The Signal, 1900-04-19, Page 4••-t;."C's r."-:thZT:ce"!"".::•vr-ki' ":,t•eata'•'ilrtterc,utiiraEic z: ..a rat ..L.._t'Aa(q X.1/yN L'•"- 3itaA' .►Irl-eksda !1�'QJfAr �•• ,,. aa"• ti -u >, . wava.a vav a' Quality__ il►onid be your first consideration in purohetiles a Bi cycle. Nu other vehicle is called m to bear the game .train per pored. Few others are propelled at so great • speed. look well, theta, and get the tried and tnie klad• The lcBarney-Beaittle aro well named THE BEST THAT IS No person questions their quality, their material or their oonatruotim. It you would have the thoruoghbred n-nong 81 - cycles - the beet today.ad the best for years -get a IBDaNHT• Boothia See oar big liar of used wheels at 610.00 and up. Emerson's Bicycle and Math) ILaads. West death Y 4 SlitAligns!, m svos.nimma history in South Africa, and is putting in Mtn of red, so to .peak. Do You... ...FARM... For Profit Ye Do you know • BHARPLiSI CREAM BKPARATOR will add to your profit? Let u* prove to you by a tee days' flee trial that they are • profitable investment for you. We have just received a large °unmau- meot and eau span you cos for ten d•ye tree. Call or write. Information ebnortally given. Emerson's Bicycle and Music Rotuma West st reett Godsreoe. that we were iu error. niTHOLI'e whf er5 &re lflmki, tend the alliteration i. better. • Coll Sam HouHHe continues to make EVERY THURSDAY MORNING 4 O. MeEtadA4411001 YODIR1011.. THURSDAY. ♦Y8. 11. MMM. OANGEH IN THE SKIPPING RuPE• AND now we are informed by the doctors that great danger lurks in the Skipping rope -or rather in overin- dalgenoe in the pastime or using the rope. �-YY.... From The New York. Sun as learn iOet rII LY ON, y .r.-- 01,'steer `Wh y YtSiitar raotuinjl etc his bomb, Tq First .venae, of spinal meningi* caused, a ler as the family physician had been able to ascertain, by too much skipping the rope. There had been enduranoe oont.ests between the little girls in the neighborhood, and TILLY Memoir had been one of the moat devoted followers of the game. She became ill suddenly Thursday evening and seemed to suffer from ex- treme exhaastidn. The doctor diag- hosed the case as one of spinal menin- gitis, caused by inordinate nee of the skipping rope. We have cited this case so that parents in this locality may caution their children against too much real in using the skipping rope. We have heard of several little girls who claim that they can skip from one hundred bo three hundred times con.ecutivel;, and who have done it in the presence of other pupils who have, in coDse- quence, overtaxed themselves in the endeavor to break the reoord Aims► bring exhaustion, but the etdpping rope seems to have the faculty of tak- ing a much out of the human frame . En a given time as any gams of pleas- ure that we know of. Parents would do well to point out the evil oonse- queooes that follow from over-ture of the skipping rope. PRESTON HAS THE FLOOR. FOR over a year W. T. R. PRESTON has been the recipient of bed language from the Tory preen and the Tory poli- ticians. It was • long distance lan- guage .ervioe, as PRRTON was in Europe and his anai ante were on this side of the Atlantic ooean. To see the prep pomp editorial wrath on Paasrow's devoted head and to hear the politicians declaim ag.tnat him,one would be almost lead to believe that hanging, drawing and quartering would be en extremely mild way of getting rid of the man upon whom they were endeavoring to attach the black badge of notoriety in connection with oertain election soandals in West