The Signal, 1901-1-17, Page 8e • INU UUDAY, Jon. 17, 1901. THE :ti1GNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. Everything MUST IN WINTER .leads, the township ooanoll the ward• COMING AND GOING bevies the greatest Dumber of votes oau _ 000trnl the eleottou so Si to get their owi. man to, W• think that each wad mould cleat ire Deo man separately, so It could select Its moot popular man as Its ropre•eo• lathe Reeves should be elected for two years and before offering for the puttee should eerve • term as uouuolllor. We 1 eboald like to have the opinions of others GO NOW GOODS. taS,,Three months of winter weather yet before you : get in your supply at the low price we are now offering. MILLINERY I DRESS Clearing sale of Fall and Winter Hats and Shapes and Hat Triin mings at just Half Price. Good range misses' and j ladies' ready-to-wear hats, Half Price. Special lot new fancy Wrapperettes, were 12ic and 15c, for 10c. See, our extra heavy, fast color, blue and white Shirting, regular 15e, for 12c. •IAOKETS Special lot ladies' Jack- ets, just 15, for $1.50. 50 other Jackets to choose from at about Half Price. CLOTHING Special line men's tlls- ters for $4.00. Boys' Pea Jackets, good sizes, $2.00 Large range Boys' and? Men's Separate Pants, all reduced. Special table of Heavy Dress. Goods, in price from 25c to 30c a yard, going at 15c a yard. Special values in '.lack and fancy Dress Goods at 25c. Handsome Silk Cre- pons, were $1.50, for $1. Extra value in fancy Silks at 50c. REMNANTS Table of Dress ends in pieces from 1 to:24 yds., worth 25c and 50c, for 10c a yard. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Special lot men's heavy • Caps, with turn down bands. Regular 50c, for 25c. BOYS' UNDERWEAR O e lot assorted sizes, ,, wol h 36c for `25c• EVERYTHING IN DRY GOODS, AND AT REDUCED PRICER. Smith Bro' & Co. DUNGANNON. NOTICE.- The local agency In Dunmennon tor Tea SIa, AL to at the o41ce of J. O. W AID, J,Y., wave))anoer, no.. who will receive or den tor subsorlptlons. adrertls'ng and jnh work. and to anthonxed to give receipts for amounts paid for the same '1 ULNDAV, Jan 1.5'h, 1401. Sacrament was dispensed In ErriIne church here last Sabbath. The reeve and members ori council art W. Wawanush d -•ire to .hank the Mia payers for t.. boner oo.:ierred on them by their election. Films? SUsetoN,-Ge Monday to oomph. ante with statute the onaootl of %Vest ty a. wanesh for 1901 held their firat nesting. All the members were present except J. A, Mallough, who was kept away with • seven acid. The alert, treasurer and assessor \ were re -appointed Rtnhard Anderson and ,)corse Routledge were apooloted auditor* The next meeting will be on Feb. 14 t b. PinsoNAL -Masters E Malle:ogh sort Vr Stewart have retaraed after visiting et , S.alorth end other points Mise Date ioelalr and Mise Naomi Davidson re. turned outs recently after having • plea ant two asks' visit with friends in Toroo M re. Mohaly and three children returned hepta on To.eday after a week's visit with the former's paretic Mr. and Mn. Soott. of Ashfield A Pentland, who bas been ih for some time, le somewhat better. .... We' egret the Inoue of Mrs. John Johaton, o the 5th concession of Wawanostt, from d pay. We, along with her host of friends, he .e to hear ot her re- oevery In the near fut. e. WLUDIND BILL•.- the evening of Wedo.etay, Jae. 9th, • •Irasa'tt time was spent at the resideoo• of .re. Elizebetb Nevin, when her daughter, lel Margaret, was united In the bonds of atrimeny to !'has. Elliott, bath esteemed estdeote of Duogan0on. There wort about nxty In- vited guests from various pol.ts. Rev K Farbelro, B. A.. united them as 1 e pert - nen. Meoy voluble promote were\Riven to token of the **teem to wide') the y'yuog oonple are held. We ano•rely coogratn'1l.ate them end wish them a prosperous abd happy union. The mot le worthy ot, epeeist note as befog the first wedding art ebbe neighborhood done the twentieth con tory arrived. 