The Signal, 1900-04-5, Page 49, 101911•1999mmi,
•(� r This sae.-
plats on your
Bicycle meso.
setidactiom -
it means qual-
Ask spy MoBurney Beattie
rider and the indoors," ..oswer
"The Best That la."
See our large stock and get •
Did you ever figure up the pro-
fit of running • cream separator I
The whine oasts u much as two
oow.. If you aro milking eight
(owe you will get as much butter
self you had milked tau cows. It
gives you warm, ,west milk far
your calms. Saves time and
labor and makes your butter worth
at leant two oeute more per pound.
We represent the Sharpie= and
Call and see them and get a ten
days' free trial.
Bicycle ,ud Music House, West
Bicycle and Music House, West
We. Mafa•s.e
THERE are men that won't stay
dead, and Jog MARTIN is one of them.
There aro others, like Joesrs Ieuet
TARTS, and others whom we will not
individualize,- but who are recognized
tam who won': sy
-thane wtfl ttecvo ta�N.iestrmtc'• E'
When we beard of Jos M •term's
first politica! death we regretted it,
for we knew that there wasn't in the
entire House of Commons • man, out
side of TARTS, who had as mach nerve
and as good • grasp of the politic,)
situation as MARTIN.
When he reincarnated himself in
British Columbia, and finally worked
into the Cabinet, we did not know
how king his lite would lett, but we
well knew that there would be a lively
time until " light' out, " and lo' • of
fun at -the wake.
We were not astray in our antici-
pations, for it wasn't long before the
lion. Joe was up against some of
society's spoiled darlings at • swell
banquet and, giving his honest opin-
ions on matters and things and being
rudely interrupted, had occasion to
refer to his interrupters as " Hobos in
boiled nhirta."
The local Premier thought that Jos
had too much hot stuff in hie composi-
tion, and called upon the hon. gentle.
man to furnish the Government with
• political corpse. Joe&PH objected and
walked out from the Cabinet, but
made up his mind that the Govern-
ment would die before he did. And
it did.
-Today the old Government is an
dead ea the late Less Posses•, of
Clnsium, and the gentleman who will
tip the fiddler after the dance is no
less • person than our old friend Jos
Marne, who wouldn't stay dead.
The moral of this story, as Captain
Cowie used to say, will be found in
itts application.
That the end will quickly Dome is
the prayer of all, for, though our boys
have demonstrated that they fear no
foe, and though they aro willing to
die for their Empire, we in Canada
would much prefer that they would
live for their country.
erThe speech of Hang BouaAMA, M. P.
for Labelle, reads well in Hansard, and will
stand perusal.
arTbe alleged Plummy lyddite shell
has proved to beau harmless as an ordinary
empty eggshell Tires OATH' dry is put.
11211.1'0eons e o •dmiSe
the fighting devil in the old man's make-up.
THE members of the W. C. T. U., in
convention assembled in many places
sod on divers occasions have told to
that war, pestilence, famine and in-
temperanas are the four great evils
that a®ick the human raoe, and they
put the sorest on the whiskey end of
their pronunoiame nto, for which we
have no quarrel with the dear girls.
The first on the above list is war,
and, ea we rte having practical know-
! ledge of that dire calamity throtlgbout
the Empire. we must say that whiskey -
drinking or anything sloe that is
worse than war, is bad, indeed.
8nsals•w's definition thee " war is
bell," L borne out by the despatches
recounting the results of battles and
sieges, and by the letters from the
frost to the relatives of Inds who have
given up their lives for the flag. whish
.re written by more font nate coca -
Oar beams may moil with pride
that the Teeing Canadians wbo went
to Athos to represent their country.
were made of the stall that feared no
fee, but when the death list is reed
.od the names of the wounded .re est
before as there is a palling .t the
beartvtring and a dryness in the threat,
retest ding)) the u.mse of no neat sed
dear one t5 re, what some have ssem At
• to oaf , the " honor roll."
