The Signal, 1900-04-5, Page 6_ #N _ - - - TORY
_- -- ---R ..._,._-. ._.
• • est ree
- reparations '
- - -- - -- --- --. - - - Free . ,...-
to tow south sed of time Bongo. tnras,f I 1y'
anti lo'tered punt the rrrvuntii prem r ..-e '�
law, at the bank. tout turned another - 17- ."...
aunor and oont'..,I his walk a little `'I., 0 e
Ttt� MISER'S HEIRESS worth slowly. besidealthe rtlia. At f{ 1 k, t J
w itabws on Shu north ride. At 1' I
ate,, the Last in the row ho �,
Malin a listunc, not a i 1✓ in
uncerta!rity and doubt, but with a g }
wttlxl purport•. Ftret he examined It e+• 'f I le
CHAI"rElt I. fess Toe's purposeless Cr listkvm critically, measuring frith Itis aye .1...
aA stretch of highway lay white and "Its a quem hour W dome and the IA,fght rind width and Ito depth w,.,. f',
level to the duels of the tember view the place. Mostly people oWoow) ictus lite ground, thou lie turned hke ' a' g ' a 1
13ep brtwi,i elauyllCht LvLWn 7' mo V) back a sou it autl took lit, witb a isms,
evtltag, anti on Its margin etaxl a sea the spot where o lltyddelton lull glanoe, the scene before 1t -tike
t low, red tavern, wanes glory departed I war murde'red." vtretch of laud, the bordering of 1
with the [alit rtage-0tittcA, and wilco j "' the old man muttered, while ria ubbery beyoud• and the crowd Of
aha straliger went slowly on. to- grant old elms towering above It
crumbled to ruin am sltiwiy, but Am l woo r,
Use grent desolate house, over an i still further on. For at least I
surely all did Its grand old neighbor I whose history a veli of gloom and ten kung mtuuttsr be stood so, his eyes
tuere behind the ivy-welghted wulld I mystery hustg. -dark, grey cyto, holding the rare
of Abbutsmoor. For a whole mite thtr I It almost seems." ttiLi visitor beauty of deep, clow thought- cur•
wall extended before it was broken whispered to himself an he padecfd neatly erann;ng Nn dudk•Y scene, and
by the Iron gats through which a n the akleat avenue. " as It the MISS an utter fitillsown 611(1 v�;Uanoa unite
view was gained of the lofges glad l guilt upon the %lure and Ulla eat^ attitula.
the sombre avenue; and tinder this i heavy lethargy of isolation and tits- If any ey w could have been watch
wall, to the September twilight, a use Iiad wrap*ed thsmeelves alsoat Ing from among the overgrown laur- Dr• fllocum, the famous edentist. whose lectures and demonstrations
travelling carriage rolled upon the I we since 1 Iwsed theme gates. The els oplousite, this was a picture not in New York and London this winter have astounded medical circles, has
wide, white ruled horrible par+tlyrls that Stayed all to be easily forgotlra or underaticod, at last perfected his new system of treatment for the absolute cure of
Within s few yards of the iron gats !!fe ago motion In Will spot bas o 1(ne$'-Wad eo Shill the Weal% so tuberculosis and all pulmonary diseases,
hW latus were pulled n The p�warF• ( touched ane too; or why do I not many, yet w full of Idnrpues title roll This triumphant victory over the deadly bacilli is far reachim in its
tUlod, sitting square upon his saddlq clearly follow out this plan. as 1 tart' -figure. But why- @loon any effects, for their is no longer room for doubt that the gifted 1 has
looking atrosight along the road, As a have followed others in m Ili watchful eye have tiaras hidden there 111
well-tralued Irnt-boy should ; the Man a s''F 7 given to the world • Moon that will ens millions of precious tveeg,
Yi'hat le this feet: upon we which umogg the darkening, laurel leaves? Dr. Blocam's System � Treatment is both scientific and Pt'ogrwSsive
servant, orate) with fvLled army upon • Y long, L poln, as it does to the very source of the disesSe and Performing
the box, had hill eyes fixed upon the I spot? to Stop ni few n. Says.
ver rhe I tl. ti til mlaulea were
spot T 'Nut to -night.' ht.' It Rays. Why "sent at bort, uuJ tio IoewlY ►tc• by atep.
roadidde tavern half a spite +divan - l;
not to -night? 1t but the first link or turne Luluave Ablutaenoar. One FlratSt -Killing the life-destrwyfnggermswhichInvent the lungs.
and neither of the tnea,ttrtle.l.pis head �.
one inch when the carriage -door be- I of s ohp it 1 have to follow gin of last gingn before Ise entered the second Ste -T*
the entire system and stresgtheaing the
hind them war opened from within. link to its clad. Can I begin fora air t'nue. and' toe, scene sen++ Photo nerve+ -filling t!tc veins wt tingling new life.
soon . This Inexplicable feeling but grUphosd on Itis mind Indelibly. The
No change ulion their faces Showed mo sato Inexp is of f thought.' wlJe, itigh fronLttge tat tike house; the Third Step.-liuildlsg healthy flesh and fortifying against future
that they even uaderStaiJ avid the rows of windows hear with duct and attacks.
hormes bad baso stopped.
As n argues Shur wit), hlsirelL 7
Pike ox,Lwe.oe, tie's thuttars cl'aaly tarreol, The SloeniA-fmttnent is revolutionarybecause it es •new
A gentleman descended leisurely attuning the Utooght aloud bl the Y y
from the chalae, turned and addressed I evening silence, be raised his hat, y cracks I In many places ; the wide application fur ever tt a of the disease, a failures o inoculation b
a few low words to someone w ithin, and for n few minutes carried It Ig ,nor, scratched and rearred. wh to a i'aris scientists are overcome by Slocum through Progressive drug force.
and ttten ckswJ the cassia door him luau air Ile walked on up the rank, unmanageable branch of ivy had The diseases leading to consumption are also mastered w that once the
Inc fnllm acravi It, sus If to form another had
lli ars removed from the hangs there remains no other germ -breeding
again quietly. The gentleman stool in negimted gram -grown avenue. The Ni
q y' even Ing breeze rustled Use green twnv-p hxllt; grab; in the tuenace.
the shadow am he gave his order to brancber overhea(L and with lazy cracks of the ►tone steps *at as it The glee@■ System curet grip and lb pLiatul after -clods, daAPMN c"Its,
the servant, Stood in the shadow as en Joy -malt he lifted his tape to meet grew Fa:iwean Ute embralures of the broachllb, and evory knows lona M pulsnesary disease,
re pauseretreating
for i le, entanti w watch the It It w-ai n dark. grave face, w' allows ; wilJ fliwere and garden- It makes weak ]nibs sound, strengthens them against any ordeal,
#h&d iting eehlcle, end war in the full of determined puMx_me. yet flowers tangkyi together ninoug the
t+hadow still ae he walked up W the Tort �tr��tt�t� at flint vittme0�t wooy and gratrw ; uncut and unns'led ' nd gives endurance to those who have inherited hollow chests, with
gats of Abbotemoor and tried them. with Ila loft[ Fat Intense tie els' creepers, perishing h: iplesalp upon the tltair long acid of attending danger
Locked. Four gates there were In all. -. 4F To enable despairing smtperens everywhere to obtain Speedy bel!
not the spuri:)us patten . barvi , v( ground, where tb 'y accused r truggl rrg
I. high pair to the centre and a SlnClu before too late, Dr. Slocum oflcra,
narrow gate on either aide, but all Istle`nrscas or Ind liference, bit a to erci►lw the 111 -fated Onuae. All the
kicked. r etdfuet, manly patients. born It raragas of triad riot weather, all the FULL FREE TREATI LENT
He stood for a few moments looking "light have been In a great repeat. hovacy t(totprfnLw of t tote and ievatta
nre,e. (r It might have been In a t:oa, all the rank fruit of neglect.
round In the dusk glad then wnlstlyd to every reader of this paper
a call. The Aumrmotis w ti anewertKl at gsvlt swag. It was a face which There td a rookery •overhand," miapt7 wrtte to Two T. A. areeetl cwszrtcAs Co.. Taatired +r Lies at. trr.o.
onca). An old man came Itmpiug f�}•t ,si could wear other expression, tar dlf. res' the stranger, as W) gazed. "and Taroelb. gt'is
e po to oiea and express vice address, and the free aoedidoe (Tbe
«»�siatsewl�x,+ri+ilOsrr (puJ_ (r>w�-t 1t b impossible bb that HOmetdmw slaavym Cart)wil�be pmmytty erns
the it:. - 1!�`iM1?Afl'4ia`T@ti1"�Ia9 EFf`If"vita""'ea6sareewasatcata•6owawSotvaoaaesaasliss+.eyns
there; but at that momSaL, ra1aM oin'e enol -jai is hence It may lie to on"for soap a the lbroelo l�hara!
1 heard the call, stn I'm Sharp among thrli hooky shadows. this was, altlaagh (AI MyddleWns 4.3aopreviowdi.00unReseaaprews/part111411 dreaereortkNWlendid
though to boar, but my sight (aIle me. feeoarrbcfuretoo late.
so 1J can't tell,who it la" its only kook. he r-"
"A stranger and s traveller," the The avenne at; Abboflt000r. was A Sound agn!n. subdued and ----ol
gentleman answgred trom.wtttto:it the smarty two mtica In length. for though, almost tn,a moment. yet tWa kern enr - - ___--- -_----- _ _ -_ - -
states as the o man fumbled with ns the crow fllon. It would have been hall detected it, and the swift, i1tort&-
the rusty keys, "and anxious, on his overcall -a mile from the Joudget to the manl ke glan4llia+t dbmvered a figure strange to say -tea fcr one, No need How's Tit Is :'
Howard for
way past Abbotamoor, tit see She groat front entrattce. yet the ap- watch!ng stealth!ly from smong the for the landt d,y to forestall him with s pKy o of tOnta(nal Huuris that u horshoutlaut.s owned b
grouch was Ars carrot ,and twisted trees. A few ttepe on the long tangled the suggestit A. Wbtther or not It I ah'a se of (lrt'an.
