The Signal, 1901-1-17, Page 14 • THIlEg A DV. Te Ain ACTIVE oto WHIN PLACED THE SIGNAL_ i" ovo*Itiookaze.; 10 FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. 2813 IS GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : JANUARY 17, 1901. YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO "THE SIGNAL' THE WEEKLY MAPaagT REPORT. 0001111SOY, Jan 16, OWL Toll Wheat 0 63 to 63 • our, patent, par est 50 to 2 50 Etcreeolugs, pot Girt Rye, per bush Book wheat. per ban , Oats. IP both Barlov. par bash Lard, Per Ilk Dressed Bost fors quoting Droned Ineff. Mad " 11 CO soli 07 0 10 to 0 50 0 40 to 0 50 Z7 to 0 17 0 35 to 11 33 13001003 0 10 to 0 15 0 10 to 0 11 0 III to 0 18 110 to 00 661 or 6 00 SO to 11 611 00 to 8 31 00 to 7 50 10 to 0 17 0 00 to 0 00 0 00 to 0 00 3 00 to 350 11010Y WANTRD -A ‘IiILLINO BOY, 1.1 It to Id pore ot aft . to Para the pent ing business. Wages 111 • won Apply to Tem 8 nal. ono Ouce wages AIM ) to 16118. lialtford Tannery. SALTYORD TANNERY. Harlow bouobt the tanner hero Jonie Beek. I am prepared to pery the highest cash pre. for MO.*. horn Mon shoot) skin wool, taliow sal fore. Mei tanning of fur. and robes aud making fur gauntlet" and renovoo 1.1 able hatters paresoserfolrej noted lares - nem Apply tob J. T. DROBT. Goderin P.0, For eat& 1.j! OR SALK. - THAT DESIRABLE L' Douse and lot in the village of Donpu non. the property cil the later Richard 'roe mists moon pao. 10x93 kitchen. MOM Hard aril e ,ft weer in °enaction Frame woodshed attache 1. Good from. stable, ete oo tho property The lots comprise one -h if acre ot ; both Vol lawn, with doe shade at Mir time. •poir to this *toe. or to 030. 8TOTHILR8, on the plan or to W. LANZ. Goo coin. 01 tf 1VOR SALE. -LOTS 95. 96, 117. 118, 119 r nit 118 be Hatobiaost's never, sit In PHILIP HOLT, Barrister. to.. Godelch. Marsh 1111. MO. 'lett FARM hOR SALE -THAT FIttelT cleft farm kerma as ths °Compoloy Farm: being It. belt lot 18. conossolon 1, Nam • • w an on. It 0 scree, PI noes cleared and 'n • gorA state of ettltIvation. 1. acre bosh. There is on the plows • nod two otoroy frame dovelike hi nee 1813 with win 16,10. and • g od steno collar. • frame barn Mole with stoner Dishes under. 1 acres of good orchard. good omen spring wells. The feil le • wood clay loam, stint TO acre. la grog+. 8 acres of fan wheat, are icoms fall mantling. Tee feline onion It is oa • loading grand road cononient to -hornets, school, 1 mile from the village of Auburn. 6 miles from Illy 0, If matte from the towns of Poderich and Chown. Tire is • very destrabe place - n o poor or wane land. roe toll portents:sap*, to PHILIP 11 /LT. solicitor for the smote of tbe eto Mrs. C•••• A plan tumor nets Illentison & Co., To to, will bout town •bont tho first week la . Orden osay tot left at V. Jordaa's 111611 Mr. &relit r will also call on regular patron., W GLENN CAMPBELL. Igethodiet church, and teaeher of pianoforte, pipe tenon asd theory. wall be releand to re- ool•e pupil.. Instruction given either at et i. 'to o, at pupil's home. as desired. Studio Ptiyelcians, !hymens. eta. Ofilee. Hamilton street Night mils answeeord from *Mos Tolophon 101. 81CIAN8 and Buorsons (Moo In Bank of Commerce balideg. snot side of Egmont olebt nails at restdenoes aid noddeses, haver et. More et, or. AA melon* shoottert or otherwise trespass - a any part of my property will he likr- dgewood Park. 47-11 lamming*, oto. and wan ore. Offioe. one d tar stet of P O.. hoed farrted tows poverty for saleortrede • Accountant and Agent. Books and aononnts made . Fire lasorance in British sibel Canadian °Moe In Pronfoot & flays' idles North street finding& 61114f "V J. fr. WAYTEL, ORNIRAL IN r . MOHAN. and Real Notate agent. effentoi on mutual or one plan at ewe* MUM possible. Hoot gnallsh and Canadian oompantea rep Offine next door to narrow k (farrow, Bar Hann. Hamilton Street Pubis' Notts*. NOTICE. -APPLICATION WILL KV mede by the Woolen /metes Hallway ashhay to that Parliament of Casada at its Men Moots* ter as Aot ezterwileg the time ate um, soostretrion of le roilmor from 1111•111111 to • point on Ion Huron al or nose UK town of lioderioh, or In 0000 Whet poet le le inscribed In the Act 50-111 Victoria ono Jemotion leanly Company' ; sed Mr other irb. 00%0011 of ft.. amp f Ono tb•ocenty eif Runs will moot In Po wino° chamber in the nor -f Roan oh. on Tommie', the Hod es, of taii present month, at 3 trainee la the aftoritorm Dated at fiod.e oh this et h 4ay of January, Wert es On *notion of • Dew rIber0b. ANOTHER HERO HOME. Who halletere et Illeesthaln, 111, W. T.