When war was declared 15s1 year
wale many who belir.d it
tae to be merely • holiday
mut men who went to the
the days wore to melte
5t Mao Sea dfiepelled
.eslse.d Mr by the Wales. 1''e the pow roust bed amu •hese W t-heirpsoj.lNss
est tteyesemeat helmets the erode .f having eesr.eted. Af say rat.w
, oo snit Roe
«yd ibis. obstr•ette.s te the improv.- tad by ease te be Wm satins Mea
oget.l istmr-lithieh trade. We have to •eelth.dealed heUyheef, and they woo
• imtt that he Liberals hopeless Is whew • vets* .f Ibir
w *Wag*WagwIOWOwrnuns.• taawMr. The help rendered by Il,.
nest., imperial ld.raMses and the Gaited Rhodes, who was le Me besieged bows. will
Respire Trade League had shag bac ..)rely ..met be toorrnksa by ilea Iatabt.ate
ettivkrg fes. Neter.11y all Whig operational Wars se.
TRW III 115 AT. goaded. sad Me white mimeo .ed Matta
Meshed Herald : If .ao•MW df the pSSple 1.rfs.d themsslvs. tato . ()tunas•
bode is set nosh"„ ha use syr of tun Defeo.. Fero' ambrtag 4,000 ; this with
the regular military free et abseil 600 made
Charlet Mew. es o.netle% Oda do's .ar ap the defers el Klmbrley wbl.k withstood
se Great Infold • real pretmeso, what • Mdre
sgl.g fere .t 10,000 mea fes 1.84 et r.d.6Wa d.em he eoaeldr le day. Mr. Rhodes started relief weeks.
aogee•p to prevent the pretenses bebg .akis.troee sad roads is poetises et his
illaesry t Dar he desire . dlsoat that private property be .mpl.y the sway wino
Weald .sisal. embarrass O•.adl•a mw.- wore throws eat ei sad ea -
farmers t As he is roe te .tree able otherwise to ears • living Ir Mem-
le Mr. Ob.burials', of free trade selye and their la.lUga
withis the empire, what is he prepared be TMs sax•Tn? AOHuvu&NT
Iva Britain is return for the preform a
her corker Oa the es. band he Is op
reed to hes tt•4.. O. the other, he
o►.rssertsss w C•,adt•n pnleresos as
Was. The doughty Knight must be
eekig Whit them day., Where ma 1 ,4 t
STTbe Mail and The Montreal Stu .till
preach the gospel of race and revenge. And
it's mighty poor pabulum to diet•enb.criben
5T When Tor Davis, M.P., referred to
the member of A.uiniboie as "NiceoLAa
BLOOD STAVIN," he cast a reflection on -
the 'poem
STWe should like to know where the
Icon. W. I). McPnss.oi was when Pan -
term was signing the affidavits on the
Went Elgin matters.
It Some of our esteemed contemporaries
are worrying about who will succeed Jou-
perT. With the Boer finish in sight 1. it
worth worrying about tbe matter
R When the lawyer was licking Parr•
cuurr's affidavits into shape he should have
had in his show window • card bearing the
in tiptian "Thu is my busy day."
gTAfter reading Col. SAr. Humus'
:,;stere from flout h Africa, we can't help
wondering what kind of peopie lire Io Vic•
toria county and vote for BAIL. Hoose
erns. s. 1,400 girls who scot photos to
young Mr. Pleb, of Piston, in the hope
that they would get • free trip to tits Paris
Exhibition, now thhtk the young man was
dealing only in Pott-itude.
How the Inhabltante N'styd•
• Mg .rier Mai Was set n1teg-The
Calera aaaufsesered is the Se-
siesod Qtr -Cape Tews's Juba -
lotion hr Cr.sje's 1.11.
I1.. aa.w•t epode! ooueseoad•ae►1
Ctrs Tows, Feb. 27th, 1900.
Oa the morning of the 15th °itebar,
1899, the lobablteate of the town of Kim -
windy, its great dl•meed raining motto of
South Africa, .oma 650 miles north wt of
Cape Tows, awoke to Bad thomselyss
aurro•Sdd by Bore .ad tbo tows out off
from oommuieauos wl'8 or bolo from
either the idyll or military world. Os Mr
15th of February, 1900, exactly for
month after, the relief oolsms eider Gen.
Fronds re.okd the town wed the Mips was
at an end. In them four mash. •earring
greets took phot. Kimberley is • taws of
about 26,000 whir ..opal.&..._ bet se o11
hese as ddtUosel population of from
20,000 to 25.000 K.filr laborers I emdoyd
to the tour great sloes situate. within •
radios of two molt of M• centre of the
town. The team Itself la anlntrsWng, the
' trees rungs( is all direst/oma and coag- tNuSSIV
ase would Ugh) A Whip was peeked ep
1"--, w.wt q�pjj•c
t am db wd�r rereaart M ee,eloe'f�i t '
et Edatitley sad tis reqs % 'Merl l t iilmbrly els., waft {s slmbsl
d the Kimberley people wr she maser -
tare et •.dare tad gwtitlea et amuse -
Woo. Our wrest Ooveas•st te
not very solicits@ ter the wellies of Mr.
