The Signal, 1900-9-27, Page 4-- - .
", a ' ^4 'sea . - r,: 1^ ..tft:.:�.-r r....x _ ,,�...�.. —1' 2'=Wlz �"w",A"4L &i.&IMI W d -Tap(, , wxgwArt• w a. x ;., ..:,- r L + H,
id ! r�' w . tlib�' !► +° ' w'W 46if»d r r , A !I . 1 . .
�` r r +',!l'�A t,,r,ir, ' t 9 j �' ' ii gy ? .-n g ,tt-"".•..ani ...,OItD.1.tzz',,*,W
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I_v4i,a..rarre,,,L.�,,sil4iaerio. it��usie�:..r-w,,oi..,+w.:, iu +•1......,�,L, ta,asa a.
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;ail.all 5.f ..I. �.*L,LtIii"t1�tt :.c",�iom�,�*',laa "#�'.'i ',.
Lot in the mesa of his seven hours' Elmo►
,at0,' ` THE OLD
e- tkd
L 6L E.
this I--_.
a�aaeaear,� a�arar �/a�aapaa���
,ut -YAM - - -
Time e•eurfl r'aw•w • nrbw ■r. u,tsaf- t
T r I f f
—HDap GIUSIAMY oh•Mse for • (fsa•tor•
•tea' H •l, ta, AN Ltkalr le fere Mere. I
flip u as UIe down grade, going 1"t:
1'In of air1a*n til the roan oavaili wen
all las u,•u planes las► Friday eveaag u
Razors I Razors!
Razors I
7'as (1111 M4 the Old t, •Ml the Old
'*Pa 0ounwilor Cauteloot
Solon Hard Coal
Policy. And they aro trying to put the
After the reading of the mloute: the
cferk wastabout W read a lel tar In regard to
I In fancy dealrninjp and ornament pr
All gnat wMgMA en the
where roe get m0it IM. for s ra< -
Old Now in it.
the graeollthiu walks, when he noticed that
istsetion will be wour'ed. -
The gostlew(w who bought out our atock of raz)ra ao cheap
-Huua Jonx will col meet J. ISRAEI•
" Mas anouymOY, and it was thrown aside,
forgot to leave their earl, and hereafter anyone dosirons of "pur
'I'Awk In dentate Ill Teevulto. Ifron .1,,"s
The G. T. K. roadmYter wrote that he
had had the team renewed On both aid" of
Ghosting" i MAO kat cutler eto , of,:., chits I will kindly
- q e re' y' I' y
is of a retirink disp,sition•'
the track sloag the Maitland road, had pat
• cofue in at Ithe front door, ao ►hat' we Ht ,y "Mai+ you couliug.''
the twenty tour loos of 19000 at the Ap
A brand new stock o[ the bent ItazOra Ju.t put ill
-Tap political color line is well obser%I l
preach of the bridge hill, and had east a j
;; :;
lit the Tory aggngoltolt Huoa Joust „I
o" of plank here for planking the eidiag at i
ura h
the dt'a communication was
�'pt••-- ... AMMUNITION.. - -
Mas wears a roil necktie and Fos•rau look,
toltha public works committee.
'line all of the time.
F'oglneer Kelly advised the purchase of a
We lead in all kinds of"(owder, shot atilt abellm," still are
-Two goal Tories weal from Goloil 11
large Cirri wire transformer for the electric
lt,l Sn cilaa Powder."
the sole agents for the famous "Robin eolAt
light system. water and light commit-
itobiu Iiextl Ia one of the boat eutokelovs powders on the market.
"IStrattorl Saturday toatteal the Trrrtit
tee was riven power to Oct.
It i4 perfectly safe, can rte used in any shell, said hills equal volo-
IIUGH JOME love frost. As Aargau•
WAan would say : "It was It mu".'
The town Solicitor enclosed a reply from'
the clerk of ,loderioh township to the town's
I city and penetrativo power to any powder oft the market.
complain, 1° regard to water coming in on"I'm,
AN effort is being mode W have FORTES
the Huron rod from the P It w"
*aired that the bulk the
run ill all Ontario tcgiatituatic Wr should
of water
water complained
of came from the railway, and Mr, (]arrow
We have a large stock of machine loaded Andlm, loaded with
to sea The Spectator gel him the call
lake 'W
Hamillon,here the people know him
advised that if this were so the railway
sompany should be asked to du something
common black powder, Robin Hooil powder and Amherite pow -
I. -lit
about It as well se the township. The mat..
der. All sizes of shot,
tar was left in the hand■ of the pueho
-Wa N Ht•nll •IOIIN said, "N'ha•II be.
works WmmittN
I�iitg bail C1NAsuEl' he forgot that
letter to the clerk from E Ltvlagston,
('11ARLR never got there, anti was put out
Of ly Gh, wY Interpreted as practically rly •
tog up the protect of removing his business
,, ,y; ,,�,,
f tae king busilew by the voic+i of the
to (:oderinh.
