The Signal, 1901-9-26, Page 2-'77,-'f: ;' .
+-- --_ -n- - -- --
The Signai nttaiurt the ben•► ►rgulathsre u{nn The Bherr are not t attar lin war -ANARCHISM
,+hu•h unt/v r.4Rrti rlurr; they lata little afoot to pin•
'I'd Lite Preslo•temLta'# advice. clamations. If Kflobsatr Wamtr is
r ruaruaao Tou:h our tr,yr t1u•
y Is"f I'l apart Butter an ' U N PO 111 AR
avtUT TpUFMIoaT x10RlrI)to Q 1 loewet he hart. 110 uud
wl,u•h rl+'illserl o..rl.•ty Ir htlullyd. !n ft, tell them.
■T u. YM•iLLICUULi. - I hall Into tl,ru, lova tat order and re•
Tilt RSUAY,tSEPT. _6, 11101
ritp4 01i;AU 1•I11V.511)E:\T AN
McKinley Is dead and hurled. t
Vlctlm Ora cowardly asarrin. ilio
vols 1e. Prrrktent, and tho' bught
Of guVenlux•mt with our nwlghts,
wth go un as before the e�4ut•'gain
the nattotr Stood ItunatnlL)' war a.
milted. Thee courts mai" be trusted
410AI Out lonbdautrift AW the Itrraaa
uud the kwtr of a Preakdont, even
gusd mio, it a caahuu►ty wildch w
have bolt a teaupurary effect I
evil tint suoh u great potlple. Ica
. Jam ad any Otte man may b,, t
world is a const/tate)-uud will
to that thlastr are no arricagtd-th
lw mall tg u/,txwwLry W it.
you Would like, to see just bow
it figure ,roc cut In fire economy
the untver•ser go down to the la
lsoke roar finger into the watt
withdraw It, mad remark how ,s1
tiro Vold !r 1111:41. (kited wall +ad M
Kailey was, tire t!attod States c
supply lair pliace ; eiaod there are u
enugh anarchist buileto to kUl,
Attart-fdst olives to offer duo lit:+ aft
td Murder, to seriously Interfere +rI
the orderly guveNawcnt (of the peupl
But whole It In Crnlifying to thin order U No well fuuad.•d, to
fact that ale Ualtel states -and m
('110 they but other lealionr-!tate
- great problem to solve, W drall
with 11118 form of Criminal lunncy
Its,ral degenereacy to wirich we ow
mrtarcloy and kindred prets of
clety. Is not to leo blinko+d. it oto
bet dant Witold; a way must.. We. four
,Uri lit lite search for m.•nris t.1 com
hit Std extirpate the esll an ex
lun019010 11 Int-, lite cause" fur'`]ls1 r;
JAlen•e Ire fro• cutuntrier talky uv
helpful: s -t ,-_V-_ -T
.are tit'• peoplo cot tine United 131 tie
IN:amelerr" It's mean the "
Po"Plr,'.' ill,' M4•11 w1c, make hirtor .
and who shnr11+ the• natl,n's polls
Have they not In the hunt for learty
advantage and Voter pand.•r d loo
much to the Vilest elements t)r so-
ciety 1 Tore Open expreast Pair o!
h.atr,el of furelgn rulers ono.
IanWlew ha To Ont all eetso-
ratld ferwIl tho O'11k,twtun Itummat
Awl tho Bret nr'-- -arnrf - tss-
ClaoW ar. F'ar from it. The flourk.
Cor•kruns, the Morgans mad lite ltil.
M-LA-Aus I"Vta__-camtt:luinul-_lhc•it
oltnrr. Mewtrvefiei� 4a kss
their appeals, and who at heart de -
hair thud.♦ and tau
*-ienuillp whom they aJ brad, h.,v,
tolertlel thew and refraintNl !roto,
rib eking thew lust blallots might be
utieuntel front their party. The con-
stftntt-4t authurtttrr t(uviv prrmdttrxi
loeml-/110411.11441 defamprs of foreig:
go%eruuet ats to lout.] op n, meetiugt
ittd to plot -aril. T,iey h:i r¢-- toe -
rttPn win rid-7tt-�dixrespert--for to, •i,
own lnwm- Lymela law ham b -on re.
ga J 41 UK, lightly. The sacrehtter
.,f iuJnvi,lual rights hits riot alway,
le•rt),ted acs It ought. Tlu
making of money -"success" -an,
II -ea nlydp the end of life, nett the
1-•0,"• inalwad of 1148 Mnu letar been
ex,tdtel• "l;Pt Ioonry " has been tilt
creed of too many in private lite, ani
in JkAAical left. "get _p911orr,..-Al.wliat
ever r•(a•,t. I,as degraded the. nation',
politic*. L-nc •ndiary paitylrul has it
*-(facts on ill-b:alancPd min Is. and the
preaching of hatred of other liat)ns
rol-ro must react ". the coantr.
P-rulilling it. Laws made to tak4
from o;tr to give to another most
hroed luatred of law.
rprvt Jilt tit" rights Of others. Traffic New York bah 1,007,670 persoon of a I
thein to- rfrr elentt barrio and un
lar vutnK age, of wlwro 5i7"_'b aro fur-
- rulliel probity to w.4c1th with tile. elgn burn, And ;361,:,•03 of foreign
\U b"llor. .l nation of such awn 'las lit born parents. Of the 8'd3,T55, na:IVe
tie tt. fear froom the dtoctrinev of an whole children in New Yurtt City Miners Deal Roughly With a
uV hv' 356.960 are of foreign parentage
~, IO l•KF:VkN"1' UKl)NKF" 14F::iN. - Blatant Red.
Par Kruger IN saltl to have hoped that
re. Tito ldra Of Adam Smith dolt there ,an cull Induce Itoosevell to come to
rt Wtar lend drunkenness in countries ilia asalrlance• IIOo►evelt Is nut a
where wine was cheap titan In eoat, fo(N he would probably tell Paul that A STRANGE INDIAN ORGY
Iu trier where wine war dear was, Pot too war sorry for him, but luterfrr.
in, !urged ulso try Mary Gecorge, wilt) once Is rumrthlug very far from lhi
argued that free trade ht 1°tuxi-
p lIPR i'rrdklent'r thoughts.
111 `'alit,+ -the removal of all lazes, _
or sieviiaw. aril 44h,r rewtriet4licti--would Tlw aUNCU* loaf of the coinmunlemb- Over Body of a Murdered Maio-OM-
r-teml it, the 1wa,"otiun of bobrhe* 111ty of e0asumptlou lata had one very cera Prevent a l.yacklag-t:aJit-
fc Iw,utrre liquor wUUld their by no chemit bad result ; It had laspird sumo par
Hatt It would be no complim at fur a 1110 Witt, such it dread of LISP disease Caved r k r Lake Ke/a•al.
