The Signal, 1901-4-25, Page 9BRITAIN'S BUDGET;
The South African 1�er Has Sn
Far Cost &148,400,000. i
"I )tato tried to put before the
Huuee a true #Jf our flu
to Basutoland In exehonse fur paru-
m.ttee to oesaZIsr the educatipu of
sense of weakness when the late
ora, Owing to the difficulty of bring-
rrstrtwatoe for eonvaUmdo= In the
peace negotiations were inaugurated,
t anti it
for the precept anal immediate future.
( t n the vont ar f
r y, uelthar t tv a,ru-
w,luuuls, l'ul. Mnrsnn fits orguulsoal
\\'uulwbh nn 1 Wrudhuret, on(t to rr
n (ettto Itaugsre corp) , whluh, In
{o rt whetAer ohuog ore e1M�raMe.
10 our Lima nu (hancullur of the Ex-
tro-AW tot' LS, usdar ufticers, will sol-
ltd t Iter Astra likes-l+oo�g
0-s• aL I alio
finish Nut J1erit.
Itoet stuck •anti briug It to Pretoria•
.• tr l'balrwou of puruslis-
the Boers court to thuruusllly beaten
before we can leave the tatdhe of u
lkwlder their (hilly paay the men will
olroquer has had sd difficult a tnmk,
lulrtnng peace."
b„ allowed u pereeutr►gu un the value
of the cattle they bring (n, the ob-
iw anllltary attache with the Amer-
pet &slag to clear lhn country #J!
loan army In the Sp aniah war, allot
1'leterrbur De&rrlbed.
apI sono has had a maid
Rev. FYtmond Warve, hendmarter at
Loudon, April lU.-Pieterraurg, lhu
td nut.
F:tons.lohaua� outR ItaraLhlyr.
capture of widell by (td, 1'lulner Was
aallepce. I trace pot laid Isropuaah
p opsals
before the House with the view of
recently announced, hue fur some
Loreoao Miarques, April _1, -In Jo-
IUOptlis-Irrt been the seal of to••
Lou(luu, April IU.-Itrldving to it
hnnnerburg at present millionaires
gaining transient popularity, but I
a iu the Itoude of lkilo
aro tote #July people who cuull live
burgor as Acting President. The
Mr. 11r ile
' lirtxlrlrk said ho+Ind nal know talc
with tiny degree of comfort, and it 1a
town Iws to nurtruta x wluliun u[
l N
heave endeavored to &etabldtnh A prlu-
far fro lxhgf the Utopia that It is
clple of .coptrlbullou by the - whole
•commuultY i to the burdens of the
t#J lwma nu a convict centro fur Lha
RLr Iflchael Hicks -Beach concluded
Also Horses, Cattle, Wagons
at 6.41 p. m., ntawrt loud applan a.
d wired to nsuat ('uuerll l+iitcoe•u•+r
Ilawtrig Nfokeil two worm and s;fi min-
and Ammunition.
Cllr William Vernon Harcourt coin-
plimputed lire ('hancollor of the Ex-
not bw•U shim•u reater dlerritainil-
ch(Nluer on tike ability lie had &flown,
the Pxerptksml rrroolpt” owing to the
declaring that file speech wall ehar-
would not fx! Ievlyd fur tie whoa«
time. Then hr placed 4d. pn r pound
muchla! in honesty, a quality vary
much lacklnR lti the conduct lot the
war In telling tile House cud cost
try the truth In regard to lire pod-
t7,r,0 AM a week. � •
Loud cht!erm frOtm Ule Irish Nm-
''It b a atistake to think that Lord
Kitchener of tale Alfred Milner felt
bar lot breodln$ cattle are being sent
anuounoer the ntppolntment of a 60110- ""'
to Basutoland In exehonse fur paru-
m.ttee to oesaZIsr the educatipu of
sense of weakness when the late
ora, Owing to the difficulty of bring-
rrstrtwatoe for eonvaUmdo= In the
peace negotiations were inaugurated,
trig lit captur+etl cattle by the fightlug
Army, an 1 the svrtew of training at
( t n the vont ar f
r y, uelthar t tv a,ru-
w,luuuls, l'ul. Mnrsnn fits orguulsoal
\\'uulwbh nn 1 Wrudhuret, on(t to rr
mmador-le,-oblet nor the High Commla•
rel#JAer desired to 1SuU1 ire•
n (ettto Itaugsre corp) , whluh, In
{o rt whetAer ohuog ore e1M�raMe.
lou state.
flowed then, as they believe now, that
tro-AW tot' LS, usdar ufticers, will sol-
ltd t Iter Astra likes-l+oo�g
0-s• aL I alio
finish Nut J1erit.
