The Signal, 1900-05-17, Page 2T--..-: - 1r,7 ,`!r` ---- +7Wt;+-'•-T�*T -`-ST� ., 1. I V -III, Thy y y-^., ,��� ^` w� v _,-,�. --m-_-T -- Iry q"'Wa--"IMI-.-, - � -.r +-.4 �+,_ ■. - V-�,.0,. ,Z - , mwx,'.�'e;•�+..wn•�41• vacrw'i"rw,* .'." !, o- t ,zlHAY t'.#lil� .. � e. �.� ^.►-' , It Signal Ity to calumuiate Bir Riabatd Cart 1 mlytsA hallo= Lalktd with Ib. P1w- pawl upon thatr work was honestly 1 t� wrl[bt ctrl they Save remit high PRESTON'S EVIDENCE tout wino petal wmplaltted that the ,lour; Chap wart inns who trw►Id _. !. W►nv „gulag a ItiUo slow. He frown down any pta•dbwty of ray Market Re its tsrl(t credit tax the return of good ! tt lL e rswusa>• rimae until orrw roma Llberab were - Als' e, l t"V � BaWittli tit the Duke wrong I had experience with guts of . ST=T TWUNWAT IIiOi1rD-'6 House, bet knew nothing lemrruually them for w Dumber of guars." _pp_ dew/ted by Wow. Tbq tied a short of what to wan ek,lr here, He cul► ., u.e,�llt.fo�T. Before the West Blgi� Bloc- tip -Afe y� �insak4wlir: ? am � The Week. inn of Prt,trPerlty anti surpluses. bort phtrsztl ho war work on tion ox►nrarr, tint, cvt C*Pict ? - wlteem adapt. He d d not know how speaklag of him art I knew him up to - _ in 1"8;-8 5 they had W chow a tion l ommiasionera Sullivan ha y.musid to 001330 unless t lame of Ube W4e6 Elglo 010DUCIL TNUXMAT, b dotlelt a$2r'40y5M) than had h L l U ill DO LL V ` Q. -'Are Wa others Just such ares As A[A2 IT. 11100. ver ' brought u Ity Mr. alson, t v Leodlax Wheat Market&. - __ __ ever acourred in Mir Richard's time, -- In reply Leo Mr. N'atwort, wltteess wit- ('apt Sulllvaa A. -1 haus known ..e'.rr±e-• i -'^ _ Qua ID 1885-86 the Tory deficit war plagued the orders oat the MherUt for Myr for eighteen years, and we have Following an the closing Priem as SIR t1UNARD•8 1)10 PRR CONT. Qil 1�IO1 ATP D Ao T �W Lite appoIn%ment of deputies, whk•h hu lakes part In many ele.%loon together. Important w skit contras W -day: AR a ens givc-nn fit Ottawa w n $3.884,571. 'fixe People of C•awula HE 1 Ll! 1 at iJ t watt dr"f ed'wIfthit♦alit wr►4Unit I 1 have never known him W du any It- llsmh. Juy SribolP ecru Wr Rk4utrd catrtwright for lived to learn that the N. P W40 wait] that owe day putt bosom the obs!- legal or improper act to him llfr. I Cb •" "• ••• 4o• 0063 a-4 oma tuslrl4ng, upua Ids laclplw or ub- no delouse Against either Lard tiaras tion, while he was very buoy du Ur, have swwar known him to be asked. to .New York •- -- •-• -- 071 8•tl committee prow, eutueone game u to 'to Anything of th ]lit d.. What I qAa MIIWAUkus -- .,. ... 0061-2 4110l� to the deals. , r Wilfrid Lau m, bgbltr In public revenue. p [ ricer d a new story. He said Wr 1�a �$g jtOt �i� (It �D] GluOY' mint and n.ted him W write out Wise say d him, I tan say in So tar as my Bt Louis --, - ... 0701 -Is 0•bL Y The Liberals got back to office in of -tit," (there were Wove or four) for Tolsdu ... ..- .., ._ 0121-2 0716-41 Richard sur always falthful to tM Others. knowledge ubWY of the Party first. As a Proof bill doelaewocl 18516, after eighteen years Is Opyo- Bd��L lir. >rltcalatr W sign. He did rut and Others. IystrdR red ... ... 0711.4 Oil 1-4 than, In .INTI, when the Mackenzie wit". anti with a reduced tatUf howl no Idea lu the world who it was Mr. Preston then described with Detroit, wbtM - ... 0718.4 4bterntwett refused 1* give protea they are now showing larger Our -Asked Asked Alin to,do It. He oo,ppr+cklorod It sumo detall the work of these tion, Duluth Na 1 N.... Odd Uial-2 tium, Sir Richard was really lufavur 81$ 11 ■iCH[11p rt ' TUR96Ai� merely clerical work on hMpart and showing that they were employed to Duluth. NcL 1 If.... 0678.4 -- of K : bird, he bowed to � declgion pivam than were ever ream Ixefure. ,(4��+ that there waw nothing Mnding tri t•anvwtdog and perfecting the orRaa- Minneapolis. s. No. 1 of Lie colleagues yard tera,�'the brunt They found the Tory tariff ranging felt, Thutnas, May 11. -Tia fit wit Idm' Isation in various parts of the rldldss. Northern ... ". „. 0643-4 06414 of the ob"juy" earned byte (tavern- about 80 per cent.. and by wblttllttg 'Iran Q. -Was It a ooDrkfer►W and drib Thea you .are lvleg ('apt. Rnllf- Mluaeaplla No 1 I u,MS lot inns yLelding to the POVular Ot on rtirdwom'that, n 1 clic are � � M called y wait Iftrry tie said ie Iwa ala Rggnen wldpiotur coustar athoa, ed B tiomaaked presently, character 1" Mr. bard ... ... ... 0641-4 - will, never stRwring a word toshow 4 q prteeagy, T to WormersMarket, bow deeply he war misjudged. bIA W horeminrer. Ito admitled delivering Rif peakla% of him Juit as I May Jfl,-Romipto of farm produce', is as ittMt'oatiM ]fie of news. Ice time (eWhing the Ito4e down to We 20 the ballot -box from No. 4, �At. Thomas to "Ito at that time, mad he had n, have known him, witness replied. wore 1900 buabe}r of graln, lA luwls of first place, it ptortonrrcer tilt Klclutrd axut. that sir Richard C rt- ktrrwlerlgisOf w1'tst pvuvmo Intended to Witucas denied knowing anything of ha 5 of straw ads} 150 dremud bogs C#rt- the mysterlOur lir. lttaUurd mune term. g{a cknlod ail knowledge She preeDee of Tom Lewis or of g steady ; sso bushels roto an s laked. Nr ltichanl was n holt ttgr Per Wright favored to the seventies- Tote prr iron trader Ip all Ills wpnero•inr, nml FVr � : acini