The Signal, 1900-9-6, Page 2. , I., i .. .,. �,_ -.. .:Astra:: g -ka..% .:'sl,:w,,;"tt!:x'a%- J4z:^., .. -yam .a- .. .,'-' .. I IC ' ' ; , r.%, at:r..w±r$to..l.ect,,.�wii::t�wa.,t�... .3, 3I "uxl rtisf :ks ,'e.'ll� tea► ` _ 1 x �a�. v .� .,c Pi^ i:4,� tiers', ..•,x w c , jt- -___.-____--__-- �__ M �. _ _�_- • • — -- The Signal Kr il( IUom AVD THKIIt I MIORIAL NOTES. """'Haab., life a the ateri dd r.• r�t,M .. . 1'l'NIAHktkNT• bating dutl.w oar raw nuitsrlalr naA IRS FITRER OROSMAM; OVER NIA6AflA Y �(h at rvrtyar+, lirn•s•I, lies nrrxrkl tit hlalg liuw 'utrlrird tier ina.Ye. 1'aMuiy ptrtagr MARKET REPORTS 7 lieturglr dealer that Ire Iw gala Z--+� •t►gttT TBUNlAaT YORI(II%.. the will taut u4,1 t fur hW eclair tie, a lova■ n glnu►t (Yxarelslruawr, and a N B LO N D I N to wtulq, fur' Brynu. He prrferr lies �Ork of a Devoted Priest tier s•nffuld ; but It court sol IN• lar) Im•ttrr iwail recites 4s .\awtralla -OF- ■r D. YerP rlL1CODLi. a qulet of Skala rustle. ugnwl that h/i future will tri n Ilene - wraild +w n great help to aur mann' ""^" ' ,tilt urw• Io look forwient tar. The (lar tot l export .A notcuftural facturere. , Among Fire ictims. The Week TW I MAre, OUPT. et. Ipnryr1s�� death - ---- ---, t �-T' Iw•rlalty Har tewu ulrsl'rlsewt In irtoJo/rrieei" w 1NJrd war >Y3U5;_77 : MI Jfdwt 1). Itu kureller'r aussual ►awx)uee ,— --- - -- - Ital,. but life tit „n Italian lrrtaatl tat IbW It nese G) ftl,r+A7,s_x. That it ,rxl.lxtl,- CONSOLATION FOR THE' DYING ������ 'I.IIOKs hIK1. ISLICCTHIN8. Im,t (,or at (.,At%a•t a bell of nraw; the way tie,• LlLentl tariff is'*rutnin 4' ,now esrUluut.d at about '�e,k,t.. U R 1100, ailment, at- wit(•if " the cuwt,a,uYf 1, [ I.wdlwa What Merkel.. It hey bot tat"i offh•iaally alfrouavel I fee• H taigield" It tic likely to lee n lir- Lour m auufacturlag 'hwtuatrlw ofae of the mast tmledrea tl l std pet? .Harry McColcord Re -Enacts F'ollowl ag' are ti a ckr In + il"vmev of all Cls Eurupo#4cu s»rat � g Ili"IeTl, mat Ihtt the 1)ons�n.on r -neral elsrtlon@ iny(a}vp4h. Bn■et•t war Weak III ley esw- thetfl angors til, the odtandlul "onMan at legourtaut wheat tougr," ta,u, &etLlnS 04 fhs Ubltad Mtttrr d'rr- '>gltr. The N"w Turk lDrndd Irrn t der nt lfutrnked. N. Y.. where owe Ca Y !UI be 4i lti Mfore the sad d tfie'year ak west to 1111441 urvltuels ear ice, - Scene In Dreams. �' l) 7 sldentlal elecilon L Ihely, with lieu M'n4i tI11v ainnlrarL")u of Ilse w" nth funs New Yo JOQII, but tM nctl%Ity llf Isrth wilt- aggravntel nr ale yaw, 1rf rrrlltary , y Ia'savrw prerlrhlxt by tiro. war Nrw Yurk ......... ,,, -_ M171 7 N 1 odds on 14:JCIa.egr. Ib Naw ierk yen- of yla Itaglarn Un,nelm and tlse Euro' tutu llmu:c itclum of Ite%. John 1)nr Umt I 1 k al parl{is lie taosulrull asaWhfatett opttthaeurett. .\ , uuw nnniemriwf to MUw■ales ............ i0 TA th!r K placed terday 'Lotds Wornmer fent 71--0,1200 Iw•ua um,narelmo: INua, of the ]bola[ of Our Lady of the 8t. !s)uN ............ 0 71 1 _ u 71 1 H pastil. Ili t, tefore Iw•in to $8,t10U, and there -ware rrrernl ... i' RoAtar Toledo) ............... 0 76 1 8 ce 7le 7 w IafjiCats ae expwn•taatlwi of an car1Y .lulu 11. Ira: kefellor... ... tU.UDl2,U(Ill ry„�,,,, tier r hr,, sell. Ir coat lIi tier 'welret ('tate of 1Gryr►a ......... lx.lxxhlxk, BLONDIN CARRIED HIM OYER ps►P/s YsertenhtY'Ir, bet■ eaoeetling $1,000. }cattier Btxseaaat war walla Detroit• red .. ... 0767b U8(► VaMb'hte Rah Si,1'„par rtykrapa4d cell.” about rix fest kolyg ny tbrer I:ulivror tit Germany ear g Detmit, white ... , 0731 L. -- by the I.Ibrrnls of Korth UkldiPrex, wylo' anti half llghtel. A few tnch•II The Grand Army of the Itelwtblis. I+ King of Prussian only I,,, 3.834770 ationg tale Battery w'hena lit• lit and ui Duluth, NO. 1 jturth- Enipen,r of Acurtrua'Huu- the tlM aro Abore the floatr it a dau,k atx)ut fault •• ••• ••• ••• r 076 I- 07ed:a aalr,f lir. D. K. Er4 IJ%P., eau renarnitu- a 1 feeling the touch of Tbaw. lar IN!#u gory ... ... ... ... ... ... ... S.l(TJ,l1W Nutiilruly he waw the flee twoat New Duluth. Nu. 1 Hard 07tl 1•{ a'e.1 by' that Liburalr Of Ftuuth I+rrth, Yard wale and slightly itu•Iintrt, It had 409,489 wenitx•ri. atm present hheR of Italy... ......... ".8W000 Mlrllald )tills, No. 1 _ Mr. James TTow'e old otNWtltuem•y. Tn which swerves as a bed. Thr. foul Is memtxroWl) Is ST6,66S. It h,"t 11,:11!, haw of �txah,............ - H.000,11p0 Porker coraleig tutu het alar 014 her Thr1111sg 8tury of lies Klaky Kldr uurtheru bread and water, 1'awae1l thrpfyph-the kalfw ever Qulx•rt of Eaiglartd ........ l.9l5%0W Ilet•k•i were dark !wenn. lei uu Ltidtuut Mr ems} Ku r lirukr It l.uukeA 1 jl4 i\� rl_OT+ 07i5s - -Ba!h !. wlmro hUag sof I',rrtweg+0 � ;:: _' e8i.130 1►a rvxnrgselaed what they were, the hard... .. eel ! trarkt'littM was 7 JurtaWsd.ut_ wlslrll 7,7SN2 Tty p 211hmeoa wl little window valid the "bili•" by the were caused b Llte 'a Blg Tragedy /frit cud o ••• ••• rs- akieated �s Yr. l%IaaeY ts ltlWl. %lir 7 4sati. lata* tit l:rrte•tt ... ... :tbl),110(/ tunatr til lieu .ly fug, uut•unruwur, ulru - Jailer, tier floor being always kept r1 - K►I of Norwa and, buried ear cru,hod, lir halt drownsed- Toroeto M■rmen' flfrrkei., 1.Lberalr . iwve bumlaafel ler. I)arld IK y ('oulaesa of lies Ituye-Wrlkrr- .. T►ie Tonwto A'otkl ,warns Loewe %%p-nlvu-„ S7b,u::S Ile uvWouco til a tont d►ra,Aer. ti>toi 1, -Isar l:or% oronrlc chettomt. Tela: p)rlemoaaer Ir cert- ... ... ... ... ... g eilrta of gra hl utl tb• tfta, lflpyor of N'a{hteeeMerg, wh,nll who want to are the Toronto Fair 1Cl• of 1•Iax(we .. .., T=LXX) l4-cestit to the'Dw.u:i fur the holy Was the Hope Cult Wept market Isere to de l,ti0') 1 ,4•unlwl to alrulute wlwu•r; If hr w J •• w Y• awl tlef oyb/Wently houpl• to elect. Nonoil that un adm4ucton and rand stand Khw Irl WurV'nl6erg 449,000 Dila ua1 Viaticum. Father Bruwlau eW hn•uk" tier rule, hr W rublewtoel to R Ku of Rouma 1ia...... ... "87,UW cidwLlttered Lwidicaaal ab•crluto.l te, l'h4nge), .