The Signal, 1900-04-5, Page 2t the Signal 4.tN t I'ItKNI) I 0,101dal comra,les, null which. i• am glad to sa3. watt attended with com re wt ThCre Ilpa"1 W tae good �A�d (ur too goo for lu limy COL. br!bery will Dion, fllsap pear• HUGHES' Idle heti A9�tis .11 Pekin oorrew nR erf tkt iJbNy Mril salla: "L4 tat (wi LETTIRS, ls roµunJW eomplalut, even of peldce, that _____- 7 w11my rut)"DAT WellIX Y tlla locxpp,ie la tie Maatteer l'uuutry day morning in their rusb ou the Boer treacbee. They had 8 met► killed. and ' w* ti, la.oatAJ99Wo,_.:.j "knew little and cared Use' fur tall- 'Another Breezy One From • ndn tad Nle C'anadlunce. They land uu awkwari custom of Including uv. un- Lindsay's Representatives THURSDAY, APRIL sa 19111. trenches with &dight losv. ' Van Renoselner hnalghtg anAsod the The news of Crovjp't surrender has der ties general dawigtiatloo of " Am- lee:•n received with rejAcing over)-- -- - - erleatsa," and a vlyiWr from Canada the name obnoxious to iw ever "face. a. BItIBPCKI'. would be asked in England whether HE IS A STAFF OFFICER NOW. That turn §N%AJd sell th"Ir vuteb for iie had voted fur or against tike Presl c]e11t d tiw I'uhted t:Wkws. La writ The lVilaay War,ter recwatly pwb- I 'Tt Wig 'letter from Lieut. Inoue) ItalicatLw n cev-) bid ntotn got wthlrs. Bat wlua W be biome fur It} time, Cunntta was forgotWg •i1W- ulersl; -Col, Bim l;Jughei W Mtjur Sylvester, from Who called li"I Ule unanufactitt+ra gether. But fau�m avuatm change Wut which the f.dluloiug extracts aro received ?the follow}ug caUngs Ifrons tela, as air. Turto wool l netuurk. No takwi : to Iota fur u'high tariff, lu order that London paper nplwurs now -u du)s Orange. Itiver 8t.itloa, Feb. 26. theli might charge higher prices fur without ►evernl n•(rronweJ W tiara' My Pear Dul•,-I Aro;) you a 1-ne thin Wittig, but of courw )die will let tlo w,lf tp thole eothey still Igo Ity columns. The war in eguogs f tLe bays we It, viz.• the old " villas 1\'lo told Ute Linuers th¢t they could told co d 1+ Africa well Ila costly to Canada, la uaeet.ag" cit Willltuu'u:l's. My umute- Kot motley for their rotes. If they mwiey un,l lv men. tart It M a [great went line t*en gre it th a last day ur vortetl fur the ti. P. t L It null vwu- ud,ertivement. Here are a few two W read the w•r.eps from Cuuad:uu p:I plerJ sell, nIC from All Urer tanalha tier that Jdu•k h<wght tae w'A/ ay g,xxl extracts from lila ninth page tf the toy warm an.t true fr'euta Really, ns his master? lie saw the ild.w die Louduu Unity Telogrui'01, of Feb. when 1 nm cud always ist,a btenthe astElttY hla oA party and toiling _8th mn'!e u( all hp: e, Lt 11 ummingt It W Tory, lu cutler W get rich In a hurry, • true there way uncert0uty whether awl why Should not he tux+ get a few I)urlo the vl ht,..tbu E/ lumen [ [ haling 'duct' tlwlr work, and the or not, ow:ug to Oen. Iluttou's havig wr.tte:t out here ug nluit use, I was - tlollarjfor hill lute} "*Allet{uiesltugs �fhe IwwLtserg from lb Aar theirs• there actually e:arolloal as an Imperial otfl- eat acorns. but forget who It le wags u ruWi forwar.l of Brltlwh and ver, or was, us arranged WAlk Mee/rs. tbl4,ahpkW the tr.er," remnrkcd a luliou{al troops; C'ANAUTAN�, Gordons B,r,kan cad 8uthcrl em1, 1n the quay ItoRttclan to an uudla"ce got protrc•tcd au,l �liropibirom, who selaed and eu- trenched a position outy eighty yards „f the (maenad an Government. .Ca 1 write Jack last week, I wuuH out T(alea.. who thereuloon opened their from the .fuer bust. WiLa day! ht � from Lisa outset ncoejpt suLunliahuts purmas suit oub5cribed money to buy ca me the collapixe of the enemy's re- puS.tiono out -It an the riot of the fel- v'otee hi favor of Ute policy upon Mitatice and the unooudltluiml sur• I .we wens all along it. except IA*varvl. whlcL they dOPxelacleit foe huts ettra rentor of Creetjo and his iorco. The Cukminl tnx,pi aro coverlsg But not vas of theta haduuy itntus lorpfits. Teo. it'w•as,the N. 1'.. with themselves with hwum. Oar Clara any mere th:in I brad. Yet the work I 'w;av at c•alleI uta to see ss,mcti!tyf of Ita,dlsnegard of moure acid tunes. Ito [ails of the British ngltients grry Uao country and ni!u scone wnice. practical exhortatlorw to covet mud wp mttliy records s usbro,d emit on their But early it.J-lnusry I did (earn that W grab outer miui'm belungingd. that colors that we know b viureband ex• actly what they call good will do; logo". llut", bra 1 saourally written herr Well, t, 'nit da,moralixel our politics, •sued Auaacle but the chiµ+ of tine eld block, %ho agait ire. Scene eglat hours rohi boo and flit by, a vaS.Svr_ A•luarketable commcxllty, New Zealaniers, anti C.,iNAD1ANfs,and Iny,s ill chtnged. Then it Fou ) e11rs COURdR redu►ed 1r Uow Atutralpaaa, are. eAruipg their turfy- synae wtaA shy le'rue 1 that"I was seting am nate I erntment, whore members nobolty re• laard; sail- earning theta in a day that nabs, a clauxus.of mast wlijlgg an IniperIvA aft o as -a Canadian s eacted, whose acts deserved the admiration from all Show la 1110 Old of tcer. air. en:he that department of the affair. prompt condemnation of the elector• Country, who watch their vAkN TALK Olt eL'AI.PS. ans. Jaat laiNteame some influential in- with drilghL. 