as-tdelrtyl, W Sheriff Brown. of ADy schew� or oluttign for ttrersosa- PriWhett. Re mold he was unaware follows: one load of rail at 70c: -per Wilfrid Intimates( that he fled Virough pert cannot be undone, but the Llb- iia old to dmvoppwl Into J. R. Dons- tion or wrongful act. or that he had of Duncan Bole's presence In the rid- b"wl, 200 bwbel@ ipf at 780. ower ttrm all. rnwn It dka•redita the orAlh an, planning well fw the fu• It In uffloe the eventug u[ tow dna en ever heard from AmIth, Preston or In He •was not, however, very sure Ba' M1 -Owe load sold at 480. per anyone also of any such doral iatwttat. gale lir, Mac•kensiP. FIxon the (lead tum rafter tate election. whim that gen. At the popcitmlou of lir. Gra erl- b ether he was act naked Ile day «L-� �e sold at 321-2 W Iwttdgr Mir Wilfrid W mean esrwrgh So before the election If ha knew Bole, place -the Obloquy'" wldvh ILP says .. -- tientan gave him the box air! asked derwe, the courmleefonetr•a adjourned or whether It was some week■ utter the C}overpment earned. Finally, It Ltj) t 0AAL NOTES. Idm t0 deliver K to the sheriff. lie dill until 9.80 to -morrow atorndng. the election. He had some weeks pro- Bay -25 loads sold at $10 to $11.50 t%mm not speak very Kwhty for, y;' viouxly been Introduced to a moa by per tan, .. Wilfrid Laurier. Any maur•w'fio can e0 without any oottvesrratlua, cool d1d 8t. 'I'inuman, May 1'.'.. -The West EI Shot name on the train going to To. rUA know where Donohue got It. gin odrmmLwlun finl@hetd its work bur+ R [ Straw -5 loads sold at $8 to $9 per pral@P etwrthrr key swallowing Nle 1Ins7 &sem so be having s hot time $o roatu. He declared, however, he had ton, Mr. R'a,i�ua inquired for Mr. IAenio <1a ng n, knowledge of Bole's work here, or ►coo a blame nrr[rther tar sir. [ line. but at ba was went a e tart +tmentrbu to meet cis pprr tgtlee, un rho Prime Edward btlAnd Le U- t�lh (r. In the Parliament buil_11n Tutvnto, what a came dor, or by whose ora- Ut'eped Hoge--1'rloas ser+ again Cckenzk- Is blamed for rot "31ei11ug Rn It easier, selling at $7 to 57.40 Per owt. laturr. The Opposition, an -a body, [ea• minutes before las war nut Lien to ort 11,0 A1ttY "Irk, when 1t will 8 !3e ter Sew popdar unworthy l@ a mere r crani Pre. a ,did not know anything u/ tntalst himself, nnwoxih of beiolrppc�or deny that they made 1[r. Wise b farrtd probably ilnWh Its Inver ativar. Th: J May 14.- Urerbo of grain on iia J t tt[ the presence hors of Martin Cahill, street etwrbs � hers Wont, That these Is a word of truth drunk and the Premier ham threat- Daniel A. McIntyre, d M TLomaa, principal wltnews to -tial was lir. W. J. Kilroy. of St. Catharines. He to -day, IMlO Ixt#r, Bald he was a Der�tevt' of Mr. T. R. Preston, who occupied about aq� . in lir Wilfrid's Rory to altogether 1e• ened to hel the ker send the k Pta• , the mph ext degree or suggestion bµbloat prices good one load :ttltwrtared P BVwa Ma►culrlt. H3 admitted taking un ac- Unr wheat sold At 71m, - ppOevt� hie. 1Yt Richard did lib gaol Lite ee gaarterr of uu bdrur !n giving his l test degree u( ee) ►ntlen]- -�„„ - . isimetneod ibr 3i9 7�(R Rb°4"dO°- copldltgeai. lzi. Jaid( 14ax fLe Ela�Lsat jq LtttBs[osm at - - the • NpfaR kir Slltsss nesrf., -Wit 7th 'owe loll of tag at 70e and Fmpre. If they do Dot ooend their manners. �"eputy>•�etur ing-of ..1,questions put to M[r. W. T. r, Preston admitted giving the and 8th bushels of goon at 78c. Air Wilfrid Laurier did Dot may that British Columbia will have to look to Its tows deputy returning -officers, R. 1'mesrtip wpm.of a general charne. five men mentioned the money to pate -Four hundred bushel@ sold getting four checks from tore Sheriff Pr. He wall ie lived In London, come to the rid( He weld he ool- SIr Richard Cartwright favored pro- its Inurela for $9.50 each. Of ;base, one from M- Et la �' 1 -Eo le l- firmer at 88o to lower ward Croden, deputy awl that els present gxoaltatm in St. It from some of the (raised Barley -Owe kind sold 1-20 lower at bse'tkon when the Mrrz•ket:lr o;ovprn- Pu y at Nu 7, St. woe 4uslaeetdir ui lsmlgratbn ugete•1•e In Rt. Thomas. The amount raised \Ve rotice that tet• Tory Organs �' cents. meet waw In office, and the witty he Tltoowr, bas had expected. err Cralen In Futons for the Dominion (4urern one nearly The money was for carefully sulrprerw the sworn evidence Askei•- Idm bcolect It after lie went went, to which ire had bow a inteol = Hay and straw -Twenty loads u( told about Air Richard yielding to the ItumP to Lunduit, The ch(cks for the ppo the Purpose I i te�log In the or- hey sold steady at ✓ at straw to, -$12 a of .1'ofut (bnnurs, Us Tory Govern. Jun. Isth, lR;1N. 1'rertats to test gnnlmiag. It a all for ezpenaas, ton, and throve bonds of straw at 18 , Influence, to others is one that win recto for Durtettn Bole, of No. 4, Mouth- he kad bees librarian of the Legisla- le ora'to'r binder twine agent is 1895, In Re to and expenses, ownship calx to $S.eO a Los. , trot Duly known to tnnn) LilxvAla, but wti,ld ; A. Fw Montgomery, No. 17, laJ. Lary for three or (our yrxamOr. tad prior hire to and from the towrrDl No$. I w 1•it•It Ix' tells how he was permitted Thunim. and Phrlst-nvhor Rtratfunt Butter demand at receipts sold or might MsP Iwro Pclunlly familiar to to that organlrpr og_tbvbl�ernl party n cent of the money wept to asy= a fair demand at 14c W Ido lot t, trill ttwwresuubc of dollars worth„ No. 4, F4. Thoman, were sent him by for nine cw ten yesrs f m 1 W one else than the five. Witness tie- TorMr it they had paid at to pound rolls. t cotleot Lee prier, hand it over to the tits Fiterlff, cntdrely unexpectedly. The 189:.'