The Signal, 1901-4-25, Page 8t ■ m v L'i�AGRA a , for the TEETH and BREATH sin rho 80ZONNT LIQUID 260 ` Nw Patont Box SOZODONT POWDER . 26o Lwp LIQUID and POWDER a ,60 Al the hton•e of by bl.sil, r -ti ald, for the Price. 8 entistIa Op1n10II: e` As an antiseptic and hygienic mouthwash, and fof the care and preservation of the te,19 and gg1u0 mIs8 I cordially recommend Sozodoni I consider it the odds! demi rice for children's use." [Name of writer uponapplkstka.I HALL & RUCKEL. MONTREAL. is • GERAL�INE'S �oRTUNES "I think you !tad better, sir." wain Alto" prepared to receive lam agreed Johnson, coldly ; then. sur- with tact and kindnamm, quite Ren- pxlo.ed InW a Ilttle more Intelllg"Itee Gina of their kind, for she hailed to by too impatlent stamp of the foot iia, return a means of tolling Lind- w•lth which the young gentleman ley Fleldinq. turned from flint again. he atUde,l. 111 ••]'ou !lave come btct Loo 11 AL a a limes genial ton,, "it is warmer n morot unfortuuatp time, at far ns there sir, and it will be more cheer- welcome ole concerned, ss 1 dare nay Jul fur )oil than-" you have learned• James," rite raid - "Warm, cheerful "' Interrupted Lirilly. ••'!`Ise place is like a dim .fun - James, Iw,tly. "Yes. with tfie geoh full of dreary ghosts• Isn't it? warmth and cheerfulness of the char- Rut, of couroe, this sudden illuers 0 ael-bone. ! lko you think I expect- Iver C'hariow has upset n,+ nil dreg i - not A blaze of light In IH)DW Of lei' folly, a#d takayh the spirit out of return b tlhe windows of this place, t!s,,e which was a dungento W me to my Jauur„i face clearly express0d h:s 1 been ter};Iwo.[, a that the sweeL•tluture, opinkrl tint them had nave+ ectad reed t h;t t d n- I t•butheA guanllautr who cnublmrl nn e'g nntch to take tea g +rte begaose I wnlrn'td a pretty play- such a rad event did, of awrme, nutk( thing would rush out to overwhelm n place land fertile ; Aril she oval' mo with w•rloomhtg oAreasea ? No : I , thtned- left them Ixcaueo •fight with the ••.1,t the sante time, in Panic other world had More attractions than i respects• your arrival co uld nut have their love and sympathy could of- , been hatter time,!.'; fez• ate. If my life,la rulned. Its Is i Both her riepheit• and her sister through their fault --yes• the:rfault-:looked up at titer•ItJhe former curious, and -and I'm sura I don't know why`' the latter apprel-enslve. 1're come back," he added, falling sad- 1 "During Sour long�,and most deeply dealy prom the full, pusmicntato tuns l deplored absence,'".James, I Puppose In which, w1th hi* c3em opal the tip• I .Tail have not had much opportunity posh. wall, he had been speaking to , of keeping yourself its couraut of the himself• not to tine butler. Into the I affair.+ of the family f" careless apathy of Ills former man- •'No," PAN Jarr.s, shortly. ser. Bio went on at once, without gbv- "I'm sure, sir. they will lie very ing him time to grow uncomfortable glad to see yam." Paid Johnson, will' over this allualon=- r more courtesy than teaafidence. "i am worry toasty that advantage "Oh, ,vee• Johmsosp. I'm retro they has been taken of It by bertaln un- will !" echoed Jaaoa, dryly principled peereopS t r worm thrm- lio stepped slowly to t, t the melvrs Into thb confidence of your • ttrawlrug mum door ; but, turning again before he reached it, he asked. , Inuit uncle, who, you knew. y l al - with his epee on u trophy of a foz'r ways vuu conilding nal easily Influ- Lead and a couple of brushes over the erced." entrance to the central hall- James resented, rpmemprrtng how "well, aren't you strprbed to see Pubmisalve his uncle had always me' Iton't you wonder how 1 got been to her. hero'" "One Iwrson in particukir, a wo- I-'alliog a welcome, the man was man"-Jauips' Attention grew_"has h-Wngry for mere curiueity as to the 6o Insinuated herself Into his affec- manner of his return. tions as to render him utterly inaen- Hot Jehaao6ri was much t_ siblo to the claims of love and -and 0.1 by those questions, which he con= o n eau - nufittt to-bttrfittim 1c mit sidered In the Ivoret pwmrhble taste. his sinters, whose devotion, being a As putting a valued and wafldential fact of long years' standing, fine tar. retainer Into a +tato of great em- corse n matter of course and of no barrasament torr a suitable answer. account." Her nephew expressed be - if" coughed, and, touching cite tips coining astonishment. "I hate rpa, of hie left-hno-1 fingers lightly with sort to believe that recently this those of his right, suggested, 1n a woman's whole attention has been low• all deferential voice- directod to Inducing your uncle to "Dcltet-ot-lease. mid +_ -- -- tray. to het -it But true explosion this too candid In his power to will away ; anti quite Inquiry produced sent hien reeling lately a worthless cousin O'f own has Lack n step or two still respectful, mawte common callne with her, and but naturally astonlAehed and ladig- has managed, by twine his infisenon; sant. For James swung round slut- to obthIlk such a hcid upow ycour unctle, Jenly with cltnchod fist and fury fu that he rimy actually have induced blit face, and hisse,i out at the bowil- lilm to acknowledge this girl as Ids otered man -servant- daughter," "Good Heaven! Hold your tongue "' Daughter !