1'rI the fighting rousd ColerbSrg, nal In tine ,mart rvrtxlrtals• 7'Item are a roe a of papers that Pl dlrlduats hAd n pocket Interest til keeping swot nwdte by Colonel 1'ilelper, lire State th roub]elsetween heGeneral {�jC aid ma due to my having writ• that bead aggreg:aticn he uf- torn from "down under" tiistinguirhed .AM "injudlclous" fico. The N. 1'. mach a few million- tlie:tairlves, and when C'runje Ind to Oat. nu letWr to him. Mer says that I claimed the prl- aires, but It stem a dear bargain hx be surrounded and foment to capita. -111 vilegr direct to Im- tihe bri efltw of the raepfprrnce which late, the CANADIANS, raced with of applying the the =assets. Now• the p erafle have (oast) oar men at the first Attack vn this P erial Government to raise a re*l- cwt that they call get along better lunger, awl -were Shoulder to shoulder tient breatim I am a member , of w it than with It. The stat them when tho tkpu• w,,,,. { Parliament. Re Lite ••injudleilws" let - riff r ghil-t tariff roeductlaet dkpes test fr ht"u � realer which brought about the sur• ter. 1 wrote one re n certain off t ver. I am preplai'at now to matte It tiny workingman. nor hos there been rea.lpr. • At three a. m. fo 4uy a most Infinitely stronger and still be far arty protest trout a ninnufactureiLt ex- dashing advance made by the CAN. within fact. Another letter, re Oen- cepi ore, wlto Is Ute fipud'of the• tut. ADIAN Begialent and a>me Engt- erulthip, .lit days gone by In South tea combinati.m. The murals of fist U*ers, supported by the let Gordon Africa. has begirt tenfold Justifled bJ who UAA say that the brand rust HlghJarider'e slid 2nd Hhroq)shlres. re- events here. The yarn. re the nppil- peoplc rare' cue the monnL mad tberial suitecd In our gaining u point some cc►Sion be.ausai I ala af. 1'.. is exact• will be goo mows Dig corruption faults 600 yards to,trer the enemy. and o ly . the reverse of truth. I claimed• ' y: ('r�k 1 ♦♦11 I I • ".:wTef'::a.w� r, ., S, 11A. i w'ltllna 'about Erighty^)arils Of �h(.is 'w"gm and am�pp�he�ldyIny�m�y'"claim, tl t m2yw . Intert•st of mill k2 lre-.71i, to ail Limo • 11,'� .,._- .s_r __-,-_:-.-.-_. _._.- _ -- vgiMilM V.� I"8'�B I. a ,o... . -.t t- ,•_-_.._ -.-- --_ ..,_.. [evil i�. Tho N. 1'. br t;.l the richt " A gullun0 dtsrl. worthy of our' %•ho In tarn wpre expertal to brute 0,101dal comra,les, null which. i• am glad to sa3. watt attended with com the floor. Mow that the .1,,- P. Is lend. IGtrutively a1ght law." - br!bery will Dion, fllsap pear• Subsequentl • the War Office ) Idle heti A9�tis .11 Pekin oorrew nR erf tkt iJbNy Mril salla: "L4 tat (wi trlved from Lord Itobarts nnotlir A SPLBNDID 1lPFA. teleegram giving tae loaves austalned - That ie a pretty good -story about by the gallant CANADIANS venter• tiic Dutch �riattperacy u/ Ncw fork day morning in their rusb ou the Boer treacbee. They had 8 met► killed. and having vowed to resetne Cronjo fryjn I officer find :t0 men wounded. ret. Helena. Let tm hope, that Pt Ls true. Croga p ham uncoudltionally sarren• We have goo grudge it rninrt the Von dared, after beinnrg� shelled. The CANADIANS rushed the outer N'yeks, but there was a chap valued trenches with &dight losv. ' Van Renoselner hnalghtg anAsod the The news of Crovjp't surrender has Niagarn border of tnnadn eight)--otld lee:•n received with rejAcing over)-- )enrm ago, whore conduct Inn• made where In Flalnfax, and bunting in gencrnlly displayed. The populace are the name obnoxious to iw ever "face. especially -delighted by t,ord Roirerts, Ind then Crnger! Npcll�ug It with the reference to the gallantry of the c instead of the K makes Mo differ- C'AY,ADIANK-Reuter. enter. The ('ranger who goes fho)m New GALLANT CAI4A1HAN4 York to rescue Crorde will holy@ as lust Ottawa, 'Llsesdey-Tbe $arl of a tine am the Kruger who will he enp - llliato, UP, Governor of CANADA has tuned at Pretoria. The New York des- received ?the follow}ug caUngs Ifrons patch f�sym that tbhs blue blooiett tie- thatch M ' �mberiain: Hier je&ty lathes Q\SSSo Leeiree wsndantm ottliae old settlers on xp jjOa RO a sass t0 fhb pfSSl►sS of lie Yaniattan I"lan'I IIA Ip rap ranch llomin oa heC &d�iratlao of the ggss1- ' looney that they can bray till Atlantic !ant co>y,Mtet at. qtr 04,NADIAN liner or a cruiser, laugh at patter- troops in Che late engagemyof, tall nntknal Inst, end rPacue C'I,ynJe to Ser &arrow wt th0 lose of so f0 [till brtivxv ,meo."-Reuter. *: -spine of the British tx the Unitted OOttavrit""�aevdaiy.-TJte- Corprnor- Ntates C;ovprument. The beat thing Cern-ral .has receireJ s cableliram an- 1'ncle Sam can d�o In to encournRsv the anunring chin surrendi•r of General wIrole four Hnndrel W etxrt [or lit Cronja from Sir 0LUrid) hLlr:r, w.ho stills, "i congratw:atw you on the flelena- flow did they get ."r much nohtie share taker. by'ho troops !from money' Not by their own labor, but 'you. co:ony."-Reuter. by colliecting laud rent from the work. iafoatreal, Tiseaolay.-A great >�- erw In Now York. It wits Henry (teorge ovwtration look p:aca at tine tare - ing of ihn Aoardi of Tradti to -clay on who &uggeste,l that landlords Instead the receipt of the nerve annotsoc ng of tenants should bAsolliduacxd to emi- the capitu:ation df C.~ral Cronp. grate. Put all the Von W)rkm, Vi Ju':igv I ant, w•.ho prei6hed, in addres- Itenwelners, Crnger", etc, who live sing the as&enlily 11:claredi that the rejoicing %ganid h- a■ ur,ivernal as the wlthrnd labor In New York, on one Empire. He exprea i .his admiration ship and start them on the expedition of the perrmistenre d the Boer■ and t1 St. Helena. The Britivh navy will stated that the victory was morefally dka the rent. President McKinley will appreciated in CWNADA, in vicar of the fact that no assay d he. sora had not need to make arty Inquiries about &pilt their blood oa the ficdd of bat- t men who leave New, Ycwk ou m hostile expedition against a friendly (tower, Flags Are flyhg ie,re+ywhire, and Lord Rdbrrt•' dispatch regarding the In vlalation of thin lawn of the United t7nportannt part payed by the QAN- States. He need not take tally trouble A�DIAN3 in the final weues of the to help defend (;rent Britain nRAlnst battle iw creating the, grestr+sr on - the Manhattan file. When the Ihltch- t husiaam.