The Signal, 1901-9-26, Page 1THREE °.A 8."
000811040. Stitt . 24 1901.
Fall W beet 0 62 to El
• Wally. ully. par soul. -..a..,...-9 OJ to 2 00
Tour.tent. per Owt 2 50 to 2 51
Bran ��. - 13 00 tots 00
S horts, a too ....... ....-..-. _.l5 00 told 00
Screenings, per owl 1 00 to 1 0(1
Ryer per bush......... 0 10 to 0401044130
Busk wheat. per bush 0 10 to 0 50
O&a. • bush .........33 to 0 ei
Peas, V bosh..... _ , lie to 0 41
Heeler. per buab
Hay. V ton
Potatoes. P bush,. new
Butter,--......-Cbeow. tzarIb.... ................
B oas, fresh wreakedp dna.....
OR to 010
1 00 to10 00
40 to 40
11 to 0 t',
10 to 0 11
19 to 0 If
.. ,e..,. _...... _.. _...... __. tO to4tat
Hides _.............. 50 to 5 0)
Pelta _... 'Abell -
Live lion _.. 50 to 6 110
Dree.ed Hoge. . • • .. • ..... 00 b 8 t5
Bacon. .. . 14b0Ili
H•m, nor Ib.. .. .... .. .. 15 to 0 10
Lard, per Ib. 43 to 14
Dressed Beet tore quarter 0to 00 0 Oo
Dressed Heel
. bled 0 75 to 4 5'1
Cattle, Export (kdloarr :I 00 to J 50
altuatlone Vacant.
l7r tkat cane° pilo ccokLR. Good wallet
elven to the right person. Apply to Mea d.A
Mee A W. St. Viacom.(. 41•tl
Apply to 04182KAY. tot
�1TANi'KD. - A (1001) IBA, FROM
TV 14)01.000 to Melee. years of age. One
(rum the north or tut 98 of town preferred
sots. good wages. CHARLES E. SHAW ,
General Katt toe urance Agent. Ooderlch.
G1)0)) 011ie. %VANCED IN THE KIT -
ohms at the (Oitwroe House. Apply
to 04R9. GEO. 114. XTON.
I% Redo.
Teacher ot piano. organ and cornet.
Studio - center of liagthau *tree and
Teeohcr of Pletcher music method, w111 re-
oeIvc pupils at her studio. "hive Mr. Natters
10sor ace aloe. Hamllt ,o street. Pur infor-
mation apply either et studio or at residence.
cit Patricia '• Greet.
Oreentet and musical dlreotor of North -.t.
Methodist a beech. a04 leacher of pianoforte.
pipe email acid thoory, will be ple•ee4 bre
calve paper. Iwtrsotloo given either at
anew er k popoll'e home... desired. ntudlo
at EII11esUO'e Music, Store. Wast-st. 72-tt
For Sale.
piano. Now York make. Fee
0.1110 tars apply to Mrs. MACARA, eeriest
Herres et. and *inane
nage, hot water 0..esvolr .tt.ebed. al
molt new. will be add °heap. Apply to
CHAS. 044TIt8. 21 BrltaCala et., new enrol
taro Factory.
'LllltM FOR SALE B)' Teel DER
'`!'sndesg will be r.eetveed up to O, tober the
UM.): )1, for the purchase of a farm of eighty
sores. being lot •t, concession 5. to the town-
ebtp of Oodertch. 'rhe place has been latelr
OCOOPIed by Clem Newton. Terms to suit.
Address BOX (7). octeric41. tt
commodbes resldeir a on Montreal street
known as the d•. l.wrenoe. Beaton for nil
tog, not large slough for a000mmodarlo0 of
summer guests. Apply to MRS. (7 Hied:.
The St. Lawrence. Uoderiob. 46
on Ord oonc,s"Ion East Wawanwb, 460
sores cleated. balance hardwood bosh Good
hoose and modern hero', well watered sod
istLean d'goodTIi08. BROWN. Bute uAuburo_ vat loc. A choice
It 2r4
ttlf,,900 suit. wit pure/Ian that large
*tune hone with els roomed .ddltlon.•i5eaied
on Plcton 81,5.4. 11alf an acre of land with
ea the outbulldlnl' thereon thrown 10. For
OO tt-
HOUSE. Hayfield P. 0.y b TIIEU, J. 441.
L1 O R SA LE. - LO T9 95, 96, 117, 118, 119
1 and 144 in Ilntoblwh'e survey, ell to
Godenoh. For p*rtl0ulas•
apply PHILIP to
Barrister, tit.. Godeeich.
March I1tb. 1900.
Inaull'linoe. eta
To the Editor of '1',11 8,0541..
8110-J'beeuminer vultor trade bas always
swathed to be the oro above all others
Mat there Is more mousy in for our towns-
people. To oontlrm this t taw 1 bays had
soqulries made of reliable people in Cobourg
w to the., erperleooe, sad the answers are
as :
l'uoivito, Sept, Mb, 1901.
Own Fut,-1 h.,• the pleasure of ata
koowledg(og the r.ueipt of your letter of
the 16:h 'want.
1 uoderstaud there are about 1,000 sum
mer visitors In Cobourg during the summer
season and th.t there would be tw,ue es
many mors It there was aucommodetloo fur
1 have no doubt at all from what I have
beard from time to time that there would
he • greet many more II there was •00omnlO-
JatloD for them. The summer hotels .re full
to roe el flowing every summer as 1 uod,r-
ra•Ld and this lase summer more than ever
before Besides the, rho hotel keepers I
ender,teod get ell the rooms to ptiv.40
bees.' they ow get 40 lbs vtcloLly of the
hotels and wed their guests there to seep.
They hey• been doing tLit 1 thirst for sums
years. A ounsidsr.bls Dumber if summer
visitors hays p0rcbased remisooee of their
As to their Wine a beos&l to the Iowa,
beyond all goestloo they .re. 'They "Moly
bava more money than Canadians said they
we it. For humane*. • gentleman on • lot
•,Ijo olbO my owe residence put up • couple
of smell cottages last winter. About the
berloolne of the summer a Indy from Ro-
chester name over and wanted • oot tag*.
Neither ono was Urge enough for Nor, se
she rooted the two luroisbed for a1,)ut two
ani • half month, . She paid $500 for
Them for that tune. She had her.elf sod
three children aod lour etrysnte An
other lnst•L, e le of • gentleman from 10.Iti-
more, Md , woo cisme sboor the Game time.
