The Signal, 1900-04-5, Page 7t
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--- - ' - -- ----_ --. `x
�. IDWOOD1 DISASTER ..,..4 .:,:. z1,�:�.
���� v. 'k... •
British Wem,- Lucky to Escape
uj, Annihilation. .
Highland Brigade, Canadians,., and
(9her Troops to -the Rescue.
The Boers Apparently Achieved Their Object and Retreated—Boers out•
numbered the Bridals by Eight or Teo to One—Men Wen Eating
1r y pened Fire—Plumer Column Peresd
Thrlr Breakfasts W boo Eats O
Back Boers Say That Hb Column Was Compelled to Retire With
-. Loss — Military Polky Necesaltated Sending the Boers to St•
II- Melons—Cameass Artilleryman Accidentally Killed.
t FArwuers In lbs Fight.
Pleatwl to nssure tie cltlsens of Eaet
The farmers sre is the laager ,
l.uadon thAt the relief of blalekiug
seam engaging hi■ meet earnest atten-
Mt{ag, leaving the women and
• ewren upon this farms, which they
Did Not Aaewer Call.
Us confident tie BrIWb will mot I
Blotmfostein, Mar•11 81,-A majority
�.h..Many of thea@ farnmrs would I
of the membery of the Free State
wrreuder their arms. ]rut for the
\-ulkaraad refuse.] to attend a cunfer-
for that the Johannesbarg police !
e n=ee which President Kteyn culled at
would attack their farms In revenge
KroorAmta.t to endorse a prog:mition for
fpr their so doing•
the cuotlnuance of the war.
lL the Boers ars known to hold
I limstdord le same stmagth-probe•
A W'/aMr Cumpslpt la Prospect.
+landlord In' sumo ett'ength-probe-, April 1. -The prutipeeto of
In gphe direct to thele support tad
an early euduig of tis war In Broth
aeon eolltent with holding their pawl••
is threntaned by the lav•
Afr:ct are nut w brlght ns th«y
yip, which
alry advance.
"Wale 1 n hew days nga The extenr on
of the campaign Iuto the African
The whale action war ratber In.
autumn, wah til& prospect o[ it last-
apiilacant. Many regimrents reoely-
Ing until l'wl iter, tins serluusly
& Hoar baptism of fire sad slWwed
altered thF'1 Asdt pt ons. N r prepare-
ok:nfol coolness. We have now se.
Vona had been mads by the War Office
. rural it rule natural position, facing
far a winter campaign. and the cold
tie hup. plain before Brandford.
weather egWpanent of the trope Is
Yr I:udyard KlpLM was puewnt
only now gong out. The heavy au -
&ring the fight. I
Sane raltw have turned the country
-, -.
into aa.quagra{ro. The horses are et-
to X9 -
\ r ts.rirh
�i �y .� u .
/hr fua.r.,l of (ilemoral Joubert, a
It 1m anti that Oen. Roberts rrrallel
' dspot'n t., tin Herald from Pretorlw
Gen. Methuen atter the attempt to
lays. "'ilei aged kNvoidmt, as he de-
rel'eve Mafekbtg, andthat CA. Baden•
' IS+eml :tri address of farewell over the
Powell lin% beea left to woak out h's
body w;ts towed In grist. Before
twn rnhnto:r. Nearsi 107,OOt) men,
tae fuiwral train left .Praddeut Crtl
It is compute 1, will Imo necessary to
for br, kc down completely. mobbing
keep urh commun.' at!ors when the
oat again and agola tMt his broth
march from Bloem'o:it,ln t) Preturlt
w, Mir right hand, war gooe, Why
M uratertaken.
/busk! tis alias be spared to lice mad
it V now clear that th•+re b plenty
the d4.1 brigade of meC Ale broth. ,
of res'stance left ben the Doers. They,
a had created -the brigade that had
In fact, have been acting on the ag-
lsght fix tike country's liberty- '
grsrslve for several days past. It is
� udea tin^ atter anutber from %bepeo- I
now ace@pted sa a first principle by
h , i
the BritMb commau•lere that their
•lint. Joubert's death," maid tllo '
trooM to be successful, moat he over-
"Is an Irretrievable low.
whelmingly superior In numbers to the
Ilk file and deeds, they are the his-
enemy. It IA obvious, therefore, that
tory of the republic."
L•)r1 Rotvrty has no men to ep•ire for
prM,tent K mold It Iksd been
• fuser
the accompl'shment of his tisk, al-
l t►o seneral's dearest dectw b
though the total BrAlsh tnx)pa In
' w (i.•a "in Will& elected in his
&)urth Afr'can amounts G) 20O,1M,
Bushman Kup
wh'le tba &ars number only 40,000.
The British still far from mas-
..)danob XLH- Tial
4LtWt force• commanded by. Co:ouel
tern of the situation, and the moat tilT-
ksaadwuxt, codlmttag lit the loth
fwalt work of the war le still to he
Small. Howeabold Cavalry. two
t how baattertme and a fares of mount• i
l` M Idnntry, ender CU. ITcher, which
Nose loops' Inflnemer.
had to •n gareim'ng Thabo N-C'hr.
April 2 - to Times las
was obliged. In cronmegnence of thea
the f011oown eMarc to -I.
sfar approach of a large furor of
f loan. to leave Ia it night. (,. ,Del
Cape Town, Match 8L -Mr. Rote
i lroadiourl marched W the Aloewroe-
Iants' aoqugpt sat etraigbUorwnrd
utterance, advocating the Incorpurdf-
1611 iratgrwokka, month pf Lhe mot-
tion of the Doer republics under the
: 4' w.ffrw� bon sow t 4 thlm
British flag, will (rave the greatest
ea ly dawh the damp wen rhrll• I
effect In Cape Colony, and ought to
Ld by til" enemy from a near pulps.
Influence, even the extreme adrrsmtw
of r Independence to England. To
Bile tratte amt aft n Conroy
aW, the tremal ea, while tan test
t♦11a� who know Fouth African poli-
r ,
• tr rnmafiNal to sot ar a rear
tin, tire+ name of Ron+ Innes stands
for Iv ol)tl al thoughtfulness, foAr-adnd-
The tr arrived at a dept-
ednPms and extreme rooderaticm. That
Lprutt, w here the Drell were non•
he ■hcoild, after morbus of silence,
ooh forward now and declare for
realwL and rho MUre body walled .
Itao arulxuh and was Captured, to•
anoexation as the qtly possible so w
tether ,a tit ■It gad, The lams of life
ton rnenns that careful thought on
the momrnLotu gaestlon M* domrfncpd
orae rxa great. etude moat of the
lrltiln had walked Into the trap be• '
him that this policy to the only one
foo a ehd.t was fired,
whlch can secure permanent peace.
Gall. t',Aville's division, which lett
Bloemfontein early the morning. sr
Yblled by the Quern.
rival here at noun. stud lire is now
The London Dolly News, recelved
ebetllnr the Isoerd,
in the, latest mall. this dweribesthe
Many of the exrn+epohadents ascribe
Qnem'r scent volt to the Herbert
sten at LaA bead.
fkwpltal In Woolwich :
- Ilanttno, Ilanatolmood, March 81. -
'ir, Ste)ri le relortwd to have ggovnne
le Indylrrand
"in the havpital Cee 700 patients.
