The Signal, 1900-04-19, Page 5, Tamegoav, Argil 11, 1100. eg="0.211kill11112111113".11111E"122:23"23.- 1112311:152...-ormat. w. ACHESON ci SON. Wets, Rugs and Mattings Start at the foundation -the floor coverings. Oet them good; get them beautiful. We offer for April exceptional values in Carpets, Rugs and flattings that will enable you to do it for littk money. English Tapestry Carpets t Now dough', light, medium and dark shoos suitable for any rum, MU or ogre Special vitae 40e 1260 yards English Tapestry sod &us - Yds in shades of green, blue, fawn, W1 a ead red. Worth regular 660 and 75c, at . • 56o Ilaghsh 5 frame Brussels and fine Ax. tutelar Carpet'. ePet4e1 050, $1, $1.16 46 jock wide, till pure wool Carpets. perfectly reversible- no right or prong ode, at per yord 60o. Tio sod 200 66 Wares wide. new revenidde Untult Carpels at per yard ....ere, Mc and 46e Yarn wide Japanese Matting in neat now designs at per yard .. ...16e and 20e • Lace Curtain Values Our selling is extraordicary. E.ory pur direct purchase from manufac- turers, imported direot and palming through customs at Goderich. Values 25 per cut. less than if bought now at present market price. 50 to 60 in. wide, 34 yds long Chuiains, maimed - tont ealues per pair 75e, Wu, 11 00. 01.26. $1 36, 11.60 to $6.00 W. ACHESON di SON -"THE BRITON. Cfneeibr •- - Thou lea's mare is mark him when yes mut bim la the Musk Or as the moose, er hear eat, or rides to the " mots 1" Unless ;as kuw Teal suer nue the military air." Aid he dermal of powder-tred 1. deesa's always *wear. At haw ime banal mese to de --so fulls\ Pee* elf He's Farely orearsimisl, nod bi. " work " oily pie,. He wee't tak mei about hiargelf, hem pablie fame bo Ariake, list if yea woolbI. reategass, ask Tommy whet be Maks Rehabs. Yes he's olways fine whoreter Ihere's work to de. Awl eau h• Mane hell Me, Obi e hole - A.4,ba Abram se Oreelbortiare ant to ;eke Ike blank To, he. away. ihais WIUSevor there's work 4. 4.. ,uo. he starts hell curry th• War ,iia through To stem • per sr load • Orange when ma see des will dar., Jeer take a &Stith 011eer. laelkeer, et Teneweleg ahoy wet asevc-4 nhertly ea to bre fares in Morrie rueatly parehamed frees W. Neal. Ilene : Abet on 'abraded illness of Iv eff nix years et diabetes, Airmee Ritchie, beloved wits ot George Areeek tiled el kit* honk err Oriadreme Oily, lila , on Marsh 26.1, aged 62 year. Ramer The mulea of the lase Rebus& Amy, beloved wits of Thomas Kestle, wen laid to roo ta the Meter ermwoory. The deassud lady wae our uvula years el age et the tame of hew death. Cline.: 8. B. Cooper has tbe oontrmi of srmater the sew sawmill for the Darrel, Organ EseterIN;41711.1 be bail, la the yard Death el the y reader" aad she betiding will be pat up at ases. Grey: Oa Welseedisy, Maroh 28th. Jay ▪ beloved wife of Wax gsbkirk, • former will haew• east highly onamesed reekleet of the ilah ere • died al her besot, Nooraw•. Mao , after a Oriel lanes% aged 86 years - • Grey : Isabela ca.