Khed*s r anything be which/ s Wirer
d, se It goes without torsi
had littler ne mUttry delegate to the
shape .f order. artillery. The tape ooald
throw • shell of Nose pomade a mile rod
three queers, while he way had •
number et twelve and Stew pomade's
wbloh would terry doable the dews.
They oe.ld simply dt (plot rat el nap of
the Beliefs gape rod drop their .hells halo
the town without w etches. dreier.
With some •siot•oae fres w military
.those.. Mr. Lab..., the oldie meow of
he dialoged mines, see to week ei rake •
Kos, lied greatly to w surprise d w
*wiry • week r two after the Ent his
bombardments hells wdghtns 28 lie b•gao
to tail tate their asap. A caw •mei power.
fel goo ehrisbeeed "Lear OseU," threwleg
• shell fear holes la Manger. had hers
mseaf•Nand under great dlfft•a.Ws by
the terries. sod .hello to eorr„pond were
Insortb•d with the smear
"001IPL15U -C J. L"
and wt as messengers a death. Ties
followed • sensed very seven bombardment,
bat exempt for tioo•s1.s51 dsetruues be
property 5 great brut was door. Thea
lee les days the Iowa enjoyed • oompw,
five holiday. The third bombardm t%
owed with terror for w poor b.l..gwered
atty. A hew go had hese obtotied by the
Bore tree Prorla nod planted cm an eh -
wagon tear miles Ins the pose/lee, rod
th. .0l.. and poefusiea owed by he
bursting of the 61.. d te baadrsd•peesd
shells is Kimberley es the 7th Febre•ry
will sever bs trte.res by these who herd
It. Thew dastreetive sehums esethased
tee • week, noes* ksewlns whose the nest
We ggapgyy somber. H. J. why f8•�t. who
l fellewleg she Pedder River oplua fes
Serlbeer'e Magsrae, ooa6lbates te .ht.
le�esmseberias.eewat of the Bests defer at
M •8. tl«�hen ( . 1�8ekert. ~look
eemm•ed of w sebum Mr. Whirrs
Wm hal peed terto. with Ws peregmehs
taken as w Heid of battle, • number el
whish •pow In this •rtleie,
K Professor Parris, the inventor of
"Ptrra's Ghost" and other iilualoos, le
dead, but Professor Form, who le endea-
voring to snake the ghost of the National
Poboy walk, is still alive, though poorly.
s 'The Hamilton Spectator pubilebee
with pride an article from The Galt Re-
porter which says that The Spectator is the
champion name -caller d Cando. Then
i no accounting for pride in newspapers or
of the lass balt•bear in (apo Tetra. he
The Th..i steam whistle blew 1t. .brill wire of the leas, teed d.riy HI" day
blast and everyone welds hauls. Meteoce some 9.000 eeot►1 a aaeel5mty r the tp
rushed tate the Wrests to leers the latest s,In mer the di•m•ad•oeaeit air*
sows. The loyal Capotoolar have a Tso0'•NDe or our'mow Twa spvcm
atm rushed to the bulletln-beard Daly te wire trees steers hid Bear shells. Oa the
gad bad sews of reverses hid capture of our 10th February the "Dl..sed Feld. Adver-
me that It is with ,trance teenage of et ilasr" isesed the fefbwtsg noted : "ler
cited bops sad tsar that the citizens _ow womb wo shalt tally *aphis a ease
s*oayrble to the call the news of the re- futon date It bas bees decided to wpend
Ilei of Kimberley was e.. of tin very few psblcatlen noel farther notion" Iii appears
is.teemes where the hixtous people loft the %het • very *troop areal* finding bait with
psbIlshIb odes with light hearts and jubi- the mssagemset of the war was published
Toot t.eee, sad this mews w* had es c be 8•.8 hid the miliary w*r stopped
• ueriTITIOw o► TSA. oLourobe ootsonrrr the fells, but • week atter allowed the
.1 esMadasn .ad th nktalner deseribd piper to over oat ou oesdition that all
In my last letter. Aber the relief of Kim.proofs ,herald be submitted fore:awaaUse.
