who ore revertat sal hever talk of year own,accorti 1.1. strangers -ago tons 116 has ever sine been trying, in one oubtle way or another, to projudice r m4,1 011 furUt •r ngainet Janrat Otoay, neer warily invo;ving nogo that uttempt, until you hats. become ou litter against MO that my only ,han....e of getting your ear for a 1110. moat lat by intruding upon you itt ulght.; 11*14 eVetil U..or 1 ean senr,1 ly :tad 1,21..Tr t am if tfe Isset 184.. nflq- she- tidied, With a eituddering gine* around tho room hroi",4•41-Wlatkol (7.7YipntallIntilialleirrgitiot°n.PuT• Otodly. 'What while could Dr. Led - bury poisIble have for dang all tiller Bo renewable. It le noneense. What motive t•outt he haver tlerettlin-Oa eyes were Cled ttpon the door. don't know," ohm ntmost whim - moat Then, suddenly emang ,'lose to her husband. else maith low in hie enr - "That be what I cane. for to -night -to warn you thnt whataver revenge Ott Incly take tioW wlU tratinfy, not tr sense of jostler., but some It.' nedther you nor I know of the who la our truant. I don't know who. is (1.7 41.4*11. b • Is: but I know 11111/104 4, abot him which I dr.' not tell 111 11.1K1-7011 won!4 not be- lieve aw- t Is something whi-h hie mode you- fearful blot of revenge roam right , by compariettit. Prointee roe to see tno to my room to- n'ght. for I dare not go 'skew:" A• elle' whaporol, h•r voice grown a little haler, thare wits a knook at tho door. and alt. fell to hultier'ng and shivering no thot her hu•hrtirl hnd to put her gently into a (War before he went to tbe door, unlerked and opened, it. Thy late v was thi soft-volood doctor. " I beg your pardon a thonaond lime for dligurbtng 70<8 80 late, Cnre tali' Morrison. But 1 kyle het been entail no to see th • home kerpor t lie 4 Tory. 111..inticed. nod /hi b gged me to go ant oak tf Mrs. Moreton(' wou'd tome to, toe 11 0'-411 • tom someth'ng Outertant to nay, thy rays, I am nfrald th • o'd lady Le dylug ; 110, pe,' - 44 ipe, Mrs. Noniron Imre not yet retool.' for tb • night. Al wterd not urnd." /With trombEng atom °teal tine ranee fee -ward to th, door. " WM you CUMIN to. 1.10111 IdInd with hies'arIng cycle wh'ch It wait Imormeribie to resist. An.) 448.7 4141 three, ilia locly Diet 4V 4! ekt•tor spotkItor to bar. t'apto'n Moreton feitotelng, went- 'ong th • fort...dor toward th invitee is• which led to the uppor 411 117. Of eourne it 411 not occur to Captain Morrison to atapeet that hie guest knew that he and hit wif.• Cid not .'hare the sarno ronin ; hot Geraldine woo certain that he was not onto ft W aril of that fact. tort that he lool been lisitenIng at the dont, end lied (thriven tide mean WA rely brenk- Ing off the 4anger.'11.• tete-it-tete, but of gaining dint intx•rview %vitt' her which h, W1119 liPtP7M1111111 have. Thanks to her hi/0),liter,, yield- ing to her Repent, mho 04)01.1 baffle him yet. for /11181 would not have tiered n converantion with him /done to- night fer n thonened worltle. ThP7 PRMP 1.11 the atnirease. end Ow doctor hal to dr op behind her Ail they went tip. When nearly at the top, alio torned to malt, sure thnt her hatband wits following, nnd met tlio• Cold 07,011 of the Alhathr, into held his hand Toont the filekerIng ennilk• all her twirling tkIrta raised 48 whiff roan! the feeble light. 1 -die looked bohlnd tilm with shreining eyes nnd gnepIng breath -her litoband P f it,a there ! Witht feint cry, mho tried to rush ilown pant the ekictor, who very tolmly borrett the wily. ..Y0111 11/11.11 11O4111114( 318 re11.7," 6/11.1 11P P.