-7atiranblig.4 -Niger. the& *go -Mu Joinwhot. daughter. Mrs James 111•Destr1d, mut gravel rest, ea Taewles of last wuk, at the soveamed eke el surly eighty-two you". To ma his whoa " au 441: la the park, Is gleamy hat, sod Paige* 0 illieees wieder' • mark " You'd Wait "m" la idas la ONO Mar self es het er. bead sad Tommy added Shea bis beek's arethe tea wait He huge he's sorked f enrhols Male as seen as he le mak With yule( sward ko rumbas sa, aor thislus of dear. MOOS 1 lis " Got bees sour, mon t" wham solittlair baker iy. Sat ha studs sue. Mural, mil meows Mre Teemallei am 4. 44.1 w••• wort is due sod "glass ire" oreada, the sobeleaso gees NMI& dad ever la the MC old reek "tar lin el him ts Nand ; Tee verde is treat of hie wireenv. tea prat" ahead 04 bit troop. With i duo Biome& asiark ill the drab khaki whale to nude sheet ed bia whoop," To Nes et !kegs% seabily 4.s who risk year hes lig 1. &Me lieseeeekkgegeoMet yew Weis was. 'To te refs yea drew die Own Wf folf. in vaie ye dik Isr Tommy use god idais IMIN‘ them the spilibul iv I -Wm 3.0 OM. ILL COUNTY CURRENCY. Wimitom B. Kane bes moved lis imembdd abets Ileattamptem tegbma Peter Bmwert, of alba Orda. has mewed Maelly 40 40'.. Seafortli tempo Ohumery, .1. 404 bin lea fratteered resestly, la 0* Illeely Kipp..: 0r. sad Mu. II• Thaw have whoa their departure lor Oboe beau is Dakota U4Its: Mrs. Onetime will 14.4. 4.t tbe wawa% m J. Omerlsb read. litsi 1frefile HAW, et &rebirth, wUl !aka eau of her, lirs, John Sallie renalved • weer is Temodiry last week Mr knefers= of **death of bor father,whire e that morals, Uhl., beau is Vorhos. Auto. h Mies Iterate DAM. IA* bee stoat the past toe years is Leignie. stadylag earwig in prowess hors whittle* her Meter, Moe, W. D. Bright. Tookerserith : J. B. Hesulerees, of the Horne Road, Ifsekorernith. goo Isis right Issad tnta a straw sakes emee bba• am awl bed it badly 00, be( is is sow mammtea arm Otr YroSav *wawa ROM alt. Lawriee• Maidlifsese MA dm miskrtues iel Manila Illa sessab by a bans. II• Mei • munlateM WM 'waked sat beaded. ems • set, tba Asa. Wanda t lanai Terabell irte worried l• WS week to Illne Maggio W. 41 TAW has futnlaised the Asters soiree' h use with +stemmed, 11,4114 WON odiestahis duke. *knob an Angle is Presto.; they aze Motes* fad she tumuli ere well plowed with Moir in. t. armesele : Tbf, lreseerer .4 14. Moho Club reserved a teenipa for the 1120.00 ter warded to the Belt Obildrea's Hasotal.Tor. este. 166 00 wu forwarded te the treas. aro of Moe ladle nista. loaf, • tool el 77600 IDML Blume : W. H.. Deo el Wes. 1111o, Gralsemulle, has gee* be lleronee. Mee• tone, II. 8, where he will be employed co lee week day. end ware on Suadsys His brother Ube has ben ie that o14Iy for lets pie leer yews Sugar : The many friends of Rey. H Buy, of Haneur, lerwarly of Exeter. will rogue 4. 4..., of the dors& ef Mrs. A- Bray, widow of the loge Wm Bray. ef Ore royal miry, obi.* userred at the residues et her owe, Ras. florae" Bray. Wombs.= : lowers have beg reg. teed !ruin Htesty Notesev' I busily telitnir of .t.eir mho arrival at their Dew honk, Wet• berm, 74. W T. Mrs. Boone, aad child- ren had • httk visit at W. T. id900•7'1. India\ Hood, es their way oak Teokerenaloit : Oa Wedeeeday, Marna ME. telt irpa _of Vi Mom Radios, 7:b emeerielee„S118. w. MO oleos el • pieseaso wink whoa sheet sixty rusts aseriontsied t• vitae* *he marriage of lin deasei et, Loma, te Robert leirsog, Ourionee : David Mahon haA purohased the 60.... farm adjoising iaow. SO scree, frets Retry Calolooeh, for $3,500. Ur, 1111111ses new le veneerer etf 100.0'.. 