The Signal, 1899-8-17, Page 8■ e T111/11111MT, /Legato 17,11189,
Come and get some of the Bargains !
...t ,• OA S H OR 761 A
Smith Bro's & Co.
Nance.- The local .gaaop 1a Uaam•ns -
tee Tom 8. M
,mwi. at the elle of J. U. W uD,
J.Y., aaesr, to.. who will receive r
d -
aa ter riverboat: sod job -
wart. ad M authorised to give reoslpts for
imamate paid tor tic. same
. sow will visit 00 let sad
7rd friday or each mail. AU modem meth
ode d extracting and Oiling. and mamma arti-
ficial teeth. Once. neat door to Medd'. tailor
. hp. Hours. 9. in. to a p.m.
Dismal', Aug. 15.
The rural public schools will re -open on
Mesaay, tae 21.t of August.
The weather arteries to be all that can
be desired fur finiahisg burnt and
Etas Llviagetane, of Blyth, le to coin -
irises ts.ae1aaart.g apple barrels in this
ribber be° neat weak.
S.reete ee.messed es Moodie-
..4 -
•leatn the at ef.tato.ttadlag and dia-
pers/se mediolsea la Ur. MoRwe's drug
vera We wish him the best of roosts.
O. Eohlte, of Nile.. Friday last was ie
ar vU4oge taking frilly likes....,
tr4nrs Wiens ha •teak• Were our prim ` T. O. Alla, Wm. MoArth.r, ed
*dr families.
We are rowed to be able to stet. that
David Jardine, et Awlti.N, too bas been
very ill, M gradually,erialr. W. hopv
be will seem be restored to lis former .tate
of geed and .tte.4tl.
F. Memel mrd T. 8m4ey commented es
Monday to evaporate apply. Tbey atiol•
pees • god .Dass'. work. They have mai.
Ws brat Iaproye...ta h ere maobi.ry
V Duag.a.e tract evaporating terry.
O. Saturday beet T. Harris, el Uederiob,
so amigia ed by W.. Marra, of laden•,
U.S., pared tbr°.41 oar village to Mr.
Harr.' far. is Aak6e14. M r. M olbaa
tone klghly pleased with this rotten el
Harbert Whyard, .le has been for .Mut
two years i. Dr. MoRae s drag .tore, has
assured a geed pesitlo. at Toronto Juno•
• and leaves ie about two weak.. We,
deg with his .emoteis fried.. w4.4. 11.
ths beat e1 rooms. He wee highly respect-
ed kr arraoa M lis deter ad his elation,
manner, and, sa be is • yang ma of good
-abilities and ready White, we atteipats
f. Nm geed ..era
Dawns a ata OLD Raeiusiir -O. Friday
lase William D..keld, of West W.wti..h,
Mkt a Wag Mmes. suooambd as ted age of
.►may -three year. and .loves .ser. His
re..Me are *bared t■ Deegan.. areas
tory a Sabbath, brag escorted fr.. les
I.ea redder by a largo oeaooar.e ed rela-
tiw., tread. .d aalsa.tanee. 7 b sei-
sm el sp.Ian were aced act .4 b>• Rev. R
P•irbee, B.A. Ilse demand wee widely
knew. as an 4di.tri.• and esomeekl
tames„ and was highly esteemed we • geed
n ibs& .ad ked neighbor. The pall -hem
an were : Marlow Sproule. James D.
Smiley, David Oinks. 8am..l Kerr, J 0.
Wed .d James Elliott The deemed
loaves /arriving Mm or eon. Ale:ander, .
the hem.esad, ad two daughters, Klass -
both SIi., wife of Jean Bell, Oodenel,
g ad Mrs. Anode Dawn.. of Algoma. '1'be
bereaved have the sympathy of Moir ae-
GOYIM AND WING -lobs Hileems den.
amts. aeteeded ted .males of the High Clown
et 1. 0. F., weir* was bold I.w week as
Niagara, and roper *rag 1.4 a pleasant
Nene Josses Wilms, formerly *lark te
J. bell.' store. •.d sew a Mora. retter..d
beam es Monday after *Mao • tee° weeks'
wine same trends and format ...elates.
Jam. Medd .pmt Sunday with
Meads sad ecgotelano. In oar village.
Ws, ems week Ila Olay (read*, are
poem/ N ase 1ins look as if he enjoyed
geed hien Mir Beery, of Kincar-
dine. is
Ithee.. Oehler her aunt, Mn. W. J. Smit
Maas Hall, .f Easter. le the guest of
Mee Ada Hems Mies LWy Hutobia•
as., .1 Mae, is the gale of her coat. Mn.
J. Hikes Mn, Steele, of Brantford,
le vetting relat nit here Mrs. D.Berr,
of bereft is vtr{M.y es1ne hetes, Mrs.
Me!°grk Mie. Harts, of Teeew•w,
, b the gain of her sant, Mrs.DlOyld Sproul
TM Hawes Gladys ..d Maggie ll).
Mee, dattgbten of Omen Meseic Dwlgg
libre./b ear village to visit Mies McGee ,
mar atoms., visited Mrs. O'
Mrs. A. O. Brews ad daughter Miny, of
A•.ilea., es their veins( Mar to Meads
M L. ia*w lase week, visited Mr. MaAr-
ler 13bhard Westbrook and .11°, of
Lebo, are einem Mn. W.bbrook'a father
mid tsset r, Mr. sae Mrs. 8a..b,
Mei Mem. rent .f the lame Dr. Wiliam,
d 4d.., . the asset °t her oleo., Mrs.
