The Signal, 1900-04-12, Page 10,, ,,*U }
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I t. tir� i ,. , - x ' yr r • . A. L # .. t -
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a il, N G "I IT -i a---avl """7w�' ,W, a w6 �
. _ tnole vabselMgagly have provinew-
ipitMANENTtY CUfR[� b Q.Ptfaln Barmy Trent the hasd-
:02 ■tlld OR We two; D/yt due neo -
A NEW DISCOVERY. okra Ootof rywlmty euuld hairs law-
IsMd an 8"rvsy Trmt ome ushe of
0%Uu rlavlsgw Quirke., ylretteoWUls to&Tlrsa the ta0et#t &00 cur�,►y and ad.
alsea atoovaolr. had ''li'ev 'utsNnL::�feCt"-
Tatled Ooovincing Proof That Oa sigtheir'
The floor was hardly closed upon that If thy ware strayers to each tarrhoaone to a Speedy and Inlall►ble
her guest when anther custumer other they wouli ataad.-so, wtthOUL Oats,
k,:!� arrived at sbe Myddleton Aram. but speaking? No. my good friend; twy' Yr. R X. Boyd of I.eesardvilk, H. g.,
thin time the landlady fait hes tier• would have been seabed at table and wtttra7 •1 foci It my duty to let you knew
_ vousnew In the pro.iptwtt of the eD+ talking mmlably." I bora I,rrn cured of b eneboots of three
i''" tarwiimalt. for the flood, of Mw. ja lie hcwtc• al put on an air of worldly years' standing by Catarr►otuse. roar doo.
Bickerton Blimp was well kn 0W0 In wr tout equal to Mr. Blimp'•, and not, tors did not bealaat we In the least. Hsv. !
lag been fouled loo ultra by dartge"we low• I
the tavern bar. and the voice of Mr. to be behtndhurel to othar qualifier, orums at first i only used ■ trial arse but i
i Wmp bad a familiar. even OonlldeD- remarked, w th moa`+ vivacity than experienced lonedlate roller. Than i sot
tial Loan when It addressed mine veracity, that she hold "euspueted no the cou,plale outfit, air weeks' treatueat, I
hostess.all rtlon I halt before :. It was all used 1 was cur•.i
') "Well. Mrs. Murray, no heed to Ttt next mwnent she haA kft the Tout was aevanl nhnatha ■ga "Ince tees
I have not had any limachtal trouble, and
ash you bow you are; you look as fair• for the parlor tall had rung• and mtror telt better In May lift than I do to- Woing as usual. I've snatched a she always 1 kid -as aha expressed It dear. estarrbosoas u a very Ipleanest reN
� olu
low minutes to "alt in. yet lace. Ah. -to answer ler own bells. lady to aft and does all that 1. nt
claimed r
If your ung hostelry was but a "It'd for the carrla e. Mr. BI'mp," It. Toe muck cannot be wood in Its praise."
' little nearer to xiabury. what con. 44e WIL'spmeretl. I,tuking In at the bar on CATA R R H OZO N E
i rout visite you would have from her return. I must go awl tell tho
yours truly l" servants; they are Laving supper lit 18 A OU AHAN't'LLD Co'RIC
" You aren't looking well.Mr. the kttebea. I left the girl to see to
'Allmp." remarked the landlady, gas- urea." POR CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA.
ing critically into his face. "Walt, Mrs Murray," called Blimp, Catarrkesoab Is a new treatment that
'•Oh, yes, yam, quite wolf," lie as. In a subdued, eager voles. "I wIII �tu baa woo Oil most enviable reputation fie a
steered. with a alinement of the round tit the yard myself and .mike aps''ine forlbcse diems*s and is .,.. it, at of Ian
shoulders which he Int Aided for L the horses to ba put to." terms vj blLheet praise by physicians
It was almost d irk In the and now, of acknowledged standing and emtuence,
gesture of deprecation, but whldr Y and the lour record of reoarkablr •mss
had tie appearance of an expert- and altyouglh It Impeded his examitirt- which bars lreu egeeted by Catuirboaust
moot to test Lbs r muscles, "but tion, It certainly aftunlad Mr. Wimp eulaineauy entitles It to rank as an Im-
tte olilsrrtonity of road mct,ng It at" portuat wieutlac discovery.
tired a little. Tod+ fid man has kept perceived. The hastier ant tote llvd ' t'awrta"one is a new and powerful
arse very lard at It G}day." ""'e"ctde Int slwttti' barns any lee u,.n•1.11
"The old man, indeed!" smiled the di idon Arms was glad to see Mr. BIlmP of Catarris and kindred disease& It L
listener, with n friendly tap upon the end to eouvorsa with him; but ,the soorollig and beal:ng and very pleaaaat
narrow starul.levr ant Ur. `dump, 'Why postillon, when he anise briskly, out and convenient to use.
and took him seat, auti.4be gobtemsn'r Complete outfit, il; extra luhalart
Mr. Haughton cannot be more than quietly by sntll tBoc per Ir.nlr. At rq reliable cru • tsty
geoRlemna who atOtxS to
forty, d lit -'a that. Ilia slater wan or by mall. Twenty-five cent trout Oise toe
born the same year as me, that wan ties X811 moved and thea followed 10c In stamps, from N. C. 1 -elms t co.,
Ita 'l.9, and he'a>ounger by two yearn them to the -treat door of the Ian, ex- Kingston oaL
at the very least. Well. U we were hlpited a litthe more s orprlse at the
effort he made to snterr Into eoaver.
tensa ID :.'9 and this Is "Ti. aren't we 0 sen, t►aOrokW and unrelieved
cation with totem, and discouraged
forty-two' ,end can you gall 4islt an by ativ waving ler( or hkarrum. sod
,Ail man 1"' tldse efforts with cool civility• where the flower Mede. so perfect In
"I.adles are never fid:' smiled tile Thecnrrlage I Imps were lighted, the their outlj;ne, stared tbirstlly up to
lawyer's clerk Insinuatingly ; "lout In hones fresh and restive. The bre:►th summer days and watched for the
these: degenerate days. Mrs. Murray, of the hear ter►+ actoslly fanned the cool, any shadows of the pasAfts
our employers cheek of Mr. Blimp when ha leaned
without reference t to bthel Old
rtn10 agalliat the house looks clouds.
