The Signal, 1901-10-3, Page 20
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_ .. .Rppp"
The Signal
hi. It(ethaw, llaiaa is not the nilly
I:r1hl 1st whichi stational and hon%turV
ire ubua%d when alhe and hunoral
11lrs. N. N. Flymn•t, 41Whor of lie,
C. 8. Hymuu,
M P., dlfd at ��
J lute I'll,*Phes Jast nu w, etrtlpt the
magnUhuent mgxrt of tilt army In
m w'susaxlo
Two more oet.)t+r of rwullh,t are rte
klllw by hie tram ruunlag a Neill rul:-
purted fit Ottawa.
rr over film.
The (Irand Trunk carpenter $bop at
Kasano Ilutu)atua, Speaker at ti1e
BeJle%ille war burned.
Lower ttoure of the Jnpallero fear
Rol Kelton, age,l Jolt years, was
lir, field, an.1 of that we cru arham
iNaT ,n�l�p.. 1101i1fgtY
otter they oto dead,
The rommerotul Paa•I:he Cablo (:(xa_
oil., rtTently finlrlied, was btarnnd 11,
rd to take advantage. Pertwtom tilt
1T a ■oo-IL"evvDir. _J
It Dr. McNeill, (xl(e of the principal
I A nlgliestlon which IN wreling with
count remains unchangovd jet 3 per
Mr. Williatet Waldl,rf .t,.l„r lair
will redeeal Its part
Iwlliaaaas. taking the only step
witnesses in ileo KIHuu triol, r•nll)
rage in the vicinity of Portfieuf, Sit-
ties- Irtvuulion of Cruelly t" ,.,III
gilt -tiny.
1118". to Inllhatu u fund fur new
Burglars robbed the sato (d Mian-
bon's general littler at hilus) Lake
of $1,000.
„apt J. J. u r fol t.
that meats the ensu and putting Is
THUFtIiDAY, O(T. 3, 11111/L
srsuks of the Wuww rvbich caused till+
- . -_ tIT9199(t=t
WIaa dirndrsed by Judges lianuiug.
ton and Gregory.
lorco tile+ only term est eonaarlptlon
will ire alweplwl la F:nghund."
--��__:_„. _._
1•lier f111t(ol'e ,)$Ville ur hatiuir prole
1n the Liege dlrtrk't of Belgium hist
lytics JW
ably Ilan 'ahulnwterwf with
nn (
Father and Son Kill Five
Repalra to the Indefatigable ore be-
ul gr In l'u1N+ ('010 Y, wLers
The celerity with ,Yld,•h the ex,t11111•
uxP,” IIP was Lwa ourr(ul les his (huh,e
Two Hundred Boers Killed
umborr of culr/nlal Lulcte nn
rat, I] have been ,r,lniag tthech an,
It authoritt(w In Itufhtiu Ilaan
1'f th'uu whoa hetltlllwl pub-
lee st•houl popilr n(vnr Mitchell.
Mexican Brigands.
tem). Practically the entire pupa•
lati(l� to
cote i4luwa
In"VthAtal 1r. the ot's4yj
toten place between Musrulmans
uud Chrtrt4ane In Beyrut, Syria.
and 300 Wounded.
of districts Invaded 1.
l ,ins assitlostwo ul variultu kinfistu
the !'Stud til tur-eutueLC.11OL.
.___TJtc_Inw rcgulatittY the leacking
of - -
The cowndttae-a appointed
DPeI r(J DY ti r
lbv, r.cuders. "its 18119," It adds,
%%hen Ile^ rxccullr(• oath ,r:ilew rode'
fruit should be firms) Puf.we" A,% Th,,
71tm announcement In mad.• of the
" -Ministers the.ought there would
circ, administer J„stica net It ahould
wan who vddntt's► It fgn. rnutly un(1
nix Insurance Compaales•
he na war. In 190o they thought
Uw war In ey the
tee admluitstertd. True. the care war
vin (f clevinrt list ruuW wail
w ithout fraudulent talent ahouW
(Ynrtriil he if h I defra0,i-
iN• f
tat un slut. y
tlatlght l,Pucu might I,m sola arid by
pruclatuntlons• These nelrr•alaula-
let hr u-ut Into court, but lh-re h:tvt.
; gtww :ahau0
trig the beour and divittroying the rel,-
German liner's to stop titers. r
dune list%o boon p11d for In the de -
Ie• a nuan)' (f law eLlsy les which rsr-
utati", ,,f l'nonrin law it shipper fit„ullt
lint Continued to 1780 firs 1.14101 .1% Irk
wolf dertroyeed by fire, and the in-
vuttation of Eoutlt Africa, and by
rt ere of bluest and millions est treat
live half been thwart NI. or its etatrap
be mceirr••ly punfisheil.
flood 1-:8•ert -Tke Attarltert Fled
The (,ween of I'rertuy(:,l iN N
i njew
"erre. Nevertheteus the unti,xs rtlll
imtinlr,l l%v inexciwalde ,1elu)a. T, o
Ilrlgund%' l:ulde Arrested and
hu• -Igbllua An I,,t',.l,r colony Wu,1
reluesal to learn lite Ifaer(n, per-
(ftwN pkaw(%rah-tel of friends, ur
les a4 lfigerladl culla Judge IYn►1'.
ntw•Imm:ng, nal lit t'naculf ewh11f her.
\nt.,l huaduu fit,- "f'Ntls furl esu_
Ir+cpr treeeaWfO It Ir Wit bitter M-
nh'n') I.• lel)' them, h le 11ltule lite , i)-
hat eapreNsel the view that clit•hre
t:eudaraaea Pursuing Iruellivrr.
Ne-listluu ate 0- shop \Vu)' to End
„taulA D.L We Int Wad towelt for
an awakening that may coma too
rratnou of J+wlicr farcical. l'tulgorzs
i+ 'a game of skill,” and it It rx-
Puebla. licxloa, Sepik l.8, -Brigands,
ill* War-
carr ethouli not be nllowrrt to drug,
looted that, holding that %i,•w',
he recently obtained entrance to the
Murders by Ilurrs.
Wt be expedited lilt he hasp pati) tilt-
will Quaid, a (1011vietitxl for l.ermit-
Hocleuda ds La Joys, la thief Stair,
Luodott, Sept, :r0. -A despatch from
Pruuls of deter Murders.
I.K Alt)• of lits offence. Anti the gaud
ling a game of chalice to M+ played
taklu:: ud)'untalfu rel lite hour when
Iturbese. Natal, giver details of
1-auduu, Sept. :10,-11, wue nut tit
work thus begun sh,xtl l be continued,
fa a licenta+d hotel. WOsider
lir workmen reported at tke office
the attacks on Furt Italrl, Zululand,
t Lrttontein :t1,xie that tilt, Boer"
than, making tho law a real Jnstru-
till, Jit ige's $kill could acc(xaplish
„f the haolert4a, One of the robberef
if shut Sstur L
whlt'h wall reported lust night b
g y
murdered British wounded to culet
b),)W. Mlurdera urertaidug IAueo elae-
u,lvlt tet pnettctt:,n for ihr law-aW1-
it -Ala I erred
1p t1�711i1lft tie lwU Ilea\'-
stlrl, owner of the
t)IaOI•, the bullet entering the plloko-
Lute, whu ttut"d that
where, no the following: affidavits
ittf nn+1 a terror to evil-rkare.
err "Ill ace wtli-h chance gu%e the
men. Lnetlrl fired n revolver at ill !
Vett. Bruce Hamilton heed inflicted
(('titch d$t)rd Kitchener encluefed In a
ihr rh'eY front of 11{.rlagfl.41. U•fss„
for whlrh prof at the Irate Tilly listings
Other fellow7
tnitnlfts and klllml ilia ntms.lilnul. \
severe loaves on the Ilesers, who lead
let ter to General PrlJleluu allow :
'1'111•: IIY:Sf GOODS 8l1.1.L will F:1,1,.
