The Signal, 1901-9-5, Page 2The Signai 1' 1: ( \TiRT THUAbDAT MORIIIKY r I i o 'air 1). rime'xLi./cVDDi. - 111 -- t 1i TH117,111bDAY. SEPT. 5, IWI. 1 - -- - t IPRUUULUt'8 AUDU14. The Sultan of Turkey to makinK trouble for Europe m.galn. Ile has I o sent troops into Bulgaria to sels0 a piece alt territory that is In tile - plate, and Bulgaria ham urdered then% 641 the premiers. If they don't go th -r• will be trouble, ittid Turkey ruyr they will stay. -lit p,rgsI sur- Firim ntdo ly if the row len,la to In- teruutiwu,a( compllcatfuaa. "Is Krltnn's pets, the Kurd+, are rtaidilig and destroying Armenmu ,t11- lagpr and alneghteriug the Inhabl- tautr. AJ the e0nnnaud of the pawns hl 1898 he 14811611 as trade cutumandiug lair subjects to obey the ternw of like tagrpemuent which lilt. European nations forced upon loll), teal cruse committing the atrocities which had aratswl the civilized World. perhaps the new rainpalce of slaughirr- may be undertaken agnln►t lair will; but he can e1oQ'Tt 1f her will try. . Ott tilt- Greek frontter -tyro, treublm Is tllretateaed, and difficulty b likely Prince re e Ion wh n to b• • experienced tir,rKd r. term all High l'ommissioncr expired in November neat. Crete cannot ba- left to the uuerev of the Turk; her people will fight tint. And tlaP sympathy of tilt. world will F h' with them. . What Is to b r done with the pat- . frerous Turk f Isn't It butnlllnting to think that tete Christian nations (:uua,l agree to make hien behave Ilii melf, or take himself brig ltnd haggnge crit of Europe t • A�1t:T TISLIANG Tit Tim rat. •• 13hot4d a minister in conducting a funeral gervlce slueuk the, truth (on - evening the de•creased?'° asks t)w Woodstock rWn. That depe•ndr semewlat o,t helper lie happens to tai+ a. marrlaal u and father of a flintily, nud )low•'vrdl him ,life IN In- ,.,w"I. Trutli Lr miy-1i�y, of COUM% an I tiff that sort of thing, but we, sen. taut think of a candid minister dealing Otiosity land algorounly wt the aver- uKp d"e•ratsr•I without roe vl+l.enN _ - - . - of A reimposing cw►l.luL tie iffortU to pat tit., since7hlub. pt 1tT wearer and a pursuing Aad r- Pzfax It Im not -always tieocesury brnit abroad the fuulti an,l fo 1 ei' Our kind over -1111-i end b esu. ere are few mien wFwee borrow•Ing rela- tivpat'. hearts might not be lacerated by hurt -mortem curafur of the kind Isllited At. But the oppiamite evil Is to he r .t'ohlal also. Wtrtle-tt M-Ittat- --- Mary to mkruscoplcally peer into aft -_ ____-_ hL- Itttle_eQrAefp o a_man'r life to find material for scandal with "tell to Yp:oe An obituary or a funentt sprmon, it Lt palatally wrong to indulge In pxces,lve eulogy. Lpt u8 leave that to the tomlmlUgte• man and Ppilaptly. How oltpn we find the tOmb'etosow . fotlafyhlg fact anti glorify Ing haat- uers: When charity In the face of death can !Intl nothing to hold up bpmlde the strong liffin cif truth fur youth to Mulatto tar age to praise•, let its be -silent; when wp Cass extol n go(ml trait, let as do so freely, -We cnnnot help' or hurt the dpna ; we may hurt th(• 11% Ing who mourn: and N'e^ help ft) fix for of P N fa se may h { r lar a I mtandard of vxt•rllenrP. It Ir not uermotary to wrong anylxxly or to rho viuleuce to tutylatatf :A-.frelings, Let , tar always b, charitable In our judg- meatsuf the dead: •• tti'lm molar the heart, 'tL4 lie alone Decidedly (wall try un ; He knows car:1 string, Itm tar'aunm tons-, F:aeh closed, Ile carious Was. Then mit the tKilancr ie t'it be waste, We never Can a dj net It ; What's :bane we partly can Compute- . We know not what's resisted,"" THK�PAKOLF. Dl'SI'K1l. We hoar a great deal lees in Canada i mw• olanat the Indeterminate ePn- ` trtace mystem than ser cll•t it few yearn up), before the reveintions of the FJwita, Y. S'., horrors nnrt the untapolten Condemnation of it by leadinx United jltatea prnologiNtm. It line dawned on students oaf the sub - i jest, no the 'riuut.s felt that it asompr .all litter woidd, that to pr(tpeo , to send a boy or titan to prison fur some trivini Oftener, time wllfiout limit. t, save the limit same jailer or turnkey `{ might fix mit his (twit will or paeamurr, 4 _..- . "no a monstrous suggestion. Yet e. _ ___ .2222 flat r exaaTTY what . ><- Irmetn P ') t ad.� reaM. Th c n h t wroth las al fatety at the misrey of tq,mi, whose ciritoJ> he mlaht bot placed; dun tlrelr rep)rls he might be- need lea n short thm s or b,- Incarcerated for yenrm, or for life. Imperfect nets our etymtpm of trial before the public aml *enote/oep In open court, and err an moue tirnen juolges may, there to n limit to line hardship that may b• Inflicted, and full orportunity M given for defence and Inquiry. Not sa the ins"Prtninnle system., it It Is to be operative at all, It meet operate oto- cortling oto the- reports of JnHers, guards; find turnkeys-rx parte, No I wormier that experienced wardens drrlareal that they wished to have is) arch power or responsibility'. But there Ise n better, a,vstem, ata) One which M now Wag tried. it In- volvew no soeh Tart rrafennwibHlty .in the part of offlelnlw as dries %Ise trwletermlrate plan, while It retnlM all the aOol In It worth retaining. We refer to the system varloualy known an the per- . aFP, probation, or ticket-of-lertve symtpen. Unlike the ladetorwilante arst,•nt It provides for a detereulnate sct,teneso. Awl rontemplatwe toaster