The Signal, 1899-11-23, Page 6- r .
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�. <.
I A f'M proetk.r of my olio to -day,
-r th0 rodhM rnnfluM
('H 7i L.
rrrlery of your treachery 4nd wlak-
,trvMtAWR there t&lsma
Jost now wag wore froling that he had aver MtwrtwtwM h+u
with msfferin(r and Iktrs eN In hlfi
tr aaagrrt+idoy la away.
too the game Mfanre
•rhe 1lall,
Tile iia
whrrear I you w111 take ttF,er yes will
4rU,-�F 'SIN
The da on wh'ah Itoward Moat
�r,p�x- 1 tr were reu«ltS1
K,rt nothing. I will make to payabie
uarter or month! wkllcheror you
Catarrh Ila# bort pDnrwa�Wuwrd a did
raw caltserl
Miller's ►OHI ptrwdwrs the medl
always kept its pro
One that never failed no".
&,1 no� s rag we ttlr 'net*u'•
r • ,,,,[[ cgg�u� comm��nl�y•a��W_
mw dry I'iLer �rhsh iReats,•
and nlalnta'Inbd b w
7 ggaary
1Nu- ods: %mo • _.•wk,N!
You oould trust &soh & bank
Your gl e.
niktl Obererlty," liM. Lwfg
� are Is Impossible to Iw
8lne lad noun toll°wed tl►nm /row
ar your frirer,t state of footing I
have no re for aioUter Intarrlew
Cured by the urdlanry ouurUtutloaal
W -A
Ltstil t
the pert, and shut herself W her noun
-o' A Novel of the PeeKnt Da
rooms, wltewe she nursed her wretch-
aobhass atul aihrrtlu mtdliuofe. I
s�ese and Wthourwithout lv.
Miuly persons muffrrinngg from this
Mi° na
never will.Interest
When Howard arrived to the oven-
Uig Ivor an opportunity to reply,nnS
returned to th.o uore uongeutwl &t-
dlroarr Hirt 4h t►klug stomach
mediclua• or snuffs, washer, et.., and
IW of
tog giro received him tit sullen rfl�Wo
and WAII somsahling of Seflance Inhor
tncirplaen aw&Itl him aL the Con-
yet they know that rush LrCatmnntr
cannot be of benefit becauae the
I years during which wo hero
groes haute, onus Ute elegant and
of lye A lsuuse
>t[ra Lengby'r I>rrfesnL
West separated; some [earful nal•
emit befotl
y you on that lata! My
It war not to her nature Lu bumble
rogant Mrt. Langley
Arrogant [ y began to
rifellse, In bltteruesr of sidrlt, that
is noreached.
to eltdct a curet. ld be a cow
1 11VItti a !sort full crl bltternew
-tall use wbs% It was."
unier� eu otteutttrLuncws, noel
InavWg wrptgea Iver hra,ther,
It was poatdbie for even a "Moutgom-
p&raL wely easy teak If the person al -
,y"�. pingt h4 elates, ani the authcw of
"Not now, m clad
rmen,r but Ilkn tomo battlbb
hated h!r wife for ru many years, rhe
becousts it
orhetoat0artaoott of tile tfolbwtu
lentmd would bub ua,o a Ilttle Judgmw,t
la the orlectlun of Lhelr muse of treat-
'r •• muol, of his misery, 14awurl hurrleA
t';0 1p1
marc. now that I have you all my
ours not red W tl,lr fast hour
day rtw ids W the ghost uncvrxnon-
I •' a tfpsfa R Is qulekert page•
" Rbe Hie iris ! klhs balk
noun onus mote, and I do lout want to
t�� It Just yet,' he q�+�rred;
Of her hmm'. t WR Moat to euWrtal°
much of an3U nig but bitterness' .Alto
�a manner for New York.
Tire nook evening Dot dry them
I ublew phyrlclnttr Zell us L1Lt6 61+e
bloneblal to and .uawyt Re11
ll be
anR'�fie never kneA 111110 iipialr- fit
�fwlrt4hetu' (war
too be a brilliant baht at tits
wen Intended tri Che paiwAgµsof
I dote this to keep ur aptirt, and to
s revenged upon no for oppoi Iter by
mtta,ulag wpb oonowantratetl lu home
%i'to always so where one hos deepfy
wronged another, unleas true borrow
C mWrtsr Hon, e, and Howard fuels
°' dd•- Nm Of sauJfr. n°tufulr-
t fly
marry!! agaltrt her.wlrhes ; tout she
' - - R
w.eani, *all m7 Own,"
To find that she had been w true
<d rePentwtiow soften the heart : a ,
ed that (*ell& IlxJW attend.
"You have me lu, 1Kf' oureel. for so
an """ further irritates
theft Already °°°geated ixtrtr• when
#_, , ,,&hall pay '•tlinfiPfy for0 it !" were the
alter all that he had herr& ,led to
feeling cot maUua V cherhsMid-& r1@rlre
to w Chaves Ivtn although
bog -for UirAn years yeti have h1d-
a catarrhal condition Ir ltrerent•
They further tell us that 11 mart
a ssvagr thoughts Of hu heart ar he
"U *
v( Icer` to be ors�}tJ d tAnL
tier aro had never atraYei "from him
that one Almy have been the faithful
yOU u' a°d I can Current to
&lbw such a 1lgPub W., be concealed
be through the air we breptho that
• strode rapidly over the ground.
- In vel° Dr. Aathuny tried to Induce
-that she was hb a!oue tilrough
frlettd and beuefactw• of a lifetime.
" 1410" V but very little thai I can
under a bushel," Ike saki, smtltag.
Catarrh, Asthma and Bronchitis will
be cured, or not At
him to ifs C31M. Le Ilne hila of the
tktr, and eternity, war nlmart more
of haptSders than he could calully
may to you, Helen," Howard Bald, In
I can ons Y bring Ilglrt into
your tkeart artd home, Hbward. I cs,re
The e(teeted parts can all the re&Ch-
danger Od coining upon I+b wife Boo
srt!'7n a mstrainied Ulnee. do not
comlwuratcely little for the frit of
ed b� Catarnc�ralkwi the new =still
1 "The shook to tier rwrvoM will be
Apr you able to walk, Cecile?" he
asked, a little later, while he
need to tell you that I know all of
what you hors bes(1 u!Ity, and it will
Alla, world, Ceclkt answered. drop
phyr Iter pend upon bis lireart.
cater air tr0atmetht, which k11W nil
the existing germ life, and at the
f more than she can hour, If you ars
ntit careful," he wW,
Lly lifted her to Ger feet, although
be a (ong tame be ore -if• Indeed. 1
ever o1a eel kWiNy toward you again.