•' echoed James. }tar a monleat Jolmfkwl obeyed. Then, Eleamor started up. file woundeol dignity rlol•Ig and resin- O. Elisabeth, you don't know I I senting Itself• he drew up Ilia still don't belleve Lindley-" *uldker-lite figure and stud- "Lindley :" cried J.nnus, still more "I beg your pardon, sir: It was far puzzled. Inxa m) hAVAtu)a w offsad..l thunk Lindley was the last member of the --I think a Joke, a p!eawantry, lite, famNy who haul seen James simee the might lie pard ne,I in such an oil departure of the latter from War- /rrvant of the family Ad 1 Alto." Ingham• nearly six yrurs before, he "t joke:" repeated James, -slowly, find the lawyer, Mr. Massey, having looking down curiously, And still with birth vomited the young inns in pri= a frown on ills faa>, at the deeply �• when he was awaiting Ills trial InJurd butler. So ,you have come out for tic• molnar of the .Irish fA psor- as a humorist ■ince 1 hate town Ifn ee, It w:w of the ntmoet imp r - away! Well, then, by Jove, 1 think tante, therefore, to F.Ils arms to know oznctly on what Lerma your style of fun U Admirably suited the two men einem! toward each W your surroundings ! You would other ; •for, tbough ohs appearane(e make a mute split Ids aide*, John• of JnmPa woulA eertnlnly alarm sou," And ho walkfnl at last to the Lindh• on the other hand, the drawwg poo tkwr, opened its and y• went in. sight of I,Indlry, if they had not Ek,arxr war lying. crumpled and did- parted on good ternim, might ala nn Reveled. on her rill!., feeling her own Jame*. The circumstances" of her pulse, and Assuring herself that !ter gopher 's return were s ill It Is ,re- uUter's violent* toward that pretty j unfortunate protege of Clharles' had leased, thea AH_wA4 safe, tet a few shortened her life. r daya or hours would MAke him Sir "Is that you. Lindley?" slip amle 1. James, and Itis generous easy going; feebly, ns soon am Site heart the dour nature, would make him almost as creak and caught sight of a► man's eamy_ to manage as her brother him. figure at the Other end of the room. self had beOd ; yet• on the other "No Aunt Eleanor," answered a hand, tilt• "vident atnte of depression voice which caused her to start up ho was In• his abropt.ehnages ofnh,tn- and shriek ria he made hix way• with- mer, a certain nervous way of per - out much alnerity, toward bar. ing around blur Into the Clark cor. He felt It to be quite A relief, niter nor; of Uw room, ptAnted to the sup - pit these crles ate! flights, when A p)sltnn that he might• After nil, cold firm hn.nd took its, and his matt have- only escaped from prison, In Elilitaeth, who had followed him which dime that fact would have quickly into the ro vn, saki, with n to be ronernled from Lindley, nn steely smile And to the same tone the unr.crupulous adventurer fright with which she wooild here greeted *nail out of the hnump, before Mi him After an absence of a coup!° of. Charles could be induced to destro days- r I i u; l>.: i him newly -made will ; then, thoagf "Olail to iter yon back, James. vmmmo� Jnmrs• bring a cnnrict, could not In it) the fire ; you must be cold." herit, aho And tier slater would He taTnvd and stook her hong white Pnfe. bend ytdt, gratefully In both tile, "Lindley Firl•ling, aunt ifenrlettn' Nis de,rlt-blue eyes, which were net- ,eon. You remember ham r' titer large nor brilliant, Pl ln(ngg with Y� Lro.aMw.bt. „ n resfx,nmivr ugi1R than mit biro fire Isis tone told nothing. Ile wan ens gentle and attractive At twee. Ing absently nt the fore, with Ilia el "Thant you, Aunt F,lltabeth," hr. boor out hh'kneeP and Ills ehln nn hl saki, baldly; and he drew her cold hands, gu!et, gloomy, and Bleep) fingers lhrcxigh Ills arm, and advanc- Morin His mommtnry cnrlosit, toot with her to the white hearth- g long un to which the poor llttln Inver_ about tilt, story she w•na telling hl Hol held silipped, burying hpr face In normond to have die,! away, fine! hV the sofa nn,l preparp.l for the end of ndlfferenre on Ruch A matter amntr, the world. her nntil It atlddenly or•rurrpd to lip "Oh, go Away! Irooveo forgive Sows, that thin atmtraction was the, nntn but don't toetrh me!•' Rhe monued ral rewilt of the enforced remerv.1 c piteously As the big nephew for prison lite. whoop ullt-laden Rout she had offer- Ff ice you Any ohjcctnn t,l reel est tap ga wtimddering prayer each him"" hnsnrokM Elizabeth, softly. n t qmf mornln for til* last five ' Objection to' rrpoented James, Witt, years stooped do n And put Ilia arm out looking Ap; "oh, to!" round her anti ralsrd her from the Eleanor moved nneasily; her diets floor leen bloodthirstily than she had quleted tier by ane cold look. experted. "We Mi st have a mom prepare, "Dani tan frightened• Aunt Flean- r- yon, Jaron*; i think the red roc tar•-i'm not A 91"t," I'd mmilriJ will ho the most comfortable. D1nnp her, Io a voice which• If rather Krafr, will he ready fn a few minutes, now _req gentle f and he tried to pia' sari I will ronnult Aira Pymen nlnn hoe In A ris►leg VAdtaad ,TI a'Pofa. y"itr :,rcommodation nt once.-Yor hoot shn dombled rip limply an *am, h•id is•ttpr Mme upatnin And pr ea lin wltbdnw hb arm and teak p•irr for (11nnet, Mannar. flak hent thdre her, rm ills nt• "Y,va, 1 will came directly, Flit. hip p" At euolhing her wire g at- bf°th•" aAd the Incnll,l, meekly, Isegin topffeetual until Elizntiooth't MAd volop ping to `sether op her shawl And boo, saying, "F:leenor, hots• leer M this and ampll at tier Poi Shp had n ng t plhibitkrn fining to last?" nete,l,like do. of what her d*ter ens gong e A charm upon her and rpdured It,ey da atilt rsson 1. to *env to Wath at ono" to Pnbmi"Php tr:trhgdiaty, cooehlitina a 1,InJ!p)'s Ix•half, If sh Tbees the younger I*dy turns l to «,nld llama* It. hal• p "111 W Rkp lino hall the adean• AD rlof hon telt .1w rtwm 61100.. tit orrr flip revt of h,,. lily ref horror �dtt,9 Lha servo nR nvrr' In(]y nt fl"ding hnrSf,lf rtgaln apt*- Itparxl the vole° while In sin I w:,ry• tote with this min wino had the gut rme Accuhtownrd 1,. new: thhr tea ilia of !deer.! mpon ills hwAJ. Coogaloring ccs befo slue ens broight Iles from kinship or Chrtstinn ehnrlt nto nrtnat coartnrt with him. Qnite Nein for ],Indlpy's Oaks, Phe ,pan s as much aptonlabe.I at Ills rrtmrn ns upon her rrateh-stlek to may, plercl pa glgtor or Johnson had been, Pits him with the round black eyes wile hnJ, uncoosdOuady to thele nein++, a weird of fixing attention- d r y t ter w _ s v m s m el- a- It Iv Pd ne , _ ____ , LAID 0�. power " James. It to our duty W forgive, -_ A C61rI661e !618961. to Ail atudeuts of _ evel, to seventy times seven. At we FORBIDDEN - forgh'e yew th, wrong you IcnvO lune. ifl* strarrge eelatd of a 13 year Uhl -••Rrge#eAr4ei.