Elgin. W I, Pennon is back from Europe, and no effort ha been made op to the present, to omit him into atter darkness or inoaroer•ts him in the deepest dungeon. To the oontrary the prow that yea so blatant against him is now cooing as • sacking dove, and the politicians who ranted, raved and tore paaidon to tatters in the endeavor to pillory Peprroi are mute Indeed. The roman for all this is that W. T. R. Peewee ha =premed his willing- oa.50 face b1a tr•ciuoPrs anywhere end everywhere they dare .bow their heeds. He L willing to state hie came on any platform aSsin.e the metre bream of his tr•dnoen and to that end hes formally chall..gd the entire brood to give reason now for all the al- btRetiaes they made or stand branded a public men unworthy of credenea rp to the tassel going to pr.ms not one of tee mslieme rs bae a:premed himself as willieg es bslar. • soap. Real for tin gang. They het. •.il r•wfiseed. Mr The plume Oa CoL San. HCOH.' vic- torious quill pen is always teu paces in ad- vance of the firing line. sr OLIN." BTHaSIAHAN has succeeded in getting nd of her third husband, this time by way at a divorce oourt. Hr There is just are thing slower than the Routh African war ha been for the past month, and that is the war in the Philip- pines. . fr..,i3*.V. 11111 y elaJgjaca•d..e>,adi- tates an annual visit to. Ireland. That wonldbave been k gainill*ifitotklarty years ago. tar If Sir CHARMS Torrid will oontinue to keep as fax in front of his men as he got in his repeat Quebec speech, some of them will shoot him from the rear. ear The proximity of viutory to defeat te very forcibly illustrated in letters from South Africa recording the doings of the Canadian contingent at Paardeberg. NI' Now that W. T. R. PKmON hao oome back to Ontario the chaps who were slang-whanging him when he was 4,000 miles away aro ringing in "a singular minor key."e MI The more we read about that Pante- berg fight, the more are we convinced that old "Boas" knew how to ladle out the taffy to the Canadians the morning after the fight. a tie Sinop the Old Flag has ceased to be .ylt myurous with an appropriation and pal - .toe can in the interest of Hon. WALTER :ICYPHRIm MONTt..•'r, that talented mak- er of phrases 'the coated to burn inoetre to the Old Flag. equality of every Iedivideal Were the naw, tlt.a we meet dplare eareelyth sad seek te esYnriel a the effort. el the other party." Bit et sena the.,.alld dollen • year brings varied Oaths trete the p.111.1061 pipes of moat =me 1. Reath Akto& as well a. 1. Men .os4 ltirUCATHD. Tien r s. drib. Is the Wads .f loyel Q.MaWs Chas tis brad* .1 the Send were is mate* etmm.oiatlri with the Trwveal satbrisim long before war was d.oler.d sad threes hopes are entert&Wd that when wambing-tip da es hems el the prom s la - mat Bred mday of the Cape L.glal•ttve ddeo.bly will have to for tenth ewe deo.• n eesWy'mediao. prevwg thyroid quosuoa the emirates of • ooaaplrwy •games Brit- ish Iatere.te sed dtsulu.tw promises of OM- eotW amMNo*e whoa the moment was ripe for arms. Some weeks ape 'odes. were slat eat N all ,comber* of the Bund that • meousg et Ethigatte woad be held ie • * mall tows is an eastern promisee not far frees the dl.trlote moat serenely dieeff.oted bad disloyal. ibis resti.g wen galled alely for the purpose of show'og los *nal Imperial tesltag and 'tinier up racial hatred. Ib prorr.m, which would thee beset earned without • &meeting rover, am..ated N • diol►ntith that hteglasd ie snag. always has been wruoe. and ever will be wroth is matters berwotag to