The Signal, 1899-12-14, Page 2Mom- TIWRIDAY NORICUM 11111 D. alelkatiOsnablf. - Tomeam -111. 1999 - MANITOBA MID THU DOMINION. The lateat return, seem to snow that Hun. Hugh 31ohu Ifectionald has Mr 1410101 41 me.lisrity le the Matelot,* legislative. and he may therelOre expect to he coated upon to form a Government and to ititiuluirter the affair* a the Pruulnoe. Manitoba ren- net gain mall, awl we eau ouly hope that she will not lose much, by the change. Mr. Oremiway maintained the rights of the Proyinoe when thee were hi need 01 defenve. lie broke the railway monopoly that had been im- paled upon Maultoba by the Govern- ment of Sir John ILseakeiald. and he preiented the Goiersiment of Sir Charier Tupper (nen interfering with the Maiiitoba ache& spottiest Had the Tories been now in power at Ottawa. the Maidtarbens would not haveauken the risk of entrusting their Pnolnelal intereets to the MOH of ellr John Mac - (innate. But they know that Sir WII- frit Laurier will not afill't them with it 111/1111111 monopoly, nor undertake to trespass upon the rtrht of the Poo ince to menage 114 0444 0411001•yetent. A good deal has been said about Hugh John Maedonald tring favorable 11) Goiernrnent ownership ot railwaye. What ran be do? The Canadian Patiflc Compnny owns nearly all the vine -nye tn Manitoba, And Hugh John has been for years the soacitor of the Canadian Pacific. lie (amid not ex- proprinte that company's properties if lie would, and be would not if Ile COW. anyone who expets him to encourage strung cumpetition against the Cana- dian Pacific will he grievinuay pointed. Mr. Macdonald may manage Mar financial and other a ffalra of Manitoba econornicalir. tee that will go to prove that he needy the no to prove that he is his lather's on, for economy Was not the prominent fen lure Iti the Int!' Sir Joint Meedonald's sealmoso„It Ilesta itishEs.O?es not run Manitoba betel over .. camia.". Menitobaini isle have great cause to be thankful. We redice that anne Toriee UM - tag lu Toronto last night, were phease 1 to regard the success of Heat John Mae-iomeel In Manitoba as a rit of 'Cory vietory in the I/carnelian electiona. Hon. Dr. Mon- tague remarked that " that fight Mr, Sifton had made hie own. and therefore the remit wits as much a corideninatkm of Six Willie.] Lourfer ea it mut of Mr. tireeuway." That diversion of extracting !sunbeams' from t-ueumbers amuses Ontario pet,- p's. who bare seen the Liberal Gov- ernment of the Powince suitained tn election atter election, while the Tortesbit oillee at Ottawa were do- tter their tavern to carty the Pro vitae for their political Irlegie. Who dope not remember Mr John Macdou- Mire attacks et Toronto on • that little tyrant llowat.- and hie elo- quent setting out • of "Marlys end Pardeeis and Lemke,. and 'monies, - which tieklet the Tories (e'en to their toot but had no effect In de lodging the Mowst Government? Se Charier; Tupper, we also remit came to Hamilton to 'help defeat Colonel Gibion when he wee A member of the all-powerful Govern - talent nt Ottawa. but,' he m%tht as well have etayel at home. Plenty of men in Manila/be, who for one reason or another voted against the tireenway Government on Thursday last, will vote hi favor of the Laur- ier Government when the Dominion electiOull come Mi. The Manitobana have cleman to put their Provincial huskiest, into the lien 1. of Hon. Hugh Jobe Mncaostald, who " baton potatoes." ow I lie w ill douhtlene oto what be eon ae Premier or Mand tribe to help the Dominion Ouneerva- tivers. But It wireael takia several Hugh Johns an I it WiI0111 army of Tupper. to ronvince the people of tatnade thnt the Laurier flovern• meet baa not done well for the Do- minion. THE TRUST MADE THE TARIFF. aud it did nut mime (ruin the inAlitt- lecturers whom those atocumplished prinecitera methabitt Ur- eziffete•atd that when the trait wee formes) all the plants oould have beau boaglit fur 112,000,000. h was capitalized at 1350,000.000. That la, securities repreeenties $311,000,000 were put out representing prone that would probably accrue if the treat and Camerae together excluded compe. tition„ and it wee $10,000,000 of this capitalisation that went to the pro- teutere. The money came trona the public to whom *neuritic* were of- fered representing 25 per cent. of business aud 75 per cent. of power to gumtree douse/tie cusupetition, while Cougrees auppreseed h./reign competition. As to the 'truths, Mr. GrUfeth tee. tttIed that he wits nutting 20 per cent. out of the Maumee when tin plater were at the lowert point they had touched. tailrace then wages and materials, have gone up, but the prloe of platen has advanced iery much more. The triad has an arrange- ment with the manufacturers of nee chinery which maker it &Maori...lips- poesible for an wielder to get a plaut to go into the buelnees, and thee have an addatkutal guarantee againet com- petition. The rnIted Stater pea pie are paying a Amp price for the privilege of enriching the Thiplate 'Cruet. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Sauthern Cantered& orange detriet will haricot this year sixteen thou sand enflame of oranges, Mr. Colby. ex -II. P.. has notified the Tory party, through the Montreal Gazette. that be will no longer fight 11. battes. Mr. Colby is something of • poiltical weather prophet, teed he cieTs not no the eettcoot7--- The Helletille ()uteri° Is experience Ing the effects of tha growing time. It comes to hand now double it* former size. and koded with practical eil- &nem of Ito popularity wilit11 clientele of adveetiaere. AndlLaterelpei its success. rs'Irdirentierverittriatert.