-,.- renr•ml,er it b000mus you W be ulerci- pn�`heon .r. nnnIt $100.00 each for the"* Himl11 of nt. A Strong' Man on His Beek (at , y ung Th+ yuuatg nark, wlmo hnel rlse•n to TO WOMAN ihrOugh K1dIIey Trouble. beatuw elrtat her the unweleum0 little �w left harm !s done upside down. while ole thing" 41.+00 ,vitt ulu utterhtknh of belphit her to pick Iwr- ", , It Can always be Stopped_ adf up for t journey up-atalro. 4 It V pretty generally acicuptvd Hutt A TorostoCostractor who was Never stoppo.l with her woollen shawl In fibs were It not for the softeamig IWILLeuce Without rale for Years, sold who harnfm, nod rltuddetetl. FMr and ,a•r, ,w.:u0raa trade the ,_.11v_w_king Woes which exerted by woman tour much -boasted bad Miry TImre to Quit Work- Dodd'. Kidney 1•Illesaade kiln W ell. J hid aunt moaut to b_ eu}reating hard didactic and. If ba had tern as mutleru civilization would fall to doer Toronto, Ont., April 25.-tl31ew1al.l-- and ; uutaxeot a& a cblid, Lie effect lire pieces. However, that woman out doemerve all the credit fur our pre - At No. Htl J,lppluaeutt street, to this W. J. Keane. air. well m:M,t nddreas hAJ upset h'm might well bate been tba tame. As It /est -day humanity Is showu by tin utty, resides IIIc. Keane V a ccwtractor, uud W nue of wild, Ilowevur, it tomwtd W hot that fact that there Is a cgmmualty where the beat known roes in Ile lyre of he felt tie sting of a heavily -laden women lever goo aad where tilt• mt•u tatsloesr In Torootu. .undi-1„nee; and. thouith ht fear And Are noted fur their kllulnear uud hue- Like many other rucoesdtul uteri, tremiding, sha was too orthodox hurt pttullty. on the coi"t of Macedonia Mr. Keene had suffered durlalp bla W rejoltxt in htvbig produced some there u a promontory, which, WCAU4e busy life a great deal from Kidney ,•(feet. Unhappily, It did trot Potter, there are no fewer than twenty anus- Disorders. For years rte suffered b -m. Ile solid, rathter Imlatlently- arteries scattered ulwlg the rocky great pain. lir was forted at tuuur " Wlll you have ibim shawl oil, Aunt recesses of the shore, it called the too quit his work altogether load gu Eleanor t" "Mo ntalo of the Monks." Here, alar to bed, Ile used Dodd r Kidney Pills And. just tea ane was submitting W from tote madding crowd, beyond the anst L well. This Is what be say' hate It wrapped very carefully round uaflueuoe of modern durruundlugs, ut About it : hw beat m"Idertio thn door erwiketl distracting poomp, uud hollow vaultlev "It gives mP reat plenaure to ,gain, find tb-,v Ill two voices anti theme ascetics dwell upart from their write In p•alme of l�1d's 61dney PWs. .hA footsteps of two per•soum. fellows. In this oummuuity there Is a anal the good they hate dote me 1 As sutra ase 111 sound of till roan's town• called Caryes, which Warr cou- am never wlthottt them. ro!co struck Jameti carr• lu sGtrud slderable resemblalice to the thrifty I have been a great sufferer with tad Ilk aunt saw Itis face change. village tot our own country. There ura pains Iu my lack, In the region of with wutld,•rful and unexpected cat- but !neer streets hued with little ►hope my kidneys. I was eery rick, uud At ,rota'• •110 hobbled acrusm the room and bazaars, filled with busy cub- thous could not attend to m,v work and mot lwr stater and Lindley ul- touters, coppersmiths, plying their at all. moat betbre they.h.ut advance) bo- trade, fruiterer+ offering their wares, • I rased Several medh•lnu, but imoth- yead the tltx,r, which Lindley closed All apparently moving Along much as lug I ever tried seemod to help me s they entered. we are. But titer,, Is never the swlch tat tine leotst, until a frieud of mile "Lindley, • site er(rwked, in a hoarse of A skirt, never a wuawta'6 face Is adttaeti me to try Dodd's Klda-y whipper. "do you know w•ho--" seen. There are no maidens, nu pills. I Immedlately found relief, Lind But Elizabeth dragged tier asHe be•- euo� larants, nu mi,cblevous little was able to resume ms work_ :oro tlhe could finish her afteech ; aIle raac,1 to annoy tile trullerer by •• I used altogether retell boxes be - had been careful not to give her cou- pilfering his tempting wares, no busy fore being completely cured. .Since els the beast hint that there was little mothers nuraing their dollies lu then 1 here never leen sick a day. n3one waiting to see hlm iu the front of the door. I have never had the ringhtewt Indica- dra,wlug-room but Eleanor. Acconiing to the superstitious be- tion of n return of tM• truulfe." "What Is It?" he asked, as he step- lir( It was the Virgin Mary herself It In hard to understand how any- petl forward quickly lnto'tlue nem. who forbade this spot to women. One one will contltlue to dulfer from Lime Tile next moment there were heard of the m onamiteriem contain/ a rays- . Back or any other symptom ut Kid- tw•o short cries in men's voiced, one tetiuus image which In very precious ue.y Trouble after w mane frank anti loud •end sharp nod hlnsing, the cry In the eyes of the members of the full statements by own well known X a horrible surprise, the other low, Creek Church. The legend runt that In all walks of life, that Dodd'+ Kid - deep, murderous. The frightened one day the Image or picturesof th' ney pills ►ave cured them yr eu raw the men A o roach each um 1 p fry n called til' the Empr Pi' IC! Dodtl's Kidney ]'Ilia alwa •a carr. ) other uletic; they cool) nut ere wily q T CIle[la Ar the sus Kolgg to her deo- R7le levy.+ (ail. Titeey ctttrool frail. Y the a ens a cit anal i Ise cer how. 