The Signal, 1899-12-14, Page 3flll■it�lwltl�l ter;-• d;:� ., , - s. . , 7 . . �I _ ' R' J ".N 'r �• r Inv]. VAM wage shm to ,• -z,e. e,e of sal , '• . fF wi{lT. kj "iF� M%"%0R_Wgi,I-, , ,. -pin ,www"ad burbels Gold at A 'y - int% hundred bumbels , '. ; of . .. of Calcutta.' . ' --Ona Food cold at 60c. r' 't • " fr-4%Mll offerhagm mat a $s O AR.-11�'�baskst... MLRIL.:_ Qalf varlets--,sf �� ,had aAo razptrrt• _--• _ _ '0 - _ _ . _. , - _ - .. �"-"_ r, - 'te de card at 19 W _'Oo fur � _ . - ,! 'r?�', Pola d rol1e. MaxdornLe reoal4its; umMdnal Tj0 story of the awful mtalnt of tile, the efforts df others, or snftocated by ] at -'5 W 'L7° for strict) y aW and =1 tro 280 (Ot fruri, s] nt by 146 Brit- . tprtnro and death w tlslr own. Thfr scene, lurtwd of proxlucflig . - - Cause of Indignation. Irb prisoners In the Black Ho:e of rompamioa In the guard without, iry-Fplrly Tstp aeodpy an,! Calcutta eo JaM 18th, 1836, ants been only excited their mirth, ural they smsn lLlnlaaos are quute,l ■red with a feeling of horror fur held up lights to the Ixtrr to order to to 400, d ocks lip b .Goo. geow• bc. tune 8 to 90. I a century and a hair. hear Y have the tllabullcnl satisfaction of '-lowing the deplorable contentious of loci -Very few oftarad flags In an old paper rtwttatly rvwurreeW the sufferers .within, who, find! It ntf s wagon b=d are Qaoted at lit ° ff"t in thin city then vmx 'aana fmlauesible W et any water, whili t, It dye, and 4tastlMr Qaatttlt4■ a �t and graphic a eng; t of wits thus lurbwl= disputed, at, 1D 80c' ed Hngr-Mark*$ the ulgkl of sutferltig anti death w length suffered those wlrr were near- rot U. she windows W convey It In anchaugv! Qts to $3.40 per owl, WW lit the words of one of the sur- their hats to those behind them. and 84raw-lett■an loads of 'iron It prowled nu relief either W their thirst or Other suffer for lite fe- old at LO to • $11.80; mixed ,red oibvtsr, j6 so X9,110. It would seem from this tab that t.,nfluing of the prisoners lit thle , vers lucrearal eros uutnkent I'-Fth tlto offer** today, letrees reports an h.Creaae tnc '°all dungeon on n hot and torrid hicrearlu duuguu.s. w hi •h had baa run ften tre- of 1 - O bushels - this week in the might was ora acct:orty rather than the were ordered �ta,l anti wail yiturated with the • vlrinle of wheat. kart 1 deign, " prisoners into the Black Hoke• near which they bot and del#wwiau effluvia of petro tying bodies, oho effe•:t of which was ties esomm 1•G90,OpU txurh. d In Europe and refloat Increase, were being guarded, after same at- tempt to find n store suitable incl • little lett titan mortal. Beforo midnight all who were alive KJ bushels. lora Increased 01,- amhels, anti oats incraared 10i,- tk,n, and they had suitered and dkd and had lrtt partaken of the air at , dshels. • , ldcf ly because uo fru would ur :W the window were either In a Isthur• b of whewt In atom at fort Ar their removal when It was (ILacoversd gle stupefaction err raving with de- load Fort Wltttatp of Lice. _m! Ihnt tine dWkgeuu was literally a Urium. 1,663,763 bushels, ani against 1. NOT, plane of death• without orders from Irw+ Nabob. wino wife asleep, Ilia at- Every kind of Invective and abuse war uttered 111%hopes of provoking 28th, an'' 19 busheels a year age' uendants fearing the consequences of the guard to put an and to their mis- appended list ut „n•nkellsg him. erles, by firing Into the dungeon, anti Bradstre"'e on Trade. In an hour after the door ettrs.'t1 ao whilst Nome were blasphemlux their tuts of trade at Witleipeg ;u. ow ,loins of hm mercl:ese Order a Creator with the frantic execrations aetory. The movement of 1{r■u, amber were deed, and moat of the of torment In desl,sir. Heaven was Im- 000jh wit considerable and th, sea wen raving mevnlaoR clagtoring Pfhred by others with wild and intw- , circulation of the Provinc, I. h,r air and water. hereat prayers, until the weaker, ex- than •ver before at this tam« lit four hours nearly 100 of t11e 146 hauled by there agitations. tit length s ear. The price of wUat '. priu,nays wan dealt, alt awful mor lay town quietly and expired ten the s tab a• farmers would lit, amity, which probably save i those bodies d their dead of ago vizi ng s it. Th• farmers have been who ourvived from a similar fate. blends. Thodse who st,ll survive I In the a liberal purchases at mall try when the order of release wits leaned Inwttrel part of the dungeon. finding i and retailers are well sup- t,velve boars had not •xpiretd duce-! prat the water find afforded ulcera nu with cash. The wholesalers at Ute fatal door was closest, but only rvlW. made efforts to obtain air by ipeg are doing a good business. twenty-three half-dead victins sur• endeavoring W Lwrumble over the inass weditions at Montreal are ,Iced• and marched out IoW tie morn- hands of those who stood betwex,ra tit utisfactory. The holiday ung light end air. Moot of til• survivor them null, the windows. where the ut ks enlarging, the spring trade •ad oke wen Immediately re:eawd. and told t+, w lie they plwas°il, Tha story mall strength td everyone was eta- QOYad (ur two inure. tither In maht- pandiukg prospeeis are this moatth's sai•st will be farg. go ,d a survivor Is as Follows: tainittg big owu Zwoud tN Ln eudeaY. ban they wan fe november. Its. Hol ell. lbe chief ran allay celrrg to sat-th" ot..whlah others r continue to advance in colony the Ptlsosam on returning from him sero In Ptsmsies ion. Pretite an the past season'■ inter'-lew with the Natwh. 8trass Ali regnrJs of compassion were lost, sand no one wodld recetle or have been latggaa. There u a lruwlars found hls unfortunate coot possible. Wil"aeharua d adder b d both ttbold the ass addr+•ssho°ld begl••s, keen demand [or money and I,alliens sseembled and surrounded by gtvo way fol' the relief of another, y and rates continue firm at tit stung guard. - falwtmem, sometimes giving short nus quotations. 