L)rtlri was thou woltnded by 4
attacked him in
es force. The curve-
beg,' writtvr l.irl Kitcheuer, "to
[t tr difficult 1,t, S( xcit tilt-
The United States (umU" tutr
! IP P� M ter•1,tles i firing
1e'l will' hie left hall, when ilia most
�ndoat of 1,hr (er.trai News /I1yY
)nw n)r appreciation d ahu wana-
aer la winch orlon of any wuuaded
otatt-ment of two'- wai4•n menu-
u( Labor half been d(•I%iug into the
came to the reWt,nr anal tgN•ned fire
t British hurt Lieut. Dano and
,fail prie►,n•rn hav" been treated Il)
facturera, lltat tilay PgntN,t keep
ntali.ticd tit Jrab(r trouble,t -of (L,•
,,it the rt,bb'r.s, kit ing four of them.
11 mer. klaell. MfaJor Chapman, four
you, which, thtwyh not worm than
tt,eir bnRlrtrus gtltfg for pact u1 rut-
Inbt twenty years, a/{) to U.crmis•r
Then the butd, teeing that their n1,-
t(s:PtW robbery war likely to cert
of officer a. and Sd men wuur..led,
wne to be rxllt•cttxl trutu Lite burgh
ervr to the field, to at marked eurltruat
ficimit protrx+tluu, w•ltl. tar (aulN''r
::lit, 19110, uud the rhuwlrlg
he' them drat, file,
ua1 i missing. TJw majurlty of the
to the mnaarr in witch rx.r mea
commercial rrilorls which Indicate
waken Is a stnrUing one. 7hore were-
The mein %I6 m guided the r(4)Ib,re to
l.stter Jou believed to have been kill
hnva. recently been do:ait wi:b by
great netivlty In certain lines of
-L•,79'I strikes Roil 1.005 lorkowtphi
the haOlcudu, which in surriwaded b)
ed or traded. Tile Blltsh alauhad
burghero wh) have become drtuurni-
wvxd(m mtutufnclurra and P%ru
ihr United! Stnteef les that Is•r,s!
w,Neled fills, his been arrested.
210 Lorr its and mulct tllldl,
ised by the protracted nature of tit's
deplorable war."
ngruilon an (a{atrl trail •. If the
+tel the lute to labor mus :p'L'9,-
MFinat«1 gendarmes aro aoatt l t in
lith dlrfcti ,ns, rtn,l !t is expu•a•tmt ale
'1•he \t'as .ileo a)4frrmr the figures
There are In fill 1t atlWatitr, of
fault In the Priler,nlLnl tariff, or
:'O9,177, #trkt to calpdoyers $1 J_,-
entire lximl will be captured or shot.
(If 1,a+ Iutlte est Furl ltaln, but duet
witch those urn typical.
An 11141 mnn who {dhvm+;tau much de-
IrS11.lU 1. In,lu�trlal aur i" :1 costly
- - - _
not lulicat�hc•f.alr ulthe 8lmlra-
TrxgN•r ('tear, Lattirt, _'tart ImpPr-
hal YeOmaney, Imitates: ".l1, Vu, r1
Ix.ndentx• Upon lite tarltt and roll)
tome little aeon t,e•mo"vi-4? T(.rlu)
. -• _
}r je
S�[Al10WEC Fi1lSE
ing mru•
Ail 'unufficlul telegram from Es-
River, on July Y7t/q 1901, I want tar
of the patrol c'iplurt" by the I6)erse,
we n•tuf In tl.n Taube that "the
Mr. ('linrtrw MI. Hays r-pigrud•th.•
bows litotes thilt�. the Boers left :IM
lint after we btul aurregdere.l 1 saw'
Lame mill$ ore doily appn•a1+►tblg tlee
ucnrral Mlunstgrrrhip of lit l:ruiwl
'-- —
of tla•d11 comru,le, uU the fichl.
n naw (y ing cal the gra)ulwl, wuundawl,
Importance of imprmhig tho final-
Truitt Callwa), with Ito salary Of
Baltimire Man Dreamed Ile
.lnulh,•r !roto Ladysmith,
rtatete lluat W filar w'ere•kll.ed ean.l
be•tw•een two nattree, I saw a Boer
We up LO him an4k &h,vot him through
It • of their out out. They now
1 Pcr-
.5,(1(X) n year. t0 txcome 1'rteFidcut
: W w"I' eel uud c tured.
fhich•,et. 1 noticed the Jan a, Tr(t,p,r
celvr tlu, advi►%ntag:' of producing
of the Elxtt'hern loncific at g;e0.M),
Did all : He Had.
( -
Finch, wits alive. I ihr ofn know the
alisleof the tkffr film, but
goods p quality, liUlrb IInd
,ds of au,prior
nr6! now It 4r :uuusuaet.l that he fine
, .K:uaer's run I ad•
wit nerhot
1 o-)uld racugulse him US2111 "
style. Ludt gtx,dr, they find, meet
nbUl4lnited the latter leosltion for
__ _
Pretoria. Sept. W. -Tit rd Kroger,
will, a ready sale. At the close of a
*13'ethifi &till more
11, not
theex-Pretl,leut'r Yu ug wn, whit
'-" llave Marry. Yuu Cow•f$rda,"
reason 1Lr })b luta Itft over to be
•hart alai that is hna not been put/
been Pub-
"urrt-ndcrtsl rl•cently', di today
latter a Nhurt Illacrr.
L.anosCorpor:ll Jaw. Saaallaw, -not
cleared up are low mu*tly cheap
achy mentioned, but ,%fr. tisforga (Hti"
Baltimore, Md., r„ -pt. aU.—M:attrice
-.-- ' -"^
"At Ornspan, on June 8, 11)01, 1
tinelf. ilea 10.6 pfe ttxikatlon of the
rn><prtotti that n place is uniting for
A. the nineteen year o6! son of Jap,
Iirbrla Pray for Nrrry,
war pre«(•nt when we were attacked
obis" of gusts float prove 1,u, Tx•et
Ito. t; u)s on our of ihr grmt eastern
A. 11rok", uwnitowexl, wteil, ntelecp
t;rauff Rel.hat, S )t.
1 U.-8e%cu :Jou
by the [t«•rs having previcwsty cap-
turlrJ a convoy from chem. On
"rllrr6 A tow ,rcnrlf ago when ihr
yertentxy. a phalli with inlet• teeth
it luufiul rebels, wilt), were cuptu ixl
toward$ Ute wagupr 1 found the
itemaud for a Lkghrr class ul glw,IN
------r- .
attached. fie war dreamia.: that the
we lilt Lottery cr.mmnlMfu, were tri 1
Boers already there: huding we
first began to beeom,• mitre warkevl
Tor tr)lstrnet-4or the tunterl awl
plate !tail 1►ceom> detached and had
esu u charge, (f treatuu uu.l murde
were outnumnere,l and resistance
and more gt•neiral, a number of manu-
I ureal at Nl:agolra Falls has 1). 0-1) let
"lipped down Idol throat ami awo�n
Fuurteee est them pleaded guilty;
lu,p"L'sa, we threw ilowo our firms
hncturery turned their attentlom to
u A. -C. ir,u a+ fu a,sl+tblog aer
to fthd hIR dream n reality. Hr
aroaset hln father who hurried him
uihi proy.d tor mi•rcy. 'rite r•m,ai4der
were fours/ kJeottecef
ted h,•ll ttrr !lands up. Private Blunt,
dove imProvolment of their goalN. A
J6:) XI000. Thi" I% for 'til•• till race
to a physician living nearby, but af-
guilty. wys
Is) was with m(N allouttd,
r t me, 1 have thrown down my
►;teed ninny alto were tumlxdrut to
w the prt.pnNel pf.wer hinge, the
ter nn examination the youth was
• --
rif !'
turn nut n eegrrtor chis" of gc,o;ts
oystrm bring tier wan$• his th.n► in
lhP l'ntlr1"Ktntex
toht Ito had not w*allowprl hl"
Lieut. Ili to w's Deatb.