-Rester, The CANADiAN contingent which men whir own New York full to come has diatingulahed Itself no glorlonsly back. becanaP they arp detained In ate In the fighting rat Paardetlerg. In t;lnty's Submaarine territory, there will drawn from nil branrhoo of the mer - be nobody to oome nround otter the vice 1n the Dominlon and from eveP.rry ProvincP- It consiats of a hnttalh)n rent, Ands-, she Yankees, Irldh unit of Infantry, two battalions of roles whose presence RAO Industry mounted riflem, and a brigade dlvd- i.Ave changed] New York from a little "din (three batteries) of artillery, it wwv ton great city, will ile Jewt sop was the infantry who were engaged at 1'nardebprg. Tho battallon L much better off. They dan go on work- 1.010 strong, (or all ranks, find Is Ing lend producing wealth without tinder the command of I.hrut.4W. worrying over the Dunepoe of the \'un Otter WAICAI)IAN xtuff), who Ilea Renseeirters and the CrugPrs. it f" a u"dpr him a very large staff of oft• e,�, tether with a complete met A-reat echemP-Lille rescue of teonje. level orad nursing Shu, wont. w ttnn ebirlp gran seetiota. Wit three Chap• I The placing of Cann Ilan occortties ora Intra". Mluly of the officers have 1101 the list of those In which British trtlmt "Itlonis In the battahlon inferior to ka fenam may lie Invoatei Is of now a lit.- those which hey hold In thele own tie moment to the people of thla man- real menti -hent. -colonels In kraal (twees hoeing qtly ms))rs in the apo• try. While the Topperitos cry oat tont cin! nervhb battalion ; ma)ws bring he preferential tariff Ia n frnnd do raptnlrsa, anti rnptalns, lieutenants, Britain an i at Vie Anmp Hari! (feeR ,al ,Among the rank and fila too, ars the I-Ilwrnla for not getting Britain Several (officers. wino, unable to toe - vitro poSitlons del the (v,nimladoned to return to protection an the price of staff of the bnttnlbn. PnllatoA As tihe bri efltw of the raepfprrnce which Prliaten, The regiment arrived Irate hey say M a frnnd, the British Gov` lint year. rand td">k ppaart in Colonel I IlMirr'n march to Doug Inn and in ornment recovilsps thin Importance of the fight at S,lnuvnW. hiring Lord ...,........, ., our cClttrte as_tf1 DOJlIt[gtp)I�Sijl it", t_CTIC. .4trRgeat'-Lwaratauna five t 1 t leer mwnsutrp, nn 1 reciprocates. The Llb- Prnla In tile- preterentlel tariff laognn cwt tree of wain led. L mon killed, And' nearly 100 men dthnrnv n givwt Wert ; SIP fire n til atA y got R y than theirtShdarrprofl the hAri to Mese It mainly rut, tit# WAY to comPlo- work and d aryfrra of tip campaign. tion _ Thp now" In them Items Its a roil- Krnrw'm hasut Vint the sub)ign (� O" pip of wopkx old, bet the feet thn Canada IA Von d the Trntwvnnl would only very much in evidence In ;'k, Ise arenanPlt$Awal nt a price that vosMl Appel kwmnelt.v. Ira the eyes of the British people I" the lmdnt we desire to emphasize. Th glecfelly ' rofprrp(1 to by pn)-laaw•r pupwrm in country did not ,mond soldiers W Af the Vnitod tst"tes. Blit Itirowsor-0 rlrn ns a moneymaking m-hpnae,but Resat ham not deterred Grr,At Rrlt• who UAA say that the brand rust . Ain from endert.nkhlg he that.nod nPem UlS waters aball P.S rptarn .11! nnlehat-•mutat wit**, Itok,7. -. AikSR-ima,v 4 -yet - ..--.--1 AAKf t� bkxA-galltinma will M upon + _ •tut, arreRAn4 nod tyrantn,ia Rdrory, Another fakir hoe rump too grlof Dell • 1�1S Insolent refusal t, live ur ti ieW arhPtnp Iona Iw,n wxry+er,l- Mr..Pelf- $M Ur- of their ..-�'p�• AReMeenput Ircl re►, of •'Thp Nn1,lp l.cnf Pnlr Co., To- ftp lira tevtchb. Brat the Mttl"me" roato," hal A Rrwnt mnnoy-making bilmr* tae Poch nm to I/lave them no WJs,mc, twit by the Sime hp metes re- P.01", tw► relpeat their tnrpitodiR Ionto to tlmpeP d b* efaPPea• w1M apply bl% tonsil hAtnwo►4tM)'to kAW 1011 A,W Woo WII--tp the last fnrlhlag-. be seat to KVW&r, )tuna 41,•111 him An y ^Igor oilier rata, mhswrid wtbtm-a. 1 t[t�otld -ewsrasr` sin lays - Clomg a/ any "suer Britbdl subject toyld do, L e., offer t•/ tater- a reglwserlt witieo'at asking the perralmslot of any servant of the ihudulum of Ununda, for Gion. llut- tat IA a mere servant of Canada. Mereuver. It wan sot interesting puwt. Whist rigbL had tiny Imperial officer In Afrlc•s to receive a letter offhAltilly from a servant of the Can- adlan Government, which wall not endorsed by, way, which was ;tbso- luttely at variance with. the ex. praeedl wtahxt of his masters. tha C'aatadian .Government. Well, he ta. bles Ire tarried, av usual, •ani! an- other sralp Image ut the bait. C'on- 41(leriRg the great distance, too, the Paco tilts fairly gull -t8 hours But I ]title no il,-will ag:,Inst hlm; Mat the s Ight wit. I{ie Jost m ido n ter- lous mbrtake, and fined V, rectify It. 1 did, at Uie earns. requP"t of two of him own pPreonal Imperial frPmds. fur Ur sake of peace, offer W with. draw all C60troverslal matter, but 1ho(;e,air.ti uyl%khely mis.o)k 111.1 de - Stye to Pt•ctseut A ura4t4c1�1o1 fret to Britain's enemies fie ylelding. I he.l I'eve ht- Is •cru a andder and a w lues .mun, and letatla hopa will for Uhe rr- Inahaier of I�iLLrr natural life Ira n muclu ter man. N:) one will - he bette- sod thin I to see him change and succeed. . AS A GENERAL. 