Itoet stuck •anti briug It to Pretoria•
.• tr l'balrwou of puruslis-
the Boers court to thuruusllly beaten
before we can leave the tatdhe of u
lkwlder their (hilly paay the men will
sioa, whose, IlNmtrere inehafe LIeOt: •
('of. Arthur Ltw•, IJ. 1'., who was mt-
lulrtnng peace."
b„ allowed u pereeutr►gu un the value
of the cattle they bring (n, the ob-
iw anllltary attache with the Amer-
pet &slag to clear lhn country #J!
loan army In the Sp aniah war, allot
1'leterrbur De&rrlbed.
stook. The first tr,opw have aturt-
Rev. FYtmond Warve, hendmarter at
Loudon, April lU.-Pieterraurg, lhu
td nut.
F:tons.lohaua� outR ItaraLhlyr.
capture of widell by (td, 1'lulner Was
erilon of the memorial and ,lefrny
recently announced, hue fur some
Kitchener to ISutha.
Loreoao Miarques, April _1, -In Jo-
IUOptlis-Irrt been the seal of to••
Lou(luu, April IU.-Itrldving to it
hnnnerburg at present millionaires
floor Government, under Mr. Scholla
a iu the Itoude of lkilo
aro tote #July people who cuull live
burgor as Acting President. The
Mr. 11r ile
' lirtxlrlrk said ho+Ind nal know talc
with tiny degree of comfort, and it 1a
town Iws to nurtruta x wluliun u[
l N
leruir of tionornl Kl,tcbener's vrrlual
far fro lxhgf the Utopia that It is
something lerr'th an two thoustndl,
cud Its only Importance Iwr hlth,•r-
issue gt to (tile m l sa eu, ant hear-
rualf+d that file wrar
tleft!rlb tin having been in (Ila front.
As exampilrs of `tale falces of pruvl-
t#J lwma nu a convict centro fur Lha
u stud t If oti•o. merely
lbw( it General baton
doge, It may ta, mcutluuat tt►at pxita-
''/.uua,pinnrthcrg cud oho Low.(;uuntry
d wired to nsuat ('uuerll l+iitcoe•u•+r
totes are !S a tat K, anti forage SSr. ti
I tion. The bud t, continued Bir Wit- gold fields. It Ir About _rt0 mil,w ' • hun heel pound*. Everything elm la ou
ire the floater would agree to coact film.
Ilam, was lest u chapter In the allsns- I north lot Johannesburg. le, a mount- lir« wtme scale.
A UrlldVi:ed Scale of Supr Dutlem lepamed—West Indian Sugar Not troue lneklent #Jf the war. It war pro- urn. French rick rind \till fake alnulm district, and lean proved u '- Of w,rW life !n Johannesburg,
lExeaf/t--Er(lrort DYty on Goal --The IOCOnIe Tax NOhK Made 14 lsoncxl to borrow altogethee £1:7,000,- bane lot eouswerubie value to tau, llurmher• a•-ltrltlrh Turnnites. there Ir none. The thentrea are
-Tr#aee fn the Pound—Sixty M(fL'on Pounds to be Borrowed b Mesas Srhorl Nest•-De\\'et Ilan New goers still fn the field, 1''or man Lund On, A prll 19.-ItlnUer'r r e•c- chis(d. and wilt& the expo flue of 4ht
6100 wore; four a ('ri tis much nr wvaa Y 1 V - P
Y tsorrou•af fur oho ('rlmenn war, F'ulluwerr Ilnrdrhlps F:zper- wuutlw Iw►t 1'InteroburK ha■ ix+•!u fad rurrlr+por%tlentt w rllem from IIloem- txr•nelunnl concert ;It the \{'wader•
of CAUSOlm-- -The Transvaal Not to be Taxed. `We re living In an age of news. supplying take varluur commandoow fuliteln, under drat" of March 10th, erm.' which glvtvs (silly a faint Ilea
rrucrA lot .luleannrrburK-Kruger
(wtpser faaooe," ralfl Nlr Tt'llllam, "and wllh pprovleiuue. Tha+ra are two n" ftplluw•s: 1"wlrnlny I wllnea+u:d of R•Imt the \{'atldrreM' urr+l to ar.
