The Signal, 1900-9-27, Page 7r
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- urn (ionlrany'r auto, tarn, sre +bnwlrlg these commuuleakil Acting Secre- la even worse thlfnp, fax r t
raxflJawutsw Wduy, uud a UrWtk uwy 10flTUflE Of MISSIOIrAflIES tart' Hlll nddr lint "til there entb wlotd kaw, ppistitic
■car GEN E fl RS M U S tNry tool Oplxrltkaa r r . con' ;%q
UIET � ��� assn to tbdr rauks very axaL, at til+ --_ the Wdteol `Ttntar Iflulrtor lu Ynklu p #
Q i '';F q', uxu{u►u lin 1 riswx*1 the 1'rewler'r reterouoe W llr.
y, ugh General Kuperlu will b1 uuthurtac+ot to eater into rrin-
t"IdellL IAAAUIa, atgulu nitllrincaaa to flues with Earl LI nett I rinco Ching l<Si r. Hi ':
'- ltoy nkat ad nisch Lao the lutml gut lack 1 as the, immwliate representatives Of pTTRCKED !11' Hclrrdtter, tf>UP M Porto r, raw
i�T�� One s E es Burned Out -An- lu 111% wo the 44fe t., lir. tho tw torr,.
ij' �� W work th�•lr lH•iuuudr uu a,w(rtny tau IJhILw+w hmporor.'
KE REGION. y lu:aua Ur t1'. fbe pl anti the two Ks- ,
ewpluya+er eu•Ikutvrly will Ira Lalttttt up Thu roP:p' tO Uermuny oven mute oMlcas rlrxdA is lauwal unolrr the pro-
stud oxohrlJderd. other Burned int Oil. p5sInly {wlnts to independence of nc_ I P
Tho 1 runrl lvanht 'coal Company' ileo. ttartlW of tis+ lttirsm, with a guaIrf�h,t
rtufnlr W n rlmllur porltko, unA .�..�, tee preserving their nAthrlal el; -
--T""- u111r tww{saedmr are rood} to du the CITY OF PEI-TA-CHU CAPTURED. Prrtruyed the ArsruuL onto. t
other The ikulas ti trf tee tip do nt le . Tia: Biotite rejected the Schrw!aer M", ":a
Loudon. Kelm. 23,-111 7t despatch to Elands River Station With ataaN•lidJn,ilt. ant by a vote of 41
• • uud 11111' decided xunuuacewunl that lwod011. S •Pt. L' -•-'ph • NIO. cow our- W1B Foralgu Offiec, date,l 1'ekul, rtept. mgaitw: 39 de•id•d i1', go Into Commit- ,
Troops Distributed to Repress tiny wUl ttUt alural with their uw PM{ntea,l„tlL ,d lbe tltnndgrvl mryrti7tt db (; (;n1' -Ise, Who a"muwumxk;r,. of
p:uyuer lhn)ugh the llailsm !lane matwurer like that nt Itlanlovaw4 WW ITritlrlu funis hn ('lino, eunfirind tarn of supple attluut dirclhsl,lDg leer•
Workers' Organisation, togethep Guns and Pompon, }suet's nx,tlun. '"*
with the briy(lug or wCltln lulu w+r- ,heuokll are to anot1wr forua tits Order Wr+ re{xwts of lh'o capture of lrita !IQ
• vice, hill) ret the striker" heInto tills of lh> Flu wltb Lir' btu ,raw tar w chu by the lex lucid ,cut°nlatuied by British on the Rrontte-.
Any Attempt at Violence• y g Gcrk, 11'liraw. Hb rrys the Boxers were 1urenyt Margin, Sept. 24-BrWith
it) llhtkiglg, nml they realize that w.,W are overruinilg Matnetlurka. tnjPu euwpletcly by surprise, and pntrolr have rr'aclled the Portuguarw
the b�attle to apparently gu:ng '1'h s.1' cortllrr ewandte fnot.Gun. ureal loot about fifty noon. The, allies final BUT WAS DRIYEN BACK
against them. Tho washerier which M sort. Demi omit uo to crodr e 11ri-
1'w cnsuulYkra. 1 w,u7ulron of LTae lien• • rah) Ir lo, the ,tilos hf+ld by the ttri-
ONLY ONE KILLED YESTERDAY "xra/ed all the wrynrk urn still going, ke+, zebu stunt Iia,.+ hs th t thexltY• _ T>'
{{ gal L:Gtcutm +and a)rrw lfap(lwrr oe- ilei. The rhllrtg INw'rr+t of the Doers are
Nu ctMsmlcr hos broken out uuy' Tho leerraalxruokut ada4r tbnt thel!uar .msroyed tae&til-Hawrioaaraeitl wit 14- to u terrible (rxmflthxa.
s where 41 this reitlou. The men are i tkoubliews Ignorant of th- ordersth•it cwt e+llcuuotcrrhmg alny oppwtti(ot. Tile ,
G eco+able uiui are remaining away I r %�
_.--_-_ _ from the mines. have Leen issued. lie •further ray" 'AIua•rhe t auwt the It's. of We Brit- PD y DEATH IM CLOUDYUflSTs
l i�e cdlb•ri4s ,111 resume work S[on- tli7at its lafurwer loft root. +1 eerier irh, thio SK-lt. l til. ;wo hu at Hrltish Cuntrna»drrr Aire »R BIR
dant', {uua'latanl u rlatlxl+m: aututu>r rat til _W kyrauef ItUw _- tl)e uftleor cum 1'f klu Ott tigrt. 1tlW1. Twu husoire f tisula of Ilurr ttu Iles Hon
tin Gtrl Supposed to Rave Deen Killed Is Wttl°g Better----a,SAo Solders luin,ir can be obtalawd.' It W bell^wed utanding In Ilan ltufta, every one oT Cha will ctlon+a res Ltl Britt-trMi-lilt Frlsoners Captured-14ptrtted Her- �..�-
a dint Most of thein will bo able to work wb4•h cwttahw th:+ wort* "I I aweet•ln l'lauakr SlneaL, for Wee days. ulftls
un the Uround, alooea Closed ■nJ Marllal law Prevails IteaJing ter W Chhua, fur a few duyr. byte oil Boer Irdrpeadruce In the Thirty or Forty Lives Lost and
full-hnh e1, lu 11'+ al;uwf>d Lor ,pule p aue.tble vitt to
kt)mpany Closes Its Collieries at kequeat of the Sheriff -One Man's Tile eoll'aies. In the Mranh'ille div- }ear." Th) corn s{omufeat routra mte Enqulriu nt tlte' C111na Inland 11i"• Cape Assembly. ;?,
1(emarkable L'scape f nom Ueath flet N'ho Uld the Shuoting Were trlr-s started to work title morning, th•e actions of tho ltuerlitlls tat Maur rhe ellcitcdl the Information that Pretoria, fie t, '23. -Gen. Erasmus• Ranches Swamped.
