The Signal, 1900-04-19, Page 2The Sinal dim.."r.a..•• %, tech..:-:r'x,ro I" a►J:--:"r_-V'::: ha rvauanao - RTitRT THURMhAT LOR"Me BY fill. 11e011I ICUD11T. -.J T$URSDA7, APRII. 1V, 1900. _ ( VOR rC NII. vIWK. 1'rot, shottlewort4, acting Htalth Officer of Turositu ,'vp out A ntote- Inent ou Use IHol Kae bill, III '%IIIc#' he telow4 d%ro it groul%l al/+llast the prohlbitioet of In opectlon. which %I* iuearury Almy at. He dteclares the pot44nmalre of the bill would Undo the 'cork of years W securing purr milk for cities. fart of him statement ly Ito fulluwm : The machlaery for Irupuctiuu. even In Its most rudltuentary form. does. ant t•%4t Ili malty eountry muttiei ,ill Itie*. There are numemail ifirtrCW 1 thout !wa•al Board* of Health or uvalWt officere. tued It, 1,•w• ca►des nre there efflciwtt start* of rnaPec- turr. nor Ir It likely Ulut funds to lay than uffiecrs would always be northeoming. Tim Health Departmeatt of Toronto iot"m one Iuslwetor whose Palo duty W that of vhdting dairlew and ho Lr u,ways fully ouupied iu this work. `pslelal lanlevtLonm nre afilu mud,o by Other eoulpet nt officials, it" III tbV .cams of tlw _71 ouWido dame a Item load lu thereport for last year. A record to alto kept of Lite Ddnrcp of ul" vuppU• in eery came of con tagloum disease occurring in the CI`y, Lt 18117 there were 73 itatiltucr* in which dineaw nprareintly originated iu milk. unit joint year there were 83 Nuch caw+• The traclug of their- Im . plied Investigations of A more arlen- - .- title efmo-Otkr."91111d lavolwd much ,letalled labor. foot 4ncluded In that above mentioned. It doss not rbcs likely that the many 'vwei0lwtllttes from which TurtnW is supplied WWI Milk an: flow in It tnxrltfon w du Wr , work. nor t:an they e%er have equal tuc111ter. e . • It, as has been til came, ti ntagluns dlreaw were traced to an outside dalry. the Pity Heult Officer would be luwprlem W net except In reporting tilt+ caew to romtry bound. should such nn to Kanlaatlon exist. and meanwhile th rltlsenm would have to suffer. Istao) Illy berg and ar'erely. Water tut milk are from a manitary standpoint strictly romtarabie. if outside muni clt.ulitico, have the note right to li centre those wilt) supply Toronto alt:+ milk. it might be argued that tats could oxerelse nn *%lust right with rr(tanfgsto the w(a�ttegrl supply, hhoal u*wource, ,out r t t o mon c pe, y. ---.-,.,:yr.e.f Ja l+0,k, s -s • $bc► A 'lou to Intensified by tilts Comparison which dr tat at all strained. it is dilfieult t•a flood auyjistifiaa- • (ion for the introtuotlo0 ui ibis nmeodment to rbe mun'.eipal eel. T6 o13spectors who visit outside dairy - mea is the vicinity of Toronto ar merly always received with dere ranee wbile, the tetter omen Of dairymen vert thorough lturpeclion am.l wet came the visits ant advice td the who are •hle to appreciate or tug stet. "We smdersiand that the ■i.uatioo i simila5 here and in Other paces. Th tobjectioms to inspection of byres, etc. by city iawpecturs do not come fru hbe better class of dealers -indeed tb objeetiuns, so far as they have reach ell w, are' merely twntimental. \Ver the rural vtnnicipoiities equ'pped with we•Y.-Org.tolsed Bunnle of Health And qualified Inspectors palet sufflcientl) to enable ,them w devote :be neceA eery time Ito the work, the mi:k-con •owing people of the cities might feel a degree of satdty wit'huut city in- spection. But deny many municlpaa tics have such officers, or psy them to secure results i Mleantime t'he Ci i must, and tie have, such uttieers. and Iberia hots beim no sul'ficiewt reale urged wbylbey show:d rwr by regal:' . tion aware tela userq thit the[ *,t L ,- wpm g aril. aar otbow and that it is handled in a elasoly manner. . And wilds- the Leghskhture is at it, it ought rto provide for severely pan- ishing any dealer who drags his mi k with "preaerva!ine," formaldehyde, ailipetwo. biearbowatte of soda, bores, LOracle geld• selicy:le ac4d, aad t'Ihe numerous a,t7her chemicals which the mopbisticalod use dt) load mi.k against putrefaction- -mor mirk in wbo.rsome; drugged milk is danoleroum to heath. TiliF1MARR1AGI9 BOND. Quebec, being a Catholic Province, IN understood to M the plant where the marriage bond IP practically Jndl*- soluble. Protestant Ontario roes rot regard marriage no a sacrament. I'll - dour these asrenmsta13c+s, two named whloh have been under conwl,loration Utlm weak naturally cnuom comment. At Montreal Hr. Lachapelle married Ids cousin, Mlles Pelletier, a �;nr Ingot, ubtalning a digncmation for a nmr- rlag. between relations of the% third degr"P. it having been itubs"uently Painted out that the dispensation should have been for marriage be- twwPs relations In tp morond degre P, , '?k the Archbishop of 1Uontreni in Febru- ' ary last declarord the marrinwe, mull and invalid by roapm on the said de- fault of a regular d,spea.atlnn, ties Insbwn,l and wife ceased to live toge- ther, mad a few day's ago Judge Motth- ten Rare Ail effect to the coeleelas. tiMAl deenw, frcelaK the partial from alt obligation toward one another, c►itbtottt mats. Ix Ontario there are hundreds of ramps sof flat Cousins living tOgetlrr as man and wife, and rearing families Thr' other came wan ntgue,l At Tor route, but the Jodlclnl denWlon wan r4wervwt. The mot"laae took Pince tell years ■Re% Them was n� r.lAtlonNhlP between the psrtten. The man had ' - bePn to An Insane emylOtn, but was JIn- chargwl as cwrerl. A prim[ advlmed the girl to marry the nine. aAronling to n OWdlrsl Wit§OM, with the hope that marriage would effect the hihohnnd's more cure, And the partl4s lived to, gethwr two yearn The lawonit,v reltarn- kslg, the man was r#m•)ve,k to as &my- " �l'llaht Trams acre mea there to no t or him r•NOvery. The, wommin,' M only #iAhtswis years old whew J a�o wan nu%rrimi. arcked the court to i�Iy� �&Al the marriage. but U.:. J,atltt4 .. L •v00, taking the cm' • Intl` mr+d'lern- �, rid ►e wwf wteroNl that the plain. 