The Signal, 1901-10-10, Page 3A Soldier's T • a roe. in the rim of hie fawn hat Awl a Jingle of sabre 18114.1 Nina' A uuldter role by 111 the dawn tool U84 dew Ere the Village was neareely *stir, The patter and (latter of whims lit• ti.. Mots Brought' tar Into t Ise w indow tbove; per e)ea were ar bete tut the eke oyeehead. llucleutled by borrow ur hot 41. le the gold Of tlit• *wirier they hall et below, pity mare 111141 brave ruler apce. Aud tier kerchief siroppill out na 111104 leaned from the ball, A fragment of linen awl itsoe. ne caught it Its air (be the point of • hie sword And buttoned it under hie biouee And ewitered away, but drew rein ou the hill And turned to leek baek itt the home. Wilde slic dreatnel 441 a beefier re turning from war T.. holt at her window again. The mare arid her rider lay den,' in the duet ter.' bullet• were felling like rain; Awl 4 eosararle Who pawed in a mii ment of trnee steeped over and covered Ili fac.' with n kerchief he fousal In the lamed ef Ids Was, fragment of linen and lace. 1ALlie Wilil W011E111. 3Ip41411.1e 4,2•11 Vive's Advice to Iler elletres. There to waking 1.1 the world much ear.. altercating than n clever. brightwholly alive weutan of keen 'Neer wt rila nothing on earth so tire- 1, ind chnrming manner,. •Ille end go wearying not the womnii e.Abts" viviteity. 4:Pewit her fin- ger.- In coquettish playfulness. gig- le giggls. gignies and anym noth- lag but la Ike It1Wil3/1. lt•tret I it man anti married to one ef those-ut I will net reveal what I elieuld do says lime. qui Iv.', 1., Ito etir.1.11r.t iorme ono nottreciata a woman of Meng personality- and plenty of nat- ural naimettson. Thewhole wort I I ka the woman nil, is leasedwile is oiled to emergeociese Who thlehe /ore oho- .penk. nn1 wkuia cattail.l.' of linewlstg Judgment without (nail other than thws. 11111 Intl mistakee that nre 00 natural for the beat of tee Oftert.te wont.tri 14 OOP l3 Ire114 • 1 t her ispeseh 11 lel brimful of Jeassan ist anre tn know puce a news:in. it is I. bletweine to, have much a 44041144 (4 for 4, friend. 17•• elm. wito curet.. her foie Intillti•ely the isuspirall in of companbetelep. She lit .10.411(1111 to talk with. -darling" te weak 44 1111. awl the beet keel .4 n friend tn knew. No matter hew effervearine her trilk It to never cruel, !mesh or ion- , k led. it 1/0 simply (1.4elm ruling Platt - ,tet ef 41 clever runt halenced woman. mere eau tens ut gretit length latent your trouble,. but yeuil Ile V er Itenr al Verlaine ef her own. 11 •r view 01 life la broad rind essay enema -yet else is neither Uu.Il crony/any nor n Never.' eit-. Rho le 114 refrePhier fie an riy ne.rnIng in the wombs, when th &unto: tendon eparkle with dew-- sIla mond ilettintei end the wort! is weakening to n gloriosa,* day. She Is 11ver oninteresting. To her atupislity 41141 kitteniahneom are ttn equal tare. She la vianclow. hut the tit fteitY 1. tawnyw wholesome ntel rate -mat. Each ret congests of Mx planets. which Include two snit tleoats, 0110 tile little underoadrt mulled a. "uswiesty petticoat " ; a oire.t coter make.. a third, it cherub.. III.' feurtli. a night- gown dee fifth. Pink cornetts of milk. of satin. con - tills., of ribbon, of *trawl of milk lintel and lace aud little "corwittle" of lace, with ribbon along the (op and tilting the lower edg,., for wear wills an empire wal., tiro found in `t he ou tflt. The fad for pink prevevila on the ondlient. Ituesion pink le the leteet ratter es of conim.t tees et th • ramp Amin. It Lai a ripe lank, resemblInn watermelon pink, and to the popular eolor lo Fit. Petersburg title awarron, tint Northern city of faelaionablo Wooles. The Yienneee women, too, tense wonderfully beautlful women who °etch: the French la polut of (+tenets*, aro wenriag pink, and the color raves ta Paris anal Lon- don. .1n couutry pink ham leng been the fat ortte color in Om feminine /world. It le title wedding 'shad... and the color that young wunovis elioors• for evening% while matron» who wtudY tte scowl cheer do not forget it• enlivening tonea Dut It 1,1 pink In dos softeet glows that is sedrted for the swine of un- iterwiyir. There la a bluish rime neat - souk which In nightgowns IN simply dellgirt lul It should le. fancifully made and trimmest with ribbonit and Ines , for any color, no matter how cheerful It may be. needs the enliv ening effect of white .1 pink italtootik nightgown was cut with pointed neck front rind back. Tho neck wan finiodied with white Lace. Brlow the lams there was n ruf- fle of tire pink. and then came a thou 0(1)1,4 ribbon. ono at ene cl. sid 1 of the Ant In the noel. and each flfasi.ed with etrettmeria raeoen Women and Wit. allatch- 111 girl+ look alike te nu.