The Signal, 1901-9-26, Page 3,..arm -- -
filer' Market.
to of gruln u!l 11,e
Illy were oaly fair
ere oleady. hurl.•)
11Y, 200 bumlwt. U(
I i,o %114. per hq.11-
red al H9,S4., find
one fit (f7r old
Irrupt, _,a)n b,vit.
to 55Kc per bgHhel.
Iy. 4(10 b,Nbelm ter
to 89%c.
one laul rmelblogat
% one laal ter sulall
vier. pound rnlh
to .SQe. The ufbv.
New IoW tire• melt•
a putr easier; tfio
tret ely plentifill, ;
eDetully was g,.tl.
bringing 41.1 to il.x:
7tllckeuv war,• ata,
prices reulnin,vt
IOC a pair. Ufii'ks'
ell, un/ PriC#. w,-rs'
'to 80L a pair.
roe and uneh:ln, e,1.
plentiful, :ill l -ods
to $I_.
fr ; (Mae land sold ut
Alt Markets.
xemrkrt to-d:,y war
6e•ing heagy „a l
•d. PVali1ws r..-
lond of Vl,•higj,n
stud a,,W at #,I to
bark •t. Next week
tet peaches It bile
were ear14•r. :•moll
t1. La to _ala :6.,l
1 to MSc. Ilan:urie,
■ellhnK , - r! ,t
4uut,• 1'aach•V, p.•r
r, 754. to $I,-•- ,
; P e ars, p•r b:ukw
arrel. IS: to A4L.f.0
t. 20 to I0- ,R&
p•r trlrk,'t; :appl••x
u •like ; per Iklrrel,
!i1P(oum. Ik•r !•rate,
basket 1.. 1„ •'lo•;
ell. I'2% l., _;.
skot, i:. l" _ill..
to 35e; h,oapa,.,
to $2 ., I,-ia ,a�. p.•r
aplP.s, lair crat,• y,
al.-OfferinKe fit
•t Lu -lay uta. -_116
IOU r lore,t. ad,,
astl 100 oulor4.d at
!.-At ta!-(L-ly'r n,:lr-
(rlferml 1,7Hi b,,Pm
tmda•r e•hpes,.
at 97-W. 1'•,
P.. lSZI)L. 2L t t .,
Ila Buunl I— t , ;
1 Hili boNes , .
1 ufferrdl7_ I. ,,.
brought S a' t .
'r 21 1 -Le.
21. -At til 4
!1 rolor4ml -`.1
e donr,!p•I. 9!� . .
11(lc. dal.•. 4,,,
etthulPP un...,
heat Morketa.
lout fit im;orwf',if(
)44ty :
'limit. fi •PL 1,,
-- fib 8-4 71 .
73_2.1. _.T1Ll.`
r. 8-4 -- 7:: 7 x
18 8 4 GQ 3-1 .
Innes' Markel.
1pto of greela ,:, 1
lea Saturday ,,.,-
were a little• fir1., r
cunt steady, _ n „r
63C to Til , ptr
els orf rel tet t1.: to
irrlo tot glow • fiL fi7,•.
rm •r, _.ZI ble-ht Is
fifdr ,P- linioolm 6 ---
•Wly. J,.dlll I"IN't."
I,er b11dY•l.
y, 1.00 bePlu•I. -� i
tier, nae lout kr;),ng
Lla!a I.
Intl, ea,eler-._-I to%
roll* sellolnK wt tit
nfinnged, new l:li,l
ids• Per dea,•n.
Offerings of , Valet
•r Ulan Potil-1 lye ,Its•
by prl: a rem Ined
•ala almoxt n R :la
�. Duvkm wcrr firmer`
o jt pv p:air. Tilt
at $1 tit $1.50: InrRP
mulnir lel., bat w,utld. .
were fair, _0 itx•14
n 1.11:
art mold fit $10 .1.1 d
, Stork Narketet. •
%car cwt. tI -.l e.4 t1 �"
•-- Iiil th
IteA....,,,, 171 to I .,
am. .. . 1 of to a
r............ 14, len 1 �.,
. . .. ..... 3 H) toe 1,
......1.... . ns to
a M
Oaf OWL.( NI in ,
ser OWL... 1 of In •,
.... 2 7:i 1st ..
............ 1 Y t. f
1 0o In :c
1 W to r f
sa.......... 1 t, to ', -.
o n......... t u) to 1.1
I.S Mn tic ',t W
........., i do Au r
...'...'.'.::•. a 30
at.......... ,a V -!'C
., to N n
.... . loo ta n m
/N' so T rrdr.
!flat $W eltnK rel",vt1.1
la tit, Montreal tilt:+
r TII�) jted to tar VMy
\ Joe► tr ago. Firraft "I earriel N0rtli
11r,cs the Inst
P, them asiJlM trd, fin l
vemant herom,w frier.
:e will improve.
morinesx In genual
L'rovineA Ila fnlrly fir'
s been n. mlwteri, t "l
fit fn w•hormale ire,!,
No lice present Wo''I
most Ililm "r otwl- ,1
rxpnnding. At if',l"
nil for general
nes fnlrly arth ,'
avellprt nre rely,
! anti lion mnil or -
ell dWapprdntlnir. I'll
s paelfic Cnnat 1•Ill�
t those week: llusifll +
6provinR• The drill
re getting larger• find
s more prMk r Thr I"
+fit In wheat In Minn(
t satWactory feno,r''
Ituatlon nt Witinircr
,IIIir firma nrw At 1""
ap the reward Of P" -
tints am bnginnlnit t '
tt Ont. RptnitPrx In ih'
iwring gnitw freely l 1'
asM, and Jf)bher4 fir',
,xwlo. Whnipenle trod
ialtly Soothe 10r +till••
CEYLON AND INDIA sad fnImoued with a urfee and e
1.114. Chiu, ant If to this test ad'le41 '
u pantls,rne pale of uuffr of lathe
little: wore auto be olumlrwf In till.
The long cunt, whllp out w, cheap
GREEN TEA. fleet curt, a en ticund rur-
Crpllbin to /rralwnut anti cna Ila
dras►ed up at small curl. AJJurt-
uble lace coil&rr, adJuxtablp Cullom
1(ereMblrr Ja4►pafl In fiator, but b NEVER IMPURE -while infinitely of taffeta and rat I. cullurr rat vel-
vot field even revers &I'd wldu In -
"nlmerlor In quality. It is making rapid strides lel public favor because fool" call be added by clever fingers.
of (I,,. above facts. DrInkerm of Jalsaa leas ■hound give It a trial. Ttile long coat ll. al.0 A salvation �
to lilt- wardrobe, ter It prulougr
_ ___ __ _ _ _ _ - lhu life of a tire** oklrt field urtver til
til(, fancy wallets, allowing plainer
L A D A cope la Waste. fir
Ceylon Tsas are no11 Ia Ssabd Lsad Packet 74Ie! first long coats or full are in
only. Black, Ml:epd, Uscelorsd Ceylon Oreea rlugl� 1preiasted, though cue Yeer [lex
Free samples sent. Address "Salads," Toronto tit(, double-breasted varieties, but 1t At
it plearAnt to know that til,+ nd4thl Ile
warmth is not demanded for route ell
�.. +,1•+tit+•r•s•+.i+++++++•t+a•rt"+,-•r-r+rv-.••rsr�+..-.... , ....... • thue yet.