The fir*.
berl*y, Oracle, the Beer timed), made • intimacies of lb* vestiges of the
„Isis" Ilse wit8 8ar army of 10,000 In" ..emy was a withdrawal ea the 13.6 from
ter sksesusetem, .nn caplW d us. Gens. • plain on the south skis of ewe Iowa which
het 8.81
8. Roberts g.v bk. was • esus► the garrison without .soh dlffiwlty mksl
of • few boars and them be the parsed.Lad held. At the SIMS time they took •
few prisoner', thirty bead of cattle dad
Owes, N•poMea C,mt.n et the R. 0. 8.,
by Dodd'. Kid..y Pons.
grew ,4sru Sod -N Ombra,
g ar, hal l Dempsey el w Royal Ona -
adios ArtUlry stationed at the OtteM1
W m, 0.s,tden himself • tarty mar He
wW Wer the q• se's •alters for years yet.
H. spwtd at ere time that kldaey dl.....
word .•es.p•te Sts quttly the J.rylos,
Bet he heard et Dodd'' tailing
Gamer C.ste reestv.d • teeter re..atl
• skins •boat Weare. He replied as fol-
Royal O.median Artillery Lesley.
Dear 81x-1 rimier you letter and
hereby reedy the, 1 wee sand of kidney
disease by Dodd's Kldmey Pills. By them
I eat be a soldier • few yeses yr.
Gneiss N. Corms,
Ne. 2 Co, R C. A. Q..heo.
ITThe only gae.tiom that NICHOLAS
FLOOD DA V Ise has not debated since tb. Rose
met is that which was introdnoe•l by Mr.
CH•muroir, winch favors the shortening of
speeches in parliament. Nre.ot•e won't
speak in favor of any resolution to do away
with soap chewing.
• leeks prem fMo. i. 1.111411aw. a Wermer Rey.
The Lasers Sorter 1•N week pub-
ubll.hed the I.U.wmr letter trout U. F.
Odle., • former Ieekaew hay who 1
eervlag with the Halibut gauss.. Mr.
Odium M . ueph.w of R. W. McKaale, el
(Ndstteh. Be W two brothers flgku.g
South Airier, se that the fatally le deans to
.here 1s w ,rules d the Empire
Orr•wa, Yank 84th, 1900.
Diaz Haut :-Har. I .m le barracks
with B O..psay .t the PrwteMesa Bier
taboo of Waotty .sem to leave tor Halifax,
where the Betaltoo is te relieve the
lae..teea B Co. fres ).odea, C Co. from
Terser, D 0e. from Ott.w., hid halt et •
Os. from the West w quartered 1a w u-
►lbitd . beadier bar.. The tithes halt of
A Git has been ordered to Regslmhila,
B. U., to weei.t la defod..1 that plea..
Over the dor of w shed whore B Co. le
very eemf.ri•be quwrtrod Is the ego.
"Graded cattle." D Co. le la the haling
fee "Heleehaa" tie with the other tun•
peeler hverytblsg was fired up ha bor.
reek shape hero Were we arrived, for the
8rMlbe..a herr was quartered hero only •
few day. before Part et the Canadian
Wasted Mos Lad he Royal. Casadl•a
were .I.e quartered hen before
it/According to.T8 Mail and Empire, the
Re.. MORGAN WOOD hr got her " release "
from the management of Breed -.t. church.
Toronto. It will be in order mow for one of
our sporting contemporaries to state that it
is the intention of the reverend gentleman
to occupy the " box " in eonsnetion with •
Cleve'.md coneregation.
He ,moo overtook the Boar§ owing to the
Not that their wyo►s .sd „asw were isms waggon-loade of y.ge8.ble, the latter
mite WAS Noel OX Tat maw.
Albeay Jeerer : Tie seer was eters"
• Barren wtesee• sad the leader la
lady), as bales pleated with the )dies'
readerly et the "esu..," dm.gyed item
thee : "New the soprano sad albs oust
start mush at/wager ea the A, sad let the
,seed grsd_uly die awry eel berm, We-
er, and knish 5.ramslarl7 eels .pee lb.
awotn.D WITS Nn amines as.
TOILS ere 0orrIser0N.