but shortly nfterwani the loot were thuria with the rho" huutauity ut D
Liu vane. unrhy h enMcK were
All Uoa1 Citizens --Strikers titickinY to Persu.csive Tactics. ,efe•rfau.kdl to quit 1t' nq,n+m•ntxtives Adonitol Al •riot(, zebu In aartialg hal rani. euw!klantk> Af awe nandred men, w►iia'' ALL COMMUNICATION .CUT OFF•
of the rtMkc>rs, Thr*+c>Ilierl+u em toy c+rt with Lh" ow[rr, and su gemtr AfIN•rknnr. Oily the llcKe"' t'arb
P L 9 hxr born ax+auliYlttg BoLharberg. de
Phi'rtilelphha, Sept. L'1. -'Phe tray(- tea of IW uucuix•r whir hit, Will tit- 1,1'iUU. that liudlrla it playing n aloin le guo i juga and ssion IN were uu the (•Lina
edy that lune beefs looked fur mince t+11114 d to clues, in +mt thy• offi••iab. Burne Wormers. iYuinK different orders iii 1'arhil and laluuot itliarlan ,Ilett. The ed, must terday on Etwo rivef st:atua v,1' Lnw*Ho, aleph• w Daiaespa xa . says
mlwiwnrl(xf, Ie watt rtftted, mart U•nfuy with tau guar and a pompual. Timer fier8ld from Dallas Telnit, rays
Tb I a+tn u -r ldoey weret ti O' caned ai� quiet In sir t. 1:2. -All ISamhurit. The gurriron, which numbered looks a cloudburst !n the Nrwosa Riratr'-'r'
the coxal atrlk++ wear Ittantgurntel came deP bclahg k> other wtsnlglury arganf-
rUarl s, ooh •1'u they wore Imlrrloxxstteol esti quiet In lib kegbu tilt morn- - - zatitrus
"uddenly nnA ane yoe;telly ai Ween- fur Leu INxlr". Tiro, Glob threatenal to Ing, about 110 of title striking mine Nex4 ('Marrs Capitol. / , titan two hundre 1, drom the Do-rr off � ,
audo,lh lhLr afternoon. `lr+rlff T(n)'e I.uru Oh • otable, but 31wr+ff Toole, workers, em 'c ed La the Wart Fri(, -- -sly, thief} miles west Of the tuter-
rrt no tits: It) willing on the uom- , till twenty deputies, arri%od and Coal COuc pan ''s colliery at Moc•au- New - Yu:k; tlpt• 21. -.til Iuyl:er'al K(,w 1'a,rk, t+ept. "4. -Goo. Yuma• with tt la Ilse. The 4c.'v u+trunith;r laLcifi: Ruud, much loss of Ina ter -
k 11.r•rm•d th•ut, uud flu wine ufllfab 1 y darer• her IA -en rectivM ' here, guat.•hi Ilan stated In lift Interwlow u�st°tart to have been clov;!n. Cute riblo tbui and mttcU loos of IUe it it
rnumkr of rho 1Valitlu: Gurni of T aqua, Wirt) went out y+eatertlay, re- th, Pekin carni. umaltmt ut tIl- Herald three esti tint from tlhlrty to tort} Ital-
n•turn,dl to (elr Motors. The_'dherift 1 taut Phil zero mltowud uu y municntlAn was interrupte.t tax ro:ur
h turned to work thlw► alioru'au. Aa tau c•aldow, in utmaxutring tlr:+ ,arrlrul O( sat+ em pl od ooh the titeep tmtecnw
y,•unrylvarkin to rend troops to aid th•-u took tlx+ mase to Iudlaau Rtdgr "other miner cadre Idle. , alayr witain thio• ter rave the lour- 1 oY
pilo lu keeping the pence. .After coater}• and escorted aowe workmen ah+ }'unmet uud F:nu lecr Lcominar ut hurts, 1'i a (,timer. h flu tau .lour honor, but her rlfau b: en raxftor I Koro drowMia trill all tLe tutu mor
axfauu:-ting the wtuto uullturltloar ut up Centro street. 131tanrokln: Pa.;' 8el►t: 24.-Notwlth T!al_1'u7tn-t'u1 Th+ doors+ cwltuntuplm uol and Adwertiarr_. From Take, Thtr atteraoot-8 ut>}py of I, rd lies I*,am{sei. lLlny flakm of sharp Tawe
HRrrlrburg, a Sa te, th ritie at Stones tt'err 11urIPA, stand floe P►fortw of rho oxer th, Goveruax sit 8hAjlml\Pruvlaue; W Eu lirlt laits, with atm pleW hlrtruc- laeo•n bet asld a large auauartt of prv-
dg inR 1 rate milacy to build it rah a at sf P { rrW proclamaLku of ycsteraaty, an party destroyed.
to refill tnoPs to rho turbu:ertt re- a1' the short, nope td t 1 taxu+ regarding gazes, were found Ia tlowncin -
y again neartA the Lebl h b; culllerles ha thln,vi- Hallett -FAL as tluhtlr InUadrtlawil I. g that bur wind Wbu its set From the mods renight Latesma• 4t
g Chlrrese officers' quartew trarwlatsd errd rolyntarlly vrtwld ilei be teat
gii„t. A'alley mLat1(o lir' aw!) hurled stoats `rinitY realtmPrl work tib morning. - --- ,r -- ----- - into Chinese. L1oD t it magen tart -night. eirted n
tshenandu[th'r truub:n %,its procdpl- at the oppotlar and u #Ikot wua fired ta'mpto were aim, made W work col Plrrtes Cho Assaaslwi. out of tiro iottntry, war root to Ueh ytortll dnmrtiva have betel lnflbted m ftp
feted by rho rf)aalrtg of rix culllerler from a mnlioun. The tileutes then, li+ri+aa tetween here uud Mount Car Twuuty thotwtnd Jnpust>w tawlw Ernsums, who app�•ared imlifferrot• tihe Upper Colorado and Lilo Con•ho A,i,�a
there th4r morning through tits ef- o e•ned fire. They hxmUmied toward reel, but mcan:ely any wavers reported. Bang Kong, 0 pb• 21. -Thi French are now at Taku. • A report Is bring spread amo ng tae river valleys, 1mrti: uiuriv at &rut flour
forty of strikd L'ndera. More wfll Mfa!n street In floe tttc+aitttme firing Tho failure of wen W gut W work war,hp Awulanch whL•h Irma teach A French Priest has arrived from
ries• til -morrow a1' a colwllnry :act, awauted tnobh. ` all tee cullw rk ' th killing of ('Iubthuhs coot tae w[wtrru hills with seventy Buser that Predbkent Kruger mar nut Drownwaro<1, Blanket and t3tn Angelo.
user Sol) shoot&, nod tp• trod) hurling In !lot Rati,ig db+Ukll 1'l n1'tChilla ire- over se wenttiti usJ guns tendo left tic country. but Is coining wort Wirormmmunlcaticrt with all theme
ft i« raid, wt tar p"rt Of the 1(eading ntbeJlw rot all klndr. ()foe man and n wow lu'aw:ly guaaroleot by ovxtl std Ina --- p>lao e+ it' cut oft, ntrl 1Jhe railroad Innes
('uug,nny. Thio b dile xt the re- littll, girl were found lying [lead xftrr police and ,pd•lal uffi••ers. The rtrikerr rkrt+ that the crew* of eight panto from iron. bedmteads, the first sluts Brltf@k Slake Ii1K Hunts. ttamagadt so that no trans can reach .' S
qurat of .•QlPrlff Tx,'e, who tuopea In th, sho)tng. Tha crowd was firally scored u %ivt,)ry by hulucung Lea leer Junk.', by th,ecaullvanee'of lntluential from Whicb kftlert twamty ik>xerrs. them.