He erected a house for about three menthe.
Conte not. get nos large 000ugb, so he rooted
two, paying I uoder,taoi $500 or $600. to
his family there were helmet!, he wife, and
three Middies, and flys servants. Then •
great many hire horses and rigs by the
month. They simply take poase11ltn
of our town for the simmer months.
A livery man told me th* other day that
thew were 145 bosses In the Leery sables
in Cubeurg and that they were going night
end day. So you w111 see at 000e that It
must make an notorious dlfO.reooe to livery
,table keepers, teachers, bakers, `ropers,
merchants. and farmers also, as 811 their
garden produet, poultry. etc , ate In great
demand at the highest parse.
It Is, of ooune, • great boon to servant
girls. dresem►kma, and pearly all °InnN.
The rates .t the hotels are trom $10 to
815 • week, I oaderstsnd About $12 4
the average. It Is said, and I presume It
is correct, that the summer hotelkeepen
make money. There is 00rslderabla meta,
non at the present time for further summer
hotels. I think 1 hats answered all your
questions sod I think 1 have answered
fret oorrectly.
1 am glad to have the pleasure of rsoeiv-
l0g and answer.og your oommsntwtien�
first door tenthfidget R. ea
Welt ,trt,
overCorr.poe400t : J. 8. tela. KY & Co.
All orders promptly executed.
ANON and real estate agent. Odloo, (no
door east 85 mutual fire loeucanoe temnent for th.
ente, and
leading stook oomeaolea
Mercantile and manufacturing rinks at
lowest rates. ('ell at °Moe.
. A000inaot and Insurance Agent.
Hook. and .000no10 made 110.
Buildings rented and rents collected.
Mre lneura0oe to British and Canadian
Odloe- In 1'roaAtoot It Day s Milos. O North
trent Ooderloh.
1' BUIIANIMS sal Real testate agent.
Fire. Lite. Aneldeetand Pima (Mass insurance
e4veclni on mutual or cash plan at lowest
rates possible.
Beet English and ('anadl1n companies rep
(idle, nest doer to (.erose t Darrow. Bar
rioters H.mlltaa et oe-
- - Medltl)aL
Ranson oo Thereinto). sad Friday, 0 sob`Tug .01.41 element w a whole war ops of
10.b and llth. UOples may bi bad on ap exoeptlounl meta.
plioatioo to the woretsry, Wm. McArthur,
(iolu,rte:, Sept. 21.4, 1901.
Dame Sia, -)'our letter of the 10 b lenient
July received. When reading It this mere
or • tremble of the town oou001), • vely
Istslligo4 man and up-to-date In evert,
thing. o.m. Into my office, and 1 asked him
how math n.00ey our summer (08.10 telt
hers each year Alter Rothe over the met-
ier he stud he was perfectly satisfied that
then would are at leu. 500 people hne for
foot months and that they would Ieeye 8300
each, oo an average. Including ,verythtog,
making at hast $)00,000, and 1 quite agree
with him.
He also agrees with me that daring the
whole *neon there would b* ie the neigh
borhood of 1,000 bete. They are, of omen,
oomlog and going all the tune. But hs
It uaghe It would be • low •8d eats average
to Gay 500 for fear month,. All the hntslh
1 referred to In my former letter are hotela
for summer quests only. They are closed
to winter.
The oaths of the livery .re, I undersand,
$3 00 or $4 00 a d.9 for team, , ariage and
driver, and fit 00 • day for • single rig,
though may of them have horse. and sur•
reqs by the month. F. r one horse and sur
ray, which will hold four people and • boy
to dray• for them, they pay, I :a -n to'd, $60
or $70 per month.
Some have doah'e r to by the month fey
whioh they pay 8100 per month, 1 neer.
and Burgeon. 04108 In Renk of Com
metes bultdl81. Incl side of Sonars. Night
*Us at residence, male 51. W. 'Pnone 1M.
WARNiNU 1H14 IS 10 OIVh.
settee that anyone bs wiinth the off
nowtnowtor tempering
*hooting or traipse Ir,* upon any part of our
pmp*rt0, w111 be arrested and prnsnont2 U
PAbile NotIoe.
Court of RSvIS10n.
vmio4. ----
Moth -els hereby given that la nowt w111 be
held purwant b the rotors' Lists Aot. by His
Hwnr the Coast, tinders of the count (Coact
of the count) of Heron. at the township nail,
Chow, on FrlAay. October lith. at 10 • w., to
hear sad determlee the mesal neem of errors
and omissions In the Voters' (dot for the
mnnlotp•Il y of Colborne township for 19'1.
All perums having botulisms at the 00nrt are
'.0041ed tanned at the said time and dans.
Hated at Olrlsw tilt 94th day of Slept
p, W. M0IN)NAO1f,
Clerk ef Sim 51M township and nein)Itet.
04 sleek of Me meld wort.
HANhw41VICU Dar NOVeeKER 2fl.h,-
A report from Ottawa gave Thursday,
November 21st. aie the date of Thsukeglvlog
Day for 1901, but a later dispatch makes
the date • week later --November 28th.
M We Ken Y t. lid tsii4rl.-There w•1 •
fairly good house sed loth of fun •I the
Vette r.• Op. re House last Friday ought.
"MeUarthv'• Mlsb•ps" was the •ttrsunou.
The plot was not very waiting. but there
wens vomit 40340 musical specialties.
This of Howard Walker, the Degro ao•
cubed 10 w0onotloo with the fetal shooting
affair 00 the oircas train which visited
1loderloh last May, came up a1. the 13.r.t-
ford assize" this week. Welker pleaded
gully to the charge of maedsugbler. H4.
Lordship the presiding judge did not paw
sentence Imniedutsly but meld he would do
so Ldors the end of the wink.
Weems!, IN tiRlTlset I("LDYiI* - On
Saturday, September 14:6, the marriage of
0.1 no (Jordon, of K•mlKips, B.C., and Miss
Annie %Villlanii took pare at Revelstoke.