Sot I naturally fowls little prh}e
��, time heels u p tad restoresera the
healthy li yf tissues to u ierfesctl
" You know that 1 cannot be Calm.
iw st1U stlaportod her with hastam
"I want to back to the hotel
You have abused wife la the
bI my vette," he answered. "Itoppor-
bur 1 have never had oPPot.
healthy condition.
Could you, It you had wronged your
eIW to Daisy, and have troth o(my
c to
roes cruel and contemptible =goner,
yet so
ton Aly La Introduce her to my
('starrhusone lr a guaranteed core
w:fe• had you one, as I have wr
y °
I minPt Whst a fool 1 itase I,ernn to
recosered treasurer All to myself
You have grossly male;l and tivo.lh
me -have wctoily plotted to ruin mJ
ds In this counts twsladem,
y ; anS
for all diseases of the neral alud raw -
Pl y passages. and In effective
believe one weitrl Lhat Helen Tuts toil)
for the t."
•• Yea, cue %calk," rhe aruweertf ;
Kapp -nen n mann spirit
the people here ore crazy to ren
the tuelsofine our Wonafer[ul ru
ant very pleasant ore.
me! I mtgh% have known. 1f I had
-topped to ti+lnk, that nae -half war
and then her face grew luminothsas
. Ind
oat revenge. Had we tout beau
Tared together as brother and IN
story bur flown like
it Cores y the 18Carof muck
rated air, which •Is carrkd thmuRh
not true. But only let me final Iter !
mile went on:
" And, oil, Howard. do know
t,,r, I should almost lis tempted
wildfire, I Bear."
Cecile looked at Dint 1u dismay-
the Inhaler by the urdy vehicle lows
Col let me look ortCs -mar
y Upon
r- tier• and be pre thafi I t1Ave not been
that I think Leidy will iso
1 etOUw tlo+%t a drop of Mont
COMPry iduoi flow* III your vetru-
"I do not like to be c cuuus,•'
air alt breathe) that nature ulluwr
to enter Into the Inngs or bronchial
deceived n reooaA t:mP-then I will
you? I have a largo pfCWre d you
at home. and I have taught her to
as it Is, It must lure been polronat
she sold. "at�j more than that. I
have nothing suitable here to wear
tubed -
watt. and you ■hall N to her first
anti break the news to her"; and
love ly and to know that It !e a
before the thous of your birth, tOr
none of our motor rare
b a brilliant c n
°°qla y'
outfit co =piste for
$1.00 at all druggists or direct by
ell George Anthony was o'sliged to be
likeness of Mr papa''
'I know,"
wsa ever
gbllty of sucdI baseness before."
And she [in°°ed down at her black
spall. Bend 10 Certle lu stamps for nam -
, content with this somewhat doibtful
promise, wlhlle it was with dlffleult7
be murmured• wl trem•
Ming lips. "Martha told me, and I
"Howard• you are a sentimental
tea" she Interrupted. Passionately.
"I say not, if you
IN OU & and Ale. ('basnlsbt to N. C.
KiOCIn ! Co.. ChetnMts, Boz 514.
that .he could keep pace with How-
have already_ seen Daisy. I believe
she did know' me, only I think she
her face crkogan with an r at her
somber co thewearmakell
aerobes cobra to this, all the thce,"
ti9 refereed
Kli iipgton• Litt'
.anl's Impatient steps.
I The y wandered through Lite grounds
was posted to knows whether the
"That will do," he returned, cold-
"I could wear nothing gay when
Krupp sed His Works.
for a long time before they espied
picture hail tout come to life or
whether 1 was not roma appartUon
IN. "I did not come 'here to enter
my was so sad all Ute time,"
the fair wife, murmured, with o ulv-
Iv to build a theatre.
th000 two black-ro' ed figured which
w. -re halt conmaled by Wo thick
resembling It.—
Into any discussion upon the past,
or Alt) limen to any from
erfng )ips,
Owns real mlrte&
growth of shrubbery wit ell our-
And teen he told tier how (leer
Anthony had d.slwvered that she was
abuse you.
f simply carne to toll you that
Howard stooped and k6noti her
tentierl J•
ubse 822 telephones.
Employe 4I,T50 teen.
rounded them-
' they quietly drew near they re-
there W Saratoga. had telegraphed to
henceforth -or at least until you be-
tray a proper spirit of sorrow for
Ilii wondered more and more at
himself for
RueMa it his treat customer.
oogrtitld Mrs. l.nngley, for her face
_� g
met film at the station, and Ur
geher they tied gone to tho C'oogresss
what you have choke --I rb not desire
having doubted her faitlh-
fultwss for lane moment
Won't moll a gguun to Frwce,
Esaso bar 100,000 Inhabitants.
was turned toward them, althou h
rhr d:t not not c them, site was to
House tw"knQ••fler, but lnrtead had
LO have any communication with
"Well, the tatter of a imitable
Fifty miles of railroad track.
wxc:tsti by what site was saying to
sepal Martha, &nd mile lead related to
you, more than Is absolutely neves-
toilet b mail arra
arranged, i think.'* he
over In 1810.
Ctc.le. bite had rally been there a few
them mometlibigwhen oft the part. antL Zell-
nary. rurthermom. I can no
remarked, (let on your hat and we
Length of belting over
!ting fallen.
mo nertts herself when the came
them where rhe loud Colne, they
extend you the Indu'Rsinc
we what the fashionable shops
use first to approve his
upon thens.
hn�come toso,kher.•'
which I have granted since
Ixre cantata-••
% Howard mistrusted the nature ofCannot
MWI, r it my hsaaovrA,, he
your husbaodSdeath, and the dim-
MIto "•'
' uat, we she caked, hall
Works consume 3,850 tone of coal
their conversation; and, Impatient les
addled,° an lie brushed the- mist
from ter forehead and looked earffltli
oovery or your unfortunate losses!. I
will Provide lois you that you -will
pleadingly. .
OI rousse, we must; we ahnll be
and Coke dally.