Il ,Inks fur tint," the Wol man that ft do+ableti the dbtattsL�. In old Creel An 1 lie was bes!d* thbl f re, was his habit to ohne late, the crdet i F. J. CHKNKY t (,U. Prose.,Tobde, Q
mut$erea with a feeble the Atl0 turn times arlghbrring squires uied to k)o"i; ,lovra Upon It with cool. Iron- came promptly sdungh from his lips We. the ewideMsnec have knwn F. J.
urge on old lir. Myddleton th+) not- teal carloaity. g Chen) for the Last 16 rears, and believe kia
the key in the lack; "we Ret bub few viaaMlLty of forming it approach. Are you here on your own ac- "He LLseen't look harried or oven perf"y Matorabie ht all business tenor
I bdtbre at any SIM', but they cover a6 actions and amnclwily able to mrry out any
mow alter Sunset -send no won ler." straight as an Arrow, from the lodge count or are you bent by your cm. hungry, ' tboragbt kite bwter, gas- olitigation. made by their arm.
„Yoo,te to the Irruse; but their advice was player?" a Ing nervomaly ftp I.
his face. "Will Wtwro4Tau�boIasale Tolado.u.
°pinned this gate U tau- laughed at grimly and tine old ala ? The min be addreuaed did bot. an- it do ti. ask him to wait t fie books I WAI.UINo, KI`(NAN Or MARVIN. Wholesale
awud,tlmest I dare say, but I fancy I nue kept its wtndlag way. erwar. Perhaps that stifle) cough kind and ,& gentleman," was the neat I ". .I.A r boli are I. taken Internally, art-
csn tis It better. Let me try.'• So if hap,wiel that the visitor wall wa_k etopping him; but perhaps that nervcus thought. "Will it do to tell I log directly spot the blood sed mucoaenar
As the Stranger Spoke ate put one w^ithiil a hundred yards of the house quick of his breath was sudden him h:,w I"m situatwdr' fa«wottlie.ysion Price76cperbolde. Edd
hand through the tars and turned the q gam' AL tint momant the rertlerman ' by an trrTrRRtssta TastiaaortfaM tree.
,[Wit when he caught his first gl►mpse feer, � Hall. Masally 1'llleere tae ba,t.
key with ease; then he laughed u lid' (It it. Fie winds ni stop in Ino ''Tib Is the iwocond time I have stailedr-smiled *Iwo et aS if he un-
tle at the cid man's surprlme. thoughtful. unburrial walk. but
"Icy earn are Sharp to hear the din- Omtfanc you watchingbehi one, an'd 1 have ire "Perhaps
her. Coley in Medkcel Practice.
fovrencia in voioea," the Mage-kea ter tiers grew a hick a keen o fancy for its being the last' A "Yerl ape yoer rem u etigngebr'
salt eyeing tits vfiittor with .lceenert IntdSntneav m his eyes and spy can only expect one treatment, That made It easy. The landlady's I The nes � colors as a last of iptedl-
tiiere started Into sudden lite a line an'b herr I% Ir." lips were r'nmalai• and she did tell cal treatment b not a new one. Rad
Ioterst M he entered the Part; "but or dee sett harassed thought be- light, for example. h•ts been recently
-yes won't r P up, Ila left tkhn'i ens fast On the mans him exactly -glad rather clroumStaar
sO' y recognize faces now. tw'(wi his ineovcs. pillar; with his right ha broke n till -how she was eituatedl As entales
he at vacated In the treatment d tncured
Year vo icie hag A homal ke tone to we, •• la op to of Sha chutges," hiNnlld branch above his bond, and the next stood listentss, leaning aCa!ast the and smallpox. Jean SacWcedeca cared
air. o I know it's i:nglieh, though V) lilmm,tf, his full gaze on the house., thing of which the llrtener was winclow of tbos little bar. he took a I the son of liaary I,. King of F.ngbtnd,
there's a richness In It that reminds of semallpox by Sarriunding the prince
I shell remrmtner It all more clear- aware was n particular eesaAatlon of crimson hethrr pnrsa from his pie-'
iron of the foreign oountriet i used to with grrtrlet, clothing him to scarlet,
I Iy oyt tike spot.- smirtlrig and atinging to his ShoAl kat and held S in his hand. Har eyes
I ought
htth k old theula,ater. And et- at will av all he attendants, and
Tine sw�sie which lay before him dery and a general areneintton of entart- fell on it ae /he sp ,ke, glad she no- I
1 r Want,
to snow the tongue r the I nom grand even In its utter dewotn• Ing and stinging tl'roaP'tsut Iib ticed that it was old and rather shab- ' having end carpets and hangings 1a
fns est• when my own father sero tam
tuul pktuteaue even to Itsheavy who It System. by, bort that it was a peco:iar parse I We room• The record Rows thls
an Amey," the
Succeeded re well that. Is's face was
i haunts'd gloom ; for on neither the Grtgdlrig his Leech with rage and glad hasAs:rmer than any she had ever
"Berrely;' the voltam sold, "you have trot even aoarred..y-••
no need to lock the gate behind tint empty balldh,g ser the untrodrlwo shame M raeio from the Spot to assn before
ntrw lu Uit trans of that deed which he Wad Ignomlnkderly bean hurl- ••U the la will allow me to Joie r quarter. 11[l8er'S
Who would enter here ko the dcwk?" R y y I New life foe a
In had made this spot a shun- ed and looked atter ifs chastiser with her at ter, i will save trouble, will
"Who, indeed?" qustiohod tio A 'Compound I:resn Piles. ,
man surlily. "Noy, Sir ; it was only n ntxl anti isolated lige. Nn ugly Scowl upon his smooth sleek it T' --
habit. Such habit elingn W a man " In this weird light and In this face. So be asked, opening the while one A New Venally Name,.
after ton years at It." ko ely hour," the stranger whimper- " TWIP sort of thing," he muttered of the pockets of the parse and drawer British trasun reports of family
'Ten years?' the Stranger wns ed to himself, " 1 shall See 1t Just as betscen its LeMit "a man saran tor- in a card from it.
It shoinld tea• seen." geta.'. Eyes, Sir, if, as vbek say, she vvK�ill " i BAmes give In England ago 1Vales
printing within the among
nal halting There were no steps to mount. to An aphorism few would deny at ,]line hetes Made this observal.ios 2b'f,t308 Smitten, 42,100 Jonemem
fir thoughtfully on among LM Shadow• toerraeom W tread The, mansion any time, but one wh:ob esrtain'y rather absently, Casing at the many with H'llllnrrtr, Taylor, Davies ani
tit the heavy trees; "only ten )-rare? ettxxl low on fila wide, level Part, cou:d na be den ed 'by Liaise who pooketo of the purse and trying to ' Brown following In order. For Mcot-
of of you were not horn at the time but It was note the lead it rand boon -ad the ac ua:vitanoe of Biaket- read ,the name which wan stamped in trial Builth IPacis, followed by MCDUn-
of cid Mr. M)ddletons death ?" g D ; aid, Brown, Thomson, Hobertron,
"Not I, dr -thank I'rovldence fair and all Imposing Structure. Jewell ;on q:mp, ccs dea'.hal clerk in the gold aipun the leather Inside the flu
I that t I was is Uermnny at that time, from that last point In the Irregu• eff:- 'of Lawrence Haugh -on, attar- 'On seem I thoughts, I will Dot send r Stewart aul Campbell. 3lnrphy b
with m own cid mnaUar. It was only lar nveoue. nay-at-:aw :n the town tf K'nbary. a card ; It can make no difference. Kay I ahead In Ireland, there being 5,0w;
y 7 of them ; then Domes Kelly, 41,700;
atter my eye and Ilrpbs Palled Ttic visitor trod. more slowly naw, I rha:l los elan w!r-b him yet a stranger ealtr Iib favor of her." Sullivan, •13,800: Walsh, 41,700;
an that Mr. Haughton - thus actr"In tin lawn. up to the wideoak 6stch was the mvn:anom co":a- AP he put back the card a sudden Smith, dT,O(10; O'Brien, 83,400; Byrne,
doorway (lucked smarely agatnat his s.on arrirod at by 11[5. b:Jmp before 'he quizzical Smile came Into his eyes.
telly sdleltor Sad s family eaamltil hind), n slowly do ora gad h!s Injured croon down her "What sort of a lady b she?' 87,0)0; Ryan, mono; Connor. 81;'170.
000necUon. Sir - Mit me here > Y B %u D O'Neil, 20.100; mod Reilly. 29,000,
So ramp the keys. It wnom't a post pass the keg row■ of windows !e avenue :n the wake'of his ■rau:ter. 'Well, air," began the landlady tuadl-
matny cased to fill; it Isn't a post 1, -g act tie Croon t flour, Thia assau: or had, In the mean tattrely, "I should say, It I was adced, Mis ard's Lkdmmt ftw sale evslry.
Marty would acre t7 fill, even half. the shu{rters of which were ; me, reached the gates, and the o:d SluicAhe's an Invalid. She looks white when . •
blind mrirples like myself, now that so heavily barreled. He counted :odge-keep&r held one d them open enough to have Juet come from a sick- .
Such a dark name rests upon the Lb -ii as his sattster.d kr h:s whine he took a crown from bed, anal She's hardly Strength and I f)rsslng the Hair.
ply.. the Cruet of title house -eight betweeen h:■ puree s energy to move about; she dosat't I Fels hair In always prettiest when
"pond-n:g'ht, ha said then Beni- look cheerful, either. I Should any 111 it is dreamed In a fluffy way. which
"Who'itvad here at the time of the the door and tio eurn.rr. lavoluntar 17 T
mnrder r' he stopped back n few pace.; and asy• 'Cit the gats atter me, act that In mind Sul body ; that's what I allows the light to shire through It.
