The Signal, 1901-4-11, Page 1THREE "A's" ADv•rs ARE ACTIVE AGENTS WHIN PLACID IN THE SIGNAL FIFTY-FOURTH YE A R. '2825 Iona, THAI LEADING+ N}]WBPAPBli- OF HU.} .ON OOUNTY. GO!)ERIOH, ON 1'ARIU, CANADA : APRIL 11, 1901. THE WEEKLY MAKwt r RE P')R T °ovolon. April 10, 1901. Fall Wheat 'I 63 to 6 ebur. tenth/. p*rowl.... _..-3 19 eo 3 10 Fluor.ten', per ewt 2 50 to 3 50 Hoot, attcn .. -............ - 13 00 toll 00 Short% a ten ........ -. -. U 0th told W Screening.. nor cwt 1 W to 1 00 Rye per bush ........ 040 to 050 Buckwheat, per bush 0 10 to 0 50 Oats, • basi ........ .. _ 29 to 0 't) Yea.. p hays ... ...... ....... _..,Mr tc) dos Hsrirv, tor bush 0 97 to u oe Hay. It too NMI to 900 Potatoes, V bosh • • 0 30 to 0 35 Hotter. -_ 0 14 to 0 15 Cheese, oar lb.... .... . . ... . 0 10 to 011 pie, frail anpesksd. • dos0 9 to 0 13 Wood _..._. __3 10 to 100 Us. •........�..__..,�. . 50)to510 Lamb -Skins 0 do to 0 70 Live Hoge ••6 00 ts 636 Dreamed Hoge 700 to 7 •2 Bacon. -_ ._ 0 12 to 0 10 Ham, per lb.. ................ _.. 0 15 to 0 15 Lard, put Ike 0 i2jto 13 Itreated Beef, fore quarter 0 W to 000 Dressed Beef. hind " 0 00 to 0 00 Cattle, Export 3 75 00 6 50 Ordinary 300 to 360 fflituationo Taoant. WANTED. -BY APRIL 15TH, THREE good girl. u 000k, parlor maid and bousrm.id. Amply to 301(19 ATTRI LL. Hedge wood Park. Ooderfoh. 1.01 Publle Notloo. r BKNk4ILLPK N1IRSEKIFS -- I REES, HEALTHY TREES. We have • full Ilse of fruit. ornamental and eVega ran tr.r. a1 Iowest poem ble prloes. Wrtto to us at once fur catalogue Place orders r trly anti secure the ',Nestles you want. Addnrs : &ST. JNt) STEWART, Beom.11er, Out. 24 Ito - 11Nor It eat. tRBNP-LAitog BRICK HOUSE t osMerkin tenet at promo °coupled by Yr. W. saints Qood lawn• furoaoe, bath. eta Apply to MR 4 J. H. WILLIAMS, Market -.t. RENTi FOk GRAZING -THE wutb half of lot 50, lllaltlend conceal no Ooderioh township, oomprising 67 •ores. Two good °echoed. no the property will he loolod- ed also. The place is well fenced and then is an abundant supply of water. Apply to WM. Male AT I Goder(oh, P.O„ or to CURTIS PTR V K ti, Clinton. 14 1m For Sale. FOR RALE -1 OFFER FOR SALE MY l proreriy in 100100rd, oomprlelog one- qu.ner of eo acre or more, with good frame house and outbuilding*. Tb.r. eve • number of fleet class fruit trees on the grounds. Apply to JOHN MCIN1't'RE, on the premises. or e.1tford !'.D 21 1m LAND FUR SALE IN TOWN OF OODERICH.-For sale on re•sosabl. ,Ilona. the property known u the Distillery Wide. befog Den of bloat 'F' in the Town of Uoderiob. coulai°log about 31 acres. with O 0Ldiegs sod water rights on the River Malt - lard. For terms apply to ()ARROW t OAR - ROW. solicitor. 'or the vendor. L40R:SALK.--LOTS 95, 96, 117, 118, 119 r and WI in Hutohlwn'e carve,. all In Ooderioh. For partleuluth apply to PHILIP HOLT Barrister, to., Ooderlc h. March 04th, I91q. 40-tf �t GOOD 80 ACRE FARM FOR SALE 1Lot 21. m noessl o 11. Ooderloh Town ship. athwart 11 miles from Ho mesvlile, 11 antes from Clanton. flood buildings, fence*. erdeard, well.. sad spring creek. A cod field of fall wheat. Terms reasonable. For patio 'odors •pbply to THOS. t)t NURY. auctioneer. 16t f FARM POR SALE -THAT FIRST alas farm known as the "Canada, Farm." bolo. K, half :ot 2K, oonoeaslon 1, Eat Wwanoeh. 1.0 sons, 99acres cleared and in • good state of oultivWon, 1 acts bush. Then bon the plies • good two storey frame dwelling hour,' 1600 with wise 1x20, and a good stone cellar. a frame barn 36E56 with *too. stable. tinder. 4 sores of good orohard. 2 good never.tailing spring walla The soil is • good play lam, shout 70 acres in gross. tl acres of fall wheat, and Boma fall ploughing. The fences tarot/nod It I. on • leading gravel road o 001010nt t ,-horohea .00001, etc.. 1 mile from the village of Auburn, 5 miles from Myth, 11 miles from the towns of Oolerloh ind Clanton. This Saver, deslr•ble place - no poor or waste land. For full particulars apply 10 PHILIP H'1LT, solicitor for the estate of the late Mn. yaws day, Muni&. W, GLENN CAMPBELL Ores -sit and mudral director of North st. Met moist rhumb, and teacher of pianoforte. pipe organ and theory. will be pleased to re ra v pupils. Instruction vee either at studio or at pupil's home, as Ntudlo at Emerson'. Music Ston, Weetot. 72 t Med tool. -- nits . SHANNON & ()ALLOW, PHI' OICIANSsod Surgeons. Office in Rank of l'ommeroe bullding, west side of Square, Night title at restdenoes Dr. Shan• on. Dr. °allow. old rewtdenne, rapier n. Klgln st, w. 'Phone 14. 'Phone M. Insuranoe, oto (1HAV. K SHAW, GENERAI. 1051710 11 ASCE and real estote agent, Moe, ne door eat of P. 0.. Gooerlob. Agent for the leading mutual flu Ineuranoe oonlpanlel and leading st ok oompanlss. Mementos and manufacturing risks et lowest rates. (fall at oBlm. WR. R. ROBERTSON. A000uotant and Ineunnoe Agent. Hook. and amounts made up. Itnlldinge rented and rents oolleo104. Firm Insurance in British and Canadian Companies. street OoddMoh. Afoot k Hqi office. f1f - F• J. T. NAT TEL, GENERAL IN ROMANCE land Rosi testate .gent. Fire, Life, Aooldent.nd Plate °1.., In.urenee efferto•1 on mutual or nosh plan at lowest rates porible. Bost Knglleh anti Canadian oompoiee rep- resented, (Mia next door to °arrow & Darrow. Bar rioters Hamilton Streit. AI'I'TION SAI.K Oh VALUABLE FARMING LAND 1N THE TOWN- SHIP OF 00DRRICH. MITCHELL to. ELLIOTT. Coder • power of salenontolse4 in mosrtan mortgage from Robert Elliott and wife to Mrs M•rtho L*tthwilts, and by her ••signed to the v,.udor, there will leo °ffered for sale by pnhlle motion, by John Knox, ancrloneer, at B uttons hotel 1a the town of Onderlch. on WI(074931)Ay 1'40 1710* DAY OF AI'Rtl. at 0leven colo k In the forenoon, the follow vainable lands, nemslr : Lot number 33 In the 2nd 0000esstsn, an4 lot rntmtw'r 23 in reit 3,1 mnreeslon of tho town.hlp of Gato- r,. 