Carl steel world has 88.581 -horse
• , -_--r ,lea -;,t& 1:4. Aw,a[lf pe_rnade els
' Ills mind t t Ito Wool Helm "a few
,4 J+i%s Ic%rsA rFnt -
not w°tfer•-forgetting• as far as
taken by storm here In our rooms
Power; 458 steam engines.
tnoosetlts. and learn for himself Just
ler f
(an you not?" she zkmk
naked ,du ;
y i'• yotar cthigmysty rwfeawf-
Alf vas -.dead -efts• OU&IM!•cas '-he ,maks
Krupp In the sort of the roan who
what f:llplr toward each
then adl-d Almost solemnly:
P-miat Cecile. %when she came to you
laughing. "Coope, I want the pleas-
me) tbd iris dlver plate to Se! tifodey
other was
"To me It saw=n Ilke that calm-
to such a rtrwlL after her reform
nee of buying tonaeLhtng grotty for
to Dal his workman.
He and& a sign to fh• Aattoay to
that wondrous sunset -after that
from Europe. I will nettle upon
you : I have not fdrgtn
otn our shop-
Germany La the third greatest iron
kPPtp quiet, and then crept still soarer,
day of storm and fear upon the Adrl_
you for lite the annuity of $1,000,
p•rgr- excursions abroad, nor how
OOdmtry In the world. And yet a %wen-
�_:._,. ihtekUnLJda bei from observation
- -t-rutif-a
har-t, +Im`p
which will give you eve
every reasrnt.
ebb comfort. lbere will be n Ilk-
y you were In all your se)^c-
tieth of its entire output of iron ore
oomav from the Krupp =Wee and Is
iy Itwpfag 1.1u-thc
, trve. ono !huh Ciry itcard ,early
thing than aourldsd tJke s s►-
-T'U -e --1ev► tiewdrede
1Ao tyeij, evep�g� rotten Cecile (dr.
manufactured In the Kropp worts.
over} t:liy` ghat pamsetl tietw,an Helen
has been Indwd a storm of trona
Perthaln. coming to you after T,he
ter'ed tbj bell room, ( 'fie
-Krupp-bwy,&4m ► as sh•_;n a
-A71 Nan
. � f-nntc:Py unsl livward „ [a -f
ale wit let, has Hearty wrecked us; btrtr
CokmPl'r affairs are all eettllxl, and
arm of her noble looking
Tenth or the frog tyre and PtR trust
W. -
ware we ever bomo It?" he maid
by practicing economy you will get
was hardly Poaslble to roco[nlss In
Imported Into Germany from foreign
No one w111 ever know Liss esnfllet--
let us trust that the 'future will
along very well."
that ellegantly clad, regal looting
ands, and this gigantic enterprise Is
Ing Pone
which ex rlenced tin
brighten m It draws near.' Oh, my
Mrs- Langley regarded her bro-
ligure, tin pale• quiet woman who
the !argeit producer W the German
111d ;e Advtiee O/ve■ In a Paper a
Hundred and Fifty Years Old.
'sa= ,k%r:rlpg.�_
to turn a (juaker" are, taken t
an old paper wrkism about 1750•
Tile writer doing nos seem to have
entertaIvhod an exalted opinkin orf tog
W m. I"em co rellgWnbte. He doer
not appear 10 have bents a very amt• 1
able perwo hktuelfn " Firs%, take a
handful of thi bearbe of Deceit and
a few IAav= of folly and *& Little
of the root of rain filar . with
gums of the bat of Envy &W a few
blowshmm of malleo, with a Little for
=&fifty flowers sod a sprig or two
of Idle Conceit, and take euros of
the Beads of ppstit A bottle of the
CorneWe of Hlpuckurasey A t&keof
the apple mets) of for boolln Ple-
num and the bark of Bell will- and
put tom til a mater of LW clean"
aikd poand thuut with a peet'q of
Head Strong wood; also take half
I tut ounce Rag manors A threo-quer
term of 'an ounce of ChurMeocf and
take s pretty good quantity of the
horses of Ambirhan and the peath
d Hello oendaat and Costlier some
of the motsii What grown ups: the
brink of sandy foundatk,a, together
with some of the plumbs oat Runs -
gate Hill, a few grapes Clint grow
in the subburbs of Sodom; also a
few of the Cu"Lote of row
arrl sums of the mploe of babilut,
and than take these twenty sorts
A blew them all together In a stoney
heart Jugs over the fire of blind
seal, and power In some of the water
of wild f(wintala, and when tbey
are aemred and °oken anuff theta
take it k grate in a Little Sulphur -
lour powder and then rtrean It
I through a clorth of vanity and muck
Down Every moeuing a good portion,
next your stomack ttrought Repent
of Ignarance L to a Little time it
will Raise the Writ sad you quake
& shake A tremble A smight your
breat and grate A be parfectty a
quaker Pili
Deafness Cannot be Cared
by )coal applications, as they can-
not reach the diseased pwtkm of
the ear. There Is only ,toe way W
care desires, and that L by con -
I Nututionnl rernalfes. Deafness Is
caused by an taffamed condlLkarl of
the mucous lining of the -Eustachian
Tube. When this tube gets inflam-
ed you have a rambling sound or im-
perfect bearktg�! a�nd when It lir ea-
Urely closed, 6Rfness u this . It,
and unless the Inflammatiou can be
taken out and ihla tube restored to
Its normal condition, benrlag will
be destroyed forever: nine casssoai
sof sea ace 404694 by catarrh, which
V nothing but an inflamed oondi.
tion of the m&oom surfaces,
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any cage of Deafness (caused
by catarrh) that can not be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Core. Bend tar
atPoelarr, fres.
y. r l�Elr11'Z �t cix� '1swim> _
Ebur by Druggists, 75e.
Hall's Family 1-tll0 are the best,
( I.
w__ »e.., .� -_
Issue No 4 r , o
TOSIOd AdIfled
I A f'M proetk.r of my olio to -day,
-r th0 rodhM rnnfluM
f 9F 25
I 4
,trvMtAWR there t&lsma
Jost now wag wore froling that he had aver MtwrtwtwM h+u
with msfferin(r and Iktrs eN In hlfi
Jvould you feel perfeotty
soft to put all your money
tr aaagrrt+idoy la away.
too the game Mfanre
I a near bank 4 Ono you
have Just heard of9
=wide• than i should he to harp
But how about an old
end In
�(' allty will jolts his toll u
rag er.
bank? One that has daps
bust keN for over a quarte
of a ocint:ury 4 One that has
Miller's ►OHI ptrwdwrs the medl
always kept its pro
One that never failed no".