- • gleans Welcome Fenn Me People *I Ills native Town. lo fooderion, se is other pion. through 1st tin British Empiro, the patriot'. °also - day *ebbe tie ported of the past eightoen enoths. The Isnot nos/sloe mos on Mon- day last. nes Tenger Cbarlea Weather old, of the Countaa Mounted Rana, rot - turned home sod woo gives an oothosioetio reoeptiou by the people of bis native tows. Iran, s000mpaoled by his fallow, Thomas Weatherold, and sister, lidlas Mona, who bad met him at Clinton. His arrival was 'waled at We station by the Mayor and onacillionotbe 0, C 1 Canto gni Marlon, tin Marine Bond and • large number ol pri•aer onions ; on when he had Leen formod and marched dolgo tows, the nod playlso lively alto. Th. 00011 house was Ohir,obj•oine poiat of the promotion, and hien • large crowd bad ratloareid, the 000rt room being pookod with people anxious to do honor to • Oode rioh boy who hod risked hts lifer for • calm which they bold dear. The "boy lo kboat' was heartily chnred when bo mapped late the r.rom, with Ale fattier and stator, Msyor WO/too, Major Beek, D Mothltiouddy, A. Id Todd. and members of the town 'faunal' bif•yor Wilson opened the proondings by ending the following odarites Trooper Charles Weotherald, Condon Mounted Riles Dios ts nth tin greenlet plea 34 AD, weloome too beck from th• war to South Alrioe. W• rejoice te Imo, that yen •ed yoar comrade' In arms did your port well in your inner tosk of upbolding your There iss•• ben ethers from this port of Heron 0000ty who haw. fougbt for the Ent pre ID Unt decant land, but you, w• ars proud to know, ar• • natty* of Godertob, and your cover OA tee veldt Ilea been watched with anxiety by you hinds ant en!! wisher. bore W• ceitgratulato Tsar retests and celtor relotivere on yore safe return, not nth bhat y.er life, weloh has been guarded bo mirac closely during thit pas. yaw' from bullet and dionse, may be long spared to your family, your trends and your oonntry. (Signori) J•WES WILSON, Mr. Weetberaid expressed Ma most boort, thanke tor the welcome be had re. ofinod, •n 1 for Mot kindness which had boon . 1own to eli the soldiers op their torten to thr - homes in Canada. He had • oold. and it was the first time be had ever attempt*/ oo▪ l( from inking any lengthy ramsrks. Mr. ninon Weatbfroshi lo a few words thankod ttos mope from the botoom of lite heart fer the weloome they bod gloms bier An appropriate selocWon from the band, "TM Maple leaf Forever." followed, after which lapt B. I) Grant was (mini upon. Hs sail the solootion wblch tb• band had jut played meant more than it ever dkl b.fore, and there sat one of the men who hod boiled to make It so. It woe very pot - with the military spirit, to on so man present. It @bowed magnificently Le. d•• yolopoutot of the natiosal spirit amonost the Conlin people, who were prouder of there country tban ever beam JO fru • privi- lege to le ahle to weloome our returned ✓ ilifiers. Some weo had Fon boot net re - banned, and their memories should be hos• ore& We ought to feel glad and proad young meta from our own town end onety. Weatherrald did not do Me share of the they ware sure be had dose Ms share of the fintioe. Capt. Oran. oon• oluoiod romorks by palling tor throe which were glint with • will. any Information which he oould about Soutb Africa WI &novae who desired It. Toe band played '1;301414es of the Queen," and Ifle Worship then called on Major Beck, who **prettied his great pleasure in cantina Ms young friend from S,mtb A frloa Ho mentioned that tome years*. was very difficult to int • *ant from the towashIP oounoll for anything of • military character, bot he MA joie eseendod le esttleg • grant from tie °outsell: for two returned soldiers. Mr. Weetherald bad taken Horao•Grooloye gone w. at an i hod grown up nth the °entry, and bad there etillend for Snit Africa ; In it was a pinnate to all of them to him return to hia oil home and friends is health and 'ninth. He had boon at all tho rooeptions to the hoys from South Al- ign and It was • pleasant thing to son the people one together to honor thole who Ind done so much tor their country. Major Book onnaloried with an spina lo behalf el the militia forn of (nada, and •sprsairod the hope that in the days to oome retreat. would allow tbe sons to DO to osmp anoi help the county regiment to make • good A. Id. Todd was the salt spooks,. It was unexpected on hie part to ho asked to en • few word* De that oonsion of joy, se a▪ ble to enjoy. The young mos ern MA gene to South Africa ander man adverse ciroumetaileee-for Out British arms wore sever oo tend fie In the lat• war had 'hewn that there was something to thee spOle of manhood, sornethire la the military spirit He thought tho time bad earns when ehe people were eisaa ging thair minds In input to the •11(100111011110 of this gentles of thee drifonoes. and he horn that la the hours greater financial olli would be hotly knew that the moiety of Huron was loyal to tiot mire and was doing honor to her yeeng men who hai