111t17'AIN'S VIJANUTA1, POS11'ION, Irish WOmberx), or earner that% the of inereasal Pxp!nditures. We ctannot Got Uuud N, w%. grind milts In the piece, atnl (here utlu of the mart curluum rc:•nes of a there bl nothing to break the dull
Pest Year. honorable mltolnbora suppose. Uur or Rao on without Involving tilts country , havf been kept histry throughout the cat�ualgn which haJ looters full lot sur- monotony. The Wanderprw' football
dlnary expenditure would out nor- In flnunelnl rain. The fadlluunWe (loo- I'^°t1O°• April 1J.-Fi,urteeii Iwgee war Itrinding mealien'laid whent fur wrlmee nail cvoutruslm. considerius the ground M o lutge hospital, and there
I:rtlnaatetl rereumr......... jda7,600,000 trine o[ the fire Is &unser& illon and so[ the Offid l l:as+ttc to -+lay are the w,mnrAnebtw. Yktcrrbur hex �ox%.1 pruttwtxtlonm on the part of u are elWeurrw lou rJl hi►n,le of the
Total revenues... ... ... ... 631,91,5,000 alit of the remitta nce of the addl- + p g Nud pr lie tau+ enemy that tic• horr(ora of vvnr. The iced hualls that
F:vpondltut's... ... U17,`Jdo,uuU tlooal taxation proposed (or war protection; duos anybody believe filled with w list do( h"nurs couferved load regular communication with I y In-
purpusea last that this Increme of ex nditures Is tau: inrious cominan,lucr. The Hoerr tendeti fighting to the• death air lung +are up•n have an apologetic sort of
War cspetidltura:, ... ... 8:Z,000,tull Year. !t tdetefore ba asst to + f<,r servlotr Irt Broth A[rlcu. Among ua a mon and a rifle Worst lett, it ltx+k, and tpe choice, of liolours . Ir
cxames necessary to t our ex endl- leo on -' 1SIr' WI loam argued up to u teW weeks rinse hail un►ntur-
lieficit... ... ... ... ... ...... 566,073,000 lr'a p that F;nKlaml WAN But re, etcuuR now lhfrse Innde j(nighls l',uarm.uute!rr Of ruptp,t pommeddltn lot IL'tl unllem caf +'%rut(+ sunlew)rat ns to rurprien to see very small. An old Joluaunaeburger.