It „Mall to treat Ilea frl,,rd, nail the pro limit tiley treat sufferers from it asat
Caved Fronk Premature Burial.
if 'its 44 the r•WM{or ;could b� M, small If they were dangerous criminals. Leadville, Col., L�e•pt. 21. -Aa Italian
small `hat nujlo ly Could afford to k"r p up 'not- alarm part ur lite camlmigu ,,am
t°Jner at tlsu EUcmnnu rrwartel ye,r
of xilded placer to allure the voong bo•u oterdone. , tertiay that all kings and presidents
oto the lathy of Intt tuperance. should be killed, and that it was the
y, That tdwa was ao strongly upllureo• Tate f1u411119 of the Conference cum- right thing to kill McKinley. Three
r, a IIs o:lP uloom whL•h the (intern nutter hi the KkOdPrauA-11cAwtnund hundred miners gathered at the
mot trent and L' girlature of Oatarlo havt QmUwr le n pectill it nae, but it is lied►- "Luft !tour(', waited until the fel-
c-ung tor. n up Nutt it call ably col(, that c oil 1 Mo expected limp low appeared, placed a rope around
an Hardly be raid to lutye recelved seri the result Of aucb Sit Inqu'ry. The his neck and starie) fur a railroad
0! ,ud consideration here. What wit eutmuiltee re;tar,lr the two minister# trestle. On the rd+lc,, of dome iii the
or lie pr,w•ers that be think of the bleu us hsting.beeu indiscreet uud lacking crowd tiro man's life was aparvil, but
ar 1%ance.l by Nu• author of "11trofling,' lu' b ecuwing gravity. It W lint #ati,_ he wt)" badly cLt)ktd unco driven out
ill ,hose pap •ra oaf "Tile Economic Ik• ,IPJ as tie what caused Item•. lit. Mit- Of the eamP W tilt, miners with
e' di .?Ft Great Britain' In tote Concern lersun's ltlerepwcity, and in view Of drawl) revolvers.
orary Revl4w• havo attraetel wWc the uncertainty on the, I11,lut It link- A Strange Orgy.
to tteutl.,n? I° lood couchsling artiv its its fln.11ng to siagsvteh,n (of ,,,at San Bernardino, Cal., Sept. 21. -
wt ro forst til^ followhtg: grntletuan to I Conference lueets. The Tho county officlab have received a
s "lurtbr!ay Is the curve M till, 'bt'iOUN larded -o( the affair M that derpnteli tromp the NtrdlPs telling of
aaa +ninlsters should not travel {nco • the murder at that
uuutry nal a larty Of Progrew k„ place of an la-
ur alit ecuaJl,B dia a roamed Just, Arguello, by Tome
( .ad Economic ltetorw rtwuld c,r given then+ by strangers. Morestu, a fellow lrlhremao, and
airily laeJude tit:- promotion of tcm 'r go 4lumadag unprotected" . the burning of ArgueBu'an remains by
au wranct- in Its prograulaw. I have -- the Indiana, who afterwards at -
rt -- - - A p(0ullar con•, rotating tow; -tet to storm thu jail where
co lever b: en able to undrr.tana Ito; e.g to the. Murt•vtu le. eontinn4f to lynch the al -
hu tattluu could be wndr more subei ettute of telt ('buttes JmI41Ptl Stuart,
Jhuhuldlo n the nuwb •r „f uWl. 3aho1}rt, cal London, ):ngland, Is 1,N lege,t wurderer.
•y 1 g p Arguello was stabbed to d:ath
�wsrs. On th. contras the mil P1101 ore the Vgnwta, H� died in 1L01, leay. durlin a
y, g Qn"«rel over a llPxfcaa
, Ing to will under w1deb, Ilia •isle r. girl. 1lorerto Def but was captured.
oiut6d, same to we to onerous N7tM the Offlceers went for Yds
L Lnry ('uthsrine Stuart, was inade ilia why.,« Arguello they ddrooverts,l !bice
Ica nuwb•« of Publ1.:•huurcr cuu-
hlerubly by ifcetuel houses Rtted st/1r exe0utriz. 8hr died (our t1a2a laf- It had beam carried off by the Inr.lans,
Ler the death u[ Nr t'Garlee, hat'iJig who, taking it to tlwa desert, heaped
W. c:uba, with ur.t C sit gee ii news uucde a will lit 187:1, two years before up a pile of brush, upon wb`ch they
sskitjc"t far ecrr� curtOtmrr, nrWr rho (Into of plactrl ole corpse, afro while the
,nperd, games. ere.. such cul you se. her brother'r will, leav-
:ug ill her estate to Sir Edward Au- li.iiiics eivAnmel it, danced about the
u the Continent. "Ipe puW:c house I* funereal Pyre chanting weird dirges.
.be workimgmun'r club, bid rrfugt Irew• lita,rt, the present baronet,
rum Isla two rooms hl 4 dl, elle Wilt of hie o/titte was in Eng- lion, \11
a Reelected,
ugy ng. Of laud, where be was dumlcllt4l, and IA,tt Baron, 1t1C:1" Sept. _1. -After
�tlat with tit, swell of euoklug, col futcius bee° tooweed about on Lake
IrjIlig linelt, title the nulsu of chi, aa11,untel to t61AAK). The Properly Huruu for over two (keys without
.ren ; clingy, cheerless, depressing. It, it Ontario to lnnoi vWued st $51,47.:, tow], and wet to this skin, W. L.
the craitnp(d and egawde l pub -le- rhe queatlo)u raloed by the Ontario Rageua, owner of the itch wirer Jure
,;oyertimpnt Is w-heth^r the rata"' iter tvhlch became waterlogged In
_-,luus0, Ih • wurkiugwcau Is °lw:ayl Saginaw Bay on rkndity. how been
Inking 4611111P iuly Pt$e'g P'nCr, he' k- :'houl.l P1.) muc,•e4slon duties (once or reamucid by a fishing tug off Lyal
Jwuys lu (runt of suwohoJy, Ice IN al- twice. 3INI91114at was r•serted, Istand. Be was fashte} tic n raft, and
------ ul'C"Itac•loud.