8evaral buildlopp ten the north and Padeos Of Qalss, but the lint motion tre is a good demand for staple pnuth aides of the fort were already of any ons renewed the struggle at Vancouver and Victoria. n riamos, which tipproachPtt with so through all, under "lick ever and i U, of course, no business being t!ilrk a Items on either hand that argon Monne one sunk to rise no more. wm ,tor this Nartkern awt,ma Ite prisoners.lgagslageQ t1Klr aefbin� Ant At :! o'clock Iltl more than Fifty Io to -u ive, Swmi,•atreu vuistil6tiMi f .ry. Tha holiday trade is also ng an increased demand. -stocks hn,t Caused thin trol[flagratbn 11.,, a, mnflocala "Wo between the two were too many to partake of the tot (arse sod that makes holden fires. saving air, the contest for which continued until tiler+- moruing, long items lines Dow is demand very Provisions are in goof demand on each stds of the eastern gate ,J pts fort extended it range of implo ed, began to dnak, and with tent feature of the provia:on mar- '•hgrherr, adjoining to the curtain ; the tele of relief gave the few vur. vlvors a view of the dead. it Vancouver was an advear io prior, of fresh *gp to fie._ Vaillltam before the chambeaw a veranda, gallery' tt was of arched The survivors then at time window, F!x t3hat Slneir etatre•Lles exslel sinew ret Ui bleu tatill�onry and Tatemded fo �1Rrter rield approving of the action of the rstel saliva thu w y oak. but it I, the soldiers from the sun not relit. �p erall uptru the guard W a'pf It the door, it occurred W Mr. l cxoke, ke, in that if the weetbor had been r sales watld bays hens large.. lxrl befog Lowe almost totally Ob- etrntetaf tine chamhsn tmohlad Trow thedo r. of Lha eOuncll. that haute are looking forward to a t!,e light and air ; and whilst moms Holwell, If alive• might have more influence W obtain their relief, ant( in the Mercury to stimu late Payments to the wholesale of the guard were looking lit other part Of the factory fur proper two of the company unchavin og the a are reported to be prompt pingaa W owllas the prisoners dur- some igns of him having still some algnr of but they this season although the grain big !sins night, the test ordered brought him Wwtuit the ow e w cetirssr have been small .ately ate moderate demand. tttefn to assemble In snots under flee '-bands Ott the right hand d ce, ew every-onu: refused to ynit hls place, ex - tjto Is In good demand- Tho talk the gateway, when they remalnad rare g Coalty, Mills who, with swab grtter'arest inerts to ew industries being started in Vf some time with mi little ouspl- when the cert Ilkewfnx agrd. to ,(lion is encouraging to bummeaa rota of their Implading fate, that greedhW holesale trade at Toronto has de they laughed aaaeng tbemsatvse at the. MPesaieig oddity of this di0mi- mato ad le t:o had rrercel9 legun to remcey air n%atin before officer meat by ped some features of idtsrest slow, and ainusexl thenrelven• with ai tine \sten Came IIn,l I If the week. The mat" have not bass con uring what they would next �' red sof Sritlstu rhlPf sarrtvnl, anti soon after ring much increase. Values eon- a to advance. Woollen goal are be ordered to da 8 o'clock these who had Lire anme man returned with an order Hog prodnots have been rather .\boat been sent to atamine the rooms re- to awn the prrl°u;i. The dwtd were so shruuged full the survivor* fwd sit t. Live hogs have advanced 1-3c ported that& they had Pxnnd none ll/ AttM strength remaining tlfat they Ib. vera [s a good demand for br the purpose, on which the prin- were employed nearly half nu lour In [ware ami metals with a strong etl,al officer commanded the Prison- I retnncing the Wiles wbl'•th lay ngnl+est ■rd tandenc in soma lines. Pay• t■ Irem (�• retail trade are ers to go Mkt nae of the room• which eludd behind Lhem along the the door before they could c:tmr A Pa■•°(Te to to t� qtr at a tints. wll�n, 1. •ain deliveries In the vlcielty of hPMlN le. it war the common' dengeon 'of of my ono went In uo more than Cath Unt e, the dna have been small thin'week, business as far as the farmer! the garrison, and wait called the Bi.,k LIOIC. ghast)•-ttlree we ghrutlbsc (arms that 'ver wen turn. concerned - bas adt b"• Ary )tiny of the prlaoners, knowi y Tim emob's tf des lr fro Llrstn demth from and the hreca to. but the retail City trade hu 1 very active lately, the unfav*r- urn pu►cP, began to ezptrntulats, stere wnich the (ffk;er ordere:l his ed they had esculoed wlih Indiffcr'ence, rence. wPstber having apparently made ern W Oat down tttdsas who howl- which d1A nut precru0 tlem frdrm romDvIng to m rJbrtente, Irynt erre l s lmpreseioa oo the "les except "v winter stuff which is rerisln y toed, on which the risonen D obey, rt but be(ors•e ail were wlthln the le mtionch lis o lean f by aha IutolPrn ile stlnch to tilt, du whllp cove oat more actively with the t The farmers ■re P•"n was so thronged that tin last clear vas, others dila a ditch q, thea outdds of cold snap, supplied with cash and eoastry ent,,r(vl with difficulty. The guard anx,hatel dosed! and locked the tort. Into silly all the dead Io il s' obas" this mouth are likely to a•,r. d-uhrknlrf$ 136 persons fo a we were ProIwell, una a t•o st Mr. Holwell, nnablr to •trend, was w a large increase- o,m' "'A twenty feet square. with ' soon after rarrit•il to Mw Nabob. who' _ my two small windows, and those was so far from ■bowing any rtrm- cdaktatn block ewLhu"!hies ski trimmel hantikenhlef. enter yka `•r" '�`ru°l°d b' tits veranda• �'`x' for his condition er remorse YEflY COOL CUSTOMEfl It was the hottest 00"Ou of the for the death of the other priwmers' • p,r snit the night uncomfortably that lr' only talked of the treasures Fruit l;zhiblt-Prof. acorn, o[ Con- tral Experimental Farm, Ottawa ; W, w!try, even at trhis periol. The ex- which time British had Lurintl. Into Hospital to Get MA.,, prwure of their bodies gt'net "a another and the latoler- •lye atflcers to whose cbnrge he wens delivered orderind'him put Into fettPre, liked a nt;e, heat which prevailed an soon as torgether with Mnwrs. Court and Wal - Neck Mended. door was shut, convinced the net. who were llkewlsa supposetd to . nere that It wit Impossible to know sdrm e -thing of the treasures. n,timanee' piece of varix s aorta, t)e:t clastr, kid gbcea, ether has pin. belt• through the ncgbt In this horn. 