1. tW *awl meet' rairem Is i'arllaarnt -Vikatprgr ohs aaav, he maid Abm,nt It, J)eowob Appears to be rhrwppr . Ontario Ju tion ► 4 : r . ' ,k i' 11' / . ►. Admiral Dewey will .never really -tpow what people, think of hint unlgr �..JAo6b AAt-`'-slum•.!!_ adNir-r. e ready Aume people are ready to pink film garlands to pieces. Tho Queen Wight do wultse than buy ('b`,dalkin Card, for a royal rtaddiaoe an 1 vlrlt Ireland annually. I.1tUe nets oI royal kind awn mmut for much, and SHAY (i1#'�IIATIOIIAL L16aeOX NO. IV . APRIL 99. IVW. I'he Ueotauriou's Nrvanl Bested. -:.eke 7 ; 1-h lrtilual ham nod tone too many of W e 1 t e e y The e er e The m e e d ea r ^# Kupt.-What In the gulden Tm%t t tlwm 'NAm".-Lute as a lather pitletb his _.,_ _ r 7vrr`r' -- - Pr ._ ILK. clultbou, 94 the Lira( pltlSth thug. Tete ,Bier logged up to the erkl of that fear h1ni -Pea, dit. la. . March are etlmatud at 1l' -,W0 Brit.- What U the Uentral Truth t- Fulth Irh ertllanter of hoer know" are much IQ Christ wlil always bring good R sults. -,,r larger, and It to probable that un, ad- What V the tuplat-Tbe contort. a. ,f 60 per cerci. to tie doer est,- tun's humility Cud faith. wAff will trot u%snti►t Lew actual What te ties Ontltnet-"1• Tbv esu• Curluu's lucmwi. ___ _ Charar,W. 11. HIS tatludntlAj friends. 111. His [filth rwwarded." Uelilnl.•y lam deeidexl egalttrt Dew- WIlW' was Ute time? -July err Aug- ey's claim for 10,000 $ aq pity for ver �; :1. D. 38. o N'Ient esu■ ttt0 plans t-�ap3rnaum. `61000 a'( A member of the Philippine Who sale %he psrso" t-Jurua The C'omnlario�. Furth er, It Ir ruld Lewey F.Idnn of Israel }'rlewtls of the, wea- ls k, he, given work to do vilikeh will turlon. The cetnturtou. Tbe servant. effectuality y put a stop to lir 1'nsl- What le the parallel amount t - amount? - Matt. till. 5. 13. dratlal wlreyrulling. Commentary. -Time beallug of the _ centurion's eadvaut took plane lruute- Tbe fatted States Oo13su1 et 1'-e - diad) after the derurua on the torte can find ra record of Br"I Mo1111, was delivered, before Josue �gl1p His tour tato Southern llalll,ee. official Interference Witt' 'lacrum'm 1. WD*u He had ended fill We oo4- oorreslxtndenee, and reports that ingewTho sayings recorded ht the t'ommunicatioav to or from Ills (oro. preceding chApter,and o the a�rm011 He had Just {*reached. In tb.a audlenoe solute are not impeded. EXAl,nrul of that people- What Christ said He '10crum has not made much of a said publicly ; whoever mlght come rit"rd !n Use crisis. and hear Him. He himself a%" "in Ida- have I Bald uothlflg "-John - 74W Boer- C'ommimeionerr are not xvlli. 20.-Haary. Ile entered Into CnpernAum-Copernaum was where rmeeting with much encouragement hr most of Christ's mighty deAs were Furors. Italy gate on emphatic performwt.-Matt xil. :13. His mlra• " oro" to their n ploeal for'ntervtmtlun. cies fulleat to pr iluoe repontanre. ". New they go to Parts, where, It W A certain cauturlo0's a?rvast-A Centurion was a Roman officer who date-tar-asy, they will tar" do better. bac( charge of ous-butidred men. Tho Titre trip, btAvever, will noL hM yltboult servant was n lave. Who was deav Ite educ•atlonal value. - unto blm-Or. "who was In much es teem with film." "By this statement The British casualties ,n :+0utb limns means thatthis aWfalthful servant, Africa up to April 7th aau,unt to dlstingulstael by many excellence, 18,805, of which '2,084 nt'e'deatfi. and 'ery highly esteemed by Idt In Actirxh or of wounds. while 1, a_ °Laster." Thin mutual afroction be died of dleease and 37 As the rec,lt t.i' master and above Is eery t,rruelting, specially when we cat Of accidents. Tile bill is a big one, elder the brutality that so ottem but dim work to be done indit-Ates narked the slavery of the ancients that It will be bigger before we Wan dick -'':ick of the patsy, grle% sec tete' end of It tusly tortuented." Mats. %it. 6. Ard ; wwra eusedlugly or. gent 1n thslr suit. The oentnrlun ready to die -At the point of deat:t. --- The t701te1 flints naval apprvrpria- H. V. 8. Whtlr he board of Jets --0[ Ilh tins bill calls for *61,000,0 X) this arrival Lit Cupernauto. He must ye ur. It In prirpo.=e 1 to bndhl two great have known of hu miracles befure bnttlewhtPm, three armored cruisers ttlls. Sent unto him the elders of of LIN• Jargeet CIA", IlaI three 8,000 -ton the Dewe-"Tlase were either mag lstrailes In tic place, or Ltiu elder Pr,terte,l cruisers. Tim Itepublld L (d the synagogue which he sen - course that ates'les had ereu1evLAt--Nt A' "Se'erit 11' 4M III- these, probably, because Ito thought - ropomm*mspd trMdtiA)N VWY-`tVtMA'Ith'it a grbfiUr- nlFneriiv ' 4&-Utlom on Lite earners of the coup- with Christ. 