Initial terms ihnn hnve t nially been Im(msme'1. The )odor"ol rrntrnre Cron net h, p,epp'led, hitt the roevl(,t ean,,by Obtaining gw,•1 (,nndnpt. r., . ports, secure an opporinnity to Jmplete his term at liberty, regal- Thirteen counties In Quebec in arty reporting himself to derlgnat- 1891 were reported to have a total d officials. The putttingency, there- of 245.T91 papulation. The, same tare, Is Ili the Counties have now �'' 8W, a de- eports may shorten hill sentence; crease of 22,591. Yet Tory organs bad reports cnnnvt extend It beyond pretend to think the Quebec ftgures he full term, Ifo-. Mr. Bills in in- were stuffed. rodudhg It did so with the belief -- lint it would prove an incentive to Rev. speaking lMott, sect., Elfzajays, reform. In Ilia report for VAX) he .. J., nsectalt insect life, ruyr: P granted r • WAYS OF ELOPERS: Course of True Love is not Always Sfnoath- • Romantic Foolishness In It. " tap to fits repntntlun most hand- Y V♦NNNNNN ♦t•N♦4-♦♦+♦4♦♦4•♦♦♦N♦♦♦N♦ s♦♦♦ 1♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• Dues the course of true love run evidently t imight the girl had paned wwwtb ? I w unnoticed. At the risme %line le Is Parha►pr It may. but again it may eunburraused at the tack lis han'1. Its tart, for the Cultures of true love has wavers and his short equeak all he mart) etraaie lurnlugr and rump crosser the Fluor. lila, clerk grind. "Didn't I tell you t" he whispers. tlktew when Its fluod to alt Its height nut that since tie system was "There Insects are without perron- utruducal tickets -of -leave aver: -lily, tx Ilan:, even, anti Good. thoagll to lis convicts, 113 alt Hs created them. knows them not." whom hall been sent to the peniten- Now how door Rev. Ur. Holt know tiurler. Only four fell Into their old this f evil ways and were again condemned At a Cost Of about s3,00o,000. tile by the roartr, while one ticket wits United Stater t;overnment has pub- revuked because of Ito holder's fail- limited tai ruatethinK over 130 vol- t rr to ub.rrve the conditions. That eager the records of the war of the is a good showing. The country reM•Ilion. A private puplidhrr could Kuinm pec ininrily- by every we of hate dune the wugk for about it those shortened termm; society galas fifth OF tie sums. But liven at that by that reformative Influence those prigs few could afford to lay It. exerted,. and the comivictr who thea e work theta"Ilies back Intl) holiest ,luelgo, SiivAra, of Dust Moines, town. sapthuds or Flying are not nearly so lots, very much to the ch -grin of likelyto be harried by the police 118 officious policewen, decided thut are thure who step out at full ••Npmining. hugging and kilsing tun term to make a living raj they- may. public park hi plain view of the Tho, law'm work is not all lion" In pid►e•rr-by, is not it nlilkhmeaatar, punishing a wrong -door; not even In Jilt offense or a crime, but Ir etliuw- reforming him. When, however, it able under the statutes and ordln- hrlpr llttllrlo Ieeee Iris teUow* ualLie anter," Hall. IttP4UY Judge!gain .0 lost confidence It coaled Tell ony It coats mon Own It carriage 07l near to doing Its full duty; ami Mr. In ust Valid rance, but It m d the ,Ili plan n seeks to reach that end. -F_be - Dads tar.• wt1! ketat-In Pas.trtle s - - . with two wwty, ;12 lax ; carriages HAIL/:AIN DIYOItI F. 1'0 GU. with more then two seats, $-10; In If you hate Mit yet secured ,your eommunes of more than 40000, $8 divuroe you will do well to move to $13; In communes between 20.000 quickly, all there. Ir a danger that told 411000, $A to tile, in pa,mm11ner bargain divorced will ere lung tae. between 10000 and 20010, $5 to hard to,get. The Amt.rle4w iLar A*- fit). In rommnnt.s between 5,001 unit soclation' has been giving a little at- 111000, $4 to $8: Ili c•tnnmunw less i tention to the quemtlon of 100de d1- than S,000, $2 to $4. core: Inmos, and It to now trying to mail House, Road Brew.ter, Yhllndetphla-and it wall formulate it scheme for uniform laws evident to bath the bell toy who 11001100. We'll go ro,euewhere else tor) orae." oil& raft], deflantl.y. tonals, their bag and the clerk who that they onto young man hea.ltatool and it ha ever)' State that may intake it BO The Clerk war omillugly uf- [ O A TACK tetl. "Don't be foolish," Bald the• Karl, less easy to break the matrlmuuhal looking "Welty across the dock at the :aelpfutnems. Five minater after th-y Clerk; "you. know very well we can got a'Incline som"whore else just As entered the office everyone within sight was certain of their recent eRoily as not. It's abrur.l for him fetters; anti that may atm, pre- tq expect we are going to give our mnrrlsge a Oh, yes they're bride findgroom. names. 1 never heard of such a thtlig.' Anti off she marched, the all lght," deed clerk, a•ldroda• Ing a "drultimw" who happened to yang mM following rrluctaotly. vuut theirepeealy it's Nowch Fuse to Klupr. TH�JN But little country girls are by no ono airveetl and it arts not long be- on propose The Bar ArsodatlNn proposer that Bar fore everyone' about the house wag Y1'►{I ON A taking a sentimental interest In daughtere of mlllloco and clalldren of dhorce shut[ not be granted with- artatacraey frequently tate title ro- 1' ble to PA- a t Isn oat marriage celebratbn , out personal service, or u1x months' effort to effect services that a lit- --` .vorce shall not become operative un - tit six months after the decree has They Killed Ten Men and been granted; fwd that -migratory tlivorikee" be diso(Auraged. If the rev- Wounded Seventeen. Coral State Legislatures oat, `jw In- duced to pan the neeeer'sar.v , te'Kfli- -bit —.