The Signal, 1901-10-10, Page 2. - -- -- _ _ ...-,
I Stnte% GoeOrumeat line likewise
The Signaii thekrn u rtiv in the right dlreeliou
by appointing I•ro(euwr Alwuod, of
a ►saaa*aaD the polylecbnlc institute ,,J \ir-
aTg1lT rHUIt6DAT MORNINS gu41rt, to Walk" n prolun90•1 %141tto
% ST U. a o -!56L 0VDDi. -J l.urop" for the postpone of studying
r t • ur u[ fruit culture ;ant Dirt,•
I, -. - ,;itkkl,,wi; `i
them to curtail the supply and MRS.
.intro towprloo of mutt. They pointIS WITWER I
out limitmt ilio tart (elue hna Ile
origin to two ounrpicuoud tnets-one
ton increased foreign Jemsult on &I-
blunt of the rxpaurAuu of Amerlaa" `
.,Yber trade; the other and moot ob%ioetr ls
r.%rex of cider making` ilia failing 0t[ In corn footling to _-
TRUIL f)AY, OW., Io• IVM• In France they hate more that, mettle b"onn"ro of title high price
_ :100 M,rb u( cider rippler wiltCh tlutt lite farmer obtalne for his corn
DEBIT AND t'ItICt/1 r. hn%i torn nmalytu rind uluty crop nip farmer liar flown taught Chemist Finds no Poison in
min ural fur like lermruta nun Of napping, and low out Jett enough cat-
Nulx,dy ought to grudtu an Dat- �'ta l I( isle, ntierke•t coos not drop the
u1g to tlw wan ur woman who ban apple pulp Im%P town wade tun of Mr P Eleven Drugs.
of a.x riment. Thr afloat of resell twirls rind rertiwto pi will
Imwu wurkuy; xU•aJlty, but it u jtmt 1"' +won /foal It oeu.vswry to pili in -
natural, wlrvt one seem lila cruwdr elder proelucliun in 1'rance hex lhnx
Is•en de%elu d ton %,.lumt• of more "nitric• upon lncnvtm«• until the prier
lot the, railway bA it a, wri an,ing p'' of stoakr will totwl, n figura• never
for tial train for Utp 1'nn Amr,ricaD, than 8:t-- %n,1/tN1 ,1 gn-tllu I«ml ONE YET TO BE TESTED.
ear, tit-- c+eln,. Im•u1g elotimntwl rat beta n+ known or Jnwmelt of . idd•ef
to flee a little figuring ulkw the y reduced from tilt, grand cattle of
amount of money ,Yawn out of Can- not lees theau niuey wllli+aar of doll- P
laree. la Fuglun•1 there are farm+ the slla eto not much, higher than
n,lt the big rin)w rat un tD is, utlteir years, but lite corn -feel
flit. aggn•g.nt0 it mint Amount, to whkb 'have ell eller for file laws is,
that ruppllpr flee begot trade \Y rail on the N.1'.l'. It. 1'uurea Four
u Lirgr rum, which will sooner or century anti a IasIt. especially In aur never before rt, rxpegot Ar de Denthr N'relabtr eLulllded - I he
Litter eunuil in the export returns. Her•fondslelr", and thaanatial Lull. Wes. Lntoir lore Norew +hey the fall- \lurderen of tiro(. \Yhlle 1laujrA
v,mo of the excurdlooists will bring OA production of the beverage b
smack new Wear of mor" %ailu, tilt,, now valued at from too to fifteen Ing off in brr•f purclar.w it traceable In Pblladelphla.
tit., money spent. Otllprm wdI hate millions of dollars. The Eniolhh to the failure of the wnge earner Dayton, Ahlu, ccl. H. -Pr-4. Russell
only ttse rticollectluo of n plearaat y to t any lra:reatw 1t, that
l;ovPrnateut ilea - IaU•1 tatinMlirJ pd) F7!iutt, ton ehelnirt. u:yt esudu a rr-
nmake a for the ltccrccrwtl price
h, to ulfret the c% aur itunEven its vllllogl•rs to glee nssUtauce
port to the coroner, ua too cho•mlr:el
Ili tilt- latter came. It would he, loo- to local efrurts in tile, eilablidh- Of meat. ` e xaminatloa mad(- ou la drugs N,uud
I;.ir lu rrgurd the money spent ad Went of rtationo for the develop- Mr. F. H. Hurrituaa ouccesds Mr. "t the h )me of arm. %'itwer, who Ilan
wafetf•,1. Iteuruuable recreation lea meet Of the elder industry. send L•hnrled M. Hays ser PrerW�at ofbod'u firrnlltp,l,.ehirpwvoted of leaving,
guod lu%ertment_ l:ally Bernard, ell- there in no dwbt that the British the e'uuthere Pacific, and tha New e'oonhttel at toast t►'duseu murelers.
timatlug tls+ expenditure on golf In )uilrEel 7i reiWY to eblleume 8140 Turk Journal of, Commerce utd• r- T'ilc chrmtat WWI to find an) pulacm
tit+ 1'uited Strt,d ;,t mvp millions nil that can Lie offered them from estands that Mr. Hoye rorlgncri la•- ht eleven of the drugs. The other
of duJar.-• counectm that Item with t anada of a prim'+ quality At eider cause he found his position very drug will be elamined to -day. kir'u
Chu, Iengthening cor the term u( hu. mctnufacturtool to cater to their pie- Witw-er Intestate that lots" Ie loncereut.
largely a nominal one; he fuutsl hr It line been ascertuinad thtt herl
man life, evil n n.t .if tntel the wirer, lend no authorityas Provident, last
.omnpih11g lot a new s,t ,,f tnbtce fur Cuter is n healthful ts+vrrngn, told flrxt hurbnntl. Lullt••r xlw•angrr, dopy
tial Lfe uirurance 0ompauiem. The properly prepared It to non-Intoxi. Maas merely an employee to marry tit Lelintuau, Ohio, from rluallpox, cued
i,do 1tuuD of u rouplP of yran to calla while lhA flavor ix prefer- out Mr. Hurrimarc'r urderd. plc that out, ch•ld of lhtr union elru dled,
g. P therefore re.iguo�l it, Jacor •.f Ur there bAus nothing utyeterk,6r lob, ul
that prodnmllre lite of each oalxeo nbtc t0 that of the aerated d.rink+ thdlic• dentlk+s.
u m
it . *leo now baq the doubt,
sod 1 pay for many mmau
lltloas of trips In como' Ivse. p'itlt n good quality HarrWreck on N.Y.C.It.