Terse to Star : Tb• affidavits, whine llln
Wbil•,.y read In tie Lyl.latl,S id Their-
day,le weir . mas, new is Detroit and be-
veled the rear .f the law, rare that he
wage hate the West Blabs edsWen emu
"*lipped" §.ees twenty vete. ha her et M,
Liberal emdMSbs. lar.W •ether reason
fes she .ear se rdisg haveeMgriss kite
ash .demise by rhe esstreiee wbieb tie
Rem O.verwmest hes •ppeistd fes the para
na0005u 1w1en
Goalie Mermen : mfr. noses preemie
wagers fes Me favor Nmftde mss d the
aid days when the Marissa! Petry was
gee 'willed. Tit gnat M.P. w.e to
marks the freer ililt het 1t. slid Novae
51 154 b be very di ask If M. Oppo-
ser .erg ecaRy mtesogbsd V •h. farm',
Dislike, it word nee Admit to w leages).
vett errs epee British ha allele
bay M. %Ore /re. ft rause • lowers al � Y we
a.y may
Gan" •w •orw&.m.
Tongs World a it hosed the hand
the be.. O.,Iwsst, sad ears. It e de.
names s8. egmmentei tooaM*s ret v nye.
draws mainly by ogee and .o.segs.sUy yr lira)�ble te the 4's .4
their retreat was slow. They wore coach many easdroda d whom had d1.di1 n
_p with •bsrig hiest Mtrt)) n. ath•i of owls* be the out el vs/rotates diet, 4r
KI bd wiwagsouw
tads ►weep frac hear the 1516 the big Tin fired five or sig .hell.
rte w 86.5,w l.6 wen .. doubt 1t.
w British hawse were so dlep.eed se 48. parting miste, although set oousldrd u
/oar .bee d w .a.. tha
t y ware esm•
holt by the leagaufbring people. Whet
piggyheeumd In The ores owpbsd by nest have bac the joy of Kimberley wham
toe Imprie,m d deny was sheet • m1m an donee party of semen were res_ riding
square ; they sad their wartime se form • m W1th w geed news .het
herr--• vary Isadel•abs shelter, of shelt,
for the British mama moo made then re-
rr ttgwae WAS •rrso•snitse
ion as • pe, metra sad 'easy el them with with • large fares of cavalry, •rtWory .ad
Mar leads el mires were oat se lire by .e.ntd Iolastry. Ose of the sad ..eats
Melling. The Beers Nen took te the bed et of the siege whe the death et Yr. 'Abram,
the small river nosing through their )lees to whew g§daa was des the .•klag d the
mad heaps eslr._rlee asmseivu haw b'g ernes sad the aurehr ire of ammne-
b•nke and every available shelter w en when d
it was sorely seeded. He was
Gould bad r wake, pod ter about a week hikill by the rples1.s of one a the
they have herd set bravely. Greer enemy's sheik, It le sloop to wtes-
Roberrts eadsebtedly mould have rushed plate that est of • popalaMes of 40,000
ewes w1M W esperler fame at any rime block pad white this ode white man whose
during Moue awful Jaye, bat being certain meabanleal gset_e had achieved se mach ter
then was ne peeslbilty of eecap•, and tee prolsoltes of the people should be
actuated by buses lollop, he was ase- gigged oot by fate to die a horrible death.
teat te await their .urre.dr. 18. blowing • mosanset le to be "notal we • mesrW
of The Cape Times whistle call an hoar of the Sege .ed he many w8. «1 their
sr, death Is t8. .areas sorties against the
res somtasna or MOWN AND NIP •ares Bess. W sroesetmg Is will be the was -
and the sesame wttaesssd Is the 'wets e_ use to near, of the mak rod ble erns1.
w 16th were •gals es•eted this morning. /oath.
1). S MaCowxrn r.
The same greet eethemaetie crowd shout•
log, hurrahing sad ehagrg patriotic sow,
the we marsh Wrekgh the principa
strew beaded by U.M. J•.ke, else sane
de.wastlw Were the oder ef We die -
loyal p•p.,s Ow Lead sad The Boer
Airier News t bootleg. gto•.t$a, klasing
sad Marne "Betters Never, Never Shall be
Mame" laid "G.d Bare the Qeeee" sod
t8. « s•balmy expreefse of eathlartes
sew fames of die loyal °hisses, makes ser
feel that yam we may r..4 rater le the that w oolosy la not deNtised to
peal hate the ei1txbes of the Nees .hard
asd have the hands of 1te olook pat bock
lull • watery.
