The Signal, 1900-04-12, Page 9.._..intica4memilitt
Tirell +smut. April It 11100.
AO ESOf.a<&. - $ON
finch a profusion afdst(ai}in btitif[.r' oarmtiig.
Ginghaws and Percale,-, sett sheer Organdies mud a beautiful
choice of other wwthsble fabric., all new for this season.
Our sok was never iu better condition for choosing anything
you may require in Wash Good..
Magnificence in Dress Goods. .
Never before in the history of our business have we shown seVh
a oowpl/ta range and at every popular prioe.
French Poplins, Venetian saittogs, oostin Serge., silk and wool
Crepe Bromides and Oren effects. Prion range from 45c.
per yard to $2.00.
Retire mond floor of our store bright and beautiful with nearly
150 pieces of we. Wools, Branels, Tapestry and Union Carpets,
in prices from 20o. to $1.15.
ftp,` Hormions iseeelab•r.
The Hamner 555S5s r m wetly re-
garded to rM.mbse taw the 0.s.A4..s
who did mw abets= 4MisM the other
day are North A serf aK—Be/Je New.
Ws de set Ned tar Hata We w gait*
aware et the feat that we are Rotrtb Amort-
ise., orb the anise es the North. We
ere • buts further s.stb them tat ample d
Fees wham state the Meed that sem made
the Cs.adur what be et. fee still we are
North.ethe poet el the .esdtee
peels, witsl:le eerie what we think .bet
0, we we the are ef the lis,tI n Zeros r
Sial a rib be pissed la ear mesa !
U raw • Northam less We throw,
Did the se.vserer .awe freer the S 'sat 1
Mar...y—.sd lbs waawr Neal
Is shares le earthward .net t
ilestd oaf of r eallsecetl"'.Yn-
gleer when hes • Eeetbreer pial his bred
Us the mea .1 the fertbor. Z mu f
On Wormers se free as the Mem that flew
'le iat sem s here the swab ems Wows t
Our I1.40 are On bee n the Weenie that
lira' the rat el ear same pines
We .ever will heed the toes.
Weil always and ye he her,
1w liberty rips la the Med el the Nal.
Or brothers w'resed her threes i
A Santarem ruse .hal pfaee hie heel
U. the wee of the earthen, Zara
Oh, shall we stator w .siert rat.
Ind tower ear patriot emit ;
Aad Ian a barrage dark with abase.
Te the West epee the hese t
Nay...y-sed the anew. wee
With a rawer le snatkwsed net t
• Y. dales t. be .see -...d se ere we;
Li yew knew .snore stns. t
1w a es.thsrser shell sever plass We ►.d
Oa the ors ef the Norther. Zee..
ball the w..han Arab lace se bee the
Aad Heal lee rateeersee ease
Aro the patriot fine Rear est .d dose
Het brothers treed to she wool
Lot the d K be sidled M eke war,
Difytat the awry Haiti
1r Oasda s ewes are at wee es clad,
Their mesal le meede.'•4 hese.
The Beetberser dial sew pleas hU heel
O. she sae d the AGrMcr. Z.em.
M. we are the w .f the Newham Zest
Waw the m pee tai Washes taw.
dad tksat Bear rides is his eters eines,
Alar from the Bathers Orem
Oar reale osall eye b. bee.
They sever will bred the Nese.
1w thli wile Md of tee tree sod led.
Whore freedom te bred se the hese—
Tie Issthersr sever shall Waft his he
Oe the ms of the Hwtbets Z ie..
Ws Isere are amp permitted to .ire mare
.type is We Mead. The esuatry dem see
west *Mem dreams Inv a *shame es its
weather bslletise.
A mem likely rases, however. and is.
w wham Cote) Yew dee sal refer. is the
raises sant of the deadly sbaresta smoke
e s the d.l.ot• smehlsry used In the at'
sal wastes statics• for reetmeriag srtsrte
ekwwattosa. Haider/ay seed for this
purpose u w swirly Inman time is reforms
to work la as samesphere polluted wit.
minaret(' smoke. It rats dura sad mos
h as that weepy footled waled', is t►s roes of
salols bones, Its pole Os. to look for a oso.