to lite Pan-Amerian. of cuter obtainable at a moderate lo'"Lluo of Prcwideut and Chair- Utica, N. V. IA•t. 8.4hae of shy
--- pnlce, the Inoue .demand ,.,maid Ir• mail of the ruuthern Pacific Execu- w•earvmt wrecks it, tie history of the
WANTKO-A MAN. %pry largely Increased. Ar roughly the Committee. Mr. halls, It ill on. Moll"witk lienal. IIfthotallroadof
IWILOta women are hopping ui:ul manufactured whit applr-d frunl tho, derdtood. had a five years' contract eurral at 1.50 u'clMit till* morning,
Mattes. tin report bring a•ut out sun of the orchard, cider +..ills here at $55/100 a year, but voluular- it, th.) village of Orlrk"..., revrraw
that there is u scarcity of Warreab.•- for 8 to 10 cents per gallon, but fly •terminated It rather thau von- mil -m west of this city. Four rai.ri,atl
Orion in a poultiun that haat b•cuute wo+n were killed In the wreck and one
aid,. wo,meo 111 flat )lints. Thr eau- ilio Id,at elder, clarified nnit bot- war iujurnJ. The killed: slpsencdr
dl:[Hateful to him. It to not Iw•liwer,l )Uuhnnun, of lchenvetad engineer so sfiowr that !hero are ::G O(lU elect, would anally fpte.i three or ),Rensselaer. ;, .mea tuan woman in it, but f. or times price. It is tit dial- that Mr. Harriman will occupy Wr- fireman
Palmerston. of RPtcAlbei er.
Kara Andrewn, of Fa u, .torr, t new worth luoklt into b nun far- new ,soequirwition pormaorough tier pm'- hlr hemi; VI' Arg Wien of f htuty.
rif all T rltfon requires a thoroughly exper- Grukeouu, nail Argy 1+' Nautili, of l.etaa-
thlnk the mi.►rgin 14 tofu wll'. lf-•ur saers, who are aumetlmeA puzzles selaer, fireman
,t,, make fruit -growing n lenefed-operrating mnnl and It IN un- Tile Injured: Jaw4% Halt". of Al
lir": gt g P T' derrtoud that the director# will buoy, engin"r, braatr,l, nut rerlouxly.
You toll young wt#ann in the east - - -_ .--- kc"p a sharp outlook for smith a An rust -booed frriKnt rugino, \o.
that the min of Aortic Dakota ser« a41 + ++ 1.8011, aullkled with u light engine,
wailing fro a ehanco to jump Into# ` man and secure Uls services at \u. f 569, which w:w cremating (roan
matrimi ray, but. tlwt they have n0 ♦ thrlr loiwre. Mr. E. H. Harriman ,neck three to track fuer, thu4 (,Ito -
place to Jump. z CG RENT COMMENT fm �tto of too mast lnteresliog o1 Ing lite wart. Thr cr:uth and n
-W -
Your rain trprents, ,m,aribty rx.)ergt- a li the controllingfigures terrific otos Ants In nn Inxtrent -d
gores l" lh0 rail- the ceomgs figures, are ,frocdly, i :amr Uf the New l'urlt_Central trak:
Innecttrate. 1 wpnalt from cx,ier.-.--• N♦ii4 44+E way w(orW- He tag been remart giver completely W mekwt The fro IgltI
1 am :16 years d,l and hava lived fury en n■ aril as akxeturr ltlofer. Alloy Mueceseful a* a railway isaaa= „oriolott+,l of slaty -five, carr, and wnm
In \crtlt Dcakt)ta the past fourteen cler, but 'Jits aetivlti°! are by no ruhalog at A high rat, of m vet,lf when
your-. In tint tima i have- received ilio necllent occurre,l.
one,,free of marri a but out 7roua anuli Herbert I:ke to withdraw m''an► conrlDet7 to thio ti^Id.' H"Ir
aB 4 A 1>t,able tlrnglug.
it \(,rlh UakOtn 111111,11. I ha v" found that sono.-xdPu a,w f n dlrectdx i amore Influential cin -
them all too hu..y gathzring the lw,raliun4, nut Zek,ily skilled with Philadelt•h'a, Ill.. (1.•t. 8. -Henry
- Pse s tTtLi Wor11 to think tllucle ._ !torr chit Cal"U.x-.l'erry, overseas,
If Sifion is InDarit, what uA.ut ono annllter, flus ainu,iit any )torr tvrr lucngr'1 to -Jay f ,r the murder
.,if nick high subjects as tove•. The H•arlsert? - --- New Worker. laaar chute into, of Prof. White. The drop fill at
gentleman who dill proposo was n
t-ident (at New Jersoy„ but for thNm, corporatloNiL'w'ithin a few 10.061-_'.
remous personal to ami mpif. 1 did to W too Hislop' an.+dPr enrol ilii ---
) years. Like der. Bill, ,,Ur. Harriman Tine hail been eon%irte'ol -of tit"
not soveept Itis offer. ,-4ften_Jury sepal to have been I Leel u an antocrat oa railroad*. moreler and robberv' 'ed Roy Wilmon
Volo any think my cape IN an 'ax- b; the necumulatlnn of inconmlmtvnt iiDlt dlrectd thee! In ser small de- tYhitP, n pr,]ewMor of law Ln the•
rtactiv but I know three ch si at- ,•,kiPnce hurled at ihPm. The av,rag.• Unlrpr.1ty of Pennmy Ivania.
them a girls da Fargol each used salla It V tsW that itee rwnally K , a awaltln
lawman in ani M gnl•k et forming K
them abut my ag.V who **re un- rositrol04-even--.- __.----- _ -._. - scatence fes' ctuui,llcitr In the mnr-
uvarrlfd anti with Wei apptreit ecru+ ht.rrlla ..odpr sorb conditionm am Im
Ports. We nre hero hooding vut our a judge. - for lorchnotives sad other r pies, tier.
suntrinsmial noetr.ew, rust )f IhP m.•n and leaven isttl lgBTai ie t tslr �
„f North Dakuta aro ,m) anxious to Tile United Slates Sugar Truest officers MONK t(j ep
get atarrild aq you ray they. are liax b •grin the war on lite beet sugar --- ls+ RITE �NQ16NfNl
why don't they claw- nlong and
etteck their hptuls through'? I actemi'te by cutting prices in luc;tu- KLONDIKE OF TO -DAY. --
No getting over that argWU int ti.•s whore beet sugar enter+ the ---
aLlhhr dLoance___.Ycrharg. if we naarkpt. Probably the next move wO'tderful Work hoar to stiive-ft At the Outrage Cl,MmitteJ, it
-- --- Guesto is s4i'4eBHhw4@ ►p - ----- ---- .. -- --- -. - ...
