The Signal, 1901-9-26, Page 44 Tgusway, Sept. 26, 1901.
in the rainy season you
must have a good fain coat.
It Incite; In',,trution to your clothes and to your health.
Ws have a tare" nook to oboes" from, reusing la price from $3.00 to $15.00. Ys" oar
e p•oial $3.60 t%&terproof. ft's • weeder for the money. Also our doable breasted
waterer**. Pea Jacket, guar..t.ed S ply rubber b. terms flu cloth and boom. Every
farmer. Teamster or Wotkmaa who Is exposed to the weather should ba•• one of these
eteaes. They will keep out the wind and rate and ale warmer than • fur 'mat. W. hers
b•ngbt • big stook of them beause they us sure to sell. Otto" you see them you will
wart oo1, yeti would rot begrudge twice the polo. we a.k fur them. Th. price L $2 90
Sperm will sol permit o1 era 1111114 you about our pew stook of ready to weer Clothing
ler My., )(bathe sad men, bat would invite sou to come and stn for yourselves tl.e aloe
gooks end splendid values we .r. ufierlDg.
Our motto is - Good Goods, Small Profits, Quick Sales.
B ele Agents for Christy's Loudon Hata. Men's Furnisher sad
MoLeaa'• Klock
� It $i nal,
00 rasusam
■f le. mcotWC1m1101
OODl1R1011. THURSDAY, SEPT. at, 1904.
-The summer girl hu gone home to have
the suntan taken off her.
-The date of the nest Provincial e'e.
tion• Is worrying the quidnunc'.
-The Poll dhows are in full blast and the
yoke of the fair and eh,w barker is abroad
in the land.
-The Grits re inhered Koss by escort
Ing to Niagara oo•t a Lake Saturday last
and meeting the Prefilter on hie return from
the Old Country. The Tories want to re•
member him in =other way.
-The e.noy folk over itt Glasgow are
cominv out away ahead in the hearties of
their exhibition. It is estimated that when
the •xhinitiou close" there will be a earplug
of not lee. than 11500,000.
-The Canadian woollen manufeeturer'
have been complaining lustily of the prefer
ential tariff, which they say to giving the
British manufacturers the Canadian trade.
The last fiscal year, ending .tube 30th, was
the first complete twe:ro months in witch
the preference of 33+1 per cent.was in opera-
tion, and the trade returns show that the
impartation• of woollen goofs amounted to
89.944.106, against $9,801,566 in the
previous year --en increase of only $14C,000.
The cry of Flue ruin reams hardly justified,
-11 the Government is well advisetf,it will
without heetlet:oil refute to accede to .the
request recently male by a deputation of
igriedtural implement manufacturer* for
an increase of the tar.tb in their interests.
1f the implement men can make out a case
for relief, it shoutiir'bepranted in the way
of lower taxes on their raw materia'.
The Government owes it ta the farmers of
this country. who receive little or no henefit
from protective\smpots, to put at lomat 110
higher duties' on articles which they
must purchase.
-Canutisn exhibits have done well at
the Pan•American exhibition. In the cont.
petition for median offerer) by the Ameruan
P..mologiral Society Ontario fruit swept
the list, taking all of the four medals
awarded. The competition was open to all
America, and for.) entriee were roc•elved•
In thedivesleeFele�etieiGi`Carala i. well
idea) • ttter.etlrg edllwlal atttol•. It rem
tales teepees 10 .uoh 1019011491 topics a.
"Tb. Alleged 1 Kr000mlo Decay of Greet
Iiritosis." by W.H. ld►hook ; "'1be teary at
Sabool," ' Unsolved harshen Problems,"
•'Tb. Work et War Correspondents." ' A
Woman fatales aed Symbeli.m," llluetr.t
e d, and "Magic." 11 . Morose( & Coe
lieu) are the Caoadlaa publ,sbere, sad
through them 'The Monthly Review" has
already obeala.d a tater rant elm too here.
Rail lane's "I•:'ereal Uity' le itat'trally
attracting the moos attention ale the
mumest. le se • big book to every way. in
0000eptlon, In ex•cutlua and to bulk, and
oa000t fell to be the sutJ ct of very sol
mated, if not ardent controversy. Test it
la by lar the molt important achievement of
the author all must readily admit. and as
presented by Usorae N. Morelli A Company
to a particularly bandsman, volume of more
than els hundred pawn, it oarleiu!y
Iur.labee a (east of readier/ that • very
wide publto caoaut fail to sppru<hte.
