The Signal, 1900-05-17, Page 4r: t .. .. ,.d1 T- ii '�':WIII '�i'y1Ylr :"%a' VAN' Mt"' _ .... 1 a�..� '�. y '-. "Nivea ideaw./Y 1. - ..s" «� �.•� y �'JAi 4 T■atlr..T >rt t >ttt 1900. TILE SIGNAL : GODERIU,H.. ONTARIO 391.44004.1.1."" ..We are proud .. of the sycoses et the MoBURNEY-EE&TTIE bicycles in ()oderich. They are our (autos among hundred.. They are the people's choice among tom If you would be proud of your mount, let us fit you out. Our buyer leaves on Frldav tor the cities in seerch of snap. and novelties in bicycles and suu dries. Tne Farmers in at any time and see oa this .scoop 'know a good thing. That's why we are selling so many Sharpies Cream Separators Any farmer can have a ten day. free trial by letting us know. They will save you time and labor and make you money. .... SNAP SHOTS. ' —Boole Africa is being printed red with good (handiest Wood. —AUuILALW declines to stay dead, and linin BAN ii correspondingly depnared• —ALL that talk about PageruN'adoinge in West Elgin now appears W be from the teeth out. Emerson's Emerson's ODOM 110111011111 at the West l/.lttm in vest gatrou referred to SAN flames'', chum Palimony a. "a s.U-oonvioted liar." Bicycle and Mtaio House, West street, Ooderioh. - Gastaa t. Hui7'olt has been having a hot time with one of the Canadian amain gent, but he hasn't yet nut SAN Hunt's* ntfttfttlf/tttlfttMMItRtIttlftIttlIttrtIttfttlfttMITIffltrft —LAwraa Yates tad old man Num are not doing any talking • about what they know of the Grit doings in Wert Elgin these days. 4 IS rvuaasD ETIRY THURSDAY MORNING 4 n. MOBILIOWIRS1 SODIUM. THURSDAY. HAY 17. M00. into the it h.duty as a father 6o its-li T,oifi—tar f11fdrit•-trts A CRUEL CASE. IN our news columns there is an ac- ooumt of the inoaroeratiou in jail of a boy of nine years, for the heinous crime of letting off a few firecrwokers in the street. of Sea - forth. That such a thing should happen doesn't speak very well for the good judgment of the magistrate who inflicted the penalty of it reflect any particular credit upon the parent who recused to pay the titre, out of a feeling of braggadocio, and allowed the child to be committed to jaiL That there is an ot'dinanoe in Seaforth against the firing off of fire-trickers doesn't hinder a magistrate from t axing discretion- ary powers, particularly when the culprit has not gooe pest the age of ten years, and it ti almost a pity that the magistrate in this particular car did not avail himself of his prerogative, and allow the youngster to pat In an hear or two in the local calaboose as pnnw.hrgent in full. As to the father who permitted his child to go to jail, if he could possibly beg or bor- row the dollar and oosta,we have nothing to say further than that he should never have beta a parent. From what we learn the child would not have transgressed the law had it not been for the father's ac- quteeoubos, and having got the little clap t.• pouch. That outsiders had sufficient gumption to eine up the situation and get the child re- leased the nee} day does not lesson the res- ponsibility of the chief actors in the lament- able affair. The tears and heart -sorrow of the child and the lose of his self-respect/are humiliations that nothing can atone for. Read this! --Is Baran gene the old-line Democrats.. the free silver Republioans, the Populist., and the German and Irish vote he should be a winner text time. —Pus warrior bold of The Hamilton Spec- tator, who runs a hennery in Hamilton, is deadly opposed to chicken -thieves on the line of march, s,d believes starvation is too good for them oderich Bargain (;entre I will self the purest guaranteed grade of mixed paint in gallon Iota, any color. for $1.30 per gallon cash. This offer holds good only up to the 15th inst. Next week 1 will have other SPECIAL BARGAINS for cash. Use Sulphate of, Iron for growing prize fruits, vegetables, etc., only 3c. a pound. Spray now.... —By the eyidenoe,Iwe see that The Spec- tator's friend, Sar RAlttll, has been more in touch with Farxuerr than any other person, and this probably accounta tor the latter's crookedness. 