The Signal, 1899-8-3, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERIOB ONTARIO. TRuuDAT, AMO 3, 1899. W. -AQBESON & SON. JIILY CARPET SELLING 30iuok AU Pure Wool 3 -Ply Reversible Carpet, regular value 11.10, July pries per yard 80o. 36.11 h 9 -Ply All Pure Wool Reversible (•e e, regular 70c. stud 80u., at per y 40o. 1 60o. 1'•11 -Maid' Flowered Hemp Reversible Cor. tots, value 96c. per yam!, July sale Extra Heavy Hemp 8 yards wide and Re- versible in Nat Stripe Patterns, 50u. quality, at per yrl 350. 41 pain &o10h Net Curtain, 3ti yard, long, 60 inches wide, at per pair regular 11.36, prier now 17o. 111.00. '- rez.,..,,.,.,,,Iydp$(yjl'IOilI IiFif a meemawwMaw .-w W. ACHESON & SON. TO --TNN YUKON.. yav I N • thirty *l Mune wr+owM oias. The tollowieg tenor . published by The Donate Globs: W'ed GY1 . lit. W . T.. Nov. i19, 181 /8. Th. 'sly Imagine $*1 C•n•dun water route tb' headwaters of she Stewart River le by way of Itdme.W .. Atbsb.aos Lading, Atb•b•sea ••d Great Dime Rivera, Great Steve LiA5, M.Kereie, Ped and Wted RJv- ere Md to, Rome plume Pees. limy have been the number rioerding tbo pe.lbllty ot evabllebi•t • feasible water roam Ma Peel River ,to the Yokes dlsulot, ,it all .Isms her.tefereavt•iled. several years ado a Yr. 8011, N the •pier of we Hedges. Bev Company, with Oa aid of native Itdlaas, &mooped to teach Enver River. bat faded to gam the f- reweave, A.M10seatempt was mode la. ethe litas-mtt.d •I 1JI by Qeu.1Be7 OO mpp eti. sed .uver Mee sm.e:Md l gaming the ,..pry and asesadiag ea for as the Semen. plows River, as whin point to aboadaaM lora sue. and ptrededw fo od e be •point ;ir. same "lie ea the ttwgkbes WON .M idle or minim observation be emend the eons try to Wind River. a few miles Mem its .ane, whore he dowi4•d that turner prat. row wee impresetwble. end retuned. Hoo► Meeks are den to the Coat ter Ihe Maly "table .op when has Om fes been pub- lished ot net poria of t10 Peel River. Bet,.eetwithisteadter lase dise..r.gi.ta roma, whish were aegalgnesd in by the Hodson may Company's employees •sd aloe the mtwlonerlsu at Pen McPhernw, we de- 1w.t.ed to snake the enemies to reach the hodwawn of the Stewart River by the Poi said Woad Knner., obi- we sweeseded le dein la the toltewne macs.,, It Yon McPherson se lades gelds. Andrew Bee - seeds.. by name. me summed W the fel- low*" parties. via : Hance party -sago G. M.Orcger. Vitas. W , Out : William 8ie••, M D., Myth. Oat. (i t. ; .1 W 8.., W10m t►., oat ; W.N. Grey, With►ane, Oat ; A. C. Alexarler, Llwwei. Oat ; Hee. Z. A. mdse.. ( sa- p, Ill Ferra"o. (perp puny -W. J. Os cR., Port t''gtn, Oat ; Jen erpeves. Weenie, led. Id.be party -Jacob G..k. Lea uesti.KL Geon, W a Melina, Limnos Cock, lMabey- fon, Mich. Mitchell- Merritt pr If Wisdom let.: C. mitt. Termer oat to. W. YnnedI. Tureen. (Jai ; A .. Crawl*, Minas, LLL W . Smith, tinkly., N.Y. On to, 90th ef Jely then pubis, started •p 11e rives std with • leveret. wind were ebb to sail ler a diebesee et 60 miles. where a ,&.seer owns* was mo,, ." teem here le the ro.&nd.r .t it trip was made by tracking the boas. The le d..a by fasten - be a Ties to the Ade et to beat chest roar• ter ship The *N., end is takes ashore end 1. It are (es1•od tamp crape, wM- fn over the she•Idn, by whin she bot e palled. 1t is hard, Iodises work : elms Wm when the waver le .allow the ass es the 11ne have te ode to to warm for beers at . Mee. Ow mo is . drew ►as te restate to the beat to gains It, which he does wine • bag sweep T . camber ef n es required to pull a beat vane. .1 wares with the oo.dlnlea ef the ..tree .d the Me .1 beat and ergo. Anal cm hundred .