By the death e1 s rWalter Bimini the
aorld of hter.ture Iwo one of its m.nt
worthy and estesmt.l 90.kers, and the toot
that no more pure and pleesent button nap
come from hie prolific lion renders of
e speol.l {sweet the poet -burnous novel,
"Tbe Lady of Lyon." whlob Montag &
1'ompaay here Just published. Hire we
pare Sir Walter in hi. Lest tela, talksg a
story of tie p"nud he so thoroughly
mastered, Ibe eighteenth century, and
making It as real ea If 1t Mar• a record of
today. HIs wide circle el friends will be
glad to get this lest product of 1.'s kindly
la Ihe sour -s of the nest few weeks
the much vexed problem as to the
_ __-__\ right Warm in the Wines firmament of
opposue.bore the ours" rem rn a
oonditlon but a year old child which she
had taken out In the boat with her was
head close to her brei, wrapped In her
olothlog, perfectly unharmed. Tee heroes
and the heroines art Sound in every walk of
A 9 111, A lu.tT THg INot'KIl0llull0.
Toronto World - What happened at Hui•
Ido 10e other day make' the prejudice
against the Doukhobor, loos • little rtdruu
Iona. It Is .3111to .aural to loek wltb wiggly
fag. at the uommg in of eel.," of imwlgr.n:9
who are proem to lawless vlolaeoe. But
some people objwt to the Doukhobor' be
oaues they bav•.p. h an extreme dislike to they wilt not take part o. war.
Tbat finlike may be regarded aunrea.on•bl.,
and it may be wid tbetswer te sometimes a
e.o.s.ary evil. Butosrtaoly the Doukhobor
idea Is theme nosily oppuslt• to the idea
which (emits lo ae.seeinatioo, Tt^ soolety
et Friends 1e opposed to war to an wont
which some people would nail tan.
attest. Bat who ey.r hear) of the Friends
being raj/aided as bad citizen.! No other
alae" of the community has dohs more to
build up 1 b ('ottel Satss and to strength
so ths.eot:moot .o layer 1,1 law and order.
T•11.,T 1. sor, .NII.I.1 Tu T111 1TIc,.
Radyard Kipling will bo brought muoh
sod b tolutioo, Lir on uutob, 1 will
• r in book term, through Moraog &
Co oy, the long a:ory "Kim,' which
bee the obtel attraction of Mc( lure's
Megexi for the 001.11111 year. '1'►le is iu
every we Mr. Kipl,ag'.most earlobe work,
end the art al and popular verdict upon
it will go fat wards d.termialog whither
the author is t be oen.ldortd • ooaatella-
tioo of the first egnitule, or simply •
meteor whose hull nee will Sr. loop be
dimmed. Three el have followed the
story to Its 'oriel oeur would seem to be
oreotloally unanimous tt i by it Mr. Kip.
ling Oa justified the high sr hope' eaten
's'aed of him, and coached, y proven hie
ability to produoe eaataloed w k as well u
m ly short stories. The uetratioos
by his father, John Lockyard Kitem, are
of.peolal Interest and artistic secs Doe.
Stratford Hea000 Apropos of the die
ouisloo over the thy.lolau.' bulletins from
the ba IsIde of the late Preside at whi.•h sub-
sequent events showed to tie erroneous, it
may be remarked that th• avenge Cana -
titan town le as well served w.lh
surgeons as most Amerles u o11I14. A gen
r f this olty can seemly to this foot.
While to Ilofla!, recently a .mall artery to
his hind tuna. He was treated in th.
emergency hoop tel .1 the Exposition, col
to bore recto-teooe of the trouble Ohm t
afterward. on Journ.ylsg to the olty. 11
then oalled Loa medua! mei of largo pr.0
lice, and be lalling to atop th• Bow of blood
milled in a specialist The two of them
worked over their patient for sixteen hours
without semen. 1e Ilia meaatine the gen
ammo's regular phyeiolao In this olty wag
telegraphed lir sod within twenty ornate.
of his arrival he had ►oo.mpllshed what the
Hutl.lo phyacians had failed In dolog.
This my be se •zs"ptionel case, but It
leads to the oonoluloe 1 all the skill to
medicine and serene, ha k s"nfined to the
Targe oltles.