1. I" -Born then allot 1'rlvntP
Btun dead. Hn
were Cliff at wort on if,,-
use r)It side n1, tile'
A thorough sfvareh was made at
Nnauw pu(rt, S pl. JU--•t etuua
wan holding kir honer
above ld* heed at the time. Lieut.
lira N•r
1 grades. In many cases tho"e
.tieer. It cern be mad to work of;
h1.4 hum,. but the miming
R PLtU• could
party under Lieut. Gurduu 1teiN,fw,
Oreluadier huuralte.
11e1r l a eboatfel. 'slave mercy• you
$e'Ia, reolutref I the finer atvI n1Orp P%
I fight, Mil it cannot compere in
l'h$Vap111tsa and Pt(iv1P11Cy widh the
rw)t be funnel. As the choking wf•nea-
thin cuntluls"I unit lite boy wasp un-
erantlsila g uI 1c-
tacilm_rntr Grown L-uut teveral peau
oowaMa e" The were then dellber-
vola uwltlMas
{N'nt4)'c linea were ul>fe9wt' to
-_.Irii{ale- Wstcln in nor n1, tie Crvel4
able to eat, tit#- father took film to
tlte: Johns Hopkins
Ilk)n9 1110 $aIIUYI)' lf4e (-.'Let of plan-
uicr road, moved (alt during
wN hands n lie
1 lest Then lbs Canadian manu
I'allis, npx)n W1.1411 slam tum deppatio
Hospital, where
Dr. Floney moile nn examination
a Gr»vu-
{N,ur r,f rola, iia ub }x:t
hU tn9atl. Tey then shot at Privates
,rl n
.w'ilfi of sur-
IvuleJing It fariuhr
Pea rete and cry, Irl.. were Ytand-
,, t_ _ ,... . _ nd 1«I •ce ate", w the laugh- ing with t11e1 hands u tl • as
to the better gra-fes, and •th.• d,'m:in,
"for thrtr goal" tit "-e inoi aur:
have ly-en jp-reasing ever minor Th.
Cann•11-in mandia"tur(•rei t( -day wht
ttrr the blultwt are tlaoae wlxo turn
it amtt Um• bent class ,l Ct)rsln..file In til.
__ drpurtments (i manufacture the
- �lanrlel« ruHt-(Mly- rs.11 n-tl,,ic._lacrita
bring relatively higher prices than
vhf lap lines find well rew)re readily than
M i the ps,orer clams of guudo, but it they
, are elf much rulmirk)r make ;1R tem e".
tettelt•vlt a name for their maker tLe�
11 sell on their brand, N„ to Np.•ak, nal
brLllg a preenhmm (rvpr the market
- %alae•. it to an utwieniable fact that
f if certain ('nnndlan nmkPr" warp not
to -clay tur,lne -Not the eujwrior slaw
(f V-09 thiY art- tit present offer
Ing the• imir,rtN %''nolo be- met,A,
Krrnter than til y are. Tilt- (-ane
elan rommo-'rs are willing, to girt•
the Canafllnn maoafaetnrer n
fair chance. The habit (f gi%inir tit,
prrfer!•ncr 1,v+ ImporteeF•Iwo,1«-iaapls
i t I) f•ausr they err imported, Is prtrveing
nwac. Ii1e fact of til- matter I.
.. that Canadians, Jet certAin llnele .,
vanwihlcture, are turning cot goods
ouitAIRP uw,'t telly for Lbs Join••"til•
--_.__..--._ traria•, twit art at•tus"r---rse"lingr
to mol I1npx. '-
- r 'fr
('u,lgo,x in tilt. k n 1 of •'hero" that
mill Ism) wrap's to Imitate. Tits• des-
is•radu wire "quenls an I moans dis-
gusts even the yuuthful Dick Tier -
pins of roriely,
F;I,xht Mormon cl•lers have lee( nitrt
::O women eotiverta In Major. Most
_---- --- --' _ rd them or• alriasterm over 40. (fan
anylRldy 1pll why mirth a propaRl.a-
mill "Ilould fol lla groin teat Rup-
teep"elf nrn)ng Wi)n)Pl)?
• 'rise dintw,-rN tit Kenlur•ky hose
"'"-"--_ .-ruflltrrell load aolpmnl) ,Iw•.do.l les
_ _JJaa. dlntais..Outpost of wllh,kry
flit the year rnding Jul) 1, L1/01, to
L7,500AN)O Rnllonn. Wlt<tl will
Kentucky tin wh-An tilt keg tuna
_I . dry
11 S ,
Perhaps the ir'r1111PIK'y 1,)f lotlell
nlmes file Losing'se Nils, ('ommam6)
Net, Nil•laffixoXs N. k an.1 Rchepper'a
Nek In South Afr1.•a may IL Ill) to see.
count for small parties of British
too frequently getting It where the
clalekerl g t the oxo. —
Ilia lottery tfA l Imy )voang nerleert.
till' eunfP"sml aec,xrlpllce In lite Sir -
ton alnrrlpr. iv n mnRt sha•klna onp.
1110, Pool ,tial"dalom of Ilio crime
mwh An he Nays len assist(x1 in al-
most oatrngple belief,
Dawson hoe rarw direct trle.
graphic romalunlratl(o with ihr
-• oataklw world. A lin" ''«_00 mile"
long connrels It with Ashcroft• nn•I
to Intel over lice line pr)J,lct,Nj for
. till. Collins ovprlRnl route In INA',
to connect Amprien with F.urope,
The ('11111116 P Government hall pnr-
tlllfoaoo'sly tratfutewl 1110 honnre to
which the exiled nod mn►(Irrlxl
U1aag tittle Hisao was entitled Is
It • wetter pip„, th' lurb t.•.. stn 1 tli'i�
:all rflcp err :Ili nbote gr,,uu•1, :an,l
n0 coolly P%en%ali .n stiff Won,-linix
bare to tr' .I. tie, to Pat nil (hi, 11"Ait,.
of the loll"InesN with a big interest
Tlie rmized tilptres khuw that the-
n1E.-of__the Laml:ndon ds. -the tical
year that ended on .lune :10th, 1901,
%cave j;25,',1,7_S, wbile the ordinary
• xleenldture wave ;16,80;,,751, looting
:, eurplan est 1$,I.715,tt71. TLP capital
"Xpenelllnre omewnted to $11,08:1,a,i8
For tllp prev6sl« Ileum ypor the.
,innn-iai attt,-meet %veto, as follow,:
• lrellseary reveaut', j:,1.U1:8,1►9'J ; ex,
,oeral:ure. , $;21,975;179. 'hurp,us,
it8,0.,4,T10: rlpltlal e•lpetsllture, *I#,-
74_,187 : derma: P of debt.', $77tl,tl:t9
Tile rc%,rqup for tie,, first two,munill.•
J the pre"ent fb(•ul year was
$-,R17,042, or $6t 0,1'01 ah(a'to! .tut)'
an,l Augumi, In the previous year. Th,•
vpx'n.11tnre wo” 1115,:I62,L8':, no
Maltreat *+;i4V"7 time A";4" teff.
ua,nthot cif InUO. These are big Bg-
Irt•w, yawl although the revenue shows
,N, slgnle rf falling tiff, it willlkt bol
� w 1 e to cartnil the e�prlwHturpe and
fm Wrepareil for the rf•n(-n(wlrch t..• to "et in stoonpr or
Tho nritlsh Trades (on8reas lens
by it ('ore of 876.000 to :i6ii,ofto, diR-
appmtrd nf, ttrr prineiple of Pont.
