The Signal, 1901-10-10, Page 5W. Acheson & Son
Friday, Saturday, & Monday,
October 11, 12, and 14.
1t °¢111
OWING to the very short time elapsing between
the issue of this paper and our Three Days' Sale,
we hope customers may be able,'even on so short
notice, to attend this sale early as possible.
Our stock of all goods advertised Is large, but
many lines will be cleared very fast at such
. € �t r Iv a
, gel � : ^ 1g .H,tzitw r; ,
Friday, Saturday and Monday's Prices
Equal Prices have not before been seen in Goderich.
Every one of these offers is an unrivalled special value
and enough for the Three days are here. Following
items tell how our overstock is your opportunity to
obtain the unusual.
300 yards Extra heavy all Pore Wool
zah,40.341, Homespun trees Deeds, 42 te 44
rettTee . Inches wide, and le oolore Greys.
<osyvwfi9 Browse and Blues, regular valise
65o., at per yard
1,200 yards Heavy &latih Costume
Clothe or wrappersotss, revers -
ibis roods, colt hotsh aod bead -
fel colorings. and red tad blank
cheeks, dote anti stripes, regular-
ly sold at Iron 121 to 15o. now
for throe days' wllinr et per
50 pain of American extra homy
oo►tea Blankets, they ars 'armee
double bed size and very tall sad
soft, regularly worth per pals
11 50, your opportunity ler terse 96e
days only, purchase at per par.
20 peen Canadian all wool grey hlank
ole, full sin.. and hats taloned
borders, weight full 7 pounds, 1,95
regular pries, per pair $2 75. at
Greatest yet in
-'Q SM goods r
2,000 yards dreg. good. at ooe prim,
oont•'nlae 38 to 40 lash all ours
wool arose Ia all shades, eerdln-
a1e, blues, b-owoe, greens. greys;
42 loots Tweed Salting.. sew,
stylish goods and regularly gold
at 40o • yard, all at one plies, r1�,,
per yard Lill;
25 dozen Women's heavy wool and
stoma Yens and Drawers, they
ars • leading mar uf•olor.r's lot
of sample* and will be cleared at
halt prtee, worth double. price WC
Pow Gout 15; each to 60
1000 yards of Amerioan 32 Isobel
wimp Drapery or heavy corded
Art Cntoo, test Dolors and le
light or dark, to latest designs,
realer 20o, offered for this sal.12
at per yard.
Tot Coate and Far Capes at all
.nuked down prima. Black
mountain been Copes. ratln hoed,
27 tootles long, .11 sizes, regular
$9.00, as special 6 95
50 ends of Tapestry Capes ooabals•
lag *soh 1 i yards. and sold regu-
larly at per yard from 601 to 90,,
for the end, each 50C
L.dlsi kid gloves in browns and tans
Is every size, 6 to 71. billowy dome
fattener. and • fine, sots, ser-
vloeable kid, requiter 75D value
at per pair
' 50c
40 acres pairs ladles' Eorlisb oesh-
mere hosiery, extra heavy and
seamless, In p1010 or ribbed, ren•
alar value per pair, 50a, special
70 peke et Comets e1 such makes al
B and l', Yens', coraltoe and
Featherbose, not every size le
every make bus every 517.5 111
tame make, regular $1.00 and 69C
$1.25 quality, at per pair
120 yard. 58 truth navy hiss and black
Homespun Suiting, ail pure wool
and regular 11 00 (reality, at per
yard 75c
Cllntos : Mn. flash Mct:aire, formerly
of Clinton, has purohaesd the Union Hotel
In Toronto for 113.000.
Winghem • A Delmage hen purchased
the Geddes property on Josephine street,
opposite his *Moe, for 12.500.
Manley : A oonple of weeks ago Maloolm
McKwan, of the 3rd. eon., had the mister-
tese eo have • maple of rats broken while
Oorrte : S. Ashton, who was ill with
smallpox le Gerrie, leu completely reoov•
seed, and le now vleltler at his feast's os
the first line of Morris.
Colborne : John A. Ysnstone, of Chicago.
who 1s trerelln for • New York ready.
made clothier firm, is spending his vacation
under the paternal reef.
Brussels : The stone hose" of the late
Robert Burns, 'l'nrnberry sweet, Brussels,
has been poroh•sed by J. D. %Narw ok,
V.S., the prem being $801.
Brunelle : George Best has perohesed the
ros.drnce on 1'oreherry street, now 000spled
by Jas. eta from H Denote, of Chatham,
payloe 3900lor the tams.