• Moo Willing -I Nupprree that must 14 beettiee they turn their back.. eu 7481.. Banda sea your calling 1.141. Ilre Montmorency ?" Yee: last not on my e call the telephonic hook our call. Big liqt --- Tile Briegroom-a cant owe a lay lit tlampler they hatene bent a ear risme s'r seemethistg to inset ins. I oil I Wednesday ita my tear The Brkle-(fl,, iorbyg. 4141 you know o.mething tells us. tele te Theralay. --- eh, -I 11111 frail you oil* know Ilse worst sal- of my henbane' 11 -Perhaps I ef-well I met you. tle-ow.1 loom' hiq better half. Fronk funinarrifell-lbe yiss think 41 ataa haw a right 14. in his i?,'4 letters? Tolbert tmarrlise -Well. m gilt hate the rigirt, bit I dont see how ha could have tbs. courage - -- 44stass you 1.114, tuYi..111410YerAil,111 eoaree, oringug at elm toiderly. "Ole 3 ea. replied tle. raring yritIllif man. "Pie laid four false ethro. But t la e Pere sel 1phie lametet American. The little taniel'Y bair feet, novella@ are very lotainesslike. There ure dUfereut grades of Ilnenem, wine being 'smooth tie velvet for vary uft, fine akin'. 'lite baby toughed -that women ale to dust off the broWil and skin after au application of powder are peony with solver stud ivory backs ready for Mono - &VAMP. Itabbifie feet for the applimition of rouge nrn aim amounted in silver. Nothing ham ever displaced the lucky emblem for this purposie, al- though the liquid rouge hay gained (mieor with many. l'erfumed bathe were OVICe ft iti - ery for princesses, but ustny women nowadays add a dealt .4 'toilet water te the tub or throw in one of the losengee that melt in the water anti rend out a deligittful ft /Agra lice of Stray 1 housghte About Weems. Flattt•ry 1.. th• (aloe coin to which 4111,1 1,?'- give./ currenc). Many busbateht and wives !rive no other defects/ than being liuMuutilii au.1 wirer. When two Iner' J.in hinds for (lie fleet Ouse the bensation is mere de- lightful, more pure tlita torn mere Intener. that, when their lips met. Beware of men who can 'mke el -ver det•laratione ef line in choice and flattery 'earwig.. Lott) 1.. ne:er laird to matter of literary pro- ductional. A declaration of lustre(' in on the Wet of woman nothing but a de- claration 01 love. When they really .10 hate Indifference and bile/tee ore the genuine and Imre eigua of it. Pretty women nispeal to men much more thnn beautiful one*. What kee•pe men away 10. a caeeriess. *void and etatuestque apparatt•e.-Mat 013 II in the Nett, lork Journal. Beauty 'toddling. Sive money on toothsome Lentil and spend It on a reliable uptiususe. 8 lre money en teethe,. and speud It on y -our comidetlon. .A., ugly 1 kin nna leetutiful apperel fight it mat together. There Is (hp vomplexien brush. The fortnightly *Aram bath. The pureet 4,1 elite tep. Crimple% Ion hags of bran. 1etrIngnts such as *mane. Bleachers. Peril 811 Ilyrkilline. 11 est I t h breadintch as whole wheat. Cooling ealtula llot water for intermit treatment and hot water far externa( treat- ment. And sold water and tepid water newt vapor lathe and mange baths. Nine hoursbleep. Flee n any in short skirts. Ilyglettle underwear. An afternoon nap. ilealth, pertect health. I The tons( is hard to elumb that !mobs to beautyet Oita Inquirer. Autumn Bride. A wedding gown designed for one ol tJte bride..lout of the coming month is a new and benutifuleepeui- men of flue needlework, ribbon anti embroidery. The (ledes is in daisiee, with raver centres, awl nestlet in among lovers' knots of the white ribbo. Dairies outline the bode..., the sleeves. the skirt and the rite ell into tas/it.. of pearly cluetere w 4 ap- pear en the gown in most bewitching fashion. This new wvirk is shine with narrow Trenelt and Englisth ribbons threaded with a large needle nn.1 3. 