.v,r In s )mebo,ly'r way, arid, oldest, Tile rolitatati,tnv or a h•vir British Tliree companions who went With
Iv bis a full glass before Llan, ht Ueni•rals may be barhnl W_ t3oath him when the Jnpater was nbanlon-
i_1+lm lsiaa4ett to be nn talriadrr. Cutlre t f, } A.-.�yed after having drifted measly across
ueaUy ht emptier G s glass Irurtily i'aeapxu•Ity, and oNner faults- a tx,rthwert gates,
R. npr- are b�iicyeel to oiuce been drowned.
nl huller nails fur another tNie of illy attrlbttablp to__over-coufidence it it thought Mr. fLtgan will recover.
'JAW to the next Incur - ►(use. 1 Cn Italic dinmoon. his wife atail cloilel
olic mit .Iowa ns long an he riktar at n clot uric, loo Jnr as we know. have. Am one o t , smthc3rr
were Picked up Wednetlday.
ablt-'where there is ample place, he ie, -ea accunol s,r cowardlce. It In
..iii chat tnorc with lilt# mule �,thorwido, with alit friends ti, the Live ylr" Almost Hurled.
.al drink less. 7 -ie , eomlxsouth, etl sth, one• of ;•hos:• admirals Liam Outhrle, Ok., I!ept, L'1. -Mr. It. D.
Iiia of very ro"my l,nblic- hPPrt aceused of being a r(#ward and wee' the mita supposed to have
u:ures, licensed', to he run nit W1s> Ls rhargird with "caltff flight... b-att killed by Coloap) H. P. dowell
nowt .aid son at McKnight, Ok., last
7Db ttneir irttlr ripens-gu8►t", els, T]tesu- _terms Lave-been_applled to SO-Lunluy. is . Still alive. . tioree'r
^umpc .Aha ---rat odic >d aural Schley by Mr- Marlay Ua Gin fntbrr and brother toot him to Fort
.,aures to give rimlWir faellltles to bb41h on tile�'pnnTrb Am�lenn wn�.-Wor•lh yrrtrrdity--for- tJ(a purpose of
heir customers, anal our public rlac, Importance of Lire chnrgen IN having titer ball removed from his
bend. Guree frlendv were iso salla
Ste` yr'•W�t ii _fact that tiJ+at-1h, W4(a(Ie1111 LbaLtbeo3y stent
.iW orderly as tem -sit, rpg,Vt•spccbally ;herr• vtrletnres nil Schley were made to Iaawto, nal secured the services
i; life excise were. le%ted On the with talo uPPr0VmJ1 of Admiral snap- of an undrrtnker, who Joliet no time
tlouh)l In beer tux! aplrits. Unit nut x,3, SohlPy's superktr orliver. Th,, to going: to McKnight, taking with
,n the beer ntxl spirits thcmrelted of the Court of Ingnlry, to hilt rmbrtlming rockfalls. Tine body
}y rich ° meaasure, an inducement et this we -fit at lVnsloinglua to in held b•en Prepared for film. (force
4t bigot" to follow signs of life and rap-
.tould be ufrered to tha brewurd alio gat-, there charges, will be Idly rectoveral.
.lstillere to supply weaker drink, and •vrtWhel with hiterrwt, as (,titer re
i t u
Jac IIIImttassrNy- alrmg isaglioi p W 1 ng are at slot • than Admiral
Irlaka would be very gradually. but 'kJIIPy'a• Schley rptirps from trap STE�MBAfl6E f OUNOERS I
4,n►tantly, weakened by hrewerm Leavy under Liar age limit on tilt- 9th , a
nod distillers In the. !n►rreml of their if (*ober, atter serving nearly 1N _ i
socket, and tone drinking lection of yfir t hra• and ower :3,5 lin abort t (� 1
he tvmmnndty would
Ito- lontwrcrp- +rations. He will llrn b7 63, and his Loss of Cleveland Off Perse-
ildy sul,crod. ,tenvion b- $1,605
"Against such reform measures .It film PTplotts was the reaming cot veranee Islan', I
the aurv(vore of the GrePly Arctic
he' public -house interest will light 1 --_
--- - •
fined oto tire- United 9tntew. Gina
b end
dinar -n few of them -have not been
uent will be advanced by alipnrently
blarnNlems. T -oar- mar o:
aIle uninterested
t partles that the
grief ive feel n dei,p
evenue might suffer 1•4 much a step
and sincere
sympathy with them. The bond o'
guile true, It might suffer, lata It
brotherhood is a strong arks- The
'rams to me timt the revenue olu,trM
evil they srttft-r may at any time b!
"' collected for the madvantage of
ricers to mutter; the blow nlruck rat
Int INOPle, not that the people
McKiul•-y and snebll order ate"struck
at av too, Let us learn
,hould be made eotw Sad drunkards
with til,
ll:Iita] Stntem People the Iedson that
or the advantage of the revenue.or
to loo-rndt the preacht•1g of lrhe gum
or thu brewers, distillers &rill pule.
P •1 cot 1-,itrel to others in to court
hotrod; that to perndt urgnnisn-
- -
tiuns which "Porn Inca to flo:irish tint:
cu:xdnct n prupitgamht {d to rodtt-i
cURamAt colliD1ra
in (pair - bomonts n d •radtY viper, and
that that fore) of re -called "Nb9rty"
AH Alabama sheriff loan !Leon
which tit -Hies the right of society t,
,hnrgea w•hlo murder for killing a
pr/ -farce unlit shalld have no place
4► it free country in which to mutt
im ml"er Of n mob whole protecting
Its vulerV heard.
a p;l-oal,r frau lynching.And yet
uuu! PerMde marvel that lnarohy
I-Rl' Tllk I OVS IIK, TAU(kl1,f.
nodN a rnuthol.t to America!
This bast ant t.krte-1er--ttl�-ten^h
11194 (oI the Annrclaist Is to bV faun
The Dec nl party wnw royally r -
In tho Chrlatlnn 114), Ms. it is .wort
wlello fur tit, father to take
^Pirr41 rat the cnpitnl, bel It Is lit>u111-
n few
inllk 1
from IIt UponWitt,
Iowa dlnnpp dntrd rat seeing enacts n
•alk over ttu•ar thtngn with tele b/y,
lattilll fltaway of now•ern, tridti, and
"I to traoce back anairalilrtle (1(x•
fretrfr MXbtw And meet a single. low
trotted to th, It origla lite d int t,
their IPRitlrrnto Proof Trutt ten
'wilitceOr pnlntct Indian. When the
414(11 Lala t111ty he of incretimable value
!)"kP Ron" hrtme h- may Advise KI(r,
to, the IsT on yettra that are not very
Ing to rMnwt Ilia "L ady of Ibp
far away, when it! ,",,at take Ili
Rim ro In Rr)v"rnmwnt--Ndint 01oI
That Ls good ndtkA Th pnblir In
it may be a "oR-headed scheme for
Mtltallon* of learning can del mgr Is
!odd Kitchener to writ lbe farrow of
hot no, tone of tlu m, our all of ten
the rot rat who nrr' still hearing armp.
eomhlnel, can take tote pince of til
It t:i
Ian! {t tatpw lou to nuckr n bnr(rnloi,
loomP, or 4113 th) work which nater
nna W hot likely to bo nn,v wild
all frill to Nee pnrnnt• Anarchy
Push got Purrh•tspra under present P1r-
Pik -
wla•i blasts Its hatred tin,] eomlcmp,
t,anwAntren. hence t r
h pts Pala .Jilt
&it tin+ system of oiler to whl,•l
the. mnlnteoaner of the roocentr jinn
rl.•loty demands ndlVer"nrl-, in lim
onmfw will Wet iter- large.