It does not signify much.' as
lig on. The lady
for whom the beautiful carrLtgr
which tncy chaasd to be born ,'i one of Mrs. Trent's visitors said to
-When you set u for waited came slowly and timidly from
7 P yourself, them the parlor, while the gentleman. who anti f, well -kept
slowly tip the smooth
your clerks will be at liberty to speak nam Indebted to her for his aecommo and well -kept herrn ; "tee) grow tea
"t you as an old Dan, though you
ca° dntlun, tolls teed her lelsurely. ft war (lowers here but Wine that love the
scarcely bo --let we see --mors than dation. of coarse, that he should dem, ghare.
Mr. Haughton's age.'The summer had pa mg Its middle
tier to her riarriagri. Bale bade good
This mine hostess said with a sly age, Yet the round toads were p)
evening to the out It Y. Wrapped hdr
rrllt4, for DhcJ<ertrxu Nllmp affected a In theLr scarlet and yellow rouses. It
youthful air and youthful cloak t'ghtl) ato0at her, drew a toff
garments, eau wall quits warm and pleasant fa
tint few vemture'1 to remind him of wool ce'I down over her face, and ttrrik the dust of the September evening.
Ills age. Even she could not bevy dune her meat. One of law btPds wale full w to )sung girl sauntered otiosity up
mo without that dalnty allumiun to its °f flowers• n cur'oue mixture of will the drive, thinking how beautiful It
setting at) for himself," the ceutre flowers ant) of cultivatei bloasoars would be in the grove behind the
.,r the labyrinth to which he plodded ; run to seed; the other ahs offered to house, where the twilight was so dim
the bourne to which he fancied craft the gentleman ; and h,% atand!ng at and *Beat-
tied cuneing were his surest guided. the carriage door, Wok It and gnitCy Within the haunt qq, �man-servant had
He smiled he had a bland, W!ahed har good-ulght. After a mo• ehut the daylight fr8m one room and
- AUMseu., . 4mm m .as vcost4 hash iaM •W►
seseo8tylxd smile. which lt6 inn rktr. Mrs. Murray b+ultMf-+ReradswwteQetsaa&'eatf-i
----- ,...- .-wm+.•an.-)uig•1- t- v-bvfiMW.wJti',,A%a 4rla" hit GtiiF trnlrFe7, anti ttiltx fµ11s-. trnlsed---tna_AQ...Ajx shun tiff sty
441 - sbelr best the snow-white damask. t
'• Just Noll: and you shall reDttke horarn had made a few steps forward, tie gllttertttg plate, and, above all,
my clerks an sternly as you please, when be come out aga'n and spoke file faces and flgunes of the ladles of;
on condition that you always smile sp to the servant rem tho box rent, the house. Ilk tha drawing -room on the psttlbn drew In htv ringer
oboe nue U --dear me what as I then opposite side of tile small paved
going to ray -ole. is the pirlor va- "OTs°'' halt the daylight was still allowed to
rant thin evening?" "Your lady lett this pares behind linger.
Mrs. Murray wits a little rurprlited het in the Livers A moderate -deed and modernly fur
at the questlun. and n little sur- The servant ttoupm with a- toatb Cehal drawing -room, suggestive of
prised that Mr. tglmp still stood on of he hit and took tizo purge; the ample menus and luxurtos taste. but
Ute chill) tarirks kit the little, hall opintleruan stepped iraek and the oar• with one vague, Inexplicable want
and did not take him own seat in Tags neont OQ Its sea). But Mrs. Mar This deficiencyDrlgbt not byre been
the bar and light bis ray bAr1 not regtined her breath yet. felt by m-tny of the- who met here.
4f Pipe.. Dant she In her off!clooetww at suld
methl:lg buy but W t,ee wow r•ecogniaect It at ali
was not sorry for an excuse totell ,- howW Isom left behihditl►d had gone close ItMesecbdett►In4irrypttittdLliohand-
wer about U►cset two togetguesther
who alt 'to this kbps, and so ahe saw that some room corrtnlned. or rather It
wore drinking ora Wgetler now tr.i purse hot hnrdhd Ou the led. 'a omr was so ever-present there ,, that it
from her beet chlo&. and she did so want was the puree she had last poen made Itelf felt L,t spite of all throes'
at large. The lawyer's clerk listen- in bks band, who° be took his card attributes of ease and luxury or of
at rmllingly, not' (ILI he attempt to from it, the wort crimson parse with ,,art &nil literitura which this draw
speak himself until the narration tle many pockets ant the tame Ing room at De ---grove h"Id It pce.,
was quite over. Then he asked her dWmpei in gold_ -- ed from the glatening blue oprtalnn
coaxingly to mix him a glass of -Don't you think that mile seems and lay on tiro duop w4ite rug. It
wbosky pwwb. and enumerated the very nervots and delicate, sir?" nestled among the silken cushion, And
IHfferent Ingredients he required Win* hostas matte this Inquiry llager d about the lad.'n t'thlrs. it
with a culttvntsol taste which
would bane done no dlecsedit to a .butefe out of curle en for hintie reply, train Mtek train the vivid, well
I Yankee. but fell very little entlghtenel wMn (rnttdst p_cturrs curs Lha walla, an('
Jost mix It so Mrs. Murray,(, that was given. ecJho 41 even from tin-) gleum'ng keys
YOU please; and do It yourself, y to F ckn, irly an of the grand pinno.
give It Its proper tt vow. You nee For nearly an hqur he stayed At It was oaly one of the foltr . toes
$ the Inn, and ft* tilde boar Mr..flmp's pints of the nem who that evening
gait" more you ha s►agustnra tsit- lire was a burdao to him. The cool, was emuichuv of thll vague 90093 Of
.tors In the baker' hallq°isrleal eyes of this man who sintevthing wnnting.' If it half base
Mrs. Murray stopped within find thrashed him seemilld foUowing pon,ilrle ror tit- othara to fest It; the
the tsar end left the IawYer's film everywhere, for the cools bur told could not hive existed.
