The Signal, 1901-9-5, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. THURADAT, Sept. 5, 1901. 5 W. Acheson Acheson & Son Midsummer Bargains for Augusi E have carefully gone through the different departments and as • re suit have selected as bargains many of the most reasonable and deeir able liner of goods that cannot fail to command your interest. On sale Friday and following days - 1200 yards of English prints and ti'ut.'h giashatus, light and dark colors and war- 7c t tu ranted faslur•, regular price 121c and 15.:, at one price, per yard 1 800 yards Eugllsh tapestry carpot in an.be of from 5 to 20 yards, all this season's 3[C pattern* and coleringe, prices .45e, 50e and bOe, at per yard..... d 9 pieces or about 350 yards blink pure mohair figured Sici,ian dress goods, 46 incites wide and beautiful black. Real value and price has been 60c and 7be a yard. The. ie the meat et dress g.w.ls offering we have probably ever rnarle. Special 25c sale, per yard J Scotch linoleum' In new pattern, 2 yards wide, at per square yard, special 50 pain white Ince curtains. heavy Scotch net, 3i yards long and fi0 inches wide, Q0„ regular price per pair 11.00, •ale price at �V W. Acheson & Son AT THE PAN-AMERICAPt. Notes of a Visit to Buffalo's Bldg Show. se• ellfel Creaa4• and Mae B.11dlega- L'leetrltlty the t -algae treater. of Ike tali bitten •el.rli • liabilities 4i.ed -i be Allraeltee• .f the Midway. A few paragraphs about . recent visit to the 1'.n America. inhibition may not be uoteteresUoe to the reader" of Tut SI.V aL, Uanadl.n Government bglldng, and though we were jest ono the herder we were riled to see the old red eudrn. Then are a low eft• blbits here, that of the U•oda Furniture Manufacturer,, Limited. and one of grans, straws, eta , trout the Ceotral Expatiated. al Farm taking the mat space. But 1t was sot bioseo of ibe eablbate that wa found the Comedian betldng .o attractive. There woes roiling room, when one oould find The Globe and otbet Dapere from all satiate of Canada, and we need the pleos re our poetofioe, those In oharge being very kind ani obliging. A great many people vetted Otis bulldog, judrtni Lr the way the pages of the register were b. tog filled. 1 noticed that • great m.ny of these names on the register were those of people who lived In the States, and l could not but wonder 11 To attempt to describe to detail toe melte they were not former Canadians who still retained an intermit In their native land. Right up In the eortheeet corner of Coe grounds is the Stadium. where the sports are held. Tilts 1. modeled on 10e Greek amphitheatre et Athens, sod hu a seating opeolly of 12,000 It was • wok o1 hl epee raves when we were tbsre, and for the first t.me 1 saw • mo'orcyole In use. Out.lde of the S'•dlnm are the exblblts of agricultural Implemeea, Many of the ma - oblate are to operation, sod one can examine the latest and moot Improved devices for owing labor on the lar m. There was an exhibition •yery morning. in the Stadium, of an •uto•mower, said to be the int motorpropelld mowing machine ever bunt. be railway exhibits are plena at the tad board may pe b4 at quite ro.00nab!s s.nb d to. grounds. Tiger. are oars and rates at wally places within • . emparetively owehs with eh., lalget Improvements and short distance of stn grounds sod passible lo)otnot•ore of *normow alis sod power ; visitors should not be deterred from end In ootr•at with these are Noire going a Buffalo by •stew• of an snot• of the .rallwat antler of the early days, moss outlay In the way of Intel; expenses. loktng mean end ndlouloui beaky. the remedial)* going 0r wee of \lager• Fells modern products of the car shops and oan save time and i moble, it they do Dot engine work.. And yet thew clumsy. wish to ge right down town, by leaving the Iookng !leap or. really 0,055 woo.lerlul train et B1 ok Rick station, which is with than the elegant affairs provided for the in •,bort Metaace of the exhlb,t'oo park. teaveller of the present day, Tbese at. One of the 0,51 features ot the •Tan- is but the evolution of the former. To the the wry le orb . h t0. greeede are 1.14 vet, pioneers of lbs r.tlw•y era, those men whn.e bas this might easily ssoap• the notice of genius and faith conq.erd natural dithaul toe careless visitor, and If my toeden can flee cod human periodos' and 1•Id the stand • little more.d•io• 1 sn•11 ladtcat• to foundations of the great transportation eye intending • sttors how beet they mry .b• ton of today, the world owes • great dol. taco • gad view of the fairy oiry sod