(lee above the fere r ,call rapids become ■d.eroua to winch the water ie ,bellow, sod hen we deemed I1 ad. vents no Mild limner draught Mets. I. Owe of out fernier bate drawing from Huse to twenty Oohs" of water we made .mallet one dnwl.r tram eight to tea Bober sod doubted our trips. 01 meant e t this d*oble yap sod a aeeo.t of the len that the ledtai 0e ,leg weave was .beet 111ie time, oar gelds, widen ie ..sera a espply of moot for his f.mll,, tJd & Nat be would .e be able to ramie with es me- ld we get our whole outfit rp. se we deter - Weed to send m an advaee party with 110 4ed• ad Iesrs the net N it gam N some es with the omit. This "dvmaes party, tteeletlet ef per nmid•, A. O. McGregor, W. .1. George, Ins (Joh, Dr. W. Shone ted. O. W. Mi1d1011, started frees • pent &beat 166 mile from the fort ..d 90 .lies below the ramparts a Ms 18th of Amgen, with about bee lee a Map• tike la a skis beak, .11tH wee bat/ht tram the Fwki.os 111.,Tot .MAPbarsn. by W. J. Oeuvre. These Mats ars made of wbte alike aid re ,.wark•bi7 tomb •ad will stead • great dal of &ben. Os rrivt.t a the r•mp•ru, whin we had Minn .•nada red would be on of or greatest O&M - Mg, owing to fnfernstton whin we bad re- amed regarding the., we wen eomewlot serecieed to dboovsr that we meld row our ben lkroegh them instead of hawker. awe 'opened to lorry a rope •p over to, eltfh ler several hundred fest aged nal float no nes kook to our boat by Mem the end to • leg, litter w11O0 we would Mee to pall our bat through. This method, how..er, bo, only to be resorted to whim the water le high. '154 rampart. are seedy ball • mile la begth, ad she rive. beim" them, wbleb is le ;loo a*arly • mile wide, narrows dew. in the rampart" in Mases N "noels Are yards s No rocks, shale to formation, des__gtrpadraany a beat- sides w • Might of six hashed lee. Where $bo watermelon*. rameartr there M or whirl peel staled to, Wild Bear, ow*g be he ap- pearance be high water. Os Waviest hen to, river spreads mid ren law • great may nasals ; here also tsseauerece tt" t& t ptea. wins tete wane el the river for Metes* miles there le eetrly 600 fees et . t.11. About too miles shave the ra.pary konetpl•.e River w. ten from the eo•tbe••t At the ...n .f the river are OM ,prig,, when •ever freeze a the coldest weather. About Noes miles trtber es the Weed River stere the Ped. sae trees • ...siewerwrly direettor The Win River te very swift ad In gamy pines shallow, sad it le i.peset.de w w- osad it with beat' drown* ven than ens team of water. About 50 elle. Irene the swath ef Wind River Sheep meestis Sr; reined, se sailed by the 1dins ea soon.* of their Mdse the he.* of the .natale sleep. We wen an ferfeerw aneegh u e any. bet were Nle by ear glade diet M ►•d ,fees an thee there. Thew meeetrins eosin of several meow • id an from 1,600 to 2.000 fest te height in the neouat•las • river railed Little W lady eaten Wad River freee the sonthwest Tree Lind Wieldy R:.er to where the Rett. begin Is about Sway Misr The river a aall.w, ourreat very eerie& and spreads ism twenty or thump -•mala (/a the 3rd ef September we r..sbsd what is &sewn as Bar [ton Creek, •.d owing to the estda.m of the water we e0 1.ded te mop treats' sod peek .or bleating ad teed to rat of the way. Os the Mb of September wee atoned. 0014144 an omen days' wpply ef feed with a per pwa weighed hewn. Stty ..d sixty p...4. e•-- After ase day'. 1,141, 1011.1011. Iodine 10 wM .M able to keep up, eves with • twisty -pound p.k, rewarmed to where we lett the boat. Alter.padiag •boat oo day .beetsm o.ri10e sd nakinr robes of thew we res - . 