The Signal, 1901-9-26, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO.
TauUIDar, 10, 19U .
W. Acheson & Son
Scotch Tartan Rugs or Wraps.
We have just opened up a large and ,cry complete aasor1meut iu the above meutioued
very high glass geode They ase warrented made entirely of pure woo', the perfection
of style and comfort for Cape., Shawls or Wraps, and cows is following elan patterns:
Gurdon, Bruce, 42ud, Cuuuiugham, i;awerou, Kerr, Black Watch, Gu , Meuzie,
Elliot, Drees Beatrice, and very many [Ailey Plaicle out clawed. The prices are. -
$2.25, $3.75, WN lad $&II
A Ver, Timely Offering of
Women's and Children's Underwear.
Just at the beginning of the Ginn when such goods ;income ahaoluto imoessaries mol coin
fort and warmth Wines than bsragaiu rale at
Fifty Coats on the Dollar.
100 dozen manufacturers' samples of tauten and fine pure wool Ladies' and Children's'
Volts and Drawers, in all qualities, from low grade to very flue, to be cleared at once
Nall Price.
W. Acheson & Son
W'larb•m: Maass are •eserlag the
manse of the Baptist minister, Rio Mr Pat.
Gadenrb township - J. M:ddietoa has
nearly forty acres of se flee a orop of oorn
as Deo befuued anywhere.
l'llntoe : The household effects of R.
R.yeolds wore shipped to Loodoa last week
where he will reside la the future.
Clinton : Joho Taylor, Mlooedow,
brother of hoots Taylor. town, le laid ap
witb • severe •ttaok at typhoid lever.
l:odertob township . Mies Uuonolly,
daughter of Jae. Connolly. nu gone to at -
Nod Sr. Margaret's oeneve In Toronto.
Brussels : U. A I).a1man left for Mani
tab. en Monday of last week. Ho is taklug
40,000 pounds of hooey 0. the western
Gorrle : R. White, o1 Gerrie, wee fined
$ 0 and oats for esllwg atter hours. lc
formation was laid lettere R. Reis, J. t' ,
by Inspector Miller.
Brussels : Mare Jean, daophter of James
Meanie, William street. was united lo to Polar Jtsolalr, of Stratford, o0
Wednaadar of last week.
l'hatea : The furniture of J. Tedford is
halos pecked for shipment to Mlnoedoea,
Man. Mee. and Maes Tedford Intead;;to
lesye hen ie the course of • month.
Seslortb : Dr Belden hes disposed of hts
dental preotloe kers to F. W. Twr.l tie, late
el Itrus«'a, but formerly of 9e.lorth. Dr.
Biddies intends going to Toro•to b prsotioe.
Hunall : Hobert Honthroo lett bare last
week for Bola••v•ln, Maoltob., where 0e
ieloode aa.letlog ha dater, Mrs. E Nicol,
e ho le engaged t here la rhe meroantll• heel.
Grey : The people of the 9th ad 10th ooa•
ceesleoe hays beam rather distsrbed by the
visite of • 000ple of block bear, 0.e'et
them war +hot tut the oter fellow G still
at large
Ssabrto A yeasty boy named Coost•ble,
employed tri K. L. (Auk'. saw mill, read
the lops of the Ma centre flatters of h1s
rlaht hand total off by • jointing saw ass
day lot week.
1)Ilalon: The other day Mr. Farreiter
gob • ourlosity from Me eon in lbs West, la
the shape of • tanned r•ttleesake skin ; 1t
Is set unlrks • plea of silk ribbon • 000ple
of feat long and three leaches wide.
Winvbam: Miss Caroline M•adonald,
daughter of Dr. MoDowld, deputy speaker
of the Haat of Commons, of Mahan, le
sew osoretuy of fns Voting Woman's
Christian AeeoalaUoo In Montreal.
Ereter - The potato orop !n this anion
wes sot •x tooted to be as good as 1n former
yeas owing to the dry weatherBut the
1.10 rains have improved vegetation, ane
late potatoes promise • good yield.