Clerk sUll standing tral.te the parlor pets„ of making him uncomfortable rind A group of four. sitting at ea@e.
door. The mixing of Sho punch, evert III at anon. Once or twice tqr a wlLh-sYit) little of the air of ez
-_-, with all Its requisition. would knot bryo Attorney became so in pectency usual to the waking win
Lake, more than two minutes, ro he depressed that be reeved to sirt rates before dinner. The hostess re
had no time to mpam With a lend, for Kinbury, but he Devercarrted out 0 sed In a wide easy chair bP@Itis
4 demotutratIva,care lawns". he, apanad the resolution He had a plot, to work one of toe ins♦ arindOwt. �Slte ens
the parlor door and entered the room. out with which a suddeD ld wtunun, el
!; stood a aoment transfixed with as- departure A large, larign elegantly
when he found It coca might have interfered, and beddei,e drveutwl. tett pos.ewing In her hand
%hitt it miglr't nimoet have looked like onme -face that great want which
i bbd, uttered a meek and very Blab- le"rtirtrange and unnatural hypo- all her house held. She tend three
crate apology to the lady for Ihavfbg t r
d frosts atter ltat scene among tow d.atms to individuality.and three
t ashamed the rejoin,to be empty, and trees At Abbotamoor. only -a fine figure, a great amW
1i hacked from It with slow. rery r!ow IL was quite an Idle hilor which ton, anil nn overweening Pride In
deference• tit* etre
"I Just ripened that door to mow nger spent at tM roniWAs her only child. And Mrs. Trent wast
what time It visa." he explained an tavern, but he did no> npp ariently toll- performing her own peculiar min -
he eatarrtd the lrnr and tock up his )tet to wasting It. Lv-bererer MerGwd Moat ns she frit smiling uptn hex
last with a hosmJng smile upon bill 's' int; to whomsoever Ills talked; daughtirw and her guests. and
with wb—ver le laughed ; If Ise bringing in. at every opportunity.
is ern. '•i knew my cam wrong. ,0d slot laugh or speak aus
t all; loung• dainty allusions to her titled ac -
!r„ foot did not know how
ow mach. I oak• ing and lolterl°g them with utt •r quaintancna. in the corner of n
It hot depend n Vipon your kitchen cluck ; indolence, Yet with A grace whl••h small conch nor her reclined her
�R, list that tlmepletx apnh Llai parE'st
, chlmosy, I depend spun Implicitly, and Itelct DO lWUenn it st c est cls oe In It daughter Theodora. leanimg forward
(, -tie pmrsvlYl the luckless clerk with
always /lid." gracefully from the cushions. while-
% "Were they at tea r' Inquired the this (lool, amused gaze of his. It was liar long skirts of green se.tln lay
never angry; It can far from iimr In rich folds
ax, bottom her curiosity stronger than upon ono white wog.
let ; It was only n gene of pride.quiet lies hair, d pale brown, was dress
> Yui N net):' Mr. AIImD sty. `omu"emen11 Tat Ptvhalid the con- I ed high upon her head. as was ship
j weted the quc@ton with unction. but tempt which rr. Fllmp tied In it wits la�hots o/ that year. and n trotter.
;t _ wha•Oher this was the affect of the tsotho all Morn n( hN ImaglnatlOn oulY, fly of grt!d and emertt�e shone with
whiskey or of what he had Moen was though certainly the threat he rend almost dats:Lng bitter among the
not evlcltint. '"Hot--+xactly' ; they t)— cM The hnndsumd, amused psaita Above his temple. Her Ma•
st indlmg sth it on thz hear h. eye hu'YI 04) thrust for etch :t PILIm tares were clearly cut °not regular.
, "W,:' w}ry Tog tale 141+01 res time Mau who land cri
'Wee Murray looking very Interesting ngod ey her nxtther'r. and her
'4. lndfsd „ ami fawned anise• an uprnlia,d arm. oylse wren of Lhe same light
r `t�~i f.` •Why, they are mtrrngets 1" CHAPTER 11. Moto but her Iles nem m�lll
" About i bal we are given to under more haughty in their curves and
!: extend U we chtoe." Tito Myddrms iton ArrttoJ on the even a Loftin colder in their rest. A
t ; '.But" -Mrs. M°rniy's very breath highway about n mise tind a half handsome woman usdeniably was
I e l,i�r,� was 1•h ken away by the covert dfstnnn from Kinisiry. and At abut tins game' Theodora Trent, yet in her faultless'
+; t'6h_'0'hntYOU May they were standing '1!rtainn ce e,the Other Olde of the leaturee,that guest, to whom her face
if,',to0otW On tbd rug. Were they talk trnvn lay the small estate. of Deer is turned so often, *zea that one
+ Ing. or dhakln� hand t, or anything?*, grove ■htlten«I at tho tract by the vagus deficiency which ls about b m
.' Not-nsaot y;' Mr. Bl mp nn- grove which originnllr gave Its name nlway■ in this house,
ntre"d again, as depth-rat-pply as I•P and agginet w itrh time wall• of the l.pon the rttg, with kis *Lein on tux
tear. In fart. ��Jivueey were standing ttatse ntcxs► out with Jn:sll whots. shim0r+y piwtv� and the fingwrw of one
Worst In wittier alloscs, which It the mss+, but unaheltered In ting front, henh toying wttq his sllky, ppaale
.. sophetoot part of It all. Do You think '%Fin a Its windows glistened It? the moustarhw anti whiskery,, loungW KbA-
taie Hervey Trent, nephew of his
.11 "- ---`- ---------- hostess and the husband selected for
e;M ,her only daughter -not simply be -
1 Broken ' Down cause he was so ante to inherit old
_A. r� Mydtttidton'a money, but because he
7. 1!.,�Ii !"