reahss the beauty of rho genera plan of the ground. and Lutld.ogs• A greet many es• ter by the Woes Amh.n% gats, sod may gel any 0000epitoo of the pewee other than that of • lot of buildings jumbled to Ratter. Eater from Lincoln Perkw•y and walk along to the Trinn'pDal Ceaseway. with the four m.a lest la towers at the oaten, and you will bo well repaid far any little extra trouble, Or if you enter at the Elm- wood gate keep to the right hand, away from the Midway, ped you 1,111 come to the same pl•oe and upon the some evens. Be- fore you,to the left, are the hort'oulture and mlong belldied and the besot fol Temple of Murata : to the night, the United Seto Government building .ad the etbnology betiding ; right ahead, ma the oppose side of the nand eaplaeaie, Is the "or.u•t of the ft obtains,- with its pretty water effector, and in the dtae'oe tete morrow' Motor" o1 the Pen American srobttecture, tte oleo. trio tower, 409 feet high. with the notion. had firers of the fielders of Light stead- ier not &genet the sky. lin either side ate teeny other DstIdiags of neD« dolga and Levity c'lerlog,extassive gardeos and walk, Tined with groups of statuary. It is an In- splrtog sight. All through the ground, are entity ponds and waterways, on which ply gondolas and .1.01,1. Ianahes (inongronue wm,gb when one thinks of et) for the Dolma and of nouns at the expene et pleasure seekers. There are parterres of flower which would • ttreot the attention of t6• ardent finical. torts', end wheat aid materially to the beauty of the plan, but which are hardly n oted by most people In the desire to nee the more strtktog features of the show. il. eenulaotnree and Mend arts bee Id• leg was one 01 10. are welch we vided. its filled with • hot of •rhiblta of • varied ohareoter, Inoludiog food produces and preperatlnco, tyoewrltan and aewlog m. - 0h.•.., nub regtst.r.,optloal goods, jewelry, are geode, and "other things too numerous to motive." The inhibits are vary .t- trasttvely set forth, and one could easily spend a wbele day to the building ex•mlo- leg all the rete..Hog artloloa and promote to be eras and tasting the edibles and drlok.hise rend to the •Lltor by adver- entre el articles of feed sed drink ; nut we yielded to the teedsnny to try to les as mash as psesibie se as *bort • Cleo as poo• sble, and as • x'osequeoo we loft IM balite, with . heedful nl ml.oellaaeosa ed••nlaeg ore+ and noir beads tail of ea tonal y misestimates lot of notion+ Tee T goy and Norham doyleys of lewelr sweetens wan. els , ere to this kneeling eling anal 'amid rel as negla•led. The T.fleny ft lintels, • novel ooealrm-thin nI e1••e, s rine of the alghte of the ethlbitit n sod to the evening, when Illsminated, preemies. 1o.•iy eight tadtoous features of the big show would be en Irksome task and would make tedious reading, ee 1 •hall not try to do more then give a general impression cf these thing" which directed my attention. The v•rtoue departments of the exhibition over a very wide range, and some wttloh 1 weed over with • very cursory examioatiuo, or did not see at .11, would no doubt possess great in tercet for others. The.xhlbitlon grounds are situated to the norther• pert of the otty of Boffalo and oan W reached from •11 porttoa: of the olty by mons of A splendid though *amoeba{ overtaxed street railway system Lodging To the west of the s!e.aric tower le the .ltctr'clty bendier/. where a wondertul display is mode of the Hees to whlob tis. "ligntn.n.' may be poe indeed, the whole exhibition Le an object lesson 1n this Ilns, ll0ffenee proximity to N iagar• Fells gives the 1'an Amnions a poetise eivantege ion Iht, rt .)est. lin 1 the power et the array o.ttract hes been transmitted for tee pro auction of the wrested display ot electrical energy the world has ever son. Electricity pumps water, drives machinery -in fact le e verywhere employed throughout the sxbt bltlon, but Its treatest men.h' cede sat n ight, when the Illuminant, takes place. Thiel. try onmmoa coo.aot THE groat attract non of Buffalo's fair. As the twilight creeps on and eovelopes the ,.nets In its dusky shroud, the people getter on the great ..olanade, and for the first time the natter realizes the preernc. of • crowd .t the e xbihttion. During the d.y the visiloro are tattered over the cornier, the Midway being the only plan where one notices many people; but In the evening everyone wants to see the Illumnatlon, and probably the great oniony of the fifty or sixty thousand people ooeWreeste on t Me es planare,directly opp..lte the great towor. Mrem