The following accounts were referred to
the finance committee: Gutta Porclu fi
AD. Alian
-Ws mitt the stentur tunes of that
Rubber Mfit Co., Toronto, expanding ring.,
RoANKIUJmB of ddrato, WALTaa Huaruai s
$360; The Olobs, Toronto, advertnst°g,
NI.NTArt-9 is 1Ir It t,um • u and $6 60 : 1). K. Strwhan• work on chimney,
i �� P"R ' $169.65 ; work at waterworks, 11'27.50; work
ser sh uW like to [flaw the why Yd toot oe w•tertag wagon, etc., Illi ; YayNe HIS.
�rr ---- wheroforsi. -- Co., Loudon, waterworks supplies. $9.34 ;
a /gl,gg� � —�-- ' McKenzie & Howell. hardware, f'd2.85 and
��lruµ JI -FROM The Mail we learn that HZNRY $7 y] ; The `Star, prictlov •ad advertising.
E / A. POWELL, of Westmoreland, has t,Lken to $19,89; John Brindley, work, $1.
is PUSLUU"M studying the Bible.. That iv right ; HENRY The report of the finance committee re-
Eo$RY THURSDAY MORNING A. 11001. it badly, amt it is las bit hope,l he oomm•naed she payment of a number of
Son Onto. It was adopted atter Mayor
- By M. McQUA4C7tsts1 will Ise benefit". yt Inmos had given a little feature upon
�_ _- -- -- ooYbtemy, with Imme-il•te reference
-Huai. L C. FmAsea was right when he to the way in which finance chairman
90DIFU02: TNURB"T. /MPT w• IM said, ..It is the same Old Mau, aml the
Holmes bad brought In his report.
—' Some Old Policy that the people tui.tcl out Bylaw No. 14, to prevent persons from
/t• W. RIGHT'S HUMAN PHONO- in I&*,, And the Obl Mit° F:ta never ex-, lottarlsg or loafing oil the udewalb of the
GRAPH. - ---. _-yt - Laws, wY read three times sed adopted.
'need Resor - \ The bylaw enacts that so person or persons
I gonv have been wondering at *half be allowed to loiter or lost on the
I' q -Tea .tory that is is circulation that, :treat Wroers or stdew►Iks N Y to he an
the glib manner hs which Heon JOHN MAC. Turria matte Niagara Falls afte'r he gut obstruction to pedestrians using the mania.
I DONALD hos bcau spreading language before through making Oanads is not sur entic, 1, mall be the duty of the town constable
Ids audiences at the Turrah meetings, for although it is ag ly true that flee okl r- or .my cou•table to enforce the bylaw. Any
smart saying: and the telling of stories W own than one ent•r•.t Violation of floe bylaw shall be paubject Gu
- __, the peuaklan contained in :eotfon 44 of by
point a moral air selutn s tale are not in wurL. - i- law No, r1 0l ItiTS.
HuuM JoHN'r mitt, so to epmtak. The The Mayor Yked what authority had
-TAaTtt a WRNWWon, `• We have s few
secret In now out. One of the beat p! form bees Rneo for the extension of the electric
friend. left I" Y its looked clam the surging IlghV fystem to Hamlmk's evaporator. No
neo u the ed BOBbry in A. INW. 111AMWK1a , who trines of humanity at Sohnter Park, Mont- ons. present seemed to know anything about
hos sttox:nnded iloBlnalN,:aAM " the It.
real, proved that the Mioi,Wr of Pobli
oldef Tory organiser for Ontario It has Hie IN orship also mestluned that there
Works is not ptiJen to exaggeration. Now always bow cls med that Hata Btavt" were IS v complaints aloes caws' breaking
if Ttlrran haul been there what a mc•stcr Into eardeos " night. Thera wY a little
8A1ied success Y an organizer lay in the fact guillering there would have been. discus -ton on this matter, Lot nothing was
that hg knew how to keep hie eyes open - done.