\ug. 31s -Old harry Mr- Wh•w4-Four hutedrat I.0 -bets „f fall Nurkdk. tit presebt nyvnrleotd by ticket will feet muflloe. It liwts the w Uble,ord starts Tn)w was rbep every whlwt ruld stead} at 70 to 71, Hoh. D. Tisdale, UOU"%til will arose punWhnwvitf ular&no, tier KirY of lfacxrGL........... 1,4121 all uu )faire. hs • Ntratt-well-ti+ont, in,nw. a1u1 rtrtalt- o neral rharge•a which total 112,MO, Kl,V of Ba'glunt...... .. 480,OW "Are there others?" he ached til' a ulght, loluaklug sued sweating uud white altd 70 to 70 1-::c. for ref. Three suave Nr. Thogtsn R. AtkivaA& brarrin• Ir L \ (ar!ro%ser %� ho nttempta hi" own 'h'k• fellow@• which Intake up ties tet Kbt' of Denmark... .. ... `�'7,77b (lrewarl. w•reauting Yo lthwdln W suit- film hundred Luthrhl of g%xare cold I 1 _ to Ire, of Nlmco(•, for the Liberitl caarll trixt-Co:w, table many dinws, k1k1g of tet•il-t......... 40,000 "Father• there. Lt worse, it %.,u "r. flrmrr nt 681 J W Aik, life tit any wily is pat hero tier fens N:uglinl' (Into-N'lu+ date. He was burn In .AhearN•r In - Harr the aaarrr W fuer. them. Tlwn. bundreel buetrrloerrlJ 1•:@, ,trait wvalotcUat, and at night In u The dal authorities Mt lytic lit 1879 nil \f hanistan molt) enter carr" ueeti burts:H to ,1lratlt twektre une',• , Flirty years ago le • c"ar"d Ur? cat' higher for allow at 81 1 G) 8� 19.E{a jia11 �r{tOfal tier turd' tit marble• ,ort of mink, Nt whleh he ca snot uwve iti and- R eyuk uu the mteWnit r. but the r ht Is aaract un tle� gr it n walker's Had 1,'. lower for Woo at 8&. 1 7t.. rpttlag lar Hu=Utoi. A/Ler carry Ing au are tesTing x rtnmp cancelling m*- tl•nd u British eu%oY need fife stnff '� N-heti'the prleuuler has suit"] the chine said to be ca cable of n and trurrlee1 tIW 4x, +awful to hear. You tetter ries% lack, tariff the+ horror tit It lr greater Ilyc--T%vu huudre,l L*nosh sdfl LMC Isomouirre for some Limo in Wmlxwe, I tol1ea%1 lrgut4rrtw -\ Br1tI h go, Fatter. efu•x,1t at 53 bew•ent W (wnt4htnaet o(_tle 'lwret cell" fora of 1 5,000 un hull,. The auxchluer furca umkr tiMe, Itul.ol went us w "sly f MILU." solid F ther Bn,r 'ION than It sue Lost-greaauer, sad Ilnttrr neat Eggs-l/akraG• rw•,•il,a, Quer&'s Ufilverrity, ntwl►rd 1 lCa7u` A Jut.1I lir Ph>rtc'r time, lie Is reuu)%,ced JWW In lase cancel 40,OW an h(*Ir. ('401111 Ahad establu4�d u exurtsn-ir- nan, "if ntseelisl suffering and dying growing e%ery year. net a fair dipUll rt uuch•In et law. sad war •kxstsal'isyf)r of nauMYee L w g W the. "ell whel'ar hr must remxlra fur there lr tier plate for (lock of men•y g you Iwer n Iwrmw taro I el Ir• lir ll r, .\tklh,m.n %l s ss far rudxrehrl la a r urs muehtur b fe«f by raeetbn, ttul. Thlr it part est his esparto to u alul tier cotwolat:o& u( lily re a run Disc b u ear. .fru tlaluk I'uultry-This walk w lut tit ,Iii, ern yrurm [W else t1P(xnub un too rlMr B K Y R k All ole umlertxkinga, and 1( he "dx•Iirm n revul%ing whorl Iw•rforrateel with 13t'fwr Nuv. 1sth utouut 73 "telt I:gbu. liuw I� ! t There Y' fghtly of It alk ,sew aklp afrnbly ew dollar. Ud•ntnnd wear fate ,aid of ekr:am In gerrymandered Mouth :Nlor- "trurt!oa of the whole• roup. Thf rat met ,Were execesa-1: twee, tier city kotwnl ,1uWT-athar." mull (cap oat of danger, Wt hilt u nilnuu• farinip; suld at wuulter prig" of •J1 I,, i ulr hulls, each of which b feu 1 "1 N ill t*ke cells aremily lighted from the ecorrl.11e, (al+aglstratel, and tie lith^r meet coal- 6!g Ituberte, of the t t »i tial I11u•r, toerhi' if your Lluxt ruler add ' hu, ilk wain• frllrce and rU•ndy. foil[, o%er all opponent like Cobuel Ties with un air puwp, drnws Ills letters %lctfod d dkltonorin the l:utllet Of st J Hee find Rtrnw-Twent Irunf. aLe1e, M wW lave and tare �lenerulll Ml out two nerd+ R Thr yrkst rteppxt en boar!, amt the what Ua•• rrnllxaltlun of want tiwarlr y y „f gatest reasx)n Gi 4e up tet IhP et&mlwr. Almut Flt)%} thI offlosnl. of- IIIe-I'.at)semy.-sever btK to hay Pohl at 11111.50 to f"l"are. The heat is the count pl,ink K etotm"f over to Grii7mueipaw% h 1ppereed eexues to yew. 8t It V with lit 4IlI n 4es proud of the achtevf4n:•nt, Thr Libt•r• Ictterp are,dhily "tarnl"I at Chicago, Gra fur attackhfg ewan)rty and be►- flntm, where the ducturl vessel was Harry McCultrnd. neat two 4wudf eA stru%w tit sfl I n t,)o, and foretold used water the fcxwt. lar Tng IkMi,orty of Ill • Emblarwy h1 tlwir wit ly aettl!bg to tiro bottom, tie lose young wh en tie Intrusted him Toro■tu Llve "tw•II Market. +dr'ttf SocMh (►xfuM will tslevet'ttrnor• w•Intrr a aitl I:• Ilnnkot if followed fit and tier wav9rng fu time W Ix tmslh? pole trsblf. *fail forty -nim for pm%ed Mile sw•uh m candor its- port r tUe,rhuco,, tar cwL tT tin ,,, t, 1' n)w In tvwacrna:un, xlrl tllr R R grey shell 11fe W 1h tie'. .,[ n fea4,wrsena strut- psx 111f•har+1 if itaportant, r murders of camp fulluwert and !m f u1R1it. _�Ilemr h still en,}sinPdl : tow rcN cher few Cap'aln Roberts ef*ree! to Wig .on a lhrwed ntwtrhel nrn,s n kxl,r.rt ,dale. 1igh,, yer awl. I Li ,,, t ;l .t'artwrfght will to all pfobabillty r• - pFcatbl:L lit attack on tie^ n%itkmi-Y. ileo. Thr prlowt, arta ling In thn bow of bolling gulf in' tb- right of ninny ii n ho'.ltuii.; slackest 1 i 1.) i duly euuceYs+4w Jr.,, 1 ilaxrr IriteK !G)tr•rt F'rrgumcrtl, Y• Y. Y.. East Rbue Si». lab nlu^ weer rxee•ute%i, the tug, wtnnlp, lnsPM,s,dve-a figure, ib(nesaiieis pf IlrentllkNm p•oplr, Now i/ut har'r.tua. @••d awe to ay cleave the bolhiiuttl,wl: Mr. U. l'. Fniser, tat a few• Int h •e. T1tr fiiled iw •I%eo of NorA Ilo.1■, awl Ha Midlwy � - 1 - -- - ' sea^ to ins pare awe, In hey "htyNe veetmonte h, 4s old arid hew Mart Is thin, need tie• A.. roeNauu_ . 