out of the gloom •ppeare • faint glow of light; brighter, stronger, white It grows ; until fishily 10. gloom Is ooavereed almost into d.yligbt and the outlines of the buntlines, each tower, dome and minaret, are beheld to a blaze of reliant glory. Yiaoro are • poor thine to use In describing such • same of splendor, but tbere are 40,100 Mc/indecent lights o0 the *Mottle tower alone, and this is only • small part of the Illumination. The tight Is one not soon to be forrcaten. But to return to the exhibits. lo the machinery and transportation tatldIng are bloyoles, sutomobilee, launob.., machinery of all droorlptlons fitted ler various kinds of power -Ras, oil, gasolene, steam, glee Welty -and heavy hardware. M•ey baysr reed of the states of " Ilse American (Bre" east in solid gold. ft to in Mle buildng, to the exhibit of a oompany that mannf.o- tures bicycle lamps and headlights for various news. Tbe- statue Is of life c'is, weighs 600 pounds. Is worth $.150,000, and was fine exaab lei at the Paris expoltion. I forgot to eot!oe whether the virl was god -looking or net. int oonelderteg that elle Is worth • quarter of a million that is Immaterial. The gr.phlr' erre bu•l ling Is filled with el Mite nt tine priettnv. photorr•phto repro- doceloo work, book -binding, electro'ypinl, migraine, lithographing, color orating. sto. In another building are printing prooeem In operation. Mnisis M mehin+ry and pooh thicge, especially 11 in operaliee, have always pes- seesei • oharn. for n e, although 1 sm vet nl.roeatrl to 107 extent In maehln ry of trio normal air'. There .rs a number of Tae asrtnelt,r, buildit', is the next to tato fawnatng o'+jsote In the d fferenl 'ho worth. Here varied Some of the boneless --a l000motiv, • firs engine, a tJn:n• and many of the South and Central meat packing ,stah!eshm.nt with an endless Amertom' repuhrioe ben ool'oetloms of tbelr varied went. s ral prodac'. Th. Provisos of M.nito5a has • e,edltefds display, ort 1'.nad. Is repr.eenrd alae by an erhlbit of e a not wende an4 tees of honey ■oder the Wrestle" of the Oetarin Bee -keepers' Mena Ia'f n, for the 1'.rnylre motion le the first street i seer had tb• arm rtunit y et sea 1.y. %%here tha s..nentton netwero agel• screen and • mommy nom.. In i don't know, bet there It .s, In all Dia aeotenteees • s I seLues.. A notice e!sted that It wee mere team 400 yens old. N lar fres the •gr nett ore beetling is 11.411..1 ehe model dotty. where • teat le hetes mde a the Tale. for dairy parpos,' of .1 Crest /.sores of cattle Tien u• \slldlog. Cowshed sway Irma 11, my eye 11geeed on moan tine, rosy choked apples, sad I thougbt to myself, Those amen are rood cough to bay• ouae from bonne' Looking up, 1 saw the sign "Ontario" over the dt.ptay, and 1 spent the ort half hour in this reo1100. These •pillet are of the crop os level and have Idea kept 10 cold storage, but their color and smoll rte per- I.otly preserved. Mr. Collins, of tit. Cade aloes, the assistant supernteedeet of the exhibit, Informt.l me that the fruit would .omettu.es last for two mouths after being taken from oold storatte. We are aou0e mood to wield OoIcrlo apples on top every- w here, nut It wee greater ranee for surprise rad pleasure to lied that the Ootarlo pooh - ea were the best in t0. bulldiog Brads. these wore plums, ournd s, t•aatow, bra. rise of several varieties, and otter fruits. Mr, Gelling pointed to uime pear share' greets fruits and &eked me if 1 k•.w what they were. 1 was ahle to reply that 1 bad eaten figs grown right le Godsiob by Mr. Warnock. 'Thome In rho arklble were grown at St. Catharltos. Mr. Bunting. the chief superintendent of the etblbu, whom 1 also met, meottond her. Warnock .ed Mr. A Mol) Allao, with whom be had been In oorrespoodeno.. 1s wee • matter for re. gra that ow. ul Mr. W.reock'e mammoth s.lttuh was not available this year for On• rano's display at Buffalo. 