The Signal, 1901-1-10, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERICR ONTARIO. TNUUUDAT, Jan. 10, 1901. W. Acheson & Son IMMENSE REDUCTIONS PAIOII TO ANNUAL STOCK -TAKING. Well -selected stocks in all departments will be closed out • lowest prices quoted for many days --a quarter, • third and In mauy instances a half las been deducted frow rt•gular prices. Our watchword ie: CLEARANCE AT ANY PRICE. Ladies' Capes and Jackets. 50 Ladies' /tickets in winter weight cloths, Beavers, Cheviot and Per- sian curl cloths, elegant styles. Early seamen value, $6.50 to $10, selling now $3.25 to $6.75. Final reductions in Fur Capes, Coats, Muffs and Ruffs. All Odds and Ends oust go before .tock -taking. We offer all Resonant., ofds ane ends, at lamellae reductions to effect an immediate clearance. Remnant Linings, Resonant Linens, Remnant Drew. floods, Remnant Flannels. Dalu10 GOODS, limas, Laces and Wonderful attractions in - UNnKKWKAR W. Acheson & Son A JOURNEY ABROAD. England and the Continent. MW *theses's arrest's .r Mee Trip le tares, ►•e alekI• .f tootle& esti Parts -J lata I..wltaer- lane and Other Wes. W. pu+,lsh the week Me. Acheson's w000uot of bee European trip eat summer, Its given by her to the Epworth League of North striae Matbodlst oburot • few week. yo. A number of persona who wore net present at eh, menu" Dave exonerated a desire to read the history of the trip, tied lite* Aoh.eou bei kindly gives us the m••• osorlpt for pabllottion : A desire to visit the Old Land to this yetis" of years 1900, when .11 the world and he neighbor were beat on vidtlog the Paris Exposition, came upon me with snob too• sotto that lambing but the ooaaommetioo of the desire weld satiety The mskiu4 of plans oould.dmit of testi. delay, for •'fint tome, first served," applies very a0roogly to steamship •000mmod•tlo. ; so 1. es skiers a time as possible we secured pes.age oe the Algia line of steamships, along with • large party 000d.ated by Rev, Dr. Withrow. of Toronto, whom 1 •m pleated to intro hies you to et the editor of oar Faraday school paper Oowerd, ea well se of the M.thed4/ Mag.zlne gad R..ew. O.r home•Isa.lne way must propitious -- geed health, doe west bey sad many frauds to sin goodbye sad wish as "bon voyage." A few hours by roll bring us to Mont- real, when we Ent catch sight of our good ship Tunisian. To one sailing on an oases steamer ler the Brat time the arrangements ars of much interest The soenomy of e pees, semisolid!, 1n the staterooms, 1s our prieeg. The first feeling s one of dsmy as Io when our limited wardrobe 1e to he plowed, but to our jay we find thee steamer freak vanishes under the berth, testing es all the ayatlabe thews. Another lmpreseloo le Ise preeaullons for safety,- the small though savoriy built portholes, the firmly fined tablet and ohaln, the swu1tne W olves, the many lifeboats, ars all ominous suggestions of what may be. W. bed the pleasure of being letr•duoed to the Fronts angora* beton leaving port, In • meet grsolow • send ofi" to Bir Charles Taperer by semn weeny or eighty •1 kis frauds Coming ea board, the onatomary speeches were made. One of bis supporter., melba. • very grmofoes speech In English, repeated 11 to Preach, which, aided by see. Iloulmutoo, brought forth • more enthuses. Ito applause than when gf•eo to English, The sail down the SI. Lawrence 1e full of letterset. Lettere are peeled at the last plate. Father Point, and we to realize tb•t we are ant on the boundless deep For eight dys to be shut off oompletely from native land, yea, from the whole world ! Think of It, not even the Toronto Mall or (Nobe to peruse ! Can nob an weenie be pleawnble 1 Thew u board the Tunisian on that unparalleled trip would verify answer is the affirmative. New Tnl DAYS ►AMO ON COA0n SHIP. ( .mpwsNen for all that ea leave b.. bled 1e largely made up by the many genial people on beard. A printed Ilan of pweo- sere le given to earth one, and many notable people we end in our oomp.oy : Right Hener.bl. Earl 01 biome, of Soorloed ; • Honorable l)wrg. Homs, of Sootland ; Colossi irwe, e( Otte*. ; Hon. Mr. Justice Wortel., of !dotterel"! ; Owen Rlohardeoo, of Leedom ; 14.v. Armstrong Rlsok, o1 Tor• onto; ear own Dr. Withrow, and m.oy and varied the brides and groom., wbo 1t Is needles te say mesas due attention from .l1 ee board. The days pew gnlokly. A merry party !..wen playa, shuffle -board, others promenading the deck, whilst