1111 111 end twat tif the material The finishing towhee are sometimes put with n few strands of embroidery alik. PiareoKeleed-et4IttliMraneitiriEPAI BABLO'S WIFE • by Ogee Road. A friend Kuhl to Bold', the great architect 1 don't believe we ean ever catch a glimpse of your peculler limits -I moan the huilts of your peculiarities.. Am mon as we think we have yuu moaned you ehauge eokw .111.4:141 Lowill111101111ee yourself 11 1111t her For weeks at a time W011111 II,, 14, the most abeurd cif 18 1114418 a vagrant ; then he would settle down into n bort of geuteel frigidity. How liandwone he war, lull, graceful, and IlOW whining he could be when lie bet 11:11min"lraftettl iwtumtin qvreyr. They mid that he demignol poetise In briek and Inoue, and this was true. Once on a that to Kentucky lie weett teit te the blue gram etock farm of Major Bill Hillis. Balk, and the maJorse youngert brother had gone to school together. My dinthigutelied Mead,' snit the major, hewing Bablo into the old house, "It Is eith pleasure that Iwo you enter tuy home. sir. My brother John Will most devote" to 74b44, ter. And in hie hot boors he talky I .4 you. Ali, my (laughter, this 14 '(Ir Bablo. You have often heard of A young woman CAM. forward. She wow tall and ilark, and the rose In her hair looked almost Nark. -Show me your garden, your flowers- *aid Bblo.; almost starlog ,it her, NO struck Wan he by her strange beauty. The tunjur waited them wit .4 the 110Uble. Bablo walked behind lier, clutnued with her graee. You would met) one forget al. litwe' he mused. You wont(' set at definuce the oath of a tat t Down a path between nedling room they walked. Once 4.11 ((tuellal his irsu. lir 14(147(3 1. " 13 1 a briar rench over end stick you?' elle nakel, and Ile IIIIPWPrerl I have •lay douse isometimew, ilea I dreamed Met I was 'struck by lightning." •11757,1101477.‘0„4, • 4 •'L'146,4174;744/EitA 191;4t41V1.• Se<1* ,4f• ;• :.-4;j1tA• 'You -your grace, your --WOW- something that maker maser (tart)et tight when he to ut you." A malt who heel waked cue to marry tam killed himself -anti la my roum 1 grieved for (Mee regretting that I had not." Why didn't you marry him 7' lmee lore Wean elf Wel 14 ,,tou'f" "Didn't love lane" "More tban to any woinan the world. 'and when the time ootuee fur me to love be Insane with Joy" ' Yee." lie said. "Every lin.', every ovation weeks of delirium. You w04414.1 I've madly." else laughed. "And one of thotedaye iitiu:at: ' NThe mow you love will love u. kill myself for loviug too 01181'14'you. If be 411.1 not llod would curse iiu "Ilo let UP go back to the house." A week pitiosted. ttablo'a duller called iiua. but he *rout." not go. Every day he bald "To -morrow." But the next due found him 14111 adenines upon the -crumbling briuk." liut dutiO4 called loudr, mew a trum- pet In his ••ar, one night helmet to the girl: '1 mutt SU to -morrow." 'I am sorr. y -tor. tit Ile frank, you are the (may companion I have ever known. .1n41 papa le so fond of yoa. 111. 10314 1 111111.1.1 Judin No deeply that Ile teak up all Ito likes. die. Ekes.. Awe mete timuntit the world of you. ' I am gong tomorrow before you get up." "Why, area't you ticeng to tell no. gowl•bye?" Yee, tonIght." "Why not to -morrow ?" "Because if I see you tomerrow I will not go." "Dont my that te eke, Mr. Babb,: Ana after a pause sly. added . -Tell me more abont your wife... 011, 1 hove ttilst you enough." "Whsmust be a happy woman there 141 thet heaUtiftli 110Ulle 113' the lake" Abet is not unhappy." tal what is your little bo name?" Jtem-for your uncle." 01r, 10.111411411 eke bel much to Nee 114111." "You nowt -you 14113111. Three weeks from now, by the %tate the ,weather SAVED BY A BIRTHDAY CIGAR. 171" a , ..`c,, • 1 4R, la ,4 .....- Tooth Powder 25' Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth at.,*..dot Llma& 11.4m Largo Liquid amid rowdier 75.. At all stores Of by mil. hanipic of the 'Aquatics/ the portage, 30. MALL* 111ATIPKILL, Maw Ifate/t.. - • - this morning Called to her mother, who watt taken inicklealy ill. But bhe will be hack within it. tiny or twe. 1 beggwookiwlr to leave the boy, but she "lf dors ma return within a clay or two, father, we - muist 110111P," WOO the girl. '1 don't arr Why,' replied the lion - 04t old gentlenutn. "IVe have lwen looking 10:4441 rd to Oar trip 11, long time -awl. well, we are here now." lioun;• was full of, charm:ire. Lt wag an Indivistua). The Kentucky girl's room looked out upon the lake. For hours, after aerating she rat tit the window, gazing at the Hilted