IxilNory arbitration_ That wast to be,
,,x{"'ct„d of Britian worklnotnc'n of
tin, bettor Informed Anon. Aa the
Elmdon Times rays: •'Labor in til,
cumm(e dlty which lhn Pml,luyer want”
to buy and lite worker lines to sell
Tito "into- ern no snnr' fly the price
est life commallty lhatl of any other.
is"t Ity whwat isnaginnhlo machlnpry
could too prices of nil commolllleve
be fittd, or fiuetuntion" In lirleps
Ire controlled or forbl(klon? wheat if
a court of arbitration, (raving In on
once, decreed tot an employer
"1",uld hP forced to tiny Lien labor
I", dove not regnlre "ltould' uhpipecl-
(dly' Ln nnots•r carp lalup its flat
to tlw, wnrkrru'n It, r•Runlp work un -
(ter rendiltnflit which they 4timr4p-
WIli, fr AND toI'll #,:1twISP:.
A foot must now not then M• right
by chnorst.'-Cbwppr.
Weary 'v',nikrr-r*i )'ter irpt n. old
I andi•out down ter (hat fnrn-lou ss?
Helmsley Illgitinr�Ntl ; Mit de tar
mer's wife sent two) hnnda exit, nn'
they wits Wit. 1 trll yer.
iNffIcultlAlr tire~ thln(t• that show
what men aro,-Ppdctetess.
"'Bps here's Pxclnlmal the is,%,.
me,ther. no ahs PJ,rle(1 him froxn 1,h,
pintr,v, "lulry nuu,y numn finer" most
I tell you to keep away from those.
Jar$ of prraeerveN 7"
"R' IW mein,)' more Piro are tilpr,•,
Inn f" Inquired the hW.
An lw,n"sf man's ward Is aw g,)nd n"
ills Ix.n(1.-red.
I— - -
Two thlnlpv thorn firs that cane a
girl I
T,- worry quit" n Mt ;
Riser wnrr1na If shn If In love,
She w„rrl"e If *he's not.
"1'011 millet think 1 am made of
m"nry," complain.•rl RFq,ny 10 111,
In Ito r.
"Well, i rprtninl)• renilu'd fb,Rt
r(mt're not erode, or dn.t,' r.plinl flip
"No le"
"Ne; dust always sutura."
never tate top of tin• breastbone.
Every e•ffnrt to remov,• thein through
the+ mouth falie.l and nn operation
waas UPC •ovary. An incision was meet le
in tho throat about Lien top of the
breast Dona Tite plate. could thin tee
plainly seen, belt It wan loo• deeply
rmlre61ed to M• removed.
1hp InciAon web thin Newel and
Inrvarotomy perf,rtaml. til,- st•,m-
Itch being olven,l. A rublxr tube
eras th" 1r•(a"rt'-I* the «tesa•aP11 ,& all
up the f,xnl tract ter e"o,phnguo.
WWII[ the plate an -1 ,,u1, of the
nwlutlt. A curd, with n sponge at
Win PINI, wits then attached to the
pr,truling Pod of tleb tube rind the
littler was inif o"I. lite eorl and
rploNlge followed It. and file ap(nge,
catching nxain,(t the, Plato, Wuil.•,llt
(town the e•w,lelinguN staff lhenae Into
the lotoomarli, from where it was
renimoil. .
Thp npwrrotion Is n rare .)np but
young Brfx,kt IN expected to re -
004 or. I ,
I.abm.r ti11u1.11nm at Rosstand--Allen
I,atur Law \'1u1410d.
ftf4minni, W (•„ Sept, 21I. -Strike
mntterw have rpached nn nemtp
stugr. it. J. Frtchevhlle, the npwly-
uppsdnted Londr.o LP itij director,
who ina twen sent out here by the
Nhnroh d•ipre to thoroughly investl-
LMILe the mlao management and the
Inb)r situation, arrived here this
tr"orning nail will commence hlw in-
v(wtlgilti.lel at opac.
inward 1\ Blte nits, wilt) h:u bee•tt
snit by the Duwlalorl (:avernmrnl t0
nvostgrite the. allege -I 41wa %Iolaib,an
,1 the all"n labor act, haw forwarled
Ilia report to Otttawn, and is walling
inotructle)ne Wore deph)rtiug the
Iflrarrltrt minere tmought in here. The
IN,heo Ainglwtrate In twn recent teat
aunts fined Contractor Gleeer $.9,•O
for Importing alton ntdnprs against
the pruvlMons of the net, and the
erWrtice and Judgment were seat by
the Union to the N(fnloter of Jutettee,
with the rrpnewt that the men
brunghl h^rte sbansld hp dplw,rtprl un-
der the net, Mr. boat r,•P)rt-
,•1 that ill- met hnef been openly and
n agrantiy broken, ,acrd to now awnit-
ing orderw, fn the mennlinip the
local minPrn are getting very Impn-
tipvlt nod Indlgnnnt. They claim ih:mt
thr mttsidrrs have+ been brewight In
herr in bunetres, 8114 that over NS per
went. of the men tit work fire clearly
dePOrtnblp conifer the law, lh-it title
i" been citing on for ttrr two
nes'nthe w•ilh(oelt InlerTerrilrr, nal an -
Teat Twov Tiles, fol lent++ -'sort tirprw m 1lltely
to be More or It%% trouble, pnrlicular-
1Y tw•twrrr the newcoomprr, who tire
alt fr,%m Minuend, and the Ie'eal mla-
Pr«. n h', for the molest part have their
lu,mea bore. .
F'illseloo. rarprlon Company at V. R.
Manila, !!•pt. 29.--,t dtanwtrous; fight
bPt%pen 1'nitml StnlP� lroopR and
Insurgphtte (N•curreol yrater(Iny in the
Writwl of 8nmar, leper ilnlnrgign• A
Inrge, iO4 of InsurginlN nttnrkefi
('ompanv c. 9th infantry, ,only 24
members of tine cl-Inlotny esrniving.
All the olherve are rrlw,rtmvl to hare
tecrn killed. Tice company war at
breakfast when atlnekml. nn,l made
n fleterntlnp,i re'llst"nee, hal 1 h,• over-
whPlming nnmf"vern of lir Innurg.•nta
vompr•llrl lllf'm to retreat. 11)f the
anrvlvors, win hnva nrrt%eel at Bas -
1T, eleven are %mienlp(1.
Ar6oMfng to till Intent prturnrt, the
strength of the Potnlonny wflv 71. Ttip
sarvlvorn Inclnd" Capt. Thoehta W.
(bnnol, First Lfent FAward RumMl"
"Off Dr. R. III. OPIRwnboi, anrrgrl M.
Copt. Fwlwln V. i*.,kmlller, of the
Mil Infantry, rvgwwto that lion
I''UgfcPa Is naapmMing a force to at.
IR( tin In•nirgenf a.
Thr in,rlrgrnto rnpinrml nil file
nlorw ,,flit ammllnitins of till c,'m
I+wJoy. staff all the riflos except 2
p, at me
Lie in 13611119 Tho VslatNlitkxt wild
c;al•rl.•1 out, but 11(e"y w':w (IminJ
at the faarinlluueeP. Tin, party thea
rrtflrlt el to (#felt different I".ets;
splitting Into three lxatiuns. (Mr o!
there, cun.i,ting ( f nine men, ncrom-
IuuoL.i by Lieut. Ourr6iu ktei►,w, 1)cr-
culled another farmh-,U*e near the
read, and Marched towards It to now
w•hellsor any est the cue•ney rptualged.