(1.11y, "whim yoit Mike a din- torhanee. Thor lionband woula not here none hack If you had been In any (tanner. Met In liki presence Zoe«. Stoners would have 110011 11.4 mute 114' a molten; end mile hno sometlilag to. iny yrel wleett 4l very lei- (OMAR nt that you sheuld 11011 *1,. (MI!" 11,40.1 loin-) imperiously In the direction 04 Mot eyelet' nom which was on?). rt few yard, from the too of the eteironae, dumb, rind heir ettapified hy fair, nernittine moved her 'tottering le •t in the direction he heti/vatted. 1141 till 11 clikt.Tr.n XXXIII. The evened story of Wnrirrohnot Ifni! was, Ilk.' the first, rt of I wkward pasiagee nn -1 .1rniortily ovine; noel the etruettoral defeats ..f the 1..wer story wore of ervirse nereetenter1 in the hos Importnnt religion. where Inteffersio. hrel rem - honed with the look elf skill to l0'*' dor the ItereellIngred fattine SOZOBOIT fe, saffill 26c .01;111`NAOC t‘M:rifitirtt?‘44-' ' `yin ,i• ....I Ad. Xnt.'il .riffr L1A111 Ati-JU-r-/-.11118tAL.'" '-111-16.11LAP.../811 -• upen the door awl put my head Mat." tio. Ito; don't unlock It ; don't unlock it !" cried the old wo- man. vehemently. "Poke the flith and. 'peak twit lou 4; let 'ens hear tour 80.00. It's all right., but when ont blIC m*it t.re4,-while the girl looked et her In some alarm, thinking her mind W Is witteit•ring. Elie took up the poker awl obedi- ently bogan to talk RA she toed "If I wed you, I'd sou the doctor , gentleman witat's staying .11 the 1.18666. tra heard, Mr....sluitnson .ay lie's -offered to." Thu o:d wotunn Hoppe- I her mho rply: "Iliad your tongue! 1 won't tee i hots, I wont nos Idea! You know what year talking itlx"ut. Martha:. awl I tell you. if- Ithat'• that -7" - thirtlia beard malting; but the odlI sharper earls 'had ranght tha wont of a footstep notable, tthe started up in bol mei repeated, "What' ei thait "3 more shrilly, at the moue monte.ut titat there was at soft top at, the door. "It Is 1, Urn Symea," sold Geral• eliaeli "TOO, ma'am?" (-riot the )iones. loeper, curiously, trying to delay I /bertha by a gesture. as the girl Imo 110.1 te the door. Mrs. !lorries:Os, voice •soone,1 et ; but the change allieh hail Nome oter her brotutiful features, when the kitchen -maid hail lighted a candle altil admitted her 11W1 MOTO etriking • still. Terrvw 118 41114111 RN that wIlItIl had ft/sniped It -eel( in the furrows of the old face that Mare" at ber from the bed had drawn dletorting liner on Geraldine's beauty: fuel the loser matt was mo much alarmed in her turn by the sight of the two !terror stricken faces that, when her teliv• tress gently whispered to her toted en her things ani ruii to leo own 'tome, she obeyed with great relief at partiog with itueli depresming corn - puny, tempere I 4/.8 1111 PPrie pre diremeetern loels holigiebliste in the peestage. "Dhl you swat for me?" Mrs. Morri- son asked, as rem ate they were alone. "No. rna'nm." "Has toiletry been (4, 041.' yoi?" 'Heaven help ! 74 o -o, ma'am." And her teeth began to chatter and tier head to shake. while tiro Mori." so*4 looked at her M111Prly. "Why do you nnewer me like that?" She whlepered, lenning over the 18P/1 RD that iser word, might trnsid farther than the .4) woman** ears. "Are you afraid of him 7 What do yoo know ebout him "1 duren't (4ll, ma'am. even to you. They said that, If I ever let it out--" With a cry an) at horrible rattling sneal in her throat, *he rtiffened her gaunt form an -1 fixed the gaze of her- haggerd, cavernous eyes on some abject behind her mIstrees. Geraldine did not tem ohe knew what right it. wail thrtt had affected the 11.1111NP- keeppr PO deeply, an I elle quietly de- voted her attention to