bili ifs To oily tip 06 -beet fnigaTr_ t
could clap eyets on S,ira we •alght What a change from lb0 Klue- Miss Stones Case,
find excludes for the sluwdlese of weriw' ,
_ _ dike of or.1T n year or two ago : --
tile Dakota.ysuths:_bui. on fife i�,lc. .__ not Then It took muliths to get into,
A, pe-tsentdml. Barkia appaard to be G(xxl Roads mnnoarea eta an oulraxd till- country. Tb enter by the WOULD THE BRI ANDS KILL HtRi
n t only • a willingo tut n eery on the munfci,xahtled, iia the Trry or- lVhlte Hary or the C'hllcoot I'au }+hili
Int.inrss-like even If xhehP ha'Padlon. Bulgaria, Oct. N. --
Person, g:tns drp�twl it. Uaff;rin wIII spru,l meant to fence lite hardships of footle interest In tine (cite of Jllsem
not Maeelnmful with !tits matrimonial 444.000.4 fie own money In making travelling on n wrolcheI mountain HPI,n retorse, tier kidnapped Amerd-
'--I,. may it nut b, that iiaree to guild rondo, an I thto earn $sl_;foOfl car trail Antl through a demi-arctic wild- cnn mistdonnry' Intensities herr.
rather' strenuws t Thr big firlt rrre the Ovvernmeut gruel. ___ . ernews. Hutalreds turned back and There 1* wtkwpreld condemnation of
wauplimee very wary. - -- nbaadoocd fila ho for which lite tire, government for tellow►ng ,vetch
W. CathatfnrW amelmour ploops the Pes y freoom to tine \irncrd0ninn ('ommit-
;upulatlon of that Ally rat 1Q- -- had sacrificed preclopa time and trr'ar to rnabto it to rnprtneer the
N' NO CARhaJ MUR TMC ULD C CP money. Yet that route Wad n plea- uutragr•, morn Atone remhttl Iserp hP-
ds, rrcrnt ren.nns gave It 9,d/46. The sant ars] easy onn compared with lure roe went to Vialonica, anti mho
7Ur, Amerkla•a Cup will stay In Am S'.nr says a g l'Al mart lot the d4fearPace thane from GlPnora or &lmontou. to well known throughout tits coun-
eft.a. It due to the angdewgrs counting The number of men who, attempt- try.
%--ver ,i -we tile. trophy want coo• mtudents find others not reen"Iing the lattor, prrlwhef by :he way Tho pntrettle Bulgarian- ar•- in -
zed lot fur have flues raced .Leen 1• one of the moat doylorable incl- een•'t-1 ns tor)' re+coytnize Lhat atom,
�' Cho mannas--rpaperatera. -Tote In- dents In the history of wild mining Atone mint her enileaggt,vrr of the Am-
scvn in t.h^ yachting World. Never did rrvnwP Os" last year's figured Ir In North Atnerleh. A few intfliths Pr► -an nttmtiona MAC-1-
ll""garia and mw•-
Snore gallant aportomen pit hack about a00. .in
elnpfcd, and to -day one can tlrntat. leave barn their twat frlend,,
And 14111 against Paotc othpr. _ fen to Ietwsun In a weak or two, thn,oghout their troohl. a. There to
- *17 Ttw,lese IiKNe>tra5o•r tsnl yaks - Thn,__Zcpori that a- taalil" wm
j,11. travelling In cufurtablu atoning- no lack of lndicawa
tlotient Prinei
til, cu beak with him. but he ham Ira of scold elorage, be Iddpboard has thoseonts ie railway crwcelf .tern a in," Ferdinand r itting Ring ids own ,m•r-
P pilon• ha will ilial him:eel( not In a Min by Permitting mnsch Idc ring• to
tlrmonsireted that leo had the eaablet) rldppen to land Canadian for d,mmiltf•e mum to pantile lt. to
_ __ pet- claollc epembtnge of tpnlr nor -tri
u•r yatclec, and thait hp id the king of chroee nod appb,s in Groat Britain the .antarctic Skagway of tow dam- bt•'ukatnil prrnalm+rit people In cry=
ap,rtsmen. None mare readily cud. in Improved conditloo Is very cheer-'leerador,n�, electric llghtm, churches, ConMtl-Generstl i►Ipklnleon, whena. but In a town with w•at- ,m)rt 0f the IAhcAzlonhtn muse,.
eddP tole, latter prpomltba than the ing. KPrp It up. Mr. FWner, erwore.., until you schools• n municipal government ant) here on ole Way to Motion from Con-
yanhtAncll whgvp g,tpet' caro _roto.. cnn hey clown grapc+s and pcachrn a tPlegrmplt office,-Wingipeg Trl. Ntanlinople, thought it pruM,ld-thitt
litho.- fie has hien, from thr Ontario penlnauke In prime buns. I I if tike Brlillawin undrr,tGu)el from
-_ l,"vignw)rtees the►t the rno,•rrm world
The, cotditkpns eurrouo.ling the eua• condition. Tlcwr" to no limit to life - not Ire p.►tl tlIV3- Would a•Pl•awP miss
t"ets,plrrr a great Mcragcap halt tine quantity that can bee produced, If a �!rld2,�i>erie. - ',I Working, as the, Macedonian caving
challeartger, awl It Is Ingxwwlbta that market can be to uirl for these fruits. I i cenild not like fa•hpd ley- Rho, murder or
Nr.+ sbauld win nnlpsm elle Is very The ctignlfled Japan"re too not pew K ODD FAC
111r• wrrrnnn.
mudl thin all-around Aapearinr Of tlw k, In This Moistly?
d rfetaler. Perhe A Canadians min cpm to +come where they are not )Il
P y AND FIGURES. , 1':.rt.4, (X't. S -.t letter rpeeh.mi
wanted. Canada will oat have to tax
take hMd aryl try slat tory can do I
� h ilii linyra Agency. from Snlemic;►
try bullmllnj a Imam (m thla eldo of immigrants from Japan to kev'p llrm �? �.�'�erT�e +�2P dnt,•d Octub:-r 4, saym:
I'll of flip Dominion, for the ,)n
"Th- .lmerfenn Ccua111 herr link
Uri lwrrinlr rv,n•l. Th,y have alreadly parin- Ontarlo raiswl 116,9.)3.017 1►nebels Janst rpPeh- tl oaten to conte the nr-
wo.t swan • lx,norm, aa.] there' are (via Uovernment lin" ddclded io take of npgrlw Inst year, rnot<reeciv Willi the Vua the rn-
prevestive wituotrea at the othor
phe•e•s in ynchlt club quarters here --- nor) for title nynuPslt of the rnnmom
md, anti keep Ila nibj.•cln at home. AmeRterdnm, Holland, Is ,,lkxmt to of Mia Rtone.�.,Thp United Stnlrx
tont that sup would adorn very ap- It Qaomaln Adolrteof n nlmill►r plan to pill on Ito el,otric caro Will advanco thin, motley, afterwards
pn.p,rtirsto•ly• ---- mettllt with TatkPy
Ow admlrabte t11{ne about the rmtriet emigration to tlw Unites There nre 40.00(1000 fewor mheep
r Stater, what a howl we seliould )fear. in }:urn y Stories reld fatter Torture.
