The Signal, 1901-9-26, Page 6i
f T "URD-PAN TALK. la9UE ZfO 39 1901
- —"- - After a few w'uuUr, n bout x141 cared my p Ill chat I n, I nut wrier �OTHBB S gBBPBBi
at til • w'I,duse Ruud. rvi pliLhig Ws. mY(1�f-iN ha4m A rlulda I btu nut darn iH1 —
ordcr with n Ittlr ,uarre rtalrlttala, to 11.lmo io, you ; but I want yt)n to �huund Tbore be a■ Orth ARet'Nell -
Capta",& Morrinrl ttuuPd to ti`s wlfe tell LIadM} that the tkx .r In I3silrloa7 ��� ��
and rild- whom he truatfad Iwo htetrajoed IIIc
" Vivo had Irtttt.•r ct)me nrund. H we euufltiv"cs% til tt 1 11"I'l the pruutr of ID4orgB S. ilei au=hlln, Llvoa to E_vegy Fusin, tw he klapgg or treIwo 0i
Jr. ;u lbta.way, thi who!e lkaw will Ibis, kind thIt 1 cat,I I tr uv• thein. R That He Took itis INar an Iudefeasible right to lme of
get t6 latrgllr trrer nen+n." Alai d rulu� tthe t thee ut ,fey wvw a 11N• rellglun that r" LK) best w a��/i®
h • rmin•h Nl round tar tete frmit cat this party tO til r Lrwktw cat of me : Nen ether's Advlu. him. Tete +state tar ab man to du
h.xw,•, wII'k• Gera idiue meekly til• boot tit aIg h-4 am bort dsl fur h!ukiwif wil11 ids brush car dlsbellefs tAan
ow•rwf. Ir to osivI everything W Mrs. Mt-r- with the out of the rout. Rlnce the
It wits til• eouk whit) lot th`•III in. riawh, wAURE tale fix• nit•, nnvl IrerTwenty-VivoYearsCrippledwith days of Charley 11 w Eagllrh fbv-
atd ►byly o:ft-r•erl hewn a volatile, h w Who Ir tate of my wiUW' lm W the daotaohe-Rdrally Advised to Take «reign Isar had to swear that he is A Scott's Emulsion Is not a
tetst., bl%IW'f lot its drub tAltridethe cau+e cat m y 111110 x. Fut ill• Make (if Dedd'a KidneyPllls-What llesays mewtler of the Church of E:uRlaull,
back ,ks 1. kin b, h teed it r:ofe Iw•hitO lh • (Jointly, U fur ,w cath lr, rhe would ADoat alb C'an• nail tlMit he , lrtwliever various (log- Spud medicine for fat folks,
h cal. Stir til yj rhufflai off h utlly : Wks arra th'it Lhtdley ds,keld tort sung that are trefleted by human
"O alumna; la one tlsors of Mao. by lb• IWIt, sir h' turnot it tarwkni ,urfer, it by woaki III per, by b114►g Firopomy Folpt, N. e., Rept. ld.- ('nthollor. Tlial emlarnt Saint ��fe have never tried giving It
., Itis wife, t'npt Il„ MurrlaPiPl wlw ilk It th • wlor!o troth now. Nut, If he ,tusr M•. O. H, McLaughlin ,type n tills ('parlor I1 diel a Itomau C&t11ullc.
Cacertala. coy. aid htsrd to P�!tMe , ll • so�t whit to til • film laid whirr- lot ,ko tit* it ran mrnrroiy, fall to ger quirt little Nova Ht utla v111Age Ill, That equally eminent allot George to a real fat person. We don't
There Is one thing that certainly will plaiM Tei U yon pt 1t, Ing. binl with him til til.+ hnrrtiisNasi brother kes tilt- grocery store 1%• wanted a Homan l'mple e, and ,
an.J tlu,t is Msocg00% YLON T£A. ' Yew care ill :" b• olid. unt4N►rly. which will warn be aywruol. Yount very here. But for thin seemingly uplm- evaded the law by the rlmple a:Pelf!- dare. YOu See S(ott 9 1 (1141•
All Krocerr. Lead packets. / ! 1 'Bt down std It-t cat- cull tb• iloctue ahn'e+w1Y, rtant fact, unload death had mer- sal of deroling Ili■ flrrt warrinat Ston builds new flesh. l'at
to rr i++tt„ " tLirry Ilumrtrksul." 1>o And committing blgauly That
_ I(1Pruldhw aur cat flrrt 11t ,wine rkinbt olfully relieved hila of hie sufferingr, worthy but pig-hpadml mon, litx,rgo
.- . _- --- ell ih • ol,l terror easier hick u;ri, Mr MCL&u biln would In all Drub- e0 le don't want 11. Stroh
eN� b •r ter as. t rhntuk away, whisih-6ng- about tit • signature . but• a m site had [ Ill , p string lkl l'a ei n E:ma se he p p g
\u, ins: aur i;m�twe rake .knit p,•%rr eavwl Jnmva' rlKn-tturo u( h:r sblllty have beer a helplow crlpPle else durlag Itis rel�n b0cnuse be people don't need it.
call 11lw f',i sue pr m ouw=,, aau41 ns. rh aur u little to-day. For It wt) through hie bro- thought that it ruttrllcted with hi•
NE'S FORTUNES tree edd's gg store that he oamS to an oath o u us. The ImfNlrttlun cat But If yUU are thin 5C0(t'9
GERAL�1 ,111; he usltP,l, ubrfiptly• dlflidrnt alxsat cfwiuulLtiiog a forger try Dodd'r Klduey Yl4s• an oeth op aur Kluge &(tt-ctlnn re-
"Yfu ought to lite hhn, rivaw hr hue .h, Ntauply rlggrrk■1 tit.• twee lit h •r ,glop! Point to tRlrty-seven Emulsion is the medicine fur
hw•i: rW'h a goxal frielul to that lire' tM"u h uutwNtiuK. Jw H fila rtwnl.•r td ( Ilg:on (fuer nut, thereon, neem to
'10009 wY W:YIn•i %fill are oil tutu Of." the letter had lit,,, tau 111 to 114)[41 miles from T'ru ro. The opt! coavelt- lava terra a worked wccerr. .1A pre-
Rlm Yua41k ,kswu upol u clutir Will :a tan cat nil. It.•turc tkWPk%rh4Lg till« tion l■ by waggon roam, and In the seat the mak•rlty of those over yUU• It dOein't fire �'04 uUt.
