The Signal, 1901-10-10, Page 1THREE °'A.S r t ADV'TS Awr AOTIVE Ac -ire WHiN PIACI IN THE SIGNAL A LOOK AT YOUR LABEL I IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR . ,:. 1901 THD I.DADINQ T -w 8p l�DR OP HURON . OOTJNTZ- FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. '2851 f GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : OCTOBER 10t, 1901. D. M1GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. THE WEEKLY MAIiP t REPORT ODDOhon, Oot. 9 1101. Fell W beat O 64 to 61 Flour. hent. seat... ••.._9 550 to 11 301 Flour. Snort�ba..- -, -. 1100 colo 00 hurtle too sees.-.-, 15 00 0016 00 t nings, per owi 1 00 w 1 00 Hla tier bash.... 6 M w 20 Hue. 11 bus. Per b•ih r Cela bask ....,.,.,,.. 33 to t3 Peso' bush.- •.�,.......... r60 00 64 Harter. per bwi 36 to 10 flay. 1 ton 1 00 tot 00 Potatoes. 9 bush.. mew l0 te 40 Sutter. _...�.......-. 11 to 15 O4.... Dee Ib SMRs fresh unpacked. • dee13 to 13 Weed _............ t6 to 00 Hliee...........-..r __. _. •sees 260 le 005 felts - -. L6 t 25 1,Ive Hoes 5 to 26 Dressed HMR* 00 to 15 Baoon.......... »_. �.,....._..- I2 to 16 Ilam. per Ib..... 13 to 11 Lard, per Ib. 03 to 10 Drowsed Hear fon quarter 00 to OD Dressed Beet. hind 75 to 50 Cottle, lop�ort .•.. Ordinary 00 to 50 t3ltuations Vacant• BOY S%ANTED.-'10 LSAI.It1 THS prlsting trade. Ap$i at Rtereu. moe. (`t 001) UKNIKAL SERVANT. ONE Ur that can no elide cooking. Gond warm riven to the right person. Apply to M �t00.A M(•OAW. Ht. Vleoent.0. G001) UIKL WANTED IN THE KIT. ab. at the ()olborne House APPI? wMltd ORO. BUXTON. W anted. c D(10111KR WANIED.-A Young lady lb W ebloir room or board wooed do well to aPpy et this omen. Also a house to rent or for.. a oo Kem street. tt Music. H< K. JORDAN Teacher of piano, omen* and cornet. etudlo corner of II►sriltou scree Square. d MIST COLBORNE, Tesober of Fletcher mimic method. w111 re- eelve pupils at her studio. above Mr. Naftal's inserts* om00, 06301111 09 street. For Infer• mal coo apply either at studio a at u•tldeece St. Pel note • street. BYLAW NO.9, OF 1901. AROUND TOWN OF THE 'TOWN OF GODE;horiise th.Tlo,- aouaosd of Christopher U. Ceebb andmMies COUNTY OF' Hl)KON, ' Malyine Amend• I)'an, both •[ COIo•go Tho welding took pleas at Toledo, Obio, on Tuesday last. The groom le wo:l known here u en old Ooderloh boy. A GtroD HsALrit Klu'uun -There were four deaths la Goderloh d.riore August sod September. two In each month. and • re• msrksbls foot In that sot ons tf them war the result of coy preventable owes. Oae of the drowsed persons war ninety co• years of aqe and soother eighty flys. 1. there another town of chi size of Uoderloh In Ontario that oan present so gool • reooed! VIITo•IA 9T. MAcluns 0ht0r -Jame. H. Job0stua hu taken over the machine shop .od factory of the late D. K. Sheehan and will oodduot the business le all ite hoes. The new proprietor worked with the I.te Mr. Straohan for a number of years and ls lamlltar with the various lines of work «blob he earned o>. His s.00uneemeet will b•f000d le our advertising oedemas We bespeak for Mr. Johnstone continuos of the patronage whloh his predecessor 1e oohed. WAKNINI, TO M1',u•oow MATCH.,--Publlo Eobocl lupeeter 1'earceof Waterloo oouoty states that he has l000d In that ooaotry several ptaote of the fly mushroom (Amanita Muscaria) and of the deadly mushroom (Amanita Phalloldei), Both are ideation' is •ppeerance above ground with the edible vanities, the only d�Her.noe being the prise eeoe of the poison one -a bulb •t the bees of the root, several mobee below the earfaol. +,Mushroom hooter. lboeld ne careful to die Oluguish these from the regular mushrooms. IT etoutit BRNERTT HURON, Ta, --Th• Port E gin Time, uys : It would seem se H the Brace Peninsula war e0trnog on • new stags of development. The Manitoulin Island and North 6bore Railway from T.b.rreo ay to WI•rino will open up the wintry and brine the people Foto close tosoh with older Ootarto and New Uutsrio as well. The people on thl. side of Lake Heron should m.ke • streoaoue elfert to have the road ex ended to Uoderloh and thus have now Industrial lite mlused into these towns end the whole West Ri ltog of Brace. W, IJLENN CAMPBELL. Organist and musical director of North -et. Methodist chnrob. and towner of pianoforte, pippe. organ and theory. w111 be pleased w re. oe{ve pupils. Instruction given either at studio or at pupil's home, a less red Tt-de) at gmereoo a uelo Store, For Sale. pyuotraation .t the said 'Town to burrow the bum . Slo,i °, and to Ind the same to a Hotel Company fur the erection and estaW,.hment at the ,aid lbw,, da Hotel to accunlmalate what are called bummer gees!. WNeatAS a licati0n tar. leen made 10 the Muni- cipal Council of the .ad Town Ly one, William I1'. 5 h, stating %het he ami hi. assocuues are prepp+rel to erect and carry ata summer hotel in the said 'row., large enough w accowrw.date not k.. than two haw .lied uests, and to Lew onntructel to to Le suitable fur fmailles In winter, ant t., Le ready 1. , the Immer season of the yea. loos, pruvidua the said I own will Ind him or theca the sum d 310,001, lot a period d ten yean without interest, and will also give rseissi.a d lace* (except .nlw4,l tax) upon i n provements. ANo *Nita[.* the said town is situated upon the Eastern shore of lake Huro, in a sitwtiunl favorable for the development of hat is cum ly known as a summer re. wt ndw such development would materially enhance the value or property in the said Town and its vicinity, aryl it is considered desirable by the sad Council to comply with the sail r p st f..' a loan, pal the additional particulars and corolntion. hereuufter at forth. ANL wHtNSAs it i. the ilntroitwl, if tht. b'.lew 1` prised Ly the ratepayers, to apply f r • eecial A., ..0 the Legislature d the Provir ce u( Ontario, validating the *aw , and that until such vddalio,, no action will be taken hereutder. AND wuasa*s n will Le necessary for the purp...e- aforeytd to raise I.y way of loan the sail m .4 $ao 000, upon the security d ,he debentures d the ai.i the Corporation d the "%'own d Goderiril. Ann WHe.