water, dreaming. "1 will go nowhere with lam till hie wife returiuo," she mused. Belt she did. That night took her to the theatre. She demur- red, but the old gentletwin urged her. a'ou't yott go, too ?"' she asked, anti lie answered : "No, 1 don't care for much foolielmeas. I'd rather eland about and loek at 1110 folks. A mail that hits been In as matey battlre ildiVe don't care fer fellow's (hitt istrut about pretendiag to be brit% e. In everything .he atteeshe wee re- eereed pistil the orchestra turned down the famidar pathway of a orlte opera, awl then she forgot her - "When you go away all mualc *111 be gone" he saki.. els,ra.ptie:;boke nit If but half heeding his words. ...The heart is alwaysn a o "A tragedy," he ettid. "Yes -a. Nuppressed tragedy." 'Are you glad that you are living r he nrked, ond the looked at him. "Wer.' yon ever glad 1" 'Why aren't you glad now 1" "Mtippremeed tragetly. Then with it 'dart elle 011111r 110114'1 to ilerpolf. What wsta that 1 141041 1 I was a 0riltnwuurs- 1 11 141 glad to b • eli I4erytite clutriiiing-th. light, the 111001. Bet I think this plee le bluish'. That woman doesn't know what love le." "Do you ?" If Waty„ cbf contort not. Itut y oil onght to know. Yon Wive a wife." "It (low not follow!' "Why, Mr. Debit). you ninetn't-afte 1 hat." el have 'mid it. Sometinielf nine marry the fancy of the nand Instead of the pagoda' of the none" "Please don't talk that way. Let tie go. Why should we saay here any. er 1 The piny b. PO toupee" "But people know a good play." Ola, no, they don't. The.% -tliev ition't know what they are doing. Came, 1•t us go, pleise." They went mkt, awl on the tray mite ecarcely apoke to hint, atel tet the following morning Nle' seemed to ovoid him. 'The old gentleman went down_ (iv the Board of' Trade. bjpimot the girl I111-1ie drwing- mom. Xhire-Te tante-meek- tare mad: "Tone wife will 11• back soon. 11111ev"),""etlie..y...-after to-morrew. I had aletter frotn her elsee hnow." Ole I net glad. ler mother bet- ter ?, "Yea, oet of danger. And the Ilt- outltlr,fgeorlioneweltif ngetke,,tir*4 41 trd (4.1the plea - "014 won't W• linte it romp te- gether !" "1 told my wife about 3011 10111 Rile What dlit mho 44117 7' Well. I hardly know how tu Pe- wee*. it." Yell know what you told her. 41ese't you?" "01t. well,Iniethen2, It le env -enough to tail what ette _ - '11 would weevil we" • "Seem ro! You nail I mot hare II0 accrete fro -n her." -"No oxprratort1 tweretto" • "Wht do you mean by that ? But why shoeld w• talk this way 7" "Walt a moment, pleaae" She hind turned to go out. "Ily wife and I have a fatorite mat beneath the Maar In Lincoln park, and elle 1441.414 Welt 1 moat take ycel there toelay and telt yot of ear courtehip 1(041 meartage" "Ind who real!), nieke that request?" "Hetteetely, ithe did." "Wee, 'the nowt he as queer 115,1 on are." Valli yore go?" "I ought AOt to. but to carry 0411 heir Wisher. I Will." }Widen hy the 'shrubberythey eat wipe a mottle Nett. "Viola," IIP paid. otIy meakIng liar name. She looked at hlm her cheek a lily ;slowly turn- ing to a rose. 'You ['attain- 'ION tne of your courtaltlp." "I will. It wag here." "Watt eke sitting where I am ?" "Yea" bluddanlyathe epratig to her feet and then Mood bluelling and then Oslo with anger. ife 1110•10. "3.101111." "Don't epeak my name. 1 nited never again hear it from your lips. 1 110111. Wittlt hear 11110111 pie I- ervirrtftt1p--t• Meet wont to .neat. your tear.. Lilt 114 Srn. TO-111n4'rltlW“- "Whitt will yon (le teanorrow ?" "GO 110011-nittl you must not wylte to me. I ton it fool." Pipe cried. etamping her foot. "I itm a whatnot" ,'lie sprang from him. "Mr. Bahl.), 1 could not. Itlile tor glifitY 1.341' from you. I hod wit learned to be Parntilrer Man 1117 henet• Youl !Hive meted mo, mid' for line eminent In your rum* I have known a heavenly maditrow. I tote you with n prosaism that 14 terrible. .1nal I nnt goinit to 14144.1 pet 'omen, anti then I 1111 gong eiter to the lake and hide my donee deities'. come, let me kiss yuil fignIn. Oli, nothing ean keep me froin de- stroying myeelf. 1 am tlilgrtteedi 0•1111 I wont live." loin. my Angel. Inc monsent he - fare I Mew you. Jura tt, moment. .iand hetet) te me. I have 'sworn to ety- m.