The Signal, 1900-11-29, Page 88 Tsunamis, Nov. 29, 1900 THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO. Loe1 Now Dress Goods & Silts Our stuck is right up-to-date with the newest shades in Homespuns, Tweeds, Cheviot and Heavy Serges, with new Trimmings, Buttons and Lining to uLtteh, and our prices are right low. NEW HEAVY CORD SILKS in all shades, worth $1.06, for 75c. Large selection of Checks, New Brocades and Plaid Silks. No trouble to showgoods. JACKETS MILLINERY A Special Lot in different colors rang ing from $4.00 to $5.00. Clearing at $2 50. Targe range of best value, in new- est style Jackets. Prices away down. Special Lot Fancy Wrapperettes, Prints and Gingham., Clearing at bc. FLANNELETTES Extra Value Very Heavy Stripe Flannelettes, regular 8c quality. You know now these goods have •dvaneed. Clearing at 5c a t aril. HOSE Ladies' Fine Wool How, regular 25c. Clearing at 20c. 3 Now is the time to get • jaut,ty, ready-to-wear list to save your goo.' trimmed hat ; goods worth $1 1)0 to ttl 25 Clearing nt 7:•. Special Lot nicely trimmed Hato for Ladies and Girls, really woath double the money. Clearin_ at $1.00 511,1 $I '•r,. CLOTHING Some Special Bargains in Men's Suits and Overcoats. Coote awl look over our large stock. IINDERWEAR Special Line Men's Fancy Striped Underwear, goods worth 40 cents each. Clearing at 25c .each. Soo our extra value Wool Socke, 2 pairs for '25c. Special Line \ten's and Boy's Peak Caps, clearing at 150, COME AND SEE WkIAT CASH CAN DO FOR YOU. Bro's & DUNGANNON. Heerlen.- The local •genet In Uuogt•nnoo for Tu. SINAL is at the o aloe of J. U. WARD, 4,P., conveyancer. to.. who will receive or- ders for •apt(ons. adverte'og and Job work, and is authorised to wive receipts foe •mounts paid for the same /'1 A. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF LUCK- aew. wm resume Ma tripe to Dungan• .lea la A,.11,-bt •td S d nide, each month. TcganAY. Net 27, 1900, SHORT uraATlrN-Slatgbtow, w'hlofi sari had for • short time and whioh wee very much enjoyed by all and sundry, has deep. peered. BHirraNTn.--gotta a number of eheoo, bonnie, cattle, and 1 loads of pressed hay are daily passing through our vill.ge, via Luoknow, for the foreign merger, ale. page and grain. CHAN'.IARI.I WIArHtcR. - The we,th•r for sem. time has been • mixture of au' until, winter and spring. The farmers who de- layed in 'souring 15s root Drops during fay. arable weather, owing to the continued growth, are Mistime through mod and Gold, disagreeable weather to secure them Jahn Fra.t, to ail appear•roe, is not to be kept 1. abeyance'. BALI OP PRnrEwrv.-During last week Riohard Ryan, of Abbasid, purohesed /he villys property in Dang.000n oared by Riohard MoWhinney. Ashfield, upon whioh there is • Iomfortable d osovenlent rel- fl.eoe, reeently greeted. It 1s situated eon - _._31.111.u. te .nd on the west dde of Erskine eberoh, and the location is one of the prettiest In our thriving and progressive • ylllees. PIONISS DEPARTED -Sloes our last an- --- .thee ..teemed pioneer of the towehlp of AshSeld, in the person of Henry Johnston, • lit• ot lot 7, not B, Ashfield, departed from th-s eahlonary stage of action on Thursday, the 15th of November, at the age of seventy lour years, ten month. (almost an octogenarian). Hie remains were interred in Daneannen cemetery on Sunday, the 18th, being s.00rted thither by • large 00000nree sorrowing relatives, friends and u:tgh• hors. The bereaved have the eymp.0y.1 the community. COMINu AND Uolxu. -Mn. White and daughter, of Aylmer, whn have been for Isms time vviting relatives here, let, on Saturday for home, vu (iedenoh, hetes as trammeled by her mother, Mrs Barbour, who also intends visiting other rel., lv,'. in that vicinity We wish the venerable 1.17 • pleasant •is s -Red sate retard. ...fnho Ritohie, of Tt inrham, Reser.' tnsur.ons agent, is on en official tour, stopping he, •. at Nile, Althorn, Hlyth, B Is se t n -her points He is quire an adept in his loo• of bemires., end is euooseding well . .. Mrs, . Jame D. Howatt, of Auburo, whn was ■o• • ,00mp.oled by her dtughter, Mem LII+, ,'u•. lag lase week had • very plea•snt vl•it with D Jardine and family. .... , Rev. R. I1Mrbdre, B A , and Jean Ktlteto, pr.