and hitt. mouth abut. When A. W, WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. On motion of Messrs. Humber and Koox
Wwomes,,tdalms were before the T __ _ ___-.--.-. It was decided that li*id d: On. should be
manag*M, it\wse pointed out that his ape ' NOT A BAD IDEA. allowed to put down; t granolithlo walks
pc in Pat t Y tzar would le rive the Toronto Star : They are not an slow las o front of the Redford anBrake blocks on
' 1 Uhica after all. A woman living near Was. the Square, provided they, would do the
party d soma a oellent platform Speaking. oDow claimed that she had risen from the work at the Yme pries Y flash present 000 -
nix ALEctz met b the characteristic dead and set herself rap as • prophets". tone.
reply, "Well, I 't speak, but there is The seotai of the toga had her seized and After the discussion of a point Is oonneo-
nothin to hinder a Trow re iu beheaded Than he tested her claims LT ala° with the carrying one of the bylaw
g P l K against street loafing, she council adjourned.
speeches, awl telling o r men how Lou, de• askler bar te do b stain,11
liver them. It doesn't m brains- to Ix a - DUNGANNON.
Phenate[ News, Lomlos Eng, : Every NoTicr.- The local agencyIn anon
t'ociter. Any old thing will o, with a little Im rt.n'.: �Austr sad enterprise In the
DO y p to. Tan tlw.NAi. b •t the o'4 oro of J. D. Ant,
, practice." I tominloo of Canada Is now adjusted to now J.P., conveyancer. R4, who wilt reoelvr u:
ALt01C 1YRIll.,e addresses a it
a e- ooadltlons. The improved state of avrlael den for subscriptions, advertbtng and job -
1 work• and to authorized to give receipt: tar
- eerrteeI to the Tory audlenees,- HutiH lure and Industry bas made a dsmsgd for amounts paid for theYma - —
all kinds of household supplies ; and so meat A A. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF LU(3K-
JoMN is the phonograph. it there hos been an enlargement of the G. now. will resume his trip to Da°tpa•
--- -- capacity of tautorles, an expansion of bosh non h Amit.-Ist and 3rd Rrlday each man*.
FOSTER AND THE OLD LIBE L• apse both wholesale and retail, sad a gen- Tcc DAV• Sept. loth.
Wool revival In all productive activities. Hems AND THERx.--A. Plato• who has
AT floe TUPPMR doulansttalion, Hasine Is so easily and naturally adjusted base a resident of our vtllare for arrows
n et the Remands and Improve the op* three years, having recently disposed of his
Strathroy last week, Mr.' Fogyvx, who is r., ISO of good times, that we are ant property, left on Thursday last for Tweed,
food of talking W "Old Liberals," came n I, • . the c. idluoos from which Canada county of Hastings, vis Gederlch. We
scross one who gave him some little trouble. 11,m usly emerged ;but III" memory of wish him and sanity coca"@ in their new
In the course of his Speech he asked any W I)* A lti<J6 b no' ..."y eftaoed from the location..... Mrs P. Smeltzer, of Lueknow,
bu.lne oommonit� ,.i IOe Domlolo°, and was one day last week the aaest of her
liberals who might be in the audience to the mag• ole of the chase* b shown u daughter, Mrs. Fanny McNsyt".... Mrs.
raise their hands. A number of men in clearly Ip •olal returns as to the prole. John Brydges, of Goderloh, is enjAytnv her
parts of the hall promptly raiser( parous 06'•_11 seen on every hand. Theme "11 visiting bar parents, Mr. and Mn.