'rye, rest of the survivors. among URPRISE FOR THE SURGEONS• confinement, std violent at pts were Immodhtsty made to wham urate Monett. Court and Mills, ware told they might go where they ev► Tdrk. I)ec. 9. -John MorlArlty, the door, but without effect, ft npd!toett Lnward, at which marry P leased!. Dobbs' Ferry, bas excited the w`n, of the Physicians at St. ,1twith's me frantic with fright and suffer - ABTFH EFFICICTS OF FBVIM. - -, .. ylI'M Yonkers• s ls 6,S yawn old. and when be r. flolwell, who hat laced him- P fat Doe the wiapose 1Mn. AsgIP, of MarrltWr, Mattllree so 1 -ed InW the hospthal 1')r• O'/Saa Morlaril7 to renals ctrMpoeed both is n both in hievPrPlyThet Her M'rlendw FParrd ed him what al him. Iled that the Beak was broken n" and body a■ the only mean of Mile Was [At' -ply to be a Per- Am aasgoo by s fall from a scaffold• from Ile ro- viving the ,night, and his recalls- erne produce a short interval of sanent Invalld. ;ad whiv's Ile had corns ud Ohae the had walbd aiz milt Jsmou der, wtho bore come marks in the pirtaresgm0 village of Mer- +*ton .Mines Mrs. William Angle, a Dobbs' Ferry y- t was hard for tar tdoctor so ►bmaniy sat bis countenance, pro- wlxo, after nrmtlu of muffering, limn hw the glory. bot he promptly be', wax toan', t•o give him one thousand ru- In the mirlift It he wouls wP- found a enure from the -ore of Ile. rlardty put to bed. It A the mans 0OWtlon that hlm the prisoners into, two chem- Williams' Pink 1'111°. Mn. Angl,, rr- �k was broken sans arrrswC '1"t"' a will be obliged to andergo a dt s Tis orld morn went to tr but re- y, lates " follows the ex wh1cIl site has ]oPrucrnde pnmeedt •"Four years its oparalion. g in a few minvt", sal•1 M 'rmpnedble, yrs this spring, while a resident of �LtllentlPr when Mr, Holwell wAll the htat sentence that 'be Buffalo, I had nn attack of typhoid Pr. A. Dred. rats*[ could *wpeoNmd, as the fever and the disease left mp in w !rook,H1% lyse. 11. -Hews has been el•ed by relallvaa has- (or the death was asleep, and nn one dared awaken bmf worn oft and Pxtromply neirvaanCp,n- Ltt. Paul, lglun., yesterday of lir. L th, meapptisue •very agent• had dltlon, no that the 1p"t noise startled I coald not slept ret time• fur s E. sinklsr. Deem-' saw the saga*$ MR of the Sate Rev, & J Load their suffer of their etwWw arena weI a tint we• post on roubint h seagai ^ ay head of heart Then again mead alder• of this town, and w brother sad congicoiod sweat, whim oon Dead (mblpb, 90 Fuld tnlI me and [ Tiled had, Judge Bmntler, of St. Csthartat'a He w"a irvtoterabte thin*, succeed- by I had nu apwplge and fi 't Judges $+nkler, of Perlin• Pzcrnafati1ei•t�g¢ pains In the had twenty anti had In sat become-swo try gra,lratse of McOill, but had pre' for t, with dMicult• of breathin g' th m be0trme sxr very thio tont my fdilms ed hh• profes",om In St. Paul my The remains WUI be short of suffocat4oe. rafbna inpanx wen alarmed. tie fa Islcdarnrl tint yesra. mght here for lutotmmt on ltiore wen tried to obtain ram and nor; ev ctrl etyma P by h I was e, nv#Li by tow P ) wIM m'- ural!. 1 tried Pvstrythl!ag ►• W df his cl oShes, evMr hat was Pat ■itbn, but hods recommended hat still found no ro- 1`bM Serrterra' 1�1. th1eas affonhell 'e1114 theft Ilei. Fluidly a relathe pereU&" DitawM, INe. 11.--(�lailt- Tsar" it was proposed that akrnibi alt j t d0" on the (four ale tits try Dr. Williams' Pink Plllile After i had taken tM flrxt Hoz i sats• are "IQ to tis TW OL M°d 4 1ibe1 to be tin telt lltek lz11 sees- time• and, after retraain- a kttlp while In conld Fee s change for the bettor• able stn T•bey are PAM&ttx'sgomo• et thtM IetPther pnattrnt, rise i11e u I conSlnitPd the use M tin 1llFm nntdl 1 had itnlahr-ti mIx tx,xw nnAtltP Galt j Ilvea d Il bfagatoM; inti islet PzpeAlent wM thrhe re• Te•+Idto were roost grAtltying. i now r i'rnUlr imkhr, T --to. ,_-- , taq before they had been confined nkat pines hour, have normal sleep, there is no mon IeN � at Train,led Mag KW*d• one and every sevPrlol, unable to rise again, twitching in roy hands. the palpita- tions have denoted. find I have gnlrwt(' h�Byo Oat:. pgly is. -Miss LOS^ komf`I0d to dtawth by their oom- 4n weight and ntrpngt•h. MY whole ai�uroy, AasBpMt d the tWOM*IP It ' rzyefa wyatem apt+mlo Urged up. And I feel ea- agl d Il laaP. ,pas fogad ajofi were again mndle to forog d,0i, vvhlch, Urely well. 1 Teel grntPTul W the la its Q P• it. �� of ly ►nitiett na 1PtOM rr their rugs, Thrlr tar. W111l��s )1PdIcInP tit. wnA hrgtP (if less*$Me bJ, fa�d4g (�f a �otn• thl iS- ftrttfittnt 1Nft "Writer, kiss- they will kept) up th- dxrd work W the Iwuac �� a. anoussefin* d• Mole tie, zsMnae ■Dula after the Ad Watering afflicted." P1111 by X �-, _ ..- - Till Kf110.4 k , rat*$• gaaerai william'i flak teen go We t., the nx,t of the diw muw. They rr rill•, 11 1t �At 1t" Rrxr1 JetuAuldfir immmRw ssiy suns- re.ew mud bolld up tlw bldxrd, and left w -A•,N bl c • hilts of water to he en the stygnRtttpn ttir rnrvew, taus drlving Im- �rd sane ry*• 'Iba•e Mit w►nrkrwm. irut ipstead bar lits b■NrerolemkPa Ilmewtrte a AjweSeP fmsi the system. Avrrld Ration@ by Insisting that every fax `•w i a� tk- bat --- vret•s4,. ,r � - t' i'atsmMl1Wtr"-s•'^n_LNp thMw � pitrchmw- iePnrl'wdrl In a wrnp- Ur. fat t bei llNtti •*- deat•y �t , w1tY Ila l x� ` ;' N asAt*et, affltn.• d n"Weee •.t ypess llwwHn list full Cradle !asst w11/IAUIs' nk I I 1 , for "gets I?an. ' p "' fif maMm k) "..•� '"'Milne its• FitAla.,'n �r„a ` "'� 's M aAt orf !, tntTa rPgttlarly '+ " '---'---.• j1 � "ei ilsgls � ^,Aare wry ntnxtet � � `,ok ft � rep 'ted at Mrwtresl that (hP My'' fprdor Mfdx. bhof•t"'o win worst p A L :,�- j ons Ce gre`@�lew of Jm°us and j rally t nor OM.6'1t traN f!a illwebot.gk A .• - . 7 tMt t, eft and to the 'f Iher ' Sixth df Tea Banque Vill* Marie raw . ti prvenwed t +. , "* .' flat at fathers. , .,,i,.,•J, v h + e . . .a.' ,.e. y n _ thein. The Importance of these ex- perlmentm were a ,pmclated by the p1 R,filght Criminal Lawyer of Chicago, r • . thus workedt becomes very prolllie. no .. , -. visa .., t ._" - ¢ - . .gam:_ ,vat Ea, a. . .. -_.! :-_.r'asit*i■eTOt _ rrJ?y - ` , • , '• , -..,- - .4,.. i, . - - _.._. ----- • larg 'rgd `�''' �'•IM °"" °"d SNOP ! Tlh ,. FRUIT �OWEflS 1VfEET TSE 61YI Q 611TSt THE CHflIS11VI�S raw. pasted k Iwrw W (told nut - -_.-..-, -_ - - T ,,. -. -- - - .- ___ __ . _ $s O AR.-11�'�baskst... MLRIL.:_ Qalf varlets--,sf �� ,had aAo razptrrt• _--• _ _ '0 - _ _ . _. , - _ - .. �"-"_ r, - .-. . _ -�.�> _.. t! _ .�. 1 ' • �iliHs ?tilJt> "r li�(la i - . DI nest A le- ackin the PP P 8 ed with xlwubal auccesa, the ' AI- borta." Thew bast In Christmas and' a k_ Often Suggeafi`ons for Tf►ose" Be air o. L,00DDT. -J . - - Cause of Indignation. baeu packed ecit" batting. anti upenexl out In eaeoul►eatt reftditlun. Tu attain the Imposes. , d • Upon Gift-9uying. of sit =--a.f..t�..',n... �ha�t1JJ�a, ,,, d.,•ee............, .ria U y. - • best succe" Lk the export of apples p�j nem"Llis, •••• a m8". .