Incltitilng 660 wounded soldiers front
four hundred
to stir up the burgbere
1b"s t) reneWwd reotetanos.
�mth Africa• Nearly
of tllam. mostly evttvaleecept.• were
lbs Ikaera have removed from
mean and spoken to by the Queen as
lam@dfate vicinity of Plattebdwg abd
rhe wee wheeled in her chair through
aP a commanding poaltton ad-
the ward@
The Dutch
t01 each bed was reached Cblonpl
who eurrender•ed their
oras at Ledybrand arm now suffer-
Burke gave tie name of the, �ntlent.
the h x Injure
. � selcerrs of their live stock.
him reglmPnt, nature of
pa,, gad the field on which he recely.
f.edybnsnd Is oil tie bonder of Be.
ed them. To @sell Invalid the Queen
treadle a kindly remark.
mlplanrt.03 outlets duo east of Bloom
" Are you stilt-rufforing y"
--- "
•' �ae the pedn hard to Iwar T•
ere you keg o n the battlefield
Retard to Paardeberg.
beforr the ambulance arrived f '
wa0on, Apr it 4. -The eorrespoodont
" 'Tigre were molar of the Iterations
f the Morning Past, telegraph, a
put by the Queen to herdem of Colen-
ham 8laemfontein. s• s that the
ee Ppion Koji and ifagerefontela. The
ll►r loea.a in the bgU,ro �psenar Kar+
ns t4diw
bravo fellows seemed to have nbthing
to 'I'm
Italian ern Fridas wen
but rrnsauring answers make-
Rebabl) inrnnaiderab:e.
quite well, now, your NnJerty,' wee
The Ilrl ish battery in the right cea-
the retial answer, often belloi by the
tea was unable (o go into motion on
bandaged limb or (rale faoe.
ecoaeat ,t( the nature of lbs ground.
The rolune: of the Norfolk Regiment
"'i am very arrrrY,' the Qtreen
would may when the Pntbnt was
lad tea hnree■ shot under him. Tba
contpPIWA to spertk of a bmtwt arm.
e0- far as Bnndfmcdan
of the ballet In the chest (prof Bourse
bow rglar.irA as clear.
of suffertin on the battlefield. Then.
T�(Ity at Loorriou Imperial Ve:un-
agntri. when t4atlmony was I)nrtNi tU
'tiers, nasal tit whom are reeliving
her bap-ivm of firs behaved stand-
a rnpld recovery, tie Qupma would
smlll I sen '1 am so glad.'
lit anter a !heavy t�rs. Tway meed
.-Sho,yup*@ softly da a low lose:
u If 0-a farads
said oar., 'but every word she said was
Dloemfala'ch rider who arrived et
quite dWinct.' %a in the kloden' lady
oetwn Friday, from Kimber-
I have ever talked toil said at"ller.
I that a Boar lures in
A third was amased at t+he Qutsa'm
t M i.n the Iaetgbhorhood of the
1a"" ly aememl Cans
_n itlarttrb.rg,
a c8irtht dao asked loan what. my nA
Keraugors are visit
ul the farrmwrn
wall, aahl I told her it wile Wc»da,
"Ars Irishmen r'
in that dfstrW.
Fr it atform
thea she solid. you as
to have been made to
ptara the British horsre whirb wen
Now, could ebe have
that r
ea the meldl ow� to their weak-
•.But'Woarla was not the only oar to
infaasry horram, not Bas. sreocer•rd-
whom this [ngnfry wad *MTPwmt,1. Tba
st'ridlara dar-
n^"', Wltg'the Ramose
Q@Ppn rMl inane �Eriak
itis bar tour n( the waraa, end they
�+ IPrll 2.-A dnwpattch to the
Telegraph rause
wen aB object• be particular malicl-
.Z -,Ino mays tb It
ele°tlin French matlorm from the tied
Coif at VHlotranorhs,
"Tba Qua" Prwrastfo eseh snbtltr
ah• brought
1«t by ,,,pity offl-
wl:h nee d f he bougatM
(bb was proudly
►►yy a ha ul& detwA-
iilnet t Nt Arttt*h TYo•BOer
from WLimUnr, II((ad
dwelt upon by the 1160K"
warp made, an.1 then the *all-
rMMhett totilt Arltbh t'np*ulafe,
RersminR the Railwoya•
nrlli ►hos etbhnt11wl ''Brown with the
taR1A]" Th.tvr
G*pm Tnwn, AtiTU}j•-Artdj orbarw
wan no vtolenrie A
ti m" .InPiAlnt
wah" le"uad to -they aprls-ring the rib-
ham b -on lodged with
Oiltldm at the Aff[t "Frush, 9wte ILiI
for tnsvm'aslnn to the
IVAie" sell tap xmiel this by the
fact tint thtwo, were the. only princl-
fttim "I.rrberlu/anoa� li l sty Ra!)-
1f*rrktag Net h'aglseted
lh4 ' T --kill. April I. -The Mayor Of
,t. nits tplwgriapheA to (?encral
r�pllptlla[ u, ►F+1m to haaLpn to
t'"'"P+' rnnslst xlaw*t entivaii of teet-
�M of ►turoloay, ted try itrHlsh offs.
^'1101,111 Rob•ria � that he was
leaded, and the mUltrry hand@ t►Iay-
ed dirges. The idwte with bared
baA"`-4r.�t_N-6A he t'lta8dll'ttl" ftdaae-
elan passing through ,tbe at'reeta,
'rhe 8th Divlstoat to Go Nortb.
Ord+,hrs have been received at Cappee
Town flu the Rlgtrth.Division to be
disembarked and sent north immed-
iattly on its arrival here.
Roberts Coadolea Kruger.
Bluemfoatein, ![arch 30.-.Gon. Lord
Rutourts hue Bract a taleRnm of cull,
dtdsrroe to ProeWend 'Kruger on the
deuth ef Goa. Jtsrbart.
Rh►d7ard Kipling has written a
Poem Oa Joubart's death, which ap-
pears is The Frieo.A of the Fro atate.
Cut off W ater Kuppli'•
A sp elet tlespaEclh from Blormfou•
tebl thl4 morning reported that the
water supply of tie plapo had been
cut off. TWO was a natural sequence
of the hoer sue:wen at the w•atter-
works. The authorities aro hopeful
that It will be promptly remedied.
It b YUkDt from Lord Roberts'
4 Patob that a big ,engagement Ir
'$(ii�arly, Aprl: 1. -Theta L groat
to along the Vaal river. About
WOODbturghe•rs have esmonable1 at vari-
ono yolate between'Foarteen streams
and.,+Cbrlulaca. About 7W mea are
occupying Witrand, north of Klipdam,
and 400 mon ere luagered-at Buttaap
^o . _ _
J111OAI)WOOD'S Lo!tm.
BuersS, 10,0(0 Stroug Lold a
Trep for Him.
Loaders, +April L -The Wu Otfbe
ham resolved this id:owing denppaetch
from Lord Roberts chid Bloem-
footein. April lot : R rectilved-news
laic yesterday afternoon from C•d.