1 wrote R•ll.I,".,. tc Ixing o111,td (were. 1 did not klroir what for them. On arrival I found that my General, Ce:l. N�tUa. had been promo_eed from being 149VAcr-General t) be com- matleler of a very lmirxtant Ught. lug division, tocluding not only Orange River. but also ltetmoat, llrnsspan, Fralm. Hou!)'neetklouf. Wittebuts, R;tm:ih. Zoatpun's Dr•St, Ho;:eto,an, Drift. Ilopotowm eta., and all the campou got those pinces. The General wits g� od e�tongh to tnke nw along with film to his new command. Thmv- ,foi" I am now no longer amolstant to tine Inspector General. hitt um Staff Officer t) a fighting General, wh:> to Lira sam3 mail. The tip°>ral was absent at KDnber- ley three days this week and f -was left In charge rat headquarters. Weil. who should loopp In. Mit Brown. of Mali f:niphre. and Rev. Fullerton, of Y E. I , from Bolmont, •and the next d,ty ('d. Ryerson (our own Sturgeon 1'„!nt doctor) on Red Cross work. Thi• three ltotorvdl me, by i,e- Ing guests nt t!re hefnlgnart era. They itw fur thems,hes that I was actunlly In command. Thi work In Most congenial. Finding hoer poil- tlonti- nn l hors are thousands of Boers within n few mllen of w on three •Ides; In hounds fof from :PUO to 1,GOO-trylnitJ)foor prisoners or relicla, prosecuting others, atouting, doutphg aftar cnmp Ani outponta, attending to corrcAfton:leneP of Importance, and a thonann I nnol ono Wb" matterm. It In mo9t Interesting. I have two horses. My groom In n )cmng,Albert College, B-IIp1111P, fellow, I h111Ip4, who hew a wentnlyd hand, but who I" nearly well• while my elervnnt h• Tnrp!n. of Co- bnurg, also recovering from a slight In Jury. i -fore this reaches yon I hope you'll )tar of n\y general. THF CXNAIKANS, R) time wAy, didn't the brays got n prPgm ring last week. Thp most Idiotic thin{r 1 ever heard of. Karat. Thompr est and others deorribedt It to Rho last nlglit. Thpy nwl the Cornwalls fired a few roan M rat from 900 to, 8()O yards nn 1 turn chargaid. imngpne charging sMll) �nrtlx. Why, bdore they got lot) )mrd" they were w•atterel nil ovpr. Th^ Cornwell colmel rnllrl ant, "A La not" to Li:P man first In the trenches !" In lose than loo ysr,ln n Itdlrt through the head rendered the pey- reader to a " or tied. Every hour biGgs siesta . liners Wad cut up -+iie(eblyq mild fa'Lt)w, t have ao more dine. I am mJvf gdgg up to rake up outfit fqR busiaa.-sa, as to say good-bye to Cd. fly union. Befcns this reach" lou, old iwy, i Is •gala to be U64W fife "rasa ac." i have had four fairly interearing wasll•M>aos adl- ready. But this tines the busiuesa Hill be mors merlons. fu car you Should succeed to tas eoe►maad of the old 45th to the neer future, by my creet- ing a vacancy, fast rex, will you and the gold ourps n which I have hews fur 3S years, alI success. My inter: co .ie to be with 5vu to June, however.l;N1 d� ; to all. Faithillilly, tiara C'ANADA�� NOT PROSPUR _ _ , While the Cunaennllven Were In 011lce. And !aero I dewire to tote o e vary remarkable difference I tweeat tine Prorput•tty that now ox'll►its and the prosperity that was claineeecl to ex- ist frim 1878 to Ib1)al. I deny the claim inade by those Two. sautlemeu that C'uuaida pwsprtr-id under their Nnthpcal Polley, I wry that Canada did tot Pie We am u whole, although it oily b�-- true that certain ludivld- ual lucalltlee and u certuln fate ed fen• euccseded In reaping otxwhleru- No pt•uspeelty from the in'1) itiolw laid goo Ue cuuutr). But, ou tar a s ties ai-calied pro"pserity did exist, that p rompCrity, i repeat, was decep- tive unit partial. It WAS confluptl to u small CIArs ; the great masa ht}d uu share Ln it , and to all Intent ! and purps»ew It vr.ha that kind Of prcr petit)- wwhich (ublonits of lobbing Peter to earleh Paul. If ever one ma a a gain wait anwther'e her It w•as oll.ler the l+oley of huge laxation initlatd by thaw+ hou. gentlemen. and W ct great extent hallf):ly re:dreaed by u". , THE ERA Olt' DEPRESSION. H hat was Lire Condition of thhiga In Canada► during that j%,Tiod? !s Uyn• a roan here teprescuti"g anag- ricultural apiwtituency who can gapu- say any statement that during that finer, porhxl ugitculture was depressed to a degree ue,er twforo known In unuada 7 Front many sections of our country People were fleeing, tot at the rote of tots of thousandls but (A millions lilt told. Is there any titan whoa knows anything of the real cxndltitn of Canada who will dedy this% ail over C'antada at that thio debt was I:wr. axing, mortga" were Increasing, lands were alaking Its valtw And often abi"Ititely unsnle little besides? Where Is the fairway, the miner. the lumberm.m. th. maau- facturero the merchant In C'atlacLt. I that almost those conditions b, which 1 have referred, halve beea completely reversed In the last two years. It In. generally true thr(mirim, it till C'an. ada that agriculture is thriving, that faaiut!s rising lin value find finds Plenty of purchasers now whera before yon might have put -un a drys"n of (xray without reoehing a single Nd. i am haPpy In being able to say that the rwoards of the loan c•umpanles go W Slow that our farmers are paying off their mortgages. theft the exodus IS nt nn end, that trmle b expanellag to all dhroctlo!w. that new aclroea of we.ilth are opening up on every dde. anwf tla►t rat last we have entered ort au ern of prosiwrlty oaoh dna Cnanadta was luyaing fox and was promised man) a long year, Mut had never en- Joyed until Use- Liberal party was rc- turned by power -Sir Itichard Cart - W right. ItECIPROCITY And Yale of Products to Great f]rlialo. lid- was googol enough to dwell at gnat loingth on a "I1eavii made by me m 180+8. 