Grey : Mitchel, 10e youngest daughter of
Beery MoN•agbs, of the noonday, d e I
from an attack of pi eumon a. dhe was a
bright little girl. are.tly beloved,sn1 w11I be
sorely mlesed. Her Ate was 22 mootbs.
Eater: Oa Sept 13, [hors d • I M.'rs
beth. relict of the lace R.oherd Hien.
Bleared wi h • bo• life and comparative
freedom from sickness, aro at'a n 'd to the
ase 11 sight) -eight ye•re, ev only two
Wlsgbom : Word has been receive! that
.1. F li.y, of biotite, Id .s , son lalew of
J. J. Aodereon formerly of town. sat lysg
very low ata medical Mart-itsis Indira.
poi s Ile is r tit *ted with atom of toe
atom vas
t:oderlob town ,hip ; A few days stool es
animal brlongteg to Nixon Sturdy hod the
misfortune to break ar lop by bint e ugh
in a n•lt'e goad ; the It Jared 1 gib was
limn op io epilog and it. is ex's., rad float.
It will remover
Brussels : Kobe. Borne. of Nespaw•.
Man., le here renewing oil friendships
He manta to attend his lather's funeral on
the 13.6 Itis twenty •mare slow Mr.
Herne wsat to Manitoh..ret he has done
well in the West.
Kipped : Thomas Young. an old Klppeo
boy of some twenty 11,. year, ego, but now
• rsatient of 1)oapbin. Manitoba. bat pre$
mot phyla" a viols to his old time irlend"
b•1.. Prosperity ha, been smiling en Mr.
Vane M the Went.
f(simsevllle Tbs lullowior, from • daily
piper. refers tie • son of Mfrs. J. Holmes,
of this ..,Ilea • Ili T. U. Holmes, former;y
of Brussels, now surgeon o1 • tllohlgan reed
meet, Is at Mandl", 1'hlllppine Irked*,
along with hit regiment
,0russets : 0o tVedoesd•y, 4.6 v4'., at
6 • p Rev. Yr, Sm,therman, of Sohrieber,
flet tlw' the matrimonial hive heteteeo
W R Miro: ten, C P. R. engineer, of that
town, a Int Mivr we'l known Itruseellto, and
Miss Edith Wieland, of the some slawa.
war nlaly recovered when the emalipoz
was discovered. We hope the little lassie
will bare • speedy recovery. Amnia*, the
eldest daughter. •even years old, has bawl
1a the General hospital with amulet fever so
the family have been sorely stat/ted of tete.
Seaforth : John Broadloob fou returned
home from • pleasant riela to the old
ooa0try. Mr, Ilroadfoot was woos about
three'Booths. He visited many pointe of
interest 1a S utlond and i,oelaud. Ile saw
IA" plan wears bis falter, uncles and other
relatives were born, sod he also saw the
house to wbtob Mrs. Hroadfoot was barn.
Ss.tortb : Then is certainly a gold mine
for the tamers to raising hogs the year,
and them who are them to ash are reaping
• riots 0arvat. As an Indloahlon et the
prroes mat now, a carload shipped from
here last week by Messrs George Chesney
and Robert Winter, to (',Ilingwood, repro
anted over $2,000, and it was Etat • vary
big load .1 1041,,
Tuok•ramlib . Jobe 11.Is, jr., fucker -
smith, *adored the lose of the good horses
which were killed by tKii late train Doe
night a abort time ago. It seems that to
some m they had got oo the traok,
ani res ahead of the train es 11 mime up.
All five were stack by the train and killed,
four of Them blew thrown off the track,
the filth bailie badly marled
a Big Hurter • Warta
is always found to a bottle of l'oleoo'a Nr•
aline, the beet bousehold basset known.
It oures rbum.Usm, aurolgia, tootbaohe,
headache, sick stomach, In fact Is good for
ever ythlog • liniment ourht te be good for.