3. J. Crawford.... .. H. T. Walker, of
Iegereell, is eating mistimes bra and re.
e.wbeg Unbar we.oelats..w *cgaaintanose.
U. Oammisw •ed fairly at•r1•im.4 • large
mole of relatives sad friends to • medal
d•oot•g ad pedro party, ail whit* tarn
were nearly • haadrd tombs. Dames(
oomutecod alter mu. •ud was kept up 411
lbs small hours of the mrutag. The 1•w■
Si frost of the hone was lighted np with
burros bang in the trees. Here rate were
placed and supper was weed at o*dalght
by t1, hone ..d Melees with Moir bunny,
•rratd by s•vet)ol of tbe garb. Phis
party brought together • large aerobe o1 old
schoolmate. of No. 6 and ear owe No. 9 to
talk over boyhood •d.7s. The violinists
were Joseph Bowler. of Ki.ial1, Jerry Cu.
non, of Kra..brid,. ; Aka. MoN.,te, of
Leeburn,.ad lames You.g,jr,of Rob Roy.
This party will always be remembered ea rea-
le/wed a.1 is le l.aal ewer. of Disbp el
.. w,m. Mo!fsey. Aog. 41k
J. (:wk sad faintly, of Hel.esvllle, ..-
jnyed a viewer drive up here this week
seeing ror ives here and et `tb•pperdte.
John Chisholm, Joseph B. 011x, Wee.
4irtetdby sad Retard (Jemmy 'Wire *reti-
ed their fall wheat. The return of grate 1s
eiwidered Rood.
Mn. Job° Horton has retread from •
pleasant Meinte Stratford. .'Har daughter,
Mrs. 0, H. (Tatter, omen back with her,
and will sped mayoral days w111 rslebves
.ed frenal. ber..
Henn, Arekie..d Horace Herta Stoned
recently Dear the City, and were the
guests of Mr. sad Mrs. John Ltnalatem Tho
party made the journey there and beak on
their atria, beteg the brat people of oar
barg to make • trip of that Loath with
Pedal power.
land .•ar♦ed IM mare dietertrs' y MN.
le Mr eirmakee tee well -knew. .1h.
War bUeww tea • .troll ep be /be beew-
ory, bar Orli "Iliad feeling." amid, beteg
kr. they t _. 4 4 to prober • keg. Tkt.
they did. hoe le the effort to gee i$ se t1e
ball to Mt radars n ripped bees their weep
sad relied to the bottom. Dews amber it
they Ike, and ease •bat. toy 0Mempud
M heap le up the 1111. rola loos ,( . p{,g , {
ttYr fat alt tm regi. Here they see nal
!• the duet- arr, by the gray, was sheet
Mar Ine1m deep -rad owed the. beta •
Uite mete exhileated therm the other, be
S•. dwdy • imam pito erred Ms literate
hevirrate. As 1ho dint mea and serdeped
11. In donde b4. eemp.nio. wiled • batt,
vii aloe .gain that keg wee lifted and car -
Med. MU time to the cedars. They al aim
e.t M work and before the Oleos alma.
Math it wait drained to be iirms. The day
Wetted up with the magma , 1 ••Ud Save
the Urea " .trout midnight, but cot in Me
ocean it be usually owl. The nest tame
sivio holiday is pr trimmed In towel it is to be
booed bat ibis rabble will net laver ear
village we ti did this time.
MONDAY, Ay 14, 1899.
Threshing has .eAmeneed for '99.
Mr. and Mrp. 1'. Sart visited beet week
with friesde at Underwood •od vicinity.
•> misleidad.tke aaatto..111.
High tow, I. U. F., as Niagara last week.
W. H. B „ am
el Woodstock, eem-
p°ued by hie two
llttle girls. ware the
guest. of R Berries bat week.
We regret to state that R. lived, of the
9.1 eouoesel., is new to a very ritual mu -
ditto.. Her army Meade hope none te h..r
of her speedy recovery.
K. A. Carrick sad mos. .1 KA M!, .r.
now .sp.ged malaise .... .,.noir repairs
a oar, which are going he add
greatly to Its m.fort and gosers1 appear.
neon We oadentad tartl er ropers .re
to he made net year.
Momper, Aug 14th.
(latish tuber N air young folks are
immodest ea go Meg es the berme memr-
e ios. „v •-.. -
Mir McQuaid, of $ofe79, kms hem the
roses of Ilia Jesse YeHrtde the past
Mr. Lockhart, et St. Hesse, la supp17*.,
for Roy. Robert Haider..., who is sway es
• h.Uday trip.
H•rve niag . well &drafted. Sone will
be through this week U favorable weather
is grated sod all by amt weak. •
-Mrs. Y. J.-B.arles, al North Dakota, is el
fie rid hawse awns, 1&7.04 bens called boa
by the sudden ad serer Meese of bee
mother, Mr.. Gerdes Yore, who, however,
is trerNy improved.