0'„ -�_"A :I ms In every way scitable for a soe-
in-law. Handsome and elegant, he
a r grafted society and would add to her
`� T_',; i' kw e r))f, t, st' dsu"ntwr's popularity ; easy and in-
w r I nHealth, dotelalt, ha ecoid not hs ►iket) to rsi tK� x r ,a ` i `; .{` bat against the will of k mother -Lou..
� t"" qw.
,_;r7'ct't'-,fe,,,-,t + _- . -.-_. . no lalyecddedly Captain 'hent was n
tandseme mos. There never was
ria rd a dii,wentient wino when that
�ak,,Nervo Debilitated at2d Almost s1 Vi�,�tim fact was asserted, while t�* one win
_.-..w . ig6T6 t'16T616 .y I(wal Y'�r 'M�[ ' t rbtl'
i of Nirv9t* PM*tratioh; Thit Young Lady Wes thah Captain Hervey heat himself.
- ,. ';` - Ile Was twenty- iVO--kis tannin
Restored to Health and Strength by Using Dr. 7lhoodora's age exaotly-and boasted
the regular features mad blue *yes
Ohase's NsrV+6 """ •'k:".. t_. `"~ w,ktwb akareaLartsed the Treats; \e
,- - # 7 + `y' mtond live feet tem in his boots, and
1 + _ "' f moastared bhe approved nuei-
bee of t (mites across the
it In ►n'thw spring wliwrc tin and watery,
oke blood 1 s \ that mad, aervew hes- shoulders, and berynnd all this he
0.sae* etbaustA4 and the Irl blink b rerktfown ansons. Paw pporptpple can toner- equally the power, And
�'`'' enure the 00II 01100ie tit RrIIflolal win ter Ith &ad ward oft distressing Dddy film time. atul the Incllnatiol to
io .& witlf/twt using a rest,"Alive In build up now. .rod eorpnsc:oo to the dress 1O the very perfection, of
'' M;&Herd a �rrppt( vigsrats the who's b od'y. what he tedrishal • goo,d form." IIP
X ,t, W. Yegtfy, 168Blohmtoad *(rest wast, TW"la,`Uli. uta' 4pk was n Inas WIM n Musical. passion.
I,, ( 0Alaglter, wk\o news la a wild to gaerdn maDalwatofy, foE eospia,a- kvn voice surd white, IlatlPrs hands.
~ e,'t't ,rs! down by them ntwady confine own/ said clone sttestloa rwgnire,i fir abM to beer with nu ,oehnndecmo
,,, vrrKIt Ser Attrition meow so wxhans ted, dad sbe was so weak sad dobtlii- graces the burden of himself and
x:'.- `r `' '
,:y'', shed tbst sbe bad 1a give ny work Sun tftely, anti was •.most 1 victim of the boredom ivhlrh anrrounded him.
fasartinsr proatnti@s. and $6 gri through life ns A ggoaoo
a e ,.; + ' H,AstrtvW of Dr. Chassis Nerve Fo ode, die lePgon t„ Dot iso &nil nam true- tiorran M e'd wh•, rightly uncser•
r f �{sA front Ale sour first. It proven an isyrrilwnt remadY lit rar/6Mag her stands elm cvlgmMcy of
jl►.hertitk nerd gtha} Aker nvk,r M" I fair bozos lane to nota Oft work rowm - n t...Caa, lntdlwiY Ignoregesso
ssl�gsslit hwaltblr aald hap". anA ft sail uLim hqr r"MOTWy 60 sbe 6n .,f hr. I'lllgar nn 6.atstraot Who as woo.
..' .t (linure's Nw" t"klti, it else lowiT o I h6r tbrofte a vert. ocean atf" of Is them.
' i cart r'commaud It NO sa x OIt PRS twiner
RgAq & haka*A PertfMr weal rprfng are rtgratV fro A gm Pett rvyatrsat to 'Mr nevplaw.
.',, oe. Cltree'I )lsrtrs �' y.l Is of nein Urn eros guest whebo Urn Trent
Y,sttlrwiatMie Alto*. It prwvdis3 anAc evtim the Ills of amfamg, att�A Welk a t•ertaMed Yids PVPnt°gyo Rrwats A
rtes, and drhatlht� br tile Milli ng rq�p pr„ntss. It malts >the 1, the sontrart tO tksrvt all, lndeeol that
Jrlat L'DA1g• attrl the whole syrbAtn I (wrist r and vim hoz; not for relatrt were they to compos
pa o „v F,.tmaAprnt, mfrs. a OD, lot
„r ad{ rlh dal►4rh r+. �0M the nnrwwkM MlRtifs apd an.
I ."I". I It , L ' .�,
.;r� �gr�•�_• -
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.I---,----- --..- ___
will-ky ni oyden Keith.
We awe woo him before is the
*venins dusk at Abbotg&►oor, Thee.'
AOra ,11•eat had aseu bin before, bu
his Iso* was still a riddle to bee,
it havi been from the lost and s• It
was still to ba It was a grave face
whoa at rest, with its strange mig•
tare of power And patlanoe-a face
toil of deep shot coao.atratid t0hcugat.
bat with Dover a shade of E.00m upon
it or trivial fretfulness; a hoe that
could be only brave asA fearlw,
whether abadowrod by that depth of
thought or brightened by the rare
smile which Theodora tried to pro,
vake. Its skin was so browned by the
sun, the mouslaohe and the short
hair were so think am: dark, the
tubes loo long, eat the tooth so white,
Last manly took Roydan Keith for a
native of Aouthrrn Spain or Italy.