B.C. Tbo beide is • meter of Mrs. Rete
Ratall, formerly of tow0, and now of
Rrantlord, and 1s well know. here. The
groom is • Uodenoh boy, a son of Mrs. 1)
tendon. of teen. Many friend" and
acquaintances here will wish the uswly-
wedded couple moth jny
A IRIBUTI Or Rlerecr.-Thared.y last,
the day of the boreal of the martyred I'resf
dent of the Un'tsd Settee, ewes marked by
en expression of the sympathy of the mil-
ulnage of Uode•loh with the peep's of the
o elgbbortrg rspubltc in their national lose.
In so,ord•oce with a proclamation by
Mayor Willem, the business places wee•
closed from two to three o'clock to 15e
afternoon. The town bell end all th• church
bells were tolled, and flags were floated at
half • mast.
0. C. 1. Literary Society has r.-oril•o•zsd
for Ili• present tet nl with 4 h. lotowing
officers : Prestdoot, Westley Edward ; first
vice president. Miss Laura Jacket]; second
vice president, Percy Tye; s.creery, Miss
Florence Graham; woretsry of oommlttee,
Mies Ida Bates; treasurer, Miss Elite Tye;
councillor", W. Passmore, M1e0 Ol1v•
Turner. Mies Tena MoEwan; editor 0 C
1. Journal, Frank Elward; assistant ed110r,
El Deist Horton. Th• So,laty will begin the
term with • Dionen841 b the assembly
room tomorrow *voting.
011A1.18 0011 181 t'A* AngItl7t9.-Lot
week Walton' Warnock slipped • good
• zed box of grapes to Bufet°, to be added
to the Province of Oahe 10 s exhibit In the
h)rtlaoltore building at the Pan-American
exposition. There were ten varieties to
the lot: Moore's Diamond, Bnghtoo, Hart-
ford, Campbell's Etrly Concord. Empire
State, Rogers' No. 4, K ' No. 3, N.H.
Renneswet Northern Light. Mr, Warnock
said he would have had two or tbree more
0.01etles had they cot Leen stolen from his
vines. Mr. tVaroock's collection looked
very hue as we saw them before being
packed and no doubt I hey would mak• • very
important addition to the Provincial fruit
ashiblt at halal.).
M001141, 0.1110111 7th. --This is • date to
be remembered. On that evening an es-
tsrteioment will be held at Victoria Opera
Houle under the ammo's of the King'.
Daughters. WIIi 3. White, humorous
vocalist, of 'Toronto, will Rive 000 of his
inimitable entertainments, which sv. ryone
should hoer and we and enjoy He will
he assisted by well known twat talent, to
eluding Mise Acheson, Mie Ausebrook,
Mise Price and Mr. Carrie, aria another
Popular feature well he High'aod donne.
Admission -25o and 353. Lao e•elytody
go. not only because the entertalOment ls
for • worthy muse, bat because t8 w111 be
one of the most cotoyabls events of the tee
son. Remember the dna--Mondry, Octo-
ber 7th.
(loutish t oTeRo LINT. -Th• voter.'
It.t for the town of Goderloh has been post-
ed up, The astragals number of voters
in part 1. of the bit 1s 793: ID part 11., 423.
liy sub division the voter are as follow. :
Pare I fart 11.
1-113 74
2- 126 65
3 -123 90
4-119 40
&- 93 57
6--147 64
7- 72 33
793 423
Lest year there were 795 voters in part I.
and 408 In met 11. The age:meat° uumber
of jurors la 338
(;elmug, on Inks Ontario, situated ewe.
*4111 as Toronto is, and about our impala
tloo, in not nearly .o well placed and
favored as Uoderich Is for mummer trade.
It G moo• lower and much warmer. It is
farther away from the (Jolted States end
lacks oor cool greet and oorthwnse winds
and our glorious .,i05ete.
Almost acv town to western Oalerlo can,
by lending 810 000, 5emre • Iso'nry whioh
will pay out from $15,000 40 $20.000 In
wages, but Ooderieh is the only awn that
w0, by lending $1..000, bring in $150,000
or more *ash left dtr.ltly with are.
The Motorise bring In straws workmen
and laborers to compete with our present
prpulstlon, end the merchant. •r• the chief
ones who benefit by them, but with summer
1,00.510 the money is left with the citizen.
who 810 now here, end the tourists go away
after we have got all they have.
Cash left by summer Gimlets beneflte
everybody, but more directly domestic'
market gardeners, liverymen, I.bnrera,isun•
etymon, people who have • cottage, howl
Of few rooms to let, and .11 those who grow
anything to sell are dttody benefitted by
summer visitor..
The burden of those who keep up the
Mulches le ma',erlalty !mowed by thief
advent; an isupootIen of the receipts of any
oh*veh while our ateliers are with to and
Mier they leave will prove this and their
appreciation of our ministry.
Dasavllle sanitarium rune all the tear
round, but tbe',twiny, In point of health,
,.nmol he compared with Iloderich.
We are pleasantly Mated nn the blithest
point on the whole 200 miles of the east
shore of oue of the grw►ee1 lakes to the
Chore le no Investment whioh will pay o.
se woe directly or Indirectly (may fold over
any other) as In assisting • well•kepl end
enhot*ntial eantt&rinm.
The only one who risks anything G the
hotel man who Invbets hie °ash and reeks
after the town mortgage for his money.
The town should have no hesitation In
assisting him, and the feet that he bee glad
It s.n°wefully for one eemeon satisfies him
as to his Investment.
The extra elmtrin light late ehn0)d pay
for lb. money Imt,.
'inure testy,
h:. N. l.aet0.
Mac6114.1YRAY. -.At At Range road. Mang-
Mine, re Anglin Ihn, 1904. the elf*
r�ff ltev fl. Muoilbvny, R U. (Internam
I'f55kyUrns Mleslw..ta daughter.
�!1l8 ..111 Oiedertelie a Saturday morning.
•M 8lsmtkL, WW1 Bats. aged gA Men
('ohteg rub tikes cos No.
Wu1Ln Wine -World Wide lea wesk•
ly ratchet of .rtlulea from leading journals
and reviews reneoting the entreat thought
of bah bembpberre. '1'bls remarkable and
Most tradable journal, publ,sbed by Meows.
Jobe D3ugall & Soo. of The Witness, bas
Pushed It. way, he w few months, beyond
all ezpeotatles, chiefly owing to the good-
will of Its rapidly growing constituency.