calming her, taking 1014/ long. wItherol, 111111-1 iiprs...enothrng her witb am- mo:ince* that she Wm quite mare, reel Retooling notanwhile to the toft closing and locking of the door. and thea to the approaching footetePe lx•Itin I her. The old woman still ginned. still snuttereti; Gerrililine tool - artily Jeered end tsee.t Dr.. Lett bury barrIno las nearer approach to (Fe frightens!. " Now," Bald tit v. boldly, "you hive 141. eitanco )Al wonteit Sly whit you have to miy." " I have tioth'ng to say; Mot Mor- Oeon." h answerel with Onexpoeteil meekneas: "and 1 meet apo'ogise moot, humbly for hiving ',Idled you up In tho middle ot the night, and for hiving evidently given you « terribl frIght Into the brirentlit." Ile Amulet In lihr 11711111 soft. smolt Notre: end, if 44 ee wag etOr felon at nil In hie roil" 07111, 44 Wig OOP of atutivem-nt nt hot estersiSlimmit, n t th • honekeeperat terror, ottior thin anytteng more threatening. 1 Oon't undervetrind you, Dr. Tod - miry th'a lit it prnetleal joke, to thew your power In the hotelehold. It In ne net of hal Mute et tether/I of itot It wohld b. 11/1/P141114 "to waste norgnittleel noon rt man who ernild ptu'Ity of It." Thee. ne she elaneed 11 11;811 RC th t Ism rekoeper, het tone hiagol ono MOT 1/t11071tIltiVP. " V0111 veer peemet,, to 1.1111111 - Mg I ha 11111/1/ woman greot 'flatness tr 11 71 rrolly h tve welting to tiny, I 1111111814. 4114 7011 1.4 tooto,„,- (To by ermtinnedi '4 gibbet know flolOg 4411 3 47111) !leiter " "1. fothilveter 4 Whn told y lo neer ' Ile Old He wild he won 'a ells eeminotor oi light Iltionture'" "Ileh ' Ile'. n hilt clerk In the em- ploy of the (nil oompany." 5 CLOSE PRISONER. 01 a Quebec Man's Trial His Long Unearned Punishment. His litsweat M•rvellutse Itscape by th• Aid of Itudd'• Hides, Pille-His Uratitude i *44. Help That 11111.04 14011111-1,tz Buses Completely ite- stored film to Health. adt. Patriot., Lot:teener., Qu., Sept. 30.--Oipetilall-A rad story of unjumt iusprieuituntott le that tool by Lippe Botaironueault, of thle place. kite e&&& war worae than that a tlie ordinary prisoner, for kb Wads were those of pale and disease. Fur eleven years thoo held aim. a hopelessi va•. Km, chained. tortured, a slave to Kidney Diesamo Who its terra in the world that thinker mau was intended to suffer, that he merits hie fate, that he de- serves the afflietioos of dImease put (111 Una ? Surely no One think,/ that Wet were put here to be happy, to be healthy and free from pain Notxxiy will ray that Phillippe Bantesounoault. os St. Patriot., deterred tits long 11 Leihment, and nobody but will repro to learn that through the ald c. wonderful niedktive-Dotheis !tilde ty Pille-he has escaped Dodd's Kidney Piller, the remedy that proved smell a boon. 41/114/ Made • reputation all over the world in the curing a diseases of awl arising from the Kidoeys. Bright's Disease, Die.. tea Rheumatism. Lumbago, Backaehe. Bladder and Urinary Trouble*, Wo- men'• Phoordere, Dropsy, Nervous - 11P161 and Bloat Impurities all come within the serve 01 Dold's Kidney Pine, and Dorld's Kidney PIllo have teetAntenilale for the cure of all of them Plellippe Boissonneault'a ease won the common form of Kidney Dis- ease. "For P4PTP11 7 PATO 1 have funereal untold agony with beeknehe, which ertfilded me an though I were bar- red and thookled I dwindled in iweigiht to a mere shadow I have taken all torte of medicines. noth• Ing doing me any goof I read In Dold's Almanac whet was recom welded for the Mimeos. I decided to try them and gent for sic boxes, though without confldenee, but to• IV I am