Ktster: Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Shute, of
Wlooippag, formerly of Raster, moors the
loss, throaeh death, of Dorothy Olive, an
Intent aged fifteen menthe.
Neatorth : The ftroadfoot & Boz furniture
laetery le h sing enlarged owing to Inoreuleg
hostess. The masons are now busy with
the brit* work of the building.
Wreathe : Archie Molloh•sl, who Dyes
near Wroxeter, threshed off fear sad •
half sores et wheat 175 bushels, about
thirty glee hnshsls to the aerie
Rely Mrs. Russell, of 1 •teaw,
Mlehigan, danshter of R. steneboIss, Ie
t \home at her father's, havleg roes threntk
}t. operation. she to still to • very °retinal
Clinton : 0. 0. MoT was obliged
be sob Godarlah etas day messily to hest
for hte plenty little fox terrier whish took •
tate M the meaty tows on the train • day
et ea before.
Reafert.'s : Jolts Killoran, as old and
meek rsswmrel olNses of Seaforrh, passed
5wst at his rssfdreee, John et , l'oeedsy
morning, Oslober the 1s1, 51 the age el
Blyth • fhvid Relish, whits went M Eng-
land eriel yeetland leer magas ole, re-
lined Isms meetly gad has gees te De•
.1 Ssptemtsr, a1 the age et eighty -alae
Tuoker.mlth : Wm. ('hesasy, of Tucker•
smith, .ays he hoe as good a orup of apples
all be bad awl year, while his Northers
tiptoe are better and mere num.roes. Mr.
Chesney says he makes. pr•osloa of eprlsk•
ling wood saes ou bis tree. whoa the leaves
are wet with dew, and he think. It has •
mere bes.6olel awn then .arraying them
and 1. touch lee labor.
Saforth: Josieb Watson has dispoesd of
his realdeoos, in the Norah ward, to Jobo
Morrisoo, of MoKlliop, who intends retiring
from tarmisg and taming to town to reside.
The pries paid was $1,050,aud Mr. Morrison
b...eouted a otos .od oomfortabl. home,
.t • very reasonable figure. Mr. Watson
and family aloud remoytor to Beulah
Columbia where he hu two sew.
Brussel.: Mrs. Wilhite, sr., reoelvod •
letter last week from her son, Andrew, who
1. worktor in Northern Ontario at bridge -
building, st.tleg that he had fallen sevso-
teen feet from • bridge owl broken Ms left
arm and 1 ribs. but was getting along
as well as eould be expsotsd. The tsjur.d
man is a brother of Mrs. P. Amnon and
Walter. Jesse and Joe. WAbee of ale
Cllaten : Mrs. J. Tedford and dau.bter
left Tuesday of last week tor Mineedoea,
Mau., when Mr. Tedford bat been for
some time and where they will raids to
future. Miss'1'edtord, w a member of the
l'reebv'erlan choir, will be muoh mlesed.
Their departure complete" the removal of •
very highly respected family, one that has
lived here for a good maoy years, and we
voice the sentiment of the entire town to
wishing them the fullest merman' of pea, -
polity to the boundless West.
Brunette : On Saturday, September 21st,
James T. D;ok.on, ot Laudon, North
Dakota, • former resident of thls locality
and • see ot_ Robert Dickson, icrmorly of
Grey and Brussels, and biles Maud Atr•-
baet, of Hamilton. oaoe • school teacher to
Brussels public school, wars happily married
at the home of the bride's mother, Hamilton.
They hate goes to their home le Leeedon
after • visit at 9e Paula. The many old
friends of the ooutraotloa parties will les a
unit In their sxprewloo of 000gratul.tlons
to Mr. and Mrs. Dickson. May their joys
be many and their troubles few.