'lateen r la "tfhat tb on • tlo 4s rat 7 R I r d h p o t 1 1 herr air dot 1 e an of tit a Ye y pr the lamp was flung down :old tine woman, here' depart from this that there It net ease or Kkiney Com - light went out, Another wound In church, for woman'* feet ■hall oto' plaint, Larne hack, Rheumattrm. J:tm^ie' voice, a short purwit, then more tread this tbor." The Fmpress I umtwgo, &,i&thm,. Goat, Neuralgia• *umtothing was overturned• will there obeyed the Injunction, though she had Bladder or Urinary Troubles, that wane silence. The Ia,how after a first greatly enriched and beautified the Dodtf's Kidney Pllir will rot' cure. scream of surprise from Eleanor, building. ITodd*a Kidney ring are the only stood quiet as death, staring with Biwa that day no woman or female medicine that ever cured BrlghUs D!s- strandng eyes into the gloom, at animal has Ilved on the promontory, 6066, Dh►b fes nrr Dro first Impenetrable, in which tlhe .les• chase was inking p!aee. For Only the birds of the air have broken the order, hat this Im unavoidable, Tbw.ande of Crnadinnne have trioti, 1pstifh•d. prate Elennor, who would hate ru!hed The good brethren. however• do their nrd protea, And Phrtrking to the do or, w:a held by utmost to see that the wish of their Disturbances on' the Sun. force by her sister. Until mbe had had heavenly patron is nut disregarded, Tilt, sun's surface tit known to be Limo for an Instagt'm thought to try an•1 when fowl is served on their webject to greatly increased di/tura to realize what this might menn, i:IIA- tables only the cockerel is permis- 0+µ6s ever) .!eters years, known ar sbeth dared not tnmmon witnesses; stbleA ^ the sunspot period. Aurornl displays i ut, yrs her eyes rbocimo at•custommevf anti disturbances of the earth's maK- W th, gloom. AnJ ahs saw that tau• NIAGARA TO THK S1•:A. netisst have a similar period, and the parbupr was the taller figure, whi(b No flner trip can be taken thin the pictures of the corona which have ha knew W lie th,it of liar nephew, water mate Clown the St. l awrencp, bees obtalnM alMw mnrkeJly charae- h9 cried- for beayea's sake, speak t Jt aisrin through the Bye of qutnte. 1 K the tert*tle varieties of form dependent air., upon the ruarpd Ierlhxl. tk, ,-nc is I It'hat tar It v" Thouufanct Island/ and running rapids of the St. Lawrence Siver to of the prlacipal efforts of scientists And, AB obi mored tow:anl til, ,;oar, Mo4trecil. The Hamilton -Moot real of late years has been to obtitin pie- fhv eau nrtwtel dry an ether eunnd. Litt, steamers leave Hamilton at 1 turrw or the ocrona with ns mooch in.l ihesaw'thi two fl'lurrt togeth:•r. p• m. amoJ Toronto nt 7 p. ni. Tuesdays detall ns possible• "iciggiing. Th -n tle•re came a low, w-olfith cit from a man's 11 II•r y and Tfhnrsdayr, After June 5th, tke boats will make three trips per week, To Break Up a Cold. Il. And the iigltrvw foal the additional twat on 4atunlay. `t'e All you require is a Ilttle /ugair, a +all, but tried to, the tried but trial to ut offer very low rates on this line for glad of hot water. thirty drop+ of Ilmbs and icon. fella.! her; aha tuulrl voio• r; !will single and return ticket+. Nercillne. Take It hot. In the morn- (y-.__K1ArI_,h with atr.:ingg ry.-a And lou,lly.robbtng breath. w,atchinig. wait- The Torento-l[ont"At oche-Ftt0Am- lag yon sell!-aea"upwithout a wid Ing. Ia another imstrint on,+ figure ere (cave Toronto At 3.30 p. m. Tues- Nervlllue hs good far otter things- m,P. the other anti taller after it. daS9, Thursda)s anti ltaturdaym from June lot to Jnne 13th, inclusive, Arcot such a/ toothache, neuralgia, rheufna. tiam. For pito@ Inside And pains out- with n spring James h34 thn older mnn again In his grip--cxtly for a front June 17th dnlly, except Sun- I aide Nervliine Is simply murtrlous, nmrrrtent: Lindley struzglr,l out of hie `lay• Simmer Toronto And the new Dregglsto sell It• cost. flung it over hl+ lrnroinvWn tarp oteamer Kingston will makr the ser - vlee on thin line. Ttlpy are the flnemt Trying Again. 611d exapecl. Thyro was a crash of illsii.ml��-1f boats in freak water. After Ipaviog A teacher, wlphing to Impress bis ainlULr. lea.T rtL 4�d to the winhbw. But h� h Toronto the firmt port is Roeheotee. chest wttb flee virtue sof - "trylnR "'.Vow, imself lily cat hem.elf ng►ind til+ tat Aingstorl, T/uousan.f !stands and the rapids of the St. Lawrence to Mont- agn)n," sal.]: suppose someone ware to Ro on, tiny after day. being ill R I ly : thh sea■ still fastened +evil. Between afomtrrnl, tlartoPr, Plaint and doing good, despite all aste the and itoone Codd illi +got half, umdo In It. He staggered Iia -k Murray Bay, Tacloulmr, and thea temptations awl hindrances, what with n cry cot retry. Then ttt Sagueena�T River• and it tea the finest tioult you call It lo' i'mwvrrnncp was direr creak 'rash n1t blindly In that ditty - I trip on the continent. The hontR on thls line cannot ter murp timed. T1hr the word wanted. A multitude of hand+ were thrust out. IMckinfi oar, tion kn the darkwoon, ha was greeted . Manor Rlchelleu Hotel At htnrray Bay the teacher potntt.l.4c) Its owner and by n dlacordant duet la th, vokcen of lir nunts. F.learmr did nothing I.ut and the Tadousac Hotel At Tadoodsc ; are the flneot suminer resorts in Can-' sald : "Well• what one word would ditowritic my meaning?" moot !lace ix pieced that the rtrnnge ada. Both of these hotels are owned "Monotonous," replied the enfant laugh which had frighteaed Iter was Lite creation of her Imagination, tout &ad opf,rated by this company. For terrible. . "-- that tho went of cigars in the fall, 1 filrther information ns to tickets, folders, etc., apply to H. Foster ('hat- _ -_-_ - ARF: YOU GOING W KST'l , alUHrigh font, wits Unmistakable. fee• Western Passenger Agent, Riche- If so, send a letter or postal card Uw balked eery softly. towar,l talc nen A Ontario Navigation" Celoo No, 'd to the undersigned, answering the Inner half, with her eyes nfed fear. King street pant, Toronto, Out. following questioos: fully upon tho library door ; the Where are you going f moment tier self-possession returned Harvesting (hum In :Make. W1ttn are you going? site war Madly anximis to get upstwira Oi tit, 1 ,,000 pounds of spruce gum Wltere du yoA otart from i n the west w1, oto o learn,n that Jamas ens sli Hors