� PREVEF GIS A 0 f1V L L TI A KED E N S p war naertlaar r fa Gone np Wim' parrltlr°', large oar or me rl UNWISE GIVING DISCOURAGED• PRESENTS FAR YOUNG AND OLD ..•.e.'...... pae,e,ar, t•••••••••• t and om►e trade, ,and the professor ad - Go "sly and avoid the °rust► I■ Ad.ertlol■g 11ts1ee' Whitby, D66.-- L. -.\t the annual "food 'the gnuvves W plant with a view' to LhW. Only the large anti The Chrirtmes eampa'gu bar opened • round advice, but what to buy when Legal 6"Othsroaaealad""N"M•atr,iM meeting of the UutarLo E'rult Orovte young app:ee ulatmkld be sent, and "fly this year, says the Cheago one gets there Ls often the ■tumbl'-ng ssr beetvrdedle•ertbt, •ail nsplocume 1•r eaobwbs*rsertineertle■. ifeaasred by err' Aammiatlolh tuM the "liont Y aha grower wast tlnd s sue utter Chronicle. Peu le evidently have P block. Wiseacres tell us. to save holt a noepp.a,d1 costa us" sod soder• 46 saw feature wits a ,am -Benison oa fraudu- way of dbsp slug of tits Witsuce• lie money to spend and the shopkeepers the time and labor for uurselvae, we ;winces Dards otdz lout packing of apples for export. Tho lord tar toe ter IC to Che �° uaunuro heap ttutu rhlp It W tl►e are taking active measures to have should have a list bstore ■tart`ing La desired for each unn �t�ayag, y Aarertlrments of [ irarad- inti a tt�anted as/ rftuatlon vao,°t !1 r fuels dnto.t b n+rreresktutve wow- Y I Eruglbl, market. !ie Mrfeteh short them s end it. P of just•what with max:um expet►liture alongside pa.fnoes Obstleft w M ezueedlag • hers elwwed that Lite ovll war A greve uniform gra,iess should be ertabilrli. The joy of Christmastide is one of appended list ut Imes P.. Stl, lit s•• ]tourron tru flat•, ■et sate. A dlsgrateful samp'-e of ulshou- ext, so that sales `may Ire made In thla cosuhtry and., the necomitir cif the few seasaliues that never grow assistable things will prone u[ great rarirtancn til a ori ti hof int'"W ,ao per w e. s $1 fod t4 rs�r. {r peaaNtioo. fatly ]wcktn a onus war exiniMted. i Il meodhtg un d• lip old. The delight of g:liug's'perennial i,1 this prellmlaa(y. ,,uppose you want earotisClaes asghent mo `Ars ° of walr•oba b to of t unit a t:eprv'•rlag letter war wad lrOlu axwmlgnmeuts dde reported that thS�tee�/ar@t cum• -au •ver -recurring proof of the just a trifling remembrance fur A �a a°ema promos .s s( stns Wtrm "residen , W. E. N'ellhtgtou, uuw lit I..Indo,t, Eng., upon tike low ertdunatkxn panleae had p,lumlwd better ventila- truth that it is moue blessed to Bias than to moa, say fifty o*ute for the cwt : Iluukr is ptenLy may •be had fur lk:s a.tore■mveey, tsDeooasfgeredaoadrertla► mussed charged a000rdl,�l �ip• In wb4h lannoluu a leg are beW In pp lsrtl[Iaud. u tow fur hu:ds carrying apples slur• Ing the coming year, •and ,tg�[�ated tlwt 1 receive. Yet t6are is a measure of truth iu the declar lion of ° local clergy- sum, leat her card case, tobaeoo uch, i anal natio•• i• oeoltardf °°• ••■t sm Ira ward, oo cotton loss tba• ram pttchat xddreoa book, guu metal cigsr- f� so"on h oedr•r7 reading type tw* '* - . e ` q. r, [I. Fettlt, of Grimsby, hl&i.v dutwxl do with o:, each rhl ter uuid a6e W Pl $(M ,crjk after hkv frlrlt au l nut leave utas &list muc� Christwus Qwing duea holler, woollen glover, pocket penci4 silver soarf- u par w64 lessons for Is•s than Mss 11&Z4 rorohumbe•s°4 etasr rdistan• •■a wbjftt a Impar " How can wo irevent tricker • In 1 ) everything to the supervlakxt of dill- more harm than gout. It blesses uei- with silver protector, u, tobacco sr, silver ba to S g g' Nao•oientinstitutt°ar•Wf rete. aackln of i lea for ex tort T" Iw i B PP 1 MWreestct Ixnrtks. u matter how tier his that giros tear Itian► that ro-. {.+ Inst marker, leather ehaviug pad, Mss �thD.ortttenwbotrllaeraoelve7'n■etewas tmvetl n aesiolutiuu suggvlsiing j,I,at noulrt ill equiratatA wink Its. It would tsthl ree'ulre r ,ervirkat. After ceivea. When giving becomes a mat- ler tel ceurrdtion or of duty rather - Leer stein, etc. arly by mad will ooufer a 6•w by w certain marks be adopte.l by Ing A-, tion. ludleating. cerWtln grudess anti some dhawmkal,'- the whose matter than of good will it is degraded to Nur a woman fur the alma sow, )our list might include a hal[ dozen sllvrr equuaintIng us of the tact at a• •arty a date M alseu of a tee, uu that 1t txm muds u g' ut !tucking tend ahipp'ug and Iegim• IAt4mi with a view W ,rurentiraud Ibe Ievol of a fashion. ur of a com- meroial tralusacligt. The gift trent la hairp:ns, silver -topped naive box, a possible. Wil"aeharua d adder b d both ttbold the ass addr+•ssho°ld begl••s, Ig4demoatlor to stautp thaw.) market ort cku es m,leuw their contents were g 1 uleut Packing was referreI to a bestowed merely because it is "the vett white embru:dered mull sprou, i' y writing folio, fan, duiuty calendar, anti . ' ut the yu s . committee, liumPosel of Messrs. A. E, D. (t. 1'irhrr, pproper thing" doesn't warm the core- kles of the heart. The Christmas box card case or coin purse• leather eba- T■btLaetrs bones ba+ . lwr Mr. N'ootmii the, the Secretary, read , title a utter (nun the Ikominlon MlnleCer of 8. C. Ot, hi C. Uottosl. M. 1'ettlt au] T. 11 Pett n 1'' Carpenter• that is ezchanged for auothet-bolt ppaa sties knowing what is ezPeetfA of telaiue ba brush and comb t ray, g• Acer Curl:ug iron, ■Ilk mltteas, ur to for J. 9. tw Tousel. of Ooderlaa lw • otedl,00al Tn►•elllooggAgen{twtheTo �a of a°derleh• Colborsa. Aablleld sad A rlcultare, saying that Ike It deter- tbem-ls article barter. There sleeveless paper vest wear sr►ssoah. �Fk1 a�ad to invuatigate this mutter of $.\N JOSE SCALE. u uo eleynPnt of generosity [n Plther a a warmed under • jacflket. Local p,retm,tstenonr the dbMctsnsl" frsudulset parking and der everything A resolution was unanimously car• transaction. Fifty Bent• would buy a boy bend- ompottred W reeetve .etdeortptlotms a Tis aIon possible to check the evil.' Mr. Thomas Cnr otter I produced a rield approving of the action of the F le become coward! ala about •e'P Y kerchiefs wallet, al -d, military cap, silver otnlf It1k•, silver cls clasp, ell- - All communication mast be ads (' D ssmfrle of e',pltrr 1,ecke 1 try n proftw uMartment of Agriculture fn taking tne•eruraa to stamp out the Bun Jur Christmas lime. The knowledge that: some[bitla is ezpected Pf them impels duet BQooat hanger, a game ora mor- D. Mco1LL rrg g(anAr, 0°N!Y Oat . elorwl lxdckor. The barrels wan focal x le ant regretting that there should them to become hypocrites. The dread abidp:c•ture book. TelepasseCau31• with liahtW&k1aahu&.,jl{►e Ido. pppler .