Metier. find 11 the safest thing to rub en
their obtldren for sore throe', oold se the
area strains ad bruises. Nevi be with•
oat Poison's hervillae. I0 will ours the
pins and Wien et the entire bottle and re-
lieve a vastameta* el •ufferlsg every year.
aas 1011 evfesi it il1II Tial F,A
day Ilhe tleg.
The regular meeting of the teen 000sot1
wa, held oo Friday evening last. Mayor
Willson war 10 the chair, sod Couootllore
Natal, Huroey,l:aote:oo and Humber were
A oommaoawtlon from Was Hall, as le
ammo agent, asking a share of the town's
Iaur*noe, sou cent to the finano.00nimltt..
Ao appllo•tloo from James Reid, awns
or, afoot Inepector, oto , for an Morass, of
salary to $60 • month, was sent to the
spatial aommitt**.
Inspector Reid reported upon his tnspeo-
tlon of the building oo G. W. Thomsen''
property oompla,aod of by Messrs. Swaitvid
and Edward. He found that Mr. noniron
bed the foundation for a building 18128
laid op to the etrte: line Mr. Thomson
said he was going to use the buildrov for n
driving shed and 'tore house with a 'table
at the back, whin% would 1,e twenty feet
from the street as re.luhred by the bylaw.
10. report was referred to the pobllo
works oommlltee.
The forlowdog acoounte were reterred to
th• Baena committee: Joseph Jardlw,
dr.wlag v 1, eta., 148 57; Gutta Parch•
& Robber Mfg. Co . 8 fest hose,
13.32 ; W m Campbell, coal. $21.36 ; James
Morrieen Bran Mfg. (:a., Toronto, 111.62
and $113 47 ; A. J. I'.ltridve, repartee
belt. 75s : No(7oll Bros A Co , Torooto,nd,
$14.53 , t:.aadian General Electric Cn.,
1orate. wire, $34 33
The water end light oommlller reported
that ustrect.l000 had beeo ors° 1,, the wir-
ing al Trost street ; Matt two sew traeelorm•
ere bed teen purchased ; that KB Holmes'
and 1)r. Taylor'. letters h.1 been laid over,
and t0.1 1 000 tea of o.,.l had been pur-
chased from Wm. ('amp`.ea -500 tone at
112 35 and 500 at 12 361 per ton 1. o. h.
1es04 attiodenoh harb.r, as per Ma ton
den. The report was adopted.
rbe.psolal oommitte• reported that the
clerk had Ilene instructed to write to U. A.
Burrows for further Information in regard
to the establishing of • carpet footory in
Goderioh, as prcposed in • c,mmuoio•tion
Irom him. The committee reoon,msaded
that no action be taken In rrg•rd to the
metier of the elea'rio rellwsy related to In
the letter of E P. 11.11, of Cobourg. The
report was adopted.
The report of the finance committee, re-
oomm•nding payment of • number of
accounts, was adopted.
A motion was passed instructing the
treasurer, when paying •D0nu0te 10 persons
against whom the town has contra •000unts,
to deduct the amount of auoh contra am
Mr. Humber moved, .eoonded by Mr.
Costellon, that the Mayor be instructed to
mill a public meeting •t an early date to
take up and Mecum the proposition cow
before the eounoil regarding the establish•
Mg of • summer howl In our town and to
take • vote as to the alvtsa0aluy of sub-
mitt.ler a bylaw granting the oopsider•tioe
asked. Carried.
7 he Mayor raised the ovation of having
the tsars paid In two Ins'alnnnte each
veer, and gave notios of motion to that
✓ Reat.
There was a talk oyer tis matter rel the
proposed new G. T. R. station end the
agreement which had bees drafted by the
G. T. R in this oonosotion. Hie Worship
mat in favor of exempting for tea years
.ay Improvements the company might
make Mr. Muroey thought the enmpany
should specify the lots en whish they
propertied to mak' OM Improvemeote and
that Wold be exempted. 11e Deleted out
that the company asked that no 00150e. of
• aresment be made on their lard, althengh
the land mtvht Increase very largely In
velar daring the nett len year'. The
matter was dropped, apparently 0o the
oederetasding that She armlet committee
•heald meethe board of trail' end talk the
thin• m.r.t
Mr. Homier roll he had sant • man to
trim the trees on North.tewt,bet Hie Woe -
ship este he had not see there yet.