: gad 'or 110 .'
Asti ki.nivo
�° will drdre only Int„
mlded you in any way 4
N site
You oould trust &soh & bank
Your gl e.
niktl Obererlty," liM. Lwfg
oauldn't you?
of Ume eci m twrtng Ilia promise to hfv sister,
AAP §Mt4y raised hprr'If tin w sit. kcawd lite Mat
Ilfu4 frac the Mal, and It rYrmert ting
Out In flying "Oars
Ltstil t
{pre if
'Ike such a bank, It hits never
•dlampiiolnted you, never wJu
sad not
It hats never deceived you.
Mi° na
never will.Interest
atilt in haw dark spew.
Look out that someone
bond U
does not try to make you
invest your health In
IW of
a now
tonic, some new mediclnr
you know nothing bf.
clery It
Ste• sad et ; .11 drutibe►
SCOTT & DOWNI, Ch -WA Toronto
,be IlKh
healthy. Jlb"s
TOLD IN BI[Paitirwev 7rERTt\i
WholowdeCoarematuas Hate an I „
expected KudinR.
It was In An aper "exper4r
meetlnr and Brother Jo rA* ar a
ani maid:
'Bretberla', I'm the man that ,.,
water to thA ml:k C•
"An 'I'm the man that drnwed Un
water ter bate,'• said BroLlwr lir•mt
fin' I'm the woman tna! mabt
the cow, and knowed all n)rSx t.
moblrecf Hinter Jones.
An' here's We man," ahtl a loud
voice from the mar, "that **I h
the cow an' hasn't got Viol ter p
yit 1'•
Then Brother Jones was Sorry M
had spoken gad was overheard Is
mutter &d ha reached for Ills list
"Never did believe In these pxp•rLep
uteetn'a, nohow 1 Atlanta o,vt-ti
. alae i■ Dbttr&S
A whole fatally suffernw. A r!tttl
tw oC`ners or zmr;e, or 04
acuter peings of uearalstb, t-thery
or lumbago makes li(e.s misers 4
funtland, (sod knows that W the Uter W as for eo to had lived do obscurity, Euk To. Airreaa motlasus. \Prsllltas - nervspnln rurt�Wa re
Ito stool there and listened to his j°7 angry Montgomery,
you rag 7• Zieve all these. Nervlllne V ~tit
. . ruler's acorn and abuse of Ilia io ed °f >Jhls moment 1L almost seems that I "Howard Montgomery, you do not and struggled so bravely with her - Lake Tarhganylka, In Africa, o (fate peuetrating, and effectual.
clot forget the dreadful peat." suppose I am going to live ,,Pon a sorrow for the sake of her child. a unique field for rsientffic ex lora-
one, learned all Iter treachery and g la), show,,' ar thousand dollars A She wore a trails tion. This D Iflpkor Nut ('and
w.ckMness, and bosuns Cec:te's proud Let one ° to Da � -gad. year she cued. »a robe o[ delicate eeglast, like Aastrnfla, b y ).
e gently. Krowlrryt white with rage at the blue satin, beautifully adorned with One of tad few locallties where ant. Take (sets quart of tier laert Y
riefencn of tier `truth and pur:tp, her He had Lound his w11P; site was ttrP w mAls still Ilve fast have brooms ez•
ggectbn. a profusion of rich lace, and looped
t lour and fnithfuinosrtr tawani biro with Das -pint Onmh moxa that IftdL► mo>tehass. Put It Into s
He waw mrprised to hour a I'Morh'r tsetP !mR' b0autlful woman whom hp I think you will be oblip;el to," r 1 believe MINARD'A I,1Nlril:NT tWrt elsewhere certaW wheltllte kettle ani stir in halt n
Interview had always'loved, �rtd now Itis heart he Iled, quietly. "unhaces you tk, sparkled with dewdrops, mollulkkm Of this lake n t>tI
nteervlew wltlt hes before her mar- ot'L q y' J Her den hair was wound like a will lure every case of Dlphtherla. appearing o to brown cape. Boll slowly Had
rii.ges, still of tier mote anti threat o -I begat! ft yearn t la chid as Cecile did -invest IL In sone In- � RIrerdale. Mrs, Reuben Baker, have been driven from the Ocean thoroughly, eklahming whentim
Alto day of their veiling for Europe. He left her for °9e nth Itow- crative buslnew which will yield Csvws around Ger head, while &mag erht to be ldenilfled with knevll forms scam arlsss to the
ever, before they tuhkd td ga and you more.- nitioent star of diamouds g:eamed I believe MINARD'y Ll\IMt,,NT %op, Ark the Brat
went i amopg its smooth, shlging bands P gra th of hair. of old Jurassic meas in Europe. wd rind and
Bnt when she attacked his wife's our• will rocfaos w Jake of a iemin of
f sty -whorl she mocked et 1�Qr relations and er white and stern, by Tike and
,.ed woman was so toot- Mrs. Chu. Anderson. the mol&"" arrl sugar hays bo
w:tls Dr. Mortimer and AL her v- ills Water's s'd3. tilled and nearly toerl� herself ni A beaatlfn: gnaws of Alba same cast- TO ODiJ• A OOT.D IN 071>• DAT until near! drake. Itoll until it is
PO Her ly slow -a was muspanded b a delicate
Stanley, P. F.. I. J if
ours c w she
her n -beggar,"' harider,
eter~rngth germed all to have lett thhr, that rhe co(tld only eft dorso! y I believe UINA IY8 LINIAfE9T Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tan thick that It will not bolt ; taro t
Iter, and etre had no power to move lees and stare at him. chain from her nett, and these con- $ ists, All 1; t add 1
toned how sibs haA kept from her. ht atituted Ger oiry oruaments. 0 the beat household remedy On enrth. dr%rgaysa rMatW Lhetnoesy It la a saucer acid Int It
itis detsLltnte and friendless c�stdltlon. from that spot where Nle had fallen "It M mote than you deserve, Oil City, Ont- Matthias Foley. If It falls to cries, 250. L W.(trove's brittle It is d•ne..Jurt before It
'Pon behodr�tg her lxoUler.. Howard continued; "and while I ]Inward would have lavished mon rlgnaturs Is an mach par. randy to take from the fire odd half kite Income which rightly belonged to Ifel0n, I Wit see you some time dur- know that upon her, but she protested against pint of the meat d fJckory nota