The gasdoxt was asked colony', and counted the e'ght upon the bth,l stile. you may :oek :n all mher marauders."". should say, tin, If I was asked." Dark hair, on the contrary, Nhould
the questioner's eyes did not come As he did to u sound. Inalofinite and The o.d man chuckled as he ,,umad )'erhaps the stranger thought She be arranged o as to show Iteglow,
back from their gate Among the hardly awid.lo, reaclyd him .front tbo the ruwy key, had been asked and that he had been lo large maxims. full of reflertlontc
shadhwo. . slydbirery bayo,id th, lawn- hound "There's on:y myself, a:r, to lock aoawered• lav without further words
:n." lit, Slimed away and walked to and
"The woman who kept the lodge so faint that It might well have been Miller's Worm Powders are n svon-
n then. Sir. died not long atter the laid to tmnglnation only. Inst a sound And the words were true, for B:ck- fro within the ciratimsosibed limits of dertul medicine for aCments of chll-
. morass. about which Gia itwtertetr• nfttr n wr'ca Bl:mp•s modes of :ngroas and the bar until ntue mortems reappeared area.
'•'rhes► all you know of that time is minute's pat, P. f,•It no doubt At all. eiroma had been n(b:y :ndependen cf with nn expression of intense relief
.. J fevxm hearsay only?" "A ccxtCh." We Sa'st, with M:y Sar •a'k and bol;, end though they aa- on ler countenarie t Not North Mentioning.
From hearsay exily, air. Who edam, strangted Sad &$'fled, but a crea:aled a creeping progress uneuit- lady sethN her oompllrpratr, A clergyman was called upon to
world wish b know It any other mtrgk Untoirtaktbly; find, Inc.-* than ed to an upr:Cht man, ni)ey had their dr, and will be very happy If y w111 perform a Derrfaaw ernwmogy for a
1 era r, that, a mans mough. and at 11 more advantage :n being known vn:y to Jou Fuer. I'll take froth plates And n I couple M mlddlr Ills. "Have you
indeed?" that %hit, a coug i i've heard before," h:mse:f. cap 1n At onen. I'm very glad it's air• ever been married before 7" naked
The low red ldvern, liver the door ranged nth as you're In n hurry." the clergyman of the Uri
77ee desk was deepening In the pant 'Ihwn be ssnntercri on. Tia rank ttogrooni•
and the shadows lay a little weirdly grote t over wtlkeh Jttr• Stepped was t,i wh:eh, through rn:b and revery, Her mind luelrtat thoroughly at Paso " No air." " Ileve yon T" -to the
t about the waters of the lake. The heavy with dew, yet bttm •ho Stopf he sign cif this ilyd,is:tdw Arms had and the nrrrirrCeroente proplWouw bride. " Well. yea, I hare," replied
(old man looked with curfoelty stiller where 1t was IonC)wt to gath-ir ti t)if, hung k.r fifty years, io:t t1hat even- mine hcwtem could afford to bring ties brills. lacrnloall ,,but IS esu
ng is: a ahade of the Impattanre cit a llttle of the ions and Act- 2
tom strange ge4xitloPman wS be Sauna- Sean front fire w 1'd florv►ers which over- Lac D years ages, nrd �� was ttl!eod In
axed up Lite avenue quite @I—IY. as ran the neSN-etasl I own. By h9 peszed wh:c according to Va own popu:ar one moydating Mftlnws of the stage. asl accident, when we'd heers married
it seemed. yet with a atrop which was (" the y,+rmall•front eutrAnoo round ,egands, beltegeAl to A i• lobe old ooaoh period. only A week, we It really ain't worth
F _ - =- - cc,ach:ng days. The arriva: cl a pri- (To bre Uea$tnwred.) menVio trig." --Bin Francisco Wave,
--_- -- --- vale trave::ng carr:age. with em- --- --- - -
- wail n,ed panels and t of a:I 4ceug, ifil?e.l'S w 50 d nd iron Pills, only
LOCAL AND OENERAL was m,: by any Teens x )WAl occurt rtgits fess 00 doss.
tense, and mann the .aq htstllsr pat Dear Sirs, -Thin is to certUy that
1 down h!rpipe wit, Is, ■uch.impates that A Pubittarine Roaf• I have hem troubled with a Is.
it broke into halt a doseit pileees. Ybr To rnable tourints to rrosts tJie back for fiftsea years.
wnastal lossament ct d :any travellerdaily FLgylleit ( ilNu I wtthrntt the Inane ai", �,, t 1.i;�,, ` s{.','.t�, �;wasetill lens elrotiknietanea o4t dally vO1ynee of nessicknwss. a Frvmch• MOVARll:S I.FNA3CiSNT glad sus cosm-
A' �Msl, f+ I«s , .t AccurlTnot, and mann the f:Agety roan has dew iced a gnhmarine brantPlate y curets.y•i . .+--r•;,:r-,.� . y1its ova nervously and petulantly re- to he p�telled by cable trartJon. It Rives M6 great ,pleasure to re-
mark to hnrselr as she threw her wail- c(Ammwwi it and you ares at liberty
rn • � " it will armmtaaatte ataut 'lfiQ kids- J y
1S st «f apron behind this door, '•Sere as SAngPrwx. atrl will make the Jnarlwy to ass this is any way to further
r For Mtwrh, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma ever then'• no:h:ug in the hioSa, In about an hour, ami eboukl any the use of oar valaab:a medicine.
gomeh v1 s sate ;o roman 1" plrn to SIM motive pow. ROBft;RT R011K
and Kindred Ailments art-idait bn
Ytu'. low wah:ng tar •tee, ma'am," or the irtAt may be dtrtdrhed. cad TSrw lRlretfsl
.r.«.-.., - .......,....._,....,......- _-_,.-..-- _. she auLsea:ed. corn:aur b•an&y for- -..�. .t..,,,w.,... ,-
L.ward a m:ante afterward, to faresta.l a w111 ee ownti ries $e slew rney to ,
Tris two methods of trvyttlgR dtneAes to the taste anti wtitxtertnlly Ma1ML An 'den of dinner whilih might have and may ragtiaue t]rS }nurtMy to 1. I
arae local naA gagerel Or conwtltw- I Un 1 PoothlAN to Its effects. Ur y g the nrAtnarY manner.
clonal. (•Iiase'•a Syrup of I.InA*ad and Terpo•n- •tirlorst is the traveller's mind, "a �t _-_ - -- _
No nae would gtlnt ut relylnf u a tine al is nxfINTUMatlon, IeN)SPns the wh4,. s:me kn.fe-and.fork tan, a we .A Kitchen Hint.
�ro a , wo old t to clear the at.." VAS- cough na.t tlRht.nsa In tha ohtet, nl- call it f I've es aloe a o,lA barn r ever Theses ars many families woo ass
nagdw of the heed, throat asd born• lays, iarifimrnntinu nud prevents con_ was bo:lwd; and with scams eggm--"' >ffillers Wove PovvdevA cwt all ngels h`Lstwell to remember ID ctatlag
1 (tuMw. No Anwxint or KointMl s,tnr)rtlos, pnrnaNwla and lung troa- "Thank yon;' the iady annwgT*A, la mases of isLiouanaas, ani shim het. veytetobles that nearly All are In-
-hintLrrntmPnt will level the nlerrti on the blew. Daew rg through the der wh:eh ohs J}r remate than from any other medl- irexl by Ming Io1Md with trash meat.
' tNMrAte mnodr Ifmfntis or wllay the !n- In rawPg Of eannl catarrh or nr11n- landlady held open ; "any:hatis yes else; floe date b usually safficlewl a �* diwaRreenhle Dolor of hnllteg tri►•
a flammwtlort of flop iwtlmnnnrr orRwnS sty ro1JR general or rn tltutlnnn► hares• I am Stirs it will be owe, a� a0rrest lbs trouble - tktRr or onluun inlay ifo IPwo•n*d by
gs tri I lmttlag A very Spall nm-wint of eay-
- sal tvratriaent fa athAolntaly treses- trweatden$ Mt fr'wgwently nithshensary, you may. for cow ma'wmf" Datable Vaar'A, Double Beer. Pnnc popper In the boiling water,
But when the k*ty Ie wenkenod and"Only
!_ um t;rou�5le I cold In the b.as1, dvMlitfit&l by the ravntee of chronle the tart wan Atli evitMmt, and the A seat
• cort�I�tonolnrd wrltoa fta�r ll:vrry moth*r allw -ses that Mr
vea ►M or hair favor, TV. Villimi'a Pn- r'wtareh, wartem Ahsw$ rolclf, Ise etri7ype aes.leua phase of aonraeratloa oa t►e A•tath Afrten ttf' tha I,gr J` , ilg Anwirter from 12 is Is years of a;e
karrb Gere M the rnrrt Pifosrlliw p8i+ai nfntl [er,i?Ires Ov other stn*""" g AAs. ►ort of /tM Iwndlady only tie street cot II 9, " A r4l"llain i
nhlt, but She lor,kwd sur ris,id what LAl a wiiii An oowsional ooruras of 11(Litf'/
.,'''J Lrmtnw%t available eRsm, A prieral treatment. aeeh no D t'h'Pvwley ramp pcovddet the gwfivist Couspound Trow Pkllw, .
w Catarrh Care M not In- Or CII&Aes ?Terre E'oxrt, IS ne*desl tit ovitb the ang.r'ar eamrt a vivbi blush. Ute$ ohl"Id tart oar renletr test •
-' �Tryaa�ded ffor any other Iwurplxaws than rr.wtrhrn the Orength of the body wn,1 7�a San esrved is the Shad,wy, low- $'It Christmas in the moesslbg A noIns own •conk tx 0st be tt,P
t tJae$lu! ►dMrials catarrhal Affec tion-' of rohnlid the wasted tissues. oitil++ patter, where a rawly ligattrd R R
Maser And thrown It In w wits- Dr. VIIAdr•'A Nerrol Furl giros to the firt Struggled tato avieteeeoi glad two dtroswn said
to oath mtles.. .double
Mat eArrority AgniMl utMr pwoplP'a
m•..`t tNsSS alltnrstw. ant eurPo Mby for vicar roclid i tot ovo•mimP added ooarldlimble (� the ahs go a Y wnid thr Authorl%les: 'double 111 mannan. chesMrflolM.
k u ilno but nothingti the light at chParbi� �teraM.' And they Ao0MM It. Next We con m-4*1 other* .color than
. , ly and rAAkally bry hvwlld,R dlrPase it fr.eme new, reel o(wgheaa,les wAerl tLecraw tea btaviPaI ht� � ser doom were myalag.' ww ran (serwnives,
y,I,S ,k,,M, rorrnteiractlnet foul hrAth• In the hl(x.i send rowlertrnnL the ich iR Ike landlady of h# if AAwllns
. RR d6afrpdW into %he Ibrrhnt send wnetold nor,* cotN. 'thin hinal send dy Mrs. G. Howell Dualist, (hit.. says- - - --- --
a f tesege of rntwrrhwi head aeaatnl tt ettunente tnewMne to form Arms bjya it telt to Sean► a 4'ky. The i finch minter's WSty !aw4ors a
rwoovlsg Mie u I an iIPwI can tow alt dlmaaorS nt She weld hNO
;llwd beer-oerlsbolinally the Rag,(ichm.