110 was a pontile,and try. Tile mere rout of tit, s4ms.l3 it the et, HcutLy feared that Christ might no; . l,n,nllast port of It, I 4 k d cuutuhuour receive IIIIIi. Bseeching him -Earnest ua 1 growing charge oa Industry. ly entreating him. There elders of t ( Jews must have been etr..ngly at N'hlls Dome Congrermmen are tr la 'rctT1 dvlde rtodidl to the l+nturi g It would be Cit' get Mg subrlly bills passed "t, en- pr"per f r . film to go ttoottile house courage men to go into the shipping even though Lila etnturlon was a b"'lneu," the great rtanship lino. (centile. •. When they came to Jesus -Mfr 'ire nbottt to put twenty-flvm new trade drive to Jesus, and Jesus comet steamers on the service betweeyn Kew to those is distress. It would be wel York AAI Europe. of whlo•h five are with us If wo would all got W Christi They b^gought film tactantly-7 hat is o-nrl y ready to go Into (omm,ds:on earnestly and without a moment's (to 1113.1 the other twenty are In vnrloue fay. Ho was worthy -This is what tilt stag's Of construction Belles theme elders said of the centurion. Ilia opla- nteAmen n d.'wmloornble number Ion of himself WAN very •Ltfereut. of Nt'mruers to be employed exclusively In 3 sup. He tett our nation. -The to PPogeel they would be, obliged to re carrying freight are In process of nun- aro%e the Pre)udlce sgalnvt the gen mtru•tlua. If the bounty promoters do tilos from the mind of Jesus. This wan Ont makes lasts t they may, be left out entirely. all the mere remarkable, because bug very fewI, of the (;ewtliss 1prest the Jewlah people, Hath built as a sync. Over in the 14tates the Confnmmhiw of Cog o --'This he had done at film own Faith to a live a t taplo among Aome'bf PSPerre, having no doubt employed h4 our Prombyterloin friertdn. Tho Utlea, uwA soldiers In the work, 6 Jesus went with iltem-Jeous was N. T., Prsbytery Is discuw.ng a mo- very ready t,.go with them. Its Is th( thin In favor of eliminating Ute tarn- Teeelour of thatlenU,e as well as the Krnplu dealing with Pl#c-tkxi aced r - Jews. fie who had preached the (;ON- ►Orel to the poor woman at the well probotlon, and In Detroit U;e breth- would CertnInly be ready to hall% this r n are also discumring cresol. On tits centurion. Not far from the house - 17th lila. llN• following overture will being estnmated overt conser%atively. be, dealt with at Holly, Mich. a Jewc. No one Ir worthy; the bleaeingo of the Lord always Comit tO is Lair en "Thirst. ta..thAdjoition at. U" I'r'arby. act, of mercy be the part of (:od. The . Lucy .tie.Airtie has eim"A ta%maIWjoi dc•Murlos A"§*•3rW"W-tecr ilhmr•Thty other attempt to arcuro it short creed was the- second deputy%tion, and It if for note In our churches, without reek- quits llkrlp that the centurion alac 1114 to chwigo or do away with the cilia hlmeelf. Mw Matt. 11 L, 5 8. I ord, t'nhw10,110nd Weatmineter confession trouble not Thyself -If he had known of faith. Thal creteol should he Irenl. Jesus better he would have known cul rather than polemical, rmphamig. thatrJesme was anxious to help film Ing those, Co•trines generally, known Christ pleads with an to open the door it. r%nngelical, and believert nod an I let Him 10 I am not worthy -He PreaclmJ In the 1'rsbyterian chart h, wort only a Oethtlle and thous Onlrlde of An 1 xboald for all practical pI�1wirtri b) A aubatltutP for thiwfavor•ed nation. He regarded Jesuit ars a superior being. the WpmtZ,.X,ter t(,nf,vmfon of faith. Wel respeetrully 7- TO come unto Thea -He telt As Aak that t:rnernl Amweu►biy will initl- though he oruld not approach Into Ate #'Atm# action in the matter," the. presence of one Ao great and se The enemy numbering 150 rifle- M,ly. The dinner who Is trolly pent Le Soleil, which a few days ago tent, humbled hlmaelf In )net this way, and tremhlAd an lie approaches toed of the marriaga of A Montreal InVt the presence Of Jesus. But may widower with A family of twelve t, its a word --It is Interveting to notice a wlkow with eleven olive frauehee, that Jeans had Already wrought a miracle of this kind (About six month% now gone limit one better and given before this), when, by HW word, the atory of the marriage of n spoken at a distance, the won of the f Cols I eml•ux. of Rt. Fi.rnrl de LAu heanobleman fit capernnum ha,l l Pell Shalt find hf ton. father of twelve eh,ldron, ti„ doubt'. r, (11riFlo no doubt; whatever, of ('hrlst's AhIIIt7 Mme. Ferdinand Lrtourneau. mother to perform a oomplete core. Instant. Of twelv*, broth well-to-do people. L Iy. by JNot speaking the word. N. C'nrrier, ryyrlstrnr, Le%ls, sa s: '1 y Fl.Sit ander nuthorlty-That If nothe authority of others. The wits the notary and friend of these argument of the centurion was,that two worthy families, rand ,at tit., although he was un,ler the Authority wadding dinner i saw the twenty- "f others, yet he bad authority over [nor rblldrea r•nteA at the, lorida, others, nod they wont at Ilia tl lding; irow mneh mrrw roa61 Christ, who war t'hhle and hnPPy At hsing united in unlsr the Autborlty of no ons. tie, Ono, family. .ill remnlnasl toReuirr nn. oomptlsh Atu►t Ile wlllemt. ..He I der tle Imternal roof for Mnmeyroara Y111fktent that Jeans Pan an dn,lby and np%er wan the PMce and her send an Angel to Pure thin servant of his, ad he Can dead A dpldler ort nLony Or thin Pnirlarchnl dwelling an errand." -Henry. diaturl"I by troubial Mtween par. Ile marelel At film - The only whiv or children." He tellA how one other time whatJesus ln aml.l to have been aftonlalsl Y In Mark vl. 6, when by Orte Uw twenty-four ohlAren Re mArvelws brennoe of unbellef.111,M married, "to create ouher fAI,elltet," nett thA People -hello would have aid to -clay tlm,yyld couple ItvP 1e, H a fOflowers carefully observe the comfort Anil riwpdct In Uro vill figs exampled of grant fallh snit profit there". Not found se, great rnith- of St. Henri. Who says mnrrl,►gc Ion we 1"4110 4111"40 fluid falth where we failure. or`that Ponrnge In a Irxrt or least expert it. There Is mare faith falling v,rturt On earth than we know of." great tntth is Fahmimn, n BurklltLt prkwt of the 1. Notlovml. 