+ 1 To there who would nsk about Il
I BEAU 1 Y TALKS FOR WOMEN : + tiff. routs of tate oofulttg winter ad
. Only the Mort tildefiuite of Anawon fl.
+ A I'rolessional (Jives a Fe:w Hints on .� ,'an i e glop,,. Fumbion'r finger in- in,
+ 'r ttivatten that there will he do te- toil
+ Preserving Your Appearance. lwPrn styles; coats will either b0 IY
t (Pry long ter very mh)rt, PIl11er or
` ++"+.(.CNH++d•++++++rig*.#4++++i+++++i+++i•N+iiii Ilrngging upon lice ground fir chop- su
Iw,l off at the waist lune. w
t AIt-JINti 1'MKllt DAILY 111tKAU. Women land WII. 4hould the Patience tet the. readwr tot
A mail anti Ilia wife went Into It perml4 It MAY be mentioned that ,u
vnrrlrau Wofueu linvw Krtered Yar- dentleit'N. " How much du you ebforg,• the first fur costal of winter have
Ions Mlelds of Industry. fur fillln' teeth T" urkoll the. former. arrived In 'tile unpacking ,leltnrt- fi
" FYtim toll rhlllings to title lxxlnl." mento of the large bourer. They at
E)rry One udds to the number of .. Uel for Iullin' 7- show long cont■ In fur and they ,fit
6..,,n„•,, who are entering new fielotr "Two shillings ural alxpence•,� &lint allow the fur Etons. Oaa nithe a
. of Industry and winning nti+cesm. " Murlar," hr saki, turtling tel, Ill+ pretty novelties Is the rtralght fit- .1
Wit. Laura Alderman, Of Ilurley, K wife, "you'd better get it puflf"IX` lie English box fin fur. N
Tit-RIto. --- If
p.• owns the largest apple uecfinrl Oulle4 Dow&,
in the northwest, It b known all - Pat, what it a Inke, unywrty Y' 6
over the country, find ham M•en lel •• A lake, Jimmie., Ir et f+trKe body ('f A goal Mirror tells the (nth u w
its present Rand@ for twenty-fawr water ►urrounded by men. +Inti atter tun Milan It reflects. t1.
years. Recently the Department of children In IwthinK flutist.'- 41dvitgu -- tl
1 wI11CI1 O L/Irl w
r - e at R
ARrlculUire her lonorel Mrm. AI(lr Ito'1)nl-Hrrnld. p proper ng
m;,a by i,ub1111hlag-a rtcurd of tier --- 1,holl get married im the pursoWL91'. h
.11., aim tot apple raising. Dlgga-There gel a newly-tutirrl NI
1'IutPrnook duck runch marks fh'' ev,uple. A w lass nextd never hope W keep t
.11" -oatul slruRRip of n N',naRll fit Daggo-idow du •volaa know 4 n wcrr Ayre Wlll till tea I�et.
1'hatry, N. 1'., urear l,nkp ('hnmpinin. DlgKN-I mew Liao glve tier a five- ---f
Mlism F:llen Wheeler was thrown nlwo .klbtr bill to buy "„m,' rho "I'litt4.H Mimhrrin e6. uounlly Comdr in palrm, si
her own resources, and, tier heatlth will,. but lilt• fir (map C&nre iryapplem.
falling under the. mtrain of typ•wrlt- --- I / on
iOK, sell*+ eilterfmrnteml with fnnry You'll Had a happy staff#. i:4 IN•kt WliltCol Jon. •aa neve b•., undone., YI
fnrming, Each mumm„r she• raimem by Tu wetar the whole vmr rtan' , ,,Imlx•clull) if It' a vdr oitl ,Leak. t
Incubation 1,5(10 duckling-, t^ mu1M)IY More Cool lel wumMrr, Lind more wnrm -
th.• hotels In her nelghborhoxal. She In winter than a frown. abutting out dtr Girls.
ala, her started n tee Touch, which ---
ik mtalressful• Humbinl-My dear, I can't remem- ••1 never see )tots/saywlsere, towa-
A bincksmitli's (•hop witle several ber, where I have left my slllapera lit) day's," w►tup tine r marked to an tit-
nsmlrtants fell to the tot of (Colin Hol- you h appeen to know where they are• f tractive young w�n recently. "1141
brook, of Wierbnrn, Munn., wllPn mile Wife -I ,un't remember having seen you never go t YW[Irrr now ". font
waN but 17. At her father's dealt them. timed to be the gayest (ff the IoW
Nile uialrruxok to run this, find Lno 11 mlutnd-T:net'e Jurl Ilko n w,anan Why luive ytip given It all up"'
,krtn4• w. for two yeterm, sulgmortlnK _ala•ayeo forgoothtl. ,itecaurP 1. am r►elbepr fish, fowl
. her nothe-r ani a large family. Be- __- nor g'.uJ red herring." slip l+tugbed.
sM14w tills w)Ittty silo her another "Urnaillpttn ! What a runny name! "l have any place Ll Noeb0ty. 1 ought
Ulatoltsm, being a mall enrrlrr. Twire •Aren't )ami Anxious souetlmer to W be welfrietl caul have my Own I'm -
n .illy se. takes lite I'nite-1 4tater Change it t" totblksltraeent, and 1 have ,6.L. 1'4xa
moil four miles in summer, laerfurmin9 , I,aii it guo,t deed more anxionm to me•e. It ll. thles way Willi girt wl'omto
lilies wrvirp un her whorl , In winter Chung•• my other name." pe)ple rnttv'taLin Pawl, : 'Time lirmt
off foot. Y year they conal• ,nit they are feted
The NOuthenmlern BIIIp,sters' .A•11ao- Panel made mwdl elf, rtlul (lave a beau-
. R' Ibo
-O ! Mrr awn
r•Intbn of Mcwltri�, [:n., rw•ently sur- Mrm. ('uwipr Wful Limp: the Dr.xl )e-nr or t6.,•
Im•nled Ihr nilen of Order to ,,limit n noint talk,. In Splleni A Co.'o milliner) thedr glory pale" a little, lntt the)
woman, Miss Cort Kimtall, nn effl- „peeling. They've got tiff- 1(fveli.•st still feel it W Llwlr prrnwathe to
. ri,•Ill blllPwster. b.,An,,t, lbere for V, top. Littlt Wil- got aMnit nJal havo n gOo d time. Then
Mrs.'s and Mi►r 8,yre, of Mont lie Cox -Ib)' -lint nnsa :Ilwvaym gets her f'1gnes a li.rMxi of tole•ratlon, w• Wch
flare, I1., have been maolp ciaptain tblugn for $i down nn'- Mrn. Wont- ,,I*) fart"ayear ter two. Thtx bringet
:till assistant ntarrhul of till- fire de- h) Ife)eriohl))-Itua lawny unit Piit), n girl tap tier fifth ter sixth winter.
parUuent. Thp pinerr fare ia, mine- µ•illi,. If she ef►unes out fit 18 she will be
Buren, and It in nu new thing folr _- al,u„t 24 „r 25. StHI yoetng .nought
wtimen to flght firer ill Mont Clare, 4h,•-Ifnw nice to be bomP'AR:uin ! to en),y life, Oar wc)ukl t"'ak, bout
n. most of the male population Is lit R'bfit n crowd there wit.•. I do t't OM,ciet)' hila find enuKII 0f he•r. 4hP
n blcnR a all day. ■u •)r• Mr. Fbt,niker knew awe -half retain it heroot-I very keenly, her in-
NrP. Blown ban ontirt- cbnrR* 0f n PP citation» grow fewer lit notmber. her
,islet Nweeprr factory fit Oranl of him gue"t".