this emery. is would aloe hen parsed a vote .t .eaeare on Sir Alfred Milner sad would have prepared a posses to olrosl•te pray• ieg fen his recall. Wiser oou.sl, however, peevlled and prevented the •membily of this sedition moiety and the ery.Nlluatlas ef their pian, wht.e w.slei have r..alsed la Stete leas thea avU war threash.st the oeleay, TW wiser ooeeael manse Is the term .t O runle'e erases with Ms 4,000 ase, Iadysmb►'s relief, .ad the gtheral deo i betty r•l(pst &he e I n.. 84, rhe es the Repaeil• sans were twisting the lien. 111 the Bead mambas were San.... is str.sgth &ad Dovlde Is bravery, but no sower did they see the tide of battle turning, withal% Wring er palterts., they struck Welt heat. and with etret..te dousiw made • stealthy renege ATTITCD. Or TMH DOIOH WORK CROWN Tee taws et Path'. lying coma t►iiirava aides from Cepa Tian. is the birth -pros and the Moves of the Bend party. le mad tt. neighboring town. SteUmabaoob, 4.j.y the dietlnosiou of brag the two mom rabid- ly sot -British town to the.eieay, The let- ter is • amain of edagatima, banter for Its u trwuw the Victoria College and the Theological Ssmt.ary of the Dumb chart*, both oelebr• ed throughout South Ater for their eiaoeuoa•l dvamt..sa and *t- raded by young Atrlkeodere la large now bore from the Rep.blies as well re Cape lldoap.. TS.Bird Ae4ik.11atak.Ralood :March are obesely leaked in politicise .ricer.krac-4-•aaaas-.•,s-theatre per.tteca: from Dumb palpta during the pe 1 leer soothe and at: the present alio only he Dolled a tirade •voose eeerythtng British and a politio.l outburst vll.fylag the lot. penal Government 1a a rpirit net ccmeat' b!. .with the preacher'. prof... ens e1 Cherries - 1:y 1 glva hen a lee lentils!, earn taken Irom • Dumb paper, "De 1'et:1ot," which at cies time was the moathplooe of the Hued party. In advocating the eapprsuou of the Ey- li.h language Ise South Atnoa et say : ••Tbe obaroh hitherto has been our Lal..'. Nek against the E.,l1.b loomage, therefore let ne fight against the Emelisb speeob le oar ebereb. It 1. • Dutch Reform obaroh. What b•* &N1.5 to do with It ? " Things are harassing &r.m.d a owWaally to il- lustrate the •besrdlty of this doctrine i■ • nosh' where the praeolpoa badness is oar- ✓ ied ea la English sed where comparatively few hn*11.5 speak Dutch. HOW TOR HATH CILIL HHOD0. A topheble lathiest occurred to a well trios Dumb td.tster la Cape Town hely • few day. ago. H., Ike that of els Dretb- reo, hates Cecil Rhodes with • hatred that le more team hate. Steadies at • rine. weer he hailed • oat' and jemped le, Eft. lei the driver dlrootlo.e t• O.toh whisk would not mix with Cabby's oeekuey. Vela efforts were made le 5.tablesh °omm%atea. tion. het the D%hkmam dedently bell out y.tmet the use of the leglrh Hogue, of whloh he 1. • peri.4s hetes. neatly he jumped out, bet the driver, not to b. blame WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING eat of his fare. followed dem*edl.g his fere as only oabbr. knew bow, until a filmed of Tpowegtheteaisncra,r mbag to lila aua esosed •r J ,l:L Iiat .t ageZ. ir-Jaw/are M Wiese: 8Haasr nae ' fie...*; bat jar a the gab was movtag off his irlo•d called eat, " Wachs wen botje' (welt • bit) I • kt erl.d whlep:rtor Lad an exalted belt from the gab bellowed, and the hero was thrown te the driver •000mpealed by as ostpsarleg .f beet ape Dumb, wbioh be probably mistook ter • bleeds. se he leisurely moved off lgaorent of the feet teas the memo prated ea bis gab, the " Cecil Rhodes," had been the nese d demean( • fen ea the street and a ghillie* is his peoket 1. len Hum lila beet reeved Mme. lea 1a eh. nerekwose .f M. Belsey wbteb le twum{ag Use preseeMMes of • rdellles, has 5,000 ape Dane berm op la arm. Pr«,dest 8tey..eehrred apes them the powere sod privileges ef 51. east berg5ru tad required term to doadare see areas and dl.trbb tinsel* *hi" they mi• sexed to the Orson Ins State Loh Beam b5ssri.