2. Pralmarl, 't. HA1.1 Dr. Mantagwe'a Guff. tip for lmttAtlon. 4. ri"Anreal. "What Is the fnttb that to well s Iho-o Jhkse hie pnrty who prreed- Pleasing to but (WI t which Re rto,,q not tint] in At hfm Dr. Koalagaet Asserted that iorm"]? I. It is faith which aprings the Liberals oust:,d have secured n pre- from lhnmlllty. 2. WAIPh Is )nlnecl t#rence for Canaria in the British with lova A. W'bleh Alms aft.rwhnt market, best ache of them have been In highAst. And wtrlve.n to appropriate able to prove tble Assertion, ani Ili* Britain, by tt." 10. ronlid the Policy or which Ali" has +wr%#Lnt whole -The grown greet, is dwcidedly ngainat he-llotg funk pinto al It Metalled (hem. A proter%noe to eo!onies means from t'hrtet. He usually tares M for thug Britiab people a tat which onntent with the ,nlf7pr9r, tint tis they are not now aal:et upon to pay, mull MAI by tine word as well as by aa.lo no government warld be erre In a tooeh, imposing fresh fames. If Britain tit- TbOnghto.-The nmturlrm'g fa1Nh TA*d$ had a tariff against the world was rtre#Lt. t When we nomdder the she could, take off scions taws is Iafor Ivan In whom it was reload. S. To big of the C9toalee, @4 Canada has dcine TIP". of (lirlat's power. a. in IUND% in her fs,rtr. be,{ ►lamiljA$ oe fir n Ananrtenr%s Otte, Lltrlot a11d RM tax which Anes not afiAt M a Vae(ly will. it. n#MAd so help from Nht or A•ifforont thing and I do not believe ervto,: It un#LAs rothtng OF dl[ on or dlatanee. f1eh4 anyrrne who moemtdArs $he qu#A- 4. io ono grant in els tion seriously cna be leads to b#..tev# srlf•forgettkng hnmhimaw. There the; any British flovoretnaeat wnn:,l war not n vrwtl«w of dodre for honor veI fare -on ibis dait"ture from rhe b Hlrrto#If-1,10l11nw The word*. "1 tresent e�rtcr of frog troika. kishsnl have dlt ro,hn,t.' n -meld se,tolost that oonseeive Brit•ta, tho powerful Do- (tote ohs is to -day, lommed in by a Jowno one •T -Ar l,ing for ar ith. Ann when ire fi, mil It Ha sAmlrM It. And tariff wall. The more aeser'llom of the on►rlmPnole t it to Ml'ar•. Opposition 1#43rrs .Is got going to 1'R lfT1'fQAi, NRR a:Y. selt,st nay wi0a* g as ao. blist faeflA. as t�.y asses-�sleat lei fin Pepffail ,a eharanur. Fr'otn I ItILIns 7 r atafmbolst we Ae*i.1d•r MA Ind O I b4w, - 4' %. I6 . and went anothar WAY. They �/ • did not Ret lb Lin-ftAn again, bur: Ito: N...•. . r � I►t• Odra ttt0tlnr !y � 1A worthyftrysilit, be [ell bi13lse:f wttsNy un- worthy pf a VIA: (roost Chia trod of I IMA6 outthe for adak�ag -reps d. _.,_ _ r 7vrr`r' -- - Pr ._ ILK. �����,ee�,����rr�l•.{Y�,� "ll 7aa.w[��- �L +a ,-lQAB, }}��r�=�{f(yY,`��_" M IXW__, y- 'YC ..: ;Solna, army, herr t under him one hundred sukliam :r amidst sit Us tmpta ••-W l�Gf; .I I0 ,�11 .. ggli! forte haat eloatare ut b:cwms (out of til propeortloa to the fine of the p!ar.). _�>�.1rRaa REPORTED OBTBD IG Uutr of a stilltary life, amldat the c13rrrr aad reiprtraobe of file Irrelf The SWalnsonla or Sweat Fi. aad opening ow by one duringthe lgte winter and earCy Wring. t this �a����titwk u the riiapaallloa of *very 9ttIsu ad idolatrous brethrea, this imiaoffloer appears to have em braotal sad in Bloom. season the entire plant bewmea one ::so of bloom which wi" coatis }} Ir Q OroRrikers Try returned We prinuip►eeof I- 00y. Nota of !arae((,," one who might big Teganled by its display until long a(tar }:aster. The poen white variety - Atha- Y10Y011 to Ct!t Ub J. His tv=A:hty. Thufleb be, had mad' beam geeat Clusters of large .&tiny. apptioatioll for Huber to heal DV whit (hors, whIle the pink -y iep Bridge Cable, ileum -she,.► tiatings of plwh aad ro+r. uuxolag We _dap shiny plink � petal'. `HD FIGHT WITti OF�'ICB�,$ Purse Flattening tnotller T6ett o1 Jewels by rehi�i;o Easter Lore. Porch Climbers, TIP coat of %las new ralment which will be wuru Ia ,New York's !:aster payade In hyftatr a%onus Way be muff. A 10111 IHHIRIT8 1800,000. ut3V9,11 at $1;.!60,003. OF tZltte auruunt t snore Until j1,000,000 ls spent by Use, women. Abut dlx thousand School Teaeber Pours Oil on lie, amore or terra farhlonaWe people will u be In the pruceaslon at ahs tine. Head and Sete ft ua [+Ira With. r WIUi the exodus from the many cosabe It/ley Improvlag to Health churches alug We avenue and lot Us -Pari• Bxposttlou ride street the throng gathers at Foruually all yolatr at the same tints from Opened. Twenty third to F1fp, mutts street. Sao from LWr Dewey Aran to the Chlea ifo. April lit -Th" VA"' ors -Wee#' el. rub. derbilt pelade, a distance of thirty. Who robbs,l the rehddentmr of into, blocks, Utere Is not a break in UN llmalm O. R'• lbtter an the Lake I11w. If the proot*Wou nc�wld sold- sIII drive a teat nlgWagu „r ,.