• oidtog elder, tinkle* Minn* here, attended Prevbytery (Maitland) meeting herd on the 20 h Inst. at Wlugham.. ....J. D. Ward, J 1'., had • pleasant and enjoyable quit during the former put of last week with relatives and tenser acquatetaoo0at Wing - ham. LEtBURN. Tuoouty, Nov. 27. The meettogs spoken of last week will he bald at the churoh. The big gals of wind on Wel ..1.y made some breaks here .al there In sem, of the fano.. E. N. Shaw has put in an Iron piping under his culvert •t has road entree*, Dan- MoLeod assisting him to the work. Thee. Sturdy has wirehaired the farm op• peelers his own, known of late wars as the Prloe farm, consisting of 127 acres, for 12,600. PORT ALBERT . Tr,tttAy, Nov. 27. Will Hawkins returned on Saturday from Teepervl lar, Miss Campbell, ot Ooderloh, i. visiting al the home of H. Hayden. Mies Laura Thurlow is visiting relatives and friends to our midst. Mees Shepherd, teacher, spent Saturday with her parent. in lioderlcb. Charlie Toutt, of Pine Riser, 1. helping with the brick work of Harry Hawkins' house. John t,reen left yesterday morning for Brussels, where he w111 work In the carriage shop of Mr. Ewan. Mn. Tait, of Weldermu, oame home on Thursday last to .prod • few months with her father, James MoCono.11. DUNLOP. I'rhtAY, Nov. 27th. Mr. Ties.. Tlohborne left on Saturday f.,SFVfNt-te gN•etv.s sad friends et Leek AIM TbfiMmtorof-1ke Exchange -fie'- d other rooms 1e to be painted by Mr. Mo• table )un • o, of Dungannon. .Goo. Chas. Haughton has returned from his farm near Barri., where he had reen nearly Iwo months doing 1.11 plowing. He will go hook •r.in In M.roh of next year. Hr.RN'e BON UN. -Klima, eldest daughter of our former townsman, Ueo. Kean, w.. married at her tether's residence at Carlow on the 21st Inst., to Ed. Hardy, of the boun- dary Isle, Wm Rev. Mr Shaw, of Henmiller, nffiol•tl.r, In the premium of rel.tivee and trleods. The young couple reoeived • nom - ler of presents and will make their home at 1;.rtow. *MVO( WATER -Water woe .track •l a dept►.4 96 feet Is the artesian well beteg Christma Books • AND Christmas �'ioods All the newest Books, shown in beautiful Christmas Editions, Poetry, Prone, History, Etc. Guide to Wild Flowers, $2.50 net. The Biography of n Grizzly, by Ernest Seaton Thompson, X1.50. Moouwa, by W. Fraser, $1.50 net. Dr. North and His Fnends, by S. Weir Mitchell, $1.25. Tommy and Grizel, by Barrie, $1.25. Juvenile Books by the hundreds to aelecb from, Father Goose, Mother Wild Goose, Tommy Atkins, Soldiers of the Queen, South African A 11 C, Child's Own, Prise, Chatterbox, Chime, Boys' Own Annual, Girls' Own An nual, Leisure Hour, Sunday at Home, Etc. As usual we will tell these Books at reduced prioes. Watch Show Window for prioes. December 1st our Art Calendars, Xmaa Cards and Presentation Books will be displayed. Watch our next advertisement for Out Glass, Fine China, Art Ornamental Goods and Sterling Silver, also Brats ted Onyx Goods. Deg tlMspso.. No. is 100 R. POR TER'S BOOK STORE Court House Square, Ooderlch. bored Ise the Tobin brother. Two boars I were spent afterwards la testing 1t. A windmill will be procured at time. Tho firm went to Ii. Leerio.'s on Saturday courting and started • well for him on the suetbweet of his bun, which will be oon. netted uy shafting with his windmill. MR. HOLMES' MAJORITY IS 20. Tke Result of lbe treesal of We West leen. Ballet.. The recount by Judge Masson of the 5.1 lute oast in the recent election In West Huron resulted to the finding by His Honor of • majority of 20 for Mr. Holmes. The majority as declared by the