Bystander In Weekly San : It In private
Iib yea wish to show special hospitality to
• guest, you do sot display your bottle
keds or your r.tolver. W by should public
hospitality alw•ye take the form of a die.
play of mlhtery force Satoh, however, is
n ow the fashion. The first elm of all who
ere prepartag a tempt Ion for royalty to that
our streets s WI be found lined with soldier y
The love of military allow and p,rade hu
clearly has growleg of 1.1• The lubiire
was military : there was an relenting. .l s
play of the war meohloe, but hardly any
thing to represent the peeoeful glories of
the reign. The fuoer,l was military, and
•e eget lady wax borne to
h1 r gran oo • goo oarrlage It msy b-
'Ald that .o.tlot le brighter th.. drab Se
1111 • Lest that 19 not the wbol. or probah:y
the prino.pst account of the matter. Tee
military sentiment ha been growing. On
he ratification of the Amerioen oeneii•n-
on, whet mora than a century ago, there
were Lnmense jubilations and pro, edea.
I'VE we are specially told 10.1 nothing mill
to,y eras teen ; that •11 the emblems and
:imams were of industry and pesos. 1'
would not he .o now eye. to the United
(rates, though peace hes .tI11 • 'letter el ow
th ars them it has in the old milliary moo
arohl•s or tglslr toloold imltatloce.
to the front. With about 36 per cent of t
the eetriee, Caralian rattle have won 60 t
per cent, of the prizes. a large proportion
being first pr re. Hoo TH,r9. Gaggg-
WAT, of Manitoba, wee a prominent prize
winner in the shorthorn elem.
71910 Or 1XCl.onlV1•las.
Toronto Star : The Duke of (".rew•11 ..d
lark will probably reel mm sets., Irk• hie
.on Prt.0. E I w.rd before he gets
diremigh hie trip, The young prince had a
lerehdwy net long since, and wee asked hew
he w.'1d lik• to eel. loam it H• inertia
ly rootlet - "I'd like to 5o for • 0r1•e 10
on eenolhos with all the other people."
Bots A rlrudngl.ruu PAr1K elle IT
Freak l'knrtlsa4 inyed freta[ Itright's 01k
ease by D.dd's kidney Alla.
Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 23, (Spiels)) -
F rank Ch d, a reel tent of this otty,
h.s reason for gratitude la Dodd'. Kidoey
('.II.. They aged him Irem'■
dueaee, which cannot be cured on •,y oa•+r
ay, and he 1. eretef0l.
"1 am glad," 0e wrltee,".0 be able to add
my name to the long Il.t of witnesse for
Dodd's Kldeey 1',Ib. 1 buffered with beck.
soh,. drowsiness and a heavy feeling to my
Baths ; Ir.guent ...fere hs"dsob•s and
oftener sharp pains in the top of the hoed,
which troubled me at my work. 1 used to
have cramps la my &ogets and lege, unitised
nese and coonod pains t. 41411 lutes ;
din o..e, .Aortaems of breath, pain In the
left nide, v.rleble appetite, lender spots
neer the spine, tired fertilise .erose the leen.,
end otbet symptom. of Retght'O di
"I1u114'. K,le.y P.H. hate done awon
derfal work for me, Nearly •11 of thee,
.7mptems have •wele41.4, t am a,, Imager u.
.1., ger of Bright's df....,."
Philadelphia Reseed : The foot 1s that t.o w
moots stress has been 1.14 upon the forward
or besk ward movment'of population. Mrs
sad weimea go and toms with lawless fem.
dem sad lsdlrsotros; but the rapid ioorw.
la .10 wealth and induces' dove! omelet
of (needs remain. an In4i.potabl• fact
Th. per capita distributing' rl re.eures• and
pre•perhy le noes satisfy log.
111n0NT.10CA (101.1('1 ANN,
Rdmeatos, N tv '1' , 1'..s'. : The Lice
that the (i.fini•ne in teen and the edjsanl
seantry are starting a library and r -.ding
room to the town or evldeooe of the ed
MOOS of fhb 'situate nue people. T ey
already 'titian members and th') expect
enemy mora A meettn, will be held tonight
atJehe Klloukyh for theporpeee el perfect.
let the flattop. For the present the
library and ree•dns; room will he •t M.
house G .uol.n liters, ore •n I newepap. r.
will he kept there and .l., A: tenets papers
for thee. who revs In 11..,. Ito,..,. wMol,
they are all 'unions to learn.