I;:,phis, Mich. It Ir even run"ored Ile -Didn't he, thlslgh ! Wit.%. he ptrtnrrs [alt 4dL leer father fir, Inn-
Iitnt the Invention w•as herr rather bud fixer da4r•Ptiv-rY In rvruingrlolttrs alacrity r Iter elmolh"'s (artlenti"11 1@
Iftut that of her husband, now de. there. rta.w abrorted by ter y(nlonger ria-
,-.,(Iwell. --- term. who moat lata be conwldereal.
au" ppile McKinftuel, iN superin- KF,DIK/ C \ elle "IYAN'IIOK." and she feels that hew day an a m0ciat
t.•udpot of a big muntifneturinx pl ant butterfly w practically over.
of Little Fall., V 1'. S!Ie empfuyN Site Ws. 111Ls Grate, a Ilerullfol •••1 wtowler that throve old girlm try
1.200 loanls, IN trnine,f In business, .lewene, of Philadelphia• to h:wg un, I overheard a CAIInW
.all b especially noted for having yonth renutrk at the last danc..! 1
.,n,lrnbly mettlel several dlmputPs - It is slut gevnerally known dual Sar went tel. 'Mrs. X tin"
`• a)hkfi threateno.l strikes. Walter 4c'utt, In "lvafbbw•:' the must
_ A very young woman of Hyracase e.,n,lum or him novels, dare* the char Itoped Me tato Dance.
is Paying tier wap through ccdlrgt oder of Rr frcen, the IDomt attrac. the eotlllioa with one of them. I
I.v a dutuesitt• o4•cupatlon on w largo) live d ill _of his 1knolai:r, from a mhuuld think They ought to know
•. filo. Xven ak a child her stare time beautiful Anae•riean Jewpmm-Rebeeft enough to stay fit home• with all the
.ns wpgit in fruit panning and J -11y t)rats, of i'1)Uadelphln. (the van a other girls coming on needing Part-
rthking, and tills wort rhP lift" foun4l friend of Washington Irving, and til^ hers.' Fortunately i wa■ not the
na•rw Ia•rativo+ tlutn undoorgradualP latter, during a visit to Sir Walter 'old irl' hr land to dance with, hat•hing in order tt. Pecurr money llr•ott tet Abbotsford In 1817, Rave g
f�.r lier univerwlty expenses. Idyl au enthusiastic arecnnt of her It was one of my contemporaries, find
llimm F:Ivirn Miller, a mnuthrrn wonderful beauty, her remnrkabie t qulte ugrpefl with him. I think
writer, ham Just town engagel nr Pxp•yto•w..r, her firm Adherence, Ga there is "umething undignified fm
paseengrr agent cpm til a Loubollle the rellRkm of her fathers under the keeping op the moue old rant.inr, ypitr
reel 4t. Lemke read, and It b cunfl AltaR trying clrrumataneen, h••r Phil. after )enr, mtitl anxlons to get part -
t e tet that she will present 1.i o a and h#.r gr -at rharit,v. Sir rve•rs fur tiff- cotillion and supper fit
I fitly xpw i fiat r 1 Y
�tlu.' muupPrb)r ettractlnn. of lhln rail Waller Scoot was wt work upoD "Rob• .:ver)' J+uncp, and fePling all til.
r4Nacl In a way to Interest women i itc,y; • hitt diaramme+d Witt' Irving tion lint(, the gam^ is not worth the
travellerw. p14pt of "Ivanhoe+' and ¢xprp-pd feta c[tndtc.
Intention to Introduco Into the story "For married women It in differ-
WOMUN Or VARMS. the character of the JewP"m. When Pitt. Thpy have their awanreal place•
the+ M,ok {�ttnm publbhed, i>recember, find if they en},y thnt Port of tiling
d.arge Array of Theme Rn,p101yd In 1919, Sir i1'nitrr tont him n c"PY there Is n0 reuwon why they mhould
Western Slrtrs. I nal naked him : "How do yon likn tint attend every function; bit It In
y4nir Rpbo'cea i", i ew* the Rrbr•em i becoming more and more the fanh-
it is said that fully ball a mfl.kin I renve, IJctttr'11 "leoparA with the pat• ton fur Sufffig women of my age who
",,men ah pmpleyel fo the Western tern given r' nr• unmarried to drop general so-
�tntew as harvest lrth,rers find Ren- I Miba Grntt belonge,l to a dlatlft- piety. By that I do not mean social
enol farm hands, Thtm a ncrx11mte'11 Kilishe.1 .ipwdPh family of Phlladel- fire; w•e Ko to dinnerm, theatre par-
Phin. fier father, Michael Orates, ties, and (face In a great Willie to
i"r by the anmer'ous Improvemt•nts wnm n mpreirnnt And one Of the Pilin Name {wrticnlnrly smart bell; we
L agrlcultural m tehinPry. wbtch oln- arm of the ••non -Importation remdu have onr w•arnn friends and Intrllt-
stifle a woman to do the work ala enr- lion." It Ilan been written of him : e lett interests, but lap decline to be
ttv ill n man, And nlu) by the large "fila home was known far find tvodr moctety hacks, And i think we fire
nnmbpr of women who own forms find a■ the• home of n relined and elpgnnt right. Uon't your"
nwroage thrm thr•nhgelven. Thim IN ho•'pitntity, whprp Rifted, diAtin-
___ ,imp Cully true I I Iuwn, Indlana, Knn- gulslocd an,t illustrious statesmen .,.lit Boni'onm thi b sin oof o for n iris
-- -R,s. Vehraska find minneevAtt, where front abroad, whom choice and virie- t1. g
f here nre fnrnrr of i Axoi1 ncrem b -long- attudP hronght to the conntry, cooguised tiling. Tire wolnpn fit the
mg to women. i•ers,nn 6.1111 nre fie- found thf•re nn Appreciative wall- daneetf of the smart set thprP nre
.IIullntel with life In thowe "totem ate- (-nine." nearly all debutantes and married
Pert that tot many enr•" that women Rebecca Ornit wan born in Phila- women ; the girlm of mpvprnl sp l-
n01ke morr munpy out of tier farina delphlt March 4, 1791, n,d diel monis nre conrp:cuoum by their nh.
I , it !id the hunbeands or Intl', rm AnK. ", IFi9, fit the age of FIR. mence.-!f,w York Tribine.
[run, whom tic -y Inherited th^m. in bpr native a ty there wnm !nnr(]IY -_ -_
•A womnP, Intely returned front a chnril"hip institution with which IIEAL.i11Y BABIES.