to Inwd either anmunily harvested to Maine, 1',000 How many are In your party! o 'Boni J„Ila+on or �Irs. Syfued-sac ur poumdw or more nit° gathere(] In the I month of \tare". Thr gam picker WI11 you lute yon+ hOusehoW goxxls i other ,-f whom wow aur. to be Alban -who the stnlager in the study was Wears /test climbing spni•s on his ]4pecial low rate "Purrs' tickets ams who was with him. boots, And 1n his belt hp carries a : on snip during March nod April to But x110 was watkrfie l un the Llt. ligbt hatchet• while strapped to his , waist U a !mag with A wide mouth , points In Manitoba, British Colum. bia, Oregon, Callrurnia and all West. ier paint sooaar dean ase wishpd, for Rho ltaI not reached the entrance, to for thea reception of the gum. Cllmtr etc States. Fall particulars from H, rho inner hall iyhen rite dour or the tag Lb° tree• the picker proceeds from limb to limb, clippinK off the lumps H. Bennett• General Agent, Chicago ! Northwestern Railway. 2 King library opened, anti two gi•ntlempn of gum as het fin IN them, until he street .amt• Toronto, Oat. enure out. The first was tall and fair; ho had n hon biome, cold ince, a Lung, reaches the top. Mast of the gtlm Is s rap t In the w o bag as It � --- -- Realized HI/ Ows MsAneaS. light, In- and ens rather falls from the tr� Isle all that � ' Now yon are tired of mp and abuse Be inn i her hneband, b:lld. him gig tG the groaaJ Ptands out to � mit," eoblltd tfie vuiing site whose topped Rot ttho fftopptf,d her ns she rrderoMf•d her `oping such relief npt,n the snow that it ie hu..Mnhl refrupd tit hire ara,thrr mail' speed• to psrnpe to wnrn and ■Ice James. nn hrett hie pally picked rip. Having picked nil to take care (,r her poet oog.l. "Yet' "ant ra iniJ final call. "f- aldlne:" het a site• the gum on the trpe, the picker hacks Phe continarl, two years afir tairu hod got half -any up fro edfel she And warm the tinrk, so that the tree may Pralnce nn !her crop. yon wfort Jnvt ernzy to m•Irry rap.' "Yea •' ei the ld oral hon t(] ills step behind her, 0041 telt U's A, "mr told lar SU n1 "mv trip hind Inld peremptorily upon tier A BkAl1TIM'Uf. TULIIltIS. this ti p, idn'tds rhes limp, batt l: eHoln't rpnllze It nntl shollder. It ens rho hnnlest Ihnfi she h1d ever had tel do yet to tarn Ono of the mast timely and Inter- after we were mnrrie-l."-Kansa+ rind look, with an affectation of err- acting of recent pthlicationm is the City RtAn 1 prise end n smiling welcome, into the book Junt put of anIA bot• the World YnblfRhing Co-. of Gtuelftlh, lontltl"t1I Mivard's Liniment Cures Colds, eta dirk fore of this mzn, whose eery Zouch on her nem ssfpmed to hraml "Qnren Victoria.' It to n vompr,e- henSlTe story of the nablf, life 0041 A Great /3wme. her like hot Iron. whoiepe red lips were gnlvering, and -bis brown eyes gleAm- glorlons reign of our late lamented A n mngnxnr has thio tit "It'i Ing with pnslona grown menacing In Q , lacinding a condensed history Piny regarding tin gam^ of golf : regar n a great game, but shiver my nibllrti their flerrenetw. Her t oak nepcte,l nn 'effort so supreme th it she did It well, of Cirent Britaln. The work Is writ- tlMt by John Coultor, the rminent If I think It come@ tip to tiddlpdy I "with thongh not well enough to eoncinco Lotpdon hlgtori•in, and John A. Cow can of far" It Is pluyrd n rt hro forms. a river or p0, lw0 or tI1nN a Jealons huebnnd of tier slncerlt „ I'11!iip! Yon 1 ran scarcely Ie IpvP thoedltar of tho Cnnailan Magas nit,; ami they hnvn spared nn pffott Leif shawl hills, a number of Implolaante .l It. Why didn't yon telegraph. end I stake it complete awl accurate. The i retcmbling dentlste' toolm, n strange language mnrh like nnI would hsvp come to m^pt you?" finok oontalns over 700 poges, And to i argehx,stari clothe*. 0041 n large, oseortmen "ThAnk yon," he repr1led, twkinR nn and npprRprlalel'y cv( oaths," notice of the. check Vip LPPI out ,n ,Anti i trnte•d: Lilo Irttpr prpRc Is I,TroAd, and 'trate -. til ^� lz1mm, •tsi•Ahs_Im.• tJw •akhaslas'..4"-hex, the bf,dMtr le is keapiag with the (latever welcome. "i dldn't went to rob my- general excellence of the Tolume. It self of the sight of the pie, sure you is A, work which should find A place A Class City. nlwnys @)low when you see me unex- in every triotic Canadian's library. iaa t la said to tan Avho fiectedly " But till young wife was too mnrh Cement Hone@. cit i cl nexo , I of tho etea asp title* In the works, 1 not the Thr Rtrght, nit excltp.l by thi return of hx tro here Hollow blnPt@ of rrmen0 In@treat of ly cloost. thoroug111y dranMt +eery night, nn to M f,asily snnbha l• s Haw tang hlvo yew hpnr hrtro. Iyrteks nee being used for building nnyfene throwing refineeP (,r waatlo mn 1 ah+ fiskosl, turning to Rvo down, end purp,@eP to 11enmark. Thr blocks writ tesrinl of any wort on tin stunts I r IPndinR h'm with h*r. !!619+0'9 you mauto 13 by IA or 9 by 13: according t) the rharartpr of the wall. A nrrarted and fined. All the kitchen In oho lorgAr r•esidemres nre on th bot nn•; lomrb,ottT You must b- t @t sing!" -:arse! shy kneeled iota tin mlxtnrp of Pand anti slowt setting top floor, AnA nil the clothes or dlning►rvrlm, wh4h was 0(rp�slte the rpmrpt Is rammed In dry moulds In I rte nsnal way. After about six wept*' 4r wA on the root. --- stalm-ax.-, rind rpng Lha dell. " I nm nA2 hunirry. thank yon : I hardening the 'tilocka are strong Mtnard's Liniment Cares DI*tet♦pel - lerrekfasirvti late: It vcwt will not mind hnvinor dinner a Ilttle earller, t will I +enough for most building purposes. !t U Nnlmal that benne bull with Only for i•abltratlon. r snit till thin. i MtrP becxigtit n friend tiles* blocko see fit for oce•upation fmmetillately after completion, and WhOn the hills ins oar Jnughtor' with me, and Iwnnt too intrrnln T• kiln, l that the Inside of the walla rpgnirp tretass"n bogan to nrrivRwe talrl, ifs yon; ihtyn Iiad teo IPave h ni nt ih• I!brnry floor white i came to nalthpr :!caning nor pxpparatlofp RASP -1 But our ho darling, whom a r frotrh yen, me yon enfortnnntely d!d blit l* ready for papering or paint- seer@ exon to Inge, brim r. Haft boar mit call ,ac*t." raid (;n ,tf►tn t 1 Ing at once. "f3tnpid crld pnpn !" @hr twltt@rat, a *he twitio Morrison, very coldly, watt•h!ng her ewestly no a hind. "Theae,are fo ftv,tn til- h'nor sit lime mom with the Kinard's Liniment our" Diphtheria, exhibition to the amrlety reporters same lbmntenbyr expnvwlol. Sha. foAnwerd h',m oMtiiently Into the Why Called the Budget. Theor" In n 90 per rent. dimeonnt." Now wet f*h vnetty•relM.Te(].