others cosily nate down In steamer chair with rug and oeahion. The ship's library la well patronised, as at tamales the .t.ndard work. in Ilberotore. The saltwater baths, the 6---6-7 mess • day, the .i,hllm, of • pale" Whip, the nee e. of a whale, the reading or the leg, the change In the tem• from our infallible lima plebes to that of th• otitis, all prove et greet Interest. The change of five hoar. In the trip mod• n. (eel when the battle sounded for breaklsob that I1 wu somewhere to the middle of the n ight. Banda, en board .hep le of 'rest pleasure. The beautiful Church of England servfee 1. heartily engaged to by all present, the in. "Dieing hymns, "Petite, Perfect Paseo," and "For These in Pall on the Sea," being elpoofally etgnieo.nt. The handsomely Isoorsted masa room is especially enjoyed In the evening, and the outer% whish 1. always given In aid of the Seaman'. Orphan- ' .g. at Liverpool Is th• general topfo of eon- varuLtio., the Aondgy collections and ('on - oat realising f66 Grouted• for the over abundance of attention ora gate from the hande of the .hip helps one to enter aym- Patbetlolly Into the 111. nt the seaman, sod "hue gismo tee ,soerot..ly opened. The celebration% lel of July and 4th of t July .re both loyally engaged in, ending le each ail by singing "God Mare the goose,' "My Country, 'Tis of The," mod "Blest be eh. Te That Hinds." Tse LANDING 4T LITIMPOOL. At last the 2,840 miles base been Ors - versed, the lovely Emer•!d late appsen,aad • meet welcome sight It is. Ti. beeuttfol greens. the lovely fields of which resemble a p•toh-work qullt, plow one. A ruin canoed with ivy 1e pointed out. Oar pilot oomu oa bored a1 Morillo, and we soon scam into Liverpool, with Its seven melee of dock. Kew wen the Interest to learn of what hod happened In Otte great world lett behind os. The most eager et our party was our lady missionary, Miss Braskbtll, of China, to learn of the r.v.gee of the Bolen and to gain some idea es to the possibility of eadlog at Shanghai and from there mak• Mg her trip up the rivet to Ohioan. Alter passing our luggage through the oust.m., we took omnibus to depot, getting • bird's eye Thr of L verpool, with its large pabho baildages, gtgantlo hotel", busy streets, all quite modern in appesranoe. The railway ride from Liverpool to Landon, throngs Derbyshire, down the beautiful valley of Derweet, on through Bedlord• shire, with thoughts of Jobs hoopoe and his "Pilgrim's Progress," shell nova be el- faoed from my memory. It appeared like • 000b00001 park, the Beide onitl•.ted like • garden, the hawthorn hides", the atone (*noes, beautiful roads, guano) farm -steads, Ibatobed oo00ags"..d try -grown •barons" It was I. making the trip we tartook of our tint E.gltsh diener, which was served by pinsl:,g a table 1■ Saab oompartm•nt of the oar. A full menu was protected ted sere;,,: without beau, some one ramekin" that we eta for 150 miles. 5I011T ■RUNG 01 LONDON, Oe arriving at Loodo. we wore oondeaed to the Midland Grand Hotel, were greeted as expected frauds and galokly assigned to our rooms, wb(oh we found mat specious, with riots imagines in crimson end gold. Tr,e 1•w days given u Loodoo on the out ward trip were full of sight seeing. W• first visited the Tower, °roasts, oho great London bridge, •Ise rower brody. The great fortress impresses one at Dew of tb• dreariness of proeoo life. Many scenes of butory *blob bad been drilled Into us at public school sow became very vivid. The Yeoman of the Guard whom we met et the Tower wee a spoolmea el great iuterssr. H• wee dewed in • gay oatome of red, trim• mod with braes buttons, and carried the air of impotence due be years of armee Our neat point was St Peal's. Cathedral, which bas sew burned down dye taws. This 1m• muse edifies (a in the vary heart n( t6• oily, l• 500 foe lug and wee over thirty years la building. Is s situated on • dight envie. wen, and s •pprowb.d by • Bahr of twenty Iwo ewes. One agreed by mono mental .tetaary on every side Many neo of note, ohlefty newel and military officers, ban found their est rotting P e. bn plan mer Pre wen eepecally interested In eke mons• moots of England's greatest sailor, Nilson, and her greatest solder, Welllegton Os enurlog the crypt, whtob extends the en. tire leoeth of the ohoroh, we look •poo • fine bust of Sir John McDonald, forma premier of Canada, The meet striking fee - etre, however, of the whole church is the mighty