— dation a Seat scandal may rr- from the Ualted Ktatem•061"" COI. VANDIEIOUR SNOT. hmOve Y• But -there are imaaj obtt_aelps to114t, patsaw of OwTmb "T tw snore tunic -- --- - one legislature, and it may to that bargain divorces will mut be abolish- A Nurse Hold Shot by a young [loci FIJTUKIC UM TIIK CII;Au+;rT11- Twenty years ago,the cigarette cut but a small figure eintoiole Of the blir cltles. In the United Stated In 11051 the - tr)tatl produe4a4--4t-. -'r�offin pa -lila" amounted to only 600, M0.0 Q.._Lnd it wa.; dlsuwiragp.) by a tax of $1.75 n tlaowuind. Hnn•I`w'oirk made the product expensive, and unitl isal the manednrturerm here unnlal'^ ;O ged a to arket. However, tai that year the tax wits reducel ton 50C. a thousand, and In 18114 lite males ran tap to t'00,000,000. TlurneeGarwarI Ilia- Increase weak rapid. Competition was keen ; that guoolx were adver- II:M wttply ; mnehlaes, were em ploypal ; prem4umy avers given, uud every way that could be devised to P slnend was t. sou h Jail mitah lisp lis g 1 1 1 IS:)--- the product reached 2,333,000,- 000, and In IW97, over 4,15.1.(000,000. War had been drrhired oh the r:}pir- vtte. It+ dire work nuanng the boys awnkpneti opposition all -over the Trnited 8,akts, sad eT!!!L Legldatarr tris app alal to for hx"ilion agninat It. But it continued t a thilve Ill., long not the tax rotunined low. 111 1897 the tax was rnlsel to $1, and in 1808 to $1..0. That wan not without its effect ; pro«luetlon d"- r'rtsmee«I ; Colrysptltion became Iran active; little clicars began to lake lilts Illness of the paper clgnretted. Now the tax on rlgarette.4 line tae"n relhcrd, And the Trunl lanolin for n rptirnl of the" cigarette hisinew. There to n 1rwrOn'Llie political sron- omy In the history of the Cigarette undo In the United Stales. A tae Orn jail ,ankle-tent.114 _)-elleet)yrlago rhe piodncllnn of alai Article. The lesson might be taken Si brad by our improrrmertbtaxl*g 19w-a1'ikers. I ca Ixw 00111111, . Now we Are told that lhP rt.nyen why France does not aworro•oi In colonising In that Prpnc'hmca can- -ItMt rndnrr mpemirksmss: --y We should nut be surprised to find fir. Whitney nppealinse ilk the Onlurle el(,torate for mnppxt look the piatforrm of an Increased birth- rate. . Few Cnnadlann bare tiny adequate Idevt of flow nnr trndp with lireat nritaln lnereasen, or what a hold Canada In taking on tho people of the death •r land. The London Cana- dian (iAtrtto points mit that whereas five yvwrs alto only 7 per rent. of Britaln's imparted tone) rnm- from Carada, Inst year the proportion was 16 per emt., and It e'xppots that to rhe eloublel In Another five yolarr. It mays: "in choose nMnp we naw do, rive 70 p •r cent. of mite Imports from (annda, and we know that the Mit tear tend(, had increased fifteen told And Slip haeon trnd4 twenty f,q'l In Sen y.-nr«. in IWIO Canada exported 162 nhlpioRdn of products to Ormt Britain and Invt yenr 4W) mhlp Iloadn. And perhnpi the meat Import not fart lot all in that the, explorti of Canadian wlirnt were Inst year Sal tlmpm arrnter thnn they were ten yearm Ago "It renat net b- forgot ten." mnyx th(, flinagow 11prald, onm mputing aspen theme ongnifMnnt fag nreit, "thiht Ihp Perim of Canwin ore nonrer to no by ane than those of the Unitpd States. for lllah Treason-coureal rat ton I'kmps to be Closed - 100,000 Boers to be Sent to Coast 'towns. tlw IautlJ, where rhe U prostrated. Dr. Kraut was takatn to How Street. He will tae ctargod before a Mugtrtrmto tu-morruw. It war Dr. Kraus who rurrrtulerrd the key's d . Julauuesburg W Lard Rublrar la ' Josue, 111W. Ito rubmt4lueutly tout i that until of allegiame. Tito Daftly Ball says it to likely drat Dr. Kraut's yatradltion will be douauded, and that he will be tried W Soutlt Africa. The paper be.lievom Want blr arree.t in lutlmately con - elected with the recent lmkroling of Mr. Merriman, an .Afrlkauder lead lewder, after fits arrest un file farm Roar Stellenbosch, Cute' Town. CLUSK C/1NCKN 111ATION CAMPS. 100,000 Boers to be Deported to Coant Towns. Cnpe Tuwn, Sept. -The military nolmtfulrtratlon fin■ detrrmiaed, it In wild, to deport all the Boors In the revoucentratlnn camps, numbering up- wnrJ of one hue Ir, if thousan 1, to gar- rlsonel towns rots the cxaaat where Food Id wore reaotlly ,tartflublp. The rall- wnym, thus rellt.aed, will suffice to supply food for the population of Johantlerburg, which is all large tis be,forp the war, and permit the re- o1weing of all the miue+r. AIIJ, HUT SEVEN 10-3110,4. Irish- Auaerlran Amiabulleace Corps h''ouaht With Haters. London. B. -pt. Mn joir-pen. Sir John Ardagl►, the representative of the British Forplga-Offloe before tine Trandvaal C'otpp maattan Commir- mlon, poreaente,f to the lmummitistun Of the rltlmh Clare ala B Y 31ay haft -- against the .tm-rrrc-41Fand Other claimants, the report of Capt. Carl BOICllleann, Who wits the United (nater' military attache with the Rcaers. From this it nplwared that the Irish-Amerie.in ambulance Origin- ally consisted of fifty-three men. On their arrival mit Pretoria forty-six of them threw nwny their Red Cross tndgps and took up Manatees. Capt. Itek•I)mnnn was ytmate,i no shying that the works of the Netherlands Railroad and tier dynamite factory mit Johannesburg were turned Into Ropr nr'srnnl.