. My duties wer.r keep MYvwlf clnred he had not the mllghtwet or the .pewh(r of p,1Mic (Dep. It will IM• I?4er1I Wilt ��.1� 16 deputlea r.fern-.1 us,.l tie Tart, leade lnforniml of the Frjp-ldbersl offerings met a mod- the that, Ip his very tire( (oxunollys, .and give use Ooveronant ` 1 ps rpDrmtwt knowledge of the apepllcn- erste demand at 18c to 140. .w.kvn As MinimiU-r of FI-.anvol, twenty. his pproonal notion, on which he?till __ -__ tion of any mosey for wrong lett- ]bare quoted w s are hard to sell. tic ypa)w coign, Pir Richard Cartwright, craves A very large sum. 71MLSIs but UNMASKING THE "HOLD UR" MAst POS and are quoted weaker at ler to lir en Lin +t defk•it in the revenue n • met Instance Of bow the (lay --- 1'• THE iAIgOB TEP.F�(yRAM. em n Patna esker pr were 5 fair �ypa F Pect ,, demand at weaker Arnment, was robber! under Tory rule. / You write teteg- M sometimes• I prices of tsOe so os amount of wrrraAPo1 expenditure - believe." ventiwrad Hr. Watson, and 75c a pair. , Rall reduced imlectrtatktjte, raixed the -- thin reply was: "I do, a great many." Apple man t offerings sold to t g List(( rats float 15 Mr. F. :irwnn t t)ae recently ng► N • You wroitoa telegram the night of 64. fair demand. Some barrels sold at r,.�,". terate Per cent ruled (loot Its of Timber ( 1Jed t.o ... , � , V ja f0 j4 a. Lo 17 1 we crgt. Air l3Mrirn-1 nidl"Forbtry' wks BeTQtP %ieiir�i(t- •- '•"^,�" ^was > In reply to ttsetlt. - r-=-,- trio txt Agriculture at Otiawa •vas Potatoes -Liberal offerings met a per, crlticlzin7 trip bntitPt speech, de- tee'dlny turning. lie reoommawled \ '� f 'flier gitastiorts he sa he had Lar- ctared that there Praia oxo neecowity for iJrut in otol[v to rP41Y, while on the train. dratted arta rather slow dewed Prices senior protect the forest • to lir. MAcnlsh. tin which be referred as 40r a bag M wagon, iota, or 450 Ahs addtSlo! o(: 1 per tett. to the ane sgaltts� tires number of firs v't 'r �1 to the machine," but o11d riot tnNtt for smaller gMDtltlee Of good gtaUty. tazan, sail• argued that the old 15 per rangers should be appointed to watch 1 k 0 �a Ft was spot as Ire tad dol I" 1L. It Toronto Live Cattle Mark- - #coat twritt would provide n aurpltta, flee dtsrs+tMr wJtsre there l@ likely to ` _ I was IMMFrd to a friend of his among a YIIcL mwo. erre... . . pt w to +rs ss T'hs hard rims were just bttgisnlDg, 'rbtregsr. Hi estimated there crowd count kg off tile train• but wlmse [=poet 'ettle, eeolo� serrwt 4 st to r s would be needed serum mrea ID the Brite ` upmP he could &tut recall, ant was re- =:porn Drink, tight, parrrwt.. t to t q ami In epltw of the increased tariff Wh Colombia Railway huts. twelve /� -- - ` written Ip -elm amui seat Mr. Pres- �=' ar'. accrue ........ M 4 fie there were five years of deficits, As fat- for the foothills and Edmonton dls- i stolen mule. mad. sort exi laletbd lit length tote trlgln of Rrthen ce.tw&e, per awi ... b f ups lows . - trkft•. and About NSllt Or tpta for Lin! Ra14. export. Itaary, par cwt,. 74 to 4 sa - other districts of ManitobeL and the sai term " ter t mor t used in sod2 fit 197 r76 ... _. ... _. ... ... ... $1,900,7R3 *Qorthwe" Torrltorlw. The would envie to the tarry workers In carrtoon me I,f a lora keep 4M I* i le e M p Sat. PWOWL... 1876-77 ... 1.480,17 D� employed tour or flue ta,ntitw to tie �P / in Utt Trp to Tet.& mfr 7erder, tuoa41N1Y► eirt .. IM ie 4 to 1877-Tt ... ... ...... .. 1.11U1.146 year, and bewides this work of fire -I'll 1 u m �k -tam te,Mwa Par 1878-79 ... ...... ... ... ... ... 1.9!17,909 = dimply, a r the Arlt C.c ......................... ti to 7 7s lweootettlee would hive,. exploration / / e"A"I. term was used as a 1879,430 ... .. .. .. -.. 1.54.9:'...,"'( waft, to do. vi' „ a the 1.4119 Lei cwt ....... M to 776 sort of bye ttaosag sorters, Lgmht .tort M preswL..... } M to ! w Sir Richard Cartwright and other As tar ss can by seen from the rail and lit this case, if k waa,(eed, It ~►aeb owes. pwOWL_ : 1M a % ams one fatrtlous Fie would take the 41 members of the Mackenzie OOrem. way to the Kootenay and ('row's Next =► xtwyy.. Wtor ar.', Onto......... S M u 4 0 rrwPd„udbll(ty for the tine of the word lAmbe, yeartlam', par adwsJ� d... 60 u t . ment, who were cwt prote0tlook". district, tine trope have heti dam ,, 1 . tnachitro" In Lite ttlegrnm, bud did tsr,bs, plrkod ewrea wetsfje7.. `r u s In nought it advisable to restore the aged by fire. bine big trees flint it met say. "hag the machine." That 8prtam ►worm, snob............... !M to r 73 wnuillbrlum ho4ween revlenue and cox• would make good saw -kegs or railway , iRiF mart have Aiwa Inserted by the Calves. per he • .. •^•••••• its to Hato / t'. p actual mender ova the mooaan He ens pomp, choles, par ewL.......... M to •lit Ienditore by a furtiter hnerrowe of Lien were blackened by f1re six oT 1 EUMIK)aware [e' Ham ((sit• par Cwt............ a in u e a taxation, anti they dlnrunted th:• Iden Fights too from the root. and coo Senn f� "F� .