-wised ooausg.se--wbw Wen «aped ea the Ganes Point O.mme• ter the but tea days were tastily ordered off--ds.11satl.a %miaow.--ud within forty minutes el reaopt of seders they were .•- trOsed. It 1. thought they will b. en gaged l• ruppremlog this robotism' la Prh.k• ad Ker,th•rdt district.. The lint dlvistes el his N. W Mounted Pekes landed &beet • week age, all Is err- ors* health. The voyage was .o.veuttal and with the excepNM .t a tow r.qh day. after Levi* ( .ad• the trip down was everythiee that .old be desired. Oh. of 370 heroes only some twenty were ler ea the thyme.. Keogh, weather-bs•tea, bar dye well-develep.4, its.-leeklsg fell..., all et m•tut• yearstwd with the total .b..eoe of the raw youth se apparent la tome of the oompaales of the Ant 00tingeat, therm men ta physique the the liars et the a.•di•. corp.. They are all ou ler the heat to- day. e01 %■$sok le son y. AT CA1•a TOWS, la gamoing through Stora%. end Rise et other Oo•d*ea paper 1 sottoi yes nes leagtby details by table of .gagemeete sad eve.t.a .f the war as they weer, ee.etlmts ,lore they are pubnshed here. The Leal press o..eershtp a strict. Aoyt►tar that Oho .uthonti« os.sider as likely le alma the Cape Ilatob .r which might be t e- & awed IulormaIa N the enemy i. with- hold ; soneetw .Yy, .ot • l.. *vests w knot cabled to Leaden and published and are seen bees whoa the Ssglf.b pipers }tqB+. te heaSk r.. alert �t Yth eare illrestore ones week. (• &divaea of a wile is armada teem the frost Yea as doubt get fall p.rtloulan of the dot.ete of the aa.dlaa oouutsgents, whlob are overlooked by the war o.n..pendenu for ear Meal peer Their asta►to. 1. almost wholly db nerd to reporting es oag•Lateste 1a whirs the Cape aloei.l volunteers take part. Take, fee betas., the eh ad made by ear galla.l a.adlana, as Rebores ie pithead to style them. la the fight pr.md- "u Crosj.'s captor* Th. Ant tsumsuen w e bed 1. ape Tow. of 1.e....m.se 1.e. brave fellows was • sable from Leedem es a.sda, repeated se ape T.ws,wh.esie the Braille Uorernmess expressed their •banks for the splendid servMes restored tad Sym• pet'v fir the 1..... sats..d Dy ear sen• diem .3. Several days after w. leaned that • Isrg. .ember, some 1(0, had been killed and weed.d. Thi. proved attar - ward* N be some eighteen tilled .•d &beer sixty *treaded. D. E. Medeawt,L Peet .etM Seektthe ef 'babi,es e at- .t the Hr. ofer gg CeMOIIILi�e Q 8T. MARY'S Mit kept osu.esaUy us hued. ♦1.e the beet bread* el HYDRAULIO and PORTLAND CEMENT Bander. well de well to nes me bolero plea leg their ardent R. BARLO IIOL1S Teva tine aRALaa, O?Fftlt Weer et. Nese tie Square. BECKBR & MY SIS. Uodertater: and Won Graduate of ilsm•chunette Col- lege of Embalming. IMRE EXAMS OPEN &JAY Atilt NIGHT. HEST GOOLNI AT MODE- RATE ODA RATE PRICea, AND OOURTIOU8 ATTNTION. l Flan GM el Cm. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster PaltieLtarts, Ston Bread and Crew Rolla, Loco Pie: and Lady ?intern, Kim, Iacar00na, frames, Braid! Sup, IL re,,r«oahtlo. meld .e•reely go farther 11. ea It does le The Terries Mall .d Em- pire, wblob bas so editorial article bear- able with these words :-"•Well. Mr. fans Is bob.00htag with Dr. Lloyds, the those 1.