The 11e11 T•lephats (b. wa. *male need
by Dem. .1 the member' for ontll -g neat
tie the@trats and for leaving holes in the
sidewalk where thr y wars penile, le sew
( a.Etnitlnr Marney thought the system o1
Rapine track rat tows amount. war mat
*hat is should be, and adveeate 1 • eh•sg•.
. n401640' iambus aesthetic) aesthetic) over
OS inner NA the with-
al. NW 11011111011 of edl •d eh oil with
w IIebJ«►
Ray : Joie Ret ry, .011. cutting • drain
through the rear of Ms premise■, tsrdertng
os Whet 1. Dail+d !h• little swamp, on the
Ithnd Line, Hay, Doris aerate a skeleton or
part of one Some el the bones wire
Partially dsneyed an 1 oiler' le • good state
of preeeryatioe.
Winghem : A eon of Gen. White, aged
•beat (norma years, met with a sere goof
dent nista. Ir. While working at the san
der la the Colon, his hand none le sootset
lath the menbins, mud the flesh was torn ell
the awned fever to the bone, This others
were het oo deep
Morrie; 11.,14 Al Boyd, of Vacaville,
r.ldnlnlm, le mettle, his stele?, Mr.. John
Rnbh, 6th Iles. It to thirties year, ilea
Mr. Boyd wee here hater.. The Ween eel
dently agrees with him jedgln1 by ap•
"m001110eo, Mr. Boyd will raisin to Gall
emote nr in worth
L Weshorer. John Latham, of 1 natio,
**ru, felt Int • trip t., M tette)", on Tees
der of 1..t w..k He has Mae going hack
awl forth te Oise penalties for the last
taenty years, and la an esi.eaiym holder et
*eel seat* there, having. alteg•ther, •b•"
4(t ee bemired saes .1 la.d, seats des hun-
dred of *hien le ander eeltiveUos.
R. easels, Eleven's, sensed .1.,i101r 01
Mir meed Mn. P. 11. NoKieaee, el Wiest -
Pre. w.11 known to enemy Is Rraatels and
eetli'y. is 111 with estellpex. She M d•
ywr..f •p mid has bona In Bt, 110.11005
lumpiest with omelet fever hem .0110 rab
Sa,vsDAY, Sep: 21.
The silos as• being filled with 1h,1, ala•
ter supply. Core is a Moe orop thta veer.
Sander, dm 29 Ma, will b. otlWren'e
day at the Preebyterl0o olurob It Is ex.
paned that there wall be a 'psolal servo •
oe that day.
The storks made a vials to the borne of
John Levy oa nu■daylut, and wino John
cetera. dram his trip to the West, be will
ffod a Mew face to his household 11 le •
The soldier boys are proparlog for their
trip to Toronto to take port in the revlew
belurs the Duke and Duchess of Turk.
Capt. Jobneroo left on Friday for 1Vlogbam
to p0 hie oomp►oy then tato ,tape for the
Ga Monday eveolag, the Soto fust., that•
will 1. a union meeting •e Auburn of the
Auburn and Carlow Presbyterian•
toms, to decide upon • mill to • minleter to
• tooeed the late Key. Rubra. Henderson.
The me)urlty of the Auburn people are la
laver of milling Rev Mr. McLennan, of
Alma, while the Carlow congregates wish
to have Rev. Mr. Currie, who bee been
prsauhing on mission •tallow Hath •r•
young men. 11 Is hoped that the matting
0o the 30.0 Inst. midi result la • gall to
sitter ul those ministers.
THAN1,1(11V ss(1t% INti DAY --A despatch from
Ottawa mates that the Government has
fixed Thursday, Ncvembel2let,for Thanks
plying D.v This 1s a rt tura to the old or-
der of tbloge. by which the third Thursday
la November was set apart as Thaubvlviuv
Day, Two or three years ago • change sou
made to October, when fine weather is more
likely to prevail than let. In Novembar, and
Judging by the oommenta of the prey the
Gooier Tbaoksglwmg dein an looked up
oo aserolly ei.h favor. Th• teases fur
the Cerernmeot's union la ting to
No•ember le not wares.