TM German nadio{ne Cr., whit wen
glad Sat oar ,11iag. ' (9. wk past
=Doaarnaeyd Denatures toward Deae..tter Invite
Bmeslnor. They bed evidently hese he
formed thee if they piloted their teats .t
Carlow lhey weld be to aa e.ligbt.s.d
oon.sdty, • by as maim .sr..ry "a-
dorers* e. them.
MONDAY, deg. 7, 1899.
Goosed min today. Mbitts el teat
emotes red end poised. Moved by Jas.
Jobosto., wooded by C. W. WWfris,
that no •ones he takes in regard to oo.•
H. F. Herta, s.* of our Marline herr .00io•tle from the ooe adi ol Goderlok to
me in ton berg, has re.•otly t.•. -1. ..4 • Mange the mune of water at railway ores -
Shetland pooy, which M the obyect oi n,uuh slag and alert te stony said oosooil that
admiration from all our residents, 4.elnd4.4 t►s meson iso the orealem %hal Uderioh
the little oar, who are .Il goiog to sae it o.a• •tt o•..d said drat/Ile be b1.oked and
Th;n is the first mamas of this kind ever is It *. ,:..,1r duty to open sae Mee. Moved
oar neighborhood. by Job. Middleton, ascended by J. O
Weida that the follower, ...enete be paid :
R Baker, err poste, 44.36; Join Wanes,
elm Mem, 421 ; Jae D-.-ids-s. *Mar
timber, 4I5 34 ; W. B. iot.M►, (ober,
426 87 Bylaws N.. 7 and 8 read sad
r a:Tb. Minimise rates were street
year 1899: (Wanly, 1i mills e 4 ;
towuhlp, 2 4/10 Olins e 4 ; moral .00el,
1 mill ea 4 8Totum,
At half peat two art Tardoy sfter•000.
the A. M. A. S. of r• Presbyterian oburub
will bold their monthly as etl.g t. the timi-
dity school room. Al lista .eet3.,t route•
bottom of olothing will be resolved to be
set •w.y to to mimeos a$.t4ese for tm.
Idi.a. in Manitoba
Cu,t'a. u Staudt. -The weir whir Wallet
.p by the hest egad boatels of the Prot Farm
h.ld of the balldia4 funded ishan Fra by -
toren ohuro, whiob was held ea the
handsome (rereads of the big q.met betel
Tbaredey evening of last week, was kyr.
d with a lege aM.w ---s by atambara of
the ohuroh, tread• to the se... sad visit-
ors Irmo (.derioh ad Mier pont. As
arch wee erected el the mtt.nce to the
grounds with the words, • Welcome to a11,"
on one ride .ad the pbrw, '.Peer ad
Plenty In Uabvlo," oft 111. other R.frarh
meats were sieved soul 8 o'olook, after
which the bolo' was tlla.eated .ad the
ground. ware Be up with Ch1.w lanterns,
which added a ohe•rful ad pretty eh/ to
the.urroandion. The program is re large
pester jarred l • large.dleaoe, and ted
numbers rives wore of • bait order. Mrs,
Reid, et Leedom. one M the 'sesta ei the
head, fevered the gathering with "The
I Holy City," which was done fell ja.tlm to.
Abe 4e tie possessor of • rick, .lea, voles .ad
bar eas.04abe . perfect Another lady
vibe took part both la mono and elocution
was Mia Stewart, of Chicago, who was de-
servedly applauded for several numbers well
g iver dram the eerier. Bolos were also
gives is rod voice by R. C. 'Weber, W.
Stedd.rt wed James Thompeoa, and Prof..
mer Jules Norman added oomldrably
to the Merest of the 000seloo by
g igging and plying several of his
own oompoaitico..04 giving an inimitable
midair. of "Sally is Our Ally" which was
greatly is vogue "whoa Orme lho Tbird
wee king." Ylr Andrews ably presided at
the pew The nal premeds of t W este
transmit her been pat aside by the ohuroh
ss•a°gars to help al., the Improvements
n ow te oontempLtioe. The obaroh .111 be
moved tome dl.tanoe back Tress eta prover
*Ito and will be plaed on • stow founds•
tion, .ad the church yard will be tile -
drained and otherwise Improved. 'fhb 1s
the seooad time that Mr •.d Mrs. Wright
bare opened dear hotel ad ground. to aid
the abbarth ma.g•m.nt In their laudable
undertaking, ad we uodretad that they
Intend to do so agate before the nones
oleos; so that the 8n.00i.l strain upon the
ob.r.b .ay bees eaved.
Patrick Ford 'peat Sunday t. Clinton.
Jae. Sant, of, was In town net
Robe t Holes,,, Y. P. was is town os
J. C. Oreeg, M S.elerth, wee in town over
Albert Dichosa wheeled to Brume. and
Yre. Celan Campbell is away o. • reit to
D. I. Hamner mad* • trip to Blenheim
this week.
W.. Bewails, of Steer. was 4s town
this weak.
Mi. Reim, of Aneher.1burg, is eisitiag
in Oederloh.
Jamie Thompson, of See. rt9, spent See-
der In town. ----
Fred. Moss, of Mario., Oki., b4e1Miti.g
t1e old town.
Mies Aare Ford, of Reason, Is visiting
('.trick Ford.
Great Waddell, of !)remit, is vWt,no
friends in tow..
Mies Ada Borger. el L..i.ow, has been
.4.iti., In town.