• •ftia LUy Lanitry's- latut matrintonlai venture events So have rt reformAtive tnfluence. At her husband's repeat oche hi quitting the turf and selling her race horse'. Ile thinks the pursuit of raciset anheixaming for. a 'rotten. He teems to nave it streak of good sense. It la said that the great impetus given to railway building in China is due to the discovery of vast coal bola. In Shan -Si protinas one or these bode is said to be 18,500 square miles liter**, the coal being tbe best anthracite. China, it is believed. votilyet beetnee the greatest coal. producing country in the world. The Fruit Growers' Association is detno a good work in dealing with ribitionesty in apple packing. and lia•• ner secureet the (au -operation of the Minister ot Agriculture. 11 te to be hoped that mine plan may be bit upon that will make It possible to trace and punish the guilty persona who are doing so much to destroy the apple trade. Every apple grower la intereatet sin the matter. Rev. Dr Robertmn. Superintendent 01 rredhlterian Missiona la the North. wee, says 40,000 settlers have en - the weed this year, and 5,000 name are expected.' He wonting very highly of the (Otte:lane and Doukho. bora The settlementa a're all mak- ing good peewee and although maw of the people ',tart swierely handl- enpped. they paws' great spirit and hopefulness. and are good frugal and Induetrioas. Those fool Tory papers whieli, Iti their eagertwee to find excuse for aseelline the Liberal Government. complained about Martine tiwir train '•at the nriparthly hour of seven rent," will be Interment in learning that the iformehold Ouarda, the flower of the British army, were marched pot of London In the dead of the HIgirk. Awful! wasn't it Let the Montreal Star rocreem it little over thls "out - After all the bometing that has been done Rivet the McKinley tatriff making the tinplate inluetry in Om Unite! Stater. it 16 somewhat inter- esting to leern on no leen an author- ity than Mr. Griffeth. the heal Of the Toed, that it was the -tinplate indastry that made the tariff.' flis evilence before the hnhortrial Vow manikin shoves thet the neanufsictere of tin pintos la simply a branch of the genetral iron and steel trade. and when tbe roiling milts found the de - mewl for railway met,441:0 declining they tnntel to another form of pro - (tartlet', and wriekl hese done about the Name if the DleKinley tariff had not been pampa. Further evidence of the is found in the fart that the reduetion 01 duty by the Wilerm 1)111 heal so particular effect In ehectring the growth of the tin plate bushman elan at a time of great dePreralinn. It Is int" in this an In most in. Menem that an 1.1,0.09'11y protect. lie duty la procnred hy a powerful Whereat. inetend of hiving offereihY Congress for the creation a an in rivalry. When the iron and steel In toned waa powerful enough it pro- rated the high duty ori tin platelet Mgt ea tbe ehipbuiloina intereett seems now to have reached a point of enonmerehti pew *III political inflames euffleiGIA-40-ambie 11 ea obtein sommodo a Isar front the Goveressent. Detail% tinplate was 'wetness'', and the Treat weal e natilel to tat the United States ! people se it wilehel. Jan whet It token net of tbe people twiny he i itleallest tor Oho feet thee the minuet 1 ineetertible statement that the pro. nutters oi the treat reerived 810, ventage) In, lls•Ir Mime eras corrobor. abet tea otter dity by Mr. Oelffetti, imo h was slot inertly 1110.000,000, The 1-reted Rtates Supreme Court holdthat the Pipe Treat le an 11 legril concern. The decision la based chiefly OD ttIO fact that it is not a single corphratIon, but a combine. tion of corporatimiso in various, States operating In restraint of trade in violation of the Inter -State Commerce tct. The next move of the Treat erili he to go through the form of or• entering na a single eorporatien, when it can laugh at the low end the public. A. W. Wright, the head of the To1"7 maritime in Ontario, the other night at St. Thomas, -referred to Mr. Matenish, the I iberal candidate, se, "41 menn, sneaky, rhiekesetatling Soot" Of course Mr. Wright thinks hineelf n gentleman, but there are decent Seetrimen ansong the Comer - %ethos who will reset the importa- tion of "gentlemen" of hie ilk Whi- ned them. And probably Mr. Mao Mali hita loathing to learn of ledepee- denee, honeerty end candor frost the hnneer on of Toryism. Mr. Maculsh hes earned a thing by honest toil. Albert II. Mohler, it mining engineer from the Transvaal. now In Montreal, bays the war will last two years. Pertherrnore, he any,' the Roos have Johannesburg well fortified and will reAst to the indt. lie iumerta that 'the Isuot thing the Boers will do he - fore they are entirety •rinquiehol *111 he er, rase Jotteamobaseg to the ironed, to leave not a mingle build- ing "dandling They will also blow np the relates and ruin Um machinery to arenge therneelvea upon the eapititi- tate who have provoked the war." We tittek the noels wIll tweltoote fore following such it perenioN1100. knell wanton rieetrnetbresese would probabij aware for thane reepostelles an stirY dienre from a high beam, and etvitilmtkon eros7d arrprove each pun. lehesent, THE MANITOOMF.CTIOIS, Late Returns Give Hugh John a BareMajority, PLEA FOR THE AXE TO PLL CRIMINALS. WHICH MAY BE INCREASED. Winnipeg. Dec. A. -Waylaid retuiela received today from the miti3hof pole01 oonatituatelers reported aa lit- oumplete last sight Wheats' the de- feat of the Oreenway thaverrunent ky a auldi tunjueity. Foilowtog Are eke latest figures/ received : SEATS CARRIk:D BY tiOYk.ItNMINT. Buttful Pialas-R. C. Coale 91 hirtie---C. J. Yield*. 