4 ±+ The orran and hlcycbs factories were sire ed Monday afternoon nn 0000001 of the funeral of Mrs Jas. Clark. LEBBURN• / MOADIT, di1 10th, 'Dui annual oongregatIoeal meeting ot Leer urn churoh will be held i . the 24'h mat. James Taylor desires ds to express hie thanks for the good support given to FA,. l i the ward In last Mood•y'r battle for the reeveehip of Colborne Newt year be may again be a oaodidote for the poeltioo, as he thinks he is not conquered yet. In the municipal elution, on Monday of beat week George Kshoe, eigb'y-efght years of age, and Samuel Morris, 0'.'ty six years of age, both voted. Both of them exercised the Iranoblse without utlog their 'pomades Can any other ward brei, forward • par of older voters! It is worthy of notice also that the oloety.8ve voters who recorded their votes here, did so without spoiling a ballot. Friday evening last Mr. and Mrs. ferny Stewart entertained a Dumber of the years. people at their reddeooe to a soclei party. Among them were two Done familiar faoee, thou of Wm. FulforA and l' Stewart, now of Gal ) Galesburg, Del. eats who at Q.recent aro D home one furlough to see their relatives and possibly some otters. Wm. Lindsey, from near Sealorth, who is Vleitlop relatives here, also was present. After a pleasant stay of three weeks with Ole parents and friends. Peter Stuart lett on his return to Erie, Dakota, on Wednesday of last week In taking • trip to Laoknnw to see his wife'a relet.ves he caught a severe cold, whii h prevented him from visiting 1 old freer% here and to Dunlop. Befog one of the former preoeptors of the school here, he saw quite • number of his forma scholar., who, however, do not now g nawer theaohool roll. A number of them n ow have to obey some one else -not a few hours daily, bat all the time Ninety -Eve voters, four ot whom were from Godertob. oast their ballots here on Monday of last week. When the poll closed It was found that James Taylor bad received 78 votes for the reeveshlp and Henry Morris 73 for oounolllor. the lait•r getting a grand plumper. Netther M•. Taylor nor Mr. Morris was elected, betw- een, the vote from the other wards defea, log them. This year oar ward will not h ve • representative In the council, or one linr near it. The saga (MULTI. (ie,ern meo Rbould make • note of the fact that there hie more voters in some wards than in others, \sod ander the present system of Up-to-date Notepaper and envelopes....... The lovely velvet finish that makes writing so pleasant is pe- culiar`°to Devonshire Notepaper. Special price : Paper, I.Oe. per quire; Envelopes, 10c. per pkg. 1 FEIN LINES TO CLEAR : Ideal Flax Note, reg. price, 10c. qr. ; Envelopes, 10c. pkg. Clearing price ! one qr. Paper -and a pkg. Envelopes, 15e. London Grey Note and Envelopes, same price. Ask to see our Special Notepaper, Sc. quire ; Envelopes to match, 6c. pkg. BELL \TELEPHONE CO. The Lous Dhstatuo .Telephone. at- fnr,te the gaicke.t, cheapest and nnat-reliable meahp of communica- tion. Give it ,t trial. Continuous ser - tire DEO. PORTER, ' Local Manager. il'Pho+te No. 100 Porter's Book Store, ✓t'" tdva1m'l• b 100 R. 00 Ws matter, either for or against the views we hays uprooted. "DUNLOP. IIUoNDAT Jan. 14. Mise 4.re Corbett vetted la Sealorth last week. Wednesday of last week Mrs. Allen was called to Chown by the death el her sister, Mn. Robert Stirling, who with her husband retired from their farm to God.rleb towosbfp to live In Clinton **Vert years ago. LANES. TUsnvay, Jan. 151k. Wet. Baldwin is away at present vlsltog Ids sisters in and near Detroit. F. R. Soots is taking o tum at the Con. tral liminess College, Toronto. Mies Helen Aroher, of Luckecw, le the pawn el her slater, Mrs, P. Scott. The annual nesting of the Preebyterlao church here will bnt held ou 1'us.day. Jan• uuy22,at2P.os, A antler of yottug people from Luokoow held a axial hop at the residence of P. Scott on Monday night. Kenneth McLean left last week for an extendoi trip to Manitoba and