slur 11x k,ml her .kNrr, :old, 11•:wiry gnu«,.1 .41 111van. Nle gnu lightly Iklnug Inlriol her fees l4) her Itwutr: this .ht- detIow ll'imed W a.w Ur- Cosmic . mu rpring when the nada nee Impau- wttum the Klpg relgnr are nut There is nO strain. The tA'urk
N ritli table vtith het the Pt'wle INasmugr hied noted unl. In refrrruve b% her burband to :b rr(Prwl IIIc bj 'ulCham fu: twelve, tlblr, taw hamlet im lrulated com- ('hrlrtlenr. Some parer cat tilt- Em is all natural and easy,
Www Ire aR I (trot uf,the doter wa+ n to lh, whish Ilia un■rutplicr t■Ndu"e.1 even mon• Jin,t'roul th"twagh tit • wool Iav fnmt :lm pletely. Rut nevertheless the tame pplre oro alatmrrt wxcludvely P-Plt-d Y04
11wNl in lu•r haw!r, tne,l tr m:jLure tnrucd mluorl•1l telt U4)• left nh, W O1lt• Lluaa it rlNx•k„ t her. He wivitorlrvt h• rand toward Ili• IRo 'lip. I- aur of Dodd's Kidney Pills found Its way by Rumors 1'nthulics, and of the
IIN+ {d1111N P[le i1:L41 {,n.jw'tp 1 tar llrrrtl•1; of Llilow• grit:/t elllllllr Ot Ilairimlllw) .\d file 11rtNrt4 3L14J lY,ntlakie,t eav- slow ti 111-tmtst PL-%wL• to Economy Point, stmt Mr. McI.augh- King'r ('ticket 4)h ruhjee•tr else ma- j11st take the medicine And
that,Irttuasso, but,mhr w:tr lu"I loo PrPrgrerur whi4h are plantod :at the .,gel%-- A« ,h• 11ad eai-K-tvt, tit • app.■Ir req brother In o ret ll to frequent jrrlty da' caul lo.i, th to lho Church
ul(vt cal Uuptuhl M,rrlrlsh rut,( til • rrqusata batgnv to retell them sit hos of En[IJuu1. N'tty" tltrre should bit a that's all there 15 t0 ill
N'.•nry au 1 txo much p■cite 1 fur any backs of big iuudes to tiler• the un 1 know it wits to Ilse {+shim you ,ltik. ovi rot ap n Juater-(will of rtbre. There Ir no drttgglat in the Wronatiou I do not know. There
u monentd w,111s uud wllndows of the wt-it Out t,ili ht; you ex tett tt) seems. to be a good (Join[ connected The next thing You kno w
work cat that wort. E:ebr of hr: "ut-buildings. 7%. tilt right acts the Inert hie; but yew bee ill affection whkd, Johnson, Wit) butler cat tit,. place, anti McLaughlin', grocer! it Wtth It that Implies that the Sov-
I,urthaasl, tear of hi« mrrowpli,.e, an%1 wAll elf tilt• •table-yard, she crept :v just Impot a4Gkuuit fear of Wh• lu+- Min. luta lntorme,l lAw within A few Looked to for medicines ns well as. Prelgn ooe,uploo 1•Id poeftfoa bey solne you feel better—) 4)u eat LrUi'r
u,It t r the end of lhP e%ergrerus, Ial:tJ Imt till "Oubt domipi o." nuury of Wear kx t urrenlw had tundr gnweries. Hearing the terms of un- sort cat divine right, whereas wa
lei�..laat'Jame-i ►1Yould still IN• w"t11 SIN, ntimell tier heal Lt atL1w.•r Join . Ilia, edAutiougs of interference In the qualified praise with which his cue- —and �'Ou \VClgh more. It IS
it) their reach, dt•s{utr at the ttN,latiol rldvering, unit Witold twogrrl) ,kowu nskttr. tie wan Stat' +w firm ns. ever towers spoke of Dodd's Kidney Pills, kttI that aur ary ti tglM have
flit• o Itll 4)a tar ILS 111101 0 Fuld see the tow w:rnted to nnrure es that she only a parllemlvntary titin to ttaclr a IlUie[ WOrkCr.
bt whirs, FIN+ AotaN1 hrrrelf,, wlub Ila la ■Nd.l trots Hutt .lamer huJ nu .p ItlN tk•nlul elf til•• IlusrlWllcy cal a the brother rerommelited teem to tlkrope, The Kitµ( Is Emperor of
taint light hiuml Of gr:nrl it) `he NmN ht of doijag "alrw it, wont or fongtl(• between a gentleman 11,04 a Hr. McLal hlin. "The! ml ht 6e1
,Illy UI the whole ItaNtro'1111;4 but stir drop of udvw cart b% 4th• rurlliug our back." said he. g P little. But sir Empt-rur o/ !mole he Send for free sample,
rtOlid Julutw n, who rlsppl•tfull) rut tn•ea. Lahr cullwl, fu :a whigwr, Jnmrr I '',tete,: but the INgolesrlwmn Of tut urge Ixl:tsrner, :ked 4)i• ruurlttaltur W which Y Ir not crowned• ail yet tri■ dour 6CpTT 4 sOwSE. '1-,-.,-. I ,.w
iw•at art tills Puiut agaiomt Ida+ {•t4), stplssbrwoi ,if Dr. Ledbury with That Ir the story of Mr. Mc Laugh- rpt render our tenure of fault& In- -&ad4. „-. .ude.anra
firmly tivItis+t tr trust tier with the but trot t t. +knower-elle loud waited (terve prejudice.■ stout nmrt.•d ,nn%Ic Wh• tn(ntBr of tLu !Lal lett him eau Un•r curt-or all of it that varies to rew•urr .A■ King he already oceu-
• IwNvvt tri hL. Intim master's lodiilK t.,o toltg over htrletter: mud, with a' tlitwtm stoppotil Iber. She gut up, Juni Wwt JJutlea, whho tai fully'gwtlaied any extent from that of thousands
h,•:,%% Nigh, rhe turned b:lck toward star+ tu14I hiaseelf fix tit- punt cat sou goat, plea tete Throne, sial a Caltex he
pl,,e. :ili aswailml her by turits. gull, tilt.11wnr. Sitedid.n,ltdare to rrurcll tale it with Ntagloat it 1 eke of ice. . Hw tolry th Ids brother•" next %wnr can a no wef alter the Nov-l(llting.
mft4•r trying to cleatr hPr tiaxu{:hta toy lh.• grounds farther, un the elluurr tin• herr hall: but it ecu. l4) melt IwO undo fo a rets% tr wake Ikea li,e sat. "I will try them, apKidney Frieder bot ween hlie ei and El- '•Are tilt- %
time he Lrir.l to «tif flea himself .y 4)k(athy foe 11inas•If. 79w old ala: hw scald. Tliut'r ♦11 DoAd'r Kidney le oyer whom he dei pr. Ex- vxlenR Indkts car tb.• pre-
th a feeble Pt{m•dient orf .p••itiWg her of finding him, UI give Idw the com lkglliust tIw sight of tier we:%kne«s. ter Isyryp tl her mrt, to du anything g dant any tilt foe• woudoe. " AakP l a
r out.! ,uttIng IN•r u•ad .wt into flirt nnil warning without w jti(•b it Sill• luta nut reki.-I-.1 the NLaireaNr tN•' roam•. unit strongly advised tier to t ria wort-a trial. Atter the tint thin as n pageant, the allots ' t T 3 ills fit forne.
wiawwr► { larmt-d an LPrrlblr far how ur+ajj t. trial tlterr Ir 4)u wore hlNtltstlop. Mr. thirR Ir an alwunlit), dear to •'TAt-%' &rt- fit fur ►InrllnnAs, r. y-
• 'tlw r114111ng stir (r( the ,vo%eo11her grl r nth to ruurt til.• %es.% duager ht '"'r'" he w''r by tier Nide agnfn, v/ e%erytlou„ to her hurtrtnd. McI.aughliu rays It was wonderful douht to herti anti court flunkeys,
"Terre is nu fire{rlarc to that •E;%eat a cul huslrind 1s. q.•Fwratly the way Ids p da lett ilia ami IIIc but hardly in accordaoare witA Fac• prtnlwl a femkulnp %„4 e . Jut P ,
night. rake gJi%e 4)P the. abet,mpt and kcal Nat Ppen{rd. li Lha whit dua'lo wretehal ris.tu of %cacao,. l'uutr 4o P dl/frulty V slut marl asp err Lt
.IN• lhvt r■xanw•lor a will• eau Imwe, buck strengthened. He wits s jeer thnl common-sense.-E'rum "Truth." for wlvew."