But the idea vanished after the firob
(law minutes, and moot especially
when he spoke. Though puzzles a lit-
tle now and then by the trace of
foreign travel, no one could help be-
ing struck by w'nat was eas,ntially
Eng:iah in him; the straightforward
glance of his eyes, clear-ju.i�f itig and
far-seeing, and tote vein*, whlaa, war
floor ringing to aWr, falling to qu'et
iron; or softening to gatuw, was,
doopite an accent or an Idiom picked
up unconsciously in foreign lauds,
most thorough'Y Euglish.
He waa sitting uppoelte Mim Trent,
hie elbow on a table near the Couch
on whiah she set. Hie looked from him
up to Captails Trent and do*n til him
again. Eta tier unoblarvant eyes
were puzzled by the dlfferenen b the
attitudes of the two young Inen ; and
site turned for the lnrt time from her
contain's leaning furan and the slow
motion of his hands to the tall, wall -
knit figure whichthough , thgh full of
strength and activity, was yet call,-
alxable of an ease alnd rtlllnem almost
''And can you really mean, Mr.
Kelth," she @still, dropping her fln-
gen on a cabinet portrait of herself
whidt, lay Upon the table beside tier,
"that you have uever been photo-
graphed before",
"Why *before''." nsked Royden, ex-
tending him haul for the picture.
"After all, I am rather glad," she
mitred s°illingly ; "because now your
first photograph will W taken with
' How will that he pp -a, Mi is Trent'."*
r , "IL witi'oefil lea,' ,am -'e allies ed.
wrs!'Ch bU taus " be rimmed the
fi6rtralt. On tine day of oar pl -tile
at Abtwtamoor' a little French
plxatogrepher, who Itvems ID AL►t-
ton, In to be there with his cam-
era and take rs all, with the cd
mansion for a barkgralnd. Now you
sae, why I am glad that rill be your
flrwt portrait." t
' IfArdly."
Mr. Keith sol l title quietly as the
bent over the picture, ant Tlsodor.►
loctkwl In vain for a smile.
"Interortlog stwrte," remarked Cap.
Lain Harvey, raising his blue eyes
akrw•ly from the rug. "Lady Law-
rence requires the picture, I believe;
tit any rate who has Proposed It
through her lawyer. The, dramntle
personate are to be of,]Mvisdeium's
relath,ns, and tin scene bid rulnous
Mrtat*. An elegant group and c;eer.
fill turroundings--eh, Mr. Keith ?''
"i do not know old Mr. Myddelton's
rein tiotis." .
"You know the cblef of them, Mr.
Keith," Theodora anewerod, unions.
scloaa of the vanity of her words and
of the smile which accompar:ed them;
"ani you shall see them W T'harsdey
at Abbotemoor. You will not be too
proud to be photographed among
them, will you?"
Without befog one of the family
asIr t I to be Included In the pictures'
'Cess* was an Intonation that bat
fled Theodora, and she looked up an -
mostly. I
"Certatnly ; I WWI Inalwt,"
She said this with her sweetest smile
and a certain manner which many
Young ladles of %the present age &treat
-a gracious comdescvm.ion and awlf-
nowrticrn which, In the last century,
A would have taken a ashhtle-aged
martin of the highest society to make
bearable, but which to now chasten and
swometd by many who, while they
,speak with open contempt of their fast
or unformed sisters, fall to see where
they themselves have olverortepped the
Illy bordere l path of fresh writl simple
''lee other member of old Myddel-
ton's family you will ad, here to -night,
)dr. Keith," remarked Urn. Trent, in a
Lone which see.oad to entreat his
Ienlenry for the person of whom who
IPuke. '•$tan Is a niece of mine and
ronsia of Illy daughter's, though ohs
lienors to quite she other fide of the
bony,- -on that "gaIWe Mrs. Tresht
laid a deliberate emphasis. -We like
to Asir her here tlkcasionnlly to show
her a little r cilety. Pho In a grown-up
girl now an i not unpresentable; no I
,lo all I can for bar an I allow her no
close nil Intercourse with my daugh-
.teer as my daughter chooses to ad -
YM t,"
Poor little Honor," added "my
daughter," with a laugh of parties -
tar complaisance. "fah* is a thaw.-,gh
Craven, U wits--••
a""A thorough coward r' Roydeflask-
ed, wlsen sin sal abruptly paused.
"Olt, Mr. Keith." laughed Thoodurn
pieassatly, "yon krtpw what lesson.
At Leena,, you do not know, of coarse.
Why Otw"ltl You be elppe"ccted toknow
anything about old Myddelton's fAm-
fly? Ant thbi is how It is. Old Mr.
Myddeltm, you rust understand, Itnd
ome bN•other and one sister, both a
gall deal younger than himself. The
brother marrie.l a Miss Craven -quite
A POrtonleesflrl--and the sitter talar.
rlecd very well Bhe oHd not agree
with her brother as a young girl Aad
want out with a friend to India,
whetle she mar 1% Flr Hervey Law-
rence, a viely rl.ah old bnronwt of an
excellent family, This marriage
pltrasnl her brother ImuuCnsely,"
Had neither brother nor alator any
children ?"
"Tim Only child Of ofd Mr. Myddel
6 'a brother," put In Mn. Treat,
clovedlerhhg, Perhaps, tMt her daugh-
68 In irrAs'alrlg9nrl powers ifecl bike
taxe,l to Ilie ut7noosi, "was
the mla,rabte nal Abandon-
ed Gabrl I, of whom, of course,
You have he.hrd and vied; we w ll pot
Wal (Alt Of conversation at Once, 1t
)rel Pit -. There wit no other (-h'Id,
land Lilly I.ammmaee had Done at nil;
90 the remaining relath.ry, or rather
"rrtwWona, am only tie oblmrnrt of
gar Heevwy Iwvrrmces brother and
.latter and Mks Crtveni s hrother and
The brother and wissew Of Mea,
MydAelton's Itis trend wad tki in ,Biros
Ansi .INLPr of Mr. lacyddeft"s nth. Ton
I "I"ImeNtand that arlebtl, lmqulrwd
fair .am qu"y.
e(To oy
be OMu"4)
If, Native the Ooneessarin
A tt'pik+rnk is= Istorestod !n
pt and nreaffactaring, whn
Z0441•tetia the varaid that! he Tri
diw@stlatlwc with the fnarm"A pro.
tewems to 8rli0w1. *:plata• that as
to of this proterawoo-•,sbeto
tags Of the prefetom»-ter ..Ivah-
Isgs done all t6 tits 00%&M *,% Aa
'hie M wkal the Rovuriammist OfoM
at feet w Ont is edema,
-"t, W. ,
l.r• ,
`v r• 4
• .v.'.