*A. the aunt of the w1N,le rateable utmeny of the .a.l Mo. icipality, according to the 1.4 tevned and equalirtd assessment roll, is 1he sum of 31,1yy,toe. Aso wNEatAs the amount d the existing del ti turedelt d the sad Munic.pahty is now the sum of $.75,.,0.6,. and nu principal or interest 1s iso arrear. ANo ..utas 1he twat mount 'd the debt intended to be created by thi. by -lar for the purposes aforesaid. is the said sum of 110..4.0. Aso %Veleta, the total amount required to be raised annually by special rale Mon the taxable po°pesty within the sail Muni. iplity, (or paying saw -A w deft,/ and interest, are the several .0 . Irrean- After speeilled and directed w le lr.ird annually dung the len years n».t after the pa.ang. of this Ly -law, for the repaymnent d the prinelpal awl Interest. r. He IT rNEarr.et 1NA1TK,, WId Il 1: hereby enacted Ly the Municipal Coun. it of the . ori the Corporative of the Town d (ioderich, that it shall 1m law(W fr the Mayer see Trawrer, (the tune bring, of the sad 'I -own, to borrow from any person or corporation willing to lend the 4.te, the sad sum of $,.,un, fon the pr. pow rr lending the same to the per..* or persons, w Corporate body, as the ease n ay le, who .tall undertake the erecttoa and e.tab- li.hment d the said Hotel, upon the co ditions here• Inner ea{re.sec, and -to issue tMnfor ah. debentures of the sail Corpratiol d the Town d Gakrich fw . on. of POI 1e.. than jun each, with coupon attached, for the payment d %merest, wh:b sand debenture shall Le signed by the Mayor .rd Treasurer of the yid 'I.,.., arol sealed with the Corpond upon the the lender shall pay the Mosey 0urlty w the sod de4enteres unto the d.alwh or teensy d the bank of Montreal, ,a the said Town of (Maestri, w (be specie cued (;.Jrnch, and the same Jsall Le paralk .mat only.up on the jwnt cheque 0. i,egates d the 1 tM apo a,ol Treasurer and shall be eeclasively applied (,r the purpose, a(onnd. s. AnL for the re payment of the said sum of 3,0,000, end interest thereon at the n e d four cent. per annum, there shall be ssessed and levid u er and hove all other rete. and uses Span the whole uxahk property within the aid Municipality, during each ami every year for Ib. sajd period of ten year. next after the passing of this byylaw, and the ..nermanon thereof Ly the yid the Legislative Assembly of the Pet's -ince of Ontario, the folio. ing PLANING MILT. FOR SALE. -- ONK of the oldest established In Western Ou 'arlo, Solid new brick, teeently rebuil. mz56, well equipped with modem mabincry, dry kiln. ate. No eicumbrenee. Huited as well fm other mann tacturieg. Oood chine* fog right man. Term. easy. 9, Y MKKTH, uodertoh, Out. FARM FOK SALK.-120 A('RK FARM on 6th 000neesio0. Uoderloh town.bip, 110 acres cleared. the balance le hardwood bush, 05 norm of good orchard. goal hums.. goo 1 barns and stable. well watered and refloat, Dn Hand state of onleville°. A choir" farm. hgRNAlt1) WIL4ON, (ioder{oh township. f LIAKM FOK SALK -200 ACRK FARM C on 3rd ooflCle.10fl Kut Wawumeh. 1110 &ares cleared. balance hard wool bush Uocd hoose and modern barn well watered sod t� THOS. BROWN. Atuburn. 43 1m Gla 1,50U CASH, Olt ON TERMS Tl) t V suit, wilt purohase that large sten, house with Nx roomed addttionentuated on Photon Street. halt en •ore or land with a0 the oputtbaildiers thereon thrown la. For HOUSK, H.yfeh1 h ��yll to Th[g0. J. LOOR- L5OR S A LE. -LOTS 95. 96. 117. 118. 119 r. end 144 In Ilatohionp''.Dy survey aB le Uoderloh. For particulate a ply tHOLT, Barrister.3to.. eted�tih• Mesh LMk.1Nt. t Ina11Wadnle. •ia. JAR. R MACPHERSON, ST'OCR BROKER. That door south tide of Wert street, over C. 1'. K. Uinta. Correspoodest: J. f. MEA.1•:r A Co. All orders promptly executed. CHAY. 1:. SHAW, GENERAI. iNSI1R• ANCK eel real estate anent. °Moe. trm loading mutual fire In�e*o e o memole' and lending .Nook oompwlea. Meroantlle and manufacturing risks at lowest rates. fall at ofboe. Inthe year 1900 the sum d $r,soo.6t the year opoy the sum of $,,.,o.6e 5•,'N. to fir year trams the sum d jl,eaxds, -' In the year toot (00 :um of er,am6t Io the year swa the sum of .,sco.6n m the year too the sum d..,aoo.6t , . . In the year root4 the sin. el esoo.6. In the year coop to ..m d I,rA6t . In the year sero the rand ',acmes -]a (Dw. yrf.t911 aM sum d ',seo.6s for N» peep.. d repayiog- the'stid pr4lcdprl sum of 300,00" areal Interest thereon at the rate ahread, y. "I his bylaw hall crone a10 (ull fore and are, t immediately pon ..(raining u,nernalion 1hire.i bs the said the I. t.(ative Assembly .A the Pros ince of I banes, Ly a pri.... Hill to le i00,0.10cxd at the nest sermon thereof for ..ch plrpo.e. <. l'pon ohtamin tit< .nctem, as af.resajd, d the said legislature, it t�ll be lawful fa* the Mayor d the said drown tq knd the staid sew d jnn,no, D. the saN1 parson w persons, or body Corporate" peop04sg 10 erect and establish the sad Howel, for el» sail perid often )ear., from the first day d July, Noe, repayahk .211.101 interr't..0.h loan 1p be securd by a first mortgage n n* ihr land., butldings and niher ,he property of the sari propose) Hotel, and by insenace policies thereat in favor of the said the C,.rp thea d the Town d Oislerioh,. le such an as an, in the usual c r t, thereon. the pyremiums to Le peal franc tone to time by the owi borrower, and the Insurane companies to tc selected arol approved of byte aid Mday'..paiol The rl ben .hall ..t yr until the vol Hotel i. co mpletd and furnished ready for occupation a. a Hoel for the reception .1 guests ; provid 1. however, that after skis tyl*. shall Aa a loon couirmd by the .id Legislature, the aid the May+r nmay aolvance up to (o (re cent, of the value d ihr lard rd the buildings and erection thereon in the course d c.,mpletion. for Ihe porp>en d the aid Hotel, and the balance upon the compkunn thereof r. a(oresai.l, tech advance op 1. p per rent. to be male upon ■ certificate or certificate. in writing satisf :tory both< sad M TTor, stating the value afire aid. It .hall be eteostd, furnished and maintainetl thnwghowt the said pe t d,af w. years as a Ont -class llotel, supplying fires+:Iass rummer hotel arcommo. dtlion for at least two hundred guest-., shall . t not les. than $.6,y4,.m for land mal buildings, and shall be kept open in each summer season, olrnng the mid period of feat yeah. 0.. a period .•2 not Io hanatotlt, weeks, dermg the . mmrr .n..n, "ter further penal during the balance of the year as tyhere shall be trade or cnstorn therefer, melodimR the ail hotel fora winter family trade. 6. 'lir sod mortgage shall contain re•e.1nts and agreements m carry .net the (wegoing conditions, to• getherwilh such further ami other covenants, agree menta, prmism anti condition as the Mayor and Solicitor fnr the mut 7 nwnn ,lull deem advisable 1 .r audio and sufficient protection of tht sad lbw, n nuking the said loan, and no part of 1M e l loan shall le pant over till ,he said mortgage has been duly settled and exe uted by all necessary parties theMo. 