The Signal, 1901-1-17, Page 2e, I s I - I The e nai . t "'OL t Stir T TMU%dD&T YORMOM t EV U. Ino-' ILLICUD Dt. a, __ _ - --it I e THURKlall'. JAN. 17, 1901. I OUR 1•t)8TA1. HU81NKhK. , 'l9Nv ptistmbater l;coeral's rt•pw,rt a lu; the, year etkliug June 30, 1:)UU, I tar Ueeo dtotrlluted. 'uud It 1-untniuo amu,i Information regarding the i po+t otfic" rystrm of (:aetu.hL. Lust year there were 9,8_7 officten upea, an incrwua+ of _U7 user the preced- lug year, and there were :x,917,:,00 mune ordinary letters walled. and L18u,000 movie registered letters. Then+ were fewer pwt oardtl waded sad there was a great Increase 3u the lower clued MAU matter. suit+ figures of the bttrinerm of the kava) offlOea nay prove interesting. Tire gresms revenue shows a decrease of >f.`t.:,08. but in other respowts the bu4laoar Is In ellawrr of that of tie year 1899. 'flee rLttoesseent of grtwr revenue atwwl the following- 1:R0 8 REVENUE. 1809. IWO. Wein office... ...... ...*81.•;67 58(,110 James street.. ... ... :,145 J.uo, Pearl str,•et... ...... .- 1;.65 1,_13 ttte\en atreet... ....... . 79:. Bal 1189,77_ 4811;:69 TIN• money under business of 1809 Wild grater UIUp that o1 19W by $,i,tl(i',._S. The sl,cra•dng Is - 181,9. _ Oaten+ issued .. ... ....... ... 4600, H:3.86 Oret•rd laud.. ... ... -.. ------ Total ......... ............ 417_,368.10 li►W. Onlr-rs Issued... ... ... Ill 17.719.83 (,,,,erg ,wild... - ... ... 870,981.02 Tota 1 ...... ... ... ... ... ... 4488.700.8:, is, postal note business, however, there teas been a gain, more titan off- sotting this, the anoints paid being: 1899 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 418.383.71 IIK►0... ... ... ... _. ... ... 29.011._6 The figures given Include the three city branch office". fHK I.Alttik:1T ON HF-CORI►. \ Tire Jhnanlelal statement of the Ito - to pialcxi for tie fiscal year which Suit- - tied June 30t1a. 1'000, has raw been pub- . lashed in the blue book which goes under the tame u( publie, Act"unts. Tilt• approximate totals were lutea Out from the Fiance Deportment L same mouths ago. , of course subJoout to revisf rt anti correction. The revenur for the year wear 431.0'_9.- U94, of which 1i28,578,147 carne from customs ,,,at $9,86s,075 Trove excise, the- remainder .\being cullectel frau public works 1 railways, Pont- Orin'we, etc. Tbs expelture was 1):4_,975.279, and t surplus of 48.• 034,719 is tie larges (xt revel eme_e (kxnfeieratiou. (N ttic mweey col- Ite ted, more titian ten milItou dulInrs . M paid fon interest on the floblie debt, which wA& (sled tit the etvl Of the year 4'.65.493:3,SW. it decreases Of 8779,689. The reeeipter front the Yukon territory amounted to fle 804,0'6, anti the expenditures tie 41,(306.941. had tlMre been lckell traoritnary expendiWreir of ac- count, of the South African war, the public debt would lave been redwmd by 1Q.3_7,L'6L. Tie tu.pluseg since tlfe Liberals took office Iu 18`96 snNMtat to :614,61 5,175. A.CONAN DOYI.F:,n Inl►OK (IN THIS 1\'AK. sgirlt of the north, was the In.Llo tlt AVII.F'It•U LAt'ItlKlt GMT MUCH T {xwk, but elwke tine morn. firmly DE WET rufflus On ihr Duty of Politicians 41ind to tier delay. Her citlseus ware l.rwyers. h& least concerned of Italy, for AUG At the bur diflner laded nes frit or ChNfligNseA tallith were tunny iu tie t ltro . Nl it tet Laurier owilitded Air ra- nt l`niadlaM few. N,xae the hew. curt. lu tho tulluwlug IuuguLgo: ho cheerfully twit her .,.are of the but in the meantime, what of the _ anestuun burden, null grew the rend• made Of till. iou. I f I: t utubnt or and tike eteecrior as that burdou souulu the f u ire', , ! day: 41 J mind Zhu Futuro; tike ours tit the ants to weigh more heavily." Who Circulate Paul Botha's present. (Cheers.) Dr true to the Over Three Thousand Miles Nlr. Do 71r has no higher opinion of duty of the lour, whatever that ti rmorell tralaan than 'Mr. Churchill p duty may be. Ar htu il'ti'ee on, pr - in 33 Days for the Peace lea. parlK,tts•s write, new prublewr re- t, Isla HP deduc s from the success of rent thewrelwe, lu be met wad solved. A the Boers on the defenshts that Brit- Meet tilt -ill, face them, solve thew on tin has no lunger the slightest cause the lilies of Culnulluu nationality, of I to frlr a foreign Invasion, .1with a Britlall citisenrhip. (Chewer). Deal ll wlth them ill from the higheat mu- tl moderate efnelituoy with the rifle LhP THREAT TO SHOOT HIM. tic+.N that can uppeni to the lull- RELIEF OF MAFEKIN w aWe-belled Inflation of this country huience of man. Du not mind the nt lBrlLahO could without Its fleet and _-- future; care Wr tho present. +tad the - — J without its prufesslonal soldiers defy future will gradually emerge from 1 the anited luteus of t:urophe. A coon- Kitchener KPpurls POsltlua tit Boen the afoot now enshrouding It, and It ,,c"' Itailcry under ylrJur Huduu will owergc bright, gi)riuits, noble, tl tri of hedgerows would with modern 6mr11 Parties ReturuluR North- b sea ns De the most terrible rnLao• worthy of ter land. (Lord cheers.) tie Otte Of the Greatest he) ward' Cape Hebels ('ruaht- As I am speaking to the bur of the Forced Marche. Kerr Itecnrded glement Into which nn army could Soldiers for Reinforcement- Four Province of Ontario, and as this Is In Ill+curl =1'hP Hamilton Ar1Jl- in wander. The lesson of the war, As 1 l•I1auw k>rrth*. u free o)untry. And thid the banner trod It, Is that IL Is better and 1'rovince of the Dominion, prrhapd I ierynien'l'ouk (hart lu Thi.. chro,or for the country to have Kruvtnrtnd, Orrulgr River UulunY. WiIY be IM+rntltted t`I "l,ettt my whole The stings +tnrl relief of Mctfrking are 1 mind. (hear, bear.) 1 tIt►nk u grout tf fewer soldiers which shall be very jan. 14. -The svucess of the Burgh- dpul of the bar of th" Province of now rankell amongst the glorious 1 highly trained than many of a mixed cra Deuce Committee In distributing Ontllrio, but I where to it huge ex- pcour,ts of the British army. nnJ thu II ga;llity. It coatd as much to convey among the Republicans Paul Butha's joint Lie(, reproach uttered u moment ualaces of Ito brave defenders and gal. J and feed a worthiest man as a Rood isrtt, "From B"er to Boer," !aid In- aWi by our friend the Chtileatelainway.e): Inst comnuuxiovr aro known all over Lt on(. 1$ he is nut a dead shot wit:( ,, furlated (lenPrni 1)eNVeh who, it b but have ono bvlsit'ttwai"eltolfollow- leave tele chutaol curio, but, in the mhlat rifle what IA the use of carrying him reported, swears lie will, shoot the 4 no ,krabt the bite of Ontario fa Ise tit ill threw 0uthusinrtic reJOlrfugs, t seven thuur ind Milee In or,ler to authfxr at the orate opportunity. Thr triotc. I look not Only to their rays the Mafekiaty onerrespundent of To p,lnre Men in It Cuing line? Ons man refugeti catmp is now occupied by two prote.riue►, but to the country at tit" Ltlrkk,n Timm. we Ia\0 uverlaak- t who hlte Illy m ark outweigbg tea who tho,naaud pereunr. Another it being Largo; yet 1 ultogether agree with eros of the facet fumed watcher i min It, and only make oat+•tentlt of raxmed at Rlwnoorter, bytilinto 1 Wads a m)ntenl ago In thf• laid and trunwrt." "One abstr :upplie0 of all kind, in the-towne by it', (Wend k e 6i.or (or whir! huts ever been shave, b`eef tele, N 1 (}, ,but think till• last ui ale i'r0- kfo, by Lnx,pLs wlllill have Y.x hl Yenit t lutel7 eert,ln lesson of this war is lien+ rinxteaiug dally. vinTr+ u( Ontario are, d oi•ig fur, aur .to help .the Motbor Country by her ., th it there U-outsWe the artillery- The Lkwors are meet active Roarth- country ere WA: h 34 Ili ) :~sled ,lu I only one weap,u In Lice world, unit ward, anti niru in the direction of Thorn w.ti4 a lune. nut tar Aivt:fAt, t that weapon W the magusine rifle. Lindley. Varkaked COsnm(inis appear which I rtrulltct very Weil, tkcLt n On JiMil 13ttn C' Battery of the \ mrwber „T tlee Ise' of ter Prov"le" Royal Canadian artillery, under Ma- 1, (winces, swords And revolvers have to tat• J:deduglhuorul Le Wet to the Of Outarlu w,rat to Parliament Just Jim Hit iveI urdere to pro. ( belly ons pince-the museum." "The southward. ria surely as to the bench: that u Ceetd tel Cu Tema anti embark for t lemon of the war ,,s regards the et- Klirhrucr Itrportm. para amentary career,, wait Just as lie feet of artillerywit Ii that rd@while It Is Lrnduo, Jan. 15. -Its to the mucl, u crown of the Ityf.il career Beira,.whcere they were to farm part ti PiLwillni Us, tlw bench tylia the crown ,af do of the Rhoalediaaaa Teeld force under t comparatively harmless where troops War Office ander date of PrL-Wrlu, Itgal- career. Oi late yearo we tit) Gclierbt Sir 1'rederick Carrington. t firs extended Or entrenched, it is Jun. 14, Lord Kitellener ray. -"Bey- pot am ills teaauee rt..ults. For the i'le follow mdur ing they left Stet must deadly when, through (Welty 'ria whole force crowded the railway ltvatp,re of the her tit go to l'sarl n' flit .war KAllafubtein. Jan. Loth, wait- illpnt. I can under"tulel it is m "a^.• iculxrch Used aid u fureved march of leadership or the accident of the ing; to Life east. There Are' Iia Impor- rifle& to snake. Tho cordtiticos" tire 3o allied uta Cape Town and sailed I 4antindltruoleaare compelled to bunch. tont ubaugrr in the µx,itlund In the clue fed• I'ertl 4 it w,ald be n c t'rluufeil. c(evetlal small pettier n g p ,n lxaat,i tllu 'ulumbin sten their Spion Kop war won entirely fly the p- eery large peculliary bowrifke to Y(tnw t►fe'wewe e\evuug. 1 Baer nrtillery-the one example In p,:•ar to be returning to the Orange maiLP. But felt' stip' p-Lrt, 1 tinve lag Itiver Clrhwiy.:unh• Capo rebels who tlx,trghc uud lfup,etl +►tel belioveAthut Arei\ed at lielra. I the wnr where infantry hate been Recormpa cried a cumusuo.do Into the seaeh men, tie :Ur. Bubuwoat-(cheerri they I I wintered by gulls." ta)lon) have sulrrelWrred." -Mr. Lwer-frenewed chfirrO - Mr. Ill•Vmbeorg at Beira ve o Il "_ day. There will be many books on the aailWp rt'kW- he ate y lofting day; Huta Soldier, rtes Pollee. ' lUlLhie, alr:'RWJe.I npd munY uthere aatl• part a,I the fluttery loft bill kraut War. some of which will C"lltaln In- might find their wuy. to -the hoot' the, mace e\etatig eu nxlLe for Martin- Now Itlon that Vel. ('ortnn Doyle could \fes Turk, Juu. 1:1.-T1wn W els ,,, ki;aht loco[. I am yultu conscious. c I deal of uncertainty an to I.ha perlk,, mule ,leiiva. witero tie general itself estala- f K irellaed i be;fuve tlrlt P+ ina"I lir inure catsµ 'fete rewuleUWr not obtain In the time devoted to the oxuo iutentlolm of the Government of th9tae weu coul,t go to Parliu• of tier battery started for ilia battle prepiratlon of the volume before tel, it. regard to .tar 4uestiaail of rriu- merit. They perhaps might ,lot be aeatdatlo, ate following muruing, but no story th lit has yet appe+trwd Is furcemeyts for douth.tfricu, say. the ltund on tho right 0110. .1 would amourpaufal bj four officers :cud 1W 14u complete se his, illi Lie min wlu 'i n ibulw w JAtalJutt corrempou tent. Tho rstacr dee them uu the wrong .itle nur•avmmisriuteud utfii+trr anti Lura Of uautunutr tit that 'the enro.ment 4han not there tit 14.E lchoterie.► I:en• the .ylaemala old Mounted Infantry, to:intro to acquire an intelligeiit grasp uT l3wk I Pf ,Hies )lice i,r a lead (a tlemen, we. are drinking to Cana.Lt' who wom tletutled as esut►rt to tin of the various problerew ' connected hell - ata d tel gfilci illy wntra to the F:mplr(. Let Ott• rrndnd you p{csas. licD111 3114\ln W unhaul Lhe with the war cannot afford W over- dieted: It W rl:attxl flat In that we cw all Ito our tiharu for uns map lea talk what Mr. Doyle hes written. r„I.litiOn !it the` cuu•tit buiary,- tele Canada. for the Empire; the farm, g gb►gu at gauge eu Creek, War Office tutee to di. etch to wl4 re tlw marrow gauge euelr. and i Lr tin Isis field: the wiekingit .•tu )u rekxut otefyt4wg tit the fltuad- tite ('ape 5,000 r to .nsrgd w those chop, the lawyer in the courts l(augae wagons, the first part of the EDITORIAL NOTES. the Imperial Ye(lmau '. with. ae +a of law. But let ne remind just that u:uaituhgttit reucheJ Maruu,lellae oil Men whir have rend Kinginko fnvm beginning W end are unable tet ex- .. - phttn tin rewmwm miry tel :nff+mf faxvew of Britnln Ward France '(nvadnl lir Cr!mnn In 1H51. The prob'em of -whit tel^y fought earn other Per" `-i-_ . et R6enh •lm has ImstzT,ed ii Rra in,ny p'op'e brpides till lo•t 6:esthl,y. Pale, tat rued countant renilerm of the new•*- pprrp, whir lhnve gitpn mu•h rotten- '- tWi to the lorrogr1w ur rvfartR in 8 nth Afrl.•a during th, 1 -tat fifteen naothtim _ we" wcrr h lard p► extrema rogret on :tai onlay shit Mr. Witurtoa Churchlil had. not. In hit toeturb n11 FrWay evening, .explained th- enm*Pat of th • tr.ad,l:- between Orrnt Britain anti the Bower Repubilrm. 'rA Neigh ni-n we) reenm- meud a pwertrT,l of Cooart Dayle's hevelt \ , tie "The Great Ihrr War," published by (wire N. M,rafng & Co., Toronto n o i inn tier ro:oroef price LoO. to rNhtl nwpp, and the nutlor .Raja that ih„ugb n faller knowledge m•ly ici%e tin entirely dlftrrral, twiftisirtg tt► wonto oT tit+ menta of the Dwir war, his Aar•ount 1p compiled with nr much accuracy an 3A obtainable at this (tntr, - and thio6RIl lits JaAgmpirsM nmA rrttt- e nrw may bP fun(kel upx,n error, t v urn nt ]pilot made without fear nlr or__ __ I o .I¢I -_ llo`'tell•+ nb ut the call.of the, Ivor tugnars at the Calx• and their pnM- .. ing on in wrnrch of gold to leelagan Rn3•. Thele the Patch. In 11112, Just when Olivor Cromwell wits nt his .. .