NW Kele McGillicuddy 4. vi.ilnr rela-
tives In Toronto.
Mr. ad Mn, C. O. Newtm an visiting
relat i wse .t Norwich.
Mei I. N. Oaaaday, of Leader, t. yW.
Mg relatives h taws.
Dr. Bryant and Dr. McLennan, of Lehi"
'pmt Sunday la town.
Joke L.ii, of Clinton, .pent T.o.d y is
town with Alex. Cooper.
Dr. R. R Hooper is visiting at the r.I-
depot of D O. 8etmotea.
Miss Aar. C.mpboil, of Mortar, 'poet
Sunday as her 1e.. here.
Min Cseraday. of Loader, is visiting bit
•oat, Mire. Mc011llneddy.
K J. and Miss Eva Aola e. are away en
• rift to New York City.
Mrs. Neff and Miss Nan of Donde.,
• n. leek's.
Mt. tied i•.Mn4em Web bb dee f1Mr at•
+ 4 ., ;._j-toe... .
Ghb•ee s4 bee, of St, L,Iii•t bete
been ap.adl.(a tem dye at Cepa Ole...
E. PbUiip Fwd Mist Phillip,. e1 8t. liel-
eeb span Seedily tela Mier Y. Oalle4lw,
H. C. Moore 45 N.a vale to the S.ue1,
sad Yrs. Memo 45 imp.d Meade at Hes.
D. ark, of axs./•lll4, a4 b45 as..
Dosed, of Pittsburg, P.., .re ,ultl.s e
Hallstatt Clara, o1 Loads., wee a MN
1701 8a day. He is bola/qua u the Yoko
MI. Viva Natal, of Buffalo, 45 ,Wtlsr
Mr seat., the Misses Neft.l, 8e. %MMoanl
Mrs. J. D., of Asada*" B.C.,
is 1►e ease, a Mrs. (leo, 8wawe., Quebec'
Mayr ,v nem m4 R. A. Bay iy, el Loaders
.pool Said.y 1a tow., the guest of Mor.
Mr. •.d Mra. W. Praudloot rad obildres
reamed Me.d.y sighs from their trip to
the West
.'' ?be Mei* MB be lotrodosted
by Mho nedeull. motel 1.11 hoer a glees wills •
eo.•aetfee inn Me rem -
los Aooedal limitation to MIM curios .
ext..444 to •U 10 young peen* el the
shank lied 0.0Rrea°t&e0.
Re•, R. A. Shaw, of'Myattd, will peso►
Nie 8aad°y ...r.1. sad .•1.4.4 le Vte•
ma1oyyt Mere chunk. he pael.g,,,Lie.. 1!. J.
Liwi;-Fill mocha. the seahlreety Brrie.
e the darol at Bey4eld,
At St. Peers Mows nen Sander. .el -
**Moo. from 0....s.'s Me. will be su
esserosed y Fiat J. Neetstan, who w111
slap • a. ',am Mora," by Luigi Lane
their prank. Friday at 8 r. w.
The lows oouooll wall meet to.affew
(Ft ld.y) .v.d•g.
labor Day Dunes se Serrates 4th, twee
weeks from Deal Monday.
Alm. Mosso ie b°rlmg his Immo e. U ,
Ftikiek'a err et nosily improved.
Bd, Moravia 45 defog tee brick work e.
Wm. Coal sew hew a l{ritasnt• road.
Vi• beer that the two 'moat stone M
visited s Jami Joh° and Mien Darrow Rvbitt M.Lee'e book ere Nos w be w•
Itr•mdkthor at Seeforth es reaped
ha'°r y' We are glad ee hear that Loam Stewart,
of Hmmiller, wbs bas tress seriously llj.
teaml4.spe.rse ,
rhe Kma mangles tvniture toter, Is har-
ried with orders, the demand for their gopds
hair, rater tbsa they or reedlly fill.
1'. F Lawrence repro • Imre Dumber
of Moab -lee '..pieties the harvesters' ea.
entice to the West whiob takes pier e.*4
Kobe. Etltott was the •blppr of the treat
oar of epplee that left the O. T. R. stables
this mama. It wee napped ea Monday to
W eaalped.
David Rolf has peroh•sed the two untie -
bred houses es Plebe street which beim. John Killer, sad Is 49bng them for
Al the maniac of the 1. U. O. F. Orad
Lodge as Tuner lest week, Jobe Y Frond
feet, a Ooderls►, was °pp°ieted District
Deputy Greed masts fee iistr4et No. lb.
There was s diegre oln squabble Sear
day sight os N. bank above the borbor
bUl road. Th° air for • whtl° wee blue
.it► 10 bad IeaiY4n need by the brawler..
It is reported that the promoters of the
Londe. Ood•rieb r.ilw•y, h•viar failed la
their spoiler ion to l arHameut for a boom,
Inked to solicit dd from '1.saatpsIb.
thrombi .U.9 It 45 remised that the road
.hall ran.
W• were roared 1.N ttturd•y to apo.
Aneibal4 8•sdy-•4,itsraa treasurer of
Colors toweeklp, 1 . the first lire atom
Mir ADM `81.19, of Detroit, arrived Tose his bag 'dare. I tr Sade was badly
day morning a the atr. (.iraa.aa sake up, bat wiyt'I- , we le es, be h
relatives 1a tows .id vtshlty. old elf again.