Exeter : On Sunday, A. Hastings, barber,
while at his home, met with a very paloful
accident, one that will, oeoesdt•te his
quitting work for some time. flaying with
Ws little d.uebter, be was chasing her
about the house, and while passing through
the hall serene himself around the banalaer
poll. His band slipped and he tell, his
rah" arm going through • thick glen m the
trout door, and wish the downward motloo
of lets body, was drawn along the ragged
glass, oohing the arm to the bone, and
'swag all the arteries and sinews at the
west. A surgeon was Immediately sum•
mooed, but before hit urinal Mr, Hutisge
had lost • 000udenble amount of blood,
the fluid. before the blesdlog was stopped,
spurting be the Detling. There were 1
out. upon the arm, It taking oyer thirty
stitches to ;vie the sinews and .lose the
Counoll met September 213th. Member'
all present. Minutes of previous mooting
rsad and adopted. Bylaw No. 8 was
paesed, beteg the rates for the different
schools as follows •-8. S. No. 1, Union, 21
Mille; Nos. 1, 3 6 10 mills; 2, 3 8.10 mills;
3, 2 mill.; 4, 3 4.10 mills; 5, 2 8 10 mllle;
6, 2 mills; 7, 2 2 10 ml l.; 8, 2 3.10 mills;
9, 1 4-10 mills; 10, 2 1-10 mills; 11. 3 6 10
mills; 12. .2 8 10 mills; 13, 2 1.10 mule;
I4, 2 miffs; I5, 2 3-10 mitts; 1b, -:-$l0"
mills; 17, 1 8 10 mill*. Debentures ter No.
7, 3 3 10 mills; for No. 2, 9 10 mills; Ne.
15, 11 mills. Special school rats, 11 .BM.
Tits following .betimes were Issued: J.
Little, repairing culvert, 250.; A..Ichnstes,
stools( oulvert, S. R , 6 and 7, $3.00;
Jas. 1) , gravel, $1.04; Jobe Sullivan,
repairing redeem, 50o; J. Griffin, mistrials
culvert, 50o; R. Knightly, gratellog ap•
proaoh to culvert, $1.00; J. Mol)onald,
repairing culvert, $4.00; Thos. 0
posting sod repairing oulvert, $4.00; Ed
Johnston. arming and graveling, and cul-
vert, $24.70; James Simpson, repairing
oulvert, 50o; James Bleak, burying .beep,
50.; Wm. MoKolght, culvert, b. R. 9and
10, $6.00; Wm. M]Wbinney, rep•Irior
bridge. S. R. 9 and 10, $4 50; Jobs Kil-
patrick, repairing culvert, $2 00; John
K ilpatrick, repairing 2 calve, t•, F. B.,
15 00, aril mridge, L. R , $105 00, for grav-
eling, s. R 3 and 4, $68 40; P, Auetlo,
tospeottog, $2.00, Ed. Johnston, gradtep
and graveling. Doo 10 and 11, and reparlor
2 culverts. Don, 9, $41 50; John Bowan,
repairing 2 culverts, S. R, 9 and 10, $12.50;
M Wallace, 2 Dement culvert., S. R 9 and
10, r7.00; John D.xoo. repairing oulvert
and cleaning ditch, $16.11; D. Rutherford,
Dement culvert, con. 12, 13 55; Mr. Dao
aids, for throe tale culverts. $27.00, B.
Buckingham, drawing tile. $6 00; R. A.
Carrick, repairing culvert, $3.00. pert pay
for bridge. $100 OC; K. Tartish, repairleg
culvert, $1.00; D. hloOregor, Inspeoting,
113.50; Jas. Jonsetoo, work o0 road,
$2.25; A. Johnston, ditch on D. L. and
tile, $12.40; Joe. Culbert. inspecting, $1.00;
.l nhn Reid, lospeotleg, $2.00; R. '1'wsmley,
ditch god gravel, $2.00; Wm. McQoold,
repairing bridge, eon. 6, 12 00; Jul. Bon.
land, ditch, $18.40; Time. Culbert, repairing
culvert, 99o. Next 00000il meeting Nov. 9.
trop to resume his studies In the medical
oollege I0 that oity.
Bluevale : Jas. H. Jenklne, of Kalka►ka,
Mloh., is netting Ma parents on the Blue -
vale road. It le fourtern years since Mr.
Jenkins %fatted hers before, so he will
doubtless see many ohanges,
K Wawanosh Wm James Taylor died
at his residence to East Wawanosh, ono
mile north of Blyth, on Saturday, Sept.
28th. H. wen Wok lees than • weak and
pneumonia wen the moss of death.
(lederioh township : Richard Jennings,
who has beam living on the ?Weil farm,
lot 32, 2od oonceedoo, has bought the Rd
msnson farm of 80 acre•, es the same lige,
for somewhere to the neighborhood of $3000,
and takes possession in November.
Wingham : Former neither, of James
Miller, who removed from Turnberry to
Michigan lite spring, will regret to bear
that he has been In poor health since going
to M.oletfas. He is now In Toronto
hospital, Ina very orlttml onndlticn.