the North• west for the beoefit of has health. PORT ALBERT. TUESDAY, JAN. 16th. Srrrwn AND Cot:41aT-The oyster sup• per and concert to 000neotlon with Christ churoh here last .Thursday was quite a run• case. The attendanoss good, nod the Proceeds amounted to 55.45. After the good tillage which were served in the base moot had been done ample patios to, ad - j .urnmeat was made to the churoh, where too sacred concert, addressees. oto., were giseo. Th. rector, Rev. M. M. Goldberg, opened with prayer, followed by the anthem, "Behold, I Briog You (:.sed tiding'," ov the choir of St. George's churoh, Goderioh, which was much appreciated. an were all the r,leotiooa by the• obolr. These included "0, Zen, That Brtngeat Gold Ti tinge,' "There Were Whisperings in the Houses," "Io $ha Field,' .to. A solo by Mia Ada Banat, "Thou Dian Not Leave Hb Snub in Hell," and one by Mn. Millar, "The Golden Corn," were very well given and heartily applauded. Ross Goldberg, the little daughter of the rector, recited very creditably. A olarlonet and Bute deet by C. and H. Blaokstone, "Pastoral Symph• any," and a duet by Me. Cuff, organist of Sr. Oeorgs., Godertoh, on the organ, and H. Btackitree on the fluty, were bpth much th ioght of. A i reesee were glyo by Rey Mr. Holdt.0rp, Rev. M J Wilson, ot N•ie, and Rev. R F.irbsiro, of Dueranonn. Toe singing of God save the Queen closed the entertainment. BLUk-VALE. TcuoaT, JAN. 15:h Mrs. Seal wished friends la Woburn Tat week. Overs. Lemon, of Cdtnrri N. W. T, Sir 1a the village. Mr. Herdv,.of (Alms. Mrv, Rottterford, last Weden:lay. Jas.. Stuart, of Reserfeld, Manito- ba is visiting relatives in and ironed Bee ea.1. Joseph Lesch. wbo has ben visiting in Nebraska and Michigan. returned home last week. Mr. sod Mrs. Fred MoCraokeo nod child. ran, of Brussel., epeht Sunday at .Jobs 1. trdiner'e. K, N Duff sod R. G. C.e.morit are awe, to Matisttjiscflohlgan, os • business trip. - tv tit 1 herot)o, who hes had bis platy reot1 for the la,t ttau peen, relented to his term to Morris last Wednesday. William Messer and James Bur gess left on Wednesday to atteol the coo. veohon of the W.eten Dalry -men'. Assoc- iatio.t, .t London. Mre. Geo MoD)nald has reelgaed her position as organist Io the Presbyterian church, mach In 'the regret of the congrs. Ration, as she fill oil g .d the pea loo vary Dred Itably. CHURCH NOTES. Rel- (i F' Jatoo, at present pastor of Centenary churoh, Hamtlton, has aooepted an ,nvttsttno to named Rev. Dr. Race as pastor of I/owlis on church, Ottawa, Rry Jasper Wllson will presets misaiou• ary serious oo the Auburn o:rouir next See- d oy , eeAay, and Rev John Kennedy, of Auburn, w,11 peach in Nartb-st. Metuodist oburob, Seniors at Sr. Peter's till the first ot Juan : High mess at 10:30 A. M. and yes - pen at 7 P. tt . every Sunday. Low mase st 7:33 A, w the fine Sunday of every month. Morelos every moroing on week days at 7:30 A. IL Oo the occasion ot his eeparture to tete charge of the new parish of Clinton and Iblyth,Rey. Fether NI)Manamin was present- ed by parishoner.at St. Augustine with an address sod a tone is • token of their es- teem for him and their apprselatloo of Ale efforts on their behalf. The members of the C.M.B.A,aleo presented him with an address accompanied by • handsome gold•hesded rias Alter the regular sealoo of Sr. (lenrge's Sunday school last Sunday afternoon an In- formal presentation was made to D. Neftel, sec,-treae, of the school and lately superto t.ndent. An address, signed on behalf of the ttsebars and 'obelus by the rector, Rev. M '1'urobull, and the preterit saperlo• tendent, Mr. Fowler, was read by the rao 100 and promoted aocomp•ol.d by a lona* tan pen, In recognition of Mr. Nattel's nog e nd valuable services In 000neotloo wi h the solaced. Completely taken by surprise, Mr. Netted replied in a few word, thanking the iobool for their gift and expremioo of emit. to 000"ecttno with the Presbyterian oen- tury fund m,vemen', the announcement is