to avoid fu ther r t. tWnt. ref th) Main lot the North Frank 1xv*o"a atrluore, have suurrh� w ticrstroy They had held out until twenty daya I ixildo b awpt- 24.-eA despatch from Reports Iudh,•ntp that the heaviest
this uatawer r it dbryred t and flit. sherlff and a Ini•s all th:+ Caabtlau vtlh on oa the Call- a u:
n•tirrd to }'1'r .ash lloute. rho mctaR Y Y i I,oM 1tolxrss, dAtrd 1'rtrturnr, }lett.
ktu. Tlw ouRhwk nt ulj,bllght, tr>w- � lin cullrries aL TreverWrl W s n nt clamage Jai. nL Baan :Angelo, alLh„agh r
ever, W dubtest, as tIts foreigners of- promtufl)ht fr,tel in S enautl(►nh, home W day. Iwmdermof tits Uni,u lfltle tun delta . -:' --- 2:t, confirms tip rltatteme"nt that many bridges In Browawood . have It
fprterl'by to -stay's hiappenings are In louring the riot wtnfbws were A1'o)rkersBald that within a few drays 'Storrlsou•s Protest. Vatak'rm^ewe's comman4lu tried to been wrecked. It h also feared that ..
as ugly avood. bmk,•n, building+ were wre.-Icod, and a thwv,lllery wool(, toe tied up. A car- Pel-Ta-Cbu Takia. I„n�q ck,�, 24,i.Ur• �forrisun, the rum' a figie, un the British.a ndimidw. many lives have been kat. The lout y
Shut M'rem n 9rluoa. number of perm[xw were lujuredl. koui of dfputliw went W tlfe mine Pekin, Sept. 1T. -Via Tales, dept. "TI►+ Bo-rm nlust have regn'ttedt leaav-
Yeklu curremiwatadest orf the 1' stet, telegram fmm Brownwapd, rent out i
early tarday. It iR operatadl Ly lh' 20• 0enerat "JunaBr $. Nilson, the wiring_ un d prt. 19th ,protests Ing txlr camp. fur during Lh-lr nD at al>oet 10 a. m., stated that the 1
r'TN•man,tulah Pe., Mept. 21.-A other- 1'Il`-IadrlPhit h Itfdadlu to l told nein s+tier It wnm ca otureA b Pt) et, wlxr
Ufs pudrr fired on a crowd of riotoup Hasletm. 416.,- 41ops, YS:-Cftlm,u,xs g I American commia4dcir,__�k Pel-T:a- against -what be calls "ata unworthy 1 y B town was floodol awl entireiv our
'revalb Wn lutn{,uny, and culp!oy" alaxut ;Akdltu+tr (Xlu tilt tuornhl+eg. No aletniss of ill out of.raauktllaa," u too art of to:>k ";L00 cattI:% 6000 ah.dal►, n►xl rounded by water, and that people i
fa•n neer Gore hitt x(terrlcxat, klaln,( 1 t+oogbdwt telae Iw•hlKh 1'r- and bo o. Th) nota as
axl tits niurnln aftalr bave bees scarnart out tae Ilrl- Geaoral N'll.ruu'r edgoedltloa, uuwely and geo(lr were being remor pd to
tau pers(au and wuuudlog uthen, R g . .'it) olttnrJlual+w t ►' ny alit' fol. attr P T.,.twaa VY rifles, and sume'at mi Ili• i
�iwrlff Tuo:n and Dei)ut!er O'Du1a- of any nx,aN+rnt N'efr ngrurted lu any up' it) tax nx8nirhg that all th r thou tlah uftlrl:a x Taco reeelve.t u dem- ter nttom{a to destroy the etrperb `��"a titres [>t mtety loft' n>wbuats and �
sea nod Breunemon were caalled to hart of the (1lstrdct. Then• wit" still would lelOakil at wurlt during th+ .patch - announcing that "the tells- white Pagoda hl the te»hp:o gruuatoo- raon. Watts. --.-___-__ k__.-_
a kxN+ Irel it rte wblh mind, out uLrikea a pox were• tukta accunling to u1'• ft 1'el-Tn1-(Thu." }brtunxtely, say'n "Oa Sf}pG mtlor 0. 1tetIluen Inove+d Bnlletnt from Temple state that
8krdrR+Ntlav4 it) da,v. Lo supprrrr tLa le6 I fu 1uCALllftiJ, _� mli s axtrt of elle Vry- °. -
mlo1S" that threrteael mine workers the awading of truo{u t4 .,41•alandon-h. - %r�iTFjt�-CutfrfrT'4Z'T1'orC--. ttre .->sate6r�` Av+w - Wk►• [7ulos'ado grid .--
23 m'" from flees, waw gener4tlly re• Haselton. Pa.. dept. '=f, --The entire It Is expected that General Wilson too so, hl- Dr. Morrison adds : burg IWIlway st+tt [>tt• � rove a Santa Fe Ral4rotd a're under wattle F
tall e•, Ikry prolperly. At yu lllnK wit move os -Ben-Hn!=Thos (tis 9- ft fee ted that tlhs orders to idiot} [1'f Bolero .b^tore him:cupLnrinst tO the ade,tl of 1!, feet rmwth r>f
tilts• thn three sheriffs slid w mmaA Rarvkef a" torltlRlrtg 'mntto•r+r to n }lorrltan ngexh vat n;urtool ex- , �' 631 catt'e, 3,01)0 5!r_,ep, I) burros, t
rrialtt, and the aitum.Ven hem H there. trvakely part tilts axirail The M. Kla-Tien) ant deAroy' the Clkisese. Sl. l bion (the French^ Wni,iter), to Browilwood, anti that nothing can
peel wtu,m rho rileriff head rummoo- alt nod J4 akxlkeyr
ei1 cat the ground went to the Indian torr+ somewhat rwltscrl. Armexl drI k Kru,m(•ree m ser at (:marl}' unit. urmewa: sat that place. withdraw, wl!I be-rountermawled. „I,o!a'd!aarew slnouil Ile ut Fie -ter he heard from places up the. line.
Liss WPM dLstributRdi near nrobt of u Nrhall ofxeration, wartiaxdrh, for tae The Oermlfaan@ saoved westward to• "CoinmwllcaMine are sti:l deplor The rain Is lrx,ring [town and mtrenms 1'y
h{tk1Rr no tory d the heading teem- 1 y, S ab: - bad, mduy telegramo are never rlpruiL Ntltk>n to allay. Ian Hawlltauh's ftlll rising• The cxnntr districts
to,rL_lhs__W9rkli g IDe4 to the roll:erles, card akwtg aevrrnl of first thni+. anal the l•:,*P. axdllerg of (ia uud Il Is ctuubtfu; it Lite cu- y
ikil' •1Ls�-11'Jooattti -g4w f�faLk+iillifi:to the tp!n• ( B..3LetLle_3t(' :' aced in, thetuk%4wur-MI.Ta.[� _ �_�,,_��j _3eutrayul .co:umn will G a few tulles ti - - be,henrd-from.
♦eerta t- -- 11tr �nitr4v4.Wr
-- - -
-�i>r1-d6Tancr eaa't o-TI>deneudoa$ l�lr�7• ---'--- -' nLoat lite ®tltwioeber-ss-»tt- r�� s - `- text until this mortltag.