+. (bnalef fly the Claimants who had w-orkwl thereto ,eould not be entltte4 to damages for llpportal[on, I AN UNPHIN I'A11L4: RKI'LY. I floer Comaaaysder`e Method of Re- plyinX to the 1'ooclauaatlou. Tile following lip,el•tl cnbla in pmb limbeil by the New fork Sun: Catp Town, Aug. St. -Th, Roar com umndeor, Lotter, who in at the hind of a tardy of invaders, sent nn un- printable reply to the proAamatlem of Lord Kitchener In regard to Burgh- ers who do not Purre-n•ter by Sept. 15th. The pPrnclntk,•ttirnj wag s,ut to fatter tin( n whits. nag. The Reser lnvnrI are active In the lsetxg. d eatrlet (:t': mile* from Mosel Ray and ahonet four milr,s from the eammt). Mytourghts commando hum rosturnpd to H(tropynestlrtonf, where they Rpem lneligod to remain. C4ehuel Alexander, after engaging the ieers 1,4140 hit, hept. ".-.t dMIKILch front Lord Kitcheuer, dated Pretoria, Hut- urthay Be.,": �.. trATtl wad blomM mp-.t rs�hty. titeea Waterval and' iTunutn's• Krast by 250 Boeris�, who mit once fire,l on the tralh, settiairit on fire. Lieut,- C4AL 1'Apdaleur, of the Irish Guards - la must promimltig (ifflcer-iina kilppd. Tile other casualties have not yet b -ell retorted." The Interference. Lotadun, Aug. 31.-Dcepile the oukin- into rumorm from the Continent this week, there in no serious ox.»ctation that the Czar or any Eltrope•nn mov- osmiga will Attempt lnterv'entlon on b -half of the Bourn. .England would resPut it now more than over. Ttus- min certainly hqy go t orire to pro- vok" it second Fashcla outburst. An for Ihp refusal of General Motion, d(r. Htry n land other Boer lenders to heal Lard Kitchenar'r surrender proclam- ation, Minlaterlulbts here day that wits only to h • expected. The end of tit(- war will cunt.% none the less stairs for that. The outside public. however. see no new aAgtty of tiny much approuching end. Pretoria, Wilt ;S. -About n hun- dred Risers lutea nttACkwl A Pieten- ls•rg tritin 23 miles north of Pre- torin. They cunningly melected a (lump cutting in the railway and blrw-It tap with the Martial aser)laau- Lm, which was placed braerath a rail. The, man who movie the con- nectfolm lila moa prematurely, .and enuyskl the expl(uloo ae a train of truck4 wits ptsming over the pint. llw•sP trucks had been piuewl in front of the engine for the purplaw of moving that train prattler from lust such nit explosion. Little dam'arfr Was done to the truckd. As mt"n ism the explosion occurred lite Hoe rd upr'nel fire friwil-- 'the batiks - . into lin, armtwed trucks, killing 10 and wounding 17 inen. Lieut. -Colonel t'nntkltror gtilltitltl7 NtPplmeA alk a platform to dir"et film men, and way shot print blank And ksllod. A Dutch nyr,emial) wits shot delabar- alely by a yang Rater, who knew fair, The Huerx took all the paxdrn- acres' valuables and money, unJ even their bmltm, land then bumcd the train. Tile attack wait i4iWe on n section of blue title mouth tar Pha- r»; w4wh A" never bdtatcu been, interrrred With. The fine in not fullyy )wot4cte,1 by bloc'kbuunes, the wI7{ern taking applied first to Tile ph,co4 which were considered to be mutt In Itev,l of it. Tile myrlem ham been nppttPrl try ftbl "a tt.aw wiles Of rtlllw•ny• blockhowres being ere•et- ovf all every 1,500 yards, in conme- yuence of the vamt extent of work, umttertnl I« brondng scarce. Thr buildinK of blockhoumps on the line w liery ale attack was made. Is be - lug Actively rardril ml. Thin attracts wax roprrteil to the Rritimh Wnr Office by lien. Klteh- ener In n brief deapntch froom Farr ttrin crit Snt4urday.- tilt. KRAUZ Altw0a'rl.D. W 111 Appear In Dow Street on n C'hnrgp of Illigh Treason. IA,ndOn, Hcpt. L. -Dr. Kraut, a pro minent r4ealdpnt riot Ilan Trnnsynnl, ami ex oovernor of Johannesburg, tons been arrested herr on the charge of palpiegang,. fl•• MN been In Great Britain for four months, and It In nllea-sl She% hp ham Iseen secretly forwnrdwX infnrmalotion to tine floors. lie licit h, -re v►slting Invern,exm and rpturit.tl to London thli evening with IIB alater, Mrs. Dixon, who. It io stated, In the wlfp of a British of flrpr. 1)ptertivmn Awaltptl him mit Illi lintel, and he was arrested when hp allghteel from the carriage which brought film from the railway site time rise. kranx ntnde n'a rrraly when the ehnrg • Rgainmt him was rend Hp seemed to to demr,sindet. Mrm Ist,on'm baggage ,van senrchod. Met mine wits cost de4alrlPd, ani rpmalnn at in :dteytlerv[ge. GO%'KHNIIENT A -r FAULT. )horning Post Says Kitchener Dilsep- proves of Methedo. Lnkrlon, Aug. ill. -The Cologne, Gar tette'a correspottlent in Cape Town iTinTarw mttre tytpe telosry- W a-ireett,ln,z Mara of disorder and M arm," He aasprtle that the Bopras strip ricel"ng rapport from all sides. In tht, early- part of Ai gent, n corre- "Tal,n�letit of the Morning Post hrnl a knag talk with l.lorl Kitchener. from which he gathered that : "It in not i.oinl Kitchener, but the Government that W to IAJarae for many of the ovtln." hard Kitchener, it seem«, rem- Fal•ntneel that til" H ,me tioternmrnt centl11ually worried title about trf,tal detalin. "merely to reply to Parliu- nientnry' heckling,"and tq's camp, Ivied him to lonforce n dtriet