NI este meebaatsme of this ohmmeter,
•both appear to be with human
tats!, geeot, ate easily throws out of gear
sad booms total.y usrsllsble tbroalth daily
memos with the fames of the a setts.
Rye. • Chicago Weer dredgtsg ma.blos be.
Ines boos. to set wobbly asd esoertais
when wrkise is as atmeepbw of sl molts
New that the drainage easel le perilflpg
/a' .—.sorasLadtwisi are reit
ails d Ito alf000.. yw r
Moos why to rl. bre
reeoar Miasma we
prmittsd w regimes. .tat hiss be sato,-
Ira noses sour= ret am.
New York Evealeg Pass : Is is Istermt
leg to sus Mw the .swamis aspens of is•
tenperesm w to be the .eetrolli.g
sem to its trealm•at. Ta. sserobeat on
asstset arm r, rsaausetaleos maserer den
set mire that the drisklsd of WOW te •s -
sem is a moral wrong. He • •ply says that
he asset afford to have • mark, wee seats•
mer, se • .omssam who I. liable te get
drank. and thereby di•srr.•re his bo.aes..
.blew es his will w Involve his mmprey i. •
disaster shish may met It tom of theu.ande
of doilies Is dashers for kiliisg or solaria/
p••.•sgens. Mesmer praeipls Is amiss
to he embed le military his A•1
may Meld a.y pwsss•1 views be sheen ea to
the drinker •4 wise, bat the experiment n1
wool say, la whatever pees o1 the world
the toot is applied, Mews that if soldiers
are mea who will get druk, Ube efficiency
,.1 the w=aalsawea le terribly impaired.
S eas very strikise teatimes ha•rmg es this
prise have bees Gaspard trees the reeordi
of the British Isom u fedi• dealer lbs pmt
two pars The dmlwlees sem the Hem -
tali were 50 sweat Amster ame°t these
ohs dread' Ipso then eater them who did
set, whale the srtntsase for all sere el
nI.e.a.INFO almost else dose a many
.Mass the as. abets/sere us arose tat ab
orauers. Tharp is as Army Temporises
Ass.eletm. I., whish seeks 1. dl.
mishit leisseperasee anew the soldiers,
bath by •ie••srarteg Um ;Femme of dunk.
tsg Uses sed by resaeviar the los Iles
u indulge. Lard Roberto pnsWei at •
meat •ellen of the•Mties's sesuoll,
..d ee.•eweelea reverie .f the proves. of
Its work wore mane. Demist tie Turret;
saapalg• ..srly 2.000 et the tamps rsm•ia
.d sbsai.wl, to their groat edvsat•te as
part of the army, Om festers of the as
•.etatfo'e work Is be provision of ample
.p,ortsatty for Ow mos to ret wet ales -
belie drudge dada/ the .aess_yroo et Moms
Tb. waiter, aelhwules ears teems
worm Mppsrues of all seek efforts to re
erne drukea.ers, If for rte other rases,
brasses the, bees bead that a Whish at.,
whisk keeps New is • such bitten Nghtl.p
1sGMl.a Mom am which rots dresk.
aired, ................„...•_:,,_
• •
Shorey's Clothing is sold by Reliable Dealers
only others cannot buy it; consequently you can be sure
it is as represented.
11. Shorey (St Co., Montreal.
All Wool Business Suits
Shorey's Retailed '¢t *8.00
Cannot be beaten,
INester : Mr. And.noo, the as. lease I A
sof the Metropolitan H-d•I, WWI in loon
motet y. tie inroads ',pat, ;us rod other
wimp motivating lbs boom tbro.ghout.
Mild the Presbyteries ulturob, to QM '
tows, es Moeda, eveatog of last week, it
was &raided to extend a neratunom sell to
Bey. Mr. Larkin. of Uttallimm The
stipend offered le 51,400 yeall sad hme
lizstear !Timm • large well Wimpy
gathering that amemided en Saturday even.'
tag, 31st alt., at tor home of Mr. and hires„..i
Thee. !tows to celebrate the fiftieth anni-
versary of their wedding day. There w
sresest sleeve children oat of of
twelve living.