T1he re wa,r the unual nu twi- of la not, Ithstouulin tie wtnen ef- rounding country i* -free uf,.ih! •en- "General Yung Lu is roturn'ng herr (91 until t oommfwg. must have
--Thr ti'vicck left fir tame rlortly N ' Y• R R je 'n! R U 1 ,a, I
atter 4 O'rlp[k. T1he walkext n tit rtr:hu•r" out Mrly thio m,rrnutK try torts made by tNe'rtr.kpnr w kap em)'. to aWltt In the }y+ctce nsgul►ntkons, Y 1 6ATNEflIN6 �� SUPPlIES1 1,
y p to pr•Isua,M• w.,rknrm tort to r t althoagh the Foreign lhnldtera latch 9ufftxtiaI name selraml "f•ua I re 1sarWd,
mYtdle of FAst Centre mtroot. and iVt all ttu) moa fro n K+►aag kntu Na+ telae. Nu wort Item been e+eelved mom the ns as u Iegrdal just TUCIPIvet tr,wh
8th United States Cavxli,v column.
rhfdf the Lrhlgh A'alley I(x11aa>adlnto tae mbNa, dna Lary did'not mn•t The Lattinrrer mitar,e were retaor6p,1 W protested altn(nat htr ptrtickaattuu.' , ';`. ;
with ale wpeh Nu -m,ow rte on the fire- lou tied u r but the ludic. atflcluLr Where Whi 1l la operating In tba northrltt. -- fagot itym -laze c1' tturing nide at- T�
Bt roe. Here tail gathaQv.l n Ilirge t • _ ga ad it Lor17a en Orin 7 )0 aunt .
crv)w orf Ibla►., Rlnwm fie«f Ilea nr `'!oar dnya of tho,weAk. Thr• mtriker" mbl thele colliTv war rcorkltlg n1' � France �Wlth l;ernlmny. _-.-_ -__._ M•urden In tluu Tal. LMg 1,600 at►eeh. nlulall i�rinuta>rs. 1 p ' r -
were easeful tint to Barry their her lhaalnl with onl fou mea abort out or _ i (TAf Fhat is Lord Roberts F-FiRG�iI I,
stir women tall Ml!tdrrn, wM, Y Kew York. P.ept. "4. -Tho Frcncfi Another despatch f1' ` ard' Hob-
IJIs 1 trpt hillier o+t the rtn+et. 1 mh ,t raa+a�o•a to the ,mitt of Lntind tatarMl 1,1!10. To ,1ny waft) ez{le•tf J to zea- Der:ln, hk•pt. El. -The German For- unloxtt Avalanche, fo uni all c ll"A in erten, dated Pretoriaa, Sept. 22nd, •t
rang out t n aoloont. Tali) war rot Chum avoMing a (Nonflict with Lha, t~ tither a big break amo:hg the elgn 061.[x1 flan received rep.i;d from tf 1 ' Work Now• � +
rile tint+ Till atxtrlct; says a Ifo-rald gays :
lowed by a er of "LurN+r. Alnny of lim",tfxn otrAery or the grdag (rut of n large Italy, Austria. and Franca. aKreo:ng. etch front ti Kong. - Tile ,din- "Buller re rte that, l8 burghers If d
tfM rmwd ha u r Rtl,`k9 uup Thu strike a,tuation wnR pn,r•ticatly nddltlprutl ttumter .1'f mint vdcorkPno, without reserve to Gornarauy's Clhtru► a4srlof rh1g, fin •take{►, 20 ,' y`j
f turlx►aee arose thrwhgh chlntwo so!- aurreaclerel to him At ,
but neither Im rend. Rc ria, were p too flterx luful.�ri a c,atcoxt'a mdlcinc at Devil's Knuckles, and several more' +
- ------ -- -- __ - - PI >" 1'o aatL p ng FEW BOERS ARE RESISTING.
---- - re elvedl here from must of the\ min-
- , "-- 4jr, The ontlw"avak spread to every nt Lydpnburg. t;oroo of the [ rial ,.
_ _ _ - Ing town that ttNen were no Wg Aurtrla Wl�k };erninny., P• 1 „- I,I
atrpt ro
u Ira t. 24. -Curd its re
ii or ]noes on either si,l" -- - - ----- viii age, sal n gtn(aal *Nott warn node Light Horlr, where returning f1' m salon, Fep Robe
Vienna. R; L'" It to lmrnrd of c)u,ertn' houdms and mesons. 'rhea• French'@ ex xedttiva, ca tured 20 r N I
7►t• r - t P P j I:eNts (roar PrrLurkati ur*ier dale of
titrlke o■ In I R1'nerf. that Auotrla-Hungary' half a:ready with n great slaughtr+r of watIvem, floor @offer@ awl 2l>U rUlcs. Sept. 2J, that the Uuaards. under Pole Y•:
._.�__ Krrw.natalr{ - - --
----- _._------- - - Pl:emt& )NitTi. i s., s
nnmrnt 'eettE artatbM'.r prett wfaa-avutaB+lrJ -- - --Kari--;a{su2a.-lsaaa- 4 a+aew-c- 9aealhin( IavIDlttipoori - t#tls-t
- - -- ptvpt/s1ar, of pruttset!oa 1W, the -,flat vola Utie:uw. __the German .Forelgn, 4ukuaw of the ouLbnyak 'wan atirlbut- that letnattihuont uudrr I.b;ut. Bre¢ nloraL Tho• brlitlrk wrl* fo°thd In•
- •--- -
- tnoolitt' I"4116T to tacOurag" 0115` m"1sA pone r a m o c .
e - ( tine 1WWerr. of tht) anti-forrlgn do ckl! question. Boero who were c-rlrmming the line, Lives and truck kwulm of "Long Tom" \.
\ pn+crsrwl n rlafr'VO to onstknlrt as Work, ovement In Chlnta before the open- a ,and this morning found len fabfandon- Ammunitiost were captured. Only a
\ . mal time strike In•thly ra+glori vlras to- ling of peace negotlatjons. - Missionaries 14aerpe. ed wagons, line, of whish writ hull (of few rifle shots wero fired.
' 41aay tnols extfinntco than an time dytttimUe. ii tletmtte pad a:"n been
. .•, y I�sdoa .� ., 3 L[xd Itntrortx add@: "Pa t has
r mines the "triko ane.b3gun. It waw \ Burned Uel tits I+:yes. t., _1. -Thu! .lmpriaan
xb s'ntedl that tett ° ar>Iiretry In tar vl- an;r+!onfvfes •1. H. Rob,:r:s, Mark WE- Inid under the railway line in several eal,tural Ernrmma' exmp. 3,(NN) rat
' l - / R' htmgtret, tlp}1s. :1.-A d, offi•ial. t pflePal, but the h:taiy flight of the tie, 8.000 f#Iteep ald 23 pritenere."
