The Signal, 1901-10-10, Page 4TERMInar, OA 10. 1101.
Look over your clothes and see what
you need. Look over our stack and
see how easily we'll supply You.
You'll be able to get both a suit and
an overcoat for the price you'd pay
for either mads to order, and it
wouldn't tit better at that We
would call your
`� . Special Attention ��j .
to our 110.00 Frieze Overcoats, made with box back, seams double stitched,
sleeves have cuffs attached, trimmed with heavy Italian lining, patent mohair
sleeve lining, making a very nobby, comfortable and durable coat. Already
we have a large sale of these overcoats. In the first place the style sod lit of
these garments appeal to the taste of all good dressers. The quality he -good,
and the price is so low that it makes it a very easy matter to make a sale.
Call and see them. It costa nothing to examine them and only $10.00 to buy
:FOR THE BOY. -Oat ooe of our Fele re Reefers. 1t will give b m tote of wear,
keep him warm and oats you very little money.
Selo Agents for Christy's London Hats. Men's Furefeber and flatter.
Y.I.Sen's Blook.
Mt Signal,
--The occasion always finds the o an.
- This is no time for peanut pelt ice.
-The politician, like the poor, is always
with us.
- In politics the truth is stranger than
-Toe men who shout are not the men
that rule.
-The way to be succeseful1. to use other
men's brains.
-The crooked politician in usually on
the other side.
- When a politician has to hedge he le on
dangerous ground.
-To take Dare of Number One is the aim
of every politician.
-The average politician ewes more for
deals than for Ideals.
-la pol tics u in other lines of business
the straight way lithe beet..
-The politician begins *Mt -broad -
principlea and ends with narrow interests.
- All office seekers are not politicians.
but we never knew a politician who wasn't
an office seeker.
- Some people say it is impossible to
be honest and be in politics. and_ they con
tinue in polittoe.
-Politicians are m.ny, bet few there are
who are remembered after the kite words
at the grave side.
- The political leader who wants to do it
all himself will have a lot to do, and it
won't be done well.
- The interests of the country are never
helped by the politicians who sneeze when
the Boss takes snuff.
-The professional po'utieian, like the
prolessional varnbler, likes to be within easy
reach of a 'cold deck."
- Poli Miens, Tike yacht!, make beet
headway with a spanking breeze ; when
allowed to drift they make little or noprog•
--When you find a man who ualerstamle
the game as well as you do, it is a good
thing to have him play on your side. That
is what is called political acumen.
NOW that it has been demonstrated
that the Britisbere over the water cannot
build a yacht that *ill stand the heavy
weather of the Atlantic and run away from
a Yankee yacht off Sandy Hook, it is
about time that some esterpriaingCanadian
should build one that would make the
Columbia or any other American boat take
the position of tail ender
Putting a Yankee craft in second place
was acrompliehed with ease during the past
summer at Chicago, and we know of no
resaon why Brother JONATHAN !hould not
be salted on the high seas by JOMMNT
C•NUCK u easily an he was male In appear
fresh on the Great Ickes
This in where iord MTRayHu•osA or some
other Canadian of means should shine. It
might not appear quite eo lurid as fitting
out a regiment of young Canadian* for
South Afr,ra. but it would contribute more
towards letting the world know that
Columbia dosee't rule the wave! when
Canada tekns a hand in the gen s.
`7*) H EN the Duke o- f York and his
fair spouse get through with their trip
through Canada's broad domain we should
like to hare their helmet opine,n of the
country and ita people. A neat little bro-
cbure entitled, "Canada. as I saw 1t." by
Prince banana, written on tine line* of a
traveller seeking after truth, would find •
ready sale in the Dominion His venerated
grandmother, who had the pen 11 a ready
writer, and who at time. did not hesitate
to go below the surface, would have taken a
great deal of pleasure in giving her im
prerucne had .he heen in h s place, and
for the time M ng let as imagine that the
Penne had fallen heir to hie grandmother's
facile pen
The first thing that would have impressed
d self nn bus mind wneld not be the electric
display and the public reception at Halifax..