E:4uw,te, ant I ye•aterdny : "It fo real ) her name wan rot conmected, Chrls-
:t Protty stud Intrre*ting might td, men! Ilan nm well A" Jewish. Phe wam -
Ilia• women In the ftpl,lw raking hay• onr• of th founders of the Orphan-N•slrhful Mothers Can Keep '1'hrlr
•Limling grain, drlvinK the h')twrs At- Anylnm of til• F"male Benevolent So- Ilabies healthy, Roey-Cherkod
1„che.l ht the movinA and other mil- elet,v, the Jpwlmh Fooltwr liomp. She
. hbufw. It cannot top hnrder work folln,te.l a 4nnday whxd for Hebrew and N"ppr•
Iona to •inve In a. klte.hpn or "land children, and /•om01 of tilt- prayers K„thing in 1.h. worki Iv onerI n
all ally b•hlnl n counter. and it ear- use,] there. For more than fifty comfort an,I J )y an n healthy, Ifenrty,
t.,lnly M mne.h more healthful ! One yearn ehe warn fictively engaged in
of them eelld to ma whin i Alibied bpr cenritable entprprlmpm, and when rosy -(•Reeked, happy baby.
how rJte camp to take up that work : ngp prevented bpr eo operation Bnb6v1 can bo kept in 1wrh•rl hFlnite
'Why. it wain all because of the Halon- mho wnm a win connsplor In beffevo- only by hnoing lett hand anti adminia-
Isl; war, ou know. All the young men lent work.
n•rr,• Aw Y, awl taw field work had in permon Mims Grnts was of 11n_ tering when nPe)10d romp Pwrely v'egP-
1" 1w 41(m p or we rynnld otnrvP. S) lar ula11n1 IMnuty. Hpr ligate wnP Rance- thla (-long car smcdleinomm Rnhfill Own
&I nirnit it, we women, and like,! it fail, her mnnnerm whining and Ple-
el.„ well that we do Aot ntearl to give gnat, her ryes Of exryalPite ahmpe- Tilblpts nre 00nre1Pd to be the best.
11 top. r hnvo br,_R in n big •torp In large, lust roux And dark -and be- F'or co►nrtlivaiLsn, caulk, tliurrl"xu,
a h mi,IP" (hemp allrnetions she wrote a m]mplr fevers, Pn ty ntomneh, teeth-
Rro, and you do Pot etre run
t:„Ing back. WP hnvp meat- fyrP4lnn)• womna 0f rrmnrkaMr culti:wtlOa Ing rRuhl•er, IntllRevtl on nn•1 aIPPPIPnN-
+,n•1 fire not watehel fist If we were and force or character. Among the news, these tnblrtm nre n really won-
Id,'kp,,..krts. The men %vh, work wlth tlWnng of mm of eulturw and abil- dprful rare. lion cru) Rive them to
tin nre often metre civil titan the 111101 fLy by whom she wan snrroullat In tie 1p allpst babe without i tte sliKtil-
rlri;iew. iwT brilliant youth it Ill •4Atd tilttt 'wt fpAt: BiaweptvPti i" walwre thwy
"It I,`toy perm n llttlet, early M rime ttlere Wast one. whome affection slip will ho tekpn readily. Tiley e•ontnln
time peony -1l. to feel] 1.h^ hnrwps bef^ro returned, amt the dlffprenrP In their nlpnlntMy ant a particle of (q)IntP
the R,' O br"n�;,fast, batt ht IN the ptenm- religkxnm faith -he being a Chris- or other tnJurions .IrnR•• Thep nre
4,ofent p:)rt of Ill.e da . nrtrr yo i gel tlnn-proveed nn Insurmountable ob- "spall, swPwt lolP"Op" that an.v "Rh
)6..l to It. Ataaat 7 n'cl.,k wa nrw mtilclr, and site rPmnIII&I onmarrlei. Will tnk'• wlthOnt nhjvtl.)n, enol lhefr
in 1I i , I t la b^ Inning wort. A't fine n action is prompt and plMPant. They
al• bnvr 1p Regia icer dinner and n ' --- will telow np the whole avmiew •nnd
1!l Ile• k) nil Tell ardor the lepra• IfuchePs of weetmlaster's Coat. mnkp the little one an liParty And
ItTA westnp work fit i1.3O We!ork. rx- A benutirul gray lung rnnl sof frPp fmm Infnntlir. d1lw.rdPys nn nap
e•1�A In the boot t Penw,n, when we cor,lf'1l silk In bring fnahionel for rotfipr cook[ wish.
work no mom nA fl 10 light. We do not MM �1'altPr Brown, Mllhy, Qnr.,
R the to I apin t of low pill til . an s: " i hate never until any medt-
rnrP for that, hnwevrr, 14.r llle ^ver- it IN too ,"rap. tNp fkkr all the y
limo when the Mtwv mPmm�n In Over. tvoly nro"ond and will be n walking ela0 few IM_y♦ that Awl him so munb
R'•• get gorml wragps, rnoginK frorn (,,ant, not n driving cont. but One Actual no Bafiyy R Own Tablets. i
11.50 to S".PoO n da)•, and 1 ve hPArd thnt Pan be worn In Ihr mtrPrt. tilt,v not QI' Millon them." O ba fa
•,f Rtrlw onrning n g,L d deal morr it. tilmming will bop s filler mh"Je the vrnlict 0f All mothsas who kavp
11,111, th•tt in hfirvns4 ties*, when sof grny on,l n turaeh dppper shade Orel LhPme tnl211
11"1111m torp ararer, g They rust 5 rents a finT. All
I t•f till. m"mf- r01rN•, mnkln there ,IrnRRlsts ne•II thPTn lett file may Ill
"into of yonnic ornmen I)Avr 00M" grnr4 In nil A fining fit baxlrotls siecured by aPn.tinR the price direct
"tit (est fnrmw thin Pnmmor anal Inwt I black will Apt off life Pxtrrlor. nal the taMpts wll he forwarod
irr,m the citipw. They rgjny lbw 1 fere learvlc0nhle long rOAl'1 can P fil. The flr. Williams' Mrollelne
phnng"..; It Ila goo -I for Ih4'Ir be"IlIt,
eII'1 they gra Mot with mrx,#.y be nNtnlned aft )out. Runt pxPrad (fir., rept. T., RrcrRcII1P) Onl.
r Jfh to Inwt whlli they I mo n iturr of mosPJr, TbseOMe ertriid aro
nrn , north as drpmsmaking (or mlllin_ fink dlfflK t0 'le 1.i bol If the Barred to MleNake.
pry wns nnp fn•hbming 0f Ihsm Ila h•y nal tion 1st ihw "mountain 0f the monk"."
or fyPPwritlnq. There .. I I of the h0ms. rtrpsomnker. Ihr,
girl hovel Inst earnestly wbo rnrned k 1
"""Wt, to play her way thrnafgh pill IPt hie purchufp 1Ndn ►Pth" m+tip. nm lllr cfNaml of 1-rl" ill", threw AN
IpRr in flip Winter.II think It w^nkt , An'' If nPOra■nry. 11:ile0t ihrahrrtppr twenty rnQrra11141" p. Tfi•• phew n
1L, Intro of 16-,.M g(u)rl. After Ming atylpa. one I n• till. borllltAgllnna. is all l to Ile mrolr "l.1 bo a woman
shift fill In ohniso an,d (Astoria" nil I theI-'1'lin" and the light wrlgrjc In Is allowed In rrellsl IM hordrr11.
wlnl-, to efomet Int^ the mrmttry fns doth, A pwrfc•ctly plain Inlog rex►( --
IAM skimmer. aryl d0 hwallhp w0tk In enn he madp very dreamy ),y lilt- ant- Andrew CwrnrRtP fin" Riven [10.[1[1'1
Rlls' pare r. 4 dow nrn a y 6.o men ' dN lam of a lace conllar of PA114 r sol- two 1011141 w ttvlrn halt at moth twrll
Owo)yid to do the kardaak work." lar ■hope• 11gvare ID trout and book l.AnartmbUw, gootland.