�U,- ekwly cum* to a dLau.tetlll Lire tor- 0U0 t►urtln of Jewelry tett' Cad r mur- matlmu would be dlscu'erad so be In veillan.o by the police, and It ie only ranks of four, two of each rank Cao• It of lewl hours, It In sat, n the will Ing north, Use other tw•o,.south. Al. y 111 be arredte,l. I)ettxtlr,.o low Ing 1'60 feet to a block and rix In lit I note and fit. Paul are,1lioc%•d feet of room for each rank, tlrre tu.IsTo the mea to custody wlthia is would lie forty ranks, or 180 paxrple, few bourn, , to a block, Of six thrnaaud, twunUug But the Steallsx them on. thertrag�lres for Uhlp tlhtylT-ori Chlcagq April 14 ._- - _.- a..- _ - _ -yybpe Ubu - Dr Abrahalti- H-' L'oithschl d. A , Flail - :ilnce It takes one halt Y•er to )Dant business amn, were at J ver walk from Twenty-tblyd to Fifty- last night, porxbcllmbn en'kille - alntt street, and woe -bait hour for Uudr remldenee, '1.733 'Mi higan airs. Use walk back. the }aster mutUtude sue, And carrled� ufl dlaruu:ul4 an,l nay be duld to change every hour. other Jewels valued at V-V,tx)U As Ur• parade Insts from twelve to 'rbe Prince is 111. four o'clock, tQsre will,be four differ- C•opeabal'ea. Aril 1g. eat at -to of ronruders, Ali: thousand lu P -The PnS t."ll W alts. wD0 V111ited tDls set, or Abut tweaty--fear thou �e e1:y t,,r rand in all-sightmesrs flocking to 1„frpe+e of tskJDg•- part in -the Fifth oelebration of I�'mg (arist6n's avenue from the urK»r Ill- b'rth da�, fie April 8 �• is artflurltrg stole, from Use east wide, from Harlem, of frac► re, -ctloa of llle throat, &Dl and even it :a I':.11lklya, Jer ey ('Icy has 1Aei, obliged to eoama;t a ,end Yadterm, specialist. Two-thirds, or aunt ui%teen Neu• % hllcou'bs Riley hupro%In;(. sand. of t!►- I..traeirrs are women. Of ladia-PoAs. Aprl; It. -'1,b. , n. tdaft It cony be anJely amaQfuCd %bat dition of Jams whtteom Ile jf n.r%, une•Dalf appear In new apparel -[rats. who hos best, mattering :or wort ;iso gowlgs veils, shoes, glove* -right thou- yrit� • eomp(iaatlaa of grip sat dand'of each. throat trouble, is much improve.+ if, Tile largest bill te for gowns, tont is Still confined to his home. 1,u' hit from s::3 to 40175.or an averalle• will drag* to a MUW days (,,,� v,r, r,h .af $IW for eack `own and its ucucs- the bear -0 �beeith -•,-' DUI ior,V%tf 'thoons.,tlti - a.ohoioo = .. "'- ' •Wilur" WiN !00,000. would % Wrinff�amutrlet to ,*oAxk. wee,, - LL K„atio% 'ai" y_ aaght. will ti aU wfnyr: }aster hate m fes tlhe went htrsscat ya beau work- bog aS Walter In a down k,wn atatrnt-$180,000 for Mght tlhou• ant. rcwt,tur sand of th#A) With lt1 a esteem, is In creations, fit nu aver- r•f it rt%•,•vio; air, prim of letter aauouucirtL. We ::cath $30. lu chic Ilgurl13g It hW of Is suprn)med Tether In Irednn, and the f ) that tlr most 11111400tof Chet Dr mltaro of fJre Iaater hate exist And Lir antler• state wt , I amwat to t I ■tely elaborase $35. l!LY) UW. Then comes $40,000 for their lady. 1400Xht a Ilurrlble, Dratl. mbill's new whams--e4ght thousand Let Porta Ind-, April it. - y.. palyd, gusting an average of $3 -act4 tllrarile, it school Wi ncher, st rjr ,r .' attuwing $2.50 for the cheapest and &Ilia county, comml►teJ satcirb r•% $7.5() for the best. pouring kerosene o%er her b�Ae1 ui;l Next, $1L',000 for eight thousand clothing, and torn settling f►ro LOlrr I PILW of glove, the cost being aril Self. &in was huMantly a:nelupsI un - mAted At from $1 to $2. ur an aver the flames, which buruei her wo "It - age of 61.50. rarely I'efore aamis"iice arrived, th:nt Fainter veils may be bought for /hu 41194 In gre9t rLgohry an bour,if 50 cents and up to $1.55 making ter the ('sent was committed, Idle, an Average price of $1 each for the B•a1119 had male tw.o prawlef" at eight thousand new veils worn ,n tempts to commit ssk-ida A LILY MADE OF CREPE PAPE R, worthyftrysilit, be [ell bi13lse:f wttsNy un- worthy pf a VIA: (roost Chia trod of I IMA6 outthe for adak�ag -reps d. Urged. 11 aim not worthy that thou per j ll50 are sow to Iw les gboctidest enter-uades my nor[." Yea, They -use 60 0.01•. and ounta Tb Mai, be did cot eanaider tbar he esu evern materials for making twelve 11Uea fit to go is ppsetrao0 tp 11Dr1dt, but spot thaw wbunt be thought were Thews flowers are among t►seasl0s to make, and the Crepe paper set ''"m hwrw baoodmiat. ' Whenetore neither tbotltht I 0 N&U worthy lureneither nto shown t0 butter adeAstaje thr►u 1 tkelr graceful Instals, so purely wW w �a����titwk u the riiapaallloa of *very �nIla.ro are tge�moal �L auuan f „r and Y. V. ( it Here is % at%sager to the eommoawealth making tiro beautiful Fleur de lye. Tire directuus as to Ulm Faster lit y, of !arae((,," one who might big Teganled by the flower Coe the atbkw . lotto the chosen pre ppke as a Das :Den, ntmuifemtiog such un• Hutt tills exquisite blwsoon to o0 m- x heard of faith in Chrinrt tart, unlike Pcsstl of six petals, each waves a wd Naamsa who wantwd the propbar t au right Inches king- These nre ca he conte lo'bim and make a d1sVlat of kis Power, be d•claneai that roto Ube crew paper, find to t e. of '•nob ls glued s vein of white all that was necessary tar the Sue of Cody to do in 1 wire• extending aborta n Inc lirlat� the bee of flue petal. Th was sinoyly to spinel lbs our} sed the glorious work wou:F be done th, rtnWam aro torrsad OF Ilglet green t 11. ,pia godletrostty. At his own expos murk rolled almost W •thread, aad he built ..the Jews a new igagogtrd- ),)robably the oell'y ono at apernagm LLoo ao tdotag he rto: only showed, kis large hea+sednasg, but his venera,ioo for Use God