� - weed"chfera" -0 any relrsaiitn uLUse late A coin- ., of being thought, "'tinW or "wean, A girl could be rememL•snd by a Palet -book, either `plata IIs mount- _ --- -----r-• - „m Mr. Welington'r letter comparel the mlttee ware luted W aonfet with paw klcxk. John UJYtieu.° MlulrtPr of A 1- gr drains men a one that cannot at- Y p ford it. Emulation likewise enters j evict boz, ailver-han- TH['ilt3U.\]'. DF.( 1 favorableyuntAtIon of tine Nova8�otli 'ulture, taw ustntiers being Messrs. into the matter. Tho poor relation is died tooth brsush picture, dressed dull, -_ apphrm fn the British market with the M. 1 ettit, "W. M. Orr• Itubt. Thoowon, determined not to be outdone by hi• du11'a go-cart, game, ice skates, pretty TRAYM.LMO GUI®i ru,rpl:kxl eynterLallrot of the ('anudisn G• h• E Juscph T. , U. cousin. The teeult it that hatrlkerchiefs, n'oktto of lace or silk. ox„bt. Tate atwoclatlun ez K 1►tveseod . lir, t. Smith, EL Morrlr and \\'. fie Burt. It. two people mete prerenls-fur whirs two pep Fur a dollar the 'xxsilbailler arc aItAND TRU'= RAILAAT. ntrun; ferddg un the nutter and onus Mr. W. M. Orr, Fruitland• relx.rtetl neither of them car°• -ant the Christ- very mount greater. That would buy n luu,usly adoyte d Ne rewrlutl ski 1'be sect slug owed here th'.m morn- 3 satlstactory yesr'x work lit r ru a mass sit de+�enentes into a mere un the man -a flask. gold collar button, *kl- ver,handled wit A, kid glover, letter anslTi 4 Ing in the lbuncil chamber, Vice -Pre- aident W. N. Orr, of N inuna, presidia lit eT Prlawnta Then• had Leen st ed Ilncreaso in oke atteendancu at ezhibitnt'on u[ Ignoble prhI•�je nae aide sod careteses '-sail u° lha Y case in fancy leather, tr:plicate mlr- nor for shaving, a soft felt hat, gDl[jlz•d and • • •'•••••• tA•••• .l. sa� libfrsw..................... 1 in the absence fu Rus ape of the P_IQI dent, Mr. W' 1S. Weltingtva: iTIII'f01- •le oirmon@tratlorus The old formula was ukaed. uy_tl._ �(tnit front tlw other. Zj�-� !gift hf worthy Which Lr riot 'fi,oeef-_ �ar,,>j club, rcadmg glass, saver - napkin ring. teneie8 mieks, gt°1Fting bag err .................................. Maii a°d =xpros„•.••••.• •••••••�••• .-talFMaat • lowing ;;uZII {t* were appointed: Sprayed trees trap o7-txrtter quality heartily bestowed. AH driving . Nominatitwa-J. K :cart(, \Vood- C. Casten, Crarff, t R, and k ,t better. Yrof. )Lttvun el sefxuke strongly In favor of spraying. lie rales gifts aro tutworth y which involve extravagance upua�lw Agri_ rel the gloves, dour diollar IIMt lora weir * vuld t`aFe Nall and txprem............... •••••• Mwft dad t....r.......:....--- stock ; l;. ; L. litiggard, Whitby; It B. 1Yhytq 'freaton• :chat xpraping with limn weleinexd W prevent winter• tiling. S,sme discus- donor. No peireon Jhas the right to rob Mmm I or film family in order W cdaktatn block ewLhu"!hies ski trimmel hantikenhlef. enter yka ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ , __ t Ottawa ; Nt. H- Dem J. dot occurred on the ad%inaLl Ity of be eetantatkwsly generous W strainer. satin damask towel lhelu- nom. Fruit l;zhiblt-Prof. acorn, o[ Con- tral Experimental Farm, Ottawa ; W, uaving provision for compulsory meas- others. The man who spends till last "keep stitche or knotted fringe). eftyaf- down dreaming rareiue, lorgnette, 1tIOHOL60N. L D.e, y ' H. Dempsey, Trentoreu ; S. Morris, G. Vas Dozer, GrimabY. iso- urea a alnst the ccdlln moth, so that g g s t ftkil grower mai tqt leave to suffer cent at Mirietmas in- order to hM en 1 ap " Is a mere vulriarlan- • F'retr h bronze minlature bast. 1te • DtorrAL suas■ox, Rooms ���ta Ne Post p�� i?'txtthal ; solutions -Thos- Beall, Lindsay ; At. H. •os the cerelesQh"s of his uei boss. la a hnmbag who maerlllces lits comfort Incurs n,timanee' piece of varix s aorta, t)e:t clastr, kid gbcea, ether has pin. belt• saw tnnmg, Frown and Brf4a !leek a 6pet Wtr. (, ` A-. whites jades, Felon. Bit” n Meerrs. �`t�eVdles_l raltl,. Qrr., A•. ii•_ BnA'"[Re to him va Ity. The man who iftiA V "JAlh1lar 4s t3Nh1�' >r a' ' or `MtTtt+ei' LwYfestrY ebY*ars .notes!. '° " pude. W. A. Whitney; of Iroquo:a, raid stt11:' Sec�arj were np- pointel a committee W eoteaMer this ep3fir cously etas• so dishonesty. panel• A boy would be with a esot T )t. MADit• D.DJL LD4a. , AL Sureeon-Latest I a paper tan "Fruits Hardy along lbs natter, Mr. W. H. Bunting read the rrport Wn are ottlll tar enorgIt from Christmas to look at the mattes pleased dler mutt, idle! achort ' to ,l s sad sopeovtrd e" S6t. l.pwrenoe." lie gave oke follow- tg C•t of apples list a his follow' of the eommltteb appointexl to Inter• w'marely. It is right ant proper cltost. W tr ul y twk, g d pencil, gold osatars°ntooth aSpecistPrwp��areaa(or. et, aodsguinee (apstalrsT 1CetraaoeoaWset aro v aluabla along the St. Lawrence flow thr rnllwayrwWh a '-few W re- curing better service and Lower rates. that ('hrirtwas gifts should be bP- atow•ed by these who stn afford ■0srf Dln. ttxNbell ntlL, footW►11, log ghs (c:oth ur vLoc:klnette), a box of To:ettl.u,o \u. ao. . River : bSummer-Yellow Trrtupyr- mJr �i�heY ] �UaCIiW ��� The committee accomplished u little• bat not sit they desired. Special ret- them. It M ospeclally fitting that retattvew shout'b remember rare an- Juvenllb "atlemery. all of which may -iaa had for a dollar, T M. TURNSUL D.D-g,. LDA-DtN- d • td sc L(Lt�tis •rs�stad wltk - Wimti`r-iameuse, Scarlet Pirppin. me- Intosh and Wealthy. Late winter- tendon wits paid to changes In class(- other at the Chriotmas season, If A dollar will get a girl a ring, Dr.Dlzorn,of miirerl 0 sad s•r+•1 , . eartlnaal troth mo■ute�"sold or ahasemi Scott's Winter, 6ilome, Soeit, Golden filiation. One complaint was that, carr are not properly ventilated owing to ret Ile other time. OlvliLg with n free heart and to accordance with almost any trifle t° sterling @fiver. engraved pate with GU oairts. fancy M.ea Q_-,_,atunUaugl•ea Ie the pewsn fauna tae natural tooth. OMw be >ta Ruceet, Yellow Belleville. QalLiriq, Tolman Sweet sod Ballwin Red. want of