+ 0 r
._fll Iff
Was In el(ei Conw for a's
. ,- !rte
». ..
*YRtt._.:r•. xshr}..d Y' 7tr.
Mrs. Thomas Heg\ea Tells Her !!tory
-N. Lediar, J. P., Corroborates lit--
Ovdd's Kidssy rills, and They
Alosi,Csro AU Kidney Ulsease.
Morley. Out.. April U. --This little
town Is t►xtAted avow an occurrence
that won" In early days, have bawl
looisdr as a tutiAlleetation of
aaglc. The olrcutaatattcsse aro clearly -
Metalled In the 'oltowing titter Adirat
by Mn. Thtmws Hughes. of this plam
to the Dodd's Usidiolle Company,
Idmited. Totxsasu :
"I cheerfully testify W the won-
derful work dotty by Dtm$'s Kidney
Italia, bedievIm that tea wauch praise
limunot be given them. I 'was for
four ),sure a `rent sufferer from.
palls lu my beak along my opine. In
In)- beach especially over tae eyes. In
my, left and onsatunally In sty right
Flvo doctors treated our and 1
also had the cant and advice of an
American specialist. Ail felled to help
wale. I Iriedhearly all the patent medi-
einer 1 could girt. but nouo of them
did we any g,xotl.
"For two anu three negate At a
time I could not close my eyes In
sleep. I was Nuated so terribly that
I could lieli,luer sit-wr walk. My
agony was imply lndawrlbAble. For
nearly three years I was bedfast.
,,Finally I tried Dodd's Kidney
Plots. From the first dome I began to
mood 1 have used fourteen boxes. rind
am completely cured and as strong
me I over area, and oastd� a IAS day *a
work, thanks to Andd'm Kidney MIs"
-Kra. Thomas Hnghes.
"I have known kin. T. Hugl►ee-Lor
a number of years. Anti I can truth-
fully state that the forego'ng state-
ments are strictly true." -N. Leflar.
J. 1'.
Dodd's Kidney Pills. the only cure
on earth for Bright's Disease. Dia sa-
tes. Rheumatism. Lambsga Diseases
of Women and sill allw Kidney IY,,tt
eases. i
The Bweet Per.
The sweet pea Is @&Lit to have an
intermsV-al bicentenary calebral"
this year. It was introduced Into
British gardens from Its home In east-
ern Europe Just :'00 years ago. The
fine Llumotns and exte°sive range Of
..Miring, which are now obtalned are,
however, of comparatively recent
date, having heed produced during the
Inst quarter of a oentaryor so by the
e?IerYy.v1 r419t►elYKi!tb -
r4W 44 J:nkfn ,l A.4t ., .i; Aa ••.ye
firm of Durpee. Thu arrangements
for the bicentenary include. an exhlbl-
Con In Loudon noxi July, with prtw,
for bunches, collecCons and dtoorativa
effects. a conference or expert grow,
era And perhaps a banquet.
!low's This 4
'We o6or-(hip Hundred Dollars Reward for
any Case 1 t Calarrh that cannot to cured by
Hall'. tatarrb cure.
F. J. elf F.NKIt' R CO.. "r Tdeda, a
We. the labderelrned. have iui.wn F. J.
Classes, for the last IS year., &oil telleve trim
perfc,-tly honorable in all busl.te,«, trends-
a:tluw sad fin•nclalty able to carry out any
rrbllgatlmas horde by their are.
W ssv C Ta r A X. W-hoierie IhaarLts-Tobdq 0.
WAla,1N4. KINNAN A MA�wtd, I,okoLhe
itnrggw, Toledo.().
Half. Glsrrb tate In taken Internally. sri-
ing directly upon the bloat and mecow Sur
rare" of the .11tenPrico 7/r per bottle, Said
by all DrspootheaTstleouW. fres.
Hall's Fadly Pilk aro the -►ort.
What Worried Nor.
into Ltverpoof Post says that a
firm in Liverpool, bring delighted at
UN Ides that cone of its employees
was called upon to Join the reeserres.
at Once volunteered • o pay half like
wages to his wire in his absence.
At the end of a month oke woman
appeared. and the moiety was at
ones given I&..-.
' What?" t" she sold. "Four PoundieT
" Yes." replied the senior partner,
"that Is exactly half; sorry you
are rot satisfied." '
it Len'% that I'm not satisfied.
Why, for years he has told me lie
only got 16 shillings altogether. and
--ottd•rll the Boers don't kill him, I
h.' -
Gentlemen, -While driving gown a
very steep hill last August my nuns
otnmbl d net fell, cutting himself feiar-
fully about the fiend not body. r used
MIVAJLD'B I,1NIME!NT freely on him
an I In a few dare load was as well an
lav or.
Yz 1.
r -,r .res.. . � ? � g„ • Y
'amu .. "(I"."., }'�, I
One of War's Evils.
Ths killing of a few thousawl men
In war has Its compensations. There
In lose competition to the arta of pevhre.
But it Is a fllsti-let Mow at the gentler
rex• as there aro fewer prowperfAve
husbands, end the chaneen or matrl-
mnny are reduces. And In the opin•
Lon of most malls the chane were
narrow enough befvier-Dundas Ban-
ner. a
A Talmersr" jlentlst says: "I take
great Pleasure in recommending Kil-
ler'+ COMPO .n I Iron I film to anyone re-
qulrinx a tonkx HATO used them with
good results. As an appetite producer
they are unearpat@ed.' `-
Before and After.