150 tne:ority. tairilion-jit Jerome. 06 turtharitY. behind/ere-C. #. louse. 110 major Ky. Lakeelde--Jamea-IlicKevtio, 15 ma Lariadowne-T. C. Norra. 16 tuu jordy. La Venuelyre-W. Lagiutodlere. 88 majority. Lorne -J 111dd1l, 90 snatsaarity. Mbane14um-11. U. Myers. 211 major- ity. Mountain -Thomas Greeryway." 82 mu }Jetty. ' Rhineland -V. Winkler. 118 maks. lty. 51. Bonifece-8 1 A Bertrand. 28 majority. Fouth Brandua-F. 0. Fowler, et majority. eprherfleid-T. 11. tiusith. 83 lusher ity. Wedbourne-E. L. Morton. 150 ma. j(wity. Wiruilpeg CeuirreL-1). H. Magdalen, 115 majority. Total -16. 8EAT8 CARRIED fiV OPptirtiTiON. Atondate-Janies Argue. 77 major- ity. Brandon City -Dr. lifelnula. 8 'ma- jurity. Cypress -George Steele. 100 major- ity. Emerson -D. 11. McFadden. 112 ma- jority. Klierney-Gso. Lawrence 113 um - }Deity. Maniton-Robert Rogers, 98. Moron -H. Waddell. 21. Nionta--C. U. Canto/ell. 150. Norfo.k--It. Lyons. 50. NOrtft Bremen -T. E bireauwood. 17. lortage Praire-W. (Jeri lel, 118. Rockwood -1. Riley. 48. Russell - 14. A. Mullins. probably elerted. Asereareartod..101-14eAlatt.,.7:.aPie Orate. 269. taka t ci ewe n -W. Ferguloo, 11. Thompson. S. Turtic )Jountain-J. Jolinson, 190. Vinien.-,lanees Sweetie', 54. Winnipeg South -H. 60. lilaulpest Xneti10Dreil4J11101, 229- Woodiendso-ROP. Roblin. 100. totni LNDEPENDENT. Resenlekl-W, Hospeler. B. There are two eiectione to be held next week, la Gime and Dauptile There le one poll missile( in 101010. vrtilA may change the result. and put that district In the Gdeernment I -01 - mum It he replete, and there seems Ilo he many indientione evideriell et it. tOat the outaidere from the brought in a very large Aram of money. The Free Prose says: " There were men nmiong them who never hal any connection with as Ontareu bye-e'eCtIdni other titan money. Their presence here was an Inamit to the'sProvinoe. and if protein. are lodged their methods' will utvioubtedly he expueed. Noth- ing but the lavish U.S 01 -corrupt imam would hare 10 ebaken a Gov- ernment that stood hOh in public esteem or no literal's& the etrength of the Opproltion thet was admit - 'taffy extreasely weak both in per- sonnel and policy." heveral Beploable _entrain, ere re- ported from St. Boldface constitu- ency, where Mr. 8. A. D, Bertrand, Liberal. wag elected yesterday. While Mr. Bertrand waa addressing a meeting at 1 o'clock the morning awl being congratulated ori hie vic- tory, lite handsome house wa. get on fire by some unknown ineendiary. end burned to the ground. On the nOght portion to the election the stables 01 Thomas Holland. one of Mr. Bertran ior prominent wriPOort• ers. was burnel down, the fire being of incendiary origin. ani lase even- ing au attempt wax ma,le to burn Mr. Bertran Os eammittee rooms- M. Bertram' lie one of the moat highly resopeete1 buirowsre men (if Winnipeg and St. Bontrace, and the outrage haa enueed tritenee Indignation. ATTITI7DE OF THE RAILWAYS. The C. V. II. maintained a neutral istititede throughout the election, but the- forces of the Northern Pacific were strongly nrrayed against the clover/aroma Mr. Jemen Veber, soli- eitor of the Northern Pacific, parading ste an Independent, exhausted every remource in ',terrine the infinerela of the Northern tactile Ratiway against the tireenway Government. The KO - len letter to Mayor Andrews, charging the Oreenway Governmeat with A breach elf faith, was no doubt an im- portant factor In the result, particu- larly in Portage la Prnirle, where Hon. itobert Wateon wax defeated. A gruitlemen enme sat the way from Toronto to register an Oppoeition into, and on arriving In the city found that lila name wan mit on the list. fin le feeling deplete/net irith the party manager', who gave him the little tvx- version for nothing. At. Brewton 11 Coneervatlie persiona- tor, John Berry, was arreeted at mon. Ife teak the oath that he WPM a well- known Brandon laboring men named David Berry. He Wen warned h,v the Liberals not to permeate When the Conserviathew got him under liquor they sent tilna to vote. tO"', I. • Claim That Electrical Executions Are Needlessly Cruel. HELP FOR MINE VICTIMS' FAMILIES. Seven ladle" Recovered From the Carbonado Miaa--Three Trains le a Railway Wreck --Two Men Killed and Clue Badly Meet - Brutal Crime of Paterson, N. J., Strikers -Cour of the Pleads Jall -OM Takes Larbolic Acid and Dies. New lark, bee 12.-4'mity Gaudiest). (laughter of a Bodine: In Ube:ware. and described we young. pretty and ot an artistic temperament. went into Prospect l'ark last night. lay 'tore on the mound whore the ruts garden Worn,' in summer. and drank three ounces, of oarbolic acid. No rea- rm be given for her euicida. itt her pocketbook was found it poen+ refer- ring to (kettle ADVOCATED THE AXE. New Yfitlf, Dec. 12. -At the anttual useeMeg of the New Twit Ooclorty of Matical Jurisprudence last night At- torney A M. Sherman. in an address". 