What Some of the Pretty Hootllgbl PavorKss Say of Thur.
Nu permute who IN lout euurpicuourly
fore the public cliff, by stay IKmrI-
ity, kli ow how musty and varied are
v brutal, of fowl- and crunkm who
r abroad, lex in what rlraugo and
yeterloue, ways they native, lholr
d e ankorles to rfori
nal prorpo+elsiuor I ever reOOtL,su,
hikmi Coghlun. "Fv'o forgotten now,
mix-ther 1 had any old d]Amull(ke ty-
ing around lu0ae Just at tbi time ter
aut, If l remember tx)rreoUy I had
Dot," '
Lillian Itumagell rnyr 4here is a a 4.e
Good for Bad Teeth
Not Bad for Good Teeth
Aeries our r is ly fi week giants over her pvA4
at of all the ptxpplo before (fie pub ss, rowpto'er n ipttr,r prom rums 6.o s0,04ont 43a' ���•
Dune moo quite ley much of this cutin what ham unmet the baby fur her, Sogpdont TOOtla Powder 2 c.
ervel net do aclrerreQ It is not and that only n WK)rt tine ago both If ifide Ligasid &imd Powder - 75c.
wa)r the 'Jdullli" " Theero Iglu- tier numae* "IAlllmn" land "Rurrrll" AUstom or by naafi for the price. San.l,lr f , rhe postege, 3e.
fir trouts of bumnnily are Consider- were t>,wu)wed upon twuim, u girl bud _ __ ____ -__ - -. - - - - -
IUe a matter of t'1turre whore a fey. -
wlllght favorller fir•. Nor Ir It the Beggiong letters are wuftod In to the otatua,_a■-I Assuring me that they •
In with ell'e pullshtrl and glistening wolletatent actrewew lou every llttlr lire 'i.erfpa•t ge Dtlemeu.' The Signal
"Tile greateast fowl tet flee padre tut
hl head -the gay told reprobate. 11" breeze, mtuty of thio wrLteres of is It hat bre•n in), exlerlence, the
Ilkewlne peoreuDial. Titero art oth- w4lAeb from Mame o -cult reason appear auang stnote, One of this Clare par- u ru■usamp
r. Olherm who ('1x1141 never be t.0 ,lake op•cbal targets Of mtage esue•,1 nae with teletirrntat when 1 lald gVZRY THURSDAY MORNING
rpected Of amw)clattng themrelver people. Ito nitentbn to hiss letterm. Thr, ukl ry D. McUILLICUDDY. J
Itie the foul thlugm they d(. and the Maxine F:Illott not very long ng,) ,,,en d0 toot write lou• muidly, gumb)
her fool tiling" the) write -write rettAved n leI1g11ttully Iterfumed 4`100 letters very muoll. 1 IIMYO aD ntes-
ndsign their names t o. tie, wrltt,•n ti, (rale blue aper, and t11etM old man, th"nid', whoop hold T.roae or s.Merlptlo"1
"Yao are my klol-my dream -my Lfm•loom"I In n saffron -hug envelo;+e, beAd is Iaollrhed like nn Ivor) bail On*OOntlo, Ill ,.4.6.00 .....•.......•.-••I W
purt'm pulmatioa, both on find off the 4'P*Lng tier Ano defray Lite writer's ex with A tint of rel In it, find almoest Tbreemu„nue. :: ..................• 0
age -my vrrJ being. Yat aro tv laxisws through u sertdnary, 'tied in etery Digtnt fin W down in fib+ front Bit montlw. ..
cent. Onersee. ......I ............. 1 M
a the one perfect thing-yOfir own the •sump mnU, ter our fart ru¢soq 1 re- d"tt where the footlights reflect on
Meet, delie"im self. 1 Can not rest, canto another from a yO�tl fr 111.0• head like Is mirror. He permistm Ae•ertbtaa raw.
ennriut oriot without tet least one gloaming tie actress to pay tier ex- in c:tawrati,g my dro'•r41nR TO„m sadoth■reaeral I.d••rtisemeaty, nos.
ltle mingle word from your sweet ic•Iw:•r Int the seashore for the sen- ,with a will rofu ion of roes. I butt I.e:a1
OMNI, ns the writer had become quite P par nue• for nr.o in«rtlo 1. M, l r Meas re ams
pm. if it wereonly.sourrignalure: � tot IIv1aR in %ht city. ,tlao n gallant Ohl f4",w from the foreach•ub+eoueutlawrtlun. Mwsured fir
-runt we evra that. I will tnow It snuth w•h, M vn ha nd rty(tilarl) three• a rnn paruil peals.
fir t Ilia a by lila beautiful hand of Mlmr Julia Marlowe not long mince time* a week, an 1 who maker me fill Wis,neee cards sf otx tin.• and under, N taw
o+ woman I Ilve fur. O, gtviat me was the target fur n small boy whoa• uffar of m -image quite regularly. He r Ad•ert4emenu of i o•t, round, airarad
,tit ! It wNl bele 1.0 bright.•, the Mytrt waw tet on iota uuclP•a deform- Wave he is or mwllum height, path, Pttuavone vac,nt WMf+d .■i
retched days and nights. day love e1 leg. At any rate, he rorkp4l Misr+ n little b.ii 1 nn 1 quite domesticated. M.inoe4 ('hence. Wound. not exaeedfuag I
>r you velli conrump me ! !t will Markiaw to ee nJ IWnI sutfirlefft I cnanut remember the number ell Ifnw nouperru. N per mu,atn.
Ina Dry to parr haat• is waxleu IeK for doge he ham given me ; tat I hnvP Flased 9 on sale and Forme 00 Isle. mot b-
111 Pine, unless yam gr:urt me an In- hila uncle. axonal E now. lit for nrN( m"0th. coo p.► sate
rrvlew !" haul to oleo quite a kennel In my' sxqueut month. Lerr.r ■A•n. (■ pr•pgat�or.
7.00logical Garde■ ,for Girls. tack ynrA. I cannot, withal, calm- Any apeo14al soti••e. the ub)ect of rr n
Ile Was Flatly. F•ay Templeton wall : pllain of more, than ordinary :utit oy- us, oroe the cy. %., a b•idor 0f & fi hold•
teal or ssm Wa,r, Yr M awdd.r,mi an adLertW
And it wan dlaleov,r,al that he wax '•If 1 followed teayoelf tai`,Dgenly re- ones from 'oho front,' although I mentandbt.armedsone,rdlng1r.
Ity years OW, wall he wrote that split til.• Unprrttonences tilt upon regularly receive re{um•ts of various Laical notic•m h1 ■onpar•il type 0n• oe■t eel
lod a wlmniti Ott of other tlningm on n6. by til • 'loan nth the Front\ i would tin 4l., soma of wtok h would hardly �'�.l notices ill ordinary reading type two
ffdfar mostly liner to Lilhhn RUNNPll. heave a sa)rry life of It. I pais them lamtr repetition. Moist of them nearly cents per -*Tit. No notlbe for le•. than d6o,
#. vP tin' over unlewteri. But without n`r'olbt amuse'. me CAI are interesting no it- Uj,.1.10wforcburcheaandother eeLLgbw and
he rlhger, pretty P Orly a ry 3 I c Of the various queer bene•olgotinstitutions.haltrate.