wrirw rd rmrlaw cwt flnlmherl is the pe than ten sass rt6x). ,1. i•, Tlartlmin nntlxi:ftlPa have maul
tin r1 hw'laj whleh lana market alp the ac„nor, lrutlet Stnuw o zclsing••n - mon :.ism nmo4j the huljnr
.lrollnjm in fvrnnrctilmi tlierewlth. A Tlse demand for clerlr1eal cent- 1111 . rnintirm, without oiotinctlun o.
rctnark that St. will M• hnprve:ifll" t,, h►tofs to India Is attend of the imp.
gxo,1 elfvtn apart conducted by clean _-_- P re•!larlrs. and nrvirly all have lippu
rxrludp nnfirchbrM "nlram Canada ro pit--'" rut
, turn,-w�,wta or Im,�sejkoow how to olgowntrer in tow work. Doecl,llPoo Caen. --- ---, -- - lout t., t0rtun• In the M, p' of at,
lin' ave nkp gPntlsalee. fustic bc(nrwintarvn. A pftw assn
'"la will ),tn In nay tramonfeld4• Every werk $_+0,00:) worth of Unit- nam: l Dlmttrl mal I &P1lrulprotandinp(
HPrp'w to IAplon ant h"tlpr hick el Ktnteve tylerwritera gv, to Eng• exlmtt-1 betwPon tile, 1'nrtPalnnto not
trhe•mr far such ct lr000a purpos•y' lent].
nnother time. ale\erstea►lan Committee. and that
but haw to It t0 hP dun•. Thn man
%vita cnrrlrew a red f and mhrtrks m� alma Siwe Waw Piton n^.flog In con
THIS CIiIOKR IiIiNI»TRY, BrIt" public riLW,udnt�krun- nest with them. with Use view uC lob
agnlnwt gr,vprnm,•nt In ramlty donit nlag nearly $2,000.(HX) poor Weak bo- talninir Rada for a political rellj
Appled Are not re gfxr.] crop this with, but hes M Iran dnagProum thnn 3onel Inst year. i Aow proprttgnn41•t. These doer aratbn.
yPot r• on it prey lenprpen that fruit. the pmooth aocretp:uttcr. lima dm -- wrung fnnn 1111ml4rl orator tarlurr,
wlJeh in Pnrm of :ordlnnr plonty .
The carman ctmlntrIeN of the nre %aluelpap. What M certain b
Y Y )u, to ho- rct•r►gnlz.�I find excluded . worll awe 1:1,400 dlffrrr•ut kinds ser tont till' valrtain of the bawl declot
w•ouol In,unnalitbl", will this year An.l Csoljams, It will be, and Io.mtage rtanrpd. natfel forr the 4,,tyn,ent of the rnnfrom
retell It jorrl prier. I1ul the tmsuP will lotrn to .\mprien. -- it pin:•P 1n pr,.\,v to. 1110 Itoom•'Inin
emne- lignin whin nil npplew , xrcpt ()rely 70,003 nritlmh remide on Ilip rrfnttlpu-10-u-10-4iu-10-4ir. hi lornew that hr hope,
continent, whit:• L'(1(1,010 oontiaent_ to. n -,•nim• Wtp Tecrktde 1m(Irit. drill thnt
Ih(we a a quality let for export Connretc"t tm ntk,.it to try n p'lr tit,- Bultrterinn ( fl„ tlf+t ennac
will been dnrg on ilii market, no - A - nywlem that onm m0mr jrw•1 /pa04q live in England.t- hm ianxiety.
Ina to wnutr In lisp orchards or orra. Thea Criminnl (',meet .11141jrw Ther,- nra 2k.k9t Thin e,aaMtilm of nf(nlrs fa mho.w•es
jo%rnilr koxlP- by 14111• fact that five rr ale hnn,lm
ump,l for hull -ford. It is pmJnlo.l o0t Will fn bk,U+ n mnvio"'m nrud mini thew hm Ilio Brllish isles• with It m•em- ,d l,rlepin'.iv 0f twrhv ser fifteen 111'•11
tlint npgdon ,If infrri,r quality r011141 mlim senlpewe prri,ml. And within the loermhip 0r L,516.000. cfvl" Imve iem•,inr urn hold hetwern
Ise proflt bly roni-PrtM into rider. nuttgln them nlluwr.l n Board of Par --- Atrumttitn send Knprill that ll- r,f
ser, x1111 hMllrr. a quality of npplrm ,.1•, ronaeslinq of lisp pr{mnn 41irert Pnrht multiplies freo or cost ani- fF•lnls rd thn OrIentnl Itallrond have,
IAnsronm Ixnlhe t0 nil perngont rt,- rf•,Inrmtegl tint- TnrkWi mllitnry nu
specially aflartod to the pr(ulerll,n frm anal wnfArn, ant- rvrrrtwp their jnSe,l In hAnlllnj lead. Ulomitlr•w to rrinfirr-f, the lrrmrpe
of extra jrrol rider might h.- viii- +fiscrrtio'e nes to freelnK a convect on -- j,unnUrM thn track and hritijrm.
tivatwd in Cnnndn. Thr m'erk-tof pnr,A- fillet relnearrPratingfilm Plan., are uneler way for an 101- Sprotfatlona Going on.
Furope d,-aanndn j(mml ellor nil -)In .11,011.1 hmodals odals it. Thin la ,Pry broken rl„ctrle rnllwny arromen the ottoil otnntt.nerplsit. Ort. "-Born flap
Franco pial
Stole of New Vnrk kcll, the Arnerivan misifaenry At
Gwrmtny jrnwt rlriJ.* [ser rrnrrrvAol frmm the mash-tnitrot- --- -- [Lim`kofr, nuljnrin, Ly tgm,ning nPju
have Imen tnvlle In the "lie of ole- of ind"lrrminfete mrntprere syatwn. ThP Bible umml At Queen Vieth- t4atk mo it, Itill tho, l,rljno,ta will,
%phneinpr the Indnnlry upon mrientl nn41 wl,il- It draw not--prrhApn no Im'm enr,msnllon was mokf by oar- lila, %few elf rwltsinj tis• nnmx,nt lot
fir principlps. Th" rnterprisP In pnri,l.• s'mtrm inn-nllogrt11pr sinnrtl tion recently r,r 40 guineasaw
, tin, rn+nf domnn•tel fo; the re•lenmc
thuec 0owuntrinm lease mint, res•••ic,etl the --- d filial Ktfrnp.