'nun etreuuousty opposed eXecUtiotte by electricity, (teetering that the in- terred between shocks was an e'er rotty of anguish to the victim. He an - arrest that the time would ones when the dynamo would hare to be aupptanted by the ate. Other sp.takeei a Ill that 11'4e -teethe a the laelloal mote/Mon are for the ab""hg oI celsital lomehment. Ad. iocatei of the garrote anal guillotine ell had their say before the disome alagt waa closed. - STORM IN TNEIL21413. " Loodisa, Dec. 12-11 heavy snow- Morel interfering with traffic he railroads awl street ear Hass, in vase kers parts of the emote?. llikating lum commenced. and Mega, and rac- ing have been stememled. THREE TRAINS VdriitCrEIX-• • I ItUatielphia, Dee. disastrous ereiseitaerteaskoomseelelei.ketke Meetko of two emit, *Re serious,' injury of a Wed and the destruction of about 840 care occurred early to-ditY on Mot New York diviton of the Pennsylvania Willi -cad, between 1 lainsbaro and Princeton, N. J. Engineer opeogler amt Firemen Honecker were killed, end Kralosoma Zeghauut wits dengerouely hurt Three trains were dernaged in the nerideut. The first, 14119tbC)4100j. parted, and the rear care crashed into those ahead. Before the trecks could be cleat -ed an aril/wee, tow n raa into U h wreck, end was sows followed by an- 011111Or frNght going lit the same (line - tion. it was the engineer, fireman und brakeman of the train that were killed and injured. A BRUTAL CROKE. l'atersoa. N. J., Dm. It -Am ttra re- sult of an seaman by strike's %Moo a man oho bad closest to work, foor Men were placed under arrest yester- day atternooa to await tire result of injureas infileted upoo their v.ctitn, who is in a serious condli.ost. Takak an bas been working only for a few days. Yesterday afternoon his was met in Grand street by (our of the Summit ateliers, who had ap- parently come to Poterson with a set purpose. They were S. Koljoian, G. Pa ryougear, John Swot* ar ha and An- dreas leurkjian. Tbese four men had with them some red pepper, whit+ thay threw at Takaktan. SOtfte el it struck him a141 he was bait blinded 07_11. Them he wee •ttaeked by the four men and theca -era down on the triewaik, *Dere he "fetae-beaten end jumped upon. Afterward his logs were place -1 across tire curb, like at Ito to be broken, ant ble aseaRants, it is declared, were •ttempting to break them when the crowd that had gath- ered. interfered, The lour men were penned in to the crowd to await the arrival 01 two "triteness who were approaching. All den *Me peetei toMieo eiPP4K t /coked np At pollee headquarters. HELP roft, THE NEEDY. Carbonado, Weorb., Dm. V, -A relief coeamitt•ee haa teen organ1410 and no appeal homed to the pohlte for rub- Leriptkaar for the familier of the deed sled injured In P,ntuolay's urine :Loci - dent. (one more miner turneti up- alive -Matt. titbit*, it Finn. Pelee bodies were taken out tate Met night. A BORE AGENT DOES SOME BOASTING. 81C SIN ON TIE LAKES. Greatest Gale of the Season Lashes- Erie. TELEGRAPH LINES ARE DOWN. Cleveland, Ohio, Deo. 12. -Ow. of the heaviest gales of the year prevails on Lake Erie toalay.'the wind blowing at the rata a fifty miles an hour from the southwert. Very few vesemis had ventured ont Ade last evening. the Weather llama having yeeterdny gent ont weights of the approaoh of the Koran. , Telegraph and telephone flesh are Medi; penetrated. Fosse Hedy to the Hey. Toronto, Bee. Vt.-While Arthur 1Retriger, M14 001010 114614. 000•1011 Newman, 100 Farley septum, were welting along the water froet, neer Owl foot of flattetret street, "bnrit, after noon ?woodsy, they saw the body of a male Infant floating in the bay They notified P P Aillionn, and Um body was Meteorite to whore, nnti later resmotted to the morgue. The chip' wee asked, and wow only a few Meta old. Says Kruger Will Not Surrender Till the Last Ditch. BOER WOMEN WORSE THAN MEN _ IrlsO Magistrates With Boer Sympedides &mitred of Offloiee---A Challenge to Brice Boat and florae Recing-Remerriage of a Co-respoodent 1. a Notorious Case-- -Sir Richard Tarrant to Bu114 Women's Mentes Nee - --News of Loudon. el the Associated Press has &woven. London, Dec. 9.-A representative consouniettlheiutteutersitm,otnhatAilidr:ttestannwitiliwe hfearelitangktufm ed the whereabouts of Mr. Moutagu An a tequel to Emperowr11.'illiam's White, the former Boer agent here. cent visit to England, Queen Victoria who, after apersitag the recent weeks has intimate -1 her Intention of MU - with Dr. Leyte at Brussels, has re- oerferrrulnalliile/lowOccion rpricto".41111.0hportoorpreurinon t1:; turned to his homa in England, will probably occur duriag the totem's where he is living quietly. While he 'Nit to Potsdam in 1900whothe has no official connection with the recipient will be 18 years ot age. Twir stir tvhaose.41, Mwrt.io %iv' hawse. ktheesaps winitbtotseitht tc:nar. neet-7 el01litionu05flzoshrathffri1)edite.110140,41b11 tw1 4 14 en41 1'whowter7h Boers. Ha has been invite -I to lecture hIrv:de wtrthLeb fi. wrtecn,n.who war, at it:ro 11 te mid that therm Lori'lar.1 will rare again In England next assion, and that W. C. White°, will have a 101 01 home here. ONDENT MARRULD. Liett -Cotten/tern and Lady ‚&*. were manic.] before a regis- trar a few hours after her hunlannit 3.