returned from the moo of war. Attar seethe, solootles from the Moe, who was in the stolleme. to nen op on the platform. bor. Menne wompilsol n04 The next none, was 11 McOillionfiy, who said t woe though le tooth • ines's heart, a mos who had boss in a forelegs Ina, @Minot On all the •Ielesitedoe of war, with boleti. and diastase Infers Mao to sot mine him, to see that weird "Welsonwe therald bad boos spored to meet Ms loved one. onoe mere. Alloy*, Canada there bad towou meittiog. lik• that, but lo marry Miaow then was goof and &admen on aonuat of tie boys who had gone forth and bad mot r•turiel. They might risen. with tilos. who rejoloed, and they might also weep with times who "sigh for the touob of • fanned hand. for the booed of a vein that la 4011" They should not forget the boy, wto os thrt Swett Afrioan veldt bad laid down their len fur the flag. They had • rreet dool to rejoin over ; It warn the first time sioce Ow/Crimean war tint British arms had bees up against the real title's. and it was sasisfootory koew that they stood th• teat. If it had not. been so, then Wend. sores. the Roe might hay* Dotson tbe finer of soorn at them But the Peonhe of the United State. had One own troubles la the PillOpploos, wiser. tboty had only boen and arrows. j•iellos and spears to orol- Ind agaluet, sad tboy wen not lit thee Pretoria yet, and perhaps never would ber Onnionally the mews hod mime from South Africa that companies. Mentions and somo- times benne. of Imperial troops had ben rounded up by Om enemy ; but they had never hod to read tbs. tie Candlons were rounded up As Morgan Joan hod saki. tie Canadians did not go out Omni for that purpose. ve hes t be boys went on to South Afrioa. tite pimple of Conn* knew they would do their fluty, led knowing they Ind done there duty, now they honored them Tie foot that Csnarra. Austrolla &ad the other colonies hod not troops 1.0 Mon shown to tb• world that the oM lion had grand whelp. behind him ; tint Briton was bet t r propenyd than evert to Noe hoe. foes, and the noted. of tie world muse be sate tied tbat they would letter leave the old lion alone They should remembor tint they were •Il Canadians ; membors of the Empire ood member. of the grandest part of tie Romeo ; and they cell feel sure bat tire lotorit of thigh. oountry was safe to the hands of ouch ono aa Um had not to South Africa. given for the guest of the evening, after intuit Pie. Chisholm spoke briefly. H• • his bower. oouid pt some Oleo of what honker and go out on the Square aod lie tainment would b riven in the ()ono House oft Tondo) of next week, for trio noefit ot Pte. Chisholm ; the audios°. rnee while tin Land played "Clod Says the Queen," and tie 'inborn, then dispersed Mr. Weath• meld, bonnet, was donned for some time him on non. pleasure •t his asfe by these who wiss;iNV sten hood. with THEIR INAUG1J_RAL MEETING. ✓ he tenon or Heil SOCHI Work Wer• Th. hret mooting of the tows counoil of 1901 was held, a000rdlno stotuteose Moto day morning. After the members had all bean sworn lo. they took their sears to the comet' cham- ber, Mayor Wilson presiding, and cionnoll. lors ilumbor, Martin, Money, Carotin, Knox sod NOM satin in the order name at tle board o•er which tin town bitter. of nearly • g ion ten ruminated and talked end •oted and sometimes tbrowo fluuratne Venire at one anothitr. But the mooting on Idontl•y was calm and peaoefoi -not • ripple of oontantion seemed to stir the sonoth, plocid surfs*. of tie ooesti of 'Odorant:ow deliberation. Mayor Vt aeon addressee tin ootincillors briefly said it wee with • greet deal o f plot/sure h• stood before them as Mayor for the year 1901 Ile woo gratified that the OleotOre of the town had plated so muob oonfidoon in Monett and hie ferowonem• ber. of tin orotund by electing him and them by arelornation. The cowspapers In their report of this nomination meeting had stated tbat nothing bad nen said by the the mooing year. H• oonsidered that what counotl bad done during the past pier. oil the streets ond oiherwise, woe evident). that they had not bon idle ; sod be was pleased that what tin boos dons had ben clone amloably. The cemetery books had been audited --sometthing which had not been done for thirty years or more -and ae • result it had boon found tbat tbere were over deed Iota which had not been paid for. Theo for I ick of which the Police fologIstrate, he u nderstood, hod mot beeo able to take hold of • can with assurers°. tint Ms decision ono! I not be opeet. In regard to the work of the vomiter year, the propoen railways had not been lost sight of. Thine woe b▪ rio road which woo projected loot year tog tor • renewal of the charter for the oouocill should do somethin lo the way ef Procuring better steamboat neves. He tanned that the Collingwood