0. ,n the county of 'throe. The first msotioned Int is situated noon ihs uerfielA rad, and has tor., been used for n.tnrege porpoises, for whioh It le well adapt- ed he senon4 mentlonsd lot edmprl.ni ono of the hells farms Is the township, with exosl- Irnt dwelling thous. barn, oto., and • large and valuable oreh•n1. The Iota will he offered separated I. 'there w111 boa reserve' Md. 1'ss.ession can he given at moo. Thr purchaser wilt 00 require' to pay to the i enlor or hie oolielfor temper oast. of the oor ohne mon, r .t the time of ants, and the hal - wn, 0 "'ohm onlay days thereafter without In- terest In mbar palpates tke oondian is of sale, will he tho .t.alIng nr'ndlt,o•s of this High Coon of Justin.. for Ontario. For 'orthwr panto.. are tool, to the ane none*. or to the vender'. solicitors, .t their offie0 In (ln4erloh. Dated Awil tui, 1901. HARROW It (OARROW, vender's 001001 tors. PARABLES IN POLITICS. With Few Parables and Lose Politlow l''aaeke Is Jen ■ Little Nord uu the Doc- tors 0001.0., esd t ramp. 41 a Choral n.w1.1 the w.lde. 40110 Ike wudoII. DAHTMOuTH, N. S., April 6, 1901. Soy, Mr. Elan, I'ye beeo right sorry to bear of your tlloe... That then grippe 0 ate treacherous as a politlaT.16!tilt maker; you never know when It will oome book on you IC's • fact. Take good o.re of your• .elf, .ud (cc mercy sake don't take all the stuff the dootors and the ol 1 women will press on you. 1 beard of • Map over In Maine or Ver- mont, 1 forest just what State, who was as sok u you have Moo, and rill .t o90e ho went on strike •,.met the doctors and the Mediatns 8eods mod 6sedeeses-tur 1 guess the women folks are worst when it coma to dosing • fellow with cure.11s. Well, this amp he id a word to the doctor, or to the outside amateur phystol•os of both sere, but he rented, and let nature help him out, rod got We level.bea.led w 1• to .tore all the drags and medtot a stuff to • side room. Whim the doctor celled for the Int time, it was a case of p40tent on lete ire sad doing marvelously wet:. The phystdan he was as proud u a peaonokm , od was going to let • 1 the other .0 Henn in the neighborhood get the benefit of his patience experteooe with the two or three new toolor and nerve restorer. he had just been trying (as he thought) for the brat time Tr.e sick man that was he grlo.ed hie s Unesblre oar when he handed the lootor to fee, and at the sane toots :e 1 him Coto ,.he side room rod showed him the amount of •'ewun, ' as be called 1t, that he bado't taken at all. The doctor he didn't return the les, se that would M uoprot*.. mould, arta' the Medio.l Commit might hear of it and hays him expelled in order to pro toot themselves from snob phifantbroplo preoedeot ; but be never quoted that pa- tient u • shining .rumple of the atlyants medtotne had made sines the time of Hip. 900001.5. W'beo spm. folks are bit with your mon- plaint they try whbk.y-hot, oold, neat, dilute 1, with sugar, with lemon, as .gg• nog., etc., etc., and In fact every way el- ospt as • porous plaster, for that issupposed to "draw out," while the rail obleat of the u se of whlakey i. to ''rook." Did you ever Mar the •:oases • fellow will molts for t•kmg bquor? 1 herd of • chap who liked • nip, and when the oanv.. ser at the late prohibition edeor!on came to him, the ower he Rays, "Well, temper*nue may be.- the best, but 1 like to have • little whiskey arou.d when there's (tramps." Hft wife was • bine nbbon*r, ind .he bead him, and .he .poke up and .old, "Now, John. why don't )nu",tell the gentle. man the truth ! What you mean Is that yea like to have • little orampe when there'. whisky around !" The sinner oaved In right there. Say, 1 vs deold*d tc five you • rest o0 politics this week, even though you my . till place my contribution under the old heading. 1 want to NII von ot 10 experleno I had with the widow -that's my boarAing- bouse minus. The widow le great on church sodlels When there's mein, to be ooe .he gets as excited as • girl ,o her two.,'ind the smell of layer•ake and euoh like limits through the house like Inanes. Some -folks Dan wonbin the Lord in cutting sandwtohea or making batter tor • layer cake for • church social butter than they man in reading their Bible or prayer -book .t ell, the widow t.'ohed me rluog to a ohnroh somai the other night, and they had • spread at the aloes that meant a tickled palate for • half boar, and an inert Ryer fed low-grade reit gion -for • went. It'. • fact. I know whereof I .peek. for the widow made m. sat • double share of her douhly-rloh cake Th. program It was pretty good ; but I noticed that "M.rum'. Little Alabama Coon" and other cagey songs were emit with great fesltog, while the s,lit•ry noted solo was glean se if the singer had a gizzard but no ho•rt. And i have often nottoed this ..ms thing to the s*me singers Har the pirce de rseuranoe, or words to that Miami, was • mandolin anti banjo quar- tette uaytette that just lilted things to the two•siepo, polkas and hoe downs. S.v, It was a sight to see the way the staid ohs deacon. and several of tho mothers in inrael kept their feet going when the old-time dance music Plano Tuning. al R SANDERSON, PIANO TUNER from Nordhelmer'e, will be In town Monday mot, April 15th. Orden left at KMKRSON'S BBICYCLIC Aon MUSIC HOUSE will receive prompt attention. f Model Tallorllir• J LOT RECEIVED THR LiNE OF e spring salting. that our customers were wafting for, which we hack one reputatlonon, together with other Onto suitable for 'pri.g and wormer, wrtotlty gy goofy;"fie....ttrib..