- Blundell Leigh, had an abeolate 'Nacre, OW grant*" lulol, Coltenhem being the ro-reispenderit. Reports have bosh current that Areliihnia FOrlea in dying, but rt rep- ressentative of the Aumeated Prem learne that they are unfounded. The eelobrated war cOrrepoundent has heen In par heoltio drielhg the bast few years, but he lo no worse. lie tester Ilyine quietly in London with hie Amerlean wife. WAKEN HIN MIXT CARR. Sir Reboot litreenit, on whole %Inas tbe Mills houses, Now York, were built, and who planned London's Hew- WONIEN WOUILD PREVENT IT, ton tomato, as the Poor 111-n's Hotels for the IloPr womPn, thongh mousey , are called, intends establishing iitilegmatle And biking Iltte part oil sonlisr inetItution for women. He has the /affairs of men, when aroused to recei„.1 en °up,. of 440,040 from 8 the Nemeth pitch are. perhaps, t more personal friend In America te this merinos fneto- than &ha Boer comman- met Sir Mehard Tarrant etas inter - doe The British puelic le only het, viewod by the representative of the beginning "r 110A. P., brit refueed to Civet • the name. The emote' offered w4 1 one house holding 563 women. The hairl- ine is intended for the use of may woman able to pay eighty rents per week for a room. The inalitutlen will he welf-aupportieg, anl interest wall Pr011iablr be paid on, the 1641000 anTrUnited States, but has dee ined. Mr. White intends to return to Johannesburg, where he has muck property, when the war is over. But he dorbta if his holdings titers aro weeth much, believing tba Boer* will wreck the towit anI mOsee before sur- rendering. A LITTLE BOASTING. "W. no looger," adiri Mr. White. "hilts cable concoction with Presi- dent Kruger, so 1 ans unable to speak defietely regarding Boer opioion 01 tha progress of the war. I do bellave, however, that after botb eiden have had mete fighting they will grow tired-, AIM an offer by Pre- si.dent McKinley to arbitrate wilt he accepted. l'resident Kruger will not surrender until the last ditch, and that will slot be reachet 10fore bit- tles are fought far harder than ha•e yet marked the campaign. Even if Presateet Kruger wished to mike terms hp could hot 40 00. The ifileffeetion In Ceps Colony. Alien the fighting In n11 over, nothing will have been acoompilidwit for tha Petah, tierrearh relleale obadient, will take no pert and no interest la Internal mat- ters, harboring wl racial tenitriti the memnry of the! wrongs. Islet le- an/ling hate of the English Int.) thoir thouoe (h. sain I given Interest itionervos offropr)ng, time laying the free.' peer* of continual unrest.° CA*/ RE PUNISHED. RegiNcIN(1 TWA (TORR. The 10111,1501 of Midi liagiatentes ex- owed sh•t • wellies of foreign •s. The Frearh Appeal Omens halo dm h Ilet leg tendencier to Nystleathie with tiewerly Can he ponialeet fn Frames the Mere pontificate nt 4 Ilionly ratty,. Mr. Santoro o'Kelly, Chairman of the si*4 * ie. foeberiftim 4.444 a sm.. tie tahatery. 'ft.. elecielOn wee read- aktim. while It le mist thAt A 'umberbaatse , Mere County Council, le the loWwhi Weida D1=15, who in Pebruary wioat for Ude °Mance. of (OA Magistrntes In the ' west asibee of Kajyr Pentsmrdi and hen* been nalrod hy the Lord I hen- V.pta)n Dreyfus were dragged into realer for An Papintuation of their etypechree, whieli is a probated+ prelim- the trial, which was followed by ter - holey to their ramlorril. A l'Tril RRICE. Trona Di Musette being a foreigner Ions appeals on the ground of sod therefore not 'Cable to punish - Hr. JA WO Brice. Liberal member of aunt. New tblit point has he.. too 'ornament he, the Pouth lotriatere of (aided, further averielneeta will take Aberdeen, 1)0* been ohnliengted to no pier* and the trial to be one sign Ids swot, by 005 of PO leading et the longest MOWN rte. .Hon. wiii:em PAtereon will emu* at (Ivrea Seoul en the lelit Met., aid aa the following overlies at Cb.t.- woi'l b. Matireo Gramen le reported to be stirring up the Culliaas to fight the United States, vliteh is rednetng Hee mtalbse alt. iron* la the Weed. [Market Reports --Otto The Week. • LEADING WEIRAT M4R1CSTI3 Following are the elute% prima se importaut wisest outres to -day : Deo. May. 09 64 3-4 $0 69 14 New York 0 71 1-4 074 St. Louie 9673-4 9 71 14 Toledo ....-.. - 1167 074 Detroit, rat .. 0 63 1,e, 0721)-8 Detroit, white 0 - - 'Muth, No. 1, Northern ... -.0 113 5-8 007 5-8 Minneapolla 0 45$-4 TORONTO HIDES ANC' WOOL. Hides 7 1-4 to 9 1-20; hides. cured. 9 to 9120; cabala& No. 1. 100 kunbeklms. fresh. 115 to 900; p.bta. fresh, 65 to 90c; r 8 1-2 to 4 1-20; wool, fleees. 15o to 113o; uowashed fleece. 9 to 9 1-2o; palled. super, 15 to 16 1-2e; tallow. rough. 1 1-2 bo 3 1-4o. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Following 1. 11'. range of current quotations: Shippces. per owe.. $1 So $1.62 1-2; butober. oboice. per °Wt. 9835 to $4.25; lubber, obedient to aa to $8.50; butcher, inferior. good. 12.75; Mockers. per cwt.. $425 to $8; sheep. per owe., $3 to 841.25; lambs, pee cwt., 38.50 to 114; books, per cwt.. 12.25 to C2.50; cows. each $g5 to 330, calves. each 12 to 1110o *bolo" bogs, per est, $4 to $1.87 1-8; Said hola per owt„ 34; heavy hogs, per owt„ $8.75 to 14. Grata and Preemie. Toronto, Dec 9 -Flour - Ontario pauses, In bags, 33.311 to SOTO; straight rollers, 118.85 to 33.45, Hun- garian patents, $8.90; Manitoba bak- ers', 38.60, all on track at Toronto. Oheat--Gaterio red and White, 65c north and wart; 6/8a north and weet ; No. 1 Jobe liard, 731-2e, Toronto. end No. 1 uorthera at 74 1-2c. Onte-White oats quoted et 25 1-2c west Barley -Quoted at Mie for No. 2 wart , feed barley, 85 to 86c. Rye.