The Signal, 1901-4-18, Page 64 Tenet ttr, £pril 19, 1901 THE SIGIOAL : GODERIOR ONTARIO 1 Do You Know... That the " New UeuLury Brand " of clothing hsa a different appearance to that of other makes, there is such a stylish appearance to it th.t makes it look eo much like the or 'crud work, and being a practical tailor myself i see to it that every garment l$ made to tit properly, is preored mutely mud given such au apjtearaice that it is difficult to set vin; deference be- tween one'' at d the ordered d work. NOW ABOUT TME PRICE. These are days when pt upie like to get things ie cheap a+ they can, or rith, r g th,I test value they cau for their money. In the class of clothing 1 handle there is cheapness and value tonitnnod, the phase run 5, 8, 10, 12, 13 and ID dollars. I an ytlu to come and inspect them ; if they are not the best value you have ever seen don't boy them. *.a.. OUR SPRING HATS have no equal iu town. If you kuew how tunny bats were sold Inst Satur- day, you would think there must be something in our cleiin. Who would say that there were any better hats male than CHRISTY'S I In stiff hats the prevailing shades are black and terra ; in fedoras, pearl, drab, slate and ultra slate. 1 have also just received the nobbieet het worn in New York today. W. C. Pridham, Sole agent for Christy's Hats. Furnisher and Clothier. 1,,ght I/ PUBLmHmp ern? THURSDAY MORNING fat s. ReSCIAININIPAY UODIIRICR, THURSDAY. APRIL Iii, 1911 MATTERS OF MOMENT. QttetetlOtke of the Day Die - oueeed. • New Era In Railway BslldLsg-The Gov ernatant's Bargain With the Ganitea Us North shore Co. -Mr. Whit ser •pprevee. J • loaorro, Aprtl S, 1901. to Its railway polloy the Roe. Govern- ment bas shown tte.lf thoroughly abreast of the eImo- It has aiw•ye been quick to anticipate public eentlmest and alert to implement It when that sentiment was healthy. Perhaps no executive oody bis kept soot • o•ntnl gauge of public opinion, or has steered so wise a course among many Mating element In this stage of our elopment, Ontario needs railways, ted itsfl itiplt•t to Budd them- _WWI. out dladsuragtsR capital, the,KusaGovern• moot has yet kept In mud the foo: that reit- wove are public utilities and ought someday to be the property of the people 1f they so cheese 01 course the y question In Oa• tario is not snob a 1 intbjwb se It le at Ottawa. Th. Dominion- Government is twisting the eebleot bravely, Out they have • lsg.oy of mistakes from the Conservative regime which oompllo•te the problem to *ems extent. 1n Ontario the subject is oomp•r•tively free from these embitrew- teena, and the Roes Government stktt4 with • pretty ole•r field. At wawa, they are not prepared to eke the publlo owner- ship of r•llw•ye into Immediate favor, el- though l.though they seem to 1e swinging round gradually to that llreotion. At Toronto, Premier Roes is more soterprising He hu only Ontario to consider, and u tar os On- tario is 0000.ned he has discerned • grow - lag *sotiment for public ownership and • pretty deep•se•ted one for Government o00 - Ing of railways. This Is only natural In the bonnet l'rovlooe of the i)ominion, the Provisos which Is 1n the van both In wealth and ineelllgenos. During this session the Rees Government has indicated in two rose. Its oepsolty to represent • pr Iva people, Tee question e1 Government own ereblp will be Investigated, and 11 the In. veettg•tlon is fa.or.ble the Teinise.amIng Railway will likely be • Government in e ►Itotloo to oonstrnotlon, and perhaps in opentlts. The advisability of Government oentrol is fully recognized In the I..esr rail. way bargain made by the Govenment— ehaI is the bargain with the Manitoulin and NQ1k Shore Railway. TWa bargain acknowledges the ferns of Ouse thin,* whloh hive had muob discus den In the press end on public pl.tinrmo— eb. likelihood