4 the divide a Tb.nd•y, the 8:► of Sep. member. tb. spew 110 .tit day es•nel.t•g Mee ether stream, .ad Ir.. • mental. 'beet 5,000 feat l height we bad a toed view of the dimities the river took. The divide sera is very low, wed the bwdwaton ef the two draw are of over M hun- dred yards apart. Tree the dIreetiem the river bates, ad the .ppwrasse of 110 sem reandieg ossuary, there ens doubt ie oar .keds of Its betast We headwaters el Ms Stewart River. 11 darts l • ..th-o.ster- 1, dire.ta., tees tune sesta ad thea se fu ea we could we lakes • ease se to, weal Wind River ren • hew wet of Borth 111romehea1 its whoa ..eves, •.d as travelled la training a beat a about 150 .Ile la 1 ; however, the disuses with sleighs Is the winter time would be very little ever 100 miles. The water at the divide *shot 6,000 feel above the lord at Fort McPhee. D es. Am sear as we have bees .1O b Iters the probable Iatltade is 64, ad leeched. 116 se the headwaters of Stewart River. Yes w111 fled •.load ts Nle revert • neap e1 the Peel ad Wind Rivers, draws by A. G. MoGreger. It is Meront sad MAIM. ea far as «.04tee, and .hewn the wbeios rate Mem on MoP10sen w Stewart River. Gama be noge parte le plondle4 Cariboo .ed bear an numerous *Niue ea the neonn- 10th• .d of both Ire eat gnite • number. MI she ban we saw were *Hulls Hoe oro pleauf.1 la ueetN.., at gecernll w to he reed on tie saaller .►asks mall tame, eon as rabbits, partridges &ad etas ml4•n,are plentiful. Ifl- an pisUf.1 as Pad River, hew very wares la Wlad River. fages of =it most important Historical Pleasure "el of the Year: ".been knighthood was in Bower," ., men'„( bf Birdie Caskoden. Thiel is considered one of the most intetweing stories 11 the day, whether reed in a historical light or merely in a romance. mt Red Rock," by Thai$ Nel.on Page. This book has had • sale 45,000 copies in the United Statue at 111.50. We can supply you one at just half that pros 76 .Mata m1 David Harem," b1 1Wward Noy& Wedellit. Rad this and 7.41'111 enjoy it, and se you will "$t.RArn °A NIL" by Winston Churchill, PIP* sditioa. 65 Pant% RE UDED PRIG ,.... , 11 A II" ttevel by Robert Barr, etc Th0MVw:tUiew Ili Mild* Baxter, Journalist," paper lite. This book it sift rllriyl • Isere sole f BOOKs7rOJr t l'i'ra 1 Res► u1 Qi/ 115it1B�s111Ma "A Lady at Quality," ail rt Hie .af Osmond, by Frenoet Hodges*Beru$tt, Mal" 75 "6* ■sen fb a.r T.I•Ph•s• Y lie, Y also% Fasba$eg •dosis. beaver, Neer. musk and manta, ere •,.sans, .Md wolves aro very gigabits/ O• oar niers /rip we ewe the r.ut.i.der .1 o& pantos. sheat lin mime ep Weed River, when we were lowed t y • .aster et otter news. among whole were Dr. Brown'., MoUla•Ws, Headr.a'., W kite., Peetew 0wa.Uy's ••d Uwpb.U'o. Wind City, oar 0001•1 home. to .boot 996 miles tree left Molb.reus aed 100 .Use from Stewart River, ad te le latitude 66.40, .ad l0glfd. 134 ; .la►•do, 1,136 feet above the water at Fern M.P►reem 11 bee . population et 70, bell M+n rd •kcal 100 all bid located sear here. The weather hen is veld, but please► Maloof Marto .boat the middle of 8epNm- Iter, and ,lees the Jikei eof ()ewher the mer. eery has risen above sen bet u.w, ••d has up to date bees es lbw se 61' below ren. We pad thee l various way& We have Presets .red Garman leees e, ls..& la tel- sr•Mv, .