Bee be Wena my remarks ea Kimberley
rod its stye- About • fertslght deer the
lavwenent d tlis tows t8. B.. Omr•I
Wrath meat •ars bethe BriMd .Mer is
oos..od se Wows t "Whereas it le weer
eery fro m• to take p.ssiesi.s ef the bewo
of Kimberley, herders I demand of roar
8..r that, ups. receipt d this, yes se
osses•admg oftleer shell forthwith hind over
Se « the tows ef Klsbetrley with all L1.
wasp and fart.." This woe • pretty big
.rues ..d Mileages was gives rorty -eight
bouts to fill it, het whits • dew hears •
reply was roar arrant the Bear general If
h. was .ser..a ef p0.wsion of
88.4...81 .s61....s.4 8. s 44
rpa SWAN • beet., aele5•IL.rm5T
whleh aimed for tea days arum daily
whit shrapnel .hells, .hleh iuM in the sir,
Mnwmg • sheerer ef ballets the sir of •
sorbet le all direetloea These were varied
M 4ls.e by mediator shells, .hl,8 hent
wise they .tike as oejeot• hid define the
We days ever 700 shells tell w11hh t8.
leen, Obi &Inlet . wriest ae forts sr de-, bet throws hate the rare d the
tees 1s order te came mere damage te the
easy, as ea• d the Beer leaders &erred.
A Aura. s pd mssm privets hessm, sal
• few plasm el hrsfaeie were mese or lees
damaged, but, remarkable to relate, with
w nepeise .1 • few Keen Wiled the la- cams Sheer slater uneeMW.
L the Bene or flaw provides' booms
seam, sad the prises fes these had te be
em rslMd by tis military. L feet ,vey •
Ming was seder tdthry esprrYese
Lights had ..1 snagress «.heir,. ramen.11451140 11 .Til nele ed ;
peruke W lit he erased se pewha" feed
repels, se mete berg allowed fes care
pew. The dally reties ef mW was re -
dewed te few seer_ for .d lac'
i4Liese 7gorreaIt,A► ilii
held here Maes bridle's sad Freonde will
have bows gene historic
We drill pre been eyery day le the large
p•vili.. se she sres.d.. Reroute blew, at
6:30 • r , breakfast at 7, dialer at 12:30,
supper .t 5 r. w , last lots blows at 10 r r ,
..d "lighle est" r 10.15 whoa all must he
r their bare..
We aro well fed and welt olothd. lac
eight seek man to the oos.psey received
three trey .hku, two poke of asde,&othee,
three pun of sock•, two towel., our arid
brash, comb, belle, fork, hob hrusb, clothe,
lush, button brush and two ,toe brushes.
We bay* Meagan, lope, ted ,este coat.,
tremor, sad greet costs The lest of os•
uniform and trappings w• will get who we
set to the smites 0117. Ttro are was is
B Cu from the 38.4 Brae, the 33rd
Hamar, i 8. died Ozferd Riese and 511 Ilia
rest .f tho eatttlto_s which go to camp ea
C.rllag's Rill. One boy la the apsey
sed to go to echoed with we la God•ti.L
tea years ago Jock and Freak Berne fres
Woodstock and Trsleatea Iron Loudon are
well known 1s Lsoksow, heist relatives
The boys are 511 is good spirits. haw
are seriously eiok. J from the amasmt
of d.seiag and Bagley g., 'mild ledge
that We for the red coat wee ties assessed
nod a gegen Amend the f.varite
B owe, an "Soldiers o1 the Qssss• .sd
"Break the Neve te Mother.",
Many of the esldiere, Isei•da5 myself,
have had the plasaurs of germ through the
Parliament building,. We saw the sets
e ras whir was laid by toe Pr1apt of
W10. ha 1860, the Senate Siad Cemieeo.
Members dao the reading room sed IIOnry,
all ahem are la the tweeter dillee. Oa
Thursday alget I had the pleasure el seeise
and beam" Mr. Davis, 8k Charles rapper
sad Premier benne, while the Omahas
was ha series. The PrllSwt biddies
sad ,spatially the library. esti a greatendit
te or felt Dominica. I wish you .54 all
s Leeknew treads could is. them.
Tomorrow then will es • parade 1 the
R J , the 8.g1In3, the Methodist, and the
Presbyterian aerobes.