11 would ban been one of the gnat attractions. Next a borticul'ure is the mining bu.l1 Inc I ootlod that Ooteri. has an ezhibit bare, but to mining Is not In my hoe 1 spent very little time on M. 1 have apo read Ie the papers.how•ver, that Thome A. Edlwo, the great In•eator, has opened •u onto at Sudbury as a direct result of the • bow&,.. of mineral wealth w0ioh tat Province bee made .t the PareAmerloan. Lovers of muds van have • goal time at the "Pair " There is moire from 10 o'ulook in the morello until 10 at night, by "omit of the beet bards sol oroba.tras on the oontinent. Then are band Mande at vari- ous points 0o the .round., but the Temple of Music le the noire of t0• mustoal pea of the exhibition. This is • building with seating •000mmodation for a large number of people, and there ii o0 fee for adaiuloo. '1'bere 1s a large pipe oresit on teach, the week we were there, reoltals were given In the afternoon ; and there were two per- lormaaoee dally by an orehetr• of fifty nen. The ethnology building, which I expected to find rather interesting, Is filled with bones and atones and "belle and thugs wbioh may afford antertalomeet eon anti quarto., but 1 found more pleasure to put - suture ethnological studies on the Mldwsy. The United eeales Gowerrmeot has aye. y •steins• display, 000pylog three 'tulld ings. Th. 1'cetoflice Department shows • number of large collections of artioles sent through Uncle Sam's mail *blob tended in the dead letter oeae. TO.. cu leadoue include almost •verythng imaginable, and a good many things y,m wouldn't !means anyone would try toned through the mails A type of the old overland mail omobs" also 1e to be Hien. Ober departmeott of the Government, the Army, t5• Navy, the Treasury, eto.. hare their exhibits., rad there s a large and latereettng oollcetioo from the Smithsonian loettle's. The fish- eries exhibit ooup,ee rho whole of or e d f the I ri ldlns,. Here fish of familia and of unfamiliar sone are to be seen in tanks opelently supplied with fresh water, and In • large basin are three seals, which provide (iodises •musem.nt tor the "pate - eon. lir:tudod lo the Government exhibit is • t'htltpptue ouneotlon, and to 1..•t to many plane Is the exhibition one cso see symptoms of Uncle Sam's oar imperialistic teenage. Furiinstaoo, quite • number of the exhibits have notices in Spanish, pre •om.l!y for the benefit of the env oitit,o• of the great land of ['Forty. ()aside the Government buildings is the United Yt•te. ordnaeoe exhibit, melodies, some of the big goes we read shirt, with all the m0 fern apphanoes for the Increase of their tilt dear is didn't,. life and In the smithies era section of the grounds are grouped a large oumbrr of building' e rro'ed by various S ate' and trowel of the smaller tepoblis of the outliner. There are no exhrbes in the State buildings ; they are there merely for the cotyenleoce of visitor, from the different States, who use teem ea meeting and reeling plsoes. But Mexico, 1'h 1', the Domloloan Republic, Kneader .nit other countries hay compete her n ve Molars of their •grtcul•orsl, lo- duserlal and other produotloos. Of these ('hill makes by lar the best showing, and gees evidence of tollowing the lead of the northern countries In her maeutaoturlog methods At the door ot the fnreatry botlding 1 met our townsman NIag0u• Swanson. who le in charge of the Ontario section. Here the wood,. of various *totems et the Amerloan oolioeot are shown, along with manatee - tures of wood. Mr. Swanson stated that the ludas' were greatly plowed with On- tario's exhibit, but the swards had not yet been made. One of the features of the •no• Con over which Mr. twanaoo presides is a WO ono, made by H. 1. Beatles, of Hamilton. and demisted by Mn. Homing, of the am• olty. it is • work of fine art, and looks se if Its seaworthy gcalities would be oorrespoodinely good. The art gallery I" to • remote corner of the groande, bat the onnola..or or the student to arta will seek It out .ed doubt• lee. will God many thlmge of Interest In the eollectloo of painting" and statuary which 11 contain. h ard• of J r. y., ileete..ye, Haleulee, A7,.h.ras, Fren..h Catania, sett'e, *bat elim.'w, flet , le • very lento ethlh Mr M 'wowe Rena. •rad n' hen. The feet 'Maeda He 1s eatd to lona planted len. M to ,emend Viroeghoot tat expec.tlm. 0(10 halts..pwl.11y for the Pae Ameri'►e Rn 1 r 'e• (iennesyo make eke haat showing Is tea maw AMtlenitere hairline th• as ree.rda butt., fro, while or tM sespete veriest/Oates have emotion. "hnwlnt pooh 1ion eine the b ,rel 'hayloft the growers% wet Ite•We prr.leote 1''i. Neer• of flallforsln, wring of animals going to the slaughter, and others. Perhaps the meet totereeting was one of • man driving • mower. whlon ant down the grain In fine style. 'I he man 4,,.e rood In a circle, and the gran roes ■p on the teras and wee reedy to be out down ane as often as the mower merle the elreste. Leading from rhe gr.pble arts te the hwttealters build ng is • onser••to?V, where 1 .theeetei to .pend it very pleasant time, but i was somewhat dlsvppetnteel. The only oat tloral were gsdtol', and at theavb these was • megntnnent display of thew It did not omteneaf0 tor the •Meed of n'her varieties which i senpos•d would be there. Nor In plants wee tharo by any moose a laid •ariety H 11 Groff, of tee mdalwt se gerds and taw mete el the wonderful droll triter we h.v• alto reed about ; listens.] to the taller' orchestra ; ate dolmens riots oarse,made by an old Jeered.