7 :, 10 t W nilly once iu tie• tweutv•folee hour-. If . �— -lett ti a c Iran tx•flwrp him. +ufferx Hunhcrs cuunmu• owl P ret(' gnat r ngonks of fear than ger._ r•r- a rl.a _ Flasher, of 1 h,•, are Pt n tN f tar trite Ar t11c ltull., steel. h. at-' k" b• prlrwlrr b fel:+i. tier elocG,r c+Ira A Tupper rgatn ►tet i'a uedlrr tIH h, dk1•Ila U1t- rferul■tkwAl 46 minuGa Huel..ex`",rI.II@ht,perrwL.,. alts to 7* !W' De }, G4r O m elb b 1 1m etlnwm the rlPnWrm in aae%eral ontarkf have htni remo%rrt to the prtmenrjnHrm artetrtl of ttvi settling vtwwl, he naw with Bluudha on the rupP. ►'e•ttu• assW 1.07:11 .,ort 3ata b IM ctrcwtltuenclow in the near failure. Thr right In.frout of film a human fear E%ery flight h^ lives again Ulmugh Uo.700tarx,Ib. 3111, b Tri nr%, who rP hr b kept 1n +t` asp/rate' • • we"40% R kyok u( agony touch ao the every wuntient of that ordeal. (duly slyer wlv,•n, Also to *10 lk,. PW ' bol! V Innhl t0 Holl-„ . !1i to 7Y g rhaaedwer. I'r6orr•rN hr mdltnry' rtwa oi� Tupper s Repudiation ole( Ntlw'e►rs perp wont W pular tea tIN• deal" 11r says, run rdlevr his fn,m Tfn oeitnlex+•ndhelfen. '..: •eF W , in A CKH- -! ===!l 'A111\r rinement may neither (sad,. write, a picturven they tlYirkef •'Efw• fiuno." lbs haunting %Iden. Hutrha ,lLbuli•.. per cwt......, M b 3w " aI1RlbP nor work. They art, runi*tnurvl I' war tee faoeof u Jotm6 rawm. ted �e WN" Illenti:u•s Agent, 14UL It"bulltiperuwt.,.., IM Wr__t* Tlw rn W tronwtb R; - ID laoknl l.iw the facto ui mrveaty,'ThF Ne waw itlond!u'a Iwaslrwer n e HUM roWle.",•h... ... .. Mss to :ew Ing humll4►.tlif acid W alrrdutP ldlenera cad elrr.lutr (LF: TRIF'Id'\'IKN, THRFh RIFE:Itrt7: blooelslot Pyrr Md Ilttlu of Ii(o lir lar R nt Ahcv.exprt ewar,tlNe%1L.. 31n to T;i aUdatic, star . wltb a L"W olu. bm,.*, ... ,., .,�z alb t ---T,w rf crolrl%r iec tier "lt Yf rlNtrel ihxt rNr t harlPw - l+aR Tort( Tln/Tlhrtott N(Tr7ict . Airy" tete iYilluptfKir 1h 1t- ar•n al'aje afiy rRse tier (invr-nment tlosetA %tut Zell rt Teff ih tie wli► Fit( threes Twtun fur advtvaWr.• and a knowle desi• of yh„•P. balrhsn'. enol.......... 1 (u 10 1 ,t- ower )film reptidtated 1'ainlohlet No. 6;� art without first convokin 1'&rlia rola hall G,am In agooky--three Atwtna 1Amb+. each .. . ! 7y la a ;.1 fo rlu,•t x cn lutea a ani the.pr)posaJ teltre: tlwy Plthar go mild or tile. -r ` acqulrr,i In hln retie worn h• du t"•rrwt. ........ • p ublfirhwl by the eta: u)r+al agents M + meq%. .\ few Anyr after hie returc 1 are -:ab a:crol(.r'' Hopes Y •.-.... 1 Mr to 1 „ to tk•matwl form I Mat Brltuiu siniP Th•• P%trn Wult-hturnt of %lir "Icons:' tlu• t'uirw•r%nThr safety In the 1'r'1> to •au away to) real kr won the Freucb I a1,f. yer head ......... 1 Ottawa ear w@rat mtucdliell G, goon prieert'r rye filled with luta u, I's thane mon• thew the foe and'wel lr' toorrllde. Th^ handcuffs are ydned vole of Quelreo. This Is the ritlir learn that withnit the lacy Navin :ear , Hlxmrr at-.^ not 111” furs•, lisp; ''nun's ratgeM, and quilita to reiluwe Hafr'.ehoh,e, r vet............ A m to Ono whi:•It Illumed lir.- Laurier for fib I Iw•en char g w•rfert faith let tier t"tullibertric ge:aius H. ,,Bahl, per cwt,........... • ata u ,, onw• n11m',a:u1 of aur go sett, tared the by (hahlr 4t- Idmllnr rh,etns nn tier agrY1,' (tiid wlthewt 1'ar14►• stamtitagtu Ilse Ion�ae:IG:uf lase IC waw of his employer, But although Ise eev H' ps►' "., jAt.anuer %# protrct6xn of her fleet. unit arnsie•H, nnklew, Tlr prbsuPr is seate,t ml a isuoodl., t Is)!My anA fila axatduct la meat haring rosea clilltxl, the t00% m)t en m1w;h the Irtrnx +aa tie% patllolk sal tllnee allowed Bloradin to retry ,•low.,. ,...... 73„ N,_a d -.. in mune for enure. It1A•rnl tr•ata tit INyu .__ tier-C,LLutngentot Gt Affiea: "Imam hn de•idet to pity the cost of N, whhch totrerlt hlul, though tie waP "" •- II . f• lar toe rtaypwAfed .tlaak the lrM of a ni , Nn h'm int s tlghc epi uatAPr ce&cur, fat.@(. _. ! ZI to s fa -.. 111' _ ll _eta _nb4lde of wee a _ back- , ,.tt ii l f T R' r.trl transporting the kes'01y a@em!ble, to the former, He b.: hwlttted at the mtuJemkitat Jnr, y`erowte Irrult 1114rklr. ufwk•r our to than .ear givP till• flight, still In (tont' Ir ease Ire art him ,•Ilief has allowed himself to he f i lck-. 'eontiugenta to Africa. , What had 'ooke I bei nit a h'■ ghar'ly mp •t•tls,l • o' (olknl to r!de plrkatleck acnoas Nf world, fr'eadl huvttle. The' lee. w) In this wu%tP: ll menu• ,y his taken y gwaeral ekes ap set the . Y y !g• plank. Th? "riratt•bed" Ir a strwnK Ee Itsh Y p1Aar In she intrl vel 7 Oii, :a 't human a ng pr:sDnt,l be 'cud ++at�� aggro, until lth,ndln ul'Ix sled b hl TThee waw n ►rpt ,A the Tarry 1 deal fehowr �tlat wdxflsrt ,Aare"reltom !n n rv)ffin slat R partlwtur, newt that hr 'fir- rrrp Ifttle thing Ifs ('h1NmlxNnhl la�)Ia s)f eMri R, with celoipew awd fmw11 faith atut tricnflsdilp, and eomettody WlatrealP troll enarkK IoW tied W R :atptal In Mndhirncw whAt they LWd had rou.mreu%rwl. ,tied fit h iutPr a.r ana lwwl h sad fin tress cwt M+ that farad> ill, now, in laetts'r shap'tie s tlp•y feel Die frau is debet dssR its .