-if that I meet (tete It *Mean e 1 I 11 41, love mo strong that it would liroik the harq of the lw. .t nd fiir month, I Mtn pawed myeelf off IN lt married man. I hate no wife ------. • ,_. Bahl.) ran mil IMO the path. be Cried. "brim some weter In your ht, speck! A lady ims foletol." et the Architects' Club. "Any, you lune lienril stint Bab!1, le merried, haten't 7101? I stew III* wife yI45te- .1ny - Kent neky girl. the moot bent'. Ural Creators in the wold." 40 The Signal 15 eURL111111113 STINT Tilt:at/WAY MORNING 1414 D. 51ir4a1,L8JCVDDY. -.J Yee. elr ; trup an gompel. One night when 1 was taking MY 1011AI Meat& • s. .v,x• • Term* of Ilubserlphloo 1 Q•ellienth. in admooe Three mouths. !Ns Illientles, Oseyear. Advertising Rata, Legal end other maid al verties Mesa, las. per tees for nr.t 140rtto 1, en I 3o-.1401 per Ufa for each sub...goat loartim. Measured by a 1.1Zr.". di% 1 • r ef slx lines end under. 84 pee year Adterthoments of Look routrd, Strayed Pituation• % utSItur Ione tt anted an Chtincee Wantednot exuadlng 41 lines nonperril, fl per month. I10114,4 no rale and Irene. •• Awls. not Se exceed 81,,.. 11 for tlwit mouh. ale per .1th- 54.9411n1* Month. 1 •rft r iw11410 preortIon 4140011 the object of 14441418 prouiote the pes•uniary basalt ef say ',dirt& usl or omnpany. 11 be cone dead an *Avails' event knd Misread aonorslingly. Lneal nod, a in lit4nparril type 011.05.1 pet word, ne not 1 • las titan ?Cu. Loal nother In rtisnstry reading type tw• cents par wor 1. No noi ice for than Notices for churches and ether rolteetts benevolent institutions, halt rate. latibecribms who fall to receive Tea Pliewsh regularly by mal win muter • tater by ace 'aiming us 01 114. fact at es early • date eil poriatie, When •obanee ot address Is desired, bt,/ th• old and tbe sow address should be given Publisher's Nett... fle. Le Towl. 01 aoderieb, los been ap pointed Lore] Travelling Agent fer the Taws. ships of UoderIch, 031borne, satiated asal W • wanosh. Local politammters over the distertct ere Mai empowered to receive odsicriptioas us Tie 111(110•L. All sessinualeatleas must be midterm 01, Motill.Lls CBOT. Tits incorm., Telephooe Coll 30. Ooderteh. Oat, THFRADAY, Otela 10, 1001 TR 11,LLING GUIDE. 41 • GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Nit that other type of wo .1. the melanin who iningines that to I). in- t. -rioting le te be a simpering. tit- tering 111113- 1 441 -le tattles her 1.1114 nonsense Just beeaasse "tie stood ever mosk be tattling. Awl, liner tie hoer nfterwarde aloe stopi to think. There in nothing Wale tle- meralislOg RAI thin oingovernnblp titbit ef talking to.lav an 1 thinking to -Morrow. It 1st a frailty that ie largely r44.510p0115e41 tl ,lear end it is en err of ren- ame frotn which they 'Mo 1 "leper - site them/wives. h• bright ha not neeemsorily to 1 11 all the time. 0 int women talk los much, nit:sway. To b • bright ie keep atill until yea have setae. thing to any, that la worth ony ink hea. repartee at tile Pt11441004 melee other ledivelual is niway a in et tante. Bennie': fici nn.1 simple ere keep' tile World wsigging in ite fine old way. Ito he.' 4- ..14 III arrio.se nfti,Iru. Wit keep ;elle henrt light with a I11- 1. healthy frivollti - the kind thnt Is as pleasant othery as 11 la amiletheering to ontee self. Have you ever met a trnelft 11 who 11 ,mt do the talking. end who open - el her month only when she had eeniethIng mighty entertaining to 3e3 ? 14110'M the kind of n womnn cat sunken you want to throw year peimmenol sailor toward the 111(1 rI h., 1,1114. nmi to ,,hoot for joy. There, sc,% %1141. P ft womno who 1. properly need. Take n little mentel ereatire of her end hang It in 3 wir h•art. et will •ver be a helpful ill- NjWiiiiTon toward acq.dring thit ex edited combination -dignity awl mental sparkle. The tumble IP thnt -felt' mantel know Jest where to thaw the hue in their epaatni of mentel -"flvierity. It len't so mitell what yen ay, either, nri how yoo Ray It. Whitt 54141 Potted extremely chnrmlna from (Il' women may be fearfully eommon from timelier. le•t me tell you a little secret. Every night when yost any your prayets. raid thin little line: :Army Gml, help me to eulti•nte the Peal of 11 gentiewentan." Then all theme things will strf11161. on themeelvem out. Have the man- lier.. the epepele the .ft rotor and the 14uhylj,, repine of a gentlewoman. Yoe nee equippc4 then for n lar that 1" Pteltiv bnliestrel. LIN111(111111f.. Wonderq 111 4144' trntessennorn areneh Prineses ro, or Of' InnumPrribl•• Freneli Prineorigee181.1 orosideit something of n seem/Mon In thee faehloneble Net Path. known es tito royalists he lamseennIng hearse( with n eons - later set of pink ertYri the St footle filobe-bomoorat. 