Ir W Ao'NT Het.'roio.-The repose that .t
war Rev. J. 11. Hector, the Mose Knight,
wbu p'oveuted Catguts from firing • third
time at the President bee exoitsd great
interest wherever the reverend gentleman
is known. As we suspected from the first,
however, 10• story tarns out to be very
wide 01 the truth. Tbe report appeared In
The Belleville Vatarlo, whiuh now gives
the following ezpla•tion. "The lady,' 1t
says, "with whom ltev J. H. Hectorvtdt.d
.10.10 to ttellevllle says that the Ontario's
informant w.s wrong when he said that the
reversed gentleman was the negro who
stood bedded t resident 5IaKinley when 0e
war shot. She says he misunderstood what
Mr. Hooter said, for he claimed only eo
have known a man who was In line with the
President wb15 be was shot."
a sarreasfsl Chase Wahl■ Twe ■Ilrs.1
Brussel, Post.
Friaav morntng of last week Bee. Dark,
11th coo., brought word to liru.oele stat •
black bear hen bees asap to his fields that
morning. A hunting parry was made up
oonatating of F S. and W. F. Scat, J. 1'.
Roes, Joo. Hewitt, A. Copley, Kobt.
Tbomao■ sod Jno. Battle and armed with
slot gas and rifles sallied forth to the •1.
tack. They drove to Mr. Dark's and found
the tracks. which lead aorooe Mfg K
Dooksou's fields to the bush and from there
through to T. Davidson's farm, known as
the Dickson pl•or. Hall ao hour later the
dogs that accompanied the
her heirship out of some elderberry bushes
and about 100 yards dletao
cleated hu rile with two
snot but woe too ter ami
animal. A half circuit of the bush wall
mato with e hound. in close wait,
when A. Copley heeded the bear and *hot,
mining Bruno ; but fifty yards further, the
obese getting Dot, the bear oltmed an elm
tree thirty Inches through. When •bout
thirty bad bean reached • rest war
taken and In the meantime MooCemetery
and park had arrived, followed by Mr,
Hewitt, when the former lauded a rifle ball
had througb the bear's and Cowes she came
dead u • doornail. The animal war
brought to town and war viewed by bun
Bone are net a► all shitting, but If the
.101.1 should come; 1a would not be • very
tri ai
d l, Wk, le h s 01:0.0., W brill . don
au -ass the Niagara Riser and thus r•1.. the
LA, Erle' level a.verel feet tl uwy
11e says that there is no daagrr that the
p.wer plants •t Nagar• will consume
*Dough water to materially .gout the lake
level. ChloChimp,later •Ueuoo.
ltl. Ika
le now easily cured, pot by puerto' onus•
sour, deftrootive drugs into the stemma,
but by lobelilobeliaCatarrbozoo,. Drugs de
inure harm than good, but tis sootblag,
heallog medicated air fiat Catarrhs sae.
supplies to the lungs and br000blei tubes
ammo tail to benefit. l:atarrb(r)Lo pre.
"gots those soma.r.hg spasmearlss and head-
ache, ouree the earlsand makes breathing
easy. Uolversally used ; doctors rsoom•
mood It ; druggists tell ill. 25a. sod 11.00.
Mitchell ........ .. .. .......Sept* 26 27
'luruberry, Wheelies. Sept, 2627
N OOT l I w ilei sac, OOD IUM:II Oat. 1 2
Betimes Oct. 1-2
K1ulose, Luoksow Oct. 3 4
Sbtult , Hayfield 001.34
Kut Huron, Brutal' Oot. 3 4
Blyth and Morris, Itlyth...... ..,000,89
North Perth Stratford Ott. 8.9
A•111 4141.D A010 WA',•NOSH, Dano
000. 10-11
Howlok, Gerrie On/. 12
"Credit lost is like
a broken glass."