Iter t era his fortune, ass! realizesf Jou will not suffer -that
lrrg the ereNrhg," ho aa1Q briefly alnd the all= I &lbw Depamike to India
how she had plottsdaWor his return to Yo° will recce to Vert Opal -- -- -�
All COdly, and turned instantly away. give "I have so many and troch elegant
_ _ -_ rola both r Ilvcry lis telt as if You a 000fOrtable Ihing, -1 bio Indbu has lmi»ortne Coal
then vyws no resribntton toil drohtlhil Then, going hack to lite wife, Ito not feel elthnr willing a under any thing& already, that I do not need or • from which the output In 1R" wax For Pita Use
to be hurled upon her. drew, her hand within his arm.. and igations to wish gut► mors:' she acid. _ Bengal DALLi!'i.'lL�ttLT f4L�f
gratify any of your - - '0 tans. In the al A4s
�+ they slowly wand�ol their way beet to luxurious whims'.. Bat where are they /" her husband a Agsw tK wig ,I? uigurg and Bara- ---y-
It streaked' a if a"tory atom rat of the Calone the Ila
I It
wile! he had ever entertained Congress Hr of "But you ptvmtlsed me that I asked' " What was the next station 7" her coilbries are estimated to con- it never ralb ib can•
The romaIvhd>r of the dap one "Pent They are atom sway in Alt safety =S Cents A box. Re•duoed to joequilit
for her died out of his heart an le Can, I want for nothing." ," she be- " Yon mean what Is the next ata- talo 14,0erlea, Lona; the Karam- In rebertrs:ng the strange events of ♦Baa to New York -1 was keeping
IteePaed; and when Cee'ie had declared the past three bath• In a slrkklnK vulo3. tion. para oolllerlea, 8,800,000 torr ; the Negvttntbnv In London have mesal
„ " I belong alone to Howard. for time years to exMlt Other. ' I know that I did," he Interrupt- them for Daisy :but thous," she added, Botera orrlllerles, 1.500,
Cecile LOId her story s'm 1 grad s bri flout smile wreathing her lips, ,• No. What was L, Isn't !t Y' � � ed W an agreement bon have
and eternity ; and whom life is over, f J sit : " but I evppoved, when I told :and the D errta coll4rles, 4oa z R
oruembel without elther rri;-rvation "I shall b3 lad to wear them again "That doesn't mekw any dlftertenCo. m
�a and Igo to meat him In the ocher y' yOil no. Utet I was pledging myself g a, - Brltaln. Chinn and the United 8ta
world, Ile will know that I nm fled °r emMlllrhmerrt. P t . J far your rake," Ir IN wpm, but art's is not necessarily - to maintain the
to a trod end b • often door Is
She coras`d�rr11 that It would lir, to v1r+R minter. lnstestA But Cecile did first need costly gems la-" Ceras gad marls. which power will undestahs b de
always IIATO lies° true to him."' Ike inose than Just to herself that her °[ n fiend In woman's forma who oar ornaments of any kind to on "Look here; what was ►o, and what ve
could flow hlrrselt no ion was evbd thou seeping the dpatrue• her beauty. Is, Is. Is was b or Ir Iv war Y' a Wert t If b undboth erstood tLqii 6Aat f>lrssa
thomghtlrsr of t11s aOae"llrertoes, he huferT4 filtrou know all ngle who had Putnam. i'nln!Pee Qorn A d
sufforrd through Mrs Langley. tied, of Urine who were .her to me, The light of renewed b and ., " Nonsense. Walk ma lid iII, but ►s Extractor tr RnaromteeA hJ the
r„'< ttg 7• ver, it 7. 7 ant peobaWy Rristia will [Iw
had rushed inrwAM ant cine rp(1 her and e1mW a mortal b'ow at, kir' and love .home throe y makrns to remtrre C<arnw, t1'nrim,
He hod heard enough to give him R through ever feature, Ir not war Is was was, but l[ was
Btrnkxu, Pte.. wlLlaost 2 Netted stater i►rlttan umraac+r u
In hb eras, h!r whdw sass st�rret to snmethlr of an !tim(I and she spry /ouMiatton of all my hnpPl makips hes tnhkscendin Pa in t
Its Y�,�q�s� t g:y lovely. was id, hien 1• Isn't is, or was wasn't the malrtilaartoe o< tbq "opag da n.'
dPptl,s by her fidelity and went giver every event, ke a^ss• It will be well for you to "You ars s hundred-fo:d more ben n- wsa If wsa L, was V was, isn't It?
hours. 1'atnAm'r teas been the htAnd-
(r ping nothing leave Saratoga immediate) I will and for thirty yeArs, and is the only
from !=. 9• the y belayed, than you were is But 1t e b was thea-•' safe and mots teroeA of Its k1nS On
- A6 flrlt o the
him Mor Langley Ile sa!d but llttlte, but )Ila stern tats settle all your bills iter, anA Jar the daps of yoer girlhood, when 1 "Listen. L lr, war war, and is wev J
had rank to the l;toothd, overwhPlmoi and flamb Ing P.vM M he Ilntmed to the call °a" Lila rhegae which I sont wood mod won you,- Howard had and was Is; therefore L was Is and the market, Insist 00 having only wills div=a tnonvl but for well 7 GAII R1iEUM!}I�ISM Bl; GUfTfO:
y wrong she had dome ills wife and child, YOU day before yesterday to for. said, as he wound his arms about her was If was, and It was was Is, i+ is Putosm'N. and beware of acid, flesh -
that all her mchervdr were broo ht nlrw yourself roma rooms wherever when &be came from her dreaming- In, and was was war. and ie is was." dating substitutions. Price 25r pdr lieu ra&'t tell without tryloa
K did not Icor&:wo well tar hl& verdict bottle, At ail dealers, or mail. N. EBY'eS DAISY Ola "
a naught, r her trencher discovered . yon see o n toslrte in the fatom.•' room in all the glory o[ her rich at- "Bhnt up, will you! I've gone by C• Pit,'" A k^q, Boz 51;, KI
Ant that rwkl =tared herInthe [ace. °M1R thou cam. .