Tho kill 1lerty was attackers by n
ernlferiois force of Uie - enemy rand d
fight Pm.ufxl. One mail wits kilted and
thFPe wolin ded. Lico1,, flebe)w rrdu.:ed
to ourrun-ler, find war shot dead lit
etf:ee range.
Ah Official Denlal..
London, S -pt. IID. -The War 0tflco
urfrrtounceM that there i" nu fuulhlu-
tlon in lien reyx,rt that Lunt Kitch.
titter Intel resigned as commander-la-
el"et of the farce" in S)uth Africa.
Will tut Appeal to Ruuaevell.
Lutnlon, Oat. 1. -'Min Krug,•r,' )gyve
Br,u«rr"- �.t+han the
abrtalulotlwlliil tile ld.vt
'If "(,1111148 fl delegat6m to tae• I'r,
►bleat of the United States, having
an.;prtatnP+d Wtat Mr. Rue,ewrPJt will
poresum the ImAlry elf IIITft-interven-
Field of War loos changed,
Lblogne, Sept. SO. -Private new
rcc(•ivfxl here from Cape Town say.
4w• entire f1PH of war leave ebatltted.
All tile, fighting is rw,w liming fico
In Brit Ifit, t�rritenry, in (iolr+ (:4Aully
and Natal, while the Transvn(ll anti
Orange• River (blf"1Jes are gniet.
TLwrP are note cv,•geNIaIN6w+ if, 1,'a(
('olony. ant ttry are growing rll{d•1.
ly LikRnlmilirr, (rilPrr In o,om(•. i:lrtt thni,
tti- W)VI'm art- making R cotirrrtel
mewe towards (npn Town.
Uoeir9 to P tght for Ilrltnin.
-. L)ndon.' Rept, 110.-A derputtoh to
the Tlmpr from t'olonul", "nye that
Sir J04"11fll )Vest Rl.lg,)wrly, the (t(c-
proor of the IMATUh limit nnnouw-f•I
that L'00 of the Boor prl,v,npr" len
C-ylfrl have, rxprrstod thrL; wiil!ng
Itf-lo to take Site oath of nilegionce
to King &Award.
The Iwblee tPrs deelre noot only to
take tole onth. but also W1.h to en.
flat In the British army. They fire
willing to serve anywhere belt In
Health Afrbwa•
'ro Brlect. noprfd .%pp'",.
Lt11"In". Sold. RO.-A dp,opalrh to Il,.
Tinlos rr,mn Brne"ri" Nay'" (lint tilt.
('e-flel( M tMve Hngwe Permanent
('hurt of Arlritratiorl has nnanhu,minly
d,vi4pd tint the gnpntinra of nleannling
till initfntivn in arbttratHxs or Infer-
vptltl„n in any form In rrg,ird to
the Snaith Africnn war nonot bl derl-
rlteb nhanhxlrVi.
711IR dl•cf"len, It 1N atltal. prethahl,v
,MP(N111t9 for the fact that the date
of the meeting of the Mier repre-
"pntntirr" In F.•rrolle broil not yet b,+.+n
flxpel. and fillet not likely that "itch
n mpetitcg will take place for a con-
sldetable time.
Proven C"11u flit tfonlerrll,t into
iA.mitere. S'pt. 110. - Frank ndvn-
plery of eonNcriptlon Is the fentoire
of tilt, littlest Issues of it Brltidh
)nllitnry' J("nrnals, which "Int:, that
the altlntatl(m In Barth Africa has
h'eewtl- two grave. that only the rp-
t11rn to the princlpl" Involved In the
Militia (lrnft can Plac+ a aflfflelstnt
nnnib,r of snitnble troten fit Lord
Klteht-ner'a disposal anti avert an
Impf•rinl enlamlty.
Tin Naval enol it itary nfltette
ONJR: "ft ia to hw floured that I,ned
ieltellpner will require mor, mpn.
Wh,•re err they to be gilt, nnlPnlo. In-
flpml, f lw' o0lonite" are aakml to send
mare mpn :•
"Thp Yportuxnry nrP not coming for-
ward Ra It wan ptPoeteot thry wrmkl,
and this experiment of even,lhng nut
raw rveral(a 1, not Iikplp to to" vp-
peated. On the whole, there In lit-
tle enough ue which to cosgrato-
lido Nate Yearoe In file
006(1. ono
"Two Boers 1,h n runhtd from Lire
waguns and ikota W shoot me,
klcktxl me, anti t c to ILa down."
More Vtakfuntrhr 'i►oilmen".
Private D. Cannes, H Company,
let Derbyaldres : "Wh1la�lytog on lbs
gr)uni wounded 1 waw a\\ Boer shoot
two of our wo0n4oyl who ipere lying
on lite gt'nl7nel near ma. This; hoer
also shot at mo amt mim"
Corporal Sargent, let I>srb 'three:
"While lying wovfnded behind rock
i nraw n Hoer slnx)t a, Yreoatasry, fit-
who wne wafktre* away -
In the Ilamt•"
%'only" allot Children (Iters. '
LonA,n, Rcpt. :10.-.1, Pretorlh dra-
patch reports that during the amauc-
ceeeful attack nuuin on Belfast by
the Biters on Sunday some wlompn and
children in the rptatgqffvc+a camp were
wounded, one mortaJlJ.
Disaster at Extension, Near
Vi,tor:a, B. C.
+I 1. .. -.
- . ~
___ __._.. _ _
1 111 , tel r null or.. to Datvron is
- __
11lrs. N. N. Flymn•t, 41Whor of lie,
C. 8. Hymuu,
M P., dlfd at ��
On t. u.
t Mr. A. 8tevenwecu, d I'hf,rokl,
Two more oet.)t+r of rwullh,t are rte
klllw by hie tram ruunlag a Neill rul:-
purted fit Ottawa.
rr over film.
The (Irand Trunk carpenter $bop at
Kasano Ilutu)atua, Speaker at ti1e
BeJle%ille war burned.
Lower ttoure of the Jnpallero fear
Rol Kelton, age,l Jolt years, was
1larrlerrt. Is If' New York.
run over and killed at Westwood.
Tl,,- Soldiers' Ifolne, lit Atlanta
The rommerotul Paa•I:he Cablo (:(xa_
oil., rtTently finlrlied, was btarnnd 11,
pun)' was leourl)(Mlittxl tat New York.
(lolly- No 11vON were Jolt. Ido Iorr
Mr. J. Il Dewet, tut Oki rerldeat of
Colborne, wits found dead In Ilia -far-
I A nlgliestlon which IN wreling with
fuvur, it to chaligu tits nul,re of the
The Bank of kagland'r rata of fits-
I l hlltiplatt is "foods to the MiVKinb•)
count remains unchangovd jet 3 per
Mr. Williatet Waldl,rf .t,.l„r lair
F(oawt firms tore doing a lot of data-
a:unulell C1U,OLIG to tla• """"'11 for
rage in the vicinity of Portfieuf, Sit-
ties- Irtvuulion of Cruelly t" ,.,III
gilt -tiny.
1118". to Inllhatu u fund fur new
Burglars robbed the sato (d Mian-
bon's general littler at hilus) Lake
Tfie election
ion potiti(NI
of $1,000.
„apt J. J. u r fol t.
A > ,y twmal Fred Eat(w, of Tit-
John, N. B., in the Iheuulnloll Huuvei,
ecxllwrg, fell Into the elver and was
WIaa dirndrsed by Judges lianuiug.
ton and Gregory.
A gel10rai strike Of %fee cunt mister
1'lnns aro published for the coal.