dome. *wood only to 8t. fetor'. in Rome. It is 364 feet in height and le bosun. folly "Awned with eight awes from the life of Paul. The organ, one of the largest In (treat Britain, is In two pars, one o0 "soh d4• of th• oholr, and 000neoted by some kind of meoh•elem under the Boorlos. A beautiful ohoral ..rvlw Ie rendered every day at ton o'oleok and four o'clock, while four servloes are hood on Santa,. wesTMtNNrsa ♦Bear. The venerable Westminster Abbey nett ol•ims our attention. It Is blackened with 700 year" of London smoke, hot 1e notwfth. standleg Rutland'■ great "Temple of Fame." It also I. 500 feet long, fall of rnysl burial yams and monuments to wlebr•ted men and eremite The feeling of •we pewees noe In treading •Door. Interment within these walls is 000dder•d the last and great• est honor which the nation ten bestow, and so with interest we reed the losorlptioo en the tom') of Knglend'a "(trend Old Man," Wm. F Medawar, and also that of Mre. Gladstone, burled • few mien lata. We ars pleased u take part in short s•rvlos of pryer for nor soldiers in Month Afrlos. A oonrteooe verger t.kite toe through the royal tomb.. The "lingo" of these guides is very stereotyped. One is Impressed with the feeling that they have leaned their plow and are ready to sey ft rt any who will pay the fee. Our drives amend the many parks, n o0.L'ly that et Hyde Park, are of great pleasure. ft 1s one of the moat frrgnented and le provided with nine earries' seesaws It 1e here the fashionable world of London can be seen riding and drl.lng. On en. days during "the 0a10n" it le quite Impse. tog to we tto unbroken file of elegant oar - rages, wets well groomed horses, prodded over by desk raehmen, gaily attired, end 000aped by erg, o'tely-drees•d women. 511110 TR1 41711N. Clow to Hyde Park to Kensington Palace, whiob we molted, where one maoh•loved Queers was born and brought up, mad whore LOW SHOES AT LOW PRICES..... At this NeAAon of the year we make a special mark-down on Low Shoes. We want to show the peo- ple what cool and comfortable Shoes they can buy here for less money- than they would have to pay elsewhere. Brand new stock, . and every Shoe perfectly made. SCHOOLSHOES for the Boys and Girls have arrived. Call and examine our stock and prices, whether you buy or not. ST. 6E0. PRICE. .be first learned of beg •asmgtw be the Mimeo. 01 greater Iatereeb, however, thou •.elms her first home was to see In the lash our sovereign of over silly years. Learn- ing that arse w•. attending • garden party a1 her town bowie, Buo►mgh.m Pdaue, we, by the Lid of we et the.eurtsoae and gal. Iu1 polloemea, who we learned was greatly Interested to Cen•dle.a, baying saved 00 oar NorOk West Mowed Pollee torte, seared a good po.t0t0e. As the Queers •p- preaoh.d oar Ua..d1an loyalty could nut be suppressed. Oar d.mewtntiv.osu seemed to 5011500 the atteedon of other bystanders, but oar sward was In the sweet and gre- cious bow Her Majesty heetowed upon w, aid we 1.to web hearts thrilled and glad - dosed aid 611.4 with Inward pleasure In be- ing abl• to gay, we had seen the Qo.... WM TO 10015. W. had, however, by arranged progaw, to take our dep•rtiie ter Parts. A short railway ride to New Haven. where w• took boat soros" the maob•dread.d (:hsnael to Uteppe. taw more the elem.nte wars kind to e. Our train to Parts was math belated owing to some oatraetion. A Looe omnibus delve through the oly to our destined hotel gar us a glimpse of Part •1 moist The gayety of the thickly tkruaged streets, lanob tables 000upylog folly half of he sidewalk, orchestras, merry-go-ruonds, men and women dwolog (a the open square., all helped us to realise that we had teethed "gay Paris." It wee the beginning of their national festival. o.mm.morating the fall of the Beattie, *blob lasts three days. We were tortueaee In taking In this great celebration, the °were of which tees held at the Piece d. I• O ouo.rde, ah open square. It the opinion of many the le the moot detente! spot In the world. In the other. of It ls the lamins obelisk elven to Frasee by Mahomet All and brought trout Thebes. It 1. placed to the e5ao1 spot when the guillotine in 1793 began ite bloody work by theersoatios of lune XVI„ he lovely wife, Marl. Aatetn.tee, and three thousand other vague. Around the aware ere beautiful fountains and sight ellig.rlo•I statues, typifying the mote im- portant dines of France, one of whloh, ra pr•seoolog Stres"burg, is