�,.r;, a . Aelon. but the s u had e h tads o- He',kaarl!..t�ut Peru,:.. sTs to see cknd, but It was kxM in tont Inco Root carr ha.-. • a 7s to • s:l of wlvatwdng t1•P oPrAl tnriff rate octal wine thedasago that it kxokwl ' mit cony, anti tow again ota•Iwred tint Rewe ... . . ......••• tae to • ri 9fegm. Is to u w from 17 1-" ger reit. t, ,N) per rPnt., IM W It had ileus dwe•._pnrponmy. lit- ;t , l mtldatg wring want doss by those hoping thou to get more rerPntr-. ,fe•ci. Otte moa stated t*111'trwmtt were\c Dien. Aosws ]/alters. \\'hpn the Dtnttr wan ill but npttle.t, damn during railway eatrtrwcUon, \ \' " You twee hewn rPfwrne to In the Belleville, KAY 13 -At the Bp1lpvUle [pd 7 / Press, aml otherwise," Sall Mr. Wat Creoles, Boned 'today 18 factorise Mr. Alfred G. Jones, M. 1'. for }Inlifnv, tdcaure the company would hirvet� \ t /` won, "AXbeing rewponelnte for the boarded 77T white glad 26 oulared annonnrerl to the r;uvernment that (sty low thern It tM damn[p occurred ` wrofmpt that were committeM lesd h^ref ' choose; 10e. was offered, with no title Litx•rtlm of tit.- Maritino 11ro. nfwr 41,e tratint began to run, trot that � " No unoteLot pt more infull7 sWare sa; bet meant of the citation was sold \\ 5 ( A Utan I nm," replied Mr. Preston, on the Street at from 10 lit to 103.8 n' vIes wpm M titteriv npt>on,ci ate alar wits probably a Lit of guess work. If 1 ,�.. What, if anything more, have you aeras. increase of riurtoma tnxntl•on that th `7 fPrthter waste of Limb,r can be pry Z. L, Pay thAn this?" London. May 12.-77u (trot twptlug world Roo user to the Olixmltion pi to. ho vented by forcirt rangers, no time I " Tlttt I nelt4aer, by inference nor of the London Dalrymen's iaxchanep a body If the proposed Inerenne In should be loot lit appobrUng them, fortry suggert`on,eor by conference, nor was held til@ aft'rnoon. Two hundred lit ) y, pe or form. had the and twenty -Dine boxes May chew the tariff was matte. That meant Nee minprn anul-t1w settlers On the Vietoria-Well, I declare! And If it Isn't that Charlie. 'ra+pgxcr that I 'I ghtestt LWnt tba-y anytldng was going were offerwdil, So white and I t9. out- im ned(ato, defeat for U,e GmernmPnt,ring here until four or fire weeks ores. No Salve: 97-8x. was bid. Irrnlrldw will ttAed) all tivn wood t4rit diueil and jIneol and titllecl And Ritter all lin bowusting atom his loyalty, wafter the e!xtiun. It came to me like Cornwall. May 11 -There were 874 and there was nothing kat for Mir ggroww in tit" maintains. doesn't he way -lay' and hold a pistol at my head to try to compel me to a rade shock, o very rade shock. I boxes boarded at esterda e Corn - have ciO but to nnnoonre that give nit my valuablesnnder the Dame of "u preference." For shame, have putliely challenged those who wall Cheese Board 66:' Canadian TCPPP:R AND KR1'GF.R Charles 1 , the 171 per rent. rite would itc _ snoe those aceusnUoins ag:tlort my white and 119 colerwl; 98 American retained, In the hope that with the Hetray Symptoms of a Common sell' to s*nt mi hera I am very mu, h white brought (roO 10 to 10 i -Ow. return of tetter Limon and increased d1YPpO1nt'Pt they have not brpn herr." Tie following Pries were realized: Ancestry. G, sent oniera in tlr-Ir trullot buxeeO prxetLlon of Ute ptrt,y. I had t� vivo Mr. Preeston conclu(W by x*enu- Canadian white PO 1.4c" colorod 10r. ImportAtion■ Uint rate of taxntlun that tiv, fees sltadd be Paid to nim. � tits eottrUtnewlim, keep I:a touch with owul Iden 1 the stow Now, 1 have lately come on n cur- )' y nig 7 (,bat be J. F. McUrrgr�r got 456 fax Lovell y Mr. titroa put Ure,�fl Bruovu In the the lettiing local men, and make toy* attended a political meeting at at, Chrl@tinas, J. A. McRae hetet 159 would produce rnrfflrlPnt revenue• loan bit of Information, which I do trot again, and h reply to questions self thoroo hili ac ualot+d, eo as to r It was In connection with thnt PIT not feel entirely disposed to keep to [ q Tlomes the aurttlny night before the for ,iso dgeon pros., D. MrNel t 78 &Pose P flue sheriff sit! titin, in lfiddlaOev the diseusz with them the Position Of the J3 forced change of the LibPrnl pro myself, with respect to Mir Charles. aheriff, who acted as returning offf a poli n, ctrl wVl le never attended for eases Alexander, and S. earl A o milderable time ago I was very party. Bunt part" hats had Toch an a political oaetltig on Sandsy In els ewapoon ltt9 for A. A. Ayer ! (coo gramme that ]Lir ('hArIM TnpvPvr [ ter. U•:d him 1►- was not acquainted orgnnlzntina tow big as hh political IUs. made him lightning change as a critic. murk struck with aMr.certain Paul K u g of with nano than six of hoe Appall+ -s in rpmllectionm Pxteinand. The Wool !