A 711191.'. w1)11r V, MI 0111
we•d.t.aok Se.tin.l Review : A. aeel.
deal folk piece the ether day on • N.w
JINNI, miens . A mem, g rl had two
cbildrsw In her ohar.e. Keeping steam
...eht the Ihprhnnel F A mergers The girl
threw leer eking ensued the nhlldrea to pre
Met heel sad received the fell force of the
deem se • emelt. Her Initialers p.'.. s4 fetal
aed her obsess. 1,0,0 0011 Isjnred In Ihs.Lgh►
444 4411111/0. A great duel that ,..,o...met
W 0... said &boat dom'tle servan'
we t►1nk that se . res.. they have Man seri 110.11ed. The hornier minds, t of
MID passe 41111 .h n.ld prairie! u• from
Maly! general r illrw. to r•g.rel le
shorn V the teem. Rom•ni'y has awn
15.9.9 be ,.ene.Mr ear.* s.rl. In er•rt leo
bat. Tbe sews s"ln.wse of ear person b.,.
reges.11y In 4141. let low veer..h... lame
bl • tee Me Ileht. A lea •.rims• ate,
Ole Ose•!M. 95011, will remember awe
Moe .4a. .14 r..I., will a yeas/ wee
Vele driers wee boss taw ghees v e t 0 Alio
ZLII11114411141 wbdNarm. rMy w.t. el,
991x91Sbe lake sea .8.1,1 terribly
rim feseme h. WM ,10415/ 5p se 141.
Tn. 'nonnnoemeots of Dew and forth
cnmfeg hooks, particularly In the IID" el
L.- loo, are o1 special 'fleetest. 11.1. autumn,
end reader. o•usltly Aare no ranoe te
oompieln of the ball of lar. promoted to
Mr Murray's wisdom In aeleotlnt An-
t hooy
rthcsy Hope in preside the fettle! serest tar
t n •dmleeble "Monthly Rorie,' h.. Mon
emelt' justified ny "Trbtram el Wont,'
whinh 15 nose ready in honk been. Ove
5157 say that In this 41101v stn. Mr.
Ilrp,'• rare qualities se a welts. el Story
are fermi 1s fell !mire; and that an ad-
•ntrsr of his wen 1 • dlwllea9d, .011
muse mw readers wilt M mane.,. I, •
be no bre nett not N n• ee by Mess
Gee. e N. Moran, A (lempaay,
Witte it. peat pabll.hlns 'louse r.f ,lnhn
Mtray est• "The M..tbIy Review" re the
wend, the there. of proem areoud by the
h.w41 91.1117 el It. .5.'1941•, aed theael4.•
leganw.4 , . mrohaaioel 51.15 •p ism It
1t ewe the thee It■ semi . duetted,
.ed .ler pn•It.ea the. eeeor.1 It he. retain
.4 by eseal.INlty the lefty
et a t.,A .1 h whish It hoe est The Rep
"rink r member, paw 415fee• a., •5mplet•
M• ant year el p.0ss.Y.., .n1 le s
testable nae 15 591.1 noose,, Resides Me
Canadian Housekeeper for September eon -
tants many helpful artlolee on the home and
has only to be seen to be •ppreol•ted by
"racy reader. A bee of the Interesting
articles are •'A Good Investment," by Mr..
, Llod• Hull Limed ; "Jam and Jam mak-
tog," by Mrs. Plotu Gadsden ; •'A Better
Knowledge of Home,' by Mies Jennie
Beauohemp; "Short L. sone In ('ooklne.' by
Mrs. 1•:mily Gordon ; "I) H Ws) s o!
t'ooklag I'otstu.s," by Mn Miry L. htg•r•
too; "1'h. Care of Sables': ' For • dapeoeee
tweeter" ; 'Home "Dote and Helps" ; and
• complete enelaog• of good things for
women In every household. "Table Topica,"
by Mrs. Mary i'. Bradley, mutants mocb
valuable lolermatios. The departments
are alt well instructed. This Illustrated
mag•r:0e bar already hscobte widely popu-
lar. Sold by all dealers. 1'sa Dents per
Dopy ; or 81 00 fur year. Caaadlaa House
k'sper Pub. Lo., Torooto, i'ublubere.