made that the amount aotoslk, subeoribed op to December 3141 last Ma 11,130 000, and the indications ars that the total well nwh 11.360.000 In the scheme of the Gen- eral Aes.mbly 1600,000 of the million dol. '1•n which It was originally. proposed to raise was to be for the misslontry and *du estineral work of the churoh, and 1400,000 for ohuroh Indebtedness. While the total will Wooly exceed the million dollar,, the anbeorlptioos for missionary and education •I work •motet only Cn sheet $500.000, and • special effort 1s now being made to have this amount Inorea.el to the desired 1600, 000 or more. Rev. Father P,,st aimed h!s pastorate of 5t. Joseph's churoh on Sundey when, 1n hie oapeolty as their parish priest, he bade the 000gregatloo farewell. He spoke of the mloab+e relations which had away, exlrt• ori between them as pester and people during the test•• short years which be had Moved among them and thekked them for their hearty on operation The gond people .1 at. Joseph rerret the eeparture of Father West, who wee to ea, h r f them a Mood as well as pastor, and would hare been pleased to have uprooted their epprenlabon of him in tangible form. Amnon non Cetholmw, leo, he 1s held to hills reward, mach esteem- ed toe his many *triose et mind and heart. To them as well as to his own people he expresses his thank! tor the hintinem ,howl' him. -Cita toe News-Reoerd. The Mal and Respire lowgnr•ted an ea •ty nomp.'Itino M wh(oh • lure number pertlo p•ted. Ono of the three privet Court House Square, Ooderlch. ' ;; ne.M IIISI.00. ola(Iotlertnh township, and formerly el F Jordan's drug store. tl to Eveogeline S. Fraser is vi.Alog In Luuknow. A. S. t'hryetel, of Looting, is Iu town agate this week Mn. Sinclair, of ioroute, le visiting her sister, Mu. Seager. Arthur Bates lett on Tuesday for fort h:igiu, where he has a situetlou. Mus Hoggarth, of Exeter. is visiting the Mesa Washington, Kut street. Mn. G. W. Forrest end little daughter have returned from • visit to Toronto. Mee F. MoLar.o, of Luckuow, le visiting bet cousin, Mlles C. Fraser, East street. F W . Doty, of the (Ioderloh h:ngioe and Bloyole ('o., was in Brantford on Tuesday. Geoffrey Holl left on Monday to resume his studies at Trinity Uulyersily, Toronto. Andrew Williamson left on Thursday to resume his former position at Cleveland, 0. Mn. Crabb. Isla yesterday for Seafortb, where her sen, (Aare', Is i11 with pueu- moole. Albert Straughan, of Salida. (hdorado, is epeudlog **vert weeks here visiting bis rel abyss Mr. and Mrs. Rbohard Vlgan, of Port Arthur, are visiting their Mune, J. P. Brown. The young mac who was q tined for smallpox has been released, all denser now being past. John Henderson, who has been .pending his vacation at home, returned to Detroit Saturday. Lionel Planet returned to Toronto !Est week to centime his studies at Trin.:y University. Mie Brindley and brother, of Sheppard - too, left last week for Pine River on an *x tended yleit. Mrs Thos. Bogle, of Lake Dauphin, Man., is elating her husband's relatives to (lode rich and Colborne, Mrs. Wilson spent • few days the post week with her daughter, Mtn Elizabeth Wilson, at Crediton. Mr. and Mn. J. T. I)rost, of Bols.evain, Mao., hays Dome to town, and will probably wake their residence here. Wm. Dickson and Miss Dickson are vlslt- log Mr.. Cramweiler at Essex, and will re• mato there for some week,. Jim Garrow left on Monday for Toronto to attend Upper Canada College. y His lather, Hon. J. T. Garrow. accompanied him. Mies Clara Sharman left oo Monday for Toronto, where she will spend a few week, In attendance at the Conservatory of Masio. Tb. C.O.F. will meet oo Tuesday, Feb. 5. A full attendaooe is desired to mak• ar- rangemaots tor ao oyster supper. Tiooe BCKIWNn, Seo'y. M• B Dulmay, who for the pest nine months hat been on the oomposiog staff of 'rurtStuNAL, left this meroln" for Guelph, where he bat a situation, Mr. Dulmage while to town has hien antive 1, many circles, from which he will w mimed, and Many Ieien ts will be pleated to ane him again at any time. Leto. Col ('"1 Holmes, who is cow D O l; at Loudon, will be moved to British Colum- ba, and L:eut.