draped in bleak, the olte haying bow loot to the nation. The display of firework., ooupl•d with all the powers of acetylene go., 'lsoato lights and thousands of Chinese lantern., made up a some of beauty whloh showed to as the power o1 artlfi.lal lute as never raw be- fore. The tomb of Napoleon le onset the sights of Perls, The colossal tomb Inside one of the ohurobee Ls lighted by windows of •m- ber-alored giw,grvlog it the •ppe.rene of bels. bathed IG sunlight. Above the tomb ID gold ettereoan be read the words (atop iron. he will), "1 wish my whoa to rest on the banes of the Nelms, In the midst of the Freoob notion I hay• se greatly loved " Hs ashes were removed from St Hdena twenty years sitar his death, with, 10 is s•ld,saob enthusiasm le has rarely attended the entry of a Inter/ esvlret,n. [Tits Lorena ) The large art galleries' are visited -ohs Louvre, toxo whew hale se pater* under ten years old cam enter. It 1a the mese lio- n * pabllo butldlsg In Fr•nee, both arobIMoterally and on so0ount of IN tree ora of art. 10 holds the masterpieces •00 is representative of the greasiest artiste. Our golds tells us that It takes eight days to see the L , so only • small portion of nTie it come under our °baryons . 1 most oel.brst.d treasure In the whole building is the famous Venus of Mlle, found en the eland of Milo in 1820 It s w uquislttve ly beautiful figure of a woman ted bolds a promloeot pwI►Iw 14.0be centre of ow e1 the Won'.Ti L el isteres0 te watch the many oopyiete--.sine en high ladders, as some of the pietate, are hang very blgb. Paris the beautiful has always been isapir- tog to art study, end hundreds of Amertoso incidents ere working here •nd.avorlog to beoo . des�gners, arohlteete, eonlptors and psisan. It is quite impos.ible te lea.. Paris with• out referring to the be.ulilal dyer Seine, .11b its lovely bridges and Its rally.Orimm.d boats. As night the different -shaped bate sod gondola, leniently lighted, w one of th• pretty slgha of the oily. As to the Eepositlon, may I take tee for granted that the many newspaper reports have made you familiar with it, with oo dope to have to repeated ? It proved to be only an lootdoot in oar mummer outing, and not the moot (lop eir•bl, one W v W• wen, however, not blind to the architectural beauty, the artistic or. roogemenr, the fine "toothiest display, ted many other soar•es of delight. To our thought the whole Exposition w.. more artistic than lodnetrtal, an aspect more in stoeerd with French charm/tar than the more various boobies" methods of the Anglo Saxon. In fat -at driok,• be mere and 1, with oo thought for the morrow, appeared to he the standard of living. g*ACTIPCL 5wt? itItt•ND. limning Paris, we travel the south -wet. rn part of France, reach Switzerland and bnd ourselves rioting higher .ad higher, till the first glimpse ot the mountains Mmes upon car view. Oar hist stormier plate is Lausanne, and our Hotel Gibbon, we learn, was o00 rho property of tltbbon, the great historian, who wrote lo some one et the rooms his masterplso.,"The Ree and Fall of to Roman Empire." Asa party we were anxious to find out who had the honor of oncapymg that room, but were not sails led along that tins. Our first improsiu of Swltrorlond was so pleasing that we re- gretted having to (save Lausanne, witb Its lovely vow of Lake Geneva, bat we must hasten to Herne, the tepttal, • quaint old towq of 39,000 Inhablus" ats, The bone are hunt over 'roadie, through which rano the pavement for fool paean e we. It. name Implies the olty of the hoar Bruin, u Its emblem, le seen everywhere A whole Croup of meobanloal Mars go through a performanoe at the clock tower two minutes before every hour. Every plate 1e adorned with the bear oreyed In stops or wood, while s large den of lies ones Is malotalned at public expense. In Phe middle elthe public. streets .re large f untams, where the housemaid tense for water. Quite a oommon eight Wiese, them washing their olothee, preparing their table vegetables, etc. The chief glory, however, of Berne is Its view of the whole range of the Hennes Alps. As we reefed Interlaken, that city of magniflwot hotels, we thought the vow eatrlvaled that of Bente. Here we beheld the Jan,fr•o. with It. darkling shroud of eternal snow. tanked by the gray dopes of the Silber horn to the right and the Snheahoro to the left. The proportions of those mountains are so el/sotto that the eve In vein