oompany with whom they hod been In oorrespon- donee let year was buildlor a largo boat to ran from fluffolo to Duluth ; this boat would net nail here, but In holievod if their Pot forth some offerb they might on thy Monaroh and the United Empire. belonging to tie same oompooy, to oall here, and he would fa•or lending repreetentatives to Collingwood to interview these people Hie Worship roferred to the big which vont,' nes orate &enema°. operation, and osoolocled by expression the hope that the onunoll would do much good work during th• year In • aloe, friendly manner, 03 motion of Mr. Casteloo, onooded by Mr Murney, Maser.. Martin, Knox and the mover were appointed • oommitne to strike the standing committees for t be follows : 71.111000 - Humber, Moron, Martin, Contain, N allot l'ohllo Works and Harter - Mortis, Contaion, Knox, Money, Heather. Kent, Mersey, thinilver. Cemotery -Ken, Martin, Namely. PM,- Norway, Rotel, M•rtin. Relief -Mayer, Moron, Knox, Naf tot Court of Rovielen-Naftel, Humber, Mar. tie, Roos, Mornay. lows of the ensoll The first eased on 'soh onmeolttee le the fimo, of all reemmittome. The committee re - wan, end light oommlnee be sheen by resorting the number of inimitton from threes to five No ass Mien:oil to the report, mod was oilcloth& H. W Holt onif W. R. Roberta's were TM thirty! holehis el Ibe lewd el health. Dm. Honor an Taylor. were re appointed for tbs yean 1901, 1902 sod 1903 poblie library board. motel on the first and third Fridays of each The Mayor stated that Chas. Weatherald of thrt Conadion Mounted Rifles, would arrive home thot •yening, and the arrange moats for tile thooptIon were left in Hui Wtershio's hands. The council then adjourned, DU FRUIT CANADIEN A PARIS. 01110011111 lee FrognIts de hoo Yeager* bar. The following la • Mud aucronary of the address *yen by our distinguished towns - Monsieur le president •t messieurs DIN informant do swims resnarkable-ou, pour minx dire, de la me dee somee-que notes exposition du fruit ono& • is grander expoeution so Porto Voce norent, one sines, quo j' ovals la ohm's do notre positioo magnifique, et 11 int fait lesag000p dot plater de vous dire qua nous ones len raiment. minim tout Le &tate Use, inonsona wale On pon pauvree es *onion -1' Holland., la Belgique, l' Estegue, Rusele,-oul, ot la trance. eta mem,. elite lot, notr• sine tin superb. Molt sor le G omm* tout le temps -nous nese •raiment surplus. Vaunting. IYabori non les none purposes dans lee notion. ; et do3o en la lotto pour la grand. prima, ma tot, 11 noire oom- quo Isar memo nye reusalt, et lee jures Intone distraint bea0000p de garde, la prise oonvoine dans la France ; Gavots learn room et loured moons, ot (here the speeker's spa gore a partioulorly boffin twine) ..... go des affairs de moaners oue Is Canada pouvolt ea niontier demo moonier. respiendieeante-ot sous non trope la strand. prise Notre metbon de magoalnage troll eurrasee lee footled.. deo atoms nye oaten con Is lour surpease la ▪ Je pouvois nest vendee destination. immense dee pendia' conariiens quind j'etais en Onto J'..1 vomits beenoup de Dooms. pour Alexandre, ante pour (Inner jing• o' • oft Tor la renter prothaine des degoode lions Gorton any Ise borda do Nil ; e t toles gnantites du fromoge qua lea yacht.. seculieres do Canada powtont d,113• plan ermine Onerioh. messieurs ones ame Mated, sad were received with great op - AROUND TOWN. oommussioners of it set Huron -June Stee- n., of Chilton; Sonnet Sloan, of Goderiolo and Hugh lacQoarre, of Illyth-rost on Monday at the offioe of Inspector y, Ciinton, Mr. Stev•os was appointed door man of the board for the enen'or rear. Ther lett, .0.3 the leen.. of Con Shemtker. Blyth, to Mrs John Moses. also of Blytto C1.81114 Orr THB WALKS -A *Mos Two Tow Moo AL that some of tbe resident. neg tn clear off the gran/ethic aid/walks fronting their property ; the result I. that roe forme, and the pedestrians ore In danger of falling sod sustaislin injury. A number of one. °touch negloot were pointed out in the vicinity of the Square, sod we wore re queend to mention In mother in TH• SIGNAL INSTALLATION. -Diet I) oh ot y Grand Heater, W.F. Clark, Installed the following offi sees of Huron lordato No 62. I 0 0.F.. last wink : Chas Rood, e, one.; Geo. Williams, I S.G.; J ti Platt, lows. ohap. ; Inane. committee, Dailey leni•i• Inmate lorries., Booby}, has •lect. .1 otters as follows for the Nestor torm : Honorary president, Principal Strang ; prerdent, Jae C. ?damson ; first vice pent dont, Min Connie Robertson ; mooned yin Mies Ethel Rhynas ; treasurer, Moe Floes let, Mies Elise Tye ; y of oommittee, Miss May Dunlop ; °nano:Bore, W. Brydres. elety toil hold • promenade concert In the sear future. Th• •nnual meeting of the West Agricultural Society was held