Irvllke, dower Stu o,drN auul warm ,tout the do4,r through which NII, lay nmmu jumt fur n taw ultauteg: urw. MurrLaun,' wtid ter. vokplhati•al- man ever since.
rite still rtxrl Jit L1N• N•lihlow, looki:," 11'Id rotor, Ir1P Zyfilad he m,!ro f:ti,11% these its :k niup fire them'." y. "b(mntllne. Yoko mer, hid 1Nnlor unit Mlnard a Liniment Cures DlstemPer. ThP "naiaajsr wail grant. roe nal
11ort th'In .inm:w, cant wlth(wl hntulf film• rh�ulk her 11e+oe1. him iutaet'tvW err hu�jnd 4)P In hers 'I tuna troubled with lama tack for tilt- digosptlttnre of the Irctnrer.
p:tak14lrly up rot tlw umxtu +nal the ,;one nn%thlnR to abve 41m. Roo, with 1 tkn t sv1wG tr t yon there to twenty-flys years or mare. I couldn't
fkrtting t•towri.:altd down rot Ntetawlt her tpptll chnottering, she returned gI' tut• wg All d t vvit •e to o w dtruji turn myself In beth. Wonderful to
trirhtPn you agnea : I shall 111 bit rot judLant rot cat wilt• h 1 am Jb/rnfd sa! I have had no return of the QUEEN Ct1AMPI0NS A DGG. HOW'S THIS ?
:IIsi% tlr misty tnw•a, with the t;tU .%mt she re ached tilt- I r• mile Hit N• a' tli• drersi••g-room w'4,ile v(Nl stay." yell 11:n4, arrival un the usattrr, 1 —
wtdning its tee wind nNlud the ctulurr light in the p,maage, Fu� ung ou .ment w,hl lr. inlibittlentty'. aoa't Whitt Captain Morrison is & trouble dace udpg the lbdd's NW- Royalty t'o,nes to the Resrue of a %%'a olhr One Hundred 1bllerY tuwanf far
Oaf ter Inlets f,lliltg Ler rain awl' dol• thought It might Ile .tallies will ••\o, thank %on. 1 am nut VOld.4bnt' act ikumbrknd, aupl I not quite Nu:e ney Yille. I have recotnine ed Cosine N'tellm. aQ r ease of('aurrk W.twnnaN be, urea br
.*46 abig her ovenreof hoxrUlg,wilco soup enrr%inr it. lin til.• impular, mica
1 wont Ur h;v t, to.. 1 : i tut tires[.•' tint Ix, IN not a b.Nl link,,. Him lwl,1 Dodd's Kidney Pills to a number of � ilwll'a Catmrrh Cues.
;k wand iroca 11rr dour, :ts if mum• started forward, anti the rnndle'• So tl.ey LenaJlol. tilt- tqr of the bail the heart sure both too e:lttily pwrrops with KidneJ Traublt-. ,►11 Ti,e Poria Flgart telly un Interest- F.J.('R[N[Yv a•4),•T-I,nI-,o
cats• tn•t pfrom Berle rt, drew a cry rryr+l wamMMfll>• ,Awowod Iwo the Phut stairs, nmf .son•, v►es rt alt• xsixlNoy• llwl, Ipot in Ws.• en.l I fakm'y that without exception have been bene- Ing Anecdote cat the Ij,tt-rn of for N'e, the ur.Auslrn4d, hale tuowu F'. J
;t-mrmlrrll:lr the ,gmb rite litut Kut nobody but filiu- if I. wurla tilt• worst• fitted or cured. I can never be too HPlglapd. While Her Majesty war t'be,,.y tar tM tut is reMr. end brae.. nisi
of fear trout liar. Slmt tarn,ld fr,,,,. f:IcP Ort hPr IIwbujaal httrkitg mart drl%Ing thootber day In a pony ultwloet perfectly heaorMble is r bw,new traa.�a;naaa
N,.• w lutkrw W Wat.•h 1111.1 to Iw.tau, mrnaring thnn ev r l4) the flirkeriu� I that uftewmxsl .wtwn she offered him or alt, cunflAgrn tu,Jl, a thankful for the benefit I reoelved sod [saaetal "We to carry out 4)y utlzs•
fthout. Luwe%er, 1••+tvilog tjw Plus IIKht• lope (.hark, shyly tat tat her hauYl 'Rs. tt,La IitworviUon uprmldinp lir from those wonderful pills. like s cart d cat N{w s a mxt a r&g- lieu mMds►y . er,a
' „••n• FIN• r4xr.. \sty tiulK miK4. l%heyp h hvl %o4) been :' hr telco vl suet he klOkell at bar white. wait far+• sled attentively stud with lblrout aw pk kern cart draww by n .fug. whir t Wart k Two ex, Whdwele Dross,.(. I..
wem Dt-ing oruAly beaten Ay the tau 14,daU.
tl:kp{N•jl 1n Vius loo,&ne Whit.• it w'us With a sharp cry, mile mtaggere( Istt )list q,,i%Pril f lower lip, just t,nrtl ,u,.h rJow of inG•n Aing W profit by THE ATTIC Ph11.Q13OPHRR. Wuuggis glvNdr a Mears., wbo:e..e
twuntxl fry War p1'lro,x.•0 w u cul.i hark. rushed out wildly into the gar n1 lar I U14 aaual let it fall, wad turn t av ad%11•r aguin,t the gratin usually occh rots, U
blv ityrt :N,.suner Ilk,• tb' «fi-vatic l den ngaln, nn t burled lit-rmrlt Jim:In[ rot „N-4)y ahnrply. Shr went ,n tr produces and she drov.• to 1Mldbor- Pd a win dentistry lr merely the art le tad a drew her in fti ge nrrai g dI �largm smith to Wkeo d in.......•l
car. L.wnakry•. au.l of a w3.11WI I ae the evergreens to the h ft of the Of draw IC meld. the road ami rPquwrttil t1 flog res dof tie upon tb besot red sun it,, r-.
want' her own nxnn lar asolnplPte Ila .ugh. ami Wlth her orwn Mkmdr {p artpd � pickers to ceawt III•treat[ng tilt- dug f"oe of tN .neem. Tsatl monlrb tr,r !ase.
,kinReenxw +w her Ihubib,uo.l had Neeul- pot•. KhP heard Idm come out gak•t- ,Ilftr•ea•e +w w hie nctkrl: Mit title btu• letter tet yrv1..Flrldittq .%%'hen this Ths 4istrac Lor cat a rwlmmin T1hm•lr oil rPPly wog x valley of t4)_ a 7t par bottle tett b1 Mil drurel.l.
to Jmer Limit nig;t. Huth KPntk•utl'a I%, hp,r.l the tbar rlo,F• rhakr{d�' Its hod tart Iran there twomiauter ere fir,4t Ntep toward the-unraveling et g gt y P w-hilrtb•• thrN,.hesl �MIIlIM,tellyWYwtheWet,
Imd sta,ywl king utrr their w'iue : LUL hind him, hear 1 his fiath, mod torn (.sv tArrr wnr n klmkk 4)L her •Nx,r, the Inyovi Aad b,eA Utken, «IIP hail schist W Iltaxally lmmerrtd fn bush salon rtunat , y
wls'n they c:►ur• to the• driw'in;t r!No 1, Ilia chick otepr 4):l tilt• grivpl. H c-1. in reply Us tier whi"por. "WM, lt•loure to e„nolder nMRht-r strange nese' _— til,• h befo e. Hanlmml mart- brutally
Ur. Le•(itniry• w-a s lir cul I alai 4)a laird p /sal her• gong +{jowl% stn 1 Ilotenluk r it +" tier haplutbt N %oice w"ltspered Irp,• t of It, anti t, wo,wier what than brfllyd•. Her Msroun the it fol l lfolf-Preserwtlow.