Beeswrite eggs from w Nm
Years rely,
ED. F. ODLtrM,
Goderkh Bargain Centre
Astonishing otters in reliable Spring and
Summer merchandise of every descrip-
tion at decidedly interesting prices to
compel immediate buying. S`
BASTER VEILLNOS-Grad showing of all the DOW ideas in veiling' for
Easter. Styles to please the moat exacting.
ULOVES for EASTER -They are the handsomest Gloves made in France --
beautiful and stylish (Perrin's make) --every pair guaranteed.
EASTER SALE of BELTS -Splendid assortment to select from.
EASTER HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR, new and attractive.
EASTER CORSETS -the beet and most fashionable shapes
Tu CANADIAN M•o•zr.a-AI the head
of O•eadma story when .ted. Gilbert
Parker. Next to him the honors etre
fairly eves batww W. A. Frei rod
Rebar. Barr, with the forme g.i11.g
groa•d feet. Bath Freer sed Barr have
series Is the April t7..adtas Marinas -
stories whir wed Illwlrate the d►ger.tose
botww w work of Shore two Osbadi....
I• this Inoue there we .time ether neatest
feature", Iseladie two lllustr•led reales
es Str.tboo's Koro., • &amber of epeeist
photograph from Seth Algae., Oa article
on the Rd Cross ty Dr. Kyosee, and •
Meyer perm by Franklin Gabby.
LADta' Rory JotiswAewou Arstr.-" A
MYsiesery le the Grego Wort" by Re".
(lyres Towered Brady t T8. Ohek
Boys N Ragland," by Janne Ralph I " 18.
Merriam of the Cartery," " )owes, 'The
Messiah' ea the Plains," " Bebled the
Bosses der • PI.y," "College Girls'
Larks dad rash," glee as idea of the
varied .wells. s el the April iadies' Hos
Jeerer. Of erns, R.dyrd Kipliy'.
" Jar Ao " story, " The etlepb•wt's Child,"
uarrit s' with Wegker 8.... 8.w the
elepbos. pie Ids teak, w111 be.esgbt first
and berth enjoyed. las Wiens iden-
tifies '•ThMac
The Gotee1 Tramps is Or
Churches," Edward Bok presto out he evils
of " The ham With Width W. Marry,"
T• " A. Amadeu' Mother" writes ea
he Aaeeie. Woman la tee Market.
Plass." " B•adasne Balled., by Mie
Howard Wed', emu Fairies Is Fewy.
lewd " tumble* rhythms ad ruses
hertl.a The file of • swim el journey*
" Tseng% defense es Nassim," elk two
page* and "• B•ooemhl ()snowy Hees ha
Reread " d " We 1s.l. Ofrls la
Ow Play,Ire also pmlerlal feature*. A
fair part a the Aprf Journal le filled with
.•)tree of interest te *.0115. By she
Orw Psblishmg Ompsay, Pbtisdeiphla,
Or dollar • year: tet moat. • rev.
Brnupwa'e rob Aran.- Asses re
features of 8erib..,'. M•gerse for April.
the safari stay by Reese Sera Theisp-
w, by hl., will astern the
Irp sodf•ne* whish hail b.n fearm•ted by
Will Animals bays Reows," 1. this
Novy Y gives Me 11fe and edwarens of a
sailed• little seismal ell the .esdbw.t,
herrn as Me Smears Rat Haire war
be has •setter order Noy, the seer
estmea ter rndren i mnk, aur le )add ha • Ur•Ner•e ea w Mt
erWmea4 .et'mdw, fie s/ Wy a Yelled ea The o Is "sacs t Iia
msmsses aeeoesstM were reseed as "moll- felled Not" It seaMm• to the 6r men
ad.emd.rte ._d dit..Nee' sed seal/ he dtnelleas. 15 edNues r w aurmen
• 47 adeno • 4..I.,'. eertidnf..
the etre weak .f Jersey
ailette arras was Nva 01T
tar Ile One M«. Mawr are were et
ovum who retes.d Me a R.glah dW
bas rheas war leak be Is reedit/1: roes_
w )rare erg •r-. M«, oke wrhr
• ' • firestone effort/ hawses Ghat itrltats se the gees toad end .
,i. -- ee+/ (erase" as she ..her, W wtdt./ T awns. 0040 et Peels sad bad •
'-•-'e/ the who' ' gee -gra sieved • bi
Wry"- r,w.. . ,-.. , , w � iv .he yr «aP +' sf smear r Me begs
n,! ^ r Woes . ' �.•
Merry retests et Me Surber Mese M •
astable list ei artists. It le le •
sidle) ss armed eerie dgslgaod by 0, 8.