ceasurahtp uvrr telegrnmo. although preanally iteobjeate•1 to the preepnl system. a� (t em aalPlis K ilii that a thoughtc r h p right to fro- given grpnt iiherly anal to he milde responsible for tbOr statementm. Boer i'rtsoners on Route. Rt, virica tat, 1', v. T„ lite•pt. 2 ;The stonmrhlp llonlro4e, which enilal from ('tap• Town f, -r Re•rnnaln Amir•.. tSlh. carryla; 301 British troops out1 lw7 flower primmovers, hike arrlvel here. tin] will pr,cpa'd for her destination tomorrow. ♦♦♦t/♦♦♦#♦4 r • WAYS OF ELOPERS: Course of True Love is not Always Sfnoath- • Romantic Foolishness In It. " tap to fits repntntlun most hand- Y V♦NNNNNN ♦t•N♦4-♦♦+♦4♦♦4•♦♦♦N♦♦♦N♦ s♦♦♦ 1♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• Dues the course of true love run evidently t imight the girl had paned wwwtb ? I w unnoticed. At the risme %line le Is Parha►pr It may. but again it may eunburraused at the tack lis han'1. Its tart, for the Cultures of true love has wavers and his short equeak all he mart) etraaie lurnlugr and rump crosser the Fluor. lila, clerk grind. "Didn't I tell you t" he whispers. tlktew when Its fluod to alt Its height "Just watch her now; *he'll be fund." It W test like a hart river which Y And sure enough she W ; rhe can res eYaldealy druppell Out of sight under no rearun W such a stupid queetluu. gruutul, It W wet ncocasary to wax •'Nu one ►tau a right to task such qumtiuuo,•' she rays and mu, after outatlmentul on the fvell-harried sub- a pabiful interview, the yuunK Jun" hent of elopemeute, although for men returur tau the window without the thneut they bate their full allow•utce, required information. If there W rotutuoe ariywhore lis a Wg The Age Ile Thinks She L. wurld an oloponiont ahoutl have Its ,,Oil, It don't intake tiny differl•uce share --n, It usually tkns, and to a de• ilow uW who is, Just put m.r down Lt." area, wlik+h,ofte•n Iwavicer no roust for he ruyr, at the clerk's quesllsau. llfe'ee ne+cosmitdevit, Iaralsably the little girl and her toy ••y},uw old do you tW* who Ira" Trr lover who tvaul all that way frogo, ruggeasitr rho vlerk, nlevefly. Again the youngman to embar- i ledo to Chicago not lung ago, were tuarrlet by a Jumtic" of the tactics aril snood. "Oh, il, I alult't know' he elnrtel tat walk hostile could tell intake- stuleuters. "I guess rile Is 19."' Thu clerk laughs, and su the age thing of the, power of rwuunce over rsality or vice verdra. The yotunK acted down "19." and when the girl bride and groom were not first{01ass mates It ult0rwurl rho is yuitm }dray em1. "Of course, how stupid that trample, and they, were glad enough at, the radical a throe -mile walk over clerk all," she says says. a the rallroaul tier to settle down by tile Art In coal u Buret the the to wilt for n tough they clerk kapwgthoypwrre aksurety ell - tered the County Tatllding tlw other wont! pick itsatm rep. But t► -ugh they would pick t walteal long no train came, tied It day slid asked for thaAr license. war dark w•hou. a poliormnrl. happen- -Now, we want thin kept out of rho ells;' sold the yang man to lap t t o u rat lir n t lnvlt hon tamp hag b eo! f authority. a toeo a n ) The elation. - _ _ The poFen department npeued com- "Why do you want- 44-kaq-U munbntlun with the lrtrl'a mother. who relented.lu draft" of herdetermirv- taut?" asked ata, clerk. '•Well. I can't Just tell you why, atlon just to rho lin. and rent money two tickets from ('hl- but we don't want a word rail about Lt. When wo get really to an - for rallruend Clogs) to TMmI0,L And with thtl depnrr flouncett, we can du It uurmelves." tare of "our bride anti grooun." ae.the Thin lar In cutting sarcasm. "Rut now I can't snake, Much a ouptaln at tho wtntkm had called them, a page in the police ledger was promise unless I'know, the reason for f1ruilly ol„rstl and one other pollee >b It. All marriage licenses are pub- an+anoe forgotten. limited 111 ball p•►porr. y,u know " The yosing woman mca0etl craftily. Lust week there came Into town tan as happy young people ns a "R'ell, we won't give our Damps. and street oar condq!•tor ever rang fare then I gar@& you can't put them In on, Tiley came by train front the %«lot. and had from all appparances the, pap --r." "1'uu'11 havo to give your [tames at tat bank account In some eastern nal ager or you can't have a license." city. They reglatertal at the ,Sher- 'air. Mrs. John Jos. sego' tate clerk, smiling. The girl looker' herrtned. "Well, mail House, Road Brew.ter, Yhllndetphla-and it wall thorn, 1 Kneas we don't want your evident to bath the bell toy who 11001100. We'll go ro,euewhere else tor) orae." oil& raft], deflantl.y. tonals, their bag and the clerk who that they onto young man hea.ltatool and it aa,eigne,1 their room wantevl the beat the house could was e% Went he would have stare) film The Clerk war omillugly uf- oecre,t had the clerk promised not to _afford. fable, as Is ,hi• custom to occupants of the "parlor flour front," and the tetl. "Don't be foolish," Bald the• Karl, bell boy scampered about In noisy looking "Welty across the dock at the :aelpfutnems. Five minater after th-y Clerk; "you. know very well we can got a'Incline som"whore else just As entered the office everyone within sight was certain of their recent eRoily as not. It's abrur.l for him tq expect we are going to give our mnrrlsge a Oh, yes they're bride findgroom. names. 