- trtgu.r la Ramps, els party le d.bth heavy work ben." Mr. fart* has bees *denim the Been to era seder the BrtWS fief sad matey the einalmd..d civil liberty that It guarantor, and instead .1 blanks ler this loyal •ad paerieM. week. Mr. Tarte Is falsely and foully mtm.pnm..t.d, and W whets p.eple viaop.nted fee ne ether par - pees Wen be pobma the (mtatr peep's apla� Sir Wilfrid laser's Governors*Teo sdltorW miaow e( The Mail sad Em- pire the • el.dl.p diagram, N Cehmdbe joarnahena, so penletoatiy aliM.....d Wee are their oo.te.te. Dees or dies set The Mall sad Empire pines the Mw as esti- at en the latelll.sses of lin readers. VOW 11344,1'81 . -warps' den.stp- *Nisi es -stow Termite .Adler* v"' . tide& at 1M anew N ettp awl= w THE AFJIKANDER BOND. "&friss for the AfrIkanders." Derrle Eder= eseweh as AlMW M nand -A 1Mleteue I.e1d..le MOW OMB -amend esaad1a Olelingemtet Leaner Mae Mr. lbeekWasYi. ISpeolal oorrespoed.aee of Ta. fpCII* . This paha& Ieetrt.Mea, which bed Its birth ever twenty yew age, wen .etabll.hed ter sad h.s fee its math ebj.et the eeefed- o'atlen of the verleue divides. of Smith ♦fries leader Dutch morel •.d an Afrik• seder flys. "•Air'« fee the Ahlk•sders° Is their seethe, bat It le tempered with • serous d.gras of lel.r•ess by were am E..I(.5maa "if he Is gad' mey be perish. ted to lite la Sabo smutty. J. P. Them, M. LA., th. pweedeet *Imes Bad Ole *peas, addressor We fell.wl.11eedem-s semi Na ye gild, "We ase% ibeek ter• United th Meths, bat at the miss tea we mast eller the itatgere le nesse. ease If May 5.hevr teammlv.a• Mr. Srhnlesr, the Prime M1.lster, sed ted Hee. Jelin X. M.refesae, sloe eel member. of the Beed party, a...teeaeme It .d work wets 11: The Mater, whim MDIs W portfolio of dss. seat Truman', .nen et sem thea a Nhroeg Hyena red I.pe..alb sed d.s.le.d M se.e.ertaleweer the malteds et tesBe.d• Bob eta he • ssedd-stM0 se asnpas.. Nee 1e th. slp• N hilsmsss, pew mrd the rives mad Uwe ei.10es he le site.. le eider mid abetter et les Bed •• • Imp lees onetime* d Ike etraddretImildbes typo words* be w sbtele side ernes miss w,p- The following E. aim hum • .pose mrd. by Met • low mem sea bet 1s a.* al, en mesh verW n verism mated se Iles d.. -rt a air : "Itis r.M esserse t. aeries, 1 .phwish be �Ds rim west se lergred pees M t R.1eW M have Norther flag M1e--. Grime w et • nag et [Jetted 8•Me Meisel (Nal O1 resns y55e+ say '.o,' tis Y thiswens be Map tis hie sb by ,ea awr me r mese-1 wile the linear Osegtr y....It 1s sew the M M wars..4ppelttfd Is tie141 hew be MTeI, aid ord 1r le hear tis elites mf Ms "t. •elks...' .e.es5Hg the 9..s, se* De Tele rzat Ise bee *idle reeelereve ere p•W se Ma Waster be Mari etpalmbe r e►. beam he the mele/riw .1 g1i I1/. epdwter treat Is 4 terve M. ew fa, 4Matats rare/ Thea men snow* whet be did and 1 ''o -.v he did it. - Such endorsements as t' .'se following an an • su&Lcient proof ! its merits, ashen Oa..lee. O. thea t.•.•. n.r_ . _ Pewe. are RA, so .4 y«r Tneaw es I4.5... r :. L. r re...merle se yew/ mete.. L.1.1 .h r' s% t 10,1h . `nee eel= U .d ere .-'„ a ten toe.. f your ellenfee. le f.. r vett :SLINK JtleRpI11. Pride, 1e*; c'v ttw 1-4 As . Unman ter u0 Iroltbanrv+e..utl. JurrIndtre iY. r 518110.' L'S $.VAVIN WRB. ' sense um keg I tang," Look fres. 0r &dines • eEad.E.SHI ..