-Cis omt.Pr hall, where t.h^ Ptrnngor WA* Probably not one prr clout, of the, ninnatf Comtetwetal Whose. wnithyr. Her first hi*ty filnoce of Brltlah taxppaaypro who Are just now _ th'm, ns *he trled to .wipe, hail to!(] nnxiocnly dlsr•assing the posslblllty of ('+ttarrhotonp Cn17s Catarrh. hoor northing: last now that dee met 1Rr Michael RIckP-Bench's forthcom- " Irhm fncw t0 taco, abs rpeclgltizetl, ise " Ing 1@wlget are aware of the origin faro her brstrand spoke ntrnln, tin I of the term. Alrrrtst from time Im- BeeB ns tVewther rropbeh. w fare sh-o lawl seen at til, irindow cot memorial It who the rnst"in in F,ng- Rfvs aro known to Iso pteolldn A th, carrtag,v &silt tin)re Into has and land to pat the emtimatoo of receipts weather prophrta Tbesro In a mmmo • Jam(w ort til• n gilt of her anlydlan'a I and explonditurps presented to 1'ar country Paying that "a boa wA d.oll.. And again. In lh, mblat of the ilasmeiit In a (loather ball, this wrord nearer eanght In a shower." Whr terror w'i'th gr^w tenfold dronirer budget loving thus borrowrA from this rain Is rosin brav do not go fm o rntt tot 11 t ern n il h tut h it T„s>n a R' o t oi l Korman word lint est w d h g d. 1 o afield, Milt bast wboat cbPa to the! fancy that thn kr""r tha face welt signifies A Father purse. CurLwelT hlvsef o-currel to b•r as it hold (lone tion. tuoagh, the ward has passed boot (To be rAmtnaed.) giple Into France froth Great Britain. Cotar►hosone Cltree Catarrh. __ _ _ _____- , _ ____ , AN AMBIDEXTROUS BOY. ISSUE NO 11 1901. ------ --- - ---- -_ A C61rI661e !618961. to Ail atudeuts of _ loyskolegy. 1•r(n4 F.d„ Prd 11' Pltteburg V pualing Itrelt neer �� O� ifl* strarrge eelatd of a 13 year Uhl -••Rrge#eAr4ei.-,.- buy, Harry (N)unor. Tlw boy is oat pn�`heon .r. nnnIt $100.00 each for the"* Himl11 of nt. hklextrous, writing uud drawing is, b n0 calm, the dreadful y equally well with either laud. !tut eau, at.JAoqud•,QnP.Ct)rr •l,e� all titat he writer or draw+ with Iter disease it is thought to be - left harm !s done upside down. while ole thing" 41.+00 ,vitt ulu in the beginning. ram+ right hued ure right sldn up, '1'110 strangest phare of Ilia care Ir that It Can always be Stopped_ Is' ,hoe, Ant apprrvr.ta ur cannot H the in the beginning. The trouble ehrtluguldlt tie difference. work ur Ids right hand kr turned Iread is : •ou don't know oli'l'l' ) y got upshk' down, he coullut tnak0 or tau of It, and If use work or Ila it ; you don't believe it ; left hand W turned rigint rids up Il It he h.,- }'ou w011't beliefC lt- till be•comi•r llleglbie to him. you are glue a drawing ur A letter with ltaud and atteopto to finish It forced to. Then it is danger• opt, with the other. the rtwull to a Ilope- OUs. Iwr tangle, as one part will he the DAROAINR IN BELTiNO AND Hag O Garda" Bonds at so per toot. N•gmlth,W absolute reverse of the other. Don't be afraid; but attend In all utIter rempeetr the buy is normal. He in bright, healthy, to it quick- you can do it )-our- at[p•ung and well, gook natured and active, without ally of ole &Igor situ- self and at home. ely aserlbed to •-degenerates." lie in h1e Take Scott's Emulsion is onn of tlhe best learners charm And otto of ole brlghtRnt child Of Cod Liver Oii, and live rcM In like neighborhood where ba care- lives. fully every way, - \UN, tile' curious features of Lite came are not yet told. Nothing was . This is sound doctrine, known of the boy's abnormAllty uo- tll its went to sehool, and then not whatever you may think or until they sought to teach Ihlm to a be told • and if heeded, will write. He wrote Irrrtlactively with r lit@ left hand. Ile learned to row save life. the characters perfectly, bolt, to evfryone'a Amazement, 1110 llpg frl1,%u h vs!t of tri DIt tali sea that or his parents. lir formad the Surprise yJu. characters upalAle down, writing scoT� 4 J}OWNS. Chemists. urontu. from right to left of the paper ilk- 1.1 RUC. and t "r; ell aro&mleb. stead of from left to right, as usual, and from lite bottom toward ----------------___ the• top of the paper when tlhe cluir Thresd In the Bible. actors covered +more than n line. It war nut w1tlHout such trouble pile first IDanttun u( threat imculS that Harry wad taught to write at In the, passage where Abraham rid to that King or Fiodom that he wuuw tilt with Ilia right hand. In fact• At not takf, from him *o muclh nn 0 11 t ape• ext Im >< ePlble k r 1 m fleet 1 m to master the task. But he did arm a three.! tun MloIt wither. What ke Made soy that war ho who hid ccmpllsh It nt length with much ef• h tondo him rtio There where V fort, and In doin so develo the g !61.41 VILrip Ppeelal mloetbm of n rourlrt thread, other wonder of his singular gilts, as w•lien the eller of Twmar'r twig •lie wrote riKht side up with th'►t wasdistingul@)hed by n Prarlet thread hand. bound on his hand, awl whet, the STATS Or O"to, ('n • or Totznn, LcrAft COi'Pft-, r't rules toil RAhab to put it litre ,,f Pear- let thread,ln the window• from which FRAYR J. CARNST Milken hath l t he it Ma• mile n/aibttd than to erexpp ; aad for partner of tilt, Arun of F, J. Cummer t Cu, doing budner in the Cit of Toledo, County and State wforeaald and that ertid Arm will par again. whwu this rapt urouR writrr of tin CnatlNes taco tlhe 11 a or Ai. p the sum of ONE ItuliliRICD Ia01.LA1tS fur love are like a thread of ar•aNrt. Os ewrh aid evvq owe of CATARRH that call- two orc'asion. the easy breaking ,d not be cured by lite uw of HAL.'s CATARgqn FRANK J. ('HINKI'. Mon it Is likened to the breaking of a Cv Ra. oworh to be•forr me awl rutowribed in mll presewce, thim&h day of ilmember. A.D., 11itl6. thr.rld. _ .