It's Makers dare not
discredit what cost so
much to establish,
viz :-
The widc reput-
ation, and standard
value of -
'The Slater Sloe"
Ma Skim" Jr. • Sole local Agent.
Millinery Opening
You are cord:ally invited to inspect our
rlieplay of Fall and Winter Millinery on
Thursday, Friday & Saturday,
26th, 27th and 28th
of September.
'Theo,nsotl'e leading Styles and Novelties
will be 0u exhibition.
.'LcLe.n's Block, - Oederkb.
baater..t.rled Clothing
t John Hewett
Dhows .1 blesk-
•Y to Mop the I have put into street a line of ltesdymmde
Clothing of first clave manufacture, and
at prices to suit the time..
Ordered Clothing
Is still my epocia;ty. A good range of
clothe to select from ; and workmanship
the beet to be hal.
If you need an overcoat this fall call and
see me. A number of lengths of piece
goods W be cleared out at ooet.
west Btrest
areas, as 11 was quite a novelty to each
Boob an animal 1Q Sallee from Brussel'.
The bear weighed 170 pounds and was in
good 000dttlon and a s,l.odld black. A,
Carrie toot the hide off and the carcase was
petalled out among a geodly comber of onr
oft rum, many of whom had their first taste
o1 brae meet Mr. Copley has Bene the
akin sway to be tanned. Som. soy It le
worth from 130 to 140. H. R. Brewer and
Jae .,ones took picture. of the boaters and
the bear and with • background of trees toe
laws arc tip-top. 11 war reported that
another bear war seen In the same locality
•b oe, but a thorough eearoh failed to dl.-
clore arty traoe .1 tt,
NtW SURVItY D. T111. I.4at4.
Major W L. Flak, order whose super-
vision the Caned Stales late ,nrcey is
weir kisg, recently returned to Detroit from
a 109 to Upper Lake Michigan, where he
completed • server of the South Fox Island
goal and lake in theta vto:otty. .1 he en
gioe.r cops at the pretest nine ie at work
getting oat new charts, which will be pr.nt-
e1 to ru'or, tr replace the old charts now In
to a recent interview Major /risk said
that the aoerel plan le t, survey all the
lakes to meet prosect and future conditions,
and for the g0 ,lance of desp•draaght coats.
He said that the difficulty with extatmg
charts is that most of them were drawn
when boats of twelve and fourteen tool
draught were considered big more, but now
that 500 footers, drawiov ,i hteen foot and
nyer,are the rule rath,r,lhan the exemption,'
It Is imperative that the charts be b,ougbt�
up to d ate.
Aconrding to the Major's .tetrurent, an
entirely Dew survey of Upper Mich.
Igen and the west end o1 Inks Kris will be
mods, and • obert of Lab Huron, iooladlrg
Uoorgian Ray, has already been started. A
new oharl of the 1)41roit Raver le also being
prepared, showing the channel from De-
t•olt to 1,,0. Erle, oontalnlog valuable to
formation and dettile on a large mole of
Bollard', Reef and the Ltme Kilos Croasmg,
,1n Interesting work 0900 whiuh Major
Fisk and his men are now engaged Is that
et gauging the flow of the Detroit Hirer to
aroeruin the •snot of water which passes
through the river. Similar wotk is now
progre..In7 at. the Soo That in the St.
('lair R:ver nae been oompieted. Tne
gauging of the Sr. lnwrence River end the
Nt. Myer has teen finished, and th.t
at I).,trntt will probably be completed In
O .11' a year.
This work le part of the great. undertak-
ing ler the Got ernment to father data re.
gardtng the lake water level', and meaeore
mats at Ihs variant points named will he
used In the w. rk of finding 0111 the ,apply
from the yorious soaroee and treeing down
the seurca. R•forring to tin Idea that has
b.en anent ler 1 years that Lake
Erle levels are falling, and that before long
something will have to b* done to maintain
the Its'*', Meijer Fisk declares that eoad'
Keay a man ie unable to .l,.tcb
Itch arm. or legs because of rheum-
atism. '(here is no ammo for thio
state of affairs. hr. Hai'* Rheum*
Ole Cure will remove the disease in
short order in the case of Henry
Basler, Flinton, Ont., two bottles
meds him as Pound tea ever. Be
had suffered (retro muecnlar Alarms -
time is hie arms and lege for two
month* and was perfectly belpleae.