"ften tonic full frnit of 411ra,bvllrnr.
lot larenla, nn,l llb• neglwt or that
Aral (/rnl M.lfowrl C4Mtem(Inrnr{PN
I"Inlp trp.11114R whlwh It 19 every
have *pry little to My about Prwl-I
eliild'm right to receive, anti every
dent RooaPvelVa new declaration of
fwlrc•nt•s duty In give. WhAt in to b
pdkey, The Rcpnbirman have been the
rap coed from tote yr"loth who, set,
Illgh Protection party In the i,Inital
out In life with nn nttrr nbsrnc,
)Mato but the feeders are heRfanMR
or fUlnl love aril Obr411re1•'e, mad WIN
to age that ,be pulley a/ selling with_
menrn" not seta at naught tit+ duty
eat Im.itht hall its ilmooltatlomo, tit.
he owes his father and mother t 1
VeKlnlPy ens It bptrtre he dlpd. Anti
tbA fanLLly, whl^h 1, til^ rat n:tlt er
11r. ROpwrvelt line midi$ mrvn the eat
/actety, b? aorontrollatN•, how aha!I
ttrrnt Rrllnln'te sln(psmen have At -
Me folaata w tM4Atrotlelt 144 any
wnyr frok,41 f(orwnitd in tho Irmo
t�a+y over bear of an AnarHtlat w110
When III, Rotates, wrwlld nhjnre prnl,r-
dmnw from A Christian hrwtip, whirr
tl m• nn,t Nle.. acvt� nn e, we think 11
til.. tptn ata tQ.! thole duty toward
rhlidrM? Ifld
wan. pn,phr4Fhd Ilffat when ,he ,Iii,
yon ever "Par
Rrftaln w(oald he A anffrrer h.i the
of a
Of a elutlfal, ebadlrwt eta rrbeiling
xpe4ltlOn. ASIA gi,ocraphprs gave o
6 J1a Of"tichiry LmS Fd ---WW lilt:
rrltory West of CnPe $&bine, near
i h 4-romy and six of his m,pt wer e -
N'IBK AND O1'111111 ISoor.
"Thomas,,, cried Mr. Mussel, •-eaN
a merreng•ar bar quick."- - '
"I'll do It If'yo41 any so," replied
that smart off!^- boy, "Mat 1.11 be an
awful liar, -cause, know 'tan"
Inn scandal, as In robbery, flu, re,
'elver Is elwrwr AN bad as the tWef
Nell -She told we she wanted to:
nave her town mail, tit a style that
Would ba sure to show off her fig.
Belle -What did you advise?
Nell -I told irx she'd better be
sure that the style wouldn't show -up
her figure." ^-
The high •st reach of human selence
Is the recognition of human ignor
once,-SLr W. Hamiltoti
Mrs. CnbGlr-i don't think that. boy
of the Johneons has good arnge.
Mrs Malaprops -Indent, lie ain't.
He's a regular tdloro.'
Rodirtek-Walton saw two Expoel
tions -
Van Albert -You m^an Paris and
Buffalo t
BodPrtek-No, just Ruffnln. Tip
wan full the whole time he wag
there, , , , s s I I
"Where Are )oaf going. tnrson'"
-'I Am Wiling down to tmoh that
man the Prrcor of bla waJ•s.-
"Ynn hal Iwller tenck him the
rrrr,r col life w•elchv. lite 14 n held r
on one of the lee Trnvrt's wngmim.,
-'What • Hnveri't yn,t nny pnetAl
e"P(W?' elle exclaimed.
"No, mN•am;' 11'Wiwl this clerk. nit•
slut-miblpoly ; hat we have areme-
thln9 Jemot no Rood_"-
t.kv"r there a man with enol so dyad
Who never to lite Wife hath said,
When to him plate dessert Is laid,
"T1tis PIP Aln't like what mother
"Are all the arrmnisemente for your'
mnrristaf- with the (,,«„ant eompletrr-
"Prnetcally. All that remain* In
for film to give pnpA n statement
of his llnhllitles."-t,lfa,
"Anil ,you didn't heor of itr- in.
gnirnd Mr* OnbMe.
"Not one word."
"Why. I've known It few n Week,
no f anptxyupl evoryh,Ay heard of It."
-Philadelphin Times.
Owen Mound, Sept. L'1,-11 "to-im-
4' er H. R. Dixon. Captain Batter, of
the United States A D ominito .1rand-
Portation Line, arrived in here lit
luldrklght last night and brought
4evrs of the wreck of the steam-
bbaalrt(w- l:fty cot AC3oveland on Perse-
verance jmiand. near Fitsw-iJllam let -
land. I
111e Clavel:an i want on the rock,;
at 4 o'clock yesterday ,u,)rntrg In
a terrific Rnle that waw then blow -
Ina. The eight was very thick at
the time. aril It Wag ImPOSsibh to
correctly ascertain the danger
that hay directly In trip
path of
the steamer. When she first struck
(rapt. R. It. Thompson lilt
Aonn:ted, but fouro l that "ht-, Was
making water. He attumpte 1 10
turn. but In the attempt stuck fast.
The flute! filled rapidly, and in a
w minutes the etPari bad set -
ed in :10 feet of water. 'Idle crow
Clad barely Union to lower the b oat@,
in Wide 11
they reached shore In
safety. The t)Ixon sighted the wreak
on Wedne,oday. Tire heavy spas had
Carried away the cabin and part
of the Junin deck, and only .the
railing on the fore -part of /1111 ve4-
JIaJ,-_was visible,
l armMlnR that the Crew had Pivart. l
ed to tit• shOrP Capt . itaxter lower-
ed a lxmt, but ft lord only pro Veiled
a short distance when a brat can"
dleco%Pre41 Coming from, the shore
and tile wrecked crew renche,l the
i'ivbn wtthont nasi"tntlee. They had
been re"curd only in the nick of time.