1n the Liege dlrtrk't of Belgium hist
"tnuctiuu of n mammoth apartment
taeen declarers.
block for W Irenip gf, to be erectwl by
Repalra to the Indefatigable ore be-
Chicago r) ndicnte. Thu e•stinlateol'
('set It ,_80,0(10:
ID nuado u1,
Ing Quebec. iter faire l)ut-
tom was penetrated.
A despatch from Collstaulisuph, rt._
The big er-Dem "ter freight.•$
pOrts that a eankrutiutry ot)nfilet ,,ate
Mnnalor+th. run ngroutl(1 about ;5
toten place between Musrulmans
uud Chrtrt4ane In Beyrut, Syria.
mil'R west of Quebec.
details are gtven.
lllree hundred poundN of btttter
w asstolen r
f tile �'
from h annrck nam
The cowndttae-a appointed
DPeI r(J DY ti r
Pry In Loudon townaWp,
Oruage Horth A riGrand Terme Of
ltrltish Nexll► America to revist-
71tm announcement In mad.• of the
Itlyul Scarlet ritaul atwldegn•o'
(aaualganuatlien of tho .Atlas and ('hoe-
la in session nt Brockville.
nix Insurance Compaales•
luhvin H• Lends, n well-kn,.wn
Improvements are bolt de
P r being mu
d vett of Trail, Is leader urr•at roll Iturs-
tho lrorrr bnrtxa, Iitlglnrwl, to pxcud(
l:lud. chargee! with steeling from
German liner's to stop titers. r
mail brag In thio Trail I'Ortoffi.'e,
life Balmoral Hotel at Britannln
sum of $am in cash nWl two) el eeks
wolf dertroyeed by fire, and the in-
for $40 each.
mat,•s haul a narrow eacap,.
The (,ween of I'rertuy(:,l iN N
i njew
Jkuil •I Ol�nnrll, RD (•11 mon of 8(1
the moot nttilrt<c w<"u:w tui •r iu Ul.+
in iho
years. wait ran over by n rallway
wor1,1 Won to {r/rticltlarly f.R,t 1,(
eugtrl2 at Cobtxtrg awl killed.
ntw•Imm:ng, nal lit t'naculf ewh11f her.
Mr. Richard Capp, of Stooling. took
ther Out from the ywre ikon ;cul' u(
louriN green with Gatxl Pftdct, glv
the vih(t IwtIlers,
Ing ill(- reason that he felt Ilue.
Ex-Presllent Krug•r, cif (it,. 1,r, n:.
Sir Claude Macdonald, late Brit-
%flat, liar now been h, E»r,q,• W year
Isle Ambassador to L10na, is in
without meeting uuy Fur.'V,a„ Ool. .
Montreal, ton his way to Japan,
erefen except Queen \\'llhehu`ne all
Mr. Johan Blain, of 8ucith Easthup:•,
rhe was lowerles" to Nuppert u tle-
a brother of Messrs. Hugh, David
mual for lntrrvesel I ,n leg IInlet Gnat
and JamPol Blatt, Toronto, Is dead,
Iroops hay. usen sent by the
Dr i•:dward Everett H,IjrJ ler of the
Governor of Kentucky to eiiucll the
Mesal of n movement in hts,ton bor_
strlking coal mluere at Mlaadleon-
the wetufing ul modern agricultural
imf•Irul nLes, to lien I• I Apinr"i. rlr%vral
Mr. J. J. Franklin, was, was tor-
uutnufacturere aml whnirwite thole"
In eef.b hove C� elk•rated '
moldy an tdficral , f UieTorOntu(3tr,otct
in lite
icheme. - .
Iuillway Co., 411'.11 at St. Mdlcluael'■
TO further the weak of twitlitifyin
Kkltlk Bros'. Umber limits on tile
ihr rh'eY front of 11{.rlagfl.41. U•fss„
for whlrh prof at the Irate Tilly listings
Klpp: ova, were b,mght by Mfr. Rub
bequeathed III 000, F% .r.•it 111,
ort IJUt M411, of Ottawa, for about
Barney, of that city, hnve off,r•I to
h, one of nineteen pen",na tie Cite
A naval court ref Inquiry has found
ilO,C00 racb.
tho grounding of if. M. S. lndefatl-
A uxvvem,ytt !r On Joliet of In•ha to
gable was due Lel fl gross error in
wouro an exten«►)n of ih+• of we r„y.
Judgment on the part of the pilot.
airy of Lauf f:upsna $•f fit 1,t ,1,;r,
Tito ttial of the rpmalning dlrec-
until the ooauple•tkol cl the• uliuintb•
Well or the Vale )Marie Bank and the
,rhf'mr of lrrlltatkr:l whl'11 h.. set inl-
brokpres charged with coarpirary,
tinting aN Ia prevPD(ITP O( fanuoP.
will take plop -o in Queft)oc In October.
R,cruitiug for the Irish I;,la°r,ls,
It)wnrd Walker. colored, pleaded
who aro row locatef-at the tower,
gullt_v tit StrntforJ A:eiser of man-
bets bon so 9004. eRPecirtlfr iii- lrr.
slaughter. His crime was shooting an
latah that a "-cuts,] batlafion w ts•-
Cf ;era,
lag formed lit Caterhanl w11Pre there
The Belleville Electric Street hall
wit v, tau nets Ire tengah, v% tie sold b
cuct6,n un(ler 4N)rtgage. uud w
,urchiserai by Mayor Graham f
During the Inquiry Into the Joan u
;he Islander nt t lctoria. Mr. Green
it Tacoma, trwtlfinl that Pilot L
Antro camp on the vrmsel drunk. an
!apt- Foote shuw.txl.ligui of.pat
><,en drinking,
The great weakness that PNoctpa
:mull now experiences Ints caaN
(1,m to realise the grIIadty of hie 111
lt ss. He prt"etd the day without aD
unfavorable svmptomor
in a therecornpre+,t contr"t S
Villiam Rattignn. the Unionist can
lalsete, wit• Phr•te•I in tilt- northeit”
lttlielf). of I.anarkahlre, tilt- firs
'„neirrvative t) r•yrpbent the rid
Air. it H_ Metcaffoi, P% .%I. P.. an
I(I'I `m•A that he U In thr fiekd 1
be vacant sent in the ('nmm(xI" to
Ungvet.In, caused by the reptwlntmon
,f Mfr. R. U. flrltt(m, M V_ to the
ThiPvelf Pntprefl ihr, rte"Mencp
; G"offrey. an ,agevi and re"pretnbl
mlideut teff Verlvnev, ami rali"ved til
,ge(t eoalple of STT. As volt there 1
;o clue to the Melfility of the p)rrpe-
" EIGHT TO FiFTM LIVES MT -m -7:-� -rnown H"It
" Victoria, n. C., Sept, :N), -Mr. Bry- Itimb.+rman, has under ken to err
dqn, roan n, burner In which to roy hl" null
p manager of the mineve at Exten- refnnp. Accordingly the wDl b'+ n
sioa, nboeit forty mitre from,Victorla,1111latrine,
srispvnelevn of prosecution b7 the
reportorIn a telogranr that a disas Department.
I„ tr(rin fire br(lkr, out this afternoon. Rev. William P:allerx,n, formerly
lie says : pestcrr of Clo lte'a IIrcal'Y4. Ian
Iliurch, Toronto, len" iweu cafjiel
"Fire oeeurrrml in NO. -1 alolleo at No. to Ro 1,0 tin oiJ e(mntry ImmmiL•t P.