of public ownership In the future, Government oontrol of rates to the meantime, sod, In oast of purohaie, • prloe to the Government 01 onat and lotereet minus the Provincial subsidy and one bell of any Dominion .ubsidy. The bargain not only reoognirw those prinotplss, but it conifers practical ad ysotegse which are 'iortb enumerating. In the Brit place, It did not Doer a oent In Dash, and the lands whlob have been grant ed will be greatly benefitted. Toe land great le large, lint muah of it will never support a population. The :and le •rr.ng ed 1a alternate Government and rallies, township blooks. The township block Ides Deems to pet over oertalo dlfHoultiss about MzstIon whlob oempllo•te the C. P. R situation In /a snitch' end the North•Wsst 1 t^T� 'IMPAIRING ...IVRRY t't-e ha'n 501.1 For Four Years McBurney'Beattie wheels in Goderich : we have not hal one dissatisfied cu.tomer None have changed their mount for any other wheel The first year we sold 14, last year over 60, this year we aim at the century mark. Will yours he one of them. Don't buy • i-heep whorl and come here in a few week* and sok us to take it, bat 0011e here and get a MnBurney Beattie on the stat an.l you are sure to be satisfied Prices $40 and SM. EMERSON'S Moyet• and Music HOUMA 'i'errtlortea It win she eaosenge settle• meol and lbs establishment of municipal institutions. The alternate township blocks mean also that the oou0try all •looe the line of railroad will be squally develop- ed, and not some pareicalariy favored s.c- 11sn. The railway will run through new territory where settlement can be most easily established From Sudbury west to Mlohlploot.n there is • territory 175 miles wide at the waitern end, narrowing to about 40 mile. at the esteem end, all the now unsettled wilderness. An extent of oouotry as large as from Toronto to King• stem, reaching book forty miles. will be opened up for settlement. Put a tbousind settlers a year In this oountry—aa the com- pany intends to do—give them a rellros 1 to Darty goods to and from market, and the matter of populating the new district seems pretty well salt +,marded. The settlement part of the bargain le so• oompllsbsd by the oon.truotloo of the North Shot- line, but It le also worth not - Ing that the uostn.otio0 along the pealo- sula minters other advantage.. It will put Old Ontario and New Ontario Io closer beak, • good tbtog for both, Inducing Old OOarto to make ventures of oapial mid energy in the great north land, and New Ontario to trade with us. 1f other good festoon then thee* are to b. sought in the railway bargain, it will do to polot out - that this line may yet become • link in an other transcontlnentel highway. which will give aonipetitioo sod make the railway problem of Canada easier of solution. The leader of the Opposition could Int no fault with .he Manitoulin and North Shore agreement, although he decl.ned to bo u opumtstlo as t'remler Row •I•ou' 1•s future. However, be gays it his approval, and though his outlook was not so rosy, be pronoonoed the railway • good thing 1,•- canse It was • necessity. Still. there may be some, people who will object that Mr. ('lerguelwitl maks a little money out of the enterprise. Mr.l'lereus's genius for ex ploltatioo has already horde fruit in the onlooy of industries hs has es'•''i.h.4 at the Sault. True, he takes tort to. himself, but the benettt to the country is none the less beosase he bas planted something bo' - ter than a garden In the wilds ot Algoma. The Government mod Mr. Clergos'e oom pany have mads • good bergei0.sll round— good for the people. good for Ontario, ;rod for the oompaoy. Until Oot• de> is prepared to golnte rsllw sy-bullding on IU own 111000uft we can hardly do better than to turn our railway enterprises over to n a like Mr. CJ.r.u., wbo ars