Blyth :John Barrett, who hes been olerk
Ing le • tyaticertoo score for the pee% four
menthe, Ie at present ytalllug at the hone
of his parents here. tie will leave In •
few days for Moosoml., Asslelboia, *hers
h• has a good situation awaiting him.
Sommerville : The people of Sb. l'stet's
nhereh here met one evening reoeetl at
N H. Bingham's and presented Mrs. Ring•
hem with • floe tea set and Nisi Mahal
with a floe fruit dish as tokens of sweets
Nen of their valuable wireless le onnneotion
with oharoh wort.
Brame!, : 1)r. H. J. MoNaugh)ne, o1
Peen Van, N.Y , was le town • few days
500 while ee meta to Mitchell, where he
was Bolted In marrlare to • most sllm•ble
nano lady, In the parenn of Miss t artle
Hord, daughter of ex Mayor Hord, an old
and well known resident of that town.
W Ingham : Mayor Cheri has deolded rot
to rebuild his reals wareheass, at any rate
n ot this year, and hoe aoospted a el tutting
ae aestetant to R. 0. Hell, manes, of the
',WartateIngh',Wartaof Canada Vomiters
Menefee Ltd., taking the plans 01 1)
Wrlghe, who hen bele called to the head
office, Toronto.
Cll.tee : 'le the elder r..Meete of aka
town the name of Wm. Little le gaiter
famill.r, he bawler hese for twenty dye
years a prominent and rep.oted reddest sf
the tame. and they will regret te leve o1
his deletes, whish teak pleas al the boos
. 1 Ods sea 1. Iso, art., ea tb 2514
A tent that 1. pitched at the base ;
A wargoo tbat comes from the sight ;
A stretcher and oo It • Coes ;
A surgeon, who's bolding a light.
The Iufaotry's bearing the brant— 1
0, hark to the wind tarried dam I
A mutter el guns to the frost ;
A whimper of sobs at the tsar,
Asd We war 1 "Orderly, hold the light,
You ono lay him down 0o the table ; so,
(Cally—gorily 1 Tbaske you may go."
And ft's war I but the put that is not for
A tout, with • table *thwart,
A table that's laid out for use
A waterproof Dover—and sartght
But the limp, mangled work ot a gun,
A beetle that's etuok by the pole,
A guttering dip Io Its Deck ;
The dickers's light of • soul
Oa the wondering eyes of The Wreak.
Aad It's war I "Orderly, hold bus hand
amid I
A rl000het I God 1 what • mew 11 has
made 1"
And It's war I •od a very ulebesltby soda
The slink of a stopper and alas. ; 4
A sigh as the ohloroform drips; sti
A trlokle of—whaton ate grams,
Aod bluer and bluer the lips •e
The lube. have hidden the stare ;
A root, alio the clothes 1a11 away ;
A touch, and the wound is laid bare,
A out, and the face has turned grey.
And ft's war ! "Orderly take it out.
It's bard tor bit child Lod It's rougb on
Isis wife.
There might have baso—soowr—a oh•noe
for hie hie."
But We war 1 Aod--"Orderly, Olean ibis
keit. I"
—kdgar Wallace in Leaden Mall.
rataam'. 1'.r■ extractor
Doesn't ley • moo up for a week but qulet-
ly and surely goes on doing as work, and
o othlog e, known of the operation tall the
ooru is libelled. Platy o1 .ubedtutee do
this. Some of them ars dangerous, no
danger trom Parsem'& sxmpb to the Dore,
At all druggists.
To. SIONAI. to January 1st, 1902, only
20 omits.
Two ladies ware passing along the street
the other day, when they saw one of the
n ew fasnlooed baby armee', " Why to
the world should they bays steps to • baby -
carriage! Phe child couldn't step op in it,
asked ooe. "Why, this 1. for • step•ohlid,
of course," seesawed the other ; and the
flat debated with berselt whether to laugh
or not.
WZDFtanAY, Oat. 2.
bites Maggie Buobanao has returned from
• trip to the Pao -Americas sod reports
h ence had • good time.
Thos. (turn' intends to go to Toronto
nut weak to sae Their Royal Highnests,
the Delis and Decbese of Cornwall and
The union meeting of the Presbyteries'
ooegrsg•tlons of Carlow and Auburn held
on Monday did not result in • call to the
variant charge. The oongregatloes tailed to
agree upon any el the oaadidate,, and le
was finally resolved to bear other ministers
on trial before making any further attempt
to settle the matter.
M0NI.A y, GDS. 7.
Dr. Marlon Oliver, returned missionary
eo l'entr.I India, •ddreverd the ladies'
Foreign Missionary Soolety at Smith's Hill
on Wednesday shamans of last week, Mrs.