"1.v ScIrM w1.1 Aeafrt&Ss. pwwnactial of the hs,ad, tbrtivt arii D g� I7=0e.
� O
" ilkawtes. AS a khrAl trPAtsarst for air n �wAsesrarsinRt that FxtR lalblrit le !M ,ow Ycs! IR M1d
% av'rnaliles ttr(twrhlrtw, nSthaM, 1 rad Ttr Chwwiew („rue, li r•nn, )! C F C t' b�,liCa aC Tap -
amt sl.lg. Dr. C'hAsr's� r sena w one, Mrowrr trap, Dr (ltarlai'a tearl4 r, and a .* hs4i A aplaytA that* ksia lain ntwnntactmt•S Id Cmnadla Mt
ref L/1nrtA aeNI-rWTpantfrw N n spell• ( ayrop of L.gaewA wed Twrpwoatww• 'tt4 orvsrytk eiih:w o r orrsaaental 5 per rest hollow V Is peters
Olwl la rarAtlrp inertia I pmts a b'"Ie tar MILW's Ner,P trkle l�► ire Ow-uld furnish t rill. Aeww•sUng to She lielar lllAv rMtadSSt+� �Stlr: air aW of sattare,s rnrea (Of FooA, kDMRS'S aInt.At all dswlerawbea A SennlsrseA arrifaA walked relit wwAr4 AWIA,f wl 1A e0k�ofd
40 Oran$ and iso/ ? MOW0, Y Pipe 114
Or b:AmatiSrxn, ltwt.g ! l7t►t 't rvxsto RYLIIr Into the lain aril tw iared - tis pay 18014,000 fKWIL .
Ars" IN A4117g1111" R-IttAlf I"IMA.•:... i
Ueod IGRsote to be **cured Only by
To -div no me basige pictures In
pares. time when rstvlarity of
arrangement was considered the
aeme of etegsiuce has vanished, and
bi its place has clause a wild strug-
gls atter the uuexpeeted by those
rota Idea of artistic effect W
to have nothing Tatou anything
ism. The weLrd result their efforts
ar dlaoe W due to their failure w
a srectate the fact that harmony.
at least, must rule, even &IU-Ufh
antformlty has hood discarded.
There utust be a scheme to which
the panoral tone of the pletarem
should a►nforus. A dark carbon Most
not bang close to an etching drawn
a delicate Jima and bordered by a
broad white mat. If water colon
with their soft tints elbow oil point -
use with their bolder tones. the
former will be fsdad, the latter
Int It be Cramped. W the first
place, that tertala things utay go
together, while otbars mw: be hair"
red from the aesoclatlou. EtLhlugs,
pho"raishr. drawings, eoruo ou-
gravWgw, - water color&, pastels,
may be resembled on friendly
torsos. Even then, however, there must
be Judgment exerobed In the war they
are placed. Contrary to the natural
inclination, dark, heavily shaded pin-
turrer should not alwA)s hang In the
sttvngr'st light, but should In movie
Irises seek a sheltered position, away
from Abe glare of the windows Near
the light may haps the pictures In
fainter %Intal, the subdued water -
0016M. the line engravings, whose beat
points nee.1 Illumination. This truer
ssay tometms be reversed when the
oorn-r farthest from tote window
shown a decided ased of brightening
by light pictures, %at always the
groldatlon of Unto situuld be borne to
amt. Just as In a well-planned Loan
the darkest color is tonsil In the car-
pet, an I melts from that through the
duof the curtains and furniture
to lightest nuance to the wall,
so the lowest pictures attould be more
Sombre to hue than the upper, and
should lead the eye unconsciously from
the deepest tone to the highst light. -
I;arper's Bazar.
To Cure a Cold to One Day
Tdiagt1ktigeg {ta itws ire Brame Qafnice Tabieu. An
k. refund for rwo&ey if It f=cm
Mo. w, Urove . sen iutre is es anon flea.
General Dodge.
The gutats in the Frankfort lintel.
were quietly reading Weir letters
Unit papers when the voice of the
elark ,rung out -.....- ,_.....
•yii low ti) - -.L
and every man slid from like eltalr W
the floor.
"it's all right now, gentlemen;" an-
nossuced ti,be clerk a moment later.
"You call get up. lies rnm'
tr they resumed Weir @anti the
clerk extoplIs rmed :
'It wlh Curtbel Borers." lie Sald.
"looking for a than. I wouldn't have
glrwi the generwl warning notice u th
It hadn't beed fur the feet that e
custial IS o blamed cress -eyed that
yah server Zen tell which way -be's
going -W shoot !"--`NveI&nil Plain
ildra o
how sad it is to see weak
children}—boys and iris who
are pale and thin. They can-
not enjoy the sports of child-
hood, neither are they able
to profit by school life. The,
are Indeed to be pitied. But
there is hope for them.
Scott's Emulsion 1
has helped such children for
over a quarter of a eenturv.
Your doctor wil W you It is both
food and undidne to them They
begin to pick up at once under its
use. Thek color Ittlprova, the fksh
becolttn oncies firth the weight
irtaearis Std all the fu1 life and
visor d drJdhood rchm, icon. ,
Atoll drattrt.oe: w end Asir.
atm r a BOwNE, Obsolete. Tor,n••,, e
Heart-aaaped Revere.
Chlnohflla la often dealt on dark
green, gray or dark blue guwiir. but
mWwtuter ass It employed on gowns
of Burgundy red for Jauutary t iwt
Ing. The contrast Is rather strikoig
for the rest seems a deeper•wine (.,'„r
for the blending with cloudy gri,y
chinchilla. A rollarette and iwat
and hessirt-slisped revers of the dalut,
fur are all Stalls empiweaeuto ralulr-d.
Well people do not Yfrry, 'r„ke's Compotlutd Iron IUG sad la.
well. 50 doses for a quarter,
Mrs. $ardupps-What ya'M Is it :'
Mr. Harduppe---f don't know. Isn't
your we teb going e.. 'No; I01 gum
GRA ItntUbMT164 S& GUM? -
You can't tell witioet trying
- - EBY'S DAISY 011e -
Tae Now L%eml-el Couipound, wonderfully
effective ie curing Itacun.ali.m. Noerolpa.
k clattee, Pain In the !took and Video. Luetbapt,
Pore Throat taeria, F ToalI”
oohs. Bruises, nay and Bioddr .
said try an dreggitte at yS testa, or from
V. F. YBY, Caetoal.L last swig. Ot t
In e. cry Iowa Vadu,t clear r erpel. „u
tie allow. Write /or pertieuktr*. Tae Special,)
=164:l erinr co.. 17 and m Qaees Attract ea-,
Terentq Onit.
books, ^las /.Abney d Beata Afrin
,+,. -. K
(tow books in one); and "Dwigat L Moody
..,, >,
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take 1tM$, at ona plod ase ow bsska 1'r...
pectustree. 11 you saga la•{ss. otbw air
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;� —
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Being%Modisdbtbook Boom Ter=”
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— r•.tee,�,twt�.�awie... .err
_ #N _ - - - TORY
_- -- ---R ..._,._-. ._.
• • est ree
- reparations '
- - -- - -- --- --. - - - Free . ,...-
to tow south sed of time Bongo. tnras,f I 1y'
anti lo'tered punt the rrrvuntii prem r ..-e '�
law, at the bank. tout turned another - 17- ."...
aunor and oont'..,I his walk a little `'I., 0 e
Ttt� MISER'S HEIRESS worth slowly. besidealthe rtlia. At f{ 1 k, t J
w itabws on Shu north ride. At 1' I
ate,, the Last in the row ho �,
Malin a listunc, not a i 1✓ in
uncerta!rity and doubt, but with a g }
wttlxl purport•. Ftret he examined It e+• 'f I le
CHAI"rElt I. fess Toe's purposeless Cr listkvm critically, measuring frith Itis aye .1...
aA stretch of highway lay white and "Its a quem hour W dome and the IA,fght rind width and Ito depth w,.,. f',
level to the duels of the tember view the place. Mostly people oWoow) ictus lite ground, thou lie turned hke ' a' g ' a 1
13ep brtwi,i elauyllCht LvLWn 7' mo V) back a sou it autl took lit, witb a isms,
evtltag, anti on Its margin etaxl a sea the spot where o lltyddelton lull glanoe, the scene before 1t -tike
t low, red tavern, wanes glory departed I war murde'red." vtretch of laud, the bordering of 1
with the [alit rtage-0tittcA, and wilco j "' the old man muttered, while ria ubbery beyoud• and the crowd Of
aha straliger went slowly on. to- grant old elms towering above It
crumbled to ruin am sltiwiy, but Am l woo r,
Use grent desolate house, over an i still further on. For at least I
surely all did Its grand old neighbor I whose history a veli of gloom and ten kung mtuuttsr be stood so, his eyes
tuere behind the ivy-welghted wulld I mystery hustg. -dark, grey cyto, holding the rare
of Abbutsmoor. For a whole mite thtr I It almost seems." ttiLi visitor beauty of deep, clow thought- cur•
wall extended before it was broken whispered to himself an he padecfd neatly erann;ng Nn dudk•Y scene, and
by the Iron gats through which a n the akleat avenue. " as It the MISS an utter fitillsown 611(1 v�;Uanoa unite
view was gained of the lofges glad l guilt upon the %lure and Ulla eat^ attitula.