sotto, returning other was 93, but it was well d.r•tood that the was not the real major. y, as the deputy returning officer at No. 4, Ashfield, had made the error of trans- posing the figures of the yote 1. that sub- division, thus adding hN to Mr. Holmes' majority. The cermet . of this error brought the majority down to 25, and 11 was further reduced to 20 by dight ohangee In a number of sub-dlvl.lomm, Teesm ohmage* were as follow.: In No. 4, Colborne, two ballots marked tor Mr. McLean which were ['Muted by the deputy returning officer on •000unt of some trrk marks in the some for Holmes were de- clared by His donor to be gond. la Nu 4, Uodertoh township, • ballot having • staple stroke It Ilo'mes's spare bad been counted fur him, but was rejected by the Judge on the ground that n did not ap pear that the vote had disclosed an inter Hon to vote. In No. 7, town of b.od•rioh, • ballot ouunt.d for Holmes had the arose marked squarely on the blank band above his u.m•. This was adulated to be bad and was re- jected by the Judge. to No. 4, Chutou, • b.11ot rejeoted by the deputy returning of -hoer had lo the Mo. Lean sparse two Imes formlog an angle in stead of • eros.. HI. Honor held this to be •ood vote for Mole.o. to No. 2, West N.wanosh, • ballot oounted for Holmes had a Groes 10 both .panes. This was thrown out. This mad. • gain of six votes for Mr. Mu• Loan, but, on the other hand, Mr. Holmes gained one in leo. 1, town of tioderioh, where • ballot Caving • taint croon In the Holmes spate had • very dislinot one oppo• site the printer's name •t the top. This ballot had be.n rejected by the deputy rs- turotng officer, but was declared by the Judg. to be good. Mr. Molean's net gale, therefore, outside of the change In No 4, Ashfield, was five votes, whioh reduced the m•jorlty for Mi. Holmes to 20, by which majority Judge Masson h•e decide.' that he Is elected. In addltlo• to these there were • nom• bier of other ballots whioh were the subject of argument, In No. 7, Ashfield, seventeen b.11ota marked for Holmes and; four mark- ed for McLean were found to have upon their facie • feint Impression ot the return- ing officer's initials. This was found to be the come with eight ballots marked for Mo. Lean and eight for Holmes In No. 1, Col- borne, and with four McLean ballot. In ho. 1, town of Uodertoh, in all forty.one bil- lets. The theory as to these put forward .an behalf cd Mr. Mclean was that thew initials had been placed on the ballots by om of some stamp as • mains of Identifio•. tion and It was strenuously maintained thea they disclosed • fraudulent .chem. whereby electors might be identified. The theory on behalf of Mr. Holmes was that the deputy retnrolog nflioers in preparing ballot. for others bed pl.oed them apon the ballot pad In use and had wrttten their Initiate over or 10 tome cages partly over the black bands on the Lees of the ballots, whioh eating In the same way ea • o•rboa paper, left the impress of the initials on the Noe of the ballots lying underneath. The drone probability of this theory's beteg the cermet one was demonstrated, and it eau support- ed by the facts that la every 0•g* the fac- simile of the deputy returning otl'ioer's Initleis.ppear.d and that initials appeared ea ballon marked for both oeodld.tes. The judge reserved bit decision until Thursd.y, when he decided they were all good. East W aw.noeh presented • remerk•hly clean sheet. There were no ballots reject- ed or spelled, and not • Bogle ballot was objected to before the Judge. This le a record of which the elector. of East We. wenosb may be proud. Considering the large number of ballot. oast throughout the riding, .nd the variety of ways in whioh it was possible to make mist.ce• in marking them, the number of rejected b.lIou was very email His Hon. or remarked that the ballots were the beet, .o far as correctness of marking was 000c•ro ed, that h• had ever