.,( fair tw PrP r, w'it L• C tptain \lorrl- rp give weft%. For a iu tawnt stio, frit ,van the MUiFk:l of IM. LPlibury's rt-- Auctioneers are nn .,bilging lot : turnetl her rarrlagp round sad fol- Firet Night-Watchman-Thi.t nun
taack- the alwa s atteoal to ever 'one's lowed the men to Tlrt-ux, where oh•
. ,wt's pale, dark fauve fwd b.•o'a liusl,tsl, relieved; Mot the nett. slip rew •m •yt's 1-Philip. olsst the 41x01'. .uakuing at the Haiti ,Mawr that IIP 7 ! 3 \uddJo is au t-it comely ca rt-lul sunk h-
J1nd %ho Aalen IC1w1111 ala 11bY !eye" 11' 1 M•rell that it wall still orni�+ible i'I l,arlt Ibe nfrai.I: I'm not refining III.' hat, sntinfle-I himself that Jump•■ was bb.kltrig• --- Aad them arrested aur low vit l j mue.••
prrh,Ilred hlg iriw'Irtane.l wife aur a ;car to rt-glln NIP head ,car the d„"T Tlw wfNrdv were Np„,ken irrILLIWy, .to Leger there•- The latter haul t.ol.1 On the {N IMe nulti'rrfthw wlalllnR It) Ret•und Night-N'alcbmau-tt1,y It
lool"11rla• outhrenk of fury. waw shut. Then a thought cmnop l 1,: r Mut it war tot lit him irritable n)tliods ;tet to hLa letter that he should re- tkome penrdt- can't staFld prosperity, add the cAargw of Itlsultlpg the wouldn't tAink of going t.. ,�, ,•P
.1:10.S%tHstotdhythe-wi 'law;;!peta tae start stmt alw,rt In rry oat, A's. but Uaa Itw}xtty dtNu't gut • tvt►ance QtPen. Her Majesty Ytwd thrm W onywhrre excw t dfr«•tli ,:,.;,r
lr that m/N (pored him. R i , it(x.IKu tI t tarn " Crimen t. ardi hie a to P
fob, aril RUII,pd out to not• th'• l''Iptr,an Morrinon, lut%ing ra � V. g tilt Lry. __-- ptaint It nut• in aha prapt ht-s c.rm- prath an automatic Ilse- rvr,►ler.'
P dist na I found him with a .•1 car bt ;rlelPl” ngmin :and t:rral41inr camp to 'S'
dfrutnop fruan the "ill to tIN• Nott ltN"at m IdP up his mind to tilt- emirne Ile Ills muutll auol a thick fur rttg Oled time cookehisl.,b tlutt the arrival cat pl&lnt aolPly in her rnpsrit% roe n
un,lernessUi. in sae+' of gin envergen.••v. woa1.1 pxraxP. Iwg•,n running dual tilt in Ilia armN. Janes fa ttmwn rot tau• place where he A womaa's tort+ worth L measured member of the ftirx'lMy fur tie Ynr
but at, attempt %env Instill• it. fun+• the path t-sm and the gate• rot that -TIH•n ! Yor had letter put that had heft lir. L,+lbury would ti• the by the rw"18'res there Io In her dos Lection of Animaria. - Minard's Lloilneat Cares D,plytilo•
Iwrrhror,car etep to o1wn it.&INI in a pn,l "f the (Mirk. %s this wens pr„b- „ter vol, ,&tilt %lick, you won't take algnal (err the d�wtor'm depatrtun• Posl"o'n, __ - ria,
few rutautve site livir,l Wte molt rut", fs ail% the way J:1we.i had gun:•. be odd :" un 1 lie kstkea lit her over It ;row Waringhum. Slee therefore re-
drf footpU•rw cN•eping Jlway. Tli•'it nrnvt camp Igrtn him sooner or liet.•r. mbi I% brut r,&nghtily.. a Alvrtt (pt the bdd t•cAwat• of setting a Text new moon in ate a giddy yourQQ SAFE RIDING.
mile went rotund Ute bed toward the if hp continuaml. S , Hite nislbpd oot of •• I lrai k %o't v. It%- mocli." th, r. op n l it-trtt%o to watcrh the Ik,etrr'•, glri-tot 0111 PmRlgh to rbuw 121i
,lour to Ildd,n : but, m+ main :its Nit• her h viinr pMcP and entlwl "Philip!" rot, gently. wakeAP,J wt last Ur tilt' aHrvrnki AIN wren au Ike sow (.cat Or reflection. I.
apprgtu•llnl It, Nur raw• whnt the• 4)h he tujuM, and alma Wick t:, where fart that him fury hall not Mw, her right ; nmf, a,j to NUL-11 n inattav' _ New Mogen to Trarelten ant Hen-
j1%t Of tlm ax,tt-Watv1 %tsitur Iwl.1 mile rt•n,l queer atlll. wmiting like tt fat kaJol ,tplMl Iver rt) as%aRely am ,hr feit tip need of it man'" ndvice, The good the avarnge man does C. C. Rlehard4& ('o wry Krrployees.
Irrp tie floor wily it piw•P 'If child h,r urn1P awful lainiphmrnt of she had expected. "I-I nm afrald Its NAe drt.,rmined tax nnd MMR.4 tot cam- �7 be DlLopor aliti+ .tIS blot-, with TAB report of the V S Enter-boate
paper Wit hnd been plhwhpd nniler- h#- out ovtwcrow,l ng 'ilio casket. near s our rwlogo MIN.%Rrkh LIN(-
%ehloh "he did mkt (now. :v cult who have catrgh6 cold. ,cat.' meting Ftegionhl ]semhxe, wttu came r KENT Ir au rrnoeNlr fur aPNtAront, lbmmerce cnmmisrluu IIx tl,e year
_(four, E1itNwsn+ltAmg1 It up stud cirrMrl ."lrv�,1yrhjLa-,to11_will give tail nut 1." - (n,ur t.,wn t•vPry :rulwlRy evening ��� are chided for faults 000kia and all ordlnar) auFaeftL.___ sedan Jure 8utl lisp, mil, wr:
It totheearn1l•+. Ri'LTi n-ttrr'nt-rttter k Ium t•tplalnatlam of thid�e�iln "I 1. H^1o:atP�7lilflt-A -had. find httpate, t:, Impend Sunday at We ticnragr. �sPemt-O and displayed by both r Cg kine or Fallen% carpi„ rewZiy:
of terror nnd joy amt tewlern •Nm, aha• between Wit teplh. Earp. with dark myrkA under the even :llc thtAight that h% thin lime ", r Pft It aPver lulls to rAlrrs std apace ting klllewl, 1 la 89T
,rod litid li w,la anything but at entw nmf son pmbtttt-rt-A.
rwQ'rtjrf7r:1, rot t1M tlOfto/v (pf N aN•rwwt L. i_r►n__ n,t," stir n•high•r,+1. 1's• aa.buntl'a jPuE.vsy' wnr auf/icieutly _� pnumQlly'. (9uinctir of getting iajumd, 1 it) Ct
in prnrll which nitoitt-both atdrvr--*rt faintly, and turned tier eye,# W his trirtive." Jivt-rtrtf into anrother chanlael forcer There never wan a truly wine per CHAHLE:" WHOOT@l . For lila prt-vlouv yrer It sow
Wet Irllf N11w•t b: {ab{N•r. tlr face w•Ith n Mcok br Nhu441erlrlg'. um "OA, n,r-i'm rill right, thank yon." to be able• to du Dim without diffl- wm gk,0m Pblloso ChuncPr of getting killed• 1 lit IAL
signature, " Jarrow Olway." Flt- Rut still lie rttyed. cult). Am this wan Saturday, rhe had y Ph17 tends to Port 1lulgravtti Cttauces o/ ln)tiry, i In +lT.
utterable, tprrrr, which cut him tier 01N+errulness.
n ux.nN•pt her ey4•N raga° a kniA•. "1'•,t) caro-yon can ,b what "I-I 11opP you will hive a goon out 1;.11g to welt ; bvL twhlrP tlw .sky __ Chance•✓ of trafnmeu t(p ht- tdlPa
urri else d, old tat rpa.l : that "hp re- night's neat." mild 'file, civilly. war Over n clow wotrrce ut antllet% 1 In 137.