7, Out of ,he aid tan shall be paid all the r.. ppaeuse. {1 . 110, by Ih?K land i the said appl Blinn for a s c the t conn for a ..'riot Art otos of t e the .me. e. 7'Mt ,u vines d oM electro. d ,►< std Muni cip.lity entitled to vote forcr against thi. by.kw, shall be taken on Monday, the asst stay d October, ry..r, rnmtweneing &t the hour d nine d the clack in the the afternoons and such poll10shal R be take.rlin p the cions polling place. in which the poll in the last Sun. ipal Election wastheld, namely i warn Polling Sub -Division No. e, at McClymanY shop Jas. Nreckenridge, Dgnuy Retumiee 09 ... Polling Seh-Division No. e, r 'Thoma. Vide.,, [red store, Chte. Rate', Deploy Returning (Macer. Polling Sub.Division No. y, at the Town Hall, 1(d. Ventvery, I)epmy, RNueiert Odwer. Pilling Sittelmninn No. ,, at J. R. Rnn,inun W, R. ROBERTSON. Acenuntant and Insurance Agee& 1[ooks and amounts made up. Buildings rented and rents collected. Fire Inerranoe In 1)rltteh and Canadian Companies. Urt1o•-1n Proudto0t t Hqi omoa. North treet 0od.r1M. 41•ef FJ. T. NAFTBL, GENERAL 1N• . SURAN(`R .n•1 Rea1 Estate agent. F3 *. LWfe, Aoelde at and Piaui Oise, Insurance .Reefed fro mutual or cash Alen at lowest rate( z0151Me. Re I English &n4 Oau.dlen companies roe fes t ed. OMM 0rnext dor.r te Darrow t Ostrow. H.1 rioters 11gm11to0 street. MediO*1. I�R W. F. GALLOW, PHYSICIAN see'surgeon. °foe In Bank d1\(' - marcs huildler. west side of ei g needle at residence. Klein et. W. Phone 111. Pub11a NoUoe. -- WARNING. - 'THIS iS TO GIVE sables time a01ooe 14.thi.9 OR the Islands. neles or tampering with the ferry. ssphooting or frosty. 101 noon am part of 071 property. A ill ILC rested and mam tiff Young, Surgeon Lieut. ('ol. Holmes, Lisette Maseou.*d TurnbuN. H. 1.. Watson went to join the repimeutal baud. Two South Atrium veterans, Morgan Joule and Austin Chisholm, went to recety 15911 medals Irom the buds of the Duke of Cornwall. 'fits Got1o0•WII.I.IAN4 %t RDDINO.-file tollowlug a Irom Tris Kamloops (S. C) In• land Settles, : Oerdoa• Williams -At Re- velstoke, on Saturday, Lyno Gordon, of this olty, and Wes Ano• Is Williams, yyouuge.t daughter of Jobe Williams, of Klooardlne, Valrie, were united In marrl age at the Methodist oburob, by Rev. Mr. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. L. Gordon left later for Usrrleoa Hol Springs, where they will speed their 000eymoon. They return to Kemloope 1a •boat two weeks' thine 10 take op their tesldenoaon 1t ren street. Lynn's many friends 1n Kamloopa j oio with Th. Mintiest in wjebler him and his beide many happy years of married 111e. MR. CHILTON'S RRTIRRMINT -The re. Ilremsnt et R. S. Chilton from the position of Ualiee Stats Cooeul .t (ioderloh, o0 account of conttoued 11: -health, and the re- moval of (the trmlly from town are moon regraded by the people of Gederleh. Mr. Chltoe wee respected not only u the dtgnl- fied sod courteous representative of his n ation, bot (totally eo es the kindly, cultured gentleman which all knew him to be who Dame tato colt ant with him, and fasxprse.- tog • hope for the restoration of hie health we oro only giving utteraret be the general sentiment of the townspeople. The business of the Consulate is for the prtemit la obarge . f Wm. Campbell. AT Tu■ l'OLICK 000RT.-James Hay*, livery man, win charged before Police Magistrate Seeger with en usault noon R'chard l'orter, of God.Nah township. The two men had • row at Hay.' stables, during whole Hays hit Porter with a hayfork, io •ell -defence, he stained. The Magistrate oonddered that H.ys bad been pro9oked, but w,. hardly justified in agog so danger• oua a weapon a a fork, and he lofbeted a fine of 31 and oats. A man from R'pliy was up yeeterL_y for bejeR drunk sect d1a- orderly, and was dl.missd oo arspeaded s.oteoos. Derleg the week two tramps were sent to jail •ad there war one num of t ioycle riding on the sidewalk. MLt. SANDY"TRI',-We were pleased Taut week te meet cur old friend Arohlbmld vends, ex-traas1rer of ('olberoe township,' who has rece.tly returned from a trip •orow the Atlaotlo incompeoy with hleson e -law, Rev. Jas. Wilson, of (lt0ooe. They muds good are* of the four weeks they •pent o0 the other side of the "herrlog po0d,' and vlut lel SOotland, Ireland, England, Wales and France. Tnsy did • good deal of travelling by night, reserving the daylight for sirbt.eeeg, end to this way were able Oo Dover much more ground. It was hard work, however, and although to good heeith Me. Sled. lost twenty pounds on the trip. I0.111,,ATI TO 'roaonro.-Companies No. 1, Uoderioh, and No. 9, Dungannon, I^fl here'iuesday forenoon Ly apneas! tram te t.ke part to the relieve at Toronto. An advance party had gore down en the 7:15 train to erect tante end make other prepare tlo0e for their oomredes. Coot. Griot war In oommend et No. 1 company, with Limits. Jordan and Mertl.. '1 he oompetllyy was forty i to09. No. 9 oomp.uy mustered thirty seven, Lieut. Varcoe (e command. with Ideate. Venom and It,bmrteoo, Lt. Col, Varoee was fn command of the whole dot•ohmeot, end picked up the other oom- pmlm of hie regtmeet at stations alone the line O.herofflous bubo 1110 were Mej,r ._. __ _..- .__. sees-_ AnoUon Sale j41101ION MALE Or FARMS AND tl "ABBM STO('K. from r ved lustre acinus J h Knox es mal 0o h Mr. Alexander Ulenn to esll by pabl'n ane:. �^ i on 1ot 5, 00,O.e.lon 9, Oolboree 11 mllen east of Carlow, ea Monda7.the 11th day of October. 1.01, nomnieseing at the hoer of 11, coon ' 4 milrh rove. dna to calve la Nov.. (1My1 : 6 mfloh rows. due to °lye In Jannory. 10)2 ; 6 mIlnh rows. due to naive le Apnl t0 Jase 1. 11012 ; one reit, three fears 014. and nalf : 1 thoronghtred Ay rehire hull, 4 teen old. MKle tenet : 2 stern. rash e 3 yearn d4 : 7 •tean. rtalag 5 rears mid : 6 heifers, riser 2 years 011 , 4 steer calve - 5 heifer calves: ell Hhrop- shlre ewe Iambi' : 35 Shrop.hlre ewes, 2 to fears old : t ehropshlre ram. 2 rear* Md, registered ; 6 Yorkshire broad sew. Io p t thommfhhred fark.htre hoar. 19 menthe n ; 1 gonerel serpent horm,s year• nld : 1 dHv- leg horse, 0 Ton Old ; 1 renerel pnrrors R.ld- years old AIM a first nleee 60 -aero farm, woit half of lot 6, 6th nnnnemlon, Col- Irine. frame home. with wood n.h&T, goal Mrn with meMe. * setss of nrnhard. 