Ceclk told nil the story Of Dr. Mor- Are you not wtChamed Ot year tire. m7 stetson already."-LIfP. nRstoa, The New Cbeml•salr•,orn
Out., P pound, ,.
Y sow, top, that HrowarA wag tlmer'w kh-d te&a, ti'nm 'the hour of self, to Often me, out of all your "I nm a hundred -yon, n thousand- iO'Iwb�• + eflsctfve 1& eaHnr Rheawau4rnt. Newebbs
'= acoospauled by Dr. Anthony, and their mfrtil n affluence, such a beggarly mite!" fo-d more ba ug For beat and feltlni
be also meat Gave heard all that ig Iron the Britannia; Of HP(eMl crLed ant W happy than I ever thought aclatkfi )'airs iotas B.e k wmr HYb•r. !.
�in Phomlme to befriertd her it she ever perfect par- to be again. God is very good," Cecile Cruse do Asatas% 1)IYR fe s:rstneky. Eons Throat DI taerlx, Prost Hite.. ow
had P&sued between her and Ceche; g fP'rhI to ox mm of as murmured, tearfully. Kentucky Club women have under• pps1i� Kidney Said Bladder p
Ooarequenty all her nerd'd him AId again : Of hPr a , y ger. vq y &eke Brei, n, Kldn a
. PrOei>o'th of him, art reaponws to thin otter, wiliest she Howard c4AOMI violently. (To be Coetinned,) , taken n crm&de against slang. The Hold by all drugwisl. at Uemntw, nr 1"'
winning him stud his handsome for. Almon lrin d'%rr Hine Aad to%IchOd hon In a nary ten- - y - � DALLINY $ FAXILY $ALVlf Foderatlan of that State has pro. M. F. xHY, ckealrfi. Port r,iann. rr,t.
torr+ were dent_ Jost Dalry. She dwwatelelt FBU� (l�O�tl�QQb It removes the soreness, at Once. Pared a relittlo,I that 14 to be sent to
She (old not understand whathad Iry tier
iors,untiring d the' ulnest dor- Ar� Sly FROM �D jN b, 2 scionl Principals and teactterw asking
Itsg her lllrrnst ntrd the d+lk &tri but 77te word beggar or beggarly 5c. A Tfirz. Reduced to ]Qc. R
brought i%werd to Saratoga n ain btxreeful Asemm to too a favorite ex - their co-operation to
gI� Cooper srcnre n more FOR SALE.
]amt nt tats Limo, rrr what rombinA• Oleratlon which Ito hod expression caMu! flake o[ F. Ifs Petition
of yOura, Helen ; o further declared that the great
<r frPrfOrrrw•d up in bar, euw a Inst rntaort. J n have not only A Queer Tow■. rq( h. The
tial or evil virc°mstancew should Ard then, with fltMlhtg cheeka, iwt called my wife a beggar many times, Correspondent Wr:tes That The newly founded town M Trlan- amount of ungrammatical find
hay* Iw1 them to that spot at finch with hoi• pure eyce nover waver) lx1t you .have (lone all that On
ng J Dodd'a Kidney i?i119 Have g)•. Tezaa, promisee to lid One M English and slang so Cusurtanv'T yRC'iT aad'tiTOCK t'ARl1 .
an unfortunate moment. lrevneatlt her htsCbnnd'e earnest Couk1 pct mato hevr one• I odrr not y
Phe sAt tlWm upon tie tort grooms 8110 to'd him M tido gess, the snot unique In the United States. heard in the home, the sc•llrxd room
r ss her head tSrr►ev1 with (onto♦ good man's love forget flat V the mkLt of your at- Cured i�im Oi Rldney, It V IaIA wt In Use frrrvn Of an Itly WVNTRY f►Oxrc 1N ONTARi(LM C
inn, lies itoArt In w rfPct tmmnitof for bar, And her t•pjmttoon tit ilia wait,. fluence you drove Icer from yourdoor regal- and on the attest shoetd not exist• saw 431& By* minutes'
and ,teas ran
P' "It woui have leen wrong 1n me to almost Pennileed, when she did not Disease. Lateral triangle; its lits an trtl a- w►ys wkYa 1w m1nt4i walRof sats:+n
aM1 dire llaten favorably to anyone without gtntAr In shape. rtnA the grrand plan That fulness after meals promptly Oywl. �drsar her Q Hamilton. (>rrWla
disappointment Over the knAw w?oera olw to go for sIvettpr• of each cot the 23 110ures which have relieved by taking use of Miller's. �sg7�
faller+ (if her plans, And listened to p(xlt)%d proof that yon were not Ilc_ When she asked you to lend her Daniel Hourkor Rzperfhnented With time far been erected there 1s flompound Iron Pills alter each %'�7fAA rARYv F•O BALE -Mo ares o"
the fond, eager words which ilrhw- Ing," who sw'd; then added, aa mile mousey to cancel her indptrtedntv.a Medicine for Eighteen Years- FIR- pcShrv+f into tiro err of Alfi recov• [ three -cornered. The throe a prov d. taxa st (39 a, if, $3 p.7004coo• rola
twined her arms about Ills fleck ah.d to a stranger. yon heartless) re- elf Persuaded to Tr Dodds al, W,&I mMl, tafwsve.l, Marlow, (`Dent iw•r srn• sr
Bred Wife; and it can tout Imagined ln!d her finished f ce against Ilia: Plied, ' f will not leen y Y Y streets ore named fiquflateral, Ace
that a snore wretched woman did q you a dollar.' Kidney Pill* -Five Boxes Cured lens and Isosceles, and the r•eoldo True EdsPwtloa. Cultivated.) nvs' Athens. to RIf IN c t'
U04 exist "Rut. Hmsarc)I it I71Ad kvxowrr It, It I tell port again, that I nm nlma7t Him. The reA! wont M education Is to tlrsel,mitttpe;Mc.� tomdrrrom h tny. i�l Hen+lam
Upon floe fors of the Paettr have even carried their curfous IAen
vrw d hnve ramiss no diffieraenno. i)ny led to doubt your kinship to mo. Gananoque, Nov. CO. -Mr. Dante) into the local government, which make Ute filcher nature ruie the beset, County. els per were. MO erred d MIMS from
r at that hnoauett than Elf -ben Lang• and night I was continually thinking atm• I Could not itavo turned wo bold• Boucher, of this town, suffered with cOrtrlsq of n ro-eatfed Trlikrkghich that we may not spend our days ander �HOfk11r. In Harr10 <'onntr, ``Ie per ammo.