%LLC lied.. -A , td►. r"ei for lwtlwrwr'a.lres {elm. At A vgai h's r+tcic sad r.t s-toiti e'n 'Isle promLed film 11.00f). for "DIM Uwe--. Ascriptin lu- v ... try rate• he hers not Iacteet lltetllary, the m:a•1 ifa'ay(Jtoritx phu tg- l'aafoatlu!i mahh•1a1. In rd Wee+ly are fpsfetnvld fy a kind of b&wits. ear %r -tie bmt so far as the nut•ceet represented his poll• • at Ottawa• he Rtfa2 to rte f Ter asp►•, nlUrough tim" as tW 14� �aJ - Gt Britain : ` We rare rat. Wt- ' y aw laxaoliM • div it %vindl;ams worked by packAor b \5't- l o)tat 1'e that tote lgN cannot le routed, while til fib cam!uligq la ihr t nwlneruf huA pnsbably gUrraTPned to kick Ser. He etocvf on t.ptof amt tried to O b IOe pv Oa►k t; lunwatoee ee QuPbed V cuncrruer(1, /or it is ) reacA tAe crucif to the U f ( 18 Ik,rotaf on tee, .5metlan cotta, sraRRe.l want you to g:ce, give. \'e prate Ih peers nor routfinwl b tie strait- ler'• Laurier. Then the sentiments of P l the to16a pr`r berk•11: sesaindme►r, • to 3U /tet In tete middle• where It wru pp'ee. MO. Rt1. dY man. But tee (ilrtaitce waa 13c bask -•t; s 4 fcc•tly useless fur hem .tar tatuwpt the kiaglfr mn}ur}ty ware stnuiRly 0':1 •�se. aloof loyalty. tint when it'•wmf" kr _wa;afcuftL Unlemes by order of theg2P' tla..rwO's'l llr, tea this fln"w"m. the afftYeudd- They •senst- two colltlD teoo Brent. He at rtM IAP sacred y' Y7 ffE,i above Iter enter. Flrr �„:�- 50 eb&,lr, .is,,- t60 fes % of Its Ie•yrt h, ton, feu Irw tlse ii LreuNug yon %setter than w treat cruor, th • prisoner luav not tat- moved,: Heatlsnent of the I'rovinve of duel ee gents, one after thr otJter, without wands of peace a benMlctioa. rot, jl to ♦1. green o. :1 • kr ar-rilem'ePl our lay tilt won't \ and wit(% T hat of Idle Et r11ph1+, it rwaydrl In its• w Ind and I he „ Y and how jrltler hear Gr fold film. v • r aglbh Pmviucfs. authorlly, without right, without d3iseg man o sed hill eyes dr:tugtR (roan tie,: Wall”, N•lth Apltay Te per doseTa; poirtoes, ) 1 t •• fstra4l We are nut untlnmwf G) Fdarll a puninhmarlt may %vPR have We know what tens taken even consulthl leartlnmroT, and To'r'y At lip with the ght or under• -r liatohal; ('4L is hens, _no g fn)aa alk% G, rick• o[ b(/ tenet. F'or the to •your rut#4 t on uud eri;u place. Ort hb WILY to, l'hlen alir I Canada saw limit in the humitiatin wt Idling. He coin nr talk Eng- SO: per basket; c r 1 yeku'hrs, •0 R tem:al Ida trf It+ leagtlt, at tx)th ,rola, P Y J Lrrruro (lx the murMnwwly mlfltlM Wll/ell stolryreYl at 'itRotlt( and f Iwetthxe of `t�akhlg tenet ,r(fi;Tally In :icth, belt he ctrulerrtt)rw1 he h!esdng. l0 War MW (ably sYeaJy tit Int%r%aW to i.;c par bnsk±t wattle TiersI.%. (rove marketd whole we tr aro blee,f ,ave to the rat lL.,stative of the' the tart r►Ulemimabde war that kit and wit4h UaP tindPrwtand it neem- LO IW P" - ; p.oal .3" lar y who emcee tit .tenth hl tier werclfnl R P R• tiff `.Q feet by gag roper Wrlgflmd ora tier utma)N4" Nu h(wsxn/,Ic taolwa nn ieterriew, In the eorlrse ref I IWI c Iktlt b "bee) ht Mblwt in w1 nr if fib face s)itetled and »tat Dogs of sand to kp'p theas.lrLLt musks lbs tt _11.' . r hortam prawt•rittetl by IIAlrleni roclPty al 7 IIg ry nt tree gnemtfin ?a , , solo !Ir .IwI*teoi 4hnt tier senAlttpr,+lite CeDtutry: - -: . -- a-.hangvat and toter Ito horrible. �roa of WB way of Bb:l(Ln• tlnlcue:e Jule, bsnket and 1511!'• per rets► i./. trl7 fu. three calms take hum+w Ilfe. 1 rat• a lauadinn tnrys est Irl l'auaAr i Ws t elft tent . wtthlraw pP.lant lar; Jt say. 7150 to pl dk)seti . husks 1•*u wit s►lfrsngrn•t ApWro%r con •lin hays' lar ehu a we .dare al neUtelf would he cxaatnary. lo- hoJoe - T21p tuR --- whldll. nod n gr arpr law, ars-1 Pssses"jet No; d; fiat that it wttt bat passed On- From ( eel t. St it7e hr wale fairly user 70s lrllt par btHket . grnp+•g-- IIr' l!cApt, dred-beAt campaign• The iuu auntie the comfort of the trim- IPee In the care where Caradn itself I a^attPred In p butt to our 1'nr tm!' to another It went, /lAuo•InR tong hi t. r li!uih,- had fa toss for a chnmpk - run Io oto hr saxrther'w eILre an11 "drips my W filch from her ti tt,. p.lr. k►Z-_.tN'li _ incl. Fruth amcf0d 'bardT� -tee AW of tone who hRb to ddal i►lth regi- _ _ Toltg also-}laratllba; orbit Cl(Tmi..OL. -�,ila _ ndgf+t-M--abraa40a«Ot:'--wiM ions �ttrce, for it TB one -of -site -next. - nue tha to Par Drat' t -V\7"- nil:wtroa to LhOae wlthln. The Girt rt hte{B wAs em ty.`\t D° p titOMZt Ltl IDB :sat werA %IIP (A - rc t, McUu%ord allght.d Hud itt.o3 U p'. with hit Antwls un the U:rCl(Uflbnaa'B AbaW112rr. .iftrr 8 mlttr F �'~a MY• '� to tRr. Arlt lmla• Aluaw. .b tfr i. per MIMIr. Ckrrar Market.. - ys.. z _ . - ----` ICasef, las a can of taw words and htttrd - _ UP tat. Ike. - brit Ise lll tq0 admfee(1 by Cant• ern 'Mayr 14th. 1610, murdered' Henry oroumm 04tmP, ,old he never leai-ese 15th fRtlwh more ie etniteooed G, drrath for kitlin • " R sot ant! army of A man of rttou4 twenty nor hr cymtsed up ngaLt nod tee. p)Pr• Paul march waw made over Wefltrstm- n. l,, .\ng. 11.