completely cored and thank Doekl's Kidney Mile alone for It." The First Cup of Teo. The firma cup of tea drunk In Eng; land was made at A r limIrton Mouse, resktence wjalch occupied the site of the present Buckingham Palace. The tea was brought to England by the Earl of Arilingtoo, who gav P fatty leanings a pound for It In 1101 land Pepy• recorded hating drunk Ns first cup of tea on the 25t1t of September, 1660 In 1(4.3:1 1111 ittlIP WAR tea known In Germany that • wrtter of that time mentlisos It as "black water with an acrid taste"; end ell years later the Muscovite Ambition40r at the Coort of the Mo gul declined accepting a large pres- ent a tea for his master on the ground that it would only be trou bang lam with a oommodity for which he had no nee whatever Minard's Liniment .Cureo Burns. etc. A ".It -down tnethorl" won't do a minute In this age of aggremilyeness. An Endbecreet men umually lives to see the folly of his way• awl, If lie tioten•t, hie children do. A man should alway• 410 Mose to the bituation, know what lie be doing and not take anything for granted. There ls one element that la worth Its weight In gold, and that Is loy- alty. It will core/ a • ainititade, or weaknesses. It's an easy matter to handle even rongeeted controversies when the oplrit of the partied Is right and honest. RHEUMATIC PAINS. Caused by an Impure Con- dition of the Blood. If Reelected They Will Grow Worse mid Serious Itesult• Hill Follow -Rbeematisni Cam be Permanent- ly Cured. (From the Telegraph. Quebec.) Rheurantlien Is one of the most oonsmon nod at 1180 81,40 time one of the moot painful afflictions front which humanity nutter. It affect• the Mute, and muscles, 1113.1 ill character - Wed. even In It. wimple -tot form, hy 18 (lull con/Kant pain, While it remain. In the Joints. and netwies, it lc out- fIclently panful anti distreaming, hut aM it le liable to attack the vital or- gan., ounh a• the heart, the disease becomes a motives of danger, and In many Itortenceis it ha,, provol fatal. Dr. Welton's' Pink Pine po qualities for the cure of thin disease which are unequalled by any other 1110.111M08- Mr. Fyne. Lomond, a well known resident of tends/cone, Que., beano testimony to the wonderful curative ipowere of them pills. To a reporter of the Telegraph. he gave the following wtory : "Until eome three yearn ago 1 alwayo enjoyed the. beet of health, but /about that time 1 was attacked with what pro•nd from the oitteet to be n 8.f.rn oxen of Oreumettlem. from which I 4141 flared great torture. 1 tried a number of the reimposed cures for this disease but DOM/ of them beas. foot me. 1 seemed to he conotantly get:ming worspo 110 1 roils! In a physecien, hat a* his treatment did not give me relief, I woirght the 540- seletenee ef two other eloctors, but they alto fatter' to help trie. Illy ap- petite left no, ; my ferength gradu- ally ebbed away , 00P Or my lege I ail drawn out of *tape, end I was never free from pain. I was In .111111- p4*tr of ever holm well again, when one dny a rehttive brought me a box of Dr. William's' Pints Nile end urged me to take them. HP seemed to have with great eonfidence In the p411. that I determined to follow Mx advice. To -day I am happy that I did no, for with the ow of teem than n doter' borer of theme !Nils the pale from whielh 1 senffered so tench lo all groto and I feel lei Fortner end health- ier than 1 did before. Thla I owe to Dr. William'c' Pink Pine end I would Wrongly mire oemilar staffer - are to zee them ft. trial." Zrpartentoi M. proved Dr. Wit -- Immo' Plnk Plea to he without an wood am a bond builder and nerve rowtorer31 te this power of acting directly on the hilood and nerve& t hitt smithies theta !Alio to mitre oueh duo pewee as rtiesimatimm, seletka, nen- raleao, toonmotor Maxie, parody/no and all the ordinery dirwasem of the Wood and nerves*. Thew 0111 ars earl by all dealers In medielne, or man bee hail hy melt poirtpakl, at 60e a boy, or Mr horse for Seta), toy ad. orestaIng tbs Dr. Williame klediehe Os- Brookville, Oet. CROP IS 46,000,000 BUSHELS. Masager of I/Mom Company Kati- ita•ois Manitoba liarymt. Montreal, Oct. 1.