the sombre avenue; and tinder this i heavy lethargy of isolation and tits- If any ey w could have been watch
wall, to the September twilight, a use Iiad wrap*ed thsmeelves alsoat Ing from among the overgrown laur- Dr• fllocum, the famous edentist. whose lectures and demonstrations
travelling carriage rolled upon the I we since 1 Iwsed theme gates. The els oplousite, this was a picture not in New York and London this winter have astounded medical circles, has
wide, white ruled horrible par+tlyrls that Stayed all to be easily forgotlra or underaticod, at last perfected his new system of treatment for the absolute cure of
Within s few yards of the iron gats !!fe ago motion In Will spot bas o 1(ne$'-Wad eo Shill the Weal% so tuberculosis and all pulmonary diseases,
hW latus were pulled n The p�warF• ( touched ane too; or why do I not many, yet w full of Idnrpues title roll This triumphant victory over the deadly bacilli is far reachim in its
tUlod, sitting square upon his saddlq clearly follow out this plan. as 1 tart' -figure. But why- @loon any effects, for their is no longer room for doubt that the gifted 1 has
looking atrosight along the road, As a have followed others in m Ili watchful eye have tiaras hidden there 111
well-tralued Irnt-boy should ; the Man a s''F 7 given to the world • Moon that will ens millions of precious tveeg,
Yi'hat le this feet: upon we which umogg the darkening, laurel leaves? Dr. Blocam's System � Treatment is both scientific and Pt'ogrwSsive
servant, orate) with fvLled army upon • Y long, L poln, as it does to the very source of the disesSe and Performing
the box, had hill eyes fixed upon the I spot? to Stop ni few n. Says.
ver rhe I tl. ti til mlaulea were
spot T 'Nut to -night.' ht.' It Rays. Why "sent at bort, uuJ tio IoewlY ►tc• by atep.
roadidde tavern half a spite +divan - l;
not to -night? 1t but the first link or turne Luluave Ablutaenoar. One FlratSt -Killing the life-destrwyfnggermswhichInvent the lungs.
and neither of the tnea,ttrtle.l.pis head �.
one inch when the carriage -door be- I of s ohp it 1 have to follow gin of last gingn before Ise entered the second Ste -T*
the entire system and stresgtheaing the
hind them war opened from within. link to its clad. Can I begin fora air t'nue. and' toe, scene sen++ Photo nerve+ -filling t!tc veins wt tingling new life.
soon . This Inexplicable feeling but grUphosd on Itis mind Indelibly. The
No change ulion their faces Showed mo sato Inexp is of f thought.' wlJe, itigh fronLttge tat tike house; the Third Step.-liuildlsg healthy flesh and fortifying against future
that they even uaderStaiJ avid the rows of windows hear with duct and attacks.
hormes bad baso stopped.
As n argues Shur wit), hlsirelL 7
Pike ox,Lwe.oe, tie's thuttars cl'aaly tarreol, The SloeniA-fmttnent is revolutionarybecause it es •new
A gentleman descended leisurely attuning the Utooght aloud bl the Y y
from the chalae, turned and addressed I evening silence, be raised his hat, y cracks I In many places ; the wide application fur ever tt a of the disease, a failures o inoculation b
a few low words to someone w ithin, and for n few minutes carried It Ig ,nor, scratched and rearred. wh to a i'aris scientists are overcome by Slocum through Progressive drug force.
and ttten ckswJ the cassia door him luau air Ile walked on up the rank, unmanageable branch of ivy had The diseases leading to consumption are also mastered w that once the
Inc fnllm acravi It, sus If to form another had
lli ars removed from the hangs there remains no other germ -breeding
again quietly. The gentleman stool in negimted gram -grown avenue. The Ni
q y' even Ing breeze rustled Use green twnv-p hxllt; grab; in the tuenace.
the shadow am he gave his order to brancber overhea(L and with lazy cracks of the ►tone steps *at as it The glee@■ System curet grip and lb pLiatul after -clods, daAPMN c"Its,
the servant, Stood in the shadow as en Joy -malt he lifted his tape to meet grew Fa:iwean Ute embralures of the broachllb, and evory knows lona M pulsnesary disease,
re pauseretreating
for i le, entanti w watch the It It w-ai n dark. grave face, w' allows ; wilJ fliwere and garden- It makes weak ]nibs sound, strengthens them against any ordeal,
#h&d iting eehlcle, end war in the full of determined puMx_me. yet flowers tangkyi together ninoug the
t+hadow still ae he walked up W the Tort �tr��tt�t� at flint vittme0�t wooy and gratrw ; uncut and unns'led ' nd gives endurance to those who have inherited hollow chests, with
gats of Abbotemoor and tried them. with Ila loft[ Fat Intense tie els' creepers, perishing h: iplesalp upon the tltair long acid of attending danger
Locked. Four gates there were In all. -. 4F To enable despairing smtperens everywhere to obtain Speedy bel!
not the spuri:)us patten . barvi , v( ground, where tb 'y accused r truggl rrg
I. high pair to the centre and a SlnClu before too late, Dr. Slocum oflcra,
narrow gate on either aide, but all Istle`nrscas or Ind liference, bit a to erci►lw the 111 -fated Onuae. All the
kicked. r etdfuet, manly patients. born It raragas of triad riot weather, all the FULL FREE TREATI LENT
He stood for a few moments looking "light have been In a great repeat. hovacy t(totprfnLw of t tote and ievatta
nre,e. (r It might have been In a t:oa, all the rank fruit of neglect.
round In the dusk glad then wnlstlyd to every reader of this paper
a call. The Aumrmotis w ti anewertKl at gsvlt swag. It was a face which There td a rookery •overhand," miapt7 wrtte to Two T. A. areeetl cwszrtcAs Co.. Taatired +r Lies at. trr.o.
onca). An old man came Itmpiug f�}•t ,si could wear other expression, tar dlf. res' the stranger, as W) gazed. "and Taroelb. gt'is
e po to oiea and express vice address, and the free aoedidoe (Tbe
«»�siatsewl�x,+ri+ilOsrr (puJ_ (r>w�-t 1t b impossible bb that HOmetdmw slaavym Cart)wil�be pmmytty erns
the it:. - 1!�`iM1?Afl'4ia`T@ti1"�Ia9 EFf`If"vita""'ea6sareewasatcata•6owawSotvaoaaesaasliss+.eyns
there; but at that momSaL, ra1aM oin'e enol -jai is hence It may lie to on"for soap a the lbroelo l�hara!
1 heard the call, stn I'm Sharp among thrli hooky shadows. this was, altlaagh (AI MyddleWns 4.3aopreviowdi.00unReseaaprews/part111411 dreaereortkNWlendid
though to boar, but my sight (aIle me. feeoarrbcfuretoo late.
so 1J can't tell,who it la" its only kook. he r-"
"A stranger and s traveller," the The avenne at; Abboflt000r. was A Sound agn!n. subdued and ----ol
gentleman answgred trom.wtttto:it the smarty two mtica In length. for though, almost tn,a moment. yet tWa kern enr - - ___--- -_----- _ _ -_ - -
states as the o man fumbled with ns the crow fllon. It would have been hall detected it, and the swift, i1tort&-
the rusty keys, "and anxious, on his overcall -a mile from the Joudget to the manl ke glan4llia+t dbmvered a figure strange to say -tea fcr one, No need How's Tit Is :'
Howard for
way past Abbotamoor, tit see She groat front entrattce. yet the ap- watch!ng stealth!ly from smong the for the landt d,y to forestall him with s pKy o of tOnta(nal Huuris that u horshoutlaut.s owned b
grouch was Ars carrot ,and twisted trees. A few ttepe on the long tangled the suggestit A. Wbtther or not It I ah'a se of (lrt'an.
Il ,Inks fur tint," the Wol man that ft do+ableti the dbtattsL�. In old Creel An 1 lie was bes!d* thbl f re, was his habit to ohne late, the crdet i F. J. CHKNKY t (,U. Prose.,Tobde, Q
mut$erea with a feeble the Atl0 turn times arlghbrring squires uied to k)o"i; ,lovra Upon It with cool. Iron- came promptly sdungh from his lips We. the ewideMsnec have knwn F. J.
urge on old lir. Myddleton th+) not- teal carloaity. g Chen) for the Last 16 rears, and believe kia
the key in the lack; "we Ret bub few viaaMlLty of forming it approach. Are you here on your own ac- "He LLseen't look harried or oven perf"y Matorabie ht all business tenor
I bdtbre at any SIM', but they cover a6 actions and amnclwily able to mrry out any
mow alter Sunset -send no won ler." straight as an Arrow, from the lodge count or are you bent by your cm. hungry, ' tboragbt kite bwter, gas- olitigation. made by their arm.
„Yoo,te to the Irruse; but their advice was player?" a Ing nervomaly ftp I.
his face. "Will Wtwro4Tau�boIasale Tolado.u.
°pinned this gate U tau- laughed at grimly and tine old ala ? The min be addreuaed did bot. an- it do ti. ask him to wait t fie books I WAI.UINo, KI`(NAN Or MARVIN. Wholesale
awud,tlmest I dare say, but I fancy I nue kept its wtndlag way. erwar. Perhaps that stifle) cough kind and ,& gentleman," was the neat I ". .I.A r boli are I. taken Internally, art-
csn tis It better. Let me try.'• So if hap,wiel that the visitor wall wa_k etopping him; but perhaps that nervcus thought. "Will it do to tell I log directly spot the blood sed mucoaenar
As the Stranger Spoke ate put one w^ithiil a hundred yards of the house quick of his breath was sudden him h:,w I"m situatwdr' fa«wottlie.ysion Price76cperbolde. Edd
hand through the tars and turned the q gam' AL tint momant the rertlerman ' by an trrTrRRtssta TastiaaortfaM tree.