Hirer 11 wlates drawler by eusb wtiLL
keret Trash .rhea as Mrehelbl L••eerw
Melaka sad Jammer. sub Raeli.b were
(55 Perwldst, Leer, gum., and Freak
a54 w
OHO reirr
e atists se Henry
Y Welter Appais Clerk, 9eten-
Tl.mpw sed Fehr rhes. diw.sidehei
14abNese make this as sedette sed see.
M rooted; the mare ns.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, Ohio, after suffering for
eighteen months fro. Rootal Fistula, be
would die unless • costly operation was
performed but he erred himself with
Beekleo's Arnie* Selye, the best in tb.
world. Sorest pile core on earth. 250.
box. Bold by Jas. Wilson, druggist.
T8. .hep wise bys nese ler his girl those
days has te giro dollars ter seems.
Good, Warm, Well-Mada .. .
is a desirable ocq•Wtkan to • msa'e' ward
robs at this timed year. H DUNi.OP, the
W.N-N. 5511.,, has • largo stook of his ewe
make .blob leak well and wear wall. The
pries In set • serious matter -very bac.
Bailer Repiring.
Th. Gabriela steam boiler works
how"6eia eeaoved from (Ioder'toh
I have loads arrangements to oarry
on bean repairing and also the manu-
facturing of smokestacks, etc.
Repairing of boilers, engines and
other machinery promptly attended
Msobinist, Oodewiob.
Works tin Vista& Street.
The above la fist) 8.1. stove wood
l.n=fb and will be delivered to day
part of the town the same day as
Orders reomined by beh.phone4 er
lett M rrdd•nnc, 12A Orebrlii stew,
will maim 9protmpt .tt.ntloa.
traria. November 21st, ISM. Mir
What the Careful Engineer....
1. be he noel::as, the Apotb.orry Mt. the •smegmiby rime dyes
him p•teeasgo. The Uv. d people re eawassed se Ms sere. 8. -
wageless of this foot has sever bac bet sight ef le this Firmer.
ur 5.5.. Tatra
For chapped hands, etc., we have many remedies - Almond Cream,
Witch -hazel and Almonds, Rawlins Jelly, Parisian eado, Hind's and others.
Nsw ARRIVALS :-Tiny Tabieta for Tired Netrves% Armour's Beef Extract,
British Army Liniment. laxative Bromo'gsiaiae. etb.
'...�.... F . _ =
that's the
to new
To make your homes iskt
sad aenaonre wjfh .bit •
became they eta sack made
for certain purpose!. . .
A paint for Furniture, for Roca.
for Bath Tubs, for Home, h
fact anything pourable, not one
slapdash mtltture for a l kinds of
Remember, It's iambi the nght paint is the right Owes
secret of paint stroosee.l. We will tell pea the zUght pit
Ear `fit a rebate cheek with my all Ard a n
U The Modern Shoe Store. I
Raving refitted our store with a
modern conveniences, we will a
be in • better position them
eyef to erre our many patents. a
Our Spring Stock is about
complete with the beet mss et d
line of Footwear ever shown in
the County.
We aro still Sob Agents for
the SLATER SHOE, which In
undoubtedly the beet oboe in
the market for gentlemen.
We bane also steered the
for gee EMPRESS
;Ira for the ladies. It is the
most stylish and beet firing
j, r `' footwear made in Canada today.
111E NEW
We also carry .fine line
N ladies'AmrlosaBeoterdSboes
E r..
Call se w and aHing -
Ity Slices made by the J. D.
ores penia.'. tight 'sy,
W. SHARMAN, Jr. '''' . 41
uiuuiiuluuiuiuiui uiuituuiuiiiiia
Cereal C.o.ffee
4 'FI
A &helms dad halted hennas.
11 makes • &aims.• 4, .t, sell le ree.mmeadd fats pempm el
.•ryti5s dt.p.ltkw troubled with hca/-rs, weak sismaci arid bac el
()sly lb eta. • 1b. Try 48. Tkw who have used it penes s It.s.elimb
Al2. o0o05 e'to1rrLT Ds1.Ivnae
Telephone No. 91.
Ilia grocers, oor. Square and Mania4Mr
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for W`
r' Manufactured 1 1-