�`t A. w, GLEASON. Luelill He Isn't. y. { axAa / Notary Public. Mrs. �rllretttnn-its tlint young lots � Halls ('atArrh Care is taken i,lternallr. and that Ethel Wingate Ir engaged to Acta directly nil the blood Led muehes nurfmora *mil rt ! of the system. Send for lestintonuls trod. to Mrs. Lexington -Well, if hp were as V J. cH IC%'Zy a ('u..:tvWdo, Sold b7 geate, 76c. BwM'a +'anal Pill. aro the Mrt. bright as m he thlnkr he in P%er) hod} nruun(] here would bore to seen+ Mc• y gIaswrh.-fjusmrvlile Journal When Were lin !torn:' __ _ . ___ _'�"- . ilere Is nn old astrolt'Kical prodlc- llon said to indicate with tolorratrt.?• certainty tie character of the girl ir' �' arcording to the nionth of Iwr Mirth : �i • •7 If a girl tit bw-n In .January sh.. - IPA will be a prudent h-twewife, given was 'j�. to rwelanehohy, taut good tempered. - .,r• 1f in Febrmry, a hmm�nw and of _ � 61 fectiommote wife sell tender mother. "' �C -• -1t --la M,LrcL.- box, notnewhnt given to quarreling /. M`' ilei It in April, Ineo.nairtant, not Intel• eh-' li. v I Hgenl. but Imply to tie, goodJho oking. yr �'- It l9 Slay, hand*ome and likely to - '� /'- If inp.June, Imp•ter,tls, will marry' "MtkingFtaetTinse" early And taw frivolou.. If In .July, pnamnbly han,laome. but w•ee-M.:,nz., set re..,It I., • :.-• en uspte... cit S ,t ...k u,e ^ Yip I., with a sulky temper -. -_ sow ,.,...sr ewa wive ..d w t....w - It In August. amlaMr, And prnrtl- p<..ur.tsa:nydwaeed. lied.,,.,m. _.u.✓• ee,ll Neem.-ot'hdne.er Pilus '.nwerle. cable, likely to nwtrry rich It In September. discreet• nrrabie year. Ae,ter I,t„k moo ,,. NH r •e.e 1., rwkm we av, to.d.fun.re t... ou.,..,,e and much liked. liar. High ,■ awray ss,:'u. 1. re.r. tt in Ortobrr. pretty and rogurt ttah and likely to M unhappy. The PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. iLld.. }t In November, IVB -rill, kind, of n . mild dusprodtion. WaL1(g1lyltit, Osr If In Dreelnlser. well proportioned. fond ref novelty and rytravanant. - - - - - Catarrh Assurance. "There Is ria remedy equal to Ca- tarrh.nowe• for Catarrh and C'oldo." R-. J. Ihspnit, Xorri"burr-t.. "Catarrhosone fur hrouchitis and Catarrh of the Head and Throat has given me n perfect cure." ails@ Dins- more, Nchub•9acadle, N. R. "Cntarrhosone "As worked mnrtrlP In curing my litter girl of Catarrh." Men. I..trenw) Orchard, Toronto. "it has d.ono snore goal for me in one week than othor remeduew did In ,year[." F.. P. Taylor. 'smith's Falls, Ont. t Catarrhasone filonO can permnn- rutly euro Catarrh; It will pay yyu to give It a trial. Complete outfit, $1.00. Small sise, 25C; at druggists nit by mall. •A trial aunt for 10e, by \N C. Polson t Co., Kingleton, Canada, or Hartford, Conn., U. t•. Her Version of it. A yo@try, girl Irl n rlamm preparing file admla@len Into the church wam asked by the pantor how sh.e ought lip Obey the fifth commnllolment, t„ honor her father rind mother. tlhe nnhwered promptly : " 1 ,-light to take them ant for walkm on Sunday, ami I (,light rl(,t to Mt them nee how- muni! more Iknow than lhry do." Sloe re- pressed an opinb,n profitably quite current among young people con • cerning the preponderance of knowl. edge In the rising generutloa.-t'on- gregatlonalipt. DROPSY Trotted Free. w e bey. in". d may i nd is fl�' rnmplleatloa. upreleltr tar twrnry years. 04ulck fells. cures wam r ". Apoek it... j raar111e.nA1J aad {t] aVR tro"meat ►ass DR. H. H.GRIFN'SrOle, Dox O ATLAxiA,Ita, C10i113 VM Sent on Trw At whole.alepr,a 1f not .att.h, t. money r.fual -„a� toawrrn t..d Wrr reeler rad ds eeltrr wnrk tW an) n, her saeklss as the m,rk.t A mwrblhe for agents to I.Asd;e IRs y made Thoaaeode In lone. Yor less asd price@ address STANDARD &CPPLle Co.. HaaJlt*a, O.t JACK FROST tit CO. Its. n, eRr, t on the Frost t cn� Thr rni:el ap ring allow• fm contrat9lon and est rl""' with the hoary. bard uprtght, awl F'p,; rdmv has no sal. A�trat.-weunl. THHE FIRS t� IRF: V F" V,. ('toWo-Ilsnd.Ont 1.3 work oin 1 hely at I Ie-- Ja+. laBd tmeher. Newton IWbinaou. U„t. OLD STAMPS WANTED. To Care r Cold In One Dal/ i,cok ,,,, s hr Pld le.- ta" lbefil" Irett."04 Take Laxative Br6nno Quinine Tablets. At druesisu rdard the rnoiier if tit Rills W crow ?f,_Yr W, Groves tllgnatan le on each box. me the ,tam"• dsi � CAaiz PAID �w them. �� A>TF.l. t'wondw New Hrnm- F week. lava Nrora. A /:ratio D1Aposltlon• 1•r(n4 F.d„ Prd 11' "It is a lit tie annn)ing to have 1,- lend. nr:u.n Colo hie. c,,•. gat up ia1ka.mitblla.ut-the njglttaail. -••Rrge#eAr4ei.-,.- look for burglars," dei+l Mr. Meekton ; "but Henrietta scene to enjoy hav- pn�`heon .r. nnnIt $100.00 each for the"* Himl11 of nt. lag me do Iso." What wonld yon (]o If yon really LSO ft SALT. -01,11 AND RAi:I (onM1 wdinneomaformic. Appll'enre,el 0"M found a buglar V' ' Well, I'm err kln,l henrtrd that I'm eau, at.JAoqud•,QnP.Ct)rr •l,e� Afraid I wont(] tun too lenient. i think Hiv lfAQoONIR EXTENSION LApf+tR mP6s T I'd open the door And tell film that if he didn't t mut oletl Henrletin �' g y - lightens. atro,yye*tnod handle't the eelebratwd "Undonw•oal erten len ,ice Olnf' w•Ou Hi a,mw down And dttrnd to hU, ladder• beat out fm fruit picking. plamhinR rants general 0616:., err farmer nit enc• came."