3 Izvel, which nut(le such headway 1 v, owing to tln critical if0olos
that In half an hint nttrrward It Me", Patterson, who was on n rlalt
was away lip) theelopi+spre"efling Into to friend" there,
the ahrwnys, and working" of both Thr Toronto Rallway Company hams
No. and No. 3 miens. 1 wns obll amt vrrittein the City F.ogtneer announc-
K in¢ that the domrmAy for Id not con-
te hiOP both ntlnns up after two ex- tribute to tile cwt or nn overhand
plomiceas_ ILLY" lost some men, can- bridge at the foot of Ttengn strrpt,
not Rely holy many." tnt would constant to ran Ila enra
The hat"Rt report which has reach- ^ver the bridge whpn It was bnllt.
rd here (runt the burning mines "tty" The British Ambassador has de -
that front tight to fifteen lives were mnWimd that the Portug"P"r Govern -
Joint. It was Inllros"Iblo to get air t, resent stop the smuggling of nrms for
them after the tlamele allot up the then neem through Lorenso Marques,
ahaft. lifso and fire appearatna un the 1Enat African const. The IrteRl
havvve boon 'sent from neigldroring papers denolnre the demand as of.
towns. nclols interm(,mklling by the British.
Thr• firn brake oat thl" afternoon. The Plim Pntrring Trinity Nfretiral
The cause Of the fire Ir not )et (',:Ilpgp thbm ypar is Ihu largest lit •10
known, bill It IN aakl dull the apron YOU Pool. nnmbering nearly l.0 atmlrnta.
caught tire. Other reports nllribilte i)r. G. B. Grlklp, In beginrddg the
life fire to "poattamcolles conlb(istlon. p"Poeff1 w at the iNllsfM' vfpr•Mttw
rretcrJay aftern•ern, said thin thirty-
fourth annual r8xming could not have
SAD TALE OF THE SEA. two more anatilolcwlw.
a the 24
!lurtivors or frrhooset now Tell of h011re' trinl at (Cherbourg ornal f the new
Wrrek Near fit. I•lerre. "nbmarine, torpedo hoot Sirens In the
St. John'", Nfld., Sept. :10. -Three "anal glowing terms. The paper says
Rurcdtors Of tile erpw of the schoon- thn new loont've chief gmlallty In the
Pr lit W. Roberts, wilt, arrived here rapidity with which John can ba'snh-
yeat .relay. tall fl lad hal.• of NI)Ip nwrged. The time occelpipil is gpn-
wreck. ThPtr veaael was bound from Prnlly abort fire minutes.
SYdne,y 20 Cnp61'le Crinerptlon Bay, Tlip Department of Agripulturp tea"
will' n cargo of mitt.
When rrantward b"On 00tiflerl of VIA onthrertt of tin -
of the Island of St. Pierre Phe lost thrax strrRng horaPs In Durham
her rwldpr In it heavy hreexc, and be- C.00liety. Prof. Andrew Smith, of To -
cam•• (lmmmnageable, She manage,l to ronto, boa b --on regneatal to'spnd a
rtenell, Ifellgntf•, between the fa- veterinary to the eosaty to inveRtl-
Lu•rlN lof St. Plerrp soft Miqu(lon. Rote, the otthreak and to adopt m@%_
"Ire" men went nahtere. for ,a tug enrol" to prevent Its sprond.
In low teem to St. Plerrr, The cap -
fain anti tun men remained on the A dn"ronteh from kfnrieeltinv to the
achnonpr. Tampa gives vnrlota mall newel from
Two hoer" plelpinl before n tug Africa. FmPeror Menellk Is
wax annual, find when step rpatcha,I "till lit Arlin Atom, wham ha Is hnllrl_
the 1rLaee where the w .ltOoner wmtR Ing n villa. Ill In In Kneel health.
left thorn Iran no traces of tile, vol- T1w Mod Mlhllah has f-onehndeof an al-
ael. into aeppflalttnn IN that the 'little" with the M(aeUnalrtln tribe,
suhnOnrr to"Mitred, carrying the which Is well provMml with rillan
oaptnin amt two mte" to theft hottrom ,tnel ammunition.
The enittatn'a nitrate was Stanipy The Indl(va of Toronto w111 glvo the
flnoko, ami the noose* of this man
warp Was. Adame and ThomRa Aah- 1)I'uh(ww of ("y'llwnll and Turk a
ward wtitlnz art of ranrulian gold, art
Tiler' tiny" after the *nrvivors with I.nkp Rnmrinr nmr,thywrw, and
ir.nrtwi at Rt. 1'Ile+rre a Not treat nrnnmPntml will' tk" monogram of
drkrH n "n D till f)IrhNo and lit" (•ennellein em -
1 D ell,• wre•k,tge, which was hlrm. ihr beterrr an,l mit P w end
6lwntifit'd sa hpM h: r h
Roberts. rlglt� 1,0 the 0 W. lila with A. rrrolfwaa.t In it rnrrt-d t",ti
' of blyd1wfays maple,
y Ing' _
a. A despatch front Waikd,•n t,. lip
1,x t antral News Bayle then South I,,trs•"-
nthlre textile workers arc hx•:ng ,.t -
f. ferrel M(1, wages to go to ill., i metal
#UAtte hall work In tate rola,
Numbera, of them are fravin,x f„r Ain -
d ellen,
'a% . Tilt, day before b” d-tirrrr t fewtrA
hNe nddri%ss' at two - it itta'trrt'tlVwttr'
I tdnm Prrreldrnt McKtedey mash this
ed c alleviation, •11 am Just ns ft. rivals hp•
torn bectn'ling a apprch nowndnylo as
y -I lotto brt0re dwHrrrhm mol +an+.4es-
address In the H ,unit (C it,llrewnts,
!r tfrrw years and years nKv,,"
An IntenaP prisoner nai nal Lwiglt. is
t Wolk, island former, nttemptP1 to
Is commit selickle In the count} Jell lit
Kingston. by cutting lain titr c,l Ii
wait cangtlt i% the, act b%. thrnk.y•
It rPqufrel the efforts of eq:hl r,rn
cls to mubrluo Was. Ile flit not d I hunf,•If
r tiny Injury.
1 (allnnae com to San Frnnvi„•u, it
P IN newt rt(d. and at one...1rl,nrt f,,r
M -k -P or other (oreiTn pOrtN, only
nr to cr')ss tho border hack dnin the
e F{lat(x at the firat ol,porhlnity.
e Niece .Illy lilt, 7:.8 Cliinesu ball..iir-
" rivevl In that city $in route to Jur-
Plgn countries.
Tho Itarb)r 1(mmi"'ei.,rl •rs „r Non
1 treat have wir Ptf 4e the Mlini+t,•r off
t 11airl-40-"a+dting for an tnmprtrTint"44-
rewnnnN for tate grmtnding of H 11 r'
Indetatlgablr,, but It 1n .loobllul it
the Admiralty w4mid allow trim% r•rrw
Of Shove v"e"al to give r)'Iden^e.