---(8.1'. Hastinge. manager of the Lake of the NVoceks lillilug Co., who army ed frum Winni- peg to -day, speaking of the Manitoba crop outlook, mild. -Mere hate been sou umny mete* a the Manitoba e hunt crop, given by au many elfferent people, that it lw animal imaectemary for 1/Ur °mammy to giro 11.11. etillsuale at Ude late date, Roughly speaking we esti- mate the wheat crop in Manitoba and the Terrttorlas ut 48,001000 bush - Ma True will leant a, surplus to be disported of of over 40.000.000 bushels. ••,tot to the effects, of the weather tiondltione, the recent raina will have a tendency to bletufh the wheat and lower the quality 01 the graln, hut a InriCe portion of the crop lie now threeihrel and sale." MONEY WINNINGS Of Caaadlau Cattle a- t th• Pan-Amer- ican Show, Ottawa, Oct. 2.-(Sattc1.l)-The partment a Agriculture has received a report of the winnings uf t'anadian cattle at the Pan•American top - Lion. Canadian %tittle made a very good showing, imperially shorthorns. The winnings of Canadian and Ameri can cattle mutuntarised l• am follows: United Canedien Staten Shorthorns.- $1.001. 60 $118 t.0 Herefords,. 355 00 740 00 eibeetleen Amir7'40 480 00 197 50 24744j0 Ent cattle.- ...- 11000 Guernseys.. 1310 00 710 00 French Cassallan 402114) 4177(14) Ayradrete... 430 00 18000 Hutsteinto 4 12 00 930 00 P°iO4 • 55.111 10$54112 50 GOLD MEDAL FOR CHEESE. _- thalami* Beats All America •1 Buffalo. Ontario cheese !IDA triumphed at the Pan-American, where it was In competition with the whole Of North and Osarth America, and won the gold medal Lateral by the Ex - wellies The victory Ix notable and le one more tribute to our dairy- men and to the offictals who ,elected the exhibit. The Depart- ment of Agriculture of Ontario theough it committee of the Went - ern Dairymen's Aservelatlern IVO over at different therm during June. July and August 140 boxed of chet•se. which were scored by expert judges. The exhibits were the product of 57 clieeee factories of Ontario, situate In both the Peet mid west, and in - eluded a fine lot from the Ontario Agricultural College. According to the rule., a the Exposition, any exhibit 'scoring 94 points or over would receive a diploma and 01 118. Ontario August cheese. which was hurt mowed. only one package failed tr. reach this standard. while Rome of the packager scored as high as 99% per cent. Provision was &leo nowt. li, the .rulee and 1.14111ati0116 hitt " sin award will be made to th• State, country or 11r08 loco ha• ing the greatest aggregate score on Its Indlvidual tehibits of dairy pro- ducts. and an armed made to the exhibitor receiving from the Judge the greatetit aggregate score Oil his exhibits from each much State, oountry or Provinces." The award decided upon by the Board of Juror., was a gold meeial. &oil at the, meeting held last week the gold medal was awarded to the Province of Ontario. Only one goki medal wart awarded, and the cheese maker. of the Province are to be congrntulated on tiering se- cured the high honor. The flimflam:cm still maintele their lead in the 1%14 -American Mode; Dairy, and It 4. oetierrilly conceded that they will mitt the butter -fat tort unison 0/1010 ace Men t befall ber 10th the standing er the them. Fin- the week eaten Sett:L- W AO followm: 1. OuernweY111 Sri 34 Jersey's lioletelns Ay rehire. 