1lroartwood, who was at Tbaba N'Cbu,
tbirty-tigbt miles -east of be r4
that hnformatiun had ruched him
that tb• enemy was a.,proaching in
two forces from the north and the!
east. die stated that if the report
proveol true he woulA retire towards
the waterworks, 1T miles nearer
Bloemfontein, where we have had a
detachment tit mounted infantry for
t•tie proteotion of this works.
'•Broadwood wa■ told in rep:y that
the Ninth Division, with Martyr's
Movsteti Infantry, „wohld match at
daylight today to support himr-and
that hf b) ewasiderd it necewry he
shoull retire from the waterworks.
IL. awved there during the nt bt and
blroutackad. At drawn to -day �e was
shelbrd Ly .the enemy, who attacked
un tires sides. Ila r'n• edLately 4se-
patched two horise artWory batteries
and Lis baggava toward Bloem:ontein.
bslttir lefiriols tbb battery would
!ha lilndtanca. rushed
� . ii' &Odj�•bti3 wifyube•' Imir
coarades, enabling the r•.,rmost bat•
tory t @'saws a porttoa of the gurus,
which Game into aotlua later.
"Lill@ Quardrmaa awl a gunner gut
a gun out uvular a t roAwnduµ}as fire
and four ethers were saved by the @non
dragging than off atter their horses
had Imen abut."
The scene d the British disaster ap-
pears to be Mealie birruitt, whore the
131oamfontain road erose, a tributary
of the Motldmt Biv,er,
,rWi;,%,vv 1)Av8 I'NI►IC,It (;KOI'\U:
Trials of dRlcen W ko Msesped Vrum
1•nturta Prison.
Ltshfotl, April 2.-t de,{rcateh from
Lurenw Marques, date.] to -day, an-
uouutes the arrival there of Capt.
liallalae, of the Gordou H:ghlanderv,
and Lieut. Ise Mantrier, of tie Ioubllu
Fus:hers, wlhu eaealle l from Pretorl:►
after per'lmr adventures. It appears
that after Wihcstuu ChuroliAl'r wespe
the sentries were doubled, additivaal
1 gilt was Iletllle.l, additlotlal tmrri-
camel were corwtructel, and the offl-
t•erd were coufwsi In the MoAel school
after 8.30 pan. Capt.. Haldane says
that after saveral uurucceoliful at
tempt+, they suecteled lit cuttlrgt off
the ele ctr:c light, tut even then
the street lampr pro �lud.ed nu
attempt to escape, and they tie-
VkW to little In the hpace irenrath
Lieu bulldln4 to •which a trap door
had ken secretly conrtructedi. It
had been announced that the officers
would be removed elsewhere in a
few day's, when the two men hoped
to be able to escape. But the renlJval
of the prlsunav was postponed, and
the two men In the stamp, subterran-
man-Aw-elling, began to pespalr, and
oumas•noed digging In dlffereat diree-
thns In this hope of finding a suitable
exit. Tae work war mist arduous,
as they had only a @crew driver and
a sloawer with whlch to dig the
ground, which was very hard. The
Imprisoned offlows, on March 15th,
ireord homebody above say the of-
threra3 would be removed the folluw-
hrrg day, After pasmdng twenty lay@
underground, In a craelled pdxdtlou,
and hubslsting rin a little food and
water hupplied by some of their
(( flow primroners who were In their con-
rl'k ace their delight at the good news
wai I"a-ribabla. Tile tot ow ng nowt.
ing they heard the officers above Icav-
lag, sed all tiny long Ifo room was'
filled with curious vt.ltors looking at
if* clever caricatures on tje wells,
drawn by the.prbmrners. Ten even-
ing came, the noise ceased, and Iiel-
dane asrl Le ,Mesurler crept to [len
trap poor. They were ro weak that
they could hardly walk. liradually r+s
mxerlaa_ Lhwv made thair�w Akit.tlwr
The evAIMY wore tLkn •tetllelad to [Ir•
bold oust tons enough. Full GOIWW or
tie Brlt4mh 10-011101 Suuday are Full
(rum threa @4lten.yl a doable
"ZI-df-t"s ft W tlw
wIat UIW,'.4-4 sa•U.M,aaa
convoy wu first attaohietl there
by hemi Rubrrtm to have ret!red to -
warl Ludybraud. but b) cuoutlwt Is
was a M O" of bOrrlble oontwlen,
mules stampeded sad wagoar were
mads+ of active purellt. ThAr leavtug
overturned, while all,tb•i time a dead-
ly fire was sueiatainoi by the Boers.
a ltumber of wounded tw the soma lit
tun would Ru to allow that they
"When the flrot R-ostlory appeared.
viwo moving llltht sad otueucumhered
the enemy dL1 Lot appcwr to Mtill-
thjy uhf :'Asi, or oiler traln. Parmult.
siroas of continuing the dtvlgbrter.
then'fore, would be profltieet, anti by
'they da11maLlded that al: in tba Wait
wltlulr+twing tau turt'e u tunl) from
surrNtrier, with the awult reported
t,L* ncilghb oirohoud of bloiNnfolttr•In
might tempt t•0- r"'m froom Other ill.
rwterday, tot it war root kn.:,wa :dteu
j .ao,tly (T Battery ha,i behaved.
This bat tory, secapi»t (rouse the rear
of the Convoy )Und*r a INGAVY flat,
[loth Puwers Against It.
wend in4o action, sat dief:oid the es-
Berlin, April :,-Contrarf to stute-
ermy with, their four remaiatng guns.
menta published In Eagiruul, neither
Woundood 'Doer■ contras •that the fire
the German nor any other Continental
of the battery , aeoouoted for five
("ubjae•t lute Ivan asked by Count
killed and doe wounded on their
Nuravclrf, tie ntrahlan vueelga Mlnle-
ter, to prceent a Met Intervention
narCmbled to otter the ott;gding
now, Ithotagh It is correct that tJor-
Duteh Altacbca Wounded.
many line been stwndiug',tustraHun-
Two wounded Dutch military at-
RR try anti Italy, hem IKtrtnerd In the
triple allianoe, with Yeforenue to the
taches wow left W the haudi of the
Britlrb by the Boors. Ono of them,
Intcrvent„n que►ton. Tltu reply
unnled Nis, is dangerously hurt.
In each Instance hue Went unfuvorablri.
The wrorts are confirmed that I(
jllltier to Jllato.
the watherworka have not been tie•
rL�dcyed they ase in poeaevirdon of the
Ottawa, Ono, April Y.. -film Fxcel-
l:obrs. but Lisa correspondent says
1 a'y Lille t;ov;,rne�Geacral hum rectly-
tWx fact causes no anxiety, bwau-m
cd the following letter from Bir Alfred
the rcwaerr��vjotre In Bloem(outeln ase
Atilnor, Commlonmloner' for Pape Colony,
fillet. there W a sufficient sup-
dat.ed Cuveraiwmt'Ifo:se, Cap& town,
plyy mime front tlm spriu�c there.
