The Signal, 1900-04-12, Page 4TeoMOAT t Aofi 1!, '1100. Do You... Should bo your fliet ar• io., .Jf.-tithrer riefers is sailed on to hear the ewe straio par pound. Few others are propelled at so great • speed. Look well, them aud get the tried and tem Tis Marley -Beattie A are well named THE BEST THAT IS No perm questions their quality, their material or their construottou. If you would bare the thoroughbred onions °yoke — the best hada) Use best ter mere —got a liclicomm- Beeves'. the our big line of need wheels at $10.00 and up Do you know e 8HARPLES CREAM SEPARATOR will add to'your profit/ Lot es prove to yea by ales ame flee trial that ...047 am • profitable investment fur you. We have just received • large coneign- moot and ean spare roe am for too day, tree. Cell or write. Information cheerfully given. Emerson's Bicycle sad Musk Rath% West Emerson's THE e&GI GIOISERIOR ONTARIO • Met nay M — to tin o\NM►i1 when • ohs{ with is. .1 the .., ...ass wt! sleft mask 111.r r.u... Re will plat int* arid. se Ib. .aeg.lbee.t Ngi..w. de/.lopl.A 60.000 h.ne•wwer •\d driers the she COO mUes to Owenby -fear here. e very/las VO Met o a Mw the year tired 1. ail Nada of w..ther. BI wltl .hew Mw the N.Vte Mean elf Noesanis .et wtu meals the Mitt Ira [Dyke tee �eM� .1 bottom, bow .os t. divided Ma .esd0e.1 WHEW, ta111M\l A aM\•i6 ... yr twelve hoofs es hest t . e1►Intl K d r • il�i�-h1.14 pampa, Mw tai. des �M Mu. to m tmlte►t uomportmaY, how asverof of three may M I.od.d and *0 .hip sell remain sleet uU bow the 1...bstdlse4 by the British Oeveroost, provided with ste..tt..e for mum as ludo .. those earned by the seesaw, orwdssr, how titre taus ere sew f. Halifax •.d Liverpool ..d hew 1a forty eight keen otter enters at either port she may be «averted tat. • wareelp. swift mouth to dl.tatt.. NI Mt one .e two ef the very IOW waren 1 vestsre the iaformsttes that the \vees4�r 600 daily .sol se..ump►los a a 'voyage s.., and that oyer half of ten Ie rlae.. gs stly r wicked to de- velop the ret three or t sr .f the twenty• odd k.els per hew, sed sell hew nearly two rewired ma aro employed Ie this depart a..►. Lionise the oasis* r..m with tte alokestsg beat and aures\Mt./ Idly Mdse sed p forward, .....o r had to the meek and ar.wt.tt te.m width is b..\Y- folly pa/relied fa light woods, hudasm¢y upholstered •.d nobly f.r.f.bd ud Oro - yd with pd..e ..d ergo sad sews)' easy /rs.pt.o.. W this deok haloes the drawing room and the library—wbtob r • aeon named mem kronen tb• trent of the row of surd,• aid wended with • la. seteotten .f literature, o.Ahrtable seato sed labia for wrltd.g—+iso . few .f the fires -ohne elatere.m.. TM larger et theme are sheet 1.0 feet .yon, a fm being MinfiNG AT DAWSON Naw Bicycle arid Music Roues, Weet street, Goderioh. Vat Awl, ss runtemart EVERY THURSDAY HORNING theelthithell THE COURT SHOULD ACT. THERE is • good deal of the funeral procession about the Ontario Court ot Along in December last, the Hon. J. T. CIARBOW well unseated and his place in the Legislature was cl•clared vacant. The opinion then advanced was that the case "OW belegtded the meeting 01 the 00Ort Jelthary, but when thithlWaiii""Aiiitir'n- meet waa found to be in (leder. owing to some difficulty in obtaining copies of the evidence. Then it was confidently stated that at the March sitting of the Court the ease would be settled. but, here, again the prophecy did not avail, and was further held over. Last week an effort was made to have a ditto fixed at the May sittings of the Court, and it is now thought that the case will then be decided, but we understand that the illness of Chief Justice Borrow may 'tend in the way of a settletnent of the case. Should this be so, some effort should be made to have the matter settled at the earliest pitiable Mite. For our part, we would have referred that there had been no appeal, but that the question should have been submit- ted to the electors to decide. There Is no earthly reenOn why West Huron abonk1 not be able to settle the tree - tion to the satisfaction of all con - °armed. Ons thins is oertain, they would not take so long to mettle the question ea the jeTgie. sod the candi- dates mild not be kept long on the matter.baMeed boy Weed 11144 lakui tee seriously. As hag se life It dr t to will be ersaks wheat the foolkiller ha. mimed, bat, freak tho Lord, they magesiorally poor easee Leedom brosater As admirable la mambos el "theory eteloiste" le Nand la the letter el a private la the Cohen's= (mow experieses ta the barn es *odder Oyer : "I bummed ta Bad • bat of looking -41w It made a rare bit of tun. Ae it pared from eselnadip eentrads, they mid. 