come aero.., either while .Ming as judge In disputed owes or M • 000nesl at the bar. DEATH OF MRS. 1 URNER. A well -know. asswier Reddest .1 meat. rich rage., Away •t .1. Leola, News wM received here on Friday last of the death, no the 14th Inst., of Mrs. Tar• ow, who tor M many year. write • summer readopt of Ooderioh. Her age was seventy- eight years and her neath wM the resett- le pert, at least, If not wholly -of • fall from the poroh at her ministry seat, "The Shelter,' 1a the neighborhood of St Louie, M o. The 5t. lents Republic of the 15th Inst. 000talog • reference to Mrs. Turner's death from whioh we gather some partioulare. The accident which hastened her death oc- curred on October 20,5 1ast. On that day she was milkier on her front porch and •t - tempted to remove • chair that was in her way, Her vision w.. very much Impaired. sad not knowing how plow the ob•Ir was to the edge of the poroh she stepped off, falling to the ground, a distance o1 three fest. The shock we. more than her debilitated con- stitution Gould stand and she declined rapid- ly from that time until her death. Mrs Turner was horn in St. Louis, ,lune 21, 11122, and was the d.ughtet of Captain Theodore Hunt, of the United Stateo eery. and Mrs. Anon i. Hent, daughter of ,lodge J. B. C. Luo.., who was appointed judge of the Louisiana Territorial Court by President Jefferson early In the century and moved to Miamian from Pittsburg, 1'a , having' repre- sented the Pittsburg district In the Congress ot the !Jotted States. Mr.. 1'n was eduoated .t. the Visita- tion Convent at KMk•.ki•, III., and alter her graduation •tended Madame Segu,ine's .ohoollslktlrid.ip►isv.as east -sl -e ---et the moot fashionable schools in the hast. In 1841 she wee m•rrled to Major Fleury S. Turner, of King (:pores county, Virginia, of the United Sete* army. Major Turner resigned from the army after the Mezloen war, heeler Men promoted from (mptale to the rank of major for gallant services In that war. Atter his resignation from the army he mottled in S0. Louie, whore he lived the remainder of he life, with the remotion of 1 jar years spent In San Frenolsoo, when he was oonneoted with the banking hong* of Leos', Turner At Co., of that olty, the other members of the firm beine Jame. H. Leese .oil Captain (afterwards Oesw•q William -T. Sheridan, all of St. Locill, Mrs. Turner Ilved ie St. Leas ell her life axeapt for three years during the olvIl war. Ref family were warm Southern symp•th• leers, two of her sone betns In the Coefe& erste army (h .000.0t of these feels, wtth her mother she moved to Philadelphia to avoid the annoyanoe to whioh she was oath. jetted at home. When the war was ever she returned to et. Louis and has •Lags iF sided there. Prior to 1881 Mn. Terser resided In the city, bot In that year her husband died and after his death she preferred the quiet life whioh her beautiful reentry home ;The Shelter) afforded. The property has hese in the hands of her family since the begin. sing of the abater,. Mra. Terser was the mother of seventeen nhildren seven of whom &revive her, three seesJ� il fret daughters The sone are Ohieeles H Turner, proaldingy of the Pt. teals bed Snbnrban RsittI!{ ; 'leery S Tuner, who lives ee a beautiful estate In Illinois, everleakly the Mississippi River end W. H. P. 'fere.,, president .f 1►e Turner Real E.Mt. Company, whin► Gene ;wary h•udlse the real estate what► Mn. !b: usr owned, and .blob she gave to bee oltlldrea mere ago. The daughters are Mrs. W. H. Lee, wale of W. H Let, presi- dent of the Metobautaleolede National Back ; Mrs. George M P•Mhail,whos bee home's father was •e erre time un. of the proprietors of The St. Louie Kepub113, and Mn. Charles 11. Hoyle, wile of (igloos' ('weir H. Hoyle of abs United Stats army. All the obildren reside to or neer St. Louis except Me. Paschall, who lives lo Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. Hoyle, who