yesterdaY afternoon. (Moore ani dorntors were sleeted as follows : President, J. C. Mar .las. Connolly, Tins Wallis, loam, ftaiireid ; r.)olborne township, 3. T. Ocorithorps, Col. knot, W. Guadry, C. A. Hamter The matter. of fixiny dates, of a two or three day show amt any °hinges In the Hiles with tho new board of detesters. ono of Huron's pioneers, din on New Year's Day, aired eighty flv. pars Ile had been • rosid•nt of the, Parr brie, Stanley, for fryer fifty years, and was held In the very high• anA woe weeny el the Orange Iodic. for many ysars. He wire Imo of three who o▪ f 1837, and tie musket h• carrion at the tenerloetill on the homestsal m. Ido Clyment, of lioderloh, Is a son of the (loose*. fed ; het l•ft oleo two othor eons, Thomas le the Southern States, and James on ins ar.A one dangh tor, Mrs McGuire, of Tannery. OT Mon Solution, CLINTAN.-Do ling paean away at Clinton from the offset. lemon sone months ago and from whinh oho reoorned. Mee. Stirling lima in heir sixty eighth year. ataii woo tor 111 100/ poriod will he remembered with ofintion for stagy pare to sain• lost tarty she hod b • root dent of 011stos Ste hone besides her tons. Mrs John itherleon. Piton strain, husband a fasillyf four Aatehters anti floe town, is • seer • fiereased The fennel book plan t• Oelberneemetery es Thar. day and woo largetr atinded. ThureAey enema the mehjeat of donut D. M°G1LLICIJDDY, EDITOR. RENEWED FOR 1901? of Charles I wow justlflable." Jae. C. township. The tumoral took pine on Sun• Masson and II A Mito.t000lo were the day, bth Inst., to Boyfield osmotery, the leaders for the affirmatna and negative, largo number who attended beatifying to the respootively, andl a comber ot others took fent osteent in whiuh the donned was part. Ater • ar I, wid dominion, a voto held. woo taken, the offirtnativo winning by • THE Lora Rao. A. 3 Idolouro -Tie narrow moron Toil elootino of officion Weetmlnster, of Toronto, gives anent Tory for tie current tom ens held, resulting as appreciative notion of the Ian Rev. A_ J. follows • President, W. H. Robortson ; •lue proeldest, H. B. Guest : .enrotat7- Sohoul at Henn, whose death oacurred Mcleod, M A , villein! of On Industrial Dolman. Mrs. Salkold, wife of Wilsoo Salkold, of this town. H• was • graduato of Toroato Fins -Last coning Samuel Wellet's old Connally an4 Korn Collego and WOO one of pump shop opposite the pool was burned moot loved and best remembered mop that down. Tie alarm was loaned about 9 ever loft tie college. He was the leader in o'olook, bat by this tine the build.og wati the religion montane among tie under- nveloped in flames and when the broods graduates in bia day ; In foot, the Y . 11. C. arrind on the 'moo the degoruotion woo &I. A. building on the University ground. moot complete. *tends se • memorial to Mr. hfolasod. Hoo Colton° Corti -The eential meetiog of was th• moving epee in forming a I. bd. the Goderloh curling club woe hsld in W. 0, A mimeo in Korea sod In wending out Loos's offin on Thurecin nosing Int. Jas. S. Gale fie miessionary. Mr. MoL•od Tbe following *Boers were elected for the promotion at Bloor st. Presbyterian churn, present per : Proof dont , IV*. Lute ; Toronto, for • summer, oftor which le left vice preeideut, W. Wallace ; chaplain, Rey. for Banff, and subs...neatly had • norm) at M. Turoboll ; monitory, C A Humber ; Motions Hat, but It woo as prinolpol of the insulter, Cbas. Reid ; onenittee ot man. Indian school at Regina Ono he took great. agement, W. Wallace, Chao 1211d, A Mel) est Merest, and for ton pars -up to the Allan, 0 A Hombre. The fee for thot timo ot hie untimely death -in devotod hie poi, onio pl000d 11 go. 1. b. o.j4 1. .o. whole time with sun strong purpomo and vanor. An effort is tieing mad. to pot intimtlem- i be olub upon a strong footing and to mak• LAST NIGHT'll HOCKEY M ATOM -130c141. lin pinta, mean Interesting. rloh asd Seaforth crooned sticks at the filth GODIRICH WINS AT WINGHAW. - Th• loot ante in an mating gams of tinny. Ooderich hockey tons boon the stens This teams wen iiii follows : well by Mooing tie Wintham team all Seaforth. soon was 4 to 3, an the members of On Goderioh team were : Goal, J. Crimple/I; cover point, 11. Thompise; poet, Cleo. L. W. G. Hooves , , H. Broadtoot Point E Jackson (Joon pont D0.. ATihhhommiona J. Compbell J. Wiggins Wingbarn on Eddy inning last 'the ii.°. °UT."' Goal Alin; krona., Alex. Moine, W. Mo. IH).. mCloite.01 C Shephard wrs neon. There was some W• /11°Lepalia Forwards ,W.MoCorthy A. Wino Carthy, Fred Shannon, John Winne F disputing during On vomit, and 1 he Wing• The Wenn was Brown J110 Aenhdi, ciolie std. ham team stopp.d pLyin before time was forth. Di is nofortunato that the MIMI will up and ninon to promed. They h„. not doe'dod on Its merits. 