(Kos. ),1e., Hamilton, her sister, also was
°resent and gave • short address, giving the
ladles great enooaragement to re on In their
good watt, knowing that "Ie doe season
they shall reap if they faint not." lir.
Oliver told of her last ten year', wort away
to that foreign land, her work thea being
denser In the minion hospital, with • large
staff of workers under her guidanm sod
direction. Our earnest desire ie she may
Tong be soared to go on 1n the good wore
her Muter bas nailed her to in le that land,
and when her mnelne Is done hers on earth
may she hear the glad tidings, "Wahl done,
good and faithful servant."
Dosgannon fair today and toms rrow will
hays • rood many %lettere from (lod.rloh.
The her ooteart will ho held tomsrrov
In both sexes the blood besomes
hnpoverished, the system weak and
worn ont, A pallid pinkly, oom-
ple2ion is a mire sign of thin, wet -
ay blood. "Climax" Iron Toni.
Pills add new, rich blood, strength-
en the system and make tbs
eomple:ion healthy. Each box
eontaina ten days' treatment. Pries
115 Beads, at all druggists, or mailed
on Ban of pries. Address: ton,
Dr. Halt I[ • Oa,
portunity makes
Shoe sole"robbery"
prevails because it
can't be discoveped till
the shoe is worn out.
The Makers' •rice
stamped on the so
pledges value up to
that price in— -
"The Slater Shoe"
WR. Sanaa, Jr. • Sole Local Agent.
A Great Snapp
Your Ginger Soap, at 5o. •
pound, of which we sell • barrel • week.
Thls fm's our only ea•p. as we tarry
overytbtog that ons bs found in an up-
te-data grocery store, and our prloes
are right. The farmers know that they
oan always get from us • map tor their
produoe. We drew the line at 110
legitimate trade — everything goes :
Glasware or potatoes, garden .tuff or
oholoset table China. We deal In all
of them.
Bedford blook, Ooderfoh.
a full line of ---east
Screen Doors and
Lawn Mowers,
Garden Hose,
Garden Rakes,
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
a specialty.
AT a
Tavaa1Ay, Oot. 10.1 1901.
A woman's reproductive
organs aro in the most in-
stense and costlmasus sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
The slightest disorderio the
kidneye brings about a
corresponding disease Is
the reproductive or
Dodd's Kidney Pills, by re-
storing the kidneys to theft
perfect condition, prevent
and cure those fearM &b-
orders peculiar to wom.o.
Pale young girls wore-outmothers, suffering wives
sad women entering upon
the Change of Life, your
beet friend 1.
to attend the Llstowel Business College for a
term. Students mer enter •t guy time, either
for ltuelness or a dbortband Course. Rates
reamuable. Send for Journal. C. A. 7LKM-
INU, Pres ; A. L. MoINTYRE. deo.
with your health.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the best
there is at the same prices Gist are
charged for inferior goods.
At our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
has a reputation for promptness and
WW1 -Mk
Medical Hall.
I have put into stock a line of Ready•made
Clothing of first class manufacture, and
at priuee to suit the time*. -- -.
Ordered Clothing
Ie still my specialty. A good range of
clothe to select from ; and workmanship
the beat to be had.
1f you need an overcoat thin fall call and
nee me. A number of lengths of piers
goods to be cleared out at cont.
West Street
the boding Furniture Dealers and
Undertaken, baye just received the
following goods:
Bedroom Sults, $8.00 and up,
Parlor Suits, $15.00 and up,
Couches, $5.00 to $20.00,
Parlor Chairs, $1.00 to $10.00
Hall Racks, $5.00 to $18.00
and choice relit pieces of Furniture.
Wo WO 111111 selling Window Shades
and I'oles at rodu.vwl prices.
Ptcturo framing, Upholstering, Pack -
Ing, etc.
The Undertaking Department....
in under expertsupervision, and the
service we guarantee in of the very
best, while our prices are reasonable.
NIGHT OR DAY salt, promptly
attended to.
We solicit :patronage on the merits
of the goods we sell and services we
nr ff�� TLJ1i,1IJJlil-Lt R h YNAS & CORNELL, ORNELL,
Sif7UwwfijwrniedfoN Sloth,
a, adertaben and Far-
Fall Season --1901
All the latest shapes, the newest colors, the most novel
effects in trimming—and everything of the best. These aro
the features of the
R. 8. Smith's 4/1CK I11%M'S"°=k
Stoic" le
The Best in Millinery
Is none too good for you.