Tow 'mmnll store of proviniunee whlph
they load flown aida tn,"ecurp from the.
nteatnrr were Almost exhnustpol, and
t hp mph were on a ration tire inglp
plicp of bread n tiny. They were" slsl
expos4Nt to the Weather, and were in
great (tlslrr•,w. 'rile turn%, .rn. ,it" -
tented them making nn nttentpt to
roaph a p1rt. The Dixon rarrie.l thn
crew to tagmth Iiay where th/'y se-
rurr"1 n tug anti returned to the
wreck to ehdeavar to secure their
private Property. Jointly of the men
lost everything excolot the rtothen
tlry Wore. As the boat wan au' ttlel
In thirty fret of water they war•
not very nuceentrl. Relearning to
Klgsrncy they tank wtenmahkt to
Itin "'Soo•" The City M Cleveland la
DWY10d by the IIraerleys Of Cleveland.
Rha was en route to ltldlnisl from
the north Shore M finite !leperlor
with E,3M tone of )rota Ore.
T)WA Are many rumors in rpgard
ti4 the rw egent wherpabaRits of the
Brl>;wrsl M"annilt/o, hut Nvey arp
untruortiar-rlhy. Tho 01(rnnlp BMIIIa
Ii n4 reedved A Iptttir alRnpq i)Anfo-Je
('n4•RPro, 81 Carr)II str"rt. Br,$)k-
lyn. M wpfgh tile Writer aAys Mnaari
Urn, la In Npv► York K • hs' not farpn
able #At obtain rtrploytnent.
Whole Bands of Young Burghers
Going Over to the Enemy.
The Invasion of Natal and Cape Culuny Wood Prolong the Struggle ---Com-
coition of the Tranavall Also Serious About Lovatt's Scouts' A
Visit to a Concentration Camp War Ofllce Cheerful --Berlin News•
Parers Crowing - Sword for Lieut. Cockburn ---Burlington Man
num: to Lite Again.
Cap,. Town, Kept. :l3. -A survey
the inililiary uperatioar in Cape C
ony allows.
I. Tluat the Boers are getting
crllta, through rat present mostly
tilt- ¢y-vvoner or poor white clads, A
". That the commandoes ore ti
vvrsally splitting into auualler ti
tions, flu• tendency being town
the fornutttat of boidl a under o
hundred strong.
Braking the past few days the see
huvo nuede a further movement In
the colony. the object of the invade
b •Ing to proceed to fresh parts
the coantrv, for the parpose or n
tracting rebid recruits, There Im c
site cable activity everywhere, pri
cipully In the eastern portion of ti
Three weeks' operatio-lop have e
featel 1St tuurvelous differeuee In t
positio:t of the enemy in the flood. Tt
cuwtna.udu,:r have been exceclo gi
'Active of late, and they have bee
)wood fry a larger aumber of rebe
oa-tiMnet ITO list titan at any soaohl
perit11l of the cunrpaigu. "ave•
cuuraet during the first knvawlut
now close Upon twenty -throe month
ago. It Is this attitudV of colonic
Hutt —it" Use, situation ro serious
A colonial officer of high didtiti
tion, who has b --en In the field fro
the very beginning cot launtilitir
blotted liaut tie culW{tlou ur the cu
u.1y at tilt) present time /d worse tha
rt nas -erer b-e:r, uAI that it is get
liag-wordy every day. It Is u Jae
that Match colonists aro joining th
meaty in Very Jorge nntuburd.
Ii! the Midland Province whtd
field-L•oruetaies are golrg over to th
+ uiy, and not Merely for the rut
lout , bit to outmost alt •ir friend
active ay''iu tit field. Tile trtoops nr
clever been lt((rnrr«d before, bat til
experience Ino'pamtl ,ninth phial
proved that a Boer cunranaudu guth
tars In Many" recruits, no matter 1
What dire-etion It travels.
Places near tilt) 'const In tiro m.d
land UL4trteiN lotto of late ylrl134
rafflo•1 •nt mwu to e -,".&.cute ohs.
t4nnm'ato Wes. All th'-wo turn are
nr1nM _tffe Mourript'-they torr-ta
'on the rtrrngth, and carry on tit
style (it warfare at whirb.the Bot'
be w-empltatk•uliye--tart--eiPertr--_�_.
Tice reports received by the (linin
I Golerntneut confirm In C'Sery
prarticular toe skws taken by th.
(wiuuLkl officer above quol.ekt.
Opru keorluou.
New* romps tor:iay thUt the Wllol
,1 the northwertrnt provlut>P, rrpre
.anted by Lite uialdung of Vraver-
-Fg. Wulldtull, 8itlurJ�uu Caraur.
+on, Van ltby rkmlo,rp and l'lanw•ulia
.4 IWW-tically In tip . -n reit:;lion. T.aer
ern looynllmtm, It is true, but they
Tory, very few. lie ivMe of til
tliters ". Lowy May lie eouutrd on tG
I of ooe'd han•l.
A 4omaspatxlant- asm.d Muritr, w
•+cmc into the F'ruetyburg td.trwt a
I week" ago witu tell men, ten
:ow 8W at ale (tack. Th: -,co
aro being Added to every week.
Pr tmtrt _=lou
of tens; and go on tmarwedleg hu.1
lo:,ting e:ptvations, foragntherlug
or e0uoerte] action.
Witt' the excel,t:un Of the ten men
tlluded to, ('commandant lfaritel'r
orce confolAt" wholly of rpbt•14, but
Of the prietufPnl loods are given to
2(publtcunm. Mucii of tilt. dew,latl(on
d the Coln! Coluuy I4 aagsr+l by lit .Je
NtbtA of roving ruffian".
Emboldened by the willing ndbealon
if the co!ouL•U rrb;,l" the mariauderd
Ire coming further and farther plowth
From All the test:m',ny that vomer
o halwl, Officially null otherwirp, It
N nb nelrtntfy obl.os that months
oast elapse beforP the end can be
rnehed In the Cape Colony.
`ondltlon of -rransvaal Very •Jerlutaa.
Botha's resent ra41 on the Natal
ortler wait not ft hu.ld,n movement.
)urtng the winter Botha ilia been
crrulting v4porcorly, roto! loan nb-
orboil the roaahusnl of the blot veldt,-
rad attracted it mtxel crowd of half
re! Dutchmen land allen,t from across
he border.
Fick"J10taU rrcroltp Lace alit(# been
oming to film, licit In small natpb"rw,
wing to Lire rivk aJ►t ti.! enormous
unt per roan In g tlhtg them through
tom 41ae sxarib.