_ ��yy ; y e'aity of Lily city hrul tv�tttarerT ofoPra- Isale. RIINam KpragLae. liras. tiPragrx; r"rs revented nnY damage being „Stethtwn max ft)nMr arN>thPr b!R *-� u
!' com�m lu:eati,ot, cuminq ttild>ugh di• sad JIIaN )'irgluln I it ,kx;k, who les- P -
tim tai, mrrrrlrlR. owing to the fail- (tone." tool of etf> k."
v pkxraWr elharalaeir, wits brought to onkel tram Kalgan, I', of t h -i.1, w
lire of the empMy'rrs to report for the attlen ha uGa tLe l3Wtte Lepart• Chlsa, In June, aero chataa+A ta•ra"t the In another drarpa,toh of to-dav'm v The Rr:tlsh Commnradir•-in-Chi+f in
' ; rfl-�
Il i„ warts• date, Lord Roberts cpasflrtsa fhb re- Doth Afri<+a xlw> re,00rtx Lhnt the
111 t 1letwaRes rebelve(i .. from var!ots, to nt t(hdn d r i I the Y diol ua- way or Ri t. . and ha. ju tceeac by ,
W the txlnctltlome In tiro l'an tea- W of R[berin, tall dace utas reochoxl Poet tint Gam+ PO:eclOck t of =Or [l hew Boer Loco v 1'l arttrng :ll the ,;;' •
4' ,t,� torhnv lfn iia twRlo(i tannoufte+ed .that g J Kuauatl{xport at 6 o`clock flet morn'. teultern Transvaal ass rompletPly
Aver 'ni!IM from Ma.hafrov ('it to Ash- Klanq rnl!esy, nnA alma g1rinR de• I o+h Goa to good health. •'
' y a tailed and\ fully authentcilted In• Altltnglal. Rept. 4.-U-Ifun Chan itg. 'Phe brilge een adef, but pre- ••out it hand," aloe ored i they am molt- •
\ /(I iaD1, Including till+ Inttrr Irinte, awl i� l g- q rxtlnrw.hnd bcett uredo fat ltm ales- ly barghPra, the fondgn uN•rcwtnrter
\ !1{�f.. stau�!W-.Ut 1Sa.IL1`s..111-0fil-'exlRime _ iQ i(�lJllalo c�tf ci:a� Brie_ Pt'
fS �►nd► rsiMrsvMr,F t!a►s foiF:v trncttvn> h• }ovrRe trna+aart4 aF-tsl"415- laeving nolle to Lonrw b(x ams. ow-
\ \ `'a',l ' tIw000 nirye, Ptnplocrl }mlalnipnlly by of Iluuxn x Linnet C'hrlatlaul mireloa• that, la troops, tit obedience �'o �Je n1 -
\ v �`.), 15,
PhundPiplr'a k Itanding (Prat and arae, Tile account b given by ale order, ar+o huntki_g out the Boxers mo':k war captured ne well as 16ou- Ing to the I'tratatrnlfvoe Kovenlment
N irrye (Um nor, nml tIM Ie h! h \'folio} vt:. tiro Uhristian inirmionariem who In the Yruvince of MCI. They have nurticea atul _ammttnitlon for Long promleing to tnnintoLin them while .�
w'8'w1�So {i dDNN MITCNE�� C' FV N CMI compmny, Were flow on s*rlke, wx•,apred, and who makes the report IdAed more thein a thoaannlof them Tomok. -_- there. aid give them pesrtge to their Or
t+� ' CREW% R rl'r. ORCANIZER ratvl lndtca`Irwsr flair mr.nhlnK ixrintal tlnnougn the officials of the Bovero• fit Bangchow, anti daslrrsarl large
o respective countries. •r
E RES IDE �___/ ton tdleanrmur t o Lin t'e np, meuB now furwaardnlg it to Wakshing• b>dlem tit�Anrub And C'•hachu*, south- Diplomacy rt Work. { x"`
km. went of I akin.
fatrd4f.itritf tltRteA I6tfe Wttrtrrw 1',f .a the tits wtlnwre dlrtetirlg taw .An at/ f'olll_er WorklnR. - - F.cmrlon, Rept S:i. - AconrJln to HELD UP T
este (k,al ttrlke In peansylvalnts. -:-- pfi+b4a. Foo. td tt 14.•-- err 1'.n ncfA. npltdflsia,Enbb readt,l-Nueln` �1'�thet tpsPu T, �`-
- rM•I tit IsP by (iPfl. dill Al�r z ,
----ynnaycnt Hrmlersork, of tM I'htladPl• xnri finally n nd1 hd t ntf tvttr drew lAtiang adtic tint 1111 murruundin lett Wle ik,ers b not n Wge r
---_.---_ + 1 g to their p2-rsldteht defeat*. Tut lm
_ _ A_ Rta Ced th t mixt (oda- ,.
Innmdeml ern+eAtMttgih1'a tktesrew wa`AaAgasl •tile► moetYaR. Afiln did[ 1'n to in t•six Imo k. 1 atnWher twee awantry d h1 f 'h ut ire re air leer oartl duo to di lomae Thr edxrw• Four Robbers Risk 'Their
Ing mnauner. --- pant', tap -fine showed shot @dzLeera of givvm in LIN+ rn(Nwt, . mllftioolnrp ilia ten rktvar• 'I'IIeY ore returning i Y i Y• •-' •#.
OrderNi 111• Mia l0 P'Ire. All tjalet-sed Idle. tire. 39 exp.lipriP* owtarf) by Lha rum- waax wrnppcl In cuttoat tar, axottun to their farm%+ evgrywhetr, Ix>uci•ut art's a1', W .usable GO gice FUtU Sm I • -^f�A
`e.'Lal thin• the ihheriff, who tied Rhenandoah. I'a., Sept, _2, -'ill wM pxlnv warp. working 'thtR morning. w•an mooked In [At, a nd the n1Aaa >et The a1' slln [k s th t th eBritish brit •he re fora a I Sumr
a►tiv of exterminAtfnn is tiro
prpr urlRsly rnnt4xrdl his troth to kfrp rPflat her" up Up 9 a. m. Tnwps Megan Tills was than minp+ last than on Nan- own fire. The misimary was burned re nnant of thA nrma• I.I-Ilung-(:hang gorenzi that the Itri ire Curtin s
nrrlvin m>on attar My:1 ht, and a+oxm day. The ndditltrut.1 rnllif-Hes tied tip Lorentfoklan,kaelc tall floor 1'axluguete ,.;,�j
rad ^al not to ui+ ti AW firearnla g tD aleath. find when Ito was Viceroy of Chili.
mlamnn,ldl ttN•m 4, firm. Thr under - there will Je :,ri(m s)1 N4t on the nre In Ito tMnbony region, nadr Rte- -__- Gorrrnment entered Into s dlplo
Theme twat comforlAte the befit mr,lilern
gtf>ated. t±aloone ere 811 clpeat, and n:uriohh, and uroerat4(� 700 emp'mPaes mat• scheme to end tie campaaign. COULDN'T Of iN THROUGH SAFE. ,1'T
wow.Moral with terrible rerslts. The I.frtelun,• Rept. �4.-Aamoh�ti tg to'the it Ch!wt. It fa al4rarent that IA- .. - lV '`
ore" -;l liufwaerl tar therltl 'and -ala inertial law previa lt. The colliorlm are h. Thn Govrrrr. to twmpmliled by an
1 a'k'n onrr(vgkorNhennt cif tau deadly \res, Nuns-(Ainttg la Cn�rving out lain rfo- offielal of the Briti"h Ctmsulate, will L Aectin, ?iFb., ticp:. 2 „ Four mank-
i,oum+ to the F'orrgua" Rosea; wlikerwa islk%,.having en closet by tae head Iv he re >:. ]641. LINT Ghlnaf:+daxsl:ar�e clnrnllou tMt hu would oI1*troy tlw {qua~--1Le>m+tLllrporl Lta•Jaht�Tnosday- el tDn hptd 4p Lhe�ex�►ress_c at oa the
they took refu e. -- -- -j ei sX at din rl`gt►Oaf�f l It mor..;auba %7-tj;tTat mlir4srm- T`aiw- 1f81'K -" -`l 9t. 1011 M 1Portlan(i-�flr•er-on e -'�" "'p :-
R WAS ISIS OWI SUfl6ED r The cthat xxe b1' achlfi Lhrt he
`h.•rlrf Tmle aaiaovtlY at riTs. � iia orvler fA evert Lmllirlp. rravK• anf 4111 F:m}penr w,}I in na, e+uvtt, Tie Apspatob tatttser ta;s flint he ,•;, Bnrliagtm # t' •-- -
tele rli duet to ilarrimbur and a.Ited Only One Person Killed. return Ut the Im tai punct, in Pekin, ham loaned orders ensorUtig the safety Mxrne tint Leo bridge nt Komnti Ro• ttrira'Y $flit Dat)
R f g y I`r'e ort wart maveil b Preallledt Krug early forint' n+'ar fire vLllag► of Wood -
tint n tletnrhm•nt of trvrq+R he mput alx the•: hold that It has best dere- of the Cattho,Ir• nttAolonatrion wino fire 1x y i"'sl'i_
Btlmaulnnh, I's., tl1p1. 21.-11, level. em's Interweotiol, num teJ b the Inwn, n few ma<r pertlhwa)st oI Un- ; o_
hem. It w•an Ieariw-I thnt Adjntnitt- 1 tilts moru: that only one p } �� i cratoI by the Intnusiou of the harbor- ho:ding out at Chong-Taeg and alma + f P y ooln, a•+
f,Ptwr:at Ktewart waw in Milivi'llphla; opo a[ Pe Man led Brakernan s-FirstAid inll,. - oTth,* ngsatrrnrrrtr@ zein frpA trorrl 1SritioU Cumulate.