Mrs. W. 11 Karr...f, Breetee. am Jia , 1'a.loll•wiaressrse went mad nittttoirat
teed 'biome after • plainest vitt Mn. oleo'. weekly •lama Friday: r Peaalse-
(R•aw ) Alba sad ear. friends. to b. D R..gre 4, H. Rete. 4, 0, W.
Ball 3, W. G1t.e 3, N. 1) Raa4vle 6, R.
MODendd 4, W. 8,.osde 6,Mr. Galley 2,
D. Mdrer 8, C. Shame. 6, O. Seamd. 7,
U. Gamow 6,.
For wase van Mer %Wattge has gI,.
a prize M the pupil of the tawe err* ere
exerted the keine toed se tie H. 8. ea.
tram* alfs.luauoa la grimmer, weeper
mom ad literature This year the pries
wr tom by YIr 01,4st.1.4 Asdamaa, who
obtained 317 .arks wt e a pe.ebl• total
el 400 marks.
Mr. •.d Yrs Albert Atketbead, of Io..
dee, ,tutod Iwo week 04 taw resid,m a rd
3. alt•..•..
Miss Robotism left yesterday .orueg to
speed • week with hit brother, b'raak, as
Mre. Arsno., refereed to N eedatock a
r ridgy •iter • menu of erred weeks u
the old hams.
Mrs. McKim*. ad two e9Udree, of
ktr•atfrd, are the guests of Mr Bedford,
lerkthouee os. r „
M.. Jessie 8Wallas rearm/ to Reeheater
a Friday after • ,Wt el sorera1 weeks at
her ham* hen.
Mir Oeernr, e( Foedyoe, end Mi. Ma.
.le Redd, of CU.toe, epees several days te
tetra last week.
Dr. Ikydgee, el C8e.go, b.e rottraed to
111 home to then dry, altar • percent visit
to friend. u tows.
Wet. Boat raid daughter, Yin Rua, of
Sault Ste. !Verb, Web., are the genote et
Yre. Jr*m 8•41.ld.
Herb 81oddo,,, left a Saturday for Lid -
era We aisle Wee rood lrtae6 aa the
weetrn .etropeli..
Miers 1bt.11. and (i.rbmile Holmes, of
Detroit, are ratite, ,sM*b.e b Helmr-
vUls sad Oallar e.
Mn. Cossey. of 8s•f r9h. rids
I., her parmh. Mr. sad Ma"& ii alta.
..d retarad how es Friday.
We Wou't keep Still
Until You Give 1s .Il o t unity to show
*mit we- set . 1 t - and egos
on US Nab of; 0 Y.
We have Bowe more of those 20v. heat sewn sole Tweed Shpps,,, only 1Ua,
C.rpet Slippers, 15c. per pair, worth 250., very beat quality.
Don't forget our plow Shoes, just the thing for har'vest ; 79o, is our price for
a regular 11.00 line.
We are offering two specials in Ladies' rine Kid Oxford Ti.. i
was so)d at 11.35 to $1.85 per pair; time we will sell at $1.18 9 pc
to clear them out quickly. Special N. 2 vas pid.t 11.00 to 11.25 per
pair; any pair in this lot only 89c.
i4- ,,, a ,Muse are now, ee 7
Repairing neatly and promptly done by fir: MURRAY.
Mr, •u4 Mrs William Irwin, et Chicago,
w.ri enter .t to b... of Yrs. Irwl.'e
eo.ei., Mn. C. fink., len week.
Harold Caritas, who has been ,.Ming his
aeon, W. J. Dowdier, bare, Int Tuesday
morning for his home h Tenets.
Walter H. Orem, .••ager et tbe.4setri.
light plat, *Mehra, .pmt Irs9 Random ie
tows silk W featly ..d Moyne
Miss YoTaveh rearmed last week to be.
borne a WI°,k•. alter *madras • weal
with her •n•., Mrs. R. Harems.
Mrs. Crawford sad frilly of Tors*.
haye B 1e, Celborne e.d 8t wrote of IP Perish ..s, Mew
J. Y. Best, of Seaton/6 .peat gftad.
with his stew, Mn. Jahn Sebald, •t whose
oars kis two t hirdre are bolidy4.g
Mise ('°.oro., r Yttehell, and Mies
Leese, Stratford, who were'iSM*g h tow.,
reamed M their oma Ion Saturday.
Mn. Wm. Samar% sd de.glw Veen
reissued to (,le41.4. es Saturday atter •
Melt of several s WWM relatives bete.
Ho.. J. T. Garrey, Mn. and Mester
Alk.. Garrow, and Mrs. K G R.y.el4a ere
w hir. the w breezes u Asher, k, N J.
M. O. O•.er,e,'1'h•a Swwea, E4.Bwirta
sad J. F. M.Avy •bended mho funeral
of the late Job. Morgan at 8.yMld ea Fri-
Mer Mary Walker, d Toronto, left es
Saturday to visit Mn. U. F. Bair as Baer
Gala Ste will rotor. hero to spend • few
Dr. W. F. Clark and Hy. Edo were the
r•prrest•U,es of Hera lode, Na 62, •t
the Urid1ellewe Grad Lodge .eeti.g at
lacerate bast week.
Mi. Keeler, of Ripley. who had been
wafting at tee home of Mr. mad Mrs, W. A.