5844, Dole.144 Brown Rwlee 8 10 Short h nem* -- . 58(1 French 'anndi tn ... 5 MCI trerneye Dutch Belted ..- ... 54411 4 OS The foilowlag iv the ate:klieg hi" the week endlnio Sept. 17144 : . tines -noon J ' .. *780 ••••• 788 ................. 714 Ayrtehlow - ...... 8444 lied Polle - .-- 8 IIT /inert norm ...-.. „. 5 94 Brown Awl.' 579 French Canadian - . 578 Pealed Jerseys ... 5 141. Detee. Belted 84. blasagerneet. "Don't pm think you love patience with yorer heehawl on rather alight provocation T" sal.1 the near reletIve. "I have to provoke him mementoes'," 11818 the placid answer, "Ito (Mit 110 will lose Me tamper, and then give me anything I want eat ea to atone for the VCRS he him ected.'-Washlag- ton Star. _ Kinard's Lialmeat Cures Dan- druff. Clerk --You esin't get a room for him here ; 111..0 drunk. Wytte (impporting Ida weary (riend) -I know he le What of that ? Clerk (ecornfully)-ThIs le a temper - Race hotel. Wytte-Well, he's too drnsk to know the difference. Whew a pogillet goes on the stage. society seititms honors him with box parties. The trouble with a treat many Men he they don't arpreelete three pre - dice Men t until they get Into the enickonnd It doesn't take an Incubator to hatch a plot. Minard4 Lialmeot Relieves Neu- ralgia, A Tree leplowtatlet, hady-I den't like tide picture so well ale 1 did the Mat on• 705 (0* <4m.. • Photographer -4h, me/lam, I lutes not the arthele twee that I bad when 1 wee pinny. •n4, basidok stcy earlier& la getting old. Imam Ifisard'e Liniment for sale evers- ISSUE NO. 41. 1901. Children's Fertilizer. That's a good name for Scott's Emulsion. Children are like young plants. Some will grow in ordinary soil. Others need fertilizers. The nature of some children prevents them from thriving on ordinary food Such chil- dren grow right if treated right. All they need is a little ter- tilizer-a little extra richness. Scott's Emulsion is the right treatment. Fertilizers make thingsgrow. That's just what Scott's Emul- sion does. a makes children grow in flesh, grow in strength, grow rich blood, grow in mind, grow happy. That's what we make it for. Send for free sample. scan- a DOWN F Tomato !tar •nd /. no all tiootson Eximested the Code, 1. commerchal traveller connected with a certalo cycle rompany Woo form home th a distant town Just before an Intervening family feria took place. To wet him meet at rest he left order. 151111 the nurse to wire: "tientlensan'it safety arrii 0 if the expected 'stranger turned unit to be a boy; and lf a girl. to wIre the words "Lady'', safety arrived '• twine a me eurprIse and ilouney w lien a few days later a meseitge ArriVes1 containing aely the word: "Tandem." Deafness Cannot be Cured By local atiptiostions es they cannot rem b the diseased 1.0.1100 of 160 ear. There is wily Onil way to mire deafffeea, asd that I. by caisson, timid remedi.w. Deafness la caused by an te Rained condition of the =moons Hulas of /be knot &chum Tubs Wham thia tube la Inflamed you have. tumbling sound or imperfect bear Inc and when It ts entirely clewed. Doane. la the result, and 'Mlle. the inearnmatioe cas be taken Wit and Usti tube rettored te Its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever nine came out of toe are caused by Catarrh, which I• nothing but se Inflamed eondltioa ef the 18(1(00411atirfaces, We