end n t1' stn. Hike YackavaRf, vrnm killaol oast ti Th?w itrlrot)w-Unbia attitude rceiv,em Pantie eArlr len th,, trouble. Ile tip- Tho rrpms thnt large numbers of The me�nTdit&I til': w471M {1N +K` �
legram wan Rpnt film there. lght In last'a shooting here. R Ba•n are turrtvedcria Lo rho Icor• 4�kr• nn 1 cirknnwll:d tike exprerm messes- ` "
Knowledgpe Useful. confirmation Ut many ragwrtw-emaaat- clarem that no nnxlety need tie felt tt r "t
ale 1(cogrrs reo(+rnroA emna c rnnmhf s@ p ' 1 Luglwen and lretng placed lu ill It n r Ra'r 'p op" A tar I(xnl• safrti who h they ,,,,,.
l.lst Of ('aaURItIPR. I haus hf1eT taw M111:4 rtrUck mor ------ ng from Rharglal. ono of tlNvse 14 concerning them. LI -Hung -Chang t l.R, el Unly n enroll cum rewarded tiro
that-Ife-a fa y W Lim idenutsoiat4ona seas ex{„acted to -arrive -at -PPk41 on Pa►rently wrong. bowl' burghers nave :Oot erm.
Followirnlqg r a lint Lor the killed is tpe baack of the nock And ens >o, BOUND UP SEVERED LEG. of Prince nuan nlNr ot•Merw by the N'i(•e- W,pt. 23rd. He re-otved on Rept. TRth . surmndrrrd, Ante POMP of tndxsai sore bl* nx ' - ^n T
aekl woundeol: etsy ip n /air way a>f tal(lattately get- toys, no Im LPrxl ;Bidet, dated' R1' st. (he• arnnmmrct:hnk of tbA Pr{inn fort,+. aenpytug the hurtnck", while ,others rte: ocx!li trot toper► the
Birt JArvljfk-,at. X. &got.-'hZjhls I 1 g :Trough mate, wh1L h ra>otainaf a large
"4G#1eoF-•Itft-Yerkavngr, mhot fn the -- }�e}r, .tenlok rm:rrt lroletrt}y �r+'lir si TA}w w++m-Tw{orr LIle attttelt zees rnaeM are camped- outaidc with no rettrlc• _ 1 ,
r; -a i{sile Iola rwrlN, 1ukkPf)wa, -- ]L� H The :s!sclrh>Iernto l jan,t ttmtrkahic pdrrrk, nottpind_. with . -!1J Poxasr p»ik, m)tn [d t»cat►P+; nrn1 thio robtderrdlt{ np1
t� Wuvem ', aawl- rP W tine ea the forted. Tho eonfromindmnt not(_ tarns pt°c•ed oft them.
shot in the back of the ne,-k. riot Y lay, everyth'tIR caws unlet nttu er to haat It hr}wp, '
knovila*e o>f. what b necessary to be lwriplo• that Troth th,• Pr>xrrm ant Cel- fled Ld-1lwtg-Chakng that na attack Eighty I:unr wnrmo Ion,lyd with ?f}n4
Woundold (am fns an rail Ile learnedi) I Io•ob,v T stn (buncll np}ro ntet coat Pew Christian are Chlnnmm wMr was ex ected, and he noted rmim- ammunitfim tint] rifles have reached Af'er gr>IA(l tnnengh tiro loeal sato _
nal Icemen to sere during daao it mndcring flrrt aid to LIN+ til- - 1 Pd Ulo tiro lett tar express car and dis- '1�
r-%Jlltard (isle. aKad1 wtaamat C.(), hal•. �-' - lam �Jytl!_�1toPdwn lm� •r dl Trrf.tectl•u. If defnntl-•.kh�It7atta-.:i-Munn,_ _IArI'Pr►[O. MarinCi. - _-_the-Hmrko%rfi: -.-Ii- I*
.M wound near the heart, Hp ,no tNi Aphm ° in corfolly.`ifo rote n T1 filum L: Toff, A brnk+'In:an they quietly Airipnrm to their hom^s. ('hang stint a m.anenger back with Thare is wtilt uo au t an•
th 1 t a(wfLL11. No erondt losRd Lite txstrolrtl th+ trnln at Lin
tittle dot his @t1' Pntse Pd t)0 •ere New York dlvitrlon of the }:tic The «11ct po'n4f ions the !s 41'im ouclsrs R9 [slue thettht but_to axwncerarens oar tea ooh^n (hoot. ito:ertw '
S p. _. I wan• tt► a ourpp te' on fav -_____-_-_ _ _ _ - conA, shortly. Atlee, miihl IIs, __-. _ _
___-__ F,itgT7truT floiR-'$rdtT wet„y .
Rallnxa.1, pn>bnldy owe him life, lfih Tiir +h:• iri�►r• raxnmeu tt
Kk•h:u+l a•4anlan, elneft In the arm. �- to rvnrlintp eta at dpmtnul. Tin mous- �►-iTi� r�hrn
Anthony RknrnaatlAs, shot In left of the str+ispo Fnim'.on, who tivAa In Natnmurns,l a,, Afat�ngul,4h between "I and bnd manger dl•t not return, nu d thA �fi;(bt Africa. lint the nemldentw of Durban _,gdaa
Dlpposat bf Troops. Nnxers. it onye, however, that If tha ensued. art N e „t
s►rtaas IT E2 rnllhM hntlet' I ite }'ort Jervis. oa the hf Inware pMpnrinK n gredlt re,•Pption toY DEAD HEATN NIS EN61NE k" 1i
Iain Whsrtlrkrey, aged 10 yrnrm, t (:enerwl ,i. F. R. Ckrbin, I,IPnte'tnnrtt• MMI IT[o. wt:dl mrltinnn to AMrnl- ,� elm. HP and (dere. Bn(dPu•lowell ars
shot In the hnnd : married. illi Governor M the State And nxnanxnd• •ItI or, was annployml on an 1'a ntbound tile, they wild too di+alt w tin summarily. extorted W arrim there wlmultansdoua r
^ ems' e'--... . rev-evviVrir, 2" yeavtr Itussln In 1lanrhaela. _
tint In hist shoulder nt tin bnrlt• I canna Natrnnl Guard• n ' mand When neat.r Rarlrey's he fell Crum n adilet rnnkly cieotarew shat rao 11th .ant *t, t, .,•,, A, m. -it ap an- ( (, i►Fll sail (v1' Ise --_ --
:(Rte Sacltwka, short In left Mono• Willett rMvM here lx)v car to the track• not the car Lf+nn enn Tei vhtiet'oiMTiinilT can Dido no>unrnQ farm >zt.' FcteriibnrR that 'inn3 - B
----- •..+..+sr...�..