Harness, let Friday attor.oes to gi. M-
ann. at Mitchell.
W. H. Shannon. el Loader, sea of J.
Shames, .post Seeley at the o.e of kis
Forests Mn. Shama. ad children re.
eels here for • ,att.
been, .on r W. H. Kerr. of The Bins.
.L Poet, wheeled over from Brussel. and
spas • week homes of lees Haro. ias to IovlRorating
W. Hinton Ie sway e • trip to Me
Maritime Previews' (a ,9W Interests of 11.
Keo.ington Fruiters Dempsey. H• will
be absent slier Gere weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Hbi18•,aw ad little
daughter (Gulp, of Teeker.mlth, spent a
few dye of lest week .ir b Mr Ahtblla4law'.
oomlo, R Henderson, Deputy Jailer.
Louis Nsrtoo, of The Tim. -Harald,
(adrgo, ad daagbtar. May, are speedier
two weeks ie *olio. Mr. N•wte is • crud.
et err bowneme,Hors . tied 0. D. Newt...
D. Me Darold and Y 0. tamers paid a
reit to• R. H. Collin, of heeler, on the
oleo holiday. They found him in rood
spirit►, ad be was much plowed to eta his
old 9,84 01 .
Nn. Walter H. Green and Ye tar Har•
ry sed Miss L+ais Ores., of Wins/ham,
.peat two Diaaase% weeks with Mr sod
Mrs. R. H.nd.rsoe, They LA on Feday
re visit friends In the twenty nl Bele, ea
eompaoled by lire. K. H•ed.nea,
Robert Diok•e sod daughter, Yrs. Eel
ly, woe had bee visiting at the home of
Mr.. Spence, lett o. Teeday morning for
Ret Portage, a ter. Mrs. Kelly will joie her
TrmDAy. Aug. 16. be.lad, Mr. Drees will re on to Lum-
en 8uela t mid he °MOMTrDD III tows • w1oi1 flet / N K R 0..n de, Aorto 1)aket•, to rail re err.
release Fred. Coulter, who sae
The relieve k4°yeis oleic IMI a norm ran muN..bitt, .1 W in4•w,a vW14.g at the ooneaction with the mavens Um the tow.
a 8end.y. resldmm of Wm. Diokse.. published three eters aro, anti who 1. now
DUNLOP. Harry and Dewe W.Ite paid the village • MIN Ken Marto, of Detroit is r'eitisg looted In Port Huron, aeoompmied by by
her deter, Miss LineMartin, brother, W. A. Coulter, of Detroit, riled
Mornay, Aug. 10. visit Sunday.
Ilbn Anne Allen hes gees oe a ,W9 to J. T. Goldthorpe le netting a few adds• lire. ,leo Melle..ld, West .t , was visit. tri town last week whin o° • wheoileR
sel.M.. i (Mates &ed 411eetleld. Mo.. M his house, leg in Rsaforth the trip.
r trot week.
llilm 4 Deft, of KlatmoiwlAare, hu bee Jsek Aehea has bene i• the neighborhood VW Edith (:mpbell loin yesterday M )a0Ao• Times, Aug. b: Mi 8bamSs,
,14 bre care ow. tis past Iew dye. putting erre with his new self • binder. speed a low week. in Tomato. ol OedeAes, ted .781 14.4. kf td,airaj,
QrM. herd N M.seoes ol eehool Nelle Work at to self hark has 8... ra. Miss Denim Krlg•, d Leaden, was Us Oat., were to the oily this week v altiag
Nr. 9 be ang•g.d Mar Jeb Oo*1ts, 01 p°Od" twin far • few d• thi. week. Mies !Mellow, a theles mottoes. from the
04 4.b, too Demes highly recommended °d for • few deme oa momat of rimming the >• West, where they have tons ridhsm for
fir the perltim. The yeaft4 lady or on* loom- Cele ad Clarke Allis .... to Flew. severs' wrkr. They loll far the Kwe! m