'The ottio•I sows since tottered • t rolest, %blob will be given woe 5 to 4 in favor of Seraforth, but ttio filet evening, the home tem deleated Clinton which were nand by tbe Sootorth umpire he • score ot 7 to 4 -were clearly not ptonorly sowed, as the DitATA 01 114RA J•Mila CLAKIL-Mu ib puck did not go within the sticks in either t • matter will nay last lifter • short Olone. Altbough she be fairly aod amitosoly settled. Eight goals ehort time, Mrs Clark had m•ie moon official (point --Seaforth getting ;le One, friends here, wbo are grief stricken by her non, fourth, fifth and eighth, and Gore. early and anoxp•oted dem'se. The funerol, °doh the third, sixth and **youth. tiode• whioh took place on Monday afternoon, rich took the only goal @coned la the *woad 1/111 laree'y atteadtd, and there were many half. There was • large attendance at the game. an the Marine Band WAD Present ontological ol sympathy fo: the boreatiod rd down by Rov. Jag. A Aodera ob. The moo Evan, manager of i he Provident woo. J.. Ruch..., oyo., Breach of the North Amnion Life Amour 8.1.11110T•1044 Jae. McIntosh. 11141.11". Capt. "ba C"', j" ...711.r(e;°tharePa:bYr.itivtrbt°how2"leita two woonmi7lotwo"at. McMinn To Inn/lig -For wore tiros refloat:route for having taken up • par. of the stock of the liti•ional Agency Company, Hon. Dodd Mills, Minister of Juetto.. look which te being formed in Toronto !orb tthbe• ing toward. tin relies of Frei E loot. purpose of operating, i• 000neation who was committed to peol.sui' i try for tho North Amnion Lit• Mourn*. Company, an Industrial and Provident deportment. gnarling of Me b•e•her at Ilsyfial I. Repro notions. were made to Mr Mille to in nisprremea, popip.07 fprtoui of a paw .Inco 1, m to roles.* &lion onoonlitionally or .. Jo him oat 03 nut new instant of Inearano• ow:noon ore gover•l. ew life icon on company must men t'.°1 l'ava "AI" eubj"t 1'2 "°(1 nears and a ro:t deal of moOey la tie. 'first viaoe to tmeorttnte known In order to oompete !envoy ) Mr Mille took the nee wider p oonside,etioa, hat states that h• doe* not 5.0.11,01. for our whore,. L. so. his way "wr i°twe.Y. 10. ml"Yr old oornoajny has already overoolne these ,n any shops He says tint the taking of human life. whetter anklental or other diffieltise, and on dnote Its entire at. wise, is a serious affoir and in he °piano notion to uring the moot profitable lines iho publlo will not josto'fy lealeney towards of tininess. Is will thus be nen that the persons responsible thorefor. National Agency Company, from it. Octane° Linn with the North Amore.° Life. nil at bfactiontoon To og Dirroo !RIMIER. onoe he in the position ot an old and well -It is gratifying to the friends of Dr. Mao- sotablished business, nth ramlfioations er &mild, M. P. for Ewt Horn, to Nara that toning from the Atlantlo the Pool& lo te I. eland for the position of Deputy hie °nanny and in Moon ail of the Norte - Speaker of the Henn of Common., to ego- ern !Pares. We undentand that F. J. 'I'. voodoo to Mr. Brodeur, win wIll be vent. Nsftel, the populor representative of the rol to th•Spookernip Tire Globs'. Ottawa North Amerioan lofe, Is lookioe atter tie e ponderer. says : "Dr. Macdonald loan taking up of the nor k here, whioh will le ly ▪ novo-want with the premolars of the . House The duties of the Detety hpooker no INTIMATING KvINT.-000. FL Nairn, o re onemally onorone when th• Hone ie In • former well.known nekton ot Goderloh, committee. but Dr. Macdonald'. familiarity no of the merohants of the oity of with the hranoh of work will nonsirlerahly nW"intiosor woe fried on Thorsdn, January lighten tie burden whioh would otherwise 3rd, to s l'ady of letroit. The W indoor Reoord reit np. long ...aka, la 10. gine the following nonce of tin •vent :- Commons, his mood so • Moo debater, and The marriage of Mr. (norms Henry Nairn, his 000rteous and urbane MIDOIITII will enchant, of this oft,. to Mies Mary Belle, reader Ma appointment partioularly went- daarbter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fiolay• ship to his tellow-mombers." eon of Detroit, took plooe at the residence N.:proem, of Sane Sto More, Ont., record. an event ot interaet to many to ttils seo. church, assisted by Rev. Arch. Moot/tumid, Rev. Marcus Soott, of Copilot Presbyterian ton, bong tin wedding of Andrew Green, of Windsor, au old friend of the Finlayson son of Peter Green, :>hepparrlinn, to 141.. may. The ceremony took place In • Kato Willisms, danahtor of W. J. Wil - II im., of (torch'''. len, township of Aber- eprZttalCd'iillevdee'rbila on.akt:odpy*lokthsP‘millma:alndihno°117.. demo The ceremony was performol on Two 0.14. was beautifully gowood In 7.0 met ot tendon,* 01 1be whits organdie and carried a bouquet of bride'. father, by hon. James Anderoon, of whin rose.. Tee bridesmaids