of theca conquered people, and ibis "Wre, like King DarltMw, to have as dutarwt in their '� pre era Its proved the strengtb of his Faith by Lis works, and wherever his name ahaw Ire spoken this act of his Stall coxae try w a swarf memorial, "Hs hath built as a synagogsa" 4. Ulm deep oanern for a slok ser. rant. TDs osntur ou evddeatly bad a t oder heart. Tile many' duties of his 011101iil Iffe did n,t, as they often du '/� i In othmm make him oateless of tete / welfare of thosm Who 'routed upon Irl m. \k Ill. His tafluentlAl friends. -Not the treat marvellous clreumataaoe to this narmtlry te the oarnestnew with •i j,i, w'hJch the elders pleaded for this era. clroumglmpol Oentlle. "Tlry he mgbt film lrutantly" ; wwra eusedlugly or. gent 1n thslr suit. The oentnrlun / thought he was trot worthy of t visit, but these elders held the very oppO•Its opin!on. N'!wt they awmed p%rticul:til,v anxi(" to pwj%,oa was that. though he was a Gentile. he was A lrarty. well -tabor to the Jew, let] nation and religion. Ill- His faith rewarded. 90 WWI / Pkesed was Clarlet with the canturt (do's faltb that be saki, as one amamed A have not found w great faith. no. _` -. repe Paper Eawtw W not In Israel." What a wonderful ' - ---- oo logy f mom - the tkrn of nod! Ill the 1 f Inc '1w same hoarwas the cure Instantly and „ r • m p� ,�rMfirb ' . - . . - t'rl. the t: se, real goodness 'WA ItjI K -(a,. .0 ras,l9,pa t..as Jba.#till it should b� cut five a^d e. halt luc hee of a aractor gh•es w a tremendous hong. !nflue-fico for good over others. In th1 Bare the Next nue gluts tho edgol of tJte p)recvering goodness and kind behavior of the oeaWrlon petile about half way u:, from tlh bona mud form nruwnd the centri did much, towards "swung the In (c.ompowed of the plrtll and *tam-na Teterste PmJudicea of the Jews. and the t"ttom round oi stem. whit h _ gle flower to $1.50 for a corsage and a, riwr !ff'm forces at t-rotuo Dam :it Cru:uu buoluet, or a total expenditure Of on-the-Hudsun began early today. $8.000 for flowers, at an average -► party of strikers made au attcu.pt Bort of $1 -and the grand total to cwt the cable at one end of w,p Inset by the IAd,es amoehnln► to $1.- of the mugronuMn brldge r and w:,a Won tenon forrWA by wludktg a mtlf wfre wltb until IC W o[ LITTLE coot of the FAmter parade for each Tim war a lively fight, which eu.l woman about $12.5 FILIPINO The orae in the line apend about wet. drlvm Away from the vicinity SURPflI�E of the brldgP. Thr strikers wd: e coats. trousers• hatut whom. ties, arae,[ with revulvem, heavy S$Icte, aeftic7nt dee. Flnlsln by winding miss, intah knives, mtum,s and other wsAprau+. being estnmated overt conser%atively. The deputy sheriffs wars all nrmrl an lo the came of the wom.un. with revu vers. In the cvoafliet t,%,,' Or the t�y four thousand par- deputy t wora..wwuatla0� hw Lpr- Adan. eight Umnwai+ Ulan. four III Wm. V. moltof wegt'1H'WTt1iAF_ thousand of whom are supposed t, Plating. having annouoeed his IIuteu- theAtewt with gTeeu patter. tion of calling out the mllltia. The loascs of green crepe Paper a rr U. U. S. Garrison Attacked and h fes three inches In length and three- fourths of itn Inch In width. Several Killed.- ' If p0edblo% oas should have a ren blAaaorm before onti during the mail ber fully '00. and nlmfonv Inent. Ing. This ls sive than equal to p -o111 are arriving. Deputy 1lberiff Jnr%,. Ing the flower to th- matter OF be HAD ONLY 150 RIFLEMEN «milif a ha aoghe Untie with I t \nd 1f one has not the use to dlo th ls 'Lrhulha. April 17. -Twelve hundred (^,A'a salt. It will surely be found love Young" ly work, or play'. for Ube you Tagah,gs attacked C'ane's Battalion headquarters of the Fortieth Regio membl,rr or the family. ' went. nt Cagayan, Inland of Min' Clarion. on, the 7th. The Americans THB SN'KKT PEAS OF KASTISR had" fifteen CArualtlea While of the _ Thr N9%rI Swadnaoslis Now Puzzles attacking force fifty were killed and thirty- wounded or taken prhoneri. the Amateur Grower. The enemy numbering 150 rifle- "Well, I ''ever knew before (h% men, the remainder toeing Bulomeo, sweet peas t,oald be made tO Woom n swooped down to a howling mor *It the Easter seaeolp, but I'll surd daylight, surprising and killing experiment with them anot►e Unree of the nentrlea They swarmed It may be rerwmhrd that four the streets In small partlt4% dome .- thunantrl nPw cnr'es Are oarrind, rat A medlCm price 0; $1, making mh beanog Dealing ladders by means Other Ulf Of *4,000 for thel me- of which they attempted to enter _ a the houses. ` -! The Ameripnna tamhled out of the awrl uu•ryvrrrrtew, $241,Ot10. The $1.150,000 thus accounterlfor barracks anti formed In the plata wookt pity the wlArlent of the pall. ares ,- ftp.► cornrseates than ear ': the Vfi►n- The Aubwtiluont street - a fighting lamer( twenty minute. New and Arrarste Range Finder. Twelve of the- wounded Alfigr1canm d are n,w on board the hurpjtAl ship Relief. Tile Br:tdeh war (Ntice ,fie been Tim, enemy withdrew W the Costing A few plst:trieal range (hider mnilntail'A In great confum c"l. low tis last two years. it wall la general Montnegro, Oso: or the In- %ented by an Augirallmn. who soya surgents beat fighters, h'►", Durrrn. (tared to Ci):4ym•I Smith, in -the mou" that it wit: give tbo+ nage And bear Ing of a Fixed talits near Camaling. In Ehe Pro%hn+e or moving object, and Of Ilangairinnn, when. with Oerteral f\ liacubane, lie find been trying to J reorganize the Fllipha army. \ /1 11 INR. RIJNIIABT'8l,VitUtSR. t, OfmcmtratA their fit. strun)tane. A Thlbetan MUslonary Gets a tltatemeut of it. 1, Rae# of Plgwrles. 