rtjniumt fn%orltlsm In reports. It nl in walkin4 it milia a man stall i-
dlrpollon and enrrwarnjcment of Cho Irnnl tiers ,,,,,It. beyond which 17% foam ton. of Pnlargy. .tit oral"- it its rt pial tont (Riau 1 nl G
ntnlanh Antl lines art with wrrnlj rnnnol Pxlpnel. it in worth ary day'm work novinsmas '100 tons. will felt he Ar,Wlnd fore thrrP month,murkor Iodrwl.In n trial --- nfyl rvrn at the expiretlon rat' Joint'
Grrmolny that saverml hTAfitin Of rip- -- Now fork Aryl PonnghAnim pnylllme his pttyal+lnnn ray he mnmt Feil
IP sitar Iherp now command til. Tile Cbbn _ mrmbwra 0f the i.Pgiwlm()lre $1,300 rr•Ilrvr.l rat "newel, of the engross nn,l
p gv, paekrrw deny that it year: Mn1nee pnym tiepin Si%o n w.wplee of ht, 11"Altion no Principal of
W pricpa than wine. The I;nitpd theirp Joe any enmMnaton alaong year, (0greari'r, y t)
vM R„4M'..u?, - .Yb 07 T„I ,. i• 1. ,i rN i°:N,.y ,^ts w .,+, i,+ tar-.. t. x ',.,,• .
C�5.'�.ILYieR",.•.d 'r , '.YiU� ^
_......-.A.�.L_1 - -.-.
i�.� sy r+,'a. e ,x+. -. A -,,'I-- r `..".sa n '4iI. w `.1 ♦ ayrv� y•
t> v res , c.. ' •', ;:[ i R I a alk, 'rti f
.^ w,.
f , .. , „, .. ,-,
a - .:5t ,
,.. ,
BLUEJACKETS TO i wore recently %. havo by We Boer.
Jt.JmllL�.tml.�jL .tG.IC
i at ICarou ]'caort, liavo barn relrusnd � .11.1f.
Two of thoam, who had been captured k
ocwie b� [tore. wire brutally naff K I
11r1e�. Limit P. +•f the 0reaff Rrl ILTHEPRN TRENENESls lint muttriby sibeme was fatallyw t Jetecl to " mops, w kir ourpic tall%vial utlavttx,k the lieutenant for a
hoer. Anotlet tnwper of the rampvv-fr,j
'r r+orpr ttarrowly psraped a mimilar Toronto Kr?neer,' llarket,
fate. .Oct. 5.-Tfte trade this
A Itadla•al Sujje.11ou. morning
DeWet Planned the Invasion was very briYk. nail prloer wenprally
Pro, Itu'•ra are tastily )urtlflexl lie u, were firm. with aelvunour in ,several
sorting that there Le grave public
of East and West Natal, anxiety respecting We cooduct lortntwe.. Butler sono tgpge were de_
«tin war. The sdoliere are known to ctekdly rtrunger unit poultry, Im)tli
bo fighting gallantly and that is live atilt dredoed, In spite of the nuns
Plwwuglt. Ono Itadlical juurnul Into the sruur offerings, were, firmer,
tPuserity to suggest that Italy would Tlie reool r 0f
NOT A SUCCESS SO FAR. agree tai pprovide 44 o0 trap. lea Pt grain were d ul'-
ueetlntulu floe flow uS cumwuolculon Isavy. I'rbar rv•mal"rt! (Ism cult uu-
ara] help out the ()oyennmeut. Tile alaogea.
ompoyment of Heastane would be a Wheat -War sltruty, {00 bush"Ir of
wauta,ti slight upas the coloeles,
whk•h have so loyally napported the Iwhit" dsdll °g at Guo tai 74c par burl.
Ism" Guvernmeat. LO0 bushels of rod at 59m to 71c
Biala Oudy u( Boers NlIt1 on the Hur- per buedu+i and 400 burhplr of gouq,.
der--Kuenmy Loet Over 800 at Guu Reeeytured. at 65o to 66o per baste-%.
Llerrcliel, Oct.4.--News hap heeD Barley -esu etttaety, S,llOO IIU„lu'Im
Ports Itrlr mud 1•rurpect-like selling ani 480 to 50 1-_e pk,r buwi.,I,
received b here that a n the der, tap
Drrblrr nod »,uttlloh Ilorre tureot by the enemy on the 19th alt., Il•y°-VI'er atea'IY• IOU burhrlr r,'I-
Fuught Well Gun Recaptured. Iter boon retaken by Col. 711ornoy_ ling at 64c per buallu•1.
erofl'a icon, who took tell, my prl_ Oata-Wore steatafy, 1,6W burlwio of
London. Oct. 4.-A dedpateh from suners. now O,rllLng at 41c to 411+ Per bu,at,-1
Tile enemy haul (jut, killed and three 1)resotal Hogm-utero steady at yes-
Uurdee, Natal, to tow Thais, esayd wounded- Ton thuuerand rounds of am. tot -Jay's decline to 6M.75 to $U,,,,
that the Boer lord eel luta over *Iz cwt.
hAtodred In %be attucks on Forts munition worm retaken. flutter -Waw ftraor, offerin
Tdhen, tr no doubt that they belong- lip
Mala and Pru t. The Hoerr In- ext to the party which h%o long bee" worn aline too INCit, Lor, Ponult -Wild
�' un, sovlllag, lot tis to ::A)c and erex•km
formed tho prl,onerd that they et- hwvering In tho neighborhood. at too to 170.
peoted to flat the Fort Italy gar- Eggs-13trlctly new Inilt were fir-
rtroa Only 100 strong. Tile burghers Sp) In the \Year Oa1ce. mor, a•litug at The to mac.
ibat more men than Inet, Itirwion, Oct. 4.-A letter trum Cape l'uultry -Raw firmer oat off, r.
y prevluod Tuwo rtrutwat by els Central News ingest were lit►rrai. Live onto drt• Nl
action this year. rtateme Unit the m11!ta'ty authorities chh•ke•rn are selling rat 40c to skits.
There seems no doubt, suyv the arroetad on Septembor :1 a clerk ell- per We,
Times' correspondent, that the fl,prs gaged to the local War OffLoe. lie W ].*riling Whicat Mrrlcrtm.