World %Vide has found its phos on the
study table. Preachers, Leathers, writers,
sod thinkers esoerally, hay. balled It as •
new and most welcome, oompanlon. As •
uleasaot tool* -a stimulant to the mind,
World Wide has no poor -at the 00(0.. De
equal •mon* lbs journals of the day. Rel.
ohm: readers of World Wide ere kept In
tcuok with the world's thloking. Fifteen
nests will bring this most intern'' i0* and
valuable piper to the end of the 'tar. Ad•
drew all ocm.wloallons direct too the pub-
lishers, .token Dougall & Son, Witness
Butldtog, Moalreal.
is CAaKI■ NATio, Coen,. t --W• heard
something the other day to the effect that
there was some talk of bringing Mrs. Carne
Nation, she of the h.l06et, to this town to
*sliver • lecture. Thule is 0e, doubt as to
Carrii s .hihly l deliver torosfal lectures
(her Lu.baud-her reosat husband, perhaps
we Mould say-wosdd no douot testily
as to that). but we believe the question of
6oenoss was the sticking point. She wan-
ed $100 fur the lemurs, sad although Me
largest builiiog in town would doubtless be
filled the •moaot was too niuoh to g11aran•
tae, es the Iooal bonlf•t'••, haying 80 eye to
their gilt edged furniture and espewsivs
mirrors, would not contribute to the lend.
There was also the danger that If the l000•
°clastic lady were to come bere and not op
my of her (lidos she might be Haled before
the Police Mag smote and her lecture con.
fined to • select oompsov of polios Militia's
-wOluh would not be profitable. The
probability b that sits will not Dews to
4i80 r:ob.
ANOTHER New AOM■ -03 Wedoesdev
11800104 of tut week the matrimonial knot
was tied between Thomas Tringle, of the
I:octet- oh elev►tor, and !flus Luella ('oer),
seo,nd dsnehter of W. L Pennington. The
oertmonv took pines et the realdenoe of the
bride's earwig, Rev. 1)r. Daniel cfrtrlatlog,
and was witoesaed by Immediate friends
and rebates' of the bride and groom. The
bride was attired ID • pretty gown of while
lodia lawn, trimmed with Valeooleowes
lace, and bore • 41,agaet of whits asters
the was Miss Nellie Broao,wbo
sore pink dotted swims Irtudio trimmed
.lth loos •ad ribbons, •od oarr.ed pink
asters. John Dunlop dlw4trged the duties
of groomsman. to the unavoidable &beetles
of her father, the bride was glum away by
her uncle, Oliver Penologton At the non•
elusion of the ceremony the wedding supper
was serve 1, after whiob •Ar. sad Mrs.
Pringle left for *Mr new bents en Ogletree
street. lens bride was the recipient of
t umorous gifts, showier( the wain in
which ahs Ie bold by her friends. We et•
tend our congratulations to the young
Genets, and wish them lifelong happ'cn.s
sad su0oew., i. I Ir1tATUNs - Work is befog
00.es55oe4 on • brink veneered tonne for
.1. 13. Kelly on Lighthouse street, opposite
tie ma.ket.....f. el. Metered is having so
addition made to his laboratory on Newgu•
street.... W. A. Rom has had • woofed
.tory added to his residence on Bruce street,
and h.e hal the whole lathed In prepara-
tion for • veneering of cement .... Mrs.
Aeamsoo's new house on Church street is
newly reedy for oocupation....flood pros-
rm. Is belog made en the gaol residence
and the work on the exterior le almost oom•
Dieted.... B 1'. Muo0logs, who is building
• story-andm halt frame dwelling oo Brock
' trend, expeo4e to have It ready for recoups
tine in 034,1) a Week .... The brickwork le
cempleted on the house which J. T. (told-
thorns I. building at the ooroer of Albert
and Nelson street.....gtephen Andrews
has retied the roof of his dwelling on the
Huron road.... -re. brick walls ot W. T.
Murney's new house on Itrtane'a road are
nearing completion, as are also thew of the
"wood house wnioh 10 being *rioted for
Toho Wallis '.0 Fut street ....The brlok-
work 1. completed on J. L. Aitken's new
dwelling oo the Heron road.
A Y of se AMKRI.-114 41.0'! k. - aloe Craig
has • unique pet In the sharp) nt • young
e agle whioh he brought up from Poles Island
• few week. ago. It I. one of three whioh
the Uoderlah boys working on the Island -
Arthur Yule, (lobe Sprang and Harry
House --captured early in the seewn, Yule
olimbing the tr.. to their nest .los'.
eaglet Is now about the glee of s goose and
has • spread of shunt live test from tip to
tip of (10 wings. ll hwd4 yet found the oto
of its broad apsatlioa pinions to any extent,
and to allowed b rows about In the hotel
yard sell hoot any chain or other restraint.
1t le of the 'paces palled the American
earl•, and they soy that when Joe btoaght
It tip on the tug every United Statelier
that aeme within sight toot off his hat to It.
DON'T F0Ro00 TIIt FAO. Settee.- Re.
member Huron's beat and blggest fair, the
(treat Northwestern, to be held to U3derloh
onTeeed•v and Wednesday of nett week,
October 1.4 en 1234. '1 he directors have
wonted the wireless of Cool Ilarges., the
veteran minstrel, who 1111 give a perform
n ice in the mein building on f0wd.y
evenlog. On Wrdntniay night w grand
ent.ertalummt will be given In Victoria
Opera Home, in whioh Cool Burgess will
be se.leted by Miss Duffua, one of the heat
Ilocatleobta who hive ever appeared In
Ooderloh; (lenge 1.. Alla, who w111 give
an exhibition rel *lob swinglee; Min Mo
Leren'solo e of Highland dancers, and the
Marine Band. Everybody should make s
point ;to visit the greatest fele In the
enemy, past Tuesday and Wedoeeday.
To Rai.r ref Roerrraf.Fnwn A percen-
tage of the proceeds of the Riot's Da5Rht en'
entertainment, whioh Is to he held on the
7th of ()Meter, will be daaed to the
hospital fund.
Tut DrwnAwwnw FAI1. 1wnw.-Tho Ash-
field sad Wawasesh Realists A,
Society bags Owned an •tIr•etive pr120 110
kr NNr fall .R►IMtle., to be bold fa
HR. 4N WAToON.-A quiet wedding
w as celebrated at the home of William
);reed, '17afal..r street, on Monday, when
hu danrhter, Mn, Annie Watson, and J. 1'.