- at 50e north and went. Bra ty IOUs soil bran at 31e, and shortie at 316 in car iota, 1. o. Toronto. Buckwheat -Firm. 4010 north and 51e. east. Corn -Canadian, tC to 83o wart; American, 40c on track here. Oatmeal -Quoted at 38.40 by the bag sad zamo by the barrel, oa track all Toronto, in ear lote. °Thetiooltst, Ole Monts -mei meet, fee inemettiste shipment. 00 Lawremeo Toronto, Dee. 9.-800e1111e of farm produce were large. 8.150 bushels of grain, -25 loads of bey. one of 'tom, a few dremeed bogs, and the Will& deliseries ot butter. eggs anti poultry. Wheat -Red and effete *nee easier, 900 bushels selling at 67 to 68 1-2c.; goose, unchanged. 40G bushels at 69c. Ratio!. fires: 1.200 tuaheie *old at 42 to 43 3-2c. Oats. li10547, 800 illeediele selling st to 29c. lir/. unchanged; of or load selling at 53c. Hay, steady, ZS Neel' selling at $10 to $11.10, per tost for timothy. and etilei at $9 to 111950 Straw. one load mold at icor ton. Dramed Hogs -Pekoe unchauged at $5.25 to 35.311) per cwt. Poultry -Torbay' sold at 9 to 100. per Ib.. geese 6 to le.. chhimne 40 to 75e. per pair, decks 60 te Wk. per pair. kissiA. eel. WS?e ahltail Rik allfreaterTiereee IOU/KO borehole et Vold .a0I1 WOK, _ts ._p_leeat Mold 11.10"PIN11/10,11114 gmel -111. it06. Fares Produce Wholesale. Toroert o, Dee. 9 -Ha y, haled, ear iota per ton" NOS to $1.75; straw, baled. car Iota, per too, 31 to $4.50; potatoes, car iota. par beg, 27 1-2c to 40e; butter, elides tribe 17o to 18:.; medium tuibs. 14e to 150; dairy. lb. roUs, 18 to Ilk; ereemery, lb. rolls, Me to 23e; creamery. boxes, Ole to glte ; large roils, per lb., 170; eggs, betd. 17e s neer had. to FM holm!. per lb., Ile to 19o; turkey', per lb., no to lo; gamy, pee lb., flo to lc; desks, per pair, 40c to 60o; chickens, per pair, 25o to 50c, armee Maricsts lAverprool, bee. 9. -Wheat, North- ern srprioo, 5s 1114.1; No. 1 let, tis 110 to ea 241; red winter. feo 60; awn. Se 6141; pees, 5. 54; pork, prime sesame meas. 571 SI; lard, prime weetern, 27s 111; Amer:can re - Mort 29e: tallow, Auetrallan, 25e Od; American, good to fine, 2510 4I4 ; bacon, long clear, light. 85e; heavy, 540 51; short clear, heavy, 8311; cheese. colored, Me: white, 57s; Wheat flew; corn firm. Liverfolot-Orme-Spot, wkeat firm; red winter. 6e 8-10; smelters inning. 5e 11144; futures quiet. March and May, fie 10-1; .pot corn, then, se • ; futures, slowly. March Rs 6- 1-41. May fie 6d; float, 17. 44. London -Close - Wheat cargoes welting at cretporte, 1; off the coast, buyer* and setters apart ; Oil Pal- mtge. ostlers asking an at:Basco of 31; corn. off the ',oast, nothing do- ing on pelmage. firmer, with bet- ter enquiry. 3d !debar. MIDS. In Chicago to -day timothy *sod closed steady •t 112.40 per 100 lbs. for December and steady at 32.50 for March. Clover closed bee lower at $7.50 for December and $7.75 for March. itt Toletto old fins clover seed MIle ooed higher at 40 for Dee., and steads at 1K.50 tor arch. In Chicago yesterday timothy weed closed steady at *2.40 per 100 lbs. ferf December and steady at 02.50 fess March. Clover closed steads at $7.75 for Denember and I3.05 lor March. in Toledo old petrol clover seed clouted be higher at 35.50 for Deeember anti 5e high** et $540 bld tor htareh. MANCHF.SITER ROW= MARKET. Andrew Clarosmt & Pons, Manehooter, Eng, report butter anti ehense mar- kets as follows: Butter -We have to report it brisk market and as adrence made in the priest for Danish and Swedish of tleilto 4e per (+wt. The arrivals to port shewed an inoresse of quite 450 make, but they have bean More evenly divided. Rome cloning, which were running Irish ensues, have now turned to Denlah. =Saes had Vmarket in adlan has been more Inquired foe. at hardootoing pekes. We (Moto as tne der Choteset banish anti Swedish, 110 do 12114 , choicest Irish creams. 110e to 114a , eholesee Auertratian, 1044 to 1081; choiceet Canadian. 104. to 1061. Meese -The fight between ha porters and destare still nonthoues. ihe Utter taking MD &clam' minim - manta. A little free busing would e tiflein prime quickly. me (motorises.% white and ilekared at 521. to 37s. Oata-One hhilessaud Mohair said.% 28 to Mho Bartel, - Fifteem hundred buabei. sold at 41 10 4110. Peaa-One load iMial at 60u. Beeter-Okaall (Alerting,. ewe o noodersee deemed at le to :zoo fin (*Um poMed rella goips--Moderate reoselpter ; netutrui desisted at 25 to lie for Meetly USW WM alad 82 IA 28u foe fresh PoultrY-rtlf),....