MoxNAY, Sept. 23.
SV. 5. I.swieooe, of S. 5, Na. 11, has
been re engaged for 1902.
The ano.yersery s"rvIoes of the Holmes
vllle Methodist oAuroh will he held aro Sun
day end Monday, SepWmber 29 and 30.
A olrcumaanoe that is very 1100.0,4 u
the fat that the death of the late John
fr•warth• is the fink one that has 000arred
In the Forestate' lodge here done its organ-
•z.tion nineteen years ago. The Dour. has
• membership of thirty or forty, and it is
rem.rkebte that no death has previously oo
outran therein.
Andrew (;eurtloe hes sold his farms o0
the lith and 12;11 000Celei001 to hie tclgb.
tor, ,lames Graham, for the sum of $6,000
The fume misstate 100 a rd., and this parr•
phase gives Mr. Graham nearly 300 sores of
1.ud Mr. ('..orttoe has bought r 0r the
store of J L. Court+ce at ifelenesvifle •D,1
...kers p lea on the let of Ncvember.
.1 1. U. u tion r. moves 10 Clinton.
The Ibminn Government has a number
of fatu nig stations . err the D.,rnfeion
that sr• dntne ".nod 9011. They have
'eo:del to gore West 1!-,ro. one, and have
.opmoted F. G. 1•:dotd, H , mosrtlle, titrant,
or, Mr, I..laebery, u' Chet ham, was 1 ere
14993.1 dlrooUnns for tb, fee.-iug and in.
.oaku g of o0op•, etc, rl.. thicker: s pie
1..r.d are pure Plymouth It .iks, but •o)
5,.e,.1 table het will .1.. F'. ('. ie look:,$
for 150 such obickrms L r the Bret •zperi-
m. rH. '1 he Gov, runout 1.9 n red, as nee ,l
the r. .11Ulta for the s.t.hl •h•neoe of this
stet..•., that It should ha on the line of rail
road, end, therefern, soy of a',,eel
11 snoevplt, Sept. 18
P llktiY' TAT100 To 1111`+ 4(11011941',,',-
Aboul ei1.y of the inrushes and edit, reals
of Knot church, ,Auburn, 'sort •t the bort,'
of 01r. and lira. Oliver ('lark on Folder
evening, September 13. and presented Mrs,
Robert H,046,5e0 wrth a we 1-611ed purse
and the following Illummattd rddr.s,;
ukAa FHIIINI. -1t e, the members and
e thereal. of Knot church, are this .yening
hero aesemo',d on .n 000asion wblch will b.•
• memorable o00 for alt of u., but wo 11,101,
to niek• it mus a 1.0'.117 5o for yaun•tf
R hole aesoo•t•d with our chsrth, fn thte
y Jlage, se the worthy help meet of aur Ia.e
lamented porter, we could not hut feel the
uplifting Inloance of your cheery word and
manner sod the seal 004 earnestness with
watch yon polzted the .nndoring ones to
the he19osly Inherits u 4 which •lone was
so. thy of their arriving for. We could not
but temente* the lettb:u'n to of your
r'etssrd•blp durlegthe 'even year, of your
active labors le our on; , In o;,u. tib, $ 4
hats sohnnl and Endesvor Society, and t e.
00 tender you cur hear .y appreciation of the
ame. tin would ark you to me tent Oils
pores as a dight mark of nor ..teema.l
token in evrdance'-f the Ler, .hot wo a9•
preola'e out nniy thy- v.0, 4 . tor„ render
WE 1111 e'en those admired., moral and
spiritist virtues no clearly exemplified in
year life .luring the yea' of v nr .oj .,in
with ire. In oaoolusion, permit era 90 pray
that you he Iona ousted, gu:de.l and upheld
by rhe Mater whore settles sou your
oh,el. t J y That tl n e see'tine of 4i,in,
pregnane may btlgbten your 1 Ie path, till
God •hall ..II y.0 to the rensrd of the
faithful, to the hear last •1.h of lout Chris -
ties friend& 1. 11/14 onmmuerry, Slgeed no
behalf of the etnererstlrm •e4 fires& of
Knew ohnreh, Mencheseer. Kidere Wit•
I.IAM WATTR, dons WitMs, Teem An
People whose daily habits are
constantly active soon wear not
Nature', delicate machinery. Ner-
vosa ethsnwtion, general debility,
,leepleanetoe, etc., invariably fol.
low. An invigorating tonic inch
a, "(Climax" Iron Tonic Pills will
restore wanting vitality) and tone up
the system. Bach box contains
ten days' treatment. Prise 25
emote, al all druggists, or mailed
on receipt of prin. Addison : Dr,
Hall Medicine Co., Kingston, Oaf.