February 27th: '
Iwar Lord Minto, -Though, as you
Brytnd the fact of (tea. Francll'r
arrival at Bumhumun's kop Aunday,
iumy Imngln� I have little or na little
nothing it known of his movements,
for writing/ 1 must eend y'ot( ons line
or whether his borrow are fre.h
on th14 eat-lutter tiny- to congratulate
enough to eu,ab!e hlul to pursue the
you an 1 C'unuda on the great share
retreating Boo". who, it ih stilted..
taken by your Rullant contingent in
havo a large number of guns. Noth-
tho unnMllatkon of liersrui
Ing yet reeelved Indiva" that the
furtxt It is rho fleet great eucces• we
Boer retreat war other than order.
have, had In the terrible rtrugglc. The
ly and strateglo.
rtllef of Klmb�tley began tiro Improve-
meat, and naw, with the capture of
The Hoer Report. -
Cronjo and 4,000 of his peon, we have
h,roonstad, arch 81, via LovMzo
ally made a-wbstan'tlal--adsaUM
1 [E'er gallant fellows sufferetf
MarqueL; A Ink reachrld�ete
ltravlly, but un this oce"lon, unlike
that a sever* estlsttagement took place
otterum, use ham at least the satsfao
yesterday mot o1 Aloe tfontein, near
'tion of thfipnkJping that they did trot lay
Swineamlort. The Free State Boor
clown thelrllves in vain.
maintained their pwitbn. Tlwy call-
It Is not Only the Immrdlate victory.
turedl rix cannon. map, prlmlbuers,
groat as tl►at b,'lrut tbq drawing to-
and 200 wagons.
bkirmishlog Goatlmuew mouth of
getlrer of the different parte tot 'the
I:mplre, wltich W so important. That
Park, where the SAindion and Nortb• ,
must result from Canadians, Auetra-�'
Ilon+ and South Africans fighting
Born F'rll IIaCk.
xlife by ride with Britons from the Old
Lxalon. April 8. -Tau Times pub-
country-, and fighting such an uphill
I Ahec the fulww:nhg this morning Irom
battle with equal' gallantry to a vlo-
W special corro�I*�ndenti, dwerlLing
torous lance. li►,4m sure the British
the cperaVans Ou Btturday, to which
people of Pouth A"frlra will aevPr for -
tie Royal Canadaar took part:
get the gnarl aaslstance given to
Iflsemfontetn.• A ail 1„ 0_,n, Cd.01'e
thiem by Canada in th,a atruxula
arr.vel to rel ' - Cul. Broadwuud
With warm thanks and congrntula- the ninth ton. Although he
tkrns to you. and Canada. I ala,
wah almost deet! of mounheel @nen,
Tours very truly.
andt had'afnrc @!ght�etea miles, he
(131gped) , A. Milner.
intermitted to [tern the.Ot)en'm. creasing
ST��Pw„g+ A,p_rll .^ -A calls rneaaa
—...�--.. - ..�.......
To Welcome Her Majesty to
. Ireland's Capital
Luadou, April 8. -Queen \'Icturlu
left Wind sor ^t halt -poet ul�e Iawt
even;ag en rAuLci fur Ireland. Her
Majmty W sevolutwaled by Prlueetur
Chrhttlan and PrInearir lieury
of Batterlberg, and V attend•
ml by tie t'u:ulteu s lit Antrim, HOu.
Harriet Philips. Sir Arthur Blgga,
W-nloA; ran a quarter of nn hour
prhate secretary to the Queen, til@
,Ler Davis wyr that ar a result of We
Fleetwood F;dwardd. keeper of Her
Muruety'x private purse; end Capt.
thems-1vow. FO well were they hid-
dell that our leadis wecints oax.e}
K [
1'a)run by.
clad been eirigagoliMl day on tbs lett,
The Queat had driven out to Frug-
lately clear.
more duriug the afterncbon amid ton-
.tw'rtant ftti+rotary of the Intsrlor
elderable withumlaruh yn Lhe Part of
the tuw•nspeople. and her departure
thecal, and it wnA not until tike wag
0-d slid gone wCre entering the drift
from the etutluu ,waw co mparatively
fade, wldc•h wan onX icleJ slmllarly to
yulet, Altbough quite a crowd had
narCmbled to otter the ott;gding
° .
Not lit tthe hb(tk)ry of the tiireat,Ww4-
r:, ,
ern and London and North-Western
Railways have greater precuutlatr -
anything should go wrong.
ever beast observe+) to protect Lilo
Ilttle o[ impa)rtanrn to the comm lr
der-In-ehief's account of tie disaster
Itoyul trubt Ulan those perfeuted
Broadwood a Good Officer.
when Her Majesty started northward
to•nlght. The ofllclalr who have ru-
attempted another rift, eNtb:h turneti
tie enemy's rrtglrLL P oeltlutm. -
Perintended the transport of czars,
' .
kulserr awl the prince@ of all natlon4
in and out of WIndomn have exerted
ill teteol cwlamo bel to the 12tb
o nfiv
I-aru•rrv'• and war aPlwlntcd Lo nom•
themselves byand prroedent to in-
sure the safety of the Royal train
1an70n and fire wall P,eRltoput
with lite Bh ]res aD 1 lana-
between Windsor and ftolybead.
cltireast tq,- Jon a procemlon of Na•
Royal trains seldom run at ulght,
macs 1 tie waterworks, ire God Gen.
but the 4ueoa, who 4a especially ad•
ing of January. He 117 yeun
verso to ffast travel, stipulated that "
Circ trip should owupy eleven hours,
L'- •_
alth' ligb It W usually covered In six.
This slownPea, at a Ume wheat trat-
- *
ric Is lightest, was ode of the reasons
for ilei Iding upon a night run. The .
preparations for tie trip had beers
a considerable p shellinft at 6',000
yar,la there of tl�w� ettp's guns Plat
la land for weeks, and time train had
already run every tout of the route;
'' i
and every tulrticlo of tie apparatus
of th:o train anti tie track had been
subjected to the [post careful In-
Broad�eiexl a r ware ment,
f9nhtNq 001
Lenving Windsor time Royal train
was in the Innes of the Great Wert•
era Company'@ officials to Buabey
"Drtwtdwrxol's rrptut, Which bar
just ernched eu, and which eentn
Park, where the SAindion and Nortb• ,
western etompany officials assumed
reopoasibility at mllnlght, when
Cbl. $roadwood'm command.
tit`• Journey by w 4f Crewe alp]
t;lt;:rtur to Hulyhead began: The
offielitlx of t e latter line will have
little sleep tonight. F -testi mole -
The attits{sde -of all the prominent
Nat)vnulhrtn luterv{e
term, O{x•rnttorm, unit track I noctors
- `
at every station along tie route, nn
. .,rwaw�'J+ -alit,.-..,--.-.-.-,y+
requestA41 to be on duty halt an hoar
`"fe^u , �• ^�tamet-•�r�' _ d�G � -
i ---�'
rachet the street. (Then twee den-
Ion ten en to, but mare of it Is expected•.)
Aee•)rnmgmy, ne rav,enter von. lauc•
dondld'a brigade, tbs Argyll and Buth-
r•toett�o ai e""11i1ilitia MvIri.4ntak)
to -day from Lieut. -Cbl. Drury. corn•
" - ,
t'xnrulue {Nereonally ar to signals and
The Hoer Trap.
erla►Nd Hlghlanderst ..and the Black
mniuiing the Royal ('anaMen .1rt11-
sw•itelmm, and to ace that nil was In
'•Some two miles from the water
Davis Pru -(Leer.