•. �wae�t�S PM . Ye - are as good as the best Mafia is say oily in Canada. Cantatas leads dr Visas le Goder!ch Bargain ,,_entre We are showing extra value in Japanese Matting, cotton warp, 12ic. to SOc. per yard. We are showing extra value in Floor 011 Cloth. We are showing extra value in Art Muslin. We are showing extra value in Art Sateen. We are showing extra value in Lace Curtains. We are showing extra value in Wool Carpets. We are showing extra value in Ruffled -edge Cur- tains. ALL AT PRICES TILiT WILL WIN YOUR FAVOR. Next Bargain Days, Apnl 26th and 27th. JAMES ROBINSON Paas Easter Egg Dyes. Envelopes6 mita • Piothre Designs In the Springtime... Build up the Strength W. rejoice in sunshine, or shiver in the north triads or get soaked in the rains. It's lard for tree health to boar up un- der the .train of such changes. The blood becomes poor, the appetite is variable, you have head -aches, boils, pimple., pains in the back, .to. Take Sassafras Bitters An uurivlled remedy for impure blood and disordered stom•oh-ge.ra.lad. No benefit no pay. 60c. • bottle ; 6' for 1260. Many who cul nes, knot need but attar os, etc., t a nourishing, eltsogthening, brad -building tonic. That's what Sampson'sRed-blood Pills do for you The beet of all blood tcHHas and the �t. Gear•nteed. 26o. • box. b for 1.00. It is your duty to maintain your sla-Hgth. We have the best of Perfumery in gloat variety. W. C. OOODE - BEDFORD BLOCK in fancy deafening and ornament- ing and almond Meng. Give him an order and your sat- isfaction will be aaemred. D. CA NTELON, WEST -ST. HELLO! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND Tate SINT Scranton ilani Coal iOrdsn lett et LIB 11 t>i1:1111PZAZIPS 1 84ase prowptiy attended te. Iw MI MUUMUU - 1Mk4'-z-v.�-<=cam - w-. THE BOND PROPAGANDA. Boob is the batted amine the Those Re- form clergymen to the Rash* that lama heetltlti.s began meay ebYob« formerly boldly moveless alteramt ly V Deka and Realist' have dleo.sleaed the 81111.5 en - vie. Anther gatemen. Hem " De PM - riot : ' •• There is one hindrs.ce to eontd- •ratios •d that le the Realist ass. Let them take the Asa away and within • yen meted.ntis under the free Afrikosds fly Weald follow Tbey may have 8....'e May as • naval and milieu ratios en the road to lodes but should give Nee all the rest .l Beath Afii« to the Afnkandero." These may h takes as the k.y.M« of the Bend prep.g.da, the te.ete sf which for the wit tweet, yeare have bees 'preaches a.d tnde•lly dlsaffeoMea the Deitoh .peak• tse eoleabM Stu had net the Imperial Goya -meat awakened to • Ie.es of their pee.Mea IM elm of the penitow institu- tion- the suppression of the English lea• rues sod the eitinettoa of the Selfish fly -wlthta • few yew would have boos se- oomplabed. 571115 AND 55001* AT t.000eem1AD., 8leeo Oro•je'o..peen there Is toese hat - riles of .s early gallop...f the Beers. A wave et dtes•eIsoM.s seems te ban sped through their disheartened ranks. The Free Staten elate' that they are dela* the priooip•l pert et the (pktlsg and, asses qyu..tly, bearing meet el the Hee. Prost. dant esoyn hes therms very dissatisfied w th Anger .ed his remands ter pheleg h1. treatises M the " per et 5.. ,," 1e* femme of we fleet, wbese titer hove to shad tee hems of the battle, Kreger se daubs misled Stan hole tee w, won th. amdenWil11 hh•t the LeemsUs ares• sad •••pass world siessee 1- epee Shue t• doe *arta The later 1t mew awakened be Me Irate el Me old .y5.. " H. was ape with rhe 4.44 .tem hate • 1.n* seem" Oto for v PUOOT. Maples be srlSn See ..nears of his fel- 1eslar boredom Praddae Kremer Arra Me se Odleur • tier day. ye. d1.. .yps welled elm. Jr* es bb arrival ...d 5.0s, ' .d.me, made a * mii/ demi memmeas earees Ms 104 dtie resale