turn as Irrouder bares,
C'arnut fear. us Nhp wan at tote close of the French oho rJrdcr of oho Huth err :lrnerrrlx rultvvuy-that Ir, (rum PlutprNaurE rattgnl under Ph-.• Cuiuu ,luck ntwiut who, hnA fuul(ht hLr way lxitik. ask• '
1;slimnted expeaditur a. $98rs,OOf1,000 'I he New Toolacr. war, flu l QeclurPd. In cune!ualuu• l'uIP:C'Arcw, Mtethoea, Tucker, I e,1 le, 1\'arm lintlw-and tliu r,illway wevtvity stalwart ex -burgher" of the cd for a whiskey and node, at Itis
Em(Luaated letenua . 716,CT3,(N)J "The country ham reached n point thltt It kens the most dlstt#trousj fox tome excellent ser%lve, loud ran luau F'rr• �lnle, wearing,Jr ural- Juvurlte piaci+ of refrarhmrnt, nod
Edtlwatsd deficit... ... ... _L'O,OOu,000 when it b nfrsemar le, widen the artatPwPnt that l re txch Iltimllton, Heeler Mt:eAuuit(i, F'roncll• forium and conimuu,kd 1,J itritlmlt Of- w'lN much chaRrinett to Iraqi that
Y equcr had nut rum+ time ngu, but wood has
hew TaxaHua, scopxo o! taratlaun, Ixit direct tax- ever made. Knox, Brnbnnt, liurtuel, UHlyard' been axed !or fuel, with goofl results. (leers. lent there they were, unwla- ,if le,+ whthrd !ur tntuxea,uts he wuul(i
pIr�1yerr meat bear tint share of the Kelly, CLesllsom, Malnrfidld, (lark• and The chief reason why I'neter"burg tetkablo elUier ss regards their form- rave to decide between mtterry mail
Income tax lnereetsu .....*1$),000,000 bar,,, 1 prltpcwe dant two ince Im Ireland Reue81e47 er nationality or pr(r"rot allegl--m-, blimurm. Tile hntrlkerprris can only
P � lirackeubury kens selected as Lire seat of (:cavern xtout, krrrreJrrl, at home un tfiPlr Ixrrwe wluat f( ire Vu ou tbu
Sugar.- ......- ............. Y5,500,(A;0 #hall ire Attired to the income tax, •.lifter tiro rtvech of the Clwtio.'llor of Y Y y
F:ipert defy ext coal... ... 10-0),u00 conking ape sA1111ag nod two pence (I0- Fxchorll►•r Mr- John Redu and, I The Grand Crows of the Order e,t e°m° could the thfu lie ba,'c llonpr flu• horses, wKI exp"era In the handling p erinits allow ed to them for rrsf-
------- In the x,und, t the Bnth !m ronfrrred rn 17,41 pa•rrons. Alogatli Mdountatnr. ur hof"e to er. of (heir rifle". li•npreowsed corn they dents In the hotel. Moffat fi very lox•
'Cula1...'... ... ... ... 1 The pxtru two pence lr Nr%ttonrlllat 1cwoNr, Aske+! w.rut
•.• $55,0000X) will realise £:lJM(XA). There will Inten•at Ireland Ir%d In that war which (ten. Brrdrn-Pow• 11. COI. M Mackinnon. were, (tai, vvbo hrav( u( (heir own In- la•a"lve. and utility cattle are sur•
cap"r cay.rr the Portu(tuese or Rhode-
olaawa Tex -.tai tncrectsa of _ p"soca ate txp adtBtlon a,o the beer, wine, Ind to Lhis extrrwr(iLanrY• di"setruur of oho Clty of ho1Ni a1 Iwp: vial Vol- itlatho takat up arms not -to use forint: from lung Harkness. There In
Sian tiontera. Then, rtlfala, (herr b n
[r Iwptoaed, making a total lot lr L'd. 1`0e eplrKs ue tofxtcco dillies. I um n11A cSdgru«d1A titian• sl sltuntbB, uuteerx; Oen. IIs tuhi(ood, ('ol. I:eke- (.unehlerable tract of excellent vvfn thfo own curls-' to (•arty un nu nil", eau ep4ewlc of hors ricknewr.
t3ugrar, Molamw* and Glucoma-.\ not dlmppsel to impose a customs lie protested agalrwt %ros11 taxatloa, w•lch, Cul. Dalgety of \\',•p2ner trials; o(G n co wnr(ur++ ugxllat their fur-, In tact, advarw from all Rrltlrh
tat era manufactured Im ter vrlelt, tiro Importance u! which.
Y ported whlcla, ho en1d, inll,orwc! Itront injtw- 0-"i Colonel& Luw"+I•n, Thurn.•y(•rurt' ,1r aid on it, the fkx•rd have nut 1°er compxatrfulN, inat to protect lwem sexlrreto wt the It(m►tl nip uniformly
duty Of 4s pet cwt. (&trout 1 Dent g(;pdn, As al"1 property from mnruudere and doleful In tont, tu1J culwlxted in
euggestel by Mir Howard --- . - -- loot eight of.