____$ 'alio releeilde awl Ma* dentana owasesser rare geuteo a% 25 to tOo. deeka 40 eo 600, sem*, Itc, turkeys $ 10 9c. Potatoes -Very few offered- Dego by the Weeple loild ale medal at 40 ea 450, eon *mailer quantithe at 43 to 50e. Dreenisd Hogs -Market unchauge• at $4.25 to $3.40 per cwt. Hay And Straw-FUteen loads or hay sold at $10 to $11.130; mil& hay sad clover. $0 to $9.50. atraw offered Soday. Bradstreet reporte an lecrease of 1,- 390,000 busbebe - this week la the worlde elation upply of wheat. toot of Rockanelj..sd 1.290,000 beat, els, and in Europe and afloat lucreueo 100,000 bushels. tkam tocreaead 000 bailee, and mita increased 101,- 000 bushels. Mocks of wheat tri store at Port Ar_ thur and Fort WIttlato on Dec. ng were 1,663,765 bushels. as &intuit 1,- 719,706 Umbels 00 NOV. Mith, end 662,499 barbels a year ago. Bradstreet*" en Trade. triads to astr:tory. The movement of graiu 01iads at Wiestpeg ar :e last tnos4h was considerable and the money oirettlatioa of the Province la larger than seer before at this time of the year. The prise Of wheat io mot as high as farmers would like to see it. The fanners have been making; liberal purohaaes at country points and retailers are well sup- plied witk cash. The wholesalers at Winnipeg are doing a good business. Business coedit ioas at Montreal are entirely ea tefactory. The holiday trade is enlarging, the spring 'rads fa expandiug and the prospects are thee tithe racedb's saint will be lane sr titan they were fe November. Values continue to advance in mast lines. Profits en Abe pest seasoa's trade bare been large. I'hate ia a very keen demand for messy sad mosey and rate. montleas firm at previous quotations'. There is • good demand ter staple In.. at Vancouver an3 Victoria. There is, of course, no lameness beisg done anis los the Northern Minim country. TO. holiday trade la also causing an Minimised demand. Mocks are not large sad that makes holden of ••rious lines Dow is deemed Very firm. Provisions are in good deleted. A recent feature of the provislon mar- ket at Vancouver wail an advance is the price of fresh Inggli to 65:-. Busineas at Illentiltoo has bee, moderately active this week, but it la certain tkat if the weather had been colder sales would hare been larger. Merchants are looking forward lo a drop in the mercury to stimulate sales. Payments to Om wholesale firms ire reported to be prompt for thin eeneon although the grain inarketiags have been small ,ately owing to tLe moderate denuad. Moos: is In good deemed- The tear of new Mehl/dries betas started to Hamilton is encouragiag to bailees" melt. Wholesale tradeat Toronto has de- veloped some features ot idtoreet tbis week. The sales have !tot been showing much increase- Velma coo. tinue to advance. Woollen good' arc firm. Hog products bays been rather quiet.- Live hogs have advanced 14n per lb. There is a good demand for hardware "ad metals with a stroll upward tendency in some lines. Pay- ments from the retail trade arc good. Grain deliveries In the Thema, al Londoo hare been small this Week. and business as far as the farmere •re concerned - bag sot lase fen active, but the retell city trade has been very active lately, the unfaosr- able weather having apparently made little hispreesios on the sales tempt of hes•y wiuter atuff which is rertaln to move out More actively with the first void amp. The farmers are wall supplied wIth cash sad meetry purchases tale mouth are likely to show a large increase. I VERY COOL CUSTOMB n the Maki 1oel".-.(41ere4rereiPAGFR'Aliethlirr*.; lie story of the awful night of the torture end death spent by 146 Brit - ti prisoners in the Beek Hole of (Joliette en Julie 1810, 1856, has leen ,cod with a feeling of horror lot Peri,' 11 oenturl and a half. In cm old paper recently resurrected a gaenti la this city there twits rand there awl grephic student of roe eight of /uttering and death as told la the words of taus of tie aur- , irbe7 I would em froeonfinine of the prisoner's la this sem this tale that .4444 twouimingeonan attnecialetilhut and torrid itight rather thau 4.1411. as the prissouerd were orderuiJ ado the Black Hole, near whicit they aro. beiug guarded, after menu *C- owie to fled it more eultaillor loca- tion. and they bed mitered and died chiefly because uo ous would or.:er their removal when 11 wee discovered that the dungeon was literati, a once of death, without Ordere from the Nabob. who wee asleep. Ids at- tendants fearing the conseouence.1 of awakening him. In an hour after the door cluipad ou the littler of hie merciless a Pumber were dead. and Moil the rest were raring *setae's, phrlinioera(ouranir anhoduwesatertesCrly 103 of le 146 were (1284, an awfu mor- tality, which probably duvet those who ourrivei from a similar fate. When the order of release was lewd twelve boars had not expired since the fatal door waa Owed, but unlY twenty-three hell -dead victims aur. bed. and marched out into the morn- ing light and air. Moat of 11*00,0 loons Here beweediately re'eased, anti told L, go where they pawed. The story .J.taraniesrelsorguardtsfoliuws: . . tinheterPrigintiew ergiewItit00 t irstlihriniagouto ruistirrale% Mr. Motweit, fhe chief man Mattaii.4 found lila uotortunate cont- end oilseed Ibis coffiagration In to laffecate Sheet betweeu 410 two Usioielecesere tmeglood their no=, thielk flame on either hand that teeth skies of the fort were already in flames. which npproached with sio lindens aseembled and surrounded by Several Oulidlogs on tbe [birth sad ch Ade a the eastern gate the fort extended a range of bamberi, adjoiaing to the curtain; itnd before the chambers it ',uremia. or open gallery ; it was ot embed masonry. and Thtended to 14*11* the soldier" froso the Arun rein, lo being low. almost totally ob- i the etwoubers bolded trent itav, aad air; and whIlat some el lille guard were looking in other FAR of tdee