attention to trnnttpurt. The oce'e mraM to one of the worthiest box cif writing paper with quite a Lsaa'snowblock. Dad -- Mr. Get. T. Powell, of Ghent, N. Y., railways did not care to make. •buy mpeetat preparations for this trade Low. and nowt military of actions. But giving 'In mere ostentation, vaulty lot of paper ant anvelupes• metal coin puna, at" plm, silver kxgnette LBOAIL . a uOtei Farmers' Institute lecturer• spoke on the importance of thtnnfng lnf to Its irr'e((ularlty. and line of the ,nnggoortlotnr of the committee war that or prole -giving as n duty or - be. cause It In expected-ls the erxmt chain. Lined work barrket or a pretty waste, basket. ��� HiLATON-111A(tltltl �ey�. trait, talc ng cwt the poor, scabby and interior samples, Hs would also tbin growersrimuldco-opzrnteandarrange Idle waste of mcGiey It bloom no 1x tie amtsant tncrtusts the Net" dtor, Notary Pubtb (b�odestsb. °t p�rartyCkamMr,tha6ea•ee• by pruning, foe tsar tro�s exhaust W ship together. arae, with the- passible exception of or choke Ir wller necomarily. A few iNP47 themselves b carr i too muck Y Y tri HARDY APPLEal. he shopkeeper. ant If he -Is slteright klnd of a ettD�pkteper he will tdepre of tfee titillate that may be had for two dfullats Tur a man an Rumor CAJdPION, Q -O, -H eofi- Ee Notary ko. mdse neer .alenl ., +-js, wooi. Judicious pruning he conalder- e1 the [int am•1 noel importeut op- Prot. Paunden, Rulerintendent u[ the ('entre! Ezperlmentnl E'arm, OL- cats Ouch gifts. It peop:e will be honest with them- allppers. ■Ilk surpenJetn (prettily tool- ell. woollen wvroater, silver trimmed dtoe, Hall,Sghkare.(Ioderiob. s't' ;r.� oration Qf the fruirt-grower. Mr. E. Morris• of Fotthit in tits- taws, exhibited some new varletlesof lrellesed W be pertly h salves they will enter Into the full enne, srttin full drew protector and '` O. JOHNSTON--RARRlMTR .OLI- M• ` • , this loddraa+, said that ha pplev, encu q gg pit the climate the enjoyment of the holiday time and a travelling toilet rase. effuse Comm O°e �a Aeey a HstFtuoa et Aeamew cussing would prune sbowt August tat, ba- mtnnd of InortIt- weal. They were prodncaxf by eros- there a to better ronment tbnnthe For w wDnoan, umbrella •land, ban. Umow: Cera end eteeeta aoddwdd�,OeL set 4 -N`' cause growth is then about at a stand- fertilisation of hardy- HiberL•vo wild Present to b�tn. Iwuac �� a. anoussefin* d• Mole tie, __ • etil, ani the result w':1l 1fa tc atrang- crab apples with aha' Deet lords ap -- Dr a' l laretl jabrot, Butt• • : !!Uffll Mo( taiboaret, iardiniel-a�-io�tolse D C. HA fie RTIR eOld(1fOR Ile tee O�oe: Nerlkn,mteztdo°rekamat -_^_.. then the fru t buds. 1'rof. Mannion warned fruit -growers Die.+ umlrr cvltivatbu In the east.• Tim original crab apple in abxrut the p�B�LL CCSB /hell comb IM7r the bract of her hale res• yueM W Isad st lewmt lanprr I top-grfifting Wealthy but r fancy coca. dactheae lace handker - ! tkgAfnst on ar slit• or n rexrpect,tble goosetrrry, chief• _____- _ Duchess, because the growth In to, the new h 'bride are 3 perhaps nu inch !'t A1tROW t PROUDTOOT.IIAftRttritR.1, G ,� slow. and a half In diameter, and tiro pro• For a b,y. fountain pen, veltoel- A'Lertwye, eoildun. (w. Oedericb. J. Mr. Powell had keen top -working fervor hopes W greatly Improve un The Cage of B. A. Wade, the PP': velveteen legging-• boxing oif�oarrow, Q,C., W, Prosdtmet i Anjou and Bore pears ori Kieffer ntock with mumu satisfactory reeultoo. Anjou thein. The Importance of these ex- perlmentm were a ,pmclated by the p1 R,filght Criminal Lawyer of Chicago, glo%ep. will -t gold tie clamp, rubber coat, woollen sweater• Tox,tu►11 noww �AMSRON. HOLT t HOLMMS. BAR era gaiioltontoCbawear lie -.O ,' 1 thus workedt becomes very prolllie. no fruit -growers. Mir. J. G. Duplicated by That of an uuu+k or Ineun l hunnewa, d tieliern. Hag t , Usr•esa, Q.[:.. P. Hall. Redo" u•hmem. . much so that It need,• thhming. The Hrisc her also PeSi ed a greuL rua:ees Jackson, of Port Hope, spoke ora "Jtoded," Mr. A. H. CamybeU, if Ter Dntari0 Ludy. - by footballs, cement, ,btu s for roll Ar®r anA n ring. ' ` - O: WARD. OONVICTANCSR. tee, AM' . ' ' thus top -worked on Kieffer. routs, on "Gonad Ronde fur Fruit- For u girl. solid gull tire- ehalM, a eommlasloner for taking and nes ,fviag reo*g of MIL a111d of tMle TOi'-0RAFTING ANU PPR,\YING. Mr. Powell Wald he haat • been torp- growers•" and Prof. Nxunderm on "Preparations For a Dis lay of Can- Darks Wosde'stiliht Was Restored by Doeld's leather engagement pad, blark Imo- hair ha fancy boz far a skirt, tan chain. frames hold dewooes ec a or fluffs depedtionr oreasnn declwrwttem In er eoacernkng any action, suit or pra tag In �b a H4mh ort of Justice, the C'e■rta Appeal working King un Northern Spy, with ndian Fruits at the Ezposl- tion.•• Kidney Pills-Mrs.(ieo.Harn" Was pltotugraph to from one to six picture•, silver ier Ontario, sr in any County or Diresion , great satlafactloo, beoatue the saw l u( -- NotOnl •Mhortsf litrd Hut tkaf-- g Pert of a hole of Ilbtld'a Kidney gar- ter clas{w, silver back cloth" brush, t:ourt All t•anutetto•s atr'ef•lly and perm opttllr o>roc■ted. Reetdettos anti P. O. addrwt [t■n- i the latter wam so exceptionally hard •.&Iky's Fdmiiy aad Liver M "J Pills Restored Both yfght Oliver 1,2tlale bracelet, mackintosh, season, Ont lsmtt ` end rlgoroas. He chase the scions and Hearing. set of three so1,1 gull stawlr acrd cluck from the bemt bearing King tree', which hore toe finrwt fruit, and the Their action respnablen tine laxative PrOffertl" of dater and figs. AmIth'a Fella. Dec•. 3. -The came, or( In leather era.