Inlslrnti .
thingir thetrp are i, human nature.^
AKCIENT MARINER'S UST TRANSATLANTIC TRIP. "\YI"' wtyw illi, tiled ,lar►pplpm are Pubaartbar. 6.h. Ill u sitar•t, T.o eee■At
not sentimental'!" saLl the little r0gularly by mail MID cooter •boor tar .e
soubrette's tsowponnion with twnadd- eua6Gl.d u• of tie facts at a■ early a date al.
able vivacity. 'They Just are and p W na0 s eba.Me d Addr.w t. 4 boll
heap more eorlatant than the the cid ted Lice seer address. •bouW ►0 stvsa
y iW (,happ!er, too, and they never
r for t you. either. Every season 1 T■l,llea.r■ N.u".
Ket, Utes telling the they will till, J. t. Le Tautel. of Oodw4xb, bas Men ap
un 1 ell 1n the front row', lit the pointed Local Tmveallin� Agent r titsTewn-
- • uppnln pwrfurtunnce. Why, a lieu• ships of uoderich. Colburn0. Asbasld lad
tewilit n the navy haml't mimsed Vrewano•h.
® \ I,pc red to te olve . the d Ueseas etre alas
ern ting t u cote with fbwers 6.h. D .mpowered W r•o•I•e .atrextpfJasa w Ta
t ever he re client port fur more than Slot At_
/ y ten yeura. i have lots of devoted All eomwaal°au . mat I seDoy, d
,', U. Mo0I31 ictJDDi,
/ � < u1J chappleef n [inn F'runclepoo, l'ht Tae a
/ 1 sago and C1n( nnatl, hilt the limit Tol•ebeeeCallfa %,a: l Osa
Py' ` In tenial hands right here In old
t - _ " New• York. Noth ham been, leo far,
1 'I'll( W( D tY, 4F1'T. _1.i, I
// ? � i urwe►rLlsel that c mold n candle t(f
,. him. Btvb i haven't uch lel parlleu-
f / _ -
t � '
i � 1.i / lar L) 1x+11 about ,herr. I get - -
i �1
11►tit ntitee from old ones a d frorn young TSAViLLIN6 CUIDL
enem, Loo. asking me supper and
to, V f , idling ml. that if 16.:c t. to wpnr GRAND TRU%K RAILWAY.
urn of the flowers in til Inatl act
/ I wore flues different flo ere from Atu:lva
nr many bonquete one n t and ilxed..................................11.0 a.m
tit In't dare to leave the tiff• tre fur •1.f and gxprems...................... 1.0 p.a
nn lour utter the pl+ux w•nN 'lamed, Mlrod... ............................ T.N Pat
M,v ! \Chat a time thole thTC mf!D Mau sad gxprsa0.....................1aM p i
find sty GhPmwelrer outside ! I w' ch-
Nall and Rxprpss...................... T.Is a.rti:
//' ctrl them from above. In woWd t e N"h anti gxprssa.:::::..:.:-::....... 13.1 Poll
a book to describe Wluab I saw. I Mtlxaml i Pm
dblWt. leave until I taw them all gel
_ e•ither." DKNTI'NMTr.
/De:ba Fux ham probably had as much
IIII / �I'/ experience in the marcher line no any NICHOhSON. L.D.L.
of the ftootlight favorllpw, - One Of . DGeTAL scasesv.
1 III Rooms op N the 1'0■t oAM.
` 'J lips elela)drm was arnnvdng L) n de- Oo Titlirar. tmws sunt retdas rTta! e
Rre•. S►te waw I)Inying in " Wang" apec tr.
� 1 t `1 when one night slip received n note YY ixper(0I - __ , ..
��• .��I from a chappk+ who told hor to ••0111.•,• oee,i on xi'ainaaday alten+oone at
J. / rough three tlmps when who Snmr I p.m. Prato Mey toQtaber inn usive."
tint fur the bast wcene. She Int UP M, N It. UU.�. LD.A-D
Cil tela 1v,hir of 1 + Xnrlh O(,tmnn -�� tnir►s letwPm F.u_ '\Molt Hopper into the Joke. and when U lt11rxf0ti,I: t.wt and appree•d ---
P h round trip as cap he went un hr dill the coughing. Ff W dental oderatlnn■. Pr••ear•adea
' thlr eaasrnl tentie a epeclall . Oalw: Cor.
1.'a talo i e
P .t bel on
N .n 1 m c rat h6
n �. p rola hi r n A r P )le ev)m n
L1 v I alevam r I,aluu,. h:6. m rp• Aall the who J u6
Y i)a g traDe uN��
lad vu)nge. H hila now complelwf a'ba, hvs bMen cPlPbrntw(1 in vPrmr W, and everyboQy mughed. thin' nerd- .�.. dlguwre ( •t s • -__ _ _-
171.1 rounil transrttlitntle tri ns, and (:e,rgP F'ranclw Train, Ilan lecorap, fear t.) may what became of the chap Ompo clnxed off eincNlay alter000ta■. at
i by hila long and horornble earepr, the Ploti Ala silt- wvu In the art of. lenv- I R I"', frau. May t Oct., inelno ve.
Tele Lone leo. X
n r x Y) r e
• rat
t av ,.1 l ;1 e t b t r
h a r n 1.8 61)m e e prr.l (ff
h a r levan n h i.