•d biweekly eenoerte. Cards, ,».,tiers and dominoes .re payed ei snsles- • Uy, sad we an pinion to Mate that so g•mblieg is Indulged Ili We gen • apply N fresh mat tree the Iodine, who trade With M for fear wb.000 and am•eualtla, sad ere eel our own vale et prises, whin Is ea the "skis' system, Mee method in vest. in this ooatry, 1•froduoed by the Haden Bey Co. We ave pr.peetsd • little, but se far have tet oo a.00ar$reenest Several holes have bees sunk, bet the water sakes Ib ha- emonis to gee be bed rook. We -Mee at. "nadir .rested .drrtwhyt ear g mea . te the river, .ted oar let.el4on are to pe our out- fit, over the divide es swig* atrial lb, wirer. At pretest the day. aro very seers, dayII.bt as 8 e'oteok, •.d it is dark as 3 ,'.look, se IM5 for this tease., and also 111I - MOM am weather le very veld, sent of the o MAO will no* start before no middle of Fsbrd.ry. We 10115 elstgko .boat six fest Leg, std ..a as sadly draw 200 ponds es a teed nail. Atter .nimbi.4 the divide we tetrad pvnpvoti.11 a the other st4e, .s loaf as oar provleloas la.t Then b lots of g rab te Wind Ony this winter, and vest of the ..tuts have • vesr's supply a blood. We hope that sale report may prove useful and i.treotve to your readers. Missed) W. Swag, M.D., A. U. Me'Oasnou, W. J. Cows. THE WHITE PLAGUE. as Addseos es C.."..pai n 17 to,. Bryan at W ser.. midge& Au*Mdiasba$. Fella.:., is the oestieaion el Dr. Bryce', paper a tuberculid. read at the re - went .meting M the Harm Medical Awol- •ties : 1t will be anion that the reiresetage b 1% lower then the average for the whole Pwciest.. While M h jetadeilel;y tone b“- Idaeti.n-tet knew list W eoeaty .1 Har... a 4 l.deed the whole .ertbw•nere peels - 1.0, bo, for years Nowa • relatively low mortality from this thews* se.per.d with e ons of the Iso elevated oo.4ea 1. the Premien-with tsar heavy slay este nod poem wean areingw.-see Om* M ria - orally oosodd.d the 72 dace te • escala- tion el 70,000 pwes.N Malde tier warms aL1e.tM.. Sumo years ago 1 s.davered b esNmaw Iro.a oar etevtelly "Maras tereeg11 taking the nese of •11 venoms dying from tine no - 54 M • •snsawt7 darts* • ta•ysr per - led, what groper:i. thew ...as whin w en repeated bon to the total deaths, sad Look Mira old aetel oa.tiss, Prises Ed- ward, w •415.4 ..4U.04.. teethe prpew, sod with Ilia foWwket rsalt.:- leatbs frees oneme Us. is 11 yarn, 3 eo.tios- W ela.d. Lints red Prince Ed- ward -Toth dabs, 11A4 ; total .4.,.,813; praalspe of all ,sees repeated, 37 ; avo- ws member of times nob same Maw repeat- ed, 2.6. From our preset "lady 1 love &.d the mews return made for Harem for the years 1889 t o 1898 Ooea.ptlem i. Hares is too yon, 1889-98 Total data . 633 Teta] family maims 1005(rlsg mors than sees 115 r 18.1% Total psrwes dying whose .mw we those wain ,nerved mere tba MOD 298 or 47% Tool bales repeated swage -sear es L Vera,* 2.6 Featly saves roosted - 60 4..o twig. 26 three 10 " tour 2 " 0v 6 " .t: 1 " .1'111 1 " Dino It seem* Nen parfait ly plate tat we ave hero a • bread basis the fact proem when to e.leted 00.10.... east are bee elm N etted by every meatineser preewt, tat 000n.ptlan fa, 11 an • disease el noels families. at May rate . disease of pennies \oases, ad wltbb .til the :yt.uo ohmme- ter of It a • dews bad been d..wstrated by Pref. Kama Jed the pretend.. to eeppose these it was l . peculiar peas* bereditery. At 0e peke. Pref. G. film. W..dbeed, el the Royal Resmra& laboratory, el Lender has resaM7 remarked, 1 .m 11Mreaghly .avtsood 1a1 then ens be se tubercle without the prom.. of We talents We- llies, ts111.s, and that is every ewe the deesse e er.odteed tbrinigh 1b..Remny et tine hes 111ua.... That bdag Me ease, 1 am firmly .t .pinion that M.r.ditV, wing the ters ie the w ow On whin it le srdi.rlly used, ea. - wast for vary few -la fan ter prset ally s... --.t the mess sf tenercaIe.is that weer either in the boss esthete et is unmade. Prot. 13..Q. exppereri1ment osrt.kely.