theft hands. Mr. FOSTER then amkexl any Show that M• ominlon hos made greater Thom" Pentland, and also other relations
of them n give n reOSTE why the ed any headway i the fgrelgn markets during the in the vicinity ,of Dungannon.... Mr. and
8 Y Y peat four ),ar@ t o
Wit6during the long and Mrs. . Jardine, of Ashtield, on Thursday
vote donoe in the present Government. costly erns c went' Dvisited restriction and u°- of lase week vted Mr. and MWillis
A calf-poseesseeland charvoiced old Liberal aeoemwy Impost*, I Reil, of N "► Wswanosh.... Mn. F. Ma
promptly iwspondod : "Because they are"THE MAN Will,Ks*,4 Ills wonn," Craig, a former resident 0t Aebfield, sed
a better lob of men than those that ded (lwonto (!lute : On Math 6, 1893, Mr. for memo time at Thewlon, recently came
P quith John Macdonald wIdU the House of to Durgianoon, where, we are Informed, she
them " The old gentleman's ready retort , °mos: -'•So far ami from wishing intends to loomte. Her nomerous acrlusint•
was greeted with laughter and applause. ;hal anything in the Shape al remedial •noes are pleased to was the venerable lady
Mr. Foona reptied t 11•A tree is' known by Irgmdation should take place, that my wish looming healthy and vigorous, . MI" Eliza
ICA fruits. Shall a other from M that the Government should',peolare Mallough, who had been for some time 1•1
Y g open) to the House and the oountre that the Forest City, returned home the latter
thistle-, or grapes from thorn trees yt IS, that.dgm,•ot (uphold'vit tee act) ehapld part 0f tut week. She looks u if city Iib
• red with het .. . Cumberland,
W v it ': tis the Idea
..Jac who
that it Whatever m Etta I • R
t . be c tdered final and b ndlk .' FF eta
whereat the UW Liberal exclaimed, "He Is that there were ththreetut week attended he classes opposed to Is- t funeral of his *later -
&A bad In Berl turn em he IS litics." terfors°N with Manitabs -(1) Those up n Isw, returned home on Monday..
P PO chest Fol•v took In the exhibition as
W ben the Storm of laughter at Fprrpt's holding Provincial altogether.
(21 . andose opposed
to separate Schools altevether, aod�31 loose I,n on. He etetSS he a.joyed lab (rip
expeaSe had subsided. he wen! _;�hli,l
*he opposed Interference on both grounds, Our too d viotualhr, ►coempanled by
hie oil recaatl♦ uall •very leasant visit
eppob teltioat faOklfOg say to which (attar class b* salol he belonged, P
-- v ---------- -- and added :-"For myself. I can only. my with rs tives at Kingebridre.... min
' �I that So Strongly do i feel on this question Fleauor Da4ideen le os • visiting toot to
UNITY AND CONCORD. that I ata ready t° oppose be the best of relatives in the vicinity of BheVale. We
my aLlllty any attempt be Interfere with wlah her s pleasant time....Mrs. John
Medd and two children, alter a visit W
e Manitoba school act or similar lerfde.
,. AT the gryat Liberal meetin& a0 � un from any other Province, and, If relative.' 1S the vicinity of Auburn for
Monfa'eal last week, fair WILFRID LACRIEa socaeeary. strong party man u i am, i am about two weeks, teraad home alter
d irwAted the attem to which were being readv to carry my proposition eo far, for spending an enjovabl*li�ie....J. G- Ward
°P P R the days being, as to throw party tine to was not at the special toasting of West
made by the Conservatives W create racial the winds and vote want of confidence to Wswan"h council on Monday, 10th lest,
F animosity, and made an elalaent appeal for the (ioverhment I w" elected to support ; as reported by • yIUNAI. carr posdent 1"t
Ilia• anion and oouoord betwee i the French and and 1 ean promise that if It to decided that weak.
S fish 1 re •„ w Uanadn. 'f h,, the RomanValhallamloettEy in the Pro. Nety POs1TWN.-Mlm Mary Jardfoe,
�, Speak °R •lone of n Valhi have the right to appeal daughter of 1), lardlse, has secured a posh
-milAtr'wp_` closing words of lits magnificent 'iddre°" to the Governor to Council for remedial flu° with Mn. Thomgoo, drw maker.
.• =+. should roach every mini and honrt through legislation, and If fire Oovernor In Council WRAtuNu MANY Smjims.--Harry Hallie
/M dscldes to Rnht 6habremedl•I 1 islatfon, day sad wife, who formerly resided here,
Cwt the Dominions log
I Sue here every dace of Chu ash- if he will move a vote ul oeosure on the and who are now of Two Harbors, are vtdt.
p"P Ing at the farmer home at Mn. Halliday
Won roorosented—men who Are at the G r Macdonald
1 will M gleed M "conA It."
head oflcommercial houses, working men, it M•ednnalA joined th* (foverameat d (formerly Amanda Smiley), tike heel bees
Sir L`harl" "Ceppew~M•y 1, IPi96 a (:owl , for Same time visltlSr here beton her hu
PProfe*Sien&I men, all the population of meat pledged to carry remedial �ieRldailen, bead joined her. Since his arrival she pro-
Yo,troal. But if there is a thing which and on whose behalf Sir Charles Issued a sented him with an heir to the manor,
gives me pride and Satisfaction, it in to which causes him to wear numerous smile.
nae about me the our men, w ho are the ..In enifedeavoring
aching on this subject. said :-
y R "ln endeavoring t0 redress 'the gvhb�oc" yVr extend congratulations to the joyful par-
hope of our country I the students of et the Roman Cathol(o minority le M I. eats.