44 10.1 white would ho yary herd to surpass is say bew444.1w. it being on 1110WI1li4 fare Good Clothes SIC worth the prict asked for them. SHOREY'S CLOTHING is made to fit not made to ordcr. 1 Any article of clothing hearing SIGNAL • Wftl Sold by teliablehalers only. ShirtWaists SHOREY'S LABEL 4 In this line we shor an ex - i ce tionally fine rang. from S . to $1.33. . -Immoop is sure to be good, as in every garment made by H. Shorey & Co., their reputation_is at stake, and they cannot afford to sacrifice that. Shorey's Clothing- is sold on the un- derstanding that if it is not satitfactory your money will be returned. SHOREY'S 'Retail Serge Our Clothing Department... Our New Dress Goods are well worth your in- spection before buying. Another shipment of Prints and Ginghams just ar- rived. is akukturgaocked with the Latest and Best Styles ill formation of a union school between Hal- lett sod Uoderloh townships- Wm- C'ol* wa• appointed towuship arbitrator. Mov- ed by Jona killeldletog, **goaded by P. 0. Williams, that the following arounto be paid: arbitrators oa UalOO •04.001, 811.3); Mturielpal World. $j,80; News Ruud, WrIe*iel. $16 68- D.' ea. -4de411m4, 815.08 ; assoosoe's salary. $60. Read our- orialiomers 4a sued 11270 40 their separate Moieties. Read estaariasioner Johnston wee antherised to fiB the Mica at M.o. WO- see's preperty es Harm Road to Darrel level *I the Lead. Adjoureed to reset oe Ore 2644. day of Slav m a ooart of revision sad for Myr trarrioulto of other hasteess. Nixon Sroaor, Mork. Treublee Ma sialater. To bombs others, Rey. J.1. W. Virtue, of Hartwell, tie , writes : "kW • long Nom bad i tunalag sore oci my leg. 1 tried miry remedies without benefit. until I used • kettle of Electric Bitters arid • box of finiklen's Arnica Sabre, which oared ente sowed and " Bores, eruptions, boils, steetne, totter, eels rheum show impure blood. Thoueend• have found le Electri• Bitters a 'rand blood purifier that absolute oeree these troublee 8.tisfaction is etiartenteed or mousy refund...1 by James 'IFfefirkitralgist---tlivlorYvveNfivbii 600.- DUNGAN NOliOtiNt The Voltage Noes Well by ilem ralriletle 5e4 Trate roads. The Glebe acknowledges the receipt' el he mos of $111 70 coati.' bated freai Dun, g...eout sad torwarded per 8. J Crowf through the Batik of Common's, tiodemb The amount le mode up es follows A kirk tor $73.30 was oleo forwarded from the same rune for the Red Crate toad, matter • Weal Irons Dungsonea of $186. 15.00 erreb-Dr. T.& Pau. T. IL Dtte ti J. Crawford, J. Y. KobruW. $3-00-4. Hike 12 75-Aoid6eld & Wawanorh Agrioniseg al Bunn y. 6200 sub -D. MeCormick, G. Bagley, T. 0. A46e, A. 0. MoIatyre, A. 0. Trete*, vu, Wm Spool,, Dv. J. R. Matas, .] A. Manes& B. J. Verlag, Edward Dwain and Mrs. Was. Wasps. $1-50 oroli-Jonres ebysrd, David Cris. yl. $100 eash-Oes. Hares, John Hewett, Thos. Motors, Rev. R. Faishatra. R Tre- Isere, J. W. Idadd, Mellohgh, R. Sowers, T W. Little, J. Maass, D G. Bolas, A. S. Derision, Rev. B. L Mrs. J. H G.7, A. Disbar, William, Mrs Jonas Malleutb, Fresh Uleen, James Yawns.. ti•OfffeCeldwell. Wm. Fm.,ipan, Witham lllliltlS, Ed. An R 0oe- 4ere-e. R Fleldrea. Homy Jure, Wm. Andre* it. It. Pie: kett, J Soweto, T &minis, J. ()Irvin, S. 8. thaderson. 