,f the trona Passengper Locomotive Dashes
r l enrly this morning, made the state- wteeelt', Panning over hie lag, cut It off grate cngn:r,y has bn n mado. Ru.teln mans AefinitelY Lnten Duet all _- t�
tnthony Axalm.ipp, @hot In left mens that he would diet hate the lust above tae ankle. It la- bel`awved In oftlelal clrefaw at thosp rrgions of Alan:•hurla oecup',ed ateyn card Heitz. Into 50 Feet of Water..
d,ke, serlcwna, a 3-!-calib le bullet Ire- soldierm hptweerl fihenandaMh, 8s, P-I:s ng hh prwltlon, Eaton Int' Rhnnithnt, t at I'rinrn 'Alan has been, by Sf lwoclte -tidier", and a proofa-
1°f°� Nlrhnlns, MahanoY ('Ity tart tptfaet g11!etly until the last car hMi pa,ewl. lees wlil'* promot,wt,to membd,rshipin mutton hale been Issued to Lire jean )le Lm[kM, B•pt, 25.-"iIoomm. Stryn _
the Gratin Connell and that thol T_ee- in which It is I tPoi oat tint he aand Iteltz," any* a dmgr,trh to the I
-�* pxdnts after tiro had leebed ika. hied bt'- a o0alMmw-ctlorL hes await {cal .ii( mlb -Tin w t► , r�> 4 iwsrwwtat-kiwraiaw
Injured an taw Other. field. rrrnn the trau'k tb tiro toast, ons of Wl- �e pix lntan) nnnezation finny ire regarrle'd nn pun- 1• will remain with the fl htl fi ��#-
tiln vinc!'al ilei R alg
tmo+ng thomn who were inlurod try a- gwa f1' t c'h'it traitor. nd Im prod fpTo 1 t(1'. with tFx! raotorlals .IslrrrrPns ftw the thin^k 1'm a vvn Mer barn, and IL ts ettlmntel Litt n tint Frnncltao, ('tiro t{e
rho rlotPrs were tin fullnwln t NRrrOxr }:aceto. IPg war hlf ad lli>rt fatly, tall hp. klyew Boxer Kang-YI afar h!n darplaty hen•.-1whpnnk. It Im styled "tprriblp vpn- R e ashes >x
d)rce ut iksprtn aggres(rtting toast T, Banta }'e tpnapesger enplt)he avnshe(i +at
dim a R- }:dwnrvl Clnrtn, w1No zeas Mot he• tlwt unlexm tar flow wfvre promptly RPnnee;' noel hApO is PxpretNlsf tint pKp lot 1_•0:10 I* plannlrtq to,hnrl*s tlnwgh n wharf aft I'olnt Rhlnnxtd s"1'a'{
►It FSedding, or itlnRtorw-n. ugly 1 *tKp}r,I Imp would dle K.fore emustance The ti. R. Posittlon. Ft• will arrve ns a warning to the In- the Dr1tl;h Itnaw of rgnrnuhlcati>a" ytertrnhnY nnA tank fn fife} fret nt ,' . a
Rosh on right forelaend, enum,•l by a , lam' the b•nrt, had n remarkahie arkld rnneh hLm. hahiLnrlN to t
hrlc•it. i f•w•npr, the bullet llnving been ex- Washington, 9ep!t. ZR.-T9lthontt dp- the power of unser, carr In with it Hear A
hose tfdl nal hr I@ Im torn in to-dn n his ricket wnv sk Tart,w rrd hand- ltumift, ifnrr Inde- y g 7 ,
t R y , finitely breaking with the other pow. pendetlee. Allan, Telegrapher Mulcabey and * .
Rotr•rt Edetate, ngedl 61 }pars, a Into the street to take hj)t. Tear Ag ht:s Into tArlpt zea+ The Pastae Proviaret. �, }y,�,nn Popes B. Adams
lnprrv,ai mrlorutly try lxlnq alt with ifn hnA Rnra the twit of n mom nt. ant h* bound era• the AAmfnlwtt+ttlen has t+'aarly Capp, Town, &• t. 4. -air. .T. 1V.
sGmfw. I Ills r• Ir11M1 ons def e►rp any when f j .� ladk!wted tea pr►1Py wR(kvp will its Thw Nrwrs trR dSttnnr. th^-LtRniteT pt'oTUtplsnAtlet irf TM, load} del A.dales b plfMed els '- '
b t hem .moa 1 tar stum r. With it aC U i m sivr}rcwrttant 1tr RhR elf --
('hnriet Rawlnnd, nged 3b, InJured hp re:•eive.t the wrnmd' 1 twlst(s1 tiro Mnrfage wtttl It FursnecI by the ind fkatem In deal- lint mtatfw fhoV tit(, sltuin'ton in the, 'Publlo Works, Intrudivef an Indp- na►WI a hundred tars steel at �w (',,
.- the All collleriva around Rhenandonh, ty( wltth the Chinese Rltnntion• Yang•tas Provinom tat disttinctl crit- rendo•61; Ir•f.oluVon In th V P the bottom of the bay. The two
I Deck and head by stoney. lerame tight that tiro blaeJtlhg yea" Y p r r,._
_ ('rPPk nnA wllltnm 1'rnn Wow ,.hel-1 1. Thispo:ley will by pnrennd with the teat. Prince Tuan, who bas now ob- `'nr1lanipnt, to day, dre•l.iring. that t►le r►tlwr ..". etraped with thele Itr� t'p}1tF
The Troops Ordered Omit. ektsrdl t{ zeta. dot n mirtP In the 1'p- Athet pnweM, it Ponalhin, but this tnln(d1 ,ontrol tit affairs, Irks milbetl- spirit of Inds outer,. ;n th- Trans ----
As tis t rnot•et was below 110, IN
FLirrlahur Pn., fee rt. ll. -At mid• glon wart w,>tting todny. The dept)• M built n and than Government wla not be n putty to ppawten of hM cert few the esti tall ornngr Rtvpr (rrirotP+ might Y y His tion.