lives in W•ehio wt, D.C. When Mrs. Turner met with the mol- diest three weeks ago that la believed to have teetered her sod, her eon, Henry S Tumor. wee In Europe A oabl.grant was sent him anoounoiog lite mother's serious oondltlon. lie warned Immediately, arriv- ing In St. Louis in time to be •t her bed- side when she died. The article In The R.publio closes with the following tribute to the high character of the deceased : "Mrs. Turner's death will cause deme re• gret to a very large circle of Weeds, whom she had endeored by the beauties of her personal ohat.ot.r. She was • wome° of greet .Rection, •Molute justice, and the biyhest f horror and duty. She was charitable, and seemed to dodge the great art pleasure of life from giving to others. Born a esthetic, and .11 her lite • devoted member of that ohuroh, she took the great set Interest in Its obarltsbl. Institutions." Lo addition to the above we are permitted to print the following Ines written by • friend of the family on bearing of the death of Mr,. I; revs tidings, for which terra seem all uu- meet, Or proud tears only, such as dim the ' \ As we recall her,- one whose noble worth Rayed from her promote like •n aureole: The memory of her goodness now un urp. The place of oommoo grief, and makes ns feel Proud to have known her, loved her, -she so fit For the large lie now hers' At rest. at rest ! (:one where no pain and where no parting u' She loved much, and -true kin 10 all true souls --- Loved herself last : for the we dare to hope A blest •bode for her, the welooming palm, And an eternity of heavenly peace. C. (ougiti a, Nov. 24, 1900. ARCADE LOCALS• Remember the great reduction sat. e1 fanny goods at the Aroade. For newest styles and best values Io ladles' ooaw the store takes the lead. In order to clear the stock in two weeks we w1I1, for part payment, take one load of green or dry wood for any lades' or misses' coil in stook, • The Aroade. WMyldc-ice-nerds ford hard wood at the Aroade. 10 dor ladies' •1' wool hoes, worth 30o, 150 pair. Ladles' kid gloves, worth 81.25 for Hyo. Carpet warp, 75o for 5 lbs. Fenny wools and yarns • S11etl•ud floss, featherweight floss, be wools, orswel wool, Uanllla yarn, Berlin wool, Scotch flowering, beehive fingering, Gloria rook end other kinds of Saxony yarn in 3 or 4 fold •1 the Aroade. We will bold • spooled sale of kid gloves for the Christmas trade. We have 10 dos of them, rootlet. prim from 753 to 81 00, epeeist price le 45o pair. Them sieves are mostly In black and tans tilted from 51 to 71y. The Arcade. Another lot 61 silk and velvet patch work penes, 16 good shed pieoes for 5c. The Aroade C. W. Asaaawa. AUCTION SALES. All parties getting their sale bills printed at this °Moe win here a fres notice maenad In this let up to the time of melee. SATCRDAY. Deo. 1st. --Claire, •.I. of bargee, heroism, baggie%, ppheetor•, outlets, belle, blankets, robes, halter,. mattresses, and 1 farrow noes. • Ocvtay'e sum tion rooms, oommeoolog .t 2 o'clook. - The Druggist's Duty... He should fill the prescription precisely as it is written. He should not deviate a hair's breadth either an quality or quantity. His drugs should be the purest and best. He should shut his eyes to any- thing but the eery best that can be 'ought. He should avoid handling in- fenor drugs as he would any other criminal act. When he has done this he hag simply done hie duty -no more. We tent by our new method every grain of our drugs and chemicals be- fore dispeneing them, so that you take no chsnees in buying from us. Ask your dicer about ser Haw method. Don't tact 10 tae ear. new and se s. goods. 1: WILSON, Priaeription Drug Store. lees 8sab. 'No'rkedit. BORN. 8MYT'B.-On Moody, Nor. (915, Mrs. Rohl. Smyth, St. Helens, of • eoar. INKOTEtt. Ln U toads, erloh, on Tud•,, Nov 0015, to Mr. ••d Mot Capt+l)) Janie* Ink .ire, • eon. MARRIED. MoOONNILL HAY.