•rrklts. tg R She tnomL estimable Mr. Paul Kruger, LOn(n, y Has had folly expected Sir Richard to and with the remarkable remwm- Are -Whaled Brown, brother of the What l@ tits pep r. W wall(}cation WANTltD RP3CIPR0CITY. There l@ not col very esc,oeragdrg bW neP lU (clop and fl u P !x Leann for that office?" Mr. R'ntron added. outlook for wool g6t.wura : Tlcas , announce the advance in taxation to R mite^lift sad Richn,rd Stratford Dion- - it rmoirew ore who l@ w1111 to How a Mattalrate Reversed a So- which dewlers are now quoting for himself and Sir Marine upper, nivel svotert to act as deputy at No. 4. � per cwt., not Iwo NAA Prlepnred els undergo n goal tlsel Of e*•If-eacr Ike, Pruni ('Dort 1)p,•I•I,,,, wool ars rather, lower than they t►pr+ when a little while After ILP publish- Aouthwo!d. when he delivered the box Sarrifice of the comforts of life, la a weeks One t-eawon for this it the eppwoh to ronoiPmnntirxn of that Ptd that rPlPhrntod ultimatum of him, 'to Mn a • going gr► iweraaao, Just no he but in 1N74 In which he gave (treat Britain forty- 4 Pay w two before .rte alto- ofe t tile l all ro. at the } 1 (Hing ( cow eti cll Molina. d the -weadvran from U it dwstat for uyers.Casadlwn woo! that- of tele poArt► lonttlers. Th W a ggm.1 tinarwi. 4msd at Mu.4mn, Icialtc>, we ran from Coifed !(fat's buyers. Thorp right hourm In which to withdraw Mr. Donald Mnet"i wnx rhinal in notromi the round of a tunny Kt,tlp oMnOanoel the " thp. e, try 1T t-2 deal of tnronnrpnirnep as well as the [ ars only two lots of last sssaoa'r stip f from tk,uth Afrirw, I telt that in ad- lire ngttrrutnit. FLe nt Ortew adai Lipa per post. u tree+ th . Pnd pleamure of anrociati g +Ith and being Justin of Uo nice rrtmad Meagher. of any enrtesrt still held In this 1'mxr dithm to the phyxlenl mulpmhlanew taking an not4vo part In tike plecUwn. In the confidence of th, party lead- Mo-ighor• promptly arrested nee, for vlgx Dy CMnaAlwn bnytrs. Theme of the proteMLkon wMgP." Sir there war considerable mental to em- -than h.' le- atkld, Charles r.te(xY11M hb w b Aur Alance. In (soy, if I end not known R "P=rtunpe taOt nw �,'•• the WtloOst. as Ira taxpWmed, of troll Meld probably be IntegJt Now for iepre active A part pa 1 rhxwr:A tiacw Z, ken Mr. Preston p►M he dimenatild or. 4th me as A lezot+ast- untAl he could 21c. The hagkewt price touched by long the ddnn.r hnur, ntxl bluwaoming that Sir C harles was promoting cum- In tJe- orgardait'exn. i ppntt most of ganization work with Messrs. Me. 1pse OaTTIM at Presidlent Oakes• Bs rte! Inst aeasogY clap was 'Els. Very 'gq pandas -not In the Rand, but in Br►- my dans laterviea•iryg the. elwetpro." lr:tg unable to tamotap.ssi �Ir prstvr little wool, Af any. i, out as n praMethrxttmt, las tlpnoanopd tinh (biumWa--If he was within ons lirantm end McIntyre, Dnothin , y. ng higher than Hi , not a know Prltch-tt, and never (hrnnt and lfocnlah. He hard nothing oxy tri . airs I rte ane Mie far that The lo[ prices of wash - 0. (1oOsanoewy for runt rwlafwgg the thutwanl mIIPs of `bath Africa, look- sow Mm. Ida k waw ttl,ia were con pPe deputy mY (Q I' li I estaago. $t,oll to cod nouns wool during the last week , re tie with the a otntthat f st� tariff. But ur Torwi�•w retalntel a Ing at the stupendous effrontery, at frig from Gnncttn to Act no ecru(.- ' returning ottdr+erm. con that wax a de(orA irre: '1'1ne tteYLl deaml ot( its crura ID 1[q, and the ps'tces ID the gut whobmnm* fear of the f trade sen. the 46,000,000 horsepower impadenes eve to. but knew of nc,one coming f om, t6rwn, Merighwr; J. P., prerk(ing, and week.ip Novmb�r far the tee mntter which always enured lor•tl Past three noesis of the 1laritNsle Qrovtrxre. for of the ulSlmatnm. I would have said, rwrfelode to not Ati n d�euty. He uta Jeatn ul@x when he interiprerf. (eta in the ooarw) of It Sto:1, to smlti►'1- Or door years to fhb Warks& have beep "Ant Tupper ant diwbults." i scold m tntowledge wMtpveer of the lapnrO• site and backup hon Intentional In my am follows i t just before the gerxrAiiwloctbn Sir ha nclulled that Sir Chnrles matt nnVon, "i lad no int'.mnatlon, dire^tl,y O( the drAwtoarks to the party rya - e btMneall began r'aaoMtsg Imptrgsalvpll. May. qo tam." he explained, "in the deairoon y. Nov. JMn Ifad+dosAM omit nix !Among take have been Lhere. I aro going toint- cr ltrMrsrtly tAtk oil a thing wu arrl at length frrm•� terrnu t d pw r to you a most profound secret. ever mooted. it wAa dinee without •lie part of patty non to be made amts wh:c ie hatf,.l r -brought Into gram to "� i)etar Floyd." of St. 1 P aa(eOty returning Dithers." _ Jettsl that there world o prmnny they are In the habit Of my knowitolga or cono,ant-" Mr. Wnt catrt with Idm. -- aoW �a roservJn with cud coploo fl!eti of the Q. -Why did you Suggest gettlez P R great -ninntwnees re mai perdu Urs ..11Mghwr. J. P., dbtiwer. lbtwrrupt ba AO Inora,asa. but a me-rr Tp Adjuat- cords of tamillPa. . caused Inquiries cw derw ]earl- Mr. Marnlah'a &.gtna- dwtelk,ts in? A. -I never aug'ges'.olt It q h it the staid. 1 did Dot know there ed I" Me" with ' ted pleat l@ that tent K the tarUf. to nny tAr, at to tip mnAP, And i Am In ponxpnplOn of tore. w!t'rh Ao'e, Frttr PAt you're nfaur readlin' frim. Mather the gwrv'rwl wMctowu of 187" the tarts that i j�honk warrant me and othero PresentM, rw(,ou• were outsid-ra In until about five Rtobke? •TMAL tate It pkenet your it snub Attar ihPr w!octfom. 