* cuaple right Oelor• our eyes, and altogether paved Lee mot pleau•nt time we had at the elem." "A Trip to 1h. Mcuo" mu'mother of out adveaturee. The peessegsr takes a ticket on the at ship "Luna,' leaves the world bailed, and arrhtom at he de,tioalloa le eotertatsd at the %wort of the Man In the Mani and behold,' warty ththge strange to the dweller upon Earth. The journey through the air ts,o1 oouree, • phenol ohever ashor o. ; bat ma while he knows the the descoger would tied It hard to realize, evea 11 he wished be do so, that be was only • dew Not above the vrouad. Alt Nurnberg te a Berman village, when you oao got • good, yule% meal •ud listen to • fine Lead. Koons is an "elueetd" horse. He car- ries on quite an estimated ooaversetlon with as muter, writes en • glee. with a peso of chalk held to hie mouth, dues quo:ttuns In addition end mulelphoatloo, end lee g I shows an ortr•ordloary amount of clove Dees -on the peri of his muter, some penile tank. The Eskimo •111.6e is worth • visit. Then are • snore or more of the little moo and women from the far nortb,vod -u •turd, dui' :reeking people. The favorite sport ham le to jerk whips at ooloa oontr,bu%ed by the yt•Itore aod plod 0o a piece of wood. The mea who knocks the cols oil the pieoe of wood pockets 11, generally with • grim end • grunt e1 eatldaotlon. You oan have your fortune {old here by a totem, for ten stats. -a rare baggier N you get as eco] • "tortuoe" es 1 dtd. Bostock'• Waned anlwal show lnolud.. • lento number of Deo.'., and to see LM whole i,erform'mo ores would 0.y• to speed half the afternoon There are hove, snakes, an elephant of who. •000mp- 'whmeots is the pl.ylog of a mouth organ). • boxing kangaroo, bears, • donkey, dogs and many color trained entmale. Jumbo 11., advertise." as "toe most ooloesal and ponderous pachyderm ever le captivity," u to by seen, but be doesn't do any trickle In the Moor'nh Palen i. • Reset collect:en of figures r•presemtrnv promtoeot butonoal pereooager, living sod dead, and other representing Bowes of history or romance In "Derk•et Afriaae one oan see • group of lanasttc looking savage* going through wine le alleged to Le • duce, while • half di r.at women, of scar .pp•rel end stoup I ng ugliness, play the -accompaniment " leers Is as much rhythm to the daos es then is to • ma, splitting knotty ordwood, cod as muub mato In the orchestra as there to to • steam stone-otusber. Atrtoa needs enlightening. sure. Cor. Beckwith is • very levee swimmer, who oan do thlore ,n the water wheel her manger says have never been done by soy other person, mal or woman. She cat unly appears to be se much at home in the water ae oa land lo the Philippine village one can ..e • npresesttlioo of the mode of hie in the islands of the Pacific wbioh have lately came No Uoote Sam's had.. Deere aro irides number cf Filipinos in the vellum ; in •ppearaoo they are much like toe Chinese. 1 here le a theatre to wblch • program of deltoid, tinging. slelgbt of band w orkand orchestral moue is given. Tne Homes ('pride 1) wn and the Palace of I,ludons, 000neatd one with the other, are interesting pl•oss. In the House Up- side Down you see the forntturs banging from the roof, see people walking on the cetlid with their bode banging down, and other funny thieve. In the ('.lace of Iln d oes .Luting aims are prduoed by Ilse nes of Invisible mirrors. Mor Ifsmph., you va • bead which can smile and talk and which le clearly alive, but you cannot erre the body, nor 1s then any piece whore It on be 0000nied. A series c1 mirrors is to arranged as to tbr.w the body entirely out of Bahr, white the head remains •table. There are . numten of other curious illu- sions to fhb place. 