'mo Tits dncumrnt Jupt recehed by nr itecent exeAvntkoa Is Aomuhern (der 'Juste Rijoilt art, widow of the murdered "'#Lily have cstabllahel the fnetthnt missionary, from ("Idna, retorts that UZ former Thlbeten-Cencher, named 11 Fahmimn, n BurklltLt prkwt of the b"bitel by Plgntlra. Strangely enough, the f,woomry M actual And convluring grmt lamasery of Kumbat, whero'Iftr. testlraony 10 shot effect In southern 0e•rniany hAs been atinnwncel and Mrs. R1Jnliart had their ItAmd. % tlhe tThibet ilar rlleeoverhe in Swltserlawl and In time 1'y►etre sm. at 'tow there b Proof nteriorfof nnnat thele lbt tflAt Hercnkotao and 11 -mor were not of Peptember Inst year, and arrived to Use dimtrlct In which Mr. 11i)"hart - - dtrappPared. Here )is heard from Mf• that lived in wroods.1 hills and oaven fereut •OUrus of Mr. Rijalmrt's utur, Swainsonia or Slwantdower. der, and also ascertained the uameof year:' the map tug nptrThis to have It was as amategr flovcrr grove ev Commltted t}te decd. Ttlw priest's of.Log ilctAl StnLr te: who coeds the remark while poue- before a suburban wind,w gar- (Inv den ,"ban 4U tMye' )narttey from Quetta blooms [ leinrtred tl'nt Inst year here had in whhnh a mass at pink aal white exactly similar to the mwoet pea been lorelgnerm At Quetta, but the blooms, procaimed that annus M PPoplP did. not know Anything about them with eo•ntry they be- a novel f✓Aat is decetvlr'g many . Wtoo st,mtrers roggld. With tlmsfs tl'ere were one this year. It has norelation or two nen from Po -nn too (Portia?). _ They were In Quetta Inst yenr ,for 'It Ing tis: wintar. I male anothner day • ,yl Journey, arrkiug at a place enlie.l \ Ido \gun• where i found a fnmlly / who ln%ItPd me to a" and yyhant All that AArilmot 4-M ip IAlan.1 tr�Itttres for them. which I did, and vtl'M i ovnt oa Wrikw temdY+ T'►e strikT,rs had finished towards evening we a'n't ,Morand an vight.1111(r flay for (tip Ma. Of the a.egk, atMM a them Intoconierention about this matter, . and i got a tette version. They said n t IheL in Ahe fifth moon CC lar, year / I he re were (wo fb reigaetra, a man and -� a woman And they h*4 a lit -Ce child ' with them. The clothes they wore t .-- wera like .kta nt•has. but When "wolli= \ ."A" :. a m i rwA their (A res they Looked like foreigners. At l-hai-ton 1br* ma,t wi 4 / ' r robbers, wbo look away their gootM11 \ / 0/1' net that Ahey eoutd not go on, 11 re- - ",turnvns and went anothar WAY. They �/ • did not Ret lb Lin-ftAn again, bur: Ito: was rwmared Abet then wedw only the . , ", two persons without the child and , Without ■nnyy At their Reolat and none their Chiawe attea. *rte wore wi h FasUet Orn RALK, Orange Li them. Hearing of their coming down This pretty Faster gift I. mg,trof and that Ahey had goer to Nai_'hia, ahlrrorl Unions paper. rut in fan a men rat:e•1 Chia-lih-yAa-gals tock .booprs. The Meese are banrhod At hobs of Abw foreigner and ki.dod blow. unr The Phil Rod ticrl tightly with unr. woomaa. no ones know wberrr orb" tun whit ribbon. A okw#n taswgwr• 0 I i ora, on th"ther fwn ,tayya• Inti, Journey as i came to a plare captai R, are are IAId In this; then the rads hnneloed And daintily tied __ able, gat ,Nechis, where T could ga; A with g91.Mn mrd. an Information. Mal protwwlr,d (n Wong-tao, where if met a young ,Ad (e .__- ibe "w#H pvo which it nit Cloww:y who was ri i t>t nn hO"w,hnekm Arai eeemblPs, askwd her hnwrrer. Ani is diaMaol0 o wa to Nai his. ;110 , Whlo4 Hata do apria` blrxmer showing i;n ,rest- ynt►.wawt /o ao;. an tall T,psk j'etar Iw-o for. IPAAtin. eigns,ra wewu#*,-N&i.rhfm, it You know SwAnflower, Vleew to which Hat chin tI.. well of b.mtomms at ChM 1{.err it is kn,rwn not awstrnsomle, or And iM c eimed b� ewer weak t RIIr aneweMtel: IIA' 9L to ice A PerTr'thotl Attoener man Is Iib at An '& lis .wnn't M MR -11110111 -lib Nal. *MAI[? shin, cabers the People killed, I. la f he IIrdn# .vin Iwo garden It Mikes of w r dy g-001 t•#' of IIIA," Amagoas of tide fere-line, fouslin Mfr. r t , .- F .I. • , I • . A , , -v v1 t t y r _ the parade. To there Item of ralment add the Vixi► t 0WVor.. cost of adornmmt in the way of flowers -tram fifty units for a nin- NOW li,rn. Apri' ': - ;JOatii,tm•„ betweetr the Zlikerst _ gle flower to $1.50 for a corsage and a, riwr !ff'm forces at t-rotuo Dam :it Cru:uu buoluet, or a total expenditure Of on-the-Hudsun began early today. $8.000 for flowers, at an average -► party of strikers made au attcu.pt Bort of $1 -and the grand total to cwt the cable at one end of w,p Inset by the IAd,es amoehnln► to $1.