,[Wit when he caught his first gl►mpse feer, � Hall. Masally 1'llleere tae ba,t.
key with ease; then he laughed u lid' (It it. Fie winds ni stop in Ino ''Tib Is the iwocond time I have stailedr-smiled *Iwo et aS if he un-
tle at the cid man's surprlme. thoughtful. unburrial walk. but
"Icy earn are Sharp to hear the din- Omtfanc you watchingbehi one, an'd 1 have ire "Perhaps
her. Coley in Medkcel Practice.
fovrencia in voioea," the Mage-kea ter tiers grew a hick a keen o fancy for its being the last' A "Yerl ape yoer rem u etigngebr'
salt eyeing tits vfiittor with .lceenert IntdSntneav m his eyes and spy can only expect one treatment, That made It easy. The landlady's I The nes � colors as a last of iptedl-
tiiere started Into sudden lite a line an'b herr I% Ir." lips were r'nmalai• and she did tell cal treatment b not a new one. Rad
Ioterst M he entered the Part; "but or dee sett harassed thought be- light, for example. h•ts been recently
-yes won't r P up, Ila left tkhn'i ens fast On the mans him exactly -glad rather clroumStaar
sO' y recognize faces now. tw'(wi his ineovcs. pillar; with his right ha broke n till -how she was eituatedl As entales
he at vacated In the treatment d tncured
Year vo icie hag A homal ke tone to we, •• la op to of Sha chutges," hiNnlld branch above his bond, and the next stood listentss, leaning aCa!ast the and smallpox. Jean SacWcedeca cared
air. o I know it's i:nglieh, though V) lilmm,tf, his full gaze on the house., thing of which the llrtener was winclow of tbos little bar. he took a I the son of liaary I,. King of F.ngbtnd,
there's a richness In It that reminds of semallpox by Sarriunding the prince
I shell remrmtner It all more clear- aware was n particular eesaAatlon of crimson hethrr pnrsa from his pie-'
iron of the foreign oountriet i used to with grrtrlet, clothing him to scarlet,
I Iy oyt tike spot.- smirtlrig and atinging to his ShoAl kat and held S in his hand. Har eyes
I ought
htth k old theula,ater. And et- at will av all he attendants, and
Tine sw�sie which lay before him dery and a general areneintton of entart- fell on it ae /he sp ,ke, glad she no- I
1 r Want,
to snow the tongue r the I nom grand even In its utter dewotn• Ing and stinging tl'roaP'tsut Iib ticed that it was old and rather shab- ' having end carpets and hangings 1a
fns est• when my own father sero tam
tuul pktuteaue even to Itsheavy who It System. by, bort that it was a peco:iar parse I We room• The record Rows thls
an Amey," the
Succeeded re well that. Is's face was
i haunts'd gloom ; for on neither the Grtgdlrig his Leech with rage and glad hasAs:rmer than any she had ever
"Berrely;' the voltam sold, "you have trot even aoarred..y-••
no need to lock the gate behind tint empty balldh,g ser the untrodrlwo shame M raeio from the Spot to assn before
ntrw lu Uit trans of that deed which he Wad Ignomlnkderly bean hurl- ••U the la will allow me to Joie r quarter. 11[l8er'S
Who would enter here ko the dcwk?" R y y I New life foe a
In had made this spot a shun- ed and looked atter ifs chastiser with her at ter, i will save trouble, will
"Who, indeed?" qustiohod tio A 'Compound I:resn Piles. ,
man surlily. "Noy, Sir ; it was only n ntxl anti isolated lige. Nn ugly Scowl upon his smooth sleek it T' --
habit. Such habit elingn W a man " In this weird light and In this face. So be asked, opening the while one A New Venally Name,.
after ton years at It." ko ely hour," the stranger whimper- " TWIP sort of thing," he muttered of the pockets of the parse and drawer British trasun reports of family
'Ten years?' the Stranger wns ed to himself, " 1 shall See 1t Just as betscen its LeMit "a man saran tor- in a card from it.
It shoinld tea• seen." geta.'. Eyes, Sir, if, as vbek say, she vvK�ill " i BAmes give In England ago 1Vales
printing within the among
nal halting There were no steps to mount. to An aphorism few would deny at ,]line hetes Made this observal.ios 2b'f,t308 Smitten, 42,100 Jonemem
fir thoughtfully on among LM Shadow• toerraeom W tread The, mansion any time, but one wh:ob esrtain'y rather absently, Casing at the many with H'llllnrrtr, Taylor, Davies ani
tit the heavy trees; "only ten )-rare? ettxxl low on fila wide, level Part, cou:d na be den ed 'by Liaise who pooketo of the purse and trying to ' Brown following In order. For Mcot-
of of you were not horn at the time but It was note the lead it rand boon -ad the ac ua:vitanoe of Biaket- read ,the name which wan stamped in trial Builth IPacis, followed by MCDUn-
of cid Mr. M)ddletons death ?" g D ; aid, Brown, Thomson, Hobertron,
"Not I, dr -thank I'rovldence fair and all Imposing Structure. Jewell ;on q:mp, ccs dea'.hal clerk in the gold aipun the leather Inside the flu
I that t I was is Uermnny at that time, from that last point In the Irregu• eff:- 'of Lawrence Haugh -on, attar- 'On seem I thoughts, I will Dot send r Stewart aul Campbell. 3lnrphy b
with m own cid mnaUar. It was only lar nveoue. nay-at-:aw :n the town tf K'nbary. a card ; It can make no difference. Kay I ahead In Ireland, there being 5,0w;
y 7 of them ; then Domes Kelly, 41,700;
atter my eye and Ilrpbs Palled Ttic visitor trod. more slowly naw, I rha:l los elan w!r-b him yet a stranger ealtr Iib favor of her." Sullivan, •13,800: Walsh, 41,700;
an that Mr. Haughton - thus actr"In tin lawn. up to the wideoak 6stch was the mvn:anom co":a- AP he put back the card a sudden Smith, dT,O(10; O'Brien, 83,400; Byrne,
doorway (lucked smarely agatnat his s.on arrirod at by 11[5. b:Jmp before 'he quizzical Smile came Into his eyes.
telly sdleltor Sad s family eaamltil hind), n slowly do ora gad h!s Injured croon down her "What sort of a lady b she?' 87,0)0; Ryan, mono; Connor. 81;'170.
000necUon. Sir - Mit me here > Y B %u D O'Neil, 20.100; mod Reilly. 29,000,
So ramp the keys. It wnom't a post pass the keg row■ of windows !e avenue :n the wake'of his ■rau:ter. 'Well, air," began the landlady tuadl-
matny cased to fill; it Isn't a post 1, -g act tie Croon t flour, Thia assau: or had, In the mean tattrely, "I should say, It I was adced, Mis ard's Lkdmmt ftw sale evslry.
Marty would acre t7 fill, even half. the shu{rters of which were ; me, reached the gates, and the o:d SluicAhe's an Invalid. She looks white when . •
blind mrirples like myself, now that so heavily barreled. He counted :odge-keep&r held one d them open enough to have Juet come from a sick- .
Such a dark name rests upon the Lb -ii as his sattster.d kr h:s whine he took a crown from bed, anal She's hardly Strength and I f)rsslng the Hair.
ply.. the Cruet of title house -eight betweeen h:■ puree s energy to move about; she dosat't I Fels hair In always prettiest when
"pond-n:g'ht, ha said then Beni- look cheerful, either. I Should any 111 it is dreamed In a fluffy way. which
"Who'itvad here at the time of the the door and tio eurn.rr. lavoluntar 17 T
mnrder r' he stopped back n few pace.; and asy• 'Cit the gats atter me, act that In mind Sul body ; that's what I allows the light to shire through It.
The gasdoxt was asked colony', and counted the e'ght upon the bth,l stile. you may :oek :n all mher marauders."". should say, tin, If I was asked." Dark hair, on the contrary, Nhould
the questioner's eyes did not come As he did to u sound. Inalofinite and The o.d man chuckled as he ,,umad )'erhaps the stranger thought She be arranged o as to show Iteglow,
back from their gate Among the hardly awid.lo, reaclyd him .front tbo the ruwy key, had been asked and that he had been lo large maxims. full of reflertlontc
shadhwo. . slydbirery bayo,id th, lawn- hound "There's on:y myself, a:r, to lock aoawered• lav without further words
:n." lit, Slimed away and walked to and
"The woman who kept the lodge so faint that It might well have been Miller's Worm Powders are n svon-
n then. Sir. died not long atter the laid to tmnglnation only. Inst a sound And the words were true, for B:ck- fro within the ciratimsosibed limits of dertul medicine for aCments of chll-
. morass. about which Gia itwtertetr• nfttr n wr'ca Bl:mp•s modes of :ngroas and the bar until ntue mortems reappeared area.
'•'rhes► all you know of that time is minute's pat, P. f,•It no doubt At all. eiroma had been n(b:y :ndependen cf with nn expression of intense relief
.. J fevxm hearsay only?" "A ccxtCh." We Sa'st, with M:y Sar •a'k and bol;, end though they aa- on ler countenarie t Not North Mentioning.