h4 ley, the bPartiese and arrogant, tut and dreaming of you ; my heart was ly against the entreaties Of m KIdnP Dlannse for eighteen ears. And ae! rwberbarrafnwJames B. Uo*& boa Aa.
cfefeatood fen of Ceclln Montgomery.7 7 e1g J (oumcll, hnvtng three members. the rkrminlon Of that which allpetais a Trnta
full of love for you, to the exclue' on Of worst enemy tuul he Applied to ate ter the pert pari of that eighteen only to the senses and no live far mores
s 1, (k•orgs Anthony had Men greatly overy Other Affection, except that In stich dletrwsm." pears he had teen striving to get Mlller•m Worm Powders enre tits In Present pleasure and for the trivial �~ pp
,, furPrill"d upon recognizing n the which f IIA for I'l Jar, Eve hrnir m "I could not f( iv -e Fr-er for def .:l( Experimenting with umileines children, things of the day and hour, but may ��Q ' BVvt and
wife of his friend tho love) woman Q Every 7 rig y. red. Fix r g v
1 soul krngM for yon, rraching out offer -Ing me ant marrying yort. The anti doctors all the time, he had never take doltght In 6he Int011ex tea! Isle,
whom to had nsslateel only a few ysu with n rravLtg whlclr would nrtrt Mon r 0 trelorn YGe Hr1de r
y- days Drevlemsly. Yosrntffth A Ti Anything 0 7 god to the arts• experienced the dlg•htest relief. And Bridegroom's In great thoughts. In high Ideals and ��.r�r� Q�
7 Tt rW wave your Ale- tocrney Of Kwntreky • they hnve now, after eighteen yeah of It. he is Th: hvid.ff�m hated fuss and fool- In noble achJevementw in the rwahm (rf Farm Lands.
f►v knew noir why her trite had turn to me, or my Tolna called to moa, noble bW. xl in their reins, and have CuW by fire bozos of Dodd's Kidney ery, a,id whoa he scrambled atter truth fund knowledge" -Prot, Loam
irtrtirk him n8 betty familiar ; W hem i vv m t'111s VAmftr. " IM Conary" 1r ttie CArdsn Of Mick'
but he stolo quietly Away from Lisa R° my*, w you, . y �t°♦ °over briers mewled ant Of their the bride Into for brougham with F:tla, rite fag saps and falrrof Mi k'
hard IC wrtwatO !Alf -way R ft." apherv," Mn. L&nggley said!• mullwnly. The questlon ardsee, why dlJ he not rice down his Weak and In as hb Cltn,
awer'8d nano. him own heart ton fall And Howard MOnt�.xnPry, looking Howarl-a !Ip ended, try Daki'm Kidney Pllls before t The b Bay county band Office, Bay
, . d Pwnotkm to admit of his rotafning Into blot willi rnMant face, waw oil_ pockets, Ole with Gla new Oat soda, and TOT hrAt aid Mild{ tog
anything like compoaur•. mrot awed "Year Ideas of arlmtacracy oro very weepers has sal t ready to his band for ooa e e beginning to ewe.I from n
M rho knhowk�i tat her dba•rfminating, Mien• anR yon have cite last task years• why did he not brow ey a allppe"a heel, 4a ons not DALLFiYra FAMILY $�v'
As ItP we=t Ito resat mP rontmvP rl0vut'On to him.and could not find yet tr learn the true moaning orttle � Itt Bluely he mast lingg have In the beat o[ tempers. -
uroua glance aeon the rmnrhlnK fig- awrnlfe to toll hPr how, errtelly he word," he said, scornfully. ,'Whitt I known that INvdil's Klrhiey PIL have "It ever I marry again--,- ba )t faltered at once and ie" - roue saaASHOW"ANDp
urn R'Itrr LatrRRk1• had boon led to doubt her, and to be' nm glad to know that I Won to cured hundreds of others rl ht In his , -- -- __ .. n
"That dream Is over" he mutter- house ShAt rho had tor"tPri him And a g !r Can, and them .be bride turned (tad Elegant ttnR Obalss. T
foible race, A d Old tntrdl of own town. R yprwrlUar, Bookkssptnntr�� Penetarreip
" sd, "sed ww11 for ase that f woos glvPek horlrl1 to ano iter. aO9 t ooked at him and the temperature Muff ehahnr an r ole,practlsalltuurkttrtaOfAtnoer
l wealth And high proattion, i would It Is hard to understand. Naturalrr-. In that brougham dropped consider • drJ elegant this
nwnZrsnet thaw ewHy. HUyv Strang* " I dor not hpl'ere, CrentS. that the not wish to forget for ono rnomont, sersltr is often the only explanation ably lower torn tll,d oC a reit scams and are made of alternate
that (ole so fair, so fascinating anti World contains another woman like what It wan th,It matte them vob)c In such rnmom. Mr. Rancher m•ty have tor, igers: links or fol,I and ortamer 1n varied The best air. trtarp twrt,alar' rsmmewlil
Intalllawrt, wo well mlcuated to y(w,' hw skid in grave, m'ovPd tones. 'anti ! flower forms, wltn n Jewel charm selinol in woad.. ttrlu far oar stab=+
shhtw hl any spireme, should be so and I short rererpne'f Dr. MOrt'mPr'g t�Ay of the high ptAcs Krt,-h ?aatl tldrnlveol by the pretensions of (,aWquth
Inlsa eft to&rt. What n feet ohv tlry oc'e'dlike.l• They wets ever gen Imitators of DO W's Kidney i'llis- Hs InK04's g� hanging at , side. Another nov- W.J. 11,1.101.1, Prlbeitrsl
plo among An IerIR nm .live : he was One erow an 1 high mlltdPd. dlridatnl ev- me !ATP been Jeweled bogs
Tl eRw she was to ilbwaM'w lively wVe, aseng a thatawrri." a th °g J prPJadlrnd by ttrnne �M arldf.sta e1Ly V a rlbtxxl with -
who, by the way, lit not lacking In " YPr," Cre'le retarnerl, tMtw ry MR that was vout&rdly or other mpaniL but however it was Mr. wot at Intervalg.