Ltral. Lba.. aWdoule..-Def _Xaloh1L -. -roe) ,labs by inwrtrIng rights and ;' • KHte'nww.--GbNM, sheep avid hale, tray
belong to differont raeem. They cherimh arm have comm,-nced tate fall shl menta, ,is
��� the memories of their ancestors, bail there 4°snstNd them by the constitution, w• D
Is one thin the cherish store, re than knew that our , we rest- upon a sound ens• Luckoow, be the respective mareate. The
° � g Y stitutional bads, and feeling that we are apple thorae seems to be at a discount• there
e past and that is the hope of the dnle4 right, it a oar 113161!11000 duty to ed- being no omanA, and on bnyen have pot
future. Thane young men aro our hope, here to the policy We have adopted IS this In an app"ranoo. In consequence, arch.
In twenty years hence they will tie where ardikts and farmers will be minus some
we we w. 1 :11alI sot be bar'* thea. I rowd. dollars
shall be delivered from the cares ofpr,Ii- PORT ALBERT. ---
ties ; but let me remind them of this ; \ ARDTON.
patriotiam Should never be lAamed tat Trr_ruAY. Sept. 18th. \k
hatted ; to love climate own country Ona Mies Lottle Brown Is hem* from London rI. SiSig �t, 10th.
next not hate others. Let them mem• tar s visit. Berry M• plebeSed • floe bl
bar always this truth, proclaimed by MI"es Alton and Nellie Hawkins are visit. oyole.
premier iwfontain, that the men of this lag to Klsoard'i*. Mise KeUa O •few days la
country moot live in union, pew*, friend- Mn. 'andel, of Chicago, b ben vidtleg Ooderlch tin
t ship and fraternity. That i* the last her daughter, Mn. Alf. Smale. Ml.. Doak, of fl ,- spent Sunday
ME word I SAY -union, pesow friendship and The gravelling on the road In the village with her sister, Mrs. Charles ray.
sv: fraternity. That device 1 submit to your Is completed, and it looks good. Mise Annie VreomAa to visitiev relatives
�P my friends, my fellow citizens And my Mks Consinrhaen and Mr. Mnll•rd, of In lAmd°n and sttendoil th* Is at".
oompatriota, i have no right to appeal (trend Rend. Spent Sunday hero. Mr. Orsham, of Sasinaw, Mloh , h here
PS tO your p•triotimm, perhaps. But, y'd, Mlse Fanny Draper and S. M.Ceee*Il an O° a ,Wli W his *labor, Mn. Oso. Simp"h•
lir' I have the right. 1 c":LM. plAoetl by vlml deg their relatives. Mr. and Mn. FA- Alex. /.ill,,p was en- of ebe exonr*foelS+s
you at the head of affairs ; my cause will to the t\'"taro fair lost wear. H•
soon be Gaud in your hands i have
no warA and Mrs.
doubt n the result if you will remember Mr. and Yn. (!re"land return*d rO their •geed time.
that the device I enhmit to you is union, hem* 1n fort Hope, after speeding • week Uearga anA Alfred McLean, of lmekeew,
t pesos, friendmhip and freternity. An l with relatives In til* vicinity. spent S•tarAav and Sasday .11111 their
-i; rememher always our motto Will toe, granpleasan el 1►oas ol;ea ,
A�h',J' 'Can da above all and at all times.' " t se Your
r.e A exa der rim* was Speri{ n{ jEa�eme
,11. __ Aad take IC to Veer Areggut, .Tames WIl• ,,, Alexander \'-ung em Milan my svenieq,
see, who will preseet yon with a srlal Mt• the nrlaaloe hatna s far -wall party to Mrs.
SNAP SHOTS. N* of the wonderful now modlole•they have
#. i'oesK's •roti*r, .leseph Matheson, ache
secured the exeluelro agency for. Dr. Klas's Else boom visiting hero and leaves far his
ate Hcou Jonfir ham put him stake on the now discovery ter consumption, 0011411•, hems in Minnesota this wook.
nds, enflam, bnOhlMe, and all throat and
wrong Dolor phis turn. long a11`00111en6 it oures ara simply mar -
11+ ratio 0, absolutely turisg where all also
part,, -Turret Is evidently trying to put fait, and loos saved thowsAe Item an •arty Moxnar, Sept. 171h
o i:' HOOH Jottxb naso out of Joint, James KUtet11 amended LenAea fair Ise
�S grew* ; Area physielass are oste.alshed at wwk.