From hearsay exily, air. Who edam, strangted Sad &$'fled, but a crea:aled a creeping progress uneuit- lady sethN her oompllrpratr, A clergyman was called upon to
world wish b know It any other mtrgk Untoirtaktbly; find, Inc.-* than ed to an upr:Cht man, ni)ey had their dr, and will be very happy If y w111 perform a Derrfaaw ernwmogy for a
1 era r, that, a mans mough. and at 11 more advantage :n being known vn:y to Jou Fuer. I'll take froth plates And n I couple M mlddlr Ills. "Have you
indeed?" that %hit, a coug i i've heard before," h:mse:f. cap 1n At onen. I'm very glad it's air• ever been married before 7" naked
The low red ldvern, liver the door ranged nth as you're In n hurry." the clergyman of the Uri
77ee desk was deepening In the pant 'Ihwn be ssnntercri on. Tia rank ttogrooni•
and the shadows lay a little weirdly grote t over wtlkeh Jttr• Stepped was t,i wh:eh, through rn:b and revery, Her mind luelrtat thoroughly at Paso " No air." " Ileve yon T" -to the
t about the waters of the lake. The heavy with dew, yet bttm •ho Stopf he sign cif this ilyd,is:tdw Arms had and the nrrrirrCeroente proplWouw bride. " Well. yea, I hare," replied
(old man looked with curfoelty stiller where 1t was IonC)wt to gath-ir ti t)if, hung k.r fifty years, io:t t1hat even- mine hcwtem could afford to bring ties brills. lacrnloall ,,but IS esu
ng is: a ahade of the Impattanre cit a llttle of the ions and Act- 2
tom strange ge4xitloPman wS be Sauna- Sean front fire w 1'd florv►ers which over- Lac D years ages, nrd �� was ttl!eod In
axed up Lite avenue quite @I—IY. as ran the neSN-etasl I own. By h9 peszed wh:c according to Va own popu:ar one moydating Mftlnws of the stage. asl accident, when we'd heers married
it seemed. yet with a atrop which was (" the y,+rmall•front eutrAnoo round ,egands, beltegeAl to A i• lobe old ooaoh period. only A week, we It really ain't worth
F _ - =- - cc,ach:ng days. The arriva: cl a pri- (To bre Uea$tnwred.) menVio trig." --Bin Francisco Wave,
--_- -- --- vale trave::ng carr:age. with em- --- --- - -
- wail n,ed panels and t of a:I 4ceug, ifil?e.l'S w 50 d nd iron Pills, only
LOCAL AND OENERAL was m,: by any Teens x )WAl occurt rtgits fess 00 doss.
tense, and mann the .aq htstllsr pat Dear Sirs, -Thin is to certUy that
1 down h!rpipe wit, Is, ■uch.impates that A Pubittarine Roaf• I have hem troubled with a Is.
it broke into halt a doseit pileees. Ybr To rnable tourints to rrosts tJie back for fiftsea years.
wnastal lossament ct d :any travellerdaily FLgylleit ( ilNu I wtthrntt the Inane ai", �,, t 1.i;�,, ` s{.','.t�, �;wasetill lens elrotiknietanea o4t dally vO1ynee of nessicknwss. a Frvmch• MOVARll:S I.FNA3CiSNT glad sus cosm-
A' �Msl, f+ I«s , .t AccurlTnot, and mann the f:Agety roan has dew iced a gnhmarine brantPlate y curets.y•i . .+--r•;,:r-,.� . y1its ova nervously and petulantly re- to he p�telled by cable trartJon. It Rives M6 great ,pleasure to re-
mark to hnrselr as she threw her wail- c(Ammwwi it and you ares at liberty
rn • � " it will armmtaaatte ataut 'lfiQ kids- J y
1S st «f apron behind this door, '•Sere as SAngPrwx. atrl will make the Jnarlwy to ass this is any way to further
r For Mtwrh, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma ever then'• no:h:ug in the hioSa, In about an hour, ami eboukl any the use of oar valaab:a medicine.
gomeh v1 s sate ;o roman 1" plrn to SIM motive pow. ROBft;RT R011K
and Kindred Ailments art-idait bn
Ytu'. low wah:ng tar •tee, ma'am," or the irtAt may be dtrtdrhed. cad TSrw lRlretfsl
.r.«.-.., - .......,....._,....,......- _-_,.-..-- _. she auLsea:ed. corn:aur b•an&y for- -..�. .t..,,,w.,... ,-
L.ward a m:ante afterward, to faresta.l a w111 ee ownti ries $e slew rney to ,
Tris two methods of trvyttlgR dtneAes to the taste anti wtitxtertnlly Ma1ML An 'den of dinner whilih might have and may ragtiaue t]rS }nurtMy to 1. I
arae local naA gagerel Or conwtltw- I Un 1 PoothlAN to Its effects. Ur y g the nrAtnarY manner.
clonal. (•Iiase'•a Syrup of I.InA*ad and Terpo•n- •tirlorst is the traveller's mind, "a �t _-_ - -- _
No nae would gtlnt ut relylnf u a tine al is nxfINTUMatlon, IeN)SPns the wh4,. s:me kn.fe-and.fork tan, a we .A Kitchen Hint.
�ro a , wo old t to clear the at.." VAS- cough na.t tlRht.nsa In tha ohtet, nl- call it f I've es aloe a o,lA barn r ever Theses ars many families woo ass
nagdw of the heed, throat asd born• lays, iarifimrnntinu nud prevents con_ was bo:lwd; and with scams eggm--"' >ffillers Wove PovvdevA cwt all ngels h`Lstwell to remember ID ctatlag
1 (tuMw. No Anwxint or KointMl s,tnr)rtlos, pnrnaNwla and lung troa- "Thank yon;' the iady annwgT*A, la mases of isLiouanaas, ani shim het. veytetobles that nearly All are In-
-hintLrrntmPnt will level the nlerrti on the blew. Daew rg through the der wh:eh ohs J}r remate than from any other medl- irexl by Ming Io1Md with trash meat.
' tNMrAte mnodr Ifmfntis or wllay the !n- In rawPg Of eannl catarrh or nr11n- landlady held open ; "any:hatis yes else; floe date b usually safficlewl a �* diwaRreenhle Dolor of hnllteg tri►•
a flammwtlort of flop iwtlmnnnrr orRwnS sty ro1JR general or rn tltutlnnn► hares• I am Stirs it will be owe, a� a0rrest lbs trouble - tktRr or onluun inlay ifo IPwo•n*d by
gs tri I lmttlag A very Spall nm-wint of eay-
- sal tvratriaent fa athAolntaly treses- trweatden$ Mt fr'wgwently nithshensary, you may. for cow ma'wmf" Datable Vaar'A, Double Beer. Pnnc popper In the boiling water,
But when the k*ty Ie wenkenod and"Only
!_ um t;rou�5le I cold In the b.as1, dvMlitfit&l by the ravntee of chronle the tart wan Atli evitMmt, and the A seat
• cort�I�tonolnrd wrltoa fta�r ll:vrry moth*r allw -ses that Mr
vea ►M or hair favor, TV. Villimi'a Pn- r'wtareh, wartem Ahsw$ rolclf, Ise etri7ype aes.leua phase of aonraeratloa oa t►e A•tath Afrten ttf' tha I,gr J` , ilg Anwirter from 12 is Is years of a;e
karrb Gere M the rnrrt Pifosrlliw p8i+ai nfntl [er,i?Ires Ov other stn*""" g AAs. ►ort of /tM Iwndlady only tie street cot II 9, " A r4l"llain i
nhlt, but She lor,kwd sur ris,id what LAl a wiiii An oowsional ooruras of 11(Litf'/
.,'''J Lrmtnw%t available eRsm, A prieral treatment. aeeh no D t'h'Pvwley ramp pcovddet the gwfivist Couspound Trow Pkllw, .
w Catarrh Care M not In- Or CII&Aes ?Terre E'oxrt, IS ne*desl tit ovitb the ang.r'ar eamrt a vivbi blush. Ute$ ohl"Id tart oar renletr test •
-' �Tryaa�ded ffor any other Iwurplxaws than rr.wtrhrn the Orength of the body wn,1 7�a San esrved is the Shad,wy, low- $'It Christmas in the moesslbg A noIns own •conk tx 0st be tt,P
t tJae$lu! ►dMrials catarrhal Affec tion-' of rohnlid the wasted tissues. oitil++ patter, where a rawly ligattrd R R
Maser And thrown It In w wits- Dr. VIIAdr•'A Nerrol Furl giros to the firt Struggled tato avieteeeoi glad two dtroswn said
to oath mtles.. .double
Mat eArrority AgniMl utMr pwoplP'a
m•..`t tNsSS alltnrstw. ant eurPo Mby for vicar roclid i tot ovo•mimP added ooarldlimble (� the ahs go a Y wnid thr Authorl%les: 'double 111 mannan. chesMrflolM.
k u ilno but nothingti the light at chParbi� �teraM.' And they Ao0MM It. Next We con m-4*1 other* .color than
. , ly and rAAkally bry hvwlld,R dlrPase it fr.eme new, reel o(wgheaa,les wAerl tLecraw tea btaviPaI ht� � ser doom were myalag.' ww ran (serwnives,
y,I,S ,k,,M, rorrnteiractlnet foul hrAth• In the hl(x.i send rowlertrnnL the ich iR Ike landlady of h# if AAwllns
. RR d6afrpdW into %he Ibrrhnt send wnetold nor,* cotN. 'thin hinal send dy Mrs. G. Howell Dualist, (hit.. says- - - --- --
a f tesege of rntwrrhwi head aeaatnl tt ettunente tnewMne to form Arms bjya it telt to Sean► a 4'ky. The i finch minter's WSty !aw4ors a
rwoovlsg Mie u I an iIPwI can tow alt dlmaaorS nt She weld hNO
;llwd beer-oerlsbolinally the Rag,(ichm.
"1.v ScIrM w1.1 Aeafrt&Ss. pwwnactial of the hs,ad, tbrtivt arii D g� I7=0e.