Watch lesetipg, and phzd)af-n•tb High•
neem hrnpporting. It tl:tv order tba
lery to Pouth Africa, announces the
death Gunner Robart Bradley, of
Propos wurklas onlsr. � ;
Then' pllot engine, named Prince of t
works tile road cream -4 a deep out•
wah or s crult. 4n which durin tM
i g
W-ashhagtou, April _.--I) an author•
teal ctirtctd•-L g►cea lit today Ws'r•
brigade advanc-0 agalas, the main
I) Bartter frown the results of an
W-nloA; ran a quarter of nn hour
night n fume of B,x+rs hall t000ealed
,Ler Davis wyr that ar a result of We
drift ]wading t•i the watefweirks
Col. Martyr's moa9tef Infantry, who
accident reosivesl while watering
ahead of the Royal train, and after
iia. passage all lines were kept ubso- .I
thems-1vow. FO well were they hid-
dell that our leadis wecints oax.e}
K [
visit to the TramMaal, be feels Im•
Ix•Iled to tn. ]der tale raslgnetbn ns
clad been eirigagoliMl day on tbs lett,
it L presumed that , M died from
lately clear.
over the drift without dlocoverl nR
.tw'rtant ftti+rotary of the Intsrlor
punhel forward oN jet:+ front to clear
the way for Gen. th-Dorrlen'*M-.
lila effects of s kick. 18raale was a
The Royal train was drawn by two » ,
lomovutlr pert easfueerm, 'i +
ea, with ez
thecal, and it wnA not until tike wag
0-d slid gone wCre entering the drift
tfoo e,el;:al•
fade, wldc•h wan onX icleJ slmllarly to
married man, and -wan Gm-
pkryed an tbs Ottawa Electric Rail•
and w eomPlete staff Of rnllway ex• *
that the ►loan showed themselves+
I.ontlun, 1 11 8. -The Iwrndun ctor-
Gen• Martonalc
Advancing oyer I {he rolling veldt
sea Ito was" a member of Dowell
(warts and electricians apeompaided
rte trnln fiir Imroedlats aCtbn lu Daws
and opened fire. Nlauy of the driven
1*4vPmdcnts Gen. Roberts add
down die vntiey or the Mod•
L, O. L.. Iso. 28.
anything should go wrong.
of the nrLllk ry nurses were )mmedf•
ately robot down at short range. and
Ilttle o[ impa)rtanrn to the comm lr
der-In-ehief's account of tie disaster
•or River, Gen. Bulth-Dorrlen's troops
Broadwood a Good Officer.
Warm Welcome to i ublin. r;
uweral of the uns were ca tured.
e P
to Col. Brcadiecbxi'm column, and
attempted another rift, eNtb:h turneti
tie enemy's rrtglrLL P oeltlutm. -
col Broadwood. the leader of the
Dublin. April _. 1 tosesmtatve N 1
, - L14
The by Reber scalloped ar�riy. cos•
e ed Dy Asbertd Hnrrr, which safe
other s farm Gen. It,lnyth @tor arty
other strhtoo 1■ ttsere sanything learned
ID thU adcantre he Cordon High
ill teteol cwlamo bel to the 12tb
o nfiv
I-aru•rrv'• and war aPlwlntcd Lo nom•
Co�llsta here, when questioned to-
any regard to placard Inviting . i
ferati heavily.
to( Wbat late twppenPd rloce Lhe reliefs
1an70n and fire wall P,eRltoput
with lite Bh ]res aD 1 lana-
Hiatal Warren's L ht florae at tie
cltireast tq,- Jon a procemlon of Na•
'Mearwhlke Lieut. Chewtcr Meas•
macs 1 tie waterworks, ire God Gen.
elan+ atipPorting. i)
ing of January. He 117 yeun
tlonalist societies oft t.ho nl ht of the i
ters. o' Remin ton's Renate, found a
passage acrtAw the aPruit ono cupled
Roberts' t that tile Ikmre reared
eaetword, leavlug a cumber of IIrlt-
For romn rP Lieut. -Carl. Flint'm
. i
artl'l,w were de •1 at two oe!crk
of a.g o
lit etKe, ural wax ono of Lord iCltch•
ener's most trusted lieutenants 1s
Quenn's arrival as a protest agalnrt � -+
it. dlsowmed all knowledge of thin •°
try tit; eneamy,�pyr which the remain-
tier cI Broadvi4fort's force crooned.
bah wounded behind trent.
All the accounts of the fight from a
to the right, w they remalurl for
the exlwAtlon to Khartoum. He hem
attempt at a eomtter• ittractlon, and
amour that s pro esxfon wcrultl 4 ,
They formal with great sLriaa
nr►tlmn source ccwcur In etatlog that
a considerable p shellinft at 6',000
yar,la there of tl�w� ettp's guns Plat
been spoken of as an officer with a
future. and a comrade Is the Fr
anwmt to sotltlns.
Hers. rotwithetaadl• all that bad
precknrely oetvrred.
IC'c 1. Aroadwuod'e forty of about 1,000
man wan cNitnumtierd by to llcxwre 8
hA to the n ht the vklnit of Col.
^� y
Ian army described him a year sago
A pparentl an much scheme will
7. Y
not be OOltntenaaled eren by Une Ise•
or 10 to 1, and flee nrrival•ot Lbs In•
Broad�eiexl a r ware ment,
f9nhtNq 001
as a man who alwynm deeps witb
one eye open• . -
called nvotuttoaa •
ry party ; but the
Brordwood's Report.
fanibry divlsbn, includbrg the Can•
a of the en-
Pmy who were v eon the far tide
policy have rocelved instructions not
"Drtwtdwrxol's rrptut, Which bar
just ernched eu, and which eentn
adlaw, anti Geu. Frerrh'r caval@ y'
Clone Prevented the nmllmllattoo Of
of the Voider RI♦• r on (lets. Macdon-
nld'r front, ped
to glee ieatoortartce or nowrlety W
ouch sn affair by an attempt It s
u,. dletellx rtntied tlhat Ian had lost
Cbl. $roadwood'm command.
he Dritl-gh 1 +,nr.A
/alt track sbwl� the Brlthh lata n-
wt I -Prean It or otherw4'e to InUiHere.
seven ane arld all 1114 b.t n He
ggti RK ger•
Am tesarda.the details of tine affair,
the storlea differ oun&dlernbly. Ac
try adeao�rd. ` t
The attits{sde -of all the prominent
Nat)vnulhrtn luterv{e
wt(mate@ all hie casualttws at about
S:tO, locludl 2(10 wlasln
Cg g
rxrdling to scnne,Commundant(3rob
Fln/tlly tlha guns tont n poettlon ren
wkli all ,,roil rlty to the con tr ou
{ Ib' P Y Y
ve,l W that
F;nal Cudog+an, rho Lnrd•Lleatnrlaut. :
'•on nearing thlh In^rning that
oomrnaadkrt LIN+ Dotlsand not Com
,Isi z ':n l ,bvtwopn the two bre
a ommnrldl.lg til d Ry
Address of Welcome at Holt/
w111 her talon nt blr wont. and tlmm
nh•oadwa)d ons hard pr4+emrd I Intone•
etakandant De Wet. Ole dent
or not
that tlmP thelrattpxirt ons nut. need-
The Queen then walkorl aprowm the
lennina on the arm of an
royal c,),It vv 111 br mnuM n nutfonnl
dint l ordprPci Oen. Peelle h with two
snyd that n German-Amerlean named
dent, ed the only nal ytaat a to the sea:
ted, a
r x nn many n e p f
Ion In the flames
t ..
remaining cnvalry brigades to fol-
low Ir support of tie ninth division.