- class work at moderate pylnes. W M. STAPLETON. Offr Parton'. Fair. Publlo Notion i.M• OTIC E - THE ADJOURNED AN natal meetingof the fioleri,h Carling and Skating Auootatl-In will t-1 held at the oonrt hoose on Moedat eveolog, lith hut., at 3 o'clock. WM. CAMPBELL. Seer. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT. TOWN OF GOURRi(H TAKE NQTit'E that the nounntl of the town of Goderich will undertake the ro.ntrnctlnn of ertiflnlal stone sidewalks on the following .trees", known n. AL Davlo's aired and Keays toast. namely : 1st. From Alb .rt street to Kingeton tuner, on the south side of St. D4vid't street, to be 5 feet la wldtb.2,001 feet In length. to earn about $1,011. --------_ dad. From Thornes street, along Keay" street to Britannia road. ma the west 01.10, to he three foot from Thomas street to Raglan guest and fon• feet from !batten street to HMrannla road, . total length of 1.130 foot, to omit a hoot $NtA Tho above sid.wsiks ere to be mnttrooted under this p•ovidons of the Manlripal Act and the Local lmpmctment Bylaw No, 7 of I1199,of *hie mnninlpsilty. and unless a petition &Imolaeinh 0s1014te imp•ovem.0r or work, signed by a malority In number of the ownere rept/emoting at tont one hell of the real 0100 Arty to M senses ,he presented to the manned wF hln Dow mort,h from int last pnbunatlon of ,hie notice the proposed Improvement" or w„oke will ho nrlortak0n and ipe.041 • manta therefor a 11 h. made by *hr noan511. WM MiTCHELL. Town Clark. OfMNI h, ApilI 10th. 1901, 25 It wee played. Th. preaoher be was Msrly "•p.ttln,f Juba," the amino w41 eo patchy. 1 gave a glaooe at the bosrdiog.house mu nus, end I'm blamed if she wasn't attune then and takeouts at u8 fo u°onuaoloudy that 1 oould ere some of the huoertr-is that whet they o•11 it mow !-that a forty -year- old woman ouly wears on special uoaaslune. 1 haven't been dancing for thirty yearn, but I mein felt eo much like potting lbw* obalre aide and hoeing it down te0 five minute, even toough it wee to oburob. On ! the power of mu.io wbeo IC Dome, from stringed instruments. That there mandolin made me think of my boy Inch Hr Is • sentimental young roost- er ; 11 he wasn't hr wouldn't turn to poetry Ilk' he does. Whoa we .ot home I wait to my room and looked over a few hoes that he owe wrote about a girl playing • manic Ie. Neat morning tread it to the boarder at breakfast, to the ureal joy of the land lady, who didn't seem to have the jig 011 of bet leg yet, one tamed eo spry during the reading. This is the DOOM : Till 11AID1N WITH THx 11ANDOL14. A maiden with • mandollu was sitting to her bower Amid the fragrant jasmine in twilight's lovely bour. Her ye was bright, her cheek was red, be hair was golden fair, And this .wast sotto Dame softly out upon the eveolog air : •' For it's U, my sailor lad le far soros' the sea, But soon he's coming book again to tell his loge to me ; And true to me I know he'll be, for he my heart did w,o " So nog the merry merino with the maodollo. Hie footstep tell upon the lawn beside that mooted bower, Aod though the roses wooed the lad M ronght a fairer Bower ; Andre rte hastened to her side beneath the jam toe, H+ heard the maiden do,Iog with the man- dolin : " For It's 0, my sailor lad is Lr morose the ea, Hut Boon he's ooming book •silo to tell his lope to me ; And true to me l know ben be, for be my heart did win." So nog the merry maiden with the mandolin. The sailor lad stole to her side Moeath the soented bower The radiant roses blushed with jiy to tee that happy hour. "• Ah, love," be orltd, " I've thought of thee wh 1 have been : I've oome to wed tbo maiden with the man - delta " " For it's 0, my sailor lad has oome across the sea, And hastened to the trysting place to tell hie Iota to me. My Jack has been u true as wee! rima he my heart did win ; His wile shall be the maiden with the mandolin " W ben 1 woe having • quiet read aloos.o hoar or two alter the widow she knocked at the door, and the say, "Mev I oopy that beautiful piece of your gifted sou!" And of course 1 n.oded ft to her. When she returned the original ehe says. "I "oppose that you also lows the multi of the mandolin!' "Yes," I says, "I •m more than partial to them .trlooed lostrumeats ; u was the I'.almint himself. Oaly then was just eo much reg time maxi° In those tdeottons last ulght th.t if I had started danoing like I felt It would not have been euoh as David did to the olden times." The widow the hedged just there, .ods the says, "I guess a maiden with a mendo. lin must be an •ttreotive wont to most mere." "If the girl is pretty, and shit oan handle the stringy, 1 guess the will make a lot of heart. d•noe.a. well se tett jig," say. I. The widow got • light Into her eyes that Mineral that the had • hlg idea. I saw her 3o up town soon, and shortly return with • long parcel In • tort of Oast. LATIR-I have opened this letter to let you know whot's op. Th. widow has bought • meodollo, sod le tithing lessons. U. R.;A. Pewit. AROUND TOWN. THE COI.I.1iirAT■ INsTITCTP.