,a pound) Is Imposed un rollued se,• Vlneout. Tris average copruwptton - - _- _ btwrr." Th u•cw ! 1 witnessed took grering that the Dutch refugeew
re, e (
gar, laclu(Uug \Cera, Indus Sugar. OJ stagt►r Is 56 poll" per head. ('—` � - - - - - - - . - 'Y`-�'-w`^�" lataee aonru tow miles r"°th of this wVau are totnttoned at life race course
Itaw sugar polarising baluw 'J9 tr to Sugar U taxed In every other coal. £' Withheld Their Fire. place, where lisp likwlortmtela coin- and all around Turtoutein. have tar
pity a duty gradually diminMrlug, tic• m1mitY 11 Europe. and Is taxed In r� ^ ('airs Town, April 10.-:'uL ('rnblrt•, 1aulJ' of oho liurgftrr Curyrs u[ the lou+ °way taw b(vt of thing&. They
curdlag to each tlrsr(+e lot looAarlxn. the U,nited`State,,. In tt:lm country , \ iv '1 nccprding to n P.Puler'r apxcaal tell- wroth .ttrican'Cunrtatwlnry were fo- air, t Ix said, nut permltteil tit want
titx%, W a minimum of two allfltiut(:s taxes temal*,d on mltgnr too efter I _ 1 •'..� gr in from Colpstw•rg, (fruce :a corn- Npocteol by colonel It. Hldtey, coin- fur lythiaK. and err even allowed
tit a polorNatlou lot 76. A duty of the Institution of free trade. What I �• mauu{+r of liners right up to tfic Gr- madding the Ordiise Itiver C)Ionydl- trent" ct"arts nod croquet to while
La pt•r-cwt, is tm tea molasses. _ t stage, A hundrrd of thein manage:l to vl,lua of !fin new lure. Thereure In Atwit 1m tittle.
pt►red prdpons b lest a prot(etice duty int Y
( duty OI 1J fid ler ow`t. 114 Imlrorad tin adequate pxi ale neoP«rlty Ila• �� Prd'ilfv to (irf+ iIB;IIITIaIIIA, INIt it N111:1i1 raft three rr,mpstnlrr-�Itutonetl re- The kl in(sv R'lth lchtcb fife IlittleA
tmglucose. Arltem for sones duty or which the - norther trlrl torr,," Lhr river where rpw-othely at Kroun+tel, ltrund(urt. npprnr tr h• trenth:q thelhrichrrrms
tiesI—tu export duty of Io les -r ton laborlug chlmses should bear a fair 'a - ; - their horses stuck fu th- muddy Icutkm tilt 1 Blot Bt'onteiu. Their etor,lment hl ,orae rasr•H altogether uuueeeswary.
tr imported. share. ( / awl their rldcrm were waNhed tUmn wa« a matter of deep c.atideratiou Fd"• Imitnnre, ti r,ntrnelor had (we,
Spirits and Tobacco -No chasate. I the. rirrr: meet of them tering tiro,wn- to 4:+h•net Ultlpy, wh, was at first apidl!auts fur work, both butch and
F:gect of the Sgmar 'rax.