R. 1 qts wMr wbrp with Rherlff Irloolr 1►rePatOl f1'• tlosel an Nearl KIIIPA b
flea tiro nrzt wiaatbrltn! tonin. Th's any lnternatlAnnl atlptioon and ron-' oinVIml" win) WPM ai,mpeeted (of, irving I"• kept mown with ba y,eprta for n ,
a1Rht, the 4th, a+th aaerYll:th Regl- ' Inxt evoining rind 111.1 the ahooting Nn" rnRt fnMK Nn. 81. R,v sl nAlI1r,R trnvArrY, awl will apt lwdfp ndent 7 Rnprt. tlm•e, telt. It vloxtld rive alar Thd Lotxket, Ont., hoot. LR,--feremlxh •f >., 1'i j
soothe, \ R 7 friend) 1:6 the fo1b1 aR Iluok'no14 2118 Alaltlasd strent in I
the Gorvprn)v's Troop rn 1 were nil @elrrtPrl from the test Pit Nl:h Max ng tat 'ks he sttt+aetwl tit,• It it bei {fotadh.e to obtain bitrmoniutta Sing r,, 5
7 C were val;ewl ons, Ivlth Iefvl. of HhenanrMaah, tall the t+ ellen b R 1srw of P-mith .Afrin• h (arthro nn �,
dasher y n11 the Goir"nments La- Ina teed Tmu lee nt YlrtArl.t Hfrrldtnl Inn ,s oleos run
altrYntloa of o o ryas, tele fl111-4 , t1h, d, rn'Irdl for Ib+ rawt,rrht'un of 4fon &A it reeltlt of Injur'fet Inflict-
-- �• Goble In crmmartd.__-.._.-_ ( (xxt fiat taw were the scum of _fretted._ __ .___. _Tits l'arL__F,oeropunadaps.--art---the n lel!
l rsrrm vf�fss Otrtrrr, `r' , th tfr+t:7x rt+taRtrrS 1')f th r t� f 1Y+s
�''k� fest - anAprstnmkr Lhat tU M ht'• fila 1411". Willlnm. n d;'
Lhr eowntuY In nntrne. They wrrc ,t«, bnrlKht file to a stop, In taw rPP1J to ftsrmtany, a1' well plomntd' whbllea. - Rer1 oyPar"•
AI}iK UNpte IALK 111/f41iM:1). forty In nnmMr. Patrol wax hotel It cabnocr, as In taw 1'r l' to Tfip sppAlfir tn- nPgutlntkpnn rrinting to Chinn hnva i Tfi8 Pr,emi•r, Sir :i. (:,)rd sa S o The •emirs( npan W tMxtght to Mtn•
rolacheA an nFnNlrt uft t mer Anne. F'or or>hr• tlms he taws teen art-
,vlaen• l'nenld the for �i1, gDlritf Af RnaRln tart t'htnn., taw In- prcredlentpd rx>u• repllyd vt '
Tbej tired TAHr Iterntrrrs RnA Riot --- y' tentlbn of the linlUtl Hlntf•s In mnde dtttFm Af rnmplicntion. Awrerica'a re• ►ronl:itp, xJvwI11K Aln Nlner Ing atrnngel,v• an.1 oh FAday nlght
//nP MaR Threats fn Retarn to Work. hin, su m)mfortaille M IMP unit' to nddrr,lra h noel( 40 lf,wsrm. hrng,•t•
1hf- trnin rcn^hart 1'n mnnlrest. Tfie memrArnn,ka hnndrrl to Illy to the German rlrandhr amtln- ►m"auN, enRrY with hie Inthrr. m-isr.1
S ranton. i'm.. Sept, 2 .--Now that smrlevAs, Whaarf, h and 8t' vn. n T,rif an, xtrwrk him over the left
N. do Wol]nnt, Lhr Rn stat ehnrRe, nafvi t1'► tsy keenly dM+nmrrol o I the Ih
Bh•nnnkorh. Rpt. l'1,-Sup•rytwnd- trope nre ill tb• firld nn urlrertaility Ing len" AmpattatAA. Re holy Ilvp, anti to the Minew Af'nUlor, eontom- continent, and n Ihall'I TP'egra h Ir tlr edmrReof tiro+,k•bate, 1hp 1're pee, frnf•tnr1'y( the ,tall. Yonnq }pass
pat kinin Tkw,l I iAll- 1'o^emtn F'ole ♦w rowing amrong miners harp nm W - P mar, rrf•:rr mt ,o tie• Atinvifs ok rep kits els thrvcntnnf+d to kill h!s moth 040
and Y R I'ms!,lrnt (iia p:atp the nPRntletl„fl of al Com- nrwmng(e from iterlln mays the (for• }ter w•ad tlw
flreeker Roare .Inrrkfw amt At'm. t.h^11' fut.nrr. Fmm Forfat ('I�v, wfiPta lq(latrrwv, of tits (. I''stn, @,I I Wua Ur. hra er, Mat he wltm >ma•Pntwol from ,k>!u
111th"II, , Y Ft., left \f.xattrxll,(fpe the Par!fln run.�t tP swttlpmrnt by the Anly n Ins- man (iovprnmwnt I", twit dinmitylid hyi Rr•a)_.1•awt on�tnllnt. 1n the, 4 Lry, wINI i R
R.;{0 of In,ilnn Ll'K• fv>Illerv, nt the 1i'l1s1,1r (i+nl nn•; ino (iota 1',n I wA p.pnlp}r�+rlentlAripm of the o ers the fnrthrw vWetiev. nml wait tnkm to
o'cIrWit thLa aft,rn,r+r w,re M- ha4 two h'R minrda• 1h^ news crmem y'r+vta'rday� trot dint reply to 1fr anti of Chinn,•• 1 Rtaaten, tlAre(xdaR toMtlns Vlpena nflat It "'" MR'only n capitalist 1":t ,•hnrgp hY the pnl'rw. Thp father
Lmrn1"K bronco frv,m work when they that mnnv men nre dtvntipfle,I with fTla;k I.,tj�,• R* & 041hrt time. This inn nn Nnd unrormorlo"u for a number or
wp*a aroma wt the iMI hallo♦ xLa- to potent mfAtea of the strike, mild ltom IL I'nkfAW has an n t, f 4 R" rlfnrly Maks t0 tAt aotrsarrrtAens of the ChmnleM, stn !llr. f• \. lferrlmnn, zein v�aa* (.,!-
¢� rr� ay ro-operatlon of the pnwprat Ant, Russian re 1 to'(iertnany Is tn+. + helarea blot tavn.ght his eonAltlon M
The I'Y o f,I cal h ,IOk+ nmlatnros. have annr«rrNrtdI tlw'r lnt.,ntF„n to R'oL 11' rAN1,(X)'t Rrrvw of anrAn�- p3' ieh on.:al Trvrmm�r•r In IIs• Aphr, hoer Ails- ac„n,ewhnt Imprnva+,i.
Rnvcrca wlthnot An,y reference to the attl- eA � vPry friendly term", hint. like i*try, ,tn•Inn.l in an Imlxowiourtl
Tip m'np nffh b114 d rw recoivpra and I:ark to work (u, Mnn.1ty. nwn', Innrt. whtrh la. M>w rml!►j'et to, note which the other nntinns on at- #of Amerienn note, It, Prnctihally mpse'h that, anow+cwtlinh woWl r,drnit The ('h
fl+eof. TIM moi btrwmp furlawhs site Tk• DelawRra I wPtnwnnna •Wes{ entry by glielltsi applt_asW. a on the gemtkmt antwert� by dbmVp.ovts of the proposal. Ia England's bring Hoath Afriea, and ed 900 tto ithe Texas YRMItI t ndrlh- r
zea ,y r % , ,
......, ., `N+ Pry.'. } , , '" ,;:t° r , - +,.. ,:," ,: ,t - a ;Yti $@arra a
„ y� y. ,err- - ," et':
s • ,.., " `. dT'i,: 9yfat .roar ria,- ',:,, .«�; A� �. Y ,
? a
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r I . P • ° arra .. .. -. ... ., ao " .. - �, "p».�Ta, ,'�, • t A..
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