The Phar►holdors of Ogvlens. Lim-
IteaL manufacturrra of tohacco W"I
el;nrpttrw, Lnndeven, lists riffi,re-I err_
sell nearly fill- whole of their ,,lock-
In ntcordanen with Ile• tering of the
Amprlenn TolNacco Compntt%. wfik•h
dismantled T;f per rent. of the door.•.
t++ Pair therefore, bas practically
A (lenfentch from tit AS, -rem slat"ve
Itint if hnrrlcanp hnR swept ,i%vr ife,
1•,lrnnls of Flores anti (,(Irv,,. where
there W ne srriouR In's1 (of life ttwln4
to the enjllapin of tsdkllnsli. Th^';Or-
r more r-ibi w nsking for rp'IPf i.,r th,•
pn,ple. Rif anys he In Unable, to stilt'
the extrltt of Ih" devnwtntinl -wiaR
t •) file drwtrmatlan rot tkr telesrnph
At n roe ill wr ldl Ig ht W"Phin; t"n
Wit Tnitg-fang w•IW J,culnrly n"kpi tie
Wmllnenllen a chtnr•ese bitervelNi -lin-tiL''--
aonple. Thr (frientI diI(annl ,,M-
pllnd In 1 hl« fnshl mit : I Nfl,} rvery
yPnr I)IN" you with nr 'M nnlil Ih-y
n rmher twenty -flue. Ma ill'-' Joh I'
dren prrrsent %,,m with linty-rl%r
ilmtM twenly-jird gr,)?Whl
may these Icran,lrhihirv•" - 11
this trent the bride, and cr,.' I f1„"-
A .1p"P•tteh from Port Huron. i
mote, of R, ptetnl) •r , `11th any" ,e
ntenmer F, B. nnrttott an•1 t
tA'IdrmNn Rvirc -.1„d In r►lenring the
"trandrid wbnlobnck hnrge. Nn "fol
this nftrrnonn. n(trr it h•w hnara'
hard palling Tho hnrg± ia not In-
Ja)r%.1, an far as can boo "ern, #till'
will pr0e(vd tip th. ink" at once le
flow of the itartlett. Tile letlionf'r
(Ify of Gprroa, wait Intend In try 1110.
Ing I'llnrnla thlle nftris"Ormn• hoolving
lev-pn dinnhled by the br(V►king Of her
t(vnallpox In London.
i•on41eln, 8Tt. ail. -There wrrr i19f
mesa of Rmnllprnx in the Metrupe,le)N"
hoNpltnl" this evening. Th -rte ^r"
"its) .xllbreakn of arnrlef fever nlrl
Mithih,,rla of "artvon dhnrn"tnnN.:,nd
4,0`045 pnliont" are in til.• Ih141i1nls.
Thrmrillral affipprs urn 1;4191 revle-
OnntIng ngnlnat emnllpnx.
KIII.d by R
VnelrovirPr. B. C., SPpf. •i0 \,•,r(
iR rreplypi, here of the kllli-14 D, to
h,ar of "flan" filen, of NelR n. At',
to vrp1J-kevown hunter. Illre nal (;P"rgo'
Adnnis wont lit hunting. Itn.I OPP""
nh n
frrgreping to r11eot In ihr elan
Ing. Miro ,till ndf t,1rre np lit flip
camp. wend two flow, rn ("ter kin txrlt,
horribly mutilated, was found.
y Ing' _
a. A despatch front Waikd,•n t,. lip
1,x t antral News Bayle then South I,,trs•"-
nthlre textile workers arc hx•:ng ,.t -
f. ferrel M(1, wages to go to ill., i metal
#UAtte hall work In tate rola,
Numbera, of them are fravin,x f„r Ain -
d ellen,
'a% . Tilt, day before b” d-tirrrr t fewtrA
hNe nddri%ss' at two - it itta'trrt'tlVwttr'
I tdnm Prrreldrnt McKtedey mash this
ed c alleviation, •11 am Just ns ft. rivals hp•
torn bectn'ling a apprch nowndnylo as
y -I lotto brt0re dwHrrrhm mol +an+.4es-
address In the H ,unit (C it,llrewnts,
!r tfrrw years and years nKv,,"
An IntenaP prisoner nai nal Lwiglt. is
t Wolk, island former, nttemptP1 to
Is commit selickle In the count} Jell lit
Kingston. by cutting lain titr c,l Ii
wait cangtlt i% the, act b%. thrnk.y•
It rPqufrel the efforts of eq:hl r,rn
cls to mubrluo Was. Ile flit not d I hunf,•If
r tiny Injury.
1 (allnnae com to San Frnnvi„•u, it
P IN newt rt(d. and at one...1rl,nrt f,,r
M -k -P or other (oreiTn pOrtN, only
nr to cr')ss tho border hack dnin the
e F{lat(x at the firat ol,porhlnity.
e Niece .Illy lilt, 7:.8 Cliinesu ball..iir-
" rivevl In that city $in route to Jur-
Plgn countries.
Tho Itarb)r 1(mmi"'ei.,rl •rs „r Non
1 treat have wir Ptf 4e the Mlini+t,•r off
t 11airl-40-"a+dting for an tnmprtrTint"44-
rewnnnN for tate grmtnding of H 11 r'
Indetatlgablr,, but It 1n .loobllul it
the Admiralty w4mid allow trim% r•rrw
Of Shove v"e"al to give r)'Iden^e.
The Phar►holdors of Ogvlens. Lim-
IteaL manufacturrra of tohacco W"I
el;nrpttrw, Lnndeven, lists riffi,re-I err_
sell nearly fill- whole of their ,,lock-
In ntcordanen with Ile• tering of the
Amprlenn TolNacco Compntt%. wfik•h
dismantled T;f per rent. of the door.•.
t++ Pair therefore, bas practically
A (lenfentch from tit AS, -rem slat"ve
Itint if hnrrlcanp hnR swept ,i%vr ife,
1•,lrnnls of Flores anti (,(Irv,,. where
there W ne srriouR In's1 (of life ttwln4
to the enjllapin of tsdkllnsli. Th^';Or-
r more r-ibi w nsking for rp'IPf i.,r th,•
pn,ple. Rif anys he In Unable, to stilt'
the extrltt of Ih" devnwtntinl -wiaR
t •) file drwtrmatlan rot tkr telesrnph
At n roe ill wr ldl Ig ht W"Phin; t"n
Wit Tnitg-fang w•IW J,culnrly n"kpi tie
Wmllnenllen a chtnr•ese bitervelNi -lin-tiL''--
aonple. Thr (frientI diI(annl ,,M-
pllnd In 1 hl« fnshl mit : I Nfl,} rvery
yPnr I)IN" you with nr 'M nnlil Ih-y
n rmher twenty -flue. Ma ill'-' Joh I'
dren prrrsent %,,m with linty-rl%r
ilmtM twenly-jird gr,)?Whl
may these Icran,lrhihirv•" - 11
this trent the bride, and cr,.' I f1„"-
A .1p"P•tteh from Port Huron. i
mote, of R, ptetnl) •r , `11th any" ,e
ntenmer F, B. nnrttott an•1 t
tA'IdrmNn Rvirc -.1„d In r►lenring the
"trandrid wbnlobnck hnrge. Nn "fol
this nftrrnonn. n(trr it h•w hnara'
hard palling Tho hnrg± ia not In-
Ja)r%.1, an far as can boo "ern, #till'
will pr0e(vd tip th. ink" at once le
flow of the itartlett. Tile letlionf'r
(Ify of Gprroa, wait Intend In try 1110.
Ing I'llnrnla thlle nftris"Ormn• hoolving
lev-pn dinnhled by the br(V►king Of her
t(vnallpox In London.
i•on41eln, 8Tt. ail. -There wrrr i19f
mesa of Rmnllprnx in the Metrupe,le)N"
hoNpltnl" this evening. Th -rte ^r"
"its) .xllbreakn of arnrlef fever nlrl
Mithih,,rla of "artvon dhnrn"tnnN.:,nd
4,0`045 pnliont" are in til.• Ih141i1nls.
Thrmrillral affipprs urn 1;4191 revle-
OnntIng ngnlnat emnllpnx.
KIII.d by R
VnelrovirPr. B. C., SPpf. •i0 \,•,r(
iR rreplypi, here of the kllli-14 D, to
h,ar of "flan" filen, of NelR n. At',
to vrp1J-kevown hunter. Illre nal (;P"rgo'
Adnnis wont lit hunting. Itn.I OPP""
nh n
frrgreping to r11eot In ihr elan
Ing. Miro ,till ndf t,1rre np lit flip
camp. wend two flow, rn ("ter kin txrlt,
horribly mutilated, was found.