at• tempts to estimate the Might A. we looked upon them, first in sunlight, then In albedo*, we felt that snob a revelation of beauty had come to us before, and we were led to look from nature rip to nature's Goa, and to Low In humble adoration to Him who hoe oreetm the h and the earth, and all that ie contained therein MOUNTAIN 01,1051100 Our ride over the marinates to (triode! wed Naos as • li mole of m00.0.00life: the Swls.0.1,ts dotted here and there oo the me0et•tn side, whole villages with tM.p. pe•r•005 o1 al nein, to the cliff. The "hep - herd net tending hie sheep brought to our rated the many little teener', wh11.0 the roan dopes, de: p velleyt, laming water halls and torrents were endless snore** of delight. Ae we °limbed hither and higher, ear ear making many a taws curve, we weld Get bet note the different seam the high altitude bed ne diff members of our party. The keen, teethed monauln air 1. tee stream for some, and the ph steal de proles of hesdaehe,di,zinos", deafness, was felt. whilst ethers berm. almost laton- wead with .rhllantloe of spelt. The The old Idea that the body sometimes pretty flower and fruit sellers that appear seeds • pewerfnl, drtette. 0errlhvm, pill has at oath .topping plate are always well been imploded : for i). Ring's New Leh patronised. filer, whtoh are perfeotly7 harmless, wetly 'Ile way to... Switzerland properly, hew- sl.imnlate liver end belittle to sestet 90.eeea- ever, Is ee foot ; on eoenrdingly, with long on. matter, elsaeee the waren sad abeelate- alpsnsteok la hand, we sat out te .YIP Gil I ly Imre sa.Grlp.Non mad doh bud&.h.. of las glaciers. Tse •zkllsnMsg Gig N ( Daly R6. •t Jen. W11.sn'* dreg Giem the high altitude helps te keep fatigue 1e •beyano, .ad as we resulted the surae lied open by the retrows"ton of the darter and looked up et the .011d rook oo wish gide, 400 feet btgb, we telt repaid for the effort. We thee climbed w the sterna, Lound an be grotto w►loh we entered, 180 feet dap, with step., pillars and ourrldere of toe - Ittihad up 1t looked quite 110. 1•irylaad. O. our way book to our hotel, we soared sena mountala strswbsrnee mad Dream, which • pretty 8wW maiden had tempt- ingly spread outside her outage door. TM. L1olo O LUSZONl. A sell on Lain Then brings us to the olty et Luoerue. A fine Illuminattoo of fire- works on the lake greeted us on our first evening here. The oelebrated '• 1. ,.n of Lutes." is one of the 'Wilts. to the leo. of • high natural ohff of sendetooe the form of • lion to hewn oat In memory of tweety- oz others sod 760 gulden of the Sense (mord, who fell In defence of the royal family of Fane. during the revolution. Tho dying lion le twenty eight feet long and 10 transfixed wleh • broken lassos while he is end/erotisg to shelter the I'renoh lily with his paw. the rook beers the amts" of °tloen, and le overhung with trees mid shrubs. It was from Luzern* we spent ere et the most leafleting days. Taking boat., we stopped at Vi knee, end •amended Mount Real, nearly 6,900 feet above the see. A rel/way leads from the village to the very summit, • 11.e of four and a half miles. Tbls le one of the moot frequented epee la Switzerland, •Itbough but • tow years ago It was unknown ezo.pt to the herdsmen. The beauty of this soon* oan0ot be de. bribed. As we matinee to rise, meanie Over • f•ylna s.vnty 61e feet deep and round the mount.l0 slops", a wondrous view of mountain, lake ood valley barite upon nor s1*ht. The view la fine weather sweeps • wrote of ►bro hundred miles of magol6 cent so.oerp of chalet., hameu and • score of lakes. The offal' of light and shade as we toued ourselves • Ma above the •load■ was • oonstent source of wonder, and again our thoughts went oat to :overate to the mighty hand which orated the greet light which runes the day. Making our way to • hotel (the highest In Europe), we had lunch along wits many others of .very nation and grade. 