satisfied wltb • liIr re- w ard on their Investments. • e Its events of the teseton hays been enough to make Mr. Whitney get hot un- der the Dollar. The majorities In the Leg• Isl•ture bays been discouraging. The Koss .lovsrnmsot bee never been sustained by Zees than 10, and In some cams the ms, jorlty ranged up to 15. However, this is not the lout o1 it. Mr. Whitney Rndrold followers dropping out, on •000unt of that hope deferred which maketh the heart sick. 111s said that Mr Manor will not run •gain. This deprives Mr. Whitney of one of the best front- benchers, perhaps his most popular col league. Mr. Foy ie an able mon, but somewhat. alood.h. Colonel Matheson 1a not exsotly a heavyweight In lobate. One o1 the mem who might hold up Mr. Whit- ney's hands *bows oleos of dtuf.otlon. Two or three tine. Mr. Gareoallee, of Ham- ilton, bis pulled against his leader, and to one Instance he gave Mr. Whitney • not- able rebuke. h vsrybody remembers t` s to-do the leader of the -Opposition made o ver the Pritchett atkd•vite during the bug• vet dsbste. Con.squently, when Mr. Cirs,sllen took occasion not long after to say that he deprecated the prsotios of reed Mg affidavits In the House It was consumed ss • direct dap at hie loader. At any rate Mr. Whitney took 11 up that way, and answered hotly that nothing la his public osreer had elven him more satisfaction than hie handling of the Prltohstt aihd&vlbs. V sa►x. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING - now wall as TOMORRcw Louden Free Press : Mr. A. M. McEvoy, oentty treasurer, le somewhat better yes - fiords,. R0O1.00ICA1. CHANOT•, Kosten Transertpt It he* been fosse' is Germ.ny that camel■ are superior animals for term labor. 1f the oxen wish to keep their lobs they will have to hump them N ivea. REAT'e THE tarell. him/sten Freemen : Talk about Irish bulls. Here's nee from oar neighbors soros. the border that knocks Irishmen Into the shade. The W leoonsin Leplrlsture le onnddertng • Mll,one phrase of whioh reads: "The railway onmpenl*s In the Sate shall equip their trains with devises that will keep them on the track after der.11ment,' A DrsiATI@►lhD MOTOR. Ottawa Coition : Rev. Dr. Savage of New York ha. been giving his views on what Heaven le Ilk* He Rays oondltlnns will be meoh the same as they ere here, many .ouress of disquiet and dtenumfort, hut there will be human 0000pations for all "Homan e000potlon'" That means work We would Ilk• to hear the reverend gentle- man's d.snrlption at the other piens. OCrn.r.7tNO THEIR OPPORTt-`1ITT. London Advertiser : In the r.o.ne whom' board elections 1t Cleveland, only 706 wom• en polled their votes. A year 5mo nearly 6,000 votedin thus negleoting to exercise thei• fr•nohlse, the women of Cleveland g ive comfort t those persons who are ever ready to e.ssrtthan • woman to apt to be moved by fit. .ed .'arts, and not to vain* the privilege el voting when onnferred on hoe. Of eeer•io rhe hes • Rood menu male Imlalrre, bet time eneht is boon wrens* DRTTAIN'a r1MAl. 101.1. r. Toronto Weekly Ron : Oar protectionists are *waffle, over the tiding. that among the wee tete. In Irmo/land there I. likely to he an Import dirty en sow. Thls they leery will 15. the fleet move In . return of leriteah statesmanship teem the darksew of tree trade to the light ot protection. lir," ere easily pl.assd. As auger is not relteu lis l:culaud there le mo esti,* 1.duetey to M protected, An Import duty on smear Weald be, like the Import duty on wine sad 10• baouo, nrIully • revenue ter. When any responsible British etasasthi0 or arty British Chamber of Cumm.roc avows oonv.reloo from Ire* trade, our protectionists will hare u►use W rejoice. F.v.0 than they will be very fu truth au Imperial sollysrsto, wlttob required • proton Ire tend appliu.ble and auouplabls to ell the members