O. F. R.erees, the W.1 Ares{ bbyole m•.elle a a rarer relatives. Tetchy.
.l she *seventies
le Detroit,
0brisa makwiry. 11v ma; a to.abte •few le Ja.. YaPhersm sad Atsok Ho 4.,.0. Mn. U. 0. Whitely
ar .mvmbm le D•lret, end she will make
°h s poop loomy west to Ser rth en
• Anal seMye worker for mho Anotia Ra- how to ride the whin(. were 1• Pert Albert ea K°achy. Atttrday to strati the femoral of Yiss l'014
dearer Society le the &slabbering berg of Olvie holiday was elebrated 1e our .111.1. Rev. A. W1411 ad two .1444,., N arm of Ibot firs. The A
Winnipeg, are visiting town • whole only • very bee ago ed
limbers. k 1 . nye by Mws fellers. karly 1. tic. hafe'n
eamed was
Manday a IW week Mn. Orem, a mom., toy bareg arm*"Il► ter end Re. A R. Y. Thomsen,l, the apparently Ie ted health, •.4 re notal toe Whirs. ; Yrs. Reg. throes, ad this premseie was kept ap visited he Moe yrs this week. ••tom .f her deeth wee 1 ,neat issrprlea to
el Mates, ad Masher, My,
till late {e the •410 ...., w►.. the cera Mir Kerr and MIN O'Neil, of Detroit, bit aroNlelene" herr'
ASN with Mrs. Robert Header -
.aa pretty wren drel.•d of Ii• ".oaks" aye inane( the ,Litre In tore
no, d Ma eirouler tow., wen the UlAlthougb tasty were w stirrer., that is,
John Otis bee refereed to Charm, CHURCH. NQTQ• • t
gnasir d pose Allem. The party hod • elms-
nes tura 7odwar d.ysoeo * ° as •F with ole mean*. man l■ (*Martel. pleased Rn. rem* Rests
feet sf/ara sees that ewer tbe reseal trans preheat
se 9b t. y west beat•. b. rtamteg mem '°' t°° Meta .ie. was 401 8,htl.g, ars
preheat -
we Wilms, of Olsten, was to gent of Joseph's e►amroh, Oitstm, sa..aAt1F119s1aM:les
M • eaaW w. the hears wept by this feeling, enllvemed Mr. eel Mn. 1. Shane,* let weak. R•.. Father ileabet eAleated le obs Wp
111..A1q d INS tort O. rye Reh!..w, " t~ 4e Weller' beret forth, tom flee, feet, MM Skeins is welts, relatives red brads of rn.e. In to Klogsbrt4 . eMareb
Ids b.eesmMy Hared /rs.•
.l0. eel one. were res Brine Mercer friends in Anrsit04 aid Oxford .egal7. se Asda,.
w101 M b. hoe 4 4dy WE pee the W. Ose fella. Memo so{ae losrM Harry FIisekormea, of Rsafortli. visited Rm. R..itte. Wlale, o1 7, tee ehttrs9,
roue mbtesld D. law. n. Yr. E ••••• with the e,.h.,o..o of hie Menseshi. water. Y Rai. Yearn, oe A°.M
tor. with W. Lemma h the nag meal Mod M whams. eyr.ytM.R be nem• le i° m, t a°(P•f well wimpy rte Pulpit M North
p1.. ..tatet with, M/ the arrival el Kar, shun .4.. 1•ell I s•bhe.ek, Illeest YNh°Aist cherish ant Reed., more
Imaases ki Geniis' whoa the inn a limie I.neden, ,r.'91•1:11:6:16yy °f age
.nes, 00 4. n ! RH4.eo• was a .1 0. - fee, ea.*, .Mppad 9145 anger fir 0 while, tis Rotel lfdforA.
Was as nett r IW gaatlmban left he nvMd Mies Olive Rey Dr. tiny, of K al.wasee, , pre . who
*414 be tom net I. U1d rials Mr. Robb. an Ns mild saver •t the heir et Whew,
. c'ow Oealrth, relied M tenet aeweeml week, 1. Mees, tm'sa1Md
s.i1 Inbar did, b Apra lase. telephom _ amis. This 4s.e the etb.11 this week b ..x ebercA as Ready •areola.
how eerie d bis me* ids. ad Yue, bltytppwttw i rruns ep U..danrii.v y r I Ahnb•N WIh.., atm a aMmee ed • la V.Mn.N
yew la the Nettles* bas n1rW M 6y n'..1. nen .Yl b. 6 "MorsIlpetortb Lassa* M rd
Ge M Oka 8 lolorle re.t•ere.l, W.►..4•,
OW nee. toe ream, ossfonfosery, fruits,
Me. C Bi Garro.., prop.
Wasted -Barr 0.d eggs. flail the
muse prim, 14o. The sole .till ger.
Kverytbl.p tone. U. k Ktar:, WI,a..
For O. T. R talkies and r1prale money
rd.a 444 telegrams to ell parts et the
world, gots the F. F. Lammas World'.
Amery, W reek
Per tante. 1 re new refer ye to
fifty modems of liodenob whose pun.. I
have tuned. sad to whom I have elven sabre
satJeiasties. I will gaeratee your Menem
mat tor or year ; se the expiration of bed
year I will charge Som oety ego dollar. 11
is advirbi. Inas yes 1.,e year Deno :.ed
been I AAA bey 11.041°4 mmb. Juke
Ner.•a, t.keview.
Cosawvateryel Mien, ••Lahore.," tied•
*nob, Oaten. Prlaapol,Prot. J. t.aa,
(eotbor of Meana'. Elio M Mels.) Ar-
r•ora.netm sr sew be made far brow is
pianoforte, ores.. •nJ ethers ; retie .d
other 'triaged instrumr nt& ; crest ad
other wind Imtrumeots ; also b•r.00y and
trooper Son. Ter.. .0-)p11net1. t.Jct,o
Noaaatr, "toke,l•w."
W. hale agate opened up to H..41ta
street bargain store and wj 11 w1 the baa.
of Wm *took at • twine. gpbalsamsacrifice te
order to oler quietly. Notki • few of oar
primes. 3 Ih. el eery beet 409. tea ter 90..
3 lb. very best 401 Ma it 761 3 Ib. very
beet 25c. ten for 501 A let of epees ad •
reseal &alertmes& of groeerl.o ad .11 the
balance of the .took of drygeods wed be e1.
fired •v half pries. Drteg the very .Dap
sae mho SAWe wUl bs.epm from 8 A. N. to 8
r. w. ('one early, ti'.stook .UI sot last
Meg a1 Mese km name.. J. W. Rsooe•
wolf. te A,t leer.