Qreher• or Montreal, heat the eostacy of
witnessing his first leer's a match al Otte
w.. That was Canada se she if. Then
the trip down the timber elides m, the Haw
would strike his attention, and he would
dilate on It with his grandmother's pen,
That, also, was Canadian His experiouoe
in the timber camp, and his appreciation of
a camp dinner would undoubtedly cause Ink
to flow at a rapid pace. That, too, wou'd
be a touch of Canada sant the Canadian.
After that the garish display and the chase
after deoon:tions might he written up
briefly, and, after • lone railway jump, the
pow wow with the aborigines of the North
west would rece ve due tr.bute For the
Indian pow wow was something that could
not be seen on the streets of 1, ndon, in the
camp at. Aldershot, or on the towns. The
gram( natural reuneryof mountain. valley anil
plain, inland sea and mighty river would
also demand time and space at hue heed,
and the grand possibilities of the future of
this country would not fail to force them
selves upon him.
But there would be little spec) devoted
to rte military display. the civic functions,
the peaty rivalries at different towns, the
elorta to freeze out the bulk of the pro
deters of the land that a few toadies and
tuft hunters might crowd themselves to the
front. These aro things that are not ewer'
tially Canadian, and hie grandmother's pen
would talk at any effort that might be
made to dilate upon them to any great ex-
There are things in Canada that are truly
Canadian and that money cannot buy.
There are hottest hearts that broulcloth
does not cover There is a manliness about
•TA(E GAwucK that he breathes to wt[h the
air of this country. and there is a vigorous
constitution and a meatal balance, thanks
to the elimatals and goo! moral Influences,
that make him the inferior to the native of no
land on earth. The Canadian is moth ng if not
loyal to his restive land and boaete a pe'rlot
ism second to nose. Nut lice jingo patriot-
ism that howls for war With all i r horror!,
bort that love of hie own land whish enables
him to strive for its advancement in the
acts of peace ; that feels the forest, that
utilizes De fisheries, that converts the
vsoklw path of the Inland lakes foto the
highway for testi! and oonutruuts • Seo
reseal that In s summer's seaset pub to
shame the entire year'. oommero of the
Su. z anal ; that takes • ydl•ge on the
roakb usd coast of Cape !beton and in a
year or two pins before the world a magoi
Scent olty which is destined to grow like •
elan', and eventually become one of the
/reveal of the stew maoutaotorlog (entree
of the world. That le the true patriotism,
and that is what would Imperil' Itself epee
the Doke in his trip through Canada and
that is what he would note In his dlary
were to to pot Its opinions is print, and
had he the faolls pan of his tad
THIS so-called expert medical testi
mony is one of the biggest humbug. of the
age, and the recent exhibition at the Sifton
trial has been so exception. The judge
was tired of it, and the jury were tired) of
it ; the newspaper reporters were almost
worried) to death by it. and if the general
public had been jurors milting on the
doctors the verdict would not have resulted
in a disavreement.
We are not prepared to may that doctors
are better swearers than the usual ran of
people, but there te no doubt that the ease
with which either side of any case can get
doctors to bolster up a theory with alleged
expert testimony in enough to shake the
faith of the average outsider in the medical
testimony given. ICG as easy to get a
doctor to swear to what is wanted as it is
to got a surveyor to give *antimony on
either side of a line fence case.
It is about time that We deference to
medir•al testimony was cast to the wind*
Niue teethe of the so-called expert unci
Benner is purely theoretieal, hut this feet
doe* not hinder qu te a number of d',tors
from gettng fat fen* on criminal cases. In
fact, we have known medical men who tome
no opportunity of placing themselves before
the r ourts on thie lithe, and were known to
the lawyers as "swearb og medicos," who
were willing to testify on ei•her aide of any
nose for a consideration.
We have never been able to see wherein
the value of medical testimony waisted.
Teehni al tams only (-nnfuse the ordinary
juror, as was exemp'il ed in a ems ouut
West where one of the twelee gess{ men
and true took exception to the medical
testimony because, as he .aid, "That doe
tor, he gave his evidence and more
positively that the (loosened was stabbed
below the umhilieuu, when three reputable
tranvia. had sworn that the man was
stabbed below the railway 'station "
The sooner something is dons to do away
w th expert medical testimony, expert ear
veying teetitueny, expert alien testimony
and expert writing testimony which if any
thong is the rankest testimney en eerth -
the .neater will I fig•tinn he leavened and
the better it will he for everybody who
isn't in the 'apart" ole
-As to the Provincial elections. To to,
or not to be -that is the quest0u
- When a Shamrock Mae Ste gran
minuet be expected to be much of a She
Save Money
- lf I1 rales la Toronto during the Duke's
reception we don't want to hear nay Oa
at "muddy little Volta."