Krown, of Stratford, were united l m.trl-
mr.oy. Rev. 1)r. Daniel, of North Ntreett
Methodist ohuroh, performed the ceremony
AI 11:30 o'olnok, In the presence of Immedt
• e relativ,' rel the 000traotlog partial.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on the 2.30 train
for Toronto. .mid the good wishes of may
friend. aseembicd at the station M sea them
ed. Among the wedding gifts was • le144-
lamemantel olook from the Woman's
Chrlstlan'I'emperaooa Delon of (ioderfoh,
of whioh the bride has been one of the most
• reeve members and 1, new preeideoe. The
nota .00mpanytng the vitt was as follows:
lloderlob, Sept. 21st, 1901.
1)a1R MRN WAtOoo,-Th• members of
the Woman's Christian Temperance Union
extend to you congratulations and hearty
good w'she,. May the newly wedded life
whioh you are about to enter brio, both fro
Mr. Brown and yourself niuoh of jny, hap.
piness and prosperity. May you be blessed
with health and etreogth to preside for long
happy years over your new home, and may
the Immo zeal and devotion to the *.ase of
Uod obaruter)zs you to the future as It has
In the past. WIII yon kindly accept the
a000mp•nying article es • slight token of
the regard In which you are held by the
Union 7 Very lovingly, -n behalf of the
(Onion. Tilt: Ml11RrR.N,
TR It ORO API RocrrAI..-The organ recital'
e nd onneert *leen in Knot church last FTI•
day evening was fairly well attended,
though not so largely es the ezoellenee of
the enteralament merited. All the per
formers were known to Oodsrtoh andiopwe,
with the seeeptien of Mum Blanche Teeple,
hsving appeared here en similar "t enlons
hefore. knee '1'erple'e singing was A de,
light to everyone. Har dutlnet &retools.
tem and .weer, eymp•thaLio ooetralto voice
mak th• yroihlal singer as deatlned for a
brilliant (Araer. and her rsodltlnws received
an wow* en *soh ncoasion. S, Icon Tye -
dal le the p.'e.espr of A r irer tenor votes,
and h. also r.nolved • recall A I) Jordan
So 1 perfsre master of the organ, and the
ree00robe of the !Detriment "arm nerd to
the vay best .dvanagr ender lila manip•
Matins Hi. 1 stnn4.lnei Ito.' • rich
treat Indeed. 7 he mnsiosl attainment* e,1
his tenger Atn+her, I8. por*ler nrgtnlst
of Ksox *Leech, a. * performer both on the
etre and the 0ereet. are toe well intern e
seed 0ommeet her. His comet rels0Men,
"Tito Rely Oily," was wadi .pprsedosd.
lotereeling events of whisk we hays bad
w m1oy to record during the put few
weeks took plane vest trdsy, whoa 040 01
Uod.nuh's f etr dau*hters etas carried •way
to grate • new home la Oreng•vllle. The
bride was Mme Nina, younger daughter of
the late 1)08.111 C. 14tr•ohao, and the lucky
man war William J. Leath, M. 1) , of
O.aogevllle, Oat. The 811pt1.1 ceremony
was celebrated to Koos church at 1.45 to
the afternoon, Rev. Jas. A. Aodersep,B A.,
pester of the ohuroh, otlioiatigt, and Rey.
Robert Ure, 1) U , assisting. Owing to the
sweet .►d here■vemeoo euet•loed by the
bride, the weddlog was • very quiet
toe, sod lhs gime' a looluded only
• few reta'1y'es and close friends.
The ohurch, however, was filled with'.
large memento of interested spectators.
TM simple sod pretty oeremooy took place
belste • batik of palms, Boston ferns and
orbit* aster., arranged by the bride's girl
friends. The h 1111, eel a was given •wy by
her awls, Janie* M. Stepoard, was gowned
in • travelling drew of Oxford grey, with
blank Gainsborough est 00 which • large
white gull was oo05picuour. She carried •
haodeom.'.uff of whit* fox. Mr. Jordan
presided as the orglu &red played Lebec -
arises bridal maroh, end after the oeremooy
Meodelseiht,'. weddiog march, and Mies
Eva Acheson 1800, in her beautiful vote*,
"I L'romiee Thee " 'fns Mittel party drove
Irom tht chunk to the 1;. T. R. eta,
110*, Mr. and Mrs. fait lesviog on the
2.30 train on a trip to eastern points before
settling dawn l0 ibo'r bums at Or•og.vills.
The mase'• from outside potato limo Mr.
and Mrs. Thornier, of London ; blies
Clark, of Orangeville, sod 1)r, and Mrs.
Hooper, of Toronto. '1 h• popularity of the
bride eras attested by tb• numerous and
beautiful gilts of ei It oh she was the reci-
News FROM Tui HARBOR. -- The etc.
George Stone arrived 4'hursday mnrniog
from Chio•go with 105.000 bushels of corn
for import, whioh was unloaded •t the
elevator. This was the l.....t cargo to
roach Uodemch so tar this year. fee Stas
drew 18 feet S inches ad h,.i no trouble
whatever In oomlog Into the harbor. The
Stene cleared shot tly alter mldnrthe .
The echr. Herschel arrived *0 Thursday
Irom Toledo with 460 tone of coat ter toe
Manitoba and Like Huron Milling Co., and
Mewed Moods♦ Dight for Alpena The
etc. Bl•ok R ick cams In Friday morning
with 91,550 bushels of owe from Ching*.
7'nts margo is f ,r the New England Stele*
and was unloaded before midnight, 461
Black Kock loving for Huron to lead owl.
.The ,4r. Oselfrage called Sat
urd.y afternoon on her way south
and Tuesday mornirg on the return
trip. She took on • quantity of brick*,
besides other freight, Tuesday mora-
ine The etc. City of Remo ar
rived Moody from Mow with 100 000
embole of ooro for the Uoi'erloh Feev•tor
CD-, and cleated Tuesday *110,000.0 tog
10.latb Several three cargoes' are ez-
psoted at the elevator during the next
week, iooluding one Ly the str. Midland
llaeeo, the new boas commanded by
1'apt. t'.alheretenh•ugh leoglneer
llrocgh has prepared • pew drawmg
of tho hal lin slowing the deep water
channel. The dr•. ing Indicate" • depth of
twenty feet or over from outside the Men
to the oheckwater, and air r:eon feet or over
from the oheckw.ter to the elevator, except
where the rock shoal, which Is now being
dredged, is situated. Th..s are the depths
as ordinary low water level. At present
the water 111 the harbor Is a fent or more
h reher than I. shown on the plan
The imam sawmill has 11,91(04 roaming
for the waren.