-`1% fin• dr, f nT silty -two colored xnd SNI step - a pattila a_ d France. wru enbjectelf to tole• h41 un,lfbtueai lsi fbutit rut 4o film iuPan, aoktbrn, An sal w for'irn ti "tion In 1 'nw7ileuey, "even. The r+ Leg waWr had rt•a -h- ad Ma chla. He was 4)u weak t., eat )Ifall of Wt- Viet, on solo the cr • offered ; all sold oft tlw Ie l at- Mel t Dolls'Y et}t unfraaght tie - r-_- tars whletr, toren in cont age tntr (lig. tywrakhng nt the lwthwell inert- attack stn tie rotas ►t. He epwke Ertgaah, ural worn wad peMtol error, Trav'Iw W 108.4c. - with eda for the future. The 1lkrletary teles treyu•'f��ly w;o: �ied terror , to the hearts of the !tg the other day he dederRrrYl lir. fu Additku tl(• co(ultry wan f uh- ' 1 l�+utsrt, the priest began to rR - (or him D J hoc to exhibit lilt mnrkmmanmhir y endo tlrsg a tole thmugh Bloodln ■ at. Nap,inr. Au` 81. -At tb Clie.P 1'otrd to -they 770 bores erre Im..ir.l n A Iolatical aro In wh_ was party criminal claw. The record says: J&nww Cluary'w miwk)n In Parlinment attd'Yuknb Khin eels ,ser ► 1plantetl by Abelurrnhm11n reled week;v: "(1011 recess yuna Fattier! i saw Ma�tk eartrkdg'" were RAPT, n sit eel: 880 whit? anal 890 ao:urrel Itn-t ttr•ertr !n etf shut. a. nnerparty '•He was carried to the greve and W be "to mtsreprement the conwtitn• Kbnn, M'�MC furliat yofa were dlofng, And feared you t'nd�ird Pbot Bloadin drftly ncbed • W41 bought 100 whl" At IOtf 16 We are tot ge tklg fair reatmwlt tied to the rack; a wooden engine ewe Y and .to talk for till hour and a lob ch limp, rr,twlthmtantiing trout t +r • and wou:d boR teach me. Qirl■t [lir Ice g rw� t wLner. a hitt. Th a wd wore; t w•MALrW%ug. At.--ThP trff.•nnitr fyom Engbuad. lot wit ut its toll There I" uch in the not to In the eta of tet. Androw's craw. pe film r t hand, within whleh was ugh half at a flaw, wltllout nein able, R 'u that time, to cotve' to J a"pe"s tsmptatkrom,'Britt h ot?llprntlurin have leen respected. When th-. Prure me!" Ae th? togs Trow rob) ext R swell flu• Beet t excitl the tri wuN in mae. Tbia.-io MLioraortd on Lit? Cheese Board W ,bey a,•n- 874 Foxes. All rolor.Yl but :.li. t!Ir allw thly Ga t. (aa. y'oa .ands ', . -wRlt nfi tlrtlpttlRlitTt'TUfll - tlr:tJt-4fafHa�•ttnrw.bP lesrtth,Ft �y rat t_Ma 11A, „thud-tuuchtyl..the.= ll - _. — h� dM S for tx)rn. bu.-Ii It nel:ef clad x It In the" Itulm i�sieneat tier kulT� wTITcTi hs Sf ivll� he ml•nnt x'to i� man's mark It Ti- Mosal pia "Tie wAo lU -(o of a of evert n conw4l•ni r minority, tie• AId the muster, was ftraC bnrued W say. lir. �Foorgelson gave wonlm to Lely 11e wtxk fife tba IuParhnuus Gk, `t: tb^n uttered a long vlgh. The rope ato LttoeV a+easly len Ila, Attg. 81. -Th rc Were I.tl_3 out rrvath dA,rYmt t? Would •h w Ile fre fn ,tet a phew fire, Theo the fleohy and it tion ht Ina K srestt many' (Me;y)II•'m Jilin 1[.ockr•w dlvl•a,(-don N'iWI the er"Ana water h". Now the rirhle. 1 s reaches him lips. He unAl we he tlae elute; when them were to •hoes. We lust uwtte hoz", epees brought Int) Ih,• chew mnrk•rt tod;ar ; .:eJl veldts Merl .lug,ast ,liatwitent I d11upeer?Ho often once fnhlP Imp ono o.. tib enter efelknte pRrii of fib 14"11 wen collets, Had It i the knowledge -that BCdlgo OVWOfi•e.oter uu tier rub . t ler weakly tried to rahwr his pend n1. %P th- waves, hat S' tea f ,f thio 6U feet of Ili coed, }'ester gut i3O'.., d deet t4 Uta unalu .oL a+aLbaat turn with red -hut, IroplP hove rllteA im up tont afaak __ r1a t rw•Y,xI X41 IS.11' tai- the ,.caw-LHal l I th'- aaah%u44 44 .,b blbx wliPti Illy Blrwdnt tottered d TAW Ubk?I 45 ttlsavll 4b0, Web{ter 850;' prkelrfil, . -TO -T'> "1?IIf• exu re tel >retel Dun .u( the ggP p Bcr n have feta 4) ties ruLt of the lie-_ ni? gaping wounds melted lead, oil, krq LIM aurtons JA eiear%. Hr oar '.1assentlmba=e - l and tfm natant. dU/boltklkf arking j1 hked laud �P- t ?moo mnu )Ind liad_sj� tt� � � fol er 71Iht ht. I IN% le In .olop ad luau. lIu IlsdBR- ilLr. 81, -At twill - _ of %both Afrh11, sunt reshr were`ToBred-•ieerpiw4 err �t tfR tf1e613' TuTFTn 1T snuT. iely - f tnPwting Y' - publlr« will eau;,• the vrrp name 4) 1 • hbttetf reel w colorer that be endurM Tire bumlas' Star d,escrt7,w the tv11 balveea11A.1 by a Ids tnnde In the It w•a" 8 n.mt lwfor(• F other Bros la Terrlbte 1'eHl. IxwlnYtl A+b aMaro; lU3& altered, ant. Tlw• Boleros, of ('11:1111, uT pbay• thin quisite pain, and bis otrength ldr Utnwscy of 1latrtt Ontario Ili ogi. Jew"r trlul, lu,t 6n•leJ bat Ills tie. 'Ian, fomd th-m wan no further call n that awful nioluent bis ad%hx• twat Ire oaks .c ' Hradrtreet's lair the ettirTme pwilrbtle tae at t eebL , tont ef..1 -filar tiarees Try - _. -_ _ - ' of ti' Itwrtpetaltar in sttlt+tfyi of Ills wcrnmeaF tti tie" inert l� Por hs minitotra}tlotu _-_ _ ____ _ Ire tie• fon'W;y Irupnwvil I:r If ulxm m • 1 1 followed nn 1'rlede. the imminent rll of the no km..it which h limiter were to be geugrnpbkatlly Jfitartu, tIr n-0'4 dam'gtlag fse tlrrwra�. Jester mistaking of affair, Father Broutan Bald: "I.dld wlrictly it,nmting ilia•es testy Trade at Slontmnl the Iwart week is loot ivtvllble to,tell Carud!a that -palled and iaz l=V s►lles•lanR, ran-, act ort np tet 1 ubJ nlmblY 11 rwa his olwwdek I +v4 law neon of waferaG %olumE. L'Iaual they' are In do r (of belrt axial lyfP R tat literas• Thr• etecutloner, In ten= ,ting.twtn the take right Into the waw me(* ed of murdericag A lad itolre whether or not tlw, "nlfe to Atav or fall w•Lth Inn n" miglut hap- h'prorrtto of fall find whIGLL• gaxkl Are - ' 810,000,000 n year for Imper:nl )lir. toegueeneP, e t him Into quarters; w'W of th^ Muskoka dimtrct," Tlt!al caused .Onte,, thew of the cruel war, of my rel( B ''o•Prrd ttwwr mup,Tbr to lel- nr n po:ew, ns they are IwfrrMagT toot, tie. .. or't Perr'oiao mielshof awing moron t. and the Npw 1 tore. ehu ref tar � it gulls om to deaerll)r bale Mr. Den- magt►tLe, "hent t+drty yfnrw a 9'D extrerar uMrlctkm to irty twerrautn bef/rre they were ca est G, npt7l�.;rlilscipllrec . "t agile to rTgalnJsin Julius )A P rnfa +enrf R! �. 