itecr, \Clue and Tea -No eMnge. t - r rd, Vol. Crnbb(t did cul alluvv Idi1 corn iticlinr 1 to reganl vvlth "•flue Nunpf- pPBnllth '.tgr1I11rL file Incllnntons fin
___ "The effect tit mY loruperaral loo the / r �- - t( fire on thrin. eton the frequent applicatt„11 lot num- gncw thern a .AN as they alarmed t.-
Iwxahn cable report= Sir Me: Ex- limos Of eupts Ir doubtful, us the / - i - hers of rx-burgherm fur enrolment lit he e,r• Ip in need of it. Next mornln
Il;iotrBeaolr, Chancellor at .tis Iii- �� of este' fr governed by the ' �. Defent of general- I;rubelmar, lhp pollee. Atter ra while ht• employed they tame, but rust tit work: they
.•ucrluer, delicerel ills nnxlmosly_ AonutY system. Th« gr(xat bulk lot i� i neo air. two mr vnrfortN parr, which Rrr.• cow (tin
flu+ im its lot se, f Cadre Town• Aprl 1P.-.\ silna pvraun Rt g provisions free, and
awaited budgrt slieech In the House tivurtt � Rnr row(+& In,m / tloslwrtch RnyA Imix,rtunt decal ,p- they lerrormM in hi" emirs, Patishtr- Aid not requlrP it. Another crus wan
of Common* this afternoon. ThP Y -K vlug countries. Tlrebountj p tion• au4 tit filet Ira cam,! to the coin- that of n Roman, who, b: In want
Dgw In the tariff are I rtnnt, SYwtPm Is tlwt n country givin a IBrllte n[ the ggreat mucemont enat- (°g
.ha s �l� S. luent err mwulih iron the recrnl e•luxion that their doilrr to take up of n aeraaut, thought that, us there
sol are deslgied to meet the targe I 1111Y enrouragno production with. y'l / armed for the protection of life nil.(
vrwr expeg Ilturs. In !ts bottlers, and nt,tlac same (Imo J t dpfcnt M Commnntaula, linol"•Innr au,t 1 were hundrets of yunnR Dutcfi girls
doe& Its beat to remtrlc. cme fir �., . I) -� ' 1 properly waw a very mineere, one,.ai"1 ,a( flip rnee nwrso, she wouM have
I p 1 'li the commandanlr in til'+ rasa, Nub•,r-
The C'hanoellur rose tit 4.18 p. m., p ' 1 ` I. I dilwle tp him. ire ane now orarnaisr.) the three cum• r0-, difficulty la getting ono of thew;
nlgolat rounds of chess, and coin• tloa by ata Irwa people by every ( .. , e 'tf, \M tkiti4 ; pan't•e or which I have alv+ken. Thr but sour and all rifu"od mervien with
i// 1..� ?r Orobeinnr'R own r p clnl c^mm•(nd„
orleaneQ ills rtatemewt. HJ upiealug pluemlblfr meenr. Thr renllt In •,tfint 1',' .'P,'j��,'. , �1, '- _,I - l' lot 10011 corn bore ilhr brunt n[ (Its. burgher comphanlrN err purollnl and :, Britimher, ntthoagh they Ill"m hu
menteaer wan not prom!einq. "Dprlug there in tin enormous surplus which - M1 " N,, �l' =#sjt;.ls111' stttionr.i In their own distrl: ls. They hoxitatwxl In nec^• %tin
flue to find a fnrrf *44 � f•' �` f fighting ^T Ude rn^niy'R si:le. I( was 1 g evils( from the
the Inst five years," enol the C'haoccl- Kn IDerket, and \',�'a\ a ,'j I k(aivtp to Cen. 1'rrnth that ltroarLtur INltrul the country round and bring Nuhn• quarter.
tor, "0-o have beep Invarfnbly able to this country, nadir the prevent Mr q- - 1' i� rte_ in excp/leaf rapxirts Tho Kronmtad Attwe t
000gratulate the House on a general ollmastancm. Is the ono market. ::� G ' _ !I+rd rtnrted nl+on the derfx•rnte ruff r- °n 1 the Rrnndfurt companion hence �1y Launr of g i pra-
Snerew4w In floss ,rosprrH,r ul the Thsretore, it la Yom`_- trisP of break► buck, an.l 0, e,. xcnt rrooldrnts M JohasnPsburg b the
i quite eoneelvable-- - L,: I I °K built been rngwarml. The former hill)
=' , 1 Uartnell was rent rp�rlally iso check- wit stat prredi 1Ntr(nefr Rin Marin
rcanntry, but alto J'(trr 1Lr00, rsprchally vinlema, of course, the bnunly•givfag - � - v" 9 1 a f-aunrt Hotton le, which they lux( with, a re"ldentlnl as (rum aha dos-
' is mats, him. two u! their number killed, but kilted
oho last alx mopthm. shower! key wnr twuntrlem either reduce tt%a area of _ f `v� frar ronin force took u a cunt trlrt cvnrmds"donor !" tie cesyury. Ti/p0
toms of a chaogr. our foreign trade their sugar production or Tower � 1 P -throe for the enemy, mut wuun,b•rl thorn fs it night
.)nrtplf the year considerably fn- tlrr•lr own detls Of sugar for the + ,! Ilulndit%g p,twtUnn, hul•IInR a ark 'n the lice, Thr Rrnn Ifurt rumonaado the pPrmtt : then n p1e+r-
1-" _ •`, {'r -held ran _ r lot in.,untnhr" rl glut mit to r1Ar n blryclr. Their air #Jn1Y
crMasel but In value rattler thwn in Mnrflt of their oven u!ntivn, �`.'' _ J ¢ vthlr stay Rrpt cot[ and I:Nti n trop
pap �. 1 ncrfwR (:rultrlanr x pnatabl•+ r(oute for a Boer Itrol, ant warcrs,ded pn fsor Jrhnnneeburq ►prel"!r. d1uwW any
.alum&.'• T1d& find Men mwfuly (Ito hath of whhh, actions would mp:au �� "• o Ix tall• draire to u further ur to be out
�,., , tiruMlaar wAm pravtlrnlly U1ken by brin •Inar In [uur priwroers, lot whom R
r1reU Irum the b1Rii lwlce of cerlaln (lar abntlilon o[ the bounty wJstpm 1 \��c„;'�; � � ^ i '{ Nurprlre, and the urlfactr:rbh• weather k I later. n rp cinl permit is ueces"ary.