3 acre of hush. This farm le well tenred and well Aralne4, Roll good slay loam. Agro '00 serve d drat nlaam land, went half of la 0. nae. 9. (olborrte, ell under rnitt.alnn, en11 grid elef loam. The &Nese forme ante ti first -n nes iron dltlon 504 aro first dues Ian4. Terme - for the rook All mm& Of 31000 &04 neon. 05.11: ever tear imnnet. 11 monthi erode wily M given on furnbMng approved )Mnteoste*. A11 POT mut. will be allowed .R for rash- Terme of was farms mads known se day of sale. As 844A. vG.ina lep egi.veNitnpg n1 the t we hrma the aAt.IX IGLLRKtf, JOHN KNOX, Propveter 1. Ascus ser. mereter ewer,-ynlm,9., Rstsh. Uepmty lt.t.mmg ren. Pollin` 9d..Division No, y. at Mrs. Walton', .hop, Da'id Marwick lisptlty Returning Officer. PollinR So V%vmm�� Ne�o. 6, Rat Into fro `ey' s fun.itore ,tore, Harry Wit«m, Nnry ()wren Polling Sub. vision No 7, at Jame, Hayy.s dive] Mut hes.., Joke K.ki, Deputy- ltstu4nt•g Other. o. That the Clerk of the .nt Corporation haill day,het rennd daynof 0<It l,.., . ,. aiownloce inu11,,.. foreman. to tem up the number d votes given for and against this by-law, snt the Mayor will attend r the .jot 'Town Hall nn Saturday, the tyt) .lay d Octo1,., ttA, at the hmr d eleven o clock un to frena•, fnr t e appnntmenl of perans hi attend at the tenons < id t mmin n(th a pollin{{ DIa rn *ri. 1►tt h. final u g tar me, by IM Ckrk, rrr. Irhelf 11f tM persons ynter.wed in pmmming m opposing the passing d this bylaw, rapectnvrly. Pro,.a.,nally pawed this s7th day d Sr/de nim, r q,r. Wm. Mir, net t., Clerk. I Beall JAMS, Wli..os, Mayors TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing le a true copy of a prop(wml by law which hu been token into eonsi eration, and which wilt be finally paeeet4 by the Council in the event of the it.wenl of the elector* being obtained thereto, after one month from the 6ret puhlieotion thereof in Tho (talrrlrh Star nownp&per, which sairl fleet pnblirat.ioe took plain on the 27th d.y of September, 1901, and at the hour, day and plerele therein fixed for teking the vntee nt the electors, the poll will lin held. 60 2t Ww. Una nal.r., Town Clerk. TO 1 HE PATRONS OF VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE. We have, at a large expense. arranged to have lir. Alden Honedlot s Itrand productlno of Thelma apppear hero oe October 15th. We have ootlteeltatlon in 0a7ing that this play Is have ever had othe pleuriro of briringinw there. We positly'7 euarootee this te be the Blg Original l'rodactlon. The only oompa07 Ma7- log Tbelm• 10 America. We sent lir. Ilene - diet the dimenolooe of our stage and he guar • oteeP io give the same production as he gives in the Umnd. Toronto. Neer; body Dan secure a short sketch of the Play b7 asking for them at Mr, loner's Book Store on Moodny. Mr. Alden Benedict will present a eramatir aiion by Mr. (:han of Marie Corslll'e populaar novel. "Thelma." at Viotorla Opera Hones on October 15. ' Thelma" Is known f.r and Dear as the best of all Mlm Marie Corolll's popular oovek, and every woman symptlhlrm with and loves the character of the heroine, in fast she appeal• so 51,0,311 to womanly hearts that there Neve been over flue thousand child res naaned for Mies Coreell'a foment charm ter, Mr. Ilhase has matte the Viking a very strong and interesting oharwter. bettering In the Iden of the old None mythol.egy. whtoh teaohes that Just before death olaime one of this race s beautiful \"alkyrie maiden, sent by Odin app'ar* In the air and convenes with the dying. Mitring the within of the play, when the Vlklne Leel. that death (, nese he takes to his ship. whioh he este on firs, and then holds 000veree with the Valkyrie. The oompany Is of the boat. and the .cet.ery and electrloal eReou are said to be gorgeous. It you have never reed the book of "Thel- ma." I would advise you to do so at onoe, for it will be produced at the Vlotoria Opera lionse on Tuesday, October 15. "Thelma," this novel, has been dramatised by Mr Cba. W. ('hant•, and h i has suooerded in mating a play that will 11,0 for man7 fear•, Kvery (0 - Wresting point In ihr novel «111 he pn;du0ed le the drama and the scenes regm re a oar load of eosoor7 for the snootiestsoh production of the same. No ordinary rotor or aches' could successful) produce the character,' i0 this drama. eo Mr. Ileneliot hair selected a oompaoy t 1 aoting people. the Met he could find. All these ladles and gentlemen Ira.e been before the peoll0 for sears In some of the best and largest productions. Alma C. wu blown •shore here S14t.rday the Territories and had limn the president eveolnw. She was oo her way from Detroit of the Territorial Low Society sloe les for mation Ile took an Interest 1e all publlo affairs sod was Indeed one of the mut aptly, and most highly esteemed rmld.ote of the western oily, A few yearn ago he married Mise FMreooe Horton, daughter of rioraoe Hortoo, of this town, who with two yoan5 suns and on• daughter survives him. His death oosurred on Wednesday, the god lost., after an Minus of only a tow days, h• having been present at the reception to ohe Duke and Daohes, of Cornwall en Ins pre' emus Friday. 'Tbe remains were brought to Uoderloh, aeoempaoted by his "rite and his brotheoto law, W. L. Hortoo, and the funeral took platy on 'lueeelay •1 Genesee, .► ecryles war held in'Sl. George's oburob and war 000duoted by the rentor, Rev. Mark Torabull, after whloh th. body war 000yyed to Maitland cemetery and planed In Ite I.LLt resting plata beside those of deoeaeed'a late stepfather, I)r. U. C. Shan- non, and his brother, 1)r. J, R. Shenace. The burial wee conducted with Muonh� rites, the pall -bearer. befog Sheriff Key• • olds, Dr. W. F. Gnllow, John Oalr. ralllp Holt, K. C , Hon. J. T. harrow and M. U. Cameron. The people of Uoderloh extend their sympathies to the bereaved ones, and especially to the mother of dowood, Mrs. Shannon, who within eo brief • period hu lost husband and two emus. Dr. C. J. Hamilton. of Cornwall, war bene to attend the luusral of hie brother. to Midland, with • orow of two. She came ashore oo the beaoh just south of Ili) old piers. `She was somewhat damaged, and le D ow being repaired The sobr. W. H. Rounds arrived Irem 'Toledo oo `Saturday with 060 tone of nod for the harbor flour m011, ... Toe .tr. Rosedale war In yesterday with 80,000 beshels of wheat from Fort %Valliant for the (Iodsrlcb Elevator Co %V. %V. 'Stumbles, of the Mario. sod Flab• crass DoparLmeet, Ottawa, war here on Moo• day lnapeutmg th. repairs going on at the hithors Mos DAY MvgNIAO'9 ENT*RTAINMINT.