•C'ul. Pe:ere, at p;. .eat at Mo treat, will be transferred to London as , Soo as Lieut. •Cob Gordon returns from Africa. L. Col. Homes 1 who 'e • oouag of the member I.r. Wast If woo) has two eons Ivtog in the Weet, and has two ethers buried then, hence hu willingness to go back to, the Paolfo Provlooe.-New Era. THE NEW CENTURY BOOM. Load to Advertiser :-O,ierio'i einem the century with a bylaw to keep cows off the street. Trio prooeevloa of progress @tuts Ottawa Cringe :-Oolerlob, Ont., by popular vote on Mrodey feet decided to keep crows off the public stre.te. The boom beg struck than town. Hamilton Speotator :-Great 1. the Twentieth Century 1 On Mooday the people of Go teriob, Dorado, determlr.e 1 be • mejtrlty vote to keep cows off th reef,! The century has struck a iut pt • • .0 Huron 0ooa'y. Mitclell Recorder :-A o, ;..w for closing up the cows was voted on to Goderfoh on Monday and named with 86 of • majority. Goderiob has a very extensive river fist ("blob the crows roamed open and troubled the town very little, hence the reason of their beeog allowed to run on Ina,, Mitch ell now carnet the honors alone in all tot welt, and we think before the century be out eyen Mttohell w111 move out of the rat AUCTION SALES. All pieties getting their gals bills piloted at this ofhao eta have a free notice inserted in this list ao to the time of sale*. Waniv t *y, January 300 -Sale of im- ported Clydesdale ateliers and other hornet, the property of Gundry Bra., at their stables, Hamilton area, oommeooiog at 1:30 o'olook v ra 1.'et includes the Import .d Olydwdale •tallinos Milton Hill and P.ok.n's Pride, Guidry Bros haying de- cided to se Dot of the stallion business. Tutu. Onsuay, •uetlonser. Tvgst.T, behroary 5th. -Auction tale of tklfty head of choice cattle, including good cows and heifers In calf, tet heifers cosi young heifers and elven, and other article, the property of James F.asan, lot 3, coo. 5, E 1) Colborne. T. O1754DwT, auctioneer. Mixed 5. Els L.eatioa. The following Is told of an Amerioan gentleman who was recently stopple, with hie w11• at the Hotel Cecil In Leaden. On their first Ps -ening there be happened G+ re• tire somewhat later than his spouse Arne log at the door of what he Imeglo.d to L. Oe room and finding It locked,he tapped and called "Hooey!` No answer Dame, and he .ailed again and more loudly, "Honey!" Etill be est no r.piy and becnmIng som, what uneasy he ■bnu'.ed the endearing term wi.h his hi11 lung power. This time • re• pry came, and in • male voce : "Ge sway, you blithering Idiot ' This 1. • bathroom, eat it bleeming bot -hive I" -New York Sun, Ck seek Eaten. Landon A unitise: Rey. Dr. 1'ot', re- ports the 20: neater, tbankeglving fond of the Canediai ethttlist Church op to Jan. 5 amounted to 1 2.963.67, not far off the million aimed at., The Presbyterians are also well oo towardk.their million. if thou urge funds an jadielonsly employed, the regatta cannot not tell on the spiritual and moral interests of the 200 Denbury. Oo- oastmaly the Idea has lien suggested that these two great Canadian droominatlnes should unite their formes. Why not The deet half el the 190 metier, Mew nonsollde• Dons of the various Methodist -bodies and Ilkewlsr of the various Prabvterteo bodies. No doubt the 20th century will nes the healing of other anti I divisions. BORN. RICHARDSON.- At 10Csrue•street, Toron- to on January in, the wife of Dr 1'. B. Richardson (formerly of Redoneht, of a daughter. DIED. CLARK. --In Goderloh, on grids,. January 11th. Margaret. wife of .fames (;lark. MARTIN. -10 Ooderleh, on Sunday Jannary 13th, William S., beloved eon of William Martie, aged 5 month,. NORTRORAt'E5. -In Ooderloh, on Toewta , January 15th William Jerome North graves, aged it years. The Inneral will take place from the rest donee of his son -le -law, Judge Doyle, St. Vin neat street, on Thursday. Januar, 17th, at 9 •_ m.. to Rt. Peter's nherrh. ' BENNE TT. ie fort Albert, on Tneeday, Jan - nary 13th, (tather(ne Wells, relief of the late Arthur Itennett. aged F I years Ti. funeral will take plane trent the red. deem of her em In law, Themes Hal/klieg, Peet Al,tsrt, on Thneeday. Jana wy lyth, at 1 11.1.. 