Seidel to Celm Bei hum ham been carry-
ing sure heed for some time peat. While
driving in the country the horse became Iron
t tom on aocoutit of the ha.I roads sad tinted
over the deehboard. *wilting Mr. Bethune
se the back of the left baud. Although his
hood ems bruised badly so bouts •ste
Chutes : Mrs. damsel Crittb, of town,
wishes to thank her matey timed, for the
tended threogb, us the winter during her
stokneas ; lac Umiak. are tendered not ouly
to them of 0..inuao 044004 Methodist .hurob
bat la all who were se them/Wel is this
emus Boost, sax es ceseaarres
Ms earth. The arose of erliattes whereto
Wm rewired lie paws geed etutempbere
we tram( imallor bearellelly
lee bees marled from Halm I
mid yobbo phase, and oven sew lele tree.
lac in edema mid Iredsaltr Mai
excuse veheaset p Meet,.
New same se idiot ham Olkie Willis
Mews et ite rather ilorVINIS berate pre -
hi) ltee pewit' wpreitesed with the wets,
fr murkier elgoreetea The seder op
Phis le all the Masai oritiuseipd diets Is
the Vaned Suites. Ikeelli • ite••••• woe
will i togs igmagladaa regiss the wow
tint led is hi tresise. The may
row. swiped by Obis& dewy le lessol is
leo oemoweet that the Oeverssest ie era.
Ps WI te mistake very oriel dissiyilwe
We weather heroes SO order tra swoon ea&
harry owner The ialerandie le the* •
weather maa meet have hie wale oboes Wet
re•eases way swaged, or etwellIshwho
pliseosesee whom hie hags ie eivedied with
worotto melte Ile ie see hi • solidifies
le dial sae *west Weed of weather wham
Mae • Jolla Whits. tail sassier pro.
cetelerm e heir linden noddies on Good F. i•
day. W• v. our redISIOLIDi lrlead• May
tted (• former propel. LA' of Toe N•er
Ire). *Spell. to oelebrate their ml leo wed -
dont one Meg.
fleeter : The miry sod death of a pang
wen f Detehhorhood took nem lu To
rest.° on Tuesday td lam week. Caleb, see
is smemisece at Toronto UM, malty, and
should is the ordisary Gomm, has• grade.
nod from that imeututles tbs. surtax. He
wee, however. stricken with brain fever.
°mewl by the severe *tram of 'Lodi. and
died et the me- sral hospital. The femoral
tent place es Thereday frees the home of
Hoary Herve•, ot Thema, Road. as the
roads to Mr. Cedesore'• were impassable,
t years.
lineage : A moist Wesel of Th. Termite
Globe nontaised the following note relerring
Jmk. Bob awl °barley, foss of Joha
Leckie and 'rim Awn, f Joa. Woe
Terme., write :—Oar weapons let my
had about ti€„at• intd• boy• anti gill. that
ere imam.' •Wit bed a splendid time, meg.
mottos cod Gitaslio is ave. W• are too small
to as to war, but *a thought We would do
istioolltioe for the Oleo ar•
Smith Afro* for Ike QUOIN& aod we mood
yana PI 50. the premeds of our ootsOort, aid
of tibo (10tiO fend, •nd we are year little
Baler &A. firewood Beesetteville, 8 C.,
Wee Mee r ••lbreetb
Mee eefferiee' rem rty•pept'a. be webs.
“wy wife was droatly run doss. Sat had
aa wraith or vigor aed suffered east Ms
Was from her stomach, hut she tried Slee
Hitters, whinh hatpin her at sem, sad,
UM. seieg fear bedtime, shit Is estirelymell,
am me sophism It's • grated tome, tied
Its nots lemitles gelatines ere splendid fer
ler est " Ter Indigestion, lova of op•
mores* aed liver troubles Ws • peel -
lbw's dreg Here.