__ renin npa s .their 11rat ioxlgmeJal ' at t Cap+ o (i(wxt ilOPP, reinforce, In Illlle wh P by tilt. ilaguenot k igrnnln, form wlxnn JOit11PrL nn. llllere are deuce drd. Britain ne F, Cape (uloMh! by Pong11Pat 11and by purvlulmrl from the Alloldrr for "Io anionIootonAIh 1814. r,or fill. ,,tory f ibii irek /.Iqu lrpd It the mettlPniviit of Natal, th / Orange and the Tranvva I RPPed Item: Mntubv : ter diolrinkPry of got And the wrotrrr of ter UitImd,\r*, w count refer the render to the Ixok • Thera, G.,, will bill (n.,nd n fel wtnt"knent ,d tile. laxer rtmhlroll, - for the nnthne, m,y* it fes a I F. muse which c.inaot Iwenr In Ltirl, plate nlld lone+civ r,N+xi ter t hr rn. over Um oppxrll(.hl.. 1-.Mhing, ill "lel. ,-%P or Ilse w.ir. Mr. D,vylir maltreat flim rrrPretwi- I Ioolonial actiort. ".5R early not .1,11 t 11th, (Jnewnsalnivd, ll,m rl,•ry rend *pita . IrtpiPni, end offer. l a ,. tit insect , ttonnn(M lufntil ry cilli tnnrhln to gnaw; New Zeninnd, R'l.N,•rn Au L tralln, TAmmnelln, N'Ictorin, No pkxtth Wnlns and South Anxlrali to1low(d In the order named IAnAdt P / lilarra with tho stn ani elle tenor fe (gtltlug botly, Iran n (+ernevily tilt place of all .to wait for 'tan•- Altnl L6, after a 1urney irk Open There m ty be bad tlmea coming, but N actetaed. !t W ex eted that ads► anti tits Empire W 1n the High truck, on which 3. outtutnly cote of withuut counting tic+ pollup recraite court of Parlium •at. (Loud itis hang- tlw worot ruitwa30 W the world, of the signal of their arrival are nut yet .L few Weeks' tilt x soil sten more continued u laude.) \isiblo In the revenue rtatementr of Uaa ten Ihoueaaid fresh British _-_4______-_--__ J ol;Omottle. titer ryLuuiu.ler rrrnwguu A - CIN) foltuweng day. th(, Dominion. The receipts for the rix tla,I,L1 in tho fiek,t. The 4 .ti'at '1'HK GLA!3uON' 411OW. inuntis► that maid Dec. plot, 1900, ti' mineuts is Laido 6411 dealt th, __ larringtuta's footstool. a•rrr. 4"S,73i,638, and the ex,endl_ ted it b unJrr.tact lora! urs Isreresteg F'aictr About lieutland'" Gr•ner.tl Carrington cOldl:d.•red It t.(t sent • to SOUth _tfrica at t t.rt•„t Lithibitlon. edair,ble that. if portable, mere urtil- tallow 4L7,L'U8, 10. As compared with r-.Ae u( about 8,000 if multi. ter corresponding rix months of the Pular PiNgue De4th,. fl4• limilair ureal emeutal for ,tTy Mould Ln with C,Auuel flume g- ' pre Y g olumn...nd w:edc lib plans oecurdmit- previous year, the .rcSl7Dae Afhleased _fir,. _Jap. 15._Futrr de:atha ti Glurguw txn,bi Jou err mak... ,j , the outwore rlWw. With wtt.L.t fruits Bubonic P1 ae i-weurnxT-uu-Progrei R. - 'PFtaaulF---alas fjrYTftltcon- tfrry' were mode and haw by RI,_43;101, notwithstanding tic 1 i i reduction in the Customs duty on iso- the etelumer High,n>«t Prince, will, a'ri►ier. i.l tY:uta leve }art iilfurule-i •44•wleuuy they were c,rrievl out by usrived in 4h.ekdd Hartm)r je:iterd.ty the Lar.l Pru,ort that tile.)' Ic,h have the men entrusted with threw. It Must Iverts from Britain, which went into from ilhv leiter .Plate. Nicu.ure ill perfurmiug tlru o1wi ing tae lxuue in m'oJ th at both gine tend effect on July let, 19W. Titre way The vletiMg were the eapta;n, the corelfau:ay, which cid Akely im: ear,} escort were. with hordes ur mules. seems clear for debt reduction, tax mate, the cook and a chid Patel u• t11 SL,y. !t latwtlunatc t title Ute xjao'eme ep alae• WJlabury to Bulawayo” u\aiiau! o lir eahibite Witt be wee catches anti nuimals were menu g,•r. t4evertl others were nttaPkeil, six- rteluctlon, or both. " but recoiered. _90.000 sol rmrsk eat, exclu.ite til the cis Al by the go 4, orders, t., b^ ai- AI\urd lets Delay. pk:ts.r1 gul.eries. ISr1N.AezluiiLr M•l.a lunvaij tit ties disposal until the cul - From motives of economy the Brit- aulve 148-,UOt) aqua%W;.,Ikd t ; lore.gn, 70,- amu was enfoly through.. TWO guns toll Cabinet has refuseil to adopt the New York, Jan. 15.-Ournelled L. b00 loqua►ro it;euluuinI, ib Out, left M..r•autlellns on April :10th, the rroioumendution of Lord Itubrrts to Alvoxrd: Jun., whir pleaded guilty taut tyuure feet, and altdurtrta, rem tinier following on May lot and seek to mtealing $620,000 from the 10.(;OU square feet. AlrOng the ftxeiePt ad; tend reached Buluwayo on the mused 50,000 regulars to Africa to re- F'iret National Break, wum to have national htuareiu is first with -1::.0011 ,Ince nn equal number of Militia, and been sentence4l by Jua Thumne in 8th, n distance Of nearly 300 miles. ( ( Sr Aquaare, feet, wane two-thi r of which On :.rrtvua there they immediately eo- revervistx. If the war is very near the United AtAtcxt' L'Arcuit-Court to- will be outride. Fran t a next trilned and proceeded t) ootai,where Its end, the act of transport Is ran .il:tj' but on the application of lila w ._ — :,t►,Wy. depatzl1- Ali -LLU Lug w.ia cut, uud, dotraiakug, diol Po co•uadw•1, Judge Thumna, postponed ,teskfe, mifid Jupiter is third wi Sy• A furred m.irch frum there to l5afe- item of Importance to the nlrendy, the sentence till too -morrow m(xn- U00 stluw•e fret• Cuaada, fir • ht tell, 11 dist:aticu of Over W Milos, anti Ing. Alvt,rd'a o iuttterl had r,me tint- la ox to 1, b first 'with L'4, sued Colonel 1'lumer's roluwn nL orerburdenctl taxpayer. If not, the Are Jo xtntement that the men wlvo hove tors pertaining W the came to fix xgwiru feet, whh•h will be equally d that place. on the 14th. Colonel t'Ite- np before Alvurd goes away•' vkke,l between fludde and e►utside. mdr moved the atme day and met Lire "Prvoll tht-,)ugh A hard campalign - 31ahy %% Ill 1...e. WONUltt.Auetralia► to next with 11,• :ootheca-c"lurhen. uul^rCulunelMallon, ,1Pxerve rP(ief, be•Cauee they tire #,tale, Near Bork, -Jan? IVa—Thr^•.. Tribune L()V, ---wialu. L,luceulIllel lead 8.O0l1 -.t .Jinn Masille:s. &not relievkil tele dispirited anti unfit far daty proven RiyR='From iuvestigntlodo just cum equaro feet of npaace. long Im'liegrd M ateking on )any 16th, the n feilorn til Lord Roberts' .seems- , 1t1eted by I)Pjouty Attoraet-l:ener.:l- :Lalutig the untet'croting featurex of Iter a m.Irch of 33 miles. 1\'Uhlm F. Klhrtburgh, representing tlw Exhibition will be Lht• rls,rto"wid I'mck Nud 1•rrer•vrraurr. mendatirin. Fresh men would do the 8t.►te Banking Ilrpnrtmant, I1.4 tlwv cauwittee hes xeeureJ the ev __. ___ int order to appreciate the pluck better wnrk than home, -rick men, lirlieved that the Anglo-American Operation of the ScOttish .\m:tteur Sivtagn k Loan Association, with-'thletis An,ociatlmt, the Suottislf Cy- 'sad pursevevpnce shown by the tan - weakened by disease and toll. Iiab11it1eA of 4 ,U18,a05, will p:ay Its„ cliste' I ui,al, :uxl the, Irrlanipal.,stet tdlan artlllevy and llueenslanderm on than twenty cenL4on the dolhsr. had clow In Glasgow•, llv-, event. will bel tele o^e.ufun, Orin must cun,ldrr tie 6Sr-MtorkensiP I3owen'e cargatl, Lire ubatarleli they end tel contend with ; l a•Ikrillc Intellygeucer, rtev'uteo aeurly that It will In ill ,erobabilLly b' Int- of great In Lit vtouaf interest awl (iossible to prevent recelvernhip liquhl- imlortteuoc t4) cycltlrtr lunf utldctea solely of the men octan t o at Marren been n coiunn sued a half of space to roll• :atlon by trnnrgerring the cumpony's urwl loterruf "px,rte, Tlvecootf Lp will dell swithout euntaas there end kern extensive, holding. of rest estate to inelu.ie .a Ikitfoils. cycling Chnmpiomohilo burnt or( their b,cke by apurkn frum, Ing against slat IL ua1IA "tete .bat the engine, which is led.by wooed fuel Chia le' crx,kelbtese In recent eleo- a separate real eetate company. Had nen atbb'tic content between toot-. send doled retot carry a spark prrvtec- tions. Sir aleark knows writ that KHled by A H,rlrn ire. lura( sits Ln•iApl..l special exhibition tar Int the funnel. Tile rolling stook Now Y(vnk, -Tan. 15. -John 41nffarl, laolal,Jor wilutera will bestnlek.The W abnt)-hrtely deficient, aril the men there now axiom a (von»llydxiun of a forts will , be in the mt tiftcUut _6 yttasvr o:d, a pricnte w the i'hit• ) q(I rent in uy.eo trttclu on their ammun- {'', gee g 1 Y groafhIA Of the tlnlvermlty du the Kel• baggage, etc., exp,sed w the jafdgre teaNty w'r1ltli LA ll(war Ali (et 4t'a t(N Nflrlle L: Ur H, Brooklyn h iti:iRl e ressom cile, ,Ml . i have not yet. heard If eA- falnts arxl or►te term to the ji tgh by J n kli, late haat great haat of the day and nit night littolp 1 (wattle Are j,hdtag in the nthletc a°O to a biting nttarWost. Why otics he not gh'r fight by John Henry, a' Bow, ry tfvrtR-. 4 k cold and (Pont mat, that commission his information? b:rtettrier. locate reonitrvl from n In the summer a hu flower stow whlr.lh;roakaw itself felt ouro niter bi(yvr of the flit on the chin. Star- eund.,wn ; ruld to thlr the crostant will ix. heel, to Ix• Gallow,d h a fruit 7 , r Inn r b far chic too ( -till le 1• 1 A Aad M/ tic ♦eel Haw h ^. r its c ext blathering 7 o LR drunk and w r nt •1 g'1 7 H f Ie any ,r h} rag ford w 1 flit Y lerLuitlly, after the outcry the Toxles dlaturbard•e. Henry -'s proteoltm are miss-, fit whish vAlunt,ir prized will carefully guarded against on ac. said to have led to n fight, which Int offere,l an un inducement to grow• want of tie ammunitkm. mao]eefor a cxommisRion It in A little ,a,. 1e) thin eh+lmirtmeut Canada At Marnndelhs, when erery avatl- xluibbv on their part to funk the Job resylted as atbte(1. ought tri tae well t , tine +front, ase ig ebb e.och 'Illi wnft)n hn,1 been pro (Net- decline tilt bring rtmrges Wore i n ehrn wood In Paris. 'life exhibithrt all cared. It was found that the men It. Attl to umoxlnt of elangwhaog•UK ! I thoritiod, f am Informed, will shortly would have to sit tai t,op of the am - be arranging with (4onlal Govern m'mithoel end hngg,lgP, c, that coffee Ing ht their organs will Wiwi the pub- L ' ment4e deklironot of taking part in .etloe more they were forced to undergo lie Go their Ixnvardice or falwehdud. _- vial fruit Phuwn. After Paris, there the aevere trial of having to, sit llsiow would it do for the counsel to sum few pla,v,tl better sutte.1 for O through the long da Yt p ) ,'sing g y Jolting In a brl Iowell'r hltvxl liar before It Evidence' That i! Was PI }nll l Rrrat• international And exhibition than male wetgon, very mach overcrowd - bring the tag w o1 If M i e Krl\i h (lin me ns le 3 e 1 anti crT n ( t n Unable to rixt ,Inc - nwl force him to tell what tie known Officially. Scotch climate be on Its giswt fir- ,1Pr to Chan their R ar,_tkdmlt t4at- he is a Lvrunnm elAn• -flat tier, show In sure to -his n 1a d cram a and limbs. deror^ -'" - firllltnnt na,l attractive one. In it Yet the strained aril tramped limbs. - LIiTENEWS NOTFS FROM CHINA. Rrtry(t itMtntn and ttrerinter Britrtin Yet they did It without n murmur, - IN I1L ter phos the Lvorl.l LAC xltlo,n stall rrncheil their destination, a dln- lu fuelr nunnal tw(rott ells man- tK tanc,e of nearly 700 mthw, which they > New York. Jan. 1 ,.-Rev. D. Gam,- they ccupy am(mlg the in,luntrial nn- had completed by trnln and wapr,)n afters of ih• Eimlrn itebyrnwtory iotate tlfmw-which they did not do at I'nrts thft the flugggufg and other brutal- e1'll, wit') mail" 1111"" •If fnm vu( by _where Cann,la wnR practically alone S eight days. Their jg, wi y Tmm Pr 1atPllenboewvh to MafeldnR, win Qnpev Itlr, whk-b dimgr•ae.e1 th- Institution allpo-rintending the wtuk of fortify- anwour oar colonbtl exhiMLors.-Mmol gyywn, a (iWtnn:.r of 3,18o mile, was 1 lirol44 BrolvIr vay ILLVPo brei( nM)!hih(vl. Ing ties lefintlovnw n♦ Pekin, in not- and KU&tAm - Aetximpllsbed In Rg days. And inOlad- and humane metlh►iv of reform have deeming the Methoortet preachers ed, roughly wp'akinhg, 1,9(10 miler by mretl last night, Pxhibited a ca COMES INTO KOIt'rC%M!. Son, 120 mites marchf"W' ROD tulles i biwi, oaMtlthtof. A fOnturs of th', Ing R p3' in mule, wAgvvM and apnrly ROO re Rtrt le th- • p of a New Turk nl'wrpwlp,r of .fuer miles by train. ifttdflrunt refor•ttrw to 17th, with n ,1fwpotch dated Jana \'sunpt OoeiM. 1)Pts a SIIPr of This n I looto of th+ Indeterminate, nPutewe 4,i0,00P.00(p. ` --I----- re. In 16th, In which It nrw nLntrd that gncaVou freltaNfty dinrunked in the the Overman Ntinlorter Von Ketteler Now York, .tan. 14. -Robert noi•Irt. OI OT {D NUNS A(1 e Timm, tb+ pllw4tr It gives tilt prison bad Betel killed. the mein of the late Ogden - G(Wiet, ell I L U1ti1 LNS offleholm ex 'rewmtjolO M' to filearleml eel "1 ask 3na," said Dr. (lamewell, to to renehtnt them age v)f mnnbm,b(i on R'rtl- --- - pnvioxlg nn Inmate's trvpnt tel( priann &(Mjr.eture how that event could have - ' r been telegraphed four da.ve before nowiny last, and under the• will of [lip. Tbey point out that Iloltttom It Occurrd nnleep there half been Now Nakadch;dze is Behind r hill Intel.. will roorlvn In a atrlrt I scomet'nom Aso their poittlove to "grt flyer Intrigue to kill tbt Oermarl 1ilofWter." time more than $55,000. Thim bm - the Bars. P r\eu" whit en irwonte, the market Vim Ki-ttelor wan killed by the i Ox- quant in subject to the trampler tax. . given telling for or agnbhat him. e" ,on .runts loth. nod for the purpose of having thnt . r Th,y may It in ld by "a netrlatlm r(thanchal, Jan. 14. -There W a fam- determin(xl an nppuc:Ltinn hall hPPn ITALIAN AUTHORITIES MOVING, tet thew wh► bion their pupp,trt of ins In the Province of t4henel, and It mnda to Surrogate Fitsgprald for I ' N weld tivnL :.,000,000 people are fac- an order fixing the tax. Thin rripaent n,vR th:+ mpetrnL Lara Llrsory to know how irgt starvation. has been mnAn by noonrom n.. Til Witt, Nor. ,inn. 14. -Tile prvlice hnvw nr- T th'm affata tit, wlxking of It. No Pekin, Tan. 14.-Rupmin aY bg- wh') im One of the exoctitorle of il, rnt•tal Pentre V1;•tor Nitkn4elaidze, -t P tunn;m Iilw•rty othould he defoemAent for Ran tlwning over the ratlwa$ SO will of Mr. OnvIrA. An schn not thr )1.1."x1.,11, nn till' ctaeg,e Of plottla9 ,t Pingle .illy up►'f the whim of n many. The Isettev Intends til pheP the young mast irowh(vn the age of _6• to settle the life Of ,the Usar or, the I,rlolsn Rn,rd Ie rMMItQ. A Noise rally mnzhagsmpmt Of the tine with farmer ton will broomo entitled to the prin- lnllrr'n supposed approaching ♦1111 employeem, lost the coanpaay under mil- cirxnl of one-half of tho r•midnnry en- here. o nor, after fall Inquiry to n camp; 1Nrt itary supervision. tote )(,it by him father. 1'rhrv,• N,kmi'hidse, wh:t la n Nihl- 7 h'm prntrrhre At Ianmt has en rent, And ...