IJaPpOts, n4M Itrntcpn up, Were, P./-
nbllAlvel In th- Ica-barat110 range on
Iine rat right anRlen with Burra
n1rn, on the Pr,rtuRup" Fast Af-
i vii r ,amt, nn• 1 In tuP burr, n Innd
errntamto there D MrthlflR to
frpr way froln tilt- coast, as )-or1a�
twNe nothnrity has no represpnla
tion lot tit", wild! parts.
To these 41PPIAN Rise) have come
rgto gnantltler of rifles and some
"Imnldtlr,n, prPNumAbly sea born,,
,hag InMI,•tl at unllkply pla,em
tr111gh thn mmrf, and tri#king Ilion
"IN 41f Fall yr frolic the north. This
,IlPetl,m (of munitions Jute hon of
xo n,owt Rrndortl kind, the armory
til.• nd,init:ifn4 bdnor filled rap a
.wl rat n tlm •. MAnalle1wra, KrAx
,rgetoni tten, and Mnrtinla rare tine
•p ra of rfflrs welfreil, toot the Tn.
•ty Or nmmanitlru regulrrrl will be
dlpndvnntn000 In til, flrld.
IlOthn bets bt-n on rommanleath)n
nth Eur"pt cnnthlunnnly, Anti h• rap
srently hes plraty of nxolley, not the
hroltarlat" type 01 Nem[ Peter on i
n hnnlern ofs,enly talks of the Korai
y offered by the r"rI"Itors.
1'arrinRn halMorn ha To nlev, hien
c"aral 11rw the- onnwtrnolins of trot
%Wwlan or Rnn rarrinRe,a.
Rothe. ham frw)r NIT Imeh Runty an,1
hattery Anil a half of fl•M artll-
•y, und-r this etnmmhM or hi, en R1
er tn-t•Mrf, finllnrkol, who loelp•vl tO
Ike til- trwnehe* At Fonrtenn
ritannp, nittjer fan Trift. His hrwopa
A In A frttT enn•lltlt)n, bat will plrk
with the a nock -1• wrath"r. He
s tb1`010 RritlAh Offkiel'a Captive.
[The Markets
Mill Ito E'wreno rd' M orkrt,
Sept. Ull.-Iteuullata of grulil u:n lila
street market Oyatay were Daly t
Frio" generally caret atetW air'
colour war lie higher. y Marley
Wheat was steady, 200 bu"held of
whit" sPlllug at 6N to 7:.Kc per both.
P1, 100 bushel" of red at 69yie;
:'illi bvaGelr of grnsa tat i 'Iaol
whet►t bold at 73c. 6 i' 01d
Burley war Ile flrluer, '3,000 b INh.
els selling tit 48% to 55Ku par puyllelwb,l,
Outs were steady, 610 b:trbu4i „(
new mauling at 38 to 3:1Kc.
Itye war steady, one twad trilling at
54u par burGrl.
!'axis were lousier, nae local cot towall
Neilltig tit 6&e.
Butter was easier, Piot"1 rullr
brlugiug trout 17 to 1'Oc. Tlu+ uff'.r.
Ings are liberul.
1,994 were firm, New laid ane dPll-
Ing lit 15 to 160.
P�Loiiltry Wits
offeriugr were oxtrea/elyair PalrtellI'ler,
tux! tho quality geocrally wily 9,•,I•
Love chickens rare brlaging 441 to. tier,
It pair. Dressed Chickens were nlrn
,0f CATTLE TOO '1'11/N, pleiltlful, but the prier. rPulniu,vl
_ rtoJxjy at 40 to 600 & pair. 11ni'kd
4t1I Utbrrvvtse ('amps are Satisfactory to were muro plentiful, 'anti price„ w„ro r
tele Doers. unciung.d at 60 to Stke It A:ur.
re- Yretorbi, Sept. :.d.-lu iter tater- 7`rk,•,c were rctarce ua,l un,h,&flairl
of view 1"ttween General blood and VU- at iU fo 2 o P •r Ib.
7 rg time dls0usrk/n Huy war ver Beat... , ;col !.%ort.
Ad }Stn at L dt+abu telling rat ;10.50 to $L'.
turned among other lwlutm on the
nl- conensralb,l camps. To Iterative any Htr:ur sus easier; ulu• lu, l rat
tie doubt !n the wonder of the Bo •rat an 610.
nig to the Manner lit which th.wa are 'ruruato 111'ruit Market..
ne Conducted and ms W the general l+cpt :1. -the mzrk.l to -.1,,
principlie actuutlag tit« IIrltloli a'a.
thrutaglroat the war, lien. Wood pro- bel:k, offerings t11lug teen,) :,01
ra pored taut Elij,orn should V►slt uu,•. 'lu,ihtiem lutpruvrd. Peiiefi , re.
to Tfte Wer general deellued to go Idm- °aulttel firm. A load of SII,•1111;an
w4f for fear or glvLag offtmice to peaches arrives 'told wild at $'t l,;
re. .the burghers, but readily amwiited *'1'=S per bus►trl bark •t. Nett week
of on torlmtlf of ono of ISlr staff. Ac-
will probitbly 4oc peacheh a 11file
t- 00rdingly, on Tuesday'. Llrut. llalau. ''tanker. (;raps were hurler, :.ung
_ of the Rtants Artlllary, aW,-de- b'rakt•tr etllat at l3 to _ ;in,l
ti° 0arap tO VII large Dicer at L'0 to 35e.
}ten, from
o4l t t Mlddwl wore also easier, selling tin,:, n
n- burg. by train !roar Beolfart to t1aP K rat :3:e.,
to purpose of laspo,0ting _tlr, camp huneh fear. tVe quote: P" loot - -
Early on ik'elflwatlay morning (ien- tstsket,' Glnwfunds 7fke to $I._,;
eral Bland. accorupanld by borne white, :10 to Loc; pram, per lrt.ket,
f- mernbern of telt staff, r.nk, out Willi 20 to 2300. per barrel, 6� to •._
he Mahan and pall a Tong aimII to the Plutam. per baakot. 2t) ttl 4(). ; ,Kg
Ie Otamp. - plum", ',0 to 6().e Per taskcl; allld•.d,
• Arrittin • At the aanKo, Willett Pon- per Ixtaket, IL to 400; later h;,rr,•I,
y inlaid aearw 7.000 awn, women, and r' to 63: muskmelons, Wr rr..(r,
it children, 1Lalmn mad„ an Impaction ..o to pOW' P"r btaket I6 t„ -Na.;
to raluao, belair cLnrfK41 "v Fir a IIlood wit ter°rteti'°s' ,�tell, I,!% (o
to ark if any coniplatntr wern mettle. grapra, small unallot, IS t„ _,),•;
ar large timmket, ;IO to 13e; h,n:1�,:1,.•
Malan addreswrd ar many of the rw
fuge/nt AT povsibl•, and stated that lost' IAtnoi, jI.CS to js; i,U1.,1_ 11,•r
as i%, found all of them eontkent, and Is1x' $1 to $1; orangot, p,•r I.i.t,
lluat notltl,W wan specially wan tai. ;4 to 65; Pluenpples, per cr:att•, M.