factory for proper pie01111 to mulles the prieceers der - tee MN night. the rest ordered Mom 'to assemble la reeks endow the veramtai on the right hand ef the mateway. where they restahled ler souse time with es little mug& nue ot their Impending fate, that they Omitted among themselves at aeruniter oidity of the disponi- tine, and aneuresi themselves', with toonjecturiag whet they would next ileAboseurderede 8 ot4I'ciock times who ho boa sent to etamine the rooms re- ported that they had found none Id 10, 11). on which the pen- dent offtoer commanded the prisms - to to go into one of the wale which stood behind tbes along the It wars the COmmoM deingeon of the garrison. and was called Biallincity""leoi the primers. knowlei tee piece, began to expostulate, men which tbe officer orderel ern to out Gown those who beet- tatett MI which the prisoners obey - td. tot before all were within the teen 4005 410 throsied that the last Karol will' diffkmity. Tits guar ' enteduitely ciosed and locked tbe lee. confining 146 persona iti men oot twenty feet (square. With sly two small window,, and tbese are obstructed by the verandn. It was the hottest season of the r and the night uncomfortably 'try, even at this period. The .s- tn pressure oe their bodi• last ass another sad tate Winter - heat which prevailed as soon as door was abut, convinced the ners that was impossible to e ehrough the tOght In this hoer. ptce°66:eeeanf resnIilledlei. *lidielvyil°L.Qmaide att col the_ door. but without effect, it opersed inward, •t which many ales trustier will fright and suffer- retnotleoi' fitwhell6wiheadtoPol,ae.4031011at to remain 100&pote-1 both is ad and body •5 the only means of Tering the ,plght, an$ hie rentoa- RIVP/1 PretitICAld • Alert Interval at set, dorieg which he •pplied to an Jetnaiddar, who bore souse marks humanity ta his eountesaitee, pro- m" te give MID Mae thousana In the eternity he he wort,/ sop - the prisoaere lobo. two chant- nahWos iun wee: to try, but relief (amid 'be espeoted, as the Iwoken impossible, when Kr. ifolwall g in a few minutes, alai it nsleep, and no one dared with the fatal sentence that tiio meantime every admit, had sel their tut/edam'. The Grit of thoir colefinemene was a pro- le -1 continued sweat, witkoh soon wed Intolerable thirst, sumeeri- 1T oternelatiog pains In the e, "Oh dttfieuiloy of breathing, • 0.11.4 Ihl'• • ir,,."4111sellptt• hribui°twriwariohlraltb.:414011heeemita"abliU1;..Widollirelair:11:eritoliellt7:711"(111""edpnetruhillie:rt4trrivabwibpbt::.ftrik:nrrhpilmerbilinrtt-1 Nit._.17i4.4ithpahotrof:0:170.ext,pedhonvziehlhnn,tudrw,beetinsantdhoustireerlivrare-e; tee same time, and, after remain - 41O. which, ftP before, re - tonne... were again ramie b) love trampled to death by their aorta several, unabie to rise again. ntsirtiil??wahie lit F:Water, w- folt ; lit,he: rn rooJI7neidimmoIirtel stie water to . to the winewaleo Matelohie on.ent.ne,, iwsell threelfill Pomp of doe( rIvr 11/4"114 el'imiosivretrve, tnflorctent,,:"-- ennishlimet,etrirc e. t ntrihirly serve ' Walked into a Hospital to Get Neck Mended. mi••=11.1.• rummg BilTPLY Dee. 4. '00. Deo. 5, IRE Wheat. ... 66.778.000 24,148.000 Dorn. ... 11,712,000 50.841.000 Oats. he- 6083,000 ne644,000 Wheeit &cream 1418.001 huh. hurt weak. as atmeinst an Intoreese of 746. 000 Moto the correwpond week a Mei year. Clore La,n.ij 140.000 hail. lase weak. amid nate leuweased 304.000 Melt. Dee. 7.--Ora10 reesipte ou the Arent siheillet be wow, fah. A SURPRISE FOR THE SURGEONS New yeek. Dee. 9. --John Morierito of Dobbs' Ferry, has exrdted the won derHoupioltabeI. yankerephyskotanet at St. Janet" 4.65toielinthe h°1osptd. %aline Drwlertl171 asked him what ailed hint. Moriarity replied that his reek was broken fiv• week" Ago by a tall frost 4 scaffold. Asked where he had come from he re piied tomis.rery. hat hehardwalked six sa freinw It WM hard for the doctor to he levet the flor', bat he promptly hod Mortarity pet to bed. It was found that the man's $a0104101% that hisi ..unineetrnanktelpwaparauesal bobrokentienobh.gedWa.eorrect10 sodorgt; aThr de Dr. A.i1.1111eiskler Dead. Brookline. Deo. 11. -News lies been received by Mains* here of %be death la Ot. Paul, Memo yeetordar a Dr A. E. fienitier. Damsel was the younger* son of the date Rev. E. .1 ftenkier. of this town, and a brother .4 Judge Ranklme 01 sa. cathertera and Judge Settler, of per*, �pwis a graduate of McGill, but 11.041 pear tiled hIli profess** In Bt. Peel for MAnY yleirL 'The reamiss wiii 1** Nought byre for lutetneent on Titers day. tleree Senators 111. Ottawa, Mee. 12.-(Speets0.--. tkrr 1101"tors are seid to be eery W. Ann dot likely to he able to take tkelr outs again. They are Reeatersereen. a Gilt; %Mesa, a /Vegetal ;" dud Mr 'reek Nordtb, Toronto. Fell DE • Teals and Was KUlled• ArroprIor, Ont., Den. 12.-184* 1.4113" faannery, daughter of the toweshie clerk 01 Pakenham, wee found alone Ode the C. P. R. treelre Mire weal id itle tantalum fibs eOldeeto elt tr=illied oil 6 "Illt" Throe IK Med frp alInnahLeff. Vet I1e-38 *Or- , Ida R 0., hest weak, a vas assiefl ar4 was rue, w 4.*,. He Med at 1‘. ' 4-wn other men were •Witb• In fortpekght • more or ottleat, r*tritious- la Reseraelio, :71,. • netted a* : ataatIn. *be • ar - eking* ne , moo' free newel Gear' aw,..__Imow whin were 11 Min and in the ‘I'lv peewee 'et