-. Og,en Onript died on him yacht 'loot, w,P c'oh'lemned to death ns ,,n I It M lentwwn too th? pnbUr. Nod pe) tho- The trial of Jodrell ilm(INi<W '.lhe Mayflowrt• while ret Cavwrm, Fnictnnd, nrr(emplie, In tile rrvnmpllimey of IM44 prom mvrklrhRm M the mind of R Irtllrar,mt. (at A rhargr ,elf mufllbOWX on Auguitt _7, 1R97. TiP Ainvointe(1 by :ignn.tt the Into czar Alexander Ilt. Of rn'nor frau official tri whom the Yrs Mnrt.ha N01nre. met, for till* morn him will flip widow, Mary R. 1)optet. I TG• w tp nlmo Pon%i:•tat In Paris of hs- ,• Ire Ing. haw again been loost.ponsit. F. V and (la,irgov o. hP Witt six Luta,'Illi Ing I l •g Ily Ill the (mrmteq(Ira Of ( 1• v- indrtrrininnte dentenr0 Ayatem worn d R. Johnot.rt dswtring /rwr, days more now that him soon bap reach(m1 the ise W,wh(• moichinnm. w Pntru,t,alpra:utely IhP IltvOrty of the 'nor the, rrnsidera4crt of the evidow-P of maturity bel elan will not as an ft p1krWoot (d(Pndat. It W a prvw,r that for that (Iota". PxMlftnr. Mr. GoPIrCR .pent. wa. Lord Lionel Croll Dead. thervald not 1x• amtrlu4wi to Pay man, Capt.. 11, A PanPt him iro•a misAstlmntod nn high nil 4S(1,onn,0(le), 1,ondon. Jan. 14. --Lord Llonm+l Co1•il, 1• it Ill o (xvwer text no worthy man tolrllaxt adletnint of list, Itoyal fill h- but no definite fignrrm have ever haff•br►ther of the Marqule of Mal. to World wkhb to eserc-lw. . tars College. berm patfllehmd all to its eotnal value. Isbary. Is dancl. _- a71L C YE, Counsel taw war -- -64 to h k,. HE SIfTON t'oat far Ib•Att+ortwy`(iothril how i ever. b td glvwa hlu. teaawa why 11, • 1"..: • ebou!d le, IMtalpo nsod, and IL w,add-- t1„ far lhv ttLia,•:a,)••OIMu,ntl ur 'Illy o'4•r high offl•10 mortify to ttorney General Wants the ,b • wheel cart INtapon,xt with.,u: Nf;4heg excellent rpadund tb•n fnr. IL• Trial Postponed. : h nl never It tilnowire "let& Serve Bleu ❑hare trouble noel unttdety. HIM l.,r- WWI;Ll tnnclhf(tlkM,M Wil" In tie' dit,•:- p t',Mh of bPknK ec;heteet from tryl(,q it ROBERTSON'S REMARKS, til, cnae, bit he wao leo:tnnntxl t,,,,,, L.oidtom. Jan. lli.-AL 1 µ m- to -flay hilt ddty lit (till tit Iltt,prtnt, uud l,ubh . e Question of imwtponiag the hif- In nttsw..r to is eu ahtiuu front ,•.Au,. nl.l ill- Ju IS - . ala th-it If 11 • urd.•rt,l Mt will t-AAU wits taken up at the ill, cur• k► iarvxne+•1 It wd u't1 1e• t•.k,•u 4besei. Mr. (ieu. C. Glflbuile. Q. 1'•. ata (Me Moastlly. scltuted ant aftida\it from Dr. At Out by h inrrlvrltA Itu II[r luntho,it, IaglNer, Of Thuurlulu, setting iurttl Ilia I.urt4h'p Odered that the raw. tut witnew. Ephraim liathurrt. be pro're,4►d with (rte Mottalay. war too Ill to be exumhell by a cuai imbiou to biewaue lull evidence. Mr• „ ustiuu Rulaertoluu thuttght llllr wad tot u uaat(rial reason for Iwstpoul'ag The Markets e trial, ter this feature war Vast y the plain"(('@ adullrolual of luatle- trrt'r evidotur. if cnulaul lead nothing rther W guy. he was pretatreft to Leading Wbeat Alrrkels, paler Ju+lgnreset ou ties "Aution to Fo,;Iow'ug urn tb+ cluduag (lwrwtrsta turtpr►r. At this Point Mr. Was. at 1w,lortatnt, wa:+at ctnsrew vrlI)_ count. q. C., action Intl a.ku,l !hat :'1444• 1l♦7I u lx. heard lerary the uuurt gave Cilloi"'No •• ... .. -- 00771-' tuigmeut. Mr. Helinluth itrterpored N,w lork... ... . -- O H_ 5-, M'Iwauko e... ......... $077 __ tel wigh"I to Ix+ utfurwwt Its &O 96. Lou r ... .... ...... -- 076 1-, whwu Mr. Louut was rel,redwntiteg. 1b'edo ..- ............ 079 083 Inc J elite repiled that the whistle Detruit, rixt,.. .. ... 0 81 L4 0 833 ii trug was irregular, but he wad !n- Detro! . whlta ... U 81 1.t - - winve! that Mr. LU4111 , Itppx'ut•t■1 fur Duluth. No. 1 north - 1w Attea•:tey-l;cnernl. 'Mr. Itelltnati int .. U7.3X4 0783s lo}rtfel tint tie Atturae) tirueral M'tlAenpo:W, No. I nil already been represented bj Mr. northern ... ... -- 078:Tm tugoe. flat it w.tr highly irregular Following are the cloding quulm hat le (the Attimme)-Leueral) shuuW tions at Important wheat osntrPs to gait tit• reprementtel by Ixunarl Ila- day: 11 lit to carry acture weight wlLlf the Cadh. May court. Ilia own cllatt.4 were, pri. Chicago ... ...... ... ... $...... ✓r0 7'.h'v tL to litigants. temking nwrely to se- Now fork ...... ..".. ......... 0 3y, um their rights, tut''1 the .iot4M•ney- Ht. Lnulr .tett. tett.. .. tett.. 07T, kineral halt wit right to Interfere Toledo, ...... .."..-....., 081 obi, vith private, easels. 'rhe Jndge united Detroit. red ....., „.... 082% 084, 11r. Lookout what Ire hAJ. to tnty In [letroit whit* ..-..... 08::11 ... fewer U) the abjection" ugalust els being heard. Mr. Lunt repllc,l t'oruntu Farowera• Market- hat arkel-hat he had omty late Ilwt eight ncrhe,l his hwtructione froom the JAN 6.-Offlv'zegr 01 grvtW ua ,h, Lltoraey-General to b t Iwmetlt unit aLrooL ,epnrket ttrd,ty we M<aF,r , trr:,eut the hatter's views to the atrly large,, amounting to_,;00 tonstr x,art. lit the hope that thoy might ria• t'ritvw,of wl&,.tt wane sar:•r, K the court in the givhlg o4 n b•trb'y was ftrmer• mad o+ta sued rye utfgm^nt that wawld accord with wc,1V sternly. Ih• hateresta of Justice• lie howl Ihc►-- 51b'cat-Two1 buodred bumllrip of •ehl+tl Tremor the Attorney -Genera wb w Awl 600 budiNa of red sold 1 urthwr knotructiUtln that► haat ;ewer at 6J to 6J L... And 400 W11 Iowa riven ttli air. 'Singes: Mr. .jus 1140,(.1 gvxrre etc+n,13 tit 641 -Lac. list: Julbstrtaon remarked that the Bdvipy-F'lve hundrol buALL,he sold 1 ttt.xney-tolaeral haat certitinly I$:u:- bleier ,lit, 41 1-_ to 44c. •I the Jutkpte In a very awkwant txr Jky te kwkil Sold u:wbaligtxl At ritlon unit it was Int right of bili ;"i=t.•. W+r lileb'i. Oats -81x tliltltdral twuhrN wid` to tri nm Tees attore lit ne vi lead , hinged At ' O I-3 to S0 1 -Sc. Ito right to lulavraft In n civil m•• tiny craft; Straw -Hay war a little -,. tk,tl. particularly nlWr being invited firmer, twenty selling at 50c. rarer and over Agulu mad tleclinini W. I rel efentw►. Now. atter the ease b gh: r at soul t0 11.6() per tun Pt Straw lower a ea(tbsr. rive, loads sr01n,T I been fuJy g,xw into ur(J nrlNril 41 lusty At 1170 per Ldait. Itud tlw- court war prepared to tits- I)r,--.,l Ilctce-Market omttnu s I of It, the Attorney-Ocorral strong Saul priced are b'g1roil- Till., c:Ime foarwanl soul asked to be iward o(fer•nar rah @tail uud U11-1\' m I every other effort to fwntpohe k,..0 ,de W- t;n(ttutuas now rate,. ills came bail rattail. The wonder for from 47.76 to $8 per cwt. the :Attorney -General, said the Ju IS,, Darter url Eggs -No chofng,•. V.,,- w:,ald axe holatrt, Int it be (tl'P ket quiet, with small offerrnges. Jax'ge) crula taut corwcientlously give ktn:try-RooWipte Ifgbt. Turkeva effect to the 'AttVriei•y-Generali free it Ilttls enafer, s:Ilulg lit 9 to IO. sialic, the latter. must mat expect Oe,este are al.0 lower, selling at 7 to _ film to (io no. >tr. Louut expiaiae,l 8 hr. Otb •r fowl are aachnng,•I deft the AttornPyd:eM7al And tont hiterpused before, as he h:t.l been Hradstreret's sit IraAe- wdlpng to atm if the efforts or the Tilt, tmiverwnl opinion Among tf:, def Neill to pa.tlKMe• the caws would manufsecturere rend the whulexalm tat b. utrepossful, and lite Attorney. trade At M.,utreni IN that the year General did not wen to interfere in Just clawed had born eminently eat- tho d1rectiop- of wciuri,(g__.n .poet- olfactory Ad r•ga,ils the Tolumw ,f m poemwu ent till it .aktalu(sly btatihegs dupes sn1 the p ir,41ts ma,t• nectoosr,ary. If r. Louot exp;ain.41 yhlpmente of spring g „ML have 1, that his appeiarance In the case lA•- Run. Values continue firm for mpo.t lura life Divisional Court had not -Ili- of Imprted and Som "ie "Is. been in the interests of the Attor- Money W in gaud demand and firm nwy-General• bat as ouuht4o•I for thr Trade at Toraoto title week ha. frown in Uv, Wunder tore. 'Gee At- been fair for the beginning of it,. tursr•y-tietterad dad Use rigiat tar ill. year. Sales during December In mane terpotme to tl1,e intcrcrtd of publitr lines were large, and values of stapl. paa'.i ,. and auk uaat Lite civil action quivelm are now firm• so that them Ile not tried till after thio criminal ,a every eneoarngrineut And naw u c:ewe, ad lot a largo extent the doo. for retailers to makue large purchasod torm'.n.ngot We wail cause mlght elf,,vt thin m(iotte Gtr the irprlug trade advenrly the Cr)wn's rase agnList Hawl toq wh.,loenalr trails thi.i weskit (iorVld H1ftLw. Mr. Jueusw Itobert- is fairly Active for thld seas ,n TTA tau l.,LA h:e li ole,l COuha:•I (-,)tit 1 naak • writers report a very fair Inqulr: f r that li)iin1f4Wt to tTit+ a•,ourt. He %,t, aprtDtr itnes ant1 ahlpMentg Are het, K POOL prf•µaretl to au•oept the atitteuwnt Made. The 1,►rga taolhlaY boallie ■ of the Attorney -4iener:tl to that *P*1114 to have 11,11 the ,riset 14 ta.n- effte•t. Sir. I— at Wren rend from the Ing up trade generally, and retail- Judlgit tit of Chief Jlwtice Meredith errs are dlsposs'1 tee suck up liberally- _ to iJ,uw that the recent elvil action for the owning sPaa,tn. Prices are war nx•rely bru•ight to iufl,h'ml' rise generally Ready to firm for staple oatromo of the rHtgtmat crate anti to ,Ruff. - dil rP lit a prine,ptol Crown wI,,,,. a. At Winnlpeg there has been n rat, Them would be nu i,er ..r rNk Ht the 104pdry for spring stuff this wpwk• -- plaintiffs In hnving .Oso -chip case Theors has been A fair baslaesn dons pa4tpotwL Futgar Morden. an execs- tar the first week of the year. al: Lor, lied .oxalo aff.davip that the em• tiomdon. Vito ,:lxtw•ed 4 yopi) surplum of ass t. At the cxfttt cltl(e flee pnmt week otor liabilitles. It wear in tlw Pana.there tial b,.^Pa nn Impr.vrment lie tnterevt that the alar should stand PILY.mente. Thin Is a matter much over. Morden'•, : vllenee AA IO h'.s complained of Gtr mr►rne weeks pant. warning J(►a•ph H. niftan, :1111 am Iry At Ottawra thL4 week bbsineas had hM dtAwlag of the will for ter' inttrr been a trifle quiet, sea it etlways Is would hu.. proper ani ll%LU-r ll et•I et begs centres immediately after _ dpriev for Mue Crown In tit,- Imsrder the holiday Reason. raaP, not it wnm th, Ohj,,t Of the /'.,,+.,,Ilan F'atfurr*. -_._ pinln'IffR In the prevent eaL1p to dl.• cro•flt film ril4ence and Inj+fre Ilia re- Canadian fallur.ft during the „a; laststkvn. It thin wan done tha IIP- 19110 were 1,35.5 In number And 411. fen-, In tw, (-Iv1I milt would have a 618;008 In amount Of Ilabillthr right to pall wlttl(vwawm. Meeh an Mary sightly exceeding the two precediiik McF'nrlaw. or even faro. Herbert, too yenrd, but rom:,nrilg must favurALl) pr,ve that what Gerald Rifton hall with the four yetrs prior to 189'( D:t akin d fenite were R r em+lint n, , r• , v e had tour. Mr. r la a 1 ..mill 1 c (ke h t t .Tu,,tio, Bobartom onto] tint In Ilia 50 ount thin In 1899• but A,,abloo in flunk yens'. Pxpertence at the h!tr and on her. 1,,Nt year's rarord was unwso the b,ach ha had never known the AIiy satlsfact,ory at Most points, Awl Attorney.41eneral to Interfere In it th3 general condition of busluen was civil nethtl, it had been nrKpd that prawr►0rous; the prtoclpsi canon of if,- till- trying of the will caw• would rra9srd ilahtilttes being looatwd At prPJadice the, murder case. The Montreal, where n trader In produce .nudge considered that the charge of f,leA for 9850,(101), and at hatter m,kfor ToWj. is difficulty forgery ngatnert Edgar Morden nJsnt nvolvedd' arkshooe,, tit tie* ahi- Rhonidbi gone lntd. nnfl as It could tent of 4866,000, and anin i financial ort be hlveatlgntod in the , murder concernat m,kimR the loss outside of trial, it Mvmld Me dorm first In the m hnmfarturtng nod trading muco, civil pull. if it was woule maum nifest larger thnn ctomAry. A capitalist that forgery had been cohlmitt(•d, r,t Vanrourri, Also suRpe,nded, with nn tha4 44np,wed, da the. hart plw;v""'I"b+' (miwbtedn"w of tr'77.W0. Thoos- Ifew the will )n the murder trine. it was extremis ants swell the total anal quit(, In the Interests of public Jan- m•,ke tier table nppPar wore, than lice that If A4vnden I* charged with the norm it defnultil warrant. in being a forger, hp should clear hen- tunny wty(s the yenr 1900 was eels'• onif of ter charge, anti no man's life cl Aly free from misfortune and cub should be placed In Jeopardy by the sdering the revere lose to whet evidence of it forger nail perjurer. growers in Af,nitoba, that Proving' The Jad,te solid his own view wits m,krw n splendid exhibit. that the civil pull should he tried i'mt4u•s•. (•alnmrrdAl. Il,nkin- firmt, in order that the rail truth In NO. Id*6 N'n. I.i.f connection with the will should be (intact" 61,; S 2.e4•)nIK I it 9",„" (n •her CA 6.1.1h.1".0 1 ".-4.7. 1 kw)wll. The Crown nervi not be anx- 1 r11i.h (•"Iuh,filn IIs frA,:p01 I„'1e) Ione no to the outcome "f tbP rage. Novn7dcutlA.... . Ni 567 -eta - ' all the Crnwh's only depire Pholld1?P Mendt"Ua..... pp 311.'414 New Bernnear rk.. 414 141.9117 V1 A”Jaetl(ea cocas, aAd not to Mor- P. It. (ilarld - s p(.sep viol an Inrxweent man. Air. Ianunt rru11Ns1 1. Kt tILs132roa n sL "u;.a , nrg(rl throt the cam• sh)nld stand Ipgr,-., I. -W w,aiGp 2m t ..,%;, over inti nftl.r the trial of the 12 (,len 9.ri1;ax14 s NII.•„ charge of mnreler nJrninm" t 6PTAId hg. I." 11.16,.191 .to isi. Sirloin and Walter Herbert, air. •' ION . 9.1114 17,11m,41432 Y1l.w Jnatlep Robertson reserved hill dPelm- •' IAN List ts.we. ON rt:.n-- Iat I MA 1,.41&216 a m"n<u Mn until to -marrow. Nrwllil, Hal - 12.100 L nendfw4 Ont., Join. 11. -At Ih, after- .. lose a ai•(1" •. am nrerrMp n rA nssIRP RftbPrtr .. en, Ju 4p 31 171" am ARkaIaC 2.5 iVAN l Mr. MA*",O % ('., It any .. lass it 11%IW • word ,ham hewn rreelved from Mr. '• IALI 49 1117,181 iwmint. Mr. ill Iv,00.1 that navn0 Wello`eaiN I,IR i,hip paid t•hiot to SAILOR AMITI-K. wnr prep,tf"l to ktve Ja(Ngmwnt, Mut _ ruoferrel tel wait LIII 6 dichhrk. Up F-atally 11'nun4P4 p (`oak and Th-, h) wlwl d G► five coattail for th- At- SmIMAee. to'ney-Otinrrnevery OPPOT1inity to show am:ltorlt7 f(tr that official !wing Santa iinrlbarn, ('nIIL, .fart. 14.-- ' rigvnwentpd. 'cir him uw:t port, his m(thxNp'r (fate anti Anna, Captain How w.ao tett In the IntPrnmtaof Jma Walker. ham ar•rfve,l here from ."Antn tills th? civil Acticen sl(M1IJ he tried RosAIiii. Hhe roptrtke that M,k,• first. He -011 not Understand ,Mr. O'Rrina, a pallor, ran amuck aMoni MOMen's anxiety to have the vem` ter toot rail flntuniny. int inn,le t, pvntponod it ll+ wet+, not guilty. Lf "(-tool's attempt to kill Ceptraln Walk nnO•rnty Mr. Mcor,len bill nothing to Pr Witt' It knife, send suerpoodwd In cat fenr In th` trial of the camp. 110 was ting 1.110 Donk rear the heart. Th-, PrspirYtt to et I11113 04' y go fere of nn wokind Is pn,lcably fatal lie, thea authority for the 4%6orrw,yKftW,aly wit ILIA own throat, (lying on the,dak, Men whir have rend Kinginko fnvm beginning W end are unable tet ex- .. - phttn tin rewmwm miry tel :nff+mf faxvew of Britnln Ward France '(nvadnl lir Cr!mnn In 1H51. The prob'em of -whit tel^y fought earn other Per" `-i-_ . et R6enh •lm has ImstzT,ed ii Rra in,ny p'op'e brpides till lo•t 6:esthl,y. Pale, tat rued countant renilerm of the new•*- pprrp, whir lhnve gitpn mu•h rotten- '- tWi to the lorrogr1w ur rvfartR in 8 nth Afrl.