-Wee IYMMA (.oLDM•N's language is
getting more picturesque end lurid now that
she is outside the jail walls.
-There was good tatting as well a you
FIRLDINti 1• the Liberal interest iu ti
recent Nova Scotia elections_
-From the political evidences in Nova
Scotia this is a good time of the year
take a Fall out of the Conservatives.
By Dealing with Us.
We lead in all lines of Shelf and Heavy Hardware
and carry a large assortment of Curry Combs, Cattle
Cards, Horse Brushes, Cow Chains, Stall Fixtures,
Lanterns, Baru -door Hinges, Barn -door Track, Barn
door Latehes, Barn -door Rollers, Stable Brooms, House
Brooms, Axes, Axe -handles, Crosscut Saws, Crosscut
Saw -handles, Bucksaws, Bucksaw -blades, Ash -sifters,
Mitts, Gloves, Rope Ties, Rope Halters.
to Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Sporting Goods and Ammunition,
Empty and Loaded Shells, Powder and Shot,
The Ottawa Wise who presented the
Duchess of York with a mink cape malt
have seen the snow storm at Reg•ua coming
- After the recent mudslinging in Hamid
ton how would It do to make the Humid
tou Spectator man a Companion of the
Rauh ?
-It is now in order tor one of the Tory
members in Nuva Scotia to muco, and for
the other chap to wecand that the local
elections be declared U11a111Nous,
-The Toronto street car company. when
it figures esu reducing the number of its
can and runniest faster time, is evidently
wanting to set the pace for Toronto's fast
- The soon and denim that Toronto 1s
puttlag up for the Dake end Duchess of
Yuan, brings to mind "three days of solid
enjoyment" that E Kivu Dopes provided
for the good people of that town on the oo•
aeon of Its seml-oeoteuofal:
-11 la said tent Savor HOwLAND, •I•
though a bachelor. has ..oared a house on
St. George street, Toronto, and will give •
five o'clock tea t. the Royal party, If there
be time. If °LLIE will wear frizzed bangs
tied • pink shirt waist on the occasion
nobody will object.__
-Capt. E. W. B MoaarwN, who quo t
throwing hot shot at the Grita from the
columns of The Ottawa Citizen, and went in
for heavy tragedy gun work cn the Boers
last year, has had 1). S. O. added to his
name by Royal prerogative. He was
always a goal newspaper man, and now he
is a man of letters.
-In the Nuva Scone Local elections only
two lonservatiyes survive tle alio k, which
reminds us of the Dominion election when
the Tory represeatatives who survived were
Sir CRAkLSS TcrDER aim! CAMEaoN, of Au-
tigonish. The late Jog RTMAI., who was
then in the House, referred to them as ' the
old gander sad tis solitary goose."
1•oroits scnt:ESTION.
Klog.lon Wblg : All Canada will .edoree
the enggestl000f Toe Belleville Iotdtigencer
[that before the Duk. of York leaves can-
eda b. mak. Major Maud. a duohese.
Toren,to Telegram : Conservatty. leaden
In Nova Sootla .hooted that It was turns for
a ohasgs, and the electorate nobly rev ponded
W glvlog the party two .eat. Instead of
'155 NOT A -(:Rest,' N'ID Illw.
Glebe : air Thomas Ltp:eo Is Geld to have
a large collation of all Norte of muco a
from admirers in all parts of the mate-,
looludteg • hen dyad green. The dye was
evidently not last enough.