19 statin t'h+lt there are re moloding their appointment. . Mr. Ho:xr.' returned W1.3lam, with real lllaritkw Provilisr w gave a ,Tory will- R a P( Mr. Creston denied havl antic to believe that at no ver did- \\'Alarm n*kat If ►M nl nPd them. He ttR rr'pn the g` 7 R oMgvtty, 'that l@ w roinmp rontafnin9 jDrtty wrrd ID jtl@ lwriiglwt alw•nclt In (Ant pp�lod the families of Kruger r-plk-d that to his knowledito Ito hall letters to the "nerd( helots thletrtal thee (tW.xtoai of thn Rnpmnw COnrt 1879. Mir Leonard T1lMy, of New And Topper were very elates to- not n*nal them. On the Tunday yesterday. lip Would not appoint die. (d Itimho.' PoAtely. but with ominrons BrurawLek. atuwwta-d a tariff that gptht*. n,0 far AO I have been prevlcwu to the election he was In PerUPr In that way, tip said' ns he Det1111PAtxt. MwAgbPr then dtere%pd: would like to be a little more (Vyw . t -az -!I ' was 1 L d+al Waller than the 20 able to find out, It appetite that Rt. Thom". and the Reform (commit- epecl• Tot mAy e1L ri M!tttMr Stable. t• ! n; , frust some-lorp about the end of the ten told him the papers approlntlDg fie ID his retomme-nctat4olls. At riumertxus and (live. tlto ls; am par Met Oat hid beau proposed by Putentsee'rnth century dere resided to the serntInaprr for Rcntthwo!d were BROUGHT STRANOERR IN. tinned the learned justice. ,the Rho- ". 81r Richard Cartwright and y0toolt Musa;heater Carl Jac baa Vox( Double, not delivered, but wore at Dutton. prams Crrort of Idayho Md faked it - � by Mr. Alfred James. Tile C'nrl Jacobus Von Double Will To wave time new papers wore to Q• -what strangers dM you ask to upon itself to revwrss a noomber of We an Not know that there is as v. two daughters, one Katarlran Is re- be written out. That evening lie call- Mme here A.-{ Asked-- my dom,mysicnta. and, in my toxin. i thtwg b he gtalttttd by Op -'kiting on xortc.l too have mntrh d (lusisWpor ei at the rounmitten room*, whwrp it Q. -Then you did ank strangers it) now revr.rnp ill& deaayrton of the At have Iron If Mir Itkharl Krngrr, who went to Fouth Aides and pile of do rompnts. snrttP written and Mme In? A. -i asked atranp-re t, FUI"PrAmO (arwt of tritiyho.' Skid Mr. what s tg kanrwlnt the f. mfly orf Krngpre there. morn• printed. were hanckel to him to come. but not to act an deputies. Msugher. lwwd hal hie way reed the twriff hid Ix• otter (}rsthen, marrlpil n ceertaln mdgn by n man named MrNamea. fie Q-- ho auggented that you do w ;I. hope stand to 20 per swat. b 1877 rl tx Carbo Tnppat, marl the de- was In a great harry and at tne�d t•hatf A. -No one. -i 4Id it of lay ,FURY'S STRANOR ACTION. iv 111 Or 187R. it vrvawkl cosy have wiped naw of thin worthy pptrple appm Urvn tit11, two or thea drAn n, wish- own Mtteord. y ve enitartwd In the Hessian oxen- ant reading any of thein it he dgn- Q• -Why did 'fan bring thoes men Husband Acquitted for Itliylsg His a ant thin e1Pf'rlt. far le tion fboal year Lir t, whwo, In the rplgn of O"erg. red those, clOrnmwots ywfwrre l to they In 7 A.- IT D F. Macdonald. Wire's Alleged ilwtrayer. 1079-(10. with tiro high "I'very tariff II., Igratei to this ctmtlrbut In mnpt have been fn t At pile. IIPWRR with whom 1 had been awtrxelaW In jjnny0;don• Pa..(16aJ IE •AlkodJelx V fom-e. thew! www stilt A deficit P roll of glory land of lo.tc and, al newer asked to make thdro appooint- electixna for Plghtrrm yours; I hours' .yliberatlon,dnring which only though I am houral to admit that menta, anti If has had Zorn he would brought W. If. Hrnokiru, wh em I IoM 1Lw Isaruressp nnlpht have twmp.rar , two ria to f ware yAkpn, the Jerry Is Mph 'tis+ reumoeevttaa b aottwrevhAt ewer sPrrkerrr t, Lep sharlff in irpr- kNtyww fur A d`usp1A Of Arlt:./Anne* n Uy wtMfiwd tle, oAnufactrrrtw yt1O y1� , th trial of Chi rin }toHnscrn the tWle- (prmp, there l@ strung roaron to bpleoo newt and not have ttrlttwn the or. Van" ,'who was one of Mr. RmlUlm 4traph ol*rnUw who killed John yore elsmnrlryg f protection. and thavt thins Tupper was the nooptt x dein. He dPolarnl has never knew AA'diiWt* In otjaalzatlem work �i it of the )'r is lar £'trips Ll this Leve nset A Aaiw bwnwUlyd the Mactpnsb (7Ovar'n Tappers aK that Ilk whom we Pn!p was going to ort nm deputy. dept Anlllran. with wh(xn I have verdict of nc'ynittal ills rvlenhtg. (taw anjpy. At apY tate, YOU will Ob- And land never heard hen name until had ,experience In 0-oloo•Uont for n ' Y- 1878jounat a pall with t o Urrn of ss M ten, that if my'Infoxmatttm tr car after the wlot•tinh. lie did not know rmmhe'a of yenta: J. Rpt]. former ll"1enxrut' welts In him {leipjraph 1178. marl wityt t4tw tvturn M gond tower, replied word that O'NRII and O"' rw"4 Por C1tAr}ass (wxsew gaprfwrUy ixwu how has rAw to this riding ; he end 17 sof Brockville, tow of Toronto ; nl! Kra. Robitpoh were maktn Arra 111staOs Iw ySRt Ail try gram aptly to hit Maliks to th. Rrltl h e to nsnist In Uw organizing [ ngP- Fr no nowlwige Whatever nbrokt a�ay ry ng of vomp mento Few nn Pbry•ment. knowing of I, � blkw rgolttet idaokeenzlw enol Folronns, and wMie his klnamAn• }-aul 01 � Nn wino wenn Iib she rFa bbr%lv►Munr• �O'Nptl's Intimacy with him wife, Itnn Gemwribt arasM baa, b.., Kruger. Inas bcea for wpwtp ytears back t --- ---- _.- _ -___ _- _-. �.