How about that fall Belt ion were going to
Kett The beet in mater'al. and workmanship
w0 be had at 17,dhoot s at very reasonable
Inc s.
M 4)40.,y openings ihls week.
The voters' list Is posted no 19 your
lame of It?
Diyision-once will be held next Tuesday,
Ootobor 151,
The new grain Is not oomlog Into the
Iwo( market very freely yet.
The 0. C. 1. cadet'-orps will join In the
review before the Duke •t Toronto.
rho County Court will sit on Tuesday,
OObber 1tt,for the trial of non ,ury oases.
Another botch of bloyolise had to pay
ooste this week for riding on the sidewalk.
Don't forget Mise Uono9he tali millinery
opening, today (Thursday) and following
Lnoks as If they were not going to give
the Dake a *hence to tee the prettlerl town
in Canada.
MCHRI DK VN. M(1oRi,-111 the 1)Ivlelooel
Court at Oegonde 14.44, before Falconbrldge,
0.3.,1nd Strete,J.,on the 19th inet ;--Jndg•
want I E. 1!. ll ) no motion by defendanti
to set aside verdlot and judgment In favor
of plaintiff, Thoma. McBride, for $400, and
to dismiss the action or for • new Hol
Aotloo for damages for Injuries sustained
by plaintiff by being thrown from • oar of
defendants, who were the eoetreetor5 ter
he stone work of the breakwater at Uode-
rloh, The plainef was a 1.11 of seventeen,
who was empeoyed by nos Stewart, the da
feadants' foremast, t i drive a team of hnrtee
wht -h pulled • train of oars loaded with
.tone. down to the harbor. He .at, upon
the oar and was thrown off and broke he
leg. The alleged Degli,55le was Mat the
our track or tramway seat out of order.
The defendsnte now ended that the plaintiff
h ad no right to sit epos she our, and bad
been warned not to de ee ; that the plain-
t. ff was not employed by the dsfeadals,
. a t that there was no ev1Auees of negitgenes
to go to the jury. Per ('nrlam.: The ter.
deli should not M Interfered with. The
owe was folly and fairly triad not before
the jury, and the charge was nn4 objected
le. There was evidence M.e.uim the •er
dint Feyond question, and the Andlne of the
jury mold not be Interviewee with either op-
en the 910.'10n of the twell*rnne of the
4.f.ed8M or Me alI•go4 restelhetnry egg
Ilgen°e of the plaintiff, epee beth el whish
they were folly ani narefolly Instrnnted ny
th. presiding Judge. Molise (iemired
with oasts. ()anew, K (: , for d.fmdana.
m .
p/.. IUd�10
er�h) fes plaintiff.
CtAIR - STEMMAS.- Aesthee 5f Mole
i ea., two deers north of their pe
stand of the News, and will have le
up se as to ac esmmodate their growing -
n ew during the oomlog month.
The wore@ of the weekly meeting of the
9110 olub on the 20th test. were : ('apt.
Dooley. 7; A, Rougvle, 6; K. B, Walker,
6 ; N. D. Rouge* 3 ; E R. to stoop, 10 ,
F. Skeuoes, 5 ; U. Maher, 7 ; Geo. Allan,
3;. W m. Lanham, 5 ; F. M. Denham. 3 ;
H. Kuwoo, 6,
Henry Day. of nowhere In psrtioulas, and
about eighty yeors of age, was wands/Mr
around town Wednesday night of last week
.od was gathered In by Creatable Thomas.
Hs was taken to jell, the lookup not h.ylog
b..o fitted up since the tenet .1teraUoos at
the town ball. He exert eled • desire eo go
to the House of Providence tit Toronto and
was soot alt yesterday with sows wdstasos
towards rsaeblug tint haven.
'Ins Canadian Proem• le. of Toronto
hes received • defloite oo0truel from Lon-
don. Fog., for 100 000 the, of Cao.dies
chickens. This G /aid to be the largest or-
der for this kind of produce over given to a
Uaoadlao firm. It cooly remains with the
farmers of ()Mario to rales ecuogh ehic1005
to supply the demand. Tb. Canadian Pro
duce Co. Is prepared to buy every chlokea
that can to raised In the Preview of Vit-
Osie of McKlrzu & Howal-L's customers
had .oimalon to ass some Portland Dement
before he had heard of the memo of the
Pesluul.r brood. Wanting more he took
the Pesineeker brand. When In the stare
this week be said three quarters of • pall of
Peou40Mr weste go ea tar as • pall of the
other he had used. lis fit pang to put s
cement floor under the whsle of hle'b.rn and
will use nothing but Peninsular Portland
W• are Indebted re our friend 1). E. Mo.
Connell, of Cape Town, for • copy of The
Cape Times, being the special Royal num-
ber of that journal, 1. *outsize a very
e laborate .000001, with illustration", of the
reoepttoo accorded the Delete and Duchess
el Cornwall and York In the South African
celoal00. The U•pe people apparently ten-
dered the Royal leaden •e horny sad ea
splendid • welcome se we U.nuake aro try -
Ing to *lye them sew.
All are Invited to Miss Uenegk's mlllteery
opeolag, today (Thursday) and following
You are 'seedbed to we 4he newest to mil.
llaov .1 MOKtu'a this Thursday afternoon
and evening, R. B Smith's .tors,
Don't forget the big sale of Wooed -hand
rigs lithe wagons and meows at the De-
wlmten Carriage Works on Oot. let and 2nd.
J. K BaYDoge, prop.
Retsetbt 114 the Toronto szblblMse Mee
finest stoat el stoves ever sees le D•de,let.
(Irma and them at WoROsule,tbe °heap
stove and furnace man.
Thursday, Frit"), and Saturday of this
week ars opening days for the display of
new millinery noveltl.s-ex,ulmle mealtime
of the .rt -for fall and winter wear, at
the stere of Smith lire's & Co.