• TRlet'TE 10 rROr. aMITO,
Toronto Saturday Night : The donation
made ty Mr. and Mn. Guldwin Smith of
ten thousand dollars to the University of
Trrootn is but ano•her el i tones that the
!fogs of the Grange ben wide hympatblee
sod a generous heart. It may be pointed
out that Mr Colds -in Smith, though often
critic:zed, sod he (lineally with on Ins better
nese, has never been dtecnv-red follow In
the punted bend 'serene of popularity or
using hie msgnlflcaot mental sifts to leather
his own nen; or to obtain , IS,., power o,
emolumene for h s friends With his
wonderful power of expresay.e, his eras'
learniog, extraordmuy memory, wile ex-
port/nee and unnoubted courage, he is a
orltlo such as the world heeds, and whom
those who are opposed to hie views ahoald
find It Gamy to forgive. A. a citizen he has
bolo generous with his mans, bit energy
sad hos pee; and Ice Goddess life and his
amps, ey for the poor and hie aid to all
movements Wended to better sur edues-
Motel, charitable end ecelal lastltutloon
should be Imitatedby men who live 'moaget
ue, and who, poe.eesing greater wealth and
having fewer ails upon it, either Ming to
their msney or @pend It for sect•r!an pur
peeSe. Of all that he has or has had, Mr,
Goldwtn Smith has Klan freely for what he
has esteemed the good of manklod, and
Ms name and hes deeds will not be soon for.
T11R VALUE or OUR 1101;10.
Montreal Witness : The principal of the
Baltimore Sobool of Foursstr1. Dr. (2. A.
Sabena, ceaslders that Canada may apply
the whole world with throne at the and of
another °eatery, 1f her (orate 'redeveloped
cerela'ly. He .aye that tf the populst!nn
of Canada continues to loons.., and the
faallltlesof transportation autism, to bede-
veloped, the prloe of pine stumpage eighty
years benoe will be probably twenty dollars
per hemmed feet, the pries now preys ling
le Germany sed brutes. In that owe Can
ds will have the rushee ns'u .I res urca
et any country on 'man hiders the demo
of tho nest century, provlled that she 000
*eryaervaty menet( s her forest preserve*.
1) Mrhaok urges that wi,b these re blhtlSe acre of land unfit for the
plough should be refolemted, end that every
sapling le the forest Mould be as carefully
protested from Bre se if It were a dollar belt
The Federal Government has made comp
provision for the Mina in setting aside
Severs' area as forest preserves, but this
polley could be very much wended, frith
enormous advantage 10 the oeantry. Ju
the end it in ty be tweeters, to keep all the
forest pvaerves as (lovernmeet property,
Weal or prevrnds', .s private ownership
has led to great abuses. The
Forestry A,soolat:on Is acing a good and
mod essential work in ednoatbng the publio
le forestry, an4 the pemphlet recently pub
There ie no danger of throwing
money away if you take Dr. Hall's
Rheumatic Cure for rheunsattam. 1n
a little wild. you will .ay it is the
best spent money you ever invested
in your life. S. Donaldson, post
maater, Duff ori n, P.O., Pit es nbrrg,
Ont., was lame for two years end
could not get mut of a rig. fine
bottle of Dr. Hall's, with the Cli
mar Trnn Tonic Pills, cored him.
This groat blond purifier fa put up
in battles rnntaing ten days' trent
meet.. Pries sr) cents a bottle et all
dreg stores or The Dr. Hall Medi-
cine Co., Klagatoa, Oat,
We do Glazing. Be sure to see our large stock of Glass
and get =prices. They are the lowest.
Try our odorless$tovepipe Varnish. It's the best oq the
'Phone :)7. Honest (:outle at limiest Prices.
fished of Its meetings In Ottawa demeuy0
wide circulation. Sr few unc'erdand much
more than that our forest wealth 1. of
gnat value, that the lineal nature of this
wealth, the lose annually camel by destruo-
ton and the need of preservation oanaut be
too widely known. It ie eatiunatsd that the
toes by 8n In a Bogle s'na'p hes sometimes
exoesded the value of the timber cut and
marketed In a long series of }ears.
• knock Oat For Astkma.
You hsve had many daappetotments, 81.
ledyour stomach with :testy drugs. triad
lois of thiogs, bat they :ell failed. Not be -
Ing a Men ash complaint of course asthma
can't be oared by stomach medic sue, But
Caterrbozone aura asthma ; it glues It a
tired feeling la about fifteen minur.e. is.•
hale Catarrhazooe. it makes breathing
easy, cures the cough, makes you well.
l)ncton say there 1. nothing Ilk • Catarina
zone for asthma 25 sante and $1.00.
The Me
insetted b1 gnu' Meat' er IM
Soya Male Survivor.
(Toronto ()lobe. Saturday.)