"What, singing mrr early In the morn-
Illi(le exclaimed the boardla ht
Ian dlady as she enmuntOlrBd War-
Iilem ID the hall. 'ikttt't' a w Ity
anluelty to sing before realdilo?"
"PPla•haps It Ia," replied Mr. W.,
"but 00niel" I never fed like singing
after braakfelet."-Rimltaage.
. r
must" IASIm t cires bsrsu, oto.
Cause for Anxiety.
Physicists (with ear to patlmat'e
ebeM)-+fie As s seriois awdiM>tr
over the region of the heart, sir,
which mast be rationed at ,,Doe
Paltient (avaidossly)-That ,..c_" lag
in my Pocketbook, doctor. Plea"
don't redone it too muck.
ng' toonynstn younsay to
take Killer's Cbmptm ll iron 1'llfe to
retals youthfal apfamrsom sed vigor• ,
So related.
"WWI t rha.rgw lop the amoeat the,
cAshlet skipped with to pwalt and
former- goested the baOltkwVNr. -
No" replivtrt Ute head of the firM,
pat tt do's" under rsneltyf expeee 100
66e -Wooled fro speak of the Fill�1•
new as a ' h Tithe ?' a Qat-{�tcrtaZ
stat ; as a 'ravel' M
smindris 0 U.Now
only- •beer m -A to bulk.
I ^
:Nearly O"e-Mig►th ottbe Oosalory N
Kept for Their lseaellt.
A recent Parliaagentary returnJclves
gums startling figured In ralatlpn to
W sal ilk! 1itg11ta cfot`T/A ,
f only -the *.under of Argi 11, luverau".
Ito" and Cromartyy, yydtherhind,
Caithness, Orkney and Shettuad In the
Orkney sad ghettand Islands them
are so deer forests, so we have pr9e7
t}catty to deal with four countless. IiI
tMee four counties there are no less
ttuu 2_81,297, or more than two
pillions and it quarte, acres given
'to the prerervatkan of doer. Forertlug
has proceeded w1n os drlring reornt
years. Slnw 1f18A pearly d00 000
serer have been added to the forest
acreage The whole area of Scotland
1n acreage Ir about 29,50Q,000; it
follows tbat, rooko°Ing the forests In
four oountiss Akme, one acro In every
eight and a hall to kept waste for tire
rearing of doer,
In order that on a few days In the
,rear A few person, may enjoythe
kill,ling of a certain number of these
beoutlful animals this vast area Is,
for tike most part, saaled against the
Intrusion of man. No one but the
town -r And his fro and keepers may
suit foot on mountain or glen. The
total area littler fillings In Strotiancg
In about 8,506,(100. If, therefore, tit-
lowancs N monde for the forests 1n
other highlani counties, It seems prob-
able that the total acreage of door
forewt,t not far short of that under
crop. Is rams Consolation to learn
that ih the four mrmties do queet01
the fordats are &@newel to ratty at
over 000000. Certainly the *abject
with which Dor Bryce now and agaln
two&veI to deal is one which growl, In
ilsportamm every, year. - LOndtas
10,000 YRRR aANPLKS.
Guaranteed Cure for Callarr s. Bron-
rhitls, As'hma, Throat Irritation,
Colds, Atc.
Don't let that Catarrh or Broeehl-
tls roti on. Boot It out before It
becomes chronic. The best, simplest,
and quickest remedy for these tom.
plaints is "CAtarrbosone." It costs
notbing to Last for we will send
you. free, a 25 tlsat outrlty snfncl-
tot In many case to cars, and one
thoual mal testimonials. Enclmss 10
estate for boxing, postage, etc. Poi'
son • M. Khgelos, Ont, w
Pet Nestlee of soldimn.
Same of the acmes giveh to popular
reffacers by their Intimatessatlok to
theHere are a few
i_ tffi 0C.'meewL'{Lywe.'ljti -w.:..n.-•M
W. Baden-Plywell,"Oil Bathing
Towel." This Is an Ktoa sobrlgnwt.
Major Orr -Ewing, of the Warwick-
ah!rc Yeomanry, "The Wrxesl.'•
Capt. Forsumgse, ' Tha Commodore,'.
Capt. M lllgan, " The Canary."
Capt. McDonnell. " Pose,"
ilugo Do Deaths. " Bagar."
Capt. feel, 'Mey
onk... '`.1" -
Capt. IAW", " Bubble." .
Capt. Cheater. " B leak."
Rtr Chad* ole Ceewptagy, "Creepy."
1'he Future of
A child's,, may be
NOW by the diseases of
youth, Such as Rickets,
which is characterized by
weak bona or crooked
spine, and Inability to stand
or wale steadily, or Maras•
mus„ that wasting disease
dlaracterized by paleness
and emaciation, or krofula,
a constitutional disease of
Un ,glands and neck.
Scott's Emulsion
of pun Cod -Use Oil with (typo.
plhosphita Df Lime and Soda will
pment and tare thtse ducamL
h PAWks islet that m, trial needed
to fioem strong bosm fish std
blood and solid Bit It will alto
reach the Infant 11hrough the uu,th,
es's milk, and ba of the grtattA
btotfit to bout.
At sJ dn.rr'a.: s- sin f /..o
B(X= d Ih)w N lea c S.......+. T..tcat.,,
To Care a 0.010 10 .040 Day
'Ate Lxal n Aram* QsLnbla TaWte
drn"at�e d ibe Moery Il It 1LA. t„ CUM
oto, Z . Uswe aatar_"isw each ba.
Dinner wK\omt pie ft like n era
tows without a Pertod
Coll. McGill will resign frobl Iris
'staff Potntlon at the Royal Military
College to manage the Fronteu+tc luau
• Investment Potability.
