The Signal, 1899-11-16, Page 7E No 46 1899
int Shall
have tried iron ani
Inks. But she kap'
4 thin. Her sallow
don worries you. Per-
k haa a little hacking
lino. lier head aches;
cannot study. Give he c
rs mom
will feed her wasting
he glycerin will soothe
I h, and the hypophos-
rill give new power and
o her, nervy and brain.
tr say you " cannot
1d -fiver oil ^ until you
tried .Scott's Emulsion.
411 be obliged to change
pinion at once. Children
Uy become very fond
tad infants do not know
t is added to their food.
.. g 8....; .0 dress..
a DOWNS, Canaan, Tors
Worked by a Geyser
;be post eurteme clocks In the
that which Amos Lana of
Nev'.. constructed some 'has
machinery. which iv nothing
oe, lands and lever. is Doe•
,ith a geyser. whirl' shoots
cogen a column of hot ire.
r 88 ..xv,ntlr. Tb:s spouting
ries to the tenth ot a recent
refore, a cock properly .t.
a it. cannot fall to keep luso.
E`vn7 time the wits,
ip It et1'f*YII - the lever
is hands forward 3e eves .
Pure Pratt
ly .outsotentrate 1 nml ,4
su=it and pure%
han rs.
hr's Grip Powders tyro.
as Eskimo Delicacy.
,rite dish with the Eeklmo
cream made of teal ,.II, 1,
mow la stirred uutll Us..
outshoots Las been obtained
oxen berries of different
ed. and a little of the fel
1711.111 A 001.0 1.11 Oen DAT
Laiative Brow Quinine T
Lill druggists 'Mond the
lel to ears. 25c. E. W hoer
re Is co sant bor.
•k Tynan. for some years
of •the 7th Fusiliers -
retreat' of the British say
London yc.terduy In his
le saw active service
Lan mutiny es a member of
sgal Frill and was
noel at DelhL where he
Ian medal. with clasps.
v Snaps 1 .•
rises within meth K.11.
'l P8I4iy
's s_il�l(,
PfrmY, Lia••,
'a lye � hole(
's Eoiw lei's,_�a�.
's Ootaditica powders,
pt.dtkm there. 1t will not be ernay to
disk/dips them. Tbe Transvaal Gov,
nrimeat has been provisioning this
district for mouths."
Boer (law talented.
SLunde. Nov: 18.--A epeeial despatch
from Durban, Natal, dated Tharedel.
II Nov. U. *venlig, says: "Native ruuners
who have )tort arrived here from brak-
euatbttrg idistriet report that the
Barre suffered a sovere. defeat at
Ledysmltb tbls morales. The Boer
gone were seemed after four holm
fighting during which the Boer loner*
were heavy. No details have been re-'
eel ved"
The Surrender at Farq u har's Farm
Was a Blunder.
White Flag Raised by a Young Officer The Men
British Officers Discard Swords end Will .tarry (lune to Reduce the Dle-
proportlosate Sacrifice In Their Ranks Over se,000 Troops Reach
the Cape -Mon Troops Due- -Boers and the White Flag -Klaiber -
Icy third Pressed- -The Sardinian's Quick Run -British Fleet et
the Gane ----The Losses.
Lu.dun. Nov. 12. -The Allan nue
steamer 8&t fl1an. (role Qa ther% with
the ("awadfaa contingent for South
Africa. has torted at 81. 1'looent,
pipe Verde Mande
8t, Vieceat Cape Verde Deland"
d eded tie utiles west of Cape Verde
the vitt promontory of Af-
rica. Is shout 4.80U miles from Cape
Town_ Thus setJmatkg the distance
pian Quebec to that port as 8.000
alis., the C'asaAane have In between
twelve and thirteen done travelled a
distance of about 8.700 masa At the
issue rate of speed the Serdlnlea
will probably reach Cap. Town on
the 27111 or 28th iaenant.
Must nide Refegeee Have Arrtvellet
l.,ntdon, Nov. 18.-A Cape Town
'teveatch of Nov. 8th says:
Telegrams from Jamestown report
that Allwa) North was abandoned last
Bundy. Most of the refugees have
tvrrtvi r at eaveseceMra. The Beer
reoveseets la northern Cape Colony
appear to be half-hearted. Burgbers-
dorp el *1111 unoccupied. Tine presence
of Oen. Bailer and the arrival of the
trenepOrta eases 10 be holding the
hutnb hack frees actively eupporttag.
u.e Basra A Boar eosd'ando of 8.000M
fa rysaMd to be at Douk.rpbort. This
1. OLella1M7 * exaggeration. The
lever esllgeatdse do not appear to be
eboerieg IMeb activity. The men spend
dot or the day sleeping. There it
i,o drilling or reaching."