-Philadeti lila Re• rued. P Ax. 1f1ei1SIltAlI1O1L frult from the srlonx hall the charac- tt,•4r Im of the tir* from which the Price, 10o. a boz. -• ^ R. A. Wade. the gnent criminal law- yer cif Chicagto, Ie at 'renternt exrlt- 'riR p*�=aou" t N i '• Ror -coons were tnteo. The kesnit pointed /reirear*d C.rtoMm ItevesaP. h coroAderwMP atttnti-ah In the y rye Pr Mari me oust. oT'OR, • tarty. Proctor MaNdreCo•rt OAeee tltow street. '. to the passibility of pPrpetuatlnR in- ' Thi fo llowiilg- statenrnt shown the United States, funny orf the papers of thwt haclgR uuw to " for the O►lfAgsa i dlvLtal ceaction.letlee In cowetlas id mpexlfil eP►ectinn. div. Powell -old uatoou recPnne m1lPctlexh In the I)u minoa 11g t1a flirt five cvwntrp efrvoted exxnstd- twxtoO W It. A similar twee !tats. Th' In"Pet can• o! Ilttb V J. T. NAFTE1 -11RMLIFR AND AO- i t a Abse i lowest rwtw s cMenf,I nth ' t tors n King the top•ikrthe c:o moathsof erred h+ta urcurred ant our own aide of hue girl• wt. pmae:Cor. orthet.and turo,OodeNcb. T{ e, a Northern Rpy tin benring agr. was er b ,tach flacnl Y"r rince 18af-G: 1994-6, Ilse. In that cr[ Mrs l+eorge Barnes. hair la often miglectai by morotlora ' ' much ■hortenwt, and from tre.ra Plght 47, B•Ihte ; 1896-6• $8,404.8(18 ; of this town, ver raretnl of other th )' Mgt. Good MoNLY TO Lthl)-A LAROL AMOUNT lYl s, A,• ytan old ate bud taken elgl,t Harrel@ trots. - 18:.6-7 g8,088,106 ; 18a7-8 380; 181: 181,8-9, s10,689,tI08; 1899-1900, R. A, Wade I• the lawyer who do feruded Prenoieegnet flue flrwt time he overneeiryr In heir childhood days, buwever, s what nos oro lna gt w� of Prf•♦to fonds for luve@Lmmt" low- Get rates un ■rrte�,,.� ave 11n i-ragea Applf to "dxi" u( Mr. E. C. Barnett. of Newcastle, read $12,051,878. These figure -4oll the ntotri trial for murdering Carter ■ti's the g:ory of w fluo (read (it hrnlr. OARROW d: PROUDfOOT. . -- a • J a valuable paper on "P"n for the tfib of the growing time for them- Harrison. Mayor (d Chleattu. He load It int noumt unwise to trust trite daily tt>t RADCLIFIr"RNKRAL INSUR no , ,.P : t ' amateur and prdetrlrnnl `srower.•' +elves. A similar Inrr•enae t• to be seen ht the figures for November or this teeth ret9lrtiod In a nu miner orf Tensa- flitsI Wain before+ ha- been combing W an Impatient, often bar- rierl nurse. li,urty c-ombing breaks ane*. Real gaaso and M.eay IA"i Artwt• Only gnat -clefs antic-, ta,t rets ewn e v Mr. J. L Gral►am, d Vandeleur,'rave and strove, 1annPy to lend ou wnlghl toaarrLo. at Ibe bwa.t . y sae result of him experience ht top vear, as compared with those fur the nail[ dr erne of the best known lawyers Un huts, matt rag it rough sad ua elate of Interest saln an way t* salt the , graitng and IrelgaLing for oho vr- ++►sate month lass .year : L'uutomr re bit AmertcA. He aontraetexl to Wney ecen Wheth It flee dreres matter! brush e o borrower, t7lare: Ssoend �oor tram chard. eelpts, November• 1839.1900, $2,894,- Lloeane, eared the urin avid. always out na much of the tfiuYb as poswl• WOL@treat,0oderleiL fsa,tJ so" -•.+',X , Mr. F,. B. Edwards. Q. C., of Peter- 163; November. 18x8-9. 7a1.98t/,106; 1weecnt in the eyrtean w'he't the kid aihfe, nod with elm fingers carefully ---- -- i. r ''' twrlri, 1vLl a hi�h twilrutn to the pre- Inrromme, $461,057. neyw are derat"L attauted hlseyos mvttrate the hair Irnto etrandbn ate- AUCTIONXIERrwa.- 'i ' nets Ooverumeat for the 1'rsetk•-al "— raid Mr. Wadp went tNhud. Hr dtarted rc.n• uxMar trite m otP. It Is a mistake BON AgaC\DRY, AUCT[ONRiR AND T lew"m In n rnying during the Inst New Life fur a quarter: Miller•" ('ow- .. tar take Dodd's Kidopy Plllw muni) gra(I W think that glrfs hair duo uld be curt i■.ernraee Agent, 0oderlch• Ow. AgwL Lnsdat Inndha,I.re Fire ins. C0. the= frly yearn. He was cmutdent the vnlup pound ism I'llin. 'sally the klotney trdxtl4e dim 4flool tr- of ten Int order ter make It grow thick. and riot nal'atMsded to ls or orchards wit@ incrPasedd ret least tri and hie eight tetunrxl. It makes the hair coarser, but not ofthelteal . oar Dart d 1Jre ee■wty. sOly a., 50 per rent. Ffwmerly tibxait hall A Disappointment. Now rend Mrs. Rarlies' letter and thh•ker. Weak, thin hair is a mien tine fruit was Iuufjt,yi) pack. but by TI spraying in 1808 a hall fifty barrels "I tame knlgltty net►' Lryln' W Pnliet e*re brow what wM ulnuist r•unmddertri A miracle by the pmplP err (:hiatgr) of Mtyerfect 1tPAIth, amt Ila Pzl@s CnCk' should set n mother so JOHN ENO �Ltor. lis Oftj'w net - Hse. M mhllgrbyt np;dcw tars oT •Ixt.v •t x, whlrh trt•weght ham ;8 n barrel. lie is tie Tnnnxvaal army•" maid Mcandefe- Ing )like. Frew tlelek ob,pllrated hu ['nnaoin. Wultlk's Fells. a can- cul ezami,kathxu of IuPr growing girh !]Ic m nos loaf, s eest°dsad�,tQZar,le•asrM+-.vur had b h the sen• (ellrtg trade• M M h • ds► '•a"�" fully dint spray, ]idi might Innve Ler wort," einitl ikxict'a ]tiametrne (v.• gettug Drtrper with them h 1 tru4 W k1m *$ aITs�om wax r-onvincerl the thine t "You I4te. g 0entlPmen.-I have tr_Pu ttoubled not mkteplrya enough ur In sunreothnr C p> •I•sa RL.-sottaaar, wax princJpal at could "Fur a minute I war wlllin' ter take way Iter no rmal v Itdillty s not ire - er�wa JORI( be done in . H own Int Pmf. H. l.. Host, of O. A. C., dip chance. I was deceived b n t ,o- y yi torr aver a Pur Mro ble. le wenk- ) nPwo fills! ilrinal Tnnuble. rerulting LnK kept up. It Is also a mistal,� to wash the batt too open, ae It )�Oz, tdo•ts Ouselph, read a rep ort of the Com- graphical error. IM paper raid de Tranrvant was chock full n' Been• an' farm Klrinsty DIN1nsP. i ttwve oonslllt mnkas Is dry and brlttb. >H�As>• mistee tin New Ftufts. Thly evcatlrhlt UnP ciPlry(fit9.i were f had tI-r read half n column before i t c' vinrnd Lint it only meant Pdl n tirx•ttrr stns gore mw medleLne that eeecmrl tar make me wtree- At Ax rktnrh es p0sefble k -t Uro hair cru growing chlWaen are reirovPled and r*i&tlir<, j.( �J r • formally wPlaosnrerd to the town and gn Hoerr. -Wamhington Fltar. tlmev i would M dent sand short- hang lonwnly, It M said that Lilo • afggge, r addtretrex were delivered by the tI'thPc1. I waw add of Uodri'm Kidney hralr ut tiro Satz �F pcaMnnt 1rillgM ' • ■ '�"—i -- Mayor. Yh+e•PraAdertS Orr end Ih. Harrison. of Kenne. Ont. Mlller's Grip Powtlerm care. 1'llln e►nA,I'Ffot rebs t►ox. I fuser used Pari, of Lite bnx, told am cvmnplPtA) the highent price, amt Univ always A $TORY Oi� INKUKAN TORTILTUR t , Whitby, Dee. f. -The Ontario Fruit- grower• practically concluded their _ Irew Wsddf In <'inclenotl. ■gs mrwL and stran=e to any broth my IMart and Pyepubli M naw Wont- hangs loosely from their head nater• all err It losse braids rrr-m bah hood, r -- Itztraordlaary ('ane of $avagei/`1n ' aant,al cPnvp tion hereto -day. Abun- p There inn been a marprsltlg and 1. reefed You may 11Nfrdt this If It Plo r iti•rsgrlyatlon s Had for the hafr.und for thm rrfixan Ilght hath ought W tine Caucasum. dant testi 142 of the value of spray- bnncoountable decreasve In the nem- inns of mfirrl,iptx annually will lop the massa (A etwnstnz oLlaPrw. be wont by Lite chlldrer► M warm ThP APrlln