Inteside4-a combined Invasion of Nn- aald to be a Gorman, and It In al- Coring quotallous at imlmorlanr
legal float otxumrntw have been w.henl centres toi,la
nal East and \Vest. 11 is stated found alsowtng that Ito wage divulging Y
that lien Du Wet ordere.l the Burgh- information to people In Holland (lash. 1h.e.
err to Lilo northeastern part of Or- through the part. N.,rw Chicago "' •-' ••• ••• -- 11:, I v
wage River Colony to concentrate at , --- Toledo .. ... ..-.. 72 7.l
Talekop, but up to now the only re- Canadian Wounded. Duluth, No. 1
suit of the movement has been lite Ottawa, Oct. 4. -The Department
Northern No .... ... 68 1-_ 67
Ix Itttod invasion of Natal b•• abroad Duiuth, No. 1
� of Militia war safvlseol today Hutt ,M►nt ... ... .. 691-_ -
commanlu, which can easily be drirell Trooper E. F. Chr4stopher. of the H.
A. t'., l,not been slightly wounded at Colored Markets.eek v\'uhofunteln on time IL'th "em- Belleville, Ont., Oct. 5. -Tod.,,
Lrtish ulficerd who were recently boo lie, comes from Glen Adelaide, there wore 875 choose o,(fertrl, lie
prlsonerr say tluit General Butha'o Arm%. bill, but cid doled.
men an,d hearses are to good cond►t lull, -- Cowianerille, flue., (e•t. 5.-Ttr,4ly
but ts• men's clothing is In a poor The Appeal to Capso Itebele, 35 factories offered 1.703 chper; 5
state. The hrlUrh prlronerd hive croameried offered 161 b,ttrr Sales
1,013110", Oct. 4.-A despatch from -89 cheese at H 5 -Ho; 44) batter rat
be.•n drprlte u( nearly everything
' ui,ldelbur g•CaPp Colony. reports
LYc ; bnitAo, of cheese and bnttpr tin.the)possessed.
AD luterfrting letter Iters lately been sold, Usual bu
Top main Indy of ilio F3ucrr is yore present. Ail -
still by the Intelligence DO-
rliU near the Zululand frontier.Jlsirnr*1 to October L".
pxartmont. it wet, written by the LoodarD, Ont., Oct. 5. -Today 11
Transvaal Commandant, F. A. Grote- factor) --r offered LH24 boxes Septem-
__ Prriorla 'lrrason Trial. lor, to a Dutch member of the Log- b -r cheese, colored; no roles, bidding
Wlotive Otnincil Imm,illwtply after froom 8 to H 9-16c.
LonJOn, Oct. 4. -The correspondent tiler ratio. The following W #-an r ><
of the Times at Pretoria says the tract : Cornwall, Ont., Oct. 6.-YA,stenlay
tieneon trials have reveatet the pre- •• We are Dow mparehing In force 2.241 boxes of cheese were boar4l"I
sewer of large numbers lot de.11lion Agutnot Chnrtrrinn.l. Our plan, with blare• 1.4156 whits, 680e0orted, and T.;
makero who hale not only taken Gf, I 11,11), Is to take all that to i:ng- United Htntpw, best bids 9C fur eel.
tlto oath of nllegiaace to lite. Itrit- lid, In South Africa, a,, It you true orad and H 7-8 for white, at which
Leh ('roun, but who, in many cures. Afrlknolerm In Cape Colony wish to Price Lovell anal Christuan* gut 561,
have been rerei%lug relief from the ho releremi.l irom the English ycip. and Hodgeon tiros., 75. Tho balance
British nuthoritirs. In spite of thls• now Is tho time to Witt the Vlerkle.ur woe "BOOM.- -
they communicated freely with their rat Crape Tbwn. Yogi can rely on not. Teroato t.Ive atoek Market%.
ort"ods In tine commandoes In the W,- will push through fr,.m am to sen
neat. feeling confident that they Atxt wave one fla ousts the whelp uJ Ca part cattle. ckosoe, pm OW\. It :i W 15 .0
wool.] be treated leaaentl if tau ht, g ,urs,doncwt, .......... .. ... 3 40 t a l.,
y g flansth Africa unties an AfrtkanJer gzaorl nous .. 340 ae ! ;;,
There is tw doubt. according to the Ourernment U we can reckon on ,,or Bemteherr'orade prrt.d........ a to ter
correspondent, that ten of the mon Afrikantler brethren Read thin loiter Batekero' amble..horses,........ 'S 4 t u
Wool will be rove,l "fie• toi
^� do common -Ito. 3 s
Moen at mit. toeless.
Ja:lektowu. at. Melena. Oct_ 3. 71le
ernaus report for the year 1901 has
III ton issued.. Tito total population In
April was 9,8:,0, of which nnnmb•r In-
habitants totalled 3,34_ to decrea4e
of 533 from previons cenauxl, gnrrimon
1.532, prieonerr of war 4,655, and
shipping 3_-1. This Iw list- largest
pope►letle,t4liw place baa known, the
nearest approach to it being 8,880 to
11461. The number during the time
when NaumAtmn I• was a prisoner
here was Daily 6.130. itetwer" the
ir 1881 a sl 1891 n large ptr]
took plan,•, nil owing to the tlownwlfit
trend 0f affairs In the bland, the
inbubannlo emigrated to Hotth Af-
rica by hundremle, su that the popn-
lalion In 1891 stool at 4,100. In the
Tart tow yens also a large nut,sbor
,ndgr•atei to South Africa. The mor-
tality, except during the epidemic of
in,a Aler will Influenza, has been aur-
primingly small, anti mpont of the
dentis have been those of old or very
yotng persons. Witt, the pro -sprit
IArgr popnintion there are much
themes as never were, and when the
prisoaers go away will beconto verg
('otnmandrnt formed %Yuundr.l.
11h,Pmfo.stefa, Oct. 4. -Near has
b •e•. received that Cotumandant Gpo.
Brand. son of the late PreRllent
Brand, of the Orange tame state,
wait severely woetntled In a ree'itnt
Permiselo n was accorded to him sim-
term to go pqt froiu Bloemfontein la)
atte d to hills, anti cart hornets %were
eoorteondty placed At their dlmpxomal.
Wommamdaat Brand accompanied
Jodge ItertUa in ills reeld through
i.'ap" Colo.I,y early In ties. prevent
Umyunele Srved Ilse Day.