.■r% r"I l,e"Pit, stmt made oat the y"bI like with and•:' "Th-int yon. It will bw Ju Roxl n gn.w•ing up In the ver% Inhibit of the kopr rt) we Rerp nor t►mpe►
"Tvu deaervr somethinK woos over kNling arborts are gloriously To bet otwor t dt t In l t.
toll(pw ulq wrmin-- - oral aN [ dPaPr*�ct I dare say 7 +►rod• if tifr at thr.IAdl starnottd her at- P"asPngor travel la mmpnro UvPly
")I% !x•aar Leklae.-I cut) 6 lenrr til x than nnythillK 1 cin aka !•' he mut- n>Ly ill Inc beooficlal.
feral, in n r;ricr, that w:w 010ked l lie +miter and cure k. field n and spgKeetPd a uenrer ma(e.
why. It won't interfere with )aur (held f.x 'carr inv.rri atLurw. ••if" and "but" are tin words, iq{
(pill tgnngre,x, fur Lhe !amt time IR Naw Klsd et Boclsil. 64,41:f,8Rl m1IPn &rr traaellPd fur
sand hamrmG with hone nlghl's rent• at :Lily nttw:' :Sloe returned hums t in Limp fur 7 ont, banown pr killed, an,l :i, t+'�,t1v
wrtlL Hlt r-al;uwl, gn I t4) yor, -„W.W.I _w.luLL-jum like'” Fie cried. they can ettange the lxrkx of the sky Trp star. etx•lkl gas broken ont to 1 R
NNWIHrw', auYl, lis T (Hilal nnt--r'e Tbla apaaclt w:4) m_awt to be drJ, aril, air niwwr sir Nie eau AtM male the, wcx1A ePt-m a wL1APt few fort and m.'a be expPCte•,1 to' m4ea lravelle,l for our {,atil,•ugrr .st
%4)u, 1 11.4%4. to .k, it lav umau-1 of as ❑hu',wt ,wenrii), ane[ u+rtri•Ply nh.vl trod bitter. but n bre ak. of the voila y
tvtte.l at tti,• table, IienbPnnp awkel nest, (tecopor rpklpm k• here Ip dna time'. jturwl.
mrr:nvf tt 11{ch %lou Witt w•rkn.•ly be ab:e "es. brputh• • .on tilt, I tot wonlr m side It lrinlnlive. f anyone hnrt bewn W woe Mrm. Synlem,
Rut. Jls hr• mndp a nr,vpment tit- The twirls Came into (iernldiri Pyeg• who, tad k t tier ruum ,rin.vo til. err- in nnture orf thfi rdnacos m oLnylnH About four d tot- finers, pit hitt, .
to n•,ul, tlw> light ,i11 m.o INuI mew art PP { trampw, aFP killed to one rot n t r•-.
word her. with what intent idle did 41ke flnng flown the rug. rna out. nnd +e.dn atterno,w thi huotaekee wr la rspla4rd o tie acoumpanying
tlNv torp Of tlr hulume, where t,hucP g 1 GROWING GIRLS Uses, which a.ntRltutwd the Ipvltn- pjtwne'n __
pnsatvi the day like a taarrler-pigetxt n.ot know, mite fell cat Ilia fret. kiawwl him with both arnn rouml ills wale go-tting ski old now that tlh• cal
mak. .kr mote was n•luctnnt to give u r load the to a shoe aan, rwL, Pro h#-IO In
d•%er titer JtdavNNl lumllel file .up (ii.viPT H XX\I. •-You bare been,vrry kind." all( I the Port Jefferson, L. L, Pres• ter- 111wrd's LldltsaaR Glares folds. arq.
!,nee this b rrriflog. Ill• pal t that -yor.r ,tr eons nlmtr�t a s a care, an nn fie- lau Church• for the benefit of the
IIIImt$lia) had t.nm'-that lie lend When Gar Udine opened her e)es ebb whisperwl. 'Y.tood-night." strkmnl Imlimrpmtlon of a tiny or two
Iwani ,'tine I Nnm round, WILN j.•Jk:OIl4 mt•ir.•1 aft til(• dark' «ky llbu%(- lipt .%fill mAe r In buck Intl tier room load Iw"i m, d!m"tro.ta effertr o:l Lite ,-lure' Aid I;,olnty;:
,Ihnt tit#- door, tw•trinR les% tknother ccaslonallY Require a Tonic Aaolrpt '•Irool ode.••.
amt arw.r,` 110 w4)ald «fitNtt %4)u If awd cat the dock Lnvr uruuudlhry fen illi% ri14ttin- of tow hUumPlm,l•1. "TAF l.adk,m' Ald ls to need Of cas".
1 w"ur troll% .IJktlmn lit w"Jiy Juhprrar abmP moments ts•iure Shp rrrugni.e,. outbr(•tk car anger car Jrnkpsy un hi" 1 Have ),Ise •olrrt from iter room," Rut we desire to flu Iplhlpg duh, RAI, 1'II bw 411ngP.1,' said F.Dr
chill iso wall going tr may% I wall a the f Int that idle wain alone it) alta' to rt. should frighten her ami mate Rid Llimn EAeanor. "I have b.!Pn read. MedicmE: 13rr a shoe soclAl � well hold, n,w HunklPy aftt-r IIP lead Iwkr.1
Mr rPRret trip impuln' whiell 11.141 fit And (our plan for thla we now un- Fit thn letter for the meventk make.•
1•t) ry[In r. 1 cnt't mate hen.! car Lnll of gt�rden, h-ing 4)u the Ii,th. Then alt ng W her for nearly an taut to ch^ser _
alt tills; but he wais in much m„ alt lip (pn"kly au.1 found that afip lint, I Jet cloacal the rum'•w'hat trying In- her, up : mite oremig very cepresae•ll an I tend; •'What•m the matter 7' him wlfP.
awful fright, trewbl11ag trotn oral hren pharwl tl"m her bljslr,n IIN suet errvlew rlogrrfnll}". hitt- heard noth -holy, and won't be left nione. p Just take tM rwmher of your shrie I amkwl.
soul she hear I nn neiromnntie kickin Ing for a fPw rm,mente; then hp roma [t arPl•trw rite las(1 1(arW1R LO rlpep It W111 Kee tilt- i11ooA RIcA Rod Mad Aryl simply matlply by two: "You Pipe," the (pill man r"I,Iled.
th fgh tont 1 hnd to hu t I' him. 8 Prro, tltreaRthen the Nerves sad t ttw size of the sh•.c ou wpwr in "there wall a rpller advartlove,l 1, the
LM h 1 told hhu I ,lldn't rot mil {Ile ('lose Ul milt- drp stud called hpr "4)(t
nt tilt- hrt(•t .liar. nn,t %IIP H(pisI• cal :n her room,'and as so.rn Rs Llmt girl : 7
tµt ly; Ant M•fnrP slur could naswer 11'' wtr_•t nwnp alar, dent For Burman." Prt-veet Decldae• four I Fnrmwr'm Frtt-nA a Ilt>ra wbilr "g,•
bei( clihipi about in thin faaahlun. ptonrm flung nlr rot the wlnikrws ; then
� r"t- ht-ar't im tuMP, orylxr, "l;,.rt- lt'S41 wJilkwi nasi%. "fluor old latdv. I fihoBld Wti4k hl r FJght omte will let you ihmugh the Uo send on o- anti Id,wrn tine t„ qct n
Youlr luuebajid wuAt bile very unreaxri►: tl Yet tb+ rwarwbruurA, of Iia vldl Hes Hiram Hlnkler. fila wife of rur tune without Inv,wtln' anything or
ahl - It he can Ir as v cat my com' found tilt• total•:" two or ttlrPP ttm"i: goill C m•ver MPTP her eLronR /N4,' yo" mot.