-Pflnolp.l Strang requests that any ex•pupils of the institute who may happen to have books belnoglog to the school library will return them at once to him. (:OLLIOIATI INgT)TCTI Tor orlr9.-The board of trustee. of the Collegiate Institute held the regular monthly meet ung on Thurs. day lat. Sums small 000090*. were passed and • motion woe adopted Inorasing the relay of D.Stoddart, the oaret.ker, by $20, making It$200. THE FIRST FISH STORY or TKO 514*04.- Tnwo I;ouooillor George A. Newton, of Win. ham, who Is spending a few days with his brothers. Hones and Charles, made a hire oatoh at the lake -no Monday. He and Horace Newton were fishing for perch off the end of the north pier when the council lot landed a blsok bus of large proportions. It was found to measure 17j Inches arid tip- ped the tools at 22 pounds. SPORTING BRlgn.-The Elite club will put • strong ba.eMll club on the diamond thio 114100 Ws hear that the Harmony club oleo 11 talking baseball. At the H WITi"o'7 tyre -Weenie "11`oot1O`7i'ltwoati. tun, held at Battu on Hood Friday, entries for the Hough cop coopetition wen made by the Se.forth U. I. and the Clinton C. I Muhl. The G. C. I. team Is to possession o1 the cup and will defend It against all cemers Sion tyTH rr TWO. T. R -The Guelph Heard of 'Pride is oIrryleg o0 an agitation for an earlier mail service on the G. T R, from Toronto. it would be • great acoom modat,00 to business men to all the /twos of theWut, and if anything Dan be don. hero to armlet 1n securing the Noon the people of Iloderloh nhmtld not be behind• hood wi'h _their 'rapport Aad If the G. T. R. were inclined to listen to our rigout% we should hks to suppose once more that better accommodation than the li e'olook morsing tr.ln [night be provided on the Stratford tc Ooderloh Imo. BON r.•Hrtermt.-From the report of last week's town oounoil meeting It will be teen tA.t o London firm, "desiring to ,.t.hnph a foundry for the m•suf•oture of stoves, furnaces and agricultural imple- ment," ti•hes to know what Induoem.nts obit t.wo 1s prepared to offer. "In the way of bonus or leen, sire,exempt inn from tsxW, ore ," for the e.tsbli.hment of •anh an in- duety hen. it 1s worth noting that the ssme people have written to similar Ceram to Clinton and Stratford. This firm evidently wants to pit thew eot'poratlnne against one another 1n elviog "Nome. men t e." A, IMrngrlor Teastoorrfoe.-.'1he di r.01or.' f the H,.nn and lithos Loan and 'fleas, moat Company h•vedeolded to reonm mon1 to the .hmrshol ler" the sale of the 0nmpany'e halos*. end ante to the Heron and h1'if loon (In., of London We gander. stand that the prim npno which the par• ohm* by the latter oomp•ev N to be mod. LOOK AT YOUR .LABEL / IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR ... 1901 D. M°GILLIC UDD Y , EDITOR. 00 97 Deets on the dollar. The trane1tioa 1e mill to be ratified by the .b•reholder., but this will probably be • purely formal matter Th• Huron and Battu- Oomp•oy hie fouod its profits dlmluishmg !he pea few years, and is simply yielding to the tsodenoy of the limas towards the •inion• Boo of smaller companies to Mtge 000cerus. LI�uoII LIOINau.-The Itoensecmmmis- •loner• for West Huron will moot at Clinton next Tuesday to uuodoer •ppllations fur lianas for the amnia (lanes year. The Dumber ut Itueoses Issued lost year was thlrty•two. and the application. for this year number t0lrty.8ve. The new banns sought are for the two hotels 1. Salt ford, for the Waverly house on Clinton, mod for the Maletmd house .t the 0 T. R. elation In lioderloh, d J. Soups being the applicant to the lest mote. Oos of the Blyth hotels was burned down doting the year, mod there is one fewer •pplioaot from that phtoe. Mtohael Fore makes the •pphoetlon for tb• Union hotel here, whiob he will oouduot after the let of May. Sraig THr Behpe.-Now that the birds are returning to us for the summer, we with to say • word to the boys, some of whom are too fond of shooting at than with guns and oatpults. The birds are very useful In ktlllog 10..0te 'Molt ore Injurious to vegetation,- and 1t Is to the Internet of all that they nit ,ul.1 not be Jgstroyed or driven •way, to say nothing of the ormalty of kill. mg them. It is unlawful to shoot, destroy, oatoh, Injure, or attempt so to do, any wll,l native birds other than hawks, prows, blackbirds and English sparrows, and there ,s • fine (or, In delault of payment, lmprlr. moment) for violation of the law. Destruc- tion of the oats of birds 1s prohibited air under the same penalties. W• hope there will be no mouton to repeat this warning. A HArry FAwu,r -L.,9 week's Mitchell papers tell of • Police Court ogee that was sired there lest week in whioh • woman named Gray had her eons arratgoed for stealing • few old .poops, some rase and about • dozen and • half grain bags. The same woman, It may be rememo.red, figured m • Police Court aura In Goderloh some time ago, the defendiot betnit her son. The Plaintiff and her rwo.soo., with their wives and childreo, all lure under the same roof, and from what came out at the trial last week it would appear that the family re lotions are not any happier than they were at the time of their readouts here, The Advocate gives them • bed n•mu and says that their removal from town would be con• adored • bleumg rather than • lo*.. One of the witnesses swore that he had known the plaintiff for twenty moire and would not believe her on her oath 'Inc defendant' denied ever touoblag or even seeing the goods, and the oat, wee dismissed with poets. _ _-'- Av APRIL WKDDINO.