were Mies Tnetertalon. David Oren, of the firm moo., of loo.,01.. ...I wee & Sault `.1 r 0' o and bro. io MoOres, of Olnorie, Ont. They were the, of the grOein, ay. o and Miss Jennie Williams, meter ol mem Little Miss Helen Finlayson, • droned In ptok ann carried bouriusto of pink ins bridesmaid. Mr. Green fe too. I • 0011.10 01101. bride, eta. maid of hone and notnerote employee. of F. H Clergue, sod rooked °harming In white. She carried • among the wedding gifts woe • handsomo , In gelid walo•t, from the staff of tie P0111 ;pint, lo, and M r, Alex. Curry, of Winder. mill. The Mice woe also the recipient of • congratulatory midterm and • beautifully Anfpeperrti:uw,ed.rdvit,ingbortmony an *taboret* upholstered drimIng room suite from tive .4(met'enniyinThabme orremb. The. employoe• of th• Algooquin hoe). gift. to the bride was flour de lie set to The annual meeting of tho Ilorierioh Hortl- night for • trip through the east, anti will cultural Sootety ton hold on Wednesday be at hone OM lhored•y, February 21e, evening of last week. There were prevent Vertarlisen Meson Hinhom, A. Mel). Allon,Warnook, Tite Lift Rev. Jcitto X. lidonott.-The ler, T. C. Nebo'. C. CaolPlell. W• Sal :tbitrile.dilsogirt(11:rserndelealltoolfhoaderoThnott R4sayte. Jmotne. told and Geo. Andrews. The nominee statement shown total renints of ar:etnroirmetownh, inibMil.,eszkosf 141,1. Inn 8204 Pell bit members, $94 Armin retreat • Rov..101th X. Moron. of ..... 520 county grant. Th. ex- ley of ont• Confereoro, ern lorn in Not. ponditares were PIO, raid to the West Huron Avionleiral Society. A motion reir 1°4' Iwo rolfroonrc77 fee:114d :10rie1.1rh.imilinbbii: was peon tendering the thane et the first public work. and to that great oozes he WI an Herr for tho past figs pare. Officer* Whit. hying in flocierioh he felt th• oall to were Glenn as fallen •-Prooldent, '1', C, 1 he Christian ministry. was received Into Noftel yin orseldont,I. Well.: directore. the Ontario (Inferno. of th• Methodist W..1. Con. J. A Fowler, On. Andrews, 0. COmplell and Win. Warnook : non I) In UM he was marred to Mies Mary deaonn sort elder by the Rey. A. Carman, D. tary-treaaurer, IA. Lone ; auditor, Sheriff Heaton, t Mount Forest. The onion eras Reynolds. In every way a happy one, binding IVrn A Pionalet or Gontnion Towonto.-- hearts Lonther 112. great work of IIIItond• Martin Simpson, robot of the labs Janie. leg tho tthenemer's ktriolom Ten POO, Switzer, neend away on Thundery nieht, thrte daughters, .11.0 their mother, are January 3rd, at her home on tho sloth onn• nolo 1.fo. to follow hint who. through faith monies of Goderrin township. Mrs Switr• and pationnnow Inherits the promote. Jo er was on of this pinafore of tho township. hs minIstre nor twenty•otrefes years he Rho was born in Y.11,16011 aightyown yoars travelled tbe followino ciente : Paieners• ago anti name to this oonntry nen gale ton, Kinmount, Qu illo, Oakwood. young She was married to her lat• hos. Atter th• anion fif the MothedIsti Marone : baud at tte age of sehten pan, onA for Arnim Coe Hill, Unlink, Arden. Ame. over linty pep the haA rosideel on the same lento% Myrtle an Contreton. Bro Moran fares, the roll temente& Winn oho oame one Melon as • soot soviet poison,. Hie 1.1 moiety, she trolkori from Mtratford- itermone generally swot* "In power, la the as Inman. of the strength aad ?or of the Holy (then and In 'moth asenrasete." Paisley ; Mrei. 3arnee Elliott, of Ootiortok latter (drone ono Misfired and snooty per township Min. Arthur blotenney, nf Ash seas profaned oenverelos. Inn& hi 0.14 ; .lneeph, of the Northwest Toothier)... early Amin may be **When hte ea of Godwin ; Jaren es the Meng laterals revival work. in hie dish NEW ADVORTISOMENTS - JAN. 17. Pogo Note Poper and Euvelopee -Ono Penn, 8 You eau lle Farther -F. bd. Dunham., 8 Mouse Watitad-1. T. Dent 1 Mortgage Sale -P. Holt 8 five hundred sone onvorted during bla brief minlistry. BINRYIT rya PTE. -E nry menu° oitillen is Godwin should attend the benefit entortainment to be tendered Pte. Chisholm on Tuesday evening pen, great intense to bring Stanley MoKonws Brown, Tho Mow/ and Empire's war morn poodent, aod his moven mature* to ton left in Wm' petriotlo demonstration. Mr. Brown is one ..1 ableat lecturers sod writer. to Canada, aud has net with °mod - id 0006.4 I/3 Ole lecture toti1 through Gas. •cia. ll• tans bis Auden. with him from onitorkation •t Quobtic to Cape Town and rirht through the oompalgo, •yory sub - Jew. la Ms lecture helot; illustratoof. He on On you're et oorreeponcloot at the front •od the uulv ...uot to bei wounded He des- criptions ond pictures of the °harp at SunnysIde •oci the Louie of Paardeborp are G impy grind. At Massey Hall, Toronto, he hod an oudiepos of nearly 3,000 peoplo. end. as • moralor paper said, it was ono of the coon intereatiog intern ever listened to by • Toronto audits:los rba Pinola will be eismiend •I, three o'clock to gi•e the obil- droo a nano to bear Mr. Brown, and efee he plum... and tin panto ebould Mtn obildrou hear suoh an instructive leo. tura. The admission at title matinee will be tatty 1.0o for all cone/vote and publio school ohildren. 