art c rm, non 1 of life new \•'`.:' v ' l - ;,kntr prcandt h nix h•rea (na;% Ix'ing lfirtts weer weep 1e+1. They mnY. '>Y(+•n n permit IN rrqu'ire 1 to >,hlfl flor-
ally trust have Injured important In- to#, Altraougll at first the pr e,• tj o-rprorr, jurUy vinim t„ hive plowed ulture, to have a %don”, anA en ton all
entirely rut 'lot+. .l+ IL w'aN, h 0-O r their vnlne op the le1d.
.1 11 os, especially railways• might rIN1 and a(onsnmptlon cone.• `� - + Influltum. N`1 wonder there waw a
Krvrnue F:zreeded a:rUmales. 4riently I"+' rrttucerl, would Ix that u"ith a lin. In A,I,lilf„n to the P"n- _- -
tilers would -be such an Inflow Into R' 1..-rmi,^ April •'1. -in 11 de"patch to
�` r:d-rnbl! number of IMed and wound_ llGhe when it sofad r honey s,s nkey
\�crrtheleaw, the rewenne tar the � tbM country of Monty -fed wugurx, - til • {\'ar f+lffr••, dated yrmtenlay. (ire. of (flexr emits nn, ran buy whtrkry
wart year had shows no signs of Alp- g.( eel. _0!1 of OrOb, laar`m m:,n Nurr,n. Kiteheuer re ",rts thnt'the ra torr" Pr 1
i price a iK r ,elrmwhere, that the dpred to Diart r-11. They were. in n f ri I'Y lire rnme at taw Rand rifle store.
cremate, an I the F:xchr+,art receipts , price might be brought down. SIR MICHAEL HICKS -BLACK ooiur•P .{pro lfilh, by Bhod, Bentsen,
111tfaTijp plight, rnRg..d turd In%ngrv. 1 1'ru-Muer Ylew.
se,+0-r+rl_a-!yy)�i�.�f_L�.b6^i3O(10 wee 1'Intnm^r, Kftc•h:•ner and (k•nw,n have
the rRlmatra. He wnm twund o sTiY f- mr�afa.lawn t(t br lsrelev}raf�_- ___._-_. ,4""ican"r-.ul the L'rltlslt ESOICQu^r, _ _ - tirofa•Llnr, with tIN• rem:uant” of he,u h1 primmer", 100,00'1 ruun•t" of (:rand Rapid", 11fch., April 20. -Mfr.
l im,fi orew, 4e -►nacho; ant foal -sin •,nn It" ■P■ M(unl \Chits hM� wt retnrnnt
however, that the excess hal beep a \gain. 1 do at,t bctlevc the duty atnn4 +rrlmm-rrranrw«itiwa,-ontfIft--- - hi �
due to forew(elment oil dutiable air- will Inplrn manufaeturrrs using '+'t'y~.o*~1'�A( ` In the direction of 7-rtfuf.•and impeder. nail numerous wagons nn,l rotate. Trow 1 urofx, aa�'w _Femtii-The roWA1-^-- -
tlelee. Pat for this film eatimatem augur to anything Ilkm the extent ------- ----- - •----- --- --- ---- Twenty lkv-rd murrenderetl. Trannvnnl Lenlrue mAylog that the
7 ffernf. Of contra provwlou will he /:rnerel Ilrrtur Ml;udonxlrl.