1" 111111 noble hrirtni outfit there 11" noto le pink elite eel. In pink ilimlly. In pink lwn, In pink nein- 'sea nod In n fine lank muello The shades (mson aro old room. faiel pink, ',welt color, 01•1 Pink bleat roes, itiffiday %Omni Trot -h -r - N yert ntny .give eour concern_ tem of "the future stat." Tonsniy -Pinter, maam. Alt a tot- ter • • began to awallow me iref I known, title le *Mow pronsim-lim.1._ lighted my cigar during the operat Ion • . • Ma' Oar. e t ried and tried to get yeti 1. 1411 "nor inferred tongue. but you don't meson to catch this blest that Wt. Ito talking about things yost en 111 pret rat. - "Then, Illram. wee do't you shut U1) 7" prom' eramma--Drwa you think lit tie Ilneold'e hen' lq great deni lik • le. father s Uncle ; nothing on the it hide nwl not mulch 1411 111 • hoe I,• PALMISTRY. 4e) Merry his* Ma* a. Lune anti a Me•alan. 4.• 4,1 , 4 _• AltittVE. Mixed 11.110 a.m. ht stl end Ifshress I.W p414. hIlind 7.4e si.su Mall awl Expros• 'Asa 11.11*. Mall and trireme, 7.15 a.m. Mull •nd (lyre* Ian pot. Mixed ...... .11.3 p.m THE HAND OF WILLIAM M`KINLEY Shoot,' 1),, 1141.' of ASSAS faINIAL11-1014.1. "l''• " 11 1,i'''4" patimid. now ,if Colorsolo, bot form- erly a reeelent of the city :if Ham. ilton. Ont.. Keys In referenee to the untimely diath of William Mc- Kinley, that he predicted .1e• Pad -Meting of the trite President* Web- by nataloinatieti itomo yearn ago. nint that hit reading of the Mae wee teirrolesattel be revered eminent pniniiies in the Unit- ed *Antes a t that thne. 711.9 ranee at the outer edge 01 *110 pildm wast nui plain. says Captain Walrond,, that long before McKinley was conskiered as a l're- ehiential plesibility, the theatre:0u • lillAss that he would meet has death at lite hand; of an it/eta-44114. The line of fate ahoweel many breaks, indicating lamest and sorrows until the long threatened danger, wou1.1 meet him in hiv hal power. The star end Pun line of Opeito showed lame and honor. It Is wonderful Mitt thew things' htive all come to pato, Many people are inenneet to seoff at mei ridicule the silence of Nam- atry. but a glance at their hantia tonowm br an interpretatioo of linee aeon there ham intarlithly torte'sl ridicule into resprctfut eon- seleratIon. The indlentlosi of ft mid - den (tenth in the late Presidents itroil wars 1.iceeslingly utrong. He 4(41 uteloubtedly achieve feint and honor. Sorrow,s end loosest. *vim, lostaan, ff/IW hfin Meet About Aka time he War electel flovernor of Ohio he Willi afield to elidorse gone, notes for an oki friends who had helped him when he Wai 11 younger -ain't. and Mr. tfrifteleye wee seady to retttrn ft fnvort, did WO. The reeult 1.41 nn old 'dory. His friend failed dIsmostrosisly, and Mr. eleKlieleyWall left without n dollar. The lose,. disappointment Mei morrow reree let 111111 certainly. 11 was n sea min - fee tune ; rol n leeson rein be learn- ed from Ohs. fleranen the truth fa the pnlmletet preelletIone hats been, prove.l, end ere being pro'. -al con- tinually every day, thotigh of 'entree these mart/doom evatnpley ..1 the yahoo ot polmistry ore not broom:lit so Meltingly Before its., •14 ix the ease or Willintit McKinley, arnitee he wax publle min. We enema ell be In the eye of die psiblio. not in our hire0 elites and toe as it IR anyholya privilege to femme the opinion and he guldled hy the 1/44,f eminent palmiRte an In fele ape. seal nanptabIlltlei Net In the Nem» trny thnt we gla to a lawyer for legal nalvlen rw tfort 1(1- meelleal Adria,. There ore cro•own. 101144, litlais. nemete, hrnerlete end grills and man7 other nnmee for the signs eel Ilnes in our lin els. 1:very lthe hag n nem, rte•I e me/m- ing. They show partimilnr trYity. They nre rifle for enereen, fnr they ihne• f.leerly to whet erveciel part In life the prentetteor la particularly adapted. NI/tering/. Is e) eften a fallnree' odd eftes ClatiRlitIOP. *Via f don't blame womon a bit for being old tfileler liakt the cruboy eneeeior, etef ermine sOtelt14e113tile fault." !may OF ILO 114 'Mae --Ardst't