1 mtnnd by the speech of 11t8h, though I am not prepaared to any hat twelve year" aftel. w,trds. under n totally different ,ret of t•Irenmstane,s. I would be pre - fared to advocate the saute polity. tits Charles Tupper wan then the 1•'daance Minister. and It would fall to his Wt to samwer that spee•h. but Ile had ?nue advantage over Mr. Foster. for, LeIng a inedleal m tn, he waw able to put hlmao•!i on the sick list, and did aro for several week.e mntil that whole debate wits liver. nial never rose In his place to an "wer to arguments i then put forth lit favor of unrestricted re;l Proc{ty- In tier election of 1H7H the main argument by which XIr Ul arim Tupper conv{n:•ed Use electors of the lower Proviuc•s that hp was right surd wise watt his declal ion tliait should they Carry out Ttlm p•ulicy iso• would be able to obtain reciprole4 In lase then two years. Mr. Foate•r wits gooef ettcngh to tell n" that the purchases made by Englnnd from tfie' Valtavd $hates wPro enor• 'moody In exceeS of tbn :e they maid e front Canada. Quite trite: it Is ev caediingl-y probab:e that their daal- fags with seventy million ., lw"plp would be more than wiul voluedfa. hilt when hr t-meh to nn•tivse the matter he will see that buying $'?00.000,000 worth of foodatufrio and other prodirte from Seventy or rveaty-five millions pa tin avrrng„ of ${ per head from the JohnldLnnLa of the Cnitntl Ntntea. while from um, with fire milllpnm _and a half, $62,• OW.(NNl mPAnm that F,ngland lernaght $11 per head fmm. us, Sas against $4 from the i'nited Stites. ((treat anplanae.) DI proportion fr) our Iopulat.!on. we supply England' with three timet? an mach nm the ('tilted States Stn, mid (ray expm)rts to Fog. land. am everpbaxly knows, are very nap;dly on Uip Incroaasoe. .%lilt it I" extant Ply Protahll that a vegy con shdernbe portion p�ff the cxlx,rte credittdt to floe 1'sil.f4l 4tnt s ars really Canadlan products Vint gra V, that botntry.-sqr Richard Ut rt- wrtghta ------ HUTTON WAS VRES11, And Hb Hlgh-Headed Work la Bring I Salome. (Htawe- .APr;I 2, 60. eral Hntt,r-t Onnod no Order-In-Cotihcil, gulag e,)evlt. Col. Kltoon praccfleore ave: d,Rlaw ilputrsuhnt • N I MAGNETIC . F01�._ FOUND. Antarctic Explorers Return W Australia. THEY LEFT OVER A YEAR AGO. Wellington, N. 8t. W„ April 1.-Tlw exploring steamer @cwtharu Crus tswring Mr. C. E. Burchgwvhlk abd ttw murctvture of the &mth Polar ex- plsolMlwi fitted out In 18118 by Htr Uourge Ntwnes, of Loudon. arrived hew W -day. lir. Bmvligrevink reports that Stan tshagneUO Pole lite been local ed. Mr. N. lluumon, one of the nolo gists who utui-wil with the expetll- tlou, died oa tie loyaapre. . ,�,T,1`he Borclgrevint expedition left Hobert. Tamim ida, fur the Antar tic regloa on Dec. 18th, 11198. During the 1&tWr part of Fels•uury, 1899, Mie numbers landed from the Southern Craw near Cape Adair, N ictorlalund, It leaving beau arranged that the Steamer ohotuld leave them therewith full cquipmeat of every kind, and should return fur them Burly In 1900. According to the aowouots of the ex• ploraer'/ ans p ublimaed at the time ho batt Europe, MT. Borclgrevink•s party crosistod of nine bealtlesa him- Solf. Lieut. W. Colbeck, It. N. R., was selected as first mag- uetle observer, to be assisted by Mr. Louis Beraaechl. Mr. N. flags - son and Mr. Hugh Evans were chosen as zoologists, and Dr. Klosvatad as medical offltxir. Mr. Fougnal was gen- eral uUllty man and cook. With these want two natives of Finland to loot after UO dine. Enormous Sup- plies were laid In. The exped{tkio carried 500 Union Jacks, which Mr. PAorehgrervinll intended to plant at frequent Interval• la the new regiotw he hoped to dis over. fie took alma a large UAlon Jack, which he Intended to run up (w landing. This was given to him by the Dake of York. Orr board there was a rineenatograph. with which tae loped to get Interest• ling pictures of tights litho dreamed of by people in the civilised parts of the world. Apart from discovery and solution of ususettietl problems. Ute explorer expo-etood that the expedition would yield sn Immediate result of pr&eU- Cal value. His theory was that weal• they forecasts for the whole of Ass. tralsslct could be made from the Ant• arctic region. As good and bad times in the Australian colosles of (treat Britain are dependent upon he "tate of the wether, the Australians them. sehen have taken a perullar later- • ad a r3 Reports �I The Weeks, I ----;�:_; _ - I LSADwel WWUT MARKWM A Follow.rtg aril the clumhlg lark es 4t imp urinut wham csatrw tu-atay : (Yash. Airs Clad• o $0 1-$ low 'xk ...« .« ., -- U 7: 8.8 1t'Jwaukee . . 00 6S tat. Louis ... • . w... 0 70 8-8 0 6y 8.8 Toledo .. ......« 0 71 U 72 Detrolt, red - .« ... O 74 U T2 1.4 Ilutroit, wtllts ,,. O T 1.2 --•-- Duluth, Nc% 1 nortlJr, 064 8-4 065 iL4 Duluth, Na 1 hard U 66 1.4 - M!uuenpulW, No. 1 northern... - ... O 64 $-8 O 48 5.8 lltntwalwl4, Na 1 Ilard ...... «....... O 65 1 $b._� blasts a" 1'roaso , Toronto. Marcia 81. - Flom -Clo- tariu pateuts. In bappj $8.45 so $8.65; etrdlght rollers, $y.;,3 to $5.45; tin a- gar;an Patents. $8.80 ; Manitoba bakers'. $3.45, all pit [rank at Tta• rtxrtu. W1•.est-Ontario red and white. 65 to 63 1•;'e nort.h and went ; goewte 710 north anal wast; Nu 1 Maaitutia hand. 80c ; TorotrW and No. 1 north. ern at 780. Onto -White oats quoted at L7c to 27 1-;:c. west. B&riny�--Qtttdodat 43ofor-No.9 weet6 Rod ford barley. 86c to 87c. eye -Quoted at W)o north and west, and 51c east Aren--City mills Bell bran +at $16 Amt sborte at $17, in car luta, f. p. G, Toronto. 8ockwhest-Flan ; 4!a north cad enrt. Corsi-C'AtudIAA. 43o W 4ic WI track lin Toronto; Agerieau. 