Reichmann waa��..In commathd.
The affair se6me to testify more to
of Uro Bri
from gear nrf peel at far too
breadth hru the Que!m'd eomin dl
The Inner, nfter,a magnificent mar.•h
ttNe mkfll Of the rs In rt
p'eM ng
nmbuecatlos thnn to time neglect of the
bow a ranger. t,
mbnlmlied the Inteaelt of the u
nt pail
arrived on the moans of action ebony
ufbvr 2 p m.
nrlLtdh to nocxmnoltue Lhe route of
Lire —to it Deems that the
1?lut the cnzm Id le cepa. In force
Inn latwe at the fent the ly-
Lo April 8,--Qtio
.Ilan of the Nationalists
elrsdes to Cantle Gorernment. It IA
yah fl simeho tome try, tel of the
itoY1l IfarschoW Cavalry, the Tontb
motruq cl ttwe convoy must Ib►vepbte.ed
Ing Mltwem the l[oddcr alcor and
half- Gist
who klti W lsfdror CsutN at half
kit t'wt
onaid that lila I)ord will be
made either a ht or a baronet,
Huawarrt, Q and [T Iiatutrletr 0-T the
close to the amboalsers, -who algmr
Thnba Naha
Tfry could nlmo b e. ,teen nmvhlg the
ntn^ last evening !n route for Irelam tit
arrived at Holybead a �` a a. m. to-
Arid that t+hertff and Ald. Meade will
itoxxnl In Artilled and VlMler's
rote Werr as IovlrlWa am },,nrtrldlg,v+
In outer.
repture,l convoy to the rear.
da ,
peobolhly ben knlshted -
tmttallon tr( NuunWd Infantry,
'•Thr+ etreugth of rte enemy U eitl
r ,
The oorrrep undent of the mnornin
� g
The Olcininn btcorarkerl on the
rlcwr honk Pntar.ln•r night, nwnftl•ig
TDP of the -sea of the tie, cher lit-
firnnv of the "warshl n In the harkor
Today dense crowds ten th
the streets In spite cr( lila rAln, wntc
mnated at 8,000 to 10,0(X) with guile,
( vet, In describing the working of
Lhe t mays that the conroy had
the arrlvnl of Cenernl Frrneh's cAv-
nn I a gmtrvl of honor awaited the• nr-
r the rre set
i 1 • rntfosw. Among Ibscuri•
por number of whkh lr treL yet re•
sulroely Provwvdpd AflO yardv nthd Lhe
rival u( llor Majesty. The eneral
'u4 motto m filing ncr om the streets
W " ye no wane hack st aln7"
moll were still eating btetltf•Ist. when
the ( from 6 d(NI n
T CPPAW], Lee g
The /)h rt of the .
public wah (x air ,ed from rte re wt
W'IIFO Ll1w t,�llfe7l Allgllte,l rile Wa.r
A t•nrtuun In heir. John
lu .ront and a ty yards from the
Ay an Elpgllmh army ceternn: The
prt•>eoted with the tswal atlelrew of
l;o stundb
''vrn� pClrot the Iiernl.l, n1 0 rLrlker
a faddy b
Some )Ilaatng Ulllcery-Boon Ile_
Ire d of the cnmvo y• The fire ons
de)dly, and Udo mon of who leaottng
llsaster t1) COL Aroadwoot's column
at the Blormfouteln w:iterworkc Is
gave her reply Us Lord
It )tl,lme. `ho handed It to the off,-
1 n K
ptoputur note. represented
ase weleomIng the Queen and ma In
Y R.
treating on Ladybrand.
Horne, were @wept
eelculatel to dl�turh the ex amctttion
c IAIa It read :
' 8lure, you're welcome, but donut let
Lormbn. tprll •l 4.C,L p. m. -Tho
from tmeir meddles.
it sadd
hint the eatyp+Ign 11 [tear n rl•ree.
•'I tbnnk you for your Myal anti
them 1 h•)ya at the C:utio be tellln' Te
torlrls abort
W-ar O[fllw ham rec:eired soother de•
from Lon) Roberton, tinted
Tw•o Irons Reca
The Boers comm from two ,llrec-
tirba, north and asst, In force, cauaad
dntlful welcome Ona fur ynnr repro-
xt ntatlonA of t,evotlml to my throne
ytr. (iernll Rtlf!wmr, Cillo( t3�c•rntnry
Bloemfontein. April let, 8,13 p. m.,
P tared.
A rtbnA of 0-o:dtt-ion fol owed. mules
G,1. Brunrlwwol to h ritAT w a t" It
w11P.M It
Tlvtba Nt hu On 8ltit
o l 1
rupa . The p hos enl and gener-
uola ry mpathy for those who lutve eat-
f„r Ireland, has nrrlvwd, tart he Is tot)
11 to ptrticlpato lu thr'ceremonteon of
In which, after lrftrrl to hb re-
+cg f awl
vine tP ram, he gives s rtial
leR Pt►
wea equesl! and IrLAIn Tha.
sen+ huff ha was In a powltlon
a p
(ere;[ or who Wile likely" U) suffer In
Ilet of Lilo mlasltlg Brlthsh otflrPn•
teaaa* lit tour guru• thNr driven have
In tear &rot. stam
g pFbkwd and wnle,l
intcrtr t the carom#trNloes rrtlr►n
froth to (rill Track
ccnvCgnence of the p►rtmpnt Wnr, whlcb
Earl (:nc an
I+41 hat a lung /bet of els-
I u1Lhe1 clsltora Wlth the Dute
Of Q Lottery. (our offkere wore
wounded. tWu of wbrnn are mLeln [•
rtes fa oat O( action. Theme and
the youth, and on
the watrrwurk�, a4wt'epceutron tailes
has beim mtii be by all at cox l my
rtrtldnetn, hats Bern a tly'ertL consolntkNr
ConmoRlnt and otMr promltpot per-
()0-e gunner wan killed and forty nnrll
one rAlmer gun were sivod• The tortmaa
of the otter guns were shot, and the
tram Bkxmfontein. 'fits Moen A l a
f Dr r
to have fulloweI Ka tracks
tome dnrfaz the tlnmle of mwpensg and
i0- Ike will to Kl
R0- nghe ar to -
tot the arrlvnl
pomafiMdoruwi offlrers and mss are
galla. With toe oxxtvoy, tNl ludo the
clome on
amt nttarkwl him nn three ll lei at
nnxlety through which we are M1
Ing I Join In Marty' prayer
r)f tl oyaing Inhpfr
ant tlel+'ro nl arht In Irl;h oaten,
wounded or mUm4ing
Lord Roberta tltViNeuntinuem : " In U
harry of lire enemy-
Iiennwhile Gen. Alde voo'a brlgad.:
awn on Sunday. The story of what
that. peace may soon be restore,[ aIle
an)1 tta fe^elitlxt fie the eh cnnel
Battery all are mllm:ng, except Major
Ibeld 1recY s feror of Lhe mm'+my esU-
kook Place, as tot 1 In Lite despaU1hes,
gives C gooI Iles of the masterly tac-
that the otter blewxings of heaven' be
Ion4 continual to my i:mpire, and 1
;quair7n; but the celebration will snot
ron11T tiegfn antll rho (;Dean pate bar
Taylor nn•1 W rargetnt-major. The
tau cavalry re 'mento dl t not suttee
mntert to rmmbrr 7.000, Witt ger#tt
gg ry, losing heavily and falling
t1c4 of the Boer commander, believed
wkli all ,,roil rlty to the con tr ou
{ Ib' P Y Y
foot nil Irish moll Wirinesday rt new.