1 have the genuine ingredients. Every day bargain day here for spot cash. Try it in any line. A. IVIc. Allan :-Wsam-Hoa Blau ivaiuiiiii Aikci W. Wuo.T have obeswut to pall oat of the fire they send SAN BA.Ita, of Remit: ton, to do the job. They know the Hamil- ton man is easy and has fingers to barn. FADED AWAY AND GRADUALLY DIED. WE all remember the gusto with which Tory orators retested to what they called the "iniquities" perpetrated by W. T. R PaswroN in the West Elgin election. ripped passion to tatters in the .Kort to paint in sufficiently dark colon the alleged wrong -doing of the man who was four thousand miles away from his traducer. Well, the show is „ver, the pieces played, and the jig is up, so far as the Tory orators and newspapers are oomoerued. Parros has faced the music in the witness box, and the ghost stones of his tradnoers have dis- solved into the thinnest of air. WH1tICY, Plica, NICK DAvIN sad NUNN have failed to put in an appearance, and BILLY MACI.IAN, a that ilk, has owned to sound the tom-tom or beat the fuzzy -gutsy 4n the column. el The Toronto World so far as the case of Perron i. oonoerned. And so another of the anions of our Conservative frieods has been dissipated, and one more election myth tis gone down under investigation and followed in the wake of the Calf with the diugh, the Rose Bible and the Humber Hog WHAT OTHERS ARE BAYING. TriT Alta QUITTal.. Wood/took Se.tl.el•Reytew : Tb. Ter- mite W.rld, tae Mau sad Empire sad soen. ether Opps.ltte, papers nom to have lost W tame.% M %he development of Northers Osbrtb. .nmirofD WA* dams LAST TIAs. Ms ruled less essnit over the retail eeltla� teal Runes failed t* beams a .... Th.p.adasd.abatLata.daxdhsa ,I.mtesa•r .1 orir fer.ee b,1 1.s adopted by makes.. Why abo.ld act the understand the (ha.dra& peept., housekeeper al., prod% by it ! Give the caw be did net a.dentaad 5 prefemisa. hes a Mame to show what she aa. do l■ la- ts. Peeled the ftw.d.s.. orwlsg the size and quality of her proton All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of noses WANT !POINTY DA$Llmte. West Jefferson, Ohio, after .afferim11 for Now Deaver, B.C., lade* : R. 11. Mack eigbteeo month. from Rectal Fultnia, he l.besk 1. mania( ler the Leaislat.n b would die unless u wetly operation was R.rlud, ..d well probably be still taming perfonued but he cured hiaelf •with ea the 10th of Jae busslut man sed Bucklers'. Aroma Salva, the best in the wear • bouquet with wonderful arse., but world. Surest pile ours on earth. Ybo a Charlis's place ea this earth is bride the twee Sold byJas. Wiles., druggist. Doh promoter and the fat oapttalist wbe k.e desins apo. the pabllc domain. He 11L . p1....ot fellow, hat Ms trail does sot res tato t' Damp where the bard handed seas of telt try their barns. It rather ruts to the musioes where tin fizzy teems i. the ( Wan of the olaases, a.d the masses serer e.a. DANOss00I LENITY. ] a&trsat Wdtaiss►:. Ab.T wba,.rear.t.d . pistol at bis father's heart with the pro- fessed t.testloa of patting him is deadly fear Ia order to gat+ Roms trifi•sg ottsot. namely, permission to aka a trip, probably with Romo other yonsq scoundrels, and who . 00ld.etly *het him dead, 1. beteg treated with dangerous lenity by the court.. The upended orlon t., from a moral polat e1 view. se very near Me unintended ono, 1..t it would be a very wholesome warning to all the yo.., yellow newspaper readers le the oosatry Ind he sunned for the ooe which be actually and most criminally oommltted Tenmie Telegram : 1f Admiral Dewey visite Caetrda Admiral Dan MoGlllieuddy will be able to say thee sever before have the two greatest eosin.. of Me day stood .t Ii1ta.i thst-tLe sass .less cot Uesediaa soil a SOT ■O& T1■ NAIL TO CRACI. Why did alt the Ooseervaidv. Govern- ment obtain a British prstereses for °me- dian prodeotg darleg their sights.. years of power at Ottawa? d •ed if they are put la- te office .gale, what is the einem ot their beteg able r *beat. It ie the nett eighteen yean !—The Glebe. ?HST All OSI/UL AT PIOUS SHOW.. Maggie Whig : Hamilton aa4 'rero.te have a sootewv blue boot, the coatede o whish . sold to be very Iwplrl.g. It gives the pedigree of the hoot families, tie Dames of Me grows up sou and dauvhtrs, she *lab members, the maiden Dames, etc. It 1e . Bore et Du' Meese reviewer which the bloods are expected to oosealt before they go eallleeg. 