60 cieu.• oho- N. F. Whyard, M. J. D•videoe, 1). Mrisurtry, Thos.. Poke, to. Q.Agaffo, Jardlu, 11 MoKeeife, W. Dram, jam., W. Satoshi, 9 Roach, J. K•rwia, J. Bamford, J. W Camberlud, Mrs R. Wilma, lin McLean, R. Movie, Holy Jorge, John Sutyl.•, A. Dreaney, M.Youod, W. 74.0m- 1100. 26 caste eselli-J. Dimity. 41. Sproul, A. Thoreau, liverrota Ilsileseb, Wu. 74...- ..., J. BAN, J Walker. O. w wobrookit, P (rosier, J Parks, L. B. Auguries, T. Begley, I. Runlet), Ws. Wash, 1), Sprouts, A. Deakold. J. filliott, jun , 7. idenuay, A. (Arvin, R Eimulton, Mrs. T. Post'aed, T.C.MePonael, W.J.Sneyalt, 860•12. R ',writs:WM Crawierd, IR. smite, R.dmeaci, Wm. Diaper, U. Thesapone. 20 outs-- H. Merelaad. $10 00--Teiroithip of Ashfield, per W. St ethers. 'Cited, 8111.70 asnosmoed se seerb. "Yon am la dm km stages of oonaessp. ties sad eau& live mate kir a swestb." were the wails ef,doun beard by HI. Rua Rielloresso. of Laurel Springs, NI 0.„ trim her destroy, "hat sire beraa le nee Dr. 14.1.es new Docoury," lulus R Dangliten, 11 4151 plus. "sad wan wbtiAy used by it. She is now • Milt, Mil wow." les the impunire sere lor desper- ate doesees of the Arms oad lasso (441111. - follibie for sourbs, sold., bronchitis. aath Ms, muse. whooping cough. Guaranteed betties 50. and 11 00. Thai bottles free at Jame. Wdete's dem more "41.2 Deolop Ti. in When you hire a wheel from tbe 1314-Zre-C;47y- look at the tires. If they are Dunlop Tires the you can rest assured the wheel has a good pedi- gree in its every part. Dunlop Tires on all good wheels. .'Tb• only floolA• uougracwalORWRAP.WFXRARIFINFIR Tomos. v,-.17.-mosergr- STAAloar T3 PrO1NTS 3111 111 FAVOR OF 111 DE -CARBON STEEL 111 IMUNICIPAL COUNCILS- uoD1111101i TOWNIIIIIT. - April 204,1900. Oust' I tort purenent to odjourameek. Minutes of last mareting read and pareed. The folleoluo paihniseters not qualifying W1.0 °Imaged : Jells Welles la poem el A. McGuire, W. Millar le place of Wm. Onie, Jasper &Islay In Ors et Alex ;:.lble bake. Alex 0.koldeeten M pier of Chas. 4s6a Sbmeerd i• plum of •Iva Way, 1. 11•11•••• 1. place el Bette. Mewed by .1. Woof.. memoed by Jos arthaeliset, that MO prairies of Kellum owl 26 Wore be graatoff, parities tor tire PRP MakiAtzt•ti ear Nier cp ATTRACTIVE WALL PAPERS U0 WINDOW SHADES aom IN PRICE and DESIGN AT PORTER'S look awl Wall Paper Store. SiORSandfillla /011. Titer tars talk guararsed aot to ware or crook. art. They I'M lut • Metter*. ars vim sos is r o more than for Interlor lititizeLiiii:d bra, ..eturdanteel to save one-third HOW'S THE OUTLOOK? 1 4::°.=:17:1,110' f., Farmers' Company Limited it Great Snap__. 11our Ulnoro Stop, .45.. • potted, of whioh wow& • barrel a week. This isn't our only rap, as we carry everything that oan be found in c.1. UV- 4.417. groorry WOK and our 401111111" - ars right. The formers know that limn our always get from ue • snap ter their produoe. W• drew thit hoe al oe logitimat• trad• - everything gess : 01.seware or potereer, garden stuff or oholoset table Chum. Wit deal in all of them. T. G. TIPLING CO., Bedford block. Gederioh. 3. BROPIIEY & SON ,-- WWI 1114.DIOG VuutroX Vivrtetors ,,,__Vcaoo!tvatra. JMINCEIM.....ARAZZLOPST Wain 1111.64111111r .4a.