- 1'he entertainment to Vloterla Opera House o. Monday evening under Ins •ueplon of the Kings Daughters wag only fetrly well attended, but those who were present had al evotpa of pl and fun. Will J. White, who h.d the pnoolp•l place on the program, kopt the •utflenoo In the best of humor with hisoomlc and deeoriptiv. 50095, to which hie grain, owtumes added n o little.H.ot. The..dtenne took to him frem the start, and he war saoorul on every •ppearanoe. Miss Mary Prioe s staging ale. wee hlahlyy appreciated, Her tint solo war "The Wo(ld's Desire," and .h• reepoudsd to • reosll with • pretty 1iH1e hailed whtck suited her voloe excellently. Highland 610olog, whloh, by the way, hu become quite an art In Ooderiob, under the tuition of Mies Maolarso. wee exeuaplified by Gladys Wbitely, Iritis M.nito and Lein Tweedy, who performed sovor•! pretty doom. John S. Carni s solo, "%'e Barks an' Braer," war rapturously reoelved, and he greoleue(y responded to the encores. With further study Mr. ('arrie will make a good singer. Mies Moo• Wal ten made her first •ppear.oes before • Goderioh audience, netting •'Saved and Sever." •'Aute Remy Takes a Journey to Buffalo," and for au ensure a. pieoe of her own oompuitioo, "Vacation Days." F,r • girl of her years she hu eloobtlooary power• of • high degree, and we shall probably hese of her later en. rete a9oom1aodsta of the evening were Mt. Jord.o, Miu Slaolaren and Miss Tye. P0.1151K AKNOLD In Poi•t'LAR -The fol• lnwlog referents from 1'he Perry Sound North Star to •o old Godertch boy will be read with pleasure I.y many tJ our readers t'urser Harry D. Arnold, who bar been each • favorite with the trayelliog public on he North Shore for many years pest, Ras be to traoelerred to the City of Midland of the same line. Mr. Arnold hu made • host of (rinds all over the Georgian Hay region, being next to the Iwo David Mo- (l,tede the moat popular purser do'oe bode nem at them pitta. We ate tont, to loss Harry. bat are glad to know the Company appreciate Ifs servlose. Hie place wt11 bs tilled by F. V. Betther, travelling agent of the Company. ANOTHSK HoL100Y -The 9th of Novem- ber, Ktag Edward's birthday, will be a publlo holiday throughout Canada By law the birthday of the reigofey 10 .reign le • publlo holiday, whether prooleimee Ly proclamation or not. %Vito Ih. lotoe'a birthday, Tbaakegtving Day, Christmas . ad New Veer'. all within &ght week', we shell have plenty of holidays. We believe the most popular arrangement of the holiday * Oudot' would put Thook.glvinq Day In Oclober.ori omit the King's birthday boll - day altogether, thus leavlog the field olear for the perostustlon of t'1e 24:h of May o•lebr•llon in memory of Qdeen Viotorla and giving the people • holiday In the' e prieg-time Instead of an extra one In the (ell The 9th of November domes this year 00 Saturday. EARNED HIM MAIRIAOE rKF. -Detroit Journal : The Rev, Jas. Livingstone. pastor of the Windsor, Ontario. Methodist ohuroh. 5 telling • story, which. though oat himself he thinks Is too gonad to 1..p. While he was .besot •t the Kiva fair the Rev K. F. Armstrong, who war for some time to chert. of the Wellington avenue mission, oam. to the personae. for the pfrpoae of making final sr.aneemente for bis marrl•ge, which war to take pl•os within six boon. Soon after btu arrl.al • young ooupte called to be wedded, and the Rev. Mr. Armstrong volunteered to tie the knot in the •beeooe of the Kw. Mr. L vingetooe. For hie ser• vioee he received a 115 hill. Nothing of the latter marriage was said to the Rev. Mr. Livmestone until is had married the Rey. Mr. Armstreog and his bride. Then Mr. Armstroog broke the news to him, and handed him the 7.5, Paying that it war the fee for hie own merrlage. The Rev. Mr. L,tneer°le thinks that helm, been bunoosd ail right, end he la now planning to get even with hi, brother clerevmte. The Heron Aeglioan ley workers mid Run lay sehonl teenhen I oonventlne will he held this year in Halle, .en the 10th and 31x1 0( Oetetar. An teterest's' pro- gram, dealing with Important and prwtloal miblute, hu bean untamed. These ese- .1 I.& a &g id .w ding b.�111fe aid el 1•reoMelr aid Mork, Prices 25o , 35o , 6 50o. y •t Porter's Book Store. GRANOTRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Ilan Amerlemn Ktposition Rnfi'*In. Ontobrer 16th and 15th. rare 31.66. Ooderlch to Buffalo tied return. Tinkets good going all regular trains Oetohcr 4, I6 anti 2yth volld rets iner/from Itultdo on nr before Monday following date of teen. All tlokets good to stop ever at Niagara Fall. fie sure and purchase your tinker' trp pni r. F. LAWItKN(7K Town T.oket Areal, (4. T. it. DSO. T. BELL, M. l'. D!C RON, (5 P. R T.A. °Toe Hoare : 6 a. M. te 10 r. M. Money nfandrd on all tickets purchased and not 055*. 1.IRw1 wbu A PLRA9ANT EV'RST ATI''e.REST.-O0 Wel- neaday, October Zed, A J. I altridge, ons el our young bo.lbeu meet, sutured • p.rtner in the pt nog of • young lady frem Forest, where he formerly lived. We extend eon• gcatalatloom upon the event, of wbioh Tke Forest Free Prete give. the following ac oount : "Ptokering Hall," the residenos of Mr. and Mrs. L Pickering. Forest, war the • neo• of • pretty wedding yesterday ( Wed• oeadey) at 7 r. M., when their youngest daughter. Maude, wat molted to marriage with A. J. i'altridge, of Galerloh, formerly' of Forest. rhe bride was .up0Orted by Mies lierti• H•il, of Warwick, while J. H. Pialtering, brother of the bride, acted in the same rapaolty for the groom At precisely 7 o'clock the bride. teeniest on the arm of her father. entered toe drawtog room,whloh war beautifully decorated to red, wh11e and blas bunting, flags and • profusion of dower". She war becnming:v attired In w hite organdie and oriental Ian, and carried • shower bouquet of whits roses lied with white satin ribbon. Treading Ler war the bridesmaid tastefully dressed to white er gandie ever pink, •1se oar ryiev a l )ajo*t of ptok rosea, followed by the bndo'e little nephews, Itarl;tnd Keefer ees ring b and Earle Uerdoer at flower boy. 1'he wedding msroh war played by Mare I'.tta Hamilton, of Forest. The knot war tied by Rev..4. K, Ford, pastor of the Methodist ohuroh. Alter hearty 000gr•tulatioos alt repaired to the dining room, where • sump tuous dinner war served, the roods being p•ettlly (deoor•ted with evergreens and flowers. The oeremsoy was performed io the 901510oe of the immediate relative• and • few intimate friends of the bride .od groom. The bride was the recipient of many useful sod beautiful p ate. Tee groom's present to the bride was • set of Russian fur. and to the bridelmald