-A very pleasant shoot took plane lase 'Noonday eyenio3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs George Kota, when their youngest daughter, Mien Janie, Income the wife of Lorne A. M•odonald. The ceremony was poitormed at 8 o'olook by Rev Jasper Wilson, in the presents o1 about thirty -tire guests. The bri le, who was given sway by her father, looked love. ly in • blue-greydeo.tume of Empress cloth, and marrying white carnations The brides maid, Mise Florence Bator, condo of the bride, was drained in white oaf blue and parried pink carnations. The groom was assisted by ht- oousin, K. Llnklater, of Wiogham. Among those who witnessed the ceremony were Mn. Beobear and Al bort Bates, of Detroit, aster and brother of the bride i the Misses Llnklater •ed Miss Cumming*, of Wlogh0m. 'l'..r .. riding gifts includt,l • handsome cloak presented ty the groom's fellow employees of the or ren factory. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald have commenced house -keeping on Perk street, sod have the sincere wishes +t • host of friends, with whom Tilt SINAI, desires to ,in, for their future happiness and prospenty. NOTE, titch TH. HARM,. -Ilea tag Evelyn hu moved out from her winter quarters and is having • sew pony engine placed In her ... The Ice to the harbor hoe broken tip and presage to and from the Island is not 'o easy as before, sometimes resulting in en unw•loome dip The dredge and the tug Heron ars fitting out The two tugs and the dredge scows which are building on the island will be ready for launching in • few day. Qapt John Moi)on•ld is getting the acbooner J. O, Karam ready for work. She ire been caulked and prepared for rotating ....The steamer Myles wltl tete • ergo of wbest from Rtohardson'e elevator to Kinget on when navigation opens....The Godorlch Elevator Co. is shipping 40,000 °oohs!, of wheat for export this rook Richardson's elevator also Is shipping out. ..'1 he sawmill b befog tltled bor....Big catches ot suckers are being mode, and • few perch •re Ming taken with hook and line off the pow. ...The bloating snow Is be log prepared tot an early resumption of op• mations in the harbor..,. d. G. Simpson, of h Carton, will be chief engineer of the str ,Innes this tsar. U. M. B. A. SMOKOR.-It is not every day that the loon hraooh of the Cathollo Mutuel Benefit Association undert•ko to entertain chili -Idiotic but. when they do undertake It they do it well, and euoh was the ooe Monday evening Int whim •bout tiff), members and their friends assembled ,h the Associotion rooms on North street The fins part of the program w.e a progre.. etas euuhn party, In which all took part, all who indulged Is tobacco hetng well sup - reed eed dierfeg-tMpeweg. the prtyos, -s hex of otg.re for let and • beautiful pipe for 2nd, were won by Thos. Page and Albert Slat tory, re.pentivly, while Ilan SI y oar [led off the "boobie." After loncbeon was served, Joseph Kidd, the oh•Irman of the evening. gave • very Ioferss0ing and intorno tiro address on the workings and financial standing of tho Aesnol.tloo. He sou follow, ed by E Campion, K.C., who in his nous' able and humorous style told those outside the A..nol•tion what they wen missing by not becoming membepe. S I other members gave •bin addresses and a few *ppropriete selection. were played and aorta After more refreshments were served the meeting dispersed In the natal way The annual vestry mooting of St. George'. ohorch was held oo the eyentog of April Ali in the school room with the rooter to the chair. After prayer and the reading of that minutes, Rev. M. Turnbull road his re. port of the work for the past year, giving • number of Interesting statistics and mm• mention favorably on the oond(tlon of the ohnroh as a whole. George Porter was ape pointed rector's warden and Philip Holt people's warden. The sidemen for the year are : H. Moray, J. 9 Platt. .1. M SMphar$, F F. 1ww- renne, H. Newton, S. Mak. Lloyd, Jos Salkeld, 30. Jordan, VV, IR Tye, D. Nal - tel and Vir. Hooker. J A. Fowler. K. S. William*, ('hie Wtdder and Win, i'reodfooi, were oppnin100 as • committee to devise and report no atone echame for enlarging and tin: preying the Smithy .0hoo1 and also for im proving Iia aonOstlo properties of rho church. As this gneetleu of granting to Mose Gs prlvtl.gs of voting •t vestry mooting. le likely to ha Istrodnosd at the apprnanhlng synod, the master was dismiss al .t some length and the A.log.tos were INtroetAd to vote "yea" on this question. Philip Hole aid W. L. BUM were re -.p - potato -I delegates to'a: spud. The usual votes of tbs0te to the ladies of the guild, the choir, wk.: J,n1 and other otbol.l' were pard mod Ib, meeting adiourned. '1'u■ Aatgaauo'R ROLL-AMes0or Regal has mad. up hie roll for the year 1901 and from is we gather the following statistic's regard - leg Iia population, a*eeeemeot, oto., of the town. For pinpoint' ..1 comparison we give .leo leaf year's hut, 0 : : : • :o°H. 00r00'0?' .,o, e . LKS. e��o Qpo�.