Imll of til p Ing tla+ theatre un another ocea-
Ing a r(eurd nn►oag lransnitaallc German shipping company, w'hic'h Plain w)nwtmxly Litrust A parcel In - N. TURNBULI D.S.. LAa--D]6.•
cnpinlrt•. e , iminberm over are% thooman d men. 'I h,' Miss Fox'm hand and then hturleod J• nal Aur cos. (�atP .wD istod wnh
Captain Carl lbhle 1s n t)Ptenl ufficerw nttd nallora of its ftowt err Away. It cnntainrxl a f111RrpP c1- 1)♦.Dlxun,ofltbntreal.l o d and poro.IMa
opctonpn (7, the h'nrdy niarluers m(setly recruited, whets mere Moyle, artificial teeth D,ban(ed on ggl4 w alrsela&�
whom the Korth German Llowl final front tier gnrette cnw, A llttlr fnrLher fitting
texetributal 1.0 (irrmnny's rummer- Pn»hicm on 1.h• r0nwt of nw,ther chn) ie handed her another tori'"' rpethe &natural ri•ea tt the hof me•
lee (Ferman North Rant only after n it- Latina tie tic• natural teeth. UAce In N•
PL•al nu►rlas to itas Ateadtrrt► firm e,( .fe- bang n rmtleeship tip emmanslalp New Ye. Ie waa t► prayer bta,k.- I,.go .-■ I Woof. loons
PP New York Tetcgrnph. 1st. (" .. mit nn R c lmnr i ay s ernoona at
vrlOPmeent. iuvl n InloR catMtw of theoret lrnl I p.n1. fnlm N•Y t0 (k:I,oher Inchul
Thur nrn n•,w many captninm In NtooAts nnJ extunlnittlonn In prneth•nl ,
the Britieh. Danish ito(] Orrmtut Per- wivfgntl on Lv the• grade of captnln at- LIFE OF PRESIDENT M KINLEV
v{ery who hive spored the hundredth talned. LXGAL
-- --- A St.ndard Historical Work, CAMPION, QO.-BARR E
E• cites. Notrrr. to OfAos ovw
when Alhc wnm in the onr wfiich ht- thrrP are anme alxnurl el.�(urea VI Hall, aguaaer Ooderloh
deaxnted with hila inflnebw 'and thin world. I have In mineU, an old From the Guelph Hcraid of Sept. 14;
proaence. ilia wtiw only one of Its af.mpletoss what t►aRnn by AFlting ` O. JOHNHTON-BAItRt3Tgft tdOLd-
kiwi. There nre lots of others net KxrviAng notem tA) attract my It ten. Tllp World (Ave, rra (ed to I e �t0 •!t,xis Commbmilt , fid Money w \
J Guelph, Ont., lave arrnngwt nrn Issue loan• Ua14,es: Uor. HamUton as St A
like hint, unl Miss Rummell Is only one tae) on'tr) hit+ place in the trout r W. t_hr fo t1.. Arseta Godgrieb,0ut. am
R fwi ht- Tolled 1st tltRt ht- began 1.D Ganrxla the beet ui All t1<__ _ .-i_ i
of sootwY of actresses whore lives ix)mdnir Monts on Use, life of /1l. fate ROU ) AO'Ir A I I tle7'QRIf
were. once maid, rent unha (leliver animaW at the stage door. ,
ppy tin n4.- f retllcrst M1cKInIPp. It will b' n tmg- wllmtnrw notestiw 4nblir f rortnra to tM
c4atnt of theee otem fie crpntures Riip• i heel my drawating room rOn•
gr y po,Pat work) ley. It w Ill, n moel, Msrlsolic l:mn all (Nobe: , oath at.. nuts
verted into a vrritatolp uio:oxipal gar- doorStavaf. 01abn Prov.te Funds to l as
flnttering nkat them wherever they w tarn fiy Mount tlnlwtrntf,. tIN• cele -
den fit the .fid sof a week. ThPrP was to Meat rwlw 0f tnter,wt
Kr> It hon bPtotne nn old story, now, bra I war cnrresPondont, the man 1.y, TROVDFOOT. It c. I &
n pint 1)armt, a tn(onkey, two Mal•
find the letterx are paePed over with that n6. PelertPoi by for (ialvernment
teat- kitten@, nn alligator, a ah)g nod
n chuckle or laugh, nal up they 6O of Lilo ate Preaddent McKinley to (� ARROW R OARROw BARB R9.
Into n White rnbblt, vt Attornwye• Holk4tors, fie., Ubde J.
pyroligneMmm nekl. Adel Mir. BAId •• Another nid prank so-ut m'• lelterm wr,to tJ ,,,r,, repxl nn tJhn Phil- T.Osrrow, Q .,CharlesGarrow, LL. B,
Hatul In forgotten leis he thrown file trapino lot In. Murat Hatstend hnm _ --
for more thaC a year, and in each
lute throes all to hlmtePlf, bergs A iilP- R frie, of FrePldrnt HiLiP HOLT, C., BAR
*d them told M' tlutt hl• wear (.ray- D aolfolter, Noun atoll eon O:j�
It im anfo to say( that throe Ila McKinley, n It will b) a labra of j g mAe
Itag for ml.. Thr fellow that w,ndd fiat slde Courthouse square. 1[offer to tea& at
nut a promineont actreein on the knee for him o finish Lille# Mak,
Irt go, noel who grew really filunuing berrotwofinlege•t.
Ntage tu-tlny Mt could rpvaeil Altar- w1L1ch Iron lion ,n In preparation
nal oto trlghteD:•ol m ane n r•Ow-
vels almost lw•yond be•Ilef dIJ Alfie not IC will t+e enmpl•t IsJ" bm>',vingn.l, mann- t(11CYINSO)f t IIOLI(gri - BAfiR
hey admirer, who maw m^ in Stn �l ices Solirftors, Nournw Po eta
have documentary evblenet► to more hood• war marc{e , renlitienl and
Antonin, Trxnw, AL every Perform- Money toloaa. Offiae, \Veat��ttr�ee4et
than sntpntnntlntr all and morr she ❑err• h' 6.M fit ter thputr, anel afthr- wpctnl Ilio, naanmslnnt Intl nrcnnnt 1G L DICKINSON, DUI3hrT HOl�lhrJ1
may or carp In may. wordy tetntleined blow -If fit the mtage elf tin nssawstn find t Anaml,ilat'm
Lillian Russell has brlome a vprt- door tntll I (,same tint. He waw a ellnwPtrnry ronn7tel therewith, OHAS. RZAGER - BAKRtJ1 EI
lwMr hllo her in that Jlreetlon. me4lknl trrntm^fit, denlh, rill nn,f 1.i lotto,, noury and ,we)+e •see.
P "nP rough-lookltgt custo er, I+ran tell tie Hamlltnn street tip�o wr�s
".UI men are silly" Is the way rhe )•eon, with n ►:Ig b,wle-knit" and lung- Ratite funeral. Th^ bmr)k tR rhenP Plstel, uoaerlrh. PrlLste lands to i� w
mumm It up. 4he refused the other tvarrelled revolver wt ark In fila belt. and an exe4.11ent tfint .very family mortg*gw at at per cent 1104a e■t ilart�
night to g0 Into particularm an to mlntoold Inve n ropy, a-- eek- -
I find n rllfflrult llrt►e In IaoelnK him. - - --_._ ._ - _�-__ ____ �..- r
tet what her 4 nton 1l. of old beau: W0 und.•rmtnnd that a magnif fit
JI 'PI fir"1 find to'nuatr p{i M•frtrP flared O.wARU,COK<tT ]l firs A11fP
and young bPnux. Simply, "they are to pow him by r(f tent tae would Dot p.rtrrlit fir 1'rrmkirelt McKlnlry, lit J waa� .■•/v6.
all sill With tier. Tula beautiful x22 Inoltek In plot.•, on carailimrd, wlil a 4lsanomiaof baleriahh t r
y' remRnl11p me.' ' too-. d.anba• ., ball amd. 1 a nor areae
actress line panned the. mix hundred ff " Mlar Luln (ilnwrr : h` Rivet' a ith rnpli rrrpy of oho 1,O0k DOn., asp0,i(io0e w sete�e da■tar.U..■y�'A sn
mark as the re•ci Tent tet letters In J The wrvrk will fit wMd by auhmrrlP entities ,` any M'uM, ..0 0l. p.a=
P " Taw men write all aorta of famI.Ltr the High Court sof J untie•, the 4,..rt 01.
which were prupn"nlm 0f marriage. leltarw-thing.a you wtiuW not lhinft tlott, nM ng0nta. wtil ftnA nn an. for Octane. fir its any Conat, er �ML.�y
and slip ought to know just what n man with hrnlnv In fila htvul exd,f n(futv•emoxnt tit Interest to them In C4,urt.A❑Potosi len■e�refutlyand D1s
rhe In talking nlx)nt. Wie hnm rrcpiv• at4x,) til. Thpv ive then- nanwi; :, ntl roa^tiler rtilumn. 0xson".. . Fluidw,w ted P. O..dlr...- vs
est tent. of therauands rontninln I R gwnnom, ant llsllf
g neidressPe, aru1, slranRr, nn It may New Klad of :lociwl. __ __ _ __,
other prooaltfonte, an varied almomt seem, they are often migned with tilt, The ahtfe wocLil ham broken out In
to the salrits of tM sea. PnmPw r•t writ-knnwn mptn. Nothing New Yorit and wily It• P\pet•t04 t^ LOANa_" t'>I -- --L _
"It all dppenda upon• how hard more Infurintp" me. That n man h,.i-Ows- epioloml• here In dap time. RLONBT TO LEND -A LAlt� Alli-}!