nn much.
bark by dogrear.
to be Comman,fent Dn Wet, the rnma
All Tlhblla, nod In truth all hwland,
" A report lana Just roma In that
The ersemy, fn n Avnga lth ttwlr rear,
who cut his way with 1 few hundred
mw.I throegh the Brill h line Iniesttng
The Queen then walkorl aprowm the
lennina on the arm of an
14 os the qul vice In antletpatloa• of
the (lnw,+n's coming. Crowds are poor -
the enemy hs ret'aet t)warvlm Lir1 Y
Mntrt, Ietr,ng twelve wavindri or(1-
paranorl the flying guts untl the ape.
lit flee nlnih dlvlelon from
IMn.-Crony:'.a form tile -novenae nl ht
InclJnn attPndattt, to the royal
Ina In from all Portnte; antli 10 Ion emtl-
ters anti Irrthse eecenty men at the
BkoesnfotrfF+t ClhWirth the Ponnit.
they were sarroundel. The olaj•ct of
yncht Victoria and Albert, wliteh
mntr•1 that the normal population of
wed ainrko Re are now Ones nn
Many of the exrn+epohadents ascribe
Commandant Ile Wets movement won
1 hlkot^d liv the Irene anti finvortclby
Dublin, alx)ut 1'430,0(N), will by WrtlnPr-
ambnl ttal
tlae of the COI
app)renty to o}wn a way for. Coo-
the r0- ei nrht Ovhorne and the
y y
da have swollen to 1,000,Or`O. Botiron
It w 11 be otical that 1n •til+ tore-
Broadwood'm talc') to jail prw�nce cf
ILIA Pres n
rnntidant o1N'ler, who ofh Ch•i Fr1Aay
crulrpr* (:alatra anti Anatrall#t. Choy
ern at n porernlnm. Fn,m Pvery town
gu'ng adylcers Loud Bobertn rayon troth-
tohml and clever handlhh 8ergtrMA-
Gina rwpnrtwi to be with hl+ force a
oon6ldernblt dletance mouth of Thahn
stenmwd mut of the harbor forKin w
coon" the throngs anclous to sharp In
til•+ galety that now pr omlom to bre
Ing In regnrl to tib Drill h,gone being
'or Martin had galloped t [nom U
Battery and warned Q Bat.
Nrhu, with a long convoy of weR„nn.
tow n.
Dnblln, April R. -The royal yacht
mm�arreol. From Belfaint alone 10,000
new PXI)MAt,l. By"
--- "
tery, whereupon the order vv'am ttiven
objc•et h iA prntarhlr heen 9111110'1,
Victoria A►nd Albert, WIUm Qnprl I V'
the Pxw*cirA of the
to right about anal gallop, but several
n11,I InettlenVilly advantig! yw►� t)kpn
torin nn brn►tvh nrrlved nt Kln a-
irmntevt prwaible tnet, the Covern-
mea and tonnes even then fell. Two
°( the nituatlon to destro,E,this Water-
w')rka and cut tiff tltcTitB}Qfty of the
town at 2 ei cln,•k thin afternoon. 'iS
hoohrm the tine,
about nfflrt io lh rel pr. and th In
vt^oyrA errtlonnl terlingw. anti there fa
A Rrmor f0- Th tt ICflert - Ia Thpre u
Rnnv an 14n mon hod to be lett behind
nndar the horrible rift.
town Ai4t garrlsom sof Bloemfmmteln.
alhervl o, mrhaiulpA
and wan grePtP,l with a royal anlutP
n•) lunger any doubt that )ier 111n-
Illg Flatt.le on't
Cobn•1 Fan 1ov►evrr, do lex t
The #theories of a large force In the
irain the C'hnnnel a o had
q ]adorn.
$0+tv will lbs welc•)me f with nn Pit
i oabn, AP*fl �. T1N+ rnmbn of tilt
ti made
wed n Lorre and made a gallnntl atrug-
dtrnctlrnm of IInndtoM no ckrnht nl r0-
Men falling all tilt morning. Tha
thuminrm r
dv, hnl Go, tt not gmnL•r than,
reca Lure b the British of the seven
gip, nal fought hU any acrown the
Pncourni Lilo dnrhlrhg rn)3 that will
mynl yacht lay oft Kingntown.
that which wenn dip Plnyod tinring her
ggang taken from Col. Broadwool'n
Volder River whPra hs to$ ro,sersslon
en 11 fir nrrwntAl vlgilanne on thepart
__ a
rrcPnt vl*it to London.
f;:111 bawpl ten a deonpntch to the
of floromaA'a Ito
of the. Britt h rtwnntnn•lera, and addto
ilaby I'ader a'lltdewalk.
ThN will trn the 1` fVh tlnie that n
Chronlrin from Aloemtonteln, which )n
Arnnrding to the Standard -m oorre-
the work of their mtrnlry and mounted
monarch of Fnalarel hna molded at the
enttt•tu bw-tn ,eft grebaMH+s"+'e**'r+r't,
tgtrmnrtmrlt, trrnF•rtt tn(r.rrtlttsatr Ur'�r(wtr
infaasry horram, not Bas. sreocer•rd-
Win awpslncfal._._:D►
textile Campau
1 lourepal. lotlaw-.(%asoa.ilotocls• vldt-..,.
ten'In t, CnmP10Mate London for tM
wan In charge of the rxmvoy, lent
from tire effort of their recent over-
yeturned from Us-
al It in 1K10, 11433, and 114431, and
savere shoet expo ienvetl from the din-
whish onn fa not Indicated. Ile adho
mat ysrrterciny, where Imo find been In-
prior to that r:rorgP TV'. event a few
Cater muwtafwdl within a few mites
that the Prince In aafe.