°. ovII; BR.�v O0� g 'o n:o 'e°°° t e a°7; 6 3 °o 'v = s 0. 8 u o a i X 4 S i$ ° ° a e aWW P0' a : 1q a li :1.! 5 a �, I t •p r• � gg rp x P.°',((p o M a8 N.. r,r p Com•' The popnlahoo le roadie op from lbe differ ant wards u follows : Bs. David's, 1,288 St, Patrick's, 1.103 ;.81. George's, 493 ; St. Andrew's, 1,176. St, Petriok's and St. Georg.'s wards show looms*, of 33 and 12 respoot[vely, and St David's and St. An lrsw's decreases of 34 and 0, respeotively. The differ*noe of six In the total population III email, but 1t is on the right aide. AN AITIRNODN'e $po**T,-The baseball meson of 1901 was ushered 1e oo Good Friday •furnoon, when • game was played under the auspices of the West End.Athletlo Club upon their grounds at the nod of Brit- annia road. The Went End Athletic ('lub, It may be crated, It an organization devoted to the promotion of athletics and fun In general, and the member are all heartily interested la .dvanmo these laudable de •'gos. Good Friday afternoon was • field day for the club, and • program was earned out that has firmly established the reputa- tion epute.tion of the W. E. A. (' in the estlmel;oo of • II who had the privilege of being In 0(1104- anoe Tne oelebr•ted Guy Brothers' band was present mod discoursed .s sweet M0013 4o an be pot out of tot/horns mod such things, mod two boxing contests, to which honors were even, furnished great sport. But the great !talon, of the day was the bath 1: much. The diamond was adorned • lton. [ay by the following teams : Tilg NIPS THE TUCKS. K, Mcleod pitcher J. Wiggins I. Tait oetcher J. MoD,' eld D. Hyslop let bum John Ntoholson G, MoDoosld 2nd base 0. Griffin K. Robinson 3rd base A Macaulay K. Campbell shortstop W: Mofon•LI W. McLean lett tleld N. MaDalrmld P. Snell centre field A. Knesehaw A. Molvor right field B. Roblo.00 These are their Sunday 3o• to meeting names, at loos*, but they were not in use to my ex tent doting the gam., euoh terms of endear- ment as "Suet,' 'Cr0tm," "Bruno.," "Nick," "Callum," "Tut," "H'ggyi," "Boodle Skye," etc., dialog dory inete.d The umpire was "Jock" Canni- bal', who did very well considering. He was more than suspected of being In. fluenced by sundry bribes, but as both Nam. made use of this way of 'mooring his good Mhos. probably neither side suffered more than the other, The W. E. A O's are great natters, and on both sides the pltoher was knooked out of the box. Moreover, the Mt was brokrn and the hall also sue. combed to the tremendous pounding whlcb it received. There was shoo some great baserunning. The game was of the "nip and tuck" variety The "Nips" went Io bat first and when they had oompleWd their ninth Innings there were 23 rune to their or.J,t, The "Taroks" had the same care at the end of their eighth, and they managed to score another in the ninth, giving them 24 rune and the game. It was • great rt•rt for baseball for the 1901 sea - 500. OBITUARY. MCDAIRttln -The irteo,i, e o tt- and Mr. Norman MoD.irmld eywp•u.. 'h them to the Ion of their eldest dau.o r. Moes Herrlet Aon, whose death oocurred oo Moody last after • long illness. The young woman was only In her twentieth year. The fon.ral took 91000 yesterday .f• ter000n from the family leaden**, corner of Brltanol• and Wellesley streets, the re- motes beteg latened i0 Mortised etwtetery, CHAMBERS. -On Friday, March '29th, Mn. Altr,4 U,Ch.mben, formerly of God*. rich, passed away in Port Huron. The de• oeased was a daughter of the lits John Crag, of Godeneh, and slater of Wm (;rag, Kingston street, and Mrs. (Copt ) Parsons, West street. TW Dews e1 ler death was reodyed with meet among her former hoods here, wham empathy 1e with the bereaved husband and ohllrlree- fnur eons and four daughters -who remain to mourn their loss. Mrs. Chaml»rs was forty tour years o1 age, and had bean Ill about tan days with pleurisy and poen. monis. M'-NAUOIrrON -0, Sond•y, Maroh .31st, there were laid' to Maitland amatory the remains of Christians MaNaaghton, 411e of .1. h: Johnston, Chatham, whoa death ooe carred nn the preoedlnre Thursday in that city. 7'he dummied was the eldest dangh• ter of the late .1. McN•nehton, township gal Stanley, and • dater of John and David McNaughton, of Hayfield, and the Misses M"Nanghton, of Clinton She leech three children, a daughter and two sone. The funeral took plea from the home of her hroth•r-l.•1ow, James J00eoon., Oedwrleh township, Rev. M. Turnbull bong the of• flel*tl.g olerpyman. MR ANn Moe. RORTRT KURR -News w.g romtved this mask 1,nm Ho,lend,M•n., of the death of Mts. H bort Kerr on the 17th of Month and of Mr. Kerr on the lee of April. Mr. and Mrs.K,rr bolero moeleg to Manitoba worm 1,5,40nts of God+ooh, Mr. Kerr heing • finisher In the (Watch foundry some tweety•fivs veers .go. Mn, Kerr well • daaghtor of the lass Peter Hawaiian, 0f Colborne, and stater of John Rohertsen and Mee. Lewis Elliott, nl rows The only enrvlying ohlld is • martial daughter. Mr. Kan wee a Mason anti 011 buried ender Me ample= N tho order, Item bele, • eery large attendance et the foetal, s` LOCAL NEWS 1N BRIEF. Mr. Mo011liouddy le still 0006oed to his room, but is gradually recovering his strength. A mac o*m*d Frank Reid has been com- mitted to jail from Wingham for thirty days for oarrying • revolver. Farmer report that the fall wheat is not looking any too well. It may pick up later on 1f the weather Is fayor•ble. Quite • Dumber of buggies are appearing sow with rubber shod wheels. Th. rabbi[ makes • very soy -running Ore. We ars pte•sed to see that U. W. An draws is beck In the old pito* as manager of the drew goods department for W. A. MoK(m. Mre. Wilson, of the North street Metho- dist p.pOoage, has been seriously III the put week, but Ie now progressing towards recovery. 