el • widely suettered sod motley Empire. The have takeu oust step in the dlreolloo off their poliuy,iod their own woolen trade to already In revolt. N/wa7AI'aa /ITZDVDWIm. Londuu Advertiser : New York miners. like utl for ".0 at the the no event. to the edition Yolk typed, whepe The t plates event d•mut be put wtthir Stn Hes Pc Litotes 1,071 to the of pee this m teethe bays 1 ciente *stab' way f tb:oi to the ht depar reoetp his •d the w nasal' ('bi becob 1,8, of .aid e What • to ark wirer hieai that1 nark that of lh leg s n ot h el 14 p,we [loon hums 5v,ry loin 1 c4urr 'yob; tie c to in 5005 it oe the l brit Chris nigh Lo I)ouk take psopl count Donk MAW 1Osr ID Ili lent 5 and the o huts woof open tog 0 the o of eh mitt 00021 to who. child 0ppo met echo. and . maul hobo lama non • sot Goo, theft e pok day M boyo to hi O o a the tare pear be tc eco0 Delp Froc the 1 the t rayl' Oee the koro obits crap trod Galt Rent pen Davi thou nine nese that ti0m of tl tbro . etti for 1 the' —el you H with of tl Inert (long ths11 ham. end I het Vent mak aisle thee my to e.wwtwawe* t e. N.S. snit flee bonnets loaded flows with grebe skins, •hoot • dozen .d.'rned with thn onrrisee gorgeous Inhabitants of trnploal forests Forty-three decorated with the dittetted remains of gel's had terve—the beautiful, graceful sea swallows ; •Isrettte, some d.nens.plunked by plume hunters from shell. murdered owners In l•'Inrld• swamps ; e mir. larks and sandpipers, thistle Mrd@ and tanagers, warblers and ether varieties to,, numerous to mention, and every nee representing • vinerls*s veld le • world whish the (treat Arnhlt.nt planned to he elwaye filled with melody and bonnet,. It Is part of the phllneph, of gatore that she never duplln•tes, and therefore i r.asen .d that the nh.eose of .oms rat those nook• @ are oaleta w.rs cons of the brightest. Two pairs of wings are one pair tee man,, oyes ler • salat, It seems to ins it meat be 00 YOU KEEP CHICKENS ? We have a very large assortment of wire poultry netting that we bought for cash, and we are selling it at the lowest figures to be had in Huron County. Be sure and see the small mesh poultry netting for youug chickens. FISHING TACKLE. We handle the very best lines of fishing tackle, and have just opened out our spring shinment of hooks. linp,a Mit seta taitarasr. I NEW STORE IN THE OLD STAND I HAVE started store in my old stand and um a ready to do business with a complete new stock Ei,f Staple and Fancy Dry Cioods, suitable for the . of f CM] (NIA' ''d 64...d.sialitamiaidassi,*1 Istillaiue. wogs*: iii,i'elhoilindli ' ‘1,;:'...:_ida:;;;* so's! snaisite.thlt stio9mor a; i Mil 11 f f f f ft!! f fff fli ill fif fff ffiffIfffff t ffffff fff flit lifiltf., 00 svitimtur Iti • 190 Ltw • • • i went to glee you something. Pap& - N on Jack wilted me to speak to yon about P. Little hey ; Rex of palate ; Socked the hellish ; Joined th• saints. Don't lie el the house loeleg time and mossy baottnat your hank Is stiff from Inse• bistro Da ita thonuands hotor• roe hays done. Ray a largo bottle of that unnenally good liniment. Poison's Nerviline.end rah it freonently ever the sore part It gets al, th• pale, drives 15 out, limbers you op In se time Nervilleols (oink to relieve ; sayer fails ; never harms. Try it today. 26 and J. W. Mann Cultivators and Drills on his farm. Because they are the hest machines in the world. None can heat them. W. WISE LAI le Mom • W 12.1111 Irriper giti,hn:adttairil,t0Owiclieklasepya ami tt 0 dmoefturir:jwitupa:silt:1: How happy he makee hi. customers feel when he gives the .1Lephagaptwi et erfeel when he has a cinch ,51.1 ebxopecughtecd—every Pets Don't buy with your eyes stmt. Look at, the other fellow'm 1)/1 - listen attentively to what he has to say, make a note of his prici Then COMA and AAA OUT11. We know the rest.