8hippingloc lar nnlRf ne rally )tr)wln g giwlt ac11%Ity. I,fvath•r Hueh n plan of Ilolit4cal- rAmpnlgn s )fen for him, , ad him thnx h 1 Y g Ig •an Or"Imm defeRtsd t1tn:_Tory _.Yt•- F,vrrytofy ontihle ]tooted fear ix-^•lar- b� bosplltala akeia the reps. the Nnlr41"s keep: us Is Phtwing snore arrtivity.. Vallum in. to bat regrette'1: It ought to be abri the streets." R at a ? spectacle. (illllvray. &red addo• "If tie 1JkPrwtw ? L,o:I. I:ut the lulr� acquitted i It W " It Keento to me am t h i had lip. Use pial thraMilag nuuAy up nd gpnernl stap!e Woods are oteady. dowmad with NIe tBAce6 liom!4rle APlial Hn,c ifd uF tttst v a r rale -�re wIT Rkefy • t �t _-- . � .r fprl7'a rnUgh'-ctxmkJAtkil tU 4d- Drnth .Q Ino r wt gists wo rP+what Uu.tinfof ac N ifiall -lits OwL.-I -- ---_--- eieju}ed t ir�raxk! Tt►a to tom MI4 calf upon �`-��'s"s` �`'"� Jc"t tll•y knew wnY rtnln. There rens am env of term . . Say dlt t *wc flaw' guy 1`ae fr( no tte Nrw, York fel' Utt'thLr robe YT, wheat lL tin d ow•n more of a realer fall Irlw•A Pnn•is� are still on a r•rusrr%ativv-- H0MIt..B RUIt RJisd►t)I�1)lltit!l. I,etpriap .gl%Hr Rncai c aledflt fear ,Itriea"; Ikoei tbn $tat t1Nah tory d tachy LT not Use JmutPor uf'thirty i taw (Jill not to• le frentftad, dln:rly Droste, gnat main cup'•, pull- Ir, ter Ilgitenywf havlag tMtrtfeict- Iir. 1n, rcY t1'hlGa, of the C'mwn g nt etok low. HP says . ould make n sores }i► of tt than Y -11's 11116, Mere IyAng cont:-Aratica y Th'Y wlwrot the( Inst rwrewtlts In ed be ; oar cosvealsoeling gap' fierce w feu I LrsrM, Prb,ee aY)ntinur atest-tr.. ' t.Hndr office, Who han lust reterneA t fortltn11r Hader nbhroeet t1, Total did? lesn't Ifo own dea^rlp- few, If any; pectic,me of matter tors prays with sR " Many and rndld were..thx vblostly terkwl s!flrw nys, N'Ith fits won:e:lnl Ag'lity h? l ldmw Hench now la g%rwf tdPmand to "meet fn•w n Europe -an trip, speaks ns fed• hew -e with regard to tle.e proopeetr of was nomethircg rrmnrkaI Wh it his I" iy w,Ir ,mean of iilw•is Joints t'oit n rrmdtrmiathm oi, tier 'Poop laing IDs hn4v of the JMter eft the perked of the "Ik i crime• Rat .1faxlle of h^ml„nI d lo thin nwfnf weelle. i, R Jtuek (lxf it rnoovoil i( just In time am wfn egn1111sfum ri• r and ratnt ear, firm. rotas At\Lorukm the• rc"Itlntold l^"rf r, I he dl. int ern out. el:= f . %lour RPrryin itfter? .Dail why the. trrewf nt In at wan glee" to mP 4, -nrry on it to ran to Lhe nBxi tartar eel Is)rb+'lpf lh� rnrps are hrt%ing n h,% Imn)Igrntlon from Rritlfu : sweat creel all his forehand find ,mhnild Tnripa-clnlemw they wtwh bo perpetu tha.hoJv of tier .tester of to -,1&y, a diffierent fon lotion to Plwt,of th•dyl"K. '1'h'", a the terrible GrrPrgwr•lao gap I(rtew, L'O /cat *WILY, where he United, aral.la ffect ilia triide. Rrttllarlk :,r• .ILLxt naw Inla)rors nor corners ;IDI( I It •r• ten plenty of work at Kdx,d wnses. poun.Yl from hb h+uHM, bat he wo Id nut a word. Live cauls we ;Ito uu(nlrul har� n #4 ger 1 to the. Aral m.In rlrod clot Is l.alfahed tot' the crl a1e►� hied Pomr '.h t ace rent hen)fw" p FA "'lie, lkrtab gakik!' fir eRkl, ILnet t wyangHbwal Iota of lob for ill' ,All altd *Intsrr. Valre've ntinne firm 1'#4#111-• me not I jelly u) eudgrate when )ot u or h1A Trmult., beat he Islly 1 is Liberal plan, rued Dlve a nrl4ftritni Weigflt With the /cry. �e Brryifran U a'nntivP M IPP• tar !!„ Obe ed. "He for nearly• I fin" of Mettle gtn•M. t 11 'y rA 11 get g1N"I wAgN1 Nt II�w11e. N,1 ataapP n grlmRCe. H(R tonlpllur Was •cern 1?y t119 jucf�tot _ p•,tnik'r Il NY. fa_/ftlQ, wfnplfg...tbem..11rta . Waw rdn°•nt,c,f la France acid r,� i! IM fnne, M11 rrfYl sly ea lllr jl{f!w wait lite w lace of marble ; D every mocar tenon TratfA Tonluta/ to atnrfern u'I'i 11(IY let 111••ca lllllg nllt .1( tie! tle:lttt?t blas bitrl n gleed dell G, 4114 With til• rmatel•It3 peered IntV , it eetn4 lent bat slid lt7e i T=YJ- siert a} ay nd _. .. ...._ _ .f�Mfa fvt-wRfi n^PTP ,tat ii, 4 - tie,• _tee. +vett -4r*-IreFmw lei the rnbafrrr tyo- .ens sad. �r11ggld; !Arge bPxdx a peroplrattion tr,10110t aClttva. art act meetly_ Leta ctrl Telfa tea (I'v fio-art Met the Meter iK.L,r--- tit IRM". Many of t.hv mllltlx Irettal -furan i n him .d)tr y y, M"a if- pr� I - t F11u, dolt) arty o• lull clop Iie Trttnw•riM from- him. It W+aw theft I meant Rd- h,111el1f w&A tie • Inrzrr• w'Ik•w repsrrtrd . ecuimbt erntirely of rural Ial,oreM. the whole fill !low wHs 1 1y iso I r• h wantkster-Genera(' k n mut t h n- m mo y Ae4+.*.i tItly:-t:;eir t:' --� y V- `A", ,A (1//('Li ,s ' mlrt"1 hl, It and (ool+tew. Neither gr tiJ' WM?d Of' 111!M did tie% wlo to IrY,ple nm %eat. Mir. �ito Alts lh!J Illsvr nOw 1'RPII with tfleroura nttachell to i r hrnie-one tat r 1)iAl'P, a lcwttcNiloe Ilep■rtnrent foil ; (:'0U.,4lt."