MMIT11/t MIT/MTI/ tfttTTTM/11mmtt
f Seasonable Goods
Powders, Shot, Shells, Cartridges, Guns,
- Rifles, Caps, Primers, Wads, Loading
Tools, at.d Sporting Goods of all kinds.
OP -
W. .':u'ry'`t'thu latIgc.t and 134'st itosortexl Stock of Sporting Goods
and Ammunition to be sewn in Huron ec ty. it is a stock put
in Flteell Tillie 71:A1t, ,arid 9511 ruts guarantee the best -of satisfac-
tion to those Mho purchase our goods.
Double-barrelled Breech -loading Guns, $5 00 to P25.00,
22 Calibre Bides (taking short arid long cartridges)
$5.00 to $11.50, .
2.2 Caitlin. Safety (tides (tit tng short and' long cart-
ridges) i't3 25 to $5.300, r
Don't fail to see our 811.00 Guns, They ,are good value. a
We carry a Large and -r
Well -assorted Stock of----_-,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, White Lead, Glass, 72,
Putty, Locks, Knobs, Butts, Hiisges, Barn door
Latches, Hangers, Track, Nuts, ' Bolts, Wash-
ers, Potato , 4s, flay Forks, Manure Forks,
Spades, Sltovei.- ' •3zors, Razor Strops, Shav-
ing Brushes, Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery.
d Ifit ytriig te be lid ie Welbsier'ied IaNs : tsck
APING bought out the Hardware business
so successfully carried on by A. Mel).
ALLAN, we aro now prepared to supply the gen-
eral public with the very best lines of Shelf and
Heavy Hardware, at the very lowest market
prices. It is our intention to remodel our store,
renew our stock, and carry on business in a
strictly " open and above board " way, anti" we
hope to merit a share of the patronage of the gen-
eral public, by giving the best possible values in
all lines of Hal'dware.
Give us a call.
We will do our hest to please you.
OP▪ -
Ey rely should come to Os Big Clearingale. All Next Week.
Our Motto is, tiniest o ods at limiest Prices.
1111•: LEA Lou iiARUw'ABAL9:I:s I'11uN1:57
We do busine o6OY7ro:day Credit System. -11
7�UlUU�1��1�� ` �j���1�1111�1��U�U�Ulllt�
Nft---McIVER, 1
LIAxt Donne.
The Rey. Mr, Carob., on behalf of Mrs.
Henderson, made asuitable reply, thanking
the kind friends hr this token of
their appreciation of her work in their
midst and assuring them tbal Mr.. Heeds.
son would never foroet the bony hinderers,"
shown to Mr. Henderson and herself dor•
log their soj .urn Irl Aubcro. A short time
was thin .p.ot in a sextet way, wren .11
were palled to order and the Key. Mr.
Currie Invited to the oh•ir. An enjoyable
program w.' r,idered, at the close of
wbiuh relicthments were revved. Before
esp•r•tlog for their yerious homes all joined
la sir g og '1.01 he with yeu till we meet
aisle," a'ter which Mr. Curr'e pronounced
the benediction and brought to a rhea •
p!ea.aat aed profitable Stento$.
ANNIVaraiA HY.-AnOiv 710r930...111
be held at Doonybro, k Method... church
0o Ynn4ay teed Monday September 29 h
and 30 h. K:y. (lee. jlaoiel, M. A., 1',,,
U., chairman of urderioh diatrior, will
preach a: 10 30, 2:39 .n I 7.33. 1),nnv
brook oboist will coin:net Ilia rag -ilk G,
llonday ea ex.u!I.•nt concert will be given.
'roe f. Betting talent are *speared to take
o.rt n'.', A1:se B,r ha Gardiner,
Lockoow; r..l n s . MIK I,,ly Mns, St
Acv nal ii e; •oloiat•, Mu. W. A'b% CAI..
holm, Wongh.m, end W. Krydge., Bode.
etch K.v. err, I',n el will deliver his Popo-
.r leatwy entitled ''The Heritage of the
nets"nth County.' ' Doors epee at 7 30 ;
co .art begin. at 8 0 9. Admi..lea-free•
will • I *clog .1 the door,
Warta. Venus tales.