they are lilt." she Bald, "I have ro- ml mild nddrens a woman mere•I,v t)e- Thr, a tore of thla rlMoua dlvprminn 111 of Prtvate, Torch for laveraed&t Ila.
ePlval same Interesting notex from move mho• la an the minRv! Tbiia writ- Ia r Antto-•d in the nrefxnpnnylnR •rtratonando:postson dntdsm■moeepGsh
real nice o1,1 men land ,young orient Ing for nn appnintmpnt to take line if" which conmtitutpd the Inviin- :ptl toGarrowa;Uarrow•
too. Some of them were not mere to tenpp•r :cul adding that te••y 'Will tRon, to a PhoI so(,L•al r•epnlly held In ItAtot Lisrx Urw:nAL 11•lir
InxltfitlOPa to dinnPr or wtlep0r. treat prat rtke a gerv[lrtnan" Orn- 1( )r Irort .lpffrrPon, L. I , Prenhytpr- ��• arc•. R-1 Yauau a■., M0■•y 1
either ; boil other things of ronmider- tlpman ! Ugh ! An actress amen tier Inn Church, for the i enefit of 't hr A"ro," U„Ir nn,t-clava em■r.u1 r reps
nilly morn importnnep. Thome ora talents to plra@p and entertain huff l fid hvl' Ald $ Plply : Mobley ,0le,,d 0n sorariat loan•, a (be,
my Pperptw, though. So)mp of them, andienep; hot tile, Pllinent Phe IleilveAl Mi. oflab.l tgoitg.inan W t• m
alPo, ware Hite erwmah And fir• IPir drefnein nmtm. IMr 'The LndLom' .Ab] is in nped Air ramp, borrows. 0e,ie.'* L; trom
q P R private Me Itnl ova lipmirP to do rolhing rush, Wr tauwt.,uoderich.
enaionally 1 hnvp replvemi from Plait- bpglnP, and a fnmillnrlly to her Is nm Soo a tiles, rrx int w•• will boll,
men requoatm for olipperm to hang great an Install to her wtmrt nod nm --.---- _.-fit
And onr 1 In f„r thio we naw an-
on the wall to blow smoke fit, "r a (familiarity to a woman In p home („I.1 AUCTfoNlttl RlNO.
for ancon other hit of wlearing np- Of rewrmm• I undprotand Ito well ns fowl take lIM nnmh+r of )•onr labor HOMAROUNDiIV. AUCTIO]1;hat AND
parpi. Rat now• I'm growing Per• nnybaly plw that notldng ran In kiwi mlmply mutiPl) by lav„ Vat•pator.00d,rach,Oht. .4nle.attaoded
w)nal." (If~ about the ntnlh4, pxeepl to to in any part of the county.
Ignore them: bt Ida Aralnk that the If the mires• n/ the sh•0 )un wear Ite __ - _-_ :---_-_ _ _ `_ r
lttrrr HrgneHa prom N'omrn. four
abl off d them n* Pro ba a pnniah- �OHN i[NOX.Ot\1tRAL AU(-ylgNitti
These lettere from MPn, hnNn oltl able oftpt)cx. .A tP6 lwtbllA Pxnmplra F:fghl rrntx will MI v ,n thrnngh the a amt 1�.A aluattr.0uMrlvh• Gan Haw
and young, Actresses expect the or lisp wort would de) more to extpr- 'l'x'T' Ing hM1 a,n.1derahl• .xprisp,m ,s this asp
Pam•( As they Pxpoet to Pnt fir to minntA tilt- Pvl 'than an alarsnt of Wall entertnln .%-m )vith Along Anti W-eigri-c trade, ha i• t■ a pedd,m w ds.
1 theirRa with thorough wtlebeGew all m■w
gel cwt on the atnge anti "act their allent rPlmkP Ienf11 thoerP who softer ' ie■Ibre• entr"atad to bion. order. inh M
little plecPa." IM(fereat things aro from IL.. Mal coffer• find len ke or the very erten'. ffotel or wet by Iran in his 0�m
lsaptseteA from women, however, and beet ; bd• P O., ear.tvllr attended to Jplr.I
strange and even astonishing res It KodAke and A&logeop#n. .A pinta fit rrl.nm will Pont only n 11111((([[nOX. M..ty A■cua.eer, tomw
mm a ar, netrpmnwm roeplr0 more. Ono of the (limp• _ _-__ _
y pep pretty llttlr noun t*e 'Ve ht till Will vmnr nal hnvo n 1[ARRI" RJCX:-=NL
Pxtyaordinwry re•gnPmtAl from 6.n wfi0 tAayr n IavtdlnR Part In the '�' P
ea. "401dy Tltronx,•' Pnld the other ni ht: R'msl time `1
M K if nnvthing twevenite y,mi from mom- ♦ LANR U O YAiRt G L
Rosy (I blain ma Ll that whonevpr "In m) experience with latter writ- . oww& � ty
she IllAlewl In small tnwna wire re prep not crankm, i find young conn in lair thus,
eelved i o,oe of Ipttlers from woman the Pnrly twenties Most lronblemOt Nrgley In enve•Inpe ple-nmp fnrwnrd 0n .
asking for her 0141 Krtwnm to Make, i lon't mpM the "Johnnies," Mt tho Rol r•nmr If yon rnn nn,l rnJ,) tbr• /in Is rlchs+Pt 6.M, Ik r•nntcnt with
t till], the lenat, tOr eOntent le lift, wrnllh
th oulT opmDM n think that voilyk set of fila wPlHluafi) tot We'll mnkr art wplrtimc, every nnp." of NaturP.-1Sol rates.
thtq wottld s0mehoW make n tnI` hit 1ovOt TttrJ walla aiYws elnr:rttf lilt- y
with them• One yrnnng womanitpar pprformnal wnying that thp,v bare Il In nll.•gwol that alit PPnteo was Wnikrr
Aron trM, wrote to her. sayigg she already ordwrpil a skipper, rand enter lho most l.ontrltaitx l by nny Indy - Qwe" fptlOw, Jmksk
was making a eolloctlon Uf cplpbrl- wPpPAr to demlit my neireptanep. who utlentpl the mrxllnl, whir), w„111,1 Tonicity, Ifm't he i
tips' Jewel", Spiel w1.111d ahs plpaae orev)Twr, they nwvar •mt+m to IPern Inallf•ato taint number three ob,m+a nre ROtrntlgbw Hnrll,v. At Is+P"t, not
@*ail tier a diamforad ring M trox)eh. nnv brtMr. They kawp it up, final rnn- the limit tor' feminine m.•mhprm of to that extent of $5, far 1.10 tried
"Tbrot waw mist of the moot oritt• Italia- It, finally drmeribing their maelal thnt eov)grogation. him, , .