-Warthingtcn Star. one;slao {rintrr� trentIm pnesa tsn,rda Irre. Add"lila etc. IMtlgt italta rstaingne Inn Cat"Thow" runs Catarrh. Wag*onw LadderCe..hlmttrd, rhe fiord AiaA'g .!eke. L�OR SALE -FRUIT }ARtt. 1� TRt i famous Niagara dWetriet "the rrarh telt Of(:anada.'Net" rx errhanse, for prerinctlo Two gentlrturn of Ills) cloth erre standing on n rornf,r yPwterJny. town er city property, Glve fall dt, •11 vlJogi Ky for exchanie. and .nrr -batt°• d Evidently thpy were talking nlaont year axe want eatalogttsfreeon&PptImlion. Ne Cwtbarines, but I cold the extra Dery Tres to tea held dur- t Needed, tsekera, nG I4R tlw+ week ,-f pen) rr. I antirlpatel n grent awakening In DAROAINR IN BELTiNO AND Hag O Garda" Bonds at so per toot. N•gmlth,W my church," Paid this first spenkpr. York strut, 7broato. My ple nP,Pr gn to slurp," Paid the other. WANTED-AGINr8TOSILL.,AHut•is- twmilr• � e "Ah, tttar* mmPo my say, rspllecl hold Weil+!. nvd In ovary wgentn ran make from st to k per dit� rn6 w "std gnic tt" tied, 0041 Ulpy parted roepsny. -Aibasy Journal, - 'tic fer sampka wifth she,. rnM the haneetg of the Ana Iatrwturtke d W R oilbert, it -a air rPOO& _ __ _ Kletrd'/ Lifilmest Caren Garnet In LMa serf lrld. Lo olan,Onf_ _��� float cow& , R` iT FARN FOR AALK G\Ir 11F neat In the NlwwLLwra P"I.,t-o aft Th@ ('nal rash. - Winona, to miles hem I ftlaelle" ,n frn,t ways. 1� arms! In all M of o in Ito V rNd Ino Bome wAmpn nloTCr (Intl out haw W d fe "lit ry �Moly 11eM'hM. III M MIA dlvfded IAtn tet' of 16 to f" errs In AAAra* henvat IvIt is to tilt In a quiet mr- J�hae f ��e1Y'�'0. boll 4ts wlM sea seer rind read a irrxsl lor"A until they Gmarle. - - have aIperlon,#41 file hollowness elf -----� Myp __ �' teff tights and the. sham of hen, par- t l!t hl Win w's llewlhta` 6th i011tdtM for CM V"M T a Ing- a� ,aIM fw�gVt.B�kfNii .. tl•0 gout n iT*Mtt gad p W rsmeiy roe [iatsrrhosoge ('it»e catarrh, Des &nlsa BRITAIN'S The South A far Cos TAXES THA A OradWA-ed Scale of Sug+ Exempt-Exleort Dul •}'once In the Pound - of Commas— -The Tran niti1-AIN'F3 VINANCIA1.I'll rest Year. R.tloutted teveuuu......... gitl8 •Total recernuo... ... ... ... tlJ taixrndlturn... ...... ... ... UI War expenditure... a_ Ileficit... ... ... ... ... _0 Current Vedr. l:stitlated exiletuUtwet. sus 1:,,ttmutod revenue .: . 71 I:stlutated deficit... ... ... __h \ew •raxatiuu. Income tax Increase ..:.. $1 tugar........................ 1:apwArt Italy ovl Coal.. ... 1 'Coln!... '; ... ... ... ... ... =S lacxemo Tai --An lncrdci Ad c Is lmptosed, making a total r5agar. HOIAN" find U , luty of 4s lid pet cwt. halo .t psound) is Imptln°d un n,f 1 a tt'est ludal dna lnU -rte. g ti a isle Gilt w r iia w t g saga poi Icty at duty gradually diminl rsrding to tvtch degree of true• to a m/nimun of two sit A polnrisatitut of TO. A =n loocr cwt. 1s ImPu:•ed ten t duty of )V fid p"r cwt. b .,n g11100W. Uual- iu export duty of j is impeded. spirltr nail Tohooro-No ( lfeer, \Titre an.l Tea --No t London cable report- St It cka-Beach, Chancellor of • uv,luer, delivered his r ,,w'tktod bndgct speech to t ,f commt,aa this afterno( , hanged In the tariff ore tl o l nrr designed to react .rnr expewilturs. 'tlhe chancellor rose nt 1 rnl•lwt rounds of cheers, n unenoed his statement. H, m.•otence was not pnoWains the Inst floe years,' 8111,1 till for, '•wu ItaTe beep Invariab o,onKratuInto the House on t nerense In the prosperit, country, bit tho year 19110. the last mix months, @boll totals of a change. Our fore elnring the year consider creasod. but In value rathil volumn." This kind been r rived grow the high price , a, r c f,s, non , ally toast have, Injured imp Jastrl^t, especially rallwayt Hcteaue Exceeded Elt Nevertheless, lite reveal' iutrt year hail shown no @il crease, nn 1 tin Exchequpi __adnwel a earplult y1_ U -b8" the ewtlmates. He ens bout however, that the excess due to forestalment on du tiele.r, But for this hl@ would have beep barely real crould Ix, Bald fur nod agalnr meet, but it was an utimlt10 loans, to financial statlatic torewtalmelits of 1899-IIXX ,.1 to t8,1.'f30.000, which pr lougevl to the revenue of dear. The forestalment of c,tnr wtmpwhat vxcepoled ill "fir. He would any that 11 inn pow -r bf the t-ple • tall itad, but tl*re was no ma deuce of tote extirlootdn of t tmyon 1 what waw fairly ill to tncreese of population. some Decresae of Itt� fair Michael illcks-B^welt ceaded to review the vari,to reverie•, mentboninq'tbnt t from lover wan L4 0a:0.0lJ0 i ll@ estimate. '• R9ult deer Ills Chanorlirw ,-f the F xc pmhnbly attrtbl'toble to that very many beer drink w@rill Africa, anti also cream° in the Ppen/1inK In, tPeople, owlnc to thin 1199 „tial. Experlrnrn ham allow hap practically reached t lite pprroofitable tnlaltolt of I rwoekpts from the death d E1,;,00,000 below those ,- viols year, twit hr. hart b• laticwu for next year.'rllt titml mt the wnr nuts thn bmwinesR ori the stock wpro respioneible for the \ towy )ipld from Rtnmp". ilmt the virld fn,m til - \w:,s E1.1b0,000 move till the Chancellor of the Fit marked that Irl twelve Imeomo on which tnxntion In1J heron Inerenmed by nt EIL0000,000, it fart llu,' the flacon would rememtm reached a Inter part of The tally other prints of i which he needed to touch the rxiorptlexlni reeripls o mint, tea silver erlimWes lrlrgrnpill _Hilts, whl,•h ,cry nnfavornb1% witli tl titre. i,a,t 11 eni's I10H T►r total rre*ipts niiw,hl, 1545000, and the rxp• tlks,592,011Q of which w«R fir the wnr In South E1,11M.000 for Chinn. V1..11,207,000, showed thnl 015,413,000 nit of the lip trot f,1 the war. rhttwwnt pxovwd sry the yonr agRregnted the en, o•t LIM, 460;;0. " As to (]pht." Bald the Cliane-lion uhpgnr•r, "it Ptntsler In pnit with last year. Bet t hp hart decreased by E1,4' April lot the natlomwl dr t'Ali7,5o0,Of10, nn Inarrnsr 1180. rut account of the Tb Meet 16.tlmatrd Turning to thn preoer "linnrellor of the Excl ,list the total astimrt Curs was 111rf,1100AW. lating basis It wee Pot' Ilio revmwn would he ,I I,vt,ing a deficit od nix, (11x1. "Itow I* thlm drflelt caked Fye hflohnel. "f will never be rompoi rAtnl policy of paying til of the war out of the V putting a rioaPo nabin an taxpayers of the dAy. ' ficnity, hotwever, In not past of thn war In Ron the optrationse In Chinn, Inerwtas nor ordinary ev MI a R' tt t. A sea f ,tan n wft.hln threat tea frowr R Statement cawed cheer