Ir The Only caenplatnt tenant was ro- ('hepta Narkrls.
tr gtarding Jim quality of the meat•
which war not unwxlocted, ad the Belleville, S' -pt. --1.-Offerililr. rat
cn.mP recr!%ro tin• name meat as that Ute cheeme Market tai -Slay +tar•• 7tU
c- served to tint slldlen aunt other In- boxer white and 100 n,lorel ` ,t...
m habitants of the town, loin 3",0 tenths whhte and 100 t4t1.,r..I at
quality 13-18c.
o, of wtdch In poor at presrvlt owing to l onlun, 8 -pt. '3I. -At to-ckt
the difficulty of rr•eurhng grating 1' • ,nor-
entre. kat 13 factories etf(rrei 1.7h1 b,t«s.
° The Boer emisltnry returned lite August nn t 8 •ptcmb•r rluv..., ,.,,I.
name afternoon to Brifeut to join odd, &area, lit) at 07-8,•, l:et •,!
t VIIJurn. who Is tit pr4bal In tile, 9'1-8r' '
e nelghborhuoil of Ballstrootn, loath Ccwans:llle, Que.. Sept. -I, %,. t,,••
of Ittloke He"ok,tt. Enrtrrn Tuwnsldps Itoue,l tic- L,4, .7
e --- ,----.-- .__ factories .often"" IB16 1.)%P. r,•,....
- 1611 4 creamsrhs uffcrrl 1i:. J ,t,.,
e i!(UtIT'$ IJAf/ Wok KK\1/Wit. %lit”- C11Prre brought 9!Y 1 r .
c IST -8c, Anti butter "I 1-_c.
e lbl, \3arrray tt'A,t Ifeir-Presutuptive iro p; -in. $Tot. •'I. -At the. 4 1, .
e ,,,
to the Esrldum of Nnnslleld. ihmrl tO,day 7-1 eoiMld :o„ 1 ,,-41
e Lonlon, dept. "1.-I�d-
vatt'v oil lsa. , . 1i .11.
$:•outx, who lobease at- l,wt prop n w— file. 8th•« ,.nIb,•'1 boats 484 boxes. IlelauP•r nn".a l :.t- lack by Krltsinl(ir la, nrP elW1e.•a enc eof the mart fam4re Ir-
reltulnr corps added W the Ifritlsh Le•ad1mg Whe.1 Vfarkrt,
nriuy In lite Mouth African war•cnr- ('losing gqm(ota16,114 art ury.r,rr it
i r44cpOnd(ng' In soma degree 1t) tine wheat CMtrer•v
Ir ft-~%clt Pough Ulders cot the ypan- t aasln. K
irli-AMPrICAn war. Lord Lovatt. vont - - -_ 'Jai` 111
leets Lemd--of ibu F:rarer.tjlan. after.- .,the . -• »' _ 68JF4 71
first reverseee of the war. coneeltud (elute` r._-- s_� 603.4 v 1 ..
« T 8-4 - 7:7 -to
Hoek Lha• Mea cot ntillslnir the Highland Duluth, %O, 1
d(br etalkl-t tp, supply CIM want of rlerthtt'a - ... 8811 4 G8 -
train441 and reliable scouts In the -
regular army, Toronto Rsrnarrr' �Irrkrt.
lit- reoelt•ed tide authority of the SPP'- :33.--RMPLPta Of great:, , ,
War Office- to rabwe and orgranlse rt'I'o't market ow Saturday . •
such a bcI and he himself hedtot fnLr anal prices were a httb hrI: I
a strong regiment, which r+celvt4l Wheat Was abunt mt,,oly. ;: It
e the name of JAWRAl'" Beoutr, The WL(t0 a•Illn1[ at 6 -SP t.- 71'i , p. r
coutingenl- was composted of stalk- buslwl• •':'0 bush, -14 of rot, at u: via
ere. gnmelrPeppre, RiffiRk and other" 7'L'-! anti _'Oo builwis t,( g„ua.+ at G7r.
*how lives load been spent acgr»tgg Marley Wit" firm-�r, -:.0110 Ireeh4lm
tilt- Itill.4 and gd -ns of the north of se0inf( n 49 b lf6r, p•r bump 1 -- -
r *'ottanl. Lord Lovatt. 11im4a•,f n Oats Wore rte ly, ].:NMI las"!.0.
thorough sportam an and n fur^mast at 3.1 1 :3 to 40.e pair buavd
e raipPorter of Parry Ilighlantt game Ityo was steady, 1,:,110 Mumu I4 k,l
e and Custom, was a nest p.,pubar frog at 54e,
leader, and ling taken uul a s!Oond PORN wcse firmer, rapt I.xul sailing
!w contingent, at 68 1-2c per Dula,(.
C'ulooel mho lion. Anlrew David Itattee wan a little, ea4ler-- 114
g lturrity, whose death Lord Kltrll- pNpnttfnl, Pound rolls selling At on
1(10 encr re ports, wsa brother of tire- �''
Present Earl of Manefleil anti heir- 1' -RR" Wer« ahortktnRw), new 1:.61
1trJP4=Pt4ve to the eeri,lom. Hr was bringing 1S to Ire per doso-n.