a brooch set with brilliants. Hor going •way gown w a. • suit of myrtle gree camel's hair cloth. The happy yseog ooupte left on the eleven p. m. train amid showers of flowers and rise, (or London, Buffalo and Toronto. NUNS A RT--t.RA In IIt --A veru pretty wed• -ting took pleoe at the r..ldeno. of Jamin 4 0.194e. %Vllllam street, yesterday morning, when hi. second daughter, Teem. war m., ned to Oroar W. Buser*, of Buffalo. The rooms were prettily decorated with flowers and foliage. The off 14ating clergyman was Rev. Jen. A. Anderson, of Knoz oh0roh. l'ne beds were s beoont mg gown of green flowered silk, trimmed with white silk and bleak silt Iaos,and carried • shower bouquet of whft. resew. The bridesmaid was Altos, lister of the bride, who wore • molt el light grey oloth with old rose oolored silk water, trlmmod with white alk applique. sod serried a shower bouquet of pink roses. The groomsman war John Craigia, brother of the bride. Atter the wedding hreaktost lir. ao 1 Mrs. Hues.re lift by the 2:30 train for theta future home to Buffalo. The bride wore a stylish traveling suit of dark grey cloth with white silk waist and black velvet hat. She war the recipient of • large num- ber of handsome presents CI ALH OF VALUABLE FARM PR(K'- A7 sRTY - Under end by vlrtne of the power ennufned is • °erode mortgage dated the 30th day of Uwe IMS. mail b the vendor's. (herr will be told by pnbtle mention at Bnzlon's hotel, fn tae town of GeleNrh. to the ooaoty of Huron. nn 3Ntnrday. the �t1l ohy of l 01 &r, 1001, at It o'clock noon, the following valanh'r prnoorty. newtoly : tM south half of IM number 3 In the 9th renes► Non. weeter division of 1110 township of Ash field• le the nerdy of Berns. There are anent mal •ares of the &h,,5 Ian... Bleared. The enll Ie of mendy loam and 1e wall W5.terse by • 'reek. Th. belldfnge unNse of a Nr harp 611130. • honor 1530 and • granary 19x The ete ni t) Is sltnated 11 miles frem Oedrneb. It from i.n'knnw, 10 from R'pley, and 3 from KInts11. on a good tn•d. Terme Ten per Dont. of the enrehau money at the tkne of gale end the Ml tee e w It his nee mosth rearmfter. nor farther 1»rile len apply to the &ae- tIseeer er to JOHN KNOX, 1'011.1P HOLT. 7.der'e golielter. antipn�tr Dated this30th d.9' of Sopt.mber, �L pN Town Cot'NCHL Menne.-TYess war net • quorum of tie oounoll pres••t ou Friday evening, and a .u.olel meetug war held on Tuesday 'venlig, when the m. hero were ell In their plata••. W. b dIsieat epee• te menllo. only the Moet Important of the matters that owe ap. Ooe of these war a petitlo., wttk over oat handfed signatures, asking for the appoeot0set of • permanent day soastabls N enfore* this bylaws of the taws, ail taverhr tke os.tinuneo to the position of the present Iwo•mb•o1 the apeolal oommittso war •utbordzed W u0 In the matter. Communications frem D. Ferge- sop, regarding the town weigh •odes at the station ; from Mrs. Adamson, applylor for eleotrio Tight commotioi for her new house on Church street ; from hoist. Orr, applying for drainage •t his place on :Looks street, from Engineer Kelly, 000tar01•4 matter' In oonneetioo with the electric light servaoa ; from the Marine •ad Faberies Department at Ottawa, calling attention to the o'oessity for repairs on • part of the commercial wharf bere, whioh the town had agreed to 1009 In repair, were referred to various oommlttees. There war • farther immanent oailo0 from O. A. Borrows, new of Paisley, In regard to the eetabliehment of • carpet factory hero, and It mai decided to sok Mt. Burrows to 009te bete and meet the special 0ommtttoe. An •ppho•tleo trom-the 13011 Telephone Co. for permlssleo to trim the trees eo the west std* of North eau referred to the publio works oommlttee, who are to look Into the whole matter sod InveatIgate u to tits effect upon toe tram' of nutting them. A yore of 1200 for the pob- Ilo library war pae.ed,b.log • portion of the annu.1 aepropriatlou. 1'he pobllo works aommlttee reoemmeoded no •orlon 1■ the 0,etrer5 of Ins troposed sewer .xteusien on Newgate street and tea proposed nem• eat «site en Victoria sod Wellington streets. A resolution war passel that the parsons who remove rubbish from oars se the harbor be held responsible for ite re moval Irom the wharf. II they do not cle.r It up themselves, u b to be done by the town •t the expense of the nestles toneer0- ed. Questions oonoernlog the completion of •he work of oogeohdatlov the bylaws, th. teeming of debeoturen for the gr•.ohthio walks, the appointment of • uoltatry 1n - "vector, the •ending .t • delegate to the ()mora. Grand Lodge meeting Io Toronto no the 23rd, to might Mr. 'lend In bringing •he Toronto Orangemen to Uoderioh next 12.h of July, and the .eourinr .t • greater revenue 10 water rates from the blocs• cur rounding the Square,were dlscuss•d and r s- tarred to committee. Tlix PASO1Nn Or Tnx Horan Ccr.-Tbe football match on 061tur.ey •f teepees be twee. the Seeferth and Uod.rinh Coilegl.t. lcn.itute teams resulted la favor of Sea - forth aryl the Hoorah cup pa..ee-sole u mporarily, we hope---Irom the suited,/ of the (:. C. 1. team, which hat held It Brace last 1al1. It was net a good day for the game, u there war n strong wind frem the southwest, whloh Interfered vreatly with the playing. in the first half, though *hs wind war &gene;, them, the Godedoh boys played n floe gene and •eem•d to have a olear adveut•ge over their .ppon.ots, nod It war t Nought t hee when goals were cheered they would hays everything their own way. Neither aide *cored Is the first h.lf. Alter the change of goal• the play for some time «u pretty much .t the Seaforth end, but the Ooderloh hey' did net manage to sour.. Two of the players got into a bit of a sorap, which diverted attention from the game, and It war just at this time that the winning goal war scored by 0nnferth. is Is o(alm.d that the ball went behind the goal Zine and wee out of play before befog kicked through, and th.t knowing this the Gederloh goalkeeper did not even t.y to atop It ; bus the referee did not ate thn and the goal was allowed. Goring the few remaining minute' of play the S.wlorth goal was In danger several timet, but the game ended with the ,onto 1 to 0 In favor of Senforth. The teams were Suronrn. Goesni ■. Peelle So now. HOARD -- I he regular meuting of the pebble e.hoel hosed wag held on llonday erectnv. In the el m en t of the nhalrmae, Mr. Ntoholeon took tee °half Primeval 1lerar* repartee the number o1 pupil. nn the roll for the month of M,ptem ber