Thi. gs'.et blood purifier is put up
in bottle containing tan days'
tseaieesi. Pries 50 omits at ell
Brag stores or Kits Dr. Hall Ktedl-
Ifins alma Onto
A Great Snap_
1e our Glom Snap, at 5o. a
pound, of which we nh • barrel • week.
This isn't our only snap, •e we Darty
everything that can be found In ao 00'
to -date erooery store, and our prime
are right. The farmers know that they
oan always get from ue • snap tor their
produoe. We drew the line at no
legitimate trade - everythlug goes
(hl.esware or potatoes, garden stuff or
ohnioest table China. We deal In .11
of them.
Bedford blook, Gaderloh
S °45
shapfrodill will outwear
two pain of
Ordinary Common Rubbers.
Search the World and you will
bed nothiag
hotter than
.Ymltated by Every Rubber
Manufacturer and Dealer, but no
imitation bas our specially Manufac-
tured Rope Canvas or Duck, the
only fabric which con be thoroughly
impregnated with the Para Gum.
When worn out have loather sole
put on and use for a Plow Boot -
The J. D. KIngCo., limited, bare
the only
genuine(:: Rubber.
Don't buy enter the words
sopicrodir are stamped upon
the sole of each
Rubber ; all others are frauds upon
the Public.
la a symptom of Kidney
Ouse... A well -knows
doctor has said, ' I mover
yel mode a poat•moAaeo-
arnlnatlogin a cane et death
from Heart Disease with-
out ending( the kidneys
wereatfauh." The Kidney
medicine which was den oat
the market, moat susses►
fel for Heart DUMDUM and
all Kidney Troubles, sued
most widely lmltated 1•
with your health.
Don't esti Drugs end Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the best
there is at the same prises that are
charged for inferior goods.
At our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways frtwh, and each article pore, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Presoription Department
has a reputation for promptness and
accura ',
Medical Hall.
We Carry...,
a haling et
Screen Doors and
Lawn flowers,
Garden Hose,
Garden Rakes,
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
a specialty.
C,1%.,' 1l i/(11
Kvery panne person should take a coarse In
ho .Listowel Realness
Collate, which reopens,
,ander a re. m*eneement, on Mandol, Po 1.
iI, itel. (' rculare free on upplloalloe, l'. A,
'LEMING. President , A. 1,, McINTYKK,
the leading Furniture Dea ere and
Undertakern, have just. received the
following goods:
Bedroom Suits, 88.00 and up,
Parlor Suits, $15.00 and ftp,
Couches, $5.00 to $QO.00,
Parlor Chairs, $1.00 to $10.00
Hall Racks, $5.00 to $18,00
and choice odd piece* of Furniture.
We aro still gelling Window Merles,
and Poles at reduced pion.
Iticture framing, Upholstering. Peek
Undertakini Department....
i* under expert nuperviaion, and the
service we guarantee in of the very
hent, while our price* are reasonable
NiGHT OR DAY calls promptly
attended to.
We solicit .patronage on the merit.'
of the goods we .e11 and services sus
Farallwr. es•lev., 1 md,rtalc,re sad [w
Oar Age ,t, In 1101 (+rleh 1a SI. O«. Pile' Redford clerk. eoderleh.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD. Godsrioh, Ont.
R B. Smith's M cK IM'S - Jb=
Storle 8/oc
Millinery Opening
when we will allow a full range of the New Fall Goods. MISS
DUFFUS has gathered together from the beat sources thy Newest and
Most Stylish Goods, together with the latest ideas of what Millinery
will be for the coining season. We respectfully invite your presence
Thursday, 26th September, and following days.