(- forded oenclusive widens that t.bsrmleoe (is .111) was Bot heredity ; Walden did .et i.aorlt tubsrealosi$ from their pmts, though they might udoubtedly &inti that weakness of ee.tlwttea ad tfoees .114.11 eo.t1tutee "predi.poeitton" .d nndere theca peculiarly liable te barber ad m.srW the p.ndw w11eh In the pareae ave Mee •soh damage " Now e...t.► the 11.1441 to nob "Ors disposed" o011drent iefeotion may beam* WINO the disease 1 wld*apn.d ..y be gathered hem the •t•wtes et • eagle ernerded ward* New York oily, wean It woe reload et &Meal I*.pg.tia blot of the 663 homes in the ward 37% bad peewit en or mors oases et eameampYom, •r there were 81% et eases for ever, Muse le the ward. With the average &Intim .t each oases es• meadia* mer an avenge of *Ohtani menthe le 611117, mewled and badly ventil- ated house, we ma readily .dented hew great meet Weems the dasa*er .d how 1 - tease the Iahoctas. wham II is estimated tam the spate from • deg% ewe season ea 11Nh..000rdieq 00 enimatlon. as 10,000,000 b will: in • simile Raying 1.1l ibe fteaseal promisor, a wbereal.dk ke to.sstaitiMy, he syiM le ad eingessleable.har.err,egad tie eon - Melees ..4 ebb& It meet -.aetaly le. Vales WM 1 .1 the drat import. iesibati ' Woe doaLs Ito order bibs the► may he is a pelti.m to take sash esee..1.e as an bleb edwi•tad w pre - vat the progress el to d&w.. 10 the teal. Vida& astmekd, .so, t1. dlee.lation ss p..lslly N other .eschars a the family. Vsttl Mats very meat years Is may he saM Na the disease woo Belden, diap.&si nth so, phrasal ekes were well *demised. Thee Dr. 8 Mina &Uy, of W e end flerMsa, who has wrltbam lsrply hem w - paths& Is the treatment et the diva1s 0114 114514 silma0 en the Retries, ghee the d41..' 1 table .1 100 .weesei . Neel he fettled 1-7_ be be IMO treated as sew m depwi SO were M tee lebsta ., 14 were Is the 9W gimme, sad henna were la the 3d 661:11111 Ong .N treated for tisverra mare& &r gra 7Map Jen ease% 14 was 1a tet iN Wogs, 17 were l she led. gad 21 is the 3r4. Ud.r M..e.MMw by wink welt rlem bamtmw$ ef the wrkYyy Meow a Aa.my it e&adested tit .umbo foo wpb to Work - Mos'. ioseronee Tawe. I)r. Oellberd, .f tie Haseaseie'l.swsass 0•, saposW Nat •f MI Noesw i.rt�rder was y ttdlr T 1. (t1111111at • wilatus 1.Nsd et Me Zelda 8a.ltari.m he 7141154 sox were in the wooed rage. It riU Mee M wore, that It at e.peert.11y to to *tweet .f the Qeemas towuw .ospanwa M seed palmate al the wilco, .t.4.. N «nitone f., tr..lmeet .ed tb.t as • resale 30% alai baeated when .lis►tiy aemowd, sad blot of the 1641 n.e" fun' workleet wpwity wok pla.. la 71.8';, o1 the o•... ; 444.74 latprovo.d•s Wk pun in 86.6 of the eagea, mad Baal ineproyeote.t is 68 1% of no (mew. Or bating the 64.11..1 the Br.... 1a. mimeos doeNsy in 1886, et 871 patients trawl at to, Ro.bbare 8•nlum a 23 9 per os.t. wawa .lightly .8o414*11. 30.7 " were moderately •Ss•t.d. 43.6 " " were .snooty a1er5ad, 16 it very noticeable thereto. in must yeere-.►swig how the o•r.bllity of the disease In IM early sodas baa Men tally realised -Nal "any dlareea& Is beeembeg ta.rea.ke yly tricreest As we ore swore the only .shad whish, wart meal physical diagnosis, we be., node no of way ei• tat with n. 1s the mtoraasepie eminiestle. of the spinas ; and this asH 1 .m afraid to Maly • Umttad degree. Yen are aware tat for several years the Prev1.sM4 Bard of Health lab.r.t.ry has been exesa *Mi all .ped..s pooerly poked, free, woes wt thraeg1 the Weal boards of Mein. 11stiti..e there we p11yine& who do tier own work i bus Is mass be nes-Nmod tat sr le the present Mise data•& of oases of teberwlsel. is .MII very partial with as. That gran MMrML hate,.,. *belga Mew. et Mae ems& way be raN.r.d from Ike lass quare.,!, report et the Beard M Dr. J. J. Maeheens, its bee eriele tet. He •xs.tuad Marisa tit. quare., 218 !Powwow ed ,saws, with whish 138 history osrd■ wen sear He rein tut the saw bar is too ..all ad the wen too new to boo very 4.WM oaolesla. upon. The following were Itis results of 138 e psd.a.