1 never heard of such a thtlig.' Anti off she marched, the all lght," deed clerk, a•ldroda• Ing a "drultimw" who happened to yang mM following rrluctaotly. be tinnily. The "drummer" Agreed it's Nowch Fuse to Klupr. with this altatetgent; In facl.every. But little country girls are by no ono airveetl and it arts not long be- means the, Only people who Plope. fore everyone' about the house wag "bele►y b&lles auol society dames, taking a sentimental interest In daughtere of mlllloco and clalldren of young Co le, artatacraey frequently tate title ro- 1' ble to PA- a t Isn oat marriage celebratbn , Us S. NTS CONCESSION To Guard Interests of the Country In Chills. LI HUNG I.HANG VERY ILL Pekin, Fjrpt. ;i. -United State klildoer cung•r 14 inking steps tc reclattn the ftmall American eonrem Most alt Tien Toln, the titin to whirl Imam practically lapsed of lilt- year. b:,canse of the Government brio mm,rganitel and a mn,'ority of Am :rima residents hvhlg meatlerts nneeng the British and tiprman con ces8lna*. 'the U. P. ito-wt for the eon cesml"n In chiefly for military uses wo atm tel avoid Slip exper1pn een n Inxt dammer, when the, united Hlnte army had difficulty in getting qua's term and doK•king facilitiro. Ll (lung ('1►tng Tai ltpio(NbMJf norir and nu,are, feeble, nod It Is App+tren Us ail hlx tlsltors `flat It Is not pro b I that hP wilt ever by abl" to art an Chairman tai the Council o 'SNE CZAR IN DENMARK. na It was not until tine end of the week, when the young' man was oalle,l upon to meet his bill, that that whole of the story leak,. -4i out. The young man then confessed that tlwy were not only bride land grooms, but that they had rloped. Jg7_)1A4t__telerapbel many lopes fee a mother s Torglytm tather's chequo. and neither had been forthcoming- into young man way possessed of exactly 13 cents. He offered to pawn a revolver, which might, pierhep,, have broright S1.7,r,, but Lite hotel managempnt re- fused. They took him to the polico station finally, bocnuse they had There was no charge Against him, but they pat him In under the care of it central station detective, who prorultr«I to keep an eye en him raw n few days. The hotel howie- ket'prs, t(x)t into her motherly charge lite heart -broken bride, and Capt. Colleran ngreed to act As Interme- diatrar brtWpen father and son. John HrewxtPe'm polecats resole mit No. 2,258 Park aven•tn, Phllndelphla. The rather, whin Is a rich rertaurant owner, refusel to consent to Ids mon m marriage to Mims Sarah Orr...lr Comminga. Tile lovelorn c -in l• maeglll pl,prment nn past' way out of the dlfficulty. They were married by a tnlntite' In a s,tnall P.Cnnmylvnnl,, town and camps to Chicago on their' welding onrney. They til ustlit It wl,:e to obtain forghpnewn before they av int home. In patlmating the liar• ental power of forgiveness they mAsIP the futer's mistake. They thought the father would forgive, mit once apoon rervirt oaf twlr telegram, and. of Courtin, lin would be, Clad to pay their honed bill. Indeed, it never occurred to thews that It could be otherwise. For a tittle It looked hop^lett, to or thl• poring people, but Claptntn Cnllornn li MURI DANCES FOR THE 004, I -- Strange Entertainment Held in New Zealand, A RACE OF BIC MEN. 41/'ants Islamics In Native Array ,,Mnr or the lireat White Queen Ike Mu marl Glrle Did 'rhelr Tnru 1'uu - [teal War Daaees. Of all lite strange sights and was. derful things provided for lilt, outer. talarnout of the Duke and ))all-Ij sd of Cornwall and York on their w,,rLl tour of thin British culuuler, per. lint* the strangest and mu..t u„a- derful wore wltuedreel lilt tle-ir vldit to the ukkorti ur New Zoalau l alt Rotorua. The Mswrld are the Only c„lursd race out of Ia41A with wham the Briton will associate wt fere 118 tl( reomlag equality. Tile wuu ctrl- pistils. ant, sturdy fellows-u,auutatur of -- tune and mumole-aud the wOluuq it. not beautiful, have clotrum For tlw uwrt part, they tutee a,Jlopto,l the decals unit habit all Ieru,rus. uud the mril, at any rale, lease'I"ae au without loss of dlrpufty. A htrarge ?-e,,. It was a strange, wiW .erne, set. Ott tau lite yellow p:ulu, will, ban• hills for background, .and the ,Intel lake between. The sulpluirvus :air null mteamiug pity were lis •keeping with so weird a spectacle. Thr Du►tl anti Duchess of Curowall took their seats it, a pavthulit, and loolyd duiell upon thei 1,o,W equares of Mauro nar- rkarh uud walutaes, whose cu.tusa In oldela days was to excite tile dark, to treaty. Their Hoyal Highnewls,t were the emblems of chiettulw4hip. The Dltke'd bawler hal war dlc„rrusl with the white tipped 'Luta”" feath- ma of tate "raugutlru," or chief Theet tc•uthers adurn4A tilt- bilrho'r of thou duchess, and (mala her "out dere flung a taysutifut "kiwi" teat, or uta -lie•. The cumpitm'•tlt+ta+htil. eel with. delight and Snouts ,A -wei. come. lir. James laamdl, uwua:,euv,f the Hollow of Iteprest•htataes and Minlater of Natiec AffalrK. wa.tua.- ter of ceremunirN, raid wore a dug. akin mut Over lair gray rust. A hllabt Nagu.d. A wave of lite greoislone m're, tar tutuahawk, lis lots hlued, an,l like play begun. A wild ruatt of hrt,au gldmets, linked to the w.awt, with kilts of licensed flax that ,,tlrgol and rattler, a wue,ug alt -wars A lashlona is main: twelve years tune who elopeoll "Just for the tun of tree thing" anti lied qt, need to beg forglvebess Is now Bald to be planning her second elopement from New York. Again, there Is no reunion why she should elope, solace tette has just prOcurod a olvoaron from her mecund hushand and -Ti mamag no mecret of her po paw thins for, her third mArrlage. 