" vA', tElis marvellous m.n, it oasts neMlag aid
,��, -WMA* hos become of Sir CHARLES HI" is al,reys ewvlseing• A gwr� oen Yrs, U. Cloak and little decaliter 11111
.- ,�'a5: 'F.• g� ftrt'fal Etas this young mw been gen with ISM beetle Arok M clans, retaewA home q�Ay
i^i,lil AtrI' ""' QA*p
r ..';J
after a pleasant visit of Nlte weeks with ,be to commendable, sot had the society rates•
lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs, S Kerr, ed to a114w them (I operate upon the
Mine IN inule Kirkpatrick is Visiting grounds muoh trouble mmRbi have assn w, d
friends to liodsrtoh.both to the othoers and fakir. -Exeter
W. O. May and famlly leave this week Times., -p
for Sault Ste. Marls l't-rrzR ISN'T 1N IT WITH -Speak
Min Flo. Gledhill, of Beomiiler, is )visit• ion of the Liovole moat lost Thursday at
Joe at the r Whttou, when Alex Molitor's achieve-
parsonagr, meets made him vert popular, Tho Strata
Jacob Smith, of Ermeady111a. Visited ford t3moo° mays : R. K. Smith, Molvor's
friends around Nile last week. trainer, told a reporter yesterday that a
Mr, and Mrs. 1: MoWhloney visited very 06m1ca1 thing hapPsoed 10 front of
friends In R Ingham last week. -- Fn ArRiigfbo hotel mm Thuredeq a
R. Nloltwain and daughter, Mrs. W. where a large crowd had assembled q
N •uo°, attended Lindell fair lost weak.Sir Charles Tupper and his party. Whom
. the politicians made their Appearumes • few
Mies T. Stewart, who has baso visiting lNb!s cheers went up, which, of our",
her cools, C . es, `Stewart, returned to (,ode. tiers ackoawledged by them Jut then
rich Sunday - _ some person in the crowd shouted "'1'bree
LANES oheen for Mclvor," and everybody respond
threeadi, with
TrIOIDAT, Sept, 18th. avvid otlythinkingn y
they weremean ir Charles.
F. Scott, Jr., to Istel •p at pretest with him, took rff his bat and bowed his so -
heart trouble. knowledgmeals Another person yelled :
Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Tivirtoo, ocoupled "Who are you cheering for!" and the crowd
the pulpit here on Sunday, answered : "Why. for McIver. of coarse."
David Little is, we are sorry to state, in -
very poor health all presses. I . _.Ag�1ar mtttlttWxe
Jos. ttrown left • week ago for Jraven• ..trTeLL ta."th L Loodon be,
hunt for ills beoeflt of his health. Oaare be weld sot dtgseL his, food. F.srly
The recent windstorms have destroyed w at Dr. King's New Life Nile would have
nearly two-thirds of the fruit crop. saved him. Thy strength*• the stomach,
Kim Mary "Armstrong, of Leeknow, is std digest'iw. `prwskr' wei tiation, tin.
the Roast of Mn, P. Scott this week, prove appetite. Price 25a. Mosey back
F. Johnston whealed down to Draytaa if not satlafied. ,Sold by Ju Wllscal
last weak to visit his brother William. druggist. _. _- _.
Mine Daniels, of Kieosrdine. Is visiting At a meeting of the executive of the
here, the Street of her @later, Mrs. M. Al- Ooderlch elletntt Epworth Leagues rat tills•
ton,ton last week it wall decided to esll a eta•
Mrs. .1. U. Baldwin returned home last ventlo° to most at Clinton (bllegr• 's N
weak from an extended visit to her daugb• I November let. . - -
ters In Detroit.
Mr, and Mrs. M. Fisher, of G',raeby,
n the quests of Mee.J.Farris* for •few ,merited Praise
da last apek. ;, nota
\Ir o
fF.--8aete, or,
sway ttoe ' L*fair anitieg •rood Ingersoll. -FIELD. 'ANI Diva -Che rsefdesoS ti --
Wm. B6 '.tock Sewas thf att ties for a large nom• . n �+-
pane oeople th • fair epnc►lingof thouall sage to extend geed
wbbeA to Alt A••ie Rise on the comalo°
of her marriage to Rich" Johnston, of
the time nelghborhoud T ceremony _
was performed by Ksv. F. J. U• , Ph B, �4
after which the company aa$ A a we a
bountiful wedding dinner. The bri wY °
attired in a muslin costume and was t-_
tended save by bar young altar, who fur - Y`. *' ' .