0000011 AAD TOl N*TM10L.4Nf41. From Switzerland we pass Into Germany. At our first .to,plog piece, Straseburg, w• behold the military man lo .11 he glory Seattle. to spiked helmet petrol the streets. (Some 20,000 emery were in the oity that day ) The gnat othedral, with It. spire 470 feet high, is a beautiful .Oruotar.. No whore to the world has architecture rsaohed • higher development than to these old miss on the Rhine. A vett to the Kasper or's pal.o displays beauty In every form Our sail down the Rhine, witb its falls - very ploturwgae, bur one u b* oompar.d with our Niagara -brings as to Cologne, with It. fine oecbedral, the largest 1. the world. On to Heidelberg, with its mighty wale, one of the feudal grandeur* of the put; then to Brume's, the capltel of 14.1 g um. The many lace manof•otorlse here quite charm us, u well as the meas places of poo, notebly the Peals de Juane, our responding to our oourt boas". It la one of the most wetly balldtoge In this world. We pass oo to Aetwero sod tete haat Lorain the Channel and oho. more teeth Loodoo, the gnat otty of the world, wish its sedate line el 'biome, 30,000oeba, under ground railway, and below that, seventy feet down, an el•otrlo line. Who eau eitl• mete the event Aad mit within • mile radius the tends$ will gond sough of to, West ler days. - _- IN LONDON 400IN. I dere not tab tine to describe the maty pointe of intermit Windsor, the home of the Qasen, with Its beaiolful chapel, where ohs Queen worships ; Hampton wort, no longer • royal reodeooe, but • home for de- pendents on the Crown, 000tslolug a thous- and works of tet, many el them by delis• Relished muter., • park of • thousand ares and beautifully kept grounds. A milt to Crystal Palate, with 10. floe illumination• was also a day to he remembered. We were loureeted.os mantle Wal.7. Chapel its City Reed. We entered the oharoh and were eenOlmeotel enough to climb the steps of the pulpit and stand where the founder of our greet Methodlem stood. At the rear of the chapel is • tine monument over W.. ley', grey*. Our visits to the many art gal- leries, museums, memo halls, °horohl, mar - late -Doubly Smithfield, whore the Chris. tan martyrs wen burned •0 the stake - Gadd Hall, the Parliament Building., from which emanate' the glory of the British oon.tlt ution, the many hlstorio streets, scop a. Paternoster Row, Fleet street, Cheap. side - all fill the d•1 with senet t sees and de• 11 rhe and brio the g us t • e time when coos mon we meet set sail for the home land A lit tie poem sent me by one dear to me ez• presses our feellog; at the time "Tim 101 0100111IN0 0051." "There's joy 1n sailing outward, Though we leave upon the pier, With loose grieved and wistful, Oor very dearest dear ; For th• met stall roll between un For perhaps • whole round year. There's joy In °nothing mountseos, In lording rushing brooks, In poking into planes We've reed .bout in books, In meeting stranger people With unfamiliar looks, Hut the joy of joys is ours, Unto.ahed by any p.lo, When we take the hnme bound .uemer, And catch the homebound tr.ln- There's nothing hall so pl A. **ming home again." ROMewARn 4(:ROte Tilt KrORMY ATI.ANTn'. The return voyage sew not so ple•ea.t. The sea air which oomes so soddenly upon u. Is trying and leads many to retire to their st•tereome--as some noe happily re. marked, "for the purpose of meditation. - As the cold winds continue and the waves toot 01001 d with some anxiety, the bwaO:fol yea 1. et the 107. h Palm come Io our remembrance : 'Ti., that go down to the eell in skip. Chat do business to great wavers : Then see the work. of the Lord, and his wonders in the drop. Fns" He onmmeedeth, and nl.sth the stormy wind, which Il(teth up the 'nye Ibaree/. They mount 0p to tn. bursts, they go down again to the depths: their thy! is melted because of troab's. They reel to and bro. sod Wagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit.' end. Then they Dry unto the Lord In their trouble, •nrl He bringoth them out of their distresses He waketh the storm a calm, eo that the waves +hereof aro still. Then are they glad because they his quiet; •o He brtngad them onto their desired Paving thv,sgh tb. Straits o1 Belle Isla, the Gall and R 1.s" St Lawrence seemed Indeed • "desired haven;" and es we steam ed up 00)1 more 0o Montreal, and reached terra firma In nnr own cativo land, we felt the., no blew In t n* whoe world Iurn.hee fir the perenn happier conditions of ..stenn, than our own mach loved Can. ad.. A few hours by rail brie, us to more familiar ourrnnndtngs, and se the hrske.man In 5.0000.0• tones Delle rat • nonunion," it e rror wooded more walteme, ler it was ' Ane+e, SWIM him. 1 Re le woe so humble, there'. ne plane like home." *town 1e aloes mitatioos of Dodd'• Kidney Pills aril legion. The bila Is Imitated, the outside coddles and snape of the pills are Imitated and the name -Dodd'. Kidney Pills le Imitated. Imitations are dangerous. The