Mr, Batman A. Ttd,k!es of the Maeeler
Howe, Lttt:e Lurreet, dieda1 Grans Hoek
tat, this oily, yesterday est eronou.
body was talon home las: nigh; I.v Lis
mother. Acute rheumatism wee the (aloe
of death. Deceased, who was 3) gran of
age, w:u the soca ma'uurvivor of . bo wreck' ".
of the steamer Ash. which wont d,w.. u. a
great storm on the (7eorgtan B.y on Thurs.
d.y, September 14, 1U82 Mise Christy
Ann Mormon, oleos married, and still Ile -
fag was the only lady 'salvor of the • reec,
womb resulted In a lose of about '20 lives.
Ile Asia was one. of the Great No ;hero
Leah Company's vele.1 •. See left Col
hngwooi for tee Sso on We'needay, Sept.
13 1%2 1111 on the mown/Lot the follow
• ewe 0.agut in terrific storm, Al
moatheleedlatety the ship began to Mender.
Several bee's were lowered, ►cd 13 ooe el
these, in charge, of tept Savage of lee Aso,
Tisk on and mass Merriam found 1l.cre
There, were in all IR persona in the beat.
The atom raged tlronghoot the day ane
n ight, the boat beteg frequently swept by
heavy seas. One ty ooe the Inmates were
swept overboard or died from exposure.
r,•pt. Savare printed away to the arms of
Tinkles, and uthdre,l'ed to Mies Morrison'.
arms. Some went it 4 ens through the shock
. nd u xpneure and leaped out to their death.
Finally only Mise Morrison end Makes
were left to t a le at, They clue g to the
craft with the energy o: despair, and at day-
light on 52riduy morning the boat was out
ashore near Point au•Barre, Tired, huogry
mrd almost dead from exposure, they lay In
a eeml conscious condition for nearly 43
hone, when they were found by an Indian,
who, after clow bargaining orocured fold
fur them, and stterwuds conveyed ahem
n a email sailboat to Parry Seuod, the cttl-
r.enm there learning from the two the first
Dewe of the wreck. They were accorded
every are and attention at Parry Sound,
lmkies, who to the day of his death was•
nwegn.flosnl erootmen of mar head, quitkty
,',covered, but Min Mermen was Ill for
mom. lime. Very few bodies of the Maims
were ever recovered.
Deneesrd was unmarried. His mother
.nd twe.hters Ilve at Little Current. Mr.�'��
Tiok'ss had many Geode In Toronto, as
well as at Little Current and Prescott,
where he resided io hie boyhood.
i'ouleiboro: Yes. 111. A. MoMeroby,
• eldest daughter of the Iets A. Jamle-
sen, who name hero t 1 attend her
mother, and who was alio taken 111 dur•o,
the biter's tllnese, did not loot survive
I her, passing away on Saturday, Sept, 281.11.
\(drew Jamieson only g"t back from the
burial of his mother on Fraley, when his
Mater passed .e way next •ley, and on Monday
h1 acoompeolel the remains to Kltenburg
for Interment.
Notion of changes mart be lett at th'0
Office not later than Batorday
noon. The Copy for changes
must be left not 1- for than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advertisements
accepted sue to Doc n Wcelnesday of
each week.
Coal Bills
are now a serines item Thee
why burn coals for the weekly
wash? Some Soaps won't wash
linen without boiling, but
wise ecou.,mv to buy the best of
all Soaps, when by doing so the
quantity of coal Geed 00 washing
day can be
50 per_ -cent.
Bottling coal to help inferior and
low-priced Soaps to wash is like
spending • 5 cent tram fare to
purchase a to cent article for
9 cents.
By using
SUNLIGHT SOAP you save its
cost in the cost of the coals un-
used, not to mentioo the longer
life of the article washed. A
tablet of
Sunlight Soap
will do more work without cods,
and do it infinitely better, than
two tablets of common, cheap
soap will do with e.ob. The
majority of the public soon find
out the lines of true economy.
is asked for by three people to
, one asking for any other soap
in the world.
e.1 same Sack/
No need of that now. That sort of pito can
�e keookea out 1e short order, for Polecat's
N.ry I oe, which is five tames stronger than SPORTSMEN
any other, penetrates at once through the
bene., reaches the aura of suiering, WILL HND
drives It tut an 1 thus gives relief simnel
Inv antly. Not mag o, but strength that ev
gives Pr lens's Nee Milne thl. power, }ou
will theta It m.glo however 0 you try It,
pain goes .o quickly. Sold by dealers
everywhere lo large 26 ask bottles.