will give One H•ettral Dollen" tor any case of ISeafners Massed by ca:arrhl that can not be cured by Hill. last/writ Cure Bend for circulars, free J. f'111INEV & . Toledo Reid by druggist& 73c. Bells Fatally Mile are Use 81.1. sot Telegrams are la•lolate. The governor of Penney 441710414 41611 signed an act which makee It a pul- demeanor for an employee of a tel. graph or telephone company to part to a third women any Interne., tion he Of' 11114 may acquire 184,034.' of Irto or her position during thi traneminedon of memoirs The nee law imixetem • penalty of SOX) floe hopriseenmesi t for 8.11 011.111 1111. ur both. I wee cured of terrible imbue bY MINAHD14 LINIMENT. 'EY. WM. IIROWN I W mired of ft, Wel CAne of nellP by mrs.Antrs LINIMENT MRS. S. KAI'1,11%(.11" 4 wait cured OPneltly• lenge by IdINAltleas LINIMENT. YRS. 14. 11ASTE114 The Continental Life Insurance Company HEAD OFFItT., TORoNTO, Authorized Capital - 111,500,000 The policies <4 thle company em- brace •••ry good feature of Lif• In- surance oontrixots, aod guarantee the highest benefits In regard to loans, cash surrenders, and extended lemur - lane. Hood agents wanted to this distrlet, Host Jim. Drydee, deo. B. Woods, • President. General Manager, AN IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Will he held on TUESDAY, 15TH OCTOBER, 1901 at II Onlock A.m., on the promisee of the Itoth, well Dairy Company. at llith well, Ontario whoa the following mai estate and pensonsl preferty will he offered for sale, vlx. - 099 acres cif excellent farming land, partleu- ler!, adapted for Maley and ranch purposes Th• buildings ronalat of a large ohmee factory owl creamery plant complete, with boiler. engine and other machine'''. 3 bourse, lams baaement barn, 3 allow, extensive horse And cow .4 .81.., efe., all In geol repair. mlleh Cerro In calf. 2 bulls, 6 hone, awl 4 1/0011 1,101 bMhP1A of oat. And barley, 73 *004 hay, large quantity Moral.. Aln tons enallotte 5.43 arres mantels, together*1144. complete equipment of farming Implements Intl effeet The land, if not told en hie.% will be °Sera' in parcel*. 11 droiree Term* assay For atm_ implements ea, the term. are - ail slime MO lied under cloth, over that ainoun 9 nionthe'cretilt on Approved note*. percent, per a n•n m allowed 04 7.', raah. OfTera for Ole whole, 1m -haling land. build - Inge, atook and effect., will he r•Opitlereal. If the real estate 4. run sold, nr•aneements may be made At sale to rent it- whole or part. Fer furl Asepertleuters ae• poolern or apnlY to FILIOIIC It MOORE. Remitters, Louden. Ont.. oe JNO 54. PKARCK Coestnealon Merebrinteh London, Ont. Ik‘`ANTIED RTI1C4 TO Do KNITTING for as et home. We Melia yarn and eutchlee. Nosy work. Geed pity. Rand 4nI1• tars Men treated. sees Warne for protteams to Standard Rees Po., Dept it Toronto. ost- lers. Wheslew't Plootlitag *roe slimed at woo be aged few ethane (..t 1.,. It seethes this ektki, softens Ms resin cures wind cant end le the beet remedy ter elarrim n Teem, - eve emus bosun rAlUi nut eel.* ONO Or ?BB 1. Moot is We Merest Periestda, 41* Masa, le miles trent wandlite• at two ma scam 144.114441 sIl M white is irt frusta nweelY_Oraelhile. WM be este hs ewe ponied 14 1.1. 54.( *1,e M aerie 40 see erse Thai. • desillee largais 1141.= auraS Oareeetsr. P. Q bey Mk Os Your Complexion 4. 55. .4 7041? 1117. 11 greed; ft set geed. Tea "1 per:rye& awe yew menerel hes h 4. elms. need Se by imprint or P. mem AK two Indibrakies preseriptiesse to period your health. Is aims year peewit 410571411011 Dome ese werthlaw Mee bilmellees or washea AO (ALO IlitDICAL, talc Mirk.