'Haves leo wok at yourself, my boy. and bid yourself goodbye' TM laugh wen resod. Thee 'Advents I' aed wit were at it mar I" Somme OessioHareld man who dos ia the estarbe el Oldoare, whose wife Mhos sole sod malosiv• °barge of the ludo sod Is is debt every Satarday Meta, and Is remeters le the hall Mire he Roes be an awed Ars WSW/AM elereas bed. This le lir mottos "Mr. acuptizra: II yea flad any mown la this both*, dose% ge sway without welds/ we up. 1 what to see h." Thie le the Eamon of the year when the back yard lea ita worst tam OW. err 81, Qualm Tomo has bees in Quebec province trying to get the Preach se" A.ge hasn't stiffened the Wee cd that world-renowned political acrobat, Bir Nal. nos," "Wallis pes eas le gum"; yell at tho appreelably weans, the aortae, el the turf slake through it Ithe sees beam* we form the stream el mph threw* ear pub. he squares to walk as the grass. Make laid sten 2 as bridge the peak ea • elope of path that wold always loe dry la the sold Me would obviate Ude Mrs malt. This la the sserso, too, whew gretwars' arts eat hp Ilso imam greens. There le aetbilag that ma be dam le the way of wluted.brsalitag Ostaeles that will We them friam taking the oppeleaalty whoa the tad la soft ea batter te est slices off it wIth that Wreath air The report comes tram Ottawa that the Hon. KareolA TUTU" Gananoque, has shaved off his pink whiskers. fir The rims despatches inform us diet the Wog bet been having Queen's weather in behind. And why shouldn't she ? INF The Tomato World is giving expert opinions on what ft calk "hayfork" politica Th. Worm 1,....chority Untie to rim into trouts'* in South Attlee atter a faiition that would really make one believe that they do little or no thinking. air Brom our esteemed Tory °anthem:w- anes we learn that there Is to bs a senora Dwane:to election in Jane, width loads us to remark that June is • very nice mouth for planks and &thing porton SW Tlii4 my that the swan singe most When It ems its finish. net mast be why that etheseted prairie smtesman with the polisbed emit al thought, NIOnOLLI voice so isser". lows • to Jana P. Wernree to meat kW at my pleas, at any mess free the Wadi. of April to three woke atter, Woe say W inos, and dams the West Elgin revel- ations, end Pomo. insane mutinous, too. bawds( to pada ties hallotatithlire in • mein bylaw Mimics te thee god tion, sod it term out that matt of the trouble moaned at • booth presided over by • Tory friend of The Speotator soused Gun. whs. sigerg other tidap mime. thee if • Mae with • usoweache mums into the Moth dereed sea mem and olio' for • spiestee'll bane SA meld elm it to the alleged ram. In • weeder Hamilton ever Mooted • ark gibes The bpsolator wee in paver. A TYPICAL OCEAN LINER. A Trip Through the Campania WHAT OTHERS Ana SAYING. mew met Ow mut. WM the Ile of the Pekes el Welle * • Tee areal Prepondsvestm et inn *eh ableelea at Now Vert 4,0*. • giegplaok neer the Mem tad le as% leee astrerlalaing that the bomb a his bore for the arat week are oot very im rotate afternoons may he frequent the promeastle or pro fsemeed of the emir roam are plseed le onseaseene Mama. dielPedmiendemlitehes thew =rip e...WAISMIrsore:iiir (nem lee leattie J. N. Whom, private srevaary to Alma Yr. Introrty kit Dames Jame* Sok sinner at Visitor* warn he imit dem boos, ea* swath lator. Mr. Dehmey aka 'rely desoribed Wcs plan of wieder taliers ebbs& his annoyer tria adopted ea Me pre - wen at amen'. He maid " liver Oboe geld wo discovered la the Yates the 'sly mothed of mina( warn ho thaw the frame armed by eras if her& wood mewl the tatrodurrea el thawiee maim bet whiter, whet the • leaded insaresesmat ever the aid methed. With ithe maths the aravel beds are thawed by =„ Meted by dating eaglets sati plea lode Mope le maw oath the tal. larks spring. wheel die me mate the mew te rive softiies water hi the meek* fee aleteter. la measly oases the omit want el estheiest ma to thaw them before the mow bad malted, sad the water Maw bcia low la the seethe fee Meals, • " Thie ammo of estate/ reminds ate • g est der of fanthag la neaticies where the hornet arm oily oar a year sod probably me6 thee le me of dreetelik fie to le snit plente-ulatea le- the Pubes seder the old meshed, where the oboe works heed MI inane Maim the from eresad imarialag that every basket he Mier will average whoa towed la the samara wording to peptise he Ma maik daring the winter. Tlua Meteor has bra ✓