----,Ii -- _Jot -Do 1 undatntand ,tuu now, l(r. triewt ev I" in a ardmrttt"U, And. iirl- ., forgsorttetxt Very Ww,SpLtoly, U,P bna) In trying to undermine Aritldh V. Anders nrant, tulip last witnew Prswtnhc to aimit Una: ytwt he n tht In Ing cep A rpv0ltrr, walkM to h4 bnmp Lbw of Mr. Jnw.p aupretmAry in Sew southern half M of the, Afttermson, pall h•- Irad iMPn those five men? A. -Yes, i think i nil pent spvlen bulletin Into hones, •. + KllooittM Ise Irrka by witting ftgl" against tractiatn Imo In Rt Thosnn for Alorwrt ran tote Um r•spwxu*lhlllty fpr tnesp Ousted the (Abs, 10 feel, t,nrina A (hitch And twrtrh against F,nglloh, like t y�rR five awn• rz Aftr* thn wingg the body out of doreps. tan , f� r. In rOwnprt" with thin 1`101 "t Me Vatic", w hnm Mr. i}t Uvrn rpturnM to We Mwpr nod were w et(M,p 'las Skw ft.stntnn trim k(trtnuaw, Pir ChwtMs, b nnw nt t(vNy tkrn MA cMontgw 0t the tpghtratl0n emlLh mny have also amkM to temp.,a,,i work. Ompio.rod to SM ntronst W his power of ec,tprm for th. rity M at. Thomtaa ''CAn yews noderatand for what tip the Iden of •. i.: ` parable to Mwgth to the ra in undermine IMtiah mlwO ou" Ih inspection of earthly an(xl Ill" eco yOO hn ht ttuMn*rn's Orwaotsl art d Lata Mcwrt th.tv.rot °[ M tie mala pas Attowdp.l top 1 r+R emotional IWARR7. Mrt JOAgr Holley ,) tf$� Ontario. WI �tw•tlween half rd this exon gut the West Elgin bedlots at (lntgexorlP tJ~ men hot a 7'• aslu,d Mr. WILIMOw, severely frowned m this phare of the MON% in Skis Pmvleee of syr Frwatph wgalast Fngllah And Unit, `Tor,.nto, and Sharp tram noth4t In toorme of IndigiottOn. pvlAprwr. (7nnruN for ROMnenn tisvpd rte tip Oalesr had1.'tow ,kefpw0 of ogilrh ntelwt Frounh. Rr Marine t) Irwdcnto that th•+ hollot Inx hntl "Oh vest ivan," Mr. Preston replied. lar Nle 1m,mLAbe discharge !7 ' It17r slight have ("met#-% notwith- p""I Mn r't" of this Fretenh quotation, leen tamplral with eJbpr IPav1 Lite "ta bele first gr otter Alta Nnecpirmi sag M*la 1 hApw the tonin J04 4 udger, hot di the snrle t h all. t' flianAimi Yo g 1a ,silo Irwt,a,tdwt,"w1iM14 mh.rlff. JI. tkeitirtri pp upvpT knew well: they wets fieri. ttwxowgh OrtaS- Judge 1MIIh Alttnypd Ms to In rp laprAAwm of the ta,ill rows hl) trarsla4tl, meterst that lamna pydtthptt nr Lewlie tied never hooted liars. They wen wlthoot .xe.ption totter to Jail until bnr sorrow, c ion slfn pIK sett twAy be- A /von Diitiee, whtnbm,L h.-rnt (of them Zeit. thn wilertion Ido Akl iron whom yon rvxtldd t into A e Deity fiat ties tlmttes WOW tbsir Dpportew• w� d a+ttNwt.-'ksr R. ('ars not knot, of Any nLoam the"most tar nnntrdptwlity whole run wore lido TM rtrr►- Mary Condos was s. e a No! in ouies t►itd► !iS cod « a organ Y ba tett could tie, ni*d t Ldad fry e f 'e -i{•" l+ ," � f'r'et ' M 1 t , ?1 i r. 'ter d -e. _fir +�' ', , , a 1.s., .. yy..ii . , i P Mt + ♦ , r, , s ( ora: , , O 1.tf t :;,i'u .. ,, . 'y� J t. f, kr p l o • � s .'is .r It, X . f 'N 19M .........1..160 to 170 1899 ... _4. ",1116 to 140 Ile to 20e 1898 - m+ ., ' ISO 150 1697 ", .. ,st El 210 tined a. Demand no#,ice ecm-ly for Hunger- Ion unaggear lou and arlilet grass omwk Priem are steady. Red over, is quoted at $,S to $5.75 and Alelte at $4.80 to'i $7.50 a bushel. Ttmoth) b stead at $1.50 to $2 a baste+] og 46 Ilia. Ran• Sartain and common millet are goot- M at Tho to 90 a she nt 48 the- Oerrpan and hid millet d $145 •rt�orarr91.28. In rbloW timothy and 61 'od� t Unc$2.50 rwnWntl Ilk Taiedo old Prima mover, closed steady at $4.80 and October 2%rs ower at $8.12% per bushel. **"a. In Chicago to -day timothy am] (,lolled steady. ,-It Iltno nominal for idaY, std ebvor Unchanged 'at $7 nomloAl malt, par loll the. In Thiprin Old prim* r!ove+e ekWA steady at $4.70, cash at $6 and ()rtnbtwr an. clanged at ItLIS 1-8 per hweheL Lath works". Liverpool. May 14. -Wheat-- tllpt)t N0. 1 (el 6a. IPA. to so. 81- No. 1 nort�tera aprisg, 5m. 10:1.; lstoraa, steady; Jnl7, its. ill.: Septratbar. ata 7 A•4d. ; (3bWsf +r► May 14. 4VAning--Wheat. July 6�7' 5-a to 4771111; May, 641.6. "- - Oraddatefre es Trade. Tiles Is moan complaint at Montreal d the dsllsgs of Spate in re'ertai► wt"MA14P dpttaliloseala And of rather rtes rpmftt'tMrwr not It IA Centerally reit that with the areatm farther nab vsecwd and with warm maser era Nor the rrytditincle of business will films -bad I-Wrovesest. The trade of the r(mntry l@ on a healthy, sound karlw Trad' wt T4x.mto has Noten rexesrwtPty active this week par a •es vrimm have bean A.wttse it &ha wMthor hail IrAes wwrtw" Thera has how" n fair am,mot of b nxlnas "*swat at 14AMIIUM MIs week. (Irmotde+nuyeshit► •fats have book satin, Mad travplitre '07t .1 'i: . 'Apple-. , ,r "Part a fair 4WPM&t of bualn'se tr ,- 4100C lu the corn try, arW'ratwltr•;,,rI ((�ett'oossVPret0�M for lnttetsaw fur the• gut,,,; O .Pwaltss oto fwir fur this I,:u,aul year. Values are firm. Tru k tit t,,,, oumt cities l@ a ilitte tuom satici„ ".7 . 7• �pVlag W Waoh nitre moll,. Na, frelg t for the warm trade I ,baen4 u tld&tIaj to a 1.vx "Ifni. twoatber has vetahled thde as Wijilmilpew box btwn fair. Ike turuueyz , got toot of thetr serdisg dour wlthua drbay, wad kwsinow at tom a it,, awd,,, i wIT romm"Ai 'tr+d to show more Ill, ICwgltalt Crop Talk. London, May 14.v-Th0 Mark Lund Express to -day, in Its weekly cry ♦law o/ the crop situation. ayt, "The effects of the cold in E CIaa,t harg+pren injurious W growdum err-: Mgr, and the Frotrat flat& nee hark ,,r - ward ; but there l@ hope fur arl+ the average Yield. In A+ustrla•Huu. Bary, the warm wet wentirer W et Crd W put a usw lace on the win. Nsowwr n 'h%at and rye. Hows,er there will scarcely be a full cru , , The Rat -elan condition arc etesll@oll HELD THEM [OH 11g. The Dynamite Case Now Gees to the High Court, HOW PRISONERS WERE TRACED, Welland., Ont., May .14.