•a during th, 1 -tat fifteen naothtim _ we" wcrr h lard p► extrema rogret on :tai onlay shit Mr. Witurtoa Churchlil had. not. In hit toeturb n11 FrWay evening, .explained th- enm*Pat of th • tr.ad,l:- between Orrnt Britain anti the Bower Repubilrm. 'rA Neigh ni-n we) reenm- meud a pwertrT,l of Cooart Dayle's hevelt \ , tie "The Great Ihrr War," published by (wire N. M,rafng & Co., Toronto n o i inn tier ro:oroef price LoO. to rNhtl nwpp, and the nutlor .Raja that ih„ugb n faller knowledge m•ly ici%e tin entirely dlftrrral, twiftisirtg tt► wonto oT tit+ menta of the Dwir war, his Aar•ount 1p compiled with nr much accuracy an 3A obtainable at this (tntr, - and thio6RIl lits JaAgmpirsM nmA rrttt- e nrw may bP fun(kel upx,n error, t v urn nt ]pilot made without fear nlr or__ __ I o .I¢I -_ llo`'tell•+ nb ut the call.of the, Ivor tugnars at the Calx• and their pnM- .. ing on in wrnrch of gold to leelagan Rn3•. Thele the Patch. In 11112, Just when Olivor Cromwell wits nt his .. .__ renin npa s .their 11rat ioxlgmeJal ' at t Cap+ o (i(wxt ilOPP, reinforce, In Illlle wh P by tilt. ilaguenot k igrnnln, form wlxnn JOit11PrL nn. llllere are deuce drd. Britain ne F, Cape (uloMh! by Pong11Pat 11and by purvlulmrl from the Alloldrr for "Io anionIootonAIh 1814. r,or fill. ,,tory f ibii irek /.Iqu lrpd It the mettlPniviit of Natal, th / Orange and the Tranvva I RPPed Item: Mntubv : ter diolrinkPry of got And the wrotrrr of ter UitImd,\r*, w count refer the render to the Ixok • Thera, G.,, will bill (n.,nd n fel wtnt"knent ,d tile. laxer rtmhlroll, - for the nnthne, m,y* it fes a I F. muse which c.inaot Iwenr In Ltirl, plate nlld lone+civ r,N+xi ter t hr rn. over Um oppxrll(.hl.. 1-.Mhing, ill "lel. ,-%P or Ilse w.ir. Mr. D,vylir maltreat flim rrrPretwi- I Ioolonial actiort. ".5R early not .1,11 t 11th, (Jnewnsalnivd, ll,m rl,•ry rend *pita . IrtpiPni, end offer. l a ,. tit insect , ttonnn(M lufntil ry cilli tnnrhln to gnaw; New Zeninnd, R'l.N,•rn Au L tralln, TAmmnelln, N'Ictorin, No pkxtth Wnlns and South Anxlrali to1low(d In the order named IAnAdt P / lilarra with tho stn ani elle tenor fe (gtltlug botly, Iran n (+ernevily tilt place of all .to wait for 'tan•- Altnl L6, after a 1urney irk Open There m ty be bad tlmea coming, but N actetaed. !t W ex eted that ads► anti tits Empire W 1n the High truck, on which 3. outtutnly cote of withuut counting tic+ pollup recraite court of Parlium •at. (Loud itis hang- tlw worot ruitwa30 W the world, of the signal of their arrival are nut yet .L few Weeks' tilt x soil sten more continued u laude.) \isiblo In the revenue rtatementr of Uaa ten Ihoueaaid fresh British _-_4______-_--__ J ol;Omottle. titer ryLuuiu.ler rrrnwguu A - CIN) foltuweng day. th(, Dominion. The receipts for the rix tla,I,L1 in tho fiek,t. The 4 .ti'at '1'HK GLA!3uON' 411OW. inuntis► that maid Dec. plot, 1900, ti' mineuts is Laido 6411 dealt th, __ larringtuta's footstool. a•rrr. 4"S,73i,638, and the ex,endl_ ted it b unJrr.tact lora! urs Isreresteg F'aictr About lieutland'" Gr•ner.tl Carrington cOldl:d.•red It t.(t sent • to SOUth _tfrica at t t.rt•„t Lithibitlon. edair,ble that. if portable, mere urtil- tallow 4L7,L'U8, 10. As compared with r-.Ae u( about 8,000 if multi. ter corresponding rix months of the Pular PiNgue De4th,. fl4• limilair ureal emeutal for ,tTy Mould Ln with C,Auuel flume g- ' pre Y g olumn...nd w:edc lib plans oecurdmit- previous year, the .rcSl7Dae Afhleased _fir,. _Jap. 15._Futrr de:atha ti Glurguw txn,bi Jou err mak... ,j , the outwore rlWw. With wtt.L.t fruits Bubonic P1 ae i-weurnxT-uu-Progrei R. - 'PFtaaulF---alas fjrYTftltcon- tfrry' were mode and haw by RI,_43;101, notwithstanding tic 1 i i reduction in the Customs duty on iso- the etelumer High,n>«t Prince, will, a'ri►ier. i.l tY:uta leve }art iilfurule-i •44•wleuuy they were c,rrievl out by usrived in 4h.ekdd Hartm)r je:iterd.ty the Lar.l Pru,ort that tile.)' Ic,h have the men entrusted with threw. It Must Iverts from Britain, which went into from ilhv leiter .Plate. Nicu.ure ill perfurmiug tlru o1wi ing tae lxuue in m'oJ th at both gine tend effect on July let, 19W. Titre way The vletiMg were the eapta;n, the corelfau:ay, which cid Akely im: ear,} escort were. with hordes ur mules. seems clear for debt reduction, tax mate, the cook and a chid Patel u• t11 SL,y. !t latwtlunatc t title Ute xjao'eme ep alae• WJlabury to Bulawayo” u\aiiau! o lir eahibite Witt be wee catches anti nuimals were menu g,•r. t4evertl others were nttaPkeil, six- rteluctlon, or both. " but recoiered. _90.000 sol rmrsk eat, exclu.ite til the cis Al by the go 4, orders, t., b^ ai- AI\urd lets Delay. pk:ts.r1 gul.eries. ISr1N.AezluiiLr M•l.a lunvaij tit ties disposal until the cul - From motives of economy the Brit- aulve 148-,UOt) aqua%W;.,Ikd t ; lore.gn, 70,- amu was enfoly through.. TWO guns toll Cabinet has refuseil to adopt the New York, Jan. 15.-Ournelled L. b00 loqua►ro it;euluuinI, ib Out, left M..r•autlellns on April :10th, the rroioumendution of Lord Itubrrts to Alvoxrd: Jun., whir pleaded guilty taut tyuure feet, and altdurtrta, rem tinier following on May lot and seek to mtealing $620,000 from the 10.(;OU square feet. AlrOng the ftxeiePt ad; tend reached Buluwayo on the mused 50,000 regulars to Africa to re- F'iret National Break, wum to have national htuareiu is first with -1::.0011 ,Ince nn equal number of Militia, and been sentence4l by Jua Thumne in 8th, n distance Of nearly 300 miles. ( ( Sr Aquaare, feet, wane two-thi r of which On :.rrtvua there they immediately eo- revervistx. If the war is very near the United AtAtcxt' L'Arcuit-Court to- will be outride. Fran t a next trilned and proceeded t) ootai,where Its end, the act of transport Is ran .il:tj' but on the application of lila w ._ — :,t►,Wy. depatzl1- Ali -LLU Lug w.ia cut, uud, dotraiakug, diol Po co•uadw•1, Judge Thumna, postponed ,teskfe, mifid Jupiter is third wi Sy• A furred m.irch frum there to l5afe- item of Importance to the nlrendy, the sentence till too -morrow m(xn- U00 stluw•e fret• Cuaada, fir • ht tell, 11 dist:aticu of Over W Milos, anti Ing. Alvt,rd'a o iuttterl had r,me tint- la ox to 1, b first 'with L'4, sued Colonel 1'lumer's roluwn nL orerburdenctl taxpayer. If not, the Are Jo xtntement that the men wlvo hove tors pertaining W the came to fix xgwiru feet, whh•h will be equally d that place. on the 14th. Colonel t'Ite- np before Alvurd goes away•' vkke,l between fludde and e►utside. mdr moved the atme day and met Lire "Prvoll tht-,)ugh A hard campalign - 31ahy %% Ill 1...e. WONUltt.Auetralia► to next with 11,• :ootheca-c"lurhen. uul^rCulunelMallon, ,1Pxerve rP(ief, be•Cauee they tire #,tale, Near Bork, -Jan? IVa—Thr^•.. Tribune L()V, ---wialu. L,luceulIllel lead 8.O0l1 -.t .Jinn Masille:s. &not relievkil tele dispirited anti unfit far daty proven RiyR='From iuvestigntlodo just cum equaro feet of npaace. long Im'liegrd M ateking on )any 16th, the n feilorn til Lord Roberts' .seems- , 1t1eted by I)Pjouty Attoraet-l:ener.:l- :Lalutig the untet'croting featurex of Iter a m.Irch of 33 miles. 1\'Uhlm F. Klhrtburgh, representing tlw Exhibition will be Lht• rls,rto"wid I'mck Nud 1•rrer•vrraurr. mendatirin. Fresh men would do the 8t.►te Banking Ilrpnrtmant, I1.4 tlwv cauwittee hes xeeureJ the ev __. ___ int order to appreciate the pluck better wnrk than home, -rick men, lirlieved that the Anglo-American Operation of the ScOttish .\m:tteur Sivtagn k Loan Association, with-'thletis An,ociatlmt, the Suottislf Cy- 'sad pursevevpnce shown by the tan - weakened by disease and toll. Iiab11it1eA of 4 ,U18,a05, will p:ay Its„ cliste' I ui,al, :uxl the, Irrlanipal.,stet tdlan artlllevy and llueenslanderm on than twenty cenL4on the dolhsr. had clow In Glasgow•, llv-, event. will bel tele o^e.ufun, Orin must cun,ldrr tie 6Sr-MtorkensiP I3owen'e cargatl, Lire ubatarleli they end tel contend with ; l a•Ikrillc Intellygeucer, rtev'uteo aeurly that It will In ill ,erobabilLly b' Int- of great In Lit vtouaf interest awl (iossible to prevent recelvernhip liquhl- imlortteuoc t4) cycltlrtr lunf utldctea solely of the men octan t o at Marren been n coiunn sued a half of space to roll• :atlon by trnnrgerring the cumpony's urwl loterruf "px,rte, Tlvecootf Lp will dell swithout euntaas there end kern extensive, holding. of rest estate to inelu.ie .a Ikitfoils. cycling Chnmpiomohilo burnt or( their b,cke by apurkn frum, Ing against slat IL ua1IA "tete .bat the engine, which is led.by wooed fuel Chia le' crx,kelbtese In recent eleo- a separate real eetate company. Had nen atbb'tic content between toot-. send doled retot carry a spark prrvtec- tions. Sir aleark knows writ that KHled by A H,rlrn ire. lura( sits Ln•iApl..l special exhibition tar Int the funnel. Tile rolling stook Now Y(vnk, -Tan. 15. -John 41nffarl, laolal,Jor wilutera will bestnlek.The W abnt)-hrtely deficient, aril the men there now axiom a (von»llydxiun of a forts will , be in the mt tiftcUut _6 yttasvr o:d, a pricnte w the i'hit• ) q(I rent in uy.eo trttclu on their ammun- {'', gee g 1 Y groafhIA Of the tlnlvermlty du the Kel• baggage, etc., exp,sed w the jafdgre teaNty w'r1ltli LA ll(war Ali (et 4t'a t(N Nflrlle L: Ur H, Brooklyn h iti:iRl e ressom cile, ,Ml . i have not yet. heard If eA- falnts arxl or►te term to the ji tgh by J n kli, late haat great haat of the day and nit night littolp 1 (wattle Are j,hdtag in the nthletc a°O to a biting nttarWost. Why otics he not gh'r fight by John Henry, a' Bow, ry tfvrtR-. 4 k cold and (Pont mat, that commission his information? b:rtettrier. locate reonitrvl from n In the summer a hu flower stow whlr.lh;roakaw itself felt ouro niter bi(yvr of the flit on the chin. Star- eund.,wn ; ruld to thlr the crostant will ix. heel, to Ix• Gallow,d h a fruit 7 , r Inn r b far chic too ( -till le 1• 1 A Aad M/ tic ♦eel Haw h ^. r its c ext blathering 7 o LR drunk and w r nt •1 g'1 7 H f Ie any ,r h} rag ford w 1 flit Y lerLuitlly, after the outcry the Toxles dlaturbard•e. Henry -'s proteoltm are miss-, fit whish vAlunt,ir prized will carefully guarded against on ac. said to have led to n fight, which Int offere,l an un inducement to grow• want of tie ammunitkm. mao]eefor a cxommisRion It in A little ,a,. 1e) thin eh+lmirtmeut Canada At Marnndelhs, when erery avatl- xluibbv on their part to funk the Job resylted as atbte(1. ought tri tae well t , tine +front, ase ig ebb e.och 'Illi wnft)n hn,1 been pro (Net- decline tilt bring rtmrges Wore i n ehrn wood In Paris. 'life exhibithrt all cared. It was found that the men It. Attl to umoxlnt of elangwhaog•UK ! I thoritiod, f am Informed, will shortly would have to sit tai t,op of the am - be arranging with (4onlal Govern m'mithoel end hngg,lgP, c, that coffee Ing ht their organs will Wiwi the pub- L ' ment4e deklironot of taking part in .etloe more they were forced to undergo lie Go their Ixnvardice or falwehdud. _- vial fruit Phuwn. After Paris, there the aevere trial of having to, sit llsiow would it do for the counsel to sum few pla,v,tl better sutte.1 for O through the long da Yt p ) ,'sing g y Jolting In a brl Iowell'r hltvxl liar before It Evidence' That i! Was PI }nll l Rrrat• international And exhibition than male wetgon, very mach overcrowd - bring the tag w o1 If M i e Krl\i h (lin me ns le 3 e 1 anti crT n ( t n Unable to rixt ,Inc - nwl force him to tell what tie known Officially. Scotch climate be on Its giswt fir- ,1Pr to Chan their R ar,_tkdmlt t4at- he is a Lvrunnm elAn• -flat tier, show In sure to -his n 1a d cram a and limbs. deror^ -'" - firllltnnt na,l attractive one. In it Yet the strained aril tramped limbs. - LIiTENEWS NOTFS FROM CHINA. Rrtry(t itMtntn and ttrerinter Britrtin Yet they did It without n murmur, - IN I1L ter phos the Lvorl.l LAC xltlo,n stall rrncheil their destination, a dln- lu fuelr nunnal tw(rott ells man- tK tanc,e of nearly 700 mthw, which they > New York. Jan. 1 ,.-Rev. D. Gam,- they ccupy am(mlg the in,luntrial nn- had completed by trnln and wapr,)n afters of ih• Eimlrn itebyrnwtory iotate tlfmw-which they did not do at I'nrts thft the flugggufg and other brutal- e1'll, wit') mail" 1111"" •If fnm vu( by _where Cann,la wnR practically alone S eight days. Their jg, wi y Tmm Pr 1atPllenboewvh to MafeldnR, win Qnpev Itlr, whk-b dimgr•ae.e1 th- Institution allpo-rintending the wtuk of fortify- anwour oar colonbtl exhiMLors.-Mmol gyywn, a (iWtnn:.r of 3,18o mile, was 1 lirol44 BrolvIr vay ILLVPo brei( nM)!hih(vl. Ing ties lefintlovnw n♦ Pekin, in not- and KU&tAm - Aetximpllsbed In Rg days. And inOlad- and humane metlh►iv of reform have deeming the Methoortet preachers ed, roughly wp'akinhg, 1,9(10 miler by mretl last night, Pxhibited a ca COMES INTO KOIt'rC%M!. Son, 120 mites marchf"W' ROD tulles i biwi, oaMtlthtof. A fOnturs of th', Ing R p3' in mule, wAgvvM and apnrly ROO re Rtrt le th- • p of a New Turk nl'wrpwlp,r of .fuer miles by train. ifttdflrunt refor•ttrw to 17th, with n ,1fwpotch dated Jana \'sunpt OoeiM. 1)Pts a SIIPr of This n I looto of th+ Indeterminate, nPutewe 4,i0,00P.00(p. ` --I----- re. In 16th, In which It nrw nLntrd that gncaVou freltaNfty dinrunked in the the Overman Ntinlorter Von Ketteler Now York, .tan. 14. -Robert noi•Irt. OI OT {D NUNS A(1 e Timm, tb+ pllw4tr It gives tilt prison bad Betel killed. the mein of the late Ogden - G(Wiet, ell I L U1ti1 LNS offleholm ex 'rewmtjolO M' to filearleml eel "1 ask 3na," said Dr. (lamewell, to to renehtnt them age v)f mnnbm,b(i on R'rtl- --- - pnvioxlg nn Inmate's trvpnt tel( priann &(Mjr.eture how that event could have - ' r been telegraphed four da.ve before nowiny last, and under the• will of [lip. Tbey point out that Iloltttom It Occurrd nnleep there half been Now Nakadch;dze is Behind r hill Intel.. will roorlvn In a atrlrt I scomet'nom Aso their poittlove to "grt flyer Intrigue to kill tbt Oermarl 1ilofWter." time more than $55,000. Thim bm - the Bars. P r\eu" whit en irwonte, the market Vim Ki-ttelor wan killed by the i Ox- quant in subject to the trampler tax. . given telling for or agnbhat him. e" ,on .runts loth. nod for the purpose of having thnt . r Th,y may It in ld by "a netrlatlm r(thanchal, Jan. 14. -There W a fam- determin(xl an nppuc:Ltinn hall hPPn ITALIAN AUTHORITIES MOVING, tet thew wh► bion their pupp,trt of ins In the Province of t4henel, and It mnda to Surrogate Fitsgprald for I ' N weld tivnL :.,000,000 people are fac- an order fixing the tax. Thin rripaent n,vR th:+ mpetrnL Lara Llrsory to know how irgt starvation. has been mnAn by noonrom n.. Til Witt, Nor. ,inn. 14. -Tile prvlice hnvw nr- T th'm affata tit, wlxking of It. No Pekin, Tan. 14.