- Ai the Mass, uu Wedueeday, Nov. ret. 1900, by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A., John Mo('onnell to Margaret Ellea Hy, both of Ocderluh. DISC• HOWELL le Colborne, on Wednesday. No vomber flet. Jane Bray, widow of the late Sampson llowerl. MACKKN%Iii, - At the resldenoe of her fa. ttior Peter MacKenzie, A.hdeld Nov. II, Ane'., relict of the late Rev. Alexander MarKens1, seed 12 mere, 1 months rind 10 dave, Nettie to Creditors NOTICli TO CREDI'1'O,RS. In the Matter o/ the lestute of Richard To leaven, late o/ the Village of Den go n nos, to the ( (gaty o/ Heron, tdrwtleotaa, deceased. Nolloe is hereby given purstlaat to the He reed Salutes of Ontario. 1991. chapter 119, that all creditors and others having claims egslnat the estate of the said Richard Tre- leaven, who died on or about the fah day of Oo tabor. A. 1). 1900, are required on or before the Cat day of January, A, D. 1901. to send by poet prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Proudfoof t Hays. of the town of t)oderlob. in the oouo ty' of uron. Ooderieb pyousst-°Mos. Soholtore for William Janina Treleaven and Richard Johnston Trelesve0. the eaeou•ors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their t'hrlatlau and auruamee, addresses and de eorlptlona, the full nartloulare of their claluu, a.tatement of their accounts. and the nature of the securities 'if any) bold by them. And further take notion that alar said men [toned date the said exsautor• will proceed to distribute the assets of the decreased amongst the parties entitled thereto, havlor regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notloe, and that the said ezeoatore will not be liable for the said .rets. or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose olalma notion .hall not have been received by them •1 the time of such distribuuea. Dated at Ooderloh the 13rd day of Noma] bar, A. D. 1909. PROUDFOOT & HAYS. Bollcllon for the aid 0 31 tx.eutor., Legal Bale. \RURTt;Atib. SALE OF TOWN PROP. r1 BItTI'. Under and pursuant to the power of a•1, oontaloed In • oert•lo m beads. dale the 1/(h day of May. A. D. 1 , whlob will be produced at Onetime of sale. there will be ot- fared for sale by public auotlot. by John Knox auctioneer. at Button's hotel to the town of Oodertch. on Saturday, the 12nd day of December, A 11 1900. at 11 o'clock noon, the following property. namely lot .umber *17 in the town of aoderloh, In the county of Huron. and better known and de.orlbed In e deed thereof Haring date the 2511 day of June, A D. 18174. Tbt. Col is situated 0e Britannia reed, sloes to St, Andrew's ward s.•hool, Terms; Tea per rest. of pureness money on the d ty of sale aid the balance within one mouth thereof' L all other respect. the terms eni car. me or sale wU1 be th• send- ing eondit'ne• : Iia sigh (bon of Justice. For furtne •articular* apply to the auc- tioneer or to the undersigned Dated 19th November. A. 1). 19(1 JOHN KNOX. PHILIP HOLT Auctioneer. Vendor. Sollottor, (declut(declutcholch AL'LTION SALE oirPLTSrAt HOTEL PROPERTY. - U oder ..c1 pursuaitif0 a power of sale Dos t.lned le • certain mortgyro dated the 25th day of May. A.D. lee. which will be produced at the time of sale. there will be sold by public auction by John Knox Auctioneer, at But- ton'. hotel in the town of Ooderloh on Bator. day, the 22nd day of December, A. U IWJ0, .t 12 Odom noon. the following valuable prop- erty, namely • All and singular I.ot number 1043 running number In the town of Uodertoh, in the county of Huron. containing one quar- ter of an acre of land, more or less On the shore property there i. • first -oleos two-story frame hotel, 85,33, known as the Ocean House, oontain'og barroom. Lure din log room. .g room. 23 other rooms and lavatory. Tkwbotet te well situated and is °lose to the harbor at O3derlch, and has • Bret class busi- ness. Terms Ten per Gent, of the purchase money at the time of sale. aril the