-V4. mem. MOM or day. Mere ea West Istrom. bee atreet. Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Spring Overcoats, Odd Pants, ate. • 41 In Men's Fun- ngs we - • _ can show you a fine assort- ment in fiats of all kinds, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Gloves, etc., etc. ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES considering the quality. 11. PEDD-ER. Binder Twine enji.other In the market. Wave* Ale Illeaeratw, le fully Kaaren teed to be the 1110•4 efRolan% itoouotolool. dur- able. gas -root sod twal•taut heating device mak. Investigate It for 3 ourself before i011 aliCade ileoflooert.r. for Olummillee, suellblug awl Illo•e H. C. FILSINCERI1 Corner th'estat. and &mare Slow. to 'the o'd Idea their the body scurarares Melia • p•Wel hal drastic., purgative pill has bun exploded ; ler Dr. Keg'. Oleo Life P.11.. whtoh are utfootly hurler, gently ettentikto livrr •od boatets to •trei oue matter,oleenee th• 'To OM sad allsolu'a fy oars isoestipatiort sad Nth beedaelte Only 26. at .1 Wilsee's Arlo eters. Ito* will certainly he consulting your own Inter. g ellV hooking through some of our choicer patterns of Wall Paper, mitabie far Baba Bedrooms, Pur- ists or Diningromm, with Codlings. Borders and Prisms to matte, .4. 6.., 7e. sod Se. per reit. We Mrs *pat Papers .46. per roil, and tbs meet empsesive we e•rry 4. 50.. per roil. • Nowhere in Owe& 019 70* goot • larger, Pettey or more artimie range to &met from. If rat Dm and•b• mod al say, memare your rosion's width, sainhodehi. see tee ma glee yea *os esaot omit of pm:Arista it- *11 11,01. mirky' i• ta Ohm Window. mimaiscat ISTAX0r141r 0A.141,L. If pm Books or Illasea livapplieda Yon win nod vr• It* tim Pe** larpmeleass with In Out tine also. BRA RI VOID Boeght their raw material right and NO he world on competition, Frost Red Star 124o, Blue STar 114o, Standard 1044. Sae ,at,- scent at 000e. Don't put off buyinp ; our quantity is !Ignited. W. leave W•1110.4 ton feirly. Joseph Stratford, General titanagie, UNLAUNDERED WHITB SHIRTS sizes 12 to 17 in., 36e, three for $1. 7 he tows Oreeoil will suet bonverrow ?..dey *writing. tingles, masike Opt the sort ef people we ot ism to shoo oleos of made Wet Is pre - diked by • crash. ”Vi hat us y.e looking few. Bylyle "Why, papa said that whoa tlie Beers 4.14 8* the okras lag 'Lord Melees& took ihnhearte.' and I mail find it •ny where." -P•mb Porter's and Wall Paper Store, -- 'tow*, Goderieh., Our Taisie- A NEW COOK STOVE McKIM'S As pod as yes are used to paying 76c. Don't take our word, moo yourself. Our Story To -day is of Clothing, Not of the sort that fits in spots and not in others, but garments that fit your form comfortably all ,over. To hand this week one hundred Suits which should have been here two months ago. Rut we have marked the lot for quick selling, marked them at prices -which will not make you ashamed to look your pocket book in the face, SHINS' BUTTS -Bought to sell at 15.00. Good, etrong.tereed in mixed patterns, well made and good lining, all at MEN'S SUITS -Well made of good, strong tweed, good twilll lin- ings and made to sell at 14.00, marked to clear, at MEN'S fine al! wool tweed Suite, latest patterns in dark and light colors, tailor made with