eou animated or youtp11. great, hulk1fig claw am you tyre, to travel neer the country to her Trnmp-If I ween't et great. hulk- ing (elle*. mem, Id never Ins able to it. It would 41.) a wrath chap tip ftt tr, tine• at all. The world Is Fretting moiler for the wumen. They can Imy everything etrikeil, et erythiner ready-made, and mon are Ilf 0 OngiWg more sehitted e ery yin y. The Will -If yo- u (he et to giving nlwayit why arint you give mo wi mum a year end have done with it 7 The Iiiimboril-1 1i. givo you ”iia mach." That'il just what I object to." WOMEN'S TOILET. Moine Secrets of the /fashionable elake-Un. Little trite( memo's fiit ,the eyes are a luxury. They ..o.. with bot- tle"' of rose water and pTiintain and other excellent wiethes, mot tater n day in the open alr, or a liar! ride agnInvt tho wind, or tater etrefell re maul/. tiley are 11,4 swelling es can be imagined. efortena tely, they aro aae) 11' beautifiers nil 1111, market which are extremely dangeroto to mire For the nnd brows th-re are Halves no I tiny boodle.. Petiellt to thirkne the %Olen nnil tho lashes emu. 11 pre.y liti.lo fil- ter 110141..r.4, nod aha1e.1 vtio eh the rompler' m4. %Mite ilfh.) pencil their artiste often neglect the preenution of matelling the color of the livir, nn 1 the effeet *1 lfl((I110114 [or the ntoth nn.I Ow teeth a women meet Itnte many Valet (hinge. 'there are prodee, wailhed• beeois of dente' 11004, Japanw. hark nn -1 (writ In tiny boxs, eh/tr- ee1,1 tublet• nue toenail for keeping the lips smotth nn I freoh. Facia' massage has flooded the dreggista counter.. with crenme for use In rubbing. Feteli skin takes n different '.ort 11 ererial, that unit - nhle for n dry romplexion /wing bed for en filly Inc.'. There are ben - min nnsi reeve water mixturess for nppliention niter the marionge, wortheir to lake orr grewth down net retypes eheeka There are freckle faders and mar retuoverti nod dimple ereenters 117 the doten. • - 0,14.• • *. ‘10/. eikaafsaiee!‘i"0'"('s p•-• . - - • '" 1.1.10 4 „„s. Ms 4 arid tiefersilaP21 t'sf‘‘telaly Cigna. wan Inside ht. makeehip's •-e ntiatonty. belt the amok. blade the reptile no moment...I that Ite• kat me out. 114 NICHO.ILOTNAL.;,( . 1114 ...0 1... 1Y1 • Rooms Lippert* th• lost Ogle. Oold Vinton, Crows and issidge Work • Specialty. 1111 Ton' ispatimos. -01114ee cloyed on %Vetillepitill laler1100140. at 1 p.iti. from Mny to thqubrr .L. slp..w.11.111Ted2D.,.Tth‘A.daL ter all dental penvtios. Preenow lee of the sutural teetb • special] y. (Mee. (oe. Wang St.and Potters (up stain.). !Entrance ea Ws* 0111,.. (+wad on Wednesday nfternouns. at p. 111., from May to Oct., inclualve. Telephone No. 1*. T M. TURNI1U1.1, ar • tal aureosi. (Lately associated let.b Dr. rilxon, of Montrel.) 0114 and poroehda. setiliclal teeth mounted on sold or aluminum haws. flperlal attention gives to the pram, vation of th• natural teeth. lethee In blo .sesiewbimks. le 16Y1 Wedsireilay nt1eritOenet AL 0111eloqci on I p.m. from Stay to October inclunive.- 1 must ft .;nr2ts'kkkt:::1 (het the Clime 1. ealee • y my wife for a birthday present. lehe one of it box bought •Oh 1 Are eau 11 miter as reale John onld you were r. 1 don't know how queer he Fella 1 arno." • 011, ever trl quer. 11e said yon scorned womnnut thnt t true, la it 7" Well, If I were to sawn one that I know Id get the worRt it." One of those nets- women 7" - 'Ole ma a perfect led -nd Mother -the 'mother of my 'Oh, your wife. You did not tell me_ you were married." 'Wel, I dal an Moo att I had time. 1, don't often tell it au soon. But In thin instaare 1 tliOanfit It beat to blurt It out at once." "Why 7" Fir mated, looking down. The poth Welt narrow and idle wait elow• to hint. ItoWn Upon her lifiatitt bil !leek anti gavireeenVered *Ott deem he gated, with lila eyes half 11.011 knew why. You knew the mo- ment our ee% met." 'Ye -how very queer you err," 'he 101 I, ftfl.1 n 1.41P4l Ike( ironed neer (lfl I tottched her wee -- and reeves .41. "I-1 told Uncle Jolla that 1 should like an mneh to meet you -but I don't know new-thnt - Shell we go brick to tke home?" Yea %Pry moon By the rany men ever kill himself on• yonr nrcount 'Whet It funny (mention WhY ,)'on nek llint " 'Iterative were I tool( at yon, faney (het twee riff somewhere 1 mew n mnit, drhen to delimit% !Ong' In/ himself on a tree." Upon hlm iithe turned her wonderfea eye*, dime Pyre. with the min rent- ing up 'twee bnek behind them Her lire were half open. flteeln* tt motel nnyone tell Von. that 7' okhe "Who 7" le hot, you and the innate lire rotintitg to my isone." "DA papa tiny so?" Veit Bliy whonain't Ile neer pt the v I ta t ion 7" "(111, he should, or couree. P11.