-Rupmin aY bg- wh') im One of the exoctitorle of il, rnt•tal Pentre V1;•tor Nitkn4elaidze, -t P tunn;m Iilw•rty othould he defoemAent for Ran tlwning over the ratlwa$ SO will of Mr. OnvIrA. An schn not thr )1.1."x1.,11, nn till' ctaeg,e Of plottla9 ,t Pingle .illy up►'f the whim of n many. The Isettev Intends til pheP the young mast irowh(vn the age of _6• to settle the life Of ,the Usar or, the I,rlolsn Rn,rd Ie rMMItQ. A Noise rally mnzhagsmpmt Of the tine with farmer ton will broomo entitled to the prin- lnllrr'n supposed approaching ♦1111 employeem, lost the coanpaay under mil- cirxnl of one-half of tho r•midnnry en- here. o nor, after fall Inquiry to n camp; 1Nrt itary supervision. tote )(,it by him father. 1'rhrv,• N,kmi'hidse, wh:t la n Nihl- 7 h'm prntrrhre At Ianmt has en rent, And ...-. Og,en Onript died on him yacht 'loot, w,P c'oh'lemned to death ns ,,n I It M lentwwn too th? pnbUr. Nod pe) tho- The trial of Jodrell ilm(INi<W '.lhe Mayflowrt• while ret Cavwrm, Fnictnnd, nrr(emplie, In tile rrvnmpllimey of IM44 prom mvrklrhRm M the mind of R Irtllrar,mt. (at A rhargr ,elf mufllbOWX on Auguitt _7, 1R97. TiP Ainvointe(1 by :ignn.tt the Into czar Alexander Ilt. Of rn'nor frau official tri whom the Yrs Mnrt.ha N01nre. met, for till* morn him will flip widow, Mary R. 1)optet. I TG• w tp nlmo Pon%i:•tat In Paris of hs- ,• Ire Ing. haw again been loost.ponsit. F. V and (la,irgov o. hP Witt six Luta,'Illi Ing I l •g Ily Ill the (mrmteq(Ira Of ( 1• v- indrtrrininnte dentenr0 Ayatem worn d R. Johnot.rt dswtring /rwr, days more now that him soon bap reach(m1 the ise W,wh(• moichinnm. w Pntru,t,alpra:utely IhP IltvOrty of the 'nor the, rrnsidera4crt of the evidow-P of maturity bel elan will not as an ft p1krWoot (d(Pndat. It W a prvw,r that for that (Iota". PxMlftnr. Mr. GoPIrCR .pent. wa. Lord Lionel Croll Dead. thervald not 1x• amtrlu4wi to Pay man, Capt.. 11, A PanPt him iro•a misAstlmntod nn high nil 4S(1,onn,0(le), 1,ondon. Jan. 14. --Lord Llonm+l Co1•il, 1• it Ill o (xvwer text no worthy man tolrllaxt adletnint of list, Itoyal fill h- but no definite fignrrm have ever haff•br►ther of the Marqule of Mal. to World wkhb to eserc-lw. . tars College. berm patfllehmd all to its eotnal value. Isbary. Is dancl. _- a71L C YE, Counsel taw war -- -64 to h k,. HE SIfTON t'oat far Ib•Att+ortwy`(iothril how i ever. b td glvwa hlu. teaawa why 11, • 1"..: • ebou!d le, IMtalpo nsod, and IL w,add-- t1„ far lhv ttLia,•:a,)••OIMu,ntl ur 'Illy o'4•r high offl•10 mortify to ttorney General Wants the ,b • wheel cart INtapon,xt with.,u: Nf;4heg excellent rpadund tb•n fnr. IL• Trial Postponed. : h nl never It tilnowire "let& Serve Bleu ❑hare trouble noel unttdety. HIM l.,r- WWI;Ll tnnclhf(tlkM,M Wil" In tie' dit,•:- p t',Mh of bPknK ec;heteet from tryl(,q it ROBERTSON'S REMARKS, til, cnae, bit he wao leo:tnnntxl t,,,,,, L.oidtom. Jan. lli.-AL 1 µ m- to -flay hilt ddty lit (till tit Iltt,prtnt, uud l,ubh . e Question of imwtponiag the hif- In nttsw..r to is eu ahtiuu front ,•.Au,. nl.l ill- Ju IS - . ala th-it If 11 • urd.•rt,l Mt will t-AAU wits taken up at the ill, cur• k► iarvxne+•1 It wd u't1 1e• t•.k,•u 4besei. Mr. (ieu. C. Glflbuile. Q. 1'•. ata (Me Moastlly. scltuted ant aftida\it from Dr. At Out by h inrrlvrltA Itu II[r luntho,it, IaglNer, Of Thuurlulu, setting iurttl Ilia I.urt4h'p Odered that the raw. tut witnew. Ephraim liathurrt. be pro're,4►d with (rte Mottalay. war too Ill to be exumhell by a cuai imbiou to biewaue lull evidence. Mr• „ ustiuu Rulaertoluu thuttght llllr wad tot u uaat(rial reason for Iwstpoul'ag The Markets e trial, ter this feature war Vast y the plain"(('@ adullrolual of luatle- trrt'r evidotur. if cnulaul lead nothing rther W guy. he was pretatreft to Leading Wbeat Alrrkels, paler Ju+lgnreset ou ties "Aution to Fo,;Iow'ug urn tb+ cluduag (lwrwtrsta turtpr►r. At this Point Mr. Was. at 1w,lortatnt, wa:+at ctnsrew vrlI)_ count. q. C., action Intl a.ku,l !hat :'1444• 1l♦7I u lx. heard lerary the uuurt gave Cilloi"'No •• ... .. -- 00771-' tuigmeut. Mr. Helinluth itrterpored N,w lork... ... . -- O H_ 5-, M'Iwauko e... ......... $077 __ tel wigh"I to Ix+ utfurwwt Its &O 96. Lou r ... .... ...... -- 076 1-, whwu Mr. Louut was rel,redwntiteg. 1b'edo ..- ............ 079 083 Inc J elite repiled that the whistle Detruit, rixt,.. .. ... 0 81 L4 0 833 ii trug was irregular, but he wad !n- Detro! . whlta ... U 81 1.t - - winve! that Mr. LU4111 , Itppx'ut•t■1 fur Duluth. No. 1 north - 1w Attea•:tey-l;cnernl. 'Mr. Itelltnati int .. U7.3X4 0783s lo}rtfel tint tie Atturae) tirueral M'tlAenpo:W, No. I nil already been represented bj Mr. northern ... ... -- 078:Tm tugoe. flat it w.tr highly irregular Following are the cloding quulm hat le (the Attimme)-Leueral) shuuW tions at Important wheat osntrPs to gait tit• reprementtel by Ixunarl Ila- day: 11 lit to carry acture weight wlLlf the Cadh. May court. Ilia own cllatt.4 were, pri. Chicago ... ...... ... ... $...... ✓r0 7'.h'v tL to litigants. temking nwrely to se- Now fork ...... ..".. ......... 0 3y, um their rights, tut''1 the .iot4M•ney- Ht. Lnulr .tett. tett.. .. tett.. 07T, kineral halt wit right to Interfere Toledo, ...... .."..-....., 081 obi, vith private, easels. 'rhe Jndge united Detroit. red ....., „.... 082% 084, 11r. Lookout what Ire hAJ. to tnty In [letroit whit* ..-..... 08::11 ... fewer U) the abjection" ugalust els being heard. Mr. Lunt repllc,l t'oruntu Farowera• Market- hat arkel-hat he had omty late Ilwt eight ncrhe,l his hwtructione froom the JAN 6.-Offlv'zegr 01 grvtW ua ,h, Lltoraey-General to b t Iwmetlt unit aLrooL ,epnrket ttrd,ty we M<aF,r , trr:,eut the hatter's views to the atrly large,, amounting to_,;00 tonstr x,art. lit the hope that thoy might ria• t'ritvw,of wl&,.tt wane sar:•r, K the court in the givhlg o4 n b•trb'y was ftrmer• mad o+ta sued rye utfgm^nt that wawld accord with wc,1V sternly. Ih• hateresta of Justice• lie howl Ihc►-- 51b'cat-Two1 buodred bumllrip of •ehl+tl Tremor the Attorney -Genera wb w Awl 600 budiNa of red sold 1 urthwr knotructiUtln that► haat ;ewer at 6J to 6J L... And 400 W11 Iowa riven ttli air. 'Singes: Mr. .jus 1140,(.1 gvxrre etc+n,13 tit 641 -Lac. list: Julbstrtaon remarked that the Bdvipy-F'lve hundrol buALL,he sold 1 ttt.xney-tolaeral haat certitinly I$:u:- bleier ,lit, 41 1-_ to 44c. •I the Jutkpte In a very awkwant txr Jky te kwkil Sold u:wbaligtxl At ritlon unit it was Int right of bili ;"i=t.•. W+r lileb'i. Oats -81x tliltltdral twuhrN wid` to tri nm Tees attore lit ne vi lead , hinged At ' O I-3 to S0 1 -Sc. Ito right to lulavraft In n civil m•• tiny craft; Straw -Hay war a little -,. tk,tl. particularly nlWr being invited firmer, twenty selling at 50c. rarer and over Agulu mad tleclinini W. I rel efentw►. Now. atter the ease b gh: r at soul t0 11.6() per tun Pt Straw lower a ea(tbsr. rive, loads sr01n,T I been fuJy g,xw into ur(J nrlNril 41 lusty At 1170 per Ldait. Itud tlw- court war prepared to tits- I)r,--.,l Ilctce-Market omttnu s I of It, the Attorney-Ocorral strong Saul priced are b'g1roil- Till., c:Ime foarwanl soul asked to be iward o(fer•nar rah @tail uud U11-1\' m I every other effort to fwntpohe k,..0 ,de W- t;n(ttutuas now rate,. ills came bail rattail. The wonder for from 47.76 to $8 per cwt. the :Attorney -General, said the Ju IS,, Darter url Eggs -No chofng,•. V.,,- w:,ald axe holatrt, Int it be (tl'P ket quiet, with small offerrnges. Jax'ge) crula taut corwcientlously give ktn:try-RooWipte Ifgbt. Turkeva effect to the 'AttVriei•y-Generali free it Ilttls enafer, s:Ilulg lit 9 to IO. sialic, the latter. must mat expect Oe,este are al.0 lower, selling at 7 to _ film to (io no. >tr. Louut expiaiae,l 8 hr. Otb •r fowl are aachnng,•I deft the AttornPyd:eM7al And tont hiterpused before, as he h:t.l been Hradstreret's sit IraAe- wdlpng to atm if the efforts or the Tilt, tmiverwnl opinion Among tf:, def Neill to pa.tlKMe• the caws would manufsecturere rend the whulexalm tat b. utrepossful, and lite Attorney. trade At M.,utreni IN that the year General did not wen to interfere in Just clawed had born eminently eat- tho d1rectiop- of wciuri,(g__.n .poet- olfactory Ad r•ga,ils the Tolumw ,f m poemwu ent till it .aktalu(sly btatihegs dupes sn1 the p ir,41ts ma,t• nectoosr,ary. If r. Louot exp;ain.41 yhlpmente of spring g „ML have 1, that his appeiarance In the case lA•- Run. Values continue firm for mpo.t lura life Divisional Court had not -Ili- of Imprted and Som "ie "Is. been in the interests of the Attor- Money W in gaud demand and firm nwy-General• bat as ouuht4o•I for thr Trade at Toraoto title week ha. frown in Uv, Wunder tore. 'Gee At- been fair for the beginning of it,. tursr•y-tietterad dad Use rigiat tar ill. year. Sales during December In mane terpotme to tl1,e intcrcrtd of publitr lines were large, and values of stapl. paa'.i ,. and auk uaat Lite civil action quivelm are now firm• so that them Ile not tried till after thio criminal ,a every eneoarngrineut And naw u c:ewe, ad lot a largo extent the doo. for retailers to makue large purchasod torm'.n.ngot We wail cause mlght elf,,vt thin m(iotte Gtr the irprlug trade advenrly the Cr)wn's rase agnList Hawl toq wh.,loenalr trails thi.i weskit (iorVld H1ftLw. Mr. Jueusw Itobert- is fairly Active for thld seas ,n TTA tau l.,LA h:e li ole,l COuha:•I (-,)tit 1 naak • writers report a very fair Inqulr: f r that li)iin1f4Wt to tTit+ a•,ourt. He %,t, aprtDtr itnes ant1 ahlpMentg Are het, K POOL prf•µaretl to au•oept the atitteuwnt Made. The 1,►rga taolhlaY boallie ■ of the Attorney -4iener:tl to that *P*1114 to have 11,11 the ,riset 14 ta.n- effte•t. Sir. I— at Wren rend from the Ing up trade generally, and retail- Judlgit tit of Chief Jlwtice Meredith errs are dlsposs'1 tee suck up liberally- _ to iJ,uw that the recent elvil action for the owning sPaa,tn. Prices are war nx•rely bru•ight to iufl,h'ml' rise generally Ready to firm for staple oatromo of the rHtgtmat crate anti to ,Ruff. - dil rP lit a prine,ptol Crown wI,,,,. a. At Winnlpeg there has been n rat, Them would be nu i,er ..r rNk Ht the 104pdry for spring stuff this wpwk• -- plaintiffs In hnving .Oso -chip case Theors has been A fair baslaesn dons pa4tpotwL Futgar Morden. an execs- tar the first week of the year. al: Lor, lied .oxalo aff.davip that the em• tiomdon. Vito ,:lxtw•ed 4 yopi) surplum of ass t. At the cxfttt cltl(e flee pnmt week otor liabilitles. It wear in tlw Pana.there tial b,.^Pa nn Impr.vrment lie tnterevt that the alar should stand PILY.mente. Thin Is a matter much over. Morden'•, : vllenee AA IO h'.s complained of Gtr mr►rne weeks pant. warning J(►a•ph H. niftan, :1111 am Iry At Ottawra thL4 week bbsineas had hM dtAwlag of the will for ter' inttrr been a trifle quiet, sea it etlways Is would hu.. proper ani ll%LU-r ll et•I et begs centres immediately after _ dpriev for Mue Crown In tit,- Imsrder the holiday Reason. raaP, not it wnm th, Ohj,,t Of the /'.,,+.,,Ilan F'atfurr*. -_._ pinln'IffR In the prevent eaL1p to dl.• cro•flt film ril4ence and Inj+fre Ilia re- Canadian fallur.ft during the „a; laststkvn. It thin wan done tha IIP- 19110 were 1,35.5 In number And 411. fen-, In tw, (-Iv1I milt would have a 618;008 In amount Of Ilabillthr right to pall wlttl(vwawm. Meeh an Mary sightly exceeding the two precediiik McF'nrlaw. or even faro. Herbert, too yenrd, but rom:,nrilg must favurALl) pr,ve that what Gerald Rifton hall with the four yetrs prior to 189'( D:t akin d fenite were R r em+lint n, , r• , v e had tour. Mr. r la a 1 ..mill 1 c (ke h t t .Tu,,tio, Bobartom onto] tint In Ilia 50 ount thin In 1899• but A,,abloo in flunk yens'. Pxpertence at the h!tr and on her. 1,,Nt year's rarord was unwso the b,ach ha had never known the AIiy satlsfact,ory at Most points, Awl Attorney.41eneral to Interfere In it th3 general condition of busluen was civil nethtl, it had been nrKpd that prawr►0rous; the prtoclpsi canon of if,- till- trying of the will caw• would rra9srd ilahtilttes being looatwd At prPJadice the, murder case. The Montreal, where n trader In produce .nudge considered that the charge of f,leA for 9850,(101), and at hatter m,kfor ToWj. is difficulty forgery ngatnert Edgar Morden nJsnt nvolvedd' arkshooe,, tit tie* ahi- Rhonidbi gone lntd. nnfl as It could tent of 4866,000, and anin i financial ort be hlveatlgntod in the , murder concernat m,kimR the loss outside of trial, it Mvmld Me dorm first In the m hnmfarturtng nod trading muco, civil pull. if it was woule maum nifest larger thnn ctomAry. A capitalist that forgery had been cohlmitt(•d, r,t Vanrourri, Also suRpe,nded, with nn tha4 44np,wed, da the. hart plw;v""'I"b+' (miwbtedn"w of tr'77.W0. Thoos- Ifew the will )n the murder trine. it was extremis ants swell the total anal quit(, In the Interests of public Jan- m•,ke tier table nppPar wore, than lice that If A4vnden I* charged with the norm it defnultil warrant. in being a forger, hp should clear hen- tunny wty(s the yenr 1900 was eels'• onif of ter charge, anti no man's life cl Aly free from misfortune and cub should be placed In Jeopardy by the sdering the revere lose to whet evidence of it forger nail perjurer. growers in Af,nitoba, that Proving' The Jad,te solid his own view wits m,krw n splendid exhibit. that the civil pull should he tried i'mt4u•s•. (•alnmrrdAl. Il,nkin- firmt, in order that the rail truth In NO. Id*6 N'n. I.i.f connection with the will should be (intact" 61,; S 2.e4•)nIK I it 9",„" (n •her CA 6.1.1h.1".0 1 ".-4.7. 1 kw)wll. The Crown nervi not be anx- 1 r11i.h (•"Iuh,filn IIs frA,:p01 I„'1e) Ione no to the outcome "f tbP rage. Novn7dcutlA.... . Ni 567 -eta - ' all the Crnwh's only depire Pholld1?P Mendt"Ua..... pp 311.'414 New Bernnear rk.. 414 141.9117 V1 A”Jaetl(ea cocas, aAd not to Mor- P. It. (ilarld - s p(.sep viol an Inrxweent man. Air. Ianunt rru11Ns1 1. Kt tILs132roa n sL "u;.a , nrg(rl throt the cam• sh)nld stand Ipgr,-., I. -W w,aiGp 2m t ..,%;, over inti nftl.r the trial of the 12 (,len 9.ri1;ax14 s NII.