1 bare are some other ehnwr on the sfed- way whin are ••'d to be god, hot 1 didn't l an them and we Ofnnot dereor:ba them. It Is time tor me to iota, anyway, or some- body will be gettlee off • teer lineal Dame screw tie other day "Yes, many are the tile• we're told By Meows who've been there. And oft we hear tbem o'er agate Whoa stories they omp.re, Ilut thousand. more Dave made their I plans To re. the Pec -Am, above. So months must pus before we'll bear The lot of Buffalo." W. H. K. on THs NI1N AY. I have oarpneeiy lett the Midway to the last, but 1 should not .dv1ee the visitor to the ' Pao" to do so, .s some of tee best things to the show are here. It way be hard for the stranger to find them -accord- ing to the touters each of the shows 1. "the only real festers on the MCAw.ybut if hs doeso'a parent,* any of them nit oan ret • heap of fav on the ocalde. There are as many different ways of drawing the orowd as there are shows, and the .wlel die and the strange confusion of eight. mats • per• leo 1 bedlam Hero • group of horsemen Ilrtng off pistols ; there . men with • meg✓ phone : yonder • ember of nerroes engine plantation songs ; • braes band trying to make Itself heard ; a man with •tenter'se vola mildew attention to the "half -woman, half Il.h ; " • burdy-gr.rdy grinding out doubtful melody ; somebody with • shrill whistle ; a man with • lent Mbtog pale pointing out the ettraotnno In his p.rtlen ler show ; an aeteweatlo fee bore •ending forth the most atrocious ad.. ; In front of the entrance to "Beautiful (*tent" • hand of strangely Attired people whoeping It no for all they .re worth w110 Instruments of deadly effect -the fearful note Dever tete up, ler as woe as Doe snood steps halt -a- dores others seem to begin. 1t would take tit., mush "o•oe to tell of all the shows on tin Midway ; bet there are • number which .re decidedly good and which are well worth a .161e. "The Johns- town Flood" le an ilea/aloe of the treat Moron wheoh devatared the sty fll Jobst• town, 1'a , tome years ago hie semewh.$ in the room of the eyodnr,tns, with many and'. o is in Ilia way of mechanical devices and el.-'rio.l effects which maks the scree wnwderinliy vivid. The town n*etilog ea the hills ; the sanest ; ►hs night scene, with lights Weir, In tbs win tees eel thee 41.• sppearine es people go to Fed, IM stare tw.okllog, ten fl.ma end .mnk• from peke even. and s;rei work. ; the fenny* over eke h ills ; the reertswm, with the flsh s1 lightning seal the roar of thornier ; tM soh of the fl ,red ; the h, Ivies swept from their femndetiane; t0e eerd.gratinee which sada to the horrors of the Mostar --•II Oleo emote Boer before you In the most •atnrel mercer, while. 'severer gives • grephie narrative of the oecarrenrs. "Fair .Idea" 1. • deNghtlel .pettt• o.ld hardly tear aur..l•ea away iron. the height, kindly Jape mei their weer y villa'•. We •tlnedd two potentness' le the theatre, whore elev., aanMu am/ legatos rfMwid saionl.hiq foe; ranted the ea Wby (atarrbexeae turn catarrh Because it 11 carried by the air you breathe to Meowed para, because it destroys toe germ life that maletalos the diseased con- dition, because it powerfully "timeline the mucous membrane to its normal motion, be- ranle through it, oxyd.rng power it burns up tepidly the old teed, and stimulates the format:0o of new healthy tissue Cutarrh- oznoe 1e an a(nelee epeei6o for cannel' of every term, and never fails to cure. G terrho,oue is ibe only remedy sold with a guarantee. At all dealers, 25e. and 11.00. stayed with ►1e all night, sad la tie mora - lag he was taken to Libidos a.yluo. Mr Item ball bas been • little aurouud In miod for some Ume, the once being money luwes through lnyestmeata. James Belau, editor of The Luokoow S.0lteet, wee erssented • few evso:ugs •so with • be tango! gold heeded cape from the Leokouw fire brigade, as • alae of the sea's appreciation of lee eff,rta In their 0.0.11, Mrs. Wm. Otelenga, .1 Clinton, o•esed awry on Tumidity morning, August Z7th, to the eft.' second year of her ago, alter • Ito goring lines. Mrs. Gibbing, before het marriage was Mi.. Maggie Hollow. SM was born se Holmeevllle and lived then un- til mtil het removal to (lintels sumo ssva 1.., year• ego. Her brothers and asters I.f to mourn, beside" hos busload, .re Joseph, of Tuoksrsm(th ; W 0 , of Luokoow ; John, of Goderloh towushlp ; llahrlel, of Crestal City, Mao ; lir. Et . Of l'!evelend ; Mies Jamie Holm.. and Mrs. Peter Ninth In Leiden ; Mee. Goo Ya►rman, ot Yorkteo, N. W. TUB ONLY ONE. The Man who say, that all pa- tent medicines ars worthless 1s a fool, Yor Dr. Hall's Kheeruatic Cure has ser Kuril. W. C. Switrer, Har- rowtsatltL, O ,'uttered with sciatic rheo.nntistn for ten year.. He tried every known remedy recommended for the cant ..J rheumatism without obtaining relief. Sia bowls of Dr. Sail's completely cared him 'Ilia greet blood purifier is put op in bottles containing tan days' treat- ment. Price 50 cent" at all drug atoms or 'Th. Dr. Hall Medicine Co., Kingston, Ont. A WONDERFUL HERB. to 101. present distress of Kangas tanners 0o account of the failure