43 1•;-c to46c on %rat.k. TORONTO FAR.MMS' MAR%i T. Wheat -Otte hundred bis hrls of goose sold 11-2c weaker, rat Toe. Oats-Oae hundred bothrkr soil 1 2c walaar, At 82 1.80. Barley-Oue hundred ba IlAl sold la. weaker, at 44c. Hay aid fitraw-Flfteeu loads of bay cold at $1:: to $18, and two loads .of straw at $8 to $U. Demau•1 for straw was weak. Drarel Hogs-F!rm, tt $6 73 to $7 'per cwt. L io hugi wW probably be firmer next week. Butter -Fair receipt a met a moder- ate demand rat 24 to 25c. for dairy pound rolls. Eggu-FAU demand for strictly tow lakt at 16 to 17c. Ibultry-Fair receipts sort a like est 4t the outcome, Mr. Borcingrevink adereand. Pr.cm were hangedL A laid[ aiwynys carlti6gtftrA hint- file "friFtl -a. �1 %-6 mocited' r►wk .al, .tlagcbgu$Ww Wit, his $t s !Vrr. _ e con,0ivions to Utat part of the world F Wit= wo 'kit of could not be c•ompletedd until reportit 60080 sold anehaaged ors* from the Aoetaretic circle awld hm made practical. , FRY'S FATAL WIDER,' Perished While Saving His Valuables From Fire. A LYNNALLEY TRAGEDY, 110coe, Unt, April 2 -Yesterday morning fin• broke out In the hurtle of Georgia Fry nt L)ua \'alley, two an 1 n half miles south asst weal from here, the eau a it Ia nl f, heL•tg n dr fxtive chlmn*y The fir" apreal rap• Idly, sat though air. Fry-wortrd hard it sown got beyond his eoutr(11. On realizing that It would Ise im- pssrlble to enve the house, Mr. }try turn,wl his nttmtion towants on-ur- Int; what valmnblew h'• lied In tlfP burq- Ins; Willing. Eut,ring the tsruse, he worked his way upssWre, when tae sells overcome by the sm oke sort perbhat In thin names. The remains wore re. co,tere:l, after w,a"lderable etfort0l. RUSSIA BUYING l UN.S. Requests the Porte to Allow Troops to ('ass the Dardanelles. St. Petersburg, Narc6 29 (via Paris, l4>irch 31.)-Tbe latest ppoo..itical rumor La high and dip:oama-Ae elrc:es b to the effect that M. 8inovieft, Russian Am- basaaior at Coos:arJ in,op^ dies se- ere.tly handed to the Turkish Forelgn Office, n polite ands get.tue natose re- questing from the Sublime Porte per- mission for the rranaportation of & certain deAn{ts newher of Raseiaa trnopa. topcaber with acme wIrships, ,throwssh the Dardsedies, Tarkedy9 reply to ?Lis request;, is avid to be awaited with great sax- Lety by the Rat aian Gowwrmewt. It is conmHoered that the approval of Gownsony anti France moat have been oecure-i batons the note was trans - mi t t ed. The War Office has orders] from the state rifle manutielary 200,000 new gun■ for immediate delivery to the Imperial Arms Depot alt St. Peter,_ burg, Two Very Old People. New York, April 1, --Norah Raby eels• braced hs 128th birtMlsy s% the Piscataway alivnMruse rat Sielton, N. J., to -slay. It Shy In I lind, but other. w:ae t# In remarks ly goal health. Ile etrys he wal live to be 150 yeti of age. • M,mitreal, Apr l i. -Mrs. Christine Recteur Well yevterday afternoon at tier rPY.do ice, N ). 83 Rose de L'ma lane, nt 301 ypars ate] 9 months of age. B to had heea Marc e,1 twiee nod her five o ing and daughters survive her. Encoarngdsg Stock -Breeding. ,Montreal, April 2. -The Canadian Pacific Railway CO=Peeny has oto- natw) a series d h&ndstolran cash I priam to iw awarad at t'he WinnJ- peg Twentieth (\satury dndastvial Rx- ilpibltidu matt July, for t'horoogh-breed cattlel. Dred and raised in XanitoAa (w Ahe Northwest (Territories• Thermo wttl be fifteren prime ]o all. This fs in line with the oomp&ny's po:hty In (strouraging the live wtook industry nt thin ('SaadiAn west by the Imports - tics of tbaroughbrsot el- h(1"_ iORr~ ., iv1Ab�R .. fo res S ►S Cucnc n the fan• avian. t4l +art► w'wrl+atStflk 5Is'�fi re(t _.Y. _ _ _ ,._ .. w > e tIlln. req rm, rant l widen n muPlw of hunarwl rnnh, whPsa over totclare OP[7 un• hmd& of Cianadl9n of. riven w -hu were his NMI iSmprea" Dowager Alars►sd. thoy haltsel for brocatb. it u aid ,m, door follow, n ('atin(Ilhn, Ind hy nn rnormocy itlata►ncP, mr- ,r... An on ,)er false now, Woa C,)l Klienn to lis �Inal mLx;ng 0>riR p ositbm. Idle heti A9�tis .11 Pekin oorrew nR erf tkt iJbNy Mril salla: "L4 tat (wi nait tnally reached the tronchan, font G, he riddled. Hls body was fou d At pr"Sont Ila wdslW Ire mPrsur to (ul. 1Jlawer. who la In commend. Major et Vieer d Canton, re- ((nw�f e►elly MirM the &TO:1l •n(horilies hrc+re that Kamg n ,t•t tiny. 1-f tL'ey had advanced by rams was Pmt over heat. colonPlti •n rho (AuladiDn mi i:It by e+e nwrai lion Yn Wali, t1w rafxas- er' bad orviord 5,000 unifamaaa in Hong ruAC+s of alternate eAr•,t(one or tasks, Wider firlrtg w few rinan'N iota the en- tau,, eel hem th l.r wind unit: wkh- tai, A1u! this (miser fslA 1 n csbda•I lad The order of (tevieral M ttn was In direct vl,4at4on of them lat'au Kong. Thr Fimpro m Dowager wu tglVch Alarvned �n by int oswar al Li y 1'ha hue cern! n frrmal Aso- In 150 lards, elwrw wmam sea-rwr: y gu wlvirn PMiI&- th:lt Im-'WrIml :lfaIo(ro test to the Rri fsh Governor of lilang he TP bare a aa^n hit, and ?Len there wdtulU hire boon e•wwnam. 77te+ b� a din- y scnitig with Urs CtsnnAlAn milltt-•a 41h.311 only lie E ageiriwt pwrmitttng Kwng Yo its 0 Dropagasds." ptayedtfi"�g reatewt edtoregr, Snat prl� ant40tO te, he, rank .old p.cocdenon glrou them by their ----- - daraaeP. TEsly ame•cbwd rsarly all Wght; eMrgimw{ for bauarirede of yards Ca Mrilall cotltllladlma. There 1. I►n trigrn I'll tit time Clanadtta MillttA Dr. RIIIIam'Yan(ell, Rtnte QuAran- tine tltflover At F,1 Paso) Taxes, cam - anal• Jay -sumer a hot man ail ria . At Moth Brl'1n1n rot. ,tet. wh!rh Par>,kisa that arfpirora of I� i� a1 hiv hoam last night nieM atmd litiers ack, Col Otter WAS nsri am a nvcnmbwf. Spy. im atrial n 1 troy wMuII IArp loN, redn"ce over (nlin,9an htarnf6t+ b' Rring w ba11M t him brain. An unknown i#.IIRMi3 ts{k tifpa Amt we(1"d rap Neat dlnwn aneh►rs 1 Mels a• did nuear:y militia utrlrpra car the ante rank. while In ('8nm(tn, young min In an naloonselone etaita wan heft At the al: ,tree nffiowr, ; tont eaaM