•„ charge of mnreler nJrninm" t 6PTAId hg. I." 11.16,.191 .to isi. Sirloin and Walter Herbert, air. •' ION . 9.1114 17,11m,41432 Y1l.w Jnatlep Robertson reserved hill dPelm- •' IAN List ts.we. ON rt:.n-- Iat I MA 1,.41&216 a m"n<u Mn until to -marrow. Nrwllil, Hal - 12.100 L nendfw4 Ont., Join. 11. -At Ih, after- .. lose a ai•(1" •. am nrerrMp n rA nssIRP RftbPrtr .. en, Ju 4p 31 171" am ARkaIaC 2.5 iVAN l Mr. MA*",O % ('., It any .. lass it 11%IW • word ,ham hewn rreelved from Mr. '• IALI 49 1117,181 iwmint. Mr. ill Iv,00.1 that navn0 Wello`eaiN I,IR i,hip paid t•hiot to SAILOR AMITI-K. wnr prep,tf"l to ktve Ja(Ngmwnt, Mut _ ruoferrel tel wait LIII 6 dichhrk. Up F-atally 11'nun4P4 p (`oak and Th-, h) wlwl d G► five coattail for th- At- SmIMAee. to'ney-Otinrrnevery OPPOT1inity to show am:ltorlt7 f(tr that official !wing Santa iinrlbarn, ('nIIL, .fart. 14.-- ' rigvnwentpd. 'cir him uw:t port, his m(thxNp'r (fate anti Anna, Captain How w.ao tett In the IntPrnmtaof Jma Walker. ham ar•rfve,l here from ."Antn tills th? civil Acticen sl(M1IJ he tried RosAIiii. Hhe roptrtke that M,k,• first. He -011 not Understand ,Mr. O'Rrina, a pallor, ran amuck aMoni MOMen's anxiety to have the vem` ter toot rail flntuniny. int inn,le t, pvntponod it ll+ wet+, not guilty. Lf "(-tool's attempt to kill Ceptraln Walk nnO•rnty Mr. Mcor,len bill nothing to Pr Witt' It knife, send suerpoodwd In cat fenr In th` trial of the camp. 110 was ting 1.110 Donk rear the heart. Th-, PrspirYtt to et I11113 04' y go fere of nn wokind Is pn,lcably fatal lie, thea authority for the 4%6orrw,yKftW,aly wit ILIA own throat, (lying on the,dak, (gtltlug botly, Iran n (+ernevily tilt place of all .to wait for 'tan•- Altnl L6, after a 1urney irk Open There m ty be bad tlmea coming, but N actetaed. !t W ex eted that ads► anti tits Empire W 1n the High truck, on which 3. outtutnly cote of withuut counting tic+ pollup recraite court of Parlium •at. (Loud itis hang- tlw worot ruitwa30 W the world, of the signal of their arrival are nut yet .L few Weeks' tilt x soil sten more continued u laude.) \isiblo In the revenue rtatementr of Uaa ten Ihoueaaid fresh British _-_4______-_--__ J ol;Omottle. titer ryLuuiu.ler rrrnwguu A - CIN) foltuweng day. th(, Dominion. The receipts for the rix tla,I,L1 in tho fiek,t. The 4 .ti'at '1'HK GLA!3uON' 411OW. inuntis► that maid Dec. plot, 1900, ti' mineuts is Laido 6411 dealt th, __ larringtuta's footstool. a•rrr. 4"S,73i,638, and the ex,endl_ ted it b unJrr.tact lora! urs Isreresteg F'aictr About lieutland'" Gr•ner.tl Carrington cOldl:d.•red It t.(t sent • to SOUth _tfrica at t t.rt•„t Lithibitlon. edair,ble that. if portable, mere urtil- tallow 4L7,L'U8, 10. As compared with r-.Ae u( about 8,000 if multi. ter corresponding rix months of the Pular PiNgue De4th,. fl4• limilair ureal emeutal for ,tTy Mould Ln with C,Auuel flume g- ' pre Y g olumn...nd w:edc lib plans oecurdmit- previous year, the .rcSl7Dae Afhleased _fir,. _Jap. 15._Futrr de:atha ti Glurguw txn,bi Jou err mak... ,j , the outwore rlWw. With wtt.L.t fruits Bubonic P1 ae i-weurnxT-uu-Progrei R. - 'PFtaaulF---alas fjrYTftltcon- tfrry' were mode and haw by RI,_43;101, notwithstanding tic 1 i i reduction in the Customs duty on iso- the etelumer High,n>«t Prince, will, a'ri►ier. i.l tY:uta leve }art iilfurule-i •44•wleuuy they were c,rrievl out by usrived in 4h.ekdd Hartm)r je:iterd.ty the Lar.l Pru,ort that tile.)' Ic,h have the men entrusted with threw. It Must Iverts from Britain, which went into from ilhv leiter .Plate. Nicu.ure ill perfurmiug tlru o1wi ing tae lxuue in m'oJ th at both gine tend effect on July let, 19W. Titre way The vletiMg were the eapta;n, the corelfau:ay, which cid Akely im: ear,} escort were. with hordes ur mules. seems clear for debt reduction, tax mate, the cook and a chid Patel u• t11 SL,y. !t latwtlunatc t title Ute xjao'eme ep alae• WJlabury to Bulawayo” u\aiiau! o lir eahibite Witt be wee catches anti nuimals were menu g,•r. t4evertl others were nttaPkeil, six- rteluctlon, or both. " but recoiered. _90.000 sol rmrsk eat, exclu.ite til the cis Al by the go 4, orders, t., b^ ai- AI\urd lets Delay. pk:ts.r1 gul.eries. ISr1N.AezluiiLr M•l.a lunvaij tit ties disposal until the cul - From motives of economy the Brit- aulve 148-,UOt) aqua%W;.,Ikd t ; lore.gn, 70,- amu was enfoly through.. TWO guns toll Cabinet has refuseil to adopt the New York, Jan. 15.-Ournelled L. b00 loqua►ro it;euluuinI, ib Out, left M..r•autlellns on April :10th, the rroioumendution of Lord Itubrrts to Alvoxrd: Jun., whir pleaded guilty taut tyuure feet, and altdurtrta, rem tinier following on May lot and seek to mtealing $620,000 from the 10.(;OU square feet. AlrOng the ftxeiePt ad; tend reached Buluwayo on the mused 50,000 regulars to Africa to re- F'iret National Break, wum to have national htuareiu is first with -1::.0011 ,Ince nn equal number of Militia, and been sentence4l by Jua Thumne in 8th, n distance Of nearly 300 miles. ( ( Sr Aquaare, feet, wane two-thi r of which On :.rrtvua there they immediately eo- revervistx. If the war is very near the United AtAtcxt' L'Arcuit-Court to- will be outride. Fran t a next trilned and proceeded t) ootai,where Its end, the act of transport Is ran .il:tj' but on the application of lila w ._ — :,t►,Wy. depatzl1- Ali -LLU Lug w.ia cut, uud, dotraiakug, diol Po co•uadw•1, Judge Thumna, postponed ,teskfe, mifid Jupiter is third wi Sy• A furred m.irch frum there to l5afe- item of Importance to the nlrendy, the sentence till too -morrow m(xn- U00 stluw•e fret• Cuaada, fir • ht tell, 11 dist:aticu of Over W Milos, anti Ing. Alvt,rd'a o iuttterl had r,me tint- la ox to 1, b first 'with L'4, sued Colonel 1'lumer's roluwn nL orerburdenctl taxpayer. If not, the Are Jo xtntement that the men wlvo hove tors pertaining W the came to fix xgwiru feet, whh•h will be equally d that place. on the 14th. Colonel t'Ite- np before Alvurd goes away•' vkke,l between fludde and e►utside. mdr moved the atme day and met Lire "Prvoll tht-,)ugh A hard campalign - 31ahy %% Ill 1...e. WONUltt.Auetralia► to next with 11,• :ootheca-c"lurhen. uul^rCulunelMallon, ,1Pxerve rP(ief, be•Cauee they tire #,tale, Near Bork, -Jan? IVa—Thr^•.. Tribune L()V, ---wialu. L,luceulIllel lead 8.O0l1 -.t .Jinn Masille:s. &not relievkil tele dispirited anti unfit far daty proven RiyR='From iuvestigntlodo just cum equaro feet of npaace. long Im'liegrd M ateking on )any 16th, the n feilorn til Lord Roberts' .seems- , 1t1eted by I)Pjouty Attoraet-l:ener.:l- :Lalutig the untet'croting featurex of Iter a m.Irch of 33 miles. 1\'Uhlm F. Klhrtburgh, representing tlw Exhibition will be Lht• rls,rto"wid I'mck Nud 1•rrer•vrraurr. mendatirin. Fresh men would do the 8t.►te Banking Ilrpnrtmant, I1.4 tlwv cauwittee hes xeeureJ the ev __. ___ int order to appreciate the pluck better wnrk than home, -rick men, lirlieved that the Anglo-American Operation of the ScOttish .\m:tteur Sivtagn k Loan Association, with-'thletis An,ociatlmt, the Suottislf Cy- 'sad pursevevpnce shown by the tan - weakened by disease and toll. Iiab11it1eA of 4 ,U18,a05, will p:ay Its„ cliste' I ui,al, :uxl the, Irrlanipal.,stet tdlan artlllevy and llueenslanderm on than twenty cenL4on the dolhsr. had clow In Glasgow•, llv-, event. will bel tele o^e.ufun, Orin must cun,ldrr tie 6Sr-MtorkensiP I3owen'e cargatl, Lire ubatarleli they end tel contend with ; l a•Ikrillc Intellygeucer, rtev'uteo aeurly that It will In ill ,erobabilLly b' Int- of great In Lit vtouaf interest awl (iossible to prevent recelvernhip liquhl- imlortteuoc t4) cycltlrtr lunf utldctea solely of the men octan t o at Marren been n coiunn sued a half of space to roll• :atlon by trnnrgerring the cumpony's urwl loterruf "px,rte, Tlvecootf Lp will dell swithout euntaas there end kern extensive, holding. of rest estate to inelu.ie .a Ikitfoils. cycling Chnmpiomohilo burnt or( their b,cke by apurkn frum, Ing against slat IL ua1IA "tete .bat the engine, which is led.by wooed fuel Chia le' crx,kelbtese In recent eleo- a separate real eetate company. Had nen atbb'tic content between toot-. send doled retot carry a spark prrvtec- tions. Sir aleark knows writ that KHled by A H,rlrn ire. lura( sits Ln•iApl..l special exhibition tar Int the funnel. Tile rolling stook Now Y(vnk, -Tan. 15. -John 41nffarl, laolal,Jor wilutera will bestnlek.The W abnt)-hrtely deficient, aril the men there now axiom a (von»llydxiun of a forts will , be in the mt tiftcUut _6 yttasvr o:d, a pricnte w the i'hit• ) q(I rent in uy.eo trttclu on their ammun- {'', gee g 1 Y groafhIA Of the tlnlvermlty du the Kel• baggage, etc., exp,sed w the jafdgre teaNty w'r1ltli LA ll(war Ali (et 4t'a t(N Nflrlle L: Ur H, Brooklyn h iti:iRl e ressom cile, ,Ml . i have not yet. heard If eA- falnts arxl or►te term to the ji tgh by J n kli, late haat great haat of the day and nit night littolp 1 (wattle Are j,hdtag in the nthletc a°O to a biting nttarWost. Why otics he not gh'r fight by John Henry, a' Bow, ry tfvrtR-. 4 k cold and (Pont mat, that commission his information? b:rtettrier. locate reonitrvl from n In the summer a hu flower stow whlr.lh;roakaw itself felt ouro niter bi(yvr of the flit on the chin. Star- eund.,wn ; ruld to thlr the crostant will ix. heel, to Ix• Gallow,d h a fruit 7 , r Inn r b far chic too ( -till le 1• 1 A Aad M/ tic ♦eel Haw h ^. r its c ext blathering 7 o LR drunk and w r nt •1 g'1 7 H f Ie any ,r h} rag ford w 1 flit Y lerLuitlly, after the outcry the Toxles dlaturbard•e. Henry -'s proteoltm are miss-, fit whish vAlunt,ir prized will carefully guarded against on ac. said to have led to n fight, which Int offere,l an un inducement to grow• want of tie ammunitkm. mao]eefor a cxommisRion It in A little ,a,. 1e) thin eh+lmirtmeut Canada At Marnndelhs, when erery avatl- xluibbv on their part to funk the Job resylted as atbte(1. ought tri tae well t , tine +front, ase ig ebb e.och 'Illi wnft)n hn,1 been pro (Net- decline tilt bring rtmrges Wore i n ehrn wood In Paris. 'life exhibithrt all cared. It was found that the men It. Attl to umoxlnt of elangwhaog•UK ! I thoritiod, f am Informed, will shortly would have to sit tai t,op of the am - be arranging with (4onlal Govern m'mithoel end hngg,lgP, c, that coffee Ing ht their organs will Wiwi the pub- L ' ment4e deklironot of taking part in .etloe more they were forced to undergo lie Go their Ixnvardice or falwehdud. _- vial fruit Phuwn. After Paris, there the aevere trial of having to, sit llsiow would it do for the counsel to sum few pla,v,tl better sutte.1 for O through the long da Yt p ) ,'sing g y Jolting In a brl Iowell'r hltvxl liar before It Evidence' That i! Was PI }nll l Rrrat• international And exhibition than male wetgon, very mach overcrowd - bring the tag w o1 If M i e Krl\i h (lin me ns le 3 e 1 anti crT n ( t n Unable to rixt ,Inc - nwl force him to tell what tie known Officially. Scotch climate be on Its giswt fir- ,1Pr to Chan their R ar,_tkdmlt t4at- he is a Lvrunnm elAn• -flat tier, show In sure to -his n 1a d cram a and limbs. deror^ -'" - firllltnnt na,l attractive one. In it Yet the strained aril tramped limbs. - LIiTENEWS NOTFS FROM CHINA. Rrtry(t itMtntn and ttrerinter Britrtin Yet they did It without n murmur, - IN I1L ter phos the Lvorl.l LAC xltlo,n stall rrncheil their destination, a dln- lu fuelr nunnal tw(rott ells man- tK tanc,e of nearly 700 mthw, which they > New York. Jan. 1 ,.-Rev. D. Gam,- they ccupy am(mlg the in,luntrial nn- had completed by trnln and wapr,)n afters of ih• Eimlrn itebyrnwtory iotate tlfmw-which they did not do at I'nrts thft the flugggufg and other brutal- e1'll, wit') mail" 1111"" •If fnm vu( by _where Cann,la wnR practically alone S eight days. Their jg, wi y Tmm Pr 1atPllenboewvh to MafeldnR, win Qnpev Itlr, whk-b dimgr•ae.e1 th- Institution allpo-rintending the wtuk of fortify- anwour oar colonbtl exhiMLors.-Mmol gyywn, a (iWtnn:.r of 3,18o mile, was 1 lirol44 BrolvIr vay ILLVPo brei( nM)!hih(vl. Ing ties lefintlovnw n♦ Pekin, in not- and KU&tAm - Aetximpllsbed In Rg days. And inOlad- and humane metlh►iv of reform have deeming the Methoortet preachers ed, roughly wp'akinhg, 1,9(10 miler by mretl last night, Pxhibited a ca COMES INTO KOIt'rC%M!. Son, 120 mites marchf"W' ROD tulles i biwi, oaMtlthtof. A fOnturs of th', Ing R p3' in mule, wAgvvM and apnrly ROO re Rtrt le th- • p of a New Turk nl'wrpwlp,r of .fuer miles by train. ifttdflrunt refor•ttrw to 17th, with n ,1fwpotch dated Jana \'sunpt OoeiM. 1)Pts a SIIPr of This n I looto of th+ Indeterminate, nPutewe 4,i0,00P.00(p. ` --I----- re. In 16th, In which It nrw nLntrd that gncaVou freltaNfty dinrunked in the the Overman Ntinlorter Von Ketteler Now York, .tan. 14. -Robert noi•Irt. OI OT {D NUNS A(1 e Timm, tb+ pllw4tr It gives tilt prison bad Betel killed. the mein of the late Ogden - G(Wiet, ell I L U1ti1 LNS offleholm ex 'rewmtjolO M' to filearleml eel "1 ask 3na," said Dr. (lamewell, to to renehtnt them age v)f mnnbm,b(i on R'rtl- --- - pnvioxlg nn Inmate's trvpnt tel( priann &(Mjr.eture how that event could have - ' r been telegraphed four da.ve before nowiny last, and under the• will of [lip. Tbey point out that Iloltttom It Occurrd nnleep there half been Now Nakadch;dze is Behind r hill Intel.. will roorlvn In a atrlrt I scomet'nom Aso their poittlove to "grt flyer Intrigue to kill tbt Oermarl 1ilofWter." time more than $55,000. Thim bm - the Bars. P r\eu" whit en irwonte, the market Vim Ki-ttelor wan killed by the i Ox- quant in subject to the trampler tax. . given telling for or agnbhat him. e" ,on .runts loth. nod for the purpose of having thnt . r Th,y may It in ld by "a netrlatlm r(thanchal, Jan. 14. -There W a fam- determin(xl an nppuc:Ltinn hall hPPn ITALIAN AUTHORITIES MOVING, tet thew wh► bion their pupp,trt of ins In the Province of t4henel, and It mnda to Surrogate Fitsgprald for I ' N weld tivnL :.,000,000 people are fac- an order fixing the tax. Thin rripaent n,vR th:+ mpetrnL Lara Llrsory to know how irgt starvation. has been mnAn by noonrom n.. Til Witt, Nor. ,inn. 14. -Tile prvlice hnvw nr- T th'm affata tit, wlxking of It. No Pekin, Tan. 14.