PPr1n[ nM•nn, cultivatingkindliness &Il.i RoWhor crime mound to Dridd's Kid_ Filters In geyvla. _ FITS
pA�y1NTp,lOURItD Ht
` spirit , !yin." Int to * u lovely odea, 'artd 1 mourn chantyytewant eery ono. ('ec•tb,nt ney Pllls At last, and In a healthy In ftorvla the life Or n newlgwtp� Miller's (xrsmpouM iron Pill°; Daly nn glare Grmt Nwvd H.(ie•tbe, 'rots' In her harlwinA's Arra., over his antlmwly drat! Ar f w(wld the mk1sL of Iter poverty, whUe lit!- mon In rnnwPgnonco. iwbllfihar Ir not w path strewn with 25 n,slfw tot ti0 dnass. tear, Ne 1b or swwooses"
rinaDM r'Owr to tu1A thrrrloblrtg heart, for a drm+r brother ; he waw, indeed, A nrwda. line Of the wet>kliws RMA t.
looked a Intl) bin P poo, whleh evert 1rVr for iwo tfAlly Inwood, war to wrfa- HIS write*: " Far oI litomo earit 1
P J gran(! and noble c11arnotor,'• R 7 In that xgptisf O edtsr nest M>Is trda
In this sn to •rat In a from sPnrx of the wOM !APP hrrn .tton51M0 with K11nfiy Dla•
country has had slxteeri pabfldhiles I�oQ'rDwer nor a lender tel Arch ��eses ` ophia
prattbe mot»ent, still r+tA1A- Then ah* OhOwed him that letter than within the ►oust two be, 1st' Isla oft loser 1forr1r nausto pa
ed tltlsyr eat tM gatrrtss whh h wli'eh he had wrltton liar when he with thousands sit your rouse. 1 haves mored All o mit of Moll- years. F•Ilton of both ftasl[ s�µ"s by j• A. Narrta IM elle lyases rood
htrt tswpn rrodidaef kite the post trod h0 =knout (lie, atao Ulw Iwo aria, ('n°n°And, and nnrruunsied xAnnt slops pmt rooks get aO r011df. i wwa them are lAnRulatitnR In ytU Ow like. �fi�e�ai�isaie YMtvw,l. Qlkw
three yours Anvirinsly reAdin hla relAtl to h18 y Pn and flwttPmra 1st pctj�d high persnArlPA to tri Dodd's Kldnw P111 Count Of their Outfipokan d -
R nit legacy to Dwlmy ; &sol III«,
faro, whish rltMplte the 4r71t1Prnprw Hurry rtrxrtrt, wary hash wvstt aft"
I A f'M proetk.r of my olio to -day,
-r th0 rodhM rnnfluM
l lk'
f haus flnlrhoti fire Define. and em
tlon of (kivernment menrurmw anti tits
,trvMtAWR there t&lsma
Jost now wag wore froling that he had aver MtwrtwtwM h+u
with msfferin(r and Iktrs eN In hlfi
which LIW
won or --r mAstOttnno and your
cos tat -1
p 7 fwd• i hl);61) t&'Om111et1d
therm to i trial
tr aaagrrt+idoy la away.
too the game Mfanre
rrkln twurt was rlydn Alt the wink,
that had torr, there ton todis and Ila PI of
frwrlwne. Only 1l o and
=wide• than i should he to harp
all wtRertAp a;7 did, i used
tO harp to stop wort for two Or tArPa
end In
�(' allty will jolts his toll u
rag er.
AppPAr In a Moment.Ad and puking Admiration stkwt my the saga to whom he
,o whom
dhv ifir thickly Ovr.�rl sn snob.Ity"
s prinewss of royal MrooxI.'
'AnJ ye: to year tvaaatowl ince:.
days In the week on aeeount df lack-
welts, hot now I poen dD a ekky's work
Miller's ►OHI ptrwdwrs the medl
ol" m da forks, and It waw *Toning tofcwa'PvarythlnR You
•tri koro ahattg Alw
Ono know
: gad 'or 110 .'
Asti ki.nivo
�° will drdre only Int„
with a°yttr---
Mt e1d1/1
A t
that It was the work or )'Ad beg" aI afnaA and e•wulderod in
emwething forty than tte mares In pnrorty
paw all its ltrskrinRri, amt than Howard,
Your gl e.
niktl Obererlty," liM. Lwfg
---- -----
ittws lAfud I/rwe the Opal.
"YOu mnwsrl't '
ak mrd hAhy." lwmwrted
of Ume eci m twrtng Ilia promise to hfv sister,
AAP §Mt4y raised hprr'If tin w sit. kcawd lite Mat
"YOU will AO Well not to try me
ThP ban of evil Oman Is at last mgntrntwA
mother, ilia tile, hnt•halor eallor
nnwawlly. "YOo nee, shoo U r,st
Ono*. and with w n
. tAt proms, n wistful light comm of too
t t praise to hill heart for thou «0011-
far, IlpPn, ter dnobtf," yOnarP
Ilfu4 frac the Mal, and It rYrmert ting
Out In flying "Oars
hour t.,reth."
Gds aw•orw
.Ted, and fotdl her arms naafi wh'oh that da had van his
ry[ y to
ntxist kis ria, t,
that 1 ,I nl
1'Cr1e`sii fiplrtt "I"s, ,f
your own when 14
me an omtNovn
Pretty Ilttle hanhohm
('abtl thorn I" —W.PA the
Ralfar. "What
akP awM, tewwo:tvee ca tort titwels for LM painful teak of Oa
I> ' eAlltag 64 etatsr to an Atww,nt for nea
Onryt is Ar
Apwm rotutnM. an omtn
noun i
OI`O! hearts foetid outs! AlasOodg pins4yta
am frig of the faehkinahle
a hwrbili
l Wily do don't yorr let 'e,n Juat
V6sram. Wmw4b w droadful has tits• wrwtphwd i
part which who had
atilt in haw dark spew.
Ah -tart grow thrwt[il ". '
IgtAtwMA to yN -your fwno Innka sy piay«t In th0 wlsoM Alta aeMtl Of Vnrw,l,
what 1 baro ofTorwt son." Its• Mn
AM the thermownoter dropped 25 ds-
fay Ater$ Gas felt da thstsm IOrrg, his own arrl Orolh s past.
nil the t mit c'aara 1wf10P
wl 1 allow no to do,
LfIN.r's Wort 7,t IbwM+rs snake the
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elks tad sits children
healthy. Jlb"s
Usimr&togilf Dklteapa