-67 were _positive sad 81 me gatva The cords gave the following Whelps t1a:- E l 8 it o o S 11 I, I i tS 1,:,,,i,„:7. �$Sctm a ;;!..P. 1I14I. a 1:7i 18.;riTli o -.1 /'1$1 rte we ."a 7 �N...t&S •2 .7210' d1 7 i Flail1et els : : : 1 lAblri >7 $� a ` maty l Lot err very Ieterestleg Menem is eh - tabbed Irmo answers to the quesuoa as w • history of lefe0Non. 411 did sot newer tib googlies. hot of those •edwsrise. 34.4 per net. of the oesinve ono gave • history f Mfeetioe, while In than epeolmeas when the broil!' were Bot blood, only, 7.4 gave • history ot positive exposure'. (To be net a..d. ) s • W. C. T. U. COLUMN. 14*1TeNCe AND 1411181. 810 a maw kind -or of many kinds -b the nal 1Noble with von. Sia holds dews ad Marken •e1Mvement. Repeating* is net • thing to be dose .5 the onto,. of • Christian life, aid the to be done with for- ever alter. It is not a won feeling bad ; It is• doing bettor. Faith aim la .t the sisal, e f of arogtmg Christ at the time el sow version ; It le e0Msal innate`` te Mee. read the oostls.l re0tag et Tor w►.N weight epos him w yon teem yeareelf to eve. y .'p ot aeon t• that bridge tower. Year relig- ious life Nona Moe yes pined your first victory ever tela ; yea &Wed 11 ►y Christ's rep. Year prop a t10 Savior for help, for brei.,.,,,, for strait& to serve bene, woo a .► of -fait` Whew Beni..& oast away 11is goriest wad rase ad sans to Jens, be rave • geed illustr.tles of what you dad when you leu beeline • Christian, .d what Jesus did ter him tea dhotis. hoe of what he did her you at the Maw of your omvento.. What you etperiemed •. the oaten of a Christian life mate he repeat- ed to a nrt•in derv. o.U..11y. A Christ - me character le batt o my dear old ohuroh vendor Maw baht -by laya.g one ewes upon anther. A moust&ts is .eendied by sM- tet one footstep after amber up Iia stoop face ; 1f thus be a eeoolos.l slip 11.k• ward..wd. thea •.w lodeen ef weaklier is tam- ed, j.o w yon have bees I..ra4g your owe weakest" end the seed ef a fresh grasp on (:tri. Ponitwee and ialth ay at the start - lag -p•4.5 with yo. ; pent:wee and faith mat &ewmpay Ton ae every upward step. Yoe love son tot obi rewa "Gad be mega- fa1 M me, a sio.r."-Rev. Dr. Caner. UQt701 t,r NU1.l7A1T .Mlle. The following . a espy of a Otter writes to The Leedoe Fres Pre. by Mrs. Thereby : 1f onetime enemies., booked up by efb- efal 'mermen, would m•oal.et.re erre.- sous statement. Into tame, the we might all nlo(os •o,yether over the boOObmeet e1 lip** from the w•tca& ef the Lendoo ad other military eaoamp.a5K (Inion.. amply, what "hen bees" masa w nes veeiet• ly be turned int* whet "ought to have hews." Oeaeral Hatters b the "outran e o$withata•dtng, ligier was mold in the oaterse of the Londa 0hoampmat. I .y thin without fear of ,stows fel eotrdloN*a. The Minn of the 9614 ars honorable mea ; they are not ir..pared to .IIyr their geed reputation., and «l.ce th*mts1ve. in • rales position before the pablie ad la the eyes of the bloodroot" of ata -may of them *1NUas.