-Rupmin aY bg- wh') im One of the exoctitorle of il, rnt•tal Pentre V1;•tor Nitkn4elaidze, -t P tunn;m Iilw•rty othould he defoemAent for Ran tlwning over the ratlwa$ SO will of Mr. OnvIrA. An schn not thr )1.1."x1.,11, nn till' ctaeg,e Of plottla9 ,t Pingle .illy up►'f the whim of n many. The Isettev Intends til pheP the young mast irowh(vn the age of _6• to settle the life Of ,the Usar or, the I,rlolsn Rn,rd Ie rMMItQ. A Noise rally mnzhagsmpmt Of the tine with farmer ton will broomo entitled to the prin- lnllrr'n supposed approaching ♦1111 employeem, lost the coanpaay under mil- cirxnl of one-half of tho r•midnnry en- here. o nor, after fall Inquiry to n camp; 1Nrt itary supervision. tote )(,it by him father. 1'rhrv,• N,kmi'hidse, wh:t la n Nihl- 7 h'm prntrrhre At Ianmt has en rent, And ...-. Og,en Onript died on him yacht 'loot, w,P c'oh'lemned to death ns ,,n I It M lentwwn too th? pnbUr. Nod pe) tho- The trial of Jodrell ilm(INi<W '.lhe Mayflowrt• while ret Cavwrm, Fnictnnd, nrr(emplie, In tile rrvnmpllimey of IM44 prom mvrklrhRm M the mind of R Irtllrar,mt. (at A rhargr ,elf mufllbOWX on Auguitt _7, 1R97. TiP Ainvointe(1 by :ignn.tt the Into czar Alexander Ilt. Of rn'nor frau official tri whom the Yrs Mnrt.ha N01nre. met, for till* morn him will flip widow, Mary R. 1)optet. I TG• w tp nlmo Pon%i:•tat In Paris of hs- ,• Ire Ing. haw again been loost.ponsit. F. V and (la,irgov o. hP Witt six Luta,'Illi Ing I l •g Ily Ill the (mrmteq(Ira Of ( 1• v- indrtrrininnte dentenr0 Ayatem worn d R. Johnot.rt dswtring /rwr, days more now that him soon bap reach(m1 the ise W,wh(• moichinnm. w Pntru,t,alpra:utely IhP IltvOrty of the 'nor the, rrnsidera4crt of the evidow-P of maturity bel elan will not as an ft p1krWoot (d(Pndat. It W a prvw,r that for that (Iota". PxMlftnr. Mr. GoPIrCR .pent. wa. Lord Lionel Croll Dead. thervald not 1x• amtrlu4wi to Pay man, Capt.. 11, A PanPt him iro•a misAstlmntod nn high nil 4S(1,onn,0(le), 1,ondon. Jan. 14. --Lord Llonm+l Co1•il, 1• it Ill o (xvwer text no worthy man tolrllaxt adletnint of list, Itoyal fill h- but no definite fignrrm have ever haff•br►ther of the Marqule of Mal. to World wkhb to eserc-lw. . tars College. berm patfllehmd all to its eotnal value. Isbary. Is dancl. _- a71L C YE, Counsel taw war -- -64 to h k,. HE SIfTON t'oat far Ib•Att+ortwy`(iothril how i ever. b td glvwa hlu. teaawa why 11, • 1"..: • ebou!d le, IMtalpo nsod, and IL w,add-- t1„ far lhv ttLia,•:a,)••OIMu,ntl ur 'Illy o'4•r high offl•10 mortify to ttorney General Wants the ,b • wheel cart INtapon,xt with.,u: Nf;4heg excellent rpadund tb•n fnr. IL• Trial Postponed. : h nl never It tilnowire "let& Serve Bleu ❑hare trouble noel unttdety. HIM l.,r- WWI;Ll tnnclhf(tlkM,M Wil" In tie' dit,•:- p t',Mh of bPknK ec;heteet from tryl(,q it ROBERTSON'S REMARKS, til, cnae, bit he wao leo:tnnntxl t,,,,,, L.oidtom. Jan. lli.-AL 1 µ m- to -flay hilt ddty lit (till tit Iltt,prtnt, uud l,ubh . e Question of imwtponiag the hif- In nttsw..r to is eu ahtiuu front ,•.Au,. nl.l ill- Ju IS - . ala th-it If 11 • urd.•rt,l Mt will t-AAU wits taken up at the ill, cur• k► iarvxne+•1 It wd u't1 1e• t•.k,•u 4besei. Mr. (ieu. C. Glflbuile. Q. 1'•. ata (Me Moastlly. scltuted ant aftida\it from Dr. At Out by h inrrlvrltA Itu II[r luntho,it, IaglNer, Of Thuurlulu, setting iurttl Ilia I.urt4h'p Odered that the raw. tut witnew. Ephraim liathurrt. be pro're,4►d with (rte Mottalay. war too Ill to be exumhell by a cuai imbiou to biewaue lull evidence. Mr• „ ustiuu Rulaertoluu thuttght llllr wad tot u uaat(rial reason for Iwstpoul'ag The Markets e trial, ter this feature war Vast y the plain"(('@ adullrolual of luatle- trrt'r evidotur. if cnulaul lead nothing rther W guy. he was pretatreft to Leading Wbeat Alrrkels, paler Ju+lgnreset ou ties "Aution to Fo,;Iow'ug urn tb+ cluduag (lwrwtrsta turtpr►r. At this Point Mr. Was. at 1w,lortatnt, wa:+at ctnsrew vrlI)_ count. q. C., action Intl a.ku,l !hat :'1444• 1l♦7I u lx. heard lerary the uuurt gave Cilloi"'No •• ... .. -- 00771-' tuigmeut. Mr. Helinluth itrterpored N,w lork... ... . -- O H_ 5-, M'Iwauko e... ......... $077 __ tel wigh"I to Ix+ utfurwwt Its &O 96. Lou r ... .... ...... -- 076 1-, whwu Mr. Louut was rel,redwntiteg. 1b'edo ..- ............ 079 083 Inc J elite repiled that the whistle Detruit, rixt,.. .. ... 0 81 L4 0 833 ii trug was irregular, but he wad !n- Detro! . whlta ... U 81 1.t - - winve! that Mr. LU4111 , Itppx'ut•t■1 fur Duluth. No. 1 north - 1w Attea•:tey-l;cnernl. 'Mr. Itelltnati int .. U7.3X4 0783s lo}rtfel tint tie Atturae) tirueral M'tlAenpo:W, No. I nil already been represented bj Mr. northern ... ... -- 078:Tm tugoe. flat it w.tr highly irregular Following are the cloding quulm hat le (the Attimme)-Leueral) shuuW tions at Important wheat osntrPs to gait tit• reprementtel by Ixunarl Ila- day: 11 lit to carry acture weight wlLlf the Cadh. May court. Ilia own cllatt.4 were, pri. Chicago ... ...... ... ... $...... ✓r0 7'.h'v tL to litigants. temking nwrely to se- Now fork ...... ..".. ......... 0 3y, um their rights, tut''1 the .iot4M•ney- Ht. Lnulr .tett. tett.. .. tett.. 07T, kineral halt wit right to Interfere Toledo, ...... .."..-....., 081 obi, vith private, easels. 'rhe Jndge united Detroit. red ....., „.... 082% 084, 11r. Lookout what Ire hAJ. to tnty In [letroit whit* ..-..... 08::11 ... fewer U) the abjection" ugalust els being heard. Mr. Lunt repllc,l t'oruntu Farowera• Market- hat arkel-hat he had omty late Ilwt eight ncrhe,l his hwtructione froom the JAN 6.-Offlv'zegr 01 grvtW ua ,h, Lltoraey-General to b t Iwmetlt unit aLrooL ,epnrket ttrd,ty we M<aF,r , trr:,eut the hatter's views to the atrly large,, amounting to_,;00 tonstr x,art. lit the hope that thoy might ria• t'ritvw,of wl&,.tt wane sar:•r, K the court in the givhlg o4 n b•trb'y was ftrmer• mad o+ta sued rye utfgm^nt that wawld accord with wc,1V sternly. Ih• hateresta of Justice• lie howl Ihc►-- 51b'cat-Two1 buodred bumllrip of •ehl+tl Tremor the Attorney -Genera wb w Awl 600 budiNa of red sold 1 urthwr knotructiUtln that► haat ;ewer at 6J to 6J L... And 400 W11 Iowa riven ttli air. 'Singes: Mr. .jus 1140,(.1 gvxrre etc+n,13 tit 641 -Lac. list: Julbstrtaon remarked that the Bdvipy-F'lve hundrol buALL,he sold 1 ttt.xney-tolaeral haat certitinly I$:u:- bleier ,lit, 41 1-_ to 44c. •I the Jutkpte In a very awkwant txr Jky te kwkil Sold u:wbaligtxl At ritlon unit it was Int right of bili ;"i=t.•. W+r lileb'i. Oats -81x tliltltdral twuhrN wid` to tri nm Tees attore lit ne vi lead , hinged At ' O I-3 to S0 1 -Sc. Ito right to lulavraft In n civil m•• tiny craft; Straw -Hay war a little -,. tk,tl. particularly nlWr being invited firmer, twenty selling at 50c. rarer and over Agulu mad tleclinini W. I rel efentw►. Now. atter the ease b gh: r at soul t0 11.6() per tun Pt Straw lower a ea(tbsr. rive, loads sr01n,T I been fuJy g,xw into ur(J nrlNril 41 lusty At 1170 per Ldait. Itud tlw- court war prepared to tits- I)r,--.,l Ilctce-Market omttnu s I of It, the Attorney-Ocorral strong Saul priced are b'g1roil- Till., c:Ime foarwanl soul asked to be iward o(fer•nar rah @tail uud U11-1\' m I every other effort to fwntpohe k,..0 ,de W- t;n(ttutuas now rate,. ills came bail rattail. The wonder for from 47.76 to $8 per cwt. the :Attorney -General, said the Ju IS,, Darter url Eggs -No chofng,•. V.,,- w:,ald axe holatrt, Int it be (tl'P ket quiet, with small offerrnges. Jax'ge) crula taut corwcientlously give ktn:try-RooWipte Ifgbt. Turkeva effect to the 'AttVriei•y-Generali free it Ilttls enafer, s:Ilulg lit 9 to IO. sialic, the latter. must mat expect Oe,este are al.0 lower, selling at 7 to _ film to (io no. >tr. Louut expiaiae,l 8 hr. Otb •r fowl are aachnng,•I deft the AttornPyd:eM7al And tont hiterpused before, as he h:t.l been Hradstreret's sit IraAe- wdlpng to atm if the efforts or the Tilt, tmiverwnl opinion Among tf:, def Neill to pa.tlKMe• the caws would manufsecturere rend the whulexalm tat b. utrepossful, and lite Attorney. trade At M.,utreni IN that the year General did not wen to interfere in Just clawed had born eminently eat- tho d1rectiop- of wciuri,(g__.n .poet- olfactory Ad r•ga,ils the Tolumw ,f m poemwu ent till it .aktalu(sly btatihegs dupes sn1 the p ir,41ts ma,t• nectoosr,ary. If r. Louot exp;ain.41 yhlpmente of spring g „ML have 1, that his appeiarance In the case lA•- Run. Values continue firm for mpo.t lura life Divisional Court had not -Ili- of Imprted and Som "ie "Is. been in the interests of the Attor- Money W in gaud demand and firm nwy-General• bat as ouuht4o•I for thr Trade at Toraoto title week ha. frown in Uv, Wunder tore. 'Gee At- been fair for the beginning of it,. tursr•y-tietterad dad Use rigiat tar ill. year. Sales during December In mane terpotme to tl1,e intcrcrtd of publitr lines were large, and values of stapl. paa'.i ,. and auk uaat Lite civil action quivelm are now firm• so that them Ile not tried till after thio criminal ,a every eneoarngrineut And naw u c:ewe, ad lot a largo extent the doo. for retailers to makue large purchasod torm'.n.ngot We wail cause mlght elf,,vt thin m(iotte Gtr the irprlug trade advenrly the Cr)wn's rase agnList Hawl toq wh.,loenalr trails thi.i weskit (iorVld H1ftLw. Mr. Jueusw Itobert- is fairly Active for thld seas ,n TTA tau l.,LA h:e li ole,l COuha:•I (-,)tit 1 naak • writers report a very fair Inqulr: f r that li)iin1f4Wt to tTit+ a•,ourt. He %,t, aprtDtr itnes ant1 ahlpMentg Are het, K POOL prf•µaretl to au•oept the atitteuwnt Made. The 1,►rga taolhlaY boallie ■ of the Attorney -4iener:tl to that *P*1114 to have 11,11 the ,riset 14 ta.n- effte•t. Sir. I— at Wren rend from the Ing up trade generally, and retail- Judlgit tit of Chief Jlwtice Meredith errs are dlsposs'1 tee suck up liberally- _ to iJ,uw that the recent elvil action for the owning sPaa,tn. Prices are war nx•rely bru•ight to iufl,h'ml' rise generally Ready to firm for staple oatromo of the rHtgtmat crate anti to ,Ruff. - dil rP lit a prine,ptol Crown wI,,,,. a. At Winnlpeg there has been n rat, Them would be nu i,er ..r rNk Ht the 104pdry for spring stuff this wpwk• -- plaintiffs In hnving .Oso -chip case Theors has been A fair baslaesn dons pa4tpotwL Futgar Morden. an execs- tar the first week of the year. al: Lor, lied .oxalo aff.davip that the em• tiomdon. Vito ,:lxtw•ed 4 yopi) surplum of ass t. At the cxfttt cltl(e flee pnmt week otor liabilitles. It wear in tlw Pana.there tial b,.^Pa nn Impr.vrment lie tnterevt that the alar should stand PILY.mente. Thin Is a matter much over. Morden'•, : vllenee AA IO h'.s complained of Gtr mr►rne weeks pant. warning J(►a•ph H. niftan, :1111 am Iry At Ottawra thL4 week bbsineas had hM dtAwlag of the will for ter' inttrr been a trifle quiet, sea it etlways Is would hu.. proper ani ll%LU-r ll et•I et begs centres immediately after _ dpriev for Mue Crown In tit,- Imsrder the holiday Reason. raaP, not it wnm th, Ohj,,t Of the /'.,,+.,,Ilan F'atfurr*. -_._ pinln'IffR In the prevent eaL1p to dl.• cro•flt film ril4ence and Inj+fre Ilia re- Canadian fallur.ft during the „a; laststkvn. It thin wan done tha IIP- 19110 were 1,35.5 In number And 411. fen-, In tw, (-Iv1I milt would have a 618;008 In amount Of Ilabillthr right to pall wlttl(vwawm. Meeh an Mary sightly exceeding the two precediiik McF'nrlaw. or even faro. Herbert, too yenrd, but rom:,nrilg must favurALl) pr,ve that what Gerald Rifton hall with the four yetrs prior to 189'( D:t akin d fenite were R r em+lint n, , r• , v e had tour. Mr. r la a 1 ..mill 1 c (ke h t t .Tu,,tio, Bobartom onto] tint In Ilia 50 ount thin In 1899• but A,,abloo in flunk yens'. Pxpertence at the h!tr and on her. 1,,Nt year's rarord was unwso the b,ach ha had never known the AIiy satlsfact,ory at Most points, Awl Attorney.41eneral to Interfere In it th3 general condition of busluen was civil nethtl, it had been nrKpd that prawr►0rous; the prtoclpsi canon of if,- till- trying of the will caw• would rra9srd ilahtilttes being looatwd At prPJadice the, murder case. The Montreal, where n trader In produce .nudge considered that the charge of f,leA for 9850,(101), and at hatter m,kfor ToWj. is difficulty forgery ngatnert Edgar Morden nJsnt nvolvedd' arkshooe,, tit tie* ahi- Rhonidbi gone lntd. nnfl as It could tent of 4866,000, and anin i financial ort be hlveatlgntod in the , murder concernat m,kimR the loss outside of trial, it Mvmld Me dorm first In the m hnmfarturtng nod trading muco, civil pull. if it was woule maum nifest larger thnn ctomAry. A capitalist that forgery had been cohlmitt(•d, r,t Vanrourri, Also suRpe,nded, with nn tha4 44np,wed, da the. hart plw;v""'I"b+' (miwbtedn"w of tr'77.W0. Thoos- Ifew the will )n the murder trine. it was extremis ants swell the total anal quit(, In the Interests of public Jan- m•,ke tier table nppPar wore, than lice that If A4vnden I* charged with the norm it defnultil warrant. in being a forger, hp should clear hen- tunny wty(s the yenr 1900 was eels'• onif of ter charge, anti no man's life cl Aly free from misfortune and cub should be placed In Jeopardy by the sdering the revere lose to whet evidence of it forger nail perjurer. growers in Af,nitoba, that Proving' The Jad,te solid his own view wits m,krw n splendid exhibit. that the civil pull should he tried i'mt4u•s•. (•alnmrrdAl. Il,nkin- firmt, in order that the rail truth In NO. Id*6 N'n. I.i.f connection with the will should be (intact" 61,; S 2.e4•)nIK I it 9",„" (n •her CA 6.1.1h.1".0 1 ".-4.7. 1 kw)wll. The Crown nervi not be anx- 1 r11i.h (•"Iuh,filn IIs frA,:p01 I„'1e) Ione no to the outcome "f tbP rage. Novn7dcutlA.... . Ni 567 -eta - ' all the Crnwh's only depire Pholld1?P Mendt"Ua..... pp 311.'414 New Bernnear rk.. 414 141.9117 V1 A”Jaetl(ea cocas, aAd not to Mor- P. It. (ilarld - s p(.sep viol an Inrxweent man. Air. Ianunt rru11Ns1 1. Kt tILs132roa n sL "u;.a , nrg(rl throt the cam• sh)nld stand Ipgr,-., I. -W w,aiGp 2m t ..,%;, over inti nftl.r the trial of the 12 (,len 9.ri1;ax14 s NII.•„ charge of mnreler nJrninm" t 6PTAId hg. I." 11.16,.191 .to isi. Sirloin and Walter Herbert, air. •' ION . 9.1114 17,11m,41432 Y1l.w Jnatlep Robertson reserved hill dPelm- •' IAN List ts.we. ON rt:.n-- Iat I MA 1,.41&216 a m"n<u Mn until to -marrow. Nrwllil, Hal - 12.100 L nendfw4 Ont., Join. 11. -At Ih, after- .. lose a ai•(1" •. am nrerrMp n rA nssIRP RftbPrtr .. en, Ju 4p 31 171" am ARkaIaC 2.5 iVAN l Mr. MA*",O % ('., It any .. lass it 11%IW • word ,ham hewn rreelved from Mr. '• IALI 49 1117,181 iwmint. Mr. ill Iv,00.1 that navn0 Wello`eaiN I,IR i,hip paid t•hiot to SAILOR AMITI-K. wnr prep,tf"l to ktve Ja(Ngmwnt, Mut _ ruoferrel tel wait LIII 6 dichhrk. Up F-atally 11'nun4P4 p (`oak and Th-, h) wlwl d G► five coattail for th- At- SmIMAee. to'ney-Otinrrnevery OPPOT1inity to show am:ltorlt7 f(tr that official !wing Santa iinrlbarn, ('nIIL, .fart. 14.