lolly held the bride's louuyust. The pro. .
seats were many and useful. I
>- - -
WEDviv(r,.--On September 12th, at the Bolum, ORT„ Mey'\gth, 1900.
home of .lames Lane, a very pretty scene To HO.AELD FOgNAC- (ip.,
ceeurred, being the marriage at Mr. Lane's fig Sign :—The Managing bioutmittee
thlird daughter, Sites Ido, to David J. Hero- of Marg t Avenue School hereby, express
kmtt, of Ashfi-14. The c"rsmonv was par- their mlie =irk the heating that
formed by Rev. Mr. Often, of Laoknow, in w hoot by y Iiy6. -Your two ,N, ism, ,
the presence of about fifty invited guests. tion linoaoet ha given ue n temps Lure
The trld• looked charming in • handsome of from tis to :10 rees in the lowest ro
Rowe of white organdie trimmed with whin weather, and have, besides, reclured oyr
silka•dTlbbon,with bridal veil. She carried coal from 43 tons in I , to 27 ecus for th`e
beautiful bouquet net of wilts osteo.
( poet winter. Atter try firer different'
The bridesmaid, MISS Jennie Hackett, was furnai,,an, without toeing n n to heat the
daintily dreamed in white muslin trimmed (school, we feel that w, own y u rat least our
with lane and ribbon, and carried s bougaes thanks in saving us from any re trouble
of pink &start. Wm. J. Laos, the bride's with the heating of Margares At , School.
brother, acted as best man. Alter the care- Yours •reapxctlully,
MOST all were entertained In the large (:. M. I' I•.,
dialog -room, where a hot sapper waited. Chairman Margaret Ave,
Tire young couple left on the early train IJ.
*�OpQ$* T
Thursday to visit friends In Detroit. Y RS
The Cheap Stove and Furnace Man,
OF LOCAL INTEREST. Sole Agent' Ooderich, Ont.
A UiNDON WRIMiNU.—A quiet wedding A
Conk phos o WeAoedy, September 19th, Great Snap
at the horns o Wllllam his dog, ter FlS, .
(formerly of G lob), his daughter Flo- - -
renos Ming not to marriage with bouts y or 131erw Snap, L. Adams, of Guelfth, who also was former p, aE 50 a
ly a resident of (iOAprloh. The ceremony P°°nd, of which we 0011 • barrel it week,
was perterrmed by }psi, Than. Wilson, of This Isn't our only snap, Y ws oarry
King street Presbyterian
church, In the everything that can M fosod In an rap
presence of a low mmm olt•te friend@. too -date grocery micro, and our prices
IN Tn weNsew, AnA1N. M (lex, are right. The farmers know that they
formerly of Goderloh and I- ,ase Attanea• can •IwaIts �gee from of a snap for their
'Noll:, is again le TtlNnhare O.t.-for a Dgitima W drew the Ins at an
Lime at lout. His former employer there, Of,losmare tradepotatoes,
- everything gone
Mr. McIntyre, became 111 and wired to Ol.wware or potatoes, gardee stiff all
him at Minneapolis to come aqd take of fAbomicest table (Dina. sea deal Is all
of risen.
the management of his to•mees. The n
house Mr. pox was with In Minneapolis 'r, iia ,TIPLINa ds CO.,was very Salinas to retain his be I d
steads-itSSs•�etsaT..,Aastevtww ",Boit, lase° .. -_.._- :...litdford b
telt his duty wait towards him old employMr -- - -
and he III now In Tilsonhurg looking after
Mr. MOlatyra'e intereat I,
UrNmtnMAnx Tliry WALK.-Ex.ter ,BRUPgEY & SON
was bastioned
legsd with hkln on fair Aay, anA
it would seem u if the beads of the" smart
Alecks who attended the London fair had littfa —
rt. Qnl�
on the nefarious work open the
and with "orythiag w
In readies" ore pro• VIT+IkOO1, M so
osoding with the several gamma of chance,
when Constable Gundry. of Gndorloh, to his Arden sanrallr attended . -IM NI
credit be It said, politely walked the fakir@ a"wrm. atg•a N day. -
off the grounds Eaters they had an oppor. •mare on west street. RemUgwge,
tunity to grill any of the innocent visitors. los, strew.
The action of the authorities in this matter
The Old Firm, Th'e Old Business,
But a New Stand.