` be manifest hb w e•ewlers are well lore fur tier poet fire or efx a>wxtLbr." -#iia du•h _I-Mtti plie_ t_�Acll,wrm. Torn - n- Must fel UllIIll _f -Tier.. ratxk n_.Lnr ,11%xtei lie It lldotell rather t n R nrkrn tf•irer. -- - — leatfip(►TI/INFtHebt/erttrr? Ivad)w.P11Re� tAwt R da/fa►Ary at- R ase, rsspi lies" rands to itR t'Arei for tD'' F:x111, itinrl tn1,Je. 11'ltiliar MiRP tie The erid of war Tn 8wfh .CTrTea ihr betas ware blpptd, and so beeb grBa exttlttted: at{tormr>,ia ex• s lirltpe11racP.' ttw by n gan6 of m{vderous gAmb;ers, won and varlet wtnPtm to mmt rnpulremectiw tit IDs r,uutry m•'r will opens Ih'e problem fol IludWig folaoM \u Itaralllsde betty as fllwmeullwrfd% send his life came k an end. erP Im,nrreol ill farnlehin R ItA1tuVF:BY t'U\ KM ISLISN: Yarli, &•pet i>< .. IL Ib rues kAown adopted tabfk ipethud q( trying to hut" In All parts c( tier ioctin) •n. for as lot of dim-Wargeeil ouldien. kedlueenoe will be brought totear I/Rrotenw, who idlMd ,Inns XV., In the 1'nkol tie prastwl feullitled, -- Wttiow whvth^saMnf ('oont('abtMtutlr'sras' wave thalr wretched bete toot Bon- din never rM the.trtek _ --= AYOTHM.It CA111.k. cdeulK, i_� 11517 was Rltod a ^t rrl exam te." which M thP'n tare n' thin c Rat ail: of )turdror 31lwleter lir -- tIB wan cfnintercliand"d. - gain "Again I ton hln teas (I -- ITn Knuth Afrl t It Ir floubtful If ret his ear tote.. -were b Ikon nae tea ole A+rkles illi enra w re pium h- an II flnnrH int return ; a settee tom. well newt stimsiB wt that twnatry eel tiff and -file tongue ext cued In Ina Tian rvn7aeci fn tie all --- 1► iBproleattrRellre. 1:11_Ye_et&rly_pari 'Mr°°a farihinn. ff =1+• i+t-Jw atlF fete of tie • re"t"ry. LhP Br1tl b tlorernnlent were pot eat Ortho red-hot Ira Mimi omll•al manwgemPnt bar Mwlmta,l rotuly fila,h:atg•d wildlrm tes all hN teeth drawn In brutal n- rMnrtMn rd the nnnu/al tie take up furims In whdt b flow tet r Pn;- a pattila a_ 11CLUt,._Shich .ttsr.. Lea. -- %lure uT fJttlemm . `r (11w1 lied i Lwrmrk anruratJew were witlpt in lila% -was eptkrs wino the sheep ends torn l thf-4mil rnhl tonne office range wily. azul 'lblragtt the old med tier a went. HN r1Ma were dls ace+% nm D p #615,83'_ tat $1111,0.-.0. 'M a " Meal inrtwrr, finally, the wire given the rack and tafielt err the ten years We ll (boo set inake an ----_�_.._ iii► - tiew .�--- ILAYatte2ed bat the -.--. 2l4XI -�---T----` -.. _( dor tie■ tae.---- -.. a gvyteraiidlF`t�3=�1'r�ts Is Irw Alit eserA a'. deflArrm•Iw". At �►' Sa Tbfit•Yi-a eherwbtg oaf un . roto ,k kr IIMroIt, Mk , t 4.-H. B. beet gip,• If -ys--� �p I*niaral`Inntlw J: ytwtrrvblg re:ialr- tth- a-- feAetr DI's IwYOXTrte'l sway hPr 1/rtrt4wers. 8nd at- x.,•tall iter i J tater Helen to i%e money for Vfmi-sapirnatng oarW,Trtai triter. N••w !"oak leer hat_ r ■Henle mat N" Halo. -tear.- _en the r c ne n qpe Wwtlyd the American shore. w grPni wPw d fttebl► fixed And Intent with loterest nn(1 inor sown to Tyeo ns JL tat (YtiTg '16!r-"' psletee" Neve, Ron-TTT.'Q-oe-,-ileg. st.-New - rest u>t41L11i Oet®any In trinnn'"T. to sty cult• A the Ikanof Vero Kettelrr, whlr%v m Tto mala ,e IrINL :,I,IN•nl. :end her I.r am ,I ArewAirtg to mss ILA lap ; some held ; with the Caareadl a t I'a.-Me i011way A ntRl of tIM ernlul lllniAter Go (chin", '1lmtreaa who w mark sect In ihr Ntr11•tw u( wow M• pltifnl th•It. Edwin wnA tl/a' h,A end Il% flnnlly (rcr%AfIPd nlru o'ut their arts aw H to grump Iw end wtvP W form fnlldng• A bend wan try- Tre�rnph amt Utsmnler,•inl Unbl" ( wnles,wHl tlP ,nal fn .nbli,• p n1 1 A"tow .when,-..-+JIa. •-awab-- to fotknw, aaktnR film Gr mPud 0mrgv -ing '1'If .-Pio ter- in *ifpnf- - �'7tm111L -ta Iasi-. , tha• wret�Irt.%rpr aliloinotem nrn,i rroie oily dloe'nrd- s ._aR.k ilatiday-'-4et!t. Ise% Nlrs' W IIA ferrwanMd by ihr i �-. arm td her her. This Im Ik)nl, anti after Iropring upas Alfi not natem, 11 n cable will he received nftre r alltuumt` the amt antltenUe %1lrr,f fn»n her "'me rath^r severe confiltMne, pot n P "'Look oat, Bbn11in,' i wA41. 'Herr mldAlght Frldny- Aturtkty end will f eblCe bsyplare loud IL the trouble Ithrifi mdssri Go pay Ills mtlI erect- comas nun rtMngrr. Theles pr„ OrgtlemltteA In aider flleA. 9'hM , low" ret with_ -Mf' tiara y,lr,.ky_bpt_ anA tamp the side peopiP will rnah IIf m and crowd la end tllam- new cable fine M laid from New Vosrk -the .grro(�yi W ard'a famil Ur. Lied nrd•s Y• _N•rtt 'ftftrrrmdvr filTNiaw t iI"eRrT � mai+eo•orer the Clank.' for N`ftynt, Amoroso, Rrsd from f ejmi J sow a stn nt ,Ince / V reuni lirmf whm he sonvor' liesrw IAlatteci a "'What shall i ,k T 1 t) F,rnAerl l+ermauv It I" the oulr nn Modern' mnclety atrhurr tort are, tit" ,nwrala (tsa well ba 11►fnaa dx r Ioham t tv els^ (a<mIA faattl waA'to 1 ,a nw d. till( WhPii TL ITFMTFhA tli jiFiitT'et tTr#e t �-____ 4de. raider, thfa_ 8wrvwrvlas; Tlm 7r1 e ,,,, r It "'Make. a -rush. afrl drive th",,mash tow ons r Men -Turf *4 to !-ik`'s?it.to lit 1h.. 1'ult- x- i - PJt!_ h^ theca oaAln_leintt sir -termnn.r {il'" ,.- —_-llnmmrr, roam.' And torn lie eow•rassfn ly Ind. J rifle In dlra t #4wlnortrwe Maros.• ilia Sn.abkw of "gran• Iegaln"t n crindriel by renlnving film. Hon. (iO-gn 1Y. 