10 Port Albert oamotery, Verilletseeeremereereeeesseeersereeee0101101101011.0.• Neel You can go farther but can't do any better for that cold than by getting a bustle of our White Pine Coru- pouud with Tar. It has cured others and will cure you if you bile it a trial. 25,. a tache, or S Iv.tties bn 11.00. F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B., 1 DRUGGIST. Cotner of West tet. nod Squall. ..10111•91.114111111111.100110•••• •••••••••••••••••• Loral Balm V40RTOAGE SALB OF VALUABLE .a FARM PROPERTY. - Under and by virtue of the power of sale 000t•Inod to a certain mortice r., bearing date the 8th day of January. ie. U 1888. made by the vendors, and wbloh will be produced at the time of sale, there will be sold by public auotlon at Buxton's Hotel. to the town of Ooderloh, In the county of Huron. by John Knox. auoUoaeer. on Saturday, the 9th day of February, A.D. 1101, at I1 o'clock noon, the fob lowing valuable farm property, namely : Por- Itoos of lots numbers Saud 1 to the tint oon- osealon, western division, of the township of Co.borne, In the county of Hume, 000tabntog together s'Aly and one-half cores of land. by the same more or lees. and which portions aro particularly desert bed by tastes and bounds 1a the said mortgage. Tb. soil Is good Olay and sandy loam. The property is situated about three miles 1,010 Ooderloh. The buildings ooasis( ofaoew barn 551(1. frame bores Mahle and Dow stable, and frame house 1 1 2 stories high Tu we are also about 2 ao-ea of young orahard. This is • desirable tum and will be sold o0 N W terms. Turns: Ten per cast ot pe-obs.e mosey os the day of sale. and the bal•ooe witblu 3) days thereafter. In all other respects the ter ms and oondltlons of sale wilt he the standing condi• lions of the High Court of Jostloe. For further particulars and a full deserip• tion of the 'mid lands by metes and bounds, apply to the auctioneer or to the undersigned. Dated lith January. A 11 1901 JOHN KNOX, PHILIP HOLT. Auotiooeer, Vendors' Solicitor, Ooderloh, 1331 CKCUTOI: MALE OF TOV\ PRo l' l' L'ndertn.t .,lona from the executor of the estate of the late H. Sanderson, then will be offered for sale by potato aoottot. by Tampa, Gentry. Require,aootlonecr, upon the prom leve, oo Friday, the tat day of February, A.D. 19¢1, at two o'clock lo the afternoon, W that certato parcel of lent altuate In the town of (+indent to the county ot Hurno, beteg corn. period of 1 .1 No. 85 In the Bald town cf Oode rich, ocotatning one quarter of .n acre of lend more or lees. Cpoo the said premises is sall to be erected a triune cottage oh atone founda tion. with cellar, 000talning five room.. in good stateorrepair; also fruit trees, eta, sit -.010 upon Pt. David street. within three mloutee walk of the O.T It. station aha 000- vehleot to the factories. Terms of Pale. -10 per cam 1. of purchase money to bo paid to the vendor's solicitor at time of We, sufficient within twenty days thereafter to mate up one-third of the pur chase money. the remaining oortioo to re. IOWA upon mortgage repayable In eve" par doss in oneend two years each, with Interest at 6 per tent.. or the whole may be paid off in cash at the option of the purchaser. The pr perty will be offered subject to • re - seri • bid. The premises may be Inspected on application to the auctioneer. Further particulars and conditions of *ale nay be obtained from the auotloneer or from MRS.OARR')W t UARROW, Barris- ters, Ooderlch, or from A. O. F. LA W RNNCI, Freehold Bullding, Toronto, vendor'• Soli Iter. 11-1t. Battu to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS. hi the estate of the late Richard 1'.er.e, the elder. Pursuant to Chapter 129, 11. B. O. 1897, all persons having claims go ores ton or other Wye against the estate of the late Richard Peen the elder. of the township of Ashfleld. In the musty or Hama. yeoman, who died ea or about the 31st day of Januery. 