The country parent of the Maple Leaf
()roomy are invited to pertek• of a fres
lunch there co the .emend day of thin Uroet
North Western Fair, Dot. 2u'. wmm.001.g
.8 eleven o'olouk. 0. M.,,rr,
Oyster., always trash, .t t n0 0Id reliable
oyster Lowe, Vittoria Restaurant. West
st., In bulk or served all styles. lee *ream,
fruit, con(eououery, others, oto. C. 111.ACR-
t11'ON r., Drop. Telephone 70.
KIIYMAN t 01RN011. bate on view In their
fututmero.bow rcom., Bedford •lock, asv•
oral pewees of fanny loniture dscer8ted and
fioi.bed with tee ewe V.rnls-Martin pro
came They are oert•loly the moat totawtitul
geode Byer .hewn here.
Sem• people like maps, Wo do too when
we knew we get • gene one. We are effete
log two genuine 10.91 • N 1 --our beet
guaranteed regular $300 ltiy.t Can viten
wrinepn, most durable wringer made.
W bile they lest spin price I. $2 50 No. 11
-we have just 6v-.,1lbo,o5ederrfibe,00m
ptete with b•yooe . We tot ' hem adjoet
ed to .hoot other shok. or t n't W• have
the extra ammunition, Thew we are
offering for $5 00. Who would be without
a good shot -guar' Yoe ado see t hens is
M. Kv,,io h HowIl.t.'s windier.
Till `IU NAL. to January lit, P142, only
29 owes. Send 1'. to . friend. 1 t will be
The 10. T. K. exturalons to 8410
West leave on Thursday, Frldsy and Yatur-
day of this week.
The Greet Northwestern exhibition takes
place In Uoderl)h on 'ruteday and Wednes-
day of next week.
Jades Massone Improved health Is the
Maros of moth gratitiwtloo to his friends
and to the people of the tow* generally.
The Women's (!brlsGa '1'emperence
Uoloo purpose h1llioe their anneal comity
convention in Seaforth, early in Ootober.
Ur. Hunter has been appointed jell aur -
game pro tem . the van•noy h•ylog been
caused by the death of Ur. (i, C. Shannon.
Hoo. J. T. Darrow was one of the Cables'
Ministers who met Premier Rootlet Niagara
on Sait=day on his return from (treat
E S Cooltbe,a former student of Ooderloh
Uolleglaie Institute, het resigned his poet
int as prloolpal of the Ripleypublic
school. lie will enter 460 008College
a Nola lelpkle.
The new firm of Rhymes & Cornell, fur-•, are showing ,imm.odtbls
enterprise They have pas Into stook wish•
In the past few days slime of the finest for•
enure ever seen In (boderloh.
R. M. Britton, M. 1'. for Kingston, bet
btra appointed to the vacanoy on the bench
in the With Court, of Ontario. Thle I. the
position la connection telt h whioh Hos, J.
T. Garrow's name was winnowed.
We under.tand that Mr. Mn(romish, the
operatic singer, le log a series of eon -
mile through the o0.ntlw of Heron and
Brno*. Min Meyer, Mr. Wibby and
others will assist In thew cnneeets.
The Spokane (Washington) Climatal* of
September 5th orates that C. A. Plask.81.
of that oft9, son -In-law of Mre. (Owe.) Mc.
Key, of tewn. has hewn annotated (ashler of
the Spokane F.11. and Northern Rallrotd.
Prof, .1. W. Uroater, who Maims le be
the /realest phrmoleelat to the world, hu
been .8 the British Rtohaol* h0tei the
past week. He was quite dl.appefntad be
name en few people here wanted titre,
"humps" rad.
Osergs Reil was asrestnl on Moddy en
Ilio Marge of neglecting to provide Me wife
with the necessaries el Ile. P. M. Mater
remanded him until Saturday .ed In the
meantime he is onto en ball. Mrs. Bell Ie
reported te le very 111.
O. W. Thomsen 1. Ree h..0 lewd the
doable .tare hely eoeepted by R. S. Nr11h
Next Sabbath will be Children'. 1)(y at
Korth ohurch.
The thirteenth annual 000vention of the
()Mario 1'hrtatlan Kadeavor Colon wMl be
hold at Brookville Timothy. Wednesday
trod Thursday, Oomber 181, god and 36d
On Sunday. September 29;h, Rally Day
Sill be eb•erved In the North street
and Viotoria Itreet Methodist•tb
schools at the regular afternoon gorvtoes.
Next Sunday 1. Rally Day throughout
the Methodist Sabbath schools is , vaned.,
and will be oh d u such •t Vioiona
street chetah. An 'titillation I1 extended
to •11 to attend the Rally Day servloe of the
@hoot •n Stsday afternoon.
An Invitation IR extended to all to &tend
the Rally Day servlet of North street
Methodist Sabbath milord next Sunday
afternoon. There will he • rpeel+l order of
servlet fnr the •fternooe. Inoludlog 1
vocal @tot, Marian by the aaheol, .to.
A Bible Institute has bean oreanl,'d to
oonaeotlon with the Sabbath school of
North street Methodist charoh, for the
study of the International Reil, of lemons
and other !idols study. The Institute will
meet every Friday evening, 1s the basement
of the church, ar 8 o'olook. All wno wish
to jslo w111 be heartily weloome.
l'he general board of minions of the
Methodist ohnreh In Caned• will meet in the
Ms' hadl.t ohuroh, S4. Marry, from One. 11
to 16. It will be ane el the most important
ohuroh meetings ever held la St. Mary",
The who will be present will be
from the prinolpal oitlee and towns In Con•
ado, from Vlotorla, It (1 , to lisldar, N.
S Matters pertaining to missionary work,
both home and abroad, will be dealt with.
There was a Gree gsthsrinp Taeedey
events, et V loteri. duet Mothnd tit ohuroh,
the oceaslen Ming •o entertainment and
reception given by the Epworth Enemas.
rhe pester, Rev. .1. W. Retention, presld*A
daring the resAering of the prevent, *blob
included, In addition M the ohalrmto's ad
drew, v@al solos by Mise Hell and Mrs.
Robinson. realations by Sam Kean mid
Reeve 1Itlett, an Instrumental by Messrs.
8anh.nan and Ktliett, (Meta by Mimeo Hale
•n4 Harris and Mrs. Robinson and
Mies ,fehasoe. Afterwards refreshments
woos served and a pleaant time spent In •
s*dal wy
Owln* to 111 health, Rev. Felber Flan
e 1ry. parish priest at irlebt.we, hes base
obliged to realign his charge. An &Meek of
the grin recently affected his heart, and he
also suffered • dight. 58seks of paralyE..