Yrs. Chants tidy, of London tocol
ship, war thrown out of her hugely
and killed, the Horses running ;sway.
Twenty thathsenot coot miter. ;,re oa
strike in the I Ittebarg district.
The Manitoba liagistaiure has bas-
ed Hoe. lir. CAmpb*L's mi ,,,,a i„
mgmoria!ise the Domiaba Parr::,mrn
fear pgii6.U44iisfa ,,kopfalrh g`for
J1611'.WaGf='4a:-7f la,o,4.dl�t�•o,-.. .-_--_-X-..--
Imptrol Were fare, W the
township Of Plymptloa. Oonuty of
On easy teraonly $800 doander w o, , r
secured. Apply at area
Loadas lAan (,.:.
IAndea. tet.
I'AlWatioa of the bsari M a symp.
r•eu r It's
tom of mtomaeli trouble or grsat week-
It is a waft -mown bet that gorses tr„ubio!
Dees,. and to PrOmPUY oared by )H1-
with Heav,a it at need as Prairie pea u,,, sal
ler's Compound Iron Puts. one after
oared of the aeavea
each meal.
Traala it Besatlfel River.
crew, lamas• 1d, W=t of tae Pralrlr Weed "whi, t, at.
loo rtrretuw is eeeerrtla"x� II -es'
Tits Tugela, or Startling River.
acre= wbMh the Boers and Brattish
cosMnnd with other vnlnabl,rw o@"
willprove '�e�� y far l .a
have fought each other back andper
forth several times. L the loosest
lar tier r, gar, ~ 1 e, o ie
,stream In Natal, and is ditm bell fie
picturesque acid mngnitimnt. Is
-- - --- _ _
riser on the Free Rtate side of the
t; l: vi r will" TO RILPRXU%T Cls
1� �fe•�awt
IttOD:aUx tlJOtlrce/, in the Ilrakry-
Id et �s— so�aV ellys't•-a
o�h(o� t�as-orf m The tips,ukr
berg, and at once les down
feet, with a fall broken Ivy
urimC'e., - Queenassetrr-
Only oe
or two ledges dad reputed to be the
To nroUfs
highest In the world. it then tears
1 OgNT1 WANTED /0R'OUA Two �gw
through a great canyon for two miles
Li kook& _1111144
a IJary of N*Wb AMaa
and IN limed by several rushing moon.
Karr books U ones; and "Dwight L Moody
SAID streams a
The Mas sad His Ylsisn'; the books or, wall
Mlnard's Unions for safe every
wasuos, and ■p4s4ats• and an nota r►.•h of
oM M tter, sae prier aro low, dad the tliras i
extra abMML' etfelvta can make Many it then
A Usrtal Irvestios.
talks told at mire and will ear boob. Pru,
Br&ry year brings its owe Inven-
kms tie► If you Mea" bodmm& ower'
tions. One constautly bears now.
muw@mastr rmrtba4wAvw 'be"e&t William
�& Methodist bank Room Twoota
adaYs of women who bring outpe t-
sets, and sometimes o"e has o Joel-
ing oneself that one may evolve some
hs9py thought whir\ bring
GENTS -1o" IrRf(' AND AtrKlc
Has t a'.. !u 0*10.ur',r1.!
will its a;
small fortune. Wimple things are
" In it
wbaM1 answer the best. The man for
woe weenie throwingvt4um
all orb..
vpehna worn they ase oular large book. ,'1.
alwho suggested the perfor-'
aetioa of th' paper betwosa p'xefage I
Yw& rely Illustrated, elegantly Ilpl.b.,l h
putwtne Finallalt mild leaf-; agent. rnjnt
mug iinnmmm aecoom Mw our prem.;".twnr.nt
stamps died worth we know not bow
much i P *oboe who have reached t h o
t I" vrer cMw keg nsmretads,.` ua•
teen' trrt�ht p7 le to n.ti.r-
nae at 00 well remember how weari-
write ausos J. I. ),%O Cospear, Rk.l'
Milano it was to have to cat your stamp
htaed west Toresta
paper, instead of pulling it apart with
i .rq .....
the greatest eteo,
,tr. ., ` .
, .t,
Miller's worm Powders ars a VMS-
derful U-Ikine fur &Iia is of oblM
Meer. of ;Targe in Belgwrta. I
� laws am eey mr her110,
BDigarfa Ie rile of the leading %t
tlar O} ter prockeing montrtes. In
far Co som s LAM U.,
''ty�ItT011, OMTadeO
spite Of unfavorable weather daring
tfir, last season. the produrUOD
anunultel♦ L,
PNRXAXWMKHaWs,Uwe" a ItaAorcr x„
4.216 Pounds. Tfhe prtt e'FITS
fur the floret attar was S81 Ib.
flto or t+enrasooea altw fret dsy
oda tsle,d t4 m A street,'hila
elphory l' fs ��atts� mud frestill trial I,ol dr
Kew life for & gnashes. Millet's
*r ads by S. 4 H.rsa 17M Notre Dame.l "N't
metreal rJule
compound Inas rills.
Michael Kenzie, of Coneotogo, palm-
Mrs Winslow'. Seething, "as should v
niers mood for Children Teething. It nodi*%
mated salOtrle t►7 a\nottn= hfmsett
through the head. I
+ ----
t e.. for DlerrLs&wTwenir
try "seta iiii,
s -
,t' 'I{''It
vv.d:''r 'f.. _. ...'rr ,:.
. �,.
wri�. r.
By using these
v 110116-1, ..
,, ..,..r'is.•
.._.. _.a_. a.:,.a♦.,u-
TOY "vs -=
, ,
hard-earned money.
- �® p
i .rq .....
, a4. L - t`_ +w :
.. , .. - .
,tr. ., ` .
, .t,
r est
DOI" timi Nut Wfltft UAKNO" fl;Rrilli"' -1.4 to
-MD REM11.1L --
'1 I __ . -