as 509-230 boys 10,1 273 girls -and the go attendanoe a 464 212 b0y1 aid 252 girls. The attend•ooe wa 91 par oeol. of the Dumber on the roll. Mr. Stewart e h .I tralnl0 at reported thlrty•oo Levo er 0 g the Model *ohnel. Re stated alae that h• wee rrgnested by the Deputy Minister of p:duostIon to notify the board that a dooa- Hoe of hooks to be mdned to the library of the Model sohnol had been i n sAs by the Minister of Kduoltioo. A llas of the booke war appended. IG.c, 0 Black resigned his position u oerethk. el Rt, Patrick's ward sehce(. T'he resignation wu.00epted. Oen. Campbell had An 1ppRogtlen In for the peal floe, but the hoard deoided te leave it open until next meeting. Arenanse el ((enrge Porter .od 1). r. Mtr•chan were paved, end • request from Caretaker Betel fnr shingles was referred to the ooetlegeet committee. N.w9 r1U1M 111E HAsnoR -The *team., Advsne. wee In nn Friday from Fort 55 1I - Ilam with 45000 he.hels of wheat for the (lo,erl.01. Elevator ('o , and cleared the same night for Fort Wllllam .... '1h. sty. Midland Quote Capt. teath.t,to ha,i,h'. sew beak. srrlved on Soterday from Delnth with 103,000 blithe!. of wheat for the Uoderloh Elevator Company. The Mid lend Qeeen le • fine tressed, eenetrerned of *teal ani splendidly fistd un. .nd • groat many of tit. townspeople lespoou4 her A.r 1 kit stay le pert. She left for Fort WiiI .. Monday Ths IlMesm y0eht N B. Woodley Goal W. Edward H. BuchananI Baoki ( W. 1'unmors T. Miller I l W. Taylor U. MoMahon (() MoDo0ald R, McI oughllo t baoke , W.A.Thompsoo ('. 4dfe ) i. Yee H. Ehrhart 1 Right (orwarde { E. Bryan' F. Uortnely I 1). Allyson l'. Hodr0O. Centre J. P. Brown I. hf )onald 0e10 (.1e. Tkomse■ Will Hay, I forward• (M, McDowell Referee, Ii. \V. Brown, Berlin, president of tee Berlin Rangers ; goal umpires, Oen, ( d I'rinci al Ke are i,. Allan ioderlah •o D Q of Meeforth CoP.yate institute ; tIolekeep- ers, W. li. Raker. leelor,h, sod %V. Ilrvdges. (iederick. The tioderloh boys nerd not he at all e.hemed of the game they pttb ap. They bays 1ost the oep en a fluke, and may hope to regain It by flee• amain demonstrating 114 1, real superiority o.er 11e 900510t holders of the trephr. iS/MAUD IN idAIT1.Aen CHMETvRy.--The late Wllllam l:ayJley Ham(lson, K. C., of R39(0., N. W, T., whose death war briefly obronioled 1. our het Nene, was wee of the most promisee! at Goderloh'e sou. Hs was • son of the la's Dr. Morgue Hamilton, and was born I• Uderleh forty-three vearm ago. H. war .deoated et the grammar .ohm! here and .toiled law with .1. R. %notate (afterwards Judie NIrm1.i, of Hamilton), .nn Messrs. Molook, Tilt and Or., of Tor alto. Its wee oalled to the Oattrio bar le 1[#41, to the Manitoba h*r to the fallowing year, sed was enrolled an advocate of the Northwest Ter 'tortes In 1886. He was one of the corneae pionean of Regina, hay• Ing btoen there dot» 1889 le the practice of his profu.lon. Ha was a m.mher of the Ravine town conceit In 1*R6 117 and aftr- mud. neper. He war one et the hese Mie seesehere et the let'% profession (n NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - OCT. 10 Cat Prtoes o• Catlery-N. D. P•4413vl 4 Getobe, Bargains --W. A•hmen t 8w.. b Roomer Wanted -This Ofitoe 1 4 t Save Money -Allan h Melyer A Very Mpoot•1 Hangeln-Hdgen• Soar Need -W. C. Prld►am Plaiting MITI fnr 8•Ie-P. Smooth Aeooaesem.e0-MoKsesta k Hewell..,. 1 tflack.mlthl•r, ele -Jas. H. Joh•eten.. 8 A.oten Sale --T. Osadry 41 Don't Delay--3mlth Dose 6 Announcement - 11eo(Illllyrey Mdmdes Band 1 (.otters for Sale -Mn. Adamson 1 Aopreetlo. Wanted -Miss Gundry 1 s Aonoano•ment (Thelma)-VISMrla Opetn Houe 1 "i'he Mououbaak" - Victria Opera House 8 Aunoonoemwt--B. 11, H1ek 1 Brae. 4 1 and forgotten. rhe Agrlealter•1 6eelaty and the baud ware both Institutions whl. Mould have the support of Ice people et the tows. Hs nggeeted that • lull. metre d that Old C.uotry suavity and ooarteey mxgti9 be outplayed In matters of this eon/. 2b. boys doubtless meant no hum, 14! yo men too often, showed • lank of eetateey an oo.alderatlen for tae right of oth.m. S. himself had had to step oB the sidewalk f.t fear of their lerdehipe walking •breast. 11 them young wee had not been so bempllgwe they wua14 have gene rimed to the galls and requested potatiols te enter, whick ao doubt wonld Ifave bore geaated. 'She dUutoea of las Seo1Nv wale pmfonbing • high h.etIss, for the hermit of the wh.H tow., sod thew mut he rmpsotd la ►►. duoharge est thl. lneetlem. The Magiatrele again expreesd h1. pleasure that the aa. fonneat, affair had been settled by the defendant's manly etet.meet, sod eM prooeedloge aloud, JunemzNT IN A WILL CUs. -Chief Jew tion Fal000brldge hu delivered judgment to the .este of retire vs. Pesooek, whish wee tried at the September Assizes hers. 1'h. actio• war broaght by the widow and ohlldreo for the oonotruolto• of the will of Rlolard Peers, dooeasd, drown by hlmsslt In the tollowlug word.: -"This Is the last %VIII and Testament of m• Rlobard Peen, Seolor, of the Towoselp of Ashfield, to the ooaoty of Huron, dated thl. third day of +Ootober, 1087. I will and bequeath te my non Henry Peers and hl. vette K11.9 Jae. Peers, to hold In trust for the term of there natural lite the 200 aor a of land belonging to me koowo as lot 4 (bnoeufw 5 la the Township o1 Asefield •t there death ate to go to there two ohlldren William Arthur and Hoary Alexander Peers to bold to trust for the term of there oatunl lives William Arthur hle to hold the 100 acres over the Rivet or oall It the South aide of the river tohold In trust for the descendants of hl. youngest son, and from the yettogesb inn 1t must matinee to be held in trust from generation to generation the young5.14 ellway. holding It 1. true for thedeseendante of the al,ove named William Arerbur Pun none of the •boy. eely to have • life Interest' liaary Alexander %'ere his to held In trout the 100 norm this gide of the river or oa11 it the north side of the river bbl. lot with brick house on it to hold in Irani for the descendants of hie youngest eon and from his youngest It matt oontlnue to be hold do traet from generation to generation the youngest allway. bolding It in trust for the descendants of the shove named Henry Alex. ander Peers children of the above named led•za Jane and Henry Peen to be held in trust by there twu oblldrtn end the youngest move of there two obildren Po long an It remain. lend a.d nene of them or there deoottdente enly to hay • 11te inured ID the above .xoept the mals parent