Pretoria, Oct. 4. -The fight :it \a-
gate, Nek, whore Kekewlch %v:ti cu-
campol, took place early 11) the
Downing. A patrol of Y,oninnry
who hill promosdwl beyond the pl:•k-
etw, rode into a Boer force, field
were driven back. The noerm to1-
lowec) them, rudoied the picketo, and
gwintel a intuition commanding tier
Brltloh camp. it wnm neremmary to
drive them from thH position tit nil
coats- "net thin wnm duno by the
Derbyshire Regiment nal the
Scottish Horse. Tit,. fighting Ivan
at suCII chap qunrlerm that ;h+
bnyonet wren us0d. This mrd" the
cr.sualties heavy. The name of the
Derlryshlre Regiment row ntaun^h
herolsmunder dioconeprting rlrcum-
mtrencell Was Inalntatnrml, while the
9rottlmh Horso nlao (tit] excellent
- I
Itlnejavletw to Nan 'i rrnrhps,
t nrw Town, Ort. 4. -ire ronmuqu^Wee
Of the nclltity •uf tho noprt in the
ngthwrptern district", the Mor4el
Cray Town livards lend him,, 0a11yd
cwt. The Ilrltimh r•ralspr Bengle
Inlnlfvl it party of biniJmnck+lm with
a Mullen grin. 7/tri nhoprs were Oreder-
011clued, rind n
the trenrhea ranodd.
Ilrn. Ifianta, ctsnmvrmlo,•en
:10O And 500 otrong, p.assf•,I through
the Grnhamwlown district, hotly
purpood by ilritish rulumns and"r
tk,l. Crabha aril othpn. Gen. Smuts
wall rngngM by ten armored train
none Klirkhwn. ,
OifIlllrs,tw from several commandoes,
mt,lyxmw+d to bP Wr,nP of Krlttinger,
T110"No anal iwxlw. Reek hovering
nrounil the Cr•roa district. Pastoral
('PrPw Mrrw looks like a military camp,
stMn I"foltinj rwlntbta half h!0eklnj
Line "lately mtrreta And hl,rkhrrmulam
j,tar-Win the pamwn ninl picturesque
nhrnm,mlMakA in ton moxtntalnm Mr.
Toeetut, till, rather of the- eommantb
ant of that narno, liven In thin dim
trk•t COmmAtxtlint ('app -r In nl An m3M
ter hl' nperntlng In this nelghblrhooml.
The Brltlalt military 0lmratl„no are
"tttrr•ttply flifflcult In worse plappo„
owing ts, this mrmrntalnoua character
of the country.
Devenish and 17 of bis scouts, who
k.`ep awake.
The Rrterl T.Irlr.
I.ennlon, Ort. 4 -A dempn,tch from
I;raaf Rrtnet staler that over :4) o
IA;ltpr'e facts, Including Lieut. K.h'.p
ra•tu, have nlret:dy hopn tried mrt"-
or the prlrnners declared that the
tied not fires a shot un the am„rnin
of the flight with Col. Haob_•11, Willi.
others assert that Until .were un
affect at the time. All of them prayed
for merry. Lotter htm*plf awl the
other wounded still remain to
t flood.
Jobannerbarg the Capllxf.
Lono!on, 0,•I. 4.--A Pro toil" de,rpsatcl
any" It boon tortually notlfle,l rat
heaeclquartern that tit,- Postwasl,•r
General had leers trunrfrrro.l from
Prptenrin to Jol,anncwMurg. It 14 s13
dermlotxl in Well -Informed gnartera at
('ape Tbwn that 1„rat Milner lin
41ve-lled to make Jollftnnwtnirg tit.
official centre ,.f the hlKh romml4
miemprrfilp, ns well its hid place ,i
Kwinlonlrin, U:t 6. --There ar
now 6,'500 while peroono in the tart-
oum refugee entitled here, wldlr then
QO +owe ... .:Ta::--_.i-'"i'�"' _.
do bund. .. I,'* r 3 1.
Reason.exsert, heavy. psrsWL. i N a w
BulY. ewer,, OWL... h al Y i ao
F'etmh,ea uuNa .... .... r -W tw 4rYa--
Pefrders, WmwL- keep. .-..,, ...... ! 7l t) an
p do. medtam.....,..... x ter to
do light ...... 'I 3+1 W 7 +
8toeken. Ionto Llttlk..... .. ! CS to f
v orR-alar ash be1N....... . 174 W ! ti
y k/llch cows. rasa... ........ to M W 17 m
g Ybeep, owe.. per OWL ........ Y 75 W !rt,
do. broke. ! om W
do cull• ! of W ] -n
I.wmrbm. earn --_-._-.._. 350 W 3.
cepa, per head .............. 2(a W 1,141
p Hoeg. ehuloe, yrs eat:.......:: 7 114 W n n
dura, o„rn ted .. ...... , e a: "W 7 ,n
be Hogs Ilmrlit. per owls............ 6 73 W 00.
Hese et, per owe ............ 6 75 W v w
(mood Priced, e• for Apples 1 r » f
a. oto rel r
Thr m,h ,rt apple crop In Nova &-u-
1 that is alt an unmlxtedl evil. A curr•-
erp.utleat lie the Anonpwlle valley
writew tum that ulth)ugh the crop s
m toil 6J per cent. the quality in excel -
lout, anti tho prloo at the o,rc•hardt in
11;1 err bnrrrl. Tho rrciant rains, our
Ilan bdorruant snyr, have tnhproveil nil
r the Tato fruit nisi the pasture land,
while there have tart yet been nny
f fnwts to hurt.-Crituullan I;r,crr
Toronto Dalry Markets.
r Butter -The- receipts Ail Inferi� r
bitter Ouatlnue largo, and theva• ,,nit -
e lite" nre slow of sal P, CbolC-- grud,`a -
campe in thy) orange toter canny.
T1s•me require 16 railway truck-
lsndn of fucwlotuff■ w.•okly. Tilt) week-
ly denth. rate averages _CO3 mostly
from measles. Fifty per cent. of
toe. victims are children neuter three
)'eon of age. The lrnlnm panning
north are fillet] with women and
children returning to the Itand.
Thirteen bargherm have lately taken
Cls- onth of alingiarwe hire.
The Agsl:ulturnl Dep.ulnr,nt of the
Orange Free State, acting to cow
Jvnetiun with the military, In In-
do. ing lite people tentake up regricul-
lure, by ntippppI Ing geode and ploughs.
Nail, on Ilvinj noor the railway from
1%,em'ontrla to the Vaal River are
taking advantage or title ani plough -
Ing to progrom-Ing under the pro-
tw,tlon Of ttW military garrisoning
the- block -honors.
Tun relm•Im arrived here yesterday
from Granft Relnet,
Tier Bodfordrdilre Regiment, which Is
garrlr,n►ng Sanna'■ Post, have lately
commenced growing vegetables. The
troops have dug up a quantity of
w)tip-plalee, Iwhlnm, cargo and *au-
Alt,ek by Klpling.