'Rv.e _and Hlsr. - fork aATAntAge th- wltaaltltw• and "The surae thnt followed oar Ar- •and commumicatioa with t.hp tele- Y T■Ikrrn-ar___,nwM M wm"rrt Any h"fp nnlew h?r rl%nI on u ern flrnv% ween Index- R'Anh linea of t:arm:rny Tha ran?''N tlt`oi W peso " i,'s•m mlmp:Ifted dy"," w • Inn )funv+rr• nIY1 e%prditbns R'tn-ivA "ern were• C re chief gunk Ara to amlatwtAml that �tlr vThnlr rdrtrtn ware wlpfd on t. atno of the tract rIf rYnfnt.tro•ti,nl ,?ml tit, restatd Iretil,iw-ut orf the cunetry manner Prrhnpr the (vary wo have at-■ at i Mnnnfar•tnrPrm' lfnngnoot (!ons. T r'm friends ht QIt"Mr Th^ same people furtllrr nrfinn ngtifih'r. (d eve( row• kmrfrr tlt11n NI - 1 Are'awktng r votes on tha that Ren lirwld rehrr"I G. trials'I," ngnrrc. ,old npr -t.,, Ner•mrd crnay. ars ti. Tollo and npw•rat•e'f1 autonrft w#rl d tlrP 1 Wrmrl Itl%rr. 1F7th to turn to ora kr the rlanlh of lien rI�- ha Ternro4 tart Oyrht,- ihr ferrmrr Rrmnti ►1(t-' "Tire },tunny --t.1 ma net A r (ally. Trl"graras for sore mnnr to fu exarnpre, erf Jr amt nx•ih,slr ser pelt quirk end Jwtln:a"m ono dhrto resp(",dirw ('anal atM' the F:m that h" drR the weeding of the nIU11PY In th^ (',mint.'" handle. madj)nld had drea led 46 minuttff." R mboekf he filed with the ('811,1114111 gvride, why Wh srl,l It not te, praetlea• much W temmen tier terrr)r or tkrxth lar biro•. ihr Int 4o Canndw's Fare I ear ^tingrntw . '"I. will our renlMrie Ih^ rrwlltorw thele lvtw, the wltm thus np ._ _.--. -._ _ Pacific 'Mlegraph &aid ordered "%'In ceirWas c!awmrw orf erinlln,alm. But, tIA Rn p of n ,tify U IiPn:hl w•hrnrvrr advater"! nR4rr•Rnting M 000 (") Atram-gmden." i*. to Moat• In Northern fmtwrb, that me it may, wnClety b nut like. Trn,le,, lir. W. k: H. Mawrv, Urr they find an, Tu! /pPnk"atm too; frAnca Alrmt 81,A(M,ft(N), Am They 1TweA 1Meekearle. _ 111 linnitlohn. Un Terrlu)riew or ly to revive the be )(, thle thnmh- mtdent of the Itawwr•y Hnrrl" (•om- Ing that wet In tIM remeh 1111trlctm. Edwin leaned nn hinrdly nn th^ Hon. Alar. 'far k+mtln wwm nn ol.l N'etwl, pwde eat a Ist.reet t,. r. ,eersw and thn rack F'or soma-UnintreRl HProt . 8t, LoaiA form Uherinwr (}new 1 i,itwtral. \Shat. kin I r,(' ti"LLsil%nt ,11,1 BOOM: ('n'umbia n lab of (h" rn#al pn.11y, followinlg %Ir Priters'm, ,__, �� R' R' Akrrxa, Mile, A 81.-Aw the rat clawwes orf criminnln many lnrlmtm nn,l - -- a- and bin wife far,@ foUll here. M rmvx Ire frown the, to n whet row( fY, u•bu wi:l flood th'tm'wl%on out u: Pea ywnn ngfstw nArlsr whipping n" tie• thncwht some u( the prosperity normo -- -*este 4rW pts AeW. . _.. '::: kwwlly prattle him? To Duty^ hem from "lilt of a pwanke ear as a'ect.le roar p'oytMtlt when the war In Simile Af• Ing n coerce epprr,prlate punlrAlment en})yP,t Witte fine to thr growth nn,1 1leath of (irarale 1.. Hnhan". uhlle life by enhimny wrose th,1,' nim "t fillvar iwkP, a wnbmrWin reW)rt. R'!1 •%('Ir, 4irr Int, ,Meet night, ane p"rwdxa wits kill Y,"'.ing ripe Fnrnl. N •- Weiland, Ont., Aug. A1. - (IPorgd hPy cern nmiilewl hem of e%rrwp!rinK M and three others In)sered Thr „e rtrw (Piston 4) an to)Nf:' SI Inn of them t.hnn n paries, In n well-11pld pro11 rr Oreton .of rownrle•m fore harrlsn inti a rr1lpbyPA In l'hk,hnlmx "IIW T,Ambtfwt Iiohwrn,ynf 'WPllnrwl, clerk with trlemhprem,of h'm rnmllc te%mtviho• Rlulf sou hear" W h►rm, nn.l ,rflwrs Pr1wIN1 wiUt w Rcurl nuIw11N. And pen tenet haw pante was t-wfrrwrl b tow fnso horn Mh:y a ew•,I AnsA of tfia rat woclA Rn,Wn form three mel• ml'I nt Itrr.11;?, Irl( ng,lnYt Ih�w%w of fie" FInR Dlvlakvn gamer nn.T Tatra fwlMlr tr%.tumry, atrl kept. repent ?yr 7 at) r►rwld fl'?ft work At rnllwny Inulrting, R Ildrw In IRNA 4) thirteen millir"er col a cool ige mir•hin• yesG.riny. ant the ntrvlrxu minr►ier, a. they ire, Ing fait An, fl"e"es hnreetinR 1plwnl letrvMRl,r to the rnnrM na- hl+ heft nrni WAR f,omd^ awrPr Hr the (lusty of R'a111n11,111rti I n tom milling ter mnnnftectiring. Tls'•re In turn „•f font Is, wile-nrnterm nhti Inmt year Thr firm 1111":emelit r% I Vly Ile'Pr•A here thin mrwnl After nn Illness wtnnnting aMnwntinrue MChlneet Lite I Ifs nRh tow ear iMnr. Tha pnAIP'n tea' Jnst 11r'nw the elllow, Y O Prni lendlev" o/ to-Awp,--i.nmfon Arlrrr R"^I I"r'wma tarrlNwel itn,l mndr 1 'I Wv)Irl In Nip("wing street lilgone.e. torn nmsnlSnnth of w„men. Rut toll” gnPm- Im,rtw hall In thnt time grown rn,rm nt wren" mnMhm. 1 r WAA n wm ,a( tilt tlwer. (r1nt4 rlaah to get df. Ferrilnwne thwt haw to ,IPnI earth Ihr points who nothing t'o nn amomit a -h;, h uN,k Mor Nherlff pritym, nn,l for many Mrgwts, hen., 111e11 leant Ihj%erlsa)+ r• Inrgr pyrolntkra, wIW ample retltrorool mnke target•, orf men Ili anthorll v. Tllr Ntrwmsh7p NPrunt..r brings IhP ylprm ens ,Irpnty short/f, nnri In A llttiP Ri M►mwd MrlklolP wnm rrlvPd In Jnmping ,1 4, snpgort all WM) ars rM^ sett will- s0 M@ to tweet effect their re rasdon. mr%fen figured to erl,resw aann,l4%at 11111"% "4the Irowning of tbptaln IN wfiA a eandlolnte forr tha Coro I"M At a ple"tn wt scent Prinesr .11- •'. Islg too wyrk. , i c M a A}fflsale-.eee. nm.hfLnlos warm then %ery best cla@e kan expluren or the Ldwral 1,Pglm ter , N .W. T., on Toesday. sad mail- Mr. 1►, C. Fritw"r. If,• Pas eumlm- • a Porto nl a nlite?A A . klaaro r ( tat rennet staff V y a . nywDr" T r „..... - ; ,f, a;. .- , .,..„ I '%4JliT"lpve M)'.e . t �" "2 :". '"3° „'�_' Y", 1. k't 9W.:. @^r. �. • y' Iw 1 $) r a «y, 4. t, : , ,. r .m`k' 'Ar'+, ,a. A,0p ,,.l;. ,'h, 'J. � i�` w ve nett Y. : -: 'y7:' .. ,y, F,. ` r .:: . .: .,.. ..nr,.rfipe: , a. - . ,,r €a" i •' a �,,�F'^F , . , per ., ,,) . . t , ,�;,!,. x a r , ,y,a , - ., !� F II l a: a 7G.. , , ;' , a i „ 'L r ,'a ,,.ark., r ., �'' 4 'm u ;c �m., . m(, + ,,. t w .,: a I ir5r ! +. ,,• ..ere '"r` • ,. a, .. ,.<9i.,. ?er.,rr, , . ,k, ,.n± .r ,,,4.. :i' "rrRa,$rry ,,,.a•.. 'I?-, ,a t;:7�.,,a . t� i�., ZiITIA- l t , r. •. :r , err,' ,. , �. r^ , N < n _ P y I, w--.>.:.. I�IM, .__.4_s,_ �c•.._--.... _..... 4 ..:; .._.r....-•:,. :,.�_rea ........^2.3 Xs ,... INI!.',F-..I .r-,,,,, P __._.,.�, , _S °I _ .. ..,.�.....�..:iv....r....: '.Y._ - a