"' - F` PI It1.1C : -
We have remov-igit-w-s stolrre7a�et]' oceapied j�
(':title Bros., tinsmiths, which we have Mock(" With'a Com
lino of Groceries, and where we Shall be abl�)kjetter
than ever to attend to the wants of our cuatoniers„,�
A call upon us in our new stand willI►leme us. , ,'
Yours respectfully,
FI1.It,e. STURDY & 00.11
., r' • '; THE OROOERS.
,� 71-rle;el
t�^r>�: R�•r' •.A -j."'. ree•AT•,-,..;
IMM c � I� ,: t, `ttr'3",-• . - ''ai Ott
GoderichBia-reampain Centre
Extra Bargains in all Fall Goods
Ladies' New Fall Jackets *4 i' rM L ,� j ' ,,, a
Ladies' Vests and Drawers �'. �" ,a�„
Ladles' Felt flats j�rt,`A
Ladies' Waterproof Coats a 'k
Ladies' Kid Gloves
Ladies' Cashmere Bose, Etc., Etc.
Men's Shirts and Drawers
Men's Waterproof Coats
t• ' Men's Shirts Men's Ties
I Men's Collars, Etc., Etc., Etc.
REMEMBER THE DATES, SEPT. 27th and 28th.
-- ----- - ---- -.---.-- _ 4
Buy a LIME JU1 CE ,.4
Package of The 1-1.10. amu.+ 111iuk if you buy the gee,uine Moou rrat.
We keep it.
Use our
qq �j '.A _. for ('Iamjm, Cubc, Diarrhea, Summer Cum.
AIIV-eIIjGy a .r .. ” itwilta. OW., Ole.
Sea -Bath ,We gawantoe moAd abm'or return your motley.
ixi- (speedy Relief
at home, Z
Prescriptiotl work at all hours, ' l ;' , -
W. C. Q-ODB, - '' Chemist.
I ., . , .1, " I 1�
'1 a a a . 14!
. , a a
..". , '4 7---
� .i . ,; � ,I
I 1--li , -, . '
- ,
- 11, -.�.* - � I , a -
, - ���
- 1. �-
- -. t� .,,
u Uri a/%i t. . z
_ ,.:,;e t
I 11
^; 1- � -==-:ref t,{re urorld does and sl of lire
' . 1
l f�l¢ r ft's ma tv paint but/dins with, s'�
raside and de. !t's made ready 1
ltl�m+ ,, ,i J a,,,,vC iF N
for the l rust.. Jt's made fur home us „�
- `n>zd for pmrtirnl painters too. JP-
�'ure lead, pure :,int and pare linseed
.1i" (1r/, mixed by speeia!!y made machinery ' t ,. .
- t - oberated by experts. St's madefor yore „;
11 SOLD 14
�- ---I
- 11
isA►� Ii
&, 'a & r w.
�J- ,
A 7'
i n ------- � - -
uAHTELON S ,l'n.
,at0,' ` THE OLD
e- tkd
L 6L E.
Pas 0 iter Pamies h
t , T Sort
�� , I
Bread and Creae RollsAnce
Pies aid Lady Fieters, Biases, -= ,
1acarooaa, �araataes, 4
Breed Seamp" }W,
are " goof as the hdt made in any
u 1.1tnt4:
l� city in Usomda.
Uantelon letds the trade in
Solon Hard Coal
WEDDIND ;� „«I I ... ,.: ,ee...w 1 .-- ro1A' A4L
�� .�._
I In fancy dealrninjp and ornament pr
All gnat wMgMA en the
where roe get m0it IM. for s ra< -
tt ani almond icing.
-�,. (jive him an orler and Slki;,
yWR ,
istsetion will be wour'ed. -
Orders left "
Been Promptly att I
-- -- ------... -. !
— 1r Th e Kidd's
k Store
------ *-�nw..+ern-
Try the New Book Store for this s suppli('a, where
you are sure of all NEW GOODS, an 'sus - hat i can do
for you. "A word to the wise►is eufi'eient." P IN
. "w,'arr :`L„ trop r
I ..:..
'� R We have just receive(1 a consignment o
T�—a!end selling them cheap,juSt toll advertise ourselt"-: -
for next spring's trade.
Our "Snap Shot" albums are having a regular rus] - ,,
F,verylx)dy says they are "perfectly lovely.
Who would not have a pretty Perry Picture mounted
ready for the wall at 25c, What a pretty gift they make for ,
a birthday.