Ate sit
he • envie.. 1
For the Inform
that Putnam'• 1
motor patslessiy
Dr01/41.111 soh
soil Poto.m'd Nantes'
• stork el bloomy ! Tie would
• topic for debating societies
tion of soots, let it be k 0011
sleet Core Estimator re
site i0 a very short
"ell the best always
bre Ketr•o'cr.
Mdlt.a or lees issued r
Nu follow reg eb nitre to the
I'rov,sf anal Second Louts. 1
and 0. C Armetrnog havlrg •b
selves from •onu.I train 0g wt
their nemea see'removed form lh
r.lfi will of the &ot,v m: 1..:. 1', to
I leutenente, Supernomer .rya,
Hetherington, .1 .S `i .roof, le ,),awe
ten home,
Hy announce
rd refitment:
V. B,ocleir
led them
E learn,
13,1 of
c. ad
Notice of dnanges must be left at thio
(Ken not Tater than Setanln,
noon, The Copy for changes
mast he left" not i u,r than Mot,
day Moon. (lomat A.lverti,eom• nto
accepted 00 to no, 11 K'rxlnnedry r f
each work.
Infectious Diseases
The Tabs of Romps, ••Duch'* Happy Thought"
Happy Thought
Their Cue 10 14.
TT took Money,
4.1 1 elands and Brains
to pertr. t The Happy
Thought Range, and it's
the Range that ardent
copiers have taken their
etre from, :t It t t
Happy Thought Raatee
are made In 6 different sizes and 72 different style,. They have all
the latest practical improve-
ments such as the Corrugated
Oven, Transparent Oven Doors,
Unob� ,trractahte Oven Damper
and awl'horonth System of Oven
Ventilation. ( t 1 it
30.000 Canadian Crooke
"commend Theon. Iii
Write for illustrated pamphlet,
Yasafeetu d 417
The Wm. Buck Stove Co., Limited, Brantford
LSB & BHRPHARD, Goderich,
New Fall Goods
Just Received, a shipment of new fall Dress Goods ill
1loteespties, 'Tweeds, Serges, Cheviots, Broadcloths, in
all the 011'17 tall shades.
Black Dress Goods in the Following Makes :
Brocades from 20c to 83.00 a yard, Biaritz, Serges,
I [onlespuus, Cheviots, heavy Cords and llenriettas,
A Big Stock of Black and Colored Silks.
43 colored blouse Waist, silk patterns, no two alike,
at wholesale price, frotn 15c to 60c.
I want you to see our new stock of Wrapperettes,
just in, all new, from 10c.
Now Flannelettes from 5c to 15c.
Ladies' Jackets.
Just in, a Complete Stock in the Latest NEw Yoitk
Styles and Lengths in the loading colors for Fall trail
You should see these Jackets before making your
lection for tbo coming season. Every one new and
to date,
Se -
Terms Cash or Farm Produce, 'Phone 86
Least Odor, Brightest Lustre, Quickest Drying of all
Cost, no higher than inferior makes.
Use the Best.
Brightens up old Furniture. Makes it look new.
W. C. Goode, Chemist, Bedford Brock.
The above is cut into stove wood
londth and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria street,
will receives prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
I:u.lerich, November dint, 1899. 53 3m
J. H. Worsell,
The dump stove sad 4.,.... mss,
l i oderleh
surfaces, `S Remember
that's the secret of
to uta.
To make your homes bright
and attractive with ,
because they are each muds
for certain purposes. .
A paint for Furniture, for Floors,
for Bath Tubs, for Houses, in
fact anything paintable, not one
slapdash mixture for all kinds of
pedal the right paint in the right place
it We will tell you the right paint
Last call for the balal a of Goods left from our
Summer Clearing Sale.
Hardware Merchant, -
4r.- • hh
should he fashionable, of good wearing quality,
nice fitting, and keep its shape till thesole parts
from the upper through long use and wear.
Such a shoe k the IMPRESS, of which we
hn%'e sole control.
We have a full line of cheaper shoes in stock.
Wrn. Sharman, jr.
Slater Shoe Agent.