balance within one month thereafter. In all other respects the term. and 000di- ttone of wile will be the deadline conditions of the High Court of Justice. For further lartioulars apply to the Auc- tlooesr or to the Vendor's Solicitor. Dated 19th November. A.D. 19)0 - JOHN KNOX, PHILIP HOLT. Auctioneer. Vendor', Solicitor, Ood.rfob. TENDERS FOR 9t, PPLtFB, 1901. The mdenigned will recelve tenders up to noon on Tuesday Ith December. prox., for supplies of butcher, meat. Dreamer, batter. Boar, ostm.al, potatoes, cordwood, etc. ole„ for the followlnw Inetltatlone doting the year 19111, vis, : At the Asylums for theinsane It Toronto, London, Kingston. Hamilton, Mlmi oo, Brockville and Urillla ; the Central Primo lead Mercer Reformatory. Toronto; the Rs formatory for (toys, Penetangul.hene • the Institution, for Peal and Dumb Belleville, and the Blind et Hraetford. Exemption Tenders are not required for the supply of meat to the asylums In 'Toronto, London, Kingstoo, Hamilton and Mimics, nor for the Central Prison and Marc,, Reformatory, To ronto. A marked cheque for 10 per Dent. of the estimated amount of the contract pa able to the order of the Honorable the Provincial Secretary. must be furnished by each tender er Se s guarantee M Ale bons fides. Two suf Rolent sureties will he required for the due fulfilment of each contract, and should any tender be withdrawn beton the contract ,s *worded. or should the tenderer fail to fur- nish such security, the amount of the deposit will be forfeited. BpecIBcations and forme of tender may be had on application to the Ile partment of the Provincial Secretory, Toron- to. or to the Stumm of the reepeotive Matto tion.. The lowest or/any tender not oeceeeart- Ir accepted. Newsp•pere inserting this ad• vertiament without authority from the Ile pertment .111 not he paid for It, J. R. ITRA'rTON, Provincial Secretary. Parliament Buildings. Toronto. Nov. 19, 1900. e 21 Farmers' ROOT PULPERS T o _stock of PULPERS we willr aull - - them for a short time at $7.00 EACH, CASH,. Old iron taken in exchange.' Goderic Ellifle and Bicycle Company, cf©I? L R I C -m -O-TtT T. IT WI 11 PAY you to attend the Forest City canines and Shorthand College, London, Ont.. Practical instruction to prac- tical subjects For over fifteen year we hare been in touch . ith young people eml their merle, and the M.ine.s world and Re requirement.. Every facility at command for siding young people both before and all. gradeatien. W. are doing superior work ; ro.uite proye it. Send for our Catalogue and College Journal, J. W. WESTERVELT. PrtnotpaL The Old Firm, The Old Business, But a New Stand. fi0 Ti1E PUBLIC : We have removed to the Store lately occupied by Cattle Bros., tinsmiths, which we have stocked with a,com- plet.e line of Groceries, and where we shall be able better than ever to attend to the wants of our customers. A call upon us in our new stand will please us. Yours respectfully, STURDY $ 00 so THE OROOtRa. Now Is the Time You ue1Nd good leather in your Hoots and Shoe.. Shoddy and paper way do in ware, dry weather, but it is of no use for November wet and mud. Our constant endeavor has Item to supply our customers with the very best Shoed we oould buy. Quality first is our motto at all times. For the Fall trade we have been fortunate in getting some extra good values. Our Men's Hand Mad. Long Boots, leather lined, would be good value •t $'1.25 ; we intralu,:e thele at $'2.50 for a short time. FELT BOOTS, With leather half up the leg, best quality, only 51.50 per pair. A General Favorite. sag THAT THIS IS BRANDED ON EVERY .Hoa. ' Kam lid. Medium Heavy Low Heel. Saran .IP5o01/0vr1e a TIM coli 55555. See our Boys' Waterproof Sho.