oRl'. Ind of h'v Let w Ld, hnd inµorrs,ir! a respecter( tarmrr In 9nuth PPi- We'll Pntertnln nn wtl11 seg nnd rnnnln' an rlrt. Yrs 1 dont- It--m"nt
dakg to per y"dxt, slice wee wpre bran ,t nnd mile wan on the Paint of gettinE a&hl Cn es. ffie"I psn. "1 wIL'op, • ,von Y R 7
Rt her wr 'ftrvugly thht roll throe;h w ronmd her dUfk•nit to amavl,, Mb«+ ham townJihlp %Yrllnn�l rnklnly On- jest, tli, �-nod ht-re•n tilt- &nmwrr. It
li U ther, eat l the ,kx•tur tilt, np, when trip Island of his f(otpt els
p gv tc11', In sold h sh, ra•NG 1 cert hu1'y, And roffor find enkr r,f the Fpr my": 'Rote n trnln Tht-rven n•. r11d
ort- elute l aur uu•IPr the luflu- rrturnfnq tmvaNl her bnnlgltt (pp Jin Otwmy T' lnrin, s&ys "It lr with groat plan- 7
en other nreewm of tprrur, and site• fol wh -n •%er pill • wet • a a John fan-INN eh^ "1 didn't try• t/ala w, lu,r,(',apt. A[.,r sure that I %e thipi tribute to the best ; nbovt that, thpy'll noover ratt;j, von.'
rndq of Ja atannotie w'11Ptn i Inptinruve- hr,, rd h •r hu,h,nd'" xtjmI np nmf 41own A Plato .d omam wilt Print onl a , 1 vow, It does heat all what n b,t
book ngnin stud Olosrei her P f. lI Avon: i did lily 1Nvit U, vorntort Iter, 7
ly nark• m% way tr tl% old nxnt. 1 ) ill, corr!dor, stopping tax n few wo- %a nbl(• ise"mold uuene hestlU. raw(lorirtg vlrlues elf Ire• dime, of MAmr (Frei 11kwaa rteoplP trey Rat.
Lhulk there haw been Pont,• curse n Nat R sin i, rew motuente fur ronaltiprntfop 7 In ndn 1. i nm
1 neap" wh •rot cr•r til"y rwtc'hPO ter WIILlawlio Flnt Pllle. When m da h- We hr mt w41 l(pmw still have a tin' u nowa41a a"
came from thio time nal left Mirlunti :'s to what Ps,•ilwP she should 0 kr acre i (ion'( tjow wlwit sir eon hn%P y 11[ oo y P 7
y lxsr. our hutmota 4- aw vnn aPe slip regime l., gtrN1 time.
U. n, Ut Haves•, l>.•IOee. %.nI Int%e nl- to hitt(. ! ler, Lena, ouw la %para of ageotw-
L Terror kr t her rigid •iJa the des,d Th • next ItprntnK sh^ fAt h envy halve Rea am biJijw4pp a a llf" Am our If An thljtq prrvente yah from rom-
wakvn IIv4m1 pill -• in lily umr.lochis nN old stupid; yet, rpt toing a vivid frront gap the use or yogic mpolcine, R [r ttium, Mlnard's tAniueat Cara Oarget is
rot hr R•PrIL .keen lm h him knees oh, y will niermlt." lir COwa , I . , ,
my ga.ul tmlrY; Isle yua lent• lu•e't Fejt holm hJimL whiclk Nh, ',•ur:•nNotllnrr of til• evt,rtta orf til etlt(r,vrtwl prtenwlnewm, slut- to hnlil% Ilttlr over a year ago, she was In L(rxtoy In envrlorre pIPAaP forward us;
eldev ire nnO
oo lar lt,taly fo y aa, I trvlm kilt alrAs hM•tOM. sunt- hpgnn to wfinrer infirmity, But romp If you ran anti en
Ertl acts trrmhlln un ser hrnrt, Prvotrttdy," wnld lir. I,e,l. a mrpat wretehrd e(xtdltiup. Ln tt►Ct, joy the ___ - .._.,- .-_. .
awn Na(LrhrO folly cant ill lurk. Eur R' wh.•thrr St io4Attle that a nrin go up thim afLernHtn we were nerlously alarmed lest pihe AORNTIB WANTQD-tor the i-Ifw 01
It Iv Ill IIN•(. I left Worinovern after tlu•n• tell him brruNu a{m,4) her I bury "i will inn,
,vb. hall tre.•n art thud itrin til• Wt-'ll nmltP oat wt-iromP, weer nnr,"
any naee'N +Path, reutrlved tap fight fart', nail hpnr 1 him vuire, deep nnd 8nil pee if n riptl(nt will ort• rot I � 7 7 the Isle PrPsldPnt Micent . 1'rlea
I nnr art lh Inn/vo"IWdu her .vaN.0^t miKhl pot r4rn%er. The first "ymp It fa alleged tltnt sit cents was i only 411.:0. A mngn/fkpnt rhxtrnft
mhltfnR. whiar:'r'Illq—"O HPllyi,n. 611 tilt- PffPcL n yoerr oalruaMltlon, NImN
mym,lf ane, fn.uo the nwfnl rhJlrKe hail un(kilALPdly given him-tier hot* lurnN were n feel) car g4) the moat runtrlbutell h any Ind
will air ont her,• : H,AR ehr (.tole!" Otway,•• ttq Ian car nn'J y y I of PrPaldrnt NrKinhey, 1N%�'l. Inch"a.
bn►.j tit n aln4t Ile •, and to corlr• 1"t,•k !sand h ill CrrWhIlly rhov►al hinu'lf, y growing worse, who attended the social, which woul41 wilt lie glvern M a prpa plum with Parti
nnO tell oy rG,G•r that Iwo rweol he n.klwl, in n bur+t td frPaar; and in "0:1, sur, iII. Lii1Mr}-i mll.d IN•g wPeknwva, gra'hrwll �
doa'd eamillive rot eller no Inhuman
ehr nrvt ruoln.•nt al,r felt tits but yMt Freie btu rrAlly I pnggewtal Gott tilt.• ll#-cnme IP, lust flPdh, had In1lnAtr thnt numinr there ahoM are Carp% sok!, 0s.. If preferre,l, n rAPlrw
faith in ant w•nv nfi9 Jill unfounded a h •m:• for get( ng rid arf n tn'til IIP pt
— It*% I luvvtP 1111 "re•tr41 Ibis, In tibita t lam foiling 4)u her rhPPks. b'k wr LbwL LO wb'ah Jaaton had nhP mhrruld have nalvice, ,sod %.ol ran IftUe or no njopetits and wits upper- the Ilmtt far fPmlsine mrmtwn of of nIM, other prpmn( plrturt-p, in
i trranor ran through her frim,• it(*% IA"AOno what a Aetreasing rf- entl In Into n decline. FinH{i thnt e(rjg'rPgation. climitnic title (hike noel 1)Ichpas of
of r%rry Pffort, stn l Ilestrrn knuwP It,n y fall MI a vl:•ut.1. %I'b a1 ails wain Y go [ 7
mnO IIP snntrhra her up with A es.}. feet I% ileo B/17R he;. There M rmoth- lite trotarlP MrAmr rrwp IlCatr rely rot osrr n Fret-: m, tii 10I to'
Nat wlnL rtrepgth 1 hacp In Irve I nnd la:-141 ler to Ws breast, anti hip, e'vrrn to btmkfnat, rhe flu cal til 16 ing serloofty the matter with hpr; P t "As Autuarn Trhp. rept rd rnft Uln [:r.r11t gl,"91,
lave IY•e,l In the• tat•P or lrivkpn hpnl,ht ra w rite of bb bluets. h , wdlo surfer with R prrgormt t adore lty In, w al- M7 R
nod rallnorl larged, tut without one loaf e•ill h, braid ram^ eloePr alit' n (luno a vlol.tatcull: bu' b•greek-A ar'i'l alta► slow Iw Ao grid I I biles aha• lowi her grant tierflrtalty l mwaj ThPrw 1s no afAarn of Nae %war IlbPral terms, (Fright loll a'll ns.