that Me meek Il.e,� • eobeeiep seem 14,000. Imre rested, ray. laic their Moss, Meir dhows p.,lT asked sienna. seems, • wrathyd ale5.. and • as.b et gam• h fall fele the head. d Asewel Bereft I1 is amid Iter Mr- mepnea al. w ..d del .iverytedert (e en Meer M soy Eben MAet, be r,ase r a the emorta ei tale "ho who *OW ale f11Y WIN/ hal WO le int ...Ober IMI nenuwil a.ree end are wit\ a seams la .ai Lm . eats *her Kew Betts bays Maisel .MYdf wlkNrsw treat Ogee seeterrte Is G SM i�r sevthere ea* K NalI tie wt . few esitii.g pules, eases/ sleet tis border. 111 ea* ailed Neese keels pee ea es ream le WE HAVE FOIA SALE CHEAP I MINGLE NU 1 6 BOISE F DREW* ONE t . 0o0n 0nues. 3 NOSE POWERS IMS 1*1Atktat eesilltht, W. este weed Ibis week .1 • selene d.. (Limited), ciaODEURIOH_ S� Boiler Repairing. The Goderioh steam boiler works having been removed from (od.rsch I have made arrang n..'nt. to carry oa boiler repairing and also the manu- facturing of smokestacks, etc. Repairing of boilers, engines and other machinery promptly attended D. K. STRACHAN, Machinist, OJodericl,. Works on Viotorie Street. MILL WOOD FOR SALE. The above is cut into stove wood length and will be delivered So any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or leit at rt0idenco, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Ooderich, November 21.t, 1800. 66-3m The Thermomete r that Whiter is here, and Winter means coughs, co I ds and various other ailments due to damp and cold weather. Be prepared to ward off these and oth- °` troubles.UKeep a bottle of a few kinds of standard remedies in the house. and they will not only save a lot of unnecessary pain, butmany a dollar too. We have a complete stock of Proprietary Medicines, and our Prescription Department is at your service. F. JORDAN, Telephone No. 19. Modkal Hall. Do You Use Paint? Most of the world does avid most of !hs world uses THE SlieWm-I1/1LLIAMS Purr - Il s mads to paint buildings with, isside avid outssds. It's mads ready for the brush. It s mads for house use avid for practical palate's too. Its pure lead,pure sixcyawl s liana oil, mixed / made issachissary operated by experts. Its made BOL BY D. ROUGVIE 190011R/ON AND DUN•ANNON Imnmmmmmmmmmmmmmme E The Modern Shoe Store. a EE E E EE E EE Raving refitted her more wits modern sooveni.00.s,, we will he in • better position then oyer to serve our many patrons. Our flpriug Stook la shoat complete with the bot a.ortd line of Footwear suer shown in the County. We are still Bole Agents far • SLATER 8008, were is Holly the beat oboe in market for gentlemen. Wo have else secured tise a�e� for ,the EIIPRESR SHOE for the ladies. Itis the mast stylish and boot-8tttelg footwear mad. In and• today. W. also Sorry • fine line d ladies' American Boot. and Shoes an and see the King icy 8hws made by W J. D. Hang Company. Our prises .e right. W. SHARMAN) Jr. �UIUIIIItINIWUlU11111U111Nlllf cereal Coffee . ♦ debars. aid bealtbfal le'►pMa" It makes • dateless think. eel Y Peaemesee4d gedspy tut .1 senega dlepeeries trseebfi wish e...i...b. weak dames` Tjji ei , appear. Only 13 eta. • 110. Try ft 11esm wee este ..4 M oneevastil nidirN. •LAKED P818, 815.158 AND RIOT awe SHR1IDDSU Wish♦' Ilei' .. ... Y. AIL 0001111 PH00PT1.T D5 11RHD m Telephone No. 91. 5 • STURDY & CO., The Grocers, mor. Square and Montreal -s1. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR ' M cLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR. A Wonderfullionlc and Remedy for WEAY. BLOOD, KIDNEY:andj LIVER TRO • Manufactured by J.:Ma:N /RE