-4 hand wade. They wear like iron, only $1.00 and $1.25 per pair. Nice warm Felt and Carpet Slip pers, only Ibc per pair. Rubber., best uuulity at lowret price.. ...REPAIRING... Remember we are Sole Agents' for the lam oua QUEEN (it'*L1TY t000.N, P. T. HALLS, The Cash Shoe Dealer. LEE di SHEPHARD are the agents for the celebrated Kelsey generator, which is The Only Warm Air ienerator on the Market, and will heat your place with ono -third Tess fuel than anh furnace on the market. We have the largest assortment of coal and wood stoves this side of Toronto. Also have a number of second-hand stoves in stock. Old stoves taken in part payment for new ones. - LEE & SHEPHARD. "What tew/y Shit'!" "Neter dreamed that such Ales could be made in Canada I" "Isn't that a beautiful fourth?" "1 like the shape and cut pf it, ileo, so graceful, you know. "Yee, it's the "King Quality" oboe, and really, girls, 1 never wore oboes so comfortable and neat as these are. And, you know, we save .11 the cugd me titles, because they are MAI Canada. "Tbe7 won the gold fleetrll at 'kris this year." "See, here is the trade-amielk you can know them by" 1- w KING QUALITY.' rade by The J. D. Mow 0s, Urnt.ed, T0.ew.e. S2 a2 $2 52 $2 $2 $2 $2 Second Edition $2.00 mile IMAM At Your Post otnos The London Free Press 52 A PROGRESSIVE AND POPULAR PAPER 52 ESSENTIALLY A NEWSPAPER -Thr Free Prep is now in its filly firt year. Itis o.eantiatly a newspaper for the hone circle. While die- , ,,nishei for enterprise, care has been taker[ from the beginning of $2 iia career to admit nothing t.: ifa columns tbet would offend the moral SZ eeriest of self respeottng people, . THE MARKET I. 'P^T1TN-Are full and up-to-date, containing 011 the latest (;stub.., American and English live stock and grain market., $2 with the roast up to 1We news, 52 VETERINARY COLUMN -A new and l se&fleiterel nonwlucted by f 1 Hodgins, V. 8, Honor Oraduate 0 V. C. Articles appear every Saturday dealing with .11 vlaeses of Veterinary Science ; atm quest ern 52 Mel &newer* flatly relative to all dlsea.M of animals, tc. Contains 52 val abie'tome instruction for the farmer awl stock owner. FOREIGN Nf1WS -A complete history of the doiup.11 over .the known world int Iate-t awl up to date despatches, 2 COMPLETE CA i IAN NEWS -By telegraph and naib kaolin parte ;2 of Canada, part'' itinr .attention being pout to Western Onterio. SPORTING NEWS -41 full uxi coni tete with Amateur and Profeeeion al Sports -Hale Rall,Cricket,Lscro.e, 1;olf,Bowling Foot Bali. Hockey, 52 Nkating, Horse Ratite', Trotting sod Running, Hand Ball, etc. 52 1N POLITICS -In Politiel,it is Cortoervative, but lir (:on.ervatlem has never prevented it from doin justioe to or upholding men of both parties who do right. it ie the organ of the people, irrespective of 2 52 party, and make. the public. well-heing ite first consideration .sp In feat The Free Prene i. the moot complete and np.to•date paper west of 'Toronto ; from 8 to 12 p&goe through the week, and 16 pages on Satur- s2• day. It Is bright and readable ; sewn for old and young. rieosnifik IU (h1-yuQpost Mace fer $2 00 'b the time to' --s subaedbe. The London Free Press P't'g * •., L't'd London, Ont. $2 • $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 Farmers_ and all other. who ego Hardware are invited to see the good. and prier« McKENZIE & HOWELL offer. This is a splendid time to do fencing. We ba yet a pretty fair Hesorttnent of tines of our soy famed All Ftgt.n FitectNO. ifnodred. of rods pal lip this pet in this locality, and invariably it is said to be the best farm fence on the market. We have a fine line of House and Barn Furnishings, such as Lsrenee, 1It!r lIt, LOCEg, GLASS, PAINTS, VARNISRw., TAR PAPER, COW CHAINS and STALL FtITIIRta. A large importation of the batt ENot.t.H SPAIRn and HHOVRte has jnet arrived. These are marked down very low, Onr new Rt.nRtn g HRwt*a MAowttrU i. .Il that 1* claimed frr It., being the beat value ont. We sell then' down at bottom price., 1t . ha. point. of excellence not to its found on other machine. McKenzie Howell THE PLAOE TO BUY ALL. HARsiWARE OHEAP.