Our successful opening is over and we are down to business. If you
have an idea come and Miss Dudus and her staff will execute it for you and
to your liking. If you are not set in your mind what you want Dome and
see the very latest creations at the lowest price.
OLOTHINOE—Now shy sloe oold
weather 1. here, perhaps Put overteat
1e gas up to what you would like. We
have the hew ones, spwul at $5. 00 as
well as higher and (ower prices.
UNDERWEAR.—You will mles 11 11
you huy before you ase our special wool.
Hamad silk Botehed Arotloe, worth 11 50
• suit for, per suit $125
OLD JACKETS —Yea sissy wast
one fur running out in or to save year
good one. 11 not you may know seems
poor perms who does and le not able M
afford ooe. Maks her happy for 50s.
Old style Jackets, good heavy elobh,
worth up to $10.00, your choke of lbs
lob for the pries of the Inatome ....500
1)osble-fold aa.ae1NN SbeeMos, two IM.
wide, at per yard '00
Two specials in Wool Blankets at 12.50 and $3.00.
ever saw.
The best yslue you
— THg LaAD1NU —
waveo\ Vivet1 OY2. fahJ,
Tt.mota\varus. ;.
terders carefully -attended la of all
bears, sight or day.
Quebec Street.
Pastry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls,Mince
Pies and Lady Fingers, Kisses,
Macaroon, Marangnes,gr;
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
aro as good as the beet made In any
city in Canada.
Cantelon lesde the trade in
Iler?iletart:u i
in fancy designing and ornament
ing and almond icing.
Give him an order and your sot-
isfactiou will be immured.
I Iciifbp Nataal Fire bursas Ca
Value of Property lemur -el up to January
1901 t1a e•s t70.t1�
J. B. McLean, pres. ; T. Irramr, vice-ptei
Jae Connolly. , d, Dale, W. O. ie.
roadfass, J.
Watt, Jas. Evans, J. G. Grieve, J. Beaaswsls,
directors; W. (3. Broadto,t, dostorth, teepee,
tor 01 loose. ; T. L Hays, Bsatorth, secretary -
J. W. Ego, Holmesvltls ; Jenne Cumming
O5moodvllle • lt, McMillan, Seatorth t
dmrltb, Narlook.
Polity -holders can pay •eses•maste sad gee
their Dards repeated at Mr. Coats',
at Mclean Brae,' Pauses Clothing !Pre=
ScrfflhtOli Ba
TR 131itlT
rd Coal
All Coal we1ghad on the Market eoales
where you get MOO Its. for • toe.
Orden loft al 1.33 at SBEYB,AAD'a
Stere promptly attended M.
Solid Comfort
Shoes. ou
Ooodyear Welt shoes, with
Sleeper Insole.
There are two kinds of oboes,
Goodyear Welt, and all other
In a Goodyear Welt there are
two kinds of Insoles I one is
Leather, and the other is a Sleeper Patent Flexible Insole.
There is only one shoe that represents a perpetual comfort, whereby
a shoe takes the place of • slipper in the house, or a boot on the street
—this is the Goodyear Welt that is made with the Sleeper Insole.
The Sleeper Patent Flexible Insole, which is made from t -ouocs
Duck, is soft and pliable, perfectly waterproof, and shapes itself to the
foot in such a manner as to afford the greatest possible comfort.
The Sleeper Insole will not harden with perspiration, as leather
insoles do, and is always ready for immediate wear.
The J. D. King Co., Limited, have the exclusive right for Canada.
For Sale in Goderich b
.Sale is Over.
Our Fire Salo has been an immense success, having
'cleared out all old stock, and we have received the largest
consignment of Fine Shoes that has ever come into town.
Ladies are invited to call at any time and make an in-
tVai spection of the now goods.
Trimmed Bata from 911.00 up. a."-aiti'A
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. Ms MacLEOD, Cioderich, Ont.
which is being worn by the society people of England, Frances
Germany and Canada.
They are the most stylish, durabFe and comfortable
shoes made, and you must remember that you do not have
the duty to pay for when buying these Famous Shoes.
Don't forget the name, " King Quality," in both Ladies'
and Gents'. All styles, widths and sizes.
We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased from ns. 50e a Ib. The step -ladder alone
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea—not a medicine, but a tstre-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientitis
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to huy your Garden Seeds. We have s
full aMae-rtment.
STT-Tift7ZYY az COa
Telephone No. 91.