1T WILL DITILOP HaN•OOT. Stratford Booms : Mr. rob illaa, M.P. preps.. Istielatlea to las .nest th.t. dozen of egge mast weigh a pound and • hall. ldtat is right. What eaoe.ragemest is there to the breeding of htth•olw fowl 1f their product is put on a livid with that o the .arab' The no idea that "earn is egn um i` J THIS 1S TH■ POINT. Stevan Sao : General Hat toe has dose soma effective work u the Boer oampaln and two or three Toronto newep.pers. of none. mate political oapltel ant of the feet. the olaim that his oredtlable show• leg Is proof that he should 1..e been stow ed to remain is oomm.ad ot the Caeedla. militia. A. a matter of foot. we did sot need any additional ar.nees of General Hotten's capability air a British otiose. When he Deme to Coad. we keew bin M 1 , be a good soldier, and oa that pens there '1 was no ohmage of division of opiates. G.a- are simply kidney disorders. The filter the blood of all that .boalds't be them. The blood poises through the soya every .very three minutes If the kidneys do their work no impurity or "casae of disorder can remain in the dreuluae longer than that time. Therefore if your Wood is out of order your kidneys have failed in their work. They are in need of .timiFlation, strengthening or doctoring. On. medicine will do all three, the finest and most imitated blood medicine there le Dodd's Kidne Pills y • extra value in warp, 1241c. to Japanese Matting, cotton 50c. per yard. We are showing extra We are showing extra We are showing extra We are showing extra We are showing extra We are showing extra tains. value in Floor 011 Cloth. value in Art Muslins. value in Art Sateen. value in Lace Curtains. value in Wool Carpets. value in Ruffled -edge Cur - ALL AT PRICES THAT WILL WIN YOUR FAVOR. Next Bargain Days, May 31st and Joe 1st. -JAMS ROBINSON ti SPRING NECESSARIES PUNT UR POLISH "The Climax" makes old furniture look like new. The best, 2U. A furniture Cream in bulk for those who prefer it. FLOWER and GARDEN SEEDS in packages. MOTH CAMPHOR DteIw,w,rAwr. Bruno MIDICtwse BAIIArtAs BLOOD Birr eel -- . --Recre ee Rea $cote Ptat*dt We can supply' many things you need during Hoossakaning. HOU®ENOL AMMONIA Two kinds — we have an extra Rood Roe• a' Mlatmil" Pipe -vanish_ Coat the pipes before putting away to prevent rust. Excellent also for ooal+oattlea, outside icon work lebttttg� tops, eta 25o. a bottle ; • r--- tare�x ¢3.nA. W. C. GOODE - - DRUGGIST Asest for Blrkbeok Bulb:lb w end Lose Co. a borrow es Darman permast plan and own roar Mama House-cleaning Time.... Brings many requirements which we can supply. Let us haver lonr order for anything in our line, and we will tory to please you. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. STURDY di 00., The Grocers, Telephone No. 91. Cor. Square and Montreal St. rcrzasie atmmmmmmmmnimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi .`"ars". RETIRING FROM BUSINESS ! t " 12.000 WORTH lOF' FINE CLOTHING Tailoring, Hats, Caps and Gents' 'Furnishings ....WILL BE SACRIFICED BY.... WHO, AFTER FORTY YEARS OF- SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS. HAS DECIDED TO RETIRE. TTIIINQ MUST B to buy SQA 1 ( BET EE NOW lizrj*r. 1 c' ▪ ter «,INA ° 111)�,I 11.x•1 W'.V, MIA sbsts6 • 11 Dew J tl of ria .1y,I -1 old td n m Min t4▪ ht MOM 1101 voce tow Ile w nese w' -e . les ▪ p Kgs Len4 Inn 11 M e.0 1..a Fn sue el rrt lee w se lens e Ar no or Mated .' pe s▪ c: Wad ..I s*.. am im1. ✓ !1.t4 W e, e' 5,1u 1'7., a.f J tt1 ne▪ : 8•e w 1. ele 1• is THIS�WILL BEA' GRAND OPPORTUNITY your Spring Suits, Hats, Furnishings, Ready -to -Wear Clothing, Overcoats, Underwear, Cloves, mks, Umbrella--WatetMOof Coats, Neckwear, Collars, eta., AT AND BELOW COST, F'1 ` .%w- as everything must go THIS IS GENUINE SALE! 1 e kfl::r'.7. .� .Het—". -'ice 4�W E'.Y"K3''.t,ia.—�• ,._/'.?i!'`•5,,xa.': • e A; 1: "mss.. _J F,`.v �_n , rY �'' 'tin �k .✓'''t?�4-#. , -.4 t EVERYTHINGMU.ST BE SOLD I CLEAN, l ......,,�.; The Palace Clothing Howse. �'tii ••A $ outstandla g a geounts must be settled at once. All remaining unpaid attar 1st July will be handed in for collection.