1889. are re quired to scud In such claims . post, prevail, or otherw ow to deliver to the undersigned so- ltcitor for Richard Peen the younger, the ex• eehtor of the said estate, with boil particulars thereof, and • statement of securities, it any, held by them. on or before the 30th der of January, A.D. 19)1. The said rxecntor af'er the sail 39th day of January. 1901, will proceed to distribute the assets of the raid e .tate amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he then shall here bad no' ice. and will not be liable for such agree, or any part thereof, to any poison or persons of whose claims he shall not then have received o ,ttoe, PHILI1' HOLT, Solicitor for said Executor, Uoderlch. January 8, 1901. 1931 Ootierleh, Publlo Mottos. NOTICE 14 HEREBY GIVEN THAT an application will be made to the Parliament of Oaoada at the next seedes thereof for an ant to amend the act Inoorpef= w ing the Dominion 011 Pipe Line sod Manu- fscturingCompany, 5051 Victoria, Chapter 122, In the following parttoalan, to wit 1. -To reduce the capital stook of the raid Company and to change the name t' erect. 2. -To change the provisional board of di- rectors. E.- To authorize sail tompa,y to deal In opal and Its products. or any combination of ooal and oil, their products and by-products. and to provide f tr the della, re of the same by said tornpany, and to revive sail cot. I rated December 15th, 1! ) Lorrus11.DANCKY. 9 7t Polloltor for Applicants. Bring your Prescription HERE I Its ingreiliente, pure and Ire,.li, will I.. put together correctly, and the finished p r o d u c t dieponeeeb ewteee eng In the (teat toothinga of Phu. "'Alt. the store n epeeialty is made of prescription work. The purest obtain- ab'e drugs and chemicale are purchased with the, object int view. We tear by our new method all drugs and chem' cabs before dispensing them, and your pretwriptitni will receive the tenefit of these reliable drug store prrwautions. We give just what the prescription cable for-that'e whet your Doctor wants. It helps to cure the patient - it helps the Doctor and it helps the i)rtggist. A.k your i)or•tor about our stew ap, paratue which hie been pis sed in our •torn at A big enpence, but it has proved to be a greet. protector and Rafe guard to our rnutnmers against impure end a,lnlIerated towel. He knows We also tell our Headache Puwden -the kind that i ares Wil -m'* iron P111., BaIaAm Will Cherry Bark, Syrup of White fine end Tar. ani! Wilenn'e Making Powder -the kind that makes and take* the rake All three gonia ere guaranteed or 7,000 Pairs a Day THE is prod uthlel The makers ackuowledg- 1' 1541 Swigs. Kld Tip. Fashion's Favorite. SEE THAT THIS ASK IS BRANDED ON EVERY SHOE. /Bedlam Sole. Square Edge. Medium Low HeeL 0IIACT aIPeOOVCTWM 0r Tweet MMC *0.01. SHOE FOR WOMEN in the finest factory in the world. are, and have been for years, th., eti leaders in their line—WorRN h The shoes are the most perfect fit ting, the oasie.t on the feet, the most artistic, the handsomest, and the beet values ever known in footwear. There are all styles for all uses, indoors or out ; dress, walking, wheeling, golfing, house wear. The wonion who hasn't Been them has missed .owething, and she who hasn't worn them has missed still mores. They are • delight to the eye and a comfort to the toot. ONE PRICE ALWAYS, $3.75. P. T. HALLS, Sols AgsM toe Qwest Quality, BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. mean Memo and Ns mtttablpal mem meet from the view point of tb. law-brsak• SusLD0N's NEw Book. -A new book by Charles M. Sheldon the famous wither of "lo His Steps," never fele to excite the lotereet ot thousands