At Reisuns,
Great Snap_.•
le oar Weiser Soap. at 50. •
Pelted. of shush we sell • barrel • week.
This isn't oar only *nap, as we curry
•verything that oat% be found In an un-
to date srocory store, and our prloos
aro right. The termer, koew sheathe,
can always get from us a snap tor their
producer. We drew the hoe at no
Ul.staware or potetom, garden stuff or
ohoimet table W• deal in all
of them.
Spring Tra e
Dry Goods
Ready-made Clothing
Men's Furnishings
Hats and Caps
Fine Tailoring
This man Ltiows whet he dia and
;. how Le it. Sind' nderements 113
1118 following are are a sulLcient proni
of its merlts.
tutees s.
Wineries Oasts Ledge le already mak-
leg ierraseeseemete for tire belt:Hag of their
szerando* to Santis and Detroit
The mart dots has not boos Owed, bet It
trUi Joe sheet tbe 115th of A (wow. Th. pees
Mb year will be Worm to the bat looking
prelminent men *I this town, died es Thum
day, March 29.h. Be had bees ill for sear•
ly tee 'son, and lbw all maw bs bet hen.
omell:.ed to bed meet of thtt. tun e Mr.
Horne bad bees s resident of Smforth fee
attertet twenty four years, durieg
that time had hoes °loony Identifies. with .--
it rayon cm
lessismo esti' the tame of his death. He
wee • eeed bowsaws man and ooasmentionsly
den ned te the intrweets of hie 'implores,
whem full coefideses he JO an nes
smelly high deers*. Ho waa also 000llIder.
at* of tkose and.; him mid few ;employers
reepintd more telly the reopen sad wa
inlibt say love, of hts fellow worketee,
teem the highest to the mon tumble But.
while earnestly devo;e1 to the burnoose is
• m• es; tested to hie rare. he wee rude
lang•hte in the penetoties of the window.
sin, educational mid metal well beteg t -ft the
laws, aid was never 'Waring of nth., time
er menus in them dirve.loss. He was #1.
the young. miner an amine part in g
w heel and temperamme work. and for meow
ream was the Melo stay of lb, Y011011 Moo'.
(Arlo fan Aseeelatios here and we* also for
'event ••• • miteeber of the Colliwitt•
lestItiste - *rd. Tett Jo.nalos were taken
Is Beametille. thehome el hie youth, her
Imenly id three eons sad se• dmighter. fie
wee fifty years of age.
tense It array.
nrCI. tio Pa. As it liniment for
for KEUVOAll APAVIN ale" -A
Trouts.; on t..0 Horse." book free. or &dlr.,'
Y., me oNvaer s
Laws- sista
More of term Street iteeildlemese 'W-
aco Wert.
that Winter is here, and
Winter means cough s,
colds and various other
coldwea Be prepared
to ward oft these and oth-
er troubles. :Keep a bottle of a few kinds of
standard remedies in the house, and they
will not only save a lot of unnecessary pain,
but many a dcaar too. We have a complete
stock of Proprietary Medicines, and our
Prescription Department is at your service.
11-.0 wheel fitted with
Dunlop .T7 s gives no
trouble to the dealer after
its sale.
That it e!ie reason why
dealers ft:ie.:1. Dunlop -tired
whets. They, 1 -now that
Tir-:s are tile out-
ward s!gn cf inward worth
in the builc.7.:1g of a bicycle.
et Joh.
all Its interests He came here wire quit•
Binder Twine
We are showing a nine line of Raster Cards and Fleeklefe. rwhlting in peke
from SC. to 26c.
10c,, anti 15C-
Ra4d-Pninied &whets, 30r.. Hand -painted Seder laga. See
II" Pin', nag Hroaehee and Flag Hat Pin., these arir very dreirebls for
Rester flouventre and range in price from lUe. NI 26C,
thew wit have a very pretty line of ladies' Belt Bookies, 4111d
also make • nitte Resew WI, ranging fa price from flOC. I/P The.