should die and leave • wldew the widow should then bake poesfeh of either lot wbiohever it might b. 11 there be • tastily she mut sin to bringing them up on the farm In tee for of the Lord from the preSt. et the land bot if the widow marrey. again she most glen up posston and loot all power er Introit In the pl.oe of whloh ever lot she le on bet If there should be • t•miley of young children et the tar.. of the widow marring again net capable of managing themselves endo• twenty ene year• of age they must b. maintained from the produce of the farm er let they are es the river to beth. division Ilse ba►ween the two Iota so get' th.t each parties oattl. ran hay• .a.ay •COOP. te the river to ret drink or walk 1n to cool themselves eek party to be •t the expense of making bis half of the fence end .t tis expeom of keep. log it. In good repair and there descendants altar them W Illlam Arthur to make teem o. north'Ide the river to keep Henry Alex• ander. oattle from Deming through the dye* on to him to tomenee hie fence from David William or Most side of hie let Henry Alex• ander to rake femme en Nortk aide of the liver se keep Wllllam Artbors cattle from °enq{pg on to blm .o that W Illlam Arthur@ oat a oan get dri.k or walk In the river t 000l lbemeelves William Arthur allwsye te have • right of roads through Henry Alex• ander'. lot to Conceeston 5 and his deeoes. date. after him.` The testator died Jsmw- ary 31.b, 1(506, le•yuq • widow ..d oblldren, and grandohlldrse. 3'he ol•Istlife are the widow and ehildren of a ..n of the %..tater, Henry Peer., who died November 1111, 1899, Held, upon the evidence that the testator Iotendd to deylo lot 5 to tee 5th con.esdes of the township of A.fleld, of which he was the ower, end sot lot No. 4, which h. did not ew0, and that I3s•ry Peers d.eeased, Rrtl hie wife took • life estate, .od their children se 0.tate tail In remainder. Held, also, that under the olreamgtanee. thin. 1. ni forfeiter. for nen. pywteat by Henry Peen .f the 31,000 within the time limited by the welt, 11 he eau reedy to pay le, but withheld ito pay• meet fnr sofltoleat reasons. nee le it to Mar any Interest. Two thirds of Dost• of tulles to h. paid by plaintiff, and .ne third he be oe by the r.gldaary estate. Rehr L• *award v. W Ilffeo.k, b Rut 909, Mer• timer v. W.N, 2 Qlm, �, renbrok v. Torvbrok, L R. 3. .h. 9tt, Hampt.D v. Hele e, h (ih. D. 18.5; ?motheateg►. 1 , C:e. v. I'atter.ea, 11y14� td. R. 142.15 A. R. 7511 and Jarman, iib RA, p p. 267 et .mg. P, Hell, K. 0 , far plaintiffs. W. t. Mc• M o clan ( Rood sOook) ter d.jry dant .1•.stw'. .1. T. Carrow, R. C., ter 016elsl (3w41ss. THIE JORDAN CASKS Mr3TL ED. -The Oases easiest 11. K Jordan for entering the Ureat Northwesisre exhibition grounds oonlrary to the rales of the Society and the provisions of the Agricultural Societies Aot And ler neing abasive langaege towards Preaidens Martin «ere settled by Mr. .lord..'• tendering an apology sad p•yleg he otats tooarred. The matter was ad- journed from Teur.A.y Ioate to Saturday, when Police Magistrate Meager gave it • hearing In the tows unneoil chamber. There war a large crowd pre.est to «hoer' the pro•eediogs. Philip Holt, K. ('., war present for the presecoune, and Charles Darrow repreteated Mr. Jordan. After goon preliminaries Mr, harrow addrented the Magistrate, stating th.i this had ben +0 udortuoate affair .nd ho thought It would be better to settle the os.,. Mr. Jordan had •athorla,d him to make i .tate meet. The Coileglat. Institute boys had been using the place a their praot(c. grounds and did net know • show war going en, sod they were tbrelore morally (1 out legally tenement i■ gMeg aver the feloa. 11 le the •nbseeuent row Mr. Jordan had used language that should ■et b.ys bees used be apologizetl for the same; and be seknowledred that be war sot Tighe In •ot- tng a ho did In going Into the ground• In the web hn 41d. He thought, however, that the Swlety sbonld mak• some •mends to the band. Mr. Holl, to reply, stated, on behalf of the Agrlcnkur•I Society, that he did Mot weal to prossoau Mr. lotdsn. Some example should be made, however, and any other young mut would have been eirtaeouted. He wee Lound to accept the s1aiem.ntlteat he did riot know that a show bus. gel.g on, teourh bei hardly under- stood this 1'h• rule• of the Society mutt be obeyed and the directors hid no •Iternatiee bel to lay the Information; but In view of Ur• statement of *enti e' that Mr..1•nlso apologized for the words he had used and for oohing lute the grounds In the way hs did the proceedings need ■ot g. any farther. "ls that right, Mr. )'rood• dent' " Mr. Martin and the directors who were pres0 b110 the soort exp d their assent to the termination of the gallon in ►h la way. Mr. Meager impressed hi. plc• sure at (bis settlsmmit of the nnfortonate matter. 'Fee Society, he said, had • right to bring the ;•otions. Mr. Jordan:was fo the wrong, perhaps ss the result of thought- 1•ssa•er, and when he same and rmd• ee apology he theoght the Soef•ty could • nnept It l0 tis .Dint In whinh Is was ✓ iven. It war a mealy thing for the dna fondant to admit bis error end make se apnlegy. Censuring the band, h1 did set think any Iseult Mae tn'merle&, lM tlyitd Mr. Mettle te say enm.thing about this. Mr. Martis .std there was ■0 Vtentloe of insultteg the bend at s11, end he explaied the anon «bleb had hesn taken ey himself and the directors altar the affair with Mr. Jordan In the afternoon In h(a aba,nee the dk'ettors had made • r.solntlen that the hand would be admitted without% Mr. Jordan, When the band name down Mr, Martis went to the gate and uteri the hand to moth in bot bald Mr..1orAme errata not eons (a; sem•hedy then ordered the heed •way and no epportnslty was gives for any explanatles. Mr. Gamow •zplslnad that N• band did not kanw the cirosmetanim and weeld net have felt m badly •bons It 11 they had not been se taken by surprise. Mr. Refer .xpr.ssd the hope that the afair wealk be forgive• ANNOUNCEMENTS. .0 G oat roe on gaart4lr "kips at MOI _,- TrOwit.r.'g. - . "iron Ot" tablets for 14.attk aMgteemIl • 25o. • hoc. Central 1)rog Steve, Oyster•, always Ireeh, at the old tellable oyster Mars, Vletevis Res(»wn.t, West .t., le balk er ser..d at4 styles. lee dream, kelt, oesteetleuery, Mprs, ete. G. Rt.ACE• shoes, proprietor. '1el•pherm 70. Mr. and Mrs. J. .1. Morar bave reterned from Alberta and Mr. Mercer has paroia.N • dry emit .telak .4 D..hw•ed. Mae. Mercer le • daeghtee of E. flr•k•m,Is' mo 4;i fi A. 9