1-1 just �1qqve to slop," she ro- Cootly ocinfessmd to a friend. "You Itave nil bdeu, what a lark It Is. I have nothlttg to ekapok from, I sup- pose, but I ahall elope Just flee same. I am deterrmined on that, and l ahali try to make believe I have an angry father waiting to forgive me. We shall gra off art my yaolst after the wedding and that will tats It sort of stwoud eloosemont, you konw."-Chl- cago l7hronl•le. ♦yf♦iiitt Ft F Ft4i ♦i4•..4.....i ♦ ,PRICES OF SLAVES ♦+♦♦.♦+44tH, M♦•F♦t.♦♦♦♦4•ti It is natunlshing how many rhepr- tui races one sees to a klnvn :narket, filets that atiowilutely benprak a xlaoriing Interest In what lit about Ito happeh to them. To the younger folk It lir thn possibl& nyening of a enrerr. A slave tiny may rl4e to be the ruler of is c1ty; lI have known j much n thing to take place. An for tine girl. there G the world to see title hum e4m'npel tile. tramnrgels of her astive village. At least there Is the reasonable )slope that by bearing a mnle child ahe may become the priv- Ileget conenhlnp of her master with a potlt•in only, Int.—:lar to that of n wife, find wimp may limit master be - umalbl r It aDd battles axes, and Arawaa ae Ygahapaa alousf-boforc a rigid line tar brown and r_,L Tine lenders, or "teku teltum," rte•:,• ala feonl-altulwvart manes -and, wittiu distant that might well strike terror, tlw wnrriorm flung thelwmdvo•s situ .the dunce. Tiley -mang of tnc timit N'Idto Queen. t1wir Mother, .unl of llamas ,pay at seeing- -Slee Ntrauget from aJnr. Trier Are a miu•ir;d p„.-, plea 1 am luld, but the li,,O 110i: wild and barbaric. Ani as thry rung tht;lr brown, bodies mc;.id iii ntie,Ou.-- now leaptug. now cruuch"the, now - retiring. now advancitig. Thr wing ended In it lung drawn, g:npodg vigil, "Auq nue. aur." Another 'Turn. The Arawau lay on the %rounl .ile•nt. It was the turn of the %% ang- Rnufm. A savage alt herculean Imeld dnrtae.•d to the front., battle ax" in Island. The whiter only of his ayes were ttalble, giving to trim i,e4:.9 " fa v, „( lots r u drtooninc rtpr,^mi t,ltig,me hung out, and his :qge-irnncr was that of a fury. lit rh,mlir,l the first words of tin) war along. au,l his tribe. sprang (row the gnm:0- WIth furious, yet meamureil g..ttru beton, with hurrnd grhouso, - .);el wild elft front tattooeJ lip,, tine wnrriorm danced, anti their kirtirs of flax made a rustling tutme u' the swaying of their bolirs Th"f ended with lou$ voldiinK "tit,%Ah. muwah, remelt." like tile.. mo:luulg 'of wind In a dark fouremt. The Mmldeas' Dauer. 'nip warriors now gave place its A trtap oat dusky, dark ry'ed iw-iol•ns, whose black tress", hunt; Ilk,) ulght over their plump mhimelders. They wort of like ArilwJt tciba, nit -1 w,ar,• blrseseol of kiwi feathers with a Alne "will. lit caulk hand way a hall of flax tied with string loopm•d :aru:m•1 %klllprl In the art of mr(IlAttnn. par- " a K s p t y a oat an. at FAP Cheerful aspect of the many til& finger. The ball la the "baa, sand the dance tin rotational lhr,eslthaut tlrnlnrl when Affat s (if the heart are roncrrnPd. n ilii« cast hr live,) T only nerve. to throw further out Into relief the nttittidat of the few whn the )'ncifite an file pot dnuce. As they tap to fits repntntlun most hand- haus Iq,t cmmething, and Who scathe drew uenr a hand (A each girl h•«loll ninety ; the young people went home lhelr to«x. lightly Call the shoulder of h(•r ronh- K happy in the aftouranre tivtt a frlpnd- The prices of mlavex, like ill(- priced plantain. Standing b.•foru the royal ly rrcPption nwnttel thrm amt that mit any other commercial coaprnoollty, pmavilioa, they raced ltbusit,Don't begJ they were IPnving no rlPtrtm bphlni• very with the rgrrent rondltions of the doonose. It wan the very- p-6itrr, Tim brills, villi wrnp(neA bot the fox- supply and drypnnd, but there la a of motion. In dreamy' indnlatl gptfnlneas of her h-•neymoon dream, well understonrl average and relation their l►uellen swayed now ala 1`1011 anld a happy aonA-bye In ChMntso. between the values of the dlfforent now to left, now backward ,Iota [or " It's Just a horn 1 town. and I ,,hall tyPevr Of IOWA which serve an n hotels ward, mwinging the [Juin to the nn�" never romp hark, never. I don't tielalt for trnding ralculatlona. The follow- of their 80419. This oniric wax lo there in n nice prrsvan In It." At Ing table In the result of a Careful and mvvppt, running through rill th, which Cnptntn Colleran limited enrour- ronul,leration or mtrrent prices during mong bird'/ rnngP, solid tile story wit ( ntringly. " And porhnpi she never the perlol that I Wass 1n Nlgeria, (a( a princ o who came from strike with will," it. messed, "Mut I Will llnvp tin- we vrn Africa's) kenitory of Treat him f,alr body, their chief t aiall.11A. other Just Ilk: her next week." Rrttntn Volcano Dwellers. i.icen.p Clerk Known Violators. L. s. d. Trib.+ succeeded LrIM•. There e:' Ttip ytnun{r ewtplea tthn Pinnal to (h11A, T ynelrs old; slant: ell tered the NgntitnwhaePa Chlcngn hrforp stepping to have the inmate .............................. 