1.0:141011, Oct. 6,-T1p•re in a renmark-
Akii nnanonity of corwlemnatIon of
Secretary of War Brodrlck's selection
of nenernl Air Re,lverm Miller Sir
Ev, Wood, anal the Duke of Coo-
naoght for the generalohips of the
firm( three army corp* ander the new
dofeuco eyote13e. Mr. Brcdrlek vx-
ptalns that these appo[Whientie are
rrnlly only to latest until the expira-
tios of the period of thn respective
geoeralle In tfipir respective com•
Rvtdyard Kipling, In a letter to the
Spectator, warns thrcotntryagainat
the danger of the army machine go-
ing back t" tit% ole point d Impo-
tlauce. He anyp.
"F'ox tit* past twenty -fair month*
We have been manufacturing a relief
army In 9oflth Afrlefi, thanks to God
And the Ma,tner. We have thus. now
a Iterg- number of men hnbltnated to
th,- nam of arms, ae well as ladders
alto pelUPmm certain exporlenco In
new c0nf11tlonm of warfare." •
Contrnfetrd to them,, Nr. Kipling
say* 0101 appcAntm.onto to the above
nam tl beeline commMkim •uggpgta tot
the, F rislioh tereople a ' rpvlval of erpr
tittle Imp,nitrot, uniparnr.l tuptlttkim,
which they have boon ammarwi many
tlm',m the nestirm Mm nbtin,lonwl fur
ever. It operate to lnrlkvlte that 41P
eplte the plealgra %IN the Government,
n vI ode army machine is to be
isanldvl back to tis, Md note of Im-
potenre. prowtenrso awl eoll,spmo Men
ill- tMst tMlr choapn omm�Wina/erm are,
rwvt quit" in toerdt with the revtI
Army, wittleh with a little tart mod
OL Iltt;,- mrrkxmrnPen might aro eseelly
aurwlwn it In IVA the triviality or
Lrtaptitueolp dimplayl•d In this matter
that apiatle but the cynical levity,"
usenue unifies, 16 to 17C ; chotro 1-I1,
Ree fonadtaod....... 1
e.olire, lde ; +eco nd gratifies. In rolin Or
' low..... ' 6 11.0 .s"ut
tubo, 13 to 14e, and bnkprm'. U-s-
araastreeve oa rraaP.
The, fall trade at Montreal In show -
Crnvmrry firm ; printed, 21 to f._'e
Ino; Cnnmiderabte nativity, nn.l th0
MA1+1m, 19 1-:1, t., 1!Oc.
movement nppeard to Ire prrttywell
F.ltgr-Thr, market to firm, f_
ftp to expvtnllonp. A Quehen wkdo,
fpm if-: Strictly new Incl, 16 to 17C;
sent(, trade am n role report hetolnosm
frrmils candled, 14u ; secondm, 10 to Up.
Chrrw"-Thr mnrket Is dull, with
flneat qunntr% flouted at Joe, anti
we -win n 9:1-4e. --- ---
. Cloondl"n Irallaree.
R. G. Don A 00. nym,rl flanadinn
Rhlh,re" for tela" m ,utlim 1,tx).) in
numb r. ngn!n4t 1,OY4 last y,nr, ,in l
and wintPr, and cover n wile ram4,-
$H 1::7.87 In nnsn:nt, Ajn)nrt $ • I
(Y29.2.51 in 19(.0Thr small de•r,aw
In numb -Ir was innlntr In miennfnrtur
[ng, ndthotlgh 111104 Ilnpm mhinv"I all
The porting Imsfrsas In dry gcmmi■
Increase In 11nid 1:1^m, whll, Ilse bettcc
ohow•Ing no to armsnint apprartnl:he
Inrje; thrrp hits horn n jowl film-
trndlleg tin.] mite, ll',ncouo a most, relit
tributna bUrlovam ,tonfe in grrecor-
failures. Ann of tho moat gratifying
fetturrem of too year In the Dominion
plser'lelliem have been sailing very
wall the pracileAl immunity from
banking dimastpro,
r ,
Province. Cod,Imeertal.
No. Apel-. Llnhililir.
Ontario......... ane i2.3411.4d2 lot,;ao.IN
(h�uebeo................ -all 1.7a,a)m 1,300M -.__
rlflah Colum Ma..., fill, Ga•..ta0
mAuy porting orders t, fill an a re-
LoYnt•a ►! 131,1x+ ee1.wp
IWbwja VA.I.tli ern. l;e;
New Rrmnmwick M lel lnl fill. It)
P. X. Island .. !! rl*mm M..i+A
conaiderable activity in whsdlaaalw
Tntwlnukv. ' 6-.N vQ�I.f i
Ree fonadtaod....... 1
' low..... ' 6 11.0 .s"ut
araastreeve oa rraaP.
The, fall trade at Montreal In show -
Ino; Cnnmiderabte nativity, nn.l th0
movement nppeard to Ire prrttywell
ftp to expvtnllonp. A Quehen wkdo,
sent(, trade am n role report hetolnosm
anmewhet quirt mfSir 0 the rola
mrnecmf nl of the week. Imp lhlo wnm
nxprelyd, fhtminrms at Toronln lh.le,
wM-k, rapeotally In dry Koo4m, lin"
been quit,- Active. Trnypllprw ser-
dfrm null for full firms of n-angminlrlr
:. -o"
tinpm to "amort stooko for taefall
and wintPr, and cover n wile ram4,-
Tlr•r'e hnn been qult" an Incr,,AAe
In the volnmp of trade at li fullion,
artmording to BrnAntreet'a reporlm.
�r im
The porting Imsfrsas In dry gcmmi■
it n41 other drpnrtmnate had been.
- -
Inrje; thrrp hits horn n jowl film-
tributna bUrlovam ,tonfe in grrecor-
Ica, and In lrlMware fall and winter'
plser'lelliem have been sailing very
fromiy, In f.ontbn there In more ar-
tivity In tho Jobbing trade. Tine
ronl vlmtt at too coast cltirs h'id
- ``�'-
the effect of mtlmulnting tGude In
a good many ratal; lines land )ob-
iearn At VAaa
rngvetr net ttletorin bad
mAuy porting orders t, fill an a re-
*nll, the pleat two works. There I*
conaiderable activity in whsdlaaalw
rirrlrn at WiDnifn qAl" of tisla
t�etrnt0n.1 ha%ing born
ehoa•tel by the wet wemth.•r Trrrlo
ml Ottawa. It b IPArnml by ]trA./-
otrPPt'a, Im 0f Inrromptng propm,rti.mm_
Thu, demand for mrgmi,ll"m for In1An1
firer points and for enmp sap/Ilse
M now Quite aotive.
+ w .. , '" a-..c"�'+"+'t'. °, kL� lr' �' a A � ,,1'•' . , - o,k, si' Jr'A41., :9'lk•. ha re". : + :"1.� .. ^ :-:Tti . •.A ,rzv: ar u,<. -