r!Ot::•r sur fl • Pr%m'nr f h es. torr h, til K� tdPn of mp#-fnq n rkvPtot metas her which afford.+ tho tourist a blotter Xmax iNhrlcs, titer ns., the h,•,'t N
"matt" of ml""04". 1 "haul try o " h er �t) kindly and wn"e til her wr lowing. l gaup Ler pit ey a.lvpr- :%ddm-1
mons, flLttAas: t am tRr`ttZtssfr teTirt' L.naaujjah' ",a.0,�1I�r('gl 1�'r Wig~ o'tritcnh .in hgt to--m^nf tfre4 rh tAink milt- must br gc>tng y� die. She tipwtl mrdliPinPm, tat tMy %lid lee%. oPPurtunit3' of stud}lag naturA lhaa rxejninm wlNr curry rmP. .
tori• only frlt,nO tr vldt,l yut In the and preps d A•P to b'm, ail N hin P've h,lf rtvNAca.1 b.o t', k• til,+ bold r,.urw quite frlglttenetl ms. b% the cont„r- benefit her. Then she wan placed "Autumn,” ami LhP 111chetlea and On- Work) Puhllshing Company, (;l•' IS,11,
wive, t, fid! strounJ n bit. M•furP I s'onnU• Get It cotokl thrill h-rwHh ilfp. d apo,"A el t, her q:•nt,rrsld oust- tl„tw t,( her fnne nnd linibm when I under trip care of a doctor, who tarto Navigation Conipnny In offering ontarie. s.1
" (ir•rnld!ne! (;rmL h evens, Ntin lith41 sp eke tel her ntJoxrt It." to tliv travelling pnhllc rMe of fila ,
nhlkr my laNt efface to qt) Ln Imlaml !rpring h t .keds ru,tl.•Ly to Ni•e•Inninl' ,sial her blo(xi ens rand watery - --
nnd b• dread• If she oan't r%,,a mak„ sill Cnptoiln Lt,orrian n lattsfhed; ,wr did finest autumn tripo that own bo
1Cr't to fire root of thin wret"11Prt roncr•evive owtablirh-1, good ev:,n nook- and her whole. mya stn honey rein ♦1i� �r.�.
effort to r.eiu'., nv!" growiwl 11" the (Inittor hltnwwlf, tatwn : vis., Iwk%lng Hamilton rot I , PARTIES ^AN! ED
roystry. I wont trot rpt•• your mwePt with aw•h lrb/wtire, h^•vr%-irn*m,%44- ng tan for hal,ir li'r• Thrn, if he cat a, tawM R to have lbrteled nn � (Ifiwn. llhe doctor's treatment did m., thaw etetnlrr a vU Toronto• fad,KNtTTTNOIbtn•wl►.now. Wafurniab
faer n tln mew ; blit, if I only utC w'.M'd t,n.y rime ve b'r u{ryieal k'.ndly, not het her an and then anti P' ttvje'
g' terntvw, tilt alt^,141, Jia-•kly--- nattetlltg rpinlon o1 ctar Prorom' P f aR ikk,v of Qulntr, TI«,nmand IpilanOs, ! Tan, and mrrbinw g,t . work lagov p(o
wv,1 ", g4•Lt(nq (hip Infainmrw oltarRP til uvula! tr,rrl+•r which row on tilt- ndvlcP „f a aPlghtrov, I lx- Hrn•S knilswnavao �►Msl t1 fymt a,ump for
" 1 m nit (teed" : nam!, IrsrtltN tivrly akmn, Qtoo Ux." r Hnlrtds of t h'n RL Lawrwncw, wrrlc-
Oi+pl■.%c+l, Anel Llndloy I'1-Wlrg a10 N1 Im•tww•n III m m'ght Ir San to rive her III. W Illama' 1'Ink I paeth•ulan le
alt (Mt ktlilit.] what rhe .lid, phi Rut as. ed t then Ona r,( tdiP f Dr. > ins rot Moatrt-al fullowln ewtronA
►iv14tght to Ixr,k for nn nttm•niol renx.v,.l, +caul rhe rtW'O try Io y`eld I IIIN, lilt- ronflAwnrP with whlw11 [ RTANDARD Alk! Cit., Toronto. Oma
{nt tut h klnl to free h#-rrplf• It rxcnrrt,d that the nnmP r,f ns.. da,v at no n.
wdtl•Ir1.a, 1 nm pure, ills ritllN,f. f wool hhu that wifely k»n ,caul ditty WA halt Dkiw wa■ urgP(1 u{x,n na - ----
„onr txilrlly tit Waringltam in my frfl him lnrmm1 na,t ph f II fatttf, mid thou will"" lip still. unite! Jilt Ilia ms. hr e" the Ills s. anti Lo LhP f her ,)Ile acne not mlapinrnd, es. [ a(Nrll pili- Tip+ Scenery whish la vlPwed by MIs. Wleslow'a 1Koa/sler p rMald rl-
tilt- IIIn4wkn nnd dwaUu of her old the tcrurisl Rlonq tills mute P eet1vIron
awn rm rr r pi,n Ontl pluow guar tar rrvrngr, seeme,l ihupit 11um 111 , U, brei w Atstlnct lugrn,vemrnt In my sP o arra W ,.wi red t:he w,s eotum It mnnt lk
Son: Int In her (wet. fifi tie rprt tnnwtrr. T.. (lrrnldlrre alibi Iden was tally le tills nPnt! of the year, Mn theeAfld..ofNaa t►e rt)q, eurea wend arc
OM1rM'1 UaL tltem W jp dlsgM1nr on wnik ptr,011y f,.:• the first few sur rravo. dauriter'e condition. Tho UnP of
Wil, Mehl td Rnt, Josue ns ah#- won king n 11ed- ~' "htetlre that w light brutes not l,w anrpnmmM by nny other trip "rod I+i►eW�t rerwcdrNrdla/r►ma Twsetr
menta: 1141, h• ncole vio Jitt11•mpt Go ehr Dille for n taw wrPka longer Ila .,"bakMile.
ocPr her fort- row It Pnterpd hpr mtml. on the Pantlne to end fhb beano-
•'1'Mlr anlJi"kv twuLht, tnNn R atPp to Ihw who�.,w whrrt• afPmP,l to rasnplPtrly rPalOrP h�,r. ____ __ _ _-- ----
h•Ip her: RI,Fr hK at fie npkvum, 11 F.IPAwtr p.At(nwrd the euntnnRtion fol trip run taw taken At w vary Mn► _
"Jamie Otway.' ClIptaln Morris aiodit. %v rn break- and from that time M,p hon beau ANTr..D AT ONC A COOK. AI_Ro A
with nnr r%pnv.fol, trM h was holt In IIP• awn env with tilt- wl,mrwhnt ratty t'W dial• `
"No dl•grn�+,? Nu OY+grmrp7 Th^n fnpt ens Durr, IlRlting 111a .VRnr, hr. w cfirwrful, light-hrnrtrd Rlrl. the atreomrlrl; batM1wageairMld. Vew
a Illy Iwtabland hat) Imwn de- rnrlr. half wlstfnl, ti� Jotlltd tr.t tar 1^11gurl. who hall (hr•n ant nR hr•r trite rellpetlma which o.ceirrred to Tho steampro Hamilton• Rpwttwn Royal_PMr1a,Ont
p•,a4 (x' wnM1l til • Im1414'. Then gfte amw him tier- very picture of health. 1 wi;l mr- aanf Alrpriwn which oro In rwlaftmis- - --- _ __. -
f,elvad ntxrit film simter, after Jill," ns vlRllantly It not A,f•rly nm w•" rernnernand hr. Williams' fink I AttTZID, MOLILR'RBARRIER ACHOOI+
.h,. c emit n•mtmtr•Nnir why h "lt 1w curloan how match snore loud- 7" mkNh (il Urn above line are well W N
wow tiPrnld!n•em firma ut(ntrht, on t hPr boghnndl, nnLSM{rite4 ht-r by Ylllm In tiler ntfforPrs, fesllnR '•carr ew York cKr. 1MttreslsdsnN wanted•
rvvkehinft tth• lavt tin(- of thin letter, wnp r,iO, rh w.gtt Al(•k. Irieknl sip spwklRR n fel► worda In n tow• vior,� I% t-ottwrlofico aroma to cry out In kah)wn in the travelling puMle As 11:101 week.r•em_ptwtar.W Ratsrdaym,Pod
ill, colt (rt wh c h mh- h-0 been lying• r InmtcPnt o le that In they will prove gnllw Re Ptnrwcliil" itfoamnu,rontmfed sat�(lhantev io awn
whr•h WAN r4wmfd tet ►rr Ilpoo Hall to his hist, who lwsttntly went with P RuI1L) ones. tint rinaa at w&mPn In every PPe
P and. o.ertnking It rot anbl, Oeafu'ly- She stalked me to rend somethtl ala they did In my dawtrliler's oaaP, t_ On Tu4vhlay, Thur free .nbatlanbl rot and trsaeportattrr-
ag'wlnpt her broatst, With thAnka to him throngh the nonaer%atory Into Dg 1'«, t v and fiat- cot al _
1 -i nm nfjn`d yul ha %"r rmjZttL nh,wt tilt• pnntabnopnt of Her►von tem Molhera with Rs. nvinq ,InuRhtnre nrAay tbogr leave Hamilton wt 1 p m. 1w°u ata! Ont frcw.