vroal I have been bare) realized. Minch, Linc u poi Ireland, tlwtt, niren(i as I Cawiintkpn and Nesbit nre mnde Mill- --- lose rtdtlaerm In Europ►r are mtrongt9
could be, said fur nod agafnxt furesta' outdo for imposing a duty un mane- atiluttLed• by tape (:overnmont coin• Lary ('om'>amnns of the Order of tow \livral North. ('Ajo• 04(iny. April De\\'vVis Few roll"wPro. opposed to any Pettle%srnt Involving
went, but It was an unmitgated anti-; factorWi artteffw fr(mt foreign t•oun• mirwton in ISM, war grontly Over- dkatlt- 19.-(;erwral l(rctor Mfacdonn-ld hn!r L-ontlon,- April -r'1. -A despatch ton a murrelador of indepnderrce.."SUII
since to financial etatldticlaus. Tine tries coming Into competition watt, taxed. Ho alcr•rely nttenekel Mir- Among those nlndr Knights Grand ta-ma appointed W nn important tour nrw•.r agency h^re from Itairristnitin lesx,"' he stays, "wrould they counsel
foreartralmentn of 18911-1UW amount- ilte home artitIer. 1 have endeavor -Nd Jars• ph ('Mmlw•rlallu and t,he war �d'rnsa of the Order of 9t, Michael anti °%and un ili+� AfgMn (rontter. Ilnd,•r Ante of yl•Nlrrday Ie, rates Gen. wrren der because lime Is the very
td to ca r110.00u, which properly ler to reirojMlle the cuntlleLing Inlcr- p>!lcy. RrpIYInK to crllleibmm. Slr i St. Orrrrge nre Generals ('Ivry nod -'- ll r \Cit liver Kr,onNiud, nn•1 says lie P.tmenre+ of the situation, Reports
longed to the revenue o! the lest (its. Notha%R must as dlwe to pro- M[irlkaPl llicko-llaaacir Bald there were' Knndpc. Petticoat as lrhavv)r• lunx [r0- f:dlowrrN, un(i is wtubla to frown General Bodin and the Other
ti•ear. The fiat excee a fl .tire put ttet the British roti er to the die- valuable alimetd In tSe Transvni�I col- mnetc-firm officers are n p nintfrl 1 ril 1`J.-Thn Aran" ort recruit a 4Urfivl"lot frnoe t" 0-:,k,+ an rightin Generator at the dee innin
a 1 D L[rlwn. .1 p p g g g
Year somewhat exceeded the precloita advantage of the British eonsum^r. cony. Twit Lost It way impomtib6, to , ('omrxuifonm of tha Order of tit. Mlr•hnei 7alro urrlved,hera front Lorenzo Mier o:fvfi-iv � movement. Thorn have toes Of February• wan encouraging nal
coat. He would %say that the cunsuur itl(lleato that unless a setNrmpnt la
Ing powmr br the , le was malt- Kut. nn tore other ►nand, fair play 0-,y wtalt the antritutiun fur �M•'ilnd St. G(vprpjc, and _8Q asp nppolUte,l grrx y:wtrreYly with A!7 tto•rs, lc rntmerolts &urrenrtrr+ of •tarv9ug
1"" P mart ape wen to tlis British refin •r, wear lit tfio rlrtriln women and children. tkoers. Pftroterl war will too+ of long 'e(ontln-
but tilers 0-M no material ofd• � pxd+donL state of Lhat � ('omptnni(ons tit tiro 1HrtlugiAral,d B •r- K
-fwd' ( - as .�ompared. w1111:Ida.-guilun natal cvwrltr would Irv. \ ver Order. Among tljvau Ir Prlsuull, Tts+ nntl`fy appearance of the llorr nation. Even the (ryw•lal correspon-
boyer o the expnnrfTAo"8i :