2 10 0 In rho shadow of lin:curio's rrrn til knot lipel steel► Into the county build- (1111), 10 yearn old, male or dhtr4•s of Taupe ]faanta. Tit,) for Ing and into the mnrringn lieenin (le- ( fs,millp...... ....., ....... S 1 ; 0 men of hprcalleau mould -giant" al pnrtmsent with an mils of roglsofons The In Ikly, 17 :sirs old .. 5 10 0 Bay, itvarnt lrartlttgg, 12 to 14 7 Itri,llendid mar o•m In their rile[ 041416 Isle. young woman at. ways ender the lmpresxfoan that she 0 0 (". 14 to TTINEtV-71st ;--11 TO ft Ing fl flax kilts. They were 1,%l b " Is b ing followed, anti not Intregnent. Voting wotnnn, any 20 or 21 5 0 O Te Hru-hrha, grntlit f ramrxns he".canal chief, Ari Of ttt:o ly ctan(gr at thn d,war tin an to keep Mnn, fall grown, with heard S 10 11 nnmr who halt acenUlry nK,a,,Irfi, Received by 1CIng Christian a•ad All The Royal N•amlly, F:Istnnrr, D.•nrnnrk. Sept. 2.- Thr ItnaaLan imprrinl yacht Rtnndar, with the Coar an,l tie,. ('rarinn on hnhrd, which nrrfvowl in k},g,- Bay Inst night, Anrhurel herr at 2 p. in. to day. The ImprrlRl party wnm rp- ee'Irel mit tAr water mid" by KI"9 Christian and all the member* of the RoYnl family. The Jmp.-rial party took a trnln for Freken*burg thin aftprnlolon They wore wa►rmty RCC'Aimrd by nn lm mennn crowd at the tippet. To 11re.Pnt Drety lStrpptn. Frankfort, Sept. 2.--.t 1Nonleh r hrm. We( ham pntrintewl at proopme for laying drat In streets. Ile forma the drat Into n atlff, gummy mnni. Imlxervimet Ion wlnllmtorma a.ol water, mit slight roost. The mnnleiplllty hills lrrnntal the Inventor prrffl*l►nn to tnnkP n *treaet rxrwrlment, • t'mrnPtile Rewards Ilprolmlw. ixmdon, APpt. 2. -Andrew rnmogle tons gi,,m ilOn inch In ShroldPn, f,nw• Jones, nand Illek• four miners Iwhn dlmpinyal oonsplennnr kwAvpry In the• realenp of their eomrnden At the time of this recont Ik+lalhriatls (pertlwhlres) colliery di misto•r. an anxlrmam e,vp on the corridor while her loypr prneiirom the npcemmary rompers. And nil the time mhe atanda them stop feels the eyes of every clerk In the room upon her nndirrown more eon*clono nnrt more worried In Con- draetnenCp. Abe pull* at her glares, which are, of canrmP, her bent glo/sa, find ptralghtons her hat, which, while, not it bride'm hat, to nn plab- orate, creation never bernre worn on a week dny-. Of C(atrse her father npvpr coined; he never waft known to romp; but It 1A part of the ex- eltenapnt of the elopement to feel e-rtnin thnt he will. The yming mnn to brave In fits ro- gnpat for the marrlago license ; rail" eilght think he wnm 1n the linblt of getting Ilepnlspa, bat Slip clerk, who li s tarn In the Beeville Inislneset for ypnra, known that lilts la him flrmt. "Wnit laid I'll *how yo•t flow i get 'pili," hp whimpers to a new (,fork whn I "landing nenr. Then the r.lna nn Wlilt him gnpstoninga. " Nnrnp 1" " Ago t" "Nnmp, of the bride f" "Agp of bride r' Thin Inst IN the fetal gnpxtinn. this groom mtnmbles, hlnahps, land finally ronfesdpd he Anesn't know. "Well, nook Aar," NAYot this clerk, neat - ding toward the, girl In this doer. II The young man look$ snrprlsed; hit Adult woman ...... ...... ......... 2 O O Vivo pxnundn for it young woman of 21 mnrkxthis Parly deradence of that,woman In thl, realm of trraple,al minx -I Inty, and !a odd for a fall -grown man dhnwm that the slave -holding classes Aloneclate to the full the Influence ad a pant, for while the, man Is then still In the, full hey -,lay of ids physical vigor, If he has reeently been media a slRve, the dplrlt will probtably harp arena oat cr film, find If he lhni often chnnged owners, in all prnhnblllty he will bot rations and hard to manngo. i harp pal( the adult woman. Asy of5 ypnrx of it ' at i2, but ton oaf them tarn Of nn iharkpt ya,Yp, oaf I hnwr open thpessisq given away.-Emplrr Re- ctrw, London. R,very Otto Ilan Fault.. "Yeo," meld the fair dnnghtrr of this eminent Rtntaamnn, "father In a nice man, halt hp Is put A little pan, tIntl e1." "What ntnke* yen think That P' "After honring my grndeAtion ex Rny hp wanto to kn4•p on writing film own apr+nehpsl"--Aanhingte.fi AtAr. Word :ones nt the death by Arown Ing of J. i). ialeDonAld, at (Irenl.111 f1MMRed WAN SWI=Mint add got he- yord his depos 1, tbp powers of tnrth anel wrlt,•r, nn" mtaaling In front Of Ilia ",vhnro, wan barbed nllv,• In the Brent Inn *]Illi, tlut fill eel til.. ravine of ll ng (earn 1,If.'Ii with a feather all aroviad lila Olnx, the ymnng ('lit, Lain mtood facing his trih'•xsn ", slender spear of Ilght taviA w' pulsed In upllftet head. Thu silt' whistled through the clear air R fell mit th.•(r rept Am To Hen hen fill el And ran with the •epp,Vil or t Iwind. On his flying hmela to ilb•d t larAypa with a mighty slant. IA Ileal War B41sre. Tho earth trembled and tmnd'' alnr'pr their trer..04. HAlting mix In deftly and eat nnlformlYnm t11,111brougt ta hp by a dte,ne wall, t it dnnce,l a real %emir dnnre, grimnrl wildly, iralnng thclr ryphnll« s killingant thplr tongnem 1111111 1 frankest moral floor (lemeona thrall ss �A little later, Wilton To )h•v Clothed Awl In him right mint, w to rror►vP the co„nmpmornitnn a( at the Mads of the 1)uk,•. It wA• t to dte;4eover In therew"t1Y gentle frock roatmi and milk hatt -1, traa•n of this hrnye WNW) had lea t IentOnlaeal dance, Annt.hew sm,iWoombl• traneflarmal was that or Nottata, M A., (,L. barrlater ai taw -a wlktly Assn on re In the 46060 at W u . a ., ,, ,