Re/, Father Flannery le (ether a •Isle ire
IAnd, In the h+e that his health mat M
telly restored. R.v Father MoKea, who
for the post thirteen years has had nharge
o f the peat p•sie el of Bt rathroy, Watford
and Adelaide. has hem .wetland he see•
seed l ether Flesaory. rather Plasa.ry'e
• *..rasa Meade hope to ten his telly re
.toaouso.mwF-J. 14. W.ree11 1
11'. Ruy-N. D. Rougvle 4
Cluttung--H. Usalop 5
Mimic Card H. K. Jocose 1
Auoosooemest-Kbynas & Cornell 1
Ifeatem*ll-W. C. ()erode 4
Judgment 1'roteets-W. 0. Prldham4
S 1 Wanted -Mee. 8. A. Mo0•w., 1
Roots for Sale -Charles Rates .. 1
A meste-MoKeesle & Howell... 1
Annouooements-teles Doneeh 1
Voters' use (Avert -F. W. M.Deeaeb.,1
Aoio1noesent--W. A. M.Ktm .. 1
Aon.uoeemoot--J. E.eo 1
A meet O. M. 21(1WO 1
Farm for Sala -Roz 173.... 1
About Fall Jaokete-Hsdgess BreoS
Piano le Rest or fee Salo --Mrs. Meters1
A osm.nt-Smitb Hew 1
Out Tbey Uo-P. T. Halls e
stored to health and strewn'', and able to
resume bis duties.
WE have been asked to name the
time when the Provincial electious will be
held. In reply we might say that the date
is not yet fixed, or if it is fixed it rsmalus
state secret..
That dose not hinder some of our esteem.
e1 contemporarles from getting in an
uccesio0al Keene, but the gnawing oompetio
tion, up to the time of writng, bas not
Wee • success. However, it wets 1otht014
to take a i;hanoe on the date, and from cow
until the date is set the gumming will
rontinue with regularity, if not with
The mut who m'ght possibly hit the date,
If he put on his considering cap, is the
Hon. le W. Hoes, but we are informed that
he is net worrying over the matter, and is
content to keep the other fellows gemming.
Why it should bother the broad elector.
ate whether the election should take place
six weeks hence or In six moieties' t1me it le
hard to eonoeive. Bat we are of opinion
that some people live ant move and have
their being who are never satisfied unless
they are actively engaged in an election
contest or looking for one to torn up.
Here in West Huron, where during the
last ten years we have averaged a contest
every year. trials of party strength are not
so anxiously sought fur as in more sedate
constituencies where the statute i0 allowed
to take etc course. We .re not worrying M
Mites Our motto, like that of one el
the bat known regiments in the British
array, ie. "Ready, aye ready," and be the
day of contest soon or late we aro always on
deck end ready to fate the music.
In some quarters it in stated that the
month of June, 1902, would be • capital
time to let the Government decide upon
Wm relative merits of the Government and
Opposition, but this opinion is not held by
W. F. MeeLgaw, M P, the energetics) pro.
',rector of The Toronto Word, who holds
to the belief, and hot Is to it firmly, that
the political fray will be on before snow
Hire. lie that as it may. we cannot help
"eying that the leafy month .1 June is e
good time fur holding elections. As our
readers wi I observe, the utile ing of the
month of June for this year is decidedly oub
of the question, and June of next year may
be • little late to suit the desire of Rome of
the anxiuul ones, but if everyone would tall
into line and next June be chosen am the
fateful month we don't know that the
l'rovinoe would suffer, and we do know
that the participant. would have a better
time than if the date were set at any othee
time. Meantime our opinion need not
hinder the World from melting another
-They say that after his experience MI
the lumherman'e camp in the Ottawa
Valley the "Uook" expressed a decided
approval of loco couse and hereafter thab
ifebcacy will have • hath place on hie menu
-isn't there jurat tee n/110h furthered heath.
ors about ren giving the Duke of CORNWALL
and hie malleable wife . The young ooupls
are no doubt nice people, but we are of
091111 n they 05000 be about tired to death
of the toadies who aro locoing attendance
upon them and giving them the impreesion
that thio is a country of electrie light
displays, miliary evolutions and doxl•rotted
fooleries generally.
-The heir repparent and hie geWa part-
ner will remember the] ineiden1M0 their
visit to tho lumber camp long after the
miliary page,-tnt.s and the putnped•up en.
thu,iusm of the tuft -hunters hare faded
front their memory. The three cooks in
the lumber Malty who didn't lake od their
slouch hats to royally and who nonchalaatly
smoked their little blsek tobacco pipes in
the august pretence did more to Impreee
the visitors that JACK °AMUCK 1e an em.
bodied Fomenter; proposition than all the
them/eels of dollars that were !pent '.o
croute the Idea that Commis ie beet repre-
sented by gill lace and tinsel trapping..
Portrait et the Stag.
The mot readable paper In Torowt•
thew days is The Sttr. Is a Oet rprlsly
In ill news deosrtmests, and ledepeed.n8
and entertaining edreerlaity. in to bad-
n ess management IT le alwave koept.g
Magi envies. .i0.8 new 11 le offering
free to sew saworlbere • iea5n1Beont por-
trait of Ne King prle8e1 In nl.• melon In
the Bonet style of lithegvapkv. The offer
le the most liberal of any Doper. The Deny
Ser Ie emit to sew ewbserlhere need .1•n -
nay It1. 1903, and also • °ropy rel the sty•
. )6n..t platen of the Kin/ few 81.50, the
pries of the paper alone for • year. A espy
of the plettere was sent to RIs Majesty tbs
Klug, sed an • from the
iord (1katwh.rlete expensed his owpvosls- of its ole aree, sad says 8h. portrait
war •5.n by /Fbeu Majesty - t� latter ea Ma -
meal Anent.
Mir Desoaleo fall uslIli .gy •peimisyr IMO
t.ks pl.,. today ( flinnel•y) sad NI lowly
McKi,vrs A Rowels. have jest seleoded
another oar of P55ls.a1u Poetised o.90.n1,
A largo properties of It woe delivered M
Nor trebly h 55.5558 4..en and bending
f eeed•11w,