� O
" ilkawtes. AS a khrAl trPAtsarst for air n �wAsesrarsinRt that FxtR lalblrit le !M ,ow Ycs! IR M1d
% av'rnaliles ttr(twrhlrtw, nSthaM, 1 rad Ttr Chwwiew („rue, li r•nn, )! C F C t' b�,liCa aC Tap -
amt sl.lg. Dr. C'hAsr's� r sena w one, Mrowrr trap, Dr (ltarlai'a tearl4 r, and a .* hs4i A aplaytA that* ksia lain ntwnntactmt•S Id Cmnadla Mt
ref L/1nrtA aeNI-rWTpantfrw N n spell• ( ayrop of L.gaewA wed Twrpwoatww• 'tt4 orvsrytk eiih:w o r orrsaaental 5 per rest hollow V Is peters
Olwl la rarAtlrp inertia I pmts a b'"Ie tar MILW's Ner,P trkle l�► ire Ow-uld furnish t rill. Aeww•sUng to She lielar lllAv rMtadSSt+� �Stlr: air aW of sattare,s rnrea (Of FooA, kDMRS'S aInt.At all dswlerawbea A SennlsrseA arrifaA walked relit wwAr4 AWIA,f wl 1A e0k�ofd
40 Oran$ and iso/ ? MOW0, Y Pipe 114
Or b:AmatiSrxn, ltwt.g ! l7t►t 't rvxsto RYLIIr Into the lain aril tw iared - tis pay 18014,000 fKWIL .
Ars" IN A4117g1111" R-IttAlf I"IMA.•:... i
Ueod IGRsote to be **cured Only by
To -div no me basige pictures In
pares. time when rstvlarity of
arrangement was considered the
aeme of etegsiuce has vanished, and
bi its place has clause a wild strug-
gls atter the uuexpeeted by those
rota Idea of artistic effect W
to have nothing Tatou anything
ism. The weLrd result their efforts
ar dlaoe W due to their failure w
a srectate the fact that harmony.
at least, must rule, even &IU-Ufh
antformlty has hood discarded.
There utust be a scheme to which
the panoral tone of the pletarem
should a►nforus. A dark carbon Most
not bang close to an etching drawn
a delicate Jima and bordered by a
broad white mat. If water colon
with their soft tints elbow oil point -
use with their bolder tones. the
former will be fsdad, the latter
Int It be Cramped. W the first
place, that tertala things utay go
together, while otbars mw: be hair"
red from the aesoclatlou. EtLhlugs,
pho"raishr. drawings, eoruo ou-
gravWgw, - water color&, pastels,
may be resembled on friendly
torsos. Even then, however, there must
be Judgment exerobed In the war they
are placed. Contrary to the natural
inclination, dark, heavily shaded pin-
turrer should not alwA)s hang In the
sttvngr'st light, but should In movie
Irises seek a sheltered position, away
from Abe glare of the windows Near
the light may haps the pictures In
fainter %Intal, the subdued water -
0016M. the line engravings, whose beat
points nee.1 Illumination. This truer
ssay tometms be reversed when the
oorn-r farthest from tote window
shown a decided ased of brightening
by light pictures, %at always the
groldatlon of Unto situuld be borne to
amt. Just as In a well-planned Loan
the darkest color is tonsil In the car-
pet, an I melts from that through the
duof the curtains and furniture
to lightest nuance to the wall,
so the lowest pictures attould be more
Sombre to hue than the upper, and
should lead the eye unconsciously from
the deepest tone to the highst light. -
I;arper's Bazar.
To Cure a Cold to One Day
Tdiagt1ktigeg {ta itws ire Brame Qafnice Tabieu. An
k. refund for rwo&ey if It f=cm
Mo. w, Urove . sen iutre is es anon flea.
General Dodge.
The gutats in the Frankfort lintel.
were quietly reading Weir letters
Unit papers when the voice of the
elark ,rung out -.....- ,_.....
•yii low ti) - -.L
and every man slid from like eltalr W
the floor.
"it's all right now, gentlemen;" an-
nossuced ti,be clerk a moment later.
"You call get up. lies rnm'
tr they resumed Weir @anti the
clerk extoplIs rmed :
'It wlh Curtbel Borers." lie Sald.
"looking for a than. I wouldn't have
glrwi the generwl warning notice u th
It hadn't beed fur the feet that e
custial IS o blamed cress -eyed that
yah server Zen tell which way -be's
going -W shoot !"--`NveI&nil Plain
ildra o
how sad it is to see weak
children}—boys and iris who
are pale and thin. They can-
not enjoy the sports of child-
hood, neither are they able
to profit by school life. The,
are Indeed to be pitied. But
there is hope for them.
Scott's Emulsion 1
has helped such children for
over a quarter of a eenturv.
Your doctor wil W you It is both
food and undidne to them They
begin to pick up at once under its
use. Thek color Ittlprova, the fksh
becolttn oncies firth the weight
irtaearis Std all the fu1 life and
visor d drJdhood rchm, icon. ,
Atoll drattrt.oe: w end Asir.
atm r a BOwNE, Obsolete. Tor,n••,, e
Heart-aaaped Revere.
Chlnohflla la often dealt on dark
green, gray or dark blue guwiir. but
mWwtuter ass It employed on gowns
of Burgundy red for Jauutary t iwt
Ing. The contrast Is rather strikoig
for the rest seems a deeper•wine (.,'„r
for the blending with cloudy gri,y
chinchilla. A rollarette and iwat
and hessirt-slisped revers of the dalut,
fur are all Stalls empiweaeuto ralulr-d.
Well people do not Yfrry, 'r„ke's Compotlutd Iron IUG sad la.
well. 50 doses for a quarter,
Mrs. $ardupps-What ya'M Is it :'
Mr. Harduppe---f don't know. Isn't
your we teb going e.. 'No; I01 gum
GRA ItntUbMT164 S& GUM? -
You can't tell witioet trying
- - EBY'S DAISY 011e -
Tae Now L%eml-el Couipound, wonderfully
effective ie curing Itacun.ali.m. Noerolpa.
k clattee, Pain In the !took and Video. Luetbapt,
Pore Throat taeria, F ToalI”
oohs. Bruises, nay and Bioddr .
said try an dreggitte at yS testa, or from
V. F. YBY, Caetoal.L last swig. Ot t
In e. cry Iowa Vadu,t clear r erpel. „u
tie allow. Write /or pertieuktr*. Tae Special,)
=164:l erinr co.. 17 and m Qaees Attract ea-,
Terentq Onit.
books, ^las /.Abney d Beata Afrin
Permaneetly and Painlessly Cared
(tow books in one); and "Dwigat L Moody
In a Few Days.
The Man avid )IW Mtdr'; the books an well
wrWen and up to -date. and an not a submit or
YOU skiffs obtale tisk hies! by uslog
Putnam's Palnlems horn and Wart axtis"Wistnl agents sac rinks ameyr Py
Extractor remove@ all sorts of earn
take 1tM$, at ona plod ase ow bsska 1'r...
warts and bunions w1u out pain to a
pectustree. 11 you saga la•{ss. otbw air
tow days. It has been the stand-
sanawnes to twthernvamisn beneaL WpW+n
nrd for thirty years. Beware o! ..old
nosh eating, dangerous Substitute&
Being%Modisdbtbook Boom Ter=”
and inlet on having the graulne
- —
I?utstam's. Bora sate. patnitrr
Nrltwh War. br "HepkNs' .wl
.A HkalOrtd Misconception.
Aallidead.- to 'two voluaea," Is a girdk"
Idea; win.• wewb throwing away all other
' Nero has been sadly maMigned by
pt + wires Lary cc ern: brge Kook eTi
MW11hi.trated. etegantly ra{„ael `voq
the historians. Careful research has
proved him to Tawe been a moat ex-
gro utile lt.,mll+.h gold kwf ' : %ani 1. abolAy,
Irhg iaineow euecrss with our some:-staadard
emplary character."
w"rk,- v ekeap, big couabpd sy Get n,
trrr," large luommae
"Horwe.aboat his (ladling whl:e Rome
t paw' to�We•-
N ��' w`t'
was burning r'
"A pare misconception. f% was An
�w'oo. `'aceto
----- -
active member of tApplls-Does Com-,
pony No. 1, end after they had got
the fire under control he payed for
Some tinea on the radon. Chicago
Mlnard's Lbdmmt relieves neural.
- '
ry0 S. .s f • remail.. •+o L.•.
W 1AU" W .mob er lir. Mac U. ;
Didn't Fellow lasiructous.
rrrC-,xb na litil ytis"'AVES W.
tturttrow, oso"la-
Ignant Patron -You advertise to
cure consumption, don't you T
rV. Qnwrs-Vlos, Air. 1 never ia11 when
Instructions Instructls kollowed.
lU Klimas Groat Nuevo I . `
Indlgrinmt Patron -My son took
ab or nervousness after grit day•
nee. Haid to tat Area mtreef. Phan
your madlelne for a year, and %ben
ddphla' Pw for treating sed treetrW batl'-
ror sub by J A. Harte, IM Nebo Arert
Montreal, Que.
lir. an Qnact-My Instructions weno;
folloed. I told him to Lake It for
Mrrrr�� vidaves erne �a�oa� a1
wan for Children
two y-etrs.-Oh;.o State Journal,
used W& &South-
tike child. potter t►e Cas erg+ VAM conA
Mloar•d's Llnlrkaut cues burls, ate
4011 Y w east nerdy toe Die= Twrty
`- '-
avg aeaU • aottle -
(Trade Nark Hesb/ered Nor, I1, ttgs.f
AAM yea ok'k 1 iia+ meAfdnr /niie,l 'to yral
o cores tend for our IVs it ca�tttrion daft
• `slur:-� �maleof the enreA. No FAMILY ('ANA nA:
rine, no electricity.
AN OXYDON01t n is so seal
once whllr YOU feaiyrs'walmu
iTmdn Mark Registered Nov, fa. USLI
s Isisg U
nSeea wells >Mnae
+ y
11 I
•t 1`
..., - i
". A Dollar
YOU skiffs obtale tisk hies! by uslog
3t. Lawte ace Sugar. L
.,y ,b , - y - y,, y
mom___: --daggir"I'� -, 6 I "
. . . I
I .
T! ----.—-- - - I
WN'T ehIRI1111AT Mtn URAAOWR IigNRD , r7- s rc - -
PAD Rthlit.Ts P
I ..arm - ,raar�•
civ ,fir ,-Ji ,i' .:T *. s„ ws )t _ +.' . t.v s.' . - �+ '
.. . 1-
N 11
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