-I'uart ,,. the exanduatkeo of the dyoaesk•n did not .pan until 10.:•'(1 -rhe p;, minters were brought In In .•rrarf. ,( I)eteectiven Garner, Malas, %olnh uud V Niagara Falda, pewttlaY - . - W. H. Madam wine 16110, only witn.m pr aced by the C,7own. lie sand I am a po:lee officer of Lee Oular. Police Force. Maraca Falls, ilii I re uipize the pr Ds" ; raw t.,« three tolife"ther Swl0e on (trill, r street at the Falls on April 17th.." the ftrououo ; .s Aeke paM18th raw t ,e three together at $Isame plate,'a ilia foreumn and a`ale it the &lt,•r noun. I naw Walsh there den ghe 19th. in the forenoon. between hmi Haid and the railroad britlgo nl,w,•. I naw 0giloan at the Rndi lintel She sttoe 5dln Ott the :-'Oth I usw Wulalr Oub 11MAa araos tely; the L'let 1 Do man anti %, Wall. ya. Nolan c over the railroad bridmr. I watched hie turn *Aril, up the river bank. I (taw Dullmnn roar+ down from the Roall House awl turn UP the river bask mad oath lit, to IAIWL TPM wa'a DoG -'tt4rpyfi0r t„ Park @trust mad turned w,.t. l watched them. I went cep Brhljr street. Opposlto the Imperial Brink 00rner I Net 14PWtal Officer IA-wim .f the baited States customs. na,l gave hoatructione to bin- (taw Ieutl roan again that day, Saw Walsh nn I .M.. w the "]ret. altar the r,pl abn, ow Bridge ob n O. Niagara. where t arrested them, amt tor,: them to the poi" attim anti A: terwardr put them Ice (ltd kr•k up I arrested Dollows after this At Lir Roel) HOSM. Mr. German Subjectod the n itnne W a omrchlag CrOpnPxamkur tion, ruching that his sild n•e win from metaory, not from rots, And that he imparted and wat:•h,d ttr nod because be $bait they w Pre cr'ouka. Urged by lift, (larman to gin* At reamm why Mr. Dulhwuk kook Pd sore Mks a crook heart so) utlwv matt, wtUpirr would only gix t-natstn that be Judged from hit gen ern] appwaranm. T. 1). C47wpar. Prosecuting attar ropy here stated that he woni I ree.t ' tho'cow for the ptcounutlon. F. C. McBurnoy, counsel for \I'aLdi and Nolata, pxprassed surprise ,t oc abrupt tsrslsatlun Of title car'. '%p parrotly." he Saki. "tart week'm re Mont was trade solely to ibut n. uA prapar"d t? get ready for trial dry :'n the 2d. Fore or dz wdhtert.+„tt•rp "1101 last week, who did oft rlge`t, and rope of them wrte ealir.l „t,w Wm. (lerman, counsel for Dullmsn In his appech stated the crime sot. ,OOP of very great rerbems". Ii tt. attempt SO blow cep !tout E4 hill Into, seeded, It would not only be we ,•n Wind a great tow of public and prf,nta praprsty, but w great 1dtSs Of Ilse nO well. It in reaaumble to wepgxwe the public. exeltstawppt - would lie Brent, but the prlss•fple of a man being in- nocent until proven guilty, &huuld be allowed. Re naked the public to restrain tbeir final verdict. bin Walsh and Nolan might have an aw wee to the charges. As to Inrllmnn, he contended, so evidence am to, h e complicity had bass prodotwL con victlos coolant be sarin oD snsnti, 4,n and no evidence, except sceplrlon. I:n� been presented agahtat him. l'olice Magistrate Logan In snm ming up, stated he cosslcdored ti,.. ease AN now beyond his Jmrlrlirtkon and mast mend Walsh sed Nolan Al - for trial no the third count, it,;,' of blowing up b'k 24, WeRpml Cann: M to Dullman,•there was no polder, a6 M his being at ,Thorold on ti„ day of the exnkmelot but there w:, fivldsnee dwwfllg his being with u,- utbsr prisoners AM tkrough th- week, and he would commit loin t' trial on a charge, of complicity. DICATII IN A LOCOMOBII.tt, Life Rorrolted Tntag to Central , Runaway Maektas. Strrgbantan. N. Y» May 12.-A run AWAY l r"whLke on one of the prbl copal slav"i to,dAy caused fatal In Jrries to Fret. Bennett son of MA Iloualre Abel SonaetL, who is well known In PMMddlphla. Mr. Reiman pinebaatel She mach'nd• but two weeks ago and was vpr� pt� d at She wpparstmm it was gter, t�t .rty tall@stan Mir and wA lvw^ted by steams. Mr. Bonlitott and a frtwnd hOd Inn ttotri (Log A reception at the Down Club rgowta, and started out for it abort spLn. Sudd,wity n000W"s -Pat w•ro-W WL" this maehtnsry centro limo the rWerYtg gear. and the vehicle Ile Can running from side to Alda of thn street at an over ldoreraft appall in vain Mr. Bonnett wndeavanrd tr' ap.-AY th" brake, but the I000-bil" hall Attatnolid such velocity Uiat ten irnbs fstled to wink. laolicomeh who have Dade rnportM =eap taring r•nsaway heroes Brit into hhrw ng Mllways. and drivers ran their riga upon Shp sidewalk In taking a ourve ihw m.%nklae struck the curb, throwing Mr. Henotts On his hand on th,+ pwvwmewtt. Wlthwx,t A drtr" the vehicle cretinesd down the ■,.raet, turned a canner In in on. 01100 --Able mentor. &roll clddgrd n rig( Moon enticed artickw In frrnt Of P acre and hurled them beneath the sheds, hkrking the machine, whlrh cows Dv^srt"rited. add the whPPIP WIT' In the air. hMAnw•hie the ambulaw"' had heart Cal" cord Mr. Wnustt one oxmowyM to his ltxesn in am 200-P motors clanditkdrt. It was foorkil has had ats{AIMst a fiepto, twShp mkwll. 'Plitt aftOrrsoon a apvdalt qj a frnm Nps Poet www anal rnrwtwtl. and Phflatk4pHtA telatlreo were ex,4~ elf his erlttea) waOdl- SbAL A XIangr-�t�� _ _ endtY Mr. •r hiss Robert . tMe statorwit" that low woo,d Politics, al - Ow thl. ' ,V �'i ()-I,.11 s A Dadpei' 1110''- a ^. � . , .p ,-&rte, t lejggf�y to rC . . it r _ A