Ue11 Is Ibaa Straw Hat and rot two of oar
Ready -to- wear Felts, price 750. op. They
ase neat, stylish and the micron tblog 1n
Ready • to- wear.
Blienkets, - Now le the ulnae° thins
of the cold nights amine on and he pre-
pared by having • pair of our aloe pure daf-
fy Blankets to snuggle Into. Ws bare
them all prices, frods 750, to 55.00, but two
Special. we will mention : $2 50. $8 00.
They ar.' beautiful Blarakete and the price
le lees than you will expect to pay.
Spieled value la Clothlklg.
Special value 1■ Furs.
J rackets. - W e baye • lot of the W. C.
Andrews Jackets left and we will mart
early to olear them. Some ere out of style
but with a little alteration they may sr re
your poop..., and the cloth 10 them amid
be made over for the little w.. Think of
the prloes, 26e and 500. for the 0.t-ef-
styls. And good Stylish Juke's at half
Pries. $4 00 for 122 00. $5.00 for Y4 50, he.
Drs. Goode. - R e bays mem
epeolal values to the New Black Weeds.
price 253, to 12 00 pee yard. Hom«puee-
We are to the front In thew ea usual. The
goods are better than last season aad the
prime are lso-50.3.. 700., 11.00 and 11.25
for the beat and newest we ciao get.
- fes lsaweu -
VuneraA. X)wec\org. and
Orden arenilly"aiteade0 la y all
Imre, ■twat .r day.
Beebe, street.
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tara, Short
Bread and Cream Rollsliflce
Pies and Lady Fillers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Inanities,
Brandy Snag, Etc.
are an goal as the beet made in any
city in Canada.
thaf.lou Teale the trade in
an fancy dawning ane ornament
Iraq and alroond icing.
Give him an order and your sat-
isfaction will be mewed. ,
WEST -e T.
WE* lethal lire inarruce Ce.
Value or Property Iyurei up to January,
1901 *3,000,551.15
urrtcglnt AND DIFV.9Tdiski.
J. H. Medase , pre* • T. Frier, vloe•prel, ;
Jae. Ceenolty. h(. Dale. W. ei, 10'oadtoot, ,j,
Watt, ,las. *vans, J 0. Grieve. J. yeagewear
directs; W. (1. 1R groadfo,L S.Hurfh, toepee-
ter of lessees ; T. Hays. Beal0, ..cretavy
J. W. Yeo, ; Jame�"n ftsmnrl
Egnteodvtlle ; It. McMillan, Beafort0 ;
Hatitb, Harleok.
Policy bolder, can pay amaoetnaate and get
their Dards recelpted at Mr. Coats'. 0110104 or
at Molwaa Bros.' Palace Clothlag Etre,
mg.0101 weighed on the Mutt goalie'
__ les set M100 lbs. ter a tea.
.k MEI azurumurs
stem promptly intended be.
Fall Season --1901
All the latest shapes, the newest colors, the most novel
effects in trimming -and everything of the befit. These are
the features of the
Ladies are invited to call at any time and snake an in-
spection of the new goods.
Trimmed Haim from $1.00 up.
ale is Over.
Our Fire Sale has been an immense seecess, having
cleared out all old stock, and we have received the largest
consignment of. Fine Shoes that has ever come into town.
which is hying worn by the society people of England, France,
Germany and Canada.
They are the most stylish, durable and comfortable
shoes made, and you must remember that you (lo not have
the duty to pay for when buying these Famous Shoos.
Don't forget the name, 'r King Quality," in both Ladies'
and.gents'. All styles, widths and sizes.
TRUNKS, SUiT ('ASKS k GRIM. 91)1.1': AGKNT "KING Q1,ALrPY" 81025.
We give ono away with eaeh pound of Pose Cream Baking
Powder purchased from us. 8Oc a lb. The step -ladder alone
word, the price.
Try a pacltfago of our Hop Tea --not a medicine, bin a ea,e-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a seientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your Claaien Seeds. W. have a
full PA%..rtrnent.
Telephone No. 91.
s'rv1WY dr, CO.
THE oao011JUL