8. Beckett, prtnolp•I of the Lletewel publlo schools end • graduate of Goderlob Collegian Iastlt0M, hu resigned hie posi- tion, the reagnatlon to take eff%t Juno 30th. owners of Down Ghoul,' obeerve the taut that the bylaw prohibiting the riming of these anlm.ls at large within she limits of the town woe posted at the meeting of oounoil Iasi week and Is now 1n force. Bert. Parous, the new Maisey•H•rrt. agent, It prepared to show the latest in agnoultural m%hinsry and other good. in his (ice at his wareroome on Hamilton street. He is lo, the bloyole business also with the Mm*.yHarrls wheel. John Tiffin;/of bide, who had Some apples at the Paris exhibition last year, hu re- ceived e.ceived a diploma therefor from the Domin• ion oommlseloner with an intimation that the origins! prize. from Paris w111 be sent oat latter o0 by 10e Freooh authorities. The power house Staff ars trying to raise • grass plot ar000d the building, so at to mike the plea at neat and attractive se possible. A quantity of Seed was sown the other day, but the big problem le bow to keep people from walking and driving on the plot. The cocoon ought to See that a tens of some sort Is put up se a protection. Bright and early yesterday morning • party of •bout • dozen young men left for Manchester to make the annual descent of the River Maitland. They took with them, to mate the trip, three boat. built upon the most eporoc' 1 model for elver navigation At the time of going to press we had Dor reoelyed any report as to their progress, but we Imagine that just about °hot time they were tobogganing down the falls at the re - COMING AND GOING. A J. Cooper wasIo Clinton oo Sunday. C. A Hamber was In Buffalo Iger weak, Mies -Minnie O'Rielly ta home from But• talo. John Nairn, of Seaforth, spent Sunday In bows. R, S. Williams was la Windsor the past week, Harry Robertson left last weak for Chi - Miss Beaumont vbred at Hamilton over Euler, Geo. II Morris was up from Guelph for Faster. Allan Sp.rling, of Toronto, was home for Easter. Chas. Adair was in ()baton on good Fndy, Miss Model Tom has been visiting in Exeter, P. T. Halle was In Toronto this week oo business. K, C Monologs made a trip to 'Toronto Iasi week. • M. Nloholsoo, jr., was In 4t. Thomas the past week. Hugh Dunlop mode • trip to 'loronto tut week. A. J. P41tr1dge'peat heater at his home In Thedlord. Arthur Carrie visited In Brussel. durlog the holiday', (ieo, Smith, of Han*tll, was In town on Good Friday. Maes Burrows visitor! her aster .t Ayr the past week. Miss Jean (llbion was visiting lo Toronto during the week. Mrs. and Miss Ethel William' "pent Etter to Toronto. Miss Aonle Campbell was home from Sea - forth over Sunday. Miss Vera 44 'grins mode a visit to De- troit the put week. Mise .1essie Rob.rteon 1" home Irom Elio ter for the holidays. Mrs, .1. C. Harrison has been visiting at Merlon and Stratford. Mrs. Hanlon visited her brother In Cllo• 00u on Good Friday. J. 1) O'Connell visited his home at Dub. lin durinp the week, John Black, visited his home 1n Blyth during Raster week. Mose Megan ■pent the Eamter holidays .t her home to Stratford. Miss MoCaoghaov. te•o►oe, of Dashwoedt is home for the holidays. Mies( iertrude(Iraham Is home from Illylh tor the Easter holidays. Miss Loots* Andrews Is home from Zurich for ' M.Fa.ter vauatioo. Rev. Father MoMen•mlo, of Clinton, was In town on Tuesday. Thos. Watson, of Blyth, was emo03 old friends In town this weak. Maitland A, Humber, of Stratford, was among the Easter visitors. Welter Ituohanao, of Toronto, was among the holiday visitors In town. Joe. Merritt, of London, was visiting friends hen during tin week. Miss E ,.*both Wilson, of Crediton, Is home for the Easter holidays, Mr. and Mr.. A. P. MoLeao made • visit to Kum erdtns during eh* week. Mr and Mt. George Thomson mad, a Oat to Prinoetoo the past week. Mrs Tomer visited her danghter, Mies Edith, at Toronto over Koster. .ioseph Doyle, of the !Wok of Hamilton, W Ioghem, was home for Easter. Mn. Vanatt.r visited friend. •t Itr•mp. too and Stratford tho past week. M. W. Hewell male • trip t0 ttrantfnrd and nth*r planes during the nook. Mrs. Rd. Munro ylsttal relatives and friends In kiloton daring the weak. Min Jamie Thomsen, of Karlin, is "pend ing the b:aseert1Ae at her home hors. Chas. Humber, jr , made • trip bo Torso to and Port Rowan daring the week. R.Iph ttayhoe, of I'oronrn, has been visiting at tho hours of Rnnj. Manning.. John Lathe, the p0pnlar .gent for Frost & Weed, an hie Fume, eggs 10 Clinton. Ye. and Mn. A. 13.ner were et-. guests NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - APRI 1 Amnion Male-U4rruw 3 Oarrow.... M ease y. Hanle Agency -Bert Parsons.. , , St)I. In Millinery -W. A. Maxim Royal Florae and Cattle Splort-F H. Duob•m !toys IV'ill tie Roy.