original to safe. Dodd's Kidney Pile beets a reputation. [mite - tore have nese or they wouldn't Imitate. So they trade os the reputation et Dodd', Kidney Pills. D. not be deceived. Thera le only one DODD'1►. Dodd's le the originaL Dtx1.1'. is the tem. 1• he MA, ful about - o -o -D -n o -s KIDNEY PILLS CANADA IN A. U. 2000• What well Canada nein* Misdeed lean great New' (Hon .1. T narrow. In 'reroute Steal What will Canada be at Christmas ono hundred years from noir! With our bound. les" possibilities, 1 look to sae our puny 6 000,000 'town to 00 least 60,000.000 stud this to he, by thea, the Greater Briteln, earrylag forward the Hrltl.h Idea to geveeoment, of Nue! rights and equal opportunity for all. I hope to see our people, however num. awe, prosperous, ooatemted and happy, In t10 poaesseo0, as they will be, of one of the boost and rloheeo ooa0e lee to the world. I look to see an and of ell rte* said oreed bickering", • lees violent and unthinking Partizanship in pelotas. a larger end more Imperial outlook, • greater charity between opposing torus", whether religion., political or soots!, a joining of hands between labor e nd oaplOat, whose true relations should be in mho rather than lei separation and mutual distrust, snob union resulting, as 1 ouweive, to a more equal distribution of wealth, the product of labor. A nation's true pride and glory should be, not in the number of 10e millionaires, but to ole absence et poverty and the Intel. helmet and 0001 atment among what are oaled oho oomo.rn people. 1 look to ere the oouatq peopled not by "French' nor "Lugsh' but by true "Canadians," a 0000• •lwoye good esougb for me, and I Wilk for anyone resident hen, With the passing of the older names, carrot of seperatlon and distrust naively the outgrowth of mutual lgooraoog,) w111 also pass the role of the enemy of Collide. the demagogue who for hie own petty pin, poses too often has played with these name., and we will have •0 last that which all Rood men doers, • really united Canada, marching forward with rapid strides to Ile mealiest -destiny es the teethe oommunity en the America. tentloent. "Union, Pew, Friendship and Frater- nity" s an tawniest foundation upon whiob to build in order to oohleye some, and to deed •11,.1 the good tbtow l have hnp.d,and most sincerely wlsh,for my Oath• and much loved Canada .t this Chrlstmutlde. Tbansa.b sent Every year a large number of poor cuf- f whose lungs are sore and rooked with oougbs are unfelt to go to another oilman. Hat 1h1. 1e meetly end not always sure. 1)oo't bean wile when Dr. King's New Insoovery for oonsomptton will ours you home. It's the meet Infallible medicine for oo.ghs, oolds, and all throat and long dis- ease' ie ns e' en earth. The fiat dose brings relief. Ace a ldtog notes result from persistent we. Trki 11. 1.e free at Jas. Wilson's drug store. i' til boo and $1.00. Every bottle ga•reo:ad. DUNLOP SOL/ti RUBBER arrive Tire I A new oarrlage tire that makes riding on all roads a pleasure-e0000mloal, too for (t dew away with th• vibration tb shakes and breaks the marriages. A V shaped .paw between the rub- ber tire and the steel flange pre- vents ro-vents the creeping and cutting whloh other tinware outdone to. See the ezhloit at the beg fain. Send at o0oe for 0, res TI • Catalogue, giving paws of all adzes. THE DUNLOP TIRE COMPANY, TORONTO. LIMITED gT. .00140 WINNIPEG MONTREAL, MILL WOOD FOR The above is cut into stove wtcd length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day ne ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Gaierich, Novemher 21st, 1899. 53-3m HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF C AL ALWAYS ON HAND ?HO ItN;M r Scranton Hard Coal IN)TAR MAHK0T All floe) weighed no the Market Realm, where Ton'mst 141*) Ib. for • test. WM. LEE. Ord.,s loft ot L31< • il$,Ep$V,ys Stere pr.mptly attended ee. 