A d•epetch from Molteno, dated
\ow. 7th. mays It as believed the Doer
sores behind lb* smaller tortes which
here already' erased the frontier Is
Yalta -Billed Oct. 22nd; _ud Cold-
Parente -galled Oct. 22nd ; 2nd
Royal Fuslllers. 2nd itoyal Scots Fusil-
Orient -Belied Oct 22nd ; Black
City of Vienna -Sailed Oct. 22nd;
let Cavalry Brigade Staff. part 12th
Mohawk -Railed Oct. !2nd ; 12th
Ortental-Salted Oct. 28rd ; 8th Bri-
gid" Staff, 1st Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
Rawardsn Castle -Batted Oet. 28rd ;
2M Royal Irish ?mitten; arrived.
Aar rtta-Sal led Oct. 211rd ; 8rd Rrl-
m�aaddee Staff, let Hfghlacd Light 1,-
(axntry ; arrived
Armentar-galled Oct. 28rd ; nrtll-
Netnedlo-8atled Oct. 28rd : 1 etl
flu &tri reamsnt&
Siberian --Sailed Oct. 24tH : 14th
H u,7mrs.
Jamaica-t+alted Oct. 23rd; 14th
Humane Oral
of lied Oa
28rd ; and Scottie%
Aloarire-Salted Oct. 24th
p�C sbnionla.-Salted Oct. 24th ; 4th
t�tzc l Durham L
t fig 1: led
S. Highannillava
Glenp Oct. 27th : 0 Bat-
tery, 11. H. A.
The German sailed from Southadtp-
tau on eagaday with let Rifle Brl-
The ahoultaneoue attack on Lady-
smith. Whiting aid Kimberley. which
on Thursday, mealiest re•
*ppfu41toq. , by t8te Boers of to fact that
lemons their cLancea u( a
tidy I oosleugfht on any of the
BrltMi stroogbolds. Gem Jou
ettanos of reaching Petitioner -I
now teem W have 'metalled.
"de to already repotted to be admit-
ted by Col. Seidel, the German officer
commanding the Boer artillery, wLo
is supposed to hare been largely the
author of the Boer plan of campaign.
and who. In an Interview. Is alleged
to have troll: "Tice Boer Inteu ee
was to Lave captured PletermarltA-
burg and then
But, although the hope of acoomp'Ish-
Ing this must now be abandoncel, there
Is nu doubt that, from the British
point of __slew. the general slinatlon
in Natal is rapidly Improvtag. Nearly
All Oilelal, Mid Some of These are
Several Days Old.
London. Nov. 13. -The War Office
this morning publishes the following
despatch received from Oen. Buller:
" Cape Town. Sunday, Nov. 12. eight.
-The fo;lowing reports have been
received from Col. Milds -Powell:
"Mateting, Monday. Oet. 80. -All well
here. Enemy apparently shy of at-
tacking. Now closing to Invest w. Are
to -day destroying railway two miles
north with dynamite. Shelling con-
tinued , doing very little harm."
•• Tuesday. Oct. 31. --Enema at-
temptrd assault today on cannon
lope and euuthaast turner of town.
Attack mart brtltinnt, notwithstand-
ing hot shell fired by the British South
African pelice. under Walford. Enemy
lost heavily. Our casualties. five killed
and five wounded. Killed eCapts. Hon.
D. H. Marsham. 4th Bedfordshire , C.
A. I .tchell; 3rt1 King's ftlfle , a ser-
geant -major and two troupers. Wound-
ed: Five nem -commissioned of flcers no.l
troopers; all British South African
pal lee."
The War °(floe also nada public the
felbwigg de.Qateh trom.J sin Buller:
taape Town. Suede,. Nov. 12. -The f-
lowing 1e from Nicholson: "Bulawayo.
Sunday, Nov. 5.-Tihs,followlug Is from
Bajee-Towel: 'Alafeking,Wedesday.
Oct. 2.;. -All well here. Decay .till
.b*Ilithg. We made successful night at-
tack en 1.1s advanced teenchs last
night, getticg In with bayonets. Our
lost ..1x men of awe Protectorate
l:esimeet kllkd eine wouuded. In-
cluding . t apt. Fits -Clarence. Third
Royal Pestilent and Lieut. Bwlntpta
Enemy's los unknown. out consider-
able. Enmity lose evacuated Signal
11111 and 'mitered two odes northeast
of town and two meth southeast' "
Boers Bald to be le.presst*g Neutrals
regular pries is 25 rade
aced to 10 cath
▪ above medicines are tee
y best Ot their kith er
s on the market, *tad the
ening many friends ler
dr excellent qualities.
P. DALL 1IY ea, Limited,
latssoresa. i'aseste end
s.1 72C1T mei "'MK 1'ARN
ea as le belt: electric and oast