- 11 eur go..'! bye needn t b. so sad rater all -- If we are to 11-,P Parh i414v.r 10) sin." She jwytiPorl, rind liv henr.1 breathing. "I know I retell like y..ur PR, .rtanit n goal woman." .. 'Only mewl IP that nil 7'. Don't that enotagti ?- It 5Peray1 a bong time beforre mite spoke. "N, It tyoirldn't be with 111'.. Whet eine ft wife be?" "1 don't know. Onstlan't irleget t„ 4814.1_-4mghtn't sive rave In the nondnesm rif lovr--Nirt uslint nonaenne 1 telt to pm. Mr. Ilnblo, yoe mete me hies/et myeeif at timer. Yon tire so queer." Ile went nivel enrly the next morn- ing. A fele day* later site received letter from him three sheet, cov ered with nerveue W14114114. Me wrote ngnIm rind in her reibly Rhp will "I meet not write ln 3.41 eallie. It W011141 he 1111)1114 In your wife. I feel nlrensly tho t I hare Irrrti ribilien(lrnter. I tense 11414)44 1115' litter to her. Tell her rill alsiat me--thml 1 wars so noir-frget- ful /or telk with eon elx.iit love. Papa request» me to tell pm that %%Hetet 11 Tele (11135 from now, as stein ats he enn mottle a plere honlopow. nrP onmlfor t) Chives.) to "spend that month nt vonr house, fie will telegraph yen. I know the( Mr.. 11101 WIII enjoy liereelf ahovring me olve my love to he." At the enliwny etatIon Rabin met the nustor nal him sIntighter. ftlind with klallInean, the sild gentleman seised floblo's hiitn.l. The etre.' lips trt•mhbel. in the onrrlage Arabi, omit 'Now, net...rained thnt e•ery thing le n11 right --all errangemente nee er- fret...I-bet the trtith Is my wife wail LANIAL. cAgfeloN. Q.0.-BARRIergle noel 14e claw. Notary. kr. Oalcie over Medlosti Hall, Square, Gads:ion. AJoA$801-141tItISTE1 :OLt;f. :l140 7 men. Oakes: CronUtoe14414411, ;:rew streets. Godsends, Out. hit pftourritoot & irriFFr, orehiptirm • ',motors, notaries nubile, proctodi in am Maritime Gaol, ikc. Office: North et, next door sisamm, Maw. Private Fluids to lend si towed raters of interest. eito W. PROLDFOOT. legY8. risitnow & OARROW, Bettie BM elf Attorneys, tiolleitored4.0& oh. J. r.cmttow.QC , (Marten.4 r)ffiLIP HOLT. Q. C., B • 8.114110.. Notary Public etakiNfilligEs sale Courthouse liqnsre. Monty to Man ail low 114.105 04 Interest/, rbICKINISON t HOLMES - Haag' 13 tem, Solicitonv Notarise Pubik. eta. Money to lone. °Moe, W grime C. le DICKINSON. DOEILL'Y HOLIMNI. onAs. BRAIDER- BARRI/11MR. Ae: icitor. notary sad eorveyeseer. an Hamilton street omelette the acil= Hetet. Oodcrinh. Private fends to Id mortgagee at I per omit. lutenist. T noon mom& ! 0. WARProx 41% C.J. Mr* 1-P • commilmetifelor for teleing and aliewletell reoesnlearipte of hail, atilda•lia or alleasise tiona deposition' or miss,. dealarstieas Is as ceramis( any artier., suit sr premedling ta the High Court of Jostles. the Gmetsig Appeal for OntArio, nr in soy County or Manisa Court. Ail 1. atettodoos carefully •nd pislig exeuted. Residence and P. 0. oddnss- tasurin, Ont. =NV LOA21111 AND INSTRAUIC, L I- I. • /wee loot rotate and Atmoy Lossalas ante. ‘3 ICN As t rr stirnt. (silly (rut -Weer elliefionep rep. . Mosey to 147)4 014 stratirlit Maas. at 1 Int Ititaist ate et es.t. tieing. in any nay t• suit the borrower. 054o: liefloati doer from wup, Won street, Ooderieb. At iTIONESialsio. orlIONAS OUNItitT, A Verb/MOM AND 41 Yaleater, tlederieh. OM- $e* attended (0(44 lel tort ef the Meet y. . _ 101174 xxnx. ORNILRAL AUcTIONILLIR 41 and loud Valusta Os•sifirl It, 0.4. ilea Ing bad ossilidethl• orparteers 'it We alto t1014ee14n5 trade he le ili • eePhiee 1.0 Vite olliffte Pith thorough eatistlactiens all WIWI- mlition• snirated to hi. °More left isset,,a Motet or ant hy mail to hl• sddreir oderlab P0,, corefully *L1...4�4 lo, J0H-1 NOX.Ceeety Asetlemer, 111111-a 11.11111111.ait• sacrtim w. A1a1far1h leillherstone otnott-fe• only Job I Parr luel WIWI its a horrible. exn110. Die. Thlotty Thingembolealle• • rho meet a hero great. 111 1 'ley keep you teenal all do time? Itonlagetone \ ; It Wellet .int howl IV/104 ft horrible evample far is soap salermiln•