:aft ysare of I"(71111111 -Till, C&Pruirm Of (-hark
age, and haJ served tins werr grpater dins Meld be oit%.
with dlstlnetiolt with the ('nn1,•rnn pr,aed of, lilt tine
Highlanders on the 'Nile and In the 'itrnol Price ry mhinal
Soalen before the pfempnt cnmpnlgn. y' chick was Ducker
t t Kfut u.
drlelinal chickens. ISIm'kn wern (Yr,, --r
4 selling at MI G, L
Now the Doers Comlrol Nallrrr. 6 P`r pair r
keyp are selling rat 61 art rl.:.o ion;
PTPtorin, sept. '2$.—Trooper Beck- ontm are nett contlex ah, M,t ,
ere of Eforteyy n 8contA. who Wits sell at 61.7:1.
form«rly a itirglter brlorkRlag' to iFIA,v-ftenr411tw were fair, _() i• :, !,
Prta-Lo's commatuM, was nrrAlgnM wiling at $to to 61S
for trial before A civil court to -okay Strew --•ono load sol,l at R1U:di R
un tlr• charge of Irl I'ng a native at Torohlo Idve tltock TtnrKMs,
Btiwlnl In D(cemt11er Inst. The de-
fence war that Becker had ties or- g' ;,,aj;,r,;°�OfOO P'rn^, ft "$ it 1;
tiered b g) t 7.t rn ,
9 Prinnhoo to give every r&- Mrmn on— . 214 to
live be met when PatrolligR twenty- flutchear.'e.tud sanied'..' :;;, t rl to r
five lashes. Thuse carrying Brit- dutcheri «cud, oha„s.. ...... 1 eC m 4
Ifoh asaea of coati tgtrhers' c^UJe, tatr,.. ........ t Mt !� I u,
ng from the fir Io mmma,. .. .. . 3 "t u, a :"
lab `n Pe were. to be shut a" "pier. do a,w,
. x cot t)1 t !'•
The prlsoner drelare.l that he had do halls. .
Amply obeyed orders. Ra1ld, sn,nrs. Asvr. ler OWL. -s Su o e -
C t. Orley gave Radio. atoon, li ilL air errs.... a vl In .1.s
otxl oVWence of tlu+ !•',,ding hull.. r i:i lu •, ,t
R Ohntraeter of the aceuget alnoe re"detw,*M%rl-De/....,. 11'a to t 14, ,
he jolned the British forcer. Ile do, oonvoll�m...•.............. 350 1n :1 ;y
state[( that the princtpal mean" pm- Macken. lat,oiwiiwi".'.'.'...... 2n tate '44'
P11Ye1 ht the fibers to control the Mfaolims a"limiters ....... . ra) to /«t
nativen was terrorism. Recently xpclaogws.stto►••• 1%mp to itW
while he was scouting ten ram e a ihrrs.ow« pa•cwt . rl M a)
P- da hooks ................... .. r si to t
or n nntlre krnnl. Tlti• naty s were do rah•.... . Ito b
In ahj rt terror. They wog4& Rhe lana. alien _....,,,,. d m is
on Information. Tile WltneNfo found d"�srserls.o .� v i 7'
"ito•r+VArds Joint there wag a IJoer Liam.v A3
canton. tier Owt.. ........ ...} , w •r
Imager two wool"" away on tlr ntber HWl1. sone leo...... ,.,,....,,.% 3 to -, :+T'*
side of the hail from tie krnnl. dan.hsha, per r,r*-„•,.•..... ♦• « W 04O
--- .Igor, (e.4 Der rwh...... -.,,, I. tial to rt.r
Contleltince, its Kitchener. I11rarl4frr"ts' cost T rade.
7,rwwlnn• Sept. 24. -Whllp t h^re 1s Tltere le a trptirr far Sling rep/rt.,l
"O Imrkoxl change In 1114) ettuatlun in intrnile elrolos at Montreal U-1,
14couth Arrlert, there Ica n return of ern. -call, fl gma"Sis IN hop ,reed to 111IFT ty
fhlpnop In l,nrd Klteliener'n metho,ln nip to that of n, Ywtr ago. Firms ht
of crnulartlnR file war. Tot o in nu the met wh{oh hs To earrieol North-
evWrnee either that the War O,'flre Is went nocwnutta nlif,ce the Inst hereat
flnfrial or thnt rolnforcempntlr will ori now grit trip tl Oto w1justed, nn l
he dewpntched On a targe senle from rt's the Crop mryrrmmat berom,•A fuer.
PnRland, even It Sntftl be InTAdwd nal MMIPY ixlycner,ts, will Improve,
the rnldrre mike.•eed In ranking it dere At Qut'bra buslner, In Renrr:.l
tOwnnl f nd,'snelth or t'olrrtsor, f Oral the."1ah"elt the I4'ovDrlti in fnirly ter
KKOhertprb rnrmm�n4l of the railways tivw- Th,re, plow been n moolerilel.
ling elrPptt•v PnVhied him to 0oAeo,1_ "Clive fnr•TPmrnt in whofivutle 1r,,f,
trate fntrtw in north•rn Natal,whwrw cirri w n'c Toro Nilo thn present wart
thpy nrP "'I'llre'l, nitd el"n- French Thn dr.•nAnri for mrsvt Jones of srnsus `
to ri,A in neat of Snore troops, Able W)o,ls in expanding. At Hnmil-
I --- tout the dmmnnrl for genernl mor
.The Ren.wM liner Aef(vity• chnrxll"" nontlnnes fnlrly nrtJve I r
1.on.lnn. Sept. 2:1, -Tile Berlin Bair- this aPrtp,n. Traww rare rrp,wtin.:
rant" ndrnt Or the Tirnpa days: n R'K1`I bewlnrwv and the mull (otvlrr"
Tit news of tai Ilrlt!"h reverseN'Ittsbra.
Arn nn}thins( but dLrapfxdatfNR• 'tale'
In . 11 I AfrleA Is ddNrupn,l,onthr mart"ts at Thr 1'nclfle. onnat vitlr"
whole. Willi mach moral"rttlon
in the J)"v" h "n qulpt, thine week: Rnsinp"s
trot" ererlmu urf(raps of the a;ermwrn rat imin,lnn M Improving. The delly-
PrwAa. Tilt- -lean rr 4•rlPw.if Rrnln nrn RrttIng Inrger, and
mnk" nn effort to eon PalNthatrpex� Country tratle Ica nt,ro brisk.' The tic-
notation. 01"nnal mnv"nt"nt in wheat In NfAlth'”'-'
"Thr ennapnsne of opinlnn 1, that to the no sit snthef"Ptory tentarP
tin^ chief I „f the frndN albuttl,xi At R'Inniprof
Boer nu'eram/rennhl"Is(Inelhereot- ttthin
wpoph•h►obhnna forma nrr At least
conratetwent that they watt afford u R rasp the rewarl of Pn-
to the, burRhera and thoir Mf�F t tirtNle nMt nenlunlw am bpRinninR to
apron the ('Ape eol"Sly diatn nl pt fort wtrnllthtenyl ant. Retnllerm in ih'
"Tho prippre r y 4 r I' t'vlcop Are ordering gvitte freely for
Activity And dA ISM thw r*newal Ib^ a"minT niftar 1, oods,toner Jibbed nrr•
w re. alai f a1R Of t Ile ftnera as borer 4111
M ng reply to poral kltehen- At Ottawa, ntt000r Rfat y active for thts,
atcs Intent prooiamotiou. • ti6nttt •