'esut W . A. M0KIM JANUARY SALE Now u the time we clear all winter good. at money saving price.. Our stork was well cleaned out, thanks to a good fall and winter trade, but last week we secured some big bargains in Toronto, in fact more than we want, but little prices will do the job at our annual January Sale. este Hoye' Overoat 1.3 sad 4 off. Mee'. Ulster", worth 1110, for just 116 Bargains In Man's and Revs Suits. meats Heavy Top Shine. worth 111.00, for '76Mo. ewe ; worth 76o, tor o. lieu's and Kaye' Wool te sad Gloves. We goo • bargain to these and will Yore you • I.argaIn. W. vacated a lot of manufacturer's item plot of Honda, Clouds, 0,1.,.e, Hoene",Moto,, Getters, Hoene", letantees, Vesto,eto. Yours at little pries". Bargains in Ladies' Blank and Colored Top :tkiite. Bergamo to Weikel, oto. LINENS -Ger Jansmry Linen Male Is now ca !n as addition to our well sorted •took of !'able Limon, we eeneral • big let mill nod• and some slightly damaged roods •0 one third off reinter pilo., and will t cloths, eel) • same reduction. Table clo., ell Iwgtbs, w ine slightly dammed, some wiled, end {Anima pet good., 10 lengths of 14 yd.. lieto 4 yd., at 29e the plea*, up to 116. Nep- klas, splendid moods, mans damaged •r wiled, et • beg redeotlon. H.rg.lns V Towels of ell kind.. 1f you require any 'Mao now or fur spring, It .111 be mosey to your postal to •1.10 oar Jeo..ry Sale. It won't cost you anything to see what we are doing at ourJ•nuary Sale and you may .ave a dollar or two. W. A. M0KIM. need good strong boots to We've got the very k soles (solid leather, mind put together with the kno strong to stand the strai:; 'f h't:se boots are ; wear iljard Wear Shoe.). Men and boys (young men) work- ing outdoors, knocking about, stand the racket. ilial you want -stout, thick •,';i , good strong insteps, ',t li,i .:e that they must be though they do FROM $1.25 UP. WrI. SHARMAN, Jr. Fall Sans &Overcoats an The mn d to • snit made at see auto always lo.,0.1rim, a 1t le obs at- home t _ ._•fbittoto , l every moo of taste to look. A large of cloth& to chows fpm.. If you air ooa'',mplarleg geltleg-a 11sh' neerooat ter tail weer, give us • ohauua to saes yea. Prices right. H. DUNLOP West Street CANTELON'S Pasts' Oyster anti s s P e Tarts S jyt bort 1, � t p Bread and Cream Rolls,1flce Pies and Lady Fivers, Kisses, Macaroons, Maravfles, Brandy Snaps, Etc. are as goal A. the host 010110 its any city in Canada. Csntelon leve the trade in WEDDING CAKES In fancy designing anti ornament ing and almond teeing. lime him an oiler end your flat• isfaction will be an.urrel. D CANTELON, WEST -8T, IT'S YOUR NERVES Its the Condition of Your Nerves That Either Makes Your Llte a Round of Pleasut'e or a Use- less s♦less Burden. To many women life i. one round of sick• heap, weakness and ill health. To attempt even the slightest household duties fatigues them. Molny of the symptoms accompany- ing this state of duclino are : a tenting of tiredness oil waking, faintness, dizziness, oinking feeling, palpitation of oho heart, shortness of breath, loge of appetite, told hands old feet, headache, dart circles order the eyes, pain in the back and side end all the other Accompaniments ot a ruo•down and weakened constitution. All these symptom and conditions are simply the result of a poor quality and detective circulation of the blood, with • wasting away of the 1101111 forme. By feeding the system with DR, WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS You strike at the root of the disease and lay a solid foundation on which to build. Soon the weight increase., the sunken choeke and thitherto! bust, fill out, the eyes get bright and oho thrill of renewal health and otreugth vibrates through the system, 60 cents per hox at all druggists'. or DR. WARD CO., Toronto, Ont. KENDALL' s;1 lPAYIN WRE-re T V eN ng•hle 1.9'0'1• roe .Not.., .[r.wee Ctot..04 .11 without a bieml1b It .vee sof bt0ar. North 110.1.,8.1, 0.4, 1.9.. 16 16 Ilse R./. E•64.110e. DearWm 00 J0 tea.tre. .00.e err.... rlet9111091. Nee .. • men lt .ee pitmanle 000g slue 1 til. will • ono a Oar 'we .6.al4 with rear ruw.rs/11111Mr. y sot es" w dm witty aite.r gwelal Rel• Co. 50L..601'. tetanal my MAM.. Y44e1 r.ee.rrr.,, AIN1I.01lrC e4rmttlti. Flat .1. M. ere 1, As • liniment few faintlyees It b.. ...noel.••• lows" lenges, in, Ra1s1I', .ee•rw ..a, •••-•0 Treei4... ,M 15..., t0• book ere., or •ddreas K 0.J. i/I*k11 co.. moue PAU.1. TT. '1 1 4 K `t .0 DO YOU KNOW WHY You can't gat . any. peat through your house or factory i You will prohahly find your Boiler, Furnace Pipro or Scot° Front choked up with scale. A few gallons of our celebrated SCALE Sf VENT will remove ilii this eiluPestans to you the entire heating capacity of your plant. A postal cant will bring yon full information. Write at once, Tie Wm. Sutton Compound Co.. LTd Iter Qrees St. Fast, Toronto, Nat. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR McLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Goderlch, Ont.