Neavren lei tier heart. Thrn slot tM gnrlen. Orrnhllno wntClrM them will make no mlwfRke If titer inmlmt
to!d." with doll Pypw, trrllnR til It thin Inter- Pell-dnera : nnA. whin i read IIPr anO ing t to tit T Pt• +ANT[O At ON('g - rtewafb
atprAnr 1yo nail xnktctrA her A4hlr. " i'r•h tw :" evell'metd tier little ,,((I +tont• of the I'walFna, she +rwmed much upon the rxewm{onnl oar of fir. R'11 alwinR tot +twat nut ePga of the �� blaeblwna ; atw"dy els' to
find all d nirkly d',wn the back- view 1,(rlwl III W hill rilnn : IN%wover, aw j .p
lap^ q rwr, h noghtllr. " 1'ce oile�tt many 1, wzcltal it( lila w IlArnm' Flnk Pills ; tilt-% will help lar nkomd. APDIy ie Wit) a ttatl Ma js
onalreap•. 3 loops Ihii gone that T mile' tonlrly#-rl Ln meet hPr Jnstrind {ns•ag whetw David new rt4amt-rs ' Moto" wnA "Klug- �*
nRfl6 t):1 fire rroouml. Th kik vo,," h onrsrp Iter Pllrinlao, the tr:vkml' them M OPvrlop prorrrly: wtjlm"kP ■ton' tilt% afaon. the co ant('e.,OnL
way-wile couHl tell by the Mi ht nlonP ,Filo After hl■ return with lila Iwpwny
R MMMT, tnk'rng It form her. " ('r14,- "Hot I shwNtld thine aha n thrlr Mrxv1 rMh &rod rNIrP, Mml (Ana have dm ,lded to two r hPso steamers R • LB- Ut AC1 rA oh ONZ Or THx
.k1eWg t0 ehr house : Axe til#- stout{. pplit-d �p
rr►unds of bhp ttwurtrtte ir.dpwtrnA- f.eatiJ tb, klstwl"-mol, pl•Rhlr situ w Ili+ enrwrritohpt enemies, tlw wick wwrO n/f dlat-wnw nnd dac+llne, Tihw lH reommlssion lhmnph the month of i' beat�dMrlrtadwfwwelM.ewBeaR•os
InK. A rnwli •u/ noM nir nt the hot-, h• xmu ,"•d wr of th • Il ',r of nnRer nnd mistnlpt hnd wrAln at-: anµinr Ills aro o„11 onl In boxes g W*Wotth,k I root "Shill em, rer partieoisn
0 'P a%r1 rtrtaar, tcho.' R P 7 revnher. And will therefor" leave
tlwrl nn ills Ftro, nnrJ ahP did not dare Rartrt
dnm dirpetwl 1„•s. to Ona oA rho At14ttn w'h.Jcowm nnd prokl et n mh'I'I st•nvhm• "O, Ca tarn Morrlerm, what One hearing that full nwMn "Dr. Wit- Tor,rnto dail ore t Rand MD4to
Pvwn t0 Httrmpl to diprl It. 14o stip P 7• sop m►, wt g.- K W, NgfoBrrr, wrpdateot Ont.
wt tilt- Il ek d do hit r In ehr feat " Iloilo." h" mil orcin, oat car'on now Ilnra.' Plitt PIIU Jnr I'"Iso I'woPIP" _ ----- -
wlnr• !ft- hnd Ietl 1t n r, Jot (pnr hrvv me h I►nlw#- h • m&tit- In ills nn%lety went np ttt im own roaom--fur tots I s can ter rr1 x o:d wstwn 6avP? (t4) pit
� nIA arAn,O-rmm wh1Ah had Man fit- I afritlA"+- nn the wrapper nrrrund P"sh r. Thw two aMvo steam#-ra sire lila � Pa1i111 10 RAt.B- QNB O/ T>I!
sit makint at nolo+. Iv a;auttlnt It ; to rpt It's shivering wife safely lir "That wart elf wwnOPri Is a Konp other In rrnninw, no matter flnwwt cot lnlwwA wwtwes hof M t 11(_ the ^ =Maple a
LM n nae n brnvAnhr, for hPr Win Rot rtR K H
hitt lhn wind hlPw It bnOR wnrO nnA sl, M. "(Lsn#- r1M►n, sr14n, of %rte jtuL orxamon (Paints ref clot" what pomp golf Intt-rPst rq dPQler I M no twe rea-
eacr.v from EAlsaibeth'n Intrneknl- tow." inter at• nearly half a mlllbn rinllwrs Paeh. aoela�
row yan nr'A rot net. a nwl u:h•n til, frrmkt vrMya 1>♦sars" b M d whW Y is h,Ill
fnrwnnl with n cr#-:Itlnt nnA AnnR- nnd. �ft" anmP thonght, wrote the tllptad Pr. Lnitmry nalrvdtly, may e/Ay. it In .loHAt nwnd rhrnrt to For fnrth►r partlrulnrp, apply to akewlr W,lel/,Stw ow`I es.'
Ing which would certainly herr aijot:' following letter- aha hr, Williams, MMlrino ('o, 0'T. R. or C. P. H. agewn4a. ns. vtHtw dl�bbtsft%to to se+ bre ^it For
AP•ilsed attention Ir any nils- hnd "My 1lrwlr,-f Inel(vw n CRo be anintlnsed.) Hrortvlllw, ?6I., nmf the pilin wilt t0 H Foatwr ('llaffww, NPstPtn Pea- I albamet►a. to do drMea Mrpi' steer.
ptept near. Then^ rounds frikthton- —_ - Rrnph Jrnj gnvo tip In tlr nl,t tlMmrvt ---- tr mAIW Pent paid At dal eowtka aPftpr A(wat, Y King str"et sant, h a P Q ��a
wA Owrahllliw rot first; hill, RnthwP. SOZODONT Tooth Powdor 26C nn n ttkr'w that yon nnd i.Im11Py I1&%'p NII E box, or alx to %.a fart g2,1Tfj 'Ybvoato, DBt, I t- �~ .
Ing oournge wheel she roe+ng"IT tie � _ _ _ nothing furtiwr M fond front mit, I t0 OUNT Tom' ^ � 0 -
`_ !
. ,• r , . . . ,, Jfr ., s '`-'rur ..�,dit re, i,...-•d.1� "e..:9.a_
, a .; F:e a' /^A:..e' �� !alb ,fts";,''.9r;J�.''.!
9►�Nr1-ti'tt.�tirk ,