-- ' rigvnwentpd. 'cir him uw:t port, his m(thxNp'r (fate anti Anna, Captain How w.ao tett In the IntPrnmtaof Jma Walker. ham ar•rfve,l here from ."Antn tills th? civil Acticen sl(M1IJ he tried RosAIiii. Hhe roptrtke that M,k,• first. He -011 not Understand ,Mr. O'Rrina, a pallor, ran amuck aMoni MOMen's anxiety to have the vem` ter toot rail flntuniny. int inn,le t, pvntponod it ll+ wet+, not guilty. Lf "(-tool's attempt to kill Ceptraln Walk nnO•rnty Mr. Mcor,len bill nothing to Pr Witt' It knife, send suerpoodwd In cat fenr In th` trial of the camp. 110 was ting 1.110 Donk rear the heart. Th-, PrspirYtt to et I11113 04' y go fere of nn wokind Is pn,lcably fatal lie, thea authority for the 4%6orrw,yKftW,aly wit ILIA own throat, (lying on the,dak, _- a71L C YE, Counsel taw war -- -64 to h k,. HE SIfTON t'oat far Ib•Att+ortwy`(iothril how i ever. b td glvwa hlu. teaawa why 11, • 1"..: • ebou!d le, IMtalpo nsod, and IL w,add-- t1„ far lhv ttLia,•:a,)••OIMu,ntl ur 'Illy o'4•r high offl•10 mortify to ttorney General Wants the ,b • wheel cart INtapon,xt with.,u: Nf;4heg excellent rpadund tb•n fnr. IL• Trial Postponed. : h nl never It tilnowire "let& Serve Bleu ❑hare trouble noel unttdety. HIM l.,r- WWI;Ll tnnclhf(tlkM,M Wil" In tie' dit,•:- p t',Mh of bPknK ec;heteet from tryl(,q it ROBERTSON'S REMARKS, til, cnae, bit he wao leo:tnnntxl t,,,,,, L.oidtom. Jan. lli.-AL 1 µ m- to -flay hilt ddty lit (till tit Iltt,prtnt, uud l,ubh . e Question of imwtponiag the hif- In nttsw..r to is eu ahtiuu front ,•.Au,. nl.l ill- Ju IS - . ala th-it If 11 • urd.•rt,l Mt will t-AAU wits taken up at the ill, cur• k► iarvxne+•1 It wd u't1 1e• t•.k,•u 4besei. Mr. (ieu. C. Glflbuile. Q. 1'•. ata (Me Moastlly. scltuted ant aftida\it from Dr. At Out by h inrrlvrltA Itu II[r luntho,it, IaglNer, Of Thuurlulu, setting iurttl Ilia I.urt4h'p Odered that the raw. tut witnew. Ephraim liathurrt. be pro're,4►d with (rte Mottalay. war too Ill to be exumhell by a cuai imbiou to biewaue lull evidence. Mr• „ ustiuu Rulaertoluu thuttght llllr wad tot u uaat(rial reason for Iwstpoul'ag The Markets e trial, ter this feature war Vast y the plain"(('@ adullrolual of luatle- trrt'r evidotur. if cnulaul lead nothing rther W guy. he was pretatreft to Leading Wbeat Alrrkels, paler Ju+lgnreset ou ties "Aution to Fo,;Iow'ug urn tb+ cluduag (lwrwtrsta turtpr►r. At this Point Mr. Was. at 1w,lortatnt, wa:+at ctnsrew vrlI)_ count. q. C., action Intl a.ku,l !hat :'1444• 1l♦7I u lx. heard lerary the uuurt gave Cilloi"'No •• ... .. -- 00771-' tuigmeut. Mr. Helinluth itrterpored N,w lork... ... . -- O H_ 5-, M'Iwauko e... ......... $077 __ tel wigh"I to Ix+ utfurwwt Its &O 96. Lou r ... .... ...... -- 076 1-, whwu Mr. Louut was rel,redwntiteg. 1b'edo ..- ............ 079 083 Inc J elite repiled that the whistle Detruit, rixt,.. .. ... 0 81 L4 0 833 ii trug was irregular, but he wad !n- Detro! . whlta ... U 81 1.t - - winve! that Mr. LU4111 , Itppx'ut•t■1 fur Duluth. No. 1 north - 1w Attea•:tey-l;cnernl. 'Mr. Itelltnati int .. U7.3X4 0783s lo}rtfel tint tie Atturae) tirueral M'tlAenpo:W, No. I nil already been represented bj Mr. northern ... ... -- 078:Tm tugoe. flat it w.tr highly irregular Following are the cloding quulm hat le (the Attimme)-Leueral) shuuW tions at Important wheat osntrPs to gait tit• reprementtel by Ixunarl Ila- day: 11 lit to carry acture weight wlLlf the Cadh. May court. Ilia own cllatt.4 were, pri. Chicago ... ...... ... ... $...... ✓r0 7'.h'v tL to litigants. temking nwrely to se- Now fork ...... ..".. ......... 0 3y, um their rights, tut''1 the .iot4M•ney- Ht. Lnulr .tett. tett.. .. tett.. 07T, kineral halt wit right to Interfere Toledo, ...... .."..-....., 081 obi, vith private, easels. 'rhe Jndge united Detroit. red ....., „.... 082% 084, 11r. Lookout what Ire hAJ. to tnty In [letroit whit* ..-..... 08::11 ... fewer U) the abjection" ugalust els being heard. Mr. Lunt repllc,l t'oruntu Farowera• Market- hat arkel-hat he had omty late Ilwt eight ncrhe,l his hwtructione froom the JAN 6.-Offlv'zegr 01 grvtW ua ,h, Lltoraey-General to b t Iwmetlt unit aLrooL ,epnrket ttrd,ty we M<aF,r , trr:,eut the hatter's views to the atrly large,, amounting to_,;00 tonstr x,art. lit the hope that thoy might ria• t'ritvw,of wl&,.tt wane sar:•r, K the court in the givhlg o4 n b•trb'y was ftrmer• mad o+ta sued rye utfgm^nt that wawld accord with wc,1V sternly. Ih• hateresta of Justice• lie howl Ihc►-- 51b'cat-Two1 buodred bumllrip of •ehl+tl Tremor the Attorney -Genera wb w Awl 600 budiNa of red sold 1 urthwr knotructiUtln that► haat ;ewer at 6J to 6J L... And 400 W11 Iowa riven ttli air. 'Singes: Mr. .jus 1140,(.1 gvxrre etc+n,13 tit 641 -Lac. list: Julbstrtaon remarked that the Bdvipy-F'lve hundrol buALL,he sold 1 ttt.xney-tolaeral haat certitinly I$:u:- bleier ,lit, 41 1-_ to 44c. •I the Jutkpte In a very awkwant txr Jky te kwkil Sold u:wbaligtxl At ritlon unit it was Int right of bili ;"i=t.•. W+r lileb'i. Oats -81x tliltltdral twuhrN wid` to tri nm Tees attore lit ne vi lead , hinged At ' O I-3 to S0 1 -Sc. Ito right to lulavraft In n civil m•• tiny craft; Straw -Hay war a little -,. tk,tl. particularly nlWr being invited firmer, twenty selling at 50c. rarer and over Agulu mad tleclinini W. I rel efentw►. Now. atter the ease b gh: r at soul t0 11.6() per tun Pt Straw lower a ea(tbsr. rive, loads sr01n,T I been fuJy g,xw into ur(J nrlNril 41 lusty At 1170 per Ldait. Itud tlw- court war prepared to tits- I)r,--.,l Ilctce-Market omttnu s I of It, the Attorney-Ocorral strong Saul priced are b'g1roil- Till., c:Ime foarwanl soul asked to be iward o(fer•nar rah @tail uud U11-1\' m I every other effort to fwntpohe k,..0 ,de W- t;n(ttutuas now rate,. ills came bail rattail. The wonder for from 47.76 to $8 per cwt. the :Attorney -General, said the Ju IS,, Darter url Eggs -No chofng,•. V.,,- w:,ald axe holatrt, Int it be (tl'P ket quiet, with small offerrnges. Jax'ge) crula taut corwcientlously give ktn:try-RooWipte Ifgbt. Turkeva effect to the 'AttVriei•y-Generali free it Ilttls enafer, s:Ilulg lit 9 to IO. sialic, the latter. must mat expect Oe,este are al.0 lower, selling at 7 to _ film to (io no. >tr. Louut expiaiae,l 8 hr. Otb •r fowl are aachnng,•I deft the AttornPyd:eM7al And tont hiterpused before, as he h:t.l been Hradstreret's sit IraAe- wdlpng to atm if the efforts or the Tilt, tmiverwnl opinion Among tf:, def Neill to pa.tlKMe• the caws would manufsecturere rend the whulexalm tat b. utrepossful, and lite Attorney. trade At M.,utreni IN that the year General did not wen to interfere in Just clawed had born eminently eat- tho d1rectiop- of wciuri,(g__.n .poet- olfactory Ad r•ga,ils the Tolumw ,f m poemwu ent till it .aktalu(sly btatihegs dupes sn1 the p ir,41ts ma,t• nectoosr,ary. If r. Louot exp;ain.41 yhlpmente of spring g „ML have 1, that his appeiarance In the case lA•- Run. Values continue firm for mpo.t lura life Divisional Court had not -Ili- of Imprted and Som "ie "Is. been in the interests of the Attor- Money W in gaud demand and firm nwy-General• bat as ouuht4o•I for thr Trade at Toraoto title week ha. frown in Uv, Wunder tore. 'Gee At- been fair for the beginning of it,. tursr•y-tietterad dad Use rigiat tar ill. year. Sales during December In mane terpotme to tl1,e intcrcrtd of publitr lines were large, and values of stapl. paa'.i ,. and auk uaat Lite civil action quivelm are now firm• so that them Ile not tried till after thio criminal ,a every eneoarngrineut And naw u c:ewe, ad lot a largo extent the doo. for retailers to makue large purchasod torm'.n.ngot We wail cause mlght elf,,vt thin m(iotte Gtr the irprlug trade advenrly the Cr)wn's rase agnList Hawl toq wh.,loenalr trails thi.i weskit (iorVld H1ftLw. Mr. Jueusw Itobert- is fairly Active for thld seas ,n TTA tau l.,LA h:e li ole,l COuha:•I (-,)tit 1 naak • writers report a very fair Inqulr: f r that li)iin1f4Wt to tTit+ a•,ourt. He %,t, aprtDtr itnes ant1 ahlpMentg Are het, K POOL prf•µaretl to au•oept the atitteuwnt Made. The 1,►rga taolhlaY boallie ■ of the Attorney -4iener:tl to that *P*1114 to have 11,11 the ,riset 14 ta.n- effte•t. Sir. I— at Wren rend from the Ing up trade generally, and retail- Judlgit tit of Chief Jlwtice Meredith errs are dlsposs'1 tee suck up liberally- _ to iJ,uw that the recent elvil action for the owning sPaa,tn. Prices are war nx•rely bru•ight to iufl,h'ml' rise generally Ready to firm for staple oatromo of the rHtgtmat crate anti to ,Ruff. - dil rP lit a prine,ptol Crown wI,,,,. a. At Winnlpeg there has been n rat, Them would be nu i,er ..r rNk Ht the 104pdry for spring stuff this wpwk• -- plaintiffs In hnving .Oso -chip case Theors has been A fair baslaesn dons pa4tpotwL Futgar Morden. an execs- tar the first week of the year. al: Lor, lied .oxalo aff.davip that the em• tiomdon. Vito ,:lxtw•ed 4 yopi) surplum of ass t. At the cxfttt cltl(e flee pnmt week otor liabilitles. It wear in tlw Pana.there tial b,.^Pa nn Impr.vrment lie tnterevt that the alar should stand PILY.mente. Thin Is a matter much over. Morden'•, : vllenee AA IO h'.s complained of Gtr mr►rne weeks pant. warning J(►a•ph H. niftan, :1111 am Iry At Ottawra thL4 week bbsineas had hM dtAwlag of the will for ter' inttrr been a trifle quiet, sea it etlways Is would hu.. proper ani ll%LU-r ll et•I et begs centres immediately after _ dpriev for Mue Crown In tit,- Imsrder the holiday Reason. raaP, not it wnm th, Ohj,,t Of the /'.,,+.,,Ilan F'atfurr*. -_._ pinln'IffR In the prevent eaL1p to dl.• cro•flt film ril4ence and Inj+fre Ilia re- Canadian fallur.ft during the „a; laststkvn. It thin wan done tha IIP- 19110 were 1,35.5 In number And 411. fen-, In tw, (-Iv1I milt would have a 618;008 In amount Of Ilabillthr right to pall wlttl(vwawm. Meeh an Mary sightly exceeding the two precediiik McF'nrlaw. or even faro. Herbert, too yenrd, but rom:,nrilg must favurALl) pr,ve that what Gerald Rifton hall with the four yetrs prior to 189'( D:t akin d fenite were R r em+lint n, , r• , v e had tour. Mr. r la a 1 ..mill 1 c (ke h t t .Tu,,tio, Bobartom onto] tint In Ilia 50 ount thin In 1899• but A,,abloo in flunk yens'. Pxpertence at the h!tr and on her. 1,,Nt year's rarord was unwso the b,ach ha had never known the AIiy satlsfact,ory at Most points, Awl Attorney.41eneral to Interfere In it th3 general condition of busluen was civil nethtl, it had been nrKpd that prawr►0rous; the prtoclpsi canon of if,- till- trying of the will caw• would rra9srd ilahtilttes being looatwd At prPJadice the, murder case. The Montreal, where n trader In produce .nudge considered that the charge of f,leA for 9850,(101), and at hatter m,kfor ToWj. is difficulty forgery ngatnert Edgar Morden nJsnt nvolvedd' arkshooe,, tit tie* ahi- Rhonidbi gone lntd. nnfl as It could tent of 4866,000, and anin i financial ort be hlveatlgntod in the , murder concernat m,kimR the loss outside of trial, it Mvmld Me dorm first In the m hnmfarturtng nod trading muco, civil pull. if it was woule maum nifest larger thnn ctomAry. A capitalist that forgery had been cohlmitt(•d, r,t Vanrourri, Also suRpe,nded, with nn tha4 44np,wed, da the. hart plw;v""'I"b+' (miwbtedn"w of tr'77.W0. Thoos- Ifew the will )n the murder trine. it was extremis ants swell the total anal quit(, In the Interests of public Jan- m•,ke tier table nppPar wore, than lice that If A4vnden I* charged with the norm it defnultil warrant. in being a forger, hp should clear hen- tunny wty(s the yenr 1900 was eels'• onif of ter charge, anti no man's life cl Aly free from misfortune and cub should be placed In Jeopardy by the sdering the revere lose to whet evidence of it forger nail perjurer. growers in Af,nitoba, that Proving' The Jad,te solid his own view wits m,krw n splendid exhibit. that the civil pull should he tried i'mt4u•s•. (•alnmrrdAl. Il,nkin- firmt, in order that the rail truth In NO. Id*6 N'n. I.i.f connection with the will should be (intact" 61,; S 2.e4•)nIK I it 9",„" (n •her CA 6.1.1h.1".0 1 ".-4.7. 1 kw)wll. The Crown nervi not be anx- 1 r11i.h (•"Iuh,filn IIs frA,:p01 I„'1e) Ione no to the outcome "f tbP rage. Novn7dcutlA.... . Ni 567 -eta - ' all the Crnwh's only depire Pholld1?P Mendt"Ua..... pp 311.'414 New Bernnear rk.. 414 141.9117 V1 A”Jaetl(ea cocas, aAd not to Mor- P. It. (ilarld - s p(.sep viol an Inrxweent man. Air. Ianunt rru11Ns1 1. Kt tILs132roa n sL "u;.a , nrg(rl throt the cam• sh)nld stand Ipgr,-., I. -W w,aiGp 2m t ..,%;, over inti nftl.r the trial of the 12 (,len 9.ri1;ax14 s NII.•„ charge of mnreler nJrninm" t 6PTAId hg. I." 11.16,.191 .to isi. Sirloin and Walter Herbert, air. •' ION . 9.1114 17,11m,41432 Y1l.w Jnatlep Robertson reserved hill dPelm- •' IAN List ts.we. ON rt:.n-- Iat I MA 1,.41&216 a m"n<u Mn until to -marrow. Nrwllil, Hal - 12.100 L nendfw4 Ont., Join. 11. -At Ih, after- .. lose a ai•(1" •. am nrerrMp n rA nssIRP RftbPrtr .. en, Ju 4p 31 171" am ARkaIaC 2.5 iVAN l Mr. MA*",O % ('., It any .. lass it 11%IW • word ,ham hewn rreelved from Mr. '• IALI 49 1117,181 iwmint. Mr. ill Iv,00.1 that navn0 Wello`eaiN I,IR i,hip paid t•hiot to SAILOR AMITI-K. wnr prep,tf"l to ktve Ja(Ngmwnt, Mut _ ruoferrel tel wait LIII 6 dichhrk. Up F-atally 11'nun4P4 p (`oak and Th-, h) wlwl d G► five coattail for th- At- SmIMAee. to'ney-Otinrrnevery OPPOT1inity to show am:ltorlt7 f(tr that official !wing Santa iinrlbarn, ('nIIL, .fart. 14.-- ' rigvnwentpd. 'cir him uw:t port, his m(thxNp'r (fate anti Anna, Captain How w.ao tett In the IntPrnmtaof Jma Walker. ham ar•rfve,l here from ."Antn tills th? civil Acticen sl(M1IJ he tried RosAIiii. Hhe roptrtke that M,k,• first. He -011 not Understand ,Mr. O'Rrina, a pallor, ran amuck aMoni MOMen's anxiety to have the vem` ter toot rail flntuniny. int inn,le t, pvntponod it ll+ wet+, not guilty. Lf "(-tool's attempt to kill Ceptraln Walk nnO•rnty Mr. Mcor,len bill nothing to Pr Witt' It knife, send suerpoodwd In cat fenr In th` trial of the camp. 110 was ting 1.110 Donk rear the heart. Th-, PrspirYtt to et I11113 04' y go fere of nn wokind Is pn,lcably fatal lie, thea authority for the 4%6orrw,yKftW,aly wit ILIA own throat, (lying on the,dak,