't he plao of the Opera House will be tiptoed at Porter'. Friday noon and tickets should be stoorod well In ninon, aa et et y person will go. Rood some of his profs both's.: Chatham Plano . "Tine. Keown Brown, the war oorrempondent, int th• (hood beard the boat address oe South Africa ever delivered in tbo Maple lilt]. Mr, Brown la a *spool talker and Me pie. turn ore splendid." Toronto World "Is an eon listened with int attention to 000 of the best lectures ever delivored to • Tor. • itudionce. It, Wes by et, Stanley Ido.. Keowa Brown, the war oorrespondont," FAItilalue INSTITUTI MI ant nue. -Very oripoi ono nomungs will be held at Atiburo, Friday, January 25, and Dungsa• non, Sourdoy, January 26, at 1.30 r 1.0. speakers advertised are all praorloal e nd sun...NI Inners and stook raisers. The harmers' loettion AM doing rood work ,n getting together th• most promtneot farrier, of each noighborhood to .11.00444 among themselves moiler. pertaining to their own busmen To be suocenful in 'Armin, as in .11 other lines of Industry, it ts oeorseery to 1:475 oo operation and the motual erchange of ideas. Shand. of farm1r h•v• entirely finnan within • few pare Th• aotiy• brat.) most now be ago n otated with th• strong arm if genuine n oon. is to rie..dotis.v:td..,;1,1,),ye fa.renizibioef today tont prluo pl.. to hio work, muse keep an ac- count of mosey thing he bap and nil., pipit weed out tha unprofitable animals of tos tier& mast recognize aed destroy 1.1.• pesti- lent wen. before thee t•It• poneasion of his fields, must in fact losep wideswak• an on the alert or he will get lett 11 the mow Lst nue fanny sown Lie Insti• tote meetanos osonot his boors, and while Moe lock after mry tit of information tint might help him in Ms work. A. C Hallman, of New Dundee, no. will e 'en 03 "Breeding and Care of the Dairy fiord," and on the "Boon Hog" Is on authority on those subplots. fle eras se- loctsd !set year by the poops of thos moat West to judge all of the ilairy mote exbiblt- ed at the Winnipeg Braadon fairs. Bo is also • prominent exhibitor of hoes of the heron type at our host shows in Onarios. Every person who keeps • pig or • mew should hear Mr. Hallman Prob•bly Ily• stook man is bether known in the Province than Joins l'oltoo, of Walkertos. Mr, Toll.. has made • spoolaity cot sheep and is prepared to Mecum any phase of the sul,ptot relating to 'hie most Important In• LOCAL NEWS IN BRIE!, "All the world'. a stage and all the men 'Lod *onion merely playors." An actor should al- ways he well d nosed. Dell at F. J. Prldham'a knell fide tailoring. The town council will meet totnorrow .ludge hlasson hoe boon indisposed the past week. On your ticket. early for the entertalo• moot nett Tuesd•y •vening. The knitting fttolory oommenood work again on hiondoy atter the holidays. About two oarloode ot baled hay *INS shipperl ft. In here the week by Oedmore, of Konen. W. L Hinton Is orouod nolo alter being Isla op with an &Doak of lattammatory rhoumatim IC 1w. Sharman la laid up a. th• result of • fall do*. toil., at he horn., in whiob he Between the hockey m•tch and the ISM Wee, a* Wre billy promlowl, "a het time In the old town." lase night. Ed. Sworn, proprietor of the Huron hon.., leas been on the sick list for worersi day. with an •ttack of poeumoni•. Cortificatee of military qualiflostion hove been issued to Lieutenant 3. %erne and to Second Lieuenann T. (2. Johea and U. McPhail, all of the 33,4 rogirnest. The beyole and toile. worke have • hose monotone 11 • •e thy., and new hands are being taken on oonatantly, The ocon• parry's bloyole tensile,' ars noir out en the R. J. Mcelymont, of linolph, formerly of Ooderich, has boon lying 111 la the fisolph hospital for some week.. suffisring from as Internal oresplaint. W• hops soon be hear of hie restoration to health. Jams. Connolly, of tioderieh township, le attending th• animal oonventIon of the I/anyone's Annotation of Western Ontario, whioh le non held •t London. Mr. l'on. nolly is snood vice pree1dent of the Amnia. A Mien contest for the mayoralty of the Hall., of town. Mr. Won in hie ones. ent le *eery ward hat no, his total major. ldoKeerie Howell. the hardwore ems. ha•• an instrectivo mihrtrit le their window. A portion of the exhibit le labellod "T•on• tiotti Cooney," and the other peritin "Nlseteesth Century." and the rennet he• Wit ha bees hods 4. predishise lordlier* 'beds. 401 NOM WIN s Ugh •