Sault S:e.
Marie MIA., a sal: 4 The
.'at.s Mal report of the "Soo" ankle for
the September Fondness just Issued shows
the month to hate been . record breaker,
the Morriss* neer env previous September
bslog 721,603 tone. The Intel freight tons
tor the month were 4,136,237.. The lore In
bre Ilia sustained daring the early month, of
the treason has been overawes and lad
Teat'n ronnrd to ttstchar let ham been paired)
sy 467,692 t•eos. It is now expected that
last year's teenrd harakiri basioesu of 26,
643,073 toes Mill be haven this year,
In the I.kes 1(Ipr�ewe and Temlakamiag Ole.
tract@, .Iso ,i asan.bk, hirers Hey and
RETURN TICKETS will be issued at
Single First Class Fare and One -Third.
Prom 5tsticn. In Onta•io. sherbet Like and
to Lake. 1:lppe we end Temlekaming Districts.
1030(1 going Sept. 15th to Nov. 15th,
To Mle.anable, heron Bar and Nettleton. gond
Koine Oct. 130 to Nor. 15th ; s.'1 tickets good
to return until Dec. Colt. 1001,
Mer trill p,rttenlars apply W fens, nearest C
1'. It. Arent, or to
A. n. 14111TWP4. 5. t;. P. A., Tarsal.
The l'[ing of Ranges, "Buch'e Happy Though.'" f
With a
Is None
for any
That's what you get when
yon buy a Happy Thonght.
The Happy Thought flange
was one of the first Ranges
manufactured in Canada.
More Happy Thought
Ranges are manufactured
and sold each year than all
other Canadian makes combined -130.00 being now in nee.
When buying buy Canada's Favorite, "The Happy Thought,"
not an experiment, 1 I t :
Muwraciwred by
The Wm. Ruch Stove Co., Limited, Brantford
Writs tae Yuofaetwrer• l.. tlluetrated restage...
(•T • MT
i.>l;s & SHB hAB D, Oodetich.
New fall Goods
Just Received, a shigmelit of new fall Dress Goods in
llonuisltuus, 'Tweeds, Serges, Cheviots, Broadcloths, in
all the new fall shades,
Black Dress Goods in the Following Makes :
Brocades from 20c to $:3,00 a ytu'd, Biaritz, Serges,
Homespuns, Cheviots, heavy Cords and Ilenriettas,
A Big Stock of Black and Colored Silks. t.s aft ar
5' 71t
43 colored blouse Waist, silk patterns, no two alike,
at wholesale price, from 15c to 60c.
I want you to see our new stock of
just in, all new, from 10c.
New Flannelettes from 5c to 15c.
Ladies' Jackets.
Just in, a Complete Stock iu the Latest NEW YORK
Styles and Lengths in the leading colors for Fall and
You should see these Jackets before making your se-
lection for the conning season. Every one new and up
to date.
Terms Cash or Farm Produce.
'Phone 86
Least Odor, Brightest Lustre, Quickest Drying of all
Cost, no higher than inferior makes.
Use the Best.
Brightens up old Furniture. Makes it look new,
W. C. Goode, chemist, Bedford Block.
Mill Wood
The slave is cut iuto stove wood
length and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders received by telephone or
left at residence, 1218 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
f;.slerio h, November 21st, 10(0- &LL.
J.. � Worrell,
'rO.MeNk.h. sksacsOM• mid am
r d Waage a,
his personal furnislringa lie sb
well as in other things.
Choose from our stock on
Fancy Cutlery as well
as plain and serviceable
K knife
Am n'rlfniisspsrt of
ould be up to date with his knife as
Ton cannot go away
Hardware Merchant, - - Goderfch.
should be fashionable, of good wearing quality,
nice fitting, and keep its shape till thesole parts
from the upper through long use and wear.
Such n shoe is the EMPRESS, of which we
have sole control.
We havea full fine of cheaper shoes In stock.
Wm. Sharman, jr.