Al trimmings, special values at sa.00 and 110.00, but for quick selling we make the price, all the same REMEMBER -Your choioe of any tweed Suit in our stook, sizes 36 to 44. Fit beyond dispute, for At any season ot tile year there in no greater comfort than a good reliable Oook Stove in the kitchen. Itii. witn wok stoves liko every- thing, else: there are good, bad and bedfferent varieties.. We know you will be plowed with our FAMOUS and ARUM= NEWVILLINERY FOR:SPRINC an.11 Cameron washes to announce that she has secured the bites% • styles and newest effecta in Millinery for the Spring Saigon of 1900, and invites the Ladies of Goderich and vicinity bo call and see her Stock. The leading new shades are Pastel, Van Dyek, Watteau and Athos. Miss Cameron offers special values in Plumes and ia showing some novelties in Veiling. Hamilton -at, Ooderich. • fliS CArIERON $1,1 $4.91 U.51 SCR BOYS' TWO-PIECE SUITS at 11.25 amd very special at 12.00 and 12.75. BOYS' THREE PIECE SUITS special aft $11.00 and $3.40. YOUTHS' SUITS, long trousers, from $3.00-ep. MIN'S TWEED PANTS at 75., $1.00,111.36, $1.36, $1.50 MA Sin _ . BOYS' SCHOOL SPIORT PANTO et 50e, 75e sod $1.00. • • SIB.. -If you care to exchange $6.50 for 110.00 worth ore pod tweed WS, now is your chance. See thorn space for Dry Goods bargains next week. Our buyer is in Tor- onto this week. tie expects to find more than one who want money move then they to merchandise and are willing to ..orifice the latter fee the former. Tey will find a reedy taker in MeKIM. AM 11A10,414 SKIRTINO--Two pieces new Ameriean Underakirting or Lining for dreamt The very latest in fancy Skirting, 36 in. i8c wide, worth 263, tor .. I 8tovesandRanges Ih.17 Matt.TTLE =OB. Plittm,stoalittensiftith sat44.4f l. akeirararea A Woman's Shoe should be like herself -dainty and delicate -yet strong to endure. Thio is the King Quality all over. It's as prittp,ait.a shoo ca n be made and si strong also, and yet it doesn't look as though it was made for a .an. People who don't know it, guess the price somewhere aroluid Ili, and yet it is only $3. Ask to see Xing Quality. 14 YMCA Plage tilio Quad 1[by J. D. KING COMPANY, Limited, Toronto. FIT YOUR FEET.... With a pair of our Shoes We have such a large and varied stook of up,to-date Shoes that we oan give you your size without my trouble, in any style which you may sekict. Our Shoes are well made, look well, wear well aod are priced reasonably. There's More comfort 4.0 4.. found by wearing • pair of our Shoos than you oould dream of. ST. GEORGE PRICE Repairs neatly dorm. West .441• 01 Square NOT IN THE COMBINE. 4. INV We are going to handle 3 of the nattiest makes of Bicycles on the continent, viz., the Cioderieh Product( Crescent and Rambler We have again been appointed agents is HENDERSON BICTOLE 00. All of these Wheels have the VERY LATEST 1111P MOVEMENTS. Oar OPENING ;DAYS will be FRIDAY and HAT1111,- DAY, 1614 and 17t1i, this week', and 23rd and 3414 of nest week. All intending purchasers should oall and examine oar elmaite, Prioes will be right and all our goods HIGH GRADE. three styles) for:the local output iat.4 C. W. THOMSON & SON, Muds naps tarRtahOnsio Plum, Owes and Bowies ILsehie4a. 11 win per pm Is Owns& a& ItirlD'e OLD STAND.