Mr. Meek Mita tie wee! -Mews traits.
et the Toronto Lacress° CIM and Gag°wle
Hall Football Club writ..: I eemsi4r
UHretler Memthol Llai.e.t UDgmmlld tat
or three trebles. i haw yin M
with the best en•'••.. ase em heartily re-
commend 11 tor wri..e, aerab.
and an tones sad
atmties. AJJ
Bee Ames., O.derbk
mutat a.. Cennend non Om
WYat as. awn QM* Hans( M
the Mese teeresaliag sal Loonnindi.
lag ores -It 0011 PereomemHF•
Jamas Gard.s ae.nett d :fico New
yetis Herald Iliry Y, steamy to
Alms h soarer et
Uvl to e.thoand
that le esierehlult for
the lost severer he
would Sad go vain.
able a lardIMnsl bort,
as the Kola plow
•d ben factorrove om to
asthma .utt eerrere
tic. fl ewr r 1 the
amte that would
jungle 415 55e ere tbe1 t
°•a baffled medical wetter* for ager. Tres
the savages knew of Its beating power, bot
Indirectly this great fersallot woo the
moons of the clrtll.rd world levied tis
benefit of IL H.»'e a stamen
trona the testimony of R. D. Pitt,
see of Haan R.C. ,--i at
bred thirty -eve years fro. asthma Phy-
sicians tented end helped o• temporarily
bat rid t wonM always he .mhrtaf. i
MM most• 'e Kola Compound and got
ialmost In• ssty. Three tribe greet
•t.l eared me. d by elf druggists
et wo dollar. sol
par kettle; three battles,
e me flamtsee
ter h. toilet& Grit
6 Itadiemwse mai* itlbaat,
Ibis Ayr"o.daitek. log.
TO *D4►1RTlt♦1!l3i1.
*Oda ef *hangs@ west hue lett at this
Mlles not later than Raturriay
noes. The dopy for °haores
must he left not labor alma ]fen.
flay novo. Casual Advertisements
.itertpeab1 is" 10 noon W.dae•d.y of
era week.
North tide of the Square. Successor to J. W. BRODIIRI(;K.
ge.son of
. a
la no comfort than good
reliable Cook Stove iu the kitchen.
It is witn toot stoves like every -
W ,false : there aro good, bort .ad
indifferent varieties.
We know you will be pleased
with our
Stovesand Ranges
Pf km Sieailliteri and Tunis
Wet ode of Square, rat Marty Brea
- Tae LiatrINu -
VvomeroX D'arcctors ural
Yivabo mere.
Orden rar.fuuly •rM.N4 M m ►U
Wort morat or diel.
Mere a mem Genet, gra
hem eersem.
A Great Snap
9a our Mater /leap, M 6► •
mead, of which we soli • bairn • woofs.
This isn't ear wily map. 1e a • may
morphia' that ran be is•d Is an so -
Se -date areety stare, .ad ear prism
are right. The humors ham that they
ca alw•75 gee from r • map 1or their
perdu*. We draw the Ibe as s
Lip8.ate trade - everything Nem ;
01 mower. r potatoes, garden ere e
.retort table 0hun W. deal is all
of than.
T. G. TIPLrNO & 00.,
Bedford Beek, 0,4.4.9.
Uadertatera : Embalm
Gra.luatr of Mawuchueetta Col-
lege of Embalming. t
0P1161 1)9.8'gTTAND
44.11IutJB AT 114 D'
aDDDDD 0114*. mer sae..
are reducing their prices on the fol-
Snffl er x Goods
to make room for their
Stook of Winter Geode:
Coal Oil Stoves
Churns -
Window Screens
Screen Doors, &c.
nil num
were «1..9w' 'ma No as • Mow Maim
Orden loth a* LIS . LEE.
Stare promptly astondsd
Tog num
W • 'Pana burn fro
Eavefroughing Ildld boaaea
'It. looting sad Sidiag
carefully put on.
. . IraAMMAtltaa. re. .
Wood and Coal
WORSE111 =ma
of kmlH. 8.4. k.MYan f.arol •
iter enden t1M w epi%
.lay fat the Creek mo S rege9de pgeegr
w•r*D e» M 4, .bvelad
u edea _
--......Z.as91 t e... • ebresb.
The Best are the Cheapest.
Winans W Win Inn dams
Ws base • 4U Wse
e 4 do.
Ws Wry • lea U.e et Mow •mods.
Dairy Sappho and -
House Paraishinp•
Let es Ape d. year Pta.h-
t• , HssWy sad *ay.•Trotrl{W.•
11111111111 do your- 1!'faihleg Heating/
sad TronghinR. We guarantee you
palfieet eatiafaotion or nn pay.
MIL ft
samba Fit
Persia amino rata b ilia.,
ataare.oer1. t7leaisial tow.
Itanlmnearer of on Made et ' ✓
Smoke Stooks, Ball Pay mea Lw 's.
Works, eta, fb
Mashimouy Metw^ bis, '
Alt done of Pipes ad Pig l'114 ,
Ream and Wales Goatee %nt h. Velma
CUM Osiso amy erre, Goatee,
+n and Is.
Deere O.seasMy m m 1 Lreea
!.. f*Volin lire It
'ogMaapi taw ase of far.
' I- - jt immix