Our Bray I now Clothed la Mold.
Khaki Note p.r
• sv. are shell
DII" hey
allow this
thine to do your gaiter oorrimCg on.
ith tervalopee to match. Price quire.
I you see our new eideringe Ned dew -
(all Papa Store,
Farmers' Company Limited
Bought their raw material right and defy
. tie world on competition, Finest Red OW
114;, Blue Star lily, Standard 100. See
a- tweet at once. Don't put off buying •,
nur (V1404Dy 14 W• hays Warned
you reirly.
Joseph Stratford,
foleawel Harmer
L-1)1111 and 111111:
They are full1 gmarentand not to warp
or amok.
WI. They inn last • lifetime.
10/1. Tint eon is • o more than tor Mario,
Stove+, anti are guarantee., to save one-tbi^d
fuel, bake better sod rad isle more best V.en
WI miter in the market.
Usti cad fret escimataa.
I hese &leo the ad,. asesoy for Vs aria.,
Warm lir el ter. whirls Is fully hvithen,-
teed to be the most ediciest, •0013WElltual. dor
able. rat -proof and healthful liMfing derh e
Investigate It for yourself before you dende
Headowartora for misethileg. Nesting, Tie
enefiblog and Stave regolve
At any season ot the year there
is no greater comfort than a pod
reliable Cook Stove the kiteberi.
It witn coot stoves like every-
thing else • there are good, bed and
indifferent varielies.
We know yon 1.01 he pleaglid
with our
Telephone ,No. 19.
Medical Hall:
This is King Quality
It is a pretty nice looking shoe,
but fine as it looks, it feels •
great deal finer. The King Quality
should bo worn by every woman
who desires oomfort, style, dur.
ability, and wants it economically,
This describes the King Quality
It costs $3.
and it
is worth
ALI. AND 111111 '1 dim,
Made by J. D. SING COMPANY, Limited, Toronto.
ARK Ilaaewnis.
The Henderson Bicycle Co.
H. ‘3. FIBRE., rYITTtIC'l f
Center West-st. and &Imre
With a pair of our Shoes
We have each a large end varied
stock of up -to -dile Shoes that we
can give you year size wiMout any
trouble, in any idyls which you may
select. Our Shoes ere well made,
look well, wear well and are priced
reasonably. There's more comfort
to he found by wearing a pair of our
Show than you could dream of.
Repair" neatly done. Went side of Square
goode—hmely gm, MC K fl 9S good ,,i01,toniievks
emote at epeeist
prime. tucks, per pair,lle
Plinieri, batten aid 'hoes
Investigation will convince you that our goods are as represented
sad better than you expect. Our time yours we wait to serve you.
Dress Goods
56 Is. Home spun, mire weel,la the or
nines, rise salt nely is cob pattern,
66-te. Home epos, lust hits the other
bitty a lighter weight, per ni
3/1 M. Homespun with named hair
stripe, le govi end khaki mixture,
Owo Mehl JUN/NO nan's cloth.
deshiii *et 115a. for per yd 170
NEST MIRA Pawnees'
White $hirts
Mather let et 10 dos tO hend at .. 38o
.14 The., White Shirt...lire as good as
say los esn ret at 750 . sad some
7 better the 'ism are 12 te 17 is.,
Or three ler Of 00
COLLARS—In the best eimpee, regular.
ly while our stockiest*
04.00 up
boo OM sada of rood material, Wolf
WM end mitered we wonder heir
they San eiedo for the mosey and
se will yew
t&II Ides's Tweed Tremor.
mad they ego*. IMO areeras Try se Ur elethins.
W. A.
78o up
We are going to handle 3 of the nattiest unites et )11ktytdo or ea
continent, viz., the
Crescent and
We have again been appointed agenta for the local output el
All of these Wheels have the VERY LATEST IM -
DAY, 16th and 17th, this week, and 23rd and 2416 d Rue
All intending purchasers should mil and examine one eta&
Prime will be right sod oar goodd HIGH GRADS.
11,11r High Grade Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. will pay yea *