-who drink kew:lea..1. the mania bra, j..5 to Weser up a mO-MaM- mat The law prohibitive the este of "spirit. nous (IeelodMt erne) and malt liquors ef soy Mod within the limit. of the ramp groaade, derby( the seam' tntola4 of the militia el Cae.d•," was emoted la 1803. es lero.d la 1894 6. sed tion dropped se Dom pOaly lab 40414.1.. t10 mWbar, itis sap peeled It repealed. For years 154 ben ked .ad .le bottle, 'sesames'', $.44.4.4 by stronger leverages, Mere 11444 peeitl . ie .11iterv.$ass.. L 4 May el NO year *Seen bye ti111bs11111 d► parlmwba et the =Sown News' tit owls aett.d N.4... wee 410.. that ay "nano was beteg violated by 110 sad of hewn es $b* ramp srasds. The Oatare W.o.T O. b rename mltlf er e� May mite-$. patio,.. the Militia D*partae n ter a nwbasswaw et the know eatIaleelteNs roe. Mt&a 11 was seine Mme after to, dew el the lassies ia.p before w* haw line the beer 1tR was a lapel oetl•w, ad had bees 4$40110. • Owe its whin It had to nals. Qwg.eJ asla'e order Meeting fee..mte.mt es the list webs ef wap was supposed be be • Mmpresy ete.wre. Mdgeed M stash a a.rgessy. Rvldealoly wash was OW .�►- la ef the Meese" inti *be mane df grabaes, ea No letter mend se email la leas lbs. 48 beth We sui set Mdrems d feu0s.Yhl H. Mai. aywb re t web M domell be added splen Intl sawn been eon* paadlasas with Dr. Boas errs .007.4 that ►i.yipathies we with thea "seder 1s .,40th," see Maly bonen& be &Ones is law •eene..as bat became he believes thee Me partMelr law le • geed me. H. II erai es the, Naha (taw hes falthhili+y eft - sena We rsstlaatloa, hs admits bombs Imes whits se by telale$ere andp.�g emeeerae4 illi Ne. Aafeeaieleert j= Mtri$ fey a eell Mit 1014 W.0.1. 0.asal Near, er•� M be wad dhoMebe4 Velar, I w.e aware ti Yf. keel &a m ed We ywelcs. The •• kht111T��99 tarMwlase " whisk 1». Berne., la reply, de- wade4 had hese type-wr1Iw (thwgh wet odsreMdd et 1l sed) ler tear days before be ma.Me.d lee w-appear•.oe be the Hew The delay la lorwrdlog It woeM •p&ase mew like • 44.4abad previd..oe, •aad..s11 as She wahine bad te mile way reddtved • vwMLt•a .et likely otherwise be ben Was aor..d.4 IL The Weisser of Mime. reply, .3•7• to- trred to (swies&y • i mpy el she calked " order " and de.adket proof el Its esus.• tde.),tme 11. amlo.lg elle be meow whet saw We beer wage." meths" law the soap groes& every day dense the damp, did t.metm.. •e ogee as ler Mme" is • day, . who 14.ow the *pbad above board a maa.0r to whish 110 seaboae did their Wiser heehaws Ns ,midi& was inhaled te use "a gun brrel" er ay .liter dont re- "ti rli. ter •a flask.t t►et preset •gilaMes mases Chet revival and seden.ea.s et the very .:sliest "erdr le mason " of grid& Bir Charlie Tepper suede mob approving .at es is the noose, IS will have ...seri .hod • rearm whose besoflobl remelts wt..... widely holt by eh. volunteers teed their Meade, and will toad w l..ress" she geed dleaplias sad e4b.ium.y et the envied. MAY 8. ?moans:. T.keremlth : A Tso10nm8811 �.m.� aria. L the news Mal Dena Albin, tldselk des of John •.d Martha W Woo. e.s.11.11411 . a She .. of 27 yours, b means and 16 day.. re. y..•4 ma tees• mom' a In• jetty sate two years age hem wain tie never telly recovered. Una oma.10.Mes by several neediest mea the eau& was loved to be 1n1erealeele et to, liver and bowels. He was • 70414 alba of 'soonest abilities ad was the Imre a • t•.Uy *f Ma boas. E,ErWIRtionia4_ THE VALUE INDIANWOMANS8ALM 'A5 A MATURIENT MEDICINE Fee ate a 0.S. 1eh by Jas. Wilma. AFTER RFFORfir Takes a hilder IT TM IIIPSOVI 1185 ISyiU1165. sours 1g�.eA..tet1E..Uir�SA yf M. rAr if steer Remnant Sale • .At I'RRRER'S. a WE find we have a number of' Remnants of all sorts of Dry Goods after our big July sale. We have placed these oil the table, and they will be cleared out at a sacrifice. Along with these we will offer you the following special BARGAINS.;. A tike BM•ok Drage Segni worth 50o., for 390 A better " " " " 65o., for 50. A tine Black Cashmere, worth 70c , for boo A range of Colored Drew Goody, worth 50o., for ` 20c The very best Print., worth 12}o., for - 104 A very special Print, worth 12 c., for... r bo A 72 -inch Table Linen, worth 40o., for , • Gingham. and Muslin. at our sale price. It is to your Interest to buy at J. H. PEDDER'S, Qolbotme's old Stand, Goderioh. Ter sale Is °Men et by 4 •.. Wins.. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties,TTarts, Shut Bread and Cream Rolls,M ce Pjes and Lady Fillers, Kisses, !acaroons, Thrums, Brady Snaps, Btu. $1. 05 good 14:. 11.01 inid. ID 107 city in Dada. °ontology leads the trod. in WEDDING CAKES 1 t fancy desigrug and ornament, tug and almond tang. (live him an order sod your wt infection will be mound. D. CANTELON, WEB T -8T. EPPS'S COCOA G8.LTSTQ1 001170HTING Distinguished everywhere for Deli of Flavour, Supe- rior QWt�,eand Nutritive Prograte- ful and oomforting *0 y the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold onlyin 1. 4 lb. tins labelled JAES EPPS & do., Ltd., Homabopathio Chemists, Lon- don, England. BRFAKIAtjIT WIPP= EPPS'S COCOA COAL �� WOOD CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We aro dill at the .•a old stood, Nelson Street, where we have been supplying our ceuomers for • number of years. We know the fuel that suite you. Orden left with our delivery rip or at Woteeil'.stove sod tin shop and at our oMoe will receive pbapt attention. All coal we on market wale., unless otherwise ordered We rum several Dray, in connection. CARTAGE i FUEL CO., JOHN 8. PLATT, Hat.ger Pbets fie. 7.687.01 1, WE HAVE FOR CHEAP momuz I.. 16 WISE � ENGINE o IES1Yntw ENGINE TN NEEP. Cada. AND an Twilit Tin* tau Eaae114a. ARLOW ,HOLMrES. b.raby informs the COM Osesamen of Goderioh and vicinity that be will be in a position during the coming .e..on to supply them with IIARD AND SOFT COAL in a manner calculated to give the very best satis- faction. Only first Quality Coal handled. Coal delivered free from Dust, Snow or Ice. Coal delivered promptly and carefully. All Coal weighed on Town Scales. The certificate of weight from the Market Olerk will accompany Coal to all consumers. AiSO IN STOCK Thi CtIleb4ted Samson Brand Portland Cement IMPORTED PORTLAND CEMENT, LIME, CAL- CINED PLASTER, FIREBRICK, ETC., ETC. GIVE 111111 A TRIAL OFFICE, COR. WEST ST. & SQUARE. some Seasonable Wants FZLLIOD JT R. W. MCKENZIEJS HARDWARE BTORI: Threshers' Supplies : Such as Brass Fittings, Belting, all kinds of Mach- ine Oils, Calf Mitts, etc., etc. Farmers' Supplies Binder Twills, a little at special reduced cash prices. Scythes and Snaths at 20 per cent. off, to clear out. Hay Forks and Rakes, Spades and Shovels. Imported Portland Cement and Scotch Fire Brick, fresh in. What Everybody Requires : Elephant White Lead, Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Screen Doors, Garden Hose,, Locks Locks and Hinges of all kinds, making up a and varied stock of builders' requisites.. e3 -place ie- . . . R. W. M°KENZI E'S, BART SIDS $QUARK. The Place to Buy All Hardware Oheap. WIT GOODS iron SIllTand Off1TICOATS READY-IIIAOE CLOTHING CHEAP 1111 ewe este (loll sod a Mtw. Attseld M root or ad. up is the Iatsd 1+2LIZ LOP- ! Sas .1 ear PLANING 11TNUNIMI NIR. llllchaiiaiis & BD r•revp&wvvs.as BASB, BOOR and BLIND Maims la •I Irian el ! LUMBER. LATH. SHIN W raw, ..1.101 ef wens dltisili5)i 86b01i tirlitai1 l g _