were net well a Ira ON yardwrloodi- p hoot th'o wan wt a tome when Sha Dr1tMb arms wits I�rgM Iwre Ccan Il aatmt Peixekvtle firutittal by n strangor, atwl dlerl wftar to Asys without `ybo twttrhwfs hill La Tory IAr1fq Drill workrA se1131 Utb officers. nR epesit A cww,m,r will InraetiRatw• seri than ones is tan- Poor Arnnld is sir to dist. Matarga, w(tb a buret fa It la prollable the net will M rltnngoM In trey te'gard. in the rneP ]frame it was shown that the dtath cif two cdd anon. Aowpn an,l Rollabit. In ill. ,beet, from al :w IA of iv, to do'elg Win H4 u a ann Df h4a father-'•pilaca of ftlue, who 11Nd the Incnl rank of I•hintsnwnt-ColonM. Il title Aged Penplee's Ito prat Lonilnr1. Ont., ull Ilrit., awe Ans to whlekPy that 0 -,awn ost . Jo the baokbouw" Plir-ja mlYst our- was pl&CW over ofl7aets who were his suntoatt. _ as thin nlglit at( falai ty. ! I ! Stl! ilr� •.all dt...a,.► - ,,.11 :a-,... load elf ring at 7tb. Oats-'Itiwo trade sold tirtl at 32 1-2c to Ili-. Barley. -Otte load &Ad unchanged ■t 44c. Flay and Straw -Twenty loads d hay add at $12 to $1$, and one toad of straw at $8. DreAe«i IIofa-Firml, at $6.75 to $7 per bswdrdwslgbt: Butter -Large retreipAa and fair do- m,,d at Y4o to Ygo for da try pentad r oNs. Eggs -Liberal supply soot a demand at lib for strictly new 1 Poultry -Was 9iestifsl today and demand good. C'Meke:.s sold ■t we to SOc : geese, So to 110 ■ted tterkeys at Ise to Its. K Lawremr markeat Toronto, March 71.-Rerelpts of firm produce wore lisbt, 350 bulaW td grain, 15 loads'i itep•, I of a!raw Soft a ft -vv dressed bogs, with a fair delivery ad batter, egg& and ;1Tr W ben t -Oast hoard of wbi l e l i�l ad d v t 71 1.,'.r. Oat*, firmer; 300 irualsou accA al Sk• tgo S4 1 -gr. ,tialI ateotiy; 15 loo&ds acid at $11 to $13 pe* fins►' int raw -One load aid SR $9 ppeer too. Urvraleed dogs-De1F�,IarJrs Iiglt,wltb priers firm at $7,25 to $7.40 per cwt. R%tior-Prices for bhntar were ess- {rr, at 11011 .to !be per b,, the lab,,r priics lteitg for ebcrce lots of d -Airy ro spet•iini easterners oa:y. The bulk m4lug at lye Io :$e. Xa[w--Prices easy at 14c to lila per Breen. Poultry - Drliveries light, wit% priors firm. A'biebene sdd at S0c to '$1.25 peer pair. Turks-ya scares, at ISe to file per Ib. Varna Prodaoe W itolemelp. Toxonto, Murch 81.-Hty, hotel, car Iota, per ton, $9 to $0.50 ; straw, bale'l, (tar I -rill, per tori, $1.75 to $n; Potatoles. Per kite. P: -r bftg, 871-2 to 40 •.'. butter, eh,)'er, tells, 17 to 199. ; batter, mPdlam, tabs, 10 to 15c.: but• ter,. dLairv, , Ib. ill/, 16 to -"0 hotter, creamery, Rl. nAls, 2.2 to 24C.: hatter, large rolls, par Ib, 16 to 18c.; butter, creamery, bo amo, 20 to 22c.; eggs, held, 1p4o 12c.; Kgs. now laid. 18 1.2 to lied: Muay. per Ib., 9 to Joe.; tur- keys, Pts th, 12 to 14c.: chkteots, per p*!r, ISO to 7'&. Brills► Market. f.Irforpoxl, March A1, 1"'.9n. -Wheats No. 1 northern spring. 6a ad ; NO. 1 Cal., Ira stock ; root winter, tie stock ; corn, obi, 4a 1 1-4d ; new, 4s 1d ; Peas, res 7 1-2A ; pork. prime western meals, 580 9d ; lard. Prime wevtern, P.% ed ; Amdriran refined, Asa 61 ; tallow, Aas- trellan, raps; American,.goorl to fine, '._'8s 6d ; henna. long clear, light, 8% 1; hoary, 8%; short clear, heavy, Rft : Clarissa, white, 59/ 61 ; oolorsd, 62P M. ; Wheat 0om111M. ('orn flrnC Ltvserpewl-Opew-Whoa/, spot netn- Iwal ; fntarea 1119SAr . May Col 101 -ad. July fs 9 8-41, MAIN', opoa firm • mixed Anherica s. 4a td new ; 4s 1 1-M old ; fntnres atto"K: NAy 4e 11-8d, July 4p 0 5-8d. Flour, 11 inn , 17& 801 to 18s 6,1 f nn Icm-Tows_ Wheat ori Plassage. layers In 1lfrerr. t operators. idalots on PA"Snat", Sellers Ant buyers appasrt English country market• quiet. Melse, Spot Americas ratted, 19s Si. riour, (inn , `20 6d. gals., cergurn f-dreasA, 492 Inn, L o. r. t. Ptt•a=, NAy, Tote, 2Is b1,PAld, old Style. • TORONTO LIVE .� (f,. ttxP01-t cattle, chto'oe. $1.70 to $4.90; export Patti, light, 14.25 b lµ.60: ex P1(Nt lro i'a. nMles, 14.00 to 64.10; export lar W light, 08,2E to $8.60 Irinds M good Putehar>r and ttportersI mixed, 0t to OL,is 1 butchers' Oat. tie. p!,kpd hits, $4.'23 to $t.50; iwntrh. era pwttle, Cowl. 68.70 to SA.90 batcJiees esttle, aaedlam m'=ed. SIb,41i to 58.65 ; bobohers' nomswel. $'2.90 to $r.15 ; b ntetmm' Inferior. $2.60 to $2. Rn; reefers. heavy. SR.W) to $4.12 1.2 ; lenders. light. $11,60 to $A.75 ; /tmbrts. $'2.25 to $5.40 ; gullet, Dow@, 4}•28 tlo $50 ; ealralt $4 to 012 : ahe0ap. owes. per rwt., $$A7�I.9. to $8.75; Sheep. bue+ks, Par curt., 0L'.tli0 i6 M. t-tml-w. elliwt #ilei a1W vrf{TMrs, 1L11Ii to $n,7fi: inimbe. pew Cwt,,, $t. to $5.75: ahs lls' IpetMere•, SA to $4 ; hog's, chole(► over IMA and so to 200 tadIs, $5.012 1." : thick fat*. i , hogs, light, ander ion imsaends. 1 : 11rrp, crtrn Nei. 03.18 1.2 ; bop, Sow*, 6A "R : laws_ ea- ar 1l8s)Jth , Ia ("bicage In•day UtWYt s�g� 5e lower at 3.40 noMfaal fo rS$ cad clover • aTt per IDS f a 1,01 p Ni PirttA eldest 1 close/ trtettt> at 01.05 cad [harsh , 0.55 naiad. • NOTE'S. torose cowplalai has Itssa racNvs,i from country osutrus of trade tits week of the baekwardutws o1 1„tsl� The renAUn WAN the recent snip ,, biockade, which °tads the tuuatry radii aS many points Minuett IWP,, - Abiet There never was a time In the his. Posyy at the Dominion when the tan, torlos and mills were so busy oil ur- timer calling for prompt deh,ery all they ars a(.w, TW mills hors ad. vaaoof their prices ropeutedly that has nu offyut on the dua,;>'la 11 The stateeaent of the cl,arteral baalu for Fwbrliary stns rwelve.t fhb week, The note clrculatlon shoes as expansion of !87`9,000 over Januar). and at the clone of last month s4 54.174,11100 greater than for ti,e stay c ts a year alio? R. C. Dun makes the hamila." Stu• urns In Canada the past week agatttsS 28 the prevltwa week and the corrompooding week of Jeip. By I'rovleOM the !