R'he(,tier this comp of tine Doerm will
-ortigntlog tine dlxoovpry of the
r1Aym thorp th IR21. it In a rpmarknble
from t1w. hpadquer4eMr Of the Brlth,h
The Fatly TFlrgnph'a ro-rempon'ent
prey's only a fiamh In the Will or y
hlbty of a new bvil baba heneath a
fact tint thtwo, were the. only princl-
army nt oreapttion.
mays spank fnflowPA the tet4Rhle Pa -r
n prtlodo to n series of mltutlwr rulde
sidewalk there n fpvv dayx ne�oo. No
pnl vtalt+r P%er paid by F.ngttvh wnver-
1'rtnldenl Kruger ion RAM to have
fusillade, and the brigade streamed
cbc tib British communications and
clue bar been uneartked sm Eae, iwrt
,1" to Trrinn,'- ffenry if., Blrhard
promlePti to reorcupc RlopmfrmtAln
w*tbwarrl thrwt mlkhm, mo gettlnR clemr
puiti' � Yet to hs sena. The tact
tjhe officers are still w(srklns on the
rT., JAM"it T1., nn,l nftPrwarit Willinin
thim week, and the stubborn hurghors
of the pnetny.
t>>att they have pinnLrdth"ms.l ev fn
emm�, r
iIi nIt their tonna fa IrelanA
moom to lip clbring around the piece
In forrw. The activlty 0-(n
Tho Dally Chronlrlw's co-respondent
form on the rend between Kimber•
lay null Bkrmfonteln is snfrielPnt of
Velghtfed Archieut to Bassin.
with rnhel memortem, which nrp eniv
naw rlyfn9 out, andl the comm visit
mtrong ikm+r fore In the ylotnity of
mmppMtna of , w c % to wp i,! the
Kniflr Art vers, nw'oR Use Wh1Ch, ht
ItaMt to explsln Lir, rarra4 d the
\'Incjitnv kns, ('nnraeun, Msar'ch Rl -A
of the 9rarloww I#tdy who wbhen to
EAardlebtrg has already Intwrckapted
sa)m, nna hundred wa."s warty Idat.
rM"l�NI eirhlmm� Unit left the former
-nil train mllidrd with a frelpht
rmphnslre her admiration of her irhh
direct commnalcatlon between Lord
Theme drlvsrm bolted. leactag Ihwtr
Plroa a ahn}-t Urso b)pk. It Waa maid
train near Alkhan TChurt to -day• The
eglQipty) will do moto than• �wYtAl(sIl .
Roberts ant FlmbprlP3•
tPwrwe, sto1 ran hlUiwr anti Nwltlhpr
For flrlqua n. tat thought t) have
MPn tar
petroleum tank* lgnitotl and th8�ee1
clan to filet out the pwmM - -----
Tilt nation Iv thPgtnning to renllsa
• ebingrover tram the fperfr.l Grw, anA
Mntet'rhg. Ttrn tilt gather.
ftt9 of a te" nt 43 01- 1
ghn peen nt bw)th trnlnm, tilt
1 •rk I f til aweenwers )pt
— ---
Spot%] lj/warlfe t %1i t 1
8ry r
from tilt nature of the guerilla war-
few, that It Ia IInMP to winbnrrasr
the il-
greatli"llampwring the trocrpn.
man on t )A
CnAI At Frmortw+.rn Atreamn and Mrim.
r x nn many n e p f
Ion In the flames
a en rem .
Mhmtreel. Apr11 1.-Dtnfa Dlnrwn,
„1401,, , ,
von "'' .
the faturr movwnvatt of the British• '
The hoer gyp'
U +ru to eontemt the pamagp of that
river by thn Brtteh makes It tvldant
-- -- _ —
An Old Trllrap lsrlater.
man of atirmt 43, was erreytert to-
night nn a M
" '
t ;
ArrcAher t•orrvaprAvl@at ►sqs: "Lt Ion
imposalble to ingwal-
tut them M rxh rrownt lntentfoh nn
W'Inrlwnr, Myrfi 81. WIIMum boon-
Phntg+r elle&ng Ute
dta•cth m David 1 ,nrlwr'gnaL n farmer.
floods of Dr every
endwudve a more
s trap than that ooh ba the H was.
�Pa t of t hA i oom of leaving their
t f qnk
ard, a trnmly printer, nown to every
Cana as ''nneky" Lanuard,
Tile two men gat Into nn altwrvm.
flm "vas tbs drift. Te ftas nor[ Che
to rminfnrea Cot. Tle wr's mbimn. It
froth Bloemfon•
terday. and the mltlwwalks fur Some �^ ,
tirwlef-adad nn1 Y,d'1;At
tcpo In n
titan, dnring wh" 1)Inp,ii. It In
spesit a r,reulsr blptl. wbCM
arinttll was U Mobanbmwet of lbeltrllof
roWT-,t. roe a now that the
Ki barb"
arty takes plane At a noapara-
A apoobill drspatrh
hm erhavoy eromsmi "he sprult rrt a
Ina@ nn Ma for the rngtlf M Mare
wAA tmirl+l thin mnrWng In the reme•
eh►rttwl Welied Ponder st 1
thMy ►art? ABM u itis@ gserlmon eau
vreil known teeor etttter,
Dealh bf Cwt. onagh•
trt.. Aat+tt to -any, mayn. "TM Mos
of the annr wan attwn•krl hr incl
prifn'i whore the gtntiM roam bnwsrda
a knoill, na the stripe d which, ae•i
Wow frnm that stria. TIM r@Wwtwd
IaMlrts; of Britlah tnbr,ke at 1?Nrn
tory- at ttan1wich. if" died yemtwitay
afterarwm to tthw Rolndwteh Ja1L
heed• Inflletl In rfpi wAfeh re-
rMd'.. �,,,'.: ',
+ r .+y .. 4 , .. w
Blawntuaitelm, March gl.-Then wan
dPots ) Iijileadld hwrolmn. The IeaA-
facing the drift, was a s4ruat analne-
In the rortngn�wo territory and their
IrMeral In d, _ _ yestprvlAy.
an Impewsive wiTnry fairwral thls
Ing battery we& an near the
time frehtb whlrh It wars tfawdhl� to
dr•mpAleh Into turorb"J% lifr-Bntnwnyo
Pension for luras Reeves.
Tellmage ptraehed in Brooklyn yen '
m,wutas "f Cal. Ilmcgh, istP of hw
Burrs anhhuwh,ed to the rlrpr W thrtt
flm "vas tbs drift. Te ftas nor[ Che
to rminfnrea Cot. Tle wr's mbimn. It
Ix"Inn. April 1,-'I•hw Quern line
terday. and the mltlwwalks fur Some �^ ,
14/b dlaa01shrs Tba A►or4 vas brought.
from Neeval•e dpaYt this n•orn-
the inner *nil: is now -Pon rear
attemptipg (o advania . Throw men
spesit a r,reulsr blptl. wbCM
arinttll was U Mobanbmwet of lbeltrllof
roWT-,t. roe a now that the
Ki barb"
arty takes plane At a noapara-
a p1,1ro.e1 a clvl Ilett pravbt of tl
annually toile John Aird Reaves. the
prrP -r;
dlptanre APTP bllwsktA fie thA Ise
unable to Into thin
tag. Ge& Lard Jk*%oftp ,ed staff ate
ydwtr arms." tile) rtwgeani of the
ra/Jlhay le eeyatas sof earomtraallam
thMy ►art? ABM u itis@ gserlmon eau
vreil known teeor etttter,
got Church. T
wnmesn Ntt=bt M flee crash fwlnteA. r, ,,,
. .6
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