of readers. "Born to Serve" is the tide of rhe latest book by Mr. Sheldon, and the advanced sheets indloate • very strong back Indeed, one of thrilling in- terest to the thoughtful ruder, one In whfob with • muter'. hand many of th. (makers of 'cola! life, of domestic uobappl• new, of the bleeder woman problem, of social reform at the vitals of society --ore laid bare, with cultured delicacy, bat none the Ise with graphic, unflinching truth. The Canadian rights baits been secured by 1'h• Poole Poblehing Company, Toronto, but as the story well not appear to book tom fur some time the publisbon will ran Was a serial in The Presbyterian Review, Degiootng with the issue of the 3rd lost., thus enabling the readers of that paper to have this most Intereetlog work la advance. Mt'C'Lctts'i MAUA:irii.-MoOlur.. Maga. zine I r FebruaryI will contain • character study, ' Croker, by William Allen Whits, to which this brilliant writer analyze Tam maoy'e leader and deo ares the **crew of bis power. "lo Tho World of Graft," the au- thor, Josiah Flynt, who has woo fame as 5 personal explorer of lbs anderwerld, IM - en themselves. Professor bra Remwo, 1.. L I)., w111 oo trlbatee an a000uot of some "Unsolved Problems of Chemistry, ' In which he treats of those curious and put ding phenomena that bef8• all the efforts of sol•oce to •:plata them. The number will moults a graphics curative of Hernando de Soto and his disoov.ry of the Mtwlnlppl, by Cyrus Town.eod Brady, whose powers to picturesque and adequate hlseorlul writ- ing hay• woo him so much e*tsett from the readmit public the article will be felly iL lactated. Many other noted writers will oeotrlbute to the pages of MoCleris for February. Th. S. 5. McCLUas Co., 141- 156 last 25th 80., New York Qtr. ANNOUNCEMENTS• Oysters. (sol them al the Vloerle Kee. taarana, Wes/ street. They reoelve them regularly -always fresh, loo cream. eon fovienery, fruits and cigars. ('. Roan nos a, proprlewr. Telephone 70. Wanted.-1;buloe roll butler, 190. Dub, 22o. trade There's quite a speedy span of dark steppers that out take even Harold H 'e mwure No. 1 mink or fox, 53.00. O. & Kuro, Wl.gham. "What Lowly SMds /" "Never dreamed that ouch oboes could be made in Canada I " "loci that a beautiful heist'?- " 1 like the shape and cut of its too, so graceful, you know." "Yes, it's the "King Quality" shoe, and really, girls, 1 oevrr wore shoes so comfortable an. neat an these are. And, you know, we save all the customs dutree, .because they are made in Canada." "They won the gold medal at Paris this year. "See, here is the trade -mark you can know them by" a- "KINO QuAk.1Tlf.- mside by The J. D. Muir 0.., Uwsr.ed, TeronS.. tearing Sale ongBoots Ho'fore stock -taking we find we have too many LONG BOOTS, rind have decided to run them off at VERY LOW PRICES, to suit everyone. We, invite you to Dome in and compare our HING'QUALITY SHOES, for Liies and Ciente, with other makes, and you will decide that they are worn up-to-date in style, comfort and dunbtl ity than other mn'Aes which Dost you more money. When buying rubbers why not buy the besb; they are cheap est in the end. STUB PROOF aro the best, and nothing is Stub Proof unless it is stamped on every sole. You should call att(i see our LADIES' BARGAIN TABLE AT 98e, They are genuine snaps. Trunks and Grips. ST. GEORGE PRICE t3Repair ng Neatly Done Sole Agent for J. D. King Co's Goods. X-cnl SBS 38G Am... These are in SAWS.... Leader, Racer, Buffalo Bill, Premier, Rapid Easy, Challenge. We sell nothing but the beat -made goods. AXES.... Black Diamond "•" Made Monarch, Clipper, Spedal, Triumph, other lines. We sell our Saws and Axes on small margins. your money heck. We have a fine assortment of BELLS, which we We amity re anything for our custom- are running off. ere free of charge, and give a correct. analysis. Terme cash -no credit. Telephone all McKenzie& H owe 11 nigkt. J. WILSON, Prescription Drug Siwe. THE RLAOE TO BUY ALL HARDWAIK OHEAP.