nxnwpontletlt orf tiro Ing was given by ninny experts, sod Prof. Robartsont maphasised what perform• e(1 du (9nclnnatl ahee 1990. In that I remain• y(xtm etc., Myo, Oforge Barnes. we+dther. Lowtokrn Italy NPs- sada an ntroretM - . , , tar bion aid •tLe d:ahonext year, when thn to 11Wu tkau err elm --- OM• of the beat. elpanscrs anal (if a case ni Inhuman torture stated adian, ppeserking oI" ['anadian apples Yrot, eNy sane L'9f1,906, 8,848 trrrrfa([P John tt'eslPy alae (best JMrn of Hls let.rvmgtlstars fox thin hair. with w to have taken plate In a Belgian Iron- r, ,t *$sondem exhilr(led some new hybrid IlreMes were Lontd In Handit to coal,- Time: trudenry to fall oft, In rcisanar tea, 7 works in the CAmea ons. A slur W a ples that are especteb to stand the tis. In 18115 the i UtAtkM wax 836.09A and the number of lirenxes No man lived nearer the centra than Pbsr hot water over tiro leaven natrd Iso them ltd!' n few minutest bnfore nitxiPY Paving dimplenred from tiro safe, anapl'lon fell un a nulntw•r ort Coy■ -- rl`orous alimati of chi Ntxthw"t. TAia morning aha report oI thr Von- 8,167: in 1877 the x 1rlxLlnn rexeP John Wesle Neither Clive nor Pito y' 14wMbng• Apply err Uta roots of a+ngngM at the works, and the diree- -' .,lasting Committee was adopted un- to 410,000 end the marriage IL retwea d°rrea•pd W :S 1167, s0ilhar Msnstield aAr Johlal0i:' "q°Oot cut him out of our natioePl hntr tY[t1u • Toras6n, belts Pars of nos W rub the mr•nlp torn severely. torr not ronrlderlwg It ntsotammory to inform tam police, limit t1hsa Iwds Iln- --- .. tba new officers befn anlmetalp, gg W. H. Ort, Fruitland ; and last 7 Mfr, with a farther Increase In Lila lite. No single fi ure influenced s0 CVAFt Oil and quinine In alcohol• litnione-I for three days, keeping ttrtm Vioe-r ex G'. C. Caston, Craig. of 1nheMta were many minds, no angle vorice touched with A little roaew'ater. In nlwo an tonle; catlrely without flood• to mate these 4 burst.Direclkt, burst. Dfteotdn-17nttict No. 1- W.ii. but 2,r but . ,A s7 marrlalrPs rtyooMed. re riled. so man heart•. No other man did J eferlhent the oil tray be omit- confea No cnnfeealon bring obotatriel• Whitney, Iroquois. District No. 2-R. such x 11re'm wort nor EnshM, AM tett If Silo• hafr Is nort dry. the worst strl t and hwtten with Y Pies" R. Whyte, Ottawa. District No. 3 - Rich, reel'binrnl In pr(xlaceul by NII•• A writer he ban no's achieved disuse- better than ally other tonle. torr e0virso, after which tlwlr Pystll:fa were • Harold Junes, Maitland. i istrirt tiny, ler'• (brup"ad from I -11m. fiat. he wen no Athanas:us, uta A.- the chlldren'a hafr, however, fn the rami. anti hot" prl-kM through thorn ii -Th tV. IlBeal,T P!'etnn. list riot No. gnsttine, he was ever to preacher cad eamfu: and myntPrlraslr bru■hfr(t rw- with ro"flPm. Thr arreaming victims ' ti -Thames Beal f.indsay. Ulatrlrt Nn, "It M It - _i,?�'�. esma M ae K ni"r, a ImhPr*r In the ser- hntmnity; to■+TMrvubal for older heads whom the Isr+vks hPaIn "I" then dashed wgninat the wall. they frit• - 6-glmer Uck, Onhawa. Ostrlrt No. tVinorns. Disrrlrf Thm spplteat do of Salt to tin ran+ ( ww of Mat happily for as bis �.rlra:a rmmaln, end from t.hmaa to Rrnw thin. Have this ixwd; art rnry( 4nd lsawhle, but do flat nail• am Again beaten with sttckw nlicnns tM sheet And •samacb 7-)InrrsY Pelllh, 0 A. M. f'blith, 6t. Cath. will be tried this whiter M '- lien dila mesa b*$ter than from any- DOP one with Tory stiff tarlalliVe, find till they breftnn In•snslhi-. Their No, - D'etrict No. a—Jamrs S. Acarft. York. It is bene! d that Salt W1B 'wbere-Mlgf wla/ m,ftant of man he S~h WWo ehitdrwt to M Rw "risfnl zi,r,,m,J,rO anrwrut them with cold - r srinam. Woodalnrt. Dlstrtet No. 10-J. 1. tarn- prerfent the top salt from trdadl kgt gll 61MA11ter of Nle timea �day.II� stxxtt bru,111llttg UM hair nm the art, water till the fined tbone,intu mm, their - ~ r+" ham, Vandwleur. dintr:e.t No. 11--Y. thus ohvirtin the trod w►i•b Invear. WbM be lived earl mored "John tin brumlit a the t-,°th, giving It firm, and then began dPvl fell wrwk ' H. Rare, Mitchell. iYstriet No. 12- iably oars•• from a thew. Professing Burr• o[ Columbia Universit _oda��d ties big hesag.-From ]> 8irrell, Pvrvd mtrokfix, to eleania and othnnlwLs the ngnln. Tlnl■ tiUW they Prtxv,nlFe1 to extract • Alrz. M@Neil, Walkerton. D:striet No. ma • of the expartment t t iMMlf."-Augustine is Berl!- , sats. mc°1p and kee It In D encs! Frtnith. ansron of their troth. anti. ,no this was all 11-C. L. Nterrns, Orttla. Andlfnn- proposed •t e I• �' i of no avail. to puwe•me A. H. Nitif, Grimaby, and Goo M. Piahar, Freemen a( efferl salt would be to low*r chi toolpm return at which the surface "I In Penetrating Post Pr• - - ------ Mental amt phystrwl vigor follow the Milfer'w fa rW strtosta Into thPlr months• hind- Ing the lower pw front with a pbv.w Tile Trnnurer'a rwpart shewe•1 lo" weshld free", and tt would mien lata 'in rempfty do tM world wttnalm \Prvll- nee (of ('afu'wtnod iron I'llht. of hither• find then hamm,vi their rag expenditure tat $6,7o6.IN, leaving a ep the moifalnrm, and .Mt oefhapm, do •way w;tb the mud• . IIP- nwrre is Pure. Nphnral In sand TM i rhenmfittarn ars n'llo%pd alma's In- --- - - Thm Hatt•* ret Reprwaentat[cPs wt foriahersda with the Mntt. #.nil ,d n rm ,nlvpt. }'Inx11J the holm In tit Ira '"'."' balance orf 14=111. TRF F.RIN,RT TRADE. '" The Domininn taseamsNp Company mtwntlY. end the mlrnu►eohae sadpt►bx In• Angles Vl n•hingtM, hY w •oft Pf AA4 la iN, adapted the remel"flon offormd A Mr. m lost ail mwrGwy aver tlwmuMsi '-Mint fi°tnawN.lg++I hwving tkolgg Prof. J. Nr. R+-,Mrtarm. fn 11ts ad has reralved nPtlfleAt.lea that the Hri- a aPplleatiore. Nervdldud'- nerre-pmin rare -m sena to eve. Taylor, of Ohio, for rhea Pa'.nlment th, marry. The Prrtints hwvq aaw fAk,* niveal en the ev'vhrS of trait* 3w,4he tisk Gevxrnment he* eloarterwd their - -- - of it w Fal eomfwItoo to Inven I .to aha matter uta, - .•.y' '•--- old trnintry rrttrket, roportnd great for the of big mtefim"11lp ('amadA to transport troops to Soutli Africa. ,- T!w Dlat+tond mwteh caanMne lull gen `` F4�tt(s�- (bwrts, lbw Tt(ormnhRrrehrenanfsfive P --. - - Fir WIIveI'1 (•earner anal Alla, A, enroangsmeut evtx)rt gghbled the 1'filrre Match (krmltany, from Utah, Blnlr harp ntarnMl 4o txtillrt►l►. . \ • rte- . ' s: . r. . - nllrl~r:' `t . i .