- of the mugronuMn brldge r and w:,a 0'38,000. This maks tis average mkargud upon by the deputy sberiffr. coot of the FAmter parade for each Tim war a lively fight, which eu.l woman about $12.5 ed 1n the rdeieat O! the strikers, who The orae in the line apend about wet. drlvm Away from the vicinity $:!40.000, or $eu each, for new of the brldgP. Thr strikers wd: e coats. trousers• hatut whom. ties, arae,[ with revulvem, heavy S$Icte, glo%es. cane aad flowere, the curt knives, mtum,s and other wsAprau+. being estnmated overt conser%atively. The deputy sheriffs wars all nrmrl an lo the came of the wom.un. with revu vers. In the cvoafliet t,%,,' Or the t�y four thousand par- deputy t wora..wwuatla0� hw Lpr- Adan. eight Umnwai+ Ulan. four III Wm. V. moltof wegt'1H'WTt1iAF_ thousand of whom are supposed t, Plating. having annouoeed his IIuteu- appear in mew Easter outtise. tion of calling out the mllltia. Fixiag the pries or the ready•tamia, There are now 200 d,V, utlen tit tits Fnaek coat at $:�0 and of the made Scam. 8trtkers on the grwnd nnt;i. to order at $80. this Average price ber fully '00. and nlmfonv Inent. for the tour thousand frock %•oat W are arriving. Deputy 1lberiff Jnr%,. $40, or $180,000 for all -the mpn'm came W :new Took city for amonnei blpsst Emaller bill. The.aext, largest expense im $:M,- t1on. guns, revolvers. etc. The otrik ere Are gmarding the road known :,. 000 for troasem four Utouautd the I!o--y, and allow ao one t., Pelrs at $7.50 A Pair. the preen Paw through their mats.. Comptrtt7Jf,`1. $S t $Ia rugose lata Not oa. and coat Ude man a total of $40.000--1:!0.000 for IOM- T1s Por:m Exposition was oth•n .i at noon to -day. wear And $'_'0.000 for headgear. Tbe The Sosthern Tbl+graphers' str k" amount spent Individually for each of these Items W from $7.50 W $R.w, IN still on. Int freight IT musing or an averse exp#wdithre of $5• Yen's 'loft Gaal mine nesters ani to t I, eago and agre3d $) further rn.o gloves cost about $1.50 A pricing. pe Ir. or $8,000 for the four thoussiM new pain in the pararti. The Queen took her ruwtoma, It may be rerwmhrd that four morning drive today. She wt;l %l.,t the Kllmalnham Hospital thl► aft •r thunantrl nPw cnr'es Are oarrind, rat A medlCm price 0; $1, making mh noun, and thence will go to the Crim If* where she will take tar%. Other Ulf Of *4,000 for thel me- Tbe, Story that Mr. Chas. H. aMmm4. Add $1.000 for four thoamand bra• tlmnleres, At n each, tlr Aalstwnt Dlrr for of the [lulu i gnmrtrr amt the man spend for tUWr Easter clothing Boated I rtmmt a TJberal Art.• andC imI Industrie at the P.trtm awrl uu•ryvrrrrtew, $241,Ot10. The $1.150,000 thus accounterlfor ir5ahfbftiori, had Men challenged 1 , tight A dint by a Paris it wookt pity the wlArlent of the pall. editor. un &tug. 10" Of the Aix h ndred churchrs In now• York city for one year. --------- ` New and Arrarste Range Finder. "More Absent-Mlmded HegRaro." W , When you via shoatel 7%l:a, Cent rnl," Tile Br:tdeh war (Ntice ,fie been -ha direoctiuria you hive given, Costing A few plst:trieal range (hider WhimW've found lbs suesher won +- low tis last two years. it wall la col to the look. %ented by an Augirallmn. who soya Will )'ou kindly dr(,.v a nlckrf Is our that it wit: give tbo+ nage And bear Ing of a Fixed litt:A slut snowhinn��r+t or moving object, and Or you'll have to pa= 'phone back at the game umA will `iV# Informs- tint Uo any asetbw Of )rtresr guru On the hank. Weise been absent -*minded tow- attsrlied M wire to the Inwtr"ment. I pre , . thus wnAbling 100 gime, for Instance. We Direotora of ,the Betl, t, OfmcmtratA their fit. strun)tane. Frdm nnn•wpbroriben ws bare had no ruff" ort :a single ship. winnist6 s, Rhem they LeardNbe line was busy, 1, Rae# of Plgwrles. 'mo beard them ray, , itecent exeAvntkoa Is Aomuhern (der Ob, H--11, re, wall, "'#Lily have cstabllahel the fnetthnt we think[ i1'a (tale than CeDlral had In prehlntorle tint F:uropr was In. am inning. r b"bitel by Plgntlra. Strangely enough, the f,woomry M actual And convluring Drug lllofe% Rug Stars, Bier*@ on a buildnmi gtrowffi testlraony 10 shot effect In southern 0e•rniany hAs been atinnwncel irA rty thonearbi Mori **m "an almolat simobiten.asly with the no," of.lm- next New Yesa'm,DAy; Each cR '#re, gathering eblekee fwd, ilar rlleeoverhe in Swltserlawl and In time 1'y►etre sm. at 'tow there b Proof addling to oar .recodptq. press the but tont tet ani IY eota, tflAt Hercnkotao and 11 -mor were not asai.- "yPllowing" when they told of dwarfs p that lived in wroods.1 hills and oaven • far north of Rome And Q"Wft I a� a Peer, "` `- The MMIK,au wd blrh have been fou ' Are rt small that thoty esa to littered Into Ther NejlgAa ham. An (d%hinary messes drawer. None M throw W longer than flfty-flvo "hWatito Ait�orill 1tt.--Th1Nfw 'is . Pit" InrlWA And many sea n,nalMr, nt71•er ItdArabfw IN tho .f "a tg tormertl')a with no doubt that they an tie rheb• ton ort >Itedt• �pqrrI tlowt ho this the, Nephro t e1MI ++ real dwarfs. Tis borne Peuve thae time fishes tutu those of adutsa (d -UK 021 fiI (kneran"t td be iAry OaltthNre in grantlnic Thc• routs have boon seoorow ar►ol nor "M privU•t•w. which will .les.trn n now f'o4oX echlhltwl In the national 41111709 01 WeenIth to Ur^ per.ple. Tho rouanm of 8wltaprland In Basle. art- 'Inner %toot I& and hoe b,•n, a imng Antisto think that wN little pecploMfk*l*t a41er1'Mnwslb for (NnAd:i, Ilrod In nliollthie fl oft tied �1- ret _10a CMA attraelttrd many th ousan,M tOUr1k.4 to Cha amwwtir}•, whole P All that AArilmot 4-M ip IAlan.1 tr�Itttres am Vwy IApsli ovnt oa Wrikw temdY+ T'►e strikT,rs ,Morand an vight.1111(r flay for (tip Ma. Of the a.egk, atMM a them R!fle claim am nptrtel so h. form hour oM.7 JFW ,u fi tturdw y, and Nal $o eadrtav of 1+>raMt'on the unotol will be all trvr rr,x" #A train rho onto at 00 oat' mn,44, np 1 w p any 1tr►dltyr elrt•snstasr. Irt!" =ell ars mato lu kFw lt;;r :h Arif►, art MtaMayS. -7 trping r Cha gp(rrtAeN�of Emvt•I. A tpe•te,ee of laostNa(4 WMI11Ty -� I • 1 d,