+amt week the (,,II U were: Ostarlo and Qtwbee, Such 11; Manitoba and British CduluLbe, each 2, and New Brunswick 1, Brodstreett's on Trade. Tr4do at Moutteal hue been ,ander atellY AeVvs thl i week, Tbe illiptuent, trade conVatte act u la gett&cul.im(ri,ir lectkm,l are fairly good• At HamllVas bavbn/e& keels rap to She exPoctat'uus of tracers. Culuidsr able sh!pnleuts of goods coutlnuu togo out, acyl the outlook in generally con sidereal very promising. Retailers fro, the country who have been In th- market lately report the propects (o, the early gxing and early aureole, trade very br•ght. Values In ail de. ptarimen trade are very JIM BSN lee Boast cities has4ie/n ratter qa. My- Tracie At Lxldo;t cont!aus; fair for this season of t►,, year. Tide stow hlockad , interfered with I)winew to same extent. Tito bsaliteme situation tit Wlnul" he nut rhainge-I much- Motley Is lu i demand, anti rater rare firm. - P'ha whobvaM bounce at Toronto haveha/n busy thy geek making large Wit. ments a( goods to the trado (of th. vountry fell and near. nes ,x,tQ for the balance of the seastnt'a tra,ta war never brighter. WHERE DISEASE Beri-beri, Smallpox and Lep- rov in Manila. Monlin, March 6. -The ren"ego of Mmilpa, just oomplrted by the 114•nith i"cortmout, gives the city un on. plefumtly high rack among the on- heaithful cities of the world. It r- tablimhee a death rate of upaw•thins over forty per amt. at a cc,neerra Lire estimate, Former estimates and oMlsuspa had always given Alaui;a ( 110001) populAttlam. This+c•rni.ue wS+ a careful count of nattabts and ('kill gee living In buildings and hiiatte In tho police districts o1 MaAlla, .awdit gave a total of 190.714, of whum 20,000 were C'hinauaen. There uro then added tin Inhabitants of ae,erst vWagen within the city llmits. .%mer leans and Europeans and l.:U j pPrrl sts in the monaasteries. Frau n' Wsble inferination the officials dwtt mate their number at between fifty to sixty thousnadt, The aenthis in Muullu ofilc•lal � m itort-r1 during thou six usmUtn :r,w July lost Stu Doc. 81st, JA4* �-tar. were 6,_001. Of these 2,9k1 iven' children. Cf the causes were Ir.•ri Bert. LTU ; tuberculosis, 885 ; br.o, ehlW, 814 ; dysentery, 1L9 ; fe, my :67. while at viueh troubles rnuke,l ILigh, Manlhh now fine three diseases cfol dpteic, which wand throw ties tiler age community Into n panic, txltPnalr Plague, tserl Berl and smellps,x. Iter) b-•rl resu I ts f rtnn a diet of fist, and rios, so that whites (Sot not fear. Saudi Pox and laepnsy the Phltlppinty tit ways hare, and the people lout up on tCem As n matter of course, nvp,.d log direct contact, but hardly 4ity pug A anxpotl thought to their Ines earn In tiro neighborhood. kmalipa,i flourishes In some parts of Laron ruin stlently. Half of ties natives in tiro country districts are pitted with It, and usoUttrs try to get their children 111170d with It, under the belief that Tt b low danger us to tie young. Tile town along the northiern coast tool an the railroad between Manila land Dogupan ere full of smallpox fl�„r. Orn. Ball's famous volunteer reglawut, Use thirty sixth, Is suffering fmm an rpduende. Lieut. Lc wwlay and I,Ieut. \\'Ing. both of whom were Tennetior- nnS, title former holding a commission tie estatain In the Teuwtsmos von° Lagers, and geveral Soldiers tare died, are there ale other cases In the regi anent. . The easy going nattino and Rpani. and& paid so 4itt:e aC4as,.lon to Irp- May that the irklilpplism have neva,- been not ad fbr 4bat dinseae, but there ars now mryre thaw a hundred top - we in the MA, ila hospital. Bu'bonio pleQtsa Is a .rfaltor to wh tis d4starre lessds terrors• Two oaanths ago the firwt cast+ was ddsecoverect in M.,r.i;s. Siaee t'haA nasi there have been 110 evaoo. aacoet;4in6 to Aha oetimetes d bei Yeah h aGffotrtit sat 80 ;east Pigh-7 Per Coat. d Ale a, have some teed, tat, s41y, 'Yat thaM Sas treats no panic, in feet, the routine of life In the ri e has wont base <listarhwd- Tbe re,pres- sire (reassures OC 4ba beelth officers have been oonap&thtivsly Si=p.e, but have proven ramtr'ltably effective ron- siderireg the conditions 4boy have had t�"'bt leaanrsad Ilan beset to matte keep It sbeaR. Thin Is Lien met Abing the canon or Vi. hr- inns Sad Ohlnamm owill do uAimis driv- en to it. (rhe offtoWm hav& hoped tbat wine 'lbs ratay etaam gorts fairly aut?se ws44y with a flow aim Inch Aboer- tA`a, it wiL1 wash vp the bowie so Iher- nuthly that p:aguearill be imp-siwbo Frain a t its warstt Phe Stir Bier Gish& . couSIA%rr trjr filo 111Peww��astts OSAAW 40 strst AIrem0 the taisaetller of came wse4t reportei !s decreasing, y rorty -Slat Days h liken. " How manyy dells aft there Ira rent I" was the gutty tbxt raise front h member of the /l>�ab. eft We're got n era r.rn it." !rM!t7'Laya," sma� fuse office (ray's ready answer. ' Bet Amb \\'sin y w.as Fee,• '$th this yenr sal Lutur f -ill, of fpr:l !nth. 17th m'fke4 forty•SIX " Injs. P tat that Lan& Rat iot�008 i 'orty elsya I w a. don't IJC'-__-.-_w.._--. " Walt a Minute, and rtl Q '� 411*0 up the office boy. I After puttlag tine guest, tit 01rr►T tai)' ?►'thin rAech wi%hast gatgnR a afefactnr Anuwer, the gwreral dq,en oft wan t i there ane moospthlnx Abaat the Palrrefnr. The off -re 'say' wg ap an topeleetastieal /LtOJr� k and intend that T^nt I* ■arty Rat -Any" 1 . RtndAys asst bem�l awtttoi- TIlst IS why the aeNess ;Ant px tenoUt ove, It tFF a' x dA>s• Thw amm, hay r stew f be" t'sa-M IIP! seeosnt-