-W.U. Prldb•m Now About Horse M.dloloee-W. 0 • Goode The Hest Toot. 1e -E, B. & M. H. Leal Improvemsot-'1'owo of Godsrieb1 Plush ;lust Given Away -Smith Bros. & Go 8 Sprioq Suiblage-VV m. Stapleton 1 Adjourned Meeting Curling and Strains Association - 1 Plano Tomer -E. B. & M H 1 White Underwear, oto -Hodgen. Bea - 8 House to Rant -Mn, J. H. W1111o0me1 Aonounuement-A, J. Cooper 1 Living Moving Natures -Cox Brea I W.Ik Over Slices --P. T. Halle,_ 8 01 Mrs. J. Ney1He, Stratford, on Good Fri. day. Frank Shannon, of London, was among his old friends for a day or two the peat week. Miss Constanoe Le Touzel, teacher In the Hennll pul.lio %boot, te bums ter the boll• days. Miss Fioritoo. 1 urner, who teaches at D000ybrook, le spending the vacation al home Mme Brace 00 aeon hos nturoed home Iron Wysoom where she was teaoblog school Moss M. E. Inglis, of Maxwell, spent Easter under the panotsl root, Lighthouse street. Mrs. Whitehead, of Clinton, was the truest of Mr. and Mn. J. A. Fowles on Monday Mies Brook Mltohell, of Torooto, cele- brated Enter at the how. of her father, W. k uo Alex. I'..,,, of Ashfield, nturoed to the ('.110(41 Business Cottage of Stratford oo Tusedw.hell, AIM Dtoksoo, of the Stratford br•noh of heEa erak of Montreal, was at home for Mus Usually has returned to Toronto after • runt to Mrs. Murray, Trafalgar Street. Mrs. Wm. Sharman, jr., and idles Ethel Sharman visited relatives at Guelph during the week. Miss Jennie Igoe hos gone on • month. visit to Louden, Demote, l'ort Huron and Bay City. W'ulhogtoo Davison, of Woodstock, spent Suter .t the home of hie father, A, K. Davison. Miss M •Lellan,0f the Collegiate institute, is spending the EYNr v.cattsa •t her boos In Stratford, Moes 1'earI Panningto0 nturoed home 0e Tuesday after • pleasant visit bo her broth• er to Guelph. Mrs. Alas. HoK.a.le and obtldren, ei Henson, were visiting relatives In town duty log the week. Mttand Mn. P H. Crewe and o011d, of Clinton, were Baster visitors at Sin Crewe' old home here. W. L. Hackett, Ngeher of oho Lanes public school. Ilea been bol,d•viog to Gods - rich this week. Miss Winntfredt Ball, student of the Ila. Carlo Norm•I College, Hamilton, is home for the holiday.. Miss Bertha Rusk, tsa^ber In ►b* Exeter publlo sohoolos spending (he h:a, ter 'mottos at her home hen. Mus Nellie Harris, who leu MJ t attend. log Moulton College. Toronto, b home for the Easter vacation. Charlie Lewitt returned 90 Ste •tford o0 Tuesdy to resume his studies at the Ceo• trai Baines. College. Mrs. L*badle and Mn. W. Labadi., of Blenheim, spent tee Easter holidays with Mrs. Ubu. Pule, 'Tr•1•lgar street. Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon and children, of Luek• now, were visiting the past week 4e ebe home of Mf. and Mrs. W. A. Harrleoo. Welter Macdonald, who le • student of Upper ( anode Callogn, Toronto, 1s spend• Inv the Eater holidays at 0ls horns here. R. A. McKenzie an 1 children, of Orumhn, visited during the hooter seisms at the tab r ino., of Mr. MoKenzle's tabor, R. W. M K.nrie. Mrs. Hutahlneoo, of Grey township, with her little daughter, ansa visit tog her parents, Mr and Mrs. James Hreokenridgo, during the put week. M. and Mrs. W. 0'. Molvor and dangh• Ear I'aarl, of W Ingham, spent the Raster holiday" at the residence of A. Ioglle, Lighthnues street. Mn. ridlier reoetved word last week of the Hines. of her boohond, who has boon spending the winter In Florida, and left for the South to attend open him, Arohltecl Fowler went to Clinton on Tuesday to prepare for the °rection of the n ew reeldenoo for Rev Father McMenamin, tho building of whiob he Is to superlotand, Mies Holed Stewart and her data, Mn. Andrews, of Cleveland, 0., who has Mau viaito r her former home at Kamilla, spent • few days at Woodstock during the past week. G. F. Blair, barrister. of Krassel., was In town on Saturday He ifrnvu the day be fore from Brom!" to Me•forth and arae Leras snow backs three lestdeep no the way, d lie remarked the total shame e1 snow hers. Prlsnlpel Merano. J. E Tom, pnhlle sehool inspector, and .1. Ttgert, principal of the Dungannon public school, left nn Mon- day to attend the meeting of the Kdur.tlon• al A.soelatlou In Toronto, Mr. Strang was s000mp•nierl by him d•aghter, Mies M.bel, Stratford Beaman : Miss G+onto Mo Koloht lett oe Wetineeday for Guelph N enter the hospital there as nares. lire ape plioatton had been airspeed some Nine aro bat the mil did Dot oome until this weak. Miss McKnight will be missed by many young Woods, and eapsotally by the ('antral Methodist choir. BORN. MORRTg At Anetln, 30.0„ the fie th► of March, the wife of Rdward Morrie. of • d•ughtor. HOWLED In West Wawanah, Maroh 164h, the wife of John Rowles, of • AOuehme. DIEC. M,1)AI}iMID,-In OoAMoh, on Monday, April Mh, Harriet Aso Maladroit I. eldest naugnt*r of Norman and Hearfett• Mo It&lrrnld. aged 1e years. 5 months and a days l'HISHOLM .in Colhorne. on Wetnee1q. April 10th. Ann Young, helovat wife of Hugh Chisholm. •god M years ..,1 / moods. The Moored will t.ke plats from thus rv*t china of Aar Anshanti, lot 10, nn.oweel.. 3, tow rahlp of Col barns, es Friday. A 1110, .t 3,45 am. tg Ss, Peter's °hank, oederloh, theme Os the R.re.n (10the11...mefnn►,