of tie Isy crop ad o1 pasturage, there is one 000soleuon -the (,eld of alfalfa is se good ea ever. AI(.lfa s • crop which no progreslve far- mer of this vicinity needs Information about. but It ought to be of tannest to toter people to know that this plat, which furnishes from two to 6re crops of excellent fodder, and deet not moire roadie, for from twenty to forty yore, sod a,ta.liy tmpreves thlsoll upon which It ,rows, hes ave the remarkable quality ot reaching deep down Into the earth for alit moisture that 1t de- mands, and so survives dreaght that kills urdn.ry The liovernment has bon erperimentlog lately with • new species of this plant, call ed Turkestan altalfa.whloh also has the ilual- 1ty of mrvlvlog extreme cold--• temperature of 45 donee iabreohelt having tees suitoreefolly anceanerer daring one expert meet in Wyoming. The larkeetan alfalfa has oleo a'reater owe y for withsta.'ling drought than the ordinary roe ty and Is .pwtally suited, s, this years Agrioolt.ral Year Book says, for ..m'•ap14 •Micas•-. Mohave----- (ion. Rnmhall, of Clatoo. bee not roes h me•'1 for Vona time. A few days ago he raok.i 05. •al se and left in search of work. se he s••d, tak'ng the track woe h.an 1 warn wee reerl•ed that Ile was down •round Ex- eter. The family became alarmed sod Im• sedately gest word to Coeatable Welsh, wile. Is Dempsey with O. Johnston, drove sad taught sp 5, kis at Crowell& They prndt 1• total ",,lid." tis. Holsteins are Is whore the irss grewin■ leaflets, le • •.ry pe 11a leaf, letport•et.we, hes • .a'mgslfleo.t. .,h10s, i.w end wen waited sew by ■ ptN{y Ja Ms port rel AM grenade also It We the largest and west Tarlert, i tbnk, la the girl n w.tive costae.. ; wasdered Yt#� TO ADVERTISERS. Notioe of changen must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Oopy for changes must be lett not later than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertieemects •ooepted to to noon Wednesday of each week. BRIGHTS DISEASE le the deadliest and roust painful malady to which mtfr.k,nd is subject. Dodd'• Kidney Pills will cure say case of Bright's Dieeew► They have never failed le one angle use. T0.y are the only remedy that ever has cured It, and they are the only remedy that ass There are imitations of Dodd's Kidney P box and name -but -ail tione ame-but ta- tiora ar. dangerous. Tit. origin and onl alae sore for Bright's Dineen• Is ODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Dodd'. Kidney Pilis are *Ay cents a box at an drugg sats. DON'T TAMPER.•. with your health. Don't use Drugs and Medicines of questionable quality. (Jet the beat them is at the same prices that are charged for inferior goods. Al. our Drug Store the stock is .1 - ways fresh, end each article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department has a reputation for promptness sed accuracy. "A false friend is worst than an open enemy." A si o: with a good upper, and a bad sole, is worst than cheaper look- ing. but more honest, fcotv.•tar. The Makers' price on the sok protects you against deception, when you see that you get - "The Slater Shoe" ,barprovolliG1 OWNS, k. a ills Lionel IpMe F. JORDAN Memlit:al Hall. A Great Snap__... M oar Mom Soap, at 5e. a pound, of which we oil . barrel a week. This Isn't our only map, ea we Gerry everytheng that oan be found In an tile to -d.0. grocery store, and one primes are right. The tanner know that they Geo •Iw•ye get from us • map for their prodoo. W• drew the lice at no legitimate trade - everything goes : fila..woe or potet0w, garden duff or oholoe•t table China. We deal In all of them. 7. G. TIPLING & co., Ite.lford bleak, OoderIch. R 8. Smith's%�1Ij1'I ��' SStoreL1 Block September Fur Sale Twelve and one-half per cent. off all Furs sold during September. Some months ago we niad• • vcty favorable purchase o1 caw Fun, oondetiag of ( ',spwine' and Ruth of the latest et)led. Belgian C.pwloe•, Coney Capwing, Belgian and 1'erelen t'.perinse, Coney end Aetraohso earer,nt o. Ickillop Mars! Fire hum= Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- ERTY INSURED. Valve of Property Miami op to Jeweler. 1901 .... *3 *wins as oernr'FRO AND nfRreToKm. J. B. McLean. pre, : T. Fraser. areal i'.v. ; 3.s. (:onnollJ . Y. Dela W. O. Brnadfoct. J. Watt. Jas. Ovine, J. D. Orlero. J. fleece wets, Alrrrtnn: W. fe Rrowlfo$, tle•fnrth, Inapec- tor of lessee ; T. It. Mays, gearortb, eewetary• ?reasoner. J W. Tee, Holesvilte : Jana ('semi.g les noadvlll.: It. McMlll.a, f{eafonb : FE Nmitb. !tartaric PotIci.$old.ra ram {{D�.) aMssn,wta and getrata Hat /1 .4 a( rec..}r. ac Mr. teats' 10 .doei.'. ono or ■ Rrsst Bargains . • • • lot Melons Bess' Palace Clothing Store. ode Having pur.-haoe'i twelve dozen hats at a great. r.'rltiction they will le old at the following kw prices : Rear•y-to-wear hat at 26c, worth 6Oc Children's ready-to-wear hats at 16c, worth 36c, and at 60c worth $1.00. Leghorns at 85c, worth 60c. Leghorns at 75c, worth $1 25. Also the latest thin` in, the shirt waist hat. for 76c. All millinery reduced for the balanee of the season. CALL AND INSPECT. Mongolian Cepa-Mee, ('coq and Mites Ccperioes, Holguin end Mt. Burn Caper - American Sable l•ap.elnu, lietgleo Seal Scarfs, Baglan and Seal Capering". Baglan and Stlyor Fox Caper- Inge, lielirlan and Mongolian Caw - loss. t'Mid s 1'entsa Caps. These goods are •11 new, all marked at • oleo m.rpin on well teugbt priori, all at least one Teener lee, thea the usual and one-tb!rd lees than they rho be boughs tot is the Coned States, and dueler tab month of Sepbmper we w111 sell at 121%, or ore -eighth off our thea petal. We will Kaye 000l evenings vow when • aloe oapefine 4111 lie just what you want for both oomtort and style, and the price now le lose thea t1 will he • month Later. TWENTY SHIRT WAITS LEFT, -All at one aloe, 35e. The cheapest gruel 00, and op to 8220. Alt now to clear at 350. TWEEDS AT HALF PRICE -A lot of first -close Sootob Tweeds In soil lengths. We don't want them. They are yours at just hall price. 1'IcKIITS BUSY STORE Jordan Block. RHYNAS & CORNELL the loathing Furniture Dee ere anti Undertakers. have just rc.'cvve.l the followiug goods : Bedroom Suits, $8.00 and up, Parlor Suits, 515.00 and up, Couches, $5.00 to $20.00, Parlor Chairs, $1.00 to $10.00 Hall Racks, $5.00 to $18.00 and choice odd pieces of Furniture. We are still selling Window Shades and Pules ►t reduced pt ices. Picture framing, Upholstering. Pack Ing, etc. The Undertatini Department.... is under expert supervision, and the service we guarantee is of the very best, while our priune see rvanonahle. NIGHT OK DAV calls promptly attended to. We solicit .patronage on the merit. d the goods we sell •Isi services we give. RHYNA-&-IELL- r.ratterr wrist'., ra4sg,Nl Yd gen balansea •rillerrl Meek, Celerleb. WORSELL'S iN THE PLACE TO BUY.... STOVES, FURNACES and PLU'P1BING 1 l CHEAP. J. H. Worsel The cheap store and lurnaee mase Goderlch. CAHTELON'S- Pastry, Oyster Pattie s, Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Rolls,ll�Ilflce Pies and Lady Fiuuers, Kisses, Macaroons, Maranon, Brandy Soaps, Etc. . _usrowi //(' Every Every young;iron aheald take • course le he Listowel Fluidness College, which reopens tinder • rem management, w S Moeda►. .pt• a L 191.11. t',routers fro on application. ('. A. ri.=MINO. President ; A. 1, McINTYRE, Seer•tarr. Arm Style. When you wear a " King Qual- ity" shoe you get all the style, tag fit and finish found is the best American elves The "King Quality" factory Ir the only one in Canada that makes Ladies Show better than the American artecle, which tomes into Canada with a is%a duty takes out of its quality. The " Kiag Q ab'ty " bread is worn by the but dressed Canadian ladies, it le a true note of oboe fasbion, of cserretwtu to dress. 27 styles, 4 widths, all sips. Branded "King Quality." Gold medal awarded at the Paris Expo,iteon, 1goo. Made by Th. d. D. Klieg Ow., Limited, Tommie, "Crit Ag'iot In 1ioder1oh a St, Clio. Price. HELLO THEIOLD RELIABLE. am ae 511501 aA the beet made in any eery in (:anars. Cantelon leonle the trade in WEDDIN CAKES in fancy designing and ornament Ing and almond icing. (live him an order and your sat• inaction will be aenured. D. CANTELON, WEST -ST. -KINDS OF ---- COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THR BEllT Scranton ilard Coal IN THE (MARKET AU Coal weighed on the Market sa•loe when you get 900% lbs. for • ton. WM. LEE. Orders left at LZZ s 13E3PEASD'ti Stere Dromptly astandd Se. WANT A SPEPLADDER? We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking Powder purcl.n'*ed from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone worth the price. - Try a pacicage ter Hop Tea -not n medicine, but n care- fